#otp: deer to me
occasional-drabbles · 5 months
Lady Elaine (Demon Lord Carrion x OC)
Elaine kept finding herself startled by how quickly everyone's perception of her in Eurazania has been changing. Not that the people had ever been terrible, of course! At worst, a healthy dose of skepticism, considering she was a complete unknown who looked like she belonged but didn't act like it. An alien attempting to blend in. 
She still remembers having to try and convince her boss at the inn to even take her in. She didn't have a reputation yet, no one could vouch for her. Fortunately though, she had experience from her past life, and it was enough to exceed expectations from day one. Juggling all of the customers who needed help, getting food to the right rooms and table, and even managing to keep a customer from being upset when an order wasn’t cooked right. Even now she's rather proud of how well she handled it. 
It hasn't even been a year since she first reincarnated into this world, and things have changed so drastically. She apparently managed to draw the attention of the ruler of this country, Demon Lord Carrion. He's checked in with her a few times, even encouraging her to learn how to fight. He asks about where she came from, and her interests, so it doesn't feel like he's just learning how she could be useful. 
Clearly, the rest of the country has taken note. It didn't take long after her first time interacting with the Demon Lord for people to start treating her better. To accept her more openly, and the strange looks when she asks questions to go away. It helped that she didn't have to ask as many ‘stupid’ questions, since she worked on taking notes on everything she's learned about the culture and the world. 
However, recently there was a very strange development that led to her tracking down the Demon Lord himself. Not that it was particularly difficult, just go near his palace then follow the sounds of fighting. 
Looking out over the courtyard-turned-training grounds from a covered walkway, she couldn't help but snicker at the sight of poor Phobio being pummeled by his king. Phobio was hardly a bad fighter, far from it. Elaine has yet to even come close to beating him, even if she's starting to understand how he fights. Carrion is just in a league all his own. 
Phobio came flying towards her, grunting as he skidded along the ground, coming to a stop just a few feet away from her. 
Elaine grinned as she walked over, putting her hands on her hips playfully as she bent over slightly to look down at him. “You two having fun~?”
Phobio groaned as he sat up, accepting her offered hand to stand, rubbing his shoulder. “If it looks so fun, you can try fighting him.” He grumbled, though there wasn't really any heat to his words. 
Snickering a little, she gently reached out to inspect the damages. “No thanks, I'd rather not get my ass kicked today, thank you very much.” She hummed, eyebrows furrowing a little at some of the scrapes. “You should get these taken care of soon, and get some ice on your shoulder.” 
“I'm fine, I'm fine.” Phobio insisted dismissively, standing straighter when Carrion called out to them. 
“Giving up already, Phobio~?” He taunted with a grin, his fists on his hips triumphantly. 
Elaine rolled her eyes, gently patting Phobio’s arm to encourage him to leave as she approached Carrion herself. “I'd say call it a draw, but there's hardly a scratch on you. Either way, I'm intervening. I want to steal you for a bit.” She called, her tone playful, mixing with laughter as Phobio groaned behind her at the lighthearted jabs, taking the chance to leave though. 
Carrion quirked a brow, amused by the interruption. “How bold you've gotten, Elaine, to interrupt our fight.” He commented, though seemingly rather proud of the fact. 
“Bold, foolish, either or.” She dismissed with a small hand wave and a smile. “I think you've tortured poor Phobio enough for the day, I think I saw the formings of a black eye already.” 
“That just means he needs to work even harder, then! His dodging game needs work, he's too sure he can brute force any opponent.” Carrion countered, shifting to a more relaxed pose and crossing his arms. 
Elaine huffed, getting on tip toe and poking his chest. “I wonder where he could have possibly learned that from.” She teased before shaking her head. “But I'm not here to critique your training methods… this time. I actually had some questions for you.” 
“Oh?” Carrion asked, not surprised by the mention of questions, but it has been a bit since she's had something to ask him. Perhaps she wants to know more about some history? Further clarification on what she called the ‘magic system' of the world? 
Elaine hummed and motioned for him to follow her before beginning to meander out of the courtyard. “I've recently noticed a change in how the people of Eurazania have been treating me. It's not bad, of course, everyone so far has been absolutely wonderful.” She reassured quickly, able to feel the moment of tension radiating from the demon lord at the possibility of someone mistreating her. How strange, that he would get so defensive for her. “While I appreciate them trusting me more, and being more willing to explain even the basics of this world, I think I've managed to somehow garner more respect than I've earned?” 
Carrion looked down at her curiously, tilting his head in a way that reminded her so much of a puppy. “How so?” 
Elaine sighed, her ears twitching back as she thought of how to tactfully explain it. 
“People have been calling me ‘Lady Elaine’, which is… strange.” 
“Do you dislike it?”
Puffing out her cheeks, she did a so-so hand motion. “I don't hate it, but like I said, it feels undeserved. I'm hardly of note, I don't think I've really done anything to earn such a title. Especially since it feels like I'm being put at the same level of respect as Suphia and Albis, as a result, and I'm just… me.” 
Carrion paused in his step to look down at her, watching her for a moment. 
Blink blink. 
Then, he burst out laughing, the hearty laughter of genuine amusement. 
“You don't feel you deserve that respect, when you have the courage to march into the palace of a Demon Lord, unannounced, interrupt a fight, and speak to me and the Beastketeers as equals? When you have the ability to bend others to your will with just your words, without the use of a Unique Skill? When you have been here not even a year and made yourself a place in this world through hard work and dedication?” 
When he put it like that, Elaine couldn't find a fault in his logic. That doesn't change the fact that it felt strange, however. 
Looking up at him, not realizing she still had a small pout from his outright laughter, she huffed. “That may be so, but I'm not as powerful as any of you. I'm still barely dodging Phobio’s attacks in training, let alone matching him in strength. I'm not even in a position of power, no special ranking or anything. I just work at an inn. It's barely different from what I used to do in my past life.” 
Carrion’s amusement softened, but his smile never left. “That's not true, though. Yes, you do work at an inn, and you may not have an official title of political importance. However, you are a fascinating person, and you never give up. You adapt and learn and keep fighting, in your own way. Despite not being from Eurazania, you manage to perfectly embody everything we value. Courage, honor, loyalty, drive. And you don't let it go to your head, you're humble too. Something that honestly Phobio and Suphia both need to learn from you.” He mused, rubbing his chin thoughtfully before shaking his head. A thought for another time. 
“You may not think so, but you have more than earned the title of ‘Lady’. If you can't take it from me as your friend, then take it from me as the Beast King of Eurazania. I didn't encourage them to start calling you Lady, but I have no plans of discouraging it unless it truly upsets you. You have done nothing but your best to serve our people, and they have seen that and acknowledge it. Going above and beyond to learn and adapt and help.” 
Elaine's cheeks felt hot by the time he was done, enough so she had to look away and rub at her cheeks in an attempt to will herself to calm down. “Since when do you go around making so much sense…?” She mumbled sheepishly. 
Carrion laughed again, moving one hand to give her a friendly pat on the back, nearly knocking her over with the force on accident. She managed to keep her ground, though, snorting as she straightened herself back up. “One of these days you're going to do that and I'm going to go flying like Phobio did earlier.” 
“You stand your ground much better than he does.” Carrion reassured with a grin. “Now then, I say we go grab a bite to eat! I'm starving! What do you say, Lady Elaine~?”
Flushing again at the teasing, she rolled her eyes and elbowed him in the side with a small laugh. “Well I certainly won't say no. But don't call me that! It's weird!” 
Carrion's laughter echoed off the walls as they continued down the hallway, conversation turning to more mundane topics than Eurazania’s new honorary noble. 
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leap-loves · 1 year
Deer to Me - Kick Me!
A little thing I wrote tonight to play around some with Elaine and Carrion!
Adjusting to a new world is never easy, and yet Elaine still hadn’t anticipated how much work went into it. To be fair, she hadn’t really anticipated having a whole other form to have to learn and adjust to on top of the way the rest of the world works and how to blend in. 
While she’d been managing to do a pretty good job at establishing herself socially, even managing to catch the attention of the… ruler? Of the nation she’d stumbled into, she had a lot of catching up to do when it came to getting used to her deer form and the magic of the universe. Huffing as she leaned against the tree to take a break, she puffed her cheeks out. 
“It’s getting easier, but it’s still really awkward…” She mused to herself, her little tail flicking behind her. 
“You’ll get there,” a deep voice behind her attempted to reassure. 
However, any further encouragement was cut off by Elaine’s startled yelp before she transformed into her deer form long enough to give the person a sharp donkey kick to the chest, using the force to promptly turn herself while transforming back into her mostly-human appearance, save the ears and tail she’s found is more comfortable to keep out. The transition wasn’t perfect, and she ended up stumbling into a semi-crouch, prepared to run the moment that it seemed she needed to. 
Which is what led to Elaine staring up at the Demon Lord himself, as Carrion stood there rather stunned at the turn of events, staring down at her. All color drained from her face as she stood up, covering her mouth. 
“I am so so sorry, I didn’t hear you come up-” She started to ramble, only to be cut off by the rather sudden laughter from Carrion. “Um… sir…?” She asked as she watched him, a little concerned she’d somehow managed to hit his head and not his chest. Why else would he be laughing and not scolding her or something? 
Carrion just beamed down at her, one fist on his hip while the other rubbed his chest for a moment before mirroring the first. “I’m impressed! While you should be more aware of your surroundings, that was a solid kick! Anyone other than me would have been really hurt.” He praised. “As is, I’m fully expecting this to bruise. Your form could also use some work, but considering it hasn’t been that long since you’ve started training to get used to that form, it’s not bad!”
Deer kicks have a form? Elaine thought to herself before shaking her head to dismiss the thought. “Are you sure I didn’t hurt you too much?” She asked, having to fight every urge to check and make sure. That would be weird. Very weird. 
“I’ve dealt with plenty worse.” Carrion reassured, his grin not faltering, though it did soften slightly. Her genuine concern was refreshing, if unwarranted. “I’m a Demon Lord, after all. Takes more than that to take me out.” 
Figuring that’s the best answer she’d get, Elaine nodded slowly. “Alright, if you’re sure… Though, I take it you needed me for something, if you came all the way out here?” 
Finally taking his hands off of his hips, Carrion opted for crossing his arms casually while looking down at her. “I mostly wanted to check in on you, see how your progress was going. Seems like you’re doing well. Maybe I should speak to Phobio, see if you two can spar at some point soon! I wonder how far you’d kick him.” He mused, grinning as he considered it. 
Elaine chuckled out a sigh, shaking her head. “Don’t be so mean to him, sir. Plus I was only so rough because I was startled. You were too quiet.” She countered, crossing her own arms as she smiled up at him. “Besides, Phobio would wipe the floor with me. That kick is the only thing I’ve got the hang of so far.” 
“All the more reason for you two to train together! You could help him learn some patience, and he can help you learn how to fight better! Win / win!”
“No, it would more so be both of us learning how many different ways he could kick my ass and how fast.” She insisted, her eyes widening as Carrion dismissively waved a hand with a grin before turning to head back into the city. 
“Nonsense!” He insisted over his shoulder playfully. “Let’s go speak to him about it now, while we have the opportunity!”
She started to jog after him as he walked, one of his steps counting for at least two of hers. “Lord Carrion, please, I would rather not end up bedridden because of having to even attempt to fight Phobio!”
“You’ll be fine!” Carrion insisted with a loud, confident laugh, only encouraged by the ‘frustrated’ groan from Elaine, who had finally caught up and managed to keep pace with him at his side. 
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dearestdo3 · 6 months
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Since i've been gaining followers faster than i thought, i updated my about page! Please read before you decide to follow me
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delivish · 7 months
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kitkatopinions · 9 months
Permission to ask about your favourite three houses ships?
Absolutely! My absolute favorite ship from Fire Emblem Three Houses/Hopes is Claude x Lorenz. I know a lot of people hate Lorenz, but I love him, and if you put in the work, his supports with Claude are just everything. They really seemed to lean into it for Three Hopes too. I mean just look at them.
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LIKE?!?!?! How can they have this much chemistry and not get married?!?!? I didn't originally ship them, but there's some excellent fanart and once I started thinking about it, it felt so obvious and now it's my OTP.
But I have other ships! My other favorites are Dimitri x male Byleth, Caspar x Lindhart, female Byleth x Mercedes, Rhea x Catherine, Catherine x Shamir, Shez x Arval. And this might sound weird but I also ship Hilda x Dedue (because I wrote a fanfic once where Claude and the golden deer teamed up with Dimitri and saved him before the time skip and Hilda wound up harboring Dimitri and Dedue in her house secretly and me and the person I was writing with wound up loving the dynamic we created for her and Dedue,) and Felix x Holst but not as he is in Three Hopes (because that same fanfic was written prior to the release of Three Hopes so I'd invented my own version of Holst and he and Felix hit it off.)
Also I casually like the ship between Dimitri and Sylvain, Caspar and Ashe, Caspar and Ferdinand, Dorothea and female Byleth, and Leonie and Seteth.
So yeah, very few of them have supports where they wind up officially married, but I love them all the same. Also almost everyone in this game is queer and the only reason why only like four of them are canonical is because the writers are cowards.
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al-luviec · 3 months
Scott. 7, 3, 8, 9
3. What is this character's favorite food?
He likes dirt which is scary... since he grew up poor, I don't think he's really picky when it comes to foods. He likes most things, and what he doesn't like, he will tolerate. I headcanon him as being from Arkansas (like me) but he moved to Canada (unlike me), so he gets southern classics like deer steak and gravy on everything.
7. What is my unpopular opinion on this character?
I do not know. I'm not really well versed in what people think about Scott. I'll just give my regular opinion on him and go from there. One of my favorite characters ever. I really didn't like him much in ROTI because he's just that insufferable but on All Stars (and ROTI rewatch), I learned to like him. I've always been a fan of villains and there's so much little stuff about him. Obviously something not completely right in his mind. I relate to him in some ways which is a whole can of worms. I'm not the hugest fan of how he was written in AS, but I do enjoy his character development. He's still rude but not as much. Realized negative attention didn't really get him anywhere. Need him dunked in cold water repeatedly.
8. What is my romantic OTP for this character?
SCIKE. I don't know what to even say about them besides I am incredibly normal. I wish they had more interactions in All Stars. It was mostly Mal pretending to be Mike, but I'll take what I can get there. Also I'm a massive fan of Scott/Manitoba. I think they're the most similar out of anyone in Mike's system, but if they're near each other for more than a couple hours something bad is going to happen.
9. What is my platonic OTP for this character?
Big fan of him and Brick because of this one fanficition I read. Someone who is a bit emotionally stunted + someone who sees the good in people and is more in tune with himself... Also Scott and Sam were super fun anytime they were on screen together. Basically anyone on the Toxic Rats. Also I really enjoy him being friends (or allies) with Alejandro. He was the reason he came out of the robot (Alejandro even thanked him via confessional) and they were bunk mates for a while. They have a lot in common which speaks to me. Him and Jo are fun as well. BUT unpopular friendship here, him and Gwen. Their bonus clip in All Stars opened my eyes. She was happy to see him! They're silly (kinda). They beefed the entire time on and off but you gotta put it aside sometimes.
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4getfulimaginator2022 · 3 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
I haven't been tagged, but I saw @fandomsbyladymelodrama do one of these a few months back - so of course, I wanted to give it a try. 🙃 Also, I haven't done any personal posts on here in forever. Time for a change!
How many works do you have on AO3? I have 18 works so far. And when it comes to ships, it looks like I have a "type." 😉
What's your total AO3 word count? Oh boy. 660K+ right now and growing all the time because when stories speak, I write.
What fandoms do you write for? Mainly Once Upon a Time (starting in 2013), followed by Game of Thrones (2024, baby!) and then that 1 Greek myth collection thingy. I was a die-hard Once fan back in the day and watched episodes religiously, so all the canon lore was seared into my brain until season 6 (when I dropped the show because the writing was so off the rails). Surprise, surprise - I haven't watched GoT in its entirety. Everything I know is through my own research, watching videos, reading, reading, reading, and the contributions of the wonderful Jorleesi fandom.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? All Captain Swan fics, in order from the most to the least: 1) Heart Bound 2) Only the Beginning 3) A Cobbler's Life For Me 4) Be My Angel, Be My Demon 5) Nevermore
Do you respond to comments? I try! I used to be less strict about replying to comments, but with my resurgence in fanfic after years of absence, I have replied to each and every one. Currently, I am behind on replies, but I will get around to it again. Soon.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Oof. I don't do angsty endings because I will die on the hill that is Jane Austen: “My characters shall have, after a little trouble, all that they desire.” Probably my angstiest ending is in Trader of Hearts, which is a really dark fic. I do have a one-shot that is semi-angsty, though: Thinking of You.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? *deer in headlights look* I make it my business to give my beloved characters the happiest endings I can. Seriously. I don't know how to rank endings against each other, since the characters always end up together. I currently think my happiest ending is for The Old Curiosity Shop, my Jorleesi fic.
Do you get hate on fics? I have, but these were readers telling me how I should write my stories "the right way." I also have gotten spam comments. Overall, people are pretty nice.
Do you write smut? Hoo-hah! 😏 Let's count: I have 3 fics rated Mature and 5 fics rated Explicit. That's half of my fic repertoire. And when I do Explicit, it's ❤️‍🔥. Enough said.
Do you write crossovers? No. Not happening, cannot do, end of discussion.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Well... There was a scandal back on FF.net in 2014 or 2015? Websites were copying all fanfics to scammy websites or selling fanfics as ebooks. Not cool. I used to have all my content on FF.net, but now only my in-progress fics are there. All my fics are up on AO3.
Have you ever had a fic translated? No, not that I know of.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Hey, if someone is offering... But again, no. No one ever wanted to co-write with me. 🥺 But maybe it's because I'm sooooooooo bossy!
What's your all-time favorite ship? Oh crap. All-time favorite?! WHAT. I have to cheat here and say there's a tie: Captain Swan and Jorleesi. Emma Swan and Killian Jones had a long journey to love and happiness, both in terms of their individual character growth and their relationship as a couple. The more I learned about them, the harder I fell in love with them. It helped that the CS fandom was HUGE as the ship became canon, and Tumblr was so active then that #captainswan was all over the place. We were one of the largest canon ships for that show. Now, as for Jorleesi... Jorah Mormont's loyalty and devotion earned my attention and respect from the first, and then when I found out about his love for Daenerys and her repressed love affection for him, I was a goner. My 2 OTPs: both women are BAMFs who are survivors and warriors, while their guys value love above all and are willing to die to protect them (*sobbing for Jorah because noooooooo* 😭)
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Heart Bound. This fic... I love this fic. This is my Jane Eyre/Jane Austen fix. It's my 2nd period piece and I adore some of my prose in this one. It. Needs. 4. Chapters. To. Be. Complete. Can I do it? Yes. Do I want to do it? *cries* Of course I do but it's hard...
What are your writing strengths? Hmm. Some would say it's my prose, while others would say that I know how to channel emotion into my writing. I like to incorporate literature and historical references into my fics (historical AUs or not), so I think I've done well with that. I've also been told that my characterizations are fantastic and unique. You do notice that I'm not claiming credit for any of these observations, right? Usually, I believe my writing is awful and I could have done so much better. I have a hard time acknowledging my strengths. You could hand me an Olympic gold medal for Writing and I would still insist that it's all lies. My self-belief and confidence have not improved over the years.
What are your writing weaknesses? Dialogue. It's always dialogue. I want it to be realistic but my vocab gets in the way and it starts sounding like prose. Not good. But I am getting better! No way to go but up.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? Maybe I'd do it, but it would have to be necessary for me to put in the effort. I don't purposely bamboozle my readers. 🤣
First fandom you wrote for? Once Upon a Time (of course *rolls eyes*). One Against the Wind is my ultimate period fic - pirates, the Caribbean, my tribute to PotC and pirate novels I've read. I created character backstory when there was no canon backstory. It's also my longest fic at 147K words. So proud of it and it still holds a special place in my heart. 😍
Favorite fic you've written? Ugh, no no no! I always, always say I cannot have one favorite because that is BORING. But okay, I will say that at the moment, it's The Old Curiosity Shop. I just did a full read of the entire fic and my heart absolutely melted. Adorable, heartbreaking, angsty, and so romantic. Jorleesi, I love you and I will die for you. You own my heart a thousand times over. ❤️
Fineeeee, I'll tag 5 people (no worries if you don't want to do this - completely voluntary fun and games here 💕): @ser-jorah-the-andal, @rileypotter17, @houseofthebear, @clarasimone, @thank-god-and-you
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slotumn · 5 months
My favorite house are the Deer and my OTP are both GD, so I tend to write most of my fics in VW, but I think the scenario I actually find the most fascinating in terms of... character exploration potential? is actually Silver Snow. Because there, all three lords lose, and the only person who remains to do the hard (and ungrateful) work of rebuilding is Byleth.
(And tbh even if it's not SS specifically I just really like any kind of scenario where all three lords lose miserably. I love good whump and I really love stuff that leans into despair of "everything I did and everything I lived for all amounted to nothing," that's the good shit)
For Dimitri and Edelgard, I think it's fitting and poignant if they both die in scenarios where they don't win; for Claude, though, I really like the idea of him being alive in SS or any "all three lose" scenario, but never getting to yield political power again.
And because he survived, he doesn't even get to be heroized or romanticized like Edelgard and Dimitri. Maybe if he had good results with his schemes, he'd be a genius and the Master Tactician, but he didn't, so now he's just a lying backstabbing piece of shit, as far as public opinion is concerned, and it's extremely humiliating. Of course Claude would rather be alive and humiliated than dead and valorized, but that doesn't mean it's fun!
Plus there's the great irony of how he'd go from being unfairly hated because of his heritage, of being an outsider... to being pretty fairly hated. Like not only is he a war criminal, he is a war criminal who lost. And even before he lost he was already contentious within his own faction. His PR is not recovering.
I'm rambling here but one of my favorite aspects of Claude's character is how he holds a philosophy along the lines of "it's not the strong who survive, it's those who survive that are strong." That as long as you're breathing, there's another chance. It's a very appropriate blend of pragmatic and optimistic for someone with his background.
At the same time, that just makes me wonder how he'd react if he's killed in all ways but physical. For how laid back he acts, he's still a prince, and a politician through and through. So what's it going to be like, once he's breathing but socially and politically dead, with the blood of thousands on his hands?
What's it going to be like, once he'd outlived the two others who'd understand?
Tl;dr I love the idea of "if nothing else I'll outlive them" becoming a monkey's paw for Claude, him surviving as a pathetic cowardly loser (the exact thing he must have been accused of being since childhood) instead of a leader in a new era
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dragonsarecats · 10 months
[ Previous anon ]
 I'M SORRY FOR WORDING IT LIKE THAT I played the Golden Deers, some of my favorite queer ship are with Deers and some of my favorite character are among the deers! My favorite deer ship is probably Leonie x Lysithea ( She litteraly say Leonie would make an incredible partner! Why do their support stop at B again?? ) and my otp is Hilda x Edelgard ( do not judge me I have REASONS ). And also, one of my favorite queer headcanon is trans aro-ace Claude! So I genuinely love the Deers as queers!
However, for me the deer and the diverse queer content around them is heavily a fandom thing. When I say the deer are "too straight for me", I meant it for the game directly. Like you have the Black Eagles where not only litteraly every characters is canon queer/has heavily subtext but has also its whole narrative drenched in queer metaphor! You have the Blue Lions where, while there's less "canon queer", you litteraly cannot say most of its members are straight with how heavy the subtext that's barely even subtext anymore is: there's 0 straight explanation for Felix crying more at Dimitri death than his wife, or him dying the same day as Sylvain because they can't live without each other.
But for the Deers... You have Hilda/Marianne and Claude/Lorenz as the most popular one but while their relationship are so fascinating, when you only look only at the game, they feel too platonic? Especially compared to a Dedue/Dimitri ( like a family in private. took up a post at his grave for the most of his days. BURIED BESIDE EACHOTHER ) or a Ferdinand/Hubert ( rare A+ support, with blushing, their own little surname, Ferdinand/Edelgard support changing just to mention Ferdinand drinking coffee ). Otherwise you have Leonie/Lysithea which stop at B. You have Raphael/Ignatz where they decided to just push the relationship to make their ending all about Ignatz with his sister.
Like really, the Deers manage to have less in game queer moment than the Church of Seiros, Rhea aside, of all things! We were so robbed! The rainbow house deserve better. I'm a lesbian and after all my playthrough Verdant Winds was my only route where I had to marry a man, all I wanted was a lavender wedding with Claude while I have a passionate romance with Leonie :(
To sum up: Lysithea and Leonie should kiss, Intelligent Systems are fucking cowards 
For the fandom I'll have to disagree, I think the Deers have a lot a queer content and it's amazing :] My only thing might be how Claude has become the first character you think of when talking about bi fe3h character which is kinda telling how wlw are dismissed in the general fandom, but its better than some people insisting he's totally straigh so eh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
( Also I big agree on Hilda support being gem, she's such a great character and one that's much more complex than given credit for!! )
Oh and I think I disagree with Deers being the more family found-esq ( saying that bc it's a great subject of I discussion and I want to hear more about your opinion on the matter )
The Lions is the family where they all stick together through thick and thin, following Dimitri to hell and back, but their relationship are complexe and not always healthy ( mostly at the beginning with like Dimitri & Felix or Ingrid & Sylvain ).
The Eagles are the found family where a lot of them bitch about each other at first but they end up with deep relationship where they take care for each other and stand together against the world, even sticking together during the time skip ( also because they kinda all killed each other dad ).
The Deers are for me more like an actual close group of friend: their life are not going to revolve around each other like it does with the other houses, but they won't hesitate to come for that 5 years reunion to see the other. It's kinda like you say they're so normal in a good way! They tease each other but they don't hate each other in the way of a Dimitri/Felix, a Caspar/Petra, a Ferdinand/Hubert ( except for Lorenz but like, it's Lorenz ). They won't kill the other dad, but they'll sure as hell support each other like Lorenz and Ignatz or Marianne and Raphael. They might not start a revolution together but they will listen to the other even when it’s total heresy ( Leonie & Claude, such an incredible support :’) ) and help the other to reach their goal… I do agree with you it’s linked to not knowing each other before, but on that, isn’t knowing each other before more of a Lion thing than not knowing being a Deer thing? I don’t know, the BE are kind of a middle ground.
( Sorry for my ramblings- It's so fun talking about the deers )
AA anon thank you for the long ask!! Okay I'm gonna take this point by point under the readmore!
"My favorite deer ship s probably Leonie x Lysithea ( She litteraly say Leonie would make an incredible partner! Why do their support stop at B again?? )"
INCREDIBLY fair and based of you, lol, I read Lysithea as gay and it's 100% because of the support conversations she has with Leonie and Hilda (which to me implies an ADORABLE crush--Lysithea seems to genuinely respect and admire Hilda which is not something you'd expect from like, a surface level reading of their characters).
I'm gonna admit my own bias here in terms of canon text endings--my favorite Lysithea ending is her paired ending with Lorenz. It really reads like a queer platonic relationship to me--I don't really get romantic vibes from either of them (gay as they are) towards each other, but the commitment and care they have for each other genuinely warms my heart. Especially the fact that like, Lorenz is SO determined to ensure Lysithea takes care of herself and the ending doesn't really imply that she dies young (only that her health is delicate/poor) in comparison to others, and she and her family get to live the quiet life they want. Of course, as an aro/ace disabled person, I think it probably hits differently for me than people who aren't just because of the fact that after the most recent time I saw their support chain/got their ending I teared up a bit (and also why I'm now adoring your trans-aro-ace Claude).
ANYWAYS, I agree IS are cowards and that's why Edelgard is the only Lord who can romance both male/female Byleth.
"For the fandom I'll have to disagree, I think the Deers have a lot a queer content and it's amazing :]"
I probably didn't word what I meant completely lol correctly-- it's not that the Deer don't have a lot of queer content, it's just that overall, they have less content in general made for them then the Black Eagles and Blue Lions.
I do ALSO love so much of the queer content made for the Deers! The Three Houses fandom is amazing.
"My only thing might be how Claude has become the first character you think of when talking about bi fe3h character which is kinda telling how wlw are dismissed in the general fandom, but its better than some people insisting he's totally straight so eh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯"
Okay, so I was kind of dancing around saying this to your last ask but you hit the nail on the head lol. I genuinely think the reason why the Deer might come across as less queer is because the "main ship" for them, so to speak, is the WLW pairing Hilda/Marianne.
Ironically when I think about bi fe3h characters my first thought is consistently Lindhardt?
"Oh and I think I disagree with Deers being the more family found-esq ( saying that bc it's a great subject of I discussion and I want to hear more about your opinion on the matter )
The Lions is the family where they all stick together through thick and thin, following Dimitri to hell and back, but their relationship are complexe and not always healthy ( mostly at the beginning with like Dimitri & Felix or Ingrid & Sylvain ).
The Eagles are the found family where a lot of them bitch about each other at first but they end up with deep relationship where they take care for each other and stand together against the world, even sticking together during the time skip ( also because they kinda all killed each other dad )."
Okay so I definitely agree with you that they're all found family, explicitly in the text lol. What I meant in my statement that they're the most found-family-esq is that you get to see the development of ALL their relationships and becoming that family together on screen.
The Lions (a mess, and I love them), are pretty heavily involved with each other at the beginning of the game. A lot of the intrigue with them is the fact that they all have backstory stuff going on with each other (save for Ashe, I think, but we kill his dad on screen so). Mercedes and Annette went to Sorcery School together, Felix/Sylvain/Dimitri/Ingrid are all childhood friends with intense complications, and the trauma and deliberate kindness that brought together Dimitri and Dedue makes me emotional.
Similarly to them, the Black Eagles all have a history with each other (save for Dorothea) as well. There's the insane and amazing devotion between Edelgard and Hubert, Lindhardt and Caspar's childhood friendship, the onesided rivalry going on between Ferdinand and Edelgard since they were kids and Hubert's judgement of Ferdinand for it. Petra and Bernadetta, technically don't have pre-established relationships with the others, but in ways that are deliberately intense. Petra is blatantly a political hostage in the Academy Era in a way that really informs her relationship with Edelgard and Hubert even before they get to know her. Additionally Bernadetta's isolation creates a kind of infamy between her and the other nobles.
The Golden Deer, on the other hand, don't really have as many intense bonds going in (and thus, in my opinion, makes it easier for Byleth to integrate amongst them as an eventual equal). There's the preestablished dynamic of Lorenz being suspicious of and wanting to best Claude, but it's a recently developed dynamic, as Claude only appeared a year ago. This would be a bigger personal issue if he was leading a house like the Blue Lions or the Black Eagles (noble heavy as they are), but it's barely an issue in the Deer and not just because of the commoners. Hilda, Lorenz, Lysithea, and Marianne are not close. In all his supports with the three of them, Lorenz is the one reaching out because of his belief that their time in the Academy should be used to form better and closer connections with other nobles. There is nothing to imply that there was any substance to their pre-existing relationships. The only two who have anything to their relationship before the game starts, are Raph and Iganatz, who haven't spoken in years, mostly due to guilt on Ignatz's behalf for what happened to Raphael's family.
So as a result, you get to see the bonds being formed and deepened with the Golden Deer from scrap. Obviously some development happens off screen during the time skip, but other than that the Deer's found family forms and develops completely on screen, which is why I think it's the most found family-esq of the three.
In fact, it's a huge part of Claude's story. It's something you don't really notice in his route, but it's really clear when you don't pick him. While Edelgard and Dimitri kind of can't function and literally can't without Byleth's support, Claude has probably the highest survivability rate when you don't choose him of any character save technically Marianne. He survives the Blue Lions route, the Black Eagles route (if you spare him), and is implied to have survived the Silver Snow route. When he doesn't have Byleth, he still survives, so not choosing him isn't as dramatic. But it's easy to see that without Byleth as a teacher, he doesn't open up enough to the Deer. Dimitri and Edelgard have assured loyalty from their houses (even Ferdie and Felix) becuase of these pre-established relationships and positions, but Claude has to earn it. That's why Hilda, despite being his vassal, is recruit-able so long as you don't choose Black Eagles (the only route where he can die). Without Byleth, although the Deer do grow close, they don't do it as quick or as closely as they do with the Professor. Claude is a character who's never been able to truly rely on others, even if they care about him, and being able to rely on Byleth allows him to open up and rely on the Deer and truly trust them. I mean, Claude's two most relied upon people in the Deer (as seen in 3Hopes when he goes against Dimitri) are Hilda and Lorenz. I don't think people talk enough about how insane it is that Claude trusts Hilda Goneril with his life, considering he's an Alymran prince.
That's also why I think the Deer are so good for Byleth. I don't think any of the other route's are bad for Byleth at all, but I think the deer provide something to Byleth that neither the Lions or the Eagles can bring to her: a single of equivalency. Byleth is only slightly older than her students in the Academy Era and is in fact younger than most of them in the War Era, and yet it's only really with the Deer that she feels like she's amongst peers (whether it be because of the commoner/noble ratio or that she's as much of a stranger to them as they are to each other.) I mean, Claude is literally the only character who doesn't call refer to her by her Profession.
Anyways, TLDR: I think they're the most found family because a huge part of the Golden Deer route is them getting to know and love each other from scratch, and being a found family is a much bigger thematic aspect for them then it is for the other two houses.
"However, for me the deer and the diverse queer content around them is heavily a fandom thing. When I say the deer are "too straight for me", I meant it for the game directly. Like you have the Black Eagles where not only litteraly every characters is canon queer/has heavily subtext but has also its whole narrative drenched in queer metaphor! You have the Blue Lions where, while there's less "canon queer", you litteraly cannot say most of its members are straight with how heavy the subtext that's barely even subtext anymore is: there's 0 straight explanation for Felix crying more at Dimitri death than his wife, or him dying the same day as Sylvain because they can't live without each other."
"But for the Deers… You have Hilda/Marianne and Claude/Lorenz as the most popular one but while their relationship are so fascinating, when you only look only at the game, they feel too platonic? Especially compared to a Dedue/Dimitri ( like a family in private. took up a post at his grave for the most of his days. BURIED BESIDE EACHOTHER ) or a Ferdinand/Hubert ( rare A+ support, with blushing, their own little surname, Ferdinand/Edelgard support changing just to mention Ferdinand drinking coffee ). Otherwise you have Leonie/Lysithea which stop at B. You have Raphael/Ignatz where they decided to just push the relationship to make their ending all about Ignatz with his sister."
Okay, so I definitely agree with you that those things are canon queer and subtext, and that it's a shame they don't push the Raphael/Ignatz stuff and focus on Ignatz and Raph's sister (which is admittedly adorable to me).
Again, I'm aro/ace, so for me, queerness doesn't necessarily require romance as a prerequisite? Which is why I like Lorenz and Lysithea's ending, lol.
Hilda/Marianne in no way reads platonic to me, so I really disagree with you there. Hilda treats Marianne completely differently to how she treats everyone else in game. Their support chain is focused on how Hilda, who manipulates her way out of doing anything she doesn't want to, chooses to consistently over and over again do things for Marianne that she can't, and refuses to let Marianne feel bad over it. She leverages this into Marianne buying her pastries and them having a lunch date together. Their A support consists of Marianne questioning their regular dynamic of doing this and Hilda reassuring that she enjoys it so much she'd feel odd if it changed. They compliment each other to the point where Hilda starts to get a little flustered, and Hilda's even able to poke fun a little at Marianne and get Marianne to poke fun at her back. Marianne laughs at Hilda, and Hilda textually thinks it's adorable and can't even get mad at it because it's so cute. Marianne seems so genuinely happy and herself (even in negative ways!) with Hilda, and can rely on her in a way that doesn't make her feel inadequate or a burden.
I can understand as being able to view Claude/Lorenz as platonic, especially since I will never diverge from my Claude/Byleth endings, but I think they can also still be read pretty textually clear and potentially romantic. Part of this is Lorenz, who just, is very clearly gay to me? But again, part of this is the fact that a huge part of the Lorenz/Claude dynamic is them being viewed textually as equals, which is something that will and can never happen with Edelgard/Dimitri and their rival characters. Their support chain is all about getting to know and respect each other as they grow to care for one another, and while it isn't explicitly as romantic as Marianne/Hilda, I think their paired ending really speaks a lot for itself, in that Claude trusts Lorenz to be Fodlan's face of diplomacy towards Almyra. He trusts Lorenz to help him achieve his dream in the most direct way possible, something I think you can absolutely compare to his relationship with Byleth in their S-Support. Additionally about their support chain, their A-support really is about affirming to the player how close they've become, how fond they are of each other, and how neither of them can imagine the future of Fodlan without the other one in it. While there isn't a lot of direct text between Claude/Lorenz, I think there is absolutely enough subtext that you could read them romantically, especially from Lorenz's POV. The hard thing with this game is that each character needs to be able to be paired with Byleth, so they can never be textually obviously/blatantly in love with another character save for Byleth until their paired ending, and I think that absolutely holds doubly true for Lord characters, which is why I think Claude/Lorenz relies more on subtext.
I do think it's a shame that Lysithea doesn't have any A supports with women in her own house. Leonie like you mentioned is an adorable one, and I think Lysithea has a huge crush on Hilda in the ones with her, and there is definite potential in the one she has with Marianne (which in my opinion is a kinder, more gentle version of her supports with Ignatz).
I also think there's a few other support chains where there is a queer romance blossoming, they just don't get the chance to have an ending. A big one for me, personally, that I think deserved more, is Ignatz and Lorenz. I also think Leonie and Marianne's support chain was very cute, and deserved an A.
This is kind of what I was saying when I answered your last ask, I think, wherein the Deer have queer romance, but because the don't have a big blow up mlm ship (Claude is more often shipped with Dimitri + a lot of people aren't as fond of Lorenz as I think they should be lol), they kind of get sidelined as their big queer ship is WLW. And unfortunately in most fandoms, wlw ships are rarely as popular or have as much pushing force.
And also, I think, that the deer are queer without having as much romance. Their romantic pairings are far less set in store then the other two houses, I think, and part of that is because a lot of their endings read really queer platonic to me. Plus, a lot of the heavy romance lifting in the explicit text for a lot of supports tends to happen in the A/A+ region, and a several of the wlw/mlm golden deer pairings only go to B, which I think is a shame and forces them to rely more on subtext.
Additionally, because they're not the revolutionary or chivalry aligned House, a lot of their endings aren't written as...dramatically? Like I adore Felix/Sylvain to death (I have a print of them hanging next to my Claude one lol), but their childhood promise is very much the product of living in Faergus, similarly to how Hubert and Ferdinand's relationship is defined by them living in the Empire. I think because the Alliance politics are far less dramatic (or are far more dramatic in a visibly different way) the subtext for Claude and Lorenz's Romeo/Juliet for politics thing doesn't come across as huge as two characters who promised to die with each other as kids and keep it (insane I love them).
That's why in my original post I talk about loving how normal the Deer are, and I think ultimately a part of that comes from their setting: the Alliance. In my first play through, I specifically chose having my loyalties lie (in the initial meeting with the Lords) with the Alliance, because to me, someone who had no real context for the game, the Alliance was the closest thing to a democracy from what little we'd hard of each nation. Politics informs almost every aspect of the Golden Deer; sure it's played for angst and importance in the other two routes (Duscur/Sylvain's Crest Complex/Felix's problem with the chivalry system for the Blue Lions--with the latter two never being things that are textually resolved in the Kingdom's government--and Enbarr/those who Slither in the Dark for the Black Eagles), but Claude actually has to balance what other lords want in the War phase, and it's his ability to be so good at politicking that enables the Alliance to consistently remain neutral in the war. So a lot of the subtext stuff comes to fruition through the realm of politics in a way it doesn't entirely through the other two, if that makes sense. It's a huge gesture of love that Claude can trust Lorenz with his dream.
"The Deers are for me more like an actual close group of friend: their life are not going to revolve around each other like it does with the other houses, but they won't hesitate to come for that 5 years reunion to see the other. It's kinda like you say they're so normal in a good way! They tease each other but they don't hate each other in the way of a Dimitri/Felix, a Caspar/Petra, a Ferdinand/Hubert ( except for Lorenz but like, it's Lorenz ). They won't kill the other dad, but they'll sure as hell support each other like Lorenz and Ignatz or Marianne and Raphael. They might not start a revolution together but they will listen to the other even when it’s total heresy ( Leonie & Claude, such an incredible support :’) ) and help the other to reach their goal… I do agree with you it’s linked to not knowing each other before, but on that, isn’t knowing each other before more of a Lion thing than not knowing being a Deer thing? I don’t know, the BE are kind of a middle ground."
I both agree and disagree with what you've said here!
I think it's true, that in any route where you don't choose Byleth, the Deer are textually viewed much more as just close friends rather then found family, whereas I think if you chose their route they end up much closer (as I said above). I think the Black Eagles and Blue Lions have their lives, by nature, revolve around each other since they're literally all Nobles and thus part of the governning system of this world (with the exception of Dorothea). I think the Golden Deer have to make it a much more deliberate choice, and I do think it's something they do after the War in any route (assuming the majority of them have been allowed to live) because that sort of thing just forms a life long bond between people that's hard to shake without deliberate effort I can't imagine any of them truly wanting to put in.
They are normal! None of them hate each other! They don't have that sort of intensity, but they do have a lot of complexity that lends itself very well to found family. I think a big part of that complexity lends itself to the lack of killing (although I don't really think any of their parents deserve to be killed whether they've alive or dead?). The fact that Lorenz's dad has Claude's uncle killed (which when combined with Hilda, again, being a fucking Goneril is INSANE my man's two best friends are people who have reason to kill him for BOTH SIDES OF HIS ANCESTRY) and thus gets Raph's parents killed is something truly heartbreaking, and yet I think it's because there's no violence amongst each other or against the previous generation that characters like Claude (has had violence perpetuated against him for his heritage), Marianne (has had implied violence perpetuated against her for her crest), and Lysithea (has had violence perpetuated against her to get her second crest) are able to feel safe amongst the Deer. Violence is an intense choice, but I think lack of violence should also be viewed as something deliberate and chosen, esp. in the world of Three Houses. I mean, throughout Verdant Wind Claude is constantly complaining about the perpetuation of violence caused by the War! He's someone who deliberately chooses direct harm reduction. Although, to in fact speak of violence, I think it's absolutely insane that Hilda "I refuse to die for my friends" Goneril will willingly die for Claude "DO NOT DIE FOR MY SAKE FLEE PLEASE I'M BEGGING YOU RETREAT" von Riegan's sake.
I do think that the Golden Deer are the most similar to a modern queer friend group and thus would be the easiest to make a 1:1 comparison, but again the events of the game do kind of necessitate that they are found family because they go through a war together. Their group dynamics are probably the most influenced by Byleth (Dimitri and his relationships with others while "mad" of course, aside), and it's really hard to make generalizations about them because again, the fact that she is not there to facilitate these close bonds makes it a lot harder for them to be as close as they are before the war as they end up being, although even without Byleth I still think they're exceedingly close. But yes, I agree, they do not live in each other's pockets, which does not make them any less found family, but does, probably, make them healthier in modern context lol.
(As a side note about Byleth and the house leaders: I think what she visibly provides to Edelgard and Dimitri is a lot more obvious than what she provides to Claude. She helps the both of them in maintaining themselves and not loosing themselves to the burden of leadership and trauma. Claude, however, is a character who has been handling both of those things alone, and we are shown that he is capable of handling them alone without massive cracks appearing in Three Houses. Claude does not need Byleth to live, as the other two directly do. Byleth gives Claude someone consistent and trustworthy to rely on, which opens him up to being able to do it with the other members of his house far easier then he's able to otherwise.)
Anyways! I think the Golden Deer are very queer, just more subtextually so then the Black Eagles and Blue Lions. I personally view a lot of the straight endings, so to speak, as queerplatonic (again Lorenz/Lysithea and honestly Leonie/Ignatz). Romance is a pretty easy metric to view queer storytelling through, but I don't think I'd see Sylvain as any less of a queer character if he didn't have his paired ending with Felix because of how his story is written. In a similar way, I think characters like Ignatz (wanted to be a painter, but it's not what his family wants for him; yearns to be creative and is self conscious about people thinking it'll interfere in his duties and has to learn to accept himself and his true dreams) and Marianne (sees herself as a monster that other people won't accept if they knew the true her and what she's hiding) are also queer without needing to be in romances, which is why the fandom gets a lot out of them subtextually.
Acceptance, I think, can be viewed as a very queer theme, and I think it's a prominent one within the Deer.
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sheikahwarriork · 1 month
Yuzu, if you're ever bored, I have a challenge for you.
Here is the biggest ship tier list to date: https://tiermaker.com/create/all-fe3h-student-ships-16315058 , it contains nearly EVERY combinaison between the playable cast. Your mission would be to make this tierlist, but:
- you have to rank EVERY ship and you're not allowed to say "you don't see it".
Or, if it's too long
- you have to rank EVERY Dimitri ship and you're not allowed to say "you don't see it".
You're allowed to make as many tier as you want, but you have to consider each ship as seriously as you can. Yes, you will have to consider a scenario where Dimitri and Lorenz have feeling for each other. You cannot back down.
( Okay, you do actually have an exception for underage or uncomfortable age gap ship. And if Dimileth is really too OTP to rank Dimitri on ship without his beloved, feel free to pick another character ( I personally recommend Hubert, Rhea or Lorenz ) )
you become friend with someone AND THEN THEY give you the most difficult quest ever..... truly evil u_u
anyway, i actually had fun :'3 since the ships were SO MANY, i made different list for each house, plus a dimitri focused and a byleth focused. no repetions, i just followed the ships as they come in that site.
notes: no, for some characters i dont have a fav OTP; yes, for some character the OTP is not the same OTP for the other character. i also put a "dont care enough to have an opinion" bc really i couldnt find an opinion for some T_T
anyway, enjoy! :3 (for anyone who's reading: mind that there could be some ships negativity, so remember it's just me and my personal opinions!)
black eagles:
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note: i now have a new fav rarepair. edelgard/dedue. you did irreparable damage to my brain
blue lions:
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dimitri bonus:
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golden deers + ashen wolves (simply because i still had space):
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church of seiros:
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note: many of the church staff ships that are in the "dont care enough" are more actually "kinda cursed bc minor with grown up adult", but i realized my mistake too late, when the tier list was almost done. and I PERSONALLY WAS already done with that hellsite T__T
note 2: cyril is baby and i love him with baby lysithea only
note 3: my fav flayn ship is actually with f!shez; in general i think they should have allowed her to be a lesbian. i love flayn<3
note 4: i hate every romantic seteth ships but i love his supports with bernadetta and IF ONLY their ending was platonic it would ended up in the OTP section for both of them.
and finally, byleth!! i used f!byleth portraits but i have the same ship-related thoughts for both gender, so using the m!byleth portraits too would have been useless repetitions :']
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note: i S supported edelgard, dorothea and mercedes with f!byleth
note 2: the sothis romantic S support is the worst thing in the entire game oh my god (IS make platonic endings challenge failed)
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dandelionandkrindle · 6 months
tagged by @scalpelsister - appreciate it 💛 tagging- @emmamills, @arcaneberry, @ratellini (😇), @giftedpink, @rebeccamarinwife, @yourcatras @rowenwolf, @artofdoubt, @victory-for-sylvanas
LAST SONG: jordana & tv girl - jump the turnstile
CURRENTLY WATCHING: dungeon meshi and veneno
1. xena and gabrielle, they got the 'forever otp' tag for a reason
2. root and shaw, you will never be forgotten
3. villaneve, i still haven't recovered from the brain damage they caused me <3
FAVORITE COLOR: any shade of purple but lilac especially
CURRENTLY CONSUMING: BOOKS, so many books, specifically ones written by trans authors. whipping girl, nevada, welcome to dorely hall, and just happy to be here are all ones i highly recommend
FIRST SHIP: sylvaina back in 2008 (achievement unlocked: ahead of the curve)
PLACE OF BIRTH: adelaide, south australia
CURRENT LOCATION: tasmania but I'm moving back to the mainland by next year thankfully
LAST MOVIE: the killing of a sacred deer
CURRENTLY WORKING ON: learning turkish to impress the gf
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typingtess · 2 months
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NCIS: Los Angeles Season 14 Rewatch:  “Shame”
The basics:  Kensi, Deeks, Fatima and Rountree investigate the death of a sailor on the Allegiance.  Callen is with Anna and their possible wedding planner while Sam is spending the day with Kam.
Written by:   Written by: Sam Block & Jamil Akim O’Quinn.  This is the first episode as writers for both Sam Block and Jamil Akim O'Quinn.  Since season 13, Sam Block was an assistant to the executive producer.  Jamil Akim O'Quinn was a writers production assistant for "Of Value" earlier this season.
Directed by:   Daniela Ruah directed “Russia, Russia, Russia”, “Lost Sailor Down”, “Pandora’s Box”, “Live Free or Die Standing” and "Flesh & Blood". 
Guest stars of note:  Kayla Smith as Kam Hanna is back from season 12’s “Can’t Take My Eyes Off Of You”.  Bar Paly returns from “Flesh & Blood” earlier in the season.  Kavi Ramachandran Ladnier as Shyla Dahr is back from “A Long Time Coming” crossover episode,  Duncan Campbell is back “In the Name of Honor” as Agent Castor, Joy McElveen as Chief Petty Officer Kemi Adebayo, Heather Grace Hancock as Robin Wassner, Rosanna Pansino as Tara Walker, David Figlioli as Rondel Fryer, Marco Antonio Martinez as Command Master Chief Petty Officer Jalen Hughes, Justice Gamble as Chief Petty Officer Dennis Bradshaw.
Our heroes:   Are siloed like a COVID episode.
What important things did we learn about:
Callen:  Wants serious security at his wedding after Kensi and Deeks’s nuptials.  Sam:  Good father whose compassion isn't conditional Kensi:  Fill-in Agent Afloating with Fatima. Deeks:  Good at noticing handwriting differences. Fatima:  Fill-in Agent Afloating with Kensi. Rountree:  Training with Sam to improve his chase times. Kilbride:  Worried about clusters of suicides.
What not so important things did we learn about:
Callen:  Quoting “The Deer Hunter” while planning a wedding. Sam:  Wanted to make Michelle’s meatloaf, had it made for him instead. Kensi:  Fishing for a wedding invite from Fatima. Deeks:  Left for a deposition. Fatima:  Going on long walks with Akhil Rountree:  Jokingly weirded out by Deeks. Kilbride: Proud of Gen Z for being open to who people truly are.
Where in the world is Henrietta Lange?  Not a mention.
Who's down with OTP:   Kensi and Deeks are Kensi and Deeks.  Wedding plans yield arguments between Callen and Anna and also so quality time on the couch.  Fatima seems to be having a good time Ali.  Kam broke up with Josh and is dating Riley.
Who's down with BrOTP:  Sam is training Rountree. Kensi is looking for wedding invites for Fatima. 
Fashion review:    Callen wore a dark blue button down shirt for the wedding planner appointment.  An eggplant colored long-sleeve tee for Sam.  Lightweight beige pullover sweater for Kensi.  Dark grey long-sleeve tee for Deeks.  Fatima wore a long-sleeve dark brown turtleneck.  Both Kensi and Fatima wore NCIS jackets on the Allegiance.  Rountree started the day in a Nike light grey athletic long-sleeve tee and later was in a light grey, long-sleeve tee-shirt (no swoosh).  Blue three-piece suit, light blue dress shirt and medium blue tie for the Admiral.
Music:  “Falling” by Lauren Jauregui is playing in Kam’s Air Pods as Sam returns home.  “Modelle” by Bruno Nicolai plays at the wedding planner’s office.
Any notable cut scene:  Not today.
Quote:  Sam:  “You know, I had always hoped that me and your Mom created an empathetic environment for you and Aiden.  Wanted to make sure you never felt like our compassion was conditional.” Kam:  “Yeah, of course.”
Sam Hanna – good father.
Anything else:  On an aircraft carrier, Chief Petty Officer Kemi Adebayo notices Petty Officer Eli Wassner is missing from his station.  She starts to search for him only to find a note in his bunk.  Going deeper into the carrier, she finds him hanging from a pipe in a hold.  He’s dead.
Rountree is running through a park area, doing some parkour as he runs.  Sam is timing him.  1-minute, 17-seconds.  Sam is shooting for 1:10.  Rountree expects “a Sam Hanna lesson” and is not disappointed.  Sam tells Rountree it is all about his mentality, keep setting goals and resetting them higher, “no comfort in greatness.”  Rountree notes Sam looks pretty comfortable.  Flattery will get Rountree nowhere with Sam.  Rountree is looking for a ride to the office.  Sam has the day off so it is Uber for Rountree who was driven to the park by Sam.
Sam shows up at home with some fancy coffee for a studying Kam.  With Raymond hanging out with Arkady, it is daddy-daughter time for Sam and Kam.  Kam tells Sam he didn’t have to bring her coffee and goes back to writing her paper.  Sam offers to help but the reading material includes “Teen Women’s Sexuality and Politics: A Case Study of the Adolescent Female Body”.  Sam thinks Kam’s got this.
Sam does, however, want Kam ready for her favorite sandwich at a local eatery.  Kam brings up Hanna House Rules number 17 – schoolwork comes first.  Kam picks up her coffee but the lid isn’t on right.  The coffee spills on Kam.  Running off to protect her Berkley sweatshirt and get the hot coffee off her jeans, Kam leaves Sam to save her computer.  As he keeps it from the coffee puddle, Kam gets an IM from a friend name Riley.  A cleaned-up Kam retrieves her computer and decides to work in her room.  Sam mops up the rest of the coffee.
In the Armory, Kensi and Fatima are talking about her walks on the pier and the beach, probably with Akhil (but not mentioned).  Kensi asks if Fatima has her address for the wedding invitation.  They are called to Ops.  Kensi lets Fatima lead so Kensi can hold her train.
In Ops, Petty Officer Wassner’s personnel info is on the big screen.  Shyla is running the briefing.  Wassner was an electronics technician on the Allegiance.  The Allegiance had two suicides on the ship in recent months, the SecNav wants to know if this is the third.  Kensi asks why the Agent Afloat isn’t handling the investigation.  Lucy Tara just left the Allegiance for Hawai’i so a new Agent Afloat has not been assigned. 
Wassner leaves behind a wife in Los Angeles and parents in New Jersey.  Kensi asks if Wassner had any history of depression.  If there was, Wassner never sought treatment.  He also didn’t have gambling debts.  The Admiral wants to know where Callen and Sam are.  Kensi doesn’t know.  Shyla reminds Kilbride that he sent Callen and Sam home for a week to get through some of their annual leave.  Deeks and Rountree are going to interview Wassner’s widow in the boat shed, Kensi and Fatima are on their way to the Allegiance.  The Admiral is worried that the suicides happening in clusters will have some struggling sailors think this is a way out.
In a wedding planner’s office, Callen and Anna are in for an appointment.  They are offered champagne.  Anna tells Callen he doesn’t have to be there, she could have brought Fatima.  Callen wants to be there.  After Anna gives him a look, Callen revises that to wanting to be there for Anna.  Anna wants Callen to want to be there for the two of them.  That’s what Callen meant, he assures her.
On the Allegiance, Kensi and Fatima are brought to see Master Chief Hughes in the hold where Wassner was found.  He’s there to help as needed.  Hughes points out the ladder Wassner used, the rope stored in the hold and Wassner’s knife.  Kensi wants to see the body but that’s impossible, the body was sent stateside.  Wassner is Jewish and the Navy is respecting his traditions.  Fatima will have Shyla speak to the medical examiner.
Hughes turns over the note found in Wassner’s bunk.  That is going back to NCIS for analysis.  Fatima asks who knows about the note.  Hughes says the ship’s Command, NCIS and Chief Adebayo, who found both the note and Wassner.  Kensi asks to speak to Chief Adebayo.
In the boatshed, Castor shows up with Robin Wassner, the widow.  Deeks points to the couch, and offers sympathies.  He’s sorry to do this to her with all she’s going through.  He’s looking to find out a little more about Eli, what he was going through on the Allegiance.  They had a weekly phone call every Sunday.  There were no signs that he was struggling.  He was happy, they were laughing on the call.  “We loved each other,” Robin tells Deeks and Rountree.  They were starting to plan a family.  Eli was a letter writer – he was old-fashion, she thought it was romantic.  She’s happy to turn over the letters – “whatever you need.”
Kensi and Fatima interview Chief Adebayo.  She is rather emotionless, giving one word answers.  Fatima brings up two complaints filed against Adebayo.  Having none of it, Adebayo explains that she doesn’t coddle sailors, that makes her the villain.  She’s not complicit with mediocrity.  Wassner did good work but in recent times, lost focus.   Adebayo says she told Wassner to get his act together.  Kensi pushes – was she too aggressive telling Wassner to get his act together?  With a large group of sailors to lead, Adebayo does not have time to deal with each sailor’s personal issues.  She didn’t know he was unstable.  Kensi really pushes – the team’s well-being is part of her duties as their leader.  Wassner is the third dead sailor on the Allegiance, maybe it is time to review how she is dealing with her sailors.
Looking at Wassner’s background, Rountree says there is no drug use, no alcohol issues, no other mitigating factors.  Wassner’s medical records are clean, his discipline history is spotless and there are no financial issues.  Deeks points out that Wassner was about to go on leave and start a family, there is real pressure there.  Looking at the suicide note, Rountree calls it short and generic.  Comparing them to the letters to Robin, Deeks notices that Wassner was quite poetic in his writing. 
Both Deeks and Rountree notice something else is off with the suicide note.  Deeks points out differences in how certain letters are written, how the ‘i’s are dotted.  Wassner didn’t write his own suicide note – he was likely murdered.
Shyla tells Deeks and Rountree that forensics confirms Wassner didn’t write the suicide note.  Looking through the sailors on the Allegiance, everyone was thoroughly vetted.  There is no history of violence in any of the men and women on the ship.  There were also no visitors or contractors on the ship in the last 48-hours.  Someone on board did this but Shyla wonders why they hung the body, why not throw Wassner overboard.  Deeks, who was almost thrown overboard 10-Christmases ago, tells Shyla that any sailor going overboard triggers an immediate investigation.  By hanging Wassner, the killer tried to come up with a believable cause of death. 
Castor returns with Robin Wassner.  Saying there is no easy way to tell her, Deeks tells Robin that Eli was murdered.  And while it may be hard, anything Robin could remember might help.  Deeks brings up Chief Adebayo, who Robin calls lovely.  In the prior year, Robin had a miscarriage.  Chief Adebayo pushed through Eli’s temporary leave papers, called in favors to get him home to her.  Eli didn’t ask for help, Adebayo overheard Eli mention the miscarriage and she got him home.  “It’s the nicest thing anyone has ever done for us.” 
Kensi tells Fatima that Wassner didn’t write his suicide note.  They are looking for a killer.  Fatima brings up Adebayo but she has alibis from the other Chief Petty Officers on the Allegiance – they all share a room and she was there all night.  Kensi also brings up Adebayo helping the Wassners “in their time of need”.  Adebayo also has a stellar personnel record.  Disappointed in herself, Kensi says she left Adebayo’s personality cloud her judgment during the interview.  Adebayo could have been an ally on the ship.  Fatima brings up that Adebayo wasn’t helpful with some of her answers, Kensi shouldn’t beat herself up.  They need to interview her again.  Kensi also wants to apologize.
Since schoolwork first is still in effect, Sam offers to make Kam Michelle’s famous meatloaf.  Kam likes that idea.  When Sam offers an invite to Josh, Kam doesn’t like that idea.  They’re not hanging out anymore.  They’re both busy with their own things.  Sam tells Kam he’s there if she wants to talk.  The phone rings and Kam retreats to her room.  Raymond is on the phone – could Sam bring over his pickleball paddle to Arkady’s?
At the wedding planners, Tara Walker introduces herself to Callen and Anna.  She’s so excited to be working with them.  Fatima told Tara about Callen and Anna.  Since marriage is between two people, she wants to hear what they both have planned.  Anna lets Callen go first.  Callen brings up a theme and Anna is not big on themes.  Tara ask what they are looking for in a venue.  Anna is looking for atmosphere, Callen is looking for security.  When Anna gives him a look, Callen tells her she didn’t attend Kensi and Deeks’s wedding.   Moving on to an officiant, Callen mentions not being religious, Anna brings up that Arkady is looking into becoming an officiant. 
Seeing things are going to hell, Tara pass Callen and Anna a list of questions to learn their expectations about the wedding.  Callen thinks about eloping.
Kensi opens her second interview with Adebayo with an apology but Adebayo is not listening to it.  Maybe if she was more involved in Wassner’s well-being, he wouldn’t have taken his life.  Kensi tells Adebayo that Wassner was murdered.  Adebayo is stunned.  After speaking to Kensi and Fatima, Adebayo spoke to her sailors.  An Ensign Choi saw a sailor named Bradshaw on roving watch.  This was around 1AM.  Fatima is going to get Master Chief Hughes to set up an interview with Bradshaw.  When Fatima leaves, Kensi calls into Kilbride and Shyla, updating them on Bradshaw.  Shyla has a time of death – around 2AM.  Also, Wassner wasn’t hanged, he was choked to death.
From his office, Kilbride reads Kensi Petty Officer Dennis Bradshaw’s background.  From Alabama, Bradshaw lives there with his wife.  Their financials are odd.  He’s has a separate account with $50,000.  Kilbride doesn’t believe Mrs. Bradshaw knows about that second account.  And all the money was deposited into the account in cash.
Walking into Ops, Shyla has more on Bradshaw.  While Alabama is his home, he did not fly home when on three-months of leave in recent months.  Instead, his cellphone was pinged in San Pedro.  Bradshaw spent a lot of time in business called The Brass Boot, owned by Rondel Fryer.  Fryer was administratively discharged from the Navy.  As soon as he was out, investigations were started into tax evasion, fraud and money laundering.  Investigations but no convictions.  The Admiral asks about foreign connections and there are running phone calls with someone in China. 
With Wassner’s position as an electronics technician, he had access to radar and ship technical data.  Shyla thinks Bradshaw was selling Wassner’s intel through Fryer.  If something went wrong, and Wassner learned Bradshaw was selling his data to a civilian in China, that could lead to a fight.  It could also lead to Navy secrets being in the hands of China.  Kilbride want Deeks and Rountree to interview Fryer.  When Fryer’s background as an MMA fighter and the owner a large cache of weapons, Kilbride wants Sam to join Deeks and Rountree – “day off be damned.” 
At the wedding planner’s office, Callen is stuck on question eight.  Anna won’t let Callen “cheat”.  Callen grabs Anna’s paper.  Anna grabs Callen and pushes him onto a couch.  They are not fighting anymore.
At The Brass Boot, Rountree is alone when Sam arrives.  Deeks had a deposition – Kilbride knows.  Rountree asks about Kam, “the first future woman President of America”.  Sam mentions a paper, “tolerating” him at best.  Rountree brings up Jordyn but Sam is not interested in any Rountree lessons right now. 
Walking into the bar, Rondel Fryer tells the “gents” – Sam and Rountree – that they aren’t opened yet.  Sam says “federal agents” and since we’ve all seen this show, Fryer runs.  Rountree chases, sliding over cars, jumping over beer kegs.  Sam pulls up in his car but Fryer already ran into an alleyway not no exit. 
Walking back into her office, Tara finds a rather disheveled Callen and Anna.  They thought the questions were great but they have to go.  Tara looks at her messy couch.
Kensi and Fatima find Master Chief Hughes, who was looking for them.  Petty Officer Bradshaw was in an accident on the flight deck.  He’s in the trauma room in sick bay.  Kensi and Fatima are on their way to sick bay.
Saying he thought Sam and Rountree were the IRS, Fryer ran because they are harassing him.  Sam shows Fryer a photo of Bradshaw – was he ever in the bar.  “I’m not at liberty to say.”  Rountree sees that as a yes.  Sam accuses Fryer of selling Naval Intel and being part of the murder of a Naval Officer.  Fryer explains that The Brass Boot isn’t just a bar, there is a private club in the back.  It is a safe space for military men, Hollywood types, executives who want to keep their private lives private.  It is a part of a different time.   Rountree realizes it is “a gay speakeasy.”  Seeing himself as a guardian angel, Fryer explains that being gay may not get you beaten up on the streets anymore but “how many gay global action stars do you see starring in Hollywood movies?” 
While that explains the bar set-up, Rountree asks about the calls to China.  Fryer’s brother teaches English in China.  After the brother went through a rough patch, Fryer lent him some money.  The brother has been wiring Fryer money every month to repay the loan.  Fryer makes it clear, he didn’t kill anyone.  He’s there to let people be who they really are.
In Ops, Shyla confirms all of Rondel Fryer’s story.  Other than the IRS, everything about the bar is above board.  Perhaps Bradshaw and Wassner were involved in a relationship.  And maybe something went wrong – breakup, one person wanting to go public when the other did not. 
Fatima calls into Ops, Bradshaw wasn’t hurt at all.  Hughes lied, which means the two are working together.  The Admiral and Shyla try to figure out if Hughes and Bradshaw are a couple, where did Wassner fit in.
Outside Master Chief Hughes’s bunk, Petty Officer Bradshaw is banging on the door, begging “Jalen” to come out.  Bradshaw tells Kensi and Fatima that Hughes has a gun and Bradshaw fears Hughes may kill himself.  In his room, Hughes has his gun out.  Explaining that he didn’t mean to hurt Wassner, it was an accident.  Kensi says it is going to be OK as she inches closer to Hughes.  Bradshaw understands, telling Hughes that he lived too many years in shame.  Hughes says he’s so tired.  Kensi gets the gun away as Hughes keeps apologizing.  Fatima is able to cuff Hughes.
In the office, Deeks tells Sam and Rountree that Wassner found out Hughes and Bradshaw were a couple.  He didn’t plan on telling anyone but Wassner freaked out when Hughes tried to bribe him with a recommendation for a promotion.  Sharing some beers, Deeks understands Hughes and Bradshaw keeping  their relationship on the ship quiet but didn’t understand keeping it from their families.  “Sometimes the hardest people to talk to are family,” Sam says.  Deeks agrees – “exhibit A, Roberta Deeks.”  Rountree agrees as well.  He doesn’t tell Jordyn everything and he knows Jordyn doesn’t tell him everything.  But Rountree’s doesn’t think any of this makes sense - that Hughes thought of bribing Wassner because Wassner saw him kissing Bradshaw. 
It makes to Kilbride.  In 1991, the year Hughes joined the Navy, “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” started its 20-year run.   Many gay members of the service were beaten, assaulted and killed but there are no stats for that because it wasn’t counted.  What was counted was the 100,000 service members who were discharged.  Hughes was from a different time.  While Kilbride isn’t always a fan of the younger generation, he likes that they aren’t afraid of someone who is different.  They may not understand the other person, but they aren’t afraid.  Rountree says Deeks still freaks him out a little.  That kills the moment. 
Arriving home, Kam wound up making the meatloaf for Sam.  Sam tells Kam that he always hoped that he and Michelle created an “empathetic environment” for Aiden and for her.  That the two would never feel like “our compassion was conditional”.  Kam knew this.  Sam tells her he knew that she broke up with Josh and that she may be dating a woman.  Kam wants to know if Aiden told Sam.  Sam is not happy that Kam told Aiden first.  Kam says Aiden wasn’t told, he just figured it out. 
Sam makes it clear, he would never turn his back on her.  Why didn’t she tell him?  Kam explains that she really liked all the guys she dated.  And she really likes the woman she is dating now.  She doesn’t know if she’ll go back to dating men again or if she’s going to only date women.  She’s figuring things out and she didn’t want to tell anyone until she knew.  Sam ticks off the reasons he loves and admires his daughter – brave, smart, courageous.  None of that changes based on who she is dating.  He will always love her.  Sam asks if Riley, Kam’s girlfriend, has a 4.0 GPA, works with a number of charities and has a prestigious internship set up for the summer.  Kam explains she’d never settle for anything less.  The two have dinner.
What head canon can be formed from here:  There was a good episode to be done about the military’s history with gay service members but this one isn’t it.  In fact, the best part of the episode was Kilbride’s thoughts at the end about how gay service members are treated now compared to when he was a younger man. 
A very siloed episode – had a COVID season feel.  
Liked seeing the Kensi-Fatima friendship in the armory.  The program’s long-running friendship between Kensi and Nell is missed.  Callen and Sam are bros, Kensi should have a friend not named Deeks.
Kam telling Aiden first is a nice bit of continuity.  Kam also told Aiden first about her car and her volunteer work.  Sam assuring Kam that his love for her is unconditional was good to hear but even better to know that Kam didn’t need to hear it, she knew it.
 Of course Fatima knew a high end wedding planner.
Episode number:   This is episode 14 of season 14 – two-thirds of the way there.  It is episode 316 overall.
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leap-loves · 1 year
well of course I'm obsessed with your tensura ships so those ;) but also really adore your poly with Cyno and Tighnari!!!
!! Awee thank you!! 💙💙 Yes I'm not surprised about the Tensura ships :P
But I'm glad you like Shiko and her boys!! I absolutely love their dynamic and immediate found family, they're so sweet ;-;
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astrxthesiai · 24 days
SHIPPING INFO. answer the following for your muses so people know how shipping works on your blog.
IMPORTANT: ;-; The comfort of my rp partners is key.
What is your OTP for your character(s)?
A whole bunch, I should probably make a list… Oops.  Some will not make it to the list, and be kept a secret.
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
Ages will depend on the character and verse at the mun/mod’s discretion.  Final Fantasy XIV, many of its characters are in their 20s and 30s or physically are in that range.  As an example, Miyuki is 19-21 in one verse and as Sarangerel (FFXIV verse) she is in her 20s.  Miyuki is around 19 in her Banana Fish verse (In that verse, nsfw is the last thing on Miyuki’s mind).  If we are playing flashbacks to memories in pre-established pairings, I will age down the characters as needed and nsfw will not appear.
Ten to fifteen-ish years tops for those over the age 18 and 21.  I do have a character that has a thing for older men.  She is 26-28.  For immortal characters, it really depends on their physical age and the headcanons.  I also want to keep things comfortable.
Four-ish years for anyone in the 18-21 area, again over the age of 18.  I am looking at you in some of your verses, Miyuki T8<.
It gets tricky in the 17-19 area, so I steer clear of nsfw.  This also includes fade to black.  Eiji is considered an adult in Japan at 20 years old and Ash is considered an adult in the US at 18.  For that pairing specifically, and anyone paired with Ash, I steer clear of nsfw.  That is the last thing on Ash’s mind and for Eiji’s.
Two years for anyone 17 and younger.  I steer clear of nsfw.
Who are other characters you ship your character with?
Check the list.
Does one have to ask to ship with you?
Yes, or I won’t know if you wish to ship with me.  I’d love it if it just happens in a meme one day, but otherwise I’m oblivious.
I would like to get to know my partner a bit more before we do though.  However, I am very shy and guarded.  I roleplay f/f, nb/nb, f/nb, m/nb, and m/f openly, but when it comes to m/m, I usually do that with friends because I am inexperienced with writing sex between men.  However, when it comes to nsfw headcanons, that is a different story.
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
It really depends…?  In the past, I was obsessed with shipping, to be honest.  Now, not so much.  In fact, I generally like bickering and crack to happen.  Keep me on my toes, I’ll do my best to do the same.
Are you multi-ship?  
For the most part, but for some characters on this blog, I am no-ship or single-ship.  My partners can have different statuses when it comes to shipping.  I’m also interested in polyamory between characters if all muses are equally loved.  While that may not happen in real life, I’d like to dream.
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
I ship a lot of things in the fandom and see potential ships, however, I love rarepairs and crack ships.  I am OC x Canon trash, but I am OC x OC and Canon x Canon friendly.
Finally, how does one ship with you?
Get in touch with me and tell me about a ship you want to have with my character.  Platonic, familial, antagonistic, or Romantic, give it to me straight.  Send an ask, I am shit when it comes to Tumblr DMing.  (I am a deer in the headlights.)  For romance and anything explicit, I may say nay or yay depending on my muse/character’s headcanoned preferences.
Tag: Everyone. 
Tagged from: You mean stolen from the dashboard ;_;
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sun-marie · 3 months
Thoughts on Claude von Reigan for the character breakdown thing?
How I feel about this character: I really like Claude, I find his character really compelling! The Golden Deer route is my second favorite route of the game, and in my favorite route, the Blue Lions, I like the Alliance's role (as mostly demonstrated through Claude) as a wildcard third party. I like how he reclaimed himself despite his rough upbringing and allowed it to shape him rather than define him, and I am a sucker in general for characters who seemingly have a plan for everything. Also, his design is an 11/10, top tier, especially his post-timeskip with the pushed back hair and lil beard <3
All the people I ship romantically with this character: So personally, I actually like him best with Hilda, I love how ride-or-die they are for each other despite playing it off so casually. The problem is that while Hilda is my favorite partner for Claude, Hilda herself has *many* great potential partners, one of them being Lorenz. So (at least in my BL playthroughs) I hc they're all in this terrible soap-opera love triangle, where Hilda is on-again-off-again with Claude until she gets together with Lorenz, which lasts until he defects to the Empire, in which they breakup (Lorenz actually ends up dying on the Great Bridge of Myrddin, because Tragedy™). Then, a few years after the game ends and relations between Fódlan and Almyra have improved, Hilda and Claude officially get together.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: I really enjoy the potential of his friendship with Dimitri, particularly the aspect of which they are both the heads of incredibly important nations, and so I feel there is an inherent respect borne out of their equality of power that's really fun to watch.
Additionally, I love his supports with Cyril and really wish they had an A support!
My unpopular opinion about this character: I don't know that I have any? I think the closest I would have is that I'm not a huge fan of Claudeleth, but not only does that have less to do with Claude and more to do with me just preferring other Byleth pairings, but also bc plenty of other people don't ship them.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I really really wish he stuck around for the ending of the Blue Lions route. In my ideal, perfect, hypothetical world, the Blue Lions and Golden Deer routes would be combined into one, with Claude joining up in the Chapter "Golden Deer's Plea" and the BL route being the dominant one until after Edelgard is defeated, with the Chapter "Oath of the Dagger". From there, transitioning into the GD for finding Rhea with the Chapter "The City Without Light" and going to Shambhala and fighting Nemesis.
I understand that they didn't do this for replayability purposes, but for me, the BL ending leaves just a little to be desired in the larger scale of the lore and Claude is too good of a character to just disappear for the last few chapters.
GIVE ME A CHARACTER: and I’ll break their ass down:
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thebestestbat · 4 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media
OTP ♥︎♥︎
me and @hyumjim's OCs. doe is the dark-haired catboy on the left and lye is the very beautifully drawn 90% cat BEAST on the right
Doe on the subject of Lye
Physical feature: smell Personality trait: honesty Habit/mannerism: laugh at me
Something annoying? make me open and close the window at night even if I am asleep
Your nicknames/pet names for them? love, baby. I learned them from you
Your first impression of them? your ears were very clean
Describe them in 5 words or less: funny, beautiful, kind. love you
Lye on the subject of Doe
Physical feature: chest ♥︎ Personality trait: kindness and patience Habit/mannerism: holds me tight
Something annoying? [two scribbled out portions] sometimes I think you're afraid of me...?
Your nicknames/pet names for them? baby, honey, love... doey, doe-deer...? (writing this down is WEIRD)
Your first impression of them? SCARY - (I thought you hated me... but cool... smarter and older than me
Describe them in 5 words or less: best friend forever. love you ♥︎
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