#oscar diaz x plus size reader
angelbabyszn · 4 years
Just The Way You Are (Oscar X Plus Size Reader)
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A/N: I decided to make this a full plus size imagine. Plus size women are not appreciated enough and society needs to change their view on people's body types like why are you so obsessed with what people's bodies like? Worry about yourself and change your body for you, not other people.
Plus size is slowly starting to get accepted but not enough. Hopefully, the world would accept us completely without saying anything negative about it because it was how our bodies were built and made by God himself one day.
I'm proud to be one. If you don't accept it, you can completely stop following me and not read any of my imagines again. 
If you are one like me, you are so beautiful and amazing! Take time everyday and appreciate where your body takes you everywhere and love the amazing curves you got! Plus size/slim thick is trending now so, go ahead and walk into that room in that outfit you don't usually put on and make people give their full undivided attention to your beautiful, amazing, outgoing self with your beautiful curves!
I hope you enjoy this. I just have to say that to anyone who doesn't believe in plus size women. You can still read this if you're not plus size. You are welcome to request an imagine with any different size, race, height, sexuality, anything you can think of.
Remember, your body is beautiful and don't change it for nobody except for your amazing self! Bye! Thanks for the support and reading my imagines all the way till now. This becomes my 50th imagine omg 🥺 okay, I'm done. Enjoy. Bye ily -angelbabyszn ❤️
OMB Masterlist
F/C - Favorite Color
F/F - Favorite Fruit
"Y/N!" shouted your younger sister, Monse in front of you annoyed.
Monse was shouting out your name for the past two minutes, trying to get your attention but you weren't answering.
You continue to write lyrics on your towel underneath an umbrella while listening to your beat you made through your headphones.
Music is the only thing that understands and helps you get through community college and all of the negative comments about you.
Where's the negative comments coming from? People usually make small comments of your weight. You're a plus - size girl.
At certain times, some comments could ruin your day but you don't let it in your head too much.
Monse growled in anger and took off your headphones quickly. You look up at her crazy.
"Come on and have fun with us. It's a good day to be out here on the beach. Spooky's here..." said Monse grinning, knowing that you like him.
You hit Monse in her left arm and she faked being in pain with no sound coming out.
"I know that! We're just friends. Also, he wouldn't like a girl like me. Nobody don't like girls my size." you said as you start to get sad again. 
You tried to grab your headphones back but failed. Instead, you got a hit from Monse which actually hurt you.
"Monse!" you shouted while grabbing your right arm with your left hand at the spot where she hit you at.
"What did I tell you about talking yourself down! You're so beautiful! Anybody is blind if they don't see it!" said Monse.
"Okay, sure. Now, can you hand me my headphones?" you asked after you got up from your towel and have your hand out to her.
"Y/N! Sweetie, what are you doing?! Your very fine a*s Spooky over there and you're not in your good-looking swimsuit seducing him!"
"Jasmine." you and Monse said in sync looking at her with a dirty look.
"What? I'm just saying. He likes you." said Jasmine and took a sip of her soda she has in her hand.
"No, he doesn't. I'm just a big-"
"Say something negative about your curvy thick self, I'll slap your negative mind to the moon." said Jasmine with a scowl face. Your and Monse's faces become full of fear.
"Now, we got that settled, take off those clothes and show your beautiful a*s self to the world!" said Jasmine excitedly. She went over to you and grabbed the end of your shirt but you stopped her. 
"Um, Jas?"
"I'm not used to people taking my clothes off of me." you said while taking off her hands off of your shirt slowly.
"Oh sorry," said Jasmine and she put her drink down next to her beach chair and started going back to the guys in the ocean having fun "don't be afraid Y/N! You got this!"
You nodded softly and you took a deep breath as you grabbed the bottom of your shirt but stopped in fear.
"You're beautiful." said Monse and you felt your mouth curving into a smile.
"Thanks. You're beautiful too." you commented back and both of you did a side hug. 
Monse smiles at you and she turns around to jog back to her group of friends.
You took another deep breath again and grip the bottom of your shirt again with both of your hands.
You quickly looked up and you felt a blush crept on your face to see who called you. 
It was Spooky who was looking at you with a smile plastered on his face. He was shirtless in his swim shorts with the sun beautifully shining on him.
Your jaw fell a bit at the sight of him. He was glowing. F*cking glowing. Making his muscles and abs more defined than it was.
Your face went emotionless not knowing what to do or say. This is definitely not helping at the moment.
Spooky grinned at you and looked down to the water because of the sight of you. It was hard to control himself by the way you were looking at him.
"Um, you coming?" shouted Spooky with his eyebrows furrowed and his eyes narrowed to not get blind by the sun while looking at you.
You shake your head to get back into reality and quickly nod your head in response. Spooky nodded and turned back to Cesar's friends.
"You got this." you said to yourself grabbing your end of your shirt again. You took a deep breath and you started taking off your clothes.
"Looking good Y/N! I see you! I see you." said Jasmine with a beam on her face as she saw you entering the ocean for the first time today.
You were wearing a F/C one piece swimsuit that has a skirt to cover your bottom and was decorated in gold designs.
"Thanks. Um, where's Spooky?" you asked the group of friends while trying to get used to the cold ocean.
A moment later, you felt ice water fall on your head rushed on your body. You close your eyes to protect them as water is poured on you.
You open your eyes again to see you drenched in cold water. You start shivering only for a few seconds because it was super warm outside.
You shake some extra water that was dripping on you from your hands into the ocean. You look up to see the friend group with their eyes widened and jaws dropped.
You immediately slapped a fake smile and you started to twitch your smile and your finger. The young teenagers start to be afraid as you start to twitch your head to the right knowing you were full of rage.
"I DIDN'T DO IT!" shouted Jamal and put his hands up in defense. The rest of the friend group look at him with a stupid faces.
"What? I'm making my statement. Making sure nobody don't blame me like y'all always do!" shouted Jamal and Monse rolled her eyes at him.
You turn around very slowly with your fake smile to see your only guy friend, Spooky with a huge stupid grin on his face with a blue bucket in front of him.
"SPOOKY!" you yelled interrupting Ruby's concern. You growled furiously and you went full on hunter mode. Spooky quickly put the bucket over your head and started to swim away.
You screamed as you quickly took the bucket off of your head and threw it behind you not caring where it landed. You continue swimming to catch up to Spooky to kill him.
Jasmine, Monse, Ruby, and Cesar follow the sound of the voice to see Jamal's head covered by the blue bucket. It landed on him unnaturally.
The group started to laugh hard as Jamal crossed his arms against his chest upset underneath the bucket. 
"How inconvenient is that?" said Ruby as he was laughing.
"It's not funny!"
"Oh, it is." said Cesar laughing and he puts his left hand on Jamal's right shoulder with a grin on his face.
Jamal turns to Cesar and he quickly puts the bucket on his head. Jamal starts to laugh at him.
Cesar quickly took off the bucket, threw it behind him, and tackled Jamal into the water causing a play fight between them.
Ruby continued to laugh at his guy friends until he saw blue in front of him unexpectedly.
"This did not happen." said Ruby with his right point finger pointing at the bucket on his head.
"Okay, babe. You know I'll still date you even if you're wearing a bucket." said Jasmine and she quickly grabbed and hugged him tight.
"Jasmine! Let go!" shouted Ruby in annoyance while trying to wiggle out of her arms, causing the bucket to fall off his head and into the water.
"Spooky! Come back here!" you shouted angrily at him a few feet away from you.
"Come get me, babygirl." said Spooky and he turned back and winked with a smirk on his face. It made you forget what you were doing at the moment.
Spooky starts to swim away again and you quickly start swimming again to catch up to him. A few moments later, you felt yourself getting lower, and lower into the ocean.
"Spooky! Ah! Help!" you shouted quickly as ocean waters started to move a bit too quickly for you and you felt no ground to your feet.
You went underwater and you felt yourself sinking. You try to swim up but you feel your weight pulling you down faster.
Your eyes widened and felt your eyes starting to close completely. You try to move upwards again but your eyes completely shut. Was this your last moment of life?
"Y/N! Y/N! Wake up!"
You slowly opened your eyes and you saw your worried sister, her friends, and for the first time ever, a worried Spooky.
You start to lean up but everybody around you starts to talk over each other saying to lay back down so you did.
"What happened?" you asked while bringing your right hand on top of your forehead to get your mind waking up again. You jumped a bit when you felt a cold ice pack put on top of your forehead.
"You almost drowned. Luckily, Spooky was there to save you." said Ruby and you turn your head to Spooky on your right looking back at you.
"Um, I'll stay here with her. To make sure nothing happens," said Spooky. He grabs his dry shorts, pulls out some money, and puts it in Cesar's hand. "go get some food. Bring something back for us."
"Okay." said Cesar and Monse leans down to you and starts to caress your cheek "I'm glad you're okay. I love you."
"I love you too." you said and the core five got up and started walking to find something to eat.
"You gonna tell me where you got that money from?" you asked, looking at Spooky stupidly and he started to laugh.
"What did I tell you, mami? It's none of your business." said Spooky and you roll your eyes.
"Anyways, I'm sorry if I was so heavy to save. You didn't have to." you said as your smile starts to fade and negative thoughts start to flow through your head again.
"You weren't. It's no problem. I can carry you anywhere if you want." said Spooky and you look at him with a twisted face.
Your eyes start to flow down to his body to see his abs and muscles that were still defined and water dripping after being out of the water. You shake your head mentality to get back to reality again. 
"Yeah, sure you can." you said and you start to laugh a bit knowing he can't. A few moments later, you screamed as you felt yourself being lifted in the air by Spooky.
"Put me down." you said with a pout face with your arms crossed against your chest. Spooky was currently carrying you in maiden style.
"I don't want to, I like this position you are in. In my arms." said Spooky and he scans up and down your body until his eyes meet yours again.
You did a shy laugh as you looked away from him. You didn't want him to see the blush that was forming on your face.
"Hola hermoso."
You and Spooky looked up to see a good-looking girl with a great body in a two piece gold bikini. Spooky put you down softly and both of you look at the girl with weird faces.
"When you're done talking to that fatty, you should come over here and I'll change your life." said the girl and she blows a kiss at Spooky.
You felt your heart burning in jealousy and also breaking into million pieces. It still hurts you when people say things about your body. You just wanted to blow her head off.
"I'm not interested." said Spooky and he crosses his arms against his chest.
"Oh, come on. I know you're interested. I can tell. I got this amazing body that everybody would die for. Not this ugliness over here." said the girl walking closer to him and starts to touch his right arm muscles.
You couldn't take this no more. You almost die by drowning and now you're getting bullied again by another gorgeous girl for the guy you're interested in.
You started to cry hard, making Spooky move away from the girl quickly going over to you. He sees you grabbing your things quickly and putting on your overall clothes.
"Y/N! Wait!"
"No! Just be with that gorgeous thin model! You could care less about me!" you shouted and you quickly threw the ice pack in the sand. You start going to your car leaving before Spooky could chase after you.
You try to dry up your tears in the car but they keep on flowing down. You were done with every negative comment that every single person has said to you that made you worse and worse. 
You know what you have to do now and it's the only way to calm you down and make you feel good about yourself.
An hour later, you sighed feeling numb as you walked back into your homemade studio in the backyard storage.
Once you got home, you immediately took a shower, changed into dry clothes, and went in there with no hesitation.
You couldn't believe what happened on the beach today. You don't even want to talk about it. Music was you escaping at the moment but today it was so bad, it wasn't working like it used to.
"Okay. Y/N, calm down. It's over." you said calming yourself and start eating F/F while drinking a small water in your homemade studio.
You were playing different beats that had no lyrics yet to choose what to record today while enjoying your snack break. A few beats later, you immediately got up with your eyes widened.
You quickly grab your pen and start a new page in your songwriting notebook as lyrics are just popping in your mind. You replay the beat and at a good time, you start writing your lyrics.
"Coming!" shouted Monse after hearing the front door knocked a couple of times. She opened the door and gasped to see Spooky's front of her.
"Hey. You mind telling me where Y/N is? I've tried contacting her for hours while going to her favorite places. She's not answering or at those places." asked Spooky.
Spooky been worrying about you for hours. He hates seeing you hurt especially when somebody says something about your weight.
It makes him want to hurt the woman. Obviously he couldn't hurt a woman so he just calls her a puta and walks away.
It took him a while to be friends with you. You were not easy to crack into and he completely understands it because people would become your friend to just break you down again.
It didn't take long before Spooky started to develop feelings for you. Spooky would sometimes flirt and you would never catch it at all which amuses him.
Now, he can't find you anywhere in Freeridge. He just hoped he would find you soon and didn't miss his chance.
"She's in the backyard. In her "homemade studio". said Monse while using her index fingers kinda annoyed.
"Can I see her?"
"No, you can not! You broke her today! Have you done enough! Y/N deserves better-"
Monse quickly turns around and puts her right hand on top of Jasmine's mouth to stop her talking. Now, she was regretting bringing Jasmine here to her house after the beach.
"I'll show you." said Monse with a fake smile on her face and opened the door wider as Spooky came in.
Monse slowly took her hand off of Jasmine's mouth and started to lead Spooky through her house to the backyard where you were.
Once he was outside again, he heard singing in the distance but it was muffled. He looked ahead to see what seemed like a storage room but lights were on.
"There she is. Please be careful with her words. You kinda know how my sister is. Anything bad happens, I'ma pull Jasmine out here." said Monse looking at Spooky with a serious face and her arms crossed against her chest.
Spooky nodded quickly and Monse hit his left shoulder a few times with her right hand for encouragement and walked back into the house.
Spooky took a deep breath and slowly opened the door. As he enters the room, he sees you with your back faced to him singing into the microphone with your headphones on.
You were in the middle of recording and Spooky grinned as he heard you singing. He never thought you could sing but you really could and sounded real good.
"You can sing, hermosa." said Spooky and you jumped in horror causing you to stop singing.
You wouldn't usually jump when recording and hearing Monse's voice. You hearing a deep males voice caused your fright. .
You slowly turned around and became blank seeing Spooky was here, in your homemade studio leaning against the doorway looking at you.
"How's it going?"
You grab a bat, the first thing that would probably help kick him out of your studio. You start charging at him with the bat in your hand about to swing
"Wait!," shouted Spooky with his hands up and out in front of him, looking at you with his eyes widened. You stop charging at him but you was in a position ready to swing "before you go all Harley Quinn on me,"
You rolled your eyes at Spooky comparisons. "I just want to talk to you."
"What is there to talk about? Where's your new girl, eh? She's probably in your car." you said. Your heart starts to burn again in jealousy but quickly stops knowing he would never be interested in you.
"Nah. I never wanted her. I don't like my chica with nothing to grab." said Spooky. You slowly start to put your bat down as his sentence starts to process in your mind.
"W-well. What are you doing here, anyways?" you said stuttering a bit.
"To see you." said Spooky while walking into the studio completely and closing the door behind him.
"Why? I didn't think we were that close." you said and completely dropped your bat on the floor and sat down on the small couch.
"Yeah, we are," said Spooky as he sat next to you. "I've been so worried about you. You just ran away after coming back from almost drowning. I was looking for you everywhere."
"Really?" you asked looking at him and he nodded. You felt your heart skipping a beat. You didn't know he was looking for you all this time. He was actually worried. Does that mean anything?
 "I'm sorry for the trouble. You didn't have to. I was fine here." you said and you turn back to your studio in front of you.
"Well, I didn't know you have a homemade studio or you could sing. I'm still learning about you everyday." said Spooky and he slowly puts his arm around your shoulder, making you tense up a bit.
"Is this okay? You seem kinda scared of me."
"No! I'm not! Really, I...just never have everybody wrap their shoulder around me." you said trying to convince him but he already understands. You slowly start to get comfortable with him again and your tension goes away.
"Why are you so...invested in me? I'm just a plus size girl that nobody wants to be friends or be somebody's girlfriend with." you asked and turned away starting to feel negative about yourself again.
Spooky grabs your chin and leans it towards him. He continues on holding it in his left fingers. You felt tension again as you started feeling his soul burning into yours by his eyes. 
"Y/N, I like you. I really do. More than friends. I hate that you're putting yourself down everyday like it's okay but it's not. You're so beautiful, amazing, smart, unique, and your body is a special feature of you that I love so much." said Spooky and he grabs your waist with his left hand and starts to caress it softly.
A warm rush through your body as you felt his touch on yours. He does it so softly that it causes you to blush straight up at him.
"I'm sorry, I-"
"God, you're cute." said Spooky in a very husky voice, making you shiver your whole body for a few moments.
Seeing him getting closer is making you even more nervous of what's going to happen. Spooky knowing he got to lead in this, he continues this vibe at the moment.
"Don't think, mi amor." said Spooky and all of sudden, you felt lips connected to yours. Your eyes widened at the sight to see him kissing you softly.
You hesitated as you started to get more and more into the kiss until you were kissing him back completely. You couldn't believe you were kissing the guy you were interested in for months. It's unbelievable.
Both of you ended the kiss and looked into each other's eyes deeply. You didn't know what to say.
"That was so worth it." said Spooky with a smile on his face.
"It sure was." you said and you gained a huge grin on your face, causing him to chuckle a bit.
"What am I going to do about you?" asked Spooky and you shrugged not knowing what to do.
"Let me kiss those lips again." said Spooky and he quickly pulls you on your lap. Your legs ended up straddling his waist to the couch, making you gain a red blush.
His hands landed on your waist and carefully caressed it which caused a huge warm emotion going through your body again. He kisses you again, making you lean into him kissing him back.
This day completely flipped as you finally got a boyfriend who actually loves you and your curvy body. You never want to change anything in this moment for the world.
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“Siempre” Oscar x Plus Size Reader OnMyBlock
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Based on: “Can you do a Oscar diaz imagine? Where he thinks the reader might break up with him because she's so distant. So he trys spending more time with her but shes still being distant but it's only because she thinks he's going to break up with her and she doesn't want to push her luck with him. Idk if that sounds dumb or not but I would love if you do it for me :) no rush, take your time”
“hey could you do a really cute and fluffy oscar imagine with a shy plus size reader. thanks and love your writing!”
Author: Alana
“I mean, we could always just do a movie night this evening?” Oscar offered, peaking his head outside the bathroom while brushing his teeth.
“Uh, I wish I could, but I forgot that I have a thing to do later.” You lied, avoiding eye contact with Oscar.
You grabbed your pair of fitted high waisted jeans and pulled them on along with your favorite top. You were never one to wear fitted clothes. That is, until you met Oscar. He always built up your confidence in yourself. He encouraged you to show off your beautiful voluptuous body. Because your body is a part of who you are as a person.
You finished changing your clothes and walked towards the door.
Oscar finished brushing his teeth and followed you outside of the room. “Is something wrong, baby? I didn’t think you had any plans today.”
You tried not to make direct eye contact with Oscar, because you had a feeling that you wouldn’t be seeing those eyes much longer. It would only hurt you more if you ignored what was bound to happen soon.
You smiled softly and glanced at Oscar’s eyes. “Yeah, I’m fine! I just got a text from my mom, reminding me that I promised to help her with something.” You continued your lie. “But I’ll catch you later, Oscar.” You finished, turning and walking outside.
Oscar watched you skeptically and gently grabbed your hand, turning your to him. “Hey, wait.. no kiss goodbye??” He smirked a little.
You felt your heart flutter. What if this is our last kiss though? You silently wondered as you watched Oscar’s lips. Then you better make it a memorable one, (y/n). You encouraged yourself.
You cupped Oscar’s cheek with one hand and placed your soft lips against his rough ones. You felt Oscar smile against your lips as he wrapped an arm around your waist, deepening the kiss.
You relaxed into the kiss, almost losing yourself into the bliss. You quickly became aware of your actions and abruptly pulled away from the kiss.
Clearing your throat, you fixed a piece of your hair that had fallen into your face. “I really should get going. I don’t want to keep mom waiting. Bye, baby.” You quickly walked off before Oscar could say anything.
Oscar frowned as he watched you speed off. He walked back into the house and looked at Cesar, who was sitting shirtless at the kitchen table and eating cereal. “Hey, can I ask you something, mano?” Oscar questioned, sitting across from Cesar.
Cesar watched Oscar cautiously, “Okay, this must be bad if you actually want to talk to me about something personal.” Cesar joked, finishing his cereal.
Oscar rolled his eyes before continuing, “It’s about (y/n). I think she wants to break up with me.” He admitted, sighing and rubbing his hand over his head. He noticed Cesar’s confused face and went on, “The last I checked, she didn’t have plans for today. But when I tried to plan a date for us, she clearly lied and talked about some made up plans with her mom.”
“How do you know she was lying?” Cesar questioned, getting up to put his bowl in the sink.
Oscar motioned to his nose, “She scrunches her nose when she is lying. She doesn’t notice that she does it, but I’ve caught on to it. Then when she was leaving, I kissed her and she seemed to enjoy it, but then she pulled away and ran off.” 
Cesar let out a small chuckle, “She ran away from you? Well that’s something new.”
Oscar glared and stood up, “This isn’t funny, mano! I think (y/n) is going to break up with me. She’s been distancing herself so much lately. It’s like she can’t bear being around me.” Oscar lowered his head, defeated. “What am I going to do?” He questioned quietly to himself more than Cesar.
Cesar looked at Oscar with guilt. Walking up to his brother, he put his hand on Oscar’s shoulder, “I’ll help you figure this out.”
“I just really don’t think he’s that into me anymore, Jasmine.” You spoke timidly, playing with your bracelet as you sat on Jasmine’s bed. “What if he doesn’t love how curvy I am even though he says he does. What if that’s why he’s going to break up with me?” You began to feel panic rise in your chest.
Jasmine sat down next to you and placed her hands over yours, “Girl, you are at least a 10/10 and ain’t nobody capable of putting a damper on your worth. I guarantee you are rocking Oscar’s world. And if you aren’t? Well you don’t want that boy anyways if he don’t love you for you!”
You nodded your head a little, taking in Jasmine’s words. “That’s true.. but, Jaz.” You let out a sigh, “I really want to be with him, but he’s been so distant lately. Then suddenly he wants to go out on a date. And the only thing I could think about was, what if he’s taking me out to break up with me?” You looked over at Jasmine, sadly.
Jasmine shook her head, “Then you need to call him out on his shit and let it be known he’s hurting you! All I know is Oscar ain’t about to be embarrassing my baby girl out on a date. You need to confront his ass ASAP!”
You let out a quiet laugh and bit your lip, “Okay, I’ll let him know I’m free tonight.”
“That’s my girl.” Jasmine smiled, gently nudging you.
You grabbed your phone and sent Oscar a text, “I’m available for tonight. I’ll meet you at your place. We need to talk.” You sent off the text message and took a deep breath. “I can do this.”
“I can’t do this.” Oscar said, reading the text and looking at Cesar worried. “She said we need to talk!! She’s going to break up with me, Cesar!” Oscar yelled, pacing around the room.
“Hey, cálmate. Everything is going to work out, Oscar. You can tell by the way she looks at you that (y/n) loves you.” Cesar tried to comfort his older brother. “Just tell her exactly what you told me earlier. Be honest about how you’ve been feeling lately.” Cesar offered a small smile.
Oscar nodded and stood up. “Okay, I’ll do that. But if it backfires-“ Oscar began to threaten.
“You’ll kill me, I know.” Cesar finished for him, rolling his eyes. “Good luck on your date. I’m hanging out with Jamal and Ruby tonight. I’ll see you later.” Cesar waved as he walked out of the house.
You gingerly knocked on the front door of the Diaz residence.
The front door swung open, revealing Oscar with his charming smile. A smile that very few people get to experience. You couldn’t help but to smile at seeing him.
“Hi..” you muttered, still smiling up at Oscar and stepping inside the house.
Closing the front door, he responded, “Hi, mi amor. How are you? You said you... needed to talk..?” Oscar spoke the words slowly and carefully, almost afraid that if he said one wrong word, you would just walk out.
It’s now or never, (y/n). You reminded yourself.
You gently grabbed Oscar’s hand and guided him to the couch. Oscar followed quietly. He sat down and gently began to bounce his knee in anticipation, the wait was killing him. What were you going to say? What did you need to talk about?
You took a deep breath and finally allowed yourself to stare deeply into Oscar’s eyes. You saw all the pain and worry and love that he had for you all at once.
“Are you breaking up with me??” Oscar blurted out with wide eyes. He didn’t wait for a response. “Am I doing something wrong? Am I not giving you enough attention?” Oscar’s voice began to quiver, “Am I not enough?” He asked you softly, looking at you with doe eyes.
In this moment, Oscar was the most insecure he had ever been. He finally found a good woman and it seemed like she was unhappy. He watched you with a pained expression on his face, just waiting for this moment to be over with. That sunken feeling remained in his stomach as he awaited your response.
Your heart broke at Oscar’s expression. You quickly pulled Oscar into your arms and you held him. “Don’t you ever question if you’re enough. You are more than enough, Oscar.” You looked down at him. “I never intended on breaking up with you, papí. I thought you were breaking up with me..” you spoke, tilting his chin up to you.
Oscar furrowed his eyebrows, “But you’re the one who’s been distancing themself?”
“That’s because you began distancing yourself first?” You informed your confused boyfriend.
Oscar sat up straight and stared at you, “Okay, wait a minute. So you’re saying that you’ve been distancing yourself because you thought I was going to break up with you.” He paused and watched your face for confirmation. You nodded your head and he continued, “And I’ve been distancing myself because I thought you were going to break up with me. But I tried to plan a date for us so that I could try to make things better. So I could show you how much I love you..” Oscar admitted, taking your hand gently and kissing your knuckles.
“Well don’t I feel like an idiot.” You spoke shyly. “This whole thing came from a big misunderstanding. That shows how great our communication skills are.” You remarked sarcastically, giving a small laugh.
Giving your hand a gentle squeeze Oscar spoke, “I would be a fool to ever break up with you, (y/n). You’re the woman I want to have a future with. Future wedding, future home, and many many future children.” He finished, kissing you meaningfully.
You giggled against his lips and whispered, “Many future children sound expensive.. I don’t know if I would like that.” You joked, gently scrunching your nose.
Oscar took note of your nose scrunch and smiled more to himself, “Something tells me that you wouldn’t mind, mi amor.” He kissed you softly once more before pulling away. “How about we have that movie date?” Oscar offered, standing up and making his way over to the tv.
You smiled excitedly and hopped off of the couch, “I’ll go get extra blankets and snacks!”
You ran to the bedroom and grabbed as many blankets that you could fit into your arms. You wobbled back out into the living room with blankets and a few pillows practically falling out of your arms.
Oscar chuckled at you and you gave a cheeky smile before dropping all of the items onto the couch.
While Oscar finished setting up the movie, you grabbed a few snacks from the kitchen and placed them on the coffee table.
Once finished, He walked over to you, snaking his arm around your waist. He tugged you closer and smiled as he made you this promise, “I promise that we will get better at communicating, Bebe. Nothing is going to take me away from you.” He swore, looking down at you with loving eyes.
“And I will hold you to that, Diaz.” You smiled, kissing his cheek. “But right now, it’s time for the movie!”
Oscar playfully rolled his eyes and sat on the couch. You went to sit next to him, but he grabbed your waist and pulled you down onto his lap.
“You almost sat in the wrong seat, baby girl.” Oscar smirked, gently squeezing your thighs.
You blushed and looked away from Oscar. You still weren’t used to him accepting your body type. It gave you butterflies, yet such a feeling that you were truly loved. All of you!
Relaxing into your boyfriend’s arms, he began tracing small shapes onto your thigh, calmly. He rested his chin on your shoulder so that he could watch the movie while cuddling his baby girl.
As the movie started, Oscar whispered one final thing into your ear, “I love you, (y/n). Siempre.”
You looked over your shoulder at him and kissed him passionately, “I love you too, baby boy. Always.”
Turning your attention back to the movie, you smiled to yourself, knowing that this is the man you are going to spend the rest of your life with.
From that day forward, the relationship dynamic had changed completely. Everything from that point on would be better.
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phebia · 4 years
Making Family, Chapter One
I still feel like I’m not the best at capturing these character’s personalities so I apologize if anyone is too OOC.
Also, formatting might be weird because I’m transferring this off of Wattpad and I’m too lazy to fix it hehe.
Tags(?): @khearts14
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"Selina! Mija, can you get the door?" Geny's voice rang out from somewhere inside the house, momentarily distracting me from coating my lips in the mauve colour I had picked out for orientation this morning. "Yeah!" I shouted back, pursing my lips and taking one last lingering look in the mirror before making my way to the front door. I opened the door just enough to peak out, remembering Ruby's "Lessons of Freeridge" presentation. He gave an updated version every time he saw me, the most recent of which came last night after everyone had cleared out. There was a slightly familiar girl stood on the front porch, but it took me a minute to recognize her. The boys had told me stories upon stories of Monse and there had even been a brief, slightly awkward, group FaceTime call more than a few weeks back. While I was trying to figure out where I knew her from, she was seemingly also confused about my identity. "Monse, right?" I raised my eyebrows and nervously chewed at my lower lip, praying that my confidence was just and she was in fact who I thought she was. A moment later a flash of realization moved through her dark chocolate eyes and then she was smiling at me. "Selina." She pointed a finger at me and nodded, her answer pulling a relieved smile from me. "It's nice to finally meet you. The boys talk about you a lot." I spoke shyly and opened the door wider so that she could step inside. "Likewise." We stood in the doorway for a few awkward seconds, a silence enveloping us until I couldn't take anymore. I awkwardly cleared my throat and looked down at my Jordan's before vaguely gesturing behind me to Ruby's new room. I let Monse lead the way, not wanting to disrupt the reunion about to occur after an entire summer apart and mentally smacking myself for my momentary loss of social skills. "I'm back." Monse sung, clearing her throat and smiling widely as she crossed the threshold into the room. Ruby turned to her, not blinking, instead his eyes moved from her to his end table multiple times. "Can you move that side table?" I arched an eyebrow at the lack of enthusiasm the girl's arrival received. The big talk around the house was that this was supposed to be the reunion of the century, but what I was witnessing was far from that. The boy's effort was lacklustre and underwhelming. Frankly, I had given the girl a better welcome than her two best friends. "No, seriously don't make such a fuss." Monse's smile fell into a sneer and she had no problem displaying her displeasure with the boys. "I've only been gone all summer, but really, it's no big deal." She wandered further into the room, stopping to stand directly in front of her sad little welcome party, eyes narrowed into a glare. Ruby shrugged, a slight nod acknowledging his fuck up while Jamal just smiled by his side. "How was camp?" My cousin's eyes were empty and bored, Ruby surely unimpressed with having to take a break from his big bedroom plans. "Camp was fine. Notice anything new?" A smile of my own appeared on my face as Monse grinned widely, showing off her perfectly straight smile in hopes of a compliment or two. "You got boobs." Both boys spoke simultaneously, their stares never leaving her face and their answers causing Monse's smile to slip off her face. Mine followed soon after, my eyes flashing between the group of three in slight disbelief, not missing the way the younger girl crossed her arms over her chest. "You guys are shit friends." I spoke up for the first time, leaning in the doorway snickering. "She got her braces off." My laughing stopped and I stared directly at the boys, clearly unimpressed at the fact that they didn't seem to realize they were making their friend uncomfortable. All three young teenagers turned towards me; Ruby and Jamal blinking in surprise and Monse shooting me a shy and thankful smile. "We knew that." Jamal nodded, casually waving me off as if they were about to mention that next and hadn't completely missed it. "How did you even know that?" Ruby narrowed his eyes at me, irate as he often was when things weren't going his way. A tiny smirk played on my lips and I took a moment to look him up and down. "Try thinking with your brain instead." I raised my filled in brows for emphasis, the corner of my lips quirking up when Monse thanked me for noticing. "You can wait for Cesar to help." She turned back to the boys and just like her that her frustrated awkward attitude was back. I had better things to focus on now though, my ears perking up at the name. Cesar Diaz had alluded me for far too long and he was one mystery I was dying to know more about. That was most likely because Ruby was so tight lipped about whatever had went down between them. All I knew was that he used to be best friends with the three kids in front of me, but something changed that. Ruby had even gone as far as to prohibit Jamal from telling me what their old friend looked like, just in case I ended up seeing him around town. Despite the boy's best efforts, there was no hiding the fact that something had gone down. Although I was surprised Monse, someone so close to the source, had no idea what had happened either, the immature part of me was just happy I wasn't the only one out of the loop. "Then we'll be waiting a really long time." Jamal revealed as he sat back on his chair and Ruby brushed past Monse with an eye roll. "Why? Where's Cesar?" Monse continued her questioning. "We're not talking to him." The girl either missed the irritated looks Ruby was shooting at her or she simply didn't care. And, based on what I knew about the girl, I'd say it was the latter. "You in a fight?" Her eyes briefly flit to me for a possible answer but all I could do was shrug, just as in the dark as she was. "Well, it wasn't really a fight. It was more like a-" "We're not getting into it." Ruby caught Jamal off, his voice harsh as he shot his friend a pointed look and then turned back to Monse. "Trust us, Cesar's not cool." There was a brief moment where his firm eyes flashed in my direction. His silent attempt at scolding me as well earned him an unimpressed scowl and had me wondering who the fuck he thought he was. "I don't know, I heard he's pretty cool." I hummed, simply commenting to annoy my cousin even further. Ruby snapped his head in my direction and pointed his finger at me, spitting a few words in Spanish at me before humphing and returning to his half made bed. My features melted into confusion at the foreign language. A part of me was glad I wasn't very familiar with it at all so that his words just rolled off of me but the other part of me wanted to be able to sass him right back. Maybe I could at least get Mario to teach me some not-so-nice phrases long distance. "Well, I'm not cool not being cool. And why aren't you at football?" Monse had clearly mastered the art of ignoring Ruby years ago, which was something I was envious of after only a day of living with him. The mention of the sport made Jamal look up from the book he was reading, eyes wide yet refusing to meet anyone's gaze. "We should really get to orientation before those lines get too long." He stood up, his words rushed. "Yeah, I don't want to be too sweaty for my ID. Like Mario said, "It's all about the right first impression." It was slightly impressive how well they changed the subject, neither of them closing their mouths long enough for anyone else to get a word in. "And sticking together!" Then again, Monse seemed to have no problem talking over them. "You're totally deflecting this whole Cesar sitch. So stop being bitches and tell me." I looked on with eager eyes but just when it looked like she was about to break them, Geny's voice once again interrupted things. This time my aunt had the intention of making sure we weren't late to orientation and the boy's used the distraction to start pulling Monse and I out of the house, barely giving me enough time to grab my sunglasses and place them on my head. We were only a few steps down the sidewalk when the shortest of the bunch began complaining about having to walk everywhere and pestering me about when my car would arrive from Waterdown. If I was being honest with myself, I was dreading the entire orientation process and couldn't decide if it would've been better to have the journey take more or less time. Chances were that I'd be the only upperclassman around and if that didn't draw enough attention to me, my size would do the rest. People loved to notice me, and not for the right reasons. The snickers were rarely muffled and the comments were never quiet enough, because nobody really cares if you hear them. The only thing keeping you together is the fact that you've heard it all before. Said it to yourself before, because if you hurt yourself no one else can. But it's only a matter of time before someone gets a little creative and you have another thing to think of when you look into the mirror. After years of ridicule there were countless hateful things lingering in my mind, just begging for a weak moment to escape and push tears out of my eyes. But just thinking about them almost made the tears well up, so instead I focused on the argument Monse was still valiantly keeping alive as I walked between Jamal and Ruby. The boys had taken to staying silent, refusing to even indulge her with argumentative words anymore. The silent treatment was smart, but I wasn't sure it would be enough to deter the fiery girl next to Ruby. "He's the glue of our crew." Despite the lack of responses, she was still trying to force answers out of them. Ruby had previously told me that once you get Monse going there's no stopping her, but I had had doubts. I had always wondered why it was so important to Ruby that I know that, but as I witnessed her grilling the boy's I was very certain it was a warning. Needless to say, all my doubts were gone and I had no intention of being on the receiving end of the Afro-Latino's rage. "That was then, and this is now." Jamal insisted, breaking the stretch of silence much more politely than Ruby could have ever hoped to do so. "Yeah, Cesar ain't shit." As if only to prove my point my baby cousin chimed in as well. The group of kids took a sharp turn into an alleyway and Ruby had to grab me by my elbow to keep me with them. "What?" I asked lowly when he shot me a look. "I don't know where the hell we're going." With a simple shake of his head Ruby was back to staring straight ahead, avoiding Monse's gaze until something he saw made him froze. "Shit, Prophets." The words made me flinch and my heart rate quickly began to pick up. Throughout all my visits to Freeridge I had surprisingly not encountered a Prophet nor a Santo, but everyone made sure I understood who they were and what they were capable. As I watched the trio decked out in green and yellow it wasn't hard to decide I would've much preferred to see a group of Santos as we rounded the corner. They'd be less likely to kill me because I lived on their block. (Another wonderful tip from Lessons of Freeridge). "Be cool." "Ditch your colours." Waterdown wasn't the safest place on Earth but it might as well have been a safe haven compared to Freeridge. I had never been involved in the violent side of Waterdown but moving to Freeridge had thrown me into the middle of a gang war and I very obviously didn't know what to do in this situation. The kids on the other hand were clearly well versed in the danger. Ruby didn't hesitate to pull his hoodie over his head and then proceed to ask if he had ruined his hair after we passed the gang affiliated teenagers. His nonchalant attitude shocked me but I didn't say anything about it. My life before wasn't all sunshine and daisy's, but I was well aware it was better than most people's here and privilege was a tense subject here. I wasn't about to advertise mine. "Yeah." I scrunched my nose up, exaggerating the damage done to his beloved locks, grinning as he pulled out his phone to play with his hair. "Code dread. Code dread. Approaching on your six." My eyebrows furrowed in confusion and I was much less discrete about looking behind me than the others were, fully turning my body to see who was approaching. Recognition flooded me and I did my best to smile at Jasmine but memories of her... lively personality at my welcome party played through my mind. "Yo! You guys going to orientation?" I stayed put, waiting for her to catch up, only for two hands to grab at me and start pulling me away. "Hey, you know my cousin Berto, the fine one, hey?" I was still facing Jasmine, doing my best to listen to her and not fall as my ass at the same time. "His daughter Letty said it ain't nothing, unless your stupid and you can't spell your name. And then you hold up the line and then people get mad." The pace we were moving kept increasing much to my chagrin. The longer this went on the more likely I was to fall and twist an ankle or something, despite my flat shoes. Grace was something I did not have much of. Jasmine frowned as she too noticed that this was no leisurely stroll. "Hey, why are you guys walking so fast? You know I can't keep up. I have asthma." A frown pulled at my features and for a moment my heart hurt, a pit instantly forming in my stomach. I knew what it was like to be that girl. Trying so hard to be friends with people who don't want anything to do you, and then realizing when it's too late. It sucked. Before I knew what was happening I was stopping, my emotions not allowing me to do Jasmine dirty in the same way that so many girls had done me before. "Selina!" Ruby turned and returned to my side when he realized he no longer had a hold on me, whisper yelling at me and shooting me a pleading look. I pouted at him but that didn't do anything, his stare remaining steady and frantic. With a pitiful sigh I turned, keeping pace with the group as they began walking once more. "Sorry, Jasmine, we're having a private convo. Real sensitive stuff. Catch you next time." Monse looped her arm in mine and called out to the other girl, not even bothering to turn her head. The tiny whine that came from behind made my eyes widen and my frown deepen but the others gave me no time to dwell on it as they continued their brisk pace. "That's what you always say." Her voice was steadily fading until all of a sudden her footsteps were fast approaching. A quick glance behind showed Jasmine running towards us, a look of determination on her face. "Is it really that big of a deal?" I turned to where Ruby used to be only to find him and the others running ahead. Out of instinct my legs began to move faster, my head moving between the small squad and the lone girl, my jog light. "Monse, this isn't nice." I scolded the teen closest to me, my words making her turn her head to look at me incredulously. "If you don't run now, you're never gonna get out." Her words made me groan but with one last sorry look back I began sprinting to catch up with the others. Jasmine seemed like a nice enough girl but the last thing I wanted was to get suckered into hanging out with a 14 year old that wasn't a relative or friend of said relative. My cousin and his best friends were bad enough. Besides, I could always get Ruby, Jamal, and Monse to befriend her. As I ran a part of me was unravelling with insecure thoughts about what I looked like running, but a larger part of me was just desperate to keep up with the kids. I would be lost without them, literally. And the last thing I wanted was to be stumbling through Freeridge streets alone. Yet, despite the slight urgency of the situation, I couldn't help but slow down to smile and wave at a woman and her baby as I passed them. However, a moment later I was cursing my baby fever when I heard Jasmine scream my name. A few more blocks passed and I had finally managed to escape Jasmine and catch up with my three original companions. "Man, she is relentless." Jamal gasped as I stopped behind them, placing my hands on my knees as I caught my breath. It had been a long time since I had run at all, let alone ran with that much intensity for that distance. Once my lungs stopped screaming and I no longer felt like I might vomit I straightened out and joined the ranks once more, pulling my sunglasses off the top of my head to untangle them from my crimped hair. "That was mean, guys." I sighed, torn between not being impressed by the childish actions but also being the slightest bit amused. "Come on, Selina. It was a nice save." Jamal shot me his cheesiest smile and I knew I had lost that debate already. "Oh, you're not safe." Monse disagreed, back onto the Cesar issue as if Jasmine had never made an appearance. "Your threats aren't penetrating, okay?" I placed my tinted shades back on my head, allowing them to push back some of the hair that normally framed my face, doing my best to fix my appearance without a mirror. "I'm not telling you what Cesar said." My head shot up at Jamal's slip up, my hands momentarily stopping their adjustment of my cleavage. "Ah ha! So he said something!" Monse had also caught the admission and she had turned around before I could even remove my hands from my bra. "Jamal! Do you need a muzzle?" Ruby growled at Jamal, who had his hand clasped over his mouth, before turning to his other longtime friend. "Monse, no offence, but you're a loose cannon." Although his tone was soft for Ruby, my cousin was digging himself into a deep hole and I instinctively moved to walk in between the two. I wouldn't put it past Monse to jump on his ass, not that she would've been unprovoked. "We're telling you for your own protection." His next words had my jaw dropping and my eyes narrowing. "My own protection?" Monse scoffed, seemingly just as shocked and offended as I was. "Eat a dick." I whirled around and stepped in front of Ruby, getting in his face with my resting bitch face in full effect. If we were being real, Monse had every right to know what caused the rift in the group and Ruby's ignorance and way of handling it was quickly becoming tiresome to me. "Thank you!" Monse exclaimed, nodding at me and turning on her heel to continue walking away from the boys. "Okay, you just made our case in point." Ruby swirled his finger in my face as I backed up and left him and Jamal behind to walk with Monse. "You don't even know, and you're already at Defcon Solange." His matter of fact tone made glare at the stop sign further down the road and run my tongue over my teeth. "Look, I may be nosy about the Cesar thing, but that's all it is. Nosiness. But, don't you ever pull shit like this and tell a girl you're doing it to protect her. That's a dick move, Ruby. Okay?" Upon being met with my fiery glare the Latino swallowed thickly and nodded, but before he could speak grunting filled the street. My eyes immediately moved to find the source of the noise, my pace subconsciously slowing as I saw a group of guys kicking the shit out of someone in front of a dumpster. I gasped quietly as Jamal and Ruby were suddenly squishing me between them, doing their best to block my view of the beating. "Don't look. Keep walking." Jamal scolded me, as if I didn't have the Freeridge street knowledge of a toddler and should know better by now. We silently walked past the alleyway and as hard as I tried I couldn't resist sneaking a few looks over my shoulder. "Why would anyone want to get jumped into 19th street? If it were me, I'd join first street, only one second of pain." Jamal voiced his judgements once we had cleared the side street and no one would be able to hear his lowered voice. "Agreed. And who wants a lifetime commitment at our age?" Ruby nodded in agreement, his voice even lower than Jamal's. A lifetime commitment at 14 might've sounded like a lot to a normal person, but I've been dying for one since I was around that age. My parents were gone the majority of the time, and although they were assholes when they were around, there was nothing I wanted more than to have them with me. Eventually I gave up on that and tried to find a significant bond in my friendships. But, when you're friends with the pretty girls and there's never more than a month where they're single there's too many guys trying to get close just to get into their panties. Flashbacks of fake flirting only to ask about my girlfriends made me shiver. It was the unfortunate reality of being the fat, ugly friend and it was also the story of my life. This time it wasn't the arguing friends to pull me from my thoughts, but the sound of rap music and the rumble of a car approaching. I couldn't stop my head from turning, eyes eager to see what was coming. I also couldn't stop myself from biting my lower lip when I saw the cherry red Impala cruising down the street. "That's hot." I hummed lowly, eyes remaining trained on the vintage Chevy despite the groans my praise received from the boys. My fingers pushed my gold glasses further up my nose as I continued to stare, it was the first nice car I'd seen in Freeridge and the sight of it practically made my toes curl in excitement. "We can't tell you what Cesar said." I looked away from the Impala long enough to see Ruby shake his head in one final plea, that went ignored by Monse. "Fine. Then I'll ask myself." With that she boldly stepped out into the street, forcing the driver of the car to slam on the brakes. "Hey, you crazy?" My view of the driver was obscured even when he yelled out the window at Monse, but his deep voice sent a small shiver up my spine. I found myself shifting closer to the edge of the sidewalk, doing my best to sneak a peak at him and get a better view of the car. A hand grabbed at my wrist to stop me but I yanked away from the touch immediately, turning to look at Ruby who was watching me worriedly. "You know who owns that car?" He gulped and looked at his shoes, avoiding my eyes and refusing to answer my question. When he met my gaze a few moments later I arched an eyebrow at him, silently questioning if he was going to answer me or not. "That's Cesar's older brother, Spooky." My interest was officially through the roof with that answer. I stepped off the curb without hesitation but all my confidence faded as soon as I was stood in the road and I remained a couple meters in front of the car. Monse was looking though the window but I didn't pay her much mind, distracting myself from my anxiety by admiring the vibrant paint and gleaming chrome. It was only when I felt eyes on me that I looked up and glanced through the windshield. A blush quickly warmed my cheeks and I felt a lump forming in my throat when I found that I had gotten caught staring by Cesar's older brother. He tilted his head at me, dark eyes drinking in my appearance, making me insecurely cross my arms over my stomach. Monse glanced in my direction as well, and it was Ruby and Jamal's quiet cursing that was the clue that told me I now had to go join the younger girl. "Selina, you don't have to go." Ruby's whispers came from behind me and I knew he was trying to reassure me. He had witnessed me have a breakdown courtesy of my social anxiety once before and I was sure he would do anything to avoid another one right now. I knew I had to go though, and despite my intimidation and sudden rampant insecurity, something inside of me wanted to get closer to the unfamiliar man anyways. I bit the inside of my cheek and let my arms fall to my sides, clenching my clammy hands into fists and shuffling my way to Monse. By the time I had joined her side and leaned down to see into the car, Cesar's brother was speaking to her again. "It's all good. You just look a little different. What is it?" The sound of his voice made me shiver and I hated to admit that he was undeniably hot. Probably too attractive for his own good. As he waited for a response from Monse his attention turned to me. He shamelessly looked me up and down, his eyes particularly focused on my exposed cleavage. I was sure that by now the small bit of attention had turned me the same shade of red that his car was and when he looked back up and met my stare, it was a surprise that my knees didn't buckle. I shifted my weight around, getting antsy under his gaze, but unable to stop myself from mimicking his actions when he licked his lips. He chuckled at that, the discovery of his dimples making me nibble on my lower lip. "My boobs." For a moment I had forgotten that Monse was there, but I was thankful for her blatant answer. It gave me a chance to shake away the tingles that had been buzzing around my body. "Nah, you got your braces off." Spooky nodded at her, raising an eyebrow as his eyes drifted to check out the assets she was newly sporting. The ever familiar pit of disappointment settled in my gut until a laugh rumbled from his chest. "Let me know when you look that." He tilted his chin towards me and I couldn't stop my face from morphing into one of shock. However, it wasn't long before a shy smile was pulling at my lips and I looked to the ground coyly, not missing the smirk stretching across his face. Most girls might've been uncomfortable under his intruding stare and bold words but the only thing making me queasy was the flashes of hope and insecurity tightening my stomach. I might've stood there and let him talk to me like that for hours if it wasn't for the affronted look Monse shot us both. I met the girl's gaze, instantly seeing her desire to leave in her shining eyes. "You're tripping." I looked back at the cholo behind the wheel and shook my head, doing my best to keep my voice steady. "Nice '63." I patted the bottom of the open window and pursed my lips into a smile as I began to stand up straight. His eyebrows furrowed and he huffed, looking at me as if I had just confused him, but his cocky smile never faltered. I followed Monse back towards the boys, missing the way that Spooky craned his neck to get a better look at my retreating form. "Hey!" His voice stopped me in my tracks, and it took me only a second to turn around and see him leaning out his window again. "I'll see you around princesa." He kissed his teeth and gave me one last once over before ducking back into the car and beginning to drive off, his chuckles barely reaching my ears over the loud rap music and sound of my heart racing. My brain was a muddled mess of thoughts, the excited and happy buzz clashing with the negative realism that always lingered in my head. I stood in the street, the warm feeling lingering in my stomach despite the fact that I was reminding myself that guys like him don't go for girls like me. Caroline would've called that thought a personal attack, but in my eyes it was just a simple fact. He could have any girl he wanted on her knees in front of him with a single smile. That didn't match up with my rolls and squishy bits, which pushed people away. The more I got lost in my thoughts the more stupid I felt about how easily I had gotten my hopes up. Apparently I had learned nothing from my past experience with boys. "Selina." Jamal's voice shattered through my spiralling thoughts, making me realize that I had been watching the car disappear down the street. I mumbled an apology as I rejoined the group, shaking my head to rid myself of the possibly impending breakdown. Ruby appeared behind me and tossed his sweater over my chest as we all waited for Monse to say something. "When did Oscar get out?" The faintest hints of a smile pulled at my lips at the revelation of his real name. "Six weeks ago." Ruby admitted, hovering over me as if I had just been assaulted and wasn't simply trying to get rid of the butterflies swirling around my stomach. "Now it makes sense. Whatever Cesar said, he said to impress Oscar. Cesar's terrified of his brother." Monse had fizzled out a bit after her interaction with Spooky, but the determination in her voice never wavered. "Along with everyone else." Jamal piped up from behind us all. His words made me furrow my eyebrows and I couldn't keep myself silent. "Why?" Sure, there had been something about the man that made me freeze up but I put that onto my anxiety. The look the younger boy was shooting me said that there was something else going on, though. "Oscar's the leader of the Santos." He explained and suddenly the tattoos and Spooky made sense. The naive part of my brain said that just made him hotter but I refused to be that dumb. Stupid thoughts like that would get you killed in Freeridge. As the others bickered I came to the realisation that I hadn't even glanced at Cesar during the entire ordeal and I still had no clue what the shunned squad member looked like. I didn't dwell on it for very long though, distracted by a sound coming from behind us. "Tax time, bitches!" "Shit, Latrelle." I froze in place and shakily turned around with the others, but most of the intimidation factor was lost the second I landed eyes on the scrawny kid behind us. The only keeping me weary was Ruby's countless tales of Freeridge muggings. "Hands up, money out." I was surprised at how quickly the squad's hands shot up, and despite my urge to say something I bit my tongue as I raised mine. "How can we take money out with our hands up?" Ruby rambled from his spot next to me, his comment making me shift uneasily. "I know you bookheads got that back to school gwop." He sneered at Ruby before meeting my wide eyes and I was suddenly glad for the black hoodie tied around my shoulders. "It's orientation day. So technically, we're neither back to school nor out of school. We're-" I slowly reached over and clamped a hand over Monse's mouth before she could say anything else. "We don't have any money." Ruby shook his head, but it didn't take more than a glare from Latrelle for Jamal to mention the $20 Geny had slipped Ruby before we left the house. "Really?" I hissed, reaching over and smacking Jamal on the back of the head as Latrelle walked off with the money. "At least you have your own room." He swatted my hand away and grinned at a fuming Ruby, the change of subject luckily enough to distract him.
My plans for after orientation had been to go home, avoid all mirrors and drown my feelings in ice cream. Maybe let my thoughts wander to a certain cholo for bit. They had not been to walk Jamal and Monse home. But when the girl looked up at me with wide eyes and an even wider smile, I couldn't say no. I should've said no. I realized that as soon as we stopped across the street from a house with a multitude of Santos outside of it. Most of them were spread out drinking or playing cards. My eyes moved over a younger boy sitting on a couch who I assumed to be Cesar, before they finally settled on Oscar who was sat on a crate next to his brother. My tongue peaked out of my mouth as I watched him lift a weight over his head, the veins in his arms and the way his face scrunched up with effort distracting me from Jamal and Monse's persistent bickering. "Selina, if someone breaks up with you over text, is it official?" The question caught me off guard and forced me to pay attention to the teenagers once more. "Uh, yeah." I answered, not following where he was going with the question. "Then consider me the text." I chuckled, surprised at his metaphor. "You've been dumped!" Monse rolled her eyes and grabbed my wrist, turning towards the house, clearly done with Jamal's antics. A flash of panic flooded through me at the thought of accompanying her to the front yard, not jumping at the idea of standing in front of the intimidating group. "Wait, please don't go." Jamal grabbed her one again, relief washing over me when she turned back to him. "Please, you're... You're not safe." Suddenly my anxiety was no longer my biggest concern. "Why?" Monse and I both questioned at the same time, earning us an exasperated look from Jamal. "Because you've... blossomed." He didn't even bother looking at me, all his focus directly on Monse. "Blossomed?" A small smirk appeared on my face at the stupid euphemism, but Monse hadn't caught on yet. Much to Jamal's chagrin. "Popped. Busted out. Puffed your party pillows. Whatever you want to call your new cha-cha-bingos. These new homies he's hanging with, they're thirsty." All I could do was blink at the rambled outburst. Jamal was something special, and I wasn't sure if I'd ever get used to him. With one last glance at Monse's chest he shoved his sweater into her arms, earning a giggle from me which was quickly silenced by Monse's next words. "That's why I'm bringing Selina." My jaw dropped and I whipped my head towards her. It was one thing to stand across the street and make sure she was okay, but I had no business strutting up there with her. "Mine don't have anything on hers." I smiled for a moment at her words, my face quickly falling when I remembered what her plans for me were. "Besides, Oscar was practically foaming at the mouth for her." I spluttered and smacked her hands away as she reached to perch my boobs up higher. "He doesn't give a shit about me." I urgently whispered, wildly pointing at the gang leader who now had a beer in his hand. Both kids ignored me in favour of continuing their staring contest until Jamal broke. "I hate when you're right." He muttered as I rolled my eyes and swallowed the lump in throat, coming to terms with the fact that I was going whether I liked it or not. I shifted my weight around anxiously as I appeased Monse by emphasizing my cleavage a bit more. "Okay! Don't worry, girls! I got your back... from right here." Jamal's voice faded away as we approached the house together. "Why did I have to come?" My words were practically a whimper and I found myself clasping my hands together in front of me, nervously picking at my nails as we got closer. "Shh, it'll be fine." Having a 14 year old shush me made me blink and look around, embarrassment warming my face a bit. As much as I wanted to trail behind, I remained in step with Monse and when she came to a stop in front of Cesar I just so happened to stop in front of his big brother. Spooky's eyes met mine as he peered at me and took a long sip from his Corona, my eyes following his movements when he ran his hand down his face and wiped the lingering drops of alcohol away from his mouth. "I need to talk to you." As Monse spoke, my eyes flit around the yard and I anxiously shifted my shoulders, noticing all the eyes on us for the first time. "I'm listening." I arched an eyebrow at Cesar's response, very aware of how out of place he looked amongst the Santos. No matter how hard he tried to appear, his act was anything but convincing. "Privately?" Monse pushed, her request making Cesar sigh and look away from her. I could still feel Oscar's gaze on me but I clenched my jaw and continued to focus on the kids. "Yeah, we can go inside." Cesar nodded but almost seemed reluctant to say the words, still looking anywhere but Monse. Spooky's heavy stare was suddenly no longer on me and he was clearing his throat loudly, his actions causing both his brother and I to look in his direction. He looked up at me as he took a sip from his beer, the eye contact causing my stomach to clench. As he lowered his drink he nodded his head at me, shooting me the same grin from our earlier interaction. I tilted my head towards the ground to hide my red cheeks and pursed my lips to fight off a smile. "But, uh, if you wanna sit on my face, you gotta put that mouth on pause so I can concentrate." Cesar's words made my head snap up and my jaw drop, my shocked stare drilling into the side of his face. The guys around the yard all began to laugh at the comment and our reactions, and before I knew it Monse was gone. "Monse!" My head turned and I called out for her retreating form but she never looked back, and I couldn't even blame her for abandoning me there. If it were me in her position I probably would've ended up crying in front of the gang members. Earlier, all I had wanted was to be as far away from this place as possible but now that I had my chance to leave something was holding me there. Monse had spent the entire day defending Cesar and I'd be damned if I let him disrespect her without a care in the world. With Monse gone all eyes were on me, but I ignored the other Santos in favour for bending over to be face with face with the boy stretched out on the couch. I clenched my jaw and narrowed my eyes at him, too angry to notice Oscar leaning over for a better view of my ass. "You might wanna start using your fucking brain if you want to stop jerking it to pictures of Ruby's Abuelita and get some real pussy." His brown eyes widened with every word I spoke and flashed to my hand when I momentarily jerked it along to my words. Murmurs and laughter came from the onlookers but I never took my attention off of the teenager in front of me. A part of me expected some sort of response from him, but all he could do was stare at me, proving for a fact that he was far from hard. I dragged my eyes over his form, visibly unimpressed and humphed, standing back up and turning to leave. "Hey mami, you're more than welcome to stay." I hadn't gotten more than a few feet away when Spooky's voice froze me in place and had my heart climbing into my throat. I shakily turned back around, eyes starting on him before moving across the other Santos. "Looks pretty packed." I ignored the empty spots next to Cesar and licked my lips nervously, not missing the way Oscar's eyes followed my actions. "I got a spot for you right here." As Spooky patted his lap, his friends whistled and jeered but all I could do was leer at him in embarrassment. My arms instinctively crossed over my stomach in an attempt to make myself smaller and as he pursed his mouth into a self-satisfied smirk I had to look away, before I ended up perching myself on his lap. "Where'd all that spice go, hyna?" Oscar called out to me again but I couldn't hold his stare for long and soon I was rushing away, not bothering to wait for Jamal or Monse. "Selina? Are you okay?" The two of them were hurrying to catch up with me, and even though we were well down the street from the house my pace didn't slow. "What did they do to you?" I finally stopped and whirled around to face them, throwing my arms out to the side and shrugging. "Nothing." I admitted, hating how easily flustered I became around people. All it took was a few suggestive comments and I turned into a useless pile of mush. Maybe my anxiety was to blame, or my lack of experience with boys. The guys in Waterdown would never even bat an eye at me, let alone waste their time flirting. It was strange to be seen. Scary to be seen. And yet, I wanted him to see me. "Look, I'll catch you guys later." The friends stared at me with concerned eyes before sharing a look between them. "You're good from here, right?" They were much safer on Freeridge streets than I was currently, but I still found myself asking. Jamal looked like he was going to protest but Monse spoke before he could. "Yeah. We're good." She smiled. "You know how to get back to Ruby's from here, right?" I nodded, forcing a smile onto my face before saying goodbye and starting the short walk home.
When I got back to the house I decided not to mention the short visit to Cesar's house to Ruby, not knowing how'd he react or what he'd have to say. There wasn't much to say anyways, nothing had really happened between Oscar and I, and I was sure that Monse was looking forward to telling Ruby about what an asshole Cesar had been herself. I was glad I chose to keep my mouth shut because the moment I entered the house I was affronted by a glowering Ruby. I listened to him whine and complain about his new living situation while helping him move Abuelita's things into his room. But the moment he suggested bunking with me I was out, telling him that I had promised his mom I would take the twins to the park. That had been a complete lie, but I would've done anything to get out of that situation. It took me a while to wrangle the twins but eventually we were ready to go and Geny had given me the okay to take them. As we were stepping out the door a hand clamped down on my shoulder making me jump. "What?!" I cried, half expecting to see Ruby or the boogeyman behind me. However, spinning around showed Abuelita, the keys to her Station Wagon in her hand and a knowing glimmer in her eyes. "Thanks." I smiled as I reached out for the keys, pleasantly surprised that she trusted me to take her car even though I might as well have still been a stranger. "You have your license, right?" She pulled the keys back momentarily, her voice laced with suspicion. "Yes, Abuelita. I'll let you laugh at the picture when we get back." I sighed, rolling my eyes softly. "Good. Have fun, mija." My promise returned the smile to her face and she handed the keys over without another problem. If getting the twins out of the house had been hard, getting them into the car was near impossible. I managed though, and within a few minutes we were pulling away fro the house. We had hit our first red light by the time I realized I had no clue where the nearest park was, much to the twins amusement. Luis was ready to tell me the moment I offered to buy them juice at the park, but Luisa made him hold off until I made the promise of ice cream, then they were more than happy to shout out directions to me. When we arrived I forced them to run around for a bit before buying them both a Popsicle off of the slightly unnerving ice cream man. I sat down on a bench facing the play structure and opened their ice cream for them, letting them run wild and wincing at the thought of how sticky they'd be when they returned to me. A couple hours passed and I spent most of my time closely watching the twins, paranoid that something might happen to them. Luckily for me they had worn themselves out before sunset and I had them home in time to take a bath before supper. After dinner I helped Geny wash up and tidy the house, despite her assurance that she was perfectly fine doing it alone, and on my way to my bedroom I dropped my drivers license into Abuelita's lap, smiling tiredly when I heard her laugh of victory. The sun had dipped below the horizon a while ago and that made me feel a bit better about how tired I was. I shamelessly swapped out my proper clothing with an oversized t-shirt and pair of panties, crawling under the blankets after scrubbing my makeup off my face. Just as I closed my eyes my phone buzzed from it's place on my side table, a text from Ruby lighting up the screen. Cesar thing explained tomorrow.
Next Day*
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"And then Cesar said that he smashed Monse!" Ruby finished his long explanation with a gasp for breath, filling his lungs with air after ranting without a breath for a solid five minutes. He had dragged me out of bed at noon and sat on the toilet as I did my makeup, obviously ready to relieve himself of his secrets. His final outburst made me pause, my orange lipstick hovering over my pouted lips. "And did he?" I prompted, chancing a glance at the boy to my left. My casual tone and question left him bewildered, almost offended at even the simple suggestion. "Definitely not." Ruby shook his head with a scoff, both of us rolling our eyes at each other. I mumbled out an apology simply for the sake of moving on with the conversation, smacking my lips together and leaving the bathroom with Ruby trailing behind me. The twins barrelled past in a storm of chaotic energy, forcing me to stop in my tracks and causing Ruby to run into me. The two of us shared a tired look, continuing to the kitchen where I began rummaging around for some sort of breakfast. Ruby sat at the table, his head in his hands and his mouth finally still, allowing me to pour myself a bowl of cereal with some peace and quiet. "Mijo, I need your help with something." "Can't Selina help you?" I paused my hunt through the fridge when I heard my name, eyes finally landing on the milk as I kept my head in the fridge and waited for Abuelita's response. "No. She's eating." Ruby's groan of defeat meant that I was in the safe. I slowly pulled my head out of the fridge, spoon hanging out of my mouth and wide eyes finding what I had escaped from. "Heh, my bad." I chortled, sarcasm leaking from my fake sympathy as I spotted the sewing kit and bright pink fabric. The spoon muffled my words but my cousin had heard them loud and clear and I could feel his glare on me as I sat at the table. His cold stare barely wavered as I ate my cereal and he was forced to stand on Abuelita's small pedestal. I shot him a teasing wink as I stood and placed my dishes in the sink, eagerly making my way to the living room to get a better view of the show. I dropped down onto the empty sofa with a slight bounce, tucking my legs to my chest and resting my chin on my knees. The longer we sat there the more the dress came together and the better things got. At some point I had pulled out my phone and hadn't stopped taking Snapchats since, my distracting laugh the soundtrack to most of the videos. We were meant to meet Jamal and Monse a while ago to discuss the Cesar issue but now that I knew the big secret, I didn't really care all that much. While Ruby begged to leave I remained content on the couch, shifting around every so often to get another angle of him in his princess dress. His phone had been stolen by Abuelita, so it wasn't that surprising when Monse burst through the front door wondering what the hold up was. "What's going on?" She asked, annoyed eyes taking in the sight before her. I sat up and aimed my phone at the irate girl for a moment before focusing back on Ruby. "I think it's pretty obvious." "Something wonderful." Ruby wallowed in self pity while I laughed, probably enjoying his misery a bit too much. "Great. So, walk me through the moment Cesar said what he said." My eyebrows raised and my lips puckered when I realized Monse had come over for the information I had been told this morning. "Don't worry about it." Ruby's refusal to tell the girl anything wasn't making any sense. Monse already knew what Cesar said, what was the point of trying to hide anymore from her? The kid was making things unnecessarily hard on himself. "There you again." Monse scoffed, back to square one with Ruby. "There you go again what?" The short boy snapped back at, looking more like a sassy princess than anything else at the moment. "Keeping things from me. You gotta stop withholding, God damn it!" I sighed, already tired of the argument. With my mood deflating by the second I rubbed the bridge of my nose and put my phone down as Monse apologized to Abuelita for her language. "You should just tell her." I suggested, throwing my hands up exasperatedly when I became the target of Ruby's short temper. Before I could bite back Monse was pulling Ruby out the front door, leaving me to squeeze my eyes shut groan loudly to myself. "He's a puto sometimes, you know that?" I opened my eyes and looked to Abuelita, sliding myself forward to sit on the edge of the couch and try to catch a glimpse of the duo on the front porch. "Si." Abuelita's casual tone and solemn nod made me stare at her for a few seconds before a loud laugh burst out of my chest. "Bravo." We both leaned in and winked at each other, but our laughter came to a halt when Ruby came running in yelling about Monse was on her way to kill Cesar. He fumbled trying to get the quince dress off his body and I stood up to help, not getting any time to brag about how I had used a Spanish term correctly all on my own. I waited at the door and texted Jamal while Ruby rushed to his room to change, following after him when he ran out the door. Albeit my pace was much more relaxed than his, a part of me hoping that Monse would at least land a solid hit before someone broke things up. We met Jamal on the way and I made sure to stay relatively close to the boys, not wanting to get lost in the dark streets alone. I slowed down as we approached Cesar's house, letting the boys break through the crowd of Santos to reach Monse. I lingered behind, a proud smile pulling at my features when I saw that she had gotten her hands on Cesar. Ruby and Jamal pulled her slender form off of their old friend and I crossed the lawn as they continued to tug her backwards. I didn't even spare a glance at the barking men behind me, too invested in the struggle going on. I stood off to the side, hands slid comfortably into my back pockets, unable to hide my wince when the boys told Monse she was being crazy. "Crazy? I'm crazy?" As expected she pulled herself out of their arms and turned her anger onto them. "Calm down. Breathe." I shot Ruby a pitiful look and groaned through my teeth, his words only making Monse's fury burn hotter. "Don't you patronize me! I don't need you! Any of you!" She pushed Jamal out of her way, her actions making me tilt my head in surprise. It was obvious she was pissed off, but she was about to cross a line. "I was just trying to keep our crew together, but since I'm the only one who cares, you're all dead to me! I'll survive on my own!" Her fiery eyes met mine and a second later she was gone, her angry tirade of hurtful words having silenced everyone. "God damn, you guys pissed her off." I broke the silence after a few seconds, a smile of disbelief turning my lips upwards even though the situation was far from funny. Both boys turned their shell shocked stares onto me but I had already turned and began walking away. "Yeah, and what are we supposed to do about it?" Ruby yelled after me, frustration and worry lacing his voice. I threw my arms out to the side and shook my head. The last thing I right now wanted was to play therapist or life coach. "Not my problem." I called over my shoulder, not bothering to look back at the defeated friends. As I continued my casual stroll down the street my eyes flashed around the darkness and it didn't take long for the shadows to put me on edge. Walking around Freeridge alone, at night, was not a smart thing to do. So, I quickly turned around, slight panic setting in when I saw that Ruby and Jamal had already started down the opposite end of the street. "Hey, wait though! I'm gonna walk back with you guys!" I called out to them, the darkness sending a shiver up my spine and pushing me to lightly jog to catch up. I breezed past the house where all the Santos still stood, chancing a quick glance at them and catching Spooky's eye from where he sent on a ledge. I shot him a quick grin before turning back to the boys, my light jog turning into more of a sprint until I caught up to them. "You know, I've ran more during my two days in Freeridge than I did in two years in Waterdown."
Next Day*
The next day Monse had spent her morning across the street at Jasmine's house in an act of rebellion against the boys, and I been peer pressured into going over there and trying to get her to forgive them. I had meandered over there in a pair of grey sweatpants and a cropped Coca Cola t-shirt, white sandals on my feet and sunglasses covering my tired eyes. "What's good?" I yawned as I entered the front yard, ignoring the suspicious look Monse shot me and stretching out on the steps next to her. Jasmine accepted me eagerly, talking excitedly about we were all going to join dance together. To conserve her joy I remained silent, eyes admiring my white pedicure and not mentioning the fact that I would most certainly not be joining dance. Or any other extra curricular activity for that matter. I just wanted to get this stupid fifth year over with. I had been so close to graduating back home, but when things started to go down the drain school was my last priority. Which left me here, doing an extra year of high school, which was far from common in the US as Ruby had pointed out to me. Despite my refusal to join dance at school, I couldn't help myself from standing up when Jasmine added music to her awkward moves. I bopped over to her, an ear splitting smile lighting up her face as I joined her dancing, not particularly caring if anyone currently around saw me. As I twisted my hips I saw Monse wandering towards the boys out of the corner of my eye. "Damn Selina, you gotta teach me that." Jasmine had suddenly grabbed my arms, her eyes flashing between my face and my hips, effectively preventing me from watching whatever would happen between the three across the street. I smiled sheepishly at her, unsure about how to tell her I didn't know how to each her because it wasn't something I could explain, I just did it naturally. Despite that, I still ended up spending most of my dad attempting to teach the young Latina how to move her hips to the music. By the time I got home Ruby, Jamal, and Monse had made up and I had worked up a sweat. I knew that Ruby would take control over the bathroom tomorrow morning so I did as much preparation for tomorrow as I could before going to bed, ready to fight the short boy in the morning if I had too.
Next Day*
"Selina, let's go!" I clenched my jaw at Ruby's shout, releasing the last section of my hair from Geny's curling iron and quickly unplugging the heated tool before rushing out of the bathroom. If Ruby hadn't taken 45 minutes to perfect his hair this morning I would've been done ages ago, so it was technically his fault we were running late. I slung my backpack over my shoulder and followed Ruby out the door, both of us calling a goodbye over our shoulders. We eventually met up with Jamal and Monse, the kids abnormally silent until Monse slowed to a stop across from Cesar's house. She stared, as if she was waiting for said boy to make an appearance. She'd wanted to kill him the other night and yet here she was waiting on him, and I was reminded that I couldn't keep up with freshman drama anymore. "He's not coming with us." "And why would you want him to?" I remained silent as the boys spoke in defeated tones, disappointed to be going into high school without Cesar even if they had been the ones to kick him from the group in the first place. Monse ignored them both and crossed the street, Jamal calling out to her and the three of us watching her go. "See, bitches be bonkers." Jamal turned to Ruby as he began to follow Monse, his comment earning him an offended look from me. "And boys ain't shit." I retorted, crossing the street as well. The three of them gathered at the end of the walkway while I stayed further back, leaning against a tree and noting the Impala was missing from the driveway. After a few tense moments of waiting the front door opened, the sight of Cesar making me stand up a bit straighter. Surprise flooded my body at his appearance. I watched him walk towards the group, a small grin appearing on my face. The four of them turned and started down the sidewalk again, Monse and Cesar walking behind Ruby and Jamal. I trailed behind, watching Monse and Cesar with a knowing glimmer in my eyes. Something had happened. "I can't do this. I can't keep a secret." Jamal broke the group silence. "It's gonna make me implode. I don't know why anybody keeps secrets." The stress of his false football career had been driving the boy insane, and if I were to guess I'd say he didn't have much pretending left in him. "There's something I need to tell you." My eyebrows raised in interest when Monse shared a nervous look with Cesar. Whatever she was going to say though was disrupted by the sound of gunshots ringing through the air. The noise made me jump and look around in a panic, looking to the kids in disbelief when they didn't even flinch. ".44!" They all called, laughing meanwhile my heart had jumped into my throat and my hands were suddenly clammy. In all my days spent in Freeridge I hadn't heard or seen a gun, and that was shown in my reaction. I knew I'd have to get used to it, I just hoped it happened quickly. I didn't want to spend forever on edge. "Cesar." A voice that always sent shivers down my spine came from our right, and sure enough there was Oscar in his red Impala. He nodded his head at him and we all came to a stop at the same time the car did. An expectant purse of my lips was the only reaction I had to the boy backing up and immediately getting into his brother's car. Spooky eyed the others for a second and took one last lingering look back at me before slowly driving off. I remained on the sidewalk while the others traversed into the road, all of us watching the car disappear. "What were you gonna say?" "Cesar... we need to save him."
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eddieismypimp · 3 years
Please don't freak out
Oscar Diaz x black, plus size reader
(This was requested by jhsfineline on wattpad, hope this is what you had in mind and you enjoy babe<3)
Summary: you find out you're pregnant and think Oscar will freak out.
Warnings: cursing, a two second intrusive thought of abortion (I'm 5000% pro-choice but I am so sorry if you think differently)
Your POV:
"Shit, shit, shit…" You said looking down at the pink lines.
You started to panic. What the hell am I gonna do? How am I going to tell Oscar. You thought to yourself. You quickly wrapped the test in toilet paper and threw it in the trash. You patted your red, puffy eyes with some cold water and calmed yourself down. Just as you were about to walk out of the bathroom, someone knocked. You opened the door to see Cesar.
"Woah, hey y/n…" Cesar said looking a little startled. "You okay?"
"Yeah, I'm perfectly fine." You said smiling at him. "Bathroom's all yours."
You quickly walked into your and Oscar's shared room, not noticing the concerned look Cesar gave you before closing the door behind you and sitting down on the bed.
You put your head in your hands. What the hell am I gonna do. You didn't want to tell Oscar. Not yet at least, you didn't have the courage. So you decided to leave. You picked up your phone and texted your best friend Kiera.
Y/n: are you busy rn?
Kiera: no ma'am, why?
Y/n: wanna meet somewhere?
Kiera: you can just come over, it's just me here
Y/n: okay, I'll be on my way there here soon
You put your phone down and picked up your purse making sure your keys were in there. As you walked through the living room to get to the front door, it opened. Startling you with the suddenness and causing you to take a step back. Oscar and three of his friends walked in.
"Hey mi Vida" Oscar said grabbing you by your waist and pulling you close to him. "Where you goin in such a hurry?"
You panicked internally. "I'm just gonna go hang out with Kiera." You said as calmly as you could. You know you were probably overreacting but you couldn't help it. The anxiety really got the best of you. What if he couldn't handle the thought of you being pregnant. What if he wanted you to get an abortion? What if he told you to leave and you had to be a stereotypical single mother. Your thoughts ran wild.
"Okay mi Reina, just be careful and text me when you get there okay?" Oscar said kissing you.
"Okay my love, I will." You said faking a smile and walking out the door. You let out a long sigh of relief as you got in your car. Taking a second to regroup before starting it and driving to Kiera's. When you got there, Kiera immediately let you in.
"Hey!" She said in her normal hyper way, practically jumping in your arms to give you a hug.
"Hey." You said, a little less enthusiastic than you usually would. Which caused her to worry.
"What's wrong y/n?" She asked, voice full of concern. "You can tell my anything, she grabbed your hand sitting on the couch, pulling your hands causing you to sit on the couch as well. You sighed.
"I'm pregnant.."
Oscar's POV:
I wonder why she left in such a hurry and why hasn't she texted me yet? As I was sending y/n another text asking if she was okay, waiting for her to respond, Cesar walked up to me.
"Oscar, have you talked to y/n?" He asked me.
"I talked to her before she left about 20 minutes ago." I said to him. "Why?"
"She was acting strange earlier when she came out of the bathroom." He said. "I'm kinda worried about her.
I started to panic internally. I grabbed my keys from the coffee table. "I'm gonna go check on her." I said walking out the front door, but not before I told Cesar I loved him and I would be back soon. I got in my car and sent y/n another text.
Oscar: fuck this, I'm coming to check on you, be there soon mi Vida, love you
Your POV:
You wiped your eyes. You told Kiera everything and started crying profusely. She pulled you into a hug which was weird considering she wasn't usually the comforting type. She didn't know what to do in those type of situations.
"It'll be okay." She said rubbing your back. "Oscar loves you… he's gonna be happy I promise."
"You think so?" You asked genuinely.
"I know so…" She said. "You should tell him, I'll be here for you no matter what happens."
"Thank you Kiera." You said giving her another hug before standing up grabbing your things. You checked your phone really quickly seeing missed messages from Oscar. Oh shit, you forgot to text him when you got there.
Os<3: you get there safe mami? Os<3: y/n?
Os<3: you're starting to worry me now, where are you
Os<3: please tell me you're okay….
Os<3: fuck this, I'm coming to check on you, be there soon mi vida, love you
You quickly texted him back.
Y/n: osc I'm so sorry, I was caught up talking to Kiera and I forgot, I'm on my way home now.
When you opened the door you ran into Oscar. He immediately pulled you into a hug.
"I was so worried about you my love.." He said hugging you tighter.
"I know Oscar, I'm really sorry." You said hugging him back. "I got caught up talking to Kiera and I forgot.."
"It's okay, just don't ever scare me like that again." He said pulling away from the hug to look at you. " What's been going on mami?" He asked with genuine concern. "You can talk to me.. Please talk to me."
You sighed. "Oscar… I have something to tell you." You said looking over at Kiera for moral support. She nodded at you.
"What is it?" He asked walking towards me and grabbing both of my hands.
"Please don't freak out.." You said.
"You're starting to really scare me now y/n, what's wrong?" He asked with concern.
"Oscar… I'm pregnant." You said quietly, looking down, tears threatening to spill out. He let go of your hands, taking a step back. That's when the tears started spilling. He hated you, why did you tell him. Just then, you heard a sniffle. You looked up to see him wiping his eyes. "Oscar, honey… are you crying?" You asked in confusion, walking towards him slowly. He pulled you into a hug.
"My baby.. I'm so happy." He said. "We're gonna be parents… I've always wanted to be a father."
You gave him a tearful smile. "You don't know how happy I am to hear you say that." You said in relief kissing his cheek.
"I love you so much." He said kissing you.
You guys heard another sniffle. You looked over to see Kiera crying.
"That was so beautiful." Kiera said.
You laughed. 'I love you." You said pulling her into a hug.
"We should really get home." Oscar said pulling you into another hug. "I don't want you driving though, what if something happens?"
"I'll be okay Oscar, I promise." You said smiling at him.
"Okay, I believe you" He said, "But I'm driving behind you the whole time."
"Okay Oscar." You said. You couldn't be happier.
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stripper-patrick · 4 years
Ride or Die Bitch☠️ Spooky Diaz
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Warnings: smut, filth, major fluff, language, unprotected, angst, gun use, weed smoking, papi kink, blood warning
Song: me and my girlfriend- Tupac
Tags: @rebellious-desires @mrsbanreswillseeyou
Relationship: Oscar Diaz x black plus sized reader
“Ma come here” Spooky calls me. I walk out to see Spooky sitting near the window with a blunt in his hand. He takes a puff letting a little bit of air blow before sucking it back in.
I watch the thin cloud of smoke excrete from his nostrils before grabbing the blunt and doing the same thing. Once I feel a buzz in my head I let the smoke go.
“I’m supposed to be meeting up to go handle some business tonight taking down the prophets” I pass back the blunt nodding
“I trust you enough to know that if something happens-“
“If something happens you have the account pins and funds. My guns are in the safe and the code is your birthday and most importantly take care of Cesar”
“Of course”
“What?” I turn seeing Cesar at the door in his pajamas
“I’ve gotta handle some business so I trust Y/N to take care of you” he explains
“Don’t say it like that. You’ll be fine”
“I’m just being extra cautious”
“I know” Cesar hugs us both
“Go to bed you have school” Oscar smiles
“I’ll see you guys” He smiles. I kiss his head and watch him leave shutting the door behind him.
Oscar puts out the blunt blowing out the rest of the smoke and stands tall before me. He picks me up laying me on the bed settling between my legs.
He kisses my lips softly of course wrapping his large hand around my throat. Spooky smiles sitting on his knees while he pulls down my shorts. He pulls off his own pants and slides in easily. I’m always wet around him.
Spooky puts my legs on his should pulling me down so he’s real deep inside of me. He leans forward kissing me while throwing his hips. I grab the sheets moaning into our passionate kiss.
“You so tight” he moans. He grabs the back of my neck thrusting harder making me moan louder “be careful. Wouldn’t want Cesar to hear”
“Fuck him. Just fuck me” Spooky grabs the headboard
“Yes yes” I repeat
“Yea I’m killing that pussy aren’t I mamita”
“Yes papi” I moan. He rubs my clit making my body tense. My eyes close and he grabs my cheeks squishing them together “open your eyes and look at me when I make you feel this good”
I open them per his request and he smiles. His chain dangles in my face. Spooky stops flipping us around so I’m on top. He got me a chain with his name on it for this particular reason.
I rock and twirl my hips on his while his big hands knead and smack my ass. I bounce my ass dropping my head back.
Spooky grabs my chin again pulling me over him so my chain dangles in his face now. “I’m gonna bust fuck baby”
“Go head papi I want you to cum inside of me” I moan. He grabs my hips holding me down plunging upwards into me. I lean down gripping the pillow moaning in his mouth. He pulls my hair opening up my neck to leave open mouth kisses on me as I leak all over him. Spooky fills me up with his cum breathing heavily in my ear as I continue riding him noticing his thrusts are slowing down.
“Shit” now it’s his turn to grip the sheet. He shutters and I smile moaning.
“You look so hot when you cum” I smile. He smacks my ass again displaying that dimple filled smile. I get off and lay on his chest. Spooky grabs the blunt he put out and his lighter. He lights it up taking a puff just like before. He passes it to me and I do the same inhaling the high and exhaling the smoke.
We stay like this for a minute before his phone rings. He picks it up handing the blunt to me.
“Yo” he waits for a response then begins speaking in Spanish “voy a estar esperando”
He hangs up and I watch him get dressed “if I don’t text you or Cesar in an hour and a half. I love you. I’ll text you where I’ll be” he says kissing me.
“I love you more” I hold him in another kiss. Spooky dips off and I hear him tell Cesar the same thing. Even ‘I love you’. I get up putting out the blunt and get in the shower. Before doing so I set a timer for An hour and a half just like he said.
I wash up and come out tying up my hair. I go on my phone and hear a small knock on the door “come in”
Cesar emerges “you ok?”
“I don’t want Oscar to die” He sniffles. I extend my arms and he lays on my lap as I stroke his hair
“Me and you both know he is a fighter and won’t let anyone go anywhere without a hard fight. I won’t let anything happen to you or him”
My phone chimes and it’s from Oscar. It’s his location and a red heart. I send one back and hold Cesar until he falls asleep.
My timer went off 30 minutes ago and still nothing from Oscar. This isn’t like him. I go upstairs and grab some black sweatpants, a black hoodie and black shoes. I grab a black bandanna tying it around my mouth “Cesar get up”
He moves quickly looking at me in surprise “what are you doing”
“Go put on all black I may need you to drive us home”
“Who’s us”
“Me and Oscar”
I pull up to where Oscar sent us and see 3 people surrounded by him. He’s on the ground moving slowly and that’s when I see some blood. He looks up and I see his eye is swollen and mouth bloody.
“Don’t get out the car. Get behind the drivers seat. Just like I taught you. If you see a gun pointed at me. Shoot. Don’t hesitate or anything just do it. If you hit me I won’t be mad dead or alive” he nods. I grab the beretta 92 stuffing it in the back of my backs. I watch him kick Oscar in the gut. This was a set up. The man reveals his face and my eyes go wide. Ace.
I get out shutting the door quietly and I walk up behind a their big truck. I pull out a knife stabbing the driver in the neck where he silently bleeds. I pull my bandanna tight and see Ace, the leader of the prophet$, pull a gun to Oscars head.
I cock the gun getting the bullet ready. I’m not scared to use a gun I’ve done it before. I’ve killed someone before I just don’t flaunt it with a teardrop tattoo. When it’s my life or theirs don’t expect me to not be selfish about it.
I emerge pulling the gun to his head “let him go for I blow ya brains across this bitch” Ace looks at me with a smile
“Loca? I can’t believe you’d betray your people like this” he smiles sadistically “especially me. You don’t remember those fun times we had together? Being in that very truck and you’d be screaming my name all night long?”
“You were never my people I just got caught up with you and your bullshit”
“I don’t know why you’d even waste your breath with a Santos” Oscar is half conscious. I was never Prophet.
“Let. Him. Go” he looks at me dauntingly suddenly making a move which results in me pulling the trigger. I watch the blood splatter across the gravel and his big body falls to the ground with a thud. I put the gun in my back and pull Oscar up “come on baby I got you”
“We’re you a prophet?” He slurs stopping me.
“No” I get him to the car getting in the back with him
“Drive us home Cesar” He puts the car in drive and mashes the pedal speeding off
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imanerdychubbyqueen · 4 years
One Night Stand  Sad Eyes x Black/Hispanic  Plus Size Reader!!
warnings: Smut 18+, choking, Angst. 
Please let me know what y’all think, I want to thank @multiyfandomgirl40​ and @lady-pswrld​ for their help, it means a lot. 
P.S. All my Ocs will be Black/Hispanic Plus Size, Because Plus Size Woman deserve love too!!. Here we go!!
There's some grammar mistakes, Beware!!!!
GIF Creator: @merakiaes​
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 Ashanti was sitting on the toilet, staring at the pregnancy test she took just 5 minutes ago, she was glad her parents Dwayne and Stacy and her little brother  Jamal, weren’t home because if they were, they wouldn't have liked  the results that the pregnancy test showed. Standing up and putting the test on the piece of toilet paper she ripped from the toilet paper earlier, she washed her hands, grabbing the test and heading to her room. Closing her bedroom door, Ashanti places the test in her safety deposit box, before laying on the bed, as Ashanti turns over, cuddling with her pillow, wiping her tears away, she starts to think about that one night. 
Ashanti was on her bed watching The Vampire Diaries, as a celebration for herself, she recently graduated college with her Bachelors Degree in Software Engineering, a month ago and two days ago she got hired to work for Google at home, and since it was peaceful at home, she decided to order pizza and binge watch the diaries, but was interrupted by a call from her best friend of 15 years, Monica Guzman. 
“Hello.” Ashanti says, after chewing the piece of pizza that was in her both.“Whats up Bitchh” Mariana  yells over the phone. “Nothing just chilling.” Ashanti pausing her show. “Well chilling time is over cause we are about to go to Oscars party.” Mariana picking her outfit, after looking thru her closet she decides on a pair of Levis 501 pants with a white crop top with  one of her boyfriend, Jokers Black and white flannels with air force ones and a gold chain, that Joker brought her for their 5 year anniversary. “Mari, really I don't like partying.” Ashanti silently  groans, moving from a lying position to a sitting up position. “SIS we just graduated college and we were both hired from  our dream jobs, if that isn't something to party about then i don't know what is.” Mariana  fixing her hair after getting dressed. “Mari I don't know.” Ashanti looking at her nails. “Sad Eyes is going to be there.” Monica convinces Ashanti. “So??, hie is dating Andrea Ramos' ' Ashanti mocking Andreas' voice. “ Not anymore, I don't think, Just pleasee comeee pretty please. '' Mariana begs. “Fineee.” Ashanti gives in. “Great, so Joker is picking me and my brother up first, so ill say about 30 minutes we should be at your place and also, wear something sexy!!” Mariana putting her on speaker. “I don't have anything Sexy!” Ashanti getting up from her bed and walking towards her closet. “Yes you do, you have the 2 piece yellow set, the one with a crop top and matching short skirt and wear you're black vans.” Mariana  instructs Asthanti. “Okay, I found It” Ashanti finds the 2 piece outfit under the chest box in her closet in the Ross shopping bag she hid from her dad. “Alright see you in 30.” Mariana  says. “Bye.” Ashanti replies , before ending the call. Picking up the box from her bed and heading to the kitchen, placing it in the fridge and closing the fridge door, she heads to the front door and the back door making sure they are both locked before heading back to her room and grabbing her black towel and running to the bathroom, locking the bathroom door once As Ashanti got inside, turning on the shower, she hangs up the towel while the shower gets hot before stepping inside shower, washing her body and wetting her hair since she washed it yesterday, she starts to rinse her off when she quickly remembers she needs to shave her legs, grabbing her men razor and her shaving cream she quickly but carefully starts to shave her legs, after spending 15 minutes in the shower, Ashanti turns off the shower, grabbing her towel drying off her body before exiting the shower, stepping on the mat and the towel they use on the floor. Reaching  the sink, She grabs her hair products from the sink cabinets that's located under the sink, and putting them next to the sink before getting up and opening and grabbing some gel spreading to her hair evenly, before checking the final result in the mirror, noticing she missed a few stands, Ashanti grabs a smaller amount than before playing the gel on those strands she miss before smiling at the end result, washing her hands, and putting her hair products away.
 Unlocking the door and jogs to her room, Ashanti quickly hangs up her towel, before walking to her outfit that was laying on her nightstand, grabbing her yellow lacy set, she brought from Torrid she quickly puts it on, then her skirt, crop top and finally her socks before putting her shoes on, Grabbing her lanyard which contain her house key and car key and her new Employee Id for Google, before shutting her tv off and fixing her queen size bed with black comforter set covering it. Taking a small glance around the room making sure everything was shut off and checking the bathroom, she heads outside opening and closing the door before locking it with her key. The minute she turned around Joker's car was already on the sidewalk waiting for her. “Hurryy upp” Mariana  yells, making Ashanti jog towards his car, getting inside once Sad Eyes steps out to let her in. “Thank you Joker for picking me up.” Ashanti yells. ‘You know I got you, you're family.” Joker says. Turning her attention to Sad Eyes, aka Angel Guzman, Mariana’s brother, she thinks about all the times he used to drive her and Mariana to the liquor store to get snacks for their sleepover, and how she would buy him a coke as a thank you, how he would smile at her making her blush like a schoolgirl, Mariana finally found out her best friend has a crush on her brother when Ashanti told her on a dare, of course like every girl who has a brother thinks EWW!! But later Mariana was glad it was her best friend, somebody who knows how to treat someone unlike Andrea Ramos. Ashanti didn't realize they were there until Sad Eyes tapped on her shoulder. “Are you coming Ash or are you going to sit in this car and stare off in the distance?” Sad Eyes chuckles. Seeing Sad Eyes giving both of his hands to help her out of the car made her start to feel like a schoolgirl over again. “They're here!! Freeridge newest College graduates Ashanti Turner and Mariana Guzman!!”Oscar Diaz, aka Spooky shouts out with a beer in the air in his left hand, once they made their appearance on Oscar's lawn. “Congratulations!! Proud of you!!” Oscar kissing both their foreheads before heading back to his Reina of 4 years Letty Mendez. “Gracias.” Both girls shout so he can hear them. Walking behind Joker and Mariana while Sad Eyes is walking beside her, she felt out of place, since some of Andrea's friends here giving her a glare once they saw her walking next to Sad Eyes. Sad Eyes must have felt her discomfort, grabbing her hand and bringing to his lips and giving it a kiss before saying “It will be okay, enjoy the party it's for you anyway, you and Mariana!!”. 2 hours have passed since arriving to the party  and after dancing with Mariana, shaking her ass, letting loose.
Ashanti decides to take a break for herself and grabs a Modelo and heads to the porch in front of Oscars front door, taking a seat and sipping here and there, Ashanti thinks back to the past how far she's overcome, but is interrupted by a voice. “Can I join you?” a voice asks, making Ashanti turning her head and looking up. “Oh sure, if you want?” Ashanti asks, regretting what she just said instantly hitting her forehead with the palm of her left hand. “You're cute” Sad Eyes chuckles, looking at how embarrassed she might have felt right now. “Me??’ Ashanti pointed to herself after looking around to make sure it was her he was talking about. “Yes you” Sad Eyes takes a sip of his beer. “You shouldn't be saying that stuff when you're with someone else .” Ashanti looks at Sad Eyes. “It's complicated.” Sad Eyes looking down at his shoes. “What do you mean complicated?” Ashanti uses air quotes for the word Complicated. “I feel like she's using me, to  buy her clothes and shoes or whatever she wants , and also to show off to other girls that she's with me, that I'm taken.” Sad Eyes looking up at Ashanti. “I'm sorry. “ Ashanti put a piece of strand of her curly hair in front of her face. “Don't be. It's not your fault.” Sad Eyes putting that strand of hair in front of her curly hair behind her ear “Don't hide your beautiful face Mamas.” Making Ashanti giggle. “Can I kiss you Ashanti Marie Turner?” Sad Eyes putting his hand under her chin making her look at him. “I don't think t-that's -” Ashanti stutters. “Please just this once.” Sad Eyes looks at her. Ashanti nods. Getting her confirmation, Sad Eyes craved more the minute his lips landed on hers, taking matters into his own hands he slowly leaned in again for a full blow kiss, after receiving a reaction from her he smirked slightly as his arms wrapped around her waist pulling her closer, Ashanti wraps her arms around his neck,  unhooking one arm from his neck, she places her hand on his right cheek, then her other hand on his left cheek, bringing him so much closer now, as both of these two were to focusing on fighting Dominance in this makeout session on the front porch, that they didn't hear Joker and Mariana coming towards them. “Are you guys  ready to go home??” Joker asks, while waving his arm that wasn't around Mariana's neck, making Sad Eyes and Ashanti pull away from each other quickly. “Did we interrupt Something?” Mariana smirked, as she can tell they were kissing by the way their lips were looking. “No,No” Both Ashanti and Sad Eyes say, shaking their heads. Monica nods her head, knowing they are lying. “You guys ready??” Joker asks one more time. “Yes” Ashanti and Sad Eyes both reply. Getting up from the porch and walking behind Joker and Mariana, Both Sad Eyes and Ashanti can feel the sexual tension rising as both of them walk beside each other. Getting in and sitting behind Sad Eyes Ashanti blushes at their little make out session. Parking next to the sidewalk in front of her house, Ashanti stepped out of Jokers car after giving Mariana her kisses on her cheek before patting Joker on the bed and stepping out once Sad Eyes got up and opened his door and stepping out, once she was finally out of the car, she looks at Sad Eyes and says as Mariana and Joker look at her, “Sad Eyes do you want to come in, my parents are gone and Jamal's at Ruby's for the night. “ fidgeting with her fingers, once she hears a car door open she looks up, seeing Sad Eyes standing in front of her and says” Yes!!” Sad Eyes chuckles, making Ashanti laugh, walking along the sidewalk towards her front door, they hear Joker scream “Use protection.” Making Mariana hit  him on his shoulder before pulling away and driving down the road, Reaching her door, Ashanti walks in front of Sad Eyes, enters her home, and turns around and watches Sad Eyes close the door and locks it before leading him to her bedroom, to watch a movie on Netflix.
Picking The Lodge as the movie they would watch , after she changes to her pink pajamas set, with a soft comfy tank top and a soft and comfy pair of shorts, Ashanti pulls back her covers and slips in and wait for Sad Eyes whos in the bathroom, to start the movie. Hearing the bathroom door open Ashanti pulls back the covers over her so she is mostly covered, and watches as Sad Eyes enters her room and closes and locks her bedroom door, before slipping in her bed next to her. “What are we watching?” Sad Eyes asks , looking at her tv with one of his arms behind his head, and the other one laying across her stomach. “It's called the Lodge, about a woman who babysits her boyfriend's kids while he has to go on a business trip I think.” Ashanti squinting one eye, trying to remember what it said for the movie description. Sad Eyes nods his head, taking in what Ashanti just said, before pressing play. Half an hour in the movie, Ashanti was laying down, with the covers covering her face, just to be prepared for the jump scares. Ashanti jumps as the scary scene pops up on scene, making her yelp and Sad Eyes chuckling, touching Ashanti thigh rubbing back and forth as sign that she's okay, feeling his hand move back and forth on her thigh, Ashanti starts to felt tingling down in her pussy , Ashanti was a virgin, but tonight she wouldn't be anymore. As Sad Eyes turned his attention away from the movie, looking at Ashanti as she was looking back at him, they both could feel the sexual tension, but before anything happened Sad Eyes said “One night, that's all i can offer you Ashanti.” Ashanti nods understanding this is a one-time thing. Sad Eyes turned to the body, laying on his side facing her, looking at her, putting his hand under Ashanti's chin, making her look up at him, leaning in Sad Eyes kisses her lips softly, Ashanti puts her hands behind his neck, Rubbing the back of his head up and down. Sad Eyes, moves from her lips to her neck, kissing it roughly, before sucking it, creating a hickey. Ashanti moans, tilting her head back at the movement, giving him more access's, which he granted. Removing her hands from his neck, moving them down his shirt until she reached the bottom of it, she pulls it up, signaling him to take it off, Sad Eyes stops sucking her neck, getting up from her, sitting up on his knees pulling the shirt over his head, throwing it across her room once it was fully off, before going back down sucking on her neck, kissing up from her neck down to her pussy, stopping it, once he reaches her skirt.Pulling her crop top up and exposing her yellow lacey bra, pulling the bra down freeing her breasts out, squeezing them, rubbing her nipples, pulling them as Sad Eyes places kisses from her neck to below her belly button before stopping in front of her skirt, making her tilt her head back, lifting her stomach. Looking up at Ashanti, Sad Eyes asks for permission to remove her shorts, threw his eyes putting his hands on her waist, once Ashanti gave him a nod as a yes, he wastes no time then pulling each side of the shorts down, until they reach her ankles, yanking them off of her, he throws it across the room. Looking back at Ashanti, Sad Eyes Pulls her legs apart from each other, before kissing her from ankles on both legs  to the inside of her thighs on both legs.pulling her underwear to the side, Sad Eyes looks at her one more time, sending her his sexiest smirk, before sticking his long tongue inside her pussy, diving in, putting his arms underneath, her thighs earning a squeal from Ashanti, pulling her closer to him, giving his tongue more access to her black/ pink pussy. Ashanti felt wave of pleasure hitting her, once Sad Eyes stuck his tongue inside of her. ”F-Fuck Angel” Ashanti moans, traveling her hands to her breast before squeezing them, playing with her nipples with her middle finger.”You like that mamas” Sad Eyes words sending a vibration through her body. ”Fuckkk you taste so good, You taste like strawberries my favorite.” He says, adding a finger while he licks her pussy. “A-Angel I’m about to cum!!” Ashanti moans, lifting her stomach up. ”Yeah, you gonna cum for papi, Fuck the more I taste you the harder I get” Sad Eyes feeling his boner growing each lick he licks.“Yeah??!! I want to feel you in my mouth!!, I want to taste you papi” Ashanti tilting her head back. "You will mamas, But first you gotta cum for papi, can you cum for papi??!!” Sad Eyes sticking his long thick fingers in her pussy moving in and out at a rapid pace. `Yes, Yes I can” Ashanti feeling her release coming. Ashanti's body starts to shake, as Sad Eyes sticks his tongue on her, slurping all of her juices in his mouth. Ashanti tries to calm down her breathing after feeling her first release, Sad Eyes looks over at her laughing a little bit. “How do you feel??” Sad Eyes, asks standing up, moving to her side of the bed. “Amazing but it’s your turn now” Ashanti gets on her knees, crawling towards Sad Eyes on the bed, reaching him Ashanti wraps her small , yellow manicured nails around his long thick cock, before looking up at him through her eyes lashes.``Your soo big” Ashanti looks down at his cock, moving her hand up and down, making Sad Eyes groan. “Stop teasing Ash, put it in your mouth baby, stop being a tease, show papi how deep you can swallow my cock!!” Sad Eyes looks down at her. Without a warning, Ashanti places his cock in her mouth, hitting the back of her throat moving her head up and down slowly at first before speeding up. Sad Eyes brings a hand to her hair, grabbing a fistful before moving her head faster and faster. “F-Fuck look at the good girl, how she can suck a cock just like a porn star!! I bet you mom and dad don’t know how much of a freak their daughter is huh??” Sad Eyes leaning his head back.Ashanti moans, sending vibrations to Sad Eyes body, looking down at her, he can see tears coming out of her eyes, making him almost releasing. F-Fuck baby, Your gonna make me release in your mouth.” “Do it” Ashanti mumbles, pulling Sad Eyes closer to her, grabbing the back of his thighs, pushing them forward towards her. “No, I want to feel how much of a freak you can be!” Sad Eyes, pulling his cock out of her mouth, Ashanti felt some spit drip down from her mouth to the floor. Sad Eyes picks her up, throwing her on her stomach, Ashanti already knows this position she saw it so many times on Pornhub, arching her body, waiting for him. Sad Eyes taking in the view, slowly hands his hands down from  her back to her ass, Smacking each ass cheeks until each ass cheeks is turning red before leaning forward, his top carefully lays on top of her off, whispering in her ear. “You are not allowed to cum until I do??!! Understand!! IF YOU DO, papi will destroy that tight little pussy of yours so rough, that you won’t be able to leave your bed for weeks.” Sad Eyes commands, kissing her cheek before grabbing her waist pulling her closer to him. Sad Eyes wasted no time and slammed into her, Ashanti moans the feeling of him going in and out making her throw her head back, grabbing a fistful of her hair, pounding into her fast and rough, Sad Eyes groans, feeling her clench around his cock like a little pornstar would, ”F-Fuck Ashanti who knew the little good girl had some bomb ass pussy.” Sad Eyes chuckles. ”Yess papi!!” Ashanti biting her lip, trying to hide her moan. ”Don't be shy, Let those moans out baby, let you're neighbors know who's fucking you so good!!” Sad Eyes wrapping his other hand around her neck, choking a little bit. ”F-Fuck Angel, I'm about to cumm” Ashanti whimpers. ”Dammm you love to be choked too, dammn you're a freak for sure!!, HOLD THAT SHIT UNDERSTAND!!” Sad Eyes grunts, feeling his release approaching. ”I-I-I can't hold it any longer” Ashanti cries in pleasure. ”FUCKK HERE IT COMES BABY!!” Sad Eyes, growls, spilling all his cum inside of her, painting her walls white ” Cum for papi.”Hearing Sad Eyes, giving her permission, Ashanti waiting no time cumming so hard she and his cum mixed together inside of her and on his cock. Pulling out of Ashanti, Sad Eyes watches as Her body lay flat, while she was still gripping the sheets, chuckling at the sight, before heading to the bathroom and grabbing a washcloth from her bathroom and wetting two towels from the sink and wiping himself before heading back to Ashanti wiping her down with the we towel before placing her under the covers, closing her bedroom door he heads back to the bed, laying next to her, he watches her turn over and look at him. ”What??!!” Sad Eyes laughs. ”Thank you for being my first.” Ashanti says, caressing his cheek. ”Wait you're joking right.” Sad Eyes gasps. ”No I'm not.” Ashanti shaking her head. Sad Eyes gets up and checks the covers, not seeing any blood, he pushes the blankets back, seeing a big red spot on the mattress. ”Fuck, why didn't you tell me??!!, I wouldn't have been so rough on you.” Sad Eyes exclaims. ”I knew if I did you wouldn't have done it, besides I wanted it rough. ” Ashanti taking the blankets off the bed. ”But the way you suck my cock and the stuff you did, people who aren't virgins Don't really do what you did.” putting his hands on his waist. ”There's porn websites like Pornhub, redtube.” Ashanti placed the old blankets in the hamper in her room, grabbing new sheets from her closet. ”Fuck, I don't know what to say” Sad Eyes helping her make the bed. ”Don't say anything, Don't beat yourself up, I love the way you fucked me, even if it's one night.” Ashanti placed a kiss on his cheek stepping on her tiptoes. ”Is it bad that I want another round but this time in you're shower?” Sad Eyes looks down at her. ”No, Because I was thinking the same thing.” Ashanti giggling. ”Well in that case.” picking her up, opening her bedroom door, walking her to the shower closing the door behind them, after making her bed. After they finished around 2, they finished round 3 in the kitchen, Sad Eyes fucking her over the sink. As the night processed, neither one of them didn't realize the risk of not using the protection. 
*Next Morning* 
Ashanti woke up, to her front door being opened, and closing, hearing her parents, brother's voice, she starts to panic thinking that Sad Eyes was still here, turning over and seeing the side he slept on empty, she calmed down, but she knew it was just for one night but she still felt a little upset that he did leave, even though she agreed to it. 
Ashanti knew how much fun it would be , inviting him in her home, but what she didn't know was how much drama would enter her life by having one night of fun. 
Ashanti looks at her phone, staring at the number she just typed in, debating on calling the person, Closing her eyes, she takes a deep breath, exhaling slowly, opening her eyes. She clicks on the phone icon before putting the phone to her ear, waiting for the other person to answer, after the phone rang for a second time someone picks it up. ”Hello?” The person on the other side of the phone call asks. 
”Hey it's me, can we meet up and talk, it's really important ” Ashanti tried not to sound upset. . ”Yeah, I'll come over tomorrow at 2 is that okay.” the other voice answers. ” See you then.” Ashanti replies before hanging up the phone, placing her phone by her side, looking at her fingers, letting the tears fall down her beautiful brown face. 
@thewarriorprincessxo​ @firebenderwolf​ @sincerelyasomebody​ @imaginetrahs​
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Prompt: (REQUESTED) Can Ruby’s older sister, Reader, date Oscar in secret and then Jamal walks in on them making out. And he ends up telling everyone afterwards. (Takes place in season 1 episode 5, y’know during the lock down and shit)  
Pairing: Oscar “Spooky” Diaz x Reader 
Third Person POV
Jamal’s loud voice could be heard from outside (y/n)’s door. She rolled her eyes closing the book she had been reading before walking out of the room. “I was pretty explicit in my directive, I said Jamal come over after school not Jamal and Cesar.” Ruby argued and (y/n) rolled her eyes hitting Ruby in the head. “Ow!” Ruby rubbed his head.  
“What the hell are you two on about now?” (Y/N) crossed her arms.  
“Nothing, mind your own business.” Ruby snarled and (y/n) rolled her eyes making her way to Olivia’s room.  
“Hey do you need anything fro-” (Y/N) was cut off by Jasmine’s body slamming into her.  
“Damn (Y/N), don’t know how to give a girl her space.” Jasmine spoke and looked at Olivia. “Yo, what size are you?” Jasmine smiled holding up a pair of underwear in her hands.  
“Oh, honey, no.” Olivia shook her head causing (y/n) to laugh.
“Well excuse me for touching the cherished chonies” Jasmine huffed.  
“I think it’s pretty normal for people to not want you to touch their underwear.”  Monse spoke.  
“Hey Jasmine, why don’t you go out there and check up on Ruby, he’s needing to release some anger.” (Y/N) spoke before opening the door. Jasmine smiled and walked out the door, (y/n) closing the door behind her.  “Wow, she’s something else, my phone wasn’t working otherwise I wouldn’t have interrupted.”  
“Oh no, you saved us.” Monse spoke causing (y/n) and Olivia laugh.  
“What’s up?” Olivia asked, smiling up at (y/n).
“My mom, she went on a Costco run about, ten minutes ago. She wanted to know if you needed anything, just to text her although I wouldn’t wait for a text back, she’s still not good with that.” (Y/N) smiled before hearing the front door slam. “What the hell?” (Y/N) opened the door to Olivia’s room and noticed Jasmine in Ruby’s arms before he pushed her off.  
“Who was it?" (Y/N) spoke causing Jamal to look at her for a second before opening the door.  
“Someone shot one of the homies. Have you seen Cesar? He ain't answering the phone.” Oscar looked at Jamal before looking at (y/n). Sure, part of the sentence was a true, but he wasn’t looking for Cesar. His eyes softened for a moment. He had hoped she was alone but to his surprise she wasn’t.  
“His phone isn’t working.” Jamal gulped, (y/n) crossing her arms over her chest.
“If you see him, tell him I'm looking for him.” Oscar rushed out; he wasn’t about to let anyone know the real reason he was there.  
“Yes sir.” Jamal spoke before closing the door and looking back at Ruby and Jasmine. “I’m still going.” Jamal spoke over the sirens outside. “I just wanted to give Oscar some lead time.”  Jamal turned his back on Ruby and the door open abruptly.  
“One-time.” Oscar yelled slamming the door shut causing Jasmine to yell.  
“This is L.A.P.D. This block is on lockdown. For your safety, remain inside until further advised.” The cop spoke through the intercom causing Jamal to sigh. (Y/N) walked closer to her brother and heard Jamal mumble something over the loud helicopter.  
“What?” Ruby yelled.  
“I said, I can’t believe we’re stuck in the house with Oscar!” Jamal yelled, the helicopter fading into distance. Oscar’s head snapped from the window to Jamal. Jamal gulped as (y/n) laughed. Oscar rolled his eyes and walked to the couch sitting on it for the hundredth time. He’s always sat in the same spot when (y/n)’s family was out. (Y/N) bit her lip and smiled at Oscar when he was finally comfortable.  
“Ruby.” (Y/N) spoke causing her brother to look at her. “If you need me, I'll be in my room.” She looked at Ruby who gave her a confused look.  
“Okay?” His voice full of confusion. (Y/N) walked towards her room, leaving her door a little open when she was inside.  
“I need to go to the bathroom.” Jasmine spoke before walking into the bathroom, completely terrified of Oscar. Oscar’s phone started buzzing and he took it out of his pocket.  
“Where can I take this?” Oscar spoke looking at Ruby.  
“There’s no one in my room.” Ruby pointed to the door next to (y/n)’s room. Oscar got up from the couch, walking towards Ruby’s room and looking back to see if they were looking at him. He quickly got inside (y/n)’s room and closed the door behind him.  
“Oscar.” (Y/N) whispered out, getting up from her bed.  
“You haven’t been answering my calls, nena.” Oscar walked up to her and she sighed.  
“You didn’t come here for Cesar, did you?” She smiled before putting her hand in his.  
“I was worried about you.” Oscar sighed.  
“I’m sorry, I got caught up reading and I didn’t even bother to find my phone when I heard it. Plus, you know I can take care of myself if I ever needed to.” She kissed him.  
“You shouldn’t have to, that’s my job.” Oscar smiled and moved his hands to her back. His lips met hers once more before their lips moved together. She moved backwards towards her bed before laying down, Oscar getting on top of her, their lips not parting.  
“(Y/N), we’re playi- Oh my god.” Jamal closed the door as fast as he opened it. Oscar shot up, wiping his lips and looking at (y/n) who sat up on the bed.  
“I’ll talk to him, stay here.” (Y/N) sighed and opened the door walking to the dining room where everyone was sitting around the table. Her eyes landed on Jamal whose eyes were practically bulging out of his eye sockets.  
“Anyways, make love, marry, kill.” Olivia spoke and (y/n) rolled her eyes at the childish game.  
“Maybe we should keep it low, we don’t want to poke the bear in (y/n)- I mean Ruby’s room.” (Y/N) looked at Jamal, her eyes wide.  
“Jamal, can I talk to you?” (Y/N) smiled through her clenched jaw.  
“I rather not.” Jamal looked down trying to keep his mouth shut.  
“I’ll go first, I'd kill Jasmine.” Monse spoke. “I’d make love to Ruby, then I'd marry Jamal.” She smiled. “Jamal’s turn.” Monse spoke.  
“Jamal.” (Y/N) spoke and Jamal just shook his head.  
“(Y/N)’s dating Oscar!” Jamal yelled before covering his mouth and (y/n) closed her eyes, sighing as she heard her little brother.  
“What!” Ruby yelled before the entire table started to ask her questions. 
Forever tag: @peterstarksstarker @bojabee @imperfect-circle @dakotapaigelove @a-gir1-has-n0-name @riverdalehoeeeeeee @sabertooth-potato @heyitscam99 @royal-fanfic @vixengustin88
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plus-size-reader · 4 years
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Oscar “Spooky” Diaz x Martinez!Plus size!reader
Word Count: 1243 words
Warnings: none 
Summary: Getting stuck in lockdown with Oscar and the others, and really getting to know him, for the first time in your lives.
The neighborhood going into lockdown wasn’t rare. 
With so many gangs so close together, it wasn’t surprising that they would need to keep people off the streets from time to time.
However, that didn’t make them any less annoying. 
You had been taking a shower in the bathroom when you heard the sirens. It was probably the worst time to have this happen, considering everyone else was out and about but you didn’t care. 
If you had to be locked in, you would rather be alone. 
You hummed along to the music filling the small bathroom as you finished up and turned the water off. Being in for the night could be nice, you could watch a movie and make popcorn. You rarely got the house to yourself with so many other people living here. 
However, that whole plan came crashing down when you opened the bathroom door to find the entire kitchen table surrounded. 
Suddenly, coming out of the bathroom in only a towel didn’t seem like such a good idea. 
“Oh god, hermana-cover it up” Ruby groaned, immediately covering his eyes with his hands, ignoring the stares of both Jamal and Jasmine, who was feeling your vibe. 
...You two could be real good friends. 
You had no idea what they were doing here, but you should have been happy they weren’t out on the street right now. At least you knew they were safe. 
“Sorry! I didn’t know you were here” you gasped, pulling the towel closer to your frame, trying to make sure that you were completely covered. 
If you’d have known, you would have gotten dressed before coming out.
“Just go!” 
So, rather than stand there and embarrass yourself further, you turned toward your room, leaving the group of kids to their games. 
Clearly you should have checked every crevice of the house though because by the time you made it to the living room, you ran into Spooky, who really shouldn’t have been here. 
...Was the whole neighborhood here right now? 
“Oh Dios Mio!” you allowed, holding the towel to your chest tighter and tighter by the second. It was bad enough that you’d been like this in front of your brother and his friends, but now Spooky was here too. 
It was too much. 
“Calm down mamita, damn” Oscar grinned, not even hiding the fact that his eyes had been slipping down to your frame this entire time.
You couldn’t believe that he was acting this way. You two had hardly talked since Cesar and Ruby had become friends but now he was sitting on your couch. 
“What are you doing here? Where’s Cesar?” you wondered, you hadn’t been looking for him in the other room but you were sure that he was missing from the core four. 
You had gotten used to their presence in this house but the gangbanger on your couch was brand new. 
“I came here looking for him” Spooky shrugged, acting as if his actions were self-explanatory, though you had to point out that they weren’t. You had no way of knowing that anyone was here until a few minutes ago. 
More than anything though, you also found yourself worrying for the kid. You knew what would happen if they caught him out there and you just hoped that he showed up soon. 
Not that you could think about that while basically naked in your living room, getting eyed by a cholo.
“Okay-cool, well I’m gonna just go and get dressed, so…” you rambled, heading for the stairs without looking back. 
You hated that your stomach did flips when you looked back to find Spooky’s eyes still glued to you. 
You shouldn’t have even cared if he looked at you, like you felt when you got catcalled on the street. However, there was something different about Spooky.
His name was Oscar, and in this house, he was going to have to get used to being called by it. You weren’t one of his homies, and you weren’t going to call him by that goofy nickname. 
You made a mental note of that as you pulled your t-shirt over your head, just glad you hadn’t decided to make a mad dash upstairs naked.
...It could have been worse than it was. 
Still, you weren’t sure how to feel as you made your way back downstairs, now fully dressed. You knew that the lockdown wasn’t over yet, and that Spooky was likely still waiting for you. 
You just hoped that you could actually keep it together for long enough to not make a fool out of yourself. 
It wasn’t your fault that you were attracted to him. Oscar was fine as hell, and you simply took notice of it but that didn’t mean you wanted everyone else to know how you felt. 
That was just for you to know at this point. 
You couldn’t possibly handle it if he ever found out. It would kill you because you knew that Oscar didn’t feel the same way about you and you would never live it down. 
Not that that mattered right now. 
As soon as you walked down the stairs, you found Oscar waiting for you, that smug smile on his face. Your leaving had only left him to think about the cute panic on your face when you saw him, and how beautiful you looked fresh out of the shower. 
He had never thought about it before, but he had never really seen you in that way. 
...But now that he had, Spooky was never going to get it out of his head. 
“I was worried you were never gonna come back, Mami” he joked, clearly having a good time teasing at your expense. However, you didn’t mind all that much. 
After all, you just had to own what had happened, or else he had a point.  “Trust me Oscar, that wasn’t the worst that could have happened” you shrugged, plopping down beside him on the couch. 
At some point, the power had gone out, which meant that you would have to find something else to occupy your time, since tv wasn’t an option. 
...It only meant that you had to really spend time with Oscar that you may not have otherwise. 
“I hate lockdowns” you sighed, you liked being home but when you were told that you couldn’t go out anymore, that was all you wanted to do. 
The male beside you nodded, having a hard time tearing his mind away from his younger brother and where he was at the moment. If there wasn’t a lockdown right now, he could just go out there to find him himself. 
Luckily, he had you to take his mind off of it. 
“You wanna play cards?” you suggested, looking back into the direction of the kitchen where the kids were. 
You didn’t peg Oscar for the card playing type but anything would be better than just staring at the wall, worrying about where Cesar was. 
If you were all going to be stuck here for who-knows-how-long, you might as well make the best of it. 
“Cards?” he hummed, a strange tone in his voice that, when you looked over at him, proved to be amusement. 
Oscar was actually laughing at you
“Yeah, you have any better ideas?” you questioned, not really expecting him to answer you. However, the Santo didn’t even miss a beat. 
“I think you’d be pretty good at strip poker”
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“Your Batman.” Oscar “Spooky” x Plus Size Reader OnMyBlock
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Based on: “hi sweets so I wanted to request an omb imagine where y/n is apart of an all female gang and there like really powerful and stuff and there close to the santos by location . So then one day y/n and a few other members are walking and see that the core four+jasmine was in trouble with the prophets so y/n and the members save them and then y/n brings everyone to there house and when y/n brings Cesar to his house y/n intimates some santos and meets spooky for the first time staring all fluff.”
“Plus size reader x Spooky Diaz ? Hmm the gang coming over cause they have a gift for her after she helped them with something, and it’s comic book related, and her totally hyped about it and spooky goes and buys a Deadpool, Superman etc clothes to get her attention because she starts paying more attention to them and one day he just picks her up in front of everybody & takes away her comic, and she gets all wtf and they make up? Sorry if it’s weird lol thanks 🤘🏻”
Author: Alana
“Thanks for coming with me, ladies!” Monica cheered, walking down the sidewalk with you and two other women that belonged to your gang.
“Remind me why we had to come with you to break up with him?” Kayla asked, raising an eyebrow at the woman.
Monica scoffed, “Because I tried calling it off many times and he wouldn’t take “no” for an answer.” She threw her arm over your shoulder and laughed, “But he’s so scared of (y/n) over here. I knew that would get the message across.”
You smiled to yourself and let out a quiet laugh, listening to the ladies.
“Let’s just hope that you’re not planning on going back to him, like you do all the others.” Rosa joked, “Because he certainly won’t take you back after the talk (y/n) had with him. I watched him practically piss himself.” She laughed, walking with Kayla, behind you and Monica.
“Hey, I’m not that bad.” You defended yourself with a smile. “I can be nice.”
“Sometimes.” All three of the girls chimed in at different times.
You rolled your eyes and shoved both hands in your pockets as you kept walking. It was a hot day, but nothing you and your gang couldn’t handle.
Now how did a young woman like yourself become leader of an all female gang? Well, you didn’t start the gang yourself. It was passed down to you. Your grandmother started the gang when she was younger and she made a name for it. To this day, your gang is one of the most feared in your area and you like to keep it that way. You didn’t have many rivals, but there was occasionally a few who stepped out of line.
“Ladies, don’t forget that we have a territory meeting tomorrow afternoon. All of you need to be on time.” You said, making eye contact with Kayla because she’s usually the late one. “I don’t want the newbies thinking that they can show up when they please.”
Kayla scoffed at your look and mumbled, “I’ve only been late a few times.”
You raised an eyebrow at her, “Well you shouldn’t be late at all-“ You cut your sentence short when you heard shouting around the corner. “Who’s causing trouble in my neighborhood..?” You asked, glancing back at your girls before you all quickly rounded the corner.
You glared at the sight in front of you.
There stood five Prophet$ surrounding five teenagers. The teenagers were all huddled up inside of the circle the Prophet$ were forming around them and they looked nervous.
“Seriously? Why do they like picking on kids so much?” Monica seethed, walking quickly alongside you.
A smirk made it’s way to your lips, “Maybe it’s time to teach them a lesson..?” You suggested, looking at the girls. They quickly mirrored your smirk and nodded in approval.
“With pleasure.” Rosa smiled evilly, placing her hand on the gun in her waistband.
“Hey! What do you think you’re doing?” You called out as you approached the group of men. “I really hope that you’re not picking on a group of children.. because that doesn’t go so well with me.” You let out a dry laugh and crossed your arms.
The biggest guy turned to you and chuckled, “And why should I give a damn about what goes over well with you, (y/n)?” He asked, taking a daring step towards to you.
The second he took a step towards you, Rosa pulled out her gun and placed it against his temple. “Step back.” She spoke lowly, watching the man like a hawk.
Each of the Prophet$ tensed up and quickly put their hands on their guns.
Your eyes snapped to Rosa, “There are children here, put it away.”
“But-“ She started, looking at you almost in a pout.
You stepped towards Rosa, “Now.” You ordered, causing her to quickly backdown and sigh while lowering her gun.
You turned your attention back to the man, “Leave now before I have to embarrass you in front of your pathetic excuse of a gang.” You threatened, keeping your face emotionless.
“You don’t scare me, Princess.” He chuckled, looking down on you.
You smiled sarcastically and spoke quietly, just for him to hear, “Did you forget who’s territory you’re in? Because last I checked, you signed the papers that said if you crossed into my territory then-“
“I get it.” He snapped down at you, glaring.
“Good. Then don’t let it happen again.” You winked, walking around him. “You boys can leave now.” You dismissed them.
They looked at the big man for confirmation, before hesitantly removing their hand from their waistband and following him away.
“Y’all, thank god she showed up when she did, because I thought I was gonna have to handle them.” A Hispanic girl said with a scoff, while holding onto a shorter Hispanic boy.
“I wouldn’t have let that happen.” You gave her a reassuring smile, walking towards the group of friends. “Why were they hounding you all anyway?” You asked with a head tilt, placing your hand on your hip.
“Um.. that would be my fault. I’m Cesar Diaz. My brother is “Spooky”, so I get targeted a lot. He’s head of the Santos.” he admitted, causing you to look at Monica.
You tilted your head at her, as if asking if you’ve heard of “Spooky”. Monica shook her head. She was your second in command, so she knew everyone that you did and didn’t know.
“I didn’t think they would do something with my friends around though.” Cesar continued, clearly shaken up by the whole situation.
You felt bad for the boy. You could tell that he didn’t want his friends to get hurt.
“What’re your names?” Rosa asked, causing you to give her a “you’re still in trouble” look.
Rosa blushed, knowing she would get in trouble for pulling out a gun around children. She knew that was one of your rules.
A pretty mixed girl stepped forward, “My name is Monse. That is Jasmine,” she said motioning to the girl who spoke earlier, “and that’s Ruby.” she pointed to the shorter boy who was still in Jasmine’s arms, “Then you have Jamal.” She introduced, pointing to a tall kid who was eyeing Kayla with a smirk. “And Cesar already introduced himself.” She finished, smiling at you.
You nodded your head, giving a soft smile, “It’s nice to meet you all. I’m (y/n). This is Rosa,” you pointed to the redhead of your group who nodded her head when she heard her name. “That’s Kayla.” You motioned to the shortest of your group. “And last but not least, my right hand woman, Monica.” You nodded your head towards Monica, who flipped her hair dramatically over her shoulder. “Don’t do that.” You scrunched your nose, shaking your head at her, amused.
“Thank you for saving us!” Jamal blurted out, with his comment aimed at Kayla.
You laughed softly and looked at everyone, “No problem. Do you guys need help getting home? I know that situation was probably a bit scary.” You sympathized.
The group of friends quietly talked among themselves before coming to a decision.
“I live a few houses down and Monse is with me right now. So we are all good, but thank you.” Jasmine smiled. She turned to Ruby and gave him a chaste kiss before pulling Monse along with her down the street.
Ruby stepped forward and motioned to where the girls were walking away, “And I live across from Jasmine. So I’ll just walk them home. I appreciate all the help.” He thanked you, before running to catch up with Monse and Jasmine.
“I could use some help getting home?” Jamal suggested, looking at Kayla with a goofy smile.
Kayla rolled her eyes and hooked arms with Jamal, “Come on, kid.” She couldn’t fight the smile coming to her lips. She was amused with Jamal’s very obvious crush on her.
“So that just leaves you, Cesar Diaz. I’m kinda in the mood to walk, so whether you need help getting home or not, we are tagging along.” You informed him, with a gently nudge.
Cesar shrugged and smiled while sliding his hands in his pockets, “That’s fine with me.” He began walking.
You started walking next to Cesar, both Monica and Rosa following behind you.
“So the Prophet$ have beef with you because of who your brother is?” You asked, turning your head to Cesar. Once he nodded his head, you continued with another question, “And you mentioned he’s head of the Santos? I’ve never heard of “Spooky” before. I’m interested in meeting the Santos’ gang leader.” You said, crossing the street with Cesar.
Cesar looked up surprised, “Really? Everyone around here seems to know him. And you said that you’re in a gang too? What gang?” Cesar wondered, rounding the corner and continuing down the street.
You were about to answer Cesar’s question when you approached a house that had a handful of guys on the lawn.
Oscar’s POV
I grabbed two beers from the fridge before heading back outside to where the guys were.
“Here you go.” I said, handing a beer to Sad Eyes and taking a seat on the steps next to him. “So that kid from 19 is starting up trouble again.” I said while taking a swig of beer.
Sad Eyes nodded his head, scanning his eyes over all of the men on the lawn, “Should we go do something about them right now?” He questioned, turning his attention to me. “I’ll follow whatever you want to do, ese.”
“Nah.” I shook my head, “It can wait. We have more important things to take care of right this moment.” I started to go into detail, but then I heard Cesar’s voice.
I looked over to where I heard his voice and noticed him standing with three attractive women.
My attention was instantly drawn to the beautiful woman standing next to Cesar though. Her presence demanded attention. She looked fierce, but compassionate at the same time. I couldn’t help but to check her out. My eyes slowly trailed up and down her curvy figure. Her outfit was certainly doing her body favors by outlining her assets.
I licked my lips briefly before standing up and walking towards Cesar. I noticed the woman I was watching earlier was watching me just as intensely. I smirked to myself, turning my attention to Cesar, “Cesar, who are they?” I asked, motioning to the women behind him.
Cesar stepped away from the women and stood beside me now. “Well-“ He started, but was cut off.
“Um, excuse me, but I can talk for myself.” chimed the fierce looking woman, looking directly at me.
This caught my full attention and I was pleasantly surprised at her boldness. No one with common sense has called me out before. I crossed my arms and nodded my head a little for her to proceed.
She continued, “My name is (y/n). This is Rosa and Monica.” She said motioning to the girls that were now standing at either side of her, protectively. (Y/n) spoke with confidence, as if she knew that she belonged there with the rest of us.
I turned my attention back to Cesar, still not understanding what they were doing at my house.
Cesar cleared his throat shyly and looked at me, “Spooky, they saved me and my friends.. the Prophet$ showed up out of nowhere and wouldn’t let us leave. Then these ladies showed up and the Prophet$ hurried off. (Y/n) just wanted to walk me home to make sure I got back alright.” Cesar informed me, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.
I looked back at (y/n), curious as to how she was able to scare off any of the Prophet$. Most people don’t even dare to make eye contact with them, yet she was able to scare them off? This woman definitely has peaked my interest.
I heard a chuckle leave the mouth of one of the guys behind me, “They scared the Prophet$ off? These three hynas? Yeah right.” He spoke, his words dripping with sarcasm. I rolled my eyes, not bothering to turn around and see who said it.
I looked back towards (y/n) to see how she would handle his taunting. Least to say, she seemed unamused, not even bothering to defend herself.
The way she carried herself, like a boss, got me to thinking. I scrunched my eyebrows in thought and watched her quietly. Why does her name sound so familiar? (Y/n)? Suddenly it occurred to me, “Is your last name (y/l/n)? Are you (y/n) (y/l/n) the leader of that all female gang?” I questioned, my voice fluctuating with interest.
I noticed, out of the corner of my eye, that Cesar and a few of the men tensed up at the mention of that name. (Y/n) (y/l/n) is pretty well known in the area, but very few people have seen her in person. She has an intimidating reputation and her gang is a pretty big deal. Especially being an all female gang.
“The one and only.” (Y/n) said, turning to Sad Eyes who was now blushing and avoiding eye contact with her.
Chuckling softly, I looked between her and Sad Eyes. I was aware that Sad Eyes was never one to back down, but this time he did once he heard her name.
I clasped my hands together, grabbing everyone’s attention. “Well thank you for helping out my idiot of a brother, (y/n). We owe you one.” I insisted, placing my hand on Cesar’s shoulder.
She shook her head and waved off the suggestion, “It’s fine. It was no problem. Cesar has my number in case he needs me for anything.” She stated biting her lip and locking eyes with me again. “Hopefully we will be seeing more of each other soon.. Spooky..” she spoke my name seductively and winked at me before turning around and walking off with Rosa and Monica.
“Well damn..” I said quietly to myself, watching her walk off, effortlessly swaying her hips with each step.
I was pulled out of my trance by Cesar nudging me with a smirk, “You’re so into her!” He accused.
I looked down, blushing a bit and rolled my eyes. I turned to Cesar. “Shut up, mano. You’ve got some explaining to do.”
Normal POV
You quickly jumped out of the car once you arrived at the Diaz Residence. Running to the door, you banged on the door urgently, “Cesar?? Open the door! What’s the emergency??” You spoke quickly, worried that someone was hurt.
Monse opened the door confused and let you in, “(y/n)? Who said there was an emergency?”
Cesar raised his hand awkwardly and let out a chuckle, “I figured it was how I could get you here the fastest.” He admitted.
You rolled your eyes and closed the door. Turning your attention back to the group, “So? What’s this about?” You wondered, crossing your arms.
Jamal raised his hand next, “Well Kayla, my new girlfriend, told me that you love comics. She said they’re the way to your heart.” He explained, casually slipping in that Kayla was now his girlfriend.
Ruby jumped in, rolling his eyes at Jamal sidetracking, “Anyway, we all decided to get you a gift for saving us last week. We don’t know what would have happened if you didn’t come when you did.” He have you a grateful smile.
Monse handed you a gift bag, “Open it!” She urged with too much enthusiasm.
Oscar heard your voice from his room and quickly walked out. He leaned against the wall, confused about what was taking place right now. He tried to hide the huge smile that came to his face once he laid eyes on you.
You smiled at the gift bag and sat down on the couch. You carefully removed the tissue paper, everyone watching you intensely. You felt plastic sleeves and pulled them out. Your eyes widen, “No way.. these just got released like yesterday.” You stated, gawking at the several comics that were in front of you.
“I know. Everyone made ME have to stand in line yesterday for them.” Jamal said with attitude, side eyeing everyone.
You laughed softly and looked at everyone, “I love these so much, you guys!! I’m going to go home tonight and read them all. I mean, after some stupid territory meeting, but I’ll still read them tonight!” You let out an excited squeal, “I can’t wait! I’ve been waiting to see what was going to happen with Riri Williams next in the MCU!!” You spoke quickly, holding the comics to your chest and smiling so much that your cheeks were beginning to ache.
You finally took a break from talking and noticed Oscar leaning against the wall. You quickly began blushing, Did he hear that whole fangirling thing..? Oh god, this is embarrassing.
You shyly waved at Oscar, “You wouldn’t have happened to hear that whole thing, right?” You asked hopefully.
Oscar shook his head, “No, I didn’t hear a thing.” He smiled, “Just the part about you being head over heels for some comics.” He responded nonchalantly, which caused you to blush more. “Don’t worry. I’m not judging you.” He promised, “It’s nice not always seeing the tough and rough side of a leader.” He smiled down at you.
You smiled back at Oscar and looked down briefly, trying to gather your thoughts. You were starting to see Him in a different light. Oscar is more than just “Spooky”, he’s a genuinely great guy too.
“Well then maybe we should start hanging out. Then you can see that side of me more.” You offered, biting your lip a little and leaning against the wall like Oscar was doing. Oscar made you a bit nervous, and that wasn’t something that you were used to at all.
Oscar chuckled softly, leaning in a bit closer to you, “I would like that, (y/n).” He said, trying to hide the excitement in his voice.
Needless to say, you and Oscar began hanging out frequently after that talk. You both enjoyed every minute of each other’s company. You would even occasionally give each other advice on what was going on with your gangs and how to solve problems. Once, Oscar even called you for back up when it came to the 19 gang. You both worked well together.
You had begun to notice little things changing about Oscar. For starters, when you would come over, you noticed now there were comics on the coffee table and they were always up to date. You loved that because you didn’t mind lounging around and reading the comics all day! But you also noticed a change in Oscar’s wardrobe when you were around. He would usually make up some excuse to change his shirt and then come back with either a DC shirt on or a Marvel shirt on. You always smiled to yourself when he did this, because you could tell that he was doing it for your attention. He would even pretend to not notice what shirt he was wearing until you would bring it up. This often made you laugh and scrunch your nose, which Oscar found adorable.
Your favorite thing about Oscar was how hard he would try for you. He did his best to talk about what you enjoyed talking about, even if he didn’t really understand.
“Wait, why don’t we like Killmonger? He seems like a great character!” He would exclaim as you both watched Black Panther.
“Um, because he’s trying to murder his cousin and use his power for violence. Come on, babe, keep up.” You groaned playfully, putting his arm around you.
Oscar didn’t mind reading the comics or watching the movies as long as he got to be with you.
You reading comics was never a problem until you started to pay more attention to the comics than to Oscar. Which led you to this moment.
“Babe? Babe?” Oscar waved his hand in front of your face as you continued reading your comic. He was clearly becoming very annoyed with you. “(Y/n), I’m talking to you!” He raised his voice at you, grabbing your attention.
You looked around the living room at Cesar and his friends, plus Kayla, all looking at you with wide eyes. You glared a little at Oscar, “Excuse me, don’t raise your voice at me.” You spoke with a low and daring tone.
Oscar stared at you offended, “I wouldn’t have had to raise my voice if you were listening to me. But no, you’re focused on your stupid comic instead.” He seethed, snatching the comic from your hands.
“Oh no..” Kayla sighed out, putting her head down. “He disrespected her comics. She’s gonna murder him.”
You glared more at Oscar and clenched your fists, “How dare-“ you started, but was interrupted by Oscar abruptly throwing you over his shoulder and carrying you out of the room.
You were too angry to process that Oscar just threw you over his shoulder like you weighed nothing.
“Put me down!!” You ordered, but quickly regretted it as Oscar tossed you on the bed. You huffed and quickly got up off the bed and walked up to Oscar, “What is wrong with you?!”
Oscar scoffed and shook his head in disbelief, “What’s wrong with me? What’s wrong with you, (y/n)? I’m trying to spend time with you and all you want to do is read your comics. I get that you love them and everything, but come on! They can’t always have your attention, Bebe!” He ranted at you.
You crossed your arms but kept quiet while listening to him, because you knew that he was right and you weren’t being fair.
“I’m doing everything that I can to make us official.” He said, acknowledging that you both never officially talked about being boyfriend and girlfriend.
He gently cupped your hands into his and gave them a gentle squeeze. “I’m just trying to be the Batman to your Black Widow.” He spoke softly.
You furrowed your eyebrows and looked up at Oscar confused, “Baby, what? They aren’t-” you gave a soft laugh, “They aren’t in the same universe.. those are two completely different characters and story lines.” You giggled, causing Oscar to blush.
“Oh, right.. okay, then Batman to your Lois Lane.” He looked at you hopefully.
You smiled more and kissed his hands before letting them go. “Better. Same universe, but still not together.” You informed him. You decided to help him out, “Oscar Diaz, will you be the Vision to my Wanda Maximoff?” You asked, cupping Oscar’s face with both of your hands.
Oscar sighed in relief at your analogy and nodded his head quickly, “Thank god, that one makes more sense.” He chuckled, pulling you close and kissing you deeply.
You smiled against his lips and kissed back gently. You parted your lips a bit and whispered, “What is with you and Batman?” You questioned, curious.
Oscar shrugged, pulling you closer by your waist. “No more talk of comics..” he said before kissing you once more.
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phebia · 4 years
Making Family, Prologue
So, I can’t really write for shit but I love to do it. Normally, I just write for myself and don’t publish any of my fics but I figured posting a few couldn’t hurt. I’m almost done watching On My Block (I know I’m late to the party ya’ll) and I’ve had this fic idea bouncing around my head for a while now. If you read it, I hope you enjoy it hehe.
People like to pretend that family is all about blood. The DNA in your core is what decides who your family is, and that's just how it is. Few people know the truth behind that rule. Know that it's a blatant lie. Blood doesn't mean shit. The people I shared my blood line with were far from what family should be. My parents were never physically abusive. A hand never struck me and I never had a bruise courtesy of them. That didn't mean that they were good, though. Words can hit just as hard as fists. Every syllable knocked me to the ground and it got harder to get to my feet each time. Neglect wasn't a word I liked to use, but it was exactly what the lawyer explained it as in court. My parents were mean when they were present but most of the time they were gone. Their presence in my life wasn't strong or positive. I wasn't quite sure how it started. If I had to guess, I'd say that Ruth and Arthur Connelly- the elderly couple next door, finally decided to speak up. They didn't know anything for certain. Not that they had to. It wasn't hard to notice the empty driveway and hear the screaming echoes. It had been a Thursday when she showed up. Caroline Jennings was a fresh-out-of-college social worker. I would eventually learn that I was just her third case. She had blown into my life like a storm, her blonde hair looking more like sunshine. The first thing I noticed about her were her straight teeth, shining as she smiled sweetly at me. I didn't know that taking a few minutes to talk to her would change my life. Dragging an almost 18 year old from a group home to court and back again was harder than Caroline had thought it would be. Her past two cases had been a 5 year old and 2 year old respectively. They hadn't known what was going on. I did. I knew exactly what was happening at every point in time. Caroline had shown up in late April and the judges gavel slammed down for the last time in the end of August. I spent my 18th birthday in a group home full of strangers. Katrina was a kind hearted Latina woman with stern eyes who ran a relatively recent group home all on her own. She didn't ask for help from anyone and she surely didn't need it. I had been there for months but that didn't mean living in a home that wasn't really yours was easy. I wasn't close to the other girls that called the old farm house home. Teenagers were filled with mean comments that would leave a mark if they chose to say them out loud, and they always chose to say them out loud. Apparently mean things were okay as long as it wasn't your parents saying them. I kept out of their way. Minded my own business. Tried to make my plush form as small as possible no matter how fruitless my efforts were, all in an attempt to be ignored. It was funny that after so many years of being alone, I became comfortable in the isolation. In the months it took for the lawyers and social workers in charge of my case to find someone willing to take me in I had legally become an adult, but Caroline had kept my case open as a favour to me. I may have been legal, but it would've been nearly impossible for me to survive on the streets of Waterdown alone. I didn't know much about my extended family and it was impossible to blame anyone for not wanting to take in an 18 year old stranger, but that didn't make the ache of being unwanted any less painful. It was on a late May day that I first heard the name Geny Martinez. Caroline had sat me down and did her best to explain how exactly we were related but all I caught was that it was through my mom's side and she could be referred to as a distant aunt of mine. That also seemed to be the only Caroline understood herself. The tremor of surprise that first hit me when I learned I had family in California looking to take me in lingered for days on end. It still clung to my nerves during the first week of summer when I first met Geny and her husband Ruben. Caroline had told me they were being flown out but it didn't make looking into her brown eyes any easier. Behind her beautiful face there was stress and concern, Ruben on the other hand seemed much more relaxed. Leading them through town was awkward, but sitting down in the local Starbucks and actually having a conversation was much worse. Geny had confessed she didn't know who my mother was or how we were related (a trend that seemed popular) but she was still willing to take me in. I couldn't help but laugh when she had warned me about Freeridge and told me she wouldn't blame if I refused their offer. The thought of living with strangers pulled my stomach into knots of anxiety but it was a much better option than fending for myself on the streets of Waterdown, which I undoubtedly knew I'd have to do soon if the Martinez family didn't work. The next day the couple was gone, but they had taken my phone number with them. I didn't hear from Ruben very often, Geny on the other hand texted me multiple times a day and slowly filled me in on her family and Freeridge. The first time I visited Freeridge was in the early days of June and I visited once more over the summer. My last visit had ended in the early weeks of July and I left feeling decently comfortable with my new... I wasn't sure what to call them, but family seemed to be the easiest word to use. I was set to return in a month, this time for good.
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My first introduction to California had been a blast of hot air to the face. A part of me had been hoping that Los Angeles would've cooled down in the time that I was away, but Ruby had drilled the weather patterns of Freeridge into my head and I should've listened to him. He even suggested I get my hands on an entirely new wardrobe if possible. According to the young Latino all of Canada was frigid year round and no clothing suitable for my hometown would be fitting for my new one. I had laughed at the harebrained boy but my tie dye hoodie and black leggings earned me some looks from strangers in the airport and I quickly decided I probably should've listened to him. My slight familiarity of LAX made grabbing my luggage a less anxious process than it was the first time I had done it, despite the fact that I now had a few more bags with me. My life may not have been grand, but I needed more than a single suitcase to move it to a new country. With a small grunt I heaved my final suitcase off of the baggage claim belt, and after a brief scan of my belongings I turned, starting to look around for Geny or Ruben. However, I quickly froze in place when my eyes landed on a small familiar form marching towards me. My sunglasses gave Ruby a green tint but he and his scowl were unmistakable. "Hey..." My hopeful greeting faded off as my distant cousin stopped before me and gave me a judgemental once over, then turned his attention to my luggage without a word. "I told you not to wear your cold weather clothes. No one listens to me!" All I could do was stare as he shook his head to himself and struggled to get a good grip on a couple of my bags. "I knew that you'd mess up. You're lucky I brought these for you." With a large flounce of his arms he had dropped the bags and turned to hold a pair of simple, two strap, white sandals in my face. I quickly snatched the shoes from him with an unimpressed grimace and uncomfortable slouch in my shoulders due to the attention he had gained us. Ruby ignored my displeasure and went back to my belongings with a dramatic roll of his eyes, now muttering to himself in Spanish. "Easy on the Spanish, bro. She's a gringo, remember?" A new voice took my attention off of Ruby and it only took me a second to recognise Mario, who had wandered up to us at some point during his brother's rambling. A relieved smile pulled at my lips at the sight of him. Mario was my age and his laid back demeanour had made him much more approachable than his younger brother, or anyone else in Freeridge really. His mom had coerced him into showing me around Freeridge during my first visit and our time spent together had turned us into surprisingly close companions. He was undeniably my first, and best, friend in town, and he'd be damned if anyone tried to take the title from him. And although his words were true, I couldn't help but scowl at the term while I moved to embrace him. "Teach me Spanish, then." It was a discussion we had often, ever since I had expressed a desire to learn the language after quickly feeling out of place in the Martinez household. Mario had always laughed at that and claimed that I would be a terrible student, whomst he would never waste his precious time on. "I have no time." He shook his head and smiled at me as we both pulled away from the hug. This time though, his words were true. He was headed off to Berkeley tomorrow and although it was a huge accomplishment, a part of me couldn't help but wish he wouldn't go. With Mario gone I'd likely be stuck hanging out with Ruby and his friends. There was nothing wrong with the soon to be freshman's, other than the fact that I was a good four years older than them. But that was something I'd have to get over. Ruby was mature for his age and I was in no position to be selfish. Mario already put off his departure by a full day just so he could take a few hours to help me unpack and, in his words give me, "A real welcoming home." I rolled my eyes at his ever persistent refusal, shaking my head and turning away so that he wouldn't be able to see the smile on my face. "I'll teach you Spanish, Selina." Ruby had joined my side, looking up at me with my black and white backpack slung over his shoulders, seemingly over his earlier fashion fury. "You already have the name for it. Selina." The thick Spanish accent he accentuated my name with and tilt of his head brought a loud burst of laughter out of me. "Ah, so you're over my wardrobe." I placed a hand on his head and gestured at my hoodie, managing to grind my knuckles against his head and mess his hair up before he escaped my reach. "You know what? You can find a new teacher." He sassed, spinning around and marching way without hesitation, leaving me to grab a suitcase and catch up with him, both of us leaving Mario behind to take care of the rest of the bags. In a few long strides I caught up to his short form, wrapping my arm around his neck from behind and pressing my cheek firmly against his temple. "I missed you, Ruby." I smiled softly, tilting my head to press a swift kiss to his forehead, remaining quiet about the goofy smile I spotted forming on his face. Together we walked in silence, the constant noise of the airport drowning out the way my black vans scuffed against the linoleum floors. "Hey, do you think we should help your brother?" My sudden remembrance of Mario caused me to stop and glance back. My brown eyes scanned the crowds around us, the younger boy also turning to look for his brother. Eventually Mario walked into our sights, scowling harshly and dragging more bags behind him than both Ruby and I both had combined. "Nah." Ruby decided, shaking his head and beginning to walk once more, dragging my plush form along with him. "I still can't believe your mom let you two come pick me up, alone." I had been talking about my surprise airport escorts for the majority of the ride back to Freeridge, and I was sure both boys were overly irritated with me. But, knowing Geny meant knowing how protective she was of her children, even if one of them was an adult about to move away. Things just weren't making sense. Ruby had interrupted my constant musing with stories about what had went down while I was gone, but the distraction didn't last nearly as long as he had hoped. After his brother's failed attempt at silencing me, Mario resorted to steadily cranking the radio up until it drowned out my voice. But all that did was give us all a slight headache and I was still talking as we pulled up to the house. "What? Why? I'm responsible." My eyebrows raised at Mario's offended voice crack, choosing to share a silent look with Ruby instead of doing my teasing aloud. Despite my effort, the older Latino caught the exchange and scoffed loudly, practically shoving me out of the car. "Get out of my sight." I lingered, watching him and Ruby move to the trunk, hesitant to leave the brothers to lug all my things inside themselves. "We got this." Mario caught me looking and waved his hands at me, shooing me away from them once more. "Let the muscle handle it, Selina." Ruby nodded at me and flexed his arms, and that was all the encouragement I needed to leave them be. With a grin and shake of my head I shuffled up the walkway, and debated knocking on the door for a moment but Geny had scolded me whenever I did that so I ending up opting to walk in unannounced. "Surprise!" Confetti was popped in my face and a loud gasp burst out of me at the sudden shock. My heart raced in my chest as my shoulders heaved with uneven breath, my eyes wide and looking over the group of people smiling widely at me. I recognised most of them within a second prompting a laugh of relief to spill past my lips, my laughter causing everyone else to cheer once more. "Welcome home, mija." Geny was the first person to move, rushing towards me with her arms open wide and a glowing smile on her face. "Hi, Aunt Geny." I groaned into the hug but forced a grin onto my face, nearly sighing in relief when she released me from her iron grip. She continued to coo over me, her hands holding my face and squishing my cheeks together until Ruben arrived to greet and save me. I watched the couple walk away with soft eyes until the sound of someone tsking reached my ears. Turning my head to the right revealed Ruby's friend Jamal shaking his head at me, his lanky arms crossed over his chest. "A hoodie? Girl, in this weather? You must be crazy." I sighed and looked to the popcorn ceiling, pushing the sleeves of my sweater to my elbows. Maybe I was starting to sweat a bit, but I'd never admit it to any of the California natives who were just waiting for my admission of defeat with baited breath. "Save it. I already got the lecture from, Ruby." I held my hand out to silence him before he could get another word out, a tiny grin warming my features. "I bet you did." He shook his head but a moment later he was smiling back at me. "Welcome to Freeridge, Selina. Permanently this time!" I thanked him sweetly and promised to come back later with my review of his dad's barbecue. I weaved my way through the house, greeting neighbours with varying levels of enthusiasm depending on my familiarity with them. At some point the twins had stolen me away to play with them, but I was sent right back into the fray when Geny walked in on me being forced to help build a block castle. Not long after leaving the youngest Martinez's behind I collapsed onto the couch next to the oldest one. My head lazily rested against the back of the couch, tilting so that I could look at the woman beside me. Her brown eyes were already fixed on me and she reached out to squeeze my cheek, much like her daughter had. The two of us looked at each other in silence for a minute, Abuelita eventually breaking it. "You want a hit? My stuff's in the basement." I laughed at her offer, nodding my head and promising her that we were on for tonight. The silence between us was a welcome break from the surprise party and there was no need to interrupt it. We were both more than content to watch the people milling about, her hand gently resting over my own which was sat in my lap. I had been focused on watching Ruby and Jamal do their best to ditch one of the neighbourhood girls around their age, who was very obviously invading their personal bubble, when I was distracted by the woman to my right once again. "I think you're going to like it here, mija." Abuelita's voice was quiet and soft but it rang out in my head clearly, a reminder that there was no more going back to my old life. "I hope so."
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“I’m Not Interested.” Oscar x Plus Size Reader OnMyBlock
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Based on: “Can you do an Oscar imagine where the reader likes him, but he pushes her away because he doesn’t want to have to protect her as well as Cesar”
Based on: “Can you guys do a one shot for Spooky from on my block please? Preferably with a plus-size reader (but if you don’t wanna, you ain’t gotta) Thank you, my men.”
Author: Alana
“I’m not saying that I think he’s the smartest crush to have, (y/n), but if you really like him, then nothing should be holding you back from telling him.” Olivia encouraged, sitting next to you on the couch. “What are you so scared of, that you don’t want to tell Oscar that you like him?” She questioned, facing you and eating a few chips.
You sat quietly for a moment, thinking of why you hadn’t just told Oscar that you liked him already. After all, you and Oscar had been friends for years now, seeing as you used to babysit Cesar Diaz.
You sighed quietly and played with the frayed fabric of your jeans, “It’s just.. I’m not your average 19 year old, Olivia.. I don’t have an amazing ‘America’s Next Top Model’ body or anything that would grab his attention. Some guys have even said that I’m ‘too curvy’ for it to be attractive. Like what does that even mean??” You groaned, leaning your head back against the pillow.
Olivia rolled her eyes, “Some guys say the most stupid things... But you’re forgetting about something that’s even more important than your body, (y/n).”
You looked at her confused, “What do you mean? All guys care about are women’s bodies.” You stated, glancing down at your body.
“That’s not true for all guys though, mamita. You have an unbelievably amazing personality, that’s enough to capture anyone’s attention. You have all of these great qualities that only a guy who truly got to know you, would know you have. So maybe Oscar is that guy?” She offered, smiling more at you.
You thought about it for a minute before breaking out into a an excited fit of giggles, “Okay... it’s official, I’m gonna tell Oscar that I like him.” You said, feeling a sudden burst of confidence about your decision.
You grabbed your phone and texted Oscar, “Heyy, if you aren’t busy tonight, wanna hang out at the park??” You sent off the text and set your phone down.
I hope that didn’t sound eager... you thought to yourself, standing up.
“Thank you for letting me come over and vent, Olivia.” You smiled, giving her a big hug when she stood up too. “I’ll catch up with you later.” You promised, walking out of the house.
You felt a light buzzing in your pocket as you began walking home, signaling that you had received a text. Please be Oscar, you hoped, swiftly pulling your phone out of your pocket.
“Sure. Everything good, Ma?” Oscar had texted back, not too long after your message sent.
You blushed and felt your heart flutter at Oscar calling you “Ma”. Sure, it was something he had always called you regularly, but it began to mean more to you when you realized you had a crush on Oscar.
“Yes, just wanted to hang out and talk. Nothing sinister haha!” You sent back. You were excited that you finally had some alone time with Oscar. It had been a long time since the two of you hung out, especially with the gang having problems every five minutes.
I should probably wear something cute, this could possibly be the best moment of my life.. you smiled to yourself, opening your front door.
You walked to your bedroom, “You need a shower, (y/n).” You mumbled to yourself, passing your mirror.
You gathered everything you needed to shower and began doing your thing. Which included several mini concerts, two dramatic acting monologues, and imagining what it would be like to be Oscar’s girlfriend.
You stepped out of the shower, refreshed. You hummed quietly to the music as you began prepping for meeting Oscar.
Grabbing your shoes, you heard obnoxiously loud music playing outside.
You tilted your head and opened up your front door, wondering who would be obnoxious enough to have their music blasting like that.
“Ma, let’s go!” Oscar shouted as he turned the music down some.
Your eyes widened in surprise and you quickly grabbed your purse and locked the door. Heading to Oscar’s car you smiled, “Hey, I didn’t think you were going to pick me up, Oscar!” You giggled softly, “I assumed I was just going to meet you there.” You finished, opening the passenger door and sitting in the seat.
Oscar let out a deep chuckle and slowly pulled off from the curb, “Hey, why wouldn’t I pick you up? I’m a gentleman.” He smirked, looking over at you.
You raised an eyebrow and laughed, “Is that so, Spooky?” You questioned, playfully.
“Eh, I can be for the right woman!” He sent a smirk your way and then sent a charming smile, driving with his left hand on the wheel and the other resting behind your headrest.
You looked at Oscar shocked, Is he flirting with me? That definitely seemed like flirting.. maybe tonight won’t go bad! You comforted yourself, growing more excited by the minute.
Oscar pulled up to the park and turned off his car, “Okay, let’s go catch up.” He said, getting out of the car and walking around to open the door for you.
You blushed and took his hand as you stepped out of the car, thanking him for offering his hand.
You both began making your way to a picnic bench. “So what’s been up with you, (y/n)? I haven’t seen you around in a while.” Oscar smiled softly, sitting on a picnic table. “Kinda felt like you were avoiding me, Yeah?”
Your eyes widened a bit, “No, I wasn’t!” You assured him, but it was only partly true. You secretly hoped if you spent time away from him, the crush would go away. “I’ve just been busy with college and working and all that other boring stuff..” you told him.
Your uneasiness earned you a raised eyebrow from Oscar, “Right... qué pasa, Ma? What’s going on with you?” Oscar usually kept his facial expressions neutral, but he seemed to show a bit of concern for if you were okay.
“Okay, I did ask you here for a reason..” you admitted, beginning to feel your nerves creep up. You sat next to Oscar on the picnic table, taking a moment to gather what you wanted to say.
Oscar turned to face you and waited for you to begin.
“I know this is completely out of nowhere, Oscar, but I really like you.. I thought maybe if I kept myself busy and kept my distance from you for a bit, the crush might go away. Instead, it made it stronger and I have to tell you because I don’t know what else to do.. I like you so much, Oscar..” You paused briefly, taking in Oscar’s facial expression, not changing from his previous concerned face. Oscar didn’t stop you, so you took this as a sign to continue. “I don’t know why I started falling for you when you got out, but-“
“I’m not interested, (y/n).” Oscar glanced behind you, then focused his attention back on you.
You froze, feeling your heart shatter into tiny pieces.
Oscar’s POV
“I’m not interested, (y/n).” I stated blandly, glancing at the Prophets that were watching (y/n) and I from another picnic table.
I watched as the sparkle in her eyes died out. It took everything in me not to pull her in my arms and tell her that I didn’t mean any of it, but I couldn’t let the Prophets use her as a way to get to me. I can’t protect her and Cesar..
(Y/n) quietly stood up, grabbed her purse and began to walk off. “(Y/n)... please let me give you a ride home at least.” I offered quietly, staring at her back.
I could hear the quivering in her voice, “No, it’s alright.” She responded softly, “I’ll get home just fine.” She finished, walking off again.
I looked over at the Prophets and glared as they smirked at (y/n) walking off.
I sighed, watching her walk into the darkness of the night. Guilt blanketing me because of what I just said to the woman I might want to spend the rest of my life with.
Regular POV
You curled up on your couch, sniffling and crying into your couch pillow. Maybe you weren’t enough, you kept thinking.
You knew there was a chance that Oscar didn’t like you back, but you had no idea he would be so careless about it. Like you were beneath him. That’s what really hurt you. Not what he said, but how he said it.
You heard a light knock on the front door. You hiccuped softly and looked up with red puffy eyes. You wiped your running nose and got up. “Who is it?” You quietly asked, getting ready to unlock the door.
“It’s Oscar..” You heard faintly through the door.
You stiffened and stared at the door hurt, before talking through it. “What do you want?” You asked, wiping your face.
“Mamita, listen.” He frowned, “I didn’t mean a word of what I said. I just-..” he sighed before continuing, “I’m trying to protect you and not protect you at the same time.. wait that makes no sense.” Oscar gave a frustrated groan, “Mira, I like you too, (y/n). So much. That is why I can’t be with you, because other gangs might make you a target, like they’re doing with Cesar. They do this because you both are close with me and.. I would never be able to live with myself knowing you lost your life because of me..” he got quieter towards the end of the sentence.
You leaned your back against the door and kept listening to Oscar, not sure of how you should feel.
“Please trust me when I say that I do want to be with you. I will think of some way for me to make sure you stay safe, baby girl. Please open the door..” he begged.
You took a deep breath and moved your back from the door. You unlocked the door and opened it slowly, “So you didn’t say you were uninterested because of my body..?” You questioned, looking up shyly to meet Oscar’s eyes.
Oscar’s eyes widened and he tilted his head, “What the hell? Of course not, Ma. Any guy would be lucky to have you and your beautiful personality and curvy goddess of a body, but I want to be that lucky guy..” cupping your face and tracing his thumb over your cheek, Oscar kissed you slowly.
Saying you felt fireworks when you kissed him would be a cliché, but you certainly felt something magical when you kissed him back delicately.
“Will you be my girlfriend, (y/n)? I promise to protect you with everything I have.” He promised, whispering against your lips.
You smiled more and connected your lips once more, allowing that to be your answer to his question.
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Fandoms and Characters We write for!
On My Block
-Ruby Martinez 
-Cesar Diaz 
-Oscar Diaz
-Jamal Turner 
-Peter Parker 
-Tony Stark 
-Steve Rogers
-Clint Barton 
-Bruce Banner 
-Bucky Barnes 
The Flash 
-Barry Allen 
Harry Potter 
-Ron Weasley 
-Fred Weasley 
-George Weasley 
-James Potter 
-Draco Mafloy 
-Siruis Black 
-Remus Lupin 
-Sweet Pea
-Reggie Mantle 
-Archie Andrews 
-Jughead Jones 
Walking Dead 
-Carl Grimes 
-Daryl Dixon 
-Dean Winchester
-Sam Winchester 
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“His Reina.” Spooky x Plus size Reader OnMyBlock
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Gif by: @southdaleserpents
Based on: “Oscar introduces Cesar to a girl (reader) apart of an allied gang that he’s close to, Cesar doesn’t know readers oscars gf and starts flirting with her which makes Oscar salty and he pretty much starts a make out session in front of Cesar? Plus size reader plz! No rush either! Thank you so much jade/Alana!”
Author: Alana
“So how did you meet this gang anyway?” Cesar asked, sitting on an empty crate in their driveway.
Oscar made sure he kept an eye out for when you arrived.
“Oh, uh, we helped her gang out with a Prophet problem not too long ago.” He replied nonchalantly, but secretly excited to see you.
Cesar nodded his head interested, “Okay, what’s her gang called?” He questioned Oscar, who was now standing up biting back a smile.
“We’re called the Bellatrix.” You answered Cesar, walking up the driveway with two of your closest friends. These girls were the next in charge in your gang.
All of your high heels clicked in sync as you walked. To say you all looked hot would be an understatement.
Your shirt hugged your curves so effortlessly, defining the shape of your body. The shape that drove your boyfriend, Oscar, mad every time you two touched each other.
Cesar quickly stood up surprised and looked you up and down briefly, blushing he smiled, “O-oh... you must be (y/n)! Oscar has told me a bit about you. I love the name of your gang by the way..” Cesar replied, giving you that adorable smile.
You smiled and winked at Cesar, “Thanks. It means female warrior in Latin. Which describes my girls and I perfectly.” You explained to Cesar, walking over and hugging Oscar.
“Hey, baby.” You whispered in his ear and smiled.
Cesar watched you both, a little jealous that Oscar got a hug and he didn’t.
“So..” Cesar chimed in, causing you to pull away from the hug and look at him.
“Has anyone ever told you how absolutely stunning you are..? You look like you’re a real angel who came down to bless my life with your beauty...” Cesar commented, smiling at you and stepping towards you.
You couldn’t help but blush and raised your eyebrow at Cesar, “Oh really now?” You bit back a giggle as you heard Oscar growl a little behind you.
“Yes really... and those curves on your body are enough to make any man melt into bliss...” Cesar smirked, gently taking your hand.
You listened to Cesar go on, only because you knew how jealous your boyfriend was getting.
“I would do anything to have you, princesa..” Cesar finished, pushing a strand of your hair out of your face.
Oscar glared and quickly grabbed you by the waist, turning you towards him, “Too bad, mano.. she’s already my reina.” He informed Cesar as he squeezed your thighs, signaling for you to jump in his arms.
You couldn’t bite back the moan that came from your mouth, he knew that was your weak spot. You jumped into Oscar’s arms and wrapped your legs around his waist, causing him to gently squeeze your butt and kiss you forcefully.
You gasped quietly and kissed back hard, gently biting his lip and slowly tilting your head back, “God damn...” Oscar growled quietly, sitting down with you on his lap and continuing to kiss you.
Cesar stared on with wide eyes as he quietly blushed and looked at the two other women standing there laughing, “So I’m guessing they’re a thing..” he replied sheepishly.
The two girls laughed, “You think?” They joked, gently pushing Cesar.
You and Oscar sat outside making out with his hands gently running up and down your curves. You were his Reina.
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stripper-patrick · 4 years
Pretty Doll 🧸 Oscar Diaz
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Warnings: smut, filth, language, choking, unprotected, English to Spanish translation, kitchen sex, blood mention, cramping, pain
Tags: @rebellious-desires @mrsbanreswillseeyou @eclecticblkgirl
Relationship: Oscar Diaz x black plus sized reader
A hard 5 knocks come at my door and I groan after finally just getting to sit down. I had just finished cleaning the house and mopping and now I’m being bothered again. I stand up and sigh walking through the foyer to the front door. I wrap my hand around the bronze knob where I twist and open the door being met with these honey brown eyes that I used to go crazy for. Spooky.
“Hey Spooky. I’m sorry were you calling me?” I grab my phone out of my back pocket and he shakes his head.
“No I just figured now would be a good time to drop him off before it gets too late” I step to the side where he brings in our son, Zander who’s obviously sleepy.
“Hi mommy” he hugs my hips and I rub his back
“Hi baby”
“Uh I was hoping we could talk Y/N” I look at him and nod taking the sleepy boy by his hand. “Go in the kitchen and help yourself while I get him settled” I take Aamir upstairs undressing him and placing him into his pajamas which consist of some grey shorts and a paw patrol shirt. I get Zander in the bed and tuck him in kissing his head watching his heavy eyelids finally fall. I turn out the lamp and turn on his night light. I shut the door and go downstairs seeing Spooky sitting down with a glass of water. He taps at the glass and I sit down across from him waiting for what he has to say. He stays silent staring at the glass
“How was he today” I break the silence
“He was great yea we went fishing and he caught a big one. A snapper.” He nods “then we went and got lunch and walked around town for a bit”
“Sounds fun” a wave of silence falls upon us again and I look at him “Spooky did something happen?”
“Nah Nah me and Cesar are ok” he says “I just” he pauses for a second searching for his words “miss you” I feel my blood boil instantly after he said that. Our past was exactly the greatest. We used to do stupid shit. I got busted for petty theft then found out I was pregnant. Oscar took the blame for me but that doesn’t dismiss how I found 2 other bitches in the bed we shared. One of them being my very own blood.
“You miss me? The fuck do you mean you miss me? Oscar you fucking cheated on me with my sister. Everything that ruined our relationship was because of your selfish ass.” I stand up in disbelief noticing my fists balled and my body trembling in anger “because of you I don’t and will never talk to her anymore, because of you we aren’t the happy family I hoped for, and because of you Zander has to ask why daddy can’t come stay with us” I yell. His nostrils flare as he stands tall above me
“You done?”
“Am I done? Are you-“ I watch as his big brown eyes roll to the back of his head as I keep running off at the mouth. All of a sudden I’m cut short when his large hand is pressed to the top of my behind pulling our bodies close and his lips seal any leftover space between us. His kiss was like the first time, so mesmerizing, so sweet. I can’t help but place my hands on his shoulder while the other sits on the back of his neck. Oscar picks me up by my thighs where I feel his bulge pressing against my center. I try to grind down on it but he moans slapping the side of my behind. I’m pressed between Oscar and the stove feeling him grind against my gushing pussy.
He moves to my ear leaving a small kiss before whispering “Mi linda muñeca, te romperé” I let out a small moan just barely above my breath. I feel his lips curl into a smile against my neck.
“Please fuck me” I beg. Oscar drops his pants and I pull off my underwear. Just like old times he fills me up and puts my leg on his shoulder. My other leg hangs off his waist as he grabs the back of my neck pulling me closer. Oscar drops his head on my chest holding me close while plowing me out. It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever experienced and I can feel how bad he misses me. I ball up his shirt in my hand as he relentlessly plowing on my g-spot making me see stars “Oscar” I moan
“That’s it baby say my name. Whos making your pussy quiver like this”
“You fuck” he pulls my other leg on his shoulder somehow going deeper inside of me. Oscar speeds up his rhythm and I wince at the small pain but the pleasure feels so food to even speak on it. Oscar plants his lips on mine in a sloppy kiss and rubs my clit with his thumb making my hips jerk.
“I’m gonna cum” I warn biting my lip. I bring him close to me as our bodies move in sync bringing us to our highs. Oscar keeps a tight grip on my quivering thigh as my juices leak onto him and his inside of me. Oscar sucks on my neck moaning and groaning as he penetrates every drop of his cum into me. I run my fingers through his very short hair as he finally starts to slow down.
After a few more pumps he stops breathing heavily on my neck. I pull his face up to mine kissing him sweetly. My throat is dry from the moaning. “Can you stay the night please”
“Yea of course”
“And I need you to carry me I can’t walk” I laugh.
“Yes ma’am” he pulls up his pants buttoning them and sipping them up before pulling down his shirt. He picks me up taking me upstairs. I pull off my clothes not even bothering with pajamas. Oscar strips down to his boxers getting in the bed curling up next to me.
He turns on his side and I wrap my leg around his waist and my arm intertwined with his. “I feel like a backpack” I laugh. Oscar lets out a small rumble
“I hate you” he snickers
I wake up to terrible cramps in my stomach and I turn trying to push them away. The sun shines bright on my eyes forcing me to wake up. I sit up feeling more cramps hit. This is weird. I feel a warm wet feeling between my legs and pull over the covers seeing a substantial amount of blood on the sheets and in my lower body. “Oscar” I tap his arm and he stirs in his sleep turning his head to me. Eyes still closed.
“Oscar wake up” I grab my phone alarmed dialing my moms number
He finally opens those pretty hazel eyes and sees I’m in a panic “que pasa mamacita?”
“I’m bleeding and cramping really bad and I don’t know why?” He jolts up and sees the blood
“Is it your period?”
“No that already happened this month” I’m starting to get squeamish and antsy. My mom finally picks up “hey honey”
“Hey mom I need you to watch Zander I need to go to the hospital” Oscar comes around to my side of the bed and I stand up with his help. I double over in pain as another cramp comes my way.
“Why what’s wrong”
“I don’t know I just need you around here ASAP”
“I’m on my way” I hang up and go into the bathroom cleaning myself up and showering. “Jesus it hurts so bad” I say washing the blood off of me. Oscar is standing there swigging some mouth wash. I step out and he holds onto me so I don’t faint.
I brush my teeth and hear the doorbell ring “that’s my mom” he groans rolling his eyes. Oscar leaves going downstairs to open the door. I finish and go into my room grabbing some fresh underwear and a bra. I grab some leggings and a t-shirt and some crocs. I pull the sheets and Oscar and my mom both appear in the frame.
“Don’t worry about that I’ll have that done for you just go” she says. I hug her thanking her. Oscar walks with me downstairs.
“There’s a lot of pressure down there” I say. His eyes go wide because the last time he heard that I was in labor.
“Aw shit” he picks me up taking me outside. Oscar locks the door and I walk to the car getting in. He gets in on the drivers side backing out and I take a deep breath.
“So what seems to be the issue today?” The male doctor asks. Oscar studies him intently.
“Uhhh my period happened 2 weeks ago and shouldn’t happen for the rest of the month but I’m bleeding and cramping pretty bad” I say
“Ok have you been sexually active in the 24-48 hours?” I look to Oscar and he looks at me with a smirk
“Yes last night”
“Ok do you mind if I take a look?”
“Please” he puts on a fresh pair of gloves and I place my legs in the stirrups. The doctor goes down examining everything and he inserts two fingers inside of me which is highly uncomfortable. I can oscars hand trying to breathe through it. He touches my cervix and I gasp squeezing oscars hand.
“Your vagina is somewhat swollen and your cervix is bruised. That’s mainly caused my penetration”
“So excuse my language but you mean to tell me he beat my pussy up so bad that it’s now bruised?”
“Yes correct” he chuckles “we can prescribe you some for the cramps but other than that no penetration too crazy for the next 2 weeks just to be safe”
“2 weeks?!” Oscar speaks up
“Yes” he removes his gloves throwing them away
“You damn sure won’t be touching me for 2 weeks”
“I’ll write up something for you. Be safe” he leaves the room and I hit Oscar in his chest.
“Damn mami what you hit me for?”
“You bruised my cervix. It’s already bad enough your sons fat ass head just like yours tore my vagina and now you beat it up so much that it’s bruised” I’m completely shocked
“Well I mean shit the way you were moaning sounded like you didn’t want me to stop”
“I swear on everything I’ll kick your ass” the doctor comes back in with the note for my medicine
“Here’s this I sent it in and you guys are good to go” he leaves back out and I grab my leggings
“I’m glad I did it rather than some other asshole” he says
“If I could I’d kick you right now” I roll my eyes
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stripper-patrick · 4 years
Gangsta 🔰Spooky Diaz
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Part 1
Warnings: smut, filth, oral (m), weed smoking
Tags: @rebellious-desires @mrsbanreswillseeyou
Relationship: Oscar Diaz x black plus sized reader
I pass the blunt to Abuelita as she cleans the blood off Oscars face “so you were the infamous Loca? I had heard about you and thought you were ruthless” Abuelita hits off the blunt coughing. We both look at her “that’s some good shit”
“Yea well I still am just toned down a bit more” he hisses as she hits a spot on him
Abuelita takes a puff and passes it to Oscar “listen. I would never put you or Cesar in danger. I love you both too much for that” I can see Oscar is pissed. Now whether it’s the pain or the fact that I didn’t tell him about my past is unknown.
“You put yourself in danger Y/N. Not only you but Cesar. And who the fuck taught him how to drive?”
“I did” He closes his eyes and Abuelita finishes
“Oscar you have to realize she went out and killed someone for you. That’s the type of shit that’ll land people in jail but as long as they know you’re well the person who did it doesn’t care”
“Exactly” he stands tall
“Thanks Abuelita” She smiles taking the blunt
“I’m keeping this”
We get home and Oscar sits on the couch sighing and rubbing his eyes. I sit next to him putting my hand on his thigh “Oscar I hope your not mad at me”
“I just don’t want you to do anything like that again”
“What do you want me to let you die? As you know my name used to be Loca so I do a lot of crazy shit. And one thing I won’t tolerate is anyone messing with my papi” I say. He chuckles.
“Your like a little chihuahua” he says leaning forward to kiss me. “I’m gonna go take a shower”
He stands up going upstairs to the bathroom. I go to our bedroom getting on my phone hearing the shower run.
I scroll through some videos and get horny. Not down there I just really wanna suck him off and hear his moans. I stand up pulling my hair up. I open the door and see him standing there with a towel clung to his waist dripping wet. He stops there staring at me and I sink to my knees watching his eyes follow me.
“Let me show you how loyal I am” I pull off his towel grabbing his semi-hard dick. I put him in my mouth feeling it grow. I start bobbing my head pushing him to the back of my throat. He purses his lips showing me his dimples and I smile. I pull his dick out letting a string of spit collect from my tongue to his tip. I tap his dick on my lips.
“You nasty bitch” he smiles “keep going” he moans
I use both hands to work his shaft. He grips the wall and his other hand moves my head further. I play with his balls looking him dead in the eyes.
Oscar moves his weight to the wall using both hands to steady my head and fuck my face throwing his head back letting out large pants and moans. I gag and gargle on his dick holding his thoughts while tears fall from my eyes “shit”
Oscar comes in my mouth emptying his load pretty quick. I massage his balls sucking out everything he has and I come off him with a pop. I come up smiling innocently.
“Mami you make me loco”
“That’s why my name is Loca” I wink
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stripper-patrick · 5 years
Please don’t leave me 🏔Oscar Diaz
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Warnings: smut, filth, angst, language, angst, choking, arguing, unprotected, terrible English to Spanish translation
Tags: @rebellious-desires @mrsbanreswillseeyou
Relationship: Oscar Diaz x black plus sized/ requested reader
I pull up and park on the side to see some plastic bitch laying her big ass megamind on my mans shoulder and his arm around her shoulder. I park cherry red car and get out seeing his facial expression change “what the fuck is this Spooky”
“Y/N this isn’t what you think” he stands up moving away from the girl and steps towards me. I move back. I’m so angry I’m shaking and my fists are balled up. I feel like it’s getting harder and harder for me to breath.
“Look at me” he grabs my arm and that’s when I see red and start wailing on him. I scream and hit and punch him. Oscar picks me up and carries me over to my car across the street. He sets me down and I can see he’s furious too but he keeps his composure.
“Please Y/N” he begs. I push him off of me.
“Find a way to get home” I get in the car which is technically his and drive off. I take a deep breath counting backwards from 10 during the drive.
I finally get home and oddly enough Oscar is right behind me with his friend. His friend who goes by Peso stops the car and lets him out. I get out and see Oscar coming up. I slam the car door waiting for him to give a bullshit excuse. I walk away and into the house with him hot on my heels.
“Watch it!” He yells pointing his finger at me
“Watch my ass walk out this damn door if you do that shit ever again” I say pointing to the door. His face softens up my harsh words
“Princesa I cant let you go”
“You told me from day one I had the key to your heart and my stupid ass believed you. I should’ve known someone had a spare key”
“You know it would be someone like you to fuck a plastic bitch. You have the real thing at home but you wanna keep dicking around with chucky”
“Let me make it up to you” he begs. I’ve never seen Oscar this vulnerable
“No I’m gonna go take a nap” I leave the room and go to our shared bedroom closing the door behind me. I lock it and get in the bed feeling the warm tears stain the pillow. I feel stupid crying over a man but he’s someone who I truly care about.
I wake up feeling my body being comforted by something thick and warm. I also feel something poking me in my lower back. I open my eyes and see Oscar kissing my ear and neck.
“What the hell is that in my lower back” I ask moving around. I hear a low groan and I move my hand behind me feeling a hard dick.
“Oscar how did you even get in here”
“I picked the lock” he says “Mami look at me” I stand up prying his arms away from me.
“No Oscar you’ve already lied and hurt me enough. I won’t stand this shit much longer”
“I love you” I’m cut short when he says that. He’s never said that to me or anyone except for Cesar and that’s a dyer situation.
“Oscar don’t say it if you don’t mean it”
“You know I’m a man of my word” he steps closer to me “let me make it up to you please”
He moves closer kissing my cheek and holding me as I just let him. He kisses all over my face ending with my lips. He pulls me on the bed.
“I don’t wanna see your face so hit it from the back”
“Fine then” he says smacking my butt. He pulls down my tight jeans placing a kiss to my lower back tattoo.
Oscar pulls off my soaked panties throwing them somewhere else and I feel his member stretch me out. I arch my back forward pressing my upper body on the bed where I stretch my arms out. He holds my hips pulling me back starting to rock his hips inside of me. I moan closing my eyes.
“I love this tight ass pussy Mami” he moans slapping my butt and kneading it.
“Oscar” I moan
“What’s my name baby” Oscar slams into me harder and I gasp rubbing my clit. I stop feeling the strokes become too much for me
“Oscar slow down please” I move my hand behind me trying to slow down his hips but he holds my hands thrusting into me deeper.
“Uh uh take it Mami” he moans “no man will ever fuck you like this. Make you feel this good”
“Oh god” I moan
“Tengo ese culo en la cerraduro” he moans in my ear.
“I’m cumming oh my god” he slams into me harder as my eyes roll to the back of my head and my body tenses. Inaudible moans escape from my mouth and Oscar groans rolling his head back moaning my name as he fills me up with his thick cum.
“Look what you do to me mamita” he moans
“Baby oh fuck” I moan. He slows down eventually coming to a stop and he pulls out. I turn on my back watching him just stare down at me.
“Please don’t leave me. Cesar has told me your the mom we never had and I’m telling you you’re the wife I’ve always wanted”
“Fuck up again and you’ll have to look for someone new”
A/N: low key I wanna make a part 2 to this what y’all think?
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