#orla de bc
aquirs · 7 months
Noite em Balneário Camboriú - Santa Catarina
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pallases · 1 month
hi leigh!! i hope you're well :) saw your post with asks and decided i would combine lots of them lol so first thing is tell me abt whatever's bothering you!! i hope nothing's bothering you obv but still.
also i am asking you for book recs. i haven't been reading a lot of proper books lately so any recs are welcome but i kind of feel like some fantasy would do me good. but like good ones? The last couple of years i've been picking up some popular fantasy standalones hoping they feel like a fantasy book you read when you're twelve and they end up being the most mid thing i've ever read. like help. i'm planning to read some robin hobb books so hopefully they're good.
also i've started listening to mitski (talk about being late lol) and i'm really liking her songs i was wondering if you have any particular recs? Or any music recs? what've you been listening to?
sorry this ask is all over the place lol i guess i'm chatty today. i hope you're having an amazing day!! <3<333
ORLA!!!! i hope you are doing well too <3 one thing that is bothering me is school is starting again bc i have gotten virtually no break </3 also that apparently the english class i’m taking doesn’t have any required books i was looking forward to reading actual books not whatever mini readings ig they’re going to be giving us instead ☹️ also also that i did Not in fact get my license like planned this summer bc during the singular week i was home a bunch of stuff suddenly came up and it became no longer my priority and now i will need to renew my permit Again bc it expires in early september and im not going to be able to make it home before that so. <3
as for book recs!! i have tragically had the same problem lately re fantasy books and honestly mostly just books in general BUT i don’t know if you’ve read any ve schwab ive really loved what books of hers ive read. vicious was my favorite, but the monsters of verity duology better fits the “feels like a fantasy book you read when you’re twelve” vibe!
for non-fantasy recs if youre feeling poetry i reallyy liked margaret atwood’s morning in the burned house. also just finished hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy which was v fun! got many laughs out of me, i did not however know before starting it that it’s a series so now idk how to proceed bc i only have the first book agdjfk
OH ALSO fantasy shoutout to strange the dreamer duology 🫶🏻🫶🏻 lovely writing style and world, fascinating antagonist, i was not a big fan of the romance but otherwise big rec on that. definitely not for everyone tho some ppl find the pacing too slow, i remember when i first read it i mentioned that in my review too that it took a bit for me to really get into although i personally wasn’t bored in the meantime like others, i was just chilling enjoying what it had to tell me abt everything
MITSKI RECS!! i love strawberry blond sorry for being basic. square too but specifically square solo piano version which they took off of spotify (idk what you’re listening to her on). because dreaming costs money my dear is also a veryyy hard-hitting one. fond of circle, a burning hill, goodbye my danish sweetheart, nobody, washing machine heart, and class of 2013 as well. that was a lot i will stop now 🫡 also must admit i am quite behind on mitski’s recent releases so i can’t speak for any of her newer albums/songs. except for working for the knife musically it doesn’t hit as much as other songs of hers for me but lyrically it makes me go crazy
as for random music recs my most recently liked songs are unsweetened lemonade by amélie farren, army dreamers by kate bush, numb little bug by em beihold, would that i by hozier, the milk carton by madilyn mei, and comme des enfants by cœur de pirate. i have not really been “listening” listening to anything lately! though that will change in a few days with wisdom saga >:)
— sleepover saturday sunday!
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rules: tag 9 people you want to get to know better. tagged by this weirdo @leapyeap
last song: I had my Liked songs on shuffle and it’s playing To Begin Again by Ingrid Michaelson and Zayn lmfao
last show: assuming this is about live shows, this is a flop bc I don’t think I’ve been to a live show in ages, last one was probably Orla Gartland an entire YEAR ago rip. Sorry I live in Singapore and tickets for anything cause 700 million dollars..... Oh wait I watched Green Day during the Singapore GP does that count? That was amazing.
currently watching: I guess I’m watching Ted Lasso but I haven’t watched the past 2 episodes because the start of the season was so massively bad I’m just gonna wait till it ends and binge the rest. I’m watching Doctor Cha bc one thing about me is I’ll be watching korean dramas with plucky females leads. Will watch Bo Ra! Deborah eventually too. I need to watch the last episode of Abbott Elementary as well but I’ve been watching that pretty consistently! Also I watched about 7 episodes of Law & Order yesterday bc I was so stressed. 
currently reading: uhm awks i have not picked up a new book in months... I’ve re-read a bunch of stuff this year just like. comfort reads. But nothing new! I need to uh. clear my library fines so I can go and browse again. Honestly I haven’t even read new fic in ages. I have nothing to offer you! 
current obsession: I’m really obsessed with finding all the clips of Lando dancing or performing or singing in some ways so if you have any pop them over to me. Obsessed with whatever Lewis and Miles have going on. VERY obsessed with my girlfriend she’s so cute. Sorry! (not sorry) Obsessed with how bad Tottenham can get this season after ending last season so strongly. I’m also kinda obsessed with vitamins and supplements right now HAHAHAHA sorry...but I am......
tagging the last 9 people in my DMs minus jess and the people she tagged:
@des-iderate @44prop @elementalmoments @nandofuckersfc @20timesisay @everythingsheclaimed @acrosstobear @seblicha @turningon2u
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schoje · 2 months
CRISE ARGENTINA E BRASILEIRA REFLETE NA TEMPORADA Já era esperado desde meados do segundo semestre do ano passado. As crises econômicas da Argentina e Brasil estão refletindo na movimentação da alta temporada de verão catarinense. Os dados econômicos são claros, assim como a matemática da economia. Mesmo assim, há quem ainda se surpreenda com a baixa do movimento. Só no Brasil são mais de 12 milhões de desempregados e outros 60 milhões de endividados. Pelo lado dos argentinos, a desvalorização do peso afeta o comércio nas praias de Florianópolis e Balneário Camboriú. Os poucos turistas do país vizinho que circulam por aqui estão gastando menos. A Federação de Hotéis, Restaurantes, Bares e Similares do Estado de Santa Catarina (Fhoresc) acreditava até o início de janeiro que visitantes brasileiros e chilenos poderiam equilibrar as contas dos comerciantes, mas janeiro chegou ao fim e isso ainda não ocorre. A esperança é fevereiro com a queda automática dos preços. A situação é semelhante entre Balneário Camboriú e Florianópolis, segundo relatos dos empresários do setor. Movimento tanto em hotéis como casas e aptos de aluguel e restaurantes com picos desde o Natal até pelo dia 10 de janeiro, quando começou a decrescer e a estabilizar no apenas “razoável”.  No caso, de BC, um problema adicional surge ao final deste mês de janeiro: a balneabilidade da praia central, bastante afetada, segundo as análises divulgadas pelo Instituto do Meio Ambiente (IMA). O debate sobre a preservação do principal produto econômico das duas cidades litorâneas, o turismo, esta aberto. Não há que se buscar culpados, pois a causa é macro econômica, mas sim alternativas que possam fazer frente a esta realidade com cada vez mais profissionalização e qualidade do turismo. ALARGAMENTO DA PRAIA CENTRAL DE BC – IMPACTO AMBIENTAL E RISCO DA ‘PRAIA DE TOMBO’  É de bom senso a preocupação do Ministério Público de Balneário Camboriú no sentido de esgotar os questionamentos junto ao Instituto do Meio Ambiente de Santa Catarina (IMA), antiga Fatma e ao órgão municipal afim, com relação aos impactos ambientais do projeto de alargamento da praia central da cidade.  Ainda que o Estudo de Impacto Ambiental (EIA) e o respectivo Relatório de Impacto Ambiental (RIMA) tenham sido feitos e são públicos para consulta, são prévios e teóricos. O resultado, na prática, pode variar, a exemplo do que aconteceu em outras praias do país. Caso que pode ser o mais parecido e comparativo com Balneário Camboriú (até no nome e tamanho) é o da Praia de Camburi, na orla central de Vitória, Capital do Espírito Santo, com 6 km de extensão. No inicio da década de 2000, além de aterros anteriores, foi feito o chamado engordamento artificial ou aterro hidráulico, como é o caso tecnicamente pretendido para BC. Análise e estudo adaptativo feito três a quatro anos depois, mostrou que no geral, a obra foi positiva para preservação geral da praia, porém com observações de “perfis de areias médias com alta declividade” Ou seja, a chamada “praia de tombo”, em alguns pontos e que dificultam a caminhada dos banhistas e visitantes.  O segredo é a granulometria adequada e semelhante à da areia atual. Foto: Alargamento \engordamento da praia de Camburi, em Vitória, Capital do Espírito Santo. Semelhanças com a Praia Central de Baln. Camboriú. (Arquivo Divulgação). Coluna Turismo & Negócios - por Carlos Mello
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scarletunit6 · 6 months
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Wool should be pronounced gold in Irish Fashion throughout the centuries. In the various episodes, several interviewees (Orla Kiely, “The queen of Prints” who grew up in South County Dublin, Chris Weiniger from the spinning mill Donegal Yarns or the knitter Pearl Reddington) all express their passion for wool and elaborate on knitting traditions over at least two centuries.
“Wool the most readily available and cheap material produced most of the traditional forms of Irish dress”. Let’s recall that knitting was introduced on the island back in the 17th century although wool was spun from the Bronze Age as witnessed pieces of clothing found in Ulster dating from the 8th century BC.
In the 20th century, Aran jumpers became famous around the 1930s “at a time when we were questioning our identity” explains Siún Ní Dhuinn. After World War II, they became famous thanks to the music group The Clancy Brothers and celebrities who wore it such as actors Grace Kelly and Steve McQueen.
www.nolwennfaligot.fr. (n.d.). IRISH FASHION: THE THREAD OF CELTIC HERITAGE. [online] Available at: https://www.nolwennfaligot.fr/amp/irish-fashion. ‌
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santaebelacatarina · 2 years
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✈️ AREIA DA PRAIA CENTRAL PISTA DE POUSO? 🤯🤔 Hoje os pedestres que passeiam pela areia da Praia Central de Balneário Camboriú sequer imaginam que um dia o local serviu como palco de algumas atividades um tanto quanto inusitadas atualmente.  Uma delas era a prática, anterior aos anos 60, do pouso de avião na areia da Praia Central. O espaço era grande e amplo, o que possibilitava a aterrissagem, principalmente quando havia maré baixa. Um dos primeiros a começar com o costume foi o Presidente João Goulart, que tinha uma casa na Avenida Atlântica, que inclusive hoje mantém-se preservada em seu modelo antigo. Quando vinha fazer uma visitinha à cidade, o presidente utilizava como transporte o seu avião, que ficava tranquilamente "estacionado" na areia da orla. Com o desenvolvimento da cidade, que passou a ser conhecida nacionalmente, e consequentemente o crescimento do turismo, a prática tornou-se frequente aos turistas de elite que moravam mais distantes e vinham conhecer Balneário Camboriú. Justamente por isso era comum ver aviões estacionados em frente aos primeiros hotéis da cidade. Quando tinha muito vento alguns aviões também aterrissavam de forma provisória na praia.  📍Balneário Camboriú 📷 Arquivo Público 📜 Fonte: Memórias de BC 🌟 Siga @santaebelacatarina para conhecer o melhor de SC #santaebelacatarina #santacatarina #mtur #descubrasc #balneariocamboriu #praiacentral #pistadepouso #aviões (em Balneário Camboriú) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnUzBCkuSf4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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heelturndeux · 2 years
Hi Aimee!! This is your pscentral gift exchange anon <3 I hope you're having a good day! What are some of your favorite TV characters of all time?
well hello!! how exciting 🎅 no.1 all time has to be the master from doctor who bc i'm embarassing like that but uhhhhh some other faves include
the doctor (doctor who)
joan watson (elementary)
shiv roy (succesion)
guillermo de la cruz (what we do in the shadows)
orla mccool (derry girls)
also it goes without saying but BCS kim and jimmy, my absolute beloveds xxx
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fercnmi · 3 years
more irish twobit bc im feeling patriotic
his mam is a bit of a hardass and as well twobit as he is, even he shuts it when she brings out the wooden spoon
he's like if u mixed michelle and orla from derry girls tbh but make it north dublin
not really religious but is more of a catholic than a protestant
stans micheal d
can recite THAT voice recording of um i think its connor mcgregors sister, u know that one
"who de FUCK do YEW TINK YEW ARE?"
watches the late late toy show every year and makes the gang watch it with him (his favourite bit is when ryan fucks up and curses in front of the child)
comments under every one of simon harris' tiktoks
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teabookgremlin · 2 years
jackie x shauna playlist by me
it’s on apple music and i’m struggling to share it but here’s a list of songs and why. anyway this will be a hella long post bc i’m emotional and thinking about my girlies at 11 at night. i also have a tai x van playlist and a general yellowjackets playlist so i might do this for those at some point cause i like to talk lol
supercut by lorde: ok so the “in my head i do everything right/when you call we forgive and not fight” bit is like, yep that’s it. shauna spends her entire adult life in her head, wishing to redo their fight. also instagram user shipmvn made a FANTASTIC edit to this song you should go watch it (they actually led me to a fair amount of songs on this playlist)
the night we met by lord huron: “i had all of you, most of you, some and now none of you” thats it. that’s them
boyfriend by dove cameron: this song doesn’t entirely fit but like they would be better partners to each other than jeff was to either of them and also maybe if shauna had just realized she was in love with jackie they’d be alright
all too well (ten minute version) by taylor swift: “i still remember the first fall of snow/and how it glistened as it fell/i remember it all too well” this line just yeah, jackie died in the first fall of snow, shauna remembers everything about jackie and their relationship all too well
back to december by taylor swift: a song about feeling regret over lost love also again with the winter themes
ribs by lorde: the nostalgia, wishing to be back in childhood, when things were easier. i feel like some of the repeated lines are things that would run through shauna’s mind (or even jackie’s before her death) i.e. “i want ‘em back, i want ‘em back/the minds we had, the minds we had”
hurts like hell by fleurie: obviously lost love again, but there’s also a wish to keep the singer’s true feelings secret, as jackie and shauna did
how i get myself killed by indigo de souza: i feel like this song really represents jackie’s mental state as she falls apart especially after finding out about shauna and jeff
only love can hurt like this by paloma faith: i can see jackie’s death being the thing that makes shauna realize her true feelings for her
only friend by wallows: jackie just wants shauna to love her and care for her as much as she does her :(
haunted by taylor swift: not too deep here, just shauna being haunted by jackie 
i went too far by aurora: i think the idea of begging for love really fits jackie and shauna’s situation, then the loss felt in the song suits post-jackie popsicle
cigarette daydreams by cage the elephant: honestly just the line “you were only 17″ is just yeah “we were kids and it was awful”
little talks by of monsters and men: the artists describe this song as a conversation between someone and a dead loved one and i think that it just suits these girlies pretty well
cartwheel by lucy dacus: see the whole bit after “when you told me bout your first time”. it’s them, it’s literally them
seven by taylor swift: missing childhood innocence and love
prom queen by molly kate kestner: god save jackie [the prom queen]
that way by tate mcrae: thinking about the scene at the pep rally, yeah friends definitely don’t look at friends that way
one last time, please by dodie: shauna desperately wanting another chance, just one more night to make up, to tell jackie how she feels, to apologize
my tears ricochet by taylor swift: i picture this as being from dead jackie’s perspective, watching shauna deal with the grief
codependency by orla gartland: idk i just feel like it really represents why shauna started to resent jackie
i love you so by the walters: another fairly self explanatory one, i view it as a conversation between shauna and ghost jackie
visions of gideon by sufjan stevens: shauna kind of coming to a realization of exactly what she’s done, that jackie is gone and that it’s partially her fault
hard feelings/loveless by lorde: another lost love song full of regret and pain and wishing for a way to repair what was broken
older by gracie abrams: probably kind of in the woods, as they drift apart
your graduation by modern baseball: “i never though that i, oh i would see that day/when i’d just let you fo and walk away, walk away”
the way i loved you by taylor swift: adult shauna feeling unsatisfied with jeff and wishing that, despite the nature of her and jackie’s relationship, that she could go back to that and go back to it in a romantic sense
arms unfolding by dodie: so this reminds me of jackie’s dream as she dies
i’m trying by maisie peters: everything about their relationship is awful but jackie wants so badly to make it work and just i wanna scream
right where you left me by taylor swift: jackie is literally the girl who got frozen
this is not every song on the playlist just the ones i felt like talking about but yeah if anyone read this whole thing maybe you enjoyed it, idk i just wanted to get my thoughts out
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vapolis · 4 years
May i ask 14 and 16🤲🏽
14: Have you chosen birthdays for any of your characters? If so, when are they?
dante/delilah: january 18th
orla: april 23rd
jax: november 3rd
royal: july 26th
16: What would your characters be for Halloween?
dante/delilah loves to dress up. they are really into acting and pretending they're someone else for the night and would commit to their role. they would pay homage to their favorite book characters most likely. one halloween they're westly from the princess bride, then effie trinket from the hunger games. it's always someone else.
royal would go as jax bc they love to mess with him. they'd probably also take one his silk shirts, keep it unbuttoned, borrow one of his watches, draw on his tattoos and shoes that are very high since they try to match his height and would fully commit to it. they'd be kind of an asshole all night and drive jax insane
jax would be too lazy to dress up since he has to work on halloween and would just say he's dressed up as a gang member or a street racer (boooring)
orla loves halloween a lot. there's a huge party at the saints & sinners every year and she has an elaborate theme that every person has to follow. she loves big entrances and big, loud outfits that scream I'm here look at me. last year she went as cruella de vil
[send me a wip ask game question!]
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aquirs · 7 months
Orla de Balneário Camboriú - SC #shorts #bc #praia
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anais-mitchell · 4 years
derry girls episode ranking that no one asked for bc i miss it and i’m procrastinating (also s1 episodes have no titles?? so i made up my own) also watch this show pls
1. 1x02 The Chippy
I can’t explain why this is my favorite episode but it just is. I’ve rewatched it so many times and I think the whole Fionnula subplot is absolutely HILARIOUS plus any episode with Uncle Colm is a delight. The chippy scenes make me extremely nostalgic for my summers in Ireland and I think the humor is top notch this episode with a batshit crazy ending.
2. 2x06 The President
The perfect mix of humor and heartfelt imo. The ending with James makes me cry everytime and I feel like this episode shows the friend group’s love for each other so well. The Colm/Joe/Gerry subplot is one of the funniest bits ever on the show too.
3. 2x04 The Curse
Literally not a single moment of this episode that is not hysterically funny. You got Sarah’s dresses, Colm’s stories, Rock the Boat, drug scones, high Granda Joe, “who put 50p in the eejit?”, “am I dead? is this my wake?”, and probably even more that I’m forgetting but I think it’s a strong contender for the overall funniest episode.
4. 2x05 The Prom
This episode makes me SOFT between James taking Erin to the dance, Orla taking Joe, and the final scene. Mae was a really fun one-off character and this episode just has a lot of really funny scenes and great quotes (ex. “is this where all the gays hang out?” and “there’s just nothing that doesn’t suit me!”)
5. 1x06 The School Paper
The wee lesbian episode!! Clare’s coming out feels very realistic and sweet and the final scene of the episode is one of if not the best scenes the show has ever done. There are also just some great little subplots like Mary’s laundry troubles, the wee docket, and Erin’s terrible article ideas.
6. 2x01 Friends Across the Barricade
Oh my god this episode is so good and it’s a testament to how good this show is that it’s not higher up. My mom grew up in Ireland as a Catholic and this is her favorite episode because of how realistic it is with the Catholic/Protestant divide. Every single character has a hilarious plot trying to connect w the Prod boys and Mary’s big bowl??? A flawless episode.
7. 1x04 Children of Chernobyl
Erin and Katya’s interactions are the highlight of the episode by far and the way the girls are so shocked that Katya fancies James lmaooo. I love this episode and Erin’s dramatic ass. Plus Orla and the chocolate fountain.
8. 1x01 Pilot
Feels wrong putting this so low!!!!!!!! It’s such a great introduction to all the characters and their dynamics, plus the setting of 90s Ireland. The Sister Declan scene is perfect chaos.
9. 1x05 The Orange Order
I love how the show portrays very realistic parts of Ireland during the Troubles not only when it comes to the violence and fear but also just things like the Orange Marches. This episode has some of my favorite Joe/Gerry interactions and the whole Michelle subplot w the IRA man is amazing.
10. 1x03 Father Peter
Okay so this episode is hilarious but the reason it is lower than it should be is because the Erin/Peter scenes are sooo painfully cringeworthy to watch lmao. But the whole Mary smirking scene is so good.
11. 2x02 Mrs. De Brun and the Child of Prague
Idk how this ended up so low on my list considering Dead Poets Society is my all time favorite movie but here it is, I still adore this episode. Drunk Clare is excellent and it has one of my all time favorite scenes where Clare’s mum tells her to not even breathe and she just holds her breath all scared LOL I can’t even describe it but it’s so good. Great secondary plot with Kaiser Soze too.
12. 2x03 The Concert
I truly do not think there is a single bad or even subpar episode of this show, every episode is hilarious and insanely rewatchable, this episode probably just has less standout moments for me. The whole suitcase of vodka scene is an all-time great though.
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ao3feed-trc · 6 years
Breaking Pointe
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2zjZjKv
by sonna
Aglionby Academy of Dance and Performing Arts is an elite school for talented kids looking to fast track their way into becoming professional dancers, acrobats, and performers. Adam Parrish has dreamed of being a professional dancer since he was young but Aurora's middle son, Ronan Lynch, always seems to outshine him. Finally, Adam lands a leading part dancing pas de deux but, as the performance nears, he struggles with nailing the fine details. By some (un)lucky chance, the two are forced to put their competitive relationship aside while Ronan works with Adam to get him performance ready.
Words: 3343, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Raven Cycle - Maggie Stiefvater
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Characters: Ronan Lynch, Adam Parrish, Blue Sargent, Richard Gansey III, Noah Czerny, Joseph Kavinsky, Orla (Raven Cycle), Aurora Lynch, Henry Cheng, Tad Carruthers
Relationships: Ronan Lynch/Adam Parrish, Richard Gansey III/Blue Sargent
Additional Tags: Joseph Kavinsky is his own warning, Minor Joseph Kavinsky/Ronan Lynch, i promise that joey k is ushered out eventually. he's just here for the drama., pynch is edgame don't worry friends, bc of joey k there will be some graphic depictions of violence, when they occur i will note it at the beginning of chapters so you can skip it if you want, this is the ballet au that no one asked for
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2zjZjKv
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buzupontocom · 2 years
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Série Avenidas sem Linha de Ônibus Episódio 2: Luís Eduardo Magalhães A Avenida Luis Eduardo Magalhães foi inaugurada em 2002. Seu principal objetivo foi desafogar a região do Iguatemi e facilitar a ligação da Cidade Baixa e BR 324 com a Paralela e Região Norte da Cidade. Com quase 9km de extensão, a Av.LEM encurtou o tempo para chegar às praias da Orla Atlântica, órgãos públicos no Centro Administrativo, Aeroporto, Lauro de Freitas e Litoral Norte da Bahia. Além dos Acessos Originais para a San Martin, Retiro e Paralela nos dois sentidos, a Luís Eduardo ganhou outros a acessos ao longo do tempo como: Curralinho/Stiep, Acesso Norte, Metrô Retiro, bem como o Cabula através da Baixinha de Santo Antônio e 19 BC. Mas, como todas as grandes avenidas inauguradas nas últimas décadas, OS USUÁRIOS DOS ÔNIBUS NÃO PODEM APROVEITAR da mobilidade proporcionada por essas avenidas. Logo na inauguração, a Linha 1055 - Estação Mussurunga x Ribeira, que antes passava pela Rodoviária, integrou a Av.LEM em seu trajeto principal, assim como a linha Itinga x Ribeira (já extinta). Ao longo do tempo, variações das linhas 0410 (0310), 0422 (0427), 0345, 1612, e outras em determinados horários utilizavam a Luís Eduardo, mas longe de atingir seu potencial. Várias pessoas que ficam presas nos engarrafamentos da Barros Reis e Detran, poderiam chegar facilmente à ACM, Paralela e Imbuí, se os ônibus utilizassem essa avenida. Alguns bairros chegam a ter mais de uma linha sobreposta pela Barros Reis como Paripe, Pirajá, Ribeira, Mirantes e Base Naval. Depois de 20 anos, já passou da hora dessa avenida ser melhor aproveitada pelos usuários do transporte coletivo. #BuzuPontoCom #AvenidaLuisEduardoMagalhães #Salvador #Bahia (at Luís Eduardo Magalhães) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cie1USQOMfZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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santaebelacatarina · 2 years
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✈️ AREIA DA PRAIA CENTRAL PISTA DE POUSO? 🤯🤔 Hoje os pedestres que passeiam pela areia da Praia Central de Balneário Camboriú sequer imaginam que um dia o local serviu como palco de algumas atividades um tanto quanto inusitadas atualmente.  Uma delas era a prática, anterior aos anos 60, do pouso de avião na areia da Praia Central. O espaço era grande e amplo, o que possibilitava a aterrissagem, principalmente quando havia maré baixa. Um dos primeiros a começar com o costume foi o Presidente João Goulart, que tinha uma casa na Avenida Atlântica, que inclusive hoje mantém-se preservada em seu modelo antigo. Quando vinha fazer uma visitinha à cidade, o presidente utilizava como transporte o seu avião, que ficava tranquilamente "estacionado" na areia da orla. Com o desenvolvimento da cidade, que passou a ser conhecida nacionalmente, e consequentemente o crescimento do turismo, a prática tornou-se frequente aos turistas de elite que moravam mais distantes e vinham conhecer Balneário Camboriú. Justamente por isso era comum ver aviões estacionados em frente aos primeiros hotéis da cidade. Quando tinha muito vento alguns aviões também aterrissavam de forma provisória na praia.  📍Balneário Camboriú 📷 Arquivo Público 📜 Fonte: Memórias de BC 🌟 Siga @santaebelacatarina para conhecer o melhor de SC #santaebelacatarina #santacatarina #mtur #descubrasc #balneariocamboriu #praiacentral #pistadepouso #aviões (em Balneário Camboriú) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnUxm76rDhb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Estamos em SC. E tamo feliz. Felizes, graças a Deus. Saímos as 4 da manhã de casa, quando o galo não cantou ainda.
Perguntei para o pessoal aqui pra me certificar. Mais ou menos assim: o galo não canta as 4 da manhã, né? Aí minha mãe virou um pouco o beiço, virou um pouco a cabeça para o lado também. Meu paidrasto disse que não sabia. E assim ficou determinado essa questão. Advinda de uma curiosidade. A resposta é que não sabemos mesmo e nem estávamos preocupados com isso quando saímos de casa.
Outra coisa é agir com curiosidade perante a vida. A resposta não é muito contingente. Quero dizer com isso que a resposta é uma resposta sem ânimo. Seria como um broche? Um broche na jaqueta jeans? Sim, e a agulha do broche pode doer se você furar o dedo. Pode ser que doa. Se você fizer uma cara de choro, você vai ficar com dor, porque a dor é psicológica. Por outro lado, se a dor for muito forte, é possível que você tenha que tomar um remédio mais forte. Ingira como diz na caixinha do remédio; Vire pra enfermeira do teu lado e fala: a dor é muito forte; aí ela vai perguntar, onde dói? Você mostra pra ela.
Se segure!
Depois dessa história de é "melhor prevenir do que remediar", dá pra fazer assim, deixe me ver. Repouso. Comente com alguém que você está convalescendo, que está melhorando. Sei lá, tem momentos que precisamos desabafar. Sermos alguém que pede. Alguém que se coloca diante de uma situação como um antagonista. Daí você pode me perguntar? E a minha estrela? Porque todos tem uma. (?) Você responde pra essa pessoa: não sei, mas acho que não. Jesus não abandona um filho seu. Mãe também não abandona um filho seu. Portanto, dá pra concluir assim esse parágrafo: seja firme e forte, tenha fé e vamo pra frente!
Quando eu morei em BC tive muitos momentos. Muitos mesmo. E sobre dor de cabeça, foi mais uma enxaqueca forte. Não sei como consegui chegar no hospital, mas cheguei e tomei remédio na veia. Tô contando essa história agora porque me lembrei de uma outra história.
Estamos bem, lutandinho, pensando sobre o salário mínimo no Brasil. Estamos a uma quadra do mar. Tô de férias. A família está reunida. O que mais posso querer com duas sobrinhas com saúde e lindas? Mamãe por perto.
Comprei gelo para o cooler. Comprei uma havaianas preta nova no Mesche. A Market. Cerveja eu trouxe de casa, lá de PG, onde paguei a importância de 3,59 reais. Não é uma beleza essa promoção ter caído no meu colo? Ainda bem. Agradecido.
Tô com a camisa do PSG, que lembra pneu.
Ser amoroso...
Passear na orla, tomar banho no mar e ficar em paz.
Meu Deus, que eu nunca deixe de ser humilde. Poucas palavras de um esqueleto com olhos esbugalhados convincente.
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