#ouat season 5 au
cursedsteverogerz · 2 years
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“emma,this is insanity. i don’t know everything that went down in camelot but there must be some way we can get you out of this mess”,steve says.
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“steve,just because you aren’t a fairytale character doesn’t mean i can’t still hurt you with my magic. only a true hero can pull excalibur from the stone so i need you,captain america to help me and there’s only one way i can get you to do it”,emma explains. dark swan rips out steve’s heart. “i’m sorry it’s come to this steve. now let’s go”. “yes dark one”,steve says in pain and walks off with emma.
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kazoosandfannypacks · 9 months
do you have any headcannons on mentally illness, disability or neurodivergency for ouat?
This isn't quite what you're looking for, but @kingofbr00klyn and @silver-the-phoenix and I have this au/possible headcanon that whenever someone dies but comes back, they often return with ptsd related to the way that they died. Some examples:
In S1:Ep1, Charming effectively died from a stab wound while putting Emma in the wardrobe. Now, whenever he's holding a baby, especially in that arm, he gets flashbacks
In S3:Ep11, Gold dies by stabbing himself and Peter Pan, and He gave Peter Pan a hug to do so. Hugs are no longer a comfort to him.
In S4:Ep22, Killian is snuck up on and stabbed in the back. People sneaking up behind him startles him a lot more than is warranted.
In S5:Ep8, Killian is given a would-be-fatal slash to the neck with a sword. He's now very sensitive about his neck- he won't wear a scarf or a turtleneck or a tight necked shirt (not that he had a habit of wearing shirts with a close-fitting neckline 😉) He also can not wear a seatbelt with a shoulder strap, because it makes him feel like he's gonna die again.
Feel free to add on some of your own!
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tomeandflickcorner · 8 months
Writer Asks 3, 4, 5 & 6 please!
Shoot, I forgot I didn’t answer this! Sorry about the delay.
3) How many active WIPS are you working on / have in your WIP folder? (Active indicates a work with actual words and not just notes. Can be posting or yet to be posted.)
I believe I have three at the moment.
4) Share the titles (whether actual or just how you refer to them) of your active WIPS
The first one is Frozen in Darkness, the fourth and penultimate installment of my OUAT canon divergence series. Next is The Briny Willow Wars, my third Labyrinth fic. The third is called Comet and is a Lilo and Stich fic (which I admittedly keep forgetting about)
5) How many fic ideas / WIPs with only notes do you have a doc created for or have detailed in a journal?
I think I currently have three established fic ideas in the planning stages, but they don’t exactly have a doc created yet. At the moment, they’re mostly mapped out in my head
6) Share a few of you fic ideas / WIPs with only notes
One is a OUAT no-curse AU story in which Emma had the royal upbringing she was meant to have. I previously mentioned the plot here.
I did have plans for a OUAT at Hogwarts fic. But in light of the fact that I can no longer turn a blind eye to Rowling’s bigotry, I feel it’s best to shelf that idea indefinitely, unless I can figure out a way to write it without any direct HP references. (Sorry to those of you who were looking forward to that one.)
Another story I’m considering will be a collaboration with @revanmeetra87. This will also be a OUAT fic that will be an alternative take of the first season (not sure how far we’ll take it.) The premise will involve Emma trying to utilize one of those ancestry.com sites to try to determine where she came from, in the faint hope that it would help give her a clue as to who her birth parents were. But since she was born in the Enchanted Forest and was not technically from anywhere on Earth, her test results pretty much set off some alarm bells with government intelligence agencies, and in no time at all, Emma finds herself being forced to be on the run from the CIA. In trying to elude them, she unwittingly stumbles across Storybrooke.
Finally, I have tentative plans to essentially write alternative versions of select installments of the MCU, which would include an OC of mine. The OC in question was created by HYDRA as part of their efforts to create an army of human-animal hybrids. But the OC ended up being found and raised by the founders of SHEILD, instead. Unfortunately, that’s all I can say about that one without giving away important plot points.
Fanfiction Asks
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deliriumsdelight7 · 2 years
Hellcheer and Rumbelle crossover AU?
Oh you fight DIRTY. I like you. OUAT season 1 AU. Let’s do this!
1.) In the Enchanted Forest, Chrissy is the youngest of the Twelve Dancing Princesses, and Eddie the poor soldier who finds out where they were going every night.
2.) Eddie was conscripted into the Ogres War. He deserted, and was on the verge of being caught and executed when Rumpelstiltskin appeared and cursed him with invisibility for seemingly no reason. In reality, Eddie’s uncle made a deal with the Dark One to keep his nephew safe. Rumpel, understanding both Wayne’s fear of losing his boy and Eddie’s anger at being abandoned by his criminal father, waived his normal price.
3.) Chrissy was the most rebellious of the twelve sisters. When an invisible Eddie followed them to the neighboring castle, Chrissy was the only one who could sense him. After three days of getting to know one another, they share True Love’s Kiss, which breaks Eddie’s curse. The two get married and live happily until the Dark Curse strikes.
4.) In Storybrooke, Eddie is known as the town freak. Desperate to leave the town and make a name for himself, something always stops him from crossing the town line. And Chrissy, once the most rebellious of her sisters, is held under her parents’ thumb. When Emma comes to Storybrooke and the curse begins to weaken, Chrissy begins to rebel. Her mother speaks with her good friend, Mayor Mills, who suggests that Chrissy have an extended stay in the asylum hidden in the hospital basement.
5.) Through trial and error, Chrissy realizes that there’s a gap in the wall that allows her to speak to the occupant of the neighboring cell: a girl with a foreign accent, who doesn’t remember who she is or why she’s there. When Eddie works with Storybrooke’s new sheriff to find Chrissy, Chrissy tells Emma about the girl in the next cell. This leads to Belle being released from her cell early. Mr. Gold, learning that his lost love is still alive, offers her a safe place away from Regina.
The story would probably continue from here with cursed Storybrooke Hellcheer and Rumbelle, but that’s a start.
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iamstartraveller776 · 2 years
HOHOHO! I can't wait to get to know you better! Okay, let's start with the basics here. Why Captain Swan? And what kind of fics do you like or better yet don't vibe with? I want to make sure you fully enjoy your gift. Do you like a light M or smutty delight? Any folks you do or don't want to see make an appearance? Talk soon! xoxo CS Santa
Hello! I'm so excited that you're doing this! Thank you!
Onward to your questions:
Why Captain Swan? Man, their chemistry was always off the charts right from the get-go! I shipped it right away in season 2. I am a sucker for broken people finding their happily-ever-afters, and CS totally embodies that. I love how they both opened up and changed for the better because of each other. (Also, they're so pretty!)
What kind of fics do I like or that I don't vibe with? I love AU's for these two. Non-magical/Modern AU's, Historical, Fairy Tale, Supernatural, etc. Any kind, really—except for High School AU's. College AU's, on the other hand, are okay! I don't care for canon or canon-divergent stories for this ship.
Even with AU's, however, I do prefer that Killian remains British or British-esque!
Tropes I like: Adversarial Beginnings, Rivals-to-Lovers, Friends-to-Lovers, Fake Dating, Arranged Marriage, Roommates, There-Was-Only-One-Bed, Hurt/Comfort, Mutually Pining Idiots
Tropes I don't vibe with (but totally respect others who enjoy them): Fluff Without Conflict (aka fluff that isn't earned), Pregnancy, Established Relationship, Second Chances (aka Exes reuniting), ABO, BDSM, Assault/Abuse, Underage
I enjoy most anything from light-hearted comedies with shenanigans to darker stories that leave you a bit unsettled.
I'm a lighter M kind of gal. The build-up is where it's really at for me when it comes to intimacy in fic! Go, Unresolved Sexual Tension!
Other Folks: I don't have anyone that I absolutely would love to have in the story or would rather not see. I dislike Neal, but he's important to Emma's history. I ship Outlaw Queen, but I don't need it in a CS story. I love Liam and prefer to ignore how OUAT did him dirty in season 5. I don't get Rumple/Belle, but they aren't a NOTP for me. I like CS stories with Henry, and I like CS stories without him. So, you pretty much have carte blanche here!
This sounds like a lot, but I promise I'm really not terribly picky! Thank you again!
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zumpietoo · 1 year
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While I agree they don’t plan shit.....season 6? Just as easy to have written it as NOT destroyed.....the comet passed over, etc....so yeah, again, totally easy. Could’ve also (which I kinda thought, initially, they might’ve) done a Last Mimzy style thing, where somebody’s pure cum in the 50s would cleanse the future, post apocalyptic world. Or could’ve had them surviving it, Afterlife with Douchie-style....
Not even remotely “confusing” (but, again, you ship VD, so, IQ already id’d as looowwww.....)
Errmmm.....except no, any multiple other choices that can work easily.....going back in time and then needing to move forward, memory-wiped or no is like the longest running teevee staple trope, ever (somebody clearly has never seen Bewitched).....plenty of easy shit to do....in fact, could’ve made figuring it out the season’s mystery....because that would’ve worked fairly well (actually? It would appear this person never watched OUaT, either)....
And, again, also easily rewritten as AU....orrr.....Jug waking up from his coma dreem. Dude, you can’t possibly BE this fucking dumb.
And you failed to answer the question....I will:
Yes, they were gonna go back, cuz Jug was gonna put on the beanie, chant “there’s no place like Pop’s” and wake up from his coma dreem.....or something. However, RAS likes playing Douchie Barbies too much, got too lost in vignettes, even for HIM (which, spoiler, says a LOT)....and wound up out of runway, even for himself....
Tho, honestly? Still could’ve been resolved in 5 seconds (like The Lion, Witch and Wardrobe, where the now adult king/kween Pevensies go back thru the wardrobe and are kids, again....and like an hour has passed IRL). Maybe they cut his funding....who fucking knows? But you’re a moron...
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You’re happy you have fanfic? Doesn’t that mean you’ve always been happy, then?
So you’ve made this up and maybe VD kiss again, NEXT ep? Wow, you really DO have the spoilers, huh?
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Ummm....cuz they’ve made up shit and been dumb? Again, fanfic....
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Well yeah, no question you always knew you’d be able to write fanfic and headcanon...
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Ummm.....again, not sure how “nobody wins” is the same, but okaaaayyyy....and yes, I do verryyyy much doubt it ends as “choose your own adventure”
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snowangeldotmp3 · 1 year
Hey, 🧥 again!
I had a thought. To the best of my knowledge/memory, we never got to see Emma meeting adorable baby Regina (like, Daniel and early in the marriage Regina).
And Season 1 Nancy is also adorable and baby (not that she stops, but it's a different flavor now).
So time travel brings Baby Nancy to Hawkins, much to Present Nancy's horror and everyone else's delight and amazement.
hello again jacket anon!! sorry it took me a while to answer this!!
and i think you're right, we don't ever see emma see a young regina physically. i know in season 5 during the whole dark one thing, emma sees the death of daniel through the dreamcatcher, but that's as far as that goes.
but!!! here's some ouat au lore. so in the enchanted forest, the byers and the wheelers know each other. the byers aren't royalty like the wheelers by any means, but karen and joyce were childhood friends, and they've remained close friends (karen helped joyce get rid of lonnie...) so joyce and will and jonathan (and steve...) would've seen like pre-evil queen nancy (she's not really that evil but she's not innocent either) and they would know what to expect. everyone else however....
though i could actually see this happening like, season 3 finale style? like when they go back in time into the enchanted forest and accidentally bring marian back, but here instead of marian they accidentally bring a pre-evil queen nancy back to hawkins and then have to deal with her. (they'd have to send her back, of course, because their nancy won't happen unless the other nancy goes back.)
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captainodonoghue · 1 year
Hello, this is santa's elf at your service again 😆. I've been working on manufacturing the perfect toy- nvm *mission abort this intro is to chaotic 😭*
Hello there!! How have you been? What have you been up to this Christmas? I'd love to hear of your wintery adventures- does it happen to snow where you live?
*takes a deep breath in I promise I didn't mean for that to sound like a barrage of questions- I just happen to love the winter season and people's Christmas traditions :)*
Off topic (but not really, but yeah) the captain swan Christmas fics are so good I swear...secret Santa and gift exchange are literally one of my favorite collections...and- *yeah imma stop myself before I start rambling.....and we can't forget new-
Do you happen to have any favorite collections, authors of fanfics? Do you happen to lik
*I think I'll stop now and saw some questions from later*
Chaos aside 😭 I've made some progress on your gift...I don't really know how to describe it apart from killian's "you never forget your first"......I use that qoute way too much *help*
Sidetrack no 2: What's your favorite OUAT qoute?
Addressing this more seriously,I just hope you like it. I really wanna say more but I don't wanna give it away. In terms of completion I'm halfway through the story. Unfortunately, I have already spilled a secret or too, so I shall have to keep my lips sealed.
Oh, look, what's that.....I dropped something? What could it possibly be? *oh well I just noticed that you can't send media in an anonymous ask welp-* what a bummer...I'll defo try to share a bit of the second part when I'm done :)
With that I shall reign in the chaos...Stay safe and happy and I hope you have a great remainder of the week :))
Love your chaotic intro!!
This time of the year is my favourite so I understand your excitement! haha I've been good, little tired because of work. I work at a bakery and things are busier this month. Besides that, I've put up the Christmas trees (I have two, a small one in my room and a normal one in the living room) and decorations since the end of October! Way too early, I know but I couldn't help myself. Last year, I put them up tooooo late because of some problems but now that things are great again, I wanted to fix that! hahaha Where I'm from, it's a tradition to make two type of cookies. One is a honey cookie (melomakarono) that we soak into syrup (as soon as it comes out of the oven) and the other one is a butter cookie with roasted almonds (kourabies). I'm about to make more of them because we already ate the first batch. Sadly, it rarely snows and when it does it lasts like a day or so. It snowed last year and it was the first snow in 5-6 years! :((( In other parts of Greece, it does snow... it's just my island! *grumpy face*
What about you, Elf?? What are your traditions?
I really hope we can keep these events going for as long as possible because those are my favourite as well. Other favourite is all those AU fics because I do love reading my OTP falling in love with each other 4573478976 times in 9549058439058 different ways! haha We have so many great authors, seriously we're blessed! I'm afraid I'll forget someone.
OKAY OKAY, your spoilers/hints only make me even more excited!!! I'm sure I'll love it! Can't wait to read it!!!! It'll be great! Thank you so much for doing this!
My favourite quote has to be Killian's "A man unwilling to fight for what he wants, deserves what he gets." I think about this quote a lot! haha What about you?
Have a great week as well!!
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the promise of reality, a foreglimpse and a whiff of it
He left her his umbrella at the table, certain she’ll find it when she goes to bus his booth. He likes the way the rain makes her hair wavy. And he tried not to stare at her damp shirt. But she had no kind words for him this evening. She hadn’t even smiled when she brought pie.
Instead, she drummed her fingers on the counter. Her nails, redder than Lady Macbeth’s, the click-pop of her mint gum a warning that came much too late for his conscience.
His hair is plastered to the creases in his forehead. His shoes squeak like a mouse trap in the night. While he walks home, alone, the rain is dancing a flamenco on the sidewalk. In less than half a block, his sweater’s soaked and probably his shirt. He doesn’t turn to see her in the window, but he wants to. Maybe her lips are pursed, maybe her skirt has ridden up her thigh. Maybe she’s realized how often he’d been staring.
It’s raining down in buckets and in sheets now. The receipt’s bleeding red ink in his pocket. He hadn’t even looked at what she wrote.
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alldatwrite · 3 years
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Next Stop: Hell - a SnowQueen fic with dashes of OutlawQueen and Snowing
After Robin's sudden death, Regina finds herself in the Underworld, helping Emma get her pirate back. Her lover died seven months ago, and she knows this journey is going to take a toll on her. He died as a hero, saving Henry from Cruella, and was an honorable man. Now she's left with her grief, his bow and arrow, and Roland, who wants to be by her side.
She knows she's capable of moving on, capable of being happy without him, but she can't see how. As cruel as it may sound, at least she has Snow.
Snow, who lost David almost two years ago when she had to cast the curse. Snow, the only other widow of the group: Emma has Killian, Henry has started dating, Ruby is back in town with a formal girlfriend... and hell, even Zelena or Gold have a relationship. She's the only one besides Regina who has to raise a child on her own, without the man he loves by her side.
The Underworld proves to be a challenge when neither women can find their lovers. They're supposed to be in a better place, but there were many things unsaid before their time came. They're biggest concern is to get out of the underworld, and to go back home. And then, support each other.
Regina has given up with love, she's used to loving and losing and she doesn't want to hurt anymore, but Snow is determined to prove her that there's much more else in her life, that she is loved and cherish and that she's not alone, not anymore. This is the story of how they went from enemies to family, healing each other and finding their safe space together.
"I don't need a babysitter, Snow".
"Oh, I know, trust me. But I'm not babysitting you. I'm supporting you, that's what friends do, what family do. I can't assure you that it will get better, because I'm still struggling, but I know you learn how to live with it. You were there to pick up the pieces, and it is now my turn".
"You don't have to return the favor".
"I'm not. I care about you because I love you".
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Sam : How could you trust me after all I’ve done ?
MJ : Look Sammy, you didn’t know. Okay ? It doesn’t mean you’ll saying yes to Lucifer. You were manipulated and tortured by your desire of killing Lilith and doing good. 
Sam : ...
MJ : We’re doing all mistakes, even Dean and me.
Sam : Like freeing Lucifer ? MJ ! I am his vessel ! And Dean thinks I’m a monster ! And he doesn’t want to see me anymore.
MJ : I think we’ve all had a monster in all of us, Sam. It’s like a disease but we can fight against it and be better. Even be stronger !
Sam : How ?
MJ : Well, people are going to tell you who you are your whole life, you just gotta punch back and say, ‘No this is who I am’. You want people or Dean to look at you differently ? Make them. If you want to change things, then your going to have to go out there and change things yourself. Even if it’s hard. You have to fight for who you want to be. A better man. And even with your mistakes Sam, I believe in you. Don’t lose faith in yourself.
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1/4 What if instead of the sleeping curse Belle & Rumple agree (on his part reluctantly as he's been in there before) to place her in Pandora's box? All the expectation of TLK & it was just another cruel trick suggesting Rumbelle aren't TL & setting up the next Rumple is Evol plot. 5x19-5x23 would be a combination of holding the box hostage: Pan’s follow-the-lady trick in exchange for returning to the land of the living, then giving it to Hades as final revenge in case Rumple betrayed him,
2/4 before Hades is defeated & discovering it's empty ("Where. Is. My. Wife!"). Rumple’s steals the town’s magic as leverage to get the heroes to help him find Belle, only fair after Emma tried to have Belle killed & blackmailed him to save her pirate & the others doing nothing to help save their baby. It would still be another demonstration of poor planning/accommodating Emilie's pregnancy, but at least it’s Rumbelle fighting for each other with the promise of reconciliation.
3/4 Instead of the dream realm, Belle is revealed to have been taken to Neverland & placed in the Echo Caves by (though they don’t know it yet) their son. Rumple believes this is his big test; in order to reach Belle he must reveal his deepest secrets. A bridge forms on Belle’s side reaching out to him, until it stops halfway forming only a platform. Belle realises it’s her test too & revealing her secrets forms a bridge on Rumple’s side until it meets in the middle.
4/4 Their souls laid bare Rumple & Belle run to each other & embrace. They aren’t fixed but they’re halfway out of the dark. Their son reveals himself glad they’d passed his test & to warn them "don't let HER destroy us". He can't tell his parents who cos BF has his heart so they think it's EQ. From here Rumbelle begin their "we have to work together" mission to save their son. The Rumbelle dance can be used in FB like the good old days with them being lovable dorks. Sorry had to get this out.
This would have been excellent, Nonnie.  I would have watched the hell out of that, and it would certainly have been superior to the mess we got in canon.  
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intothewickedwood · 2 years
becky! hi!! can you pls do 001 for ouat, 003 for regina and 002 for any ship from ouat that you'd like :) *hugs*
Thank you so much, lovely! <3 *gives biggest hug back*
001 OUAT
Favorite character: Alice Jones! Loml. I relate to her so much. An actual cinnamon cupcake.
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Least Favorite character: Okay, I’m gonna look through every character and choose instead of just guessing. You know, I think it’s Alphonse Frankenstein (a.k.a Viktor and Gerhardt’S dad). He’s just terrible, doesn’t give anyone a chance to speak and just hates Viktor for no discernible reason. I’m not for violence but Gerhardt probably just wanted to get a word in edgeways.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Oooh! This is a fun quezzie! 
1. Snowing
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Perfect babies. I love them more than words can say. They are so perfect for one another and they make my heart swell every time they’re together.
2. Curious Archer
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This ship means so much to me. They helped me finally come to terms with my sexuality and they are just such a wonderful couple. Have I expressed how much I love how supportive Robin is?! The way they look at each other. The way Robin became a better person with accidental help from Alice. I just love them. They belong together.
3. Hooking Utensil
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They’re just so cute. They’re so flirtatious and are always helping eachother out. They just had so much potential and I need all the fics and I just want Wish Hook, Tiana and Alice to be a family because she’s so good to Alice and I need AUs where they raise her together and I cry.
4. Gremma
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Forever my otp for Emma. They just had so much potential and he was the first person she opened up to in a romantic sense after a long while. She was lonely for so long and she let herself reveal her caring side with him. He meant so much to her because of that and she wore his shoelace around her wrist for a long time after his death, which says so much and their kiss broke through his cursed persona, which surely makes them true love. I wish they’d explained that. Would it have worked if Emma kissed Mary Margaret on the forehead? We’ll never know.
5. Frozen Swan
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More on my thoughts on this pairing further down! But also, remember that true love’s hand hold?
Character I find most attractive: Mary Margaret and David
Character I would marry: Okay, probably Mary Margaret most of all! Especially s1 Mary Margaret but I also want to marry David and Alice Jones! And Kathryn! And Jefferson! And Anna! And Robin Mills! And Elsa! And, okay I’m gonna have a lot of weddings to plan.
Character I would be best friends with: Alice Jones or Anna. I need an uplifting, quirky friend. 
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a random thought: I really want to figure out all of the characters ages by the start of the curse and end of the show. 
An unpopular opinion: I really like s7 and I know a lot of people don’t. It’s my 3rd favourite season because I think it introduces some great characters, like Alice Jones, an older Robin Mills and Princess Tiana. 
My Canon OTP: Snowing
My Non-canon OTP: Hooking Utensil
Most Badass Character: I’mma go with Emma. She’s like the epitome of a badass.
Most Epic Villain: Zelena, for me! Loved every moment of her in s3 and she quickly became my favourite character before Alice came along. She was just deliciously wicked and funny. 
Pairing I am not a fan of: Captain Swon, Outlaw Queeen, Rumbellle. They’re just not for me. Though the first used to be. And lol, I was just looking up ouat ships and found out the ship for August x Baelfire is called Firewood xD. I’m not opposed to that ship, however!
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Emma and original Hook after s5. I just felt they became totally different characters dedicated only to eachother without room for anyone else. Emma, in particular, became unrecognisable. I missed her meaningful interactions with her family. I missed her old personality. 
Favourite Friendship: Mary Margaret and Emma in s1. They were such good friends who could confide anything in each other and always gave each other great advice. And Emma saying she can’t lose her family even before they knew they were in 1x17 kills me everytime. She was willing to do anything for her best friend. They were like sisters.
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Character I most identify with: Alice Jones We’re both pretty eccentric, mentally ill, autistic (I headcanon her to be) and not straight haha! I try to see the positive side of things nowadays like her and I have my own odd way of doing things. Who wants to be normal, anyway?
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Character I wish I could be: Hmm. Good question. I’d like to have magic, so I guess Alice because she can just wish for anything and it’s hers. I wouldn’t mind being Snow or Charming so I could be married to one of them but I’d hate to break them up.
003 Regina Mills
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How I feel about this character: I like her. Her and I went through a rocky patch in s5 and early s6 because I just found her hypocrisy when it came to Zelena to be too much, but she regained my favour in s7 and I can look past it now. She scared the crap out of me in s1, ngl. But I love that about her. I think she’s a great villain with a sympathetic backstory. Though her difficulty in self-reflecting frustrated me at times, I’ve learned to see it as part of what makes her character so unique and complex and I’m glad she grew in that respect in s6. Regina’s cool.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Dr. Facilier, Kathryn, Daniel, Maleficent and, you know, I’m getting into Swan Queen recently since I’m following a lot of blogs that post about them, including yours Renee! Thank you for dragging me down the SQ rabbit hole with you xD!
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: I would say Wicked Queen but I want to go for something different than my penultimate answer. I love the relationship with Cora and Regina. I am such a sucker for toxic mother-daughter relationships and there’s is like the epitomy of that. It’s so intriguing to watch Cora manipulate, control and influence her. And after everything Regina still loves her mother. Such a great dynamic!
My unpopular opinion about this character: I guess it’s that I’m not a fan of 0Q at all and I never really did like them together. I just felt Regina had to change her whole persona when around him but at least she went back to herself when he wasn’t around. I wish that was the same for Emma with her bf.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I kinda wished she had taken responsibilities for her actions earlier but I guess the reward for waiting wouldn’t have been as satisfying. I also wish the serum!queen was more intimidating in s6. I was hoping to be as scared of her as I was in s1, but ah well.
Favorite friendship for this character: I love her dynamic with Zelena. I love how it started in s3 with them hating eachother and I love how it evolved, even though I did find it difficult in s5 and early s6. But they were such a delight in later s5, later s6 and s7. They came so far.
My crossover ship: Freaking Bellatrix Lestrange is the only one that comes to mind. Regina feels difficult to pair. But I have no doubt they’d create devastating chaos together and Bellatrix would be as obsessed with her as she was with Voldemort.
002 Any Ship from Ouat
Oooh! I feel so powerful right now! I’m gonna go with Frozen Swan!
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When I started shipping them: In 4x02 when Emma is freezing and Elsa is grasping her hands and panicking for her. Just watch the way Elsa holds onto her. That sh*t’s gay and I love it.
My thoughts: I’ve recently been looking at a lot of crack ouat s4 posts and I am living for gay Elsa pining over Emma. I wish those posts were canon however wild they may be.
What makes me happy about them: I love how their friendship developed. She is arguably the best friend Emma ever had, not afraid to show affection for her (because she’s in love with her lbr) and helped Emma accept herself when no one else could. Elsa needs a girlfriend and Emma and her are a great pairing. The way Elsa looks at her. I just die. And the fact that they both struggled to control their magic.
What makes me sad about them: That they never got together and Elsa never got to be explicitly gay. Please, it’s all I want in life! It probably wasn’t the writer’s intention but my God, the subtext is so freaking strong. 
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: None.
Things I look for in fanfic: I haven’t read a Frozen Swan fanfic in a while but I need Elsa battling with her sexuality because her parents forced her to supress her gay feelings. Love triangles are good, with Elsa pining and Emma eventually realising that Elsa is her soulmate after her magic goes out of control. Elsa pining is a good and painful thing.
My wishlist: I wish their was never ending crack posts of the frozen arc. I just can’t get enough. I wish I realised how much I need to get back into reading Frozen Swan (if anyone knows any canon divergent where Elsa longs for Emma please send me recs! There will be so many cookies!). I wish Elsa was in the show much longer. The Frozen characters were just so good and I needed so much more of them.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: For Emma I would be happy with Graham, August, Baelfire or Jefferson. For Elsa. Hmm, some lucky lady. Elsa x Ruby would be cute. They could help each other control the ‘monster’ within. Frozen Wolf is cool. I can also see Robin Mills, actually, when I think about it, when Robin is older like she is in s7 and we make them the same age, of course. Robin’s good at calming people down. 
My happily ever after for them: Emma would have to leave Hook for Elsa in s4 and they wouldn’t have to go to freaking camelot in s5. Let them go to Arendelle instead! They’d eventually get married, raise Henry together and have joint custody with Regina and they can have a magical daughter that’s super powerful and has both their magic. She’d need their help controlling it but she’d get nothing but support from them and her brother. She can be called Ruth or Gerda, but I prefer Ruth.
Thank you again for all the wonderful quezzies!
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kazoosandfannypacks · 2 years
Okay, so can I ask about your OUAT soulmate Au and your Star Wars/OUAT au please? I am IMMENSELY curious, but no pressure if you don't feel like sharing!
*begins shaking like a Chihuahua from sheer excitement*
Okay so first of all I just wanna say, I'm still only partway through season 5, and if anyone gives me even a shadow of a hint of spoilers I will be very sad!!!!!!!!!
Also, my soulmark au I'm working on an actual fic for, which I'm SO EXCITED for, but it has a long way to go and is still a wip. I'm also asking politely that no one steals my ideas from it :)
The star wars au though would be a long fic to write, and not one I'm in the mood to write. If anyone wants to write or draw up some Once Upon a Time in a galaxy far, far away content based on my au, go for it! Tag me so I can see it as well (again, cautious of spoilers!) Also, if people seem to like it, I'll make a post with a lot more detail so we can all keep coming up with great ideas and collaborating :D
Without further ado, my very messy ramblings about the soulmark fanfic and the star wars au!!!
Ahahhhhhhhhh okay so Soulmark Au! It's largely gonna focus on CaptainSwan, because they have SO MUCH POTENTIAL FOR A SOULMATE AU LIKE YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW AHDKSKAKKSKSJ. Essentially, you have a tattoo on your wrist of the first thing your soulmate will say to you. There has never been a natural occurence of a secondary soulmark, meaning when your soulmate dies your wrist remains blank forever, unless you use a soulmate spell or something like the one Tinkerbell used for Regina in 3.3.
Anyways it's gonna start with, like, twelvish? chapters (they're short chapters that are more like scenes than chapters) of Killian and Milah's story, then about as many chapters of Emma and Neal's story. I think it's important that what Killian and Milah had was real and what Emma and Neal had was real and that doesn't negate that what Emma and Killian have is real, and I want my story to be a testament to that.
Killian and Milah's is exciting because we have their first meeting recorded in 5.14, and the first thing Killian says to Milah is him introducing himself by name. This adds an entirely new sense of meaning behind both the relationship dynamic of Milah and Killian, with Milah being married to someone else and meeting the man who's name is on her wrist, and furthermore it heightens the epic struggle between Rumplestiltskin and the Captain Killian Jones, who's name was graven on his wife's wrist before they even met.
I'm still just getting started on Killian and Milah's section, so haven't gotten to put much thought into Emma and Neal yet, but I feel bad for the poor kid who spent two hundred years with "*panicked screaming*" on his wrist. The fic is gonna be canon compliant apart from the whole soulmark thing, so it won't be too different from the show itself, but I'll add in some extra details in that section so it's a bit longer.
A couple more things I wanna share:
When Milah dies, Killian's soul mark goes away, but just as the dark curse is setting in, a new mark appears on his wrist
Emma's soulmark doesn't go away when Neal is presumed dead at the end of s2, and she keeps her wrist covered, which her parents think is because it's just too painful for her, but it's because Emma doesn't want her family or herself giving her one of those dumb hope speeches. Killian finds out about the mark still being on her wrist, but she makes him keep it a secret bc she doesn't want to believe it.
After Neal Actually Dies, Emma's wrist goes blank for only a moment as his first words to her fade out, and new words fade in. Again, she keeps this hidden.
I also have a REALLY COOL climactic plot twist planned but I don't wanna spoil it for when I finally post it :D
And now for the Star Wars AU!
So essentially the entire plot of OUaT takes place in the Star Wars universe. The main flashback storyline with snow and charming takes place during the clone wars, and the dark curse is cast around the same time as the first empire day.
In this version, the dark curse will mask the entire planet, making it unfindable, as well as wiping all memory and record of it from across the galaxy. It doesn't take them to another world, persay, but it drastically alters the stories and dynamics of their world, as well as their memories.
Essentially, Regina grew up in the Jedi Temple, but when she was 13ish, her mother, the Senator of a planet I've yet to name, came to the temple looking for her daughter. She had placed Regina in the order to teach her discipline, hone her force abilities, and keep her out of the way while at work in the senate, but she took Regina back and began to prepare her to become a senator one day.
Several years later, after the "unexpected" death of Snow White's mother, Queen Ava of another planet I've yet to name, Cora arranges the marriage of her daughter to Senator Leopald, which Regina isn't happy for but she has no choice.
Regina's first true love, Daniel, was a padawan alongside her while she was still in the order, and shortly after Regina and Leopald's engagement is announced, an attempt is made on the senator's life, leading the council to assign Jedi Knight Daniel as a personal security guard for them until after the wedding. Regina and Daniel realize their feelings for each other and plan to run away from it all together, but Snow mentions it to Cora, on accident, and Cora responds by killing Daniel, which drives Regina to seek out the help of Dark Lord Rumplestiltskin, who isn't a Sith but is a powerful dark side user who pretty much invented episode 9's "use someone else's life force to sustain yourself" tactic, which enabled him to live for the past 200 years and hone his connection to the force.
Charming's story is pretty much the same, only he grew up on the same planet as Snow, just from two entirely different cultures/definitive people groups with separate governments, and he takes the place of his brother James yada yada meets Snow yada yada we all know the story.
Emma was sent away as a baby to get a better chance at life, ends up on the streets of Corellia, tries to steal a little yellow space shuttle from a smuggler named Neal, they fall in love, start working together, but eventually Neal doubke crosses her and she is left alone. A few short months later, she has a son, Henry, who she puts up for adoption. He is adopted by Regina, who has no idea who he truly is.
Here's the reason why I wrote this au- Emma Swan- Bounty Hunter!!!! She begins bounty hunting as a way to survive, but finds out she's quite good at it, and when she finds a bounty on a kid- brought in alive, returned to his mother, no questions asked, she takes the offer and finds that this kid is her son, and ends up staying there and eventually breaks the curse, like ya do.
Killian is a space pirate, which is the other reason I came up with this au. He once recieved a favor from, idk, and angel from the moons of iego or something, and is granted sustained life for himself and his crew until his bloodlust is quenched- because obviously all the Milah stuff still happened and all that, so while Killian is off being a space pirate and doing piracy and such, he's also trying to find a way to destroy the Dark Lord. The sustained immortality for his crew is what preserves Cora as the curse ravages Regina's planet.
But when you've been a pirate for 200 years, you tend to make more than a few enemies, so the bounty on his head is as big as his ego. As such, Emma's got a personal vendetta on him as one of the few marks she could never catch, and when they actually do finally meet in season 2, she's extremely distrustful of him all the way.
Plot continues as normal, Neverland is some planet like Dagobah or Dothomir that's just flowing with force, Zelena was maybe raised by the Dark Lord or something, idk. Also Robin Hood grew up on Cora's planet, and can remember a faint hint of a time before the empire ravaged his planet. Eventually he joins the rebellion!!!
When Emma and her son have to leave their planet mid season 3, their personal altered memories are that Henry's just always been a bounty hunter with her. Once during the "lost year" she does overtake Killian and his crew, mostly because he's so in denial about seeing her little yellow shuttle again he forgets that she doesn't remember him, and it tears him apart the entire time. He eventually escapes, but he allows himself to be caught by her again later so he can restore her memories and take her and her son back to their world.
That's all the main stuff I've worked out so far. If y'all would like to add on or want to know more, let me know!
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hollyethecurious · 3 years
AO3 Tag Game
Tagged by the lovely @therealstartraveller776. Thanks, doll!!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
I have 71 works, but a few of those are collections of unrelated drabbles, ficlets, and one shots. Probably closer to 100 individual fics??
2. What is your total Ao3 word count?
1,104,081 👀
I share some of those words with other authors (@winterbaby89, @searchingwardrobes, @donteattheappleshook, @theonceoverthinker, and maybe one other??) who I have collaborated with.
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
I write exclusively for OUAT and mostly Captain Swan, but have dipped a toe in other fandoms with some of my AUs.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Dark Hook Comes to Storybrooke - 826 kudos (co-written with @winterbaby89)
The Legend of Captain Killian Jones - 509 kudos
Seal the Deal - 441 kudos
Varcolac: A Hybrid Tale - 428 kudos
Keeping Him Occupied - 397 kudos
5. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I should. I used to respond to each and every comment, but life has made it difficult lately. I miss the added connection that responding gives me to my readers. I think I might try to get back on the responding/reblog reply horse, lol.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Hmmm. I’m not sure? I do my best to give my OTP a happy ending in all of my fics... although I do make them earn it in quite a few, lol.
7. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve ever written?
I don’t write crossovers. I might appropriate elements from other fandoms and/or plop the Once characters in another fandom universe, but the characters are always Once based and don’t interact with characters from other fandoms.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes. It’s the kind that has me sweating like a sinner in church, blushing furiously as I write it, and second guessing whether I should post it, lol. 
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of
11. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have! 
Dark Hook Comes to Storybrooke with @winterbaby89. Our cursed!Killian, season one rewrite.
Your Pole or Mine with @donteattheappleshook. Stripper!Killian AU. I wrote part one and she wrote part two.
@searchingwardrobes kindly gave me co-author credit on Hope is the Thing With Feathers, but she did all the heavy lifting and I contributed very little in comparison.
I also have a co-writer credit on The Path to Friendship by @theonceoverthinker, but I only contributed art to that fic.
12. What’s your all time favorite ship?
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13. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Captain Swan / OUAT
14. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Dude. Um... 
That answer probably changes day-by-day, but as I look over my list of works, I have to say The Legend of Captain Killian Jones sticks out the most as a fave.
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snowbellewells · 3 years
To My CS Secret Santa
***Santa: I don’t know if this will reach you or not, but I gathered you were not able to see that I was answering you, so I’m trying to send it again, and hope the tags do a better job reahing you this time around.  Sorry for the inconvenience!
Hello again Santa!! I apologize for being slow to answer. It’s a busy time of year, but that’s no excuse for keeping you waiting. Thanks for your patience, though. Let’s see if I can provide some answers to your second set of questions…
I do indeed teach - high schoolers - and they are getting very stir crazy about this point in the semester, just as I am getting worried all of their papers won’t get graded in time. Somehow we always manage, but Christmas break always feels well-earned by the time it arrives!
I am psyched that you are planning to write my gift. I love reading new fic, and one written for me, with things I specifically enjoy is one of the best gifts I could get!
As far as particular likes and dislikes, I will read a wide variety of stories and enjoy them all. Anything from modern AUs, to supernatural to different historical time periods to simple missing moments in Storybrooke or slight canon divergences. I will admit that I have a particular fondness for Enchanted Forest set stories or somewhat medieval knights and ladies sorts of AUs. I am a big fan of Lieutenant Duckling stories, and I adored deckhand!Hook in the season four finale, so divergences that take off from there or give missing moments from that point in canon are fun. I also really like fics set in the earlier part of the Camelot 5a arc. It got so painful toward the end, but I loved the earlier episodes while they were there. The first five or so episodes of Season 5 are pretty high up on my rewatch list.
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Also, and this may be because it’s around the time I seriously dove into reading OuaT fic, but I love fics that diverge from the season three midseason finale. There were many good stories written at that time imagining Emma and Henry somehow ending up in the Enchanted Forest where the rest of their family had been sent by Pan’s curse. I would have loved to see that in canon. Henry getting to experience that world and Emma getting to truly be the princess she should have been. It’s at least partially why I was so disappointed by Season Six’s wish!Emma and that odd Wish Realm version of Snow and Charming’s kingdom. I had wanted them to go back there for so long, and then they finally did, but it was all messed up and none of them were themselves.
I’m a big fan of some hurt/comfort in fics, and I don’t mind a fair dose of angst - or even being moved to tears - as long as it works out in the end. I love cute meetings in bookstores or coffee shops, and I like the stranded in a snowstorm or some other sort of weather or disaster type fics. About the only things I really can’t enjoy reading are fics where Regina and Graham are side characters (I’ve read some modern AUs where this does happen) and they are painted as friends with benefits or any sort of consensual relationship. Just no, not for me. I’m not really a fan of any painting Graham in a bad light (even as a small side character) but most people leave him out of stories altogether, so that isn’t an issue I have often. I’m also not a big fan of Liam being overly condescending or kind of a jerk in fics where he is still alive. That just isn’t how I saw his character. Those are really rather random things to have problems with, but those are the two that will make me hesitate to read right off.
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As usual, I went overboard and probably told you way more than you needed to know, but hopefully it helps a little.
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