#otherwise it was kinda just dogshit
horrorknife · 7 months
i was so excited to watch house of the devil but damn that shit sucked im sorry mr west but what's with the 75 minutes of nothingburger. where were the characters. where was the plot. where was the tension. why didn't you make me care about anything that happened
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teruthecreator · 1 year
new laptop works good :-)
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waywardsalt · 6 months
#some tag rambles bc im having a bunch of loz thoughts to hey why not do a short lived tag ramble#starting with the bad i have thought more on how i feel totk fucked up its characters and its like. yeah any arcs that are there are bad#zeldas is dogshit all of the sages are just. VERY tell no show and it really doesnt matter and otherwise idk#nothing wrong with a static character but imo with a static character you then have to show more of them#reveal some things. also doesnt really happen. the main speaking cast are also kinda weak in relation to link#they dont really work off of him very well bc hes… not treated like a character. hes just some virtuous everyman in the story#so theres no actual chemistry between him or the other characters bc he isnt treated a character so like. he has almost no chemistry#its all mostly one sided and none of the sages but zelda have any real chemistry with other major characters either#and the major characters zelda has chemistry with barely matter so fuck it. like when ppl talk abt like. loz stories#and ppl talk abt how yeah they arent the best but totk is rlly bad. i dont feel like any other loz stories are baaaaad#not in the same way. but they dont feel as egregiously fumbled. imo its bc of the characters most of them time#ofc story can be strong enough and im not discounting stuff like mm and oots themes and atmosphere and stuff#it seeeems to me the most popular non zelda sage is tulin? but mostly bc hes a sweet kid and thats fine and all but there doesnt seem to#be much else to him hes otherwise kinda unremarkable bc he just doesnt do much else and seems to exists mostly to serve gameplay and plot#botw did it better bc the champions actively had a dynamic and a relationship with link they arent the deepest but they have more substance#botw zelda is arguably the strongest character in botw with a unique personality and genuine relationship to link even if we just see it#in the memories and seeing her warm up to link is cool but imp they fumble it in the ending of her arc and how it kinda contradicts stuff#and in totk they doubled the fuck down on her unlocking her powers for reasons related to link and decided ig shed figure she needs to be#links forever bestie and hypeman and she kinda just revolves around him in a really superficial way and this is the negative extreme#of a character being bolstered by being connected to link. but anyways in loz its the characters that tend to be the strongest points#and the characters with a clear dynamic and relationship to link shine the most. think groose ghirahim ravio midna fi marin linebeck sheik#the list could go on but the characters who get a chance to shine by interacting with the Player Character are the ones who stick out#and ofc they get more screen time but they cant avoid that character development or general character fleshing out bc they are in some way#tied to link and in a sort of way link himself is more fleshed out through how those other characters react to him if that makes sense#i think loz is at its best when a good bit of emphasis and effort is placed on characters and character relationships#and when thise relationships and character are written well ofc this fucking matters too#anyways thats why ph is one of the best we love our character heavy black sheep them ds characters carry so hard and so fucking well mwah
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wowitsverycool · 6 months
sometimes people have such amazing senses of humor that it makes them seem right about whatever they're saying, but i have to realize that wit does not validity make. yes, they did make a WONDERFUL joke about that thing being [x], but WAS it [x]? and then i'm like. ah. foiled again. it was not, in fact, [x]. they just made me laugh when they asserted that it was.
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mamawasatesttube · 10 months
this is like a kinda weird pair but what do you think kon's thoughts on/relationship with bruce is?
the hardest part of this is, i think, deciding on how on gods green earth to nail down a bruce characterization when he's been written so wildly inconsistently across so many comics. generally i try to characterize him as like... a good man, overall, but incredibly emotionally constipated and prone to really putting his foot in it now and again because he's got like control issues and whatnot. i think in a lot of comics he turns into more of a plot device (and white male power fantasy, conflict driver, etc) than a consistent character, so it kinda makes it hard to be like "man i wish he wasn't an asshole" but also i just dont think he can be a total dickwad and still be a hero bc imo that makes the entire meta fall apart. heroes have to be good (can be incredibly flawed, but have to be good) for the genre to work, i think. otherwise its like oh boy thats just cops.
so that being said...
i think bruce cares for kon in the way of any awkward-but-well-meaning parental figure with their child's best friend. i also think he's absolute godawful dogshit at making that clear at any point. i don't think he particularly has any reason to dislike kon other than when writers try to make him racist against metas or play him into misogynistic "my daughter can't have friends who are male!" tropes, which i just kinda. tend to throw out personally, so i don't really think they have that sort of conflict, but i do think kon doesn't really know what to make of him because he knows bruce has pulled some shit with tim (like tim's 16th birthday fiasco, which is imo the kind of thing thats like. in character for a bruce-esque fuckup. literally wouldve been fine if he'd just told tim like hey this is a practice exercise i want you to take seriously. tim wouldve happily larped about it with him like cmon man), AND with cass, two people kon definitely cares about. but kon adores clark and bruce and clark are pretty close, so i think to kon he's in the nebulous space of like "weird distant uncle-ish figure" or something.
i DO also think bruce is fond of kon in a distant but anguished way because he saw firsthand just how badly losing kon affected tim, and quite possibly cass if we kinda just. throw out the stupid mind control arc and let her like. have a storyline that isn't whatever the hell that was. also there's something to the fact that an alternate universe kon was his robin. he probably learned about that when kon reported back to the jl after hypertension arc. i think he probably had at least one (1) emotion about it but didn't tell anyone.
the comedic version however is that bruce finds out that baby kon wanted parents so bad, is deeply affected because he is NOT immune to a little guy who wants parents, and keeps really awkwardly trying to dad at him but he's so weird and awkward and distant about it that kon straight up has no idea what he's doing. who the hell just bought him a new oven to replace the one in his apartment he complained to tim about one (1) time??? tim swears it wasn't him so what the hell??? bruce is pleased with himself, kon is so fucking confused, and clark meanwhile will be laughing his ass off about it all.
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swearingcactus · 1 year
RULES: BOLD what applies to your OC I was tagged by @elvenbeard tysm! here's some little v lore before i hide in the bushes again 🏃‍♀️💨 and him being so touched people want to know MORE about him
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⭕❌⭕ PERSONAL ⭕❌⭕
Little V grew up dirt poor as a Heywood kid who never joined the Valentinos. But he was smart enough to get himself by (even if he cuts it close sometimes!) Technically he's pretty well off after becoming the go-to merc guy that fixers call, but old habits die hard and he often forgets he could afford the bigger treats. He was also sickly when he was a kid due to his ganic lungs being bad and Night City's air being dogshit. But then he got himself synth lungs and was fit as a fiddle all the way until Johnny happened and now he's back in square 1. I once wrote a fic about his history with his cybernetics that doubles as a little snippet of him throughout the years !
Financial: wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty Medical: fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged / non-applicable Class or Caste: upper / middle / working / unsure / other Education: qualified / unqualified / studying / other Criminal Record: yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / has committed crimes, but not caught yet / yes, but charges were dismissed >> was arrested multiple times and actually went to prison for a bit for some crimes he couldn't wiggle out of and had to pull in party favors and bribe the guards to hotfix the system and get himself out faster than he's supposed to serve. the minor crimes record stuck though.
⭕❌⭕ FAMILY ⭕❌⭕
His nice "everyone helped each other in the streets" story he told River was code for leeching off the soft-hearted joytoys and two-bit thieves who plays hot potato with children just like him. He was either abandoned in the hospital once he was born, or his parents were dumb teens who got themselves killed, or he was dropped off in the middle of a crowded street--the detail's kinda fuzzy and he doesn't bother to try and clear it up. His birth certificate most likely just listed some random generated name the hospital got before handing him to the nearest person willing to have him, so he never bothered to identify himself with his surname.
Children: had a child or children / has no children / wants children Relationship with Family: close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased Affiliation: orphaned / abandoned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent(s) / not applicable
Little V loves friendly quips, sometimes borderline into being a quick-tongued smartass (especially more so if he wants to annoy someone to death). he's always eager to listen to people's experiences and expand his horizons! that said, at the end of the day if it comes down to it, he'll always put himself first. he believes it's better off that he does things alone because of that, especially to minimize the chance of hurting others in the process.
♦ extroverted / introverted / in-between ♦ disorganized / organized / in-between ♦ close-minded / open-minded / in-between ♦ calm / anxious / in-between / highly contextual >> he tends to have a hard time sitting still but is otherwise calm in demeanor. ♦ disagreeable / agreeable / in-between ♦ cautious / reckless / in-between / highly contextual ♦ patient / impatient / in-between ♦ outspoken / reserved / in-between / highly contextual >> he tries to see other's POV and keeps his head down and mouth shut just to avoid prolonging time spent with people he disagree with. he won't sit still and take shit if it gets personal though. ♦ leader / follower / in-between >>he's not too happy that being the top dog means taking over the afterlife in the don't fear the reaper ending and would rather give the role back to Rogue, both because he knows she loves the place and treats it right; and because he can admit he sucks on making choices when they involve other people. ♦ empathetic / vicious bastard / in-between ♦ optimistic / pessimistic / in-between ♦ traditional / modern / in-between ♦ hard-working / lazy / in-between ♦ cultured / uncultured / in-between / unknown ♦ loyal / disloyal / in-between / unknown ♦ faithful / unfaithful / in-between / unknown >> i headcanon that the whole dating both kerry and panam thing is consensual from all parties in a "this is my boyfriend v, and this is v's boyfriend kerry" thing; but he knows it isn't the real exclusive experience.
⭕❌⭕ BELIEFS ⭕❌⭕
I actually wrote a fic about his 'faith' so yes this works as ANOTHER fic plug. tl;dr-- he believes there's a higher power, somewhat, but just chalks it up to Death incarnate... and death's pretty fucking final. He also thinks ghost/spirits only exist in a manner of living on as memories/legacies. He loves aliens and thinks werewolves are totally real though, just to balance it out. Also used to like T-Bug's fun shakespeare-esque philosophies, makes for good convo starters.
Faith: monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic Belief in Ghosts or Spirits: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care / in a manner of speaking Belief in an Afterlife: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care / in a manner of speaking Belief in Reincarnation: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care / in a manner of speaking Belief in Aliens: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care Religious: orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious Philosophical: yes / no / highly contextual
little v's relationship with sex is pretty grim. He used to think he'll have more time to find actual love and something more than quick fucks when he's made it to the big leagues... but then the whole relic business started and now he can't waste time to fuck much less to properly find love. still, if presented with the chance, he's never going to say no. AND he likes to think he managed a little slice of real romance here and there, with his big feelings with Panam and his mutual crush with Kerry... even if both won't last and he eventually broke it off. his actual one true love is Night City, which really, nobody can compete with :/
Sexuality: heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual Sex: sex-repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable / naive and clueless Romance: romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable / naive and clueless / romance suspicious Sexually: adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious Potential Sexual Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all Potential Romantic Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all
he quickly learned that his smaller stature gets him in tight places and if he could hack cameras and klep things without alerting any system in said places, people would pay him, and pay him well. sometimes his MO doesn't work out in his favor and he has to fight his way out; which sucks since he's HORRIBLE at aiming with a gun and would have to resort to close-ranged stabs with a knife or his mantis blades... but more often than not his stealth and quickhacks saves the day. he can read but he's not a reader. and he has no idea what could be considered art, much to Johnny's chagrin.
Combat Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor/ none Literacy Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none Artistic Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none Technical Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
⭕❌⭕ HABITS ⭕❌⭕
it's not that he doesn't like drinking or partying, it's just that he thinks you should do a job sober, and you never know when the next job's gonna pop out. getting a snack doesn't count though. actually it should be encouraged. he needs the energy and all, right? and besides, quickhacks make him hungry! two fishball sticks please.
Drinking Alcohol: never / special occasions / rarely / sometimes / frequently / alcoholic / former borderline alcoholic turned sober >> he'll always order a drink at a bar, but he likes the taste of ice cold NiCola after a hard day at work more than he does a beer, sue him. Smoking: tried it / trying to quit / quit / never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / chain-smoker >> only smokes for Johnny. he had a bad experience with his ganic lungs to ever condone smoking Recreational Drugs: tried some / never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / addict Medicinal Drugs: never / no longer needs medication / some medication needed / frequently / to excess >> uses stims and other combat drugs if shit hits the fan; and is generous with his use of Bounce Back and MaxDoc instead of visiting the nearest ripper. he tries not to think about the possibility he might be too reliant on them Unhealthy Food: never / special occasions / rarely / sometimes / frequently / binge eater >> street food enthusiast ganggg Splurge Spending: never / sometimes / frequently / shopaholic >> he hustles to buy the pricy things he want/needs and then it's "why do I need more stuff, I like the things I have now." Gambling: never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / compulsive gamble
PHEW that was a long one. thank you for reading about him if you managed to get all the way here! no pressure tagging @bunwithantlers @killyourrdarlingss @glitchinginthegarden @mail-me-a-snail and anyone who'd like to!
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duncanxtrent · 8 months
Alright season 2 thoughts below (Spoilers obviously)
Scary Girl was funny, but disappointing at the same time. I really wish she was at the very lesst somewhat antagonistic rather than just being a comic character. But I enjoyed her screamtime if nothing else
Chase had the exact amount of screen time he deserved, which is to say little to none. While pne dimensional jerks can be annoying, they gave him enough screentime that he was funny without becoming annoying. Perfect
Millie was upsetting. I really thought she could have done a bit better this season but she just kinda stayed lazy. Its kinda frustrating.
Emma was also upsetting. She once again had incredible potential to do better but Episode 4 just threw her in the trash. Even when it was so clearly Priyas fault… Upsetting.
Nichelle was ROBBED! Perfect character tbh but she got out WAY too early. I wouldnt have even been upset if she didn’t win but 5th eliminated was WAY too soon. Undeserved in my opinion.
Bowie was perfect this season. Didnt stay too long, had an interesting arc while he was here that built on his first one, and he was just fun to watch! Slay the day away my king.
Ripper was better this season. I do think him being a simp for Axel is… odd but he wasn’t annoying by any means. Maybe he could have done a little bit more than Axel but otherwise he was fine.
Axel on the other hand was SIGNIFICANTLY worse. She had so much potential to be a good competitor but Ripper just fucking dragged her down to his level. I am shaking crying and screaming how could they do this to her?!
Zee was also perfect honestly. Had a qorthwhile arc, didnt stay longer than he needed to, and didnt really harbor bad vibes to anyone. I do think his final episode could have been handled slightly better but I enjoyed him nonetheless.
MK I was sad to see go but she was fun! Her antics were up to 100 and were so much fun. Shes the Duncan of the season but somehow so much better?! Its honestly amazing how she did it! I likes her.
Once again, Damien was ROBBED! My boy was set for that finale. He was so fucking close, but he failed HARD! I expected Julia to steal the immunity idol but even still it sucked. Poor Damien, youre a finalist in my heart.
Priya overstayed her welcome but she wasnt bad I would have personally had her early merge or pre merge but her relationship with Caleb wasn’t uninteresting. But it did feel unnecessary. There were better options.
Caleb was alright IG. His arc between Julia and Priya was interesting character wise but I just couldn’t find myself rooting for him. He just didn’t interest me enough. Sorry Caleb, you just weren’t enough IG
Julia was AMAZING! She was such an asshole the whole season and played the game so well, so seeing her finally lose was ROYALLY satisfying. That and her and MK being lesbians for the whole season. That was hella nice.
Raj and Wayne make me wanna scream. They werent bad, and its not upsetting in the fact they did well, but its the fact they had virtually NO CHARACTER outside of each other. Wayne and Raj claimed to miss Damien after the show but they rarely interacted with him. Wayne claimed to try and be buds with Julia, but she hung out with Priya more than anything. Maybe its just the lack of Daily Life and the focus of Priya and Caleb, but I was FURIOUS when Wayne won. And hes my favorite character!
Overall, this season’s writing was dogshit. The elimination order wasnt bad, but the writing left me feeling incredibly disappointed. I just hope theyll take criticism from Season 2 and make the writing of season 3 better.
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maykitz · 2 years
hm okay having finished the game i have no particular thoughts on how they resolved the murder mystery (besides rip bozo) but i find harry returning to the rcm very unsatisfying for both his personal narrative and because it's such a bootboy moment. on a personal level, his reward for pulling himself (more or less) out of rock bottom is returning to that same place and profession that destroyed his mind and body. which is especially unflattering given that the game itself introduces the alternative; it's littered with positive memories of his previous job as a teacher that resurface more strongly than the cop memories despite the fact he was one for only a couple of years with now 18 cop years inbetween. the reveal that all those flashbacks are gym teacher memories comes during the final endgame resolution which i feel would suggest more gravity but it goes nowhere, you cannot refuse the rcm. you rebuild nearly his entire personality from his amnesiac mental ruins but the idea of a career change is too far fetched somehow..
meanwhile from a neutral standpoint he is a routinely violent alcoholic cop who at least once beat a man into lifelong disability while drunk on duty and was shielded from consequences by his precint, not exactly an unrealistic scenario. why would anyone want him back there? especially because his precint canonically has a very high rate of officer committed killings meaning it's full of types like that, which kim whiteknights by claiming they're simply understaffed ("give us more funding to help stop us from murdering you"), and is a misogynistic and otherwise dogshit environment. there's a check that shows you your colleagues laughing about your partner robbing food from a homeless guy. and kim is no exception to this, as much as he represents the good guy cop trope. no matter how you play, if you build harry into a womanhating violent fascist who is so racist he refuses to work with kim, kim himself will still help you get back on the job because "you're a good cop" and bastards link up. alternatively if you let kim get shot cuno defends you, in which case the game assures you recruiting a 12 yo into the police is the best for getting him out of the violent drug-fueled environment he's in now, despite you being the (barely) walking proof of the opposite. its just kinda silly. ntm you also discover a recent rcm led church raid that ended in bloodshed, which jean only tells you was against "our enemies" and a perception check tells you he won't talk about near the *union* like 🤨 bro are we corrupt ?
ultimately every cop they show you is a bad person in one way or another and the return to precint 41 is a bad ending no matter how you look at it, which is fine, but the way the game tries to pretend it isnt feels stupid. inb4 "what'd you expect from a police game" true lol. the writing generally seemed much more self aware but on the copaganda front its not much better than like. csi miami
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i-love-klim · 2 months
12-year-old brother played through 999 recently. some notes on the experience
* he picked it up because we were both bored as fuck and 999 was one of like 3 games I had on my phone. for a while initially he had to borrow my phone (up until he got his first ending/I was able to set up retroarch on some lucky-not-to-be-ewaste laptop). which I would class as an 'ipad kid arrangement'
* he had some vague awareness of the funyarinpa going in so whenever it showed up ingame we shouted FUNYARINPA!!! FUNYARINPA!!! back and forth
* "this game is yap central. I mean I guess it's interesting, but like..." - quote from his first go at door 4
* after safe end (but before true end kicked in) he guessed akane might be zero. when asked to elaborate he replied "cuz zero's been with you the whole time... otherwise it doesn't make sense". his more confident guess around this time was santa (naturally)
* he didn't like clover very much I think. said clover was mostly kinda stupid which corroborates my thought about clover just not having a lot to do in VLR moreso than being flanderized into stupidity
* ending order was coffin (per my recommendation) -> sub -> axe -> knife -> safe -> true. I tend towards coffin as the first ending because it's what hooked me and the setup/payoff with the morphogenetic field is good and makes the plot make more sense but he thought it was a "boring" end & only really got excited once he got sub end... I guess if I ever get anyone else to play this game I'll recommend sub end first. also I was like "hmm you can maybe skip knife cus you don't learn anything that doesn't come up in other routes" but he wanted to see everything so he went ahead and I think it paid off. there are some interesting discrepancies in door 8 & door 6 if you pick door 4 first, and apparently the "red/white/black santa" rant is knife end-exclusive? I'd forgotten about that
* related to the last bullet point he was pretty insistent on taking it slow and rereading dialogue, for the most part. when he was en route to safe end he ffw'ed through a bunch of repeat dialogue but that was about it
* favorite escape room was door 7, he liked the puzzle where you add up the atoms in each compound listed
* I did not get to watch his live reaction to the elevator scene. but at one point he approached me and said "ummm... if you say 'she was afraid of being locked up with a boy' you get some weird dialogue". which is imo funnier
* he MIGHT play VLR. he's about an hour in now and he hasn't been nearly as into it as he was with 999 partially because VLR's opening act is vastly less intriguing than 999's but also just because he has more stuff to do now. like watching bluey and playing fortnite. I guess
also we're using the same dogshit laptop to play VLR and it only barely runs the PC port. you have to crank the resolution down if you don't want the game to lag and the CPU to run crazy hot when ~3 or more models are on screen at once, lol. maybe I'll drop the pretense and just replay VLR on my own...
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Poll 6
Leon Anders (He/Him) by @homunculusrex
Why Should Your OC Win?
Your Honor.. Hes Just a lil fella...
What is Your OC Like?
A very good boy who loves animals. Socially Awkward disaster. So absorbed in his work that he has no idea that not having many hobbies outside of work makes him kinda look like a freak. Has been able to commune with animals his entire life and had no idea until like, yesterday, when somebody pointed out that Thats Not Normal. Decided hes gonna use these powers to be a superhero because Its The Right Thing To Do. Hes Fucking Dogshit At It but hes trying so hard and I believe in him.
Sorelia Divisav (She/Her) by @dixy
Why Should Your OC Win?
she is a fail woman. she may be a successful underground musician but she is a fail woman. she has a motorcycle but she'll trip getting off of it while flirting & just lay on the ground. also i love her
What is Your OC Like?
Sorelia is the bassist & lead singer in her 3 person sludge/stoner metal band. Shes a 300 year old elf & has been playing music her whole life & somewhat recently took up bass, and loves doing experimental work in her makeshift music studio basement. shes very silly and impulsive & smokes weed on her twin brothers sidewalk. she has a schizospec disorder and gets very paranoid about her likeness being posted online without permission sometimes, but pretty chill & laid back otherwise. shes pretty flirty but has commitment issues in a "i feel uncomfortable labeling a relationship" way. her brother is immortal so sometimes as a prank she waits for him to come down the hallway to shoot him with a crossbow because its hilarious how much it inconveniences him. fashion wise shes stuck in the 90s & wears a lot of grunge, especially big tshirts & baggy pants, or those old fairy tshirts. her gender is bisexual woman specifically.
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kalebsocs · 1 year
A perfectly cut scream with the egos would be like this:
Marvin: hmm.. candycorn? :picks up a package of it someone left on the table:
Chase: why would anyone eat that? Only weird people like that!
Anti: spontaneously glitches into the room, sounding unusually friendly:
Chase and Marvin: AAAAHHHHHH
I don't know who you are, or why you decided to give me your headcanons, but I fucking love that. Seems pretty accurate I'll say. Here might be my longer version of that w/ all the main 6.
Chase has had bad experiences with most things related to most things childhood related. (I have this headcanon based on the "Lost the only two people that ever mattered to me." bit. Talk more about that later if you're interested.) So he doesn't like most kinds of candy.
The guy likes sweets, sure.
And it probably used to give him a sugar high when he was happier.
But childhood trauma might've only allowed Chase to like one or two kinds of candy.
I see him as a Snickers bar kinda dude, but that's probably because I like that shit as well.
"You're not you when you're hungry, dude."
Chase probably hates Candy Corn for the texture it provides, he probably used to eat just a tiny bit if his kid demanded he try it.
Oh yeah, and memories like that add to the candy trauma.
Henrik avoids candy for the obvious reason that he's a doctor and knows the danger of that much sugar.
I do imagine he also gets a sugar high, and it comes out in the form of a mad scientist.
The only candy that Henrik might accept is the Lollie pops he hands out to good patients. (children obvi) That stuff can last a little longer, so his sugar highs aren't as dangerous or explosive.
But this fucker might as well hiss at candy corn while sending cease-and-desist-related insults in German at anyone who offers the candy.
He considers those things to be caramel sugar pyramids with the sole purpose of a "get a cavity quick" scheme.
Doesn't mind candy corn
He wouldn't choose to eat candy corn out of everything else, but he doesn't hate it like Chase and Henrik do.
He mainly likes the caramel flavor but dislikes how it can get stuck in his teeth.
He's also a Lollie Pop kinda guy, mainly for the old-timey feels.
It's either that or a good bar of dark chocolate.
JJ doesn't get a sugar high like the others, but he also just doesn't eat candy often.
Jackie likes to eat candy corn mainly for the shits and giggles.
Stuff like hissing at mutuals with candy corn fangs, adding it as decoration to whatever sweet things he might make specifically for Halloween if his times aren't robbed by...bank robbers maybe?
As a superhero, he'll hand out candy to saved victims on Halloween.
Whereas his 'secret identity' self will give out baked goods (the only ones that aren't burnt to a crisp) to any Trick-or-Treaters that approach his apartment complex.
However, Jackie doesn't necessarily choose candy corn out of the many other candy types.
Jackie seems to be the kinda guy who loves sour candy
Marvin soooo hates candy corn.
He's kinda pompous and snobby when it comes to their candy tastes, so candy corn is basically the most peasant-like candy he can think of.
Hates everything about candy corn.
The colors remind them of stupid and boring traffic cones,
the texture gives "hard on the outside, soft on the inside" a bad name,
and the flavoring tastes sooo cheap to Marvin.
Give Marvin any kind of chocolate and they'll be happy though.
Eats candy corn purely for the chaos
It's a move he'll make to taunt all the other egos into fighting them.
But Anti otherwise doesn't care about candy in general
Food in general seems silly to it because before he took Jack's comatose body, they didn't need food or the sensations of taste that food provides.
It doesn't matter how tasty or dogshit the food is, Anti will only eat it if it'll keep his current vessel alive or if it'll cause a reaction from the others
If you did ask and Anti would willingly answer though, Anti would say that its favorite food would be dead human corpses, it traumatizes everyone else around them, and he finds it hilarious.
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wrecking · 6 months
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splatoon fans witness my opinions and give me thoughts/feelings/etc.
elaborations, thoughts, etc. under cut (long af sorry i'm autistic)
specifics on map versions i'm referring to in particular since there aren't dedicated icons for every map iteration:
splatoon 1 versions - flounder, mahi, ancho v, hammerhead, urchin, walleye, saltspray
splatoon 2 versions - the reef, snapper canal, port mack, moray, shellendorf, albacore, arowana, kelp, piranha, starfish, blackbelly, skipper, musselforge, goby, camp
splatoon 3 versions - makomart, romen, crableg, bluefin, humpback, mincemeat, undertow, museum, manta, marlin, inkblot, sturgeon, wahoo, hagglefish, umami, barnacle, shipshape, eeltail, brinewater, scorch
also some more specific notes on map/mode/game-specific details:
flounder s3 has some ok ideas but the rework drastically ruins some aspects that made the original great while marginally improving in other areas
mahi s3 kinda works but it's not mahi, zones in particular is really great tho. tc is funny and rm is ok at best but like it's at least kinda something. they should've just named it smth else + slightly tweaked visual/theme and no one would care
ancho v was gutted in 2
moray if it lost the uppermost layer would be in top 10, very fun imo and it's kind a classic it's just cumbersome to move around
hammerhead in 3 is a joke and would be in bottom tier if ranked separately
mincemeat is alright?? undertow is fun y'all just hate fighting for your lives
urchin rework in s1 is overrated but i think a rework in s3 would make it good genuinely
arowana s2 is fun, arowana s1 is a clusterfuck
kelp s2 is mostly bad but tower control layout is the best imo and i think the idea is there + kinda works, defs memorable
museum could be either interpretation but i like the gaps being filled in bc FUCK that
piranha specifically has to be s2 to be functional, s1's is a clusterfuck imo. also the s2 rainmaker layout is fun
manta s2 is dogshit except for the removed block in 3 and 3 sweeps it otherwise
marlin is like ancho v's spirit transported into a more lockout-heavy version of its s2 layout with some much needed additions
blackbelly s2 is the only one worth even considering, rainmaker on it is a blast
inkblot is never fun but it's passable, pls fix nintendo
sturgeon s2 rainmaker is the best version of the map by far, but the rest are ok
skipper kinda sucks all around but it has ideas. a rework would make it fun i think
hagglefish is unfun as hell but i like the idea and when it works it's alright
same with umami except the lockouts are even worse
barnacle has a couple of good ideas and an actually fun as fuck middle marred by the rest of it
shipshape is either the best in the series or a lockout nightmare, it deserves better tbh
walleye works in s1, in s2 it goes into bottom tier cuz holy shit
musselforge has always been bad but rainmaker is fun on it
goby is dogshit and i will hear no objections
eeltail beta design would be very high but the final version is horrendous, at least sometimes it's ok to exist on
brinewater is pretty but absolutely godawful to play on, pls fix
saltspray needs like its serpentine hell labyrinth reworked to even be playable, let alone the 40 billion walls that make it impossible to retake snipe easily, i will say rainmaker is kinda stupid fun tho (yes i'm that person)
camp needs a heavy spawn rework to prevent lockouts even in god damn turf war due to how poor the exit routes are. why are the back sides of walls climbable but not the fronts???
scorch beta would be much higher but no ways to back up and no ways to comfortably exist on plat or fight in mid means it's awful. rm/clams aren't bad but zones is arguably the worst map/mode in the series imo.
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for the ask game: every question number divisible by 3
*goes through several hand exercises* here we GO
ask meme here [link]
3. What was the last song you listened to? 
UHHHHH my itunes is saying Astonished Man by Thao & The Get Down Stay Down
6. Do you prefer drawing or writing? 
VASTLY prefer writing but i like showing off my drawings better more, i don't tend to finish and publish all that much writing
9. When is your birthday? 
September 28th, just like Hilary Duff
12. Who are five (or more) people you want to hug right now?
my cat, annizap, zoë, ppl i have super secret crushes on, you if you want one!
also my cat
15. What’s your favorite season?
Usually autumn but last year's was dogshit so spring
18. Who is the last person you texted?
im guessing my mom let me check
phone froze
okay yeah my mom
21. How was your day today?
had family dinner that through no major fault of my family's i didn't want to go to. so i was kinda binchy abt that for a lot of the day but otherwise eh it was kinda mid. played animal crossing!
24. When was the last time you cried? Why? 
idk but ive been so fucking sad lately so it could've been sometime this week during a negative spiral
27. What’s your favorite book? Or just one you’ve read a few times?
Gideon the Ninth? Watchmen?
30. What are you looking forward to in the near future? 
making brownies for my friends bday it's today but i had family shit so hopefully that can be a tuesday or wednesday activity
33. Do you sleep with your door open or closed?
CLOSEDDDDDDDDD unless the house is empty i don't always wear a shirt to bed
36. Do you like your middle name?
my early 20's name change was more motivated by the bit and i wish i'd gone with something else but it's okay, i just rarely mention it
39. Do you stay up late?
typically, unfortunately
42. Tag 5 of your favorite blogs
hhhhhh but then five people will feel obligated to read this okayok it's fineeeee @jargon-seeds, @salviasjezabel, @inthelandofthewildthings, @dolichomorph, and of course @xollos
45. Is there anyone you would die for? 
id die for my kitty
49. Who’s someone you can trust with your life? 
i'm a distrustful motherfucker so if you ask it like this my instinct is to say NOBODYYYYYY but like ive had to depend on other people for survival frequently
uhhhhh end of post here's something from my screenshots folder
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michyeosseo · 2 years
2022 creator wrap
favorite works
bringing back a love thyself tag thing-y from two years ago to fill up an otherwise empty yearend queue
january - all i ever wanted was a sister as far as i could remember. therefore, the way my brain has been wired... it’s no surprise to combine the jazzy vocals of luisa (from encanto) with chungmuro’s finest showing of sisterhood in recent memory. 
february - hongxue, my beloved. anita yuen hitting a corporate prick in the head, in cheongsam, is ~magnificent~ let’s not mince words. to my delight, i discovered she’s also been taking on roles checking the kissing women requirement all the way back to the early ‘90s. good for her.
march -  an entry for kww featuring kang malgeum. have you ever been personally changed by the nation’s unni and her ghost smile or are you normal?
april - moran × oksun. i even assigned the invu album to their dynamic only to be immeasurably disappointed.
may/june - here’s the latest in the never-ending law of the lady shoutouts. i was provided, bombarded even, with so much jiejie crush material. (warning: wetv subtitles were just a grade above machine translation.) xu jie assuming the role of chen ran’s baby daddy – putting their “partnership” full circle – i dunno where to begin to thank cdramas for them.
july - it is Not Perfect nor was it archived here but ‘twas my humble offering for queen moon’s birthday [ofc it was going to be a sehwa fancam to the kpop milf anthem wooah hip].
august - do mob bosses gently ask to have dinners with their indentured servants? as per the miniature hell in my head, chairwoman kang insook certainly seems convinced that’s how it works with her secretary kim yoonjae. and if my takeaway from that terrible movie is a positive reception of the dismembered wrist marked with her tattoo and totes not leaving her for dead, so be it.
december - meet jin hwayoung, the youngest daughter of a conglomerate. fashionista, my meow meow, achieved having a purse-carrying malewife. (the last bit representing actual affection is very notable, considering everyone else in show-window marriages.) dad, ily, but we both know why i picked this drama up. long after the faux chaebol revenge fades from the limelight, the general public will continue to owe kim shinrok for refusing her talent to be boxed as merely garnish/‘only daughter amongst many sons’ and for her commitment to having maximum fun on set for us. give her a worthy slice-of-life next.
if you’ve read up to this point, i just want to express my sincere thanks for following me/my crazed hyperfixations ♡ 
sideblog stuff under the cut
special mention
this is the (half-)year i kinda leaned into vidding. with encouragement from dear friends, here are some archived because twtr video compression is absolute dogshit fruits of those late nights. i wanna try to do more next year, maybe revisit old ideas, while not abandoning my main bread and butter, gifs. here’s to hoping the quality of the two modes of output will be honed closer.
feeling each other’s ribs that are protruding
ok i lied, i’m not a ‘little bit’ in love with gwendoline christie; i want to sell my soul to her
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baby-xemnas · 1 year
kot i wanna say that your taste is immaculate and good all the time always esp regarding bepo and people who say otherwise abt bepo are tbh, kinda embarrassing for having dogshit taste just saying. my point is. you have rly good taste and you should be proud of that forever
what a darling you are made me feel like this
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crystalelemental · 9 months
Unit Teambuilding - Winter Sycamore
General Overview Sycamore's one of the funniest kits ever, man.  So, it's Sycamore and Gogoat.  Bit bummed at Ramos losing his ace, but hey, I bet that won't happen to anyone else, right?  The specific reason I find Sycamore so funny is that his entire life hinges on this Grass-type High Score event.
Sycamore is the first to utilize rebuffs as a team buff.  When he attacks, he debuffs the Grass rebuff of all foes by 1, then boosts his team's Grass rebuff by 1, reducing incoming Grass damage 30%.  He even gets another +1 rebuff for himself on entry, and packs Team Grassy Guard for a 40% reduction in damage.  Which is a lot of reduction of Grass damage, very specifically designed for this upcoming Grass High Score event.  And nothing else.
Look, how often is Grass the primary damage type?  Tapu Bulu is the only stage with consistent Grass pressure, and it's the second-easiest Gauntlet stage after Latios.  Though I personally think Latios is often harder when not considering potential solo counts.  Meanwhile, CS rarely has Grass damage.  Blue and Will have Exeggutor, Hau has Decidueye, and I think Marshal has Breloom?  That's it.  Outside of those very few situations, Grass-type damage is a rare occurrence.  Meaning Sycamore here...has no job.  He relies on his other tools entirely, and when you put so much into being a Grass counter, turns out you have less to work with.
That's not to say his kit is bad.  1MP trainer move for +4 to both defenses and +2 speed is quite nice. He's got Potion and some nice consistent passive recovery, so there's a lot of staying power.  Dire Hit All+ gives some crit rate in there too, so he's got utility.  When you really stop and look at his kit...he's SS Morty but Grass. No really, look at this. High defenses, good speed injection, caps crit without MPR, similar Potion support, but instead of Sun as a short-lived effect, you get Grass Rebuff as a permanent fixture for damage. Sycamore is insanely good for those who can handle their own Atk/Sp Atk needs. Even outside of Grass, having the speed control he has alongside crit rate makes him a standout among the rapidly growing number of defensive supports we're getting. Sycamore's good.
EX, Role, and Move Level? Support, so my usual insistence on 3/5 EX applies.  His role is Strike, and it is dogshit, please do not.  But his grid is also...fairly unimportant?  Like okay, Potion MPR, always a classic, and there's Endurance.  But by and large, Sycamore is not one of those pairs whose 3/5 grids are transformative.  He gets little.
Team 1: W!Sycamore, SS Lyra, SC Rosa/Brendan I'm going in kinda hard at the outset for a reason.  Sycamore, as a defensive support, works best with the offensively self-sufficient.  As someone with good gauge management, he works at picking up the pace of slower partners, and those who need Speed boosts.  And that fits SC Rosa and Brendan perfectly.  No, listen to me.  SC Rosa's a 4-bar spam who needs a lot of help to dish out her DPS, while Brendan needs Speed buffs he otherwise can't acquire.  Sycamore handles both of them well, because both are offensively autonomous.  With Lyra to pop Terrain and a sure-flinch, they effectively can't lose, but you can go for like...base Erika's debuffs for Rosa and Blaine for Brendan on sun.
Team 2: W!Sycamore, Maxie, Silver Just a fun thing.  I like the idea of secondary DPS as an approach to clears, and Sycamore actually has some nice tools for this.  Defensive backbone with some speed boosting to manage gauge, crit rate so Maxie can use his own TM, Maxie supplying Sun so both can spam Solarbeam.  It works out.
Team 3: W!Sycamore, Zinniquaza, Winona Do you all have any idea how hard it is to final a general solution for Sycamore?  How few options there are that are self-sufficient on Atk/Sp Atk, but desperately need crit?  In almost every scenario, crit is the easier one.  Ever since they figured out crit rate is the most important part of this game, everyone's got it in spades.  The only one I could find that had good offensive-self sufficiency was Zinniquaza.  Who also cuts her defenses, ruining Sycamore's TM!  I tell ya, there's no winning.  But the idea should at least be clear.  Sycamore's generalist practices are defensive boosts with some speed, and crit rate.  He could, in theory, help anyone who needs those traits, provided they can handle the needed offensive stat, in a way that's not just X Atk/X Sp Atk.  But as you've probably gathered, such pairs are a dying breed, and I have almost nothing in the way of suggestions.
Final Thoughts Initially, I very much undersold Sycamore. I half stand by it. Listen, I like defensive supports, I've been a fan from the beginning, actively starting what I do with this game over H!Caitlin being good. I do think Sycamore is very, very good at what he wants to do, with the speed in particular being what sets him apart. But. Like many of these defensive supports, they cater to the top. This kind of alt is fantastic for a Brendan or SC Rosa or Adaman, who don't have any issues setting up. But for an Erika? A Mallow? Hell, a Selene? We're running into problems. And I tend to favor supports that work well with the lower tiers too. Sycamore doesn't have the best bang for your buck if you're largely F2P and looking for someone to carry you to victory with weaker pairs. He's here to support the strong ones in clearing the extra hard bullshit content. And if I get him, he's going to get Adaman and SC Rosa to beat Thorton, mark my words.
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