#other doesn’t know how to hear it? maybe there’s trauma at play or someone *is* speaking plainly and the other party (parties) are reading
lionofstone · 11 months
unpopular opinion but i actually love the miscommunication trope. don’t get me wrong there are definitely irritating ways of implementing it, but when it’s done right it’s so good
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its-time-to-write · 1 year
OOOO what about Jamie having a huge crush on the reader so much so it’s effecting how he thinks like how he was in the show where he played against Man City. So Roy and Keeley follow him (like in the show) and see him spying/ watching (he’d never admit it) the reader whos working either as a waitress or a bookshop owner because he’s too nervous to go in. Or maybe even secret girlfriend where they follow him and accidentally meet the reader whos been in a secret relationship with Jamie. Lol I hope you can understand what I was trying to say 😅
Pretty sure I picked up what you put down! Here ya go!
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don’t go wasting your emotion
Jamie Tartt is not acting like himself. 
The first person to notice is Roy, because it shows in his training. He seems… distracted. So he mentions it to Keeley, and asks her to keep an eye out. They have some big games coming up, and Richmond cannot afford a distracted Jamie. Keeley promises she’ll check up on him soon, but Jamie just keeps getting weirder.
He jumps and hides his phone when Dani plops down next to him on the locker room bench, passes the ball to the opposing side during practice, and keeps going offside. It isn’t long before the other coaches notice, as well as his teammates. The only one who doesn’t seem particularly worried is Sam. When Isaac asks him if he’s noticed anything off about Jamie, Sam just shrugs and says, “It’s probably nothing. I’m sure he’ll get over it soon.”
AFC Richmond does not have time to wait. They need Jamie to get his head out of the clouds and back firmly on earth. 
Shortly after Isaac’s talk with Sam, Colin catches Sam and Jamie whispering in the weight room. He catches snippets of words like, “can’t know,” “just do it,” and… “bookstore”? Surely he didn’t hear that right. Colin shrugs and heads to go see Trent. He’s an investigative journalist. He’s got to have some insight.
Colin presents this information to Trent, Ted, Beard, and Roy, none of whom have any real ideas. As they try to come up with plausible scenarios, Trent leans agains the door with his mug in quiet thought.
“You’ve been mighty quiet over there, Mr. Independent. What’re your thoughts?” Ted asks. 
“I’m not sure,” Trent replies. “We simply don’t have enough facts to come to a conclusion. What we need is someone to follow Jamie after work and see if that will provide any insights.”
“I’ll do it.”
The room turns to look at Roy. He looks uncomfortable. “Keeley and I have been meaning to talk to him anyway, and if he fucking catches any of you lot following him, he’ll never fucking trust you again. I’m your best choice.”
Beard looks at Ted, and they nod. 
Ted says, “Alright Roylock Holmes. You and Dr. Jones have fun tonight. Let us know what you find out,” and that’s that. 
Roy calls Keeley and tells her the situation, and it’s not hard to find a pretense for her to be with the team. It’s movie night, and she’s there more often than not. They have pretty much unanimously decided on Paddington, mostly to heal Dani’s trauma from hearing the Paddington Twitter account gave Richmond no marmalade sandwiches. That’s what they say, at least, but if they are crying within the first fifteen minutes, that’s not for anyone to say. 
Jamie sits in the back and he keeps looking at his phone. Sam pokes him and Richard catches something that sounds like, “Go- can’t expect- if you didn’t ask,” at which Jamie nods, looks around, and then slips out the door.
“Where’s he going?” Isaac asks Sam, who shrugs and says, “I would assume to use the restroom.”
Isaac turns back to the screen, but Roy and Keeley look at each other, nod, and quickly get up to follow Jamie. 
They trail him out the building and down the street, watching as he puts his hood up in an effort not to be noticed. They follow him for half a mile as Jamie makes a very purposeful trek through Richmond, unaware that he’s being followed.
Keeley and Roy turn a corner then stop, because Jamie has stopped. He’s just out of sight of some big glass windows. He checks the time, gives himself a shake, then removes his hood and pulls the door open. Keeley and Roy share a look and rush to the window.
It’s a bookstore. The sign on the door says they close an hour from now, at 9pm. Jamie is inside leaning on the checkout counter, talking and laughing with you, the cashier.
“Started that book you told me about,” he says. “You’re right. I hate it.”
“Right??” you reply. “Isn’t it awful? It makes no sense at all, and reading it makes you feel like you’re on drugs, and it’s supposed to be a classic! Thank god you only got it at the library and didn’t have to waste money on it.”
Jamie laughs. “Got any real recommendations this time? Trying to become more cultured.” 
You laugh too. “You know, you’re a lot more cultured than you think. You’ve understood most of my references, and you have an impressive vocabulary. You have a wonderful grasp on the difference between intellectual and conversational tone.”
Roy and Keeley can’t tell what you’re saying, but they’re thinking the same thing. Is Jamie blushing?
Before they can ponder this, you come out from behind the counter to lead Jamie to a shelf. You both look straight at Roy and Keeley, who duck. You turn to Jamie, humor on your face. “Friends of yours?” you quip.
“Un-fucking-fortunately,” he responds. “Oi!”
Roy and Keeley slowly pop back up and Jamie exasperatedly beckons them inside.
“What the fuck are you doing here?”
Roy, stoic as ever, just grunts. Keeley says, “We were worried about you! You were acting all weird and botching things at practice. We thought you were dying!”
Roy rolls his eyes. You’re doing your best to maintain a straight face. 
You know exactly who these people are. You know Keeley Jones because who doesn’t know about Keeley Jones? You know Roy Kent because he came up as a suggested search after you googled Jamie.
Jamie has been coming into your bookshop for a while now. At first it was to look for some book about forgiveness, but after you helped him pick that out he just… kept coming back. He’d lean against the counter, supported by his elbows, and stay from 8pm until closing. Usually, he was the only customer you’d get that time of night.
It wasn’t lost on you that he was a) gorgeous and b) definitely flirting with you. He wasn’t the first customer to fancy himself in love with you, but he was the first that you actually liked back. And the first who really read what you said you liked.
You just didn’t get why he hadn’t made a move yet, especially after looking him up. It didn’t make sense. You considered making the first move, but that freaked you out too much. Still, despite his inaction on that front, he kept coming back and talking to you. Sometimes he’d bring you coffee. He’d always help you close the store. You once joked that you should put him on the payroll, to which he looked at you, and deadpanned, “You couldn’t afford me.”
You’re pretty sure that’s the moment you actually fell for him. You’re a sucker for a good, stupid sense of humor.
“Why would you think I were dyin?” Jamie asks. 
Keeley shrugs and Roy answers, “Because you’ve been playing like shit.”
Jamie glares at Roy. “I have not, you dusty old twat. You take that back.”
Keeley clears her throat. “Well, actually babes, you kind of have. It’s been this whole thing. Everybody’s worried about you!”
Jamie pinches the bridge of his nose. “Jesus Christ. Why the fuck are you all in my business? Did Sam put you up to this?”
“Why the fuck would Sam put us up to this?” Roy asks.
“Because Sam caught Jamie looking at my Instagram,” you interject.
Three sets of eyes turn to you. “What?” you shrug. “Sam looked up my handle and messaged me about it. We’re friends now.”
Jamie shakes his head in disbelief and Roy says, “So Sam fucking knew about this?”
The tips of Jamie’s ears turn red as he says, “Uh, yeah, so Sam’s been telling me I need to ask her out for like fuckin ages now. Always on me about how it’s dumb to keep checking my phone for her texts, especially because I haven’t even asked for her number or some shit.”
You swear that is the dumbest, cutest thing you’ve ever heard. 
“You want my number?” your voice comes out an octave higher than you’d like it to.
Jamie turns to you. “Uh, yeah, yeah I do. Been meanin’ to ask you, but I dunno, I keep telling myself you’re just being nice to me ‘cause of your job. Didn’t want to be fuckin weird.”
You smile. “Jamie Tartt, for someone so intelligent you really are dumb sometimes.”
He looks pleased with the compliment, then offended, then he realizes what you’re saying. His face goes through those expressions in a moment and then your hand is on the back of his head, pulling him down for a kiss.
Keeley looks on with a smile and Roy stares at the ceiling uncomfortable.
You break apart and Roy says, “Oi, Tartt!”
You and Jamie turn to look at him, arms still around each other.
“This better mean you’re done fucking up practice.”
“Yes coach,” Jamie mock-salutes.
Roy gives him a singular nod, and with that, he and Keeley head out the door. Keeley gives you a little wave and a thumbs up to Jamie.
“Now, where were we?” Jamie asks. “Oh, right…”
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bellewintersroe · 2 months
I DO HAVE A BOB REQ👀 it's heavy angst mixed with a comforting ending, but how would they react (whenever u want but in my faves are Liebgott and Roe) to them thinking their s/o (nurse maybe?) somehow died while saving someone or similar, but actually she managed to escape and run and she reconnects with the battalion a few days later? all battered and bruised but still alive EVEN BETTER IF SHE TAKES TO SAFETY THE PERSON SHE WAS HELPING because imagining them seeing their girl that they thought was dead coming back quite literally from hell alive is AGH💘
I LOVEEEE THIS!!! Thank you Anon I’m excited to write this <3 <3
Warning: mentions of death, grief, war, wounds, etc.
Easy Boys x EasyNurse! Reader - How They React To You Going MIA.
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Gene Roe:
- Gene knew (thinks) you were in the church as soon as he watched the bomb explode.
- He kinda freezes and he literally feels his insides running cold and a sickness go through him.
- Can’t be real, I can’t express the level of trauma, pure horror and devastation he feels in that moment. It doesn’t end, the whole time he fully thinks you’re gone. It doesn’t help that the rest of the company are questioning him and going through their own grief for your loss.
- He wants to escape it as much as possible but he knows he can’t. He feels like a statue, completely glued to his foxhole, he runs on autopilot and Winters is about to send him off the line.
- I feel like Gene would have a pretty bad breakdown (understandable) when he’s by himself so he’s not showing the full affects of what he believes is your loss.
- doesn’t help he has absolutely NO answers. He plays the moment over and over again, torturing himself by picturing your last moments, imagining himself being just an hour earlier and getting you out of that church.
- Gene even wished he was with you when that damn bomb went off.
- 3 days pass and Gene’s sat in his foxhole, alone, staring at the enemy line. He’s near enough given up, no gloves, no blanket, he can’t eat, cant sleep.
- “Doc, Captain Winters needs you, pronto.”
- He literally feels like a zombie walking to where he’s needed. All he can think of is you, it’s painful, he can literally feel his chest yearning and breaking and his grief is too much.
- “Yeah we found her running around with the I-company boys, got a little lost, didn’t ya’ nurse?” A man’s words cause Gene’s ears to prick. He can’t see anything but a taller man facing Winters and Nixon with a smaller figure, blanket huddled over- you.
- Ugh- feels like his hearts about to explode. Literally freezes and thinks he’s going to be sick. His heart accelerates and when he hears your voice he quite literally feels faint. 
- “got caught up with a patient there!” You turn around, sending a presence and both of you feel the intense hit of shock to be confronted with one another again. “Excuse me a minute…”
- All of a sudden you’re limping towards Gene. Your forehead is covered with 2 butterfly plasters and you have a nasty bruise under your right eye. Gene thinks he’s seen a ghost.
- Probably hesitates for a moment before you pull him aside, away from where the other men can see. “Gene.” You’d soothe and he’d let out a breath he didn’t even know he was holding.
- Crashes into you. Literally grips you so tightly, he feels like he can’t breathe, his eyes are teary and it’s not until you let out a small yelp that he pulls back.
- “It’s okay, it’s fine Gene, it’s just a bruise.” Hearing your voice sends him into a spiral and he’s even more careful now to pull you close.
- Holds a hand to the back of your head, practically cradles you with wide eyes.
- “I thought- I thought you was dead.” He admitted.
- “No, I got caught up with a patient. After the church got bombed I managed to pull a patient out, Billy from I company- got lost on their lines for a few days, they took me in.”
- Soon enough he’s stammering with quivering hands, checking over you, asking if you’re okay. Winters had called a medic after all.
- Can’t stop looking at you, questioning if it’s all a dream, you’d catch him pinching himself. “Don’t do that Gene, I’m right here.” With a small hand on his cheek he can breathe again.
- Holds your hands tightly, the most affection he can show you in front of all the superiors. He’s still extremely tense, in shock from the close call, but he promises to keep an extra close eye on you, and he keeps that promise.
- Kisses your cuts and bruises when nobody’s looking, probably runs his hand over his face in surprise quite a few times, but honestly he’s sooo fucking relieved, like he actually cried when he saw you.
- “I love you so much, ya can’t do that to me again, evuh’.” With his little accent and a serious tone, ugh he’s a sweetie pie.
Joseph Liebgott:
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- It happens in Eindhoven out of all the places.
- One minute you’re both celebrating together, with the rest of the company and the whole town and the next you’re not stationed with the rest of the nurses?
- The town gets bombed and barraged by the Germans that evening and he’s watching in pure horror. Recounts of nurses being KIA during the bombing spread real fast, and he refuses to believe what Battalion HQ are telling him.
- He’s shaking his head real fucking fast, denying and denying to all of them and himself.
- Throws a fucking riot- until he has to practically run off to be alone, wrenching and shaking at the idea that have could’ve happened to you.
- His anger and violence stems out of control, Winters removes him off the line real fucking fast, like he becomes a runner or something just for a break.
- Fraternisation is banned under all conditions, but relationships and affairs still take place, even the most superior of officers know that. So sometimes eyes are averted and now is one of those times that people choose to do that and help Liebgott through his grief.
- But 2 days have passed and it’s so raw, everybody’s in shock and disbelief at your lack of presence, for Joe he’s bottling up a painfully bitter feeling and he’s ready to explode.
- He never thought it would happen to you, you’re a nurse for Christ sake! Genuinely has to pause sometimes to just stop- like he can’t take it. Becomes so close to being sent to the aid station until one today he’s attempting to run a letter back to Battallion HQ when he see’s the back of a young woman wrapped in a blazer, overalls looking very familiar to your own.
- His heart genuinely gets shooting pains and he has to swallow the urge to cry as he watches this woman who painfully resembles you. Her khaki headscarf is bloody and he watches as another officer (he assumed from Dog) guides you inside the building.
- In fact he’s about to look away, until this girls head tilt to the side. He only catches a brief glimpse of her profile, Joe has to squint real hard when he feels his stomach drop.
- His mind has to be playing tricks on him so he turns away as the nurse rushes to aid a man on a stretcher.
- Slams the jeep door, literally kicks a dint into it as he storms his way through town. He just wants to deliver these fucking letters as fast as possible.
- “No, no, he’s German. He helped me out of Eindhoven, you must take care of him!”
- Joe’s head snaps just as he’s shoving the letters into some poor guys arms. He freezes, head lifting at the sound of your voice.
- “What the fuck?” He mutters, stepping a little closer. His breathing and heart speeds when he hears your voice again.
- “Sister. Make sure he gets to the infirmary, please… thank you.”
- He’d recognise that voice from anywhere.
- Literally feels like he’s choking when he stomps over, lost for words and breath and grabs hold of your arm.
- With a gasp, you stand there, bloody and bruised and protecting some Kraut soldier.
- You’re about to protest again until you come face to face with Joe, and suddenly your voice gets hitched in your throat, a loud gasp escaping your lips.
- “Joe!” It’s you that jumps into hug him first.
- Joe grips you tightly, “what the hell are you- what the hell are you doin’ here? Baby- y/n, I thought you were dead.”
- He has to pull back and hold your face to take a look at you and make sure it’s actually you.
- You can feel him shaking, and suddenly your attention is just on Joe and Joe only. He’s practically smothering you, not sure where to put his hands as he lets out a shaky breath.
- “Holy fuck I thought I lost you. They said you were gone. I knew you wouldn’t, I knew you wouldn’t leave me.” He gets super emotional so you two have to take a break somewhere real quick.
- By that I mean in the aid station where you’re supposed to be being patched up but Joe does that for the medic.
- “God dammit you are so stupid, you idiot, I thought I lost you.”
- “The German officer saved me Joe, he pulled me outta the rubble.”
- “he what?! Did he touch you, are you ok?”
- “He’s a nice man, Joe. I wouldn’t be here without him. He’s hurt so I got a little lost taking him back to the infirmary.”
- “nice guy? Baby d’ya got a concussion?”
- you scold him a little and soon he’s back to stroking your face and pulling you onto his lap, taking in as much as you as he possibly can.
- “Never leave me baby. Never leave me like that again.”
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justmeinadaze · 8 months
Children of the Night Part 3 (Steddie X You)
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A/N: Happy Friday the 13th <3
Warnings: Dom Daddy Vampire Eddie/Sub Human Steve (cam boys) X Sub Human Fem Reader, SMUT, rough smut (Vamp Eddies needs take over a bit), dirty talk, biting, mentions of blood and draining (duh vampire), aftercare of course, FLUFF they love each other :), ANGST, Protective Stevie always on alert, Reader has nightmares one involving Steve being beaten up and Eddie saving him and another dealing her childhood trauma (child abuse trigger involving mother), Eddie mentions his drunk dad, Both boys give her a run down of events in the show, I think that's all.
Word Count: 4185
Eddie felt it; every punch and kick that was being delivered to the man he loved amped him up more as he hunted for Steve.
“Dude, this isn’t fun if he doesn’t fight back.”
“Maybe fucking the freak made him soft.”
 His boyfriend’s anger mixed with his own before more pain followed. 
“Oh, I see. That’s your button isn’t it, Harrington? Don’t like people making fun of your freak?”
The scenery blurred around the metalhead as the feelings within him became almost too much.
“Fuck. Dude, did you hear that? I think someone might be—”
The boy’s screams echoed as Eddie tackled him, pinning him to the ground before snapping his neck. 
“Holy shit. What the fuck? M-Munson?”
The vampire growled, sprinting behind him, and taking ahold of his throat as his fangs dug into his flesh. As the boy’s blood spilled down his throat, Eddie felt some of his anger calm but a hunger he hadn’t even realized was there took over as he guided his victim to the floor and continued to drink till there was nothing left.
Your body shot upright with a start as your panicked eyes met Steve’s who was hovering over you with cross as he pointed it Eddie who was now in the corner of their bedroom. 
“Wh-What happened?”
“You were having a nightmare.”
“No.”, the vampire growled. “She keeps accessing my memories. It’s not my fault I can fucking feel them. Jesus, this needs to stop.”
“Eddie, I’m so sorry.”
“You didn’t do anything wrong, honey. His blood just needs to run its course. What was it this time?”, Steve asked as he put the cross away and tenderly pet the back of your head.
“I think people were hurting you. Eddie was trying to find you to protect you. God, Steve, it was so strong, the anger and then…the hunger.”
“Explains why he just tried to bite you again.” His eyes met yours as you shifted you gaze. “I heard him growling in his sleep. He shot up like you did but his eyes were that black color.”
“You know I’m really glad we can all play fucking catch up but I’m still fucking hungry.”, Eddie snarled causing the other man to roll his eyes. 
“Let me get him a blood bag.”
The long-haired boy smirked as his black eyes scanned you over. 
“Why are you so fucking turned on right now?”
“I didn’t just feel the anger and hunger. You really love him don’t you?”
“You’d do anything to protect him?”
“Always. Same with you, little one.”
“D-Do you love me to, Eddie?”, you whisper. The vampires smirk stretches a bit more making your body shiver in pleasure at the sight. “Do you love me…Daddy?”
“Here. Drink this now and then tonight when we stream, you can take more from me.” The vampire immediately tears open the bag, chugging it back like a beer. “We may want to get you home, Y/N. We don’t want anything to seem out of the ordinary.”
“Eddie took care of him and cleaned your house. Do you feel comfortable going back?”
“Yeah, I just…I don’t want to leave you two.”
“How about I come with you? You can get some things including your phone and then I can bring you back here so you can moderate and be with us after.”
“Steve?” He answers with a small hm as he continued look at things around your room. “Why did those boys attack you that night you went missing?”
The man sighs as he turns around to face where you were sitting on your bed as he leans against your dresser. 
“Small town, small minded people. After Eddie died, those couple months after I was basically numb. I missed him so much Y/N, you have no idea. People would talk behind my back or make fun of me for caring about the ‘devil worshipping freak’. Usually, I can hold myself together but that day just hit me hard. I…I went to his trailer to drown myself in booze and just hide in those memories.”
“Those kids showed up saying they heard the ‘gay music’ and that wasn’t allowed in Hawkins. I tried to leave but that’s when they started hurting me.”
“Why didn’t you try to defend yourself?”
“How do you know I didn’t?”
“I heard one of the boys say that in Eddie’s memory.”
“Jesus. I didn’t realize he heard any of that. Um, honestly, honey… I kinda hoped they would kill me…so I could be with him…”
Rising from your place on the bed, you embraced him and he heavily exhaled as he did the same, resting his chin on your head. 
“When I saw him standing there, I thought I had died. I couldn’t believe he was alive.”
“What was that place he woke up from?”
“That’s a bit harder to explain. The best answer I can give you is another world like ours but darker, eviler. We…we went down there to save lives… Can we talk about this more later? I just…”
“No, no. I understand. I felt it when he woke up, not just what you were experiencing but he was so scared something happened to you when he woke up and everything was quiet. For a moment, he thought…you guys had lost…if that makes sense? But then he heard you talking and playing your song… he cares about you a lot.”
That made him smile before his index finger reached under your chin and tilted your head so you could meet his gaze. 
“We care about you a lot to. I meant what I said last night. Ever since we first spoke to you, I knew you were different. He always wanted to come find you and bring you to us. After everything that’s happened, I kind of wish I had let him.”
“I’m sorry for being so much trouble…”
“No! No, shit, that’s not what I meant. I just…if you had been with us you never would have gotten this black eye or shot. I hated seeing you in pain.”
“I liked having you take care of me though.”
His eyes scanned your face as his hand cupped your cheek and his thumb caressed your lips. 
“I liked having you take care of me to.”
“Steve.”, you moaned his name breathily making him smile above you. 
“I can’t wait for Daddy to have you. Trust me, it’s like nothing you’ve ever experienced.”, he whispered. “He was phenomenal before but now…” Steve pauses, his grin growing when he sees you giggle through your teeth. “What are you laughing at, pretty girl?”
“I guess it’s his blood still but I can feel him. Because we’re turned on, he’s turned on and he’s stroking his cock right now.”
“You can feel that?”
“I’m assuming because I feel how I feel when an orgasm is building in my tummy, you know?”
“You feel like you’re gonna cum, honey? Maybe, I can help.”
Licking your lips, you watch as he slides two of his fingers into his mouth, coating them with his saliva as you unbutton your jeans. His palm glides effortlessly through the waistband of your panties and you groan as he pushes his digits into your entrance. 
“Fuck. I just stretched you open and you’re still so fucking tight.”
Knowing you were already close to edge, he pumped his fingers at a fast pace, curling them inside of you as he kissed your forehead. Your hand clung to his wrists as your eyes fluttered shut and your hips rolled against his movements.
“That’s it, baby. Use my fingers. Good girl.”, Steve hummed in your ear in a seductive tone that had you clenching. “Cum, honey. I got you.”
Moaning his name, you came with an intensity you had never felt before, your arms shooting out to wrap around him as you pressed your face into his chest.
“It’s ok, Y/N. You’re alright.”
Sliding his hand out of your pants, he blindly buttoned them as you continued to clutch him tightly. 
“Well, this is new for me.”, he chuckles. “I mean, normally I’m in this headspace and Eddie takes care of me.” When your eyes look up to meet his, he feels his cock strain against the denim of his jeans. The innocence that reflected back within them was part of what attracted the vampire to you. 
You knew nothing of their world they lived yet you allowed yourself to be vulnerable with them and be who they needed. In return, they kept you safe and looked after you. They cared about you. They…
“Do you love me to, Steve?”
His phone aggressively vibrating cut through the moment and he sighed as he flipped it open reading the text his boyfriend just sent. 
“You both need to get back here now. Daddy is hungry.”
When you guys got back to their place, Eddie had moved some of the cameras around so you could sit at their desk and work while also not being picked up accidently. 
“You know, if ever you want me to join you…”
“I know, sweetheart. I just want to have you first before other people get to see you.”
“Not like they can see too much with this grainy webcam.”, Steve states as he comes into the bedroom and throws off his shirt. 
“Aw. Do you want them to see you better, Stevie?”, Eddie teases as he tugs his boyfriend to the edge of the bed where he normally sits when they stream and wraps his arms around his chest. 
“It’s nice to be seen.” The man reaches for one of his boyfriend’s hands and playfully bites his palm making you smile as you watch them wondering if this was a little glimpse of what they were like before everything happened. 
The clock in the room beeps and they both get more serious as you bring the stream to life. Everything starts off normally as you moderate the chat in front of you. No nonsense today besides people inquiring about the new angle of the cameras. Your eyes start to flutter however when you feel your body begin to tingle like it had at your house. 
Turning to face them, nothing is unusual as their lips mingle together but you’re surprised when the vampire grips Steve’s shoulder and effortlessly moves him around till he’s lying on his stomach with his head facing the camera. No…not just facing the camera…facing you.
The vampire whispers something to him and the man’s brown eyes find yours as Eddie trails kiss down his back before roughly lifting his hips higher in the air. 
When his boyfriend’s tongue invades his entrance, Steve mewls as he bites his bottom lip. Your hands tremble with need as you slide your shorts and underwear down your legs. Making sure he has a good view, you open your legs for him, displaying your soaking cunt as you run your fingers through your slick.
“Fuck, baby. That’s it.”
Eddie crawled back up his body, sliding his own fingers between the boy’s cheeks causing Steve’s face to scrunch in pleasure. 
“Is she as tight as you are, sweetheart? Fuck. I can feel how turned on you both are. It drives me crazy.” Two sets of eyes watch you intensely as you slide your digits into you hole, trying to stifle any noise from leaving your lips as Eddie pulls out his own and runs the tip of his cock between Steve’s ass. “Jesus. Are you ready for me, baby?”
“Yes, Daddy. Please.”, he begged. 
Your moans mixed in with theirs as Eddie pushed into him, wrapping his arms around his chest as he laid flat on his back while he thrust his hips.
“That’s my good boy. I love you so much. This perfect ass was made for Daddy.”
Their fingers intertwined as yours thrust into your pussy at a faster pace. 
“I’m ready, honey. Mmm—take what you need.”
Eddie grunted as he nodded, tenderly kissing Steve’s neck before his mouth opened wider and his fangs dug into his skin. 
You felt it immediately. As soon as his blood touched his lips, that euphoria you felt drinking his own blood coursed through your veins. It was so strong, your body slid to the floor as you tried to ride your own fingers harder to satisfy the feeling to no avail. 
Your vision blurred as you watched the bed shake and listened to their moans as Steve practically screamed telling you he came. You waited for the second release but no sound followed.
The wind blew around you as the cameras beeped off, your body was abruptly lifted, and you were tossed next to Steve whose glassy half lidded eyes met yours. You barely had time to register what was happening as your legs your lifted around Eddie’s waist and his cock pushed inside you. 
“Eddie!”, you squealed as his hips thrust aggressively into yours hitting that spot inside of you that you couldn’t reach with your fingers. 
The vampire growled loudly, baring his fangs as black eyes stared menacingly into yours. 
“D-Daddy. I’m sorry. You…just feel so good. Please don’t stop.”
He growled again much lower than before as he continued to pump his cock into you with rough abandon. Eddie’s head fell within the nook of your neck and your fingers tangled in his hair as you held him to you. 
“You can—oh my god—you can take from me to, baby. Anything you need.”
“Ed—Eddie…wait…”, Steve tried to get his attention but the man was too far gone and when your head turned to face his he knew it. 
“It’s ok, Steve. I’m ok.” Your reached out to hold his hand as he limply scooted forward to kiss your lips. 
Your pussy clenched around him as Eddie’s teeth grazed your flesh, wincing when they punctured the skin. The fingers you had in his hair tightened as you felt the blood drain from your body. You had never felt anything as good as this before as your eyes rolled and the tingles within your body amplified to what felt like a burning degree. 
“Y-Yes, Daddy. Harder. Please!”
The bed once again began to shake as he did what you asked, rolling his hips aggressively into you as he abused your g-spot over and over. His large palm cupped your cheek as he held your head still, grunting and growling as your walls continued to suck him in. 
Your body trembled underneath his as you came harder than you ever had before, your face contorting in pain and pleasure when he released your throat and fucked you through your orgasm. Chasing his own high, he placed his forehead on yours as his hands tenderly petted your head. 
“Yes.”, he panted against your lips in a gruff tone. “Yes. I love you, princess.”
You tried to wrap your arms around him but you could barely move. All you were able to do was tilt your head so you could gently kiss him while he thrust into you till you felt him release his seed into your cunt. 
“I…I love you to, Eddie.”
Carefully sliding out of you, he quickly disappeared and returned with water, a wash rag, and a snack. 
You rolled to your side, his fingers slightly twitching in your hand to tell you he was listening even though his eyes were closed. 
“I love you to.”
The boy smiled drunkenly as Eddie lifted you both up and leaned your backs against the headboard as he cleaned your bodies. 
“I love you to, pretty girl. Eddie loves you to even though he won’t admit it.”
“I literally just did, you dork.”
“Hey, hey. Don’t be mean.”, his boyfriend chastised with a smirk. 
“Here. You two eat this please.” You and Steve giggled like kids as you took the power bars from his hands and nibbled on the ends. “Shit. I think I’m going to have to give you two a bath because this rag isn’t going to do a damn thing. Do you think you both can walk?”
The human boy tries and immediately falls backwards, his head landing in your lap. As Eddie got up to help him, he paused as he watched you gently run your fingers through his hair as he continued to grin. The vampire sighed in pleasure at your action loving the little things you did to show that you cared. It had been so long since anyone had touched or even talked to them kindly and he loved even more that they were getting to experience things like this again through you. 
“Am I in the bathtub already?”
“Jesus, no Steven. You are weirdest inebriated person I have ever meant and you aren’t even drunk or high.” Eddie lifts him into his arms and carries him into the bathroom, leaning him against the wall. 
“I am high… on you.” The metalhead rolls his eyes as Steve pokes his nose, trying to hide the smile that wants to push through. He turns with the intention of coming to get you to find that you were already leaning against the other wall of the bathroom. 
“I could have carried you. Are you ok?”
“Yeah.”, you sigh as you gesture absently. “Not the first time I’ve had to move during blood loss and it probably won’t be the last.”
The vampire listened to you two talk as he got the bath ready. 
“Hey. The last time you were bleeding, you were flat on a table ma’am. No movement required.”
“Hm. Bled a few times growing up. M’mom is in jail remember?” Steve’s eyes became sad as he scanned your face. “Also boyfriends like John. Besides that night, had you ever gotten into a fight, Stevie?”
“Pfft, yeah a few. Once over a girl, another to protect some kids I was looking after…and then some Russian soldiers beat the shit out of me. That was fun.”
You looked at him with confusion as Eddie guided him into the water before coming to do the same with you. 
“Yeah, I know. It sounds far-fetched but he’s telling the truth. We started dating a little after that particular incident so yeah.”
Holding your arm, he helps you down and you exhale as you lean your back against Steve’s chest while Eddie sits on the edge of the tub to clean you both. 
“What about you?”, you ask. 
“Ah, no fights for me, princess. I mean, no fights with people. I tried fighting a hoard of bats but obviously that didn’t end well.”
“And your dad?”
“Um, yeah that never ended well either.” His eyes glazed over a bit as he focused on the task before him but paused when your hand touched his. 
“I’m sorry, baby.” 
Flashing you a soft smile, he cleared his throat as he rose to his feet. 
“Alright, I’m going to go change the sheets. Do you think you two can remain coherent till I come back.”
“Yes, DAD.”, Steve sassed making you giggle as he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you tighter to him. 
You hide under your dinner table you used to have in your parent’s house when you were little. Your mother is screaming again as she searches for you. 
“Where the fuck are you, you ungrateful brat?! Do you really think you’re any better for them? Always causing problems! Trust me, babe, they’d be better off without you.”
You jump when you feel a palm touch your bicep. 
“Whoa. Sorry.”, Steve whispers. “I didn’t mean to scare you. What are we hiding from?”
You point towards the kitchen as your mother’s shadow passes along the tablecloth. 
“Hey, what did we say, baby girl? You’re safe with us.”, Eddie beamed as he pushed some of your hair back behind your ear. 
“But are you safe with me?”
Your eyes flew open as you clutched your chest. 
“You know, some people just sleep at night.”, Eddie teases as he fully sits up beside you. “Are you alright?” When you nodded, his palm gently reached up to pet your head. “What were you dreaming about? It felt…sad.”
“You don’t know already?”
“I mean, I know it wasn’t one of my memories because you’ve only been dreaming about things that happened after I changed. What I felt right now…I haven’t felt since I was a little kid and my dad would come home drunk.”
“I was dreaming about my mom. When I was kid I used to hide under the dining room table while her and my dad would fight. That’s where I was with you two and…”
“And what?”
“I’m not putting you two in danger am I? I just…with everything that happened and Steve’s fears of you two needing to run again—”
Eddie silenced you by placing his fingers on your lips, wrapping his arm around your shoulder, and bringing you down to lay with your head on his chest. He sighed before telling you his story of a girl named Chrissy who died violently in his trailer and a town that tried to hunt him down for it claiming he was a devil worshipping freak. He explained about an evil being named Vecna who was actually murdering these people and he, Steve, and some others went down to that scary world to stop him. 
Eddie told you about the bats he and his friend Dustin were meant to distract so Steve and his friends could get into a house to destroy this being. 
His tone became shakier as he talked about buying more time so they could succeed and the battle he faced when he didn’t run away. The feeling of the bats pinning him to the ground and tearing into his flesh.
“The last thing I thought about was Steve. It was like…a montage of our relationship. I just wanted to go back to how things used to be before the murders when we would lay in bed and talk about leaving our stupid town.”, he heavily exhales, kissing your palm as it reaches up to caress his face. 
“After I saved him, Steve told me we needed to run. That they still placed the blame on me even though they couldn’t find me. If they found out I wasn’t dead, bad things would happen. Y/N, after everything we’ve been through, these past two days have been nothing. I know that we’re all safe here but Steve always worried we may need to run again. He lost me once, he says… you’re not putting us in any kind of danger, sweetheart. If anything…now we’re putting you in danger.”
“I’m not afraid of you or things that come with you. I meant what I said. I love you both… I want to help and be there for you two anyway I can.” 
Eddie smiled as he kissed your forehead. 
“I wasn’t too rough with you was I?”
“No. The biting hurt at first but after…when you started draining me… fuck.”
His chest shook as he laughed making you smile as you held him tighter. 
“I guess because you still had my blood inside you, you felt what I feel when I’m fucking him.” Lightly but firmly, Eddie tugged your hair back, placing his lips on yours. “You both feel amazing.”
“How much of Eddie was there? You seemed kind of gone.”
“I was there, sweetheart. The vampire kind of took over a bit but, trust me, I was there.”
Rolling on to his side, he kept his arm under your head as his other hand came up to touch your cheek while his eyes ran along your face. 
“Next time, I’ll move a bit slower so I can really watch this beautiful face while my cock is stretching you open. Steve was right, you are tight but you took me so well.”
“Y-You felt good. No one’s ever been that deep before except…”
“Steve?” The vampire grins when you nod. “I know how you feel. The first time we were together, I swore I could feel him everywhere.”
“When did he start calling you Daddy?”
His thumb runs along your bottom lip as his now chocolate-colored irises continue to study you, watching as your chest rises and falls as you breathe nervously.
“A couple of months after we started dating, he said he had a fantasy. Steve always felt like he needed to be in control and just wanted to BE controlled in bed.” As you kiss the pad of his finger, he delicately placed it between your lips, his smile growing when your tongue ran along the flesh. “Is that what you need to, sweetheart? Do you need to be taken care of?”
When you nod your head again, he withdraws his thumb and leans over to passionately kiss your lips. Without releasing his hold on the back of your neck, he pulls away, and grazes his noses along yours, panting against your open mouth. 
“Can you say it, baby?”
“I need you to take care of me, Daddy.”
@chelebelletx @mandyjo8719 @bimbobaggins69
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whovianderson · 9 months
Sex Education season 4 thoughts
The good
Aimee’s journey. As I’ve discussed online no end, I have complex PTSD. While I was never sexually assaulted like Aimee was, her avoidant trauma responses were very relatable to me. To see her taking the power back this season, especially when the burned the jeans she was assaulted in and did the photoshoot with them, made me feel a bit less alone as I try and heal. I cried my eyes out, so much so that I had to take a break from watching to collect myself!
“Even when I’m doing something I love… it feels like I’m still wearing them, like it never goes away”
Cal’s story as a non-binary person is very different to mine (and for the record, that doesn’t make either of us any less valid, because there is no singular way to be non-binary). Nonetheless, hearing someone I love as much as I do Gillian Anderson affirm our shared gender nonconformity meant the world. I’m sick of facing transphobia from society, but especially from people that I once considered idols. So knowing that Gillian embraced a role where her character supports trans youth healed something within me. It’s not the first time she’s showed up for our community though - she always makes a point to include non-binary people, for example in her Dear Gillian announcement video. I don’t mean to undermine the real hero of the story here: Dua Saleh, the actor who played Cal - it’s just that I had already formed such a deep connection with Gillian, so it hit me doubly hard from her.
The funeral scene. Just… the funeral scene. I really lost it when Mr Hendricks played With Or Without You on the piano and everyone else joined in.
Other people have spoken about this better, so I won’t get into it as much, but by god, the representation. One example that really struck me was the sex scene between Abbi and Roman at the end, where she said “I love being inside you”. It wasn’t a big deal, their transness was completely normalised.
This might be an unpopular opinion, but I loved the Motis ending! Maeve made the right choice going back to America, and long distance relationships are really hard when you have no plans to reunite, so I get why they called it off. Also, relationships at that age don’t usually last, as much as I hate to say it, and yet via Maeve’s letter, the show managed to honour that they can still shape one’s life and be really important.
The bad
If it wasn’t clear, I’m a Jean Milburn stan first and a human second. Unfortunately, I was disappointed in how they handled her storyline this season. Firstly, I’m tired of every single female character on television having an arc that culminates in motherhood. Not knowing who the father was felt like bad writing for Jean specifically, like very out of character, because she’s a sex therapist, so she’s all about safe sex and communication around those things. By no means am I suggesting that they should’ve kept Jakob as a character (if you don’t already know, his actor sexually assaulted hundreds of women which, by the way, was public knowledge before he was ever cast), but they could’ve come up with a better workaround. Maybe I’m biased because Jean is a comfort character of mine, but I wasn’t very pleased with the fact that they didn’t allow her to be happy for a single second this season either! That being said, I do think it’s important that we don’t gloss over the postpartum depression representation here, which could mean so much to so many. I wish they’d brought Maureen in to help Jean though, because their relationship was so special and yet we didn’t see them interact onscreen once this season.
I haven’t heard anyone else mention this, but I was disappointed with how they handled sapphic relationships this season. Not only were Ola and Lily erased entirely, but the writers fucked up the storyline for the only established sapphic couple remaining (Roz and Sofia Marchetti). Like, why was the Big Plot Twist™️ that there was, in fact, a man intimately involved with their family? Our lives don’t have to revolve around men, you know? The show didn’t explicitly acknowledge the fact that genetics to not make a family in my opinion either, because Roz and Sofia’s conversation with Jackson was just about how his biological father was missing out on raising him.
The… mixed? Idk!
I deserve to be sent to horny jail for this, but Jean breastfeeding initially drove me insane. I quickly changed my tune though, because breasts are not inherently sexual and breastfeeding shouldn’t be sexualised, so it makes me feel a bit icky to see people thirsting over that.
I’m not sure how I felt about the development of Adam and Michael’s relationship. On one hand, I thought it was beautiful to see them both grow and reconnect. On the other hand, I was slightly concerned that it was veering into “you have to forgive your abuser” territory. I don’t have parental trauma, so I don’t have the authority to comment, but I’d be interested to hear other people’s perspectives.
I really appreciate how they tried to explore toxic relationships with the introduction of Beau as Viv’s love interest. However, I don’t feel that it was given the weight it deserved, because there was so much else going on.
In summary
I’m not disappointed with how this season turned out overall. Although it definitely wasn’t perfect, I thoroughly enjoyed watching it, and it made me very happy. I do recommend checking trigger warnings before watching it though, because it is a lot darker than previous seasons.
I’d missed this show and these characters more than I’d realised, and I can’t believe I’ll never see them again. It was really hard to say goodbye!
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loveinhawkins · 1 year
Hi! I've never messaged you before, but your writing is some of my very favorite on Tumblr! I love that you have Steve as a poetry fan, and a fan of Simon and Garfunkel! I was reading the poem Richard Cory, and it made me think of a young Steve, the one people only see as a King, as a spoiled rich boy, not seeing his pain and trauma. Even his friends seem to gloss over it. And I can imagine him and Eddie in English class, and Eddie barely paying attention, but seeing how Steve subtly reacts to the poem when they read it, and Eddie wondering if maybe there's more to him than he'd previously thought! I found out that Simon and Garfunkel made it into a song, too, and that really sent it home! I hope you have a wonderful day, thank you for sharing your wonderful stories with us!
you are so kind, thank you so much. i hope you have a wonderful day too ❤️
oh, this has so many things i love. the poem & simon & garfunkel references (cw for references to suicide in both the poem & song lyrics), how Steve views himself and his high school persona vs how Eddie sees him—like, I could quote the whole poem but:
he fluttered pulses when he said, “Good-morning,” and he glittered when he walked.
Steve glittering as he walks! Eddie in denial that his pulse is also fluttering! ❤️
and them fleetingly crossing paths in high school is one of my absolute favourite things to think about, as well as them sharing the same English class at some point.
And when they read that poem… Eddie silently notices things. How Steve’s reaction stands out amidst the typically bored, glazed-eyes expression of other students. Eddie can see out of the corner of his eye how Steve reads the poem over and over, the subtle swallow, the shift in his jaw. The crease in the middle of his forehead that somehow seems more than just straightforward confusion.
But then he puts it out of his head—until, that is, an English period when the teacher says the whole lesson is just for silent reading. And Eddie hears a, “Psst,” coming from his left.
He doesn’t realise that it’s Steve Harrington trying to catch his attention, assumes it’s just someone trying to piss him off, so he snaps, “What?” a little harsher than warranted.
He almost does a double take at the way Steve shrinks back in his seat—not obviously so, but just enough for Eddie to notice.
“… Nothing. I’ll leave you alone,” Steve says shortly.
Eddie feels a flash of guilt. Sighs. “What?”
“Just… you’ve done this class before, right?”
“Fucking astute observation, Harrington.”
“Shut up. I just…” And Steve hands Eddie his photocopy of the poem, points at the top of the page. “Do you get this stuff?”
There’s a pause where Eddie scans the poem—and, Jesus, there’s a lot of annotations. Like, a lot. There’s even parts where Steve’s writing gets all cramped in between the stanzas, because he’s got a helluva lot to say, apparently.
Then he sees the part Steve’s pointing at, where there’s a scrawl of: Metre???
“Uh, yeah,” Eddie says. “I get what… it’s, like, the rhythm of it. Where the emphasis is on each word and stuff.”
Steve actually has the audacity to roll his eyes at Eddie’s, in his opinion, very generous explanation. “Yeah, I get all that in theory, but I can’t, like, hear it, y’know?”
And well, Eddie’s in a band. He knows a thing or two about rhythm. So he leans over and taps the rhythm out with his finger on Steve’s desk. He can’t remember the proper term for it, but he rambles, “It’s the same rhythm in Shakespeare plays? Kinda like a heartbeat.”
It must click for Steve, because sometime during Eddie talking, he starts tapping out the beat, too. Their knuckles almost touch. Not quite.
“Thanks, Eddie,” Steve says distractedly, as he takes his paper back and starts writing again.
And for the rest of the lesson, Eddie has to consider the fact that Steve Harrington truly knows his name, like he didn’t even have to think about it; like the freak moniker didn’t even occur to him.
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formosusiniquis · 4 months
the bells, the joy (together in darkness)
Robin Buckley & Steve Harringto WC: 11963 | T | Tags/Themes: hivemind, Post S3, Scoops Troop Friendship, Nonbinary Steve and Robin, Blink and you miss it Steddie and Buckingham pre-slash AKA It's the Stobin Hivemind fic y'all! thank you very very very much to @spectrum-spectre for beta-ing this for me!!
Steve has never done LSD before. Which is the kind of statement his father would call ‘qualifying’ and ‘implies other kinds of wrongdoing, Stephan.’ Like the time he’d said he hadn’t smoked anything other than cigarettes that weekend. Apparently the ‘that weekend’ was a qualifier that got his very small pot stash flushed, and forced him into a second transaction with Eddie Munson in as many weeks.
Yeah okay maybe there were worse things, as far as punishments go.
Qualifying or not though, Steve has never done LSD. Not after the weekend he spent reading the supposedly true diary of a supposedly real teen that had been left on his bed. Like mother, like son, his father had sneered when he'd caught Steve curled up with it, like the whole plan to keep him from becoming pot-addled and destined for the gutter, or whatever, hadn’t relied on his gossipy nature.
It was mostly stupid, the book, but Steve figured it didn’t hurt to stick to weed. The stuff about that he knew for sure was totally fake.
Except now, he wishes he maybe knew a little bit more about what LSD was supposed to feel like. So he knows how to portion out blame for his current state. It’s currently 50% Upside-Down-Shit and 40% Russian-LSD-Shit and 10% Concussion-Shit, but if he’s being fair he’s blamed the Upside Down for about half of everything that’s gone wrong in his life since 1983. He’s willing to acknowledge that maybe the blame breakdown should be readjusted for this one.
“Hey Robin?” Trauma changes people, makes you want to stay close to the people who are changed the same way you are. Robin had shown up at Steve’s house the Monday after everything, trumpet case and duffle bag in hand. Apparently, she had walked from the school where she was supposed to be catching the bus to Band Camp, like she does every year. Apparently, when you undergo traumas heretofore unexperienced by any teen ever, Russian torture and flesh monsters, it’s okay to skip Summer Intensive to move in with your new best friend without telling your parents. Apparently, if you’re the kid that the Band Person, Director, wants to keep happy because in addition to the billion and seven languages you can play any instrument with a mouthpiece -- except trombone, slide positions, Steve had pretended he knew what that meant -- then you can just leave school to deal with your ‘mall fire smoke inhalation’ at your ‘aunt’s house’ instead. Apparently this is fine and Steve doesn’t need to worry about any angry former hippies beating down his dore because ‘what they don’t know won’t hurt them.’
So he can call out for Robin, without raising his voice because he knows she’s there. Somewhere in the house, the weight of it changed now that someone else is in it with him. He can call out even though he’s pretty sure she’s holed up in his Mom’s library on the ground floor, because he can feel her in the back of his brain and he knows she’ll hear him.
Drifting in an unfocused middle distance, he can imagine Robin. Curled up, she knows she’s been called for but isn’t in any hurry to comply, Steve will wait. He's fine with waiting, at least for the five minutes it will take for her to finish her chapter. He can see her, slotting her bookmark in place and sitting up straight for the first time in hours. She stretches, uncurls from the window seat that Steve also favors, gently sets the book down before letting a foot dangle and brush the floor to actually stand. And she leaves the library. She starts to feel closer, her presence looming stronger in his brain and Steve aware of himself in his own body. Then he hears her feet on the stairs.
“What is it, Dingus, did you know your Mom has a whole collection of French books? I’m in the middle of a bunch of lesbian short stories.”
“Yeah, she speaks it, not sure why.” He answers absently, “Have you ever done LSD?”
“I’ve had half a pot brownie and gotten way too high before.”
That’s not really the same thing, Steve thinks.
“I know it’s not really the same thing, Dingus, I was using it as a framework.” She flops facedown on the bed beside him, wiggling into what he’s started thinking of as her side. A lucky coincidence that she prefers to be tucked in on the side closest to the wall. Probably because she’s never seen anything burst out of one.
“Okay don’t think that, cause now I’m never going to be able to sleep again, I don’t think you’ve got enough space for us to pull your bed into the center of your room.”
He can see the way she imagines it. His bed, an island in the center of the room floating in a sea of plaid. Something about it is even more unnerving than if it stayed up against the wall.
“Not a good look.” He doubts anything will come from the walls again anyway, the Upside Down has proven to be surprisingly adaptive; it doesn't seem to attack in the same way twice. It makes it harder to be prepared, but he’s less worried about not being able to protect Robin in the middle of the night.
“Savior complex. Your mom has psychology books down there too. What does she even do?”
“Reads mostly. Do you think there’s anything down there about LSD?” He doesn’t think this is normal.
“Nice leap, Steve, I don’t think there are many drugs that link your brain with your coworker.” She says coworker, but he feels friend. Even that concept isn’t enough to describe the depth of warmth and affection that he feels wash over him as she thinks.
He lets the silence hang for a second, thinking but not sure what yet. His thoughts are slower to arrive and more jumbled in these early days post-concussion. His right hand curls, his fingers flex. First and third finger tap, then one and two, then none, one and two, and two, and none.
Robin’s knee jostles the bed as her leg bounces just a little.
“I think something else happened to us.”
“Wondered how long I’d have to tap your fingers for you before you got there with me.”
Read the rest on AO3
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sheltershock · 7 months
I was thinking today about how Sasha and Milla both got burned for using telepathy/mind reading on another person without their consent and I liked that it played out that way. I think realistically if you had the ability to read minds you’d also be traumatized by the thoughts/fantasies of others. Plus it adds more subtext in PN2 when Sasha scolds Raz for trying to bend someone else’s will to his own. Because that’s what he did when he was younger. Major props. Psychonauts is so good at subtext that’s why I love the writing, and it’s ability to be whimsical and silly but also realistic and gritty at times.
But then I thought about their constant psychic link. It’s cute, nice little relationship thing between them. However, when taking the mind reading trauma into account… that psychic link probably wasn’t easy. At least in the beginning.
I mean the last time they did any level of telepathy/mind reading it went so awfully that both of their lives changed trajectory in an instant. So the idea of doing that again in general must be terrifying. I’m sure they both decided to form that link, but even having known each other there could be that aching fear in the background that the other person might accidentally hurt them.
Maybe the link was a form of therapy for the both of them. And they might have not even shared/said anything over it for a while. It could have been strictly professional at first, reminders for meetings, information relay, communication in the field, etc. They’re both still a little tense though that they’ll accidentally share something unrelated.
Milla was probably the first of them to share something over the link that was non-work related. Something mundane, like appreciation of the view from her office, or a compliment of the music she can hear through the wall, or what’s being served in the cafeteria that day. Something simple. And he’d answer back and they’d continue with their day. The first thing Sasha would have sent over was probably observations, non emotional observations. Construction being done, new colors being painted, or saying it’s colder outside and to bring a jacket if she’s going to the Quarry that day. They get a little more confident after a while. They share things they know the other would like. They start having longer conversations. There’s more emotion. People can observe them smiling at seemingly nothing more frequently.
Once a little bit more comfortable they’re talking about what they did that weekend, Milla struggles to describe exactly what her experience was like the other night. She offers to share the memory directly. She can feel Sasha tense up on the other side. The conversation ends. The next day, he offers her to send it over. He’s spent the entire time preparing for it, telling himself over and over that it’s her, that she’s offering, that it’s probably fine. And it is. Milla’s delighted and they move on, though she checks to make sure he’s not hiding a bad reaction from her. They’re both fine.
But that’s one of the things she’s very aware of. Long stretches of time where Sasha won’t say or respond to anything at all. She can hear swears through the wall during this brief times, and he hardly ever leaves his lab either. She understands why, everyone has bad days. But sometimes he does reach to her, because she always offers an ear to everyone. But she always makes it a verbal conversation. She just can’t seem to push past the irrational thoughts that the source of his frustration might be her. That she’s not a good enough agent, a good enough friend, a good enough partner. And she knows that he’d never say any of those things… to her face. But if she would read his mind she’d know for sure.
And one day he asks again if he can talk to her, and hesitantly she agrees. Over the link. And she spends the entire time waiting, waiting for that dreaded Freudian slip. But it doesn’t happen. And he finishes his thought, and they both continue on, except Milla finds herself in tears in her office. And she finds herself reaching back over to talk some more.
Over time and each individual thought, memory and experience, they’re both confident and far less afraid as they used to be. Their fears aren’t completely gone of course, but it’s them, specifically. And they know where the other’s sore spot is, and are more than willing to provide a warning for anything triggering. They find themselves using their telepathy abilities with others from the newfound confidence. Projecting their own thoughts to another, but only one way though. Only in the other do they feel truly safe enough for a two-way mental link. And was preciously an isolating, vivid and painful experience is now one where they are never truly alone, and it’s peaceful and it’s comforting.
Just a thought.
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Steve Harrington x Reader.
[1.5k] - You can't decide if you should tell Steve how you feel or not, he makes that decision for you.
Warnings - mentions of trauma, the events of season 4, the beginning of a panic attack.
A/N - the lyrics used are from a song called "colourblind by ed sheeran" it's a beautiful song i highly recommend listening to it. this is also dedicated to my beautiful friend @dukesmebby because i love her <33
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Kaleidoscope love
Yeah, that is you and me
Forever changing
We make life interesting.
The gentle swish of the wind from outside your window was all you could hear, the only sound to reach your ears, although it wasn’t the thing keeping you awake. Your clock read 2:18 but your mind wouldn’t stop. Wouldn’t stop playing the events from the nights before. Wouldn’t stop the screams, the cries, the heartache. You had thought you wanted to be alone, but right now you couldn’t think of anything worse. You needed someone to ground you, to remind you it was all over, for now at least. 
You thought of Eddie, an unlikely friend that you’d bonded with quicker than expected. How his body was just left in a dimension no one planned to ever enter again. How if there was a small chance he was alive he would be stuck. How if he was stuck he’d be scared, petrified even, looking for a way home. How he’d be alone, deserted and abandoned by the people he thought were his friends. 
You thought of Max in the hospital, unconscious, broken bones, potentially blind for the rest of her life. How scared she must have been, 14 years old fighting a monster that should only be in fantasy games. How she has her whole life ahead of her and now it’ll be a completely different future than she had planned. How unfair that is for someone so young.
You thought of all the things you should’ve done. You should’ve been there for Eddie, been there for Max. You should’ve got to Vecna sooner so that maybe, just maybe, everyone would still be okay. You should’ve been there for the kids. You should’ve told Steve how you feel. 
You should’ve told him the 3 am drives and late nights meant everything to you, that they were the things that kept you going through the chaos, that he was what you were holding onto. He was the one person who seemed to be the calm when you needed it most, who would lead you to the eye of the storm where it was peaceful even if only for a moment. Steve was your person, you just didn’t know if you were his. 
Some days we're red and some days we both think green
But I like the nights when we leave the canvas free …
You take the dark away and that's no easy feat.
The clock now flashed 3:48 and you’d made your way downstairs. The water bubbled and the toaster hummed as you tried to distract yourself. The gentle noise was welcomed to help slow the thumpthumpthump of your heart, beating far too quickly for the late hour. Your hand hovered over the phone, head fighting with your heart begging the other to surrender. Ultimately, it was your heart that won, your fingers dialled a number known off by heart.
Your hands shook, this is so stupid, you thought. Were you really about to disturb your best friend in the middle of the night because you’re having trouble sleeping? This is ridiculous. This is SO stupid, he doesn’t care, he-
“Hello?” his voice came out as a grumble, clearly awoken from sleep you were unaware he’d only just fallen into. Your breaths quickened, panic now filling your senses, you were such a bad friend why would you wake him up when he was trying to sleep? 
Your name was whispered to you, drawing you back in, “Is that you sweetheart?” a gentle pull back to reality that you ended up clinging to. Even his voice was enough to keep you present. 
“Yeah,” a whisper back, “yeah it’s me, Stevie.”
“Are you okay?”
“I just um, I couldn’t sleep,” a shaky sigh left your lungs, lips dry as you tried to speak again, “My head was- my mind won’t shut off.”
“Do you want me to come over?”
“No no I didn’t want to disturb you I just-”
Your name came out firm, enough to silence the start of your rambling. “Do you need me?”
A beat passed, then...
I keep falling deeper in dark blue
Brighter than white
Rainbows exploding,
But I can't see nothing,
Except you and your eyes.
His engine roared against the silence of the night, your tea was long forgotten, and toast turned stale at your lack of touch. You sat on the floor in the main hallway, phone on the wall above you in case it rang. The thought of one of your friends on the other end needing your help sat deep in your stomach, unable to will yourself to ever be too far from a phone. 
The toll of light footsteps greeted your ears, a familiar sound. One others might find ominous, but you welcomed it, you knew his pattern by now and the sound actually brought you comfort, to know he was up and walking, that he was okay. 
You didn’t bother moving when the sound of his keys rattled against the door. Using the spare that you gave him, you all exchanged keys after the past couple of weeks, a “just-in-case” protocol according to Dustin. The door opened, the glow from the porch light flowed in along with his tall frame. His eyes were wide, panicked, searching. When they found you they softened, along with the muscles in his shoulders you noticed. 
“Hey sweetheart, what’re you doing down there?” his voice came out sweet, like honey was dripping from his tongue. 
“I don’t know..hiding?”
“From what?”
You shrugged, you weren’t sure really, it just seemed safer when you could curl in on yourself, hug your knees to your chest and try to shut out the world, although often you were unsuccessful. 
“Let’s go back to bed hm?” he bent down, arm circling your shoulders as he pulled you towards him, “it’s late, let’s try and get some sleep.”
He led you to your bedroom, manoeuvering through your house as if it was his own, and in a weird way, it was. You and Steve spent more time together in the safety of your own home than you spent outside, a familiar environment, a place where you didn’t have to be so alert all the time, where you could loosen up and act like normal people again.
He pulled the covers of your bed back and motioned for you to climb inside as he shed his shirt, muscles flexing and relaxing, almost mesmerizing. You shook your head from your own thoughts and did as you were told, now was not the time to become even more flustered for god’s sake. He crawled in beside you, laying on his back with one arm behind his head as you rested yours upon his chest, arm coming up to trace patterns on his skin.  
Your breaths synced up, a steady rhythm of up and down, grounding you to reality instead of the world inside your head. “Steve?” you whispered to break the silence, “do you ever think you should’ve done more?”
His chest froze in place for a second, his thoughts in tandem with his body, “More how sweetheart?”
“I don’t know just more?” your voice grew heavy, the threat of water starting to spill from your eyes, “like there were things you should’ve done but didn’t and now you’re not sure if it’s too late.”
He sighed, breath fanning over the top of your head, “I mean yeah, they’re definitely things I thought about doing, about saying, that I just never got round to,” his fingers trailed up and down your arm, a comforting touch, “guess I just didn’t want it to seem like it was in the moment you know? That I was saying it because I had to.”
His hand came round your face, fingers resting under your chin as he tilted it towards him. You caught his eyes, pupils blown wide enough that the brown became difficult to see but you would never miss it, his eyes yet another safe space you could allow yourself to fall into. 
“Because I wouldn’t do that,” he closed his eyes for just a moment, a second, enough for him to gain composure again, “I could never-  I would never, say it if I didn’t mean it. I promise you that.”
His eyes locked onto yours, flickering between them both, undecided in which one was more beautiful, only breaking briefly to peer down at your lips, a moment you didn’t miss.
“I promise you okay?” he spoke out into the air between you both, “everything I tell you is true, the moment just has to be right, I have to do it right.” 
A soft smile rose to your lips, his double meaning lighting a fire in your stomach, your breathing pausing as your fought to gain control, “then wait.”
“Then wait Steve,” you spoke, “wait for the moment to be right.”
“Yeah,” he breathed out, “yeah I will.”
Maybe we'll just paint the night colourblind.
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sleeplesssmoll · 6 months
Self-Image: How comfortable is the Timekeeper in her own skin?
This is purely speculative and more of a list of questions to consider. Food for thought!
How does she feel about the scars on her back? (And scars in general cause I'm sure she has them but they aren't mentioned canonically unless they magicked them away with arcanum antics)
Is she self-conscious about her scars on her back or is it because she doesn't want to make feel people feel uncomfortable?
Is it one of the reasons she always wears long pants and long sleeves, or is that just a fashion choice?
Causal Nudity
This one seems silly but if you've lived with or stayed with other people, things happen. Someone walks into your room without knocking. You forgot to bring your towel. Your working on something and your clothes ride up, get torn, etc.
There are some people who could confidently strut around naked as the day they were born and others who lay awake at tonight 3 years later and get embarrassed by the memory of being walked in on. The there are also people who are apathetic to the whole thing and don't see to care. They won't leave the room undressed but they don't mind if someone walks in on them either.
I'll be honest, I can't see her in the first one and Sweetheart is probably a better example. For those who don't know her, these are some of her lines:
"Hmm... hah... a silk robe? Thank you, but I don't want it. Dress me up with Chanel No.5 (perfume). Only that is my nightwear." (Vertin trying to make her stop sleeping nude. It didn’t work.)
Now, you could say this is Vertin being uncomfortable with other people's nudity but it could also be her playing the part of Suitcase Dad and making sure the little ones (or anyone for that matter) aren't exposed to things they didn't sign up for. However, my question is more about Vertin herself. This exmaple is just to paint a picture.
In the second instance, Vertin would be very self-conscious. Is it shame/fear, and if so why (side-eyeing the Foundation rn)? Or perhaps she doesn't want to talk about the scars on her back/body? Maybe it has nothing to do with her but the way people react. She doesn't want to make people feel uncomfortable.
Or maybe she's just shy about stuff like that and and for once has nothing to do with her trauma 🥹
In the final case, Vertin doesn’t really care. Maybe it's because she grew up in a dormitory where it's common to change in front of other kids. Or she could be used to the medical exams and tests from the Foundation who didn't care about her privacy.
It could be a newer development. For example, Regulus barges in without knocking all the time. The kids scamper in on their own (the Twins, Erik, etc) The ghosts phase in and out of her room. She got used to it.
That being said, the person she's interacting with also plays a part. Levels of comfort are influenced by the other person in the situation. She might not flinch if it's one of the kids coming to her crying about a broken toy or what not. On the other hand, Tennant will be escorted out immediately by Sonetto and Dikke. I'm exaggerating of course, but I think it helps me explain what I'm trying to say. Nothing is all conclusive.
The Self
Unlike the others, this leans harder on perception. Who does Vertin see when she looks in the mirror? Is it someone she's proud of or someone she can't face? These things can warp your self-image and influence many things.
Self love, Self worth, and the extent to what you believe you "deserve". For example Do you deserve to be "loved"? If you don't believe that it might be hard to believe other people could love you either. Maybe you feel like you deserve suffering because you don't value your own worth.
(For anyone needing to hear this, everyone deserves happiness).
I'm curious to know other people's thoughts on this. Feel free to mention things I missed!
On a scale of 1 to 5, how comfortable is Vertin in her own skin? Heck Drop some hcs on me too if you'd like. I eat them up lol
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writingseaslugs · 2 years
My Twisted Take: AU Information
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Hello my lovelies, so I'm revamping this page as of 2023 with my requests going live! I write for Twisted Wonderland and have a small AU for it! It isn't anything totally game-changing, but it's how I interpret things! So please be kind and if you dislike what I'm writing, block me. I don't want hate of any kind; it's unkind.
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So this is a proper College AU! When I began playing the game it took me maybe a month or two to find out that the characters weren't all college-aged. I saw them all as 18+, minus Ortho. The characters are from Japan and in Japan college age is 18, so it was a minor confusion. With that being said, I still see them as college-aged. So for this AU, they are all aged up by two years, making the first-year students all 18 years old.
If you dislike aging up characters, then please simply block this account and move on. I also write NSFW for these characters, so this is your warning. I don't tolerate hate in my inbox and I will simply block you.
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In this AU, the Reader is dead in their world. Think of the Isekai trope where someone dies and goes to another world. The Reader is aware of this and therefore isn't looking for a way home. Crowley doesn't exactly listen to them when they explain this, and he is still actively looking for a way to send them home. This is an AU of a Reader who doesn't wish to go back to being a corpse.
The Reader is still the one who has to fix things for others. They are more active in doing this, unlike Yuu. They aren't a fly on the wall in this AU and their actions have changed how some characters view them.
Reader is stronger than normal. It's the only way I could think of how they haven't died yet with how proactive they are in all the overblots. My excuse is their world has higher gravity, therefore they are naturally stronger.
Reader is a strong and independent character. They aren't pushed around by Crowley and have some sass to them. They will snap back when need be.
Reader will always be written as Non-Binary, but not explicitly stated. I will be using they/them pronouns for all fics. If I write explicit content, I will have two separate versions for the two binary genders.
Reader has more Gen Z humor, since I have that humor. They're also more chaotic and ready to toss themselves into danger
Reader isn't a therapist. I have yet to meet someone my age or younger who doesn’t have at least one mental illness or trauma-related response to things. Therefore I don’t believe they exist. So the Reader isn’t equipped to deal with their own shit, let alone everyone else’s.
No Reader descriptions. No skin color, hair color, eye color, or anything will be mentioned for the reader. The most you might hear is “playing with hair” but as for the length or texture of said hair…who knows. So I do apologize if you are bald and read that and you’re no longer immersed. I am doing my best to be inclusive to everybody.
No mentions of mental illnesses. While it will be implied at times that the reader isn’t neurotypical, I will not be describing what type of things the reader has going on. Again, it’s to be inclusive. I simply cannot write completely neurotypical as that has never been me so I wouldn’t even know where to begin on that.
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awaytobeunshaken · 1 year
If You See Me Falling
He tried. After everything that went down, after seeing Orym throw that locket away with the remains of a man they’d all started to think of as a friend. After seeing him walk away and shut down and say with every bit of body language that he just wanted to be alone, whether or not it was truly what he needed. If you see me falling down, pick me up, Orym’s words from a few nights ago rang in their head. So Ashton tried.
And again, he failed. Words were no good here; all the words they could think of felt trite and condescending. So the next morning, after they’d all finished breakfast and Orym was trying to disappear again, Ashton did something that surprised even him, dropping to one knee and putting his arms around Orym. They’d accepted hugs from the halfling before, never given one. It felt nice. At least until Orym flexed his arms and shrugged his shoulders to slip free of Ashton’s grasp, muttering, “Don’t touch me.”
Ashton isn’t hurt, or angry. How could they be, as many times as they’ve expressed the same sentiment. He doesn’t think Orym’s angry, either. Not at him, at least. Maybe just at everything, and why shouldn’t he be? They haven’t seen that kind of anger in Orym before, that directionless rage bubbling up behind his eyes, but they sure as hell know it. Ashton just hopes they find somewhere for him to put it before it eats him up. They’ve long envied Orym’s calm, as much as it’s baffled them, and Ashton hates having to watch Orym, too, be hardened by circumstance.
He knows Ashton was just trying to help, and up until ten minutes ago he probably would have accepted it. Welcomed it, even. Now it just feels like a distraction. He’s let himself get so distracted, trying to focus on the biggest targets because the little people were victims, too. Trying to let someone else take the lead so the decision didn’t have to be his.
And a lot of them probably were victims; they’d been lied to, manipulated, their worst traumas used against them. But they had still made a choice. Liliana, Bor’dor, the man with the locket, they’d all decided to make someone pay for how their lives had gone, regardless of who actually wronged them or what the collateral damage might be.
He looks over at Ashton, who has as much or more reason to be angry than anyone on the other side, who doesn’t steal what people can’t afford to lose, who is gentle with people who are vulnerable, who has reached out to Orym time and again, not letting him retreat into himself, much as he might like to. All that rage, but they manage to save it for the people who deserve it. And if he can do it, the rest of them have no excuse. There’s no room for him to be quiet anymore.
Jrusar. The Spire by Fire. The place where it all started. Ashton wonders how they made it back there, from wherever they’d been the other day. Another archdruid? Well, assuming everything goes the way it’s supposed to, he supposes they’ll find out soon enough.
Ashton approaches Orym again, this time keeping a comfortable distance. “That thing you said about picking you up when you fall, I’m gonna assume you meant that and weren’t just saying it to get me off your back.”
“I meant it. I don’t need picking up right now.”
“I know you believe that. I know you’ll keep believing it unless someone reminds you that you don’t have to.”
“I don’t know what you can do that you’re not already doing. Because what I need is for this to be over.”
“Yeah, I hear that. But if you think of anything else between now and then, you can let me know. Because I’m gonna keep asking.” If that makes them the asshole that’s fine. It’s a role they’re used to playing.
read on ao3
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 2 days
The fact I have to use multiple headcanons for some characters to make them palatable is bullshit.
Sorry this is a 3am rant as I am doing nights and am the half awake type.
But this specifically is about Cullen Rutherford and how in canon he’s a bitch ass. And Oghren to actually. Also a bitch ass.
But these characters have so much damn potential I wanna SCREAM.
Cullen is a character who is set up to be a creep in the first game. He has a crush on one of his prisoners and when the tower is taken by magic and he is tormented we see him break. In DA2, he’s a magic hating asshole who stands up in the final second against his boss. In DAI he’s the commander who gives lip service to changing but hasn’t.
This entire saga has me going; BUT WHAT IF?!
I think I ranted about this before but Cullen in DA2 could have been so much cooler if we saw him slowly have a come to Andraste sort of story. In the beginning he’s running on his trauma. Hates magic. Can’t see mages as people because it means then people hurt him and he can’t do it.
But then he begins looking around. Maybe Meredith says something or he sees how his men flinch when he’s around. He begins actually seeing things in the Circle that kind of go: wait. The Ferelden Circle tower wasn’t as bad as Kirkwall. Not good no, but Kirkwall is hell.
Cullen seeing the trauma of a young girl being made tranquil. Seeing a Templar abuse her. Stepping in and then… Meredith does nothing. Denotes the man but doesn’t care. Cullen, who was at mercy of demons for days, who was taunted with an image of a woman he fancied himself in love with… he watches and can’t understand it.
He hears of the Tranquil solution. Hears someone whisper of Alrik after and he… he can’t. He can’t do that. Talks to Meredith who dismisses it. Whose insanity sparks in her eyes. Who talks of mages are vermin.
Cullen wonders if he was like that.
I want an actual damn redemption arch for Cullen, and I would love to explore more of ‘the Chantry abuses the Templars to’ with their purposeful forced addiction and how awful it is to come off it. Having Cullen see how Samson is, seeing him so sick… it should be a moment where we see this man truly question things.
Then DAI. I want Cullen to have earned his position. I want him to talk about how he knows he has biases due to the tower and the demons. I want him to tell the Herald ‘I sometimes relapse. Just tell me’
I still want a voice to argue for the Templars but I want Cullen to argue about Tevinter and that dealing with slavers is never wise. I want us to see Cullen terrified of magic and him having to combat the feelings.
I want Cullen to have a slow horrific retaliation of the Chantry as he comes off lyrium but still can use his Templar powers. I want him to choke it out, shaking, that he has been lied to.
I want an actual redemption and him truly trying to redeem himself. I headcanon it all the time when playing because it is the only way I can put up with him. Even then I only have romances him with a non-mage human, because I can’t see him able to do anything else.
Then OGHREN. I don’t know if I talked about this but his entire relationship with Felssi never interested me because it feels like he’s repeating Branka. They insult each other and she talks to him like dirt. Exploring the idea he left not because he didn’t want to be a dad/is a bad dad but because he recognized he was in the same damn cycle would have been so cool. Plus having him actually change.
In origins, have him stop drinking as much. Have him talking not about sex or being gross but have him holding intelligent conversations with Sten on battle tactics. Have him argue with Shale about dwarves. Have him discuss withdrawal with Wynne.
Then Awakenings. Like I said, I think the discussion that his relationship with Felssi is toxic on both sides would be fun. Have him confess he realized he was right back where he’d started, have him drinking again… I’m not saying blame everything on the woman. I am saying that toxic relationships are hard to break and the idea of Oghren honestly being at a loss when he realizes where he is would be so much fun.
This is a headcanon I built to be able to stand the man.
And the fact I have to do so makes me want to beg on bended knee to BioWare: please don’t do this to me in DA:D.
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dragon-queen21 · 16 days
thank for you for reply, apologies for sendin again, can you tell im hyperfixating?
i dont know if you exactly think of her like this but, HUGE hc that robins a flip. listen HEAR ME OUT PLEASE, “mama robin” and “baby bird” nicknames the crew bestowed upon her
i have so many hc for her in a agere situation, shes definitely a kid who has her good and bad days, sometimes she just wants to- needs to be alone because of trauma, and other days shes with them, shes a quiet little lady, but shes there just happy in the crews presence and reading. or maybe shes trying to break out of her shell and try to play a game with chopper, nami, or maybe on a really good day: sanji too. (usopp & luffy, she loves them, theyre just a bit too overwhelming together when shes little.)
i feel like it took her awhile to tell the crew about it, shes always been secretive, shes always had to be. but she realizes; “these are my nakama, they wouldnt hurt me” and just ups and tells them all randomly at dinner in a usual robin fashion
i cant imagine how that conversation would go but shed just all off a suddenly randomly drop that fact about her and everyones like “????”
and for cg robin well,
she would definitely read them stories no doubt about that. shes crack open a book, set her baby on her lap, their head on her shoulder and gently read them a fable or short story until they fall asleep.
or minor hc that when sanjis is like really little and robin has to cook the crew their dinner that night, she’ll set sanji up by her feet while she cooks so she can get things done, and sanji doesnt get upset because hes all alone :( (hes also in his kitchen which makes him happy as can be!)
^ or when hes on the bigger side robin will let him help her cook.
“Sanji, honey, can you pass me the oregano?”
“ACK! Robin ew no!!”
“oh dear! what should i use then?”
“um… ‘dis one!”
im done for mow i promise! i dont wanna chew your ear off but i hope you enjoy! thank you<33
My dear anon I will take all of the ramblings always there is no need for apologies! >:3
Considering how much I have been posting about my current brain rot with demon slayer I get you 100% with the hyperfixations. If you want to send more in I would love to hear and add to them, your messages have made me super happy and have given me a lot to think over /pos Making me want to get back into writing a one piece fic. I need to make more with the babies!
Oh my gosh you’re so right. She would just randomly over dinner tell everyone about her regressing.
I can imagine someone like Usopp or Sanji that took forever to tell the crew and had so much mental prepping and making sure everything was perfect just to see her just out of the blue would probably be so shocking to them.
Letting Sanji be with her in the kitchen, that’s such a cute idea you have no clue how much I love that. I have such a soft spot for Robin and him truly. Probably my favorite little caregiver duo if I am being honest.
Okay but she would also be so good at playing pretend with him. Opening a pretend restaurant with a bunch of stuffed animals as customers, making orders for the little one to fill out and stuff. Ooh or if they are both small playing school
Also, idea, lil Robin, going up to her crewmates with a book in hand and just holding it out to them without saying anything. She wants someone to read to her and is too shy to ask.
Sanji and Nami would without doubt. Luffy would probably get bored half way or reading the actual words and start going off of the pictures and making up his own story. Zoro who is absolutely clueless at first and ends up rejecting her just because he doesn’t understand. Franky would do the best voices. Jinbei the best at picking really good bedtime stories and reading them.
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loveinhawkins · 1 year
Thinking of a version of events where it all miraculously works out in the end, where Vecna and The Upside Down are dead and gone, and no other lives are lost.
But Dustin is struggling.
Because yes, Eddie survived, he’s going to be okay, but none of that changes the fact that Dustin heard his desperate screams as the bats tore at him, that Dustin had to watch as he bled out right in front of him, felt his hand go limp in his, slick with blood.
But it seems like everyone’s fine, riding on a wave of relief, so Dustin figures he should push it all down, seal it off as neatly as The Upside Down had been.
And he tries. He cracks corny jokes to make Max roll her eyes and laugh while she’s getting a cast on her arm, plays off Lucas and Erica against each other until they’re fighting smiles as they rile each other up.
It all feels like stuff he would have done before. But he can’t get rid of the horrible feeling that he’s like a little robot with set phrases, that he’s acting convincingly, but his heart just isn’t in it.
Never change, Dustin Henderson, Eddie had said, but Dustin can’t help it, doesn’t know how to reach the old version of himself. Doesn’t know if he ever can again.
It comes to a head one afternoon, while it’s just him and Eddie in a hospital room. It’s easier to keep up the act in group settings—one-on-one feels too close to a spotlight being on him.
“Hey, you’re pretty quiet,” Eddie says kindly. “You okay?”
And it’s such an innocuous remark; Dustin could easily shrug it off, just say that he’s tired.
But instead his eyes prick with shame that he’s failed, that Eddie’s noticed, and he suddenly can’t stop himself from crying.
“Eddie, I’m—I’m sorry.”
Eddie’s eyes are wide with dismay. “Woah, woah, you’ve got nothing to—”
“Y-you said not to change,” Dustin gets out through sobs, “but I—I don’t know h-how to—”
“Oh no,” Eddie breathes, “no, no, no, just—come here.”
And he pulls Dustin into a hug with surprising strength for someone still lying in a hospital bed.
“I didn’t mean—shh, shh, I’ve got you. You don’t have to—you don’t need to do anything, Dustin, you hear me?”
Eddie kisses the top of Dustin’s head, hugs him tight, because he knows a thing or two about being forced into a crossroads in adolescence, about guilt and trauma, and a kind of loss that goes beyond death.
“You’re loved, you’re so fucking loved, Dustin Henderson,” Eddie whispers. “You’re loved just as you are, okay? Always.”
And Dustin still doesn’t know where to go from here, but maybe that’s okay. Maybe it’s enough, for now, to know that Eddie’s here, that he’s holding onto him. Maybe it’s enough to know that there’s a way forward at all.
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youthnighttarot · 2 years
What’s your Soul’s Mission…?
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Tarot Card: Death rv, QOS, 2OP
(This one was long y’all)
You see what ur purpose is but, you don’t have a clear definition of what or where it is. It feels at a distance in some way. Something’s keeping you from evolving towards your mission keeping you stagnate. In the end keeping you from essentially growing towards ur higher self. There is some type of habit, quality, or personality trait your not aware of. It’s caused you a lot of inner chaos for you. Things may even feel quiet or at a stand still with you. Your at a distance from ur mission, which is represented by the pillars on the death card. (Which is at a distance from the knight) (I speak out loud when I doing my readings and immediately when I thought this I started to stumble on my words) There may be some blockages happening with your way of communicating, how it relates/translates to other people. As well as what you’re thinking vs what you’re saying. (If that makes sense?) How is it coming across to people you know..? You try to find the balanced energy inside of you however, you struggle and it leaves you feeling empty and unfulfilled. This need to find balance amongst your thoughts, emotions, and logic leads you to come off cold and stoic towards others. And maybe even come off too harshly (Even when you don’t mean to) There may be some internalized struggle you have with childhood traumas. This impacts how you view your adult self from your child eyes. You may feel like your “Adult” self is unattainable. But it most certainly is for you..! Your moon sign may have something to do with how you emotionally express yourself. (Listen to express yourself by Madonna there’s a message) Once finding this balance you will be able to throughly articulate and vocalize your thoughts and ideas. You will begin to say what people need to hear in that moment or just need to hear in general. By learning to transform yourself, you can help other’s to do the same for themselves. For some the reason you’ve been feeling this way is connected to childhood wounds you haven’t dealt with (For Some..!) I’m actually quite shaky right now…are you anxious pile one. Are you dealing with nerve problems or feelings if so, you really need to relax before you give yourself a panic attack or worse a heart attack..!!! That’s a sign that you need to let yourself be free, release your pain and let your true self go. Balancing the energy will release all blockages from your life…which will allow you to help others on the same or similar journeys. Don’t let how someone treated you in the past dictate how YOU treat others. (Karma is real!!!) Continue on your oath and grow.
Pile (2)
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Tarot Cards: 8oS, 9oW rv, The Hermit
With the 8oS I’m getting the woman (On the card) may be telling herself she’s trapped but, she’s really not. Deep down she knows this. So maybe you will be helping people see through things that are not there lye beyond the surface. Helping people maybe escape their own mental prison. Maybe a therapist? (I also got that with pile one so you may resonate with that pile as well) You lost the wonder and drive you had because of this mindset. Keeping yourself in. Mentally torturing yourself and picking your life apart doesn’t help you in the long run. You could see this in others and want to help them break away from that self-prison you know so well ( If anyone knows that movie where Leo DiCaprio plays a guy wearing a mask that he’s trapped in that’s what I’m getting but mentally) You may be doubting yourself you have the ability to do what you want. You may have an idea or ideology that will benefit society. I kept getting throat blockages. Do you feel like your not being allowed to vocalize? (This also happened in pile one) something is causing you mental and verbal blockages and in order to focus on overwhelming and unhelpful thoughts which judge and negatively critic you. You may feel like you’ve failed but you haven’t. This unhealthy mindset leads you to overthink and loose drive for the things your passionate about. There will be a time where you isolate you may be doing this already. During this time you acquire a certain knowledge that will help society with whatever that may be even if it’s your local community. You will encourage people around you with how driven and vocal you are about what you believe in. You could even be exposing secrets and bring truth to light. Whether it be through therapy, the gov’t, or the entertainment business. You will be spilling the tea ☕️. You will be ripping down the veil of smoke and, mirrors of lies or secrets exposing what’s been hidden to the natural eye. Could even have something to do with the environment things like global warming and natural disasters. You may see something that others don’t see about to happen even. 333 popped out. 10th house popped out so you will def be something impactful on the public or in the public eye. (For some👀) SOME may even be in the entertainment industry. You could earn a lot of money from exposing these secrets, lies, or knowledge. Don’t let yourself be overwhelmed with these thoughts.You may not want to stop isolating yourself after but you need to! Ur on a mission don’t stop now.
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Pile (3)
Tarot Cards: The ⭐️, Temperance rv, KoC rv
Hater energy lurking around you definitely. You may see how corrupt people can be towards others. You may create emotional balance or environmental balance. Whether it be between earth 🌍 and water 💧 (Farmer, gardener, botanist possible careers) or logic and emotion. You may go around the world to spread this ideology or system, that’s will possibly help children. You could be combining earth, water, and solar energy to power something that will benefit children in some way. It could have something to do with hands and feet each of the cards has the people holding something in there hand and touching land and sea with the feet. You may bridge the wealth gap somehow by helping to feed peoples children. You may do this by providing them access to jobs. And could possibly help the environment at the same time. People may have doubted you and secretly hater while standing by the sidelines doing nothing for themselves. But remember no one can judge you and somebody loves you 💓. You may receive a divine message from spirit where received these ideas…or you may be giving out the message you received on your own. You will definitely find balance between the elements of logic and emotions. 444 on the clock. You may do this in the public eye or lucid dream about it.
Thank you for reading!!💖💖
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