#otp: special connection
dylanconrique · 4 months
tale as old as time, song as old as rhyme.... 🥹💗
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onewomancitadel · 1 month
Jaune and Cinder are matching Maiden-killers. Couples who slay together stay together!!
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13 fans that complain that 14/15 getting to be more stable / connected to people is a "slap in the face" of 13 era are like... being so deliberately doylist-oblivious dkflsjd and like tbh? self-victimizing at that point. i don't even know. like these people will say "wow did you all even watch the show!!" all the time and then like. forget that the doctor rarely ever mentions companions after they regenerate (does it happen? yes, but i can count it in the palm of my hand). specially when they change writers, 3 doesn't go around talking about ian and barabara or jamie at all. like. it's not a specific thing. it's not about rtd and co hating 13 it's just. how the show has worked. for 60 years dsklfjkjkj (insert 14: "donna if i were to mention everyone that has tragically "died" in front of me every episode, we would be here forever")
and also some thasmin fans being kind of... I'm gonna say it honestly, kind of jealous that 14/donna get queerplatonic married, are kind of showing their hand bc it's admitting that actually yeah, yaz's ending was kind of dissatisfying to them (according to this complaint. which like. sdklfjs as i said in that other post... the 13/yaz ending can be rlly poetic/satisfying depending on How U Look At It (from many angles: closes circle on grace/graham 'im thankful for the time we did have' from ep 1 / noir vibes of 13's era: alec hardy and ellie miller *can't* be together bc it would go against the tone / "running out of time" is narrative justice on 13 for being so selfishl-y cage-y and oblivious for So Long / aromatic reading where 13 never reciprocated) , but when ppl complain about this they are very clearly not even interested in those readings (not genuinely). but like, if u didn't like yaz's ending... mate, that's on chibnall. that's the ending chibnall wanted to tell. like if u didn't like it and would have preferred what 14 got like,,,, take it up to him, damn sdlkfjds it would be like complaining about moffat not bringing back donna and giving her her memories back and making her immortal during 11's first season. it's just absurd.
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angelic37 · 2 years
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one character trope that i really don't like is what i call the "shipper friend".
basically imagine any piece of media with two love interests. the shipper friend is another character who may be a friend or an acquaintance or someone who knows one or both of these characters, and constantly gushes about how compatible these two are and how they should just kiss already.
i don't know why but this trope pisses me off so much. even when the couple in question is actually compatible and have a good relationship, i still find it so stupid to make the other characters fangirl over the couple, just to make the viewers aware that these two characters are indeed going to be a couple and that you SHOULD ship them.
take Across The Spiderverse, for example. amazing movie, i loved it, and i think Miles and Gwen were pretty cute. they're not like my OTP or anything, but they've got good chemistry and they care about each other, and that's all i need.
i also really liked Pavitr (as a desi person myself, i think he was fantastic representation) but what i didn't like was Pavitr being the shipper friend and constantly using ship lingo to gush about how Miles and Gwen have sooo much chemistry and romantic tension.
it just takes away from the chemistry and compatibility that's already there, and comes off as the writers desperately trying to convince you that this ship is so good, you guys, even the other characters ship it!
it's even worse when the couple isn't compatible or cute. i've mentioned this before but spop has a LOT of instances of this - Scorpia talking about how Adora and Catra have a history and a special connection, Horde Prime saying that Catra cares about Adora, Glimmer and Bow being reduced to the c//a wingmen, etc.
is it not insulting enough to do a piss poor job of writing a good relationship? do you also have to shoehorn in a shit ton of ship fodder in order to convince fans that they should be shipping the adoptive sisters?
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maoam · 9 months
Male fans say sns holding hands with blood is not romance because it is the unison symbol.
*rolls my eyes*
First of all, it's not "just" anything because the whole point is that Naruto and Sasuke can hold hands even when they don't have hands. And their blood surely makes it look like they are fully encircling their hands.
But more importantly. Look at what Kishi wrote.
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He made Naruto falter due to Neji's death, then have Hinata give him a long speech/pep talk about Neji and ninja way which made Naruto stand up and fight again. But. Not long after, he was struggling again due to many people dying and Shikamaru being near death, and Sasuke picked him up with just TWO LINES. No long speech needed. These are similar on purpose. People dying, Obito taunting Naruto, Naruto losing it, and then a pep talk.
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Naruto's thoughts just kept coming after Sasuke's two lines. Sasuke was of course pleased with how much hold he has over Naruto. But yes, do you see how Kishi made two similar scenes to show how special Sasuke is to Naruto? He had to give some crumb to NH, but he didn't want to be too nice about it.
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Even better: Naruto holding Hinata's hand to share the kyuubi chakra with her was the last scene of them interacting with each other. NH fans hold this scene in high regard and proof of their romance. But Kishimoto really went and cut the hand Naruto used when holding Hinata’s hand and made Naruto hold hands with Sasuke without his hand. He was saying, they don't have hands, but that's mere inconvenience, they are truly connected, they don't need hands to hold hands! Not to mention, with Hinata Naruto looks like he's being held at gunpoint (how Kishi surely felt drawing this scene), while with Sasuke he looks content, at peace, despite the fact his arm has been cut off and is bleeding.
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Kishi has done this before the war arc too.
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Hinata confesses her feelings to Naruto in Pain arc, how because of him she didn't go down the wrong path, how she wanted to be by his side, how she kept chasing after him, and then saying she's not afraid to die for him. Naruto tells Sasuke in the next arc how because of Sasuke he finally had a bond and didn't go down the wrong path, how he wanted to be around Sasuke, how he kept chasing after him, and then saying he's ready to die with Sasuke and reunite in the next world.
And while Naruto ignored Hinata's confession, Sasuke kept Naruto's words to him and thought about them even during the war arc. He also thought about their vow. Again, Kishi showing his preference, what truly is his otp.
Of course, SS/NH will say, well just because it's romantic in NH doesn't mean it's romantic in NS! Because they're homophobic. Because their modest intellect can't make them understand Kishi wrote these moments very close to each other, and that he's the writer, and that this was obviously all intended and calculated. Funny how the manga is riddled with countless "coincidences", it's almost like they aren't coincidences... lol.
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danpuff-ao3 · 2 months
Thanks for the tag @cindle-writes!
"Self-rec time! What are your favorite five fics that you've written and why? After replying to this ask, feel free to pass on to five other writers to spread the love. 💗"
Tagging: @perverse-idyll @writcraft @lizzy0305 @ripeteeth @lqtraintracks @threadbearao3 and whoever else might want to play!
It was hard to narrow down, as I've written well over 100 fics in my time (most available on AO3, but I still have some secrets). This has been good to look at and think about in light of my recent writerly struggles. Gave me a nice reminder of what I love and what I've accomplished.
1.) Contempt | Devotion
I'm counting them together, since they're the same story from different perspectives. Nothing will ever top them for me. They are THE Snarry story for me. They've been my OTP for 20+ years, and those works are years and years of dedication (and devotion, ha) to this ship. It's all the feelings I've ever had about them. It's the version of them, as individuals and together, that most resonates with me.
It is, as I often say, the story of my soul. I ripped these words out of my teeth, out of my bones, and wrote them with my blood. It was an agonizing process, and one I would do again and again, because I could not be more proud of anything, and it still amazes me that I created this story. That I finally pulled it out of my soul and put it to words. All of the passion I have for them, all of my history with this ship, all of it is right there.
(Also shoutout to the other little ficlets in the series; this version of Snarry will always have my heart.)
2.) Collateral Damage
While Contempt is the Snarry of my dreams, Collateral Damage is the DRON of my dreams.
Draco and Ron are my secondary OTP, and while I could write and rewrite Snarry to death, I have a hard time revisiting Dron as the main relationship, because I feel like I put everything I had for them into this one story.
The fic is written in Draco's POV, which I loved and was such a treat. I loved exploring Draco and Ron as individuals, and as a couple, and considering them more than I ever had before. It was fun playing with some real enemies-to-lovers, and seeing it become something really passionate and loving and fun (but also angsty, because I'm ME, hello).
It's a tale of revenge and insecurity, and fooling yourself while you try to fool others. I tried to really love on Draco and Ron both, while also diving into their respective flaws, and while I already loved them, writing this fic made me love them all the more.
3.) The Curse of Anteros
Another Snarry, of course. This one is such a love story, in some ways, though there's plenty of questionable (objectionable) content there. But for me, that made it all the more romantic, this sort of love conquers all, even in the worst of scenarios. My boys survived toxicity, and a curse, and life.
It's also a concept I've played with for quite some time, inspired by a Charmed episode (which was itself inspired by a film called Ladyhawke). It was a fun exercise in watching them grow, and watching time move on, with their connection unchanged. The story spans decades, and really, I'm not sure I've written anything more romantic!
Also features art by my dear friend @mrviran which is phenomenal and I am still totally awed by what they created for this story!! It was fun inventing a creature together, too <3
4.) A Matter of Time
Another Snarry which also holds a special place in my heart. It was a unique experience of trying new things. For one, it was alternating POV, which I don't normally care for; for me it's hard to maintain flow along with maintaining character voices. But ALSO it was told in reverse chronological order, which I'd been dying to try! Also...the angst. I love it.
And the END!!!! The end kills me and I love it. </3
5.) Cruel Summer
I waffled with choosing 5, because I felt like it should be Orange Blossoms, and I think part of me was scared to put this one on the list. You know...devastating and dead dovey as it is. It's a Sirry fic, one that I'd been cooking up in my noggin' for a few years.
I wanted to play with a darker side to Sirry, and portraying a very unhealthy and troubling relationship which really only felt natural with all that Harry and Sirius had been through. I wanted to do them and the concept justice, which I really think I did, and I'm really proud of how it came out. There's more story to tell...the real story, I think, will be the aftermath, but we'll see if it ever actually comes to fruition. In the meantime, I really love this story, awful as the content is.
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poliodeuces · 1 year
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ive been drawing w a lot of red lately. more talking under the cut, like usual !
the first one was drawn at around the same time as the last BOP. i wasn't familiar w all the hysptage content, although i am familiar w the music, and, bc i have favouritism, the last cast they had for fling posse was perfect and i was super sad that we won't be seeing more of it anymore. this was partly inspired by that...i can't believe fling posse invented love. this could have been cleaner, but i liked how their bodies overlap in the sketch.
second image: otome and dice's relationship have a special place in my heart. i only wanted to draw otome as a this literal abstract figure of a mother that dice doesn't know how to understand or love in a way that matters to the both of them
third image: there were three things i wanted to achieve while sketching this, bc it's just one giant sketch that looks nice lol-- 1. bring back gentaro's boater hat 2. to pair w that inverness cape he's wearing in the block party 3. looking directly at the viewer. カンカン帽 (cancan hat) + トンビコート (tonbi coat), as they're called in japanese, really makes him feel like a scholar from the meiji/taisho era www except they would have worn black boater hats...the book he's holding is Ágota Kristóf's famous trilogy: The Notebook, The Proof, The Third Lie. fourth and fifth images are closeups.
sixth image: a long overdue fanart of the second gendice duet. i think it's really funny that the first time we're shown a work by gentaro in-universe w a major character based on dice, he made dice a murderer
seventh image: debt collection
eighth image: my real otp actually is gentaro x a lot of blood
ninth image: some vague idea abt hifugen and my favourite subject, bodies connecting together. i want these two to have a proper conversation in canon bc i wanna see them reacting to how similar they are to eo. also hifumi really needs gentaro's influence to fight hnbn w violence
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miz-chase · 2 months
Cam, for the character asks 😁
and I’ll break their ass down:
How I feel about this character
CAM is wonderful. I miss Goodman (he should have come back just for fun anyway), but I think Cam gave the lab a healthy balance by having a Grown Ass Adult who wouldn't be drawn into Nerd Bullshit over Hittites and Assyrians. Goodman, while a good politician with the FBI, was too much like the other squints for his own managerial good. She's so deadpan funny and her efforts to herd the kindergarteners that fill her lab with bullshit is deeply amusing. I also want to know EVERYTHING about her time in New York. Cam the beat cop?? Tell me MORE.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Have you heard the Good News about the gospel of ABC? Coined by @neurodiversebones, Angela/Brennan/Cam is a delightful trio, whether sexual or platonic. I drew some pictures and wrote a fic
Also Aristoo is a dreamboat (POETRY are you KIDDING me? His patience and understanding for Cam's needs and fears?) and I'm side-eyeing the fuck out of anyone who is good with Booth/Brennan but claims workplace harassment with Cam/Aristoo.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
I'm putting Cam/Booth here. Booth has very few friends and Cam is the one person who can reliably say "Seeley, you're being a fucking idiot." to him. I love that so much, he needs the reality check and having a person in the lab who is always in his corner, even though she tries to be a neutral party.
I will say, Booth is overdue to pay Camille back for all the good she's done reality-checking him. He is not there for her in the same way and that sucks. Where's the subplot where she has to crash at his place? Where's Booth taking Michelle on for Paternal Counselling? Where's the B&B and Cam/Aristoo double date? Why doesn't Booth pull Aristoo aside for the 'Prove to me you're good enough for my daughter' bullshit and end up becoming sports buds with him to support Cam?
Also putting the other Booth here. Why is everything with Jared a dead end? I would love to know more about her and Jared's relationship and seen more of them together.
My unpopular opinion about this character
She would have been in the right to fire Brennan in season 2. Cam doesn't know Brennan is the title character of the show, she's just trying to do her job and make the lab as functional and prosecutorially successful as possible. Booth talks a big game about quitting if Brennan left, but he wouldn't actually. He needs the job too much and working with the Jeffersonian is the only thing that makes him special as an agent. I bet he wouldn't even stop his sexual relationship with Cam over it, really. Angela and possibly Hodgins (TBH I doubt he actually would, he is a playboy comfortable in a "job" where he does what he wants, where he wants) might have left, which would have been annoying but not impossible to replace. Brennan is special to our hearts, but she isn't actually the only person capable of doing her work. Finding someone who could do the work, would be a better team player, and a better court presence would be SO worth it. I would love to see how this canon-divergent AU would shake out.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Girl deserves career advancement. I would have loved (for her professionally, idk how well this would play out on-screen) for her to end up in a more formal role connecting the FBI and the Jeffersonian. She should not be stuck dealing with the daily ins-and-outs of herding neurodivergent cats. She's an experienced and competent cop, scientist, and manager, and all three of those skills combined would make her a good Director. IMO in the long run, the FBI is going to want their own lab instead of contracting out to the Jeffersonian forever. She should get to head that project as The Big Boss, not the nitty-gritty details manager.
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st-danger · 3 months
If you're still doing the character breakdown AETHER please
How I feel about this character
Aether, my beloved. Holy shit. I just. He's practically perfect in every way, and I'm all twitterpated. I think he's one of the most committed to the ministry and the mission, but that he's the most "human" out of all of them in regards to the mannerisms and interactions. I see him as the most interested in various aspects of life on earth, and would be the first one to drag someone onto a rollercoaster for the first time (spoiler alert, Dew despises them), or to go antiquing because human trinkets are just charming and interesting. I think the attention and interest he has in mortals outside of working with the ministry was a point of contention with Alpha, Omega, and Ifrit, who all ultimately view themselves as greater than a person.
Intensely affectionate, curious, and with a bigger desire to connect with everything Above Ground has to offer. Probably just as charmed by pop rocks as he is old movies.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Dew, first and foremost. Listen, I know I write so much goddamned Swiss/Dew, but Aether/Dew was my first love and some of the first fics I read before coming back to Tumblr and joining the fandom. I'm an absolute sucker for their dynamic, and all the little "fights" on stage are hilarious, because by the end of the ritual? Bro just look at my profile pictures. Holding Dew, with Dew holding back just as tight. Obviously we're all in agreement that everyone is in love and polyamorous, let's be real. But the two of them have Something Special, show the greatest range in their interactions on stage, and will always be a personal favourite.
I'm a big believer in Aether/Copia/Dew.
Strong arguments to be made for Aether getting wrapped around Swiss and Rain's fingers as well.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Mountain. I think they both have some goofy humour that would see them playing off each other better than playing with each other, not that it doesn't or hasn't happened. I think they'd do a good job grounding each other.
My unpopular opinion about this character
Okay, uh. Buckle up.
There's a lot of writing the ghouls as very specific two dimensional characterizations, and I wish with all my heart that people would consider him as more than just "dad" (like writing Cumulus as only "mom"). He's wildly affectionate and carries himself as the most outwardly whimsical and friendly ghoul on stage, and he's one of the oldest remaining summons. He's had a lot of experience in the ministry, and a lot of time to become a little cynical or jaded about the entire thing. Does he enjoy playing the caretaking, kind role? Of course, it's a very obvious thing, the love he has for the others. But his tenure and experience, to me, leads me to think that it's not all sunshine all the time. I think he is more likely than Dew to be possessive, demanding, and needy between the sheets, and is more of a power bottom than a top. I think he is often rougher and crueler to Dew than the reverse.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I cannot express the depths of my love for Aeon, but Aether was a delight to have in the line up. I would love an "official, in universe" explanation of where he went, but in lieu of that, I choose to believe it was a simple retirement after so many years of being involved in touring. Would he return to the Pit? Nah. He's too curious and interested in the world around him. Someday, but not today. There's more rollercoasters to ride on, more books to read, more movies to watch.
More opportunities to sneak out into town with Dew and spend an afternoon walking around.
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lindseybots · 6 months
Ok i just now found the Wind's Track AU and would like you to consider the following:
Zelda: "Oh for the love of Tetra..."
Wind: "Wait, how do you know my wife/girlfriend/friend/*insert relationship status here*?!
Welcome to The Wind’s Track AU!! I’m so happy you’re here!
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This actually gives me quite a bit to unpack. (So this will be long.)
While Wind might do a double take at the sound of Tetra’s name, I think he would know immediately that Zelda is Tetra’s descendant. Zelda’s the princess, and Wind helped Tetra create the kingdom. He knows Tetra was queen during her lifetime.
Wind can connect the dots pretty easily.
In fact, I think Zelda would be in for a bigger surprise than Wind would. When she finds out that this spirit that has apparently been with the newest royal engineer (who can see spirits when almost no one else can by the way) his whole life is actually the famous Hero of Winds, she’s gonna flip out.
I think Wind loves getting to share stories of Tetra with her. They definitely bond over it.
Now for the relationship…
Gonna be honest, I was kinda dreading the day someone brought up the topic of ships in this AU, but I knew it was inevitable. Please don’t take this as you having done something wrong. I promise you didn’t! I’m just using this for the opportunity it is.
Let me preface this by saying that I LOVE Telink and Zelink. I love every iteration of them. They are my OTP. WW/PH Telink/Zelink and ST Zelink are no exceptions. I LOVE THEM. In fact, they are both some of my favorite iterations of the ship.
That said, ships get tricky within the context of this au. The thought of both ships happening in this AU doesn’t really sit right with me.
Even if they are not actually related, Wind and Spirit both view each other as brothers. If Wind were to have been in a romantic relationship with Tetra and had a family that eventually led to ST Zelda, then that means Wind has a familial bond with both Spirit and Zelda. If Spirit and Zelda then had a romantic relationship… It just feels icky to me. Y’know?
That said, the question then lies: Which ship do I go with? I can have one, but I don’t like the idea of doing both within this context.
I debated this question for a while, and ultimately decided that I wanted to keep the Spirit Tracks one. Honestly, I love how Spirit is smitten immediately. The first time he sees her in the game, he is noticeably blushing and just can’t look away. That is just one of multiple moments like this in this game. I just think their relationship is such a special part of Spirit Tracks, and I want to keep it.
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Plus, I can’t resist the idea of Wind teasing his little brother for having a crush.
That said, Wind and Tetra are best friends in this AU, nothing more. They are both very important to each other, but there were not any romantic feelings involved. Honestly, in the context of this AU, I do not see Wind being romantically involved with anyone.
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osunism · 22 days
𑁍 O S U N I S M 𑁍
Hello y'all, welcome to my little corner of Tumblr! I'm Muse, the writer and fangirl running this blog. This is strictly fandom-related, mostly to house my 呪術廻戦 brainrot.
A rebloggable version of this.
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I reserve the right to set and maintain boundaries with my blog and my writing. As a rule, I block ageless/blank/minor-run blogs. This blog is run by a real adult and so I only want to interact with other actual adults because my content lends itself to being adult-oriented.
Every original female protagonist I write unless otherwise stated is a dark-skinned Black woman. Sometimes I will include art or a model for closest approximation, but for the most part I make this explicitly clear in the narratives.
I usually only write OC/Canon ships. That is central to all of my writing. I know a lot of people are weirdly hostile about OCs being shipped with their favorite characters but I promise you it’s not and never will it ever be that serious. If you’re a dick to me about what I choose to write, at best the only attention you’ll get is a block.
That being said let’s just get this out of the way: I write characters who like to fuck. Sex is going to happen in my work so if that gives you the ick well…you’ve been warned.
I do not take requests. Writing is already very taxing for me given my health issues and schedule, and I want to focus on writing things that I personally enjoy, this includes prompts I choose to participate in.
Do not ask me about BioWare [Dragon Age and Mass Effect] content. Yes, my work is still available to read. But I no longer have any interest in creating content for that fandom, so don’t ask me about it.
My purpose and goal in my fanfiction is not to strictly be canon-compliant, and my interpretation of canon events and characters may [and likely will] differ from yours. Canon is not sacrosanct to me. If you find my work disagreeable because of this, feel free to go read the canon material!
If you like my work, pleasepleaseplease reblog it. Liking my posts or giving kudos on AO3 doesn’t do much if you don’t share it for others to read. Comments are encouraged and appreciated as well.
Due to the frequent racist hostility and unpleasantness in other fandoms I inhabit, my comments on AO3 are moderated as a rule. Be courteous.
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Below is a list of all my current works. Since I’m currently only active in the JJK fandom, those are the works that’ll be listed!
⛩️ AO3 || FFN || OC Masterlist || Headcanons & Meta ⛩️
Fic Status Key
[♡] - AO3 version of the fic.
[⭑] - Tumblr version of the fic.
[♤] - Fanfiction.net version of the fic.
[🚩] - Dead Dove: Do Not Eat
[∞] - In Progress
[☥] - Rewriting
[☯] - Complete
Relationship Key
🧿👹 - Satoru/Sundari
⛩️⚔️ - Sukuna/Nadja
🧿🧜🏾‍♀️ - Satoru/Asabé
⛓️👸🏾 - Toji/Akasha
⛓️👩🏿‍🦱 - Toji/blackfem!Reader
Relevant Tags
#muse writes
#fic rec
#jjk x oc
#jjk x black oc
#jjk fanfic
#jjk fanart
#fic: [ficname]
#series: [seriesname]
#ch: [charname]
#oc: [ocname]
#otp: [shipname]
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If [♡] [⭑] [♤] – One night, Satoru meets a woman who sears a place on his memory and in his dreams. Who was she? [☯] 🧿👹
We Might Even Be Fallin’ in Love [♡] [⭑] [♤] – The miracle of existence bridges the infinity between them. [☯] 🧿👹
Before It’s Gone [♡] [⭑] –Toji’s been darkening your doorway for a while and is only now realizing what you already knew. [☯] ⛓️👩🏿‍🦱
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This series, unlike Parallax, consists of stand-alone AUs with loosely-connecting narratives that share the universe. Some characters may reappear in these works from others, perhaps even in different roles, as different genders, with different origins. I’m playing with a multiverse thing here.
The Unforgiving Roads That Lead to You [♡] [♤] – Roxanne Abaza, the only foreign-born special grade sorcerer in existence, is called to assist with the wrangling and exorcism of Ryōmen Sukuna. What ensues is more than she bargained for. [☥]
Halfsleeper [♡] [⭑] [♤] – A young widowed sorceress seeks protection under the aegis of the Honored One, but he has a better idea for keeping her out of the clutches of her dangerous clan. [∞] 🧿🧜🏾‍♀️
Unsanctioned [♡] [⭑] [♤] – Bodyguard/Yakuza AU. Toji Fushiguro, who is in disgrace after having an affair with his boss’ now ex-wife, is now tasked with protecting her as the mercurial grounds of Tokyo’s Underworld begin to shift into uncertainty, putting the entire syndicate and anyone associated with them in peril. [∞] ⛓️👸🏾
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Beast of No Nation [♡] [⭑] [♤] – One night, the King of Curses took an over-curious fugitive of heaven to task. Over the course that night, and the many that followed, she found herself continuously drawn to the jujutsu world. [☯] ⛩️⚔️ || 🧿👹
Daughter of Disgrace [♡] [⭑] [♤] – In the aftermath of Satoru Gojo’s sealing, Sundari must choose rebellion in order to free him. Lucky for them both, rebellion has always been her preferred modus operandi. [∞] ⛩️⚔️ || 🧿👹
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© 2024 Hajara Asiri. Do NOT copy, translate, plagiarize, repost anywhere without permission [reblogging posts is okay]. This includes my masterlist format. I only upload on Tumblr, AO3, and FFN. All general banners and dividers by @cafekitsune. Title banners by me.
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dallina17 · 6 months
hi! how did u come up with angelic vogue? Do you have any headcanons for them?
Hi! Thank you so much for the ask!
I am not sure if you are asking how I came up with the ship name or the ship itself so I am going to tell both.
The ship came to my mind one day when I was talking with my sister about weird ships that we had. I was telling her about the Hazbin Hotel ones and said that I didn't have too many. But then my brain connected neurons finally and I said "But I feel like maybe Emily and Velvette would be a great ship". And it was supposed to end there...
But it didn't. The more I thought of it, the more I said... Wait a second, they actually make a lot of sense!! They could be the extremist version of Lilith and Lucifer!!! So I started to get really invested in the ship, think about the dynamic, how would they met and how their relationship would develop overtime. And now they are my OTP lmao.
As for the ship name, it took me a while to decide on a name that I felt was proper for them. I wanted Emily's part of the ship to be something around halo, angelic, angel, but I couldn't decide something good for Velvette. There was "doll" and I guess that angelic doll could also work, but I wanted something more original I think? So I checked synonyms for "fashion" (due to Velvette being a fashion icon) and there it was vogue. I fused angelic and vogue and TARAN!! we have a name!
And yes! I have headcanons, here are some of them!
They didn't have a good beginning. Velvette thought Emily was too pussy and weak for all the power she had. Emily thought Velvette was extremely mean and a cretin.
But once they conveyed for a while, they found out good qualities in the other. Velvette realized that Emily was not someone you could just push around, and Emily liked her leadership and social skills.
In Heaven, Emily always wanted to learn how to cook, but she was a seraphim! How could someone so mighty learn something so mundane when there were angels who could do it for her? So when she arrives in hell, she makes it her mission to learn how to cook and of course, Velvette is her Guinea pig.
Velvette wasn't so sure about the idea, but eventually Emily (puppy eyes) convinced her to try her food and it was great! From then on, Velvette eats anything that Emily cooks, and Emily loves to cook for Velvette. She will search for the best and unique recipes to make her. Both Hell and Heaven ones.
On the other side, Velvette loves making clothes. Like, she can just materialize them, but for special people like Emily, she likes to make the designs, buy the fabrics, and sew them. She makes a lot of the outfits Emily wears in hell. Always with a lot of hearts.
Emily favorite's clothes are the first ones that Velvette made for her. An overalls with a skirt, doll shoes, long socks, and a shirt. Velvette says that that outfit was so basic and she could do so much better, but Emily loves it because it was the first one that Velvette gave to her, so is very special.
Velvette absolutely hates Emily's seraphim dresses. She says they don't do justice to her beauty. She burned them.
The first time Emily had a panic attack since she fell, it was in front of Velvette. Velvette didn't know what to do, but she was there with Emily until she calmed down. Not saying anything, just being there with her.
Since then, every time Emily feels she is about to have a panic attack and Velvette is not there, she calls her. Emily is the only one allowed to interrupt Velvette's meetings.
Vox and Charlie are number one Angelic Vogue shippers. But for utterly different reasons.
When Emily eventually gets her wings back, they will have a red strake due to Velvette's influence.
She loves to take Velvette in her arms or back and fly with her. Dance in the sky, make her spin.
Velvette was terrified of flying at first, but now she loves it.
In Heaven, part of Emily's work was to make parties and she did very good ones. Velvette also knows how to throw good parties. When organizing parties together at the beginning it was hard for them to see eye-to-eye due to having different conceptions of what made a party "good", but when they found common ground, their parties became one of the best in hell. Even Queen Bee was impressed.
Emily fell in love first, she realized it when Velvette defended her, not caring if that would get her hurt. It felt good to be the priority of someone for once.
There are many reasons why Emily fell in love with Velvette, but the main reason is because of how honest she is. She is tired of lies. It is refreshing to have someone who would never lie to her and always tell her the truth, even if it hurts.
It took a long time for Velvette to understand she was in love with Emily, and she freaked out when she finally admitted it.
She also freaked out when Emily confessed her feelings. But Emily calmed her, so Velvette was able to say she felt the same.
They are very clingy with each other and try to find a way to always be touching. Emily never misses the opportunity to hug her.
Emily loves flowers so Velvette always gives them to her. Emily's favorite flowers are Vrieseas, so their room is full of them.
They totally wear matching couple necklaces.
That's all I have for now! Again, thank you so much for asking. You made me very happy with your ask ♥️💙
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anamelessfool · 3 months
Giving you a character... Nihil (obvious I know)
NO this isn’t obvious! It’s what I liiiive for hehe Thank you thank you thank you (Art I’ve done of him)
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How I Feel about this character
So happy I am at a distance from him. He’s an absolute train wreck even though he tries his best. He’s just desperate to be known. Longs for somebody to believe in him, so any sweet words shared with him are taken immediately to heart. He is self-centered but only because he doesn’t understand other people. Automatically assumes everyone has his best interests in mind. Doesn’t realize he breaks hearts. He’s everybody’s pal. I love the idea of a man who sold his soul for fame and now his entire bloodline is cursed. It rattles around in my brain a lot.
People I ship romantically with Nihil
Literally anyone with nice words to say to him. He will charm the pants off anyone, human or ghoul alike if they have even the slightest fondness for him. He’s so desperate for love.
Non-Romantic OTP for Nihil
His oldest son Primo. I write him as his one regret in his whole life is cheating on Primo’s mother and having her leave. It’s the man’s eldest son, a father has a connection with the eldest son that’s special. Maybe every interaction he has with Primo as an adult comes from that guilt.
Unpopular Opinion
I don’t like when he’s written as cruel or mean. Thoughtless, yes. Self-centered, yes. But cruel? No. Cruelty means they’re actually thinking about you and wanting you to conform. This guy just wants to be your pal and desperately wants you to like him. In a lot of ways that’s a whole lot worse but hey that’s definitely not something I know from personal experience nope not at all Writing Nihil helped me come to terms with my own father’s failings and allowed him to be human in my eyes despite all the fucking pain he’s brought me over the years but hey that’s why I sent those fics to my therapist first
One thing I wish Happened
More Young Nihil! It all had to run deeper than that one night at the Whisky A Go Go. Like….way more. And I wanna see it.
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silviakundera · 8 months
DRAMA REC: So I feel like any real review of Thai drama Moonlight Chicken is hard without heavy spoilers because honestly I don't know how to talk about what makes me passionate about it without discussing all the character relevations that occur over the course of its 8 episodes. I'll try to be generic as much as I can.
The thing about why it's hard to discuss without spoilers is that the characters and their full baggage are revealed slowly episode by episode, because like in real life you often learn about new friends & love interests slowly as intimacy deepens...
But from what I can see online, it's very subjective for viewers - depends on the person if they find these themes and personal challenges compelling or not. This doesn't fit with the typical "BL asian drama" format.
My personal viewing stake: There's an otp that has TAKEN OVER MY BRAIN. I have been searching for this energy ever since finishing Lighter & Princess. Gotta confess that I couldn't care less about the second couple who are teenagers. Apparently MDL and a lot of tumblr only liked the teen couple (valid!), but I just skipped over them mostly because when my brain locks in on Real Adults with Adult Problems I often cease to connect to high school student storylines. But the age gap couple with a 39 year old character who is FEELING his age... Jim & Wen. I've watched all 8 episodes now and they are like cocaine to me.
Ep 1 setup: We're not in Bangkok! (gasp) Jim is almost-40 and runs a late night diner in the less upscale part of town. Wen, about 10 years younger, is drunk at his diner as he's trying to close for the night. They pick up on the unspoken signals, instant electric connection, and end up wandering back to Jim's place and having what looks like fantastic sex together (without exchanging names).
But then after that first night, in the remaining 7 ep of the show you get a slowburn build up from zero as Jim doesn't want a relationship - with anyone. This is truly, sincerely a 'it's not you, it's me" situation. He is mired in baggage and the angst is SO DELICIOUS to me. Angst and soft hand touches and late night conversation. There's YEARNING. SO MUCH YEARNING.
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And then my darling Wen! Who brings almost the same energy as the Lighter and Princess FL. @dangermousie I never thought I'd see this irrepressible determination and tender, good humored patience again! He is deeply sure that there is something special here with Jim and is unrelenting about trying to scale Jim's walls. I know that sounds like psychotic SML material lmao but it's all about the tone and context. It's very clear that Jim is allowing Wen in his life and doesn't, deep down, want Wen to give up on him. He's damaged and scared but I always felt he wants Wen to be right - that they are falling in love and can build something real together. He just can't make himself take that step. I mean, in their 2nd meeting he is EQUALLY INSANE to agree that it's v normal and hinged behavior to let his 1 night stand start randomly showing up to work shifts at his diner as 'temp staff' he can't afford to pay because... um. Basically to stalk him? idk I don't think it's stalking when u have a mutual agreement?? 🤔
Wen falling deeper into Jim and KNOWING the feeling is mutual no matter how many times he's (so gently!) pushed back... can be sooooo personal. 😭😭😭 The vibes of this "we're Not Together™" but it's inevitable, I'm just waiting for the timing to be right... reminiscent of the last 10 episodes of Lighter & Princess. This building intimacy and tenderness that stretches on until as a viewer you feel like... They ARE in love, they're together but just without the sex. They just have to stabilize their lives first before committing whole-heartedly. THE BITTERSWEET PINGING. (screams)
One thing I've observed is many people seem to struggle to connect with Jim's character. The closest thing we have to a protagonist (?) Maybe. Anyway, I suspect it might be a generational thing. I found the drama incredibly compelling, but I grew up queer in the 80s and 90s. I'm well into my 40s, a bit older than Jim, but I think the generational queer experience overlaps pretty well considering the sociopolitical differences btw us/thailand.
The screenwriter is an older out gay man, so I presume that's also a factor in how he did a pitch-perfect depiction of Jim's struggles to find home.
Wen has his own baggage that feels very real and raw. I loved his storyline because I could personally relate to it also from my queer relationship experience.
I've blabbered on here before about how I feel like there's something different about queer stories being told to other queers, not targeted to straight viewers primarily - I'm not saying it's better than the big brands and popular international media including lgbt rep. It's just different imo and I do think it's valuable. I want to see stories about the complexities of the experience & about the gay community that can't just be mapped to straight people. Where the story would not feel the same if you flipped the sexualities. That's what Midnight Chicken was to me: the characters of Jim and Wen and their personal development & slow love story together felt very queer and the age gap was a relevant part of this. And that called to me. I could recognize parts of myself in them and my personal experiences as a gay woman.
I was impressed by the writing. Strong acting. The directing of individual scenes is excellent BUT the 1 big flaw is the editing. Very amateur, super abrupt scene changes! Just jarring. But whatever, I've seen some terrible editing in cdramas too. Also note the storytelling tactic is to show a series of meaningful moments & interactions over like 6-8 months of time. Events progress in ways we don't always see and it's not always spelled out to the audience, everything that happened since we last saw them. That may or may not work for the viewer.
[Plus there's a very sweet & wholesome teen love story that also gets a happy ending, if you're into that. One of the teens is deaf and there's no "cure the disability" nonsense, don't worry. I was adult-focused but I did appreciate the complicated family relationship subplot with Jim trying to caretake his nephew and their relationship to the mostly-absent sister.]
ok so now into spoiler territory. Letting the relevations come out organically would be a much better viewing experience BUT...
Jim's whole deal is he had a big love in his late 20s-early 30s that fucked him up good. He grew up being told gay love isn't real, leaves his rural farming town with his sister in their teens, disconnected from his family... But even his sister, who loves him, had the perspective that it's Just A Phase. Jim expects to Prove Them Wrong. Then his boyfriend cheats on him.... With a woman. Activate that generation's internalized homophobia and self-doubt. And then before he gets to truly confront his partner, his partner dies in an accident. So he never gets resolution.
And he's stuck under a mountain of debt, on the edge of poverty because he didn't get any of the guy's assets when he died of course. No rights under Thai law. Partner's family takes it all but the old car & the cat. All he has is the small chicken rice shop they had bought and ran together and it's killing him, he both hates and loves it. He's this amazing member of the local community but doesn't see himself and his own worth clearly.
Wen is working through the guilt of falling out of love from his 1st gay relationship that lasted 5 years of his 20s. Broken up but still living together. Trying to stay in each other's lives (I've seen this a lot, because in small gay communities you don't just cut ties with good people you care about). But living together is toxic for both of them, despite the real care that's there.
He also feels disconnected from a community at the start. He has work collegues, all straight friends, and his now-ex boyfriend. But you get the subtle sense that his local ties are all with the boyfriend Alan's family and mutual friends with Alan who don't all know about the breakup yet and he doesn't know how to interface with them anymore now that he and Alan aren't the same. He's the one who fell out of love, so he's "the bad guy" here and the straight friend he tries to talk to about trying to co-habititate with his ex and stay close friends doesn't really get it, because that's just way more typical behavior for older generation queers - it's notable that when the situation is fully explained to Jim, he doesn't seem to find it bizarre at all (as said, I've gone through that myself, and known friends in that situation; found that subplot to be very well done.) (I read that many viewers were disappointed this wasn't a standard infidelity situation where Wen is just regular cheating on Alan, but I have to say that I feel the opposite. The subplot and how it played out felt very relatable to me. I didn't need a cheating angst plotline in this drama that could be transplanted into a straight drama. I wanted more stories that represented my lived experience as an adult lesbian, and Wen's narrative gave me that.)
Wen keeps searching for a home even while living with Alan and having loved him in the past. Which to me was a sign that he'd moved to this smaller city, living in Alan's condo and in Alan's life with Alan's extended family... He started eating beef because Alan did and following along. He doesn't know where HE feels at home, what Wen needs to be comfortable and happy. When he more & more starts to believe he can make this home with Jim, he's determined to make it happen.
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cboffshore · 3 months
Garmadon for the ask game?
Sure! He's not in any special spot on my characters-I-think-about list, so I don't have that much on him, but I do have some stuff if needed!
How I feel about this character: ICONIQUE series villain. Although definitely not my fave, he's an undeniable classic - the little black dress of Ninjago characters, if you will, but with a 2012 statement necklace. Something real edgy and chunky and hard to ignore even when he's not the centerpiece, y'know? All his appearances may not be the best, but it's always exciting to see him again.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: I'm starting to realize this question just ain't for me - I don't really ship him with anyone. Misako's definitely moved on and I can't really see him with anyone else, so.... I've got nothing.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: I know other people ship him with Vinny romantically, and that's not my thing, but I do like their dynamic!
My unpopular opinion about this character: ooh.... I think the Christofern thing worked in Crystalized for him, honestly. Post-resurrection Garm is still working through being brought back as a shallow husk, so it makes sense to me that things are wack - that he can't quite connect to Lloyd or anyone else the same but WAY over-connects to that little plant. I've seen critiques that he's too caring, or even obsessed, with Christofern when his actual son is RIGHT THERE and he theoretically should be more attached to Lloyd, which I don't get, honestly. I think that plant is the closest he's come to unconditional love in a WHILE and I think we should let him be. Wherever he is now, I hope he's running a greenhouse nursery LOADED with baracis ninjagi.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I just wanna see him again. He's such a wild card that I can't even BEGIN to make guesses as to how he behaves - I just want the writers to set him loose and let him rip. Also, I would have loved to read the last Spinjitzu Bros novel! But NO! They CANCELLED that :(
Thanks for the ask!
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