#other writters
lutheban · 16 days
Hey remember right before the pandemic when a season of a show was about 15-20 episodes? Remember when having 8 episodes what called "a mini-series"? Remember when we could get a season a year and not wait 2 years to get a continuation of a story? remember when shows had time to grow and form an audience? remember that? yeah? cuz i do
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mcytblrconfessions · 2 months
Kinda curious, do you delete them when you get positive ask about dt or do you just not get them ? If you delete, do you have like a content creator black list ?
if it's a dt, wilbur, or illumina centered confession, positive or negative, it gets deleted bc i dont want to encourage any type of asks abt them.
unless it's super funny then it gets drafted shout out dnf would leave sapnap behind in a housefire anon
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theredcuyo · 4 months
I don't care for kisses hugs are the ultimate PDA and just DA in general
Because there's just something so Special about letting someone hold onto you, to feel each others' breath and heartbeat, to be embraced in the warm of a safe place we're while it might not be true, you feel protected from anything
And You are sure you're not alone, not anymore
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I'm so tempted to write a MerMay fnc fic where Chip is the mer and Gillion is from a human family of marine biologists
But I gotta be working on chap 2 go my fnc fic where Chibo YEETS himself outta windows
Graces so much to write, never enough time
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Hearing about the Hunger games continuation and thinking about all the Story continuations/prologues I wish we could get for The Underland Chronicles
Gregor's dad
I want To know what Gregor's dad (Who I want a name for... Steve, Lee, Heidi... What is his name? ) first trip to the underland was like. How was he found and brought to Regalia? We know he met Vikus and Luxa's Parents, SO what did he think of them? The Books say he stayed in Regila for two weeks (During which time he was very worried about his pregnant wife, children, and mother) and that he took a BB gun from the Museum. So I am guessing he knew about the war with the rats, but his family was in hell and he felt he had to get back soon. What happened during his capture.
I don't really want to know about his torturous time with the rats, but I would like some on how he was able to keep both hope and his humanity, the interesting relationship he is hinted to have had with Ripred in book 3 (He says Ripred used to feed him sometimes. He also was not scared of Ripred, Even though he was a rat and was "pretending" to attack his son). And lastly I want to know what coming home felt like for him and why, unlike his wife, the experiences did not make him fear or hate the underland.
Speeking of Ripred I want All of his backstory, being a pup and growing up with his litter mates. Going into battle and finding out he is a Rager. How this made him famous all around the Underland, but also made him hated by enemies, and feared by allies, unless they needed him. What was going on when He tried to "Take over the fount with an army of Lobsters"? Seriously the Rat's don't even want The Fount. It is surrounded by rapids and sea monsters! What did was your interest Buddy?
Also I want to see his Mate, their family, and how their loss first broke him then made him change his stance on the war. Him building his relationship with the human side. Going up to the Overland to visit Libraries. His view of his relationships with Gregor and Lizzie and how it feels to him to being taking care of kids again after so long.
Up Next is Hamnet. Solovet and Vikus son, the beloved twin brother to the wife of the King/Queen, Brother in Law to the King (recently reread has me thinking they had more of a business relationship than a familiar one), the Regalian Army's most skilled soldier, and for a long time he was Solovet's heir to becoming captain of the Army, because everyone thought he was just like his mother. This is what everyone thought, but they thought wrong. Unlike Solovet Hamnet felt guilt. Guilt that drove him to speak against his mother in a war meeting to which she locked him in the dungeon for a month. When he was finally let out he went back to being obedient to her and buried his grief down, let it eat away at him, until one last horrible act (As a solider) destroyed him.
But give me Hamnet's complete story. Show him being a ruthless soldier and a fearsome killer on the field of battle, then coming home to be a loyal son, good friend, loving brother, and doting Uncle; becasue that is how many soldiers have to be. Show me him not being Okay but doing his best to hide that because that is all he could do. Then show me when everything went to far, and when he decided to leave Regalia, everything he knew and loved and run to a place that he and all his allies feared, for good reasons. Show me him missing his former friends and family. But also show me him meeting Frill and her deciding to take a chance and help him, him also taking chance and letting her (The books generally imply he wanted to leave his old life but did not expect to make anew one). Give me him learning about life in the jungle. How the animals there do not attack each other and instead employ a method of survival where first you hide, then you try to give a warning, then run. fight last. Show me him finding an overland women lost in the jungle and helping her. With the pair eventually forming a relationship and going on to have a child. Why did she never return to the Overland? Hamnet is a good father to Hazard, but you cannot tell me that he wasn't terrified during the entire pregnancy. Anything about Hamnet has to end where he ended. Having to once again fight in a pointless battle on behalf of Reglia, that the city once again brought on itself and got nothing out of. Our tragic beauty
Speaking again of Tragic Beauties I want Ares to. What kind of Stuff did he get up to to earn the reputation of a reckless, rule breaking, ...thrill seeker?...strength tester? To where he bonded with Henry to be able to get away with more. What were things like in the time HE and Henry were together. I don't think it was all bad. The Books clearly state that what hurt Luxa, Ares, Aurora, Nerissa the most was that they had loved Henry and could remember good things about him. Things that no longer felt the same after he betrayed them, and things they struggled with only becoming memories in the wake of his death. But the also show me his side of his and Gregor's bond, of him coming to love Gregor like he once loved Henry, and how their friendship helped him move on from the Trauma Henry put him through.
This last one will never happen because its not really Susanna Collins style, but since none of this will happen, I want more Nerissa. What is it like for her loving her family and people so much, but knowing with her frailty and the Kingdom consistently being on the brink of war she cannot protect them. Show me what her visions are like for her. Note whatever we learned about Sandwhich I do believe Nerissa is an actual visionary. Her Visions of a bad and mysterious fate happening to Henry, Hamnet living for 10 years and building a diverse family, and Gregor being secretly being hidden away in the dungeon by Solovet...all came through.
Knowing that I have another question: Did she know suspect that Sandwhich was a fraud? Nerissa spends more time in the Prophecy room, analysis them than any other character. Many of the "misunderstood translations" are later "explained" by Nerissa. She got Gregor and the other questors off death row by replacing Boots with the Bane as the aforementioned "Baby" in the prohpecy and telling everyone: "they actually did complete the prophecy, you are are safe from the imaginary threats Sandwhich illueded to. Let them go and let's get back what's actually going wrong." When Greogor sobs about not understanding what the point of the journey to the jungle was (It had no point) and how him fulfilling the prophecy did not make everything better, Nerissa twist the prophecy to being about a war for the cure and reminds Gregor that because of what they discovered in the Jungle the council was forced to give the Gnawers the cure instead. Lastly she loves the one Prophecy that suggest hope for peace, even though its title is the only suggestion of it. On the day of the surrender she knowing her cousin will want to make the wrong choice about how to end this. So when she see's Ripred marked himself with an X (If Gregor and Luxa knew he did it himself there was no way Nerissa did not, she was always smarter than the pair of then) she decided to lend him a hand in getting everyone to believe he is the peacemaker, and they need to have peace. I really love the theory that Nerissa had realized what Sandwhich and the prophecies were and spent the books studying them, so she could try and mitigate the damages they caused.
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hitwiththetmnt · 9 months
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Psst @desceros
I’ve gotta tell you, this comic is quickly becoming my new wip baby. I’ve got about 7ish panels out of 19 done so progress is strong
So, while I chip away at this comic I was wondering if you had a name for this villain rise Donnie universe - or if it’s up to workshop a title?
Alsssooo- *this will totally not lead to more comic work* but your little blurb mentions that our dear reader is draxum’s lab assistant, so that creates a perfect scenario for them to conveniently be caught in the destruction of his lab once again after the three other turtle brothers stumble upon it as they do in the show (OvO)
WITH THIS IS MIND (this ideas has dragged me to the depths of brain-rot) it becomes the perfect set up for 1) mutated lab assistant and all the angst of no longer being a human AND 2) injuries reflecting Donnie’s terrible past on his lovely and all the emotional turmoil surrounding an injured loved one (maybe a little revenge for #3?)
ANYWAY - just everything involving this villain Donnie universe has taken a hold of me. Everything from the cutesy relationship stuff to just the gut wrenching angst potential
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I can finally maybe, just a bit, kinda see why Dean wanted to die in the end (after I saw the fucking script where it says that Sam mentions Cas in the end).
So in season 13 all of Dean’s character arc of not wanting to die anymore and believing he’s good enough disappears with Cas. He was ready to let Billie reap him. Because that’s who he based the entire idea on, on the angel who raised him from perdition, rebelled and followed him to the ends of the earth. Then that angel was gone, really truly gone, and he was just too tired to continue fighting when all his faith left again with his angel.
I made myself cry now and I’m gonna go and pray to whatever god is listening that they fix this mess of an ending in a form of a season16, movie, book, comic book or even a script written on a tissue. Just fix it.
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rolandkaros · 7 months
now here's a question do i do a super short chapter quicker or a super long chapter slower
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stellarwaffles · 2 years
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Looked up all the potential ships including the knights and most of them have 0 fics
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You know what would be funny? Writting a successful fantasy book series that is very obviously based on Harry Potter but manages to be so different with the way it handles the things in Harry Potter that it not only becomes a good and entertaining series in it's own right, managing somehow to be unique despite it's very obvious inspiration but also prevents JKR from sucessfully suing.
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skimmeh · 2 years
I almost constantly come up with dialogue for comics, or a story I'm writing in the middle of the night when I'm all tucked in and far away from any of my devices.
So I crawl across my bed to my phone, and haphazardly type out the basics to what I've come up with before I forget.
But often times in the morning I gotta decipher shit like this:
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coffeeworldsasaki · 9 months
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pomegranateteeth · 3 months
One of the wired side effects of getting older I was not ready for was being able to tell which fanfic writer have had the kind of sex they are describing and who’s lived in a smut echo chamber. At least it’s more common now to give the boys lube so good job there
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 8 months
Webu aint makoto yuki. Makoto yuki would demand space from junpei. His name is Webu now 😤😤😤
Im not sure abt a good last name. Open to suggestions.
Rn im workshopping Webu Rirodo
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checkered-madness · 8 months
I feel tired of certain fans acting like any criticism to Apollo's backstory is bad and that I should be happy with what I got because
'Hey. At least he got to shine right?'
Maybe because how out of place Apollo's soj backstory feels because such a big reveal like that would need to be pre planned with the character beforehand and obviously, nothing in the two other games he's in hints he was raised in another country living on the run the first 9 years of his life. So of course the fandom is going to be split because of how jarring they are compared to Phoenix's.
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Golden Sky Lyrics
Golden sky Lyrics
Safe and sound 
We are safe and sound
Under a Golden Sky
Verse 1
Warm skies and the sound of laughter echos around
There is nothing to be scared of anymore
The City of Haven is where we are the safest.
Those Evil Heavens Angels can't get to use now
Verse 2
I am glad that I was able to find you
Thrilled that you were able to recognize me
I know that I have changed more wings than I used to have
But you don't care; told me that I'm still me 
That it is ok to go by the name they gave me
We are safe and sound
Safe and sound 
We are safe and sound
Under a Golden sky
Where the moon shines so bright and the stars sing to us
There is no reason to hide away
Under a Golden sky 
Where there are fields of glowing flowers
And silver towers to live in
We are safe and sound
Safe and sound 
We are safe and sound
Under a Golden sky
Verse 3
The air here is pleasant
And the people are friendly 
I don't want to ever leave 
Home I feel at home here
We are safe and sound
Safe and sound 
We are safe and sound
Under a Golden sky
Where the moon shines so bright and the stars sing to us
There is no reason to hide away
Under a Golden sky 
Where there are fields of glowing flowers
And silver towers to live in
We are safe and sound
Safe and sound 
We are safe and sound
Under a Golden sky
This Golden Sky is our new horizon don't you agree?
We can fly and fly without worry
Live about our daily lives
The Evil Heavens Angels are gone
We have everything we need here
Home this place and our new Home
We are safe and sound
Safe and sound 
We are safe and sound
Under a Golden sky
Where the moon shines so bright and the stars sing to us
There is no reason to hide away
Under a Golden sky 
Where there are fields of glowing flowers
And silver towers to live in
We are safe and sound
Safe and sound 
We are safe and sound
Under a Golden sky
Safe and sound
We are safe and sound
Safe and sound 
We are safe and sound
Under a Golden sky
Under a Golden Sky
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