#ot3 headcannons
atlas-affogato · 2 years
Well, anyways
Ratso listens to late 90s early 00s rock and nu metal
and Finn absolutely hates it because he's a music snob and 70s pop and disco elitist
Chow will listen to pretty much anything but he likes 90s pop
he tapes NSYNC music videos on his vcr so he can go back and learn the dances
Ratso and Finn love musicals and will obnoxiously sing over the actors the entire movie
Chow tolerates them but he does NOT like musicals, just tolerates them for Ratso and Finn
Finn and Chow got in a fight once because Finn would not stop playing freeform jazz at any opportunity
'can we please GOD listen to anything else'
'you don't like my music?'
'I hate your music'
It was a whole thing
Finn threw a hissy fit
Ratso and Chow cannot get Finn to stop romanticizing the 70s
It's a problem
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thebookishwitch · 10 months
In the Leverage OT3 this is how I imagine the kinkiness going.
Hardison: Will make dirty jokes and tease and call people sexy, but is actually really vanilla in the bedroom. Don't tell anyone that he likes soft foreplay and cuddling. It embarrasses him.
Elliot: Seems like a southern gentleman, and absolutely is with people he doesn't know. But the second you're close to him, like really truly close? Freak. Service dom to the max, will make all your wildest fantasies come true because he can.
Parker: Knows more about sex than anyone in the group even tho she's never actually had it and really has no interest in it. Will watch the boys get it on, might even cuddle afterwards, but she's our Ace queen.
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lockwood-ot3 · 1 year
Lockwood & Co: Paychecks
okay but like, I think Lockwood does pay Lucy and George. Does he do it consistently? No. Does the amount they receive vary every single time? Definitely. Lockwood has overhead and a mortgage, he has utilities and DEPRAC fees and supplies to buy. So sometimes the paychecks are smaller, but he does his best to get them to Lucy and George every other week.
George and Lucy, on the other hand, don't usually cash the checks. Lucy has a stack in her bedside dresser, and once in a blue moon she'll let herself buy some new clothes and art supplies. George uses them as bookmarks, mostly, occasionally cashing one to buy used trousers and t-shirts at a consignment store, because why buy new when everything gets destroyed by ectoplasm, anyway?
edited to add: because they're not really there for the paychecks, are they?
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misanthropemom · 2 months
Leverage headcannon I just came up with:
Parker has licked every member of the team, invoking the ancient rule, "I licked it; now it's mine."
Because Parker does not have the same physical restraint in interaction that other people do. You can see this when she's interacting with, for example, Elliot or Hardison. Which is instrumental in my assumption that they are a trio.
She also does this with diamonds she's stolen.
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zin-obsessive-diary · 2 months
Lee(discutiendo con Neji): Por favor Neji, ¡Solo una vez! Neji: ¡Ya te dije que no Lee! Tenten: Lee, ¿Estás molestando a Neji? Lee: ¡Solo le pedí que me dejara peinar su cabello! Tenten: Lee: Tenten: ...Neji- Neji: ¡Ni siquiera lo pienses!
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thefatedthoughtofyou · 3 months
Say Cheese!
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Gator Tillman x Kirby Rivers x Win Lewis
♤ Summary: Just some headcanons about this little trio and the things they get up to with Kirby's old Polaroid camera.
♤ Warning: Gator x oc x oc, ot3 oc pairing, trans oc, Kirby uses he/him pronouns, masturbation, mentions of sex, poly relationship.
♤ A/N: heyooooo @jozstankovich lookkyy hereeee! (I may or may not have added some stuff at the end! Thanks to your idea about the risqué pics from Win!!! Hehehe!) Enjoy! Oh and! @thecreelhouse i hope it's okay to tag you too!
Okay so basically, i feel like they would all have like, certain feelings about having their pictures taken. And like most people it's either serious and chill or goofy and silly.
Like Gator 100% takes those douchy lookin pics, especially selfies. But if Kirby or Win catch him right and just go "say cheese" he will legit take the prettiest pictures with his genuine pretty smile. Because no matter how he acts sometimes that boy is so beautiful and photogenic.
And Win either poses all cute, and sweet and looks like an angel. Or they get her looking like a feral little goblin doing some silly shit. There literally is no in-between and her boys love it that way.
And Kirby. Sweet sweet Kirby. Has three settings. He either cheeses it up nice and good. Smiles all dorky and weird. Or he has no fucking smile at all. Sometimes because he's being silly, sometimes because he wants to rip the camera or phone out of the person's hand and just trash it.
Cuz he's got issues with self image still and sometimes he hates having his picture taken. But when he's goofin the serious bits, the others love it!!
And then the third setting he has, is them catching him laughing and just his genuine bright smile. And he tends to cover it a lot because he's sensitive about his little crooked teeth but some days they catch him at just the right moment and they capture that bright ass smile just right and they both just fucking swoon.
And Win and Kirby are the ones that probably start collecting the pictures. Cuz Win finds Kirby's old Polaroid camera and starts takin pics and he pins them up on the fridge. But then it's covered. So he starts pinning them to his bulletin board. And then THAT gets full. So he starts just putting them on his wall in his bedroom and lets Win and Gator add to it and do whatever they want.
And eventually the whole wall is full of just happy silly stupid moments they've had. And they all love looking at it and adding to it and sometimes taking things down when they need more room for new things.
Gator sneaks a lot of pictues down. Takes them home and hides them under his bed in a shoebox before he gets away from Roy. To have some nice things at his house.
There's a whole little section of Win and her cooking mishaps. And a section of Kirby out working on cars because Win's thirst for him when he's out there is insatiable, and she's dragged Gator into it now too, so it's getting out of hand.
And Kirby loves taking pictures of the other two sleeping. Especially Gator. But he adores Win so much that he loves taking pics of her when she's doing anything and not paying attention to him. There's lots of her reading, or working on her music. Cuz she gets a little crease between her eyebrows and sticks her tongue out in concentration and he LOVES it.
There's tons of Gator sleeping cuz he looks soft, and happy, and relaxed when he's with Kirby and Win so Kirby just... keeps taking pictues of it.
So Kirby's house, and probably Win's as well, i imagine it bleeding out of Kirby's house out into the other's. Win's more so at first. But once Gator gets his own place he has a wall of his own. Some of his are more risqué pics of them all. But he has literally no shame and Win and Kirby fucking love him for it.
Just... all three of them having walls covered in the others and their love. 🧡
And Win 100% would send more risqué pics when she knows the others are busy. Just to get them all flustered on purpose. It would be so much worse for Gator though. Cuz his job is actually around others. Kirby literally works from home. And the amount of times he sends back,
"I understand your intentions but if you think I don't receive these and just straight up go inside and rub one out, you're out of your tiny little mind. I am immune to your childish antics!!! Mwahahahhaha!"
Meanwhile Gator is at work in his cruiser squirming and flustered and bothered and they're talking in the group chat so he saw Kirby's answer too and it's NOT HELPING!!!
So Gator sneaks off, either hides in the bathroom at work and jerks off, whining into his arm, biting into his bicep when he feels his phone vibrate in his pocket cuz he knows they're bothing commenting on how they know exactly what he's doing.
Sometimes he sneaks off in his prowler and drives way way out into the middle of nowhere and does it there instead. So he can be as loud as he wants. Sometimes Win and Kirby call him and just listen to him fall apart on the phone. Encouraging him and telling him how good he's doing.
Kirby 100% is also touching himself, but Win only can if she's not around people at work. So she sneaks off sometimes too, into the bathroom, and shoves her hand down her pants and whines into her arm too. But sometimes she can't and her plan totally fucking backfires and she ends up all hot and needy.
But it's okay cuz she knows Kirby and Gator will take good care of her when she gets home. And they do. Multiple times. Kirby always so smug like,
"You see what happens when you play games? You get horny. And Gator gets horny. And I'm the only one who can get off without incident." He says all this while snuggling into her naked back of course. And Gator snorts and is like,
"Without incident. Like we don't know you've fallen in the fucking shower getting off and nearly given yourself a concussion." He's shaking his head but he reaches over, across Win where she's pulled against his chest, and grabs at Kirby's waist, making him squirm. Kirby bites at his arm and is like,
"Worth it." And cuddles even closer, pressing kisses to Win's shoulder before gently sinking his teeth in, making her squirm. And she reaches behind her, wraps her arm around Kirby as best she can to pull him closer til he's grinding his hips against her, hums into Gator's chest and says,
"Totally worth it." All dreamy and cute as they fall alseep all tangled together.
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mischievouschan4 · 1 year
WIP Wednesday - Club!AU (QuiObiAni)
I may have missed Wednesday by 10 minutes local time, but IT'S THE THOUGHT THAT COUNTS! Here's another "what I'd like to write Wednesday" post that isn't truly a WIP:
Obi-Wan so very rarely goes to clubs these days. He'd had his wild streak when he was in college, but now that he's closer to forty than thirty, most of his nights are filled with mugs of steaming herbal tea, a thick novel, and maybe a relaxing bath.
As the owner of a local bookstore, he's already obligated to spend most of his time reading, but he just loves exploring new worlds through the pages of the latest thrillers or feeling the full spectrum of human emotion in a romantic comedy. He never complains about reading more, it's one of his favorite things in the world. But his own life, as calm and predictable as it is, reads in stark contrast to the exciting places that his mind visits in his books.
...Which is why he feels so out of place sitting at a small round table in the second floor bar area of a packed nightclub. The dark space is occasionally lit by the strobe lights flashing up from the open dancefloor below, and the air is filled with a pulsating beat curated by the live DJ. Obi-Wan leans over the railing to take a peek at the writhing mass of bodies all jumping up and down in time with the music.
No, thank you. Hard pass, he thinks to himself.
He's only here because it's Quinlan's birthday today, and the man had dragged Obi-Wan and a bunch of their old college friends out for 'an exciting night out, c'mon Obi-Wan, don't be such a sourpuss'. Obi-Wan had signed resignedly, but didn't deny that he could probably do with a little more socializing beyond occasionally chatting with his clientele. His life isn't lonely, per say, just quiet. And while he usually appreciates the tranquility, sometimes he does wish he could have someone... to fill in the blank spaces of his monochrome existence with a bit of color.
So here he is, nursing a Scotch and contemplating the state of his life as he oh so carefully guards his friends' belongings that they'd left scattered on the table and chairs around him. They'd gone off to do who knows what, and Obi-Wan is halfway convinced that he should pull out his phone and start answering some emails. Suddenly, someone moves the purse off the chair next to Obi-Wan and slides smoothly onto the seat in its place.
"So... aside from being sexy, what do you do for a living?" a sultry voice asks. Though, a bit of the effect is ruined by the need for him to shout.
Obi-Wan squints through the low light (maybe he should have brought his glasses) to make out the shadowed shape of a young man, really young, probably late teens young, with a handsome face and a headful of bouncy curls. He's also wearing the tightest outfit Obi-Wan has ever seen on a person.
Is Obi-Wan... being hit on right now? By a barely legal twink?
Obi-Wan clears his throat awkwardly. "I- I sell books," he says loudly, leaning closer to speak directly in the other man's ear in order to be heard over the din. The newcomer smells like expensive cologne. Musky. Alluring.
The kid leans back and raises his eyebrows as he blatantly appraises Obi-Wan up and down. "Well, it's a good thing I have my library card then, because I'm totally checking you out," he yells back, shooting finger guns in Obi-Wan's direction.
It takes Obi-Wan a second to even register what was said, too distracted by the juvenile display. "That's what you're leading with?" Obi-Wan questions as he shakes his head.
"You don't like?" the kid brushes off the snub. "How about this one? Baby, if you were words on a page, you'd be fine print." This time, the younger man drags out the words 'fine print' as he leans an elbow on the table and gazes up at Obi-Wan through his lashes.
Obi-Wan winces at the exaggeration.
"Still no?" The kid straightens and flicks his head to get the hair off of his forehead, unfazed. (Why was that so attractive?) "Okay, so I was reading the book of numbers, and I realized I don't have yours."
Obi-Wan sighs and holds up a hand, "How about we start with your name?" (He's actually mildly impressed with the kid's ability to think of so many book related pick-up lines on the spot, but something tells Obi-Wan that he doesn't need to inflate the kid's ego any more than it already is.)
"I'm Anakin," the kid, Anakin, answers. "What's yours?"
They sit there shouting at each other for a while with Obi-Wan becoming increasingly drawn in by the younger man's gorgeous eyes and attractive smirk. Anakin's smile should be illegal, Obi-Wan thinks to himself. He looks like sin incarnate. And the kid keeps touching Obi-Wan, finding every opportunity to lay a hand on Obi-Wan's bicep or trail his fingers across Obi-Wan's thighs. It's starting to drive Obi-Wan a little mad, his cock is definitely half hard in his pants.
All of a sudden, a busgirl comes up behind Obi-Wan, leaning over his shoulder to place a brightly colored shot onto the table. She pushes it towards Anakin as she yells, "From the man at the bar." Obi-Wan notices that she winks at Anakin before rushing off.
Anakin, clearly unconcerned about the safety of accepting drinks from strangers, lifts the glass and looks over Obi-Wan's shoulder to where the bar is, toasts someone - presumably the surprise benefactor who had bought him said liquor - and downs it in one gulp. The bob of Anakin's Adams apple as he swallows looks... incredibly tempting.
Obi-Wan feels annoyance stab through him, couldn't this 'man at the bar' see that Anakin was already taken? In fact, Anakin was the one who'd chosen Obi-Wan! But then, Obi-Wan reminds himself that it doesn't matter, it's not like he and Anakin are actually going to do anything. Right? Right?
"You're popular tonight," Obi-Wan points out neutrally.
Anakin just shrugs and puts his hand back on Obi-Wan's thigh with a smirk.
Obi-Wan quickly forgets why he's even miffed in the first place.
After a few moments, however, another man approaches their table and immediately invades Anakin's space. The man doesn't hesitate to thread his fingers into Anakin's curls and clench them into a fist, yanking Anakin's head back to bring their mouths together in a filthy kiss. They're clearly putting on a show for Obi-Wan.
Obi-Wan feels his mouth fall open at the sight.
The other man, who is dressed to the nines in a full suit (tie and all), has his long hair pulled back in an elegant braid. He's also significantly older than Obi-Wan himself, and he moves with a well-practiced air that speaks of intimate familiarity with Anakin.
Obi-Wan watches, transfixed, as the man reaches up and wraps his fingers around Anakin's throat. Instead of fighting it, Anakin seems to arch his back further, putting himself on display while simultaneously pushing into the older man’s ministrations. The man doesn't squeeze, but Obi-Wan is getting all sorts of ideas as to what kinds of sexual activities these two get up to in private. Obi-Wan covertly adjusts himself in his pants as he watches Anakin enthusiastically respond to getting tongue fucked in public.
When the two finally break apart, the older man keeps a possessive arm around Anakin's waist as he extends a hand to Obi-Wan. In a bit of a daze, Obi-Wan registers that the other man's hand practically engulfs his own as they shake.
"I'm Qui-Gon," the man introduces himself. "I understand that you're the one my boy wants to fuck tonight." Qui-Gon also gives Obi-Wan an appreciative onceover. "Not bad," he compliments with a sensual smirk.
Obi-Wan instantly flushes red when he realizes that (somehow) both men are hitting on him? (How is this real life?) Maybe it’s due to the sheer implausibility of such a situation, or maybe it’s because he’s just that horny, but Obi-Wan lets himself get ushered into a back room of the club, a fancy office with a huge couch and, thankfully, soundproof walls.
"Are we allowed back here?" he asks tentatively. Finally able to speak at a normal volume.
"Yeah, we come here all the time," Anakin answers nonchalantly.
"But won't we get in trouble?"
Anakin smirks as he starts to shimmy out of his skin-tight outfit. Right there. In the middle of the room. "The owner of this place doesn't care," he says flippantly.
"In fact," Qui-Gon says as he comes to stand behind Obi-Wan and wrap his big hands around Obi-Wan's waist. The taller man brushes his nose against the shell of Obi-Wan's ear, sending shivers down Obi-Wan's spine. "The owner of this place likes to watch." Qui-Gon's voice rumbles like gravel, low and husky, and Obi-Wan can’t possibly resist. He pushes his hips back into the taller man and whimpers as Qui-Gon's hands slip in and dip below the waistband of Obi-Wan’s pants.
Anakin is completely naked at this point, and he goes to sit on the couch, hard cock on full display for the two older men. "And in case you're wondering," Anakin explains as grabs some lube hidden in the cushions, "Qui-Gon is the owner."
The long-haired man hums in confirmation as he tilts Obi-Wans face up for a long-awaited kiss. Qui-Gon is clearly very experienced at this, and Obi-Wan can do little except wind his arms around Qui-Gon's neck and cling. His knees have gone weak, and his brain is fuzzy.
Obi-Wan has his first threesome that night, with Anakin fucking into Obi-Wan with fervor at the same time Qui-Gon fucks Anakin at a more leisurely pace. The kid finishes before either of the other two, overwhelmed by the double stimulation, and Qui-Gon ends up fucking Obi-Wan until they both cum. By that point, Anakin is hard again, and Qui-Gon guides Obi-Wan to suck Anakin off as Qui-Gon fingers the younger man's hole.
Needless to say, Obi-Wan is thoroughly embarrassed afterwards, but Anakin just bulldozes through any awkwardness with his loud personality, and Qui-Gon seems to know exactly what Obi-Wan needs. A towel. His phone. A reassurance not to worry about Obi-Wan's friend's personal effects because Qui-Gon has already thought to ask a security guard to watch over their table.
Something about Obi-Wan must really make an impression because Anakin and Qui-Gon find ways to worm their way into Obi-Wan's life. Qui-Gon likes to stop by Obi-Wan's shop during the lunch hour to whisk Obi-Wan off to a fancy date. Anakin, who is actually older than Obi-Wan initially guessed (but not by much), is finishing up school to be a pilot, so he spends afternoons doing homework in the bookstore.
Obi-Wan is reluctant to believe it at first, but gradually, as weeks bleed into months, and months into years, Obi-Wan realizes that they are invested.
They each have their preferred sleeping positions in bed at this point (Anakin always wants to be in the middle). Qui-Gon has even become a business partner as he generously lends out the club space during the day for Obi-Wan to use for larger events that don’t fit in the bookstore, signings and club meetings and drag queen readings for kids. And every time he's home between flights, Anakin barrels through their lives like a hurricane, sexually and in other ways. The gifts he brings back from other cities are becoming too numerous to count in their new shared home.
Obi-Wan realizes he doesn't need a ring or a formal marriage to know that he's found his people. And maybe the matching tattoos the three of them get represent that promise. A stylized bird rising into the air, its wings spread to form the shape of a circle. Together forever, Anakin had promised. And without Obi-Wan consciously realizing it, he slowly comes see how Anakin and Qui-Gon have taken a palette to Obi-Wan's cookie cutter life and painted it in brilliant swathes of color. Together forever, Obi-Wan thinks to himself.
In the end, he gets his fairy tale ending.
Ho boy, where did my mind go this week? I originally just wanted to write the tag-team club pick up, but then my mind went to bookstores and fairy tales and color metaphors. WOOPS!
ALSO: Yes, it's Qui-Gon that buys Anakin the shot. It's their little play, if Anakin drinks it there, he wants Qui-Gon to come over. If he's bored, he'll take it and walk away to enjoy in Qui-Gon's lap hehe
Anyways, hope you enjoyed!
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twisting-echo · 2 years
Soft and Sweet Boots Headcanon
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This is just one of my many headcanons of how Soft and Sweet Boots (Kitty, Dulcinea, and Puss) get together.
Puss and Kitty have been close friends for years, slowly developing feelings for one another along the way. Dulcinea, being the kind of person who gets along with anyone, slowly gained the friendship of both Puss and Kitty. Being close friends, Puss could tell that Kitty was developing deeper feelings for Dulcinea and didn't want to get in the way of his friend's happiness, despite his own budding and confusing feelings for both Kitty and Dulcinea.
When Dulcinea and Kitty had been together for about four months, Kitty noticed how dejected Puss had been acting for the last few months. Kitty felt guilty about ignoring her own feelings for Puss and how Puss felt about Dulcinea. Dulcinea noticed that her girlfriend and friend were at odds with each other, and she finally decided to bring their feelings to light and admit how guilty she felt for driving a wedge between them and her tender feelings for both of them.
So, as Dulcinea told them, they both stared at her in disbelief while avoiding looking at each other and blushing. Dulcinea took both of their hands in hers and said, "Think of how happy we can all be together." Kitty and Puss looked at each other with shy little smiles, and then they looked back at Dulcinea, giving both of her hands a gentle squeeze in agreement.
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phantoms-lair · 3 months
Arthur :D
First impression
Yellow Shaggy
Impression now
If the universe does not give this boy a heckin' break I will break the universe over my knee
Favorite moment
When he mouths 'Lewis' in Hellbent. Like sure we the viewers knew, but it was such a WHAM moment for him
Idea for a story
The tricky part is making it one I haven't done for him yet. Hmmm. Maybe a backstory of him getting his giant hamster?
Unpopular opinion
Don't really ship him with Vivi unless Lewis is there too. Dunno why but it doens't work for me
Favorite relationship
LewViThur. Love me some OT3
Favorite headcanon
I'm fond of the headcannon that he's into archery
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lostonehero · 6 months
I am trying so hard to not start another wip with selkie Martin but not seal anotger animal
You don't understand how hard it is to not start another fic
Ot3 Jon Tim Martin
Because Tim convinced Jon to help him bring Martin's coat back to his apartment as a peace offering for his awful behavior and well they both technically returned it
Martin now has two husbands and didn't even know this was possible
Also aromantic Sasha just because I like that headcannon for her
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chibigaia-art · 11 months
What is your favorite Danganronpa headcannons? And what is your headcanon for your favorite ship OT3?
i had way too many headcanons and I cant remember all of them for the life of me, but I always liked the idea that after escaping the neo world program, the sdr2 survivors all sleep in the same room and try to help each other through the night terrors and all the other consequences that came with their experience
as for the ot3 hcs, i found an old post with some of them! one that is missing from that post is that they all suck at cooking but K1-b0 starts to take the reins on that even if he can't taste things, so it's a long trial and error process
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atlas-affogato · 2 years
Chow: yo, you ready to go?
Ratso: yep, got ready in 5 minutes
Chow: where's Finn?
Ratso: *laughs* still in the shower
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vickyvictoria-3 · 5 months
REALLY late to the trend, but I want you to ask me!
100 Question Danganronpa Ask Game
1.) Favorite Game?
2.) Least Favorite Game?
3.) Favorite OST?
4.) Favorite Minigame?
5.) Favorite Game Design?
6.) What’s Your Favorite Cast?
7.) Favorite Class Trial From All The Games?
8.) Least Favorite Class Trial From All The Games?
9.) Favorite Execution?
10.) Least Favorite Execution?
11.) Favorite Unused Execution?
12.) Least Favorite Unused Execution?
13.) Favorite Love Hotel Scene?
14.) Favorite Freetime Event?
15.) Favorite Research Lab?
16.) Favorite Game End?
17.) Least Favorite Game End?
18.) Favorite In-Game Moment?
19.) Least Favorite In-Game Moment ?
20.) Happiest In-Game Moment?
21.) Saddest In-Game Moment?
22.) Favorite Random/Unessacary Moment?
23.) Favorite Chapter?
24.) Least Favorite Chapter?
25.) Favorite Anthology Chapter?
26.) Favorite Mascot?
26.) Least Favorite Mascot?
28.) Favorite Monokub?
29.) Least Favorite Monokub?
30.) Smartest Murder Plan?
31.) Hated Murder Plan?
32.) Favorite Culprit?
33.) Least Favorite Culprit?
34.) Favorite Protagonist?
35.) Least Favorite Protagonist?
36.) Favorite Antagonistic Character?
37.) Favorite Character?
38.) Least Favorite Character?
39.) Best Girl?
40.) Best Boy?
41.) Best Character Design?
42.) Worst Character Design?
43.) Favorite Eye Design?
44.) Which Character Has The Cutest Design?
45.) Favorite Major Character?
46.) Favorite Minor Character?
47.) A Character You Think Deserves Better?
48.) A Character You Thought You Would Dislike but Liked In The End?
49.) Who Do You Think is A Underrated Character?
50.) Who Do You Think is A Overrated Character?
51.) Which Character Should Have Survived In Your Option?
52.) Which Character Shouldn’t Have Survived In Your Option?
53.) Which Character Deserved To Survive In Your Option?
54.) Which Character Shouldn’t Have Deserve To Survive In Your Option?
55.) A Character Who Should’ve Got More Character Development?
56.) Which Character Did You Not Expect To Die But They Did?
57.) Who Did You Expect To Die But They Didn’t?
58.) A Character Who Looks Amazing but You Don’t Like?
59.) Which Character Do You Easily Forget?
60.) Which Character Seemed Like They Were Gonna Be Culprit But Wasnt In The End?
61.) A Character You’ve Never Expected To Become A Culprit but They Became One? (Besides Chiaki)
62.) A Character You Can Relate To?
63.) A Character You Relate To But Hate Anyways?
64.) What’s Your Option On The Danganronpa 1 Anime?
65.) What’s Your Option On The Danganronpa 3 Anime?
66.) Favorite Voice Actor?
67.) What Do You Think Of The Fandom?
68.) What Would Be Your Ultimate Title?
69.) Hope or Despair?
70.) Could You Be The Ultimate Lucky Student?
71.) Which Character’s Clothing Would You Like In Real Life?
72.) Popular Option?
73.) Popular Headcanon?
74.) Unpopular Option?
75.) Unpopular Headcanon?
76.) Which Character Would You Like To Meet In Real Life?
78.) Which Character Would You Never Like To Meet In Real Life?
79.) A Character You Would Choose To Have A Sleepover With?
80.) A Character You Would Choose To Have A Roadtrip With?
81.)A Character Who You’d Like To Snuggle?
82.)A Character Who Acts Like A Friend?
83.)A Character You’d Like To See As The Antagonist?
84.)Character as Antagonist Headcannon?
85.)Headcanons If Junko Wasn’t The Mastermind?
86.)Headcanons If Chaiki Surivived
87.)Headcanon on Pregame V3 Characters?
88.)Headcanons on Non-Despair AU
89.)Headcanons For An AU You Have
90.)Favorite Danganronpa Ask Account
91.)Favorite Fanfiction
92.)Recomended Headcannon
93.) Favorite Talent
94.) Least Favorite Talent
95.) Your Absolute OTP
96.) Your Absolute BroTP
97.) Any OT3
98.) Favorite Rare Ship
99.) An Overrated Ship Which Is Your NOTP
100.) Absolute NOTP
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bababaka · 1 year
Part 4 - Clexa x reader "headcannons"
No idea what i'm doing. Enjoy. Cause its the last one…
You can see how i was getting done with this as the end nears.
Part 3
- You were released. Yay. The problem was, being releasead by Heda? With no consequences? Oh. Opositors didn't take too kindly to that.
- You took that to your advantage. You had to lie and say that Heda should've killed you or at least torture you. She was too soft! 
- It worked. 
- not on all people, of course. After all, you were a traitor to both Heda and the Ice Nation.
- there were those who tried to kill you. To rally the crowd to execute you. 
- Most met their end in the middle of the night. Misteriously. Choked on their own blood. 
- You never left a trace. This wasn't any different. 
-  Those who were still alive and oposed to you had to be swayed by you. 
- They didn't trust you. But as you plead you could be useful, they relent. 
- And that's when your abilities come to light. 
- Sweet talking people to get information. Going unoticed as you eavesdrop om conversations. Sneaking into places you really weren't allowed to. 
- It was dangerous. Yes. But you didn't care. Your life held no value. You are just a tool to be used and discarded.
- First, to the glory of Ice Nation. Now, it was to serve your Heda. To help Lexa. To help Clarke.
-Ok. At first. You are avoing the both of them. Only talking when necessary to give reports. You try to give them to Titus or maybe Indra, though you have real chances of getting out of that harmed with the latter.
- Most people are distrusting and waring of you. It makes sense. You are a traitor. 
So. You are happy to avoid as much people as you can. 
- Neither Clarke nor Lexa lets you.
Ot3 dynamic
- Their trope is gay mess :)
- At first, it was Clarke. 
- You were outside. Layed at the ground. Staring at the stars. 
- Clarke obstruct your view, only to ask
"Youre stargazing? Do you mind if i join you?"
- You only nod. 
- She lays by your side. 
- For some minutes. You only look at the sky. Blue almost black with little points of light. Like snowflakes when they fall and the sun hits them just the right way. Demesmerizing. Sometimes you forget that winter, the cold, can be just as majestic as it is cruel and unrelenting.
- Clarke breaks your line of thought. 
- "The stars aren't nearly as pretty from the space as they are from here."
- "Really? You came from the sky, Wanheda. You are saying the sky is not beautiful?"
- "It can be." she turns her head at you. but "it doesn't compare to Earth."
- She holds her stare. This time not on the sky, but on you. And you hold your breath. Scared to break the moment. To end this. To come out of this "bubble"/dream. To think of what she means. What her shining gaze means.
- At the end, is Clarke who turns away.
- "Earth may have its flaws but it still is pretty."
- You remain silent. Still unbalanced. Still wondering and confused. 
- Clarke leaves not much longer after that. 
- And as she gives a last look, a thought comes to you unbidden.
- Her eyes are blue. Like the sky.
- It doesn't take long for Lexa to come to you. 
- It is at the end of the day. She comes to your room. Not in her Heda clothes. Just in her normal outfit. Looking achingly like the young girl she was. So soft. With so much burdens to carry. The way her shoulders were low. Her hair loose. Her eyes demure. Open. Tired.
- She wasn't there to fight. Wasn't there to manipulate you, yell at you. Punish you. 
For more that you deserved. 
- You deserved it. Her hatred, anger, pain, the guilt. And yet, there she was. In front of you. So damn vulnerable. Nothing like the unbreakable and fierce warrior. 
- Your heart squeezed in your chest. 
- You might have done anything and everything if she asked you. 
- What she does asks you, though, takes a lot out of you to comply. 
- "Why?" is what finally comes out of her mouth. 
- "Why what?"
- "i- i don't know..."
- "Why?"
- Why you tried to kill me? Why you didn't? Why you betrayed me? Why you ran? Why you still hurt me?
- "You always knew about Costia. You knew they had her. You were there."
- "...yes..."
- "Did she die well?"
- "Yes." your first instinct is to confort. To lie. 
- You weren't there when she died. But you knew it wasn't a painless or honorable death. 
- You just couldn't bring yourself to say that to Lexa. Not when she looked so damn vulnerable. Breakable.
- "Hm...."
- "I'm sorry, Lexa."
- "so am i." Again, her gaze could tear you apart. Shred your heart to pieces. More than it already was. Lexa had that power over you.
- "why didn't you kill me? You had the chance. I hesitated."
- and so did I. But that's not what she asked. She asked why. 
Why didn't you kill her? 
- "I couldn't bear the possibility of killing you. The mere thought made me sick. I thought i could get past that... That flaw. Weakness. But the time came and... I couldn't."
- There were few moments in which you are as truthful as this. You look in Lexa's eyes. Green as the forest. 
- You always loved the nature. The sky. The florest. 
-" i thought despite my inner feelings, i could push through it. I could... Do it.. 
I've come to care for you as i gotten to know you."
- You felt tears gathering behind your eyes. 
- "And i'm so sorry that i betrayed you. Your trust. I never meant to. You deserve so much more. You are so much more."
- you kneel before her. Droplets of tears streaming down your face. 
- "Lexa, you are an amazing Heda. And an incredible woman. You endured so much pain. You lost so much. And yet you stay strong, you care about your people."
- "I am sorry, Lexa. If i could go back, i would. You deserved so much more, and i just didn't give you that. I am so so sorry" 
- Lexa joins you in the ground. And hugs you.
- You felt a weight off your shoulders as you cry and your shirt gets wet with Lexa's tears.
- You get hurt or something akin to that. And Lexa gets worried alongside Clarke. 
While Clarke fawns ovr you and take care of you (<3), Lexa only watches. 
- Clarke asks you what happened.
- You very begrudginly tell briefly what happened. 
- Lexa is quick to chastise you and say you shouldn't take such risks. 
- You counter saying you got valueable information. It was worth the risk.
- She says looking you in the eye. Piercing green eyes. And stony face. But with something vulnerable in her. Soft.
"Not over your life."
- As the time progresses you see yourself spending more and more time with Wanheda and Heda.
- Sometimes separate and sometimes the three of you together. 
- Your favorite moments were when Adrien tagged along with the three of you. 
- You weren't someone that felt happy that much. 
- Life to you was bland. Meek. Grey. Blue.
- Now, though, you felt your chest light and filled with this fire. Warm and confortable. Chasing the cold away.
- One day, you were with Clarke. And for some reason, the air felt stuffed. Like a snowstorm just waiting to happen. 
- The stares lingered, and the touches were more intimate.  
- It didn't take long to Clarke to make the first move.
- You already had sex before. It wasn't that daunting of a task. 
- At the begining, you get stunned. You thought she was with Lexa.
-You seen the stares, the longing. The love. 
- you resist at the begining. Thinking of how Lexa would react. Her heart. Her trust. Broken.
- "what about Lexa?" You ask amidst moans. 
- "What about her?"
- "Won't this upset her? Aren't you together?" You were trying your very best. But Clarke had nimble fingers and a skilled mouth. You don't think you'd resist much more. 
- "Don't worry about her. She's fine."
- You don't resist anymore. You don't think you ever could with the blonde. 
- You love the squeal that leaves Clarke as you let go and throws her in the bed. 
- In the next few days, you are very wary. And watch with hawk eyes every little interaction between Clarke and Lexa. 
- You can't take it. You couldn't betray Lexa. Not again. Not like this. You needed to talk to Clarke. 
- "No. clarke. I can't."
- "I love you."
- "W-what?"
- "I love you."
- Dumbstruck. Of all the things, you never expected this. Love. 
- An inner, minor, part of you thought: Weakness.
- You were quick to extinguish that thought.
- Mostly, you were just happy. Relivied. 
- She loved you. She loves you. 
- You kiss.
- then. You stop.
- "What about Lexa?" 
- Clarke smiles, affectionate. "She knows. She's ok."
- You don't try to refute, and allow yourself to enjoy the moment of happiness.
- Doesn't take much longer for Lexa to come to you. 
- You are tense. Afraid. Fearful that you were part of something that hurt your Heda. 
-"Clarke told me you are together. Congratulations."
-you gaze at her face. Waiting to see sadness. Anger. Maybe even disgust. But no. She was normal.
-Well, indeed, when Clarke said she was fine. She was. 
-She talks about something. You know she does. You don't pay attention, though.
- You were appalled. Waiting for the disaster to happen. The guards to come. The blade to be unshelth. Her smile simmer down. Become less distracting. Her curves less attractive. Her hair was down. Her clothes were normal.
-She was a sight to behold.
- Lexa takes the initiative. Not because you didn't want to do it. But just because you wouldn't. Too afraid to do something wrong.
-you stop. Though you didn't want to. To ask. "No. Wait. What about Clarke?" 
-"She knows and agreed."
- For a moment. Fleeting. You wondered why do they always know? Why were you always the last to get that information? You weren't used to not knowing things. Secrets.
-You don't keep on that thought though. Lexa's lips were far more enticing.
-Later, with a clearer head and no pretty distractions, you wonder about your situation. 
- and as you come to the conclusion you were done being confused, angry and a bit frustrated, you call Lexa and Clarke to meet you. 
- you get everything in the open. Everyone confesses. It's cute. It's awesome. It's wholesome. Yay.
- You are officially together. Congrats. You bagged Heda and Wanheda. I would brag.
- The problem though is getting together with the two leaders? Not easy. 
- They are always stressed. Always overworked. Poor babies. 
- At some point, you learn some techniques to relax and put those two at ease. 
-They were leaders. They were the ones who'd make the shots. You were fine being in the background, just following their lead.
- Clarke has a better time dealing with her emotions. While you and Lexa tend to bottle it up.
- When the hundred get on earth, reader is 20, Lexa is 19 and Clarke is 18. (Yes, you are the oldest suck it up)
- Clarke would be your moral compass. While she understood that sacrifices and a more rough approach were needed, she tried her best to reign you two in. Most times she succeeded. Most.
- Ya'll are switches. I don't take criticism on this. It's true and that's it. Bye. 
- You hunt together. It tends to be romantic and fun.
- none of you were much of a jokester, but you find yourselves joking around each other.
-Adrien is your adopted child. Maybe Maddie comes along later. Now though it is only Adrien.
Your happiness doesn't last much. Because of course not. You were never that lucky. 
You hear from Nia and Rowan.
Those two come back.
Lexa kills Nia. Rowan becomes the king. You reunite. Cry. Bond. 
The rebels dismantle
You guys live happily.
Did i edit? Tried rereading to fix errors? No. And i won't either.
If it sucks, i don't care. Bye.
I've done my part. Now y'all go write for Clexa x reader. 
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littleshysheep-at-da · 11 months
Hello, I like your art can you share some Sasajima Kyouya/Wrath headcanons? He’s my favourite character.
*cracks knuckles* YOU’VE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE. Honestly he’s my Favorite too! A decent of my Headcanons for him revolve around my OT3 or the Demon Army Family so here we go!
This may contain vague Spoilers and I may edit this for grammar or to add more details…
Honestly consider this part 1 because if you ask again later I’d probably have even more written down lol.
(I’m ripping this from my KumoDesu Fanfic ideas Doc so if some of the wording is wonky that’s why btw THERE’S A LOT)
To start I’ve def said this before here: Things to note I’m obsessed with my headcannon of Shun x Katia x Kyouya as an OT3 and there is zero content but I have a million ideas but no energy. Also you can rip the headcannon of the demon army as family with Ariel x Shiraoi as the parents to Mera, Sophia, and Kyouya (and YES I have a long winded modern and other AUs shut up) from my cold dead hands.
Shiro and Kyouya Mother-Son: The Labyrinth and the Mountains are probably the 2 harshest environments in the world. So I like to think that because of growing up in these environments Shiro and Kyouya both have some weird but similar values. I’ve always kinda seen them very much as Mother and Son. The Labyrinth was harsher so she has some more insane survival methods and he sort of looks up to it. (Side note: I know some people Ship them and I never want to throw discourse, you’re allowed to ship whatever you want so don’t want to say much, but personally I hate it very much I could go into why but it’s mostly my character reads and taste). Ariel and Shiro give off so many Mom vibes when it comes to Mera, Kyouya, and Sophia to me lol (and yes they would be siblings in that order I don’t remember where but I think the LN said Goblins have shorter pregnancies so Kyouya is slightly older than Sophia lol). Sophia especially with Kyouya reads as the “no one is allowed to bully my Brother but me” vibes and I love it. Her and Kyouya also both definitely look up to Mera as someone who’s well put together.
For the hair of the non-human reincarnations: Shiro’s hair feels like silk. Fei’s hair feels like feathers. And Kyouya’s hair feels like soft animal down. I bet Katia asks to play with Kyouya’s hair and then has a flied day with how soft it is. I also like to think she tries to convince him to let her do his nails lol.
For lifespan: So Shiroai is immortal, I’m assuming Ariel has a long life span close to that (ignoring the end of the novel with Ariel spoilers), and Mera and Sophia are somewhere in the same boat or close to that… How long is Kyouya’s lifespan??? For most angst is he gonna outlive his human friends but die before his demon family???
Goblins are just Hamsters: The Goblins look like they’re based on Hamster so you can not take away from me the Headcanon they’re language is just Hamster noises. I like to think Kyouya teaches it to the others so they can use it as code. (The Demon Army can communicate purely with inhuman noises lol). I like to think Kyouya purrs instead or snores because of this as well. I also like to think because he grew up around the Goblins he just sees them as people and doesn’t get what everyone thinks they look like.
Kyouya’s height: Kyouya was a manlet before reincarnation it's cannon I’m living. Okay and technically speaking he probably is after reincarnation as well. Like they are in a European Fantasy setting and he’s only “considerably taller than he used to be” which was considerably short for a Japanese High Schooler. Also in Ex2 we see him standing next to a Puppet Taratect (which are all short af) yet they come up to his shoulder.
Housewife vibes: I think what Kyouya wants in life is to be a Housewife ngl. Like he was most satisfied working to support people he was close to both in his past life online game and the goblin village. Plus I think though he did that by making weapons he would prefer not to have to fight. What if he makes good knives and just starts cooking for people. Like I don’t have more words right now so this is short but I could go off here.
My OT3 Agenda: Background: I’m just saying Kyouya is really depressed and probably doesn’t have any plans for after the war but I could see Ariel having in him work in the human area with Shun and Katia (probably cause she feels a bit sad about him losing friends) because he’s in their upper ranks and unlike Sophia can actually deal with people. But I feel like Shun and Katia feel bad that they had each other and he had to grow up all alone so they try and reconnect. Shun, because he really clings to the connections he does have and because they were so close in their past lives, desperately wants to rebuild that. Katia because she seems similarly attached to people she considers friends she’s afraid of losing that and probably feels bad for writing Kyoua off as maybe an enemy and not being there for him like she was for Shun. Kyouya is just deeply confused that they still want anything to do with him and feels undeserving but is really happy. Confession: I think Katia knows about her feelings first but doesn’t say anything due to self esteem issues (except some flirting to test the waters). I think Kyouya has a realization ™ and feels unsure of what to do (also self esteem issues). But ends up visibly being a little off which Shun notices and brings up to Katia (she sorta noticed as well) so she confronts him which ends in a mutual confession between the two as they then decide how to tell Shun. Shun meanwhile worried what’s going irks Fei who decides to inform him of his very obvious (to everyone but him) crushes. Now realizing his feelings he’s very awkward about it until Katia and Kyouya confront him and confession ensues. Now realizing they all love each other: OT3 successful.
Taking this outta the tags: Not even kidding answering asks about KumoDesu because I’ve sort of come to be know as a KumoDesu blog is like,,, I’m living my dream right now. I haven’t even posted my Kumoko Cosplay or that much Art yet but people just wanna hear my opinion???? Literally these asks give me so much dopamine feel free to keep them coming.
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multifairyus · 1 year
Spicy Brelwyn Playlist Update
Tl;dr—What should the Playlist name be?
1. Idk how to make a post Mature/Explicit so uuhhh if you’re too young for this then like…don’t engage. If you’re a minor, I’d appreciate if you took a back seat in this discussion please and thank you!
2. I personally headcannon the whole “Early College” thing in Legendborn as just normal college. Sexy situations aside I think aging up the characters it solves plot contrivances and makes things simpler where the more complicated option isn’t terribly interesting. As such, the relationship discussed between Briana and Selwyn is between two adults. Moreover, while Sel’s demonia makes an ~appearance~ and influence, this playlist is meant to be conceptualized without the looming threat of him descending into demonia and subsequent blurring of the lines between “safe, sane, and consensual”, as is in Demonia’s Descent. So like…in my headcannon/playlist AU, the power of love makes Sel better at edging his demon? Yeah. Yeah? Sure.
…look, I’m not here to make this shit actually make sense with the plot. That’s for the lovely theorists, fix-it/alt POV fic writers and resource gathering fandom members’ forte. I’m here to provide the official soundtrack of Legendborn smut for those of us on the front lines when there was under 100 fics total on AO3 and for the new fans that will come when Book 3 is released. I do have an aspiration to take undue credit for one of playlist songs ending up in the Legendborn TV show—oh y’all couldn’t tell me NOTHINGGG. If nothing else, I just want people to enjoy and create fan works to the playlists, cuz this is my own kind of fan work 😊
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Image from OpenMeDesigns
Aight now let’s get INTO ITTTTT
So, Of Our Own Volition had Brelwyn making love for the first time. The earliest one could theorize it happening (with a non heteronormative definition of sex) could be Into Orbit…tho personally? It’s when The Line was clearly crossed in Virgo’s Scorpio’s Groove. Immediately followed by Sel having a damn religious ascension with Submerge: Until We Become the Sun. We get some afterglow and end on a flirty, playful, even experimental note with We Might Even Be Falling In Love (feat. Bryson Tiller for my Spotify peeps). It’s all very saccharine and tender and sweet and I love it…
This is not that playlist. They are grown and fucking fucking now. We are getting explicit. We are getting kinky. I allowed myself like one and a halfish toxic song in this playlist, since there’s more than enough excellent but SUPER TOXIC relationship songs for the TLC trio, regardless if you’re OT3 endgame or Brelwyn endgame. …A Toxic OT3 playlist will come in due time, with my softboi hours (Brickel? Nickee? Brick?) Brick Playlist along side it as a palette cleanser.
But now? I want input for what a grown and sexy playlist would be for these two!I like wording and terminology from the book—“Everything in Between” isn’t bad but feels too wordy? I’m open to phrases from fics too, especially from who have published excellent Brelwyn smut already—you know who you are (because I tagged you cuz y’all’s work deserves more hype @sweetestblacktea @justbrainrot @thoughtfulbearpanda @ficnoire2 )
I will crowdsource opinions on kinks our lovely couple is into, giving or receiving, in the comments. For scientific reasons, of course. I’m a chemist irl, and I know chemistry when I see it! 👩🏾‍🔬🥵👌🏾😩
Onto my specific thoughts I think may be helpful to answer my query!
I think I wanna have transition songs like the instrumental tracks in O3V and DD. But my searches for “sexy violin” are not giving what I need it to.
An idea I have is to instead have shifts be denoted by a lil “Demonia Dip” as I call it. Not full on Act V of DD bad but like, compared to the rest of the playlist you’d be like “oh yeah it’s that bastard again” we’re talking For Your Entertainment by Adam Lambert and a reappearance of Tonight You are Mine by the Technicolors.
This is an R&B slowjams playlist for our protagonist and King Bree first and foremost… but Sel IS a white boy with THAT kinda playlist for his deepest, darkest desires…it’s only fair the cambion brain gets a few tracks, if only to signal “oh we are NASTY nasty now huh—“ Plus I let the white boy freak flag fly by starting off O3V with Sweater Weather. He can have a dip or two. As a treat.
Track Teasers (in no particular order)
F.U.C.K., Victoria Monet
Earned It, The Wknd (Often and Lost in the Fire are going to the top of Toxic playlist because I couldn’t add them in good faith with content or language I disapprove of in it 🥴 but the Wknd couldn’t NOT be in here)
Speechless, Buddy
Skin, Rihanna
A Muse, dvsn
Rope Burn, Janet Jackson
Teehee this is gonna be fun y’all 💖
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