#our handwriting is WACK
ionlyprayonsundays · 1 year
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yall this ain’t looking so good so far 😹
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star-girl69 · 4 months
Damnnn fake gagging??? 😭😭I didn't know I was that baddddd. What can a girl do when she's soooo down bad.
How is your maths working out sooooo neat. I have the worst handwriting ever and then my thought process is wack so like everything always ends up in different areas yk.
Chemistry calculations are the worst and it doesn't help that I also despise chem with a passion but bio calculations make me actually wanna drop school and pursue other career options(🤭).
Mrs.B sounds like a B fr fr like why sooo mean. Don't stress about your writing too much. As always I believe in youuuu❤️
- ❤️
(Nooooo don't beee sadddd I'm sorry honey. I think our time difference is hugee. I am also training and working a lot so I sleep a lot and my schedule is haywire but trust, you always on my mind❤️❤️)
(also sorry AGAIN i read this in the middle of my 2 hour class and then spent a lot of time smiling at the floor instead of paying attention but now i’m home and can sit down and properly reply it’s like we’re exchanging letters LMAO)
NO LIKE i mean i’m having fun! i like it if you couldn’t tell LMAOO i’m giggling and kicking my feet! i think you are doing exactly what a girl should do when she is down bad 🤭🤭 she just hates to see a real bitch (me) win (be happy) (im mostly kidding we love each other fr)
omg i thank god everyday that i have at least somewhat decent handwriting but real on the thought process being wack… especially w math like i go all over the place that’s probs why it’s my worst subject
boooooooo you just don’t understand the magic of chemistry it’s amazing!!!!! like omg nomenclature??? i loved that unit sm!!!! the first test of the year i literally got a 100/100 likkkeeee also i LOVE nuclear chem but anyways.
wait hold on i already took bio but i don’t remember CALCULATIONS??? but i think it might be diff considering my bio course is called living environment where i live
today she gave me and my bff honey chocolate hearts and once she gave us bread (there’s a picture somewhere of me and my friend walking through the hall with slices of bread in our mouths) and also she brought in a crockpot of spaghetti and force fed me I DONT LIKE MARINARA SAUCE i was like “no thank you!” and she said “ADDIE WHAT!! NO NO YOU EAT THE PASTA”
haha… i’ll try not to stress but i think we all know how that will work out…
(i headcanon england for you btw or like some sort of european country around there bc like…. “mathS” and “apologiSe” and also the whole cm thing. wait what are you training for like a marathon or is that just supposed to mean like you just go to the gym? anyways i hope you don’t overwork yourself ☹️ ☹️also i think YOU should tell ME about YOUR day 😍)
(well ig i feel a little bit better if i’m always on your mind 🤭🤭🤭) (you’re always on mine tho 💋)
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racharii · 2 months
Ask meme! Prime numbers!
(2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37)
(thank you for specifying for i am gay ;w;)
2. show us a picture of your handwriting?
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3. 3 films you could watch for the rest of your life and not get bored of?
the lotr trilogy extended edition easily
5. what made you start your blog?
my friend in highschool said they posted when homestuck updated twt
7. what scares you the most and why?
people abandoning me ;w; uhhhhh i have deep seeded issues with trusting that people actually care about me
11. what do you consider to be romance?
oooo, so romance is a like a longing, serene and fiery. to feel romance is to miss someone even when theyre right next to you.
13. what are you doing right now?
laying down on a heating pad because Pain ;w;
17. name 3 things that make you happy
creating stuff, for utility and aesthetics; video games and art in general; thinking about how cool and neat people and our world is, current hyper fixation is paleolithic living :3
19. favourite thing about the day?
when the sun hits the couch at juuuust the right angle and the honk shoo mimimi time
23. say 3 things about someone you hate
your hair: wack; your car: wack; your demeanor: wack.
29. what do you do when you’re sad?
jack off and play video games till im numb :3
31. are you messy or organised?
its an organized chaos
37. share a secret
my dildos name is grimace
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gronjon44 · 3 years
REVILLAGE: Happy Ending AU
So I keep seeing people think of happier endings for RE8 and I wanted to take a shot at it.
Heisenburg is secretly communicating with Chris Redfield, and the two cooperate to kill Miranda, but the assault on Ethans caravan in the cold open throws their plan into wack.
Heisenburg then pretends to go along with Miranda's plan for the ceremony and, when he gets choice over Ethans fate, he opts to get hin out of Mother Miranda's clutches and send him on a path straight to his mill.
When they meet Ethan is met by him and Chris, who Ethan rightfully assaults on sight.
After a brief explanation from Chris about Mia's identity he cools off and Chris pulls out the journals we find in the climax of the game (Heisenburg supplies them to Chris to give him the answers he needs, and Heisenburg himself obtained these Journale through communicating with the Duke, who in this AU is the hidden 5th Lord)
Chris knows it's too soon to call H.O.U.N.D squad so they try to think of a plan;
Heisenburg opts kill the other Lords and use Rose to kill Miranda, but Cnris and Ethan rightfully protest using Rose as a weapon, to which Ethan suggests that perhaps they convince the other Lords to aid them in killing Miranda.
Heisenburg: They won't do shit to help us Miranda has them all Brainwashed, Alcina and Moreau especially.
Ethan: If you can change sides why can't they? And we'll need all the help we can get if we want to kill the bitch.
Chris: He has a point-
Heisenburg: Can it Boulder Boy I know. *sighs* Look if we're gonna do this we do it my way and on my terms, and the way I see it they'll all kill you two on sight if I'm not around, especially you *gestures to Chris*
Chris: What do you suggest?
Heisenburg: Ethan and I go to each one and TRY to talk to them. Doubt they'll listen but if you two wanna try this then we start with Donna.
Ethan: Isn't she-
Heisenburg: The mentally deranged one with a killer dolls? Yeah and she's the best place to start; we start with Moreau or Alcina they'll kill me on sight and then go straight for you.
Chris: I don't like this-
Heisenburg: Well it's the only plan we have so let's go.
Heisenburg and Ethan leave for the Beneviento estate, with Chris staying behind to help evacuate the remaining survivors of the village (Elena does still meet Ethan and the other villagers do all survive, though Elena's father does still die)
Ater making their way through dolls and... certain bosses... they finally see Donna and Angie, to which Heisenburg is unnaturally caring towards Donna.
Donna: Karl... Why are you here with... him?
Heisenburg: Donna hear me out-
Angie: He should be DEAD! You lied to Mother and we should TELL HER!
Heisenburg: CAN IT you little shit! Donna she's been abusing us for years you have see that.
Donna: You're... lying...
Ethan: Please you have to listen-
Angie/Donna *in sync* : You're supposed to be dead. You're going to ruins mothers plans for Rose and we should just kill you now
Ethan *pulls out the Bio Journal on Donna* : You think I'M the enemy here? Read this and tell me who's worse.
Donna reads the journal, seeing how Miranda views her as a test subject and sees her psychological profile, how Miranda viewed her as unfit as a vessel for her daughter.
Donna: No that... that's not...
Heisenburg: Donna you don't have to do what she wants you can help stop her you can get your life back.
Donna: I...
Angie: They're lYING! They want to ruin the ceremony and take Miranda away from us its a TRICK!
Donna: Its in her handwriting Angie‐
Angie: Let's just kill them now! Mother will be so happy...
Ethan: Those are her words we can all see it plain as day. Please Donna, help us end this.
Donna: I-
Angie: C'mon let me gut him right now Donna! He should've died when we was brought to the castle-
Donna: Angie stop...
Angie: No they need to-
Donna: Angie stop.
Eventually, through some leftover shred of humanity, she returns the flask to Ethan and the three then leave the estate, a small Bridal doll left among an even larelger collection of dolls that would never see the light outside that old house.
They then leave to visit Moreau who is much more headstrong then initially expected.
Moreau: Mother has...cared for us and you'd... betray her like this..?
Donna: Moreau I-
Heisenburg: Listen you puss filled sack of shit Miranda views us all as test subjects she doesn't see us as her children, much less you or I.
Moreau: You're...lying... She-*coughs*-she loves me... She gave me my Cadou...
Donna: The Cadou's are what made us into Monsters Moreau.... there's better for us then this. The ceremony will just give her reason to dismiss us.
Moreau: But... she loves us...
Heisenburg argues that Moreau is a lost cost, and suggests killing him now, though Donna believes he can be swayed.
Ethan: Moreau listen‐
Moreau: You just want to RUIN her special ceremony! She gave us these flasks to... to prepare for it... she loves us and knows we'll care for them like our children... because she's do the same for us...
Ethan: Moreau I'm a father, a parent. And I can see that Miranda isn't your mother. If she really cared about you would she have turned you into this... this thing? You used to he human and she called this a gift. Help us and we can help you. You don't have to live like this.
Moreau: You're... you're lying-
Ethan: If she cared for you would she leave you alone in this swamp with a bunch of mindless animals who used to be people? People who cared for her just as much as you care for her?
Ethan hands Moreau the journal detailing his evaluations, gently placing it in his hands.
Ethan: If you really think she cares about you, then you'll throw this in the water.
Moreau takes the journal and, before throwing it to the swamp, opens the first page and begins reading, eventually slumping to the ground.
Moreau: She... She doesn't care about us... Our Cadou's were all just... tests to see if we'd survive for Eva...
Ethan: I told you. It hurts to know the truth but if you help us it'll all be better. *offers Moreau his hand* I promise.
Moreau, silently, hands Ethan the Flask and agrees to help eliminate Miranda, so long as he can go back to his swamp when they're done. Knowing the truth hurts too much for him...
They then travel to Castle Dimitrescu, met by her daughter Bella awaiting their arrival.
Heisenburg: Bella.
Bella: Heisen-bitch.
Donna *pushing Heisenburg back* : You know why we're here.
Bella: I do, and you've been ordered to accompany me to my mother's quarters, though she's requested you leave all weapons out here. Including the Hammer.
After Heisenburg finally gives up his weapon Bella leads the guests to Alcina who, unsurprisingly, is disappointed in all of them
Dimitrescu: Now I must say to see you here Moreau is quite a shock. You of all people I expected to put up more of a fight. Donna well... let's face it you've never been all there.
Moreau: They're right Alcina-
Dimitrescu: And why should I believe you? Why should I believe any of you? The things she's done for us these past years are just as easily dismissed all because this Man Thing before us said a few mildly persuasive words?
Heisenburg: I told you she was a lost cause-
Cassandra appears and draws her cicle on Heisenburg, barely slicing his neck.
Cassandra: Speak ill of Mother again or we'll-
Heisenburg: You'll what? I could bend that toy of yours right now but I won't because that "Man Thing" wanted to talk to you.
Ethan: Alcina-
Dimitrescu: Speak when your spoken to-
Ethan: No actually I won't. Listen I know you have alot of family beef and to be honest, I don't want to get involved but here I am. You have daughters so you understand what being a parent is like. You'd do anything for them, correct?
Dimitrescu: I... I would.
Ethan: Then you know that I won't stop until I get my daughter back where she belongs. If something happened to one of your daughters do you think Miranda would care? Would she bat an eye if one of them died right now?
Dimitrescu: She cares for all her children-
Ethan: But they aren't her children are they? None of you are really. All she wants is Eva and she'll do anything for it. What do you think she'll do with you all when she has Eva back? She won't her other children when she has her real daughter back. Be honest with yourself and consider just how much she really cares about you.
Dimitrescu sat in silence, everyone in baited breath, until she ordered everyone leave the room except for Donna. Her daughters protested, but she affirmed her decision once more.
Dimitrescu: They really convinced you then?
Donna: Alcina I-I have never been a hundred percent mentally, you were right about that. But for a brief moment I felt... clear headed, like I was sound of mind for the first time since before my parents died. I know you noticed Angie is gone, and I'm glad she's not here. I left that doll behind because I want to move on, to a future better then what Miranda has promised us.
Dimitrescu: But she gave us these gifts Donna. How can you or Moreau just turn away from her-
Donna: I've been mentally and physically scarred by Miranda, Moreau even moreso. You an Heisenburg got off easier then we did. I know you still follow her but please *Donna pulls out the Analysis Journal about Alcina* Just read her own words for yourself.
Donna leaves the room to let Alcina read the journal who, for a brief moment, just stares at it in silence, debating whether or not to actually read the journal; an hour goes by before Alcina steps out of the room, everyone at attention.
Heisenburg: Took you long enough.
Her daughters circle around her, they're words drowned out by Alcina making eye contact with Donna, who gives her a silent smile.
Dimitrescu: Daughters I've decided that we will... Help them. They speak truth and we will help them. Miranda does not have our best interests at heart and I will not allow any harm to come to you three.
Alcina hands the flask to Ethan, making eye contact with him before letting it go
Dimitrescu: From one parent to another, don't fail us.
With the final flask obtained they return to Chris, now joined by H.O.U.N.D Squad, who reveal that Miranda has secretly kept Mia alive for experiments, and wants Ethan to come alone with the flasks. Ethan, not wanting to risk his wife's life a third time, agrees to go alone.
With the flasks he goes to Miranda who, with a chained up Mia, begins to explain her life goal and tells Ethan how, even after everything he's gone through, he's still going to fail, even after coming back from the dead (this prompts the reveal that Ethan is part of the Megamycyte/Mold created by Eveline, and how his unique body is what made Rose even possible.
Before anything else can happen Chris, having tracked Ethan, begins the assault on Miranda, giving Ethan a chance to rescue Mia.
This leads to the fight with Miranda, Alcina and Heisenburg appear to aid him in battle while Donna and Moreau escort Mia to safety.
Miranda, in a fit of blind rage, guts Ethan and rips out his heart (and the flasks) and leaves him limp while she prepares the ceremony.
As Miranda continues with the ceremony Mia runs to Ethan, who in his last words, tells Chris to take care of Mia and Rose.
Moreau who, after seeing all this unfold, is so touched by Ethan he quickly uses a Cadou to ressurect him, which manages to bring him back as a newer more bioweapony Ethan Winters
Just when Miranda finishes the ceremony Chris shoots her enough for Donna to snatch the baby from her and give Alcina and Heisenburg room to let loose and deal more damage to her.
Chris knows Miranda won't stay dead unless they destroy the Megamycyte, and reminds them that he planted a bomb on his way in. When he pulls out the detonator Moreau asks where the bomb is and he tells him it's planted in the main chamber of the Megamycyte, to which he snatches it and begins running towards Miranda.
Moreau: I can't live if Miranda doesn't care about us... I won't stand by her lies... not anymore.
Moreau turns into his larger fish form and tackles Miranda, sending her over a nearby cliff that happens to lead to the Megamycyte chamber. He yells for everyone to run.
With those final words everyone escapes the village before the bomb can go off, leaving Miranda, the Megamycyte, and Moreau all wiped out with the rest of the village.
Everyone goes the own paths from here on out. Heisenburg joins Chris as a member of H.O.U.N.D Squad
Lady Dimitrescu finds a new castle with her daughters and opts to take the village survivors with her (the men aren't all immediately killed and the women become hand maidens who AREN'T turned into savage vampires)
Donna Beneviento leaves with Alcina as she feels most comfortable in her company, even striking a relationship with one of the daughters (probably Diana or Bella)
Ethan, Mia, and Rose leave to a new home, with Elena going with them as a caretaker to Rose, they move to another European safe house, hopefully able to finally live peacefully.
This took awhile, almost 6 hours. This is the first real AU fic I've ever done and I apologize if it isn't the greatest but I wanted to make a happy ending AU for the game.
Also yes Moreau dies in the end still cause let's face it his whole existence revolved around pleasing Mother Miranda and I don't think he would've wanted to live in a world where she didn't love him.
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kaizoku-hesuta · 3 years
hi! (idk if i requested already, i thought i did but my memory is wack lol) could i request 1 sfw with sabo and a fem reader🥰pls + thank you!
Hi hi! Hehe you didn’t yet, but here’s a nice letter from Sabo to reader for you! Hope you enjoy :)
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SFW #1 - Letters
Character(s): Sabo | female reader
Dear y/n,
I’m writing you in the middle of the night because I found myself thinking about you before falling asleep, and now I’m somehow wide awake again. I think I just really miss you; it’s been quite a while since we last spoke. Are you eating properly? Taking regular showers, and enough breaks?
So remember that one night we were stargazing, where I told you about my dream to write a book with stories about my journey travelling around the world? I’ve finally started writing. I can’t wait to show you, I really hope you like it. 
Let me know when you have access to a den den mushi again, I miss hearing your voice… I promise I won’t cut our conversation short this time. I’ll make sure we won’t be interrupted. 
Until then, I think I might write you more letters every now and then. Heh, Koala will surely be happy to know I’m practicing my handwriting this much. 
Hope to see you again soon,
Links: Masterlist | Prompt list
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valentinaravenclaw · 3 years
Story summary: Voldemort kills y/n for being the Malfoy Family's weakness. As they return to the Manor after fleeing from the battle, Draco finds the letter that has been patiently waiting for him.
Warnings: sadness??
The aura at the Manor seemed heavy and darker than usual, laced with the feeling of regret and shock wrapped in the walls and lining of the doors. Draco stood in the hall of the manor, the sound of your screams still ringing in his ears. He begged the noise to go away but it called out, leaving him in a trance.
He was waiting for the feeling of loss to hit him when a heart sinks into the depths and one realizes they can never regain something they loved. Draco frowned coldly, wondering if he even had a heart left to feel a sense of drowning.
Of losing you.
Before he knew it, he had somehow found his way upstairs to his room, sitting stiffly on the edge of his bed, knowing there would be no warmth without your presence tonight. In a world that only made sense with you, he was beyond lost, and a feeling rose within him, panic and abandonment rushing through his veins. He suddenly realized that the Manor was no longer home.
Perhaps it was never much of a home to begin with.
Draco stared off into space for what felt like ages, desperately trying to remember your scent that reminded him of everything good. Safety, security, strength. Where he could truly be himself without fear of disgracing the family name, where he didn't have to pretend to be anything he wasn't.
Blueberry muffins, he thought to himself. Was amortencia the only way he could ever feel you in his heart again? It was certainly nothing compared to you and everything you were.
The corner of a piece of parchment stuck out from underneath Draco's neatly folded quidditch jumper. Puzzled, he slowly lifted the soft fabric to find a piece of folded paper lying there idyllically, as if waiting for just the right person to open it up and begin reading its contents.
"Malfoy," the letter began. Draco immediately recognized your handwriting he had been fond of, remembering the way your quill swooped graciously against parchment when you wrote.
I don't quite know why I'm writing this, to be honest. I haven’t found a way for it to be delivered, without revealing my whereabouts. I, of course, wouldn’t want to put you in harm's way if *his* army were to find out you are in correspondence with me. That would make matters worse, wouldn’t it?
Draco exhaled a quiet laugh. You were never serious about anything, much less a life or death situation.
I wish you had told me everything, but I understand why you had to withhold the information. All year, I wondered what had suddenly made you turn your heart against me, and although it left me heartbroken and full of questions, I knew that whenever you were ready, the answer would come, along with you.
Draco tried to compose himself, his hand beginning to shake as he tried to hold your letter ever so delicately without creasing the paper.
So, in the horrible case that something else happens to split us apart for a while, here is everything I have ever wanted to say to you, Malfoy, that I never was quite able to say out loud. (The Good, and the Bad, because what fun would it be if we only focused on sappy things?)
Draco felt a flutter of nervousness within him, quickly wiping away a tear before it could fall.
1. I am positive you know this one, but I absolutely despised you, Draco Malfoy, when I first met you. Constantly bragging about your Quidditch ability, your potions mastery, and don’t even get me started on “my father will hear about this”. What was that all about?
Draco couldn’t help but remember your snide remarks at just eleven years old, and how shocked he was when you didn’t show the slightest bit of fear around him. You were the very opposite of everything he stood for, and somehow he had been blessed by a greater power to hold you in his arms, to write you letters, and study with you on days he did not want to do schoolwork.
But I knew there was more to you than what met my eyes. I was right when you showed me who you were, and I cannot wait for the day you and I can see each other again, and I can be with you once more. You had always been an object of interest to me, Malfoy, even when I wanted to wack you with my broomstick.
2. When you are scared of losing me to others, you forget what I tell you quite often, so here it is in writing to make it even more official darling. Nothing you could ever do will scare me away. I promise to you, Draco Lucius Malfoy, that my heart will always belong to you, as long as the stars shine in the dark, clear skies. I was there when you told Dumbledore you had to kill him, or else *he* would kill you. I want you to know that I don’t think any less of you, and somehow I know that you didn’t choose this path for yourself. No matter how much you deny it, Malfoy, you have goodness within you. And it is a part of you I adore dearly, along with the rest of you.
Draco did not care anymore that the tears rolled down his pale face, one after another. His hands clung to the paper, not even bothering to wipe them away.
I know you cursed Katie, and you’ve been doing things that hurt my heart to hear about. I wish I could be there to protect you, to fight on your behalf, because I always will. Even if you were to break my heart a million times, the pieces would still be yours, always and forever.
3. My goodness, my hands are beginning to get pains. I want to keep writing till I can no longer breathe, but then people would be worried. So, I will leave you with one last thing. I never was able to tell you in person before we were separated, but I love you, Draco Malfoy. I will love you till the very moment I leave this planet and join the stars. When I first told you off in our third year, after our hundredth fight, my heart changed and before I knew it, you were everything I ever wanted and more.
Cedric woke me up one evening. We snuck out in the middle of the night and told me he had found the Mirror of Erised. He told me he had seen his victory, with me on his arm. He asked me what I saw, and I couldn’t quite bear to tell him that I saw you. Smirk and all, staring back at me like a bloody ghost. It was at that moment that I knew I was meant to be yours all along.
Sometimes I still hear your voice, or think you’re hiding around the corner to grab me and I’lll kiss you, and the world will be exactly as it should be. And I believe that one day, it will be. You are strong, Draco, and full of courage. And if you have faith in me like I have with you, we will one day be under the stars and make thousands of promises we intend to keep forever. That is our perfect ending in my book.
I have to go, love. The sun is beginning to rise and I haven’t had a wink of sleep. But to be honest, I never really can sleep these days without you.
This isn’t a goodbye, this is an “I’m waiting for you”.
I always will.
Draco shook violently, his breath nowhere to be found. With the letter in hand, he took off, bolting outside the manor’s large dark doors. Narcissa and Lucius called after him, their voices demanding and harsh, but Draco ignored them, his heart pounding, adrenaline fueling his body, and ran off.
His legs grew tired and he stopped abruptly, kneeling on the hill, overlooking the foggy landscape, defeated at last by weariness and pain. He had never sobbed so much in all his years. Your voice had now faded from his mind...
All that was left was a broken boy that had lost who he knew was the love of his life.
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bekahdoesnerdshit · 4 years
Amnesia Campaign Notes!
HEY folks what’s up it’s me, back at it again, thinking I’m so funny and good at notetaking. Anyway, in honor of this campaign wrapping up, here’s the highlights from my campaign notes!! Split up by session, and with as little context as possible. Enjoy!
First session: “It’s so fucking hot” and “We’re beat to hell” GREAT start folks
“Holy shit I have a lot of gold and platinum”
Altar made of light wood, top stained w/ blood (oh, good)
OUCH my magic hurts (36 fucking ouchies)
Oh Zize’s gun talks
“(But I had to shit)” I GUESS i ran to the bathroom mid game???
A list of characteristics we noticed about Iris, including “sleepy”, followed by “our friend!”
Soul Coins????
That’s fucked
Oh god big fight w/ Iris
She sweared @ us :(
Amaunator Amulet
Fuck that guy
Our house is SO cute y’all
Family photo :)
sdfjsdjfhdjf and then Ecstasy shows up and my handwriting quickly goes to shit
Oh god it’s happening
“hey angel” holy SHIT
oh god
oh my god
Next Session Title is “Session: I Get Laid”
“Oh shit she’s tall”
“Rainivere is me” kjsfsdkf uh YEAH bitch i’d hope we knew that at this point
Gift????? A bunch of diamonds???? 5000GP??????
Oh She Punched Zize
Oh cool E sold brain bits
Session Title: Okay I Didn’t Get Laid Last Session But! Second Time’s the Charm
Demon head (something something pussy blah blah blah)
(Ecstasy always gives demon head?)
jhfsjkdfhsdf “This isn’t related to anything but Ecstasy is still so fucking hot, just thought I’d make note of it”
Oh god we’re gonna talk about our feelings
Session Title: No Coochie :(
(Off screen coochie?)
Oh some birds!!!
......oh Big birds uh oh
COOL so we fucking die trying to teleport and then we end up in his bedroom. Great.
Zize put me on blast in front of EVERYONE thanks Zize!!!!
fsjdfs “Lent hits up her totally nice legit god”
About meeting Craving: “Slutty dress. Good for her!!!!”
“Hey!” Raini says, “maybe this is a bad idea?”
“Nah!” Everyone else replies, jumping in”
“You think some dumbshit river is gonna undo my Wish? Get FUCKED!”
Fight the? Hook? Stilt? Boys???
Then. Magic Mansion time! sexy sexy sexy
Give Cylthia and Yocheved memories back because I’m the best
Oh the town is made of skin and goop
cool cool cool very cool
Mystra! Bitch! What’s up! get her ass
Session Title: Raini Threatens to Nuke Hell. Oh No.
Aka! Somebody gave the wizard a Gun......
Followed by the first line of session notes: “Zize gives the wizard a gun”
We made a fucking black hole
And I almost died! 
Session Title: Session: I get Laid-- Two!!
Sorc: Arvest (Dragonborn, stinky)
Restated again later on, for emphasis: “Sorc stinky”
My notes on Drow Town are as follows:
We’re immoral nasty boys => whore
Selfishness and paranoia > being cool and nice
Get paid or you’re a heretic
No context: “We fixed Lent! Thank god”
“This fucking sorc is undermining me I hate her so much bitch”
skjhfshkdfjshdf “Zier doesn’t know shit I hate him”
Also there’s cave shadows that took my strength
I hate them too
I apologized to my friends and they’re proud of me! ......disgusting
Session Title: Uh....We Might be Fucked
Session Title: We Fight a Kraken
First line of notes: Well, we do! It goes great
He has some friends. It’s fine. 
Cylthia almost dies? It’s also fine
Alright Octavia, you old purple weirdo. Square up
Session Title: Other Shit Happened But. Zaani.
Most important notes from last session:
All the fish babies are missing!!!!!
Cylthia and Iris are engaged!!!!!
Red can say fuck!!!!!
“Eidyia ’Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!’ OH I love him he’s the worst”
“Lent HATES him it’s so funny”
“Holy fucking altitude sickness batman” hello???
Bonk my head :(
jskhgkdjfg called Timeless a “store brand gilmore who runs a 7/11″ which seems a little mean
All Caps: L O R P U S
“Esk (Fuck you)”
“Shape the fuck up. Fuck you”
“Give us soldiers. Fuck you again”
“NO lich stuff”
“Lent attacked me ahhhh >:(”
“OH I feel in a hole >:(”
“Nasty nasty glowing eel and friends”
“No magic bubble gets zize but like........okay.”
“Shoot shoot, bang bang, gun, etc. Blam”
Session Title: “Raini Chokes Out A Whale”
“The Goop Factory is WACK” which is just a very fun sentence to say out loud
“Sit there and die. Love, Raini”
Session Title: “Anti-Wizard Propaganda”
jkhgdkfjgdf “one guy peed on the floor that was pretty funny”
Follow up session title: “Wizard Rights......Restored”
“Uhhh nothing else important happened”
“Morgan killed my bird!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
“Tentacles and core, 120′ square room, abeast coochie in center. Avoid, please!”
“Raini becomes a support caster! ahaha”
Haste for the gunslinger! Haste for the paladin!!!!”
“Motherfucker killed my bird! Bastard”
“How about: bird two! Fire edition! FUCK you”
“Oh, what time is it? That’s right! Wish time”
3 notes · View notes
havecourage-darling · 5 years
Weasleys’ Wildfire Whiz-bangs
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A/N: Hello! It’s been a while. Can be read as a stand-alone. As a reminder, Golden Trio would be pre- sixth year and reader would be pre seventh year. The twins have already graduated. Hope you like it!
*Please note, I will no longer be posting to Tumblr due to lack of - well, response? feedback? I’ll still be posting to AO3 and the masterlist should always be updated. If you want to follow the rest of the story - please check there. Thanks! [11/29/19]*
Pairing: George Weasley x Reader
Warning: N/A
Words: ~6.3k
Previous, 9. Coyotes. | Next, 11. Identical Twins
Masterlist | AO3
You were not the greatest keeper of secrets.
In your defense, it was not that you weren’t able to keep a secret! No, it was simply the fact that you were quite an honest person. You weren’t one for gossip and you were generally an open book. George always said he’d found it endearing but your father would always laugh and inform you that you’d inherited that from your American side of the family. Now, however, you wished you’d practice the ability.
Soon after the twins’ dramatic departure, Helga landed at your plate one morning carrying a large letter with what you recognized as professor McGonagall’s handwriting.
Please wait for me outside your common room tonight at ten. I will come collect you - bring your wand and a cloak, we will be walking to Greenhouse No. 3. Do not tell anyone. Destroy this note.
You had to sneak away from your best friend without raising suspicion, which was incredibly hard to do without having George as an excuse.
McGonagall had given you no indication as to why you were being escorted to a greenhouse and when you tried to ask, she’d shushed you.
“Professor Sprout?” You said, even more confused. Sprout sat at her usual desk, tending to a mandrake. You looked to McGonagall who had a tense expression on her face. “Is this - is this about Fred and George leaving? I couldn’t have stopped them if I wanted, honest!”
“Miss-” McGonagall started and you steamrolled over her.
“And if this is about that prank me and Lee set on Umbridge - it was harmless! I mean, her office is going to stink but she didn’t get hurt!”
“Dear,” Sprout caught your face in her hands. “You’re not in trouble.”
“I’m not?” You asked, your panic dying down.
“No,” McGonagall said, her eyes twinkling. “If I may, it seems that we’ve been given instructions to help you with a task.”
“A task?” You asked dumbly.
Sprout nodded and patted the mandrake happily. “Yes, straight from the headmaster.”
“Dumbledore?” Your eyes widened. “A task for me?”
“Yes dear,” Sprout said, waving her wand towards the door. You heard it lock and a muffled echo. “It is crucial that you not tell anyone what we’re about to tell you.”
“Pomona,” McGonagall said quietly. Sprout’s eyes never left yours. You nodded and she smiled.
“We were notified that you were one of the first of Dumbledore’s Army to be able to produce a patronus.” McGonagall said, voice tinted with something that sounded like respect.
You nodded sheepishly at Sprout, who smiled proudly. “Yes Professor.”
“Would you mind showing me?” McGonagall asked.
Frowning, you pulled out your wand warily. After performing it so often for lessons, it had become like second nature. “Expecto patronum.”
The familiar coyote burst out of your wand. It padded around the room a few times before evaporating.
“Let’s try a few more things.” McGonagall smiled and her eyes sharpened. “Let’s try a duel, shall we?”
You tentatively raised your wand when she raised hers. You blocked multiple spells and managed to almost hit her with one when she held up a hand. You straightened and chewed on her your lip. “I’m sorry professor!”
She shook her head and Professor Sprout was beaming. She pushed a set of plants towards you. “What do each of these do?”
You recited their uses and multiple purposes. She nodded and turned to McGonagall.
“You’ve just taken your apparition exam?”
Nodding, you winced. “I’m not the most graceful but I can do it.”
“You have a gift with transfiguration,” McGonagall said finally.
Smiling, you gave her a small smile. “I’ve always liked your class professor.”
McGonagall straightened, looking pleased. “Well, it seems that all your professors hold you in high regard and Dumbledore has tasked us with teaching you something that would be an incredibly difficult feat.”
You nodded. Everyone could feel that things were changing and while you didn’t necessarily agree with Dumbledore's ways, you were a Hufflepuff. Harry was loyal to Dumbledore and you were loyal to Harry.
“I’ll do it,” you said with no hesitation. “If this can help beat Vol - You-Know-Who - and help Harry, I’ll do it.”  
Sprout beamed. “I told you Minerva.”
“This will be incredibly complex,” McGonagall said, looking disgruntled. “I had Dumbledore himself teach me but we’ll need to be discreet what with that - that woman around.”
You stifled a laugh at the disgruntled expression she always adopted when talking about Umbridge.
“Hagrid has said we’re welcome to use his home and I dare say we will need to take him up on it.”
“My dear, you cannot speak of this to anyone,” Sprout said seriously. “The only people who will know of your transformation are in this room.”
“And the headmaster,” McGonagall added.
You frowned and nodded. “Transformation?”
Sprout glanced and McGonagall and patted the mandrake again. “I’ve been taking good care of this myself. The leaves will be ready in a week and that’s when we’ll start trying. It depends on the full moon next month.”
“It took me under a year to finally get this right, and we must assume that this feat will take just as long. However, it could be shorter – we must get you to take the potion at the right time,” she said with a deep inhale. “Dumbledore believes it might be beneficial if you are able to become an animagus.”
Straightening, you gaped at her. “An - an animagus?”
McGonagall nodded. “We assume that the form you’ll take is that of a coyote. However, it is imperative that you keep this to yourself. Tell no other professor, not your parents, not any of your friends; as anyone who has this information is in danger.”
“Danger?” You frowned, wringing your hands together nervously. “Why would they be in danger?”
“Because, dear, Dumbledore believes it best not to register this fact with the ministry… should it ever fall.”
You stayed quiet for a moment and nodded. If Dumbledore was worried that the Ministry of Magic would fall one day – you should be too. You had people you needed to protect. “We’d have another animagus that could travel under their noses without them knowing,” you said, “like Sirius.”
Sprout frowned but McGonagall pursed her lips. “Yes, I do believe that’s the reasoning. I feel like I must remind you that this is not mandatory, you do not need to do this. In fact, I’ve argued against this - not due to lack of belief in you but, oh honestly, you’re still a child.”
She huffed and Sprout patted her arm. “Dumbledore left it up to us to decide.”
McGonagall nodded. “If you’re going to be - galivanting - out there doing Merlin knows what, I wanted to be certain that you know how to defend yourself.”
“My dear,” Sprout said quietly, pulling your attention to her. She smiled kindly and took one of your hands in hers. “You do not have to do this. However, should you want to, we’ll help you.”
You thought back to the families that have been destroyed by this war, of Neville and Harry’s parents, of your own Weasleys - of Arthur after the attack - of the children the death eaters had tortured. You were of age now and the reality was that this war was not one that could be avoided and you owed it to your own family to fight with them.
Nodding, you straightened your shoulders. “I’ll do it. What do I need to do?”
The first face you saw coming off the train was George’s. His arms lifted you right off the steps of the Hogwarts Express and you shrieked.
“George!” You laughed, surprised. “You scared me!”
“I’ve missed you,” he said loudly, kissing you right then and there. You smiled into the kiss and squirmed when he deepened it.
“For Merlin’s sake, George! Let her breathe, you’re suffocating her!” Molly’s voice came from behind him.
You huffed a laugh and George leaned back, placing you down on your feet. “Is she still mad at you two?” You whispered.
“She was, then she saw our shop - it’s coming along. We’re close to opening now,” he said, the smile on his face wide.
“Am I finally going to get a tour?” You smiled at him, your arms still around his shoulders.
“A tour of your future home?” Fred asked, coming up behind George. You released George and smacked his shoulder.
“Stop going around telling people that we’re moving in together,” you whispered harshly.
George shrugged, nonchalant. “It’s the truth, we all know it’s going to happen eventually.”
“That’s the only reason why you got the bigger room,” Fred joked.
You rolled your eyes and gave Fred a quick hug before moving onto Molly and your parents.
“My dear,” Molly grabbed your hand, “I really must say you’re so brave.”
Freezing, your heart started to pound. “W-what do you mean?”
“For staying with that son of mine,” Molly said, narrowing her eyes towards the twins. “Oh, I could’ve just killed the two of you when you dropped in without a care in the world! Just pleased as could be.”
“You liked the shop mum!” Fred protested. “You cried and everything!”
You smiled at their indignant expressions.
“Shop?” Your dad asked, his eyes lighting up.
Fred explained to your parents about the shop they managed to buy and some of their products.
“I actually have one with me,” George said pulling a firecracker from his pocket.
“Don’t you dare!” Molly shrieked but it was too late.
The platform lit up and you heard some of the students cheering. Harry popped up next to you and smiled at Molly’s disgruntled expression. “That helped find you quickly,” he said with a dull smile.
“-mortifying! I can’t even look at them in the eyes!” Molly wacked each twin with her bag. “You could’ve gone into the Ministry! She’s going to be a healer! Perfectly respectable!”
Your parents, however, didn’t seem to mind a bit. Your father was laughing, following the fireworks and your mother was smiling as she spoke with Hermione’s parents.
“Hey.” You nudged Harry’s shoulder with your own and he turned his eyes towards you. “If you need me, anytime during the holidays, I’ll be there okay?”
Harry nodded, his eyes still sad, but his smile was genuine. You grabbed him and he hugged you back. “Mum and Dad won’t mind having you over either. I’m serious Potter, I better see Hedwig at least once a week.”
“Alright, alright,” he said huffing a laugh. “See you.”
You waved and watched him approach Hermione and Ron.
“What’s going on?” A voice next to you said. You turned to see Ginny lugging her case behind her.
Molly was still trying to stop the fire crackers to stop multiplying. You shrugged. “Fred and George being Fred and George.”
“It’s been less than five minutes and mum’s already screaming at them?” Ginny asked, her arm linking with yours.
“You know how it goes,” you said, smiling along with her.
Your clock rung, shrill, and you scrambled to shut it off. You froze, turning to look over at George, who smacked his lips and tightened his hold around your waist.
With a quick look to the brightening sky, you slipped out of George’s hold and out of the room. You jumped to get your shoes on and you quietly made your way to the roof of the shop.
Glancing at the watch George had given you, the one he’d inherited from his father, you gripped your wand tightly. You tried to shake the sleep from your head – you’d been doing this for months now, the last leg of your journey. Sprout told you that it’d be any day now -you couldn’t afford to slip up. You’d been lucky to get a clear full moon when you did. So if you made a mistake, you’d need to start over again and months of work would be for nothing.
As the first rays of sun peeked over the horizon, you started. “Amato Animo Animato Animagus. Amato Animo Animato Animagus. Amato Animo Animato Animagus…”
You kept going until the sun had finished its ascension into the sky. You took a moment to sunbathe, stretching out your limbs before slipping back into the flat. You were never able to get back to sleep after you’d spent the good part of the hour chanting, so you settled into your new routine. You opened your textbooks onto the kitchen table and started working on your summer assignments.
After a few hours, you stretched and sighed when you rolled your shoulders. Glancing at the time, you started on breakfast.
As you knew it would, the smell of food woke the boys. George stumbled out first, his hair sticking up wildly and shirt slipping off his shoulder. He smiled sleepily when he saw you. George wrapped his arms around you and dropped his chin on your shoulder.
You stayed there, wrapped around each other for a moment. Turning to press a quick kiss to his cheek, you flipped the pancakes in the pan.
“Smells good, love,” he said quietly.
Their flat felt new even after a few weeks. Some of the twins’ belongings were still in boxes strewn around the small living room. While you’d spent the last few days helping unpack their things, there always seemed to be more to unpack.
You’d be starting the new term soon and the closer you got to leaving, the more worried George seemed to get. He was trying to hide it, but you knew they were both feeling on edge. For that reason, and that reason alone, was why both Molly and your parents let you stay with them for two weeks before start of term.
“Should be ready soon.” You shut off the fire and reached for the one muggle machine you managed to drag into their apartment – a coffee maker. “Just waiting on a fresh pot. Could you wake Fred up for me?”
“Or,” he said pressing a kiss to the sensitive patch of skin below your ear, “we could find something to occupy ourselves until he wakes up.”
“George,” you said warningly.
“I love it when you scold me,” he joked, flipping you around.
Before you could get any further argument out, he pulled you up onto the counter and pressed his lips to yours. Quickly, all rebuttals flew out your head and you found yourself leaning into the kiss.
You ran your fingers through his hair and tugged lightly. As predicted, he let out a soft sound that you kissed away.
“We’ll see each other in Hogsmeade,” you said reassuringly. “If anything seems off, I’ll owl you right away.”
He frowned and you swept your thumb across the soft skin under his eyes. “What’s got you so worried? Umbridge is gone, Dumbledore’s back. It’ll be safe - you would normally be stuffing my suitcase full with pranks.”
“I don’t know. We’ve never been at Hogwarts without each other,” he said quietly, “everything’s changing now.”
It was true, everything felt like you were standing on an edge that no one seemed to be able to pull back from. After what happened at the Ministry - after Sirius…  
“You were at Hogwarts a whole year before I got there,” you said lightly, trying to get him to smile. “First Year George did just fine without me.”
At last, George grinned. “That poor git had no idea what was coming for him.”
You laughed and pulled him towards you. The sudden sound of a door slamming made you jump.
“For the love of – we agreed!” Fred shouted, his hand over his eyes, “you two were to respect the common areas and not subject me to this torture. Merlin’s beard, you’ve been attached to the face since our fourth year, shouldn’t you be used to each other by now?”
You snorted and hopped off the counter. “You’re just as bad when Angelina’s here, don’t point fingers.”
Fred huffed. “Yes, but at least we have the decency to not to be caught snogging in the kitchen.” He bumped into the sofa and went headfirst into the cushions.
“For Helga’s sake Fred, we’re both fully clothed. You can open your eyes!” You couldn’t help but let out a small laugh at the disgruntled expression he shot to you. “Quiet. Sit and eat your eggs.”
Starving, you managed to eat quicker than either of them. Fred continued to whine about the both of you when George straightened.
“You know,” George said thoughtfully. “I wouldn’t have to chase after my girlfriend if she managed to not wake up with the sun. I’d like to have a cuddle in the morning.”
You rolled your eyes. “You sleep like the dead and are a horrible morning person.”
“You’re right,” George said with a mock stern expression. “But I’d like the option!”
“What?” Fred said, bits of toast flying with his exclamation. “Since when does our badger wake up early? You always rush through breakfast before your first class ‘cos you overslept.”
George seemed to realize this, his eyes lighting up and turning towards you.
You immediately darted up, placing your half-finished plate into the sink. “I don’t know, I like switching up my schedule. I’m going down to get some pastries for later, do you two want anything?”
“Badger-” You waved a hand and closed the bedroom door before they could continue.
Helga blinked her eyes at you from her perch. “Don’t look at me like that, you know what Sprout said.” She huffed and you sighed. “Yeah, I know.”
You sat on the counter, next to the cashier’s box, chewing absently on a lemon bar you’d bought on the way to the shop. Glancing around at the few people milling around, you couldn’t help but smile. The shop was exactly what you thought it would be like. Products were spilling from the shelves, there were a group of girls giggling by the love potions, and a few boys admiring the firecrackers.
“That looks good,” a voice to your left said. You turned to glance over your shoulder and smiled when you found George with his chin propped on his palm.
“It’s from Alberta’s Sugar and Potions.” You waved it in your hand. “She baked it this morning, you want a taste?”
His eyes lit up and nodded. You reached up to offer him a piece when he caught you by surprise and pressed his lips to yours. You smiled into the kiss, your free hand coming up to his neck and pulled back after a moment. “What was that for?”
“You offered up a taste.” He winked and you laughed.
“Oi, I don’t pay you two to sit around and snog all day,” Fred shouted from the stairs.
“You don’t pay me at all,” you shouted back. “I could leave-”
“No,” George tightened his hold on your hips, and tucked his nose into your neck. “We’re closing soon anyway.”
You craned your neck to look at the large clock by the stairs. “Closing early today?”
George nodded. “You’ve only got a few days left now, best make the most of them.”
You grinned, threading your fingers through his hair and scratched at his scalp. “I don’t mind waiting until after you close, this is important.”
“What’s a bloke have to do around here to get some time with a witch?” He asked loudly and you flushed.
“Alright, alright!”
“You know, you’d think he’d remember I’m his twin,” you heard Fred telling a nearby customer, “but no. His girlfriend is going away in a week and all of a sudden I’m invisible.”
Verity snorted as she came out of the stock room. “Mister Weasley, where do you want me to put the new shipment of expendable ears?”
Fred sighed. “Next to the wands - wait no, up there, here let me take that.” Fred grabbed one of the boxes and walked off towards the front of the shop.
“How do you know who she’s talking to when she says that?” You asked, tracing the freckles on his chin.
George’s eyes slid closed and he hummed. “When she says what?” He leaned into your touch and you smiled.
You leaned forward and brought your lips to the shell of his ear. “Mister Weasely.”
He stiffened and a light pink blush made its way up his neck and across his face. You smiled, delighted in his discomfort and he sighed. “You find too much enjoyment in that.”
“I like seeing you blush especially since you’re both so shameless.” You shrugged a shoulder and smiled at his glare. “I won’t be able to tease you regularly now, I’ve got to get it in while I can.”
George’s disgruntled expression morphed into a frown, his eyes losing their mirth. “Don’t remind me.” He hooked his chin on your shoulder and you felt his sigh against your neck.
“Bloody hell, are you two still snogging? Merlin’s sake- will one of you at least help Verity load the last of the new shipment?” Fred exclaimed, exasperated.
You kissed George’s temple and hopped off the counter. “Don’t get your knickers in a twist, I’m going - for free I might add.”
“Yeah, yeah!” Fred rounded the counter and nudged George’s elbow. You watched them whisper together, their heads bent towards each other and you frowned.
The clock tower rang twice and an announcement drifted down from the rafters.
“Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes will be closing in thirty minutes.”
Fred and George clapped from the back of the store and grinned at the stragglers. “Get all you can now and remember, we open tomorrow morning for any other purchases you may want.”
You walked around the store, waving your wand and making sure most of the products were placed back on their shelves. Focused on levitating the canary cream puffs onto a top shelf, you stumbled and fell into someone’s arms.
“I’m so sorry,” you said, righting yourself. A smiling face greeted you and you beamed. “Neville!”
“Hello,” he said, face pink. “Sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going.”
“S’all right, it’s my fault too,” you said with a warm smile. You’d always had a soft spot for Neville. “How was your summer?”
“Good, Gran’s finally stopped telling people on the street about what happened at the Ministry,” he mumbled.
“You should be proud,” you said fiercely, “you did great Neville. I’m still mad at you all for not taking me with you.”
Neville’s face was starting to resemble a tomato. “W-we didn’t know, it happened too quickly-”
“I’m just joking Neville,” you said softly, “I’m glad you’re doing better.”
Before you could continue your conversation, you saw a group of boys huddled in the far corner of the shop. Narrowing your eyes, you frowned. “Sorry Neville, I’ll be right back.”
“Just stuff them in your cloak,” one of the boys whispered to the other.
“You scoop those out of your pockets before I jinx you,” you said, pointing at a group of third years.
They all froze at the sound of your voice. They turned and you crossed your arms. Glaring at them, you faintly recognized them from Gryffindor. “Put them back,” you used your Head Girl voice, “now.” Cowed, all except one emptied their pockets and ran off. The biggest one shot you a contemptuous look and you sighed. Why was there always one?
“I would listen to her if I were you,” George said, coming to stand by you. “I’ve never seen anyone do what this one can do with a jinx.”
Undeterred, the boy turned - his hands filled with fire-crackers - and you sighed. “Alright then, s’always got to be the difficult way with you Gryffindors.”
George snorted.
“Admorsus,” you said, pointing your wand at the crackers in his hands.
The boy shrieked loudly, shaking his hands as a few of the packages grew teeth and latched themselves onto his hand.
Fred scooped up the items dropped, cackled, and went to help another customer.
“Not so smug now are ya?” George kissed your temple and smiled. “I always knew you were meant to work here.”
You huffed. “I can’t be your security detail forever.”
“Again with the reminders,” he mumbled.
The boy ran, still trying to shake one of the packages off his hands, and slammed down on the crackers - igniting them.
Verity sighed and lifted her wand, pointing towards the fireworks. You ran forward, moving past the boys laughing from the side. “Verity, no!” The three of you shouted but it was too late.
The fireworks doubled and you sighed. The crowd ducked and you could hear Neville scream as one of them grazed his head.
“It’s always chaos with you Weasleys’.”
George laughed, his eyes lighting up, and doubled over with an arm around his stomach. Well, you sighed, at least he got a good laugh out of it.
Fred rolled up his sleeves and sighed. “Alright, we’re officially closed. Now we just need to bring the pygmys out and get the crackers to stop. Badger you’re the best at-”
You let out a strangled sound at the sight of the sun setting. “I’m sorry- I forgot - I have to- I’ll be right back!” You sprinted up the steps and through the apartment. Trying to calm your pounding heart, you started chanting the spell as you climbed the steps to the roof.
“Amato Animo Animato Animagus…”
You sighed as the sun fell and the sky was dark. Crossing your fingers, you hoped that you weren’t too late. McGonagall would have your head if it was. It’d taken you three tries to even get the potion - you couldn’t handle having another mandrake in your mouth for another month.
You settled on sending Helga to Sprout, to make sure everything was still okay. You descended the steep stairs into the flat and absently chewed on your nail. The summer had brought many showers but you needed a lightning storm - sooner rather than later. Without Sirius, you were the last advantage the Order would have.
“Hello,” a voice said, scaring you out of your thoughts. George sat on the sofa, arms behind his head. “Should I bother asking where you’re running off to all the time or will you manage to talk your way around that too?”
You sputtered, not sure what to say. He stared at you in tense silence for a moment. George had no temper so you usually got nervous at the sight of it. You wrung your fingers, feeling the weight of his silence. You tentatively sat next to him. He didn’t reach out and neither did you.
“Is it something serious?” He asked quietly.
“Yes,” you said honestly.
“Are you sick?”
You shook your head. “No, I’m fine.”
He watched you for another moment and then nodded, satisfied with your answer.
“I’m assuming that if you could tell me, you would’ve already,” he said. “Which means it’s something Order related.”
You took his hand between your own and brought it to your face. “You would’ve been the first person I’d tell. Please don’t ask me anything else.”
“Alright,” he said, bringing you towards his chest. “I trust you.”
Fred’s footsteps echoed as he climbed the stairs. He opened the door and eyed you two warily. “Is everything alright now?”
“Peachy,” George said, the smile returning to his face. You squeezed his hand gratefully.
“Are you - what’s that?” Fred asked, his head tilting. “It’s an owl.”
George opened the window and a tawny owl fluttered onto a nearby chair. It chirped urgently at you and shoved it’s leg out. You unwrapped the letter quickly and recognized Sprout’s scrambled penmanship.
It’s time. Meet us at the Leaky Cauldron as soon as you recieve this.
Your heart started pounding in your chest and George called out your name. As if planned, thunder rumbled outside.
“Who’s it from?” “What’s going on?” “Let me see what it says.”
Before either twin could take a look at the note, it shrieked and ripped itself to pieces. You scrambled to get your wand and your cloak.
“Badger?” George called out.
“Trust me?” You said, turning around and grabbing his hand. “Please.”
He searched your face and then nodded. “Okay, just – be careful.”
You smiled, relieved, and surged forward to kiss him. Within minutes, you ran down the stairs and out into Diagon Alley.
“You got here quickly, did you apparate?” Sprout asked as she ushered you into the room they occupied.
“No, I’m staying with George at their shop until term starts,” you told her, “it’s only a few streets down.”
“Well, that certainly will be helpful,” she said bringing the potion out of its dark casing.
McGonagall pulled out a few potions herself and set them down on the desk in the far corner. “I dare say you’ll need a few calming droughts afterwards.”
“We’ll take you to the Weasleys - it wouldn’t do well to have your parents see you like that. Besides, I know Mr. Fred Weasley has a good eye for potions,” Sprout said with a small smile, “no matter how hard he tried to hide it.”
“Do you think that’s wise?” McGonagall asked. “They’ll be quick to recognize what’s happened to her. The more people who know...”
You frowned, anxiety building within you. “I don’t know…”
“Oh Minerva, you know those Weasley boys joined the Order the moment they became of age. They’ll find out eventually. Afterall, you know these two have been attached at the hip since she came to Hogwarts. I’ve never seen anyone so enamored.”
McGonagall rolled her eyes and you managed to smile. “Alright, if you’re sure.”
You chewed on your lip and nodded. “Yes. They’ll be able to help me if we need it.”
The first bout of lightning shone through the window and Sprout clapped her hands. “Alright, it’s time.”
McGonagall handed you the vial and you slowly pulled the cork. Sniffing it cautiously, you scrunched your nose and Sprouted tutted. “Don’t sniff it, just hold your breath, it’ll work instantly.”
You sighed and tightened the hold on your wand. Without overthinking it, you swallowed the vial and fought the urge to spit it out.
“Alright, you’ll feel it working from your feet up. It’ll start to get painful quickly - Pomona, are the charms in place?”
“Yes, the silencing charm should hold,” she said.
Just as your feet started to become numb, an invisible fist seemed to grab at your stomach and pulled. You stumbled to your knees, your chest heaving. Your skin felt impossibly itchy, like you had a thousand ants crawling all over you but you couldn’t get them off of you.
“Please, make it stop,” you screamed, your spine felt like it’d been replaced with a burning metal rod.
“You’re almost there,” someone said, sound was starting to warp - your eyesight becoming spotty. “It won’t be long now, concentrate dear girl!”
With a few more jabs to your abdomen, it happened quickly. The pain disappeared so suddenly, you’re lightheaded. Habit told you to get off the floor but when you leaned back, you find yourself sitting on your hind legs. Surprised, you scramble back to all fours.
“She’s beautiful, look at the coat on her,” Sprout said with a proud smile. McGonagall looked close to tears.
“You did it, you’ve done it!” She beamed, pleased. “Now, can you hear us?”
Opening your mouth to answer, the only sound that came out was a warbled howling. You quickly stop it and lifted up one of your paws experimentally. You ran your tongue against a row of sharp teeth.
“Don’t try to speak,” McGonagall said, “it takes time to get used to. Nod if you can understand me.”
You nodded, stretching out each of your limbs. Your tail hit the end of the bed frame and you jumped, startled again. Helga, this was going to take getting used to.
“Let’s make sure everything went to plan, then we’ll help you adjust to your new form,” Sprout said, patting your head. “Coyotes are by no means native to England but, you look close enough to a dog that if we get the color of your fur darker.”
“Now, how’s your eyesight?” McGonagall asked, her wand hovering over you. “Let’s test that first.”
However, it quickly becomes apparent to everyone that the potion worked as well as it could have.
“Alright dear, shifting back will be easier than the first transformation but most wizards sleep for days afterwards,” McGonagall smiled, her eyes beaming. “I slept for the entire weekend after my first shift. We should assume you will as well.”
With a few words of encouragement, your shift back is significantly smoother. You’re on two feet again and you feel as if you’d just been zapped with energy. You felt like you’d burst at any moment.
“How do you feel?” Sprout asked, her hands out in front of you - cautious.
“I feel great!” You said, your blood rushing through your ears. “I feel like I could run a marathon!”
“A what?” Sprout asked, her brows furrowing.
“Easy now,” McGonagall said, her hand coming to your elbow when you stumbled.
“Really,” you said, “I think I’ve got it.”
Just as you moved towards the window, the room spun and you felt your knees give out from under you.
The next time you opened your eyes, you came face to face with bright red hair. You blinked and craned your head to see who was lying on your pillow. George sighed with your movement and tightened his grip on you. You smiled and pushed some of his hair back.
A soft cough brought your attention towards the corner of the room. Fred smiled, wariness in his eyes.
“Don’t get any ideas, I’m still in the room,” he said with a snort.
You rolled your eyes and groaned when the action caused the room to spin.
“Okay,” you said rubbing your eyes. “Note to self, don’t do that again.”
Fred huffed and you frowned.
“How’d I get here?”
Pulling your hand from your face, Fred shot you a look. “You could’ve warned us. George went mad, pacing around the living room and watching the door. When you didn’t come back after a few hours he was this close to calling mum.”
You shot him a panicked look.
“Don’t worry, I stopped him.” He sat down at the edge of the bed. “Imagine our shock when bloomin’ Sprout and McGonagall show up at our door with an unconscious badger.”
“I-I don’t know what to say,” you whispered.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen Georgie here so worried before, didn’t think it was possible even,” he joked. You grimaced and he sighed. “McGonagall said not to tell anyone what’d happened to you.”
“Even though both of them refused to say what was going on, I never thought I’d ever want to hit a professor,” George said groggily, from beside you.
You turned to him, the skin under his eyes was dark and red, like he’d rubbed them for too long. “I’m sorry,” you said quietly.
“You’ve been asleep for two days. Sprout won’t answer any of our owls. McGonagall said to tell her if you didn’t wake up in time for term.”  
“Two days?” You hissed as you sat up, your back cracking with the movement.
“Easy now,” Fred said, his hand on your shoulder.
“What else did Sprout say?” You asked, your vision swimming.
George pointed to the table on your right where a vase of flowers sat. “She left you this.” There was a note at the base. You lifted it and ran your thumb over the words.  
I’ve never been more proud.
The bouquet was filled with daffodils, orange gladiolus, and irises. You smiled and brushed a finger over one of the petals. You knew they meant something and tried to remember.
Honesty, strength, and hope.
You took a deep breath and nodded. “If something goes wrong, you need to owl McGonagall. She’ll be able to help. You can’t tell anyone what I’m about to show you. I’m serious, you need to swear. You can’t tell Molly, Ron, Harry - no one.”
“Help with what?” Fred asked, incredulous. “What is going on?”
“Swear,” you insisted. You turned to George, his brows were furrowed but you grabbed his hands. “George, swear on my life – swear.”
Without hesitation, he nodded. “I swear. I promise.”
You turned to Fred and he sighed. “I swear badger, just – tell us what’s happening.”
With a small smile, you felt your skin start to itch, your stomach flipped, and there was no pain – only a faint ache. “I’ve got something to show you two – it’ll blow your pants off.”
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you,” Fred joked.
You rolled your eyes and let the pull in your chest take over. You shook your body out, the bed dipping with your added weight. You dug your snout into George’s neck and huffed when he jumped.
“Bloody hell.”
A/N: For this bit to work let’s pretend Fred and George have a dramatic exit earlier than both the movies and books indicate. Additionally, I'm not entirely sure how the animagus shift would take to learn and went by what I found on pottermore. Let's just look over it, shall we?
@yallgotkik​ @cutie-bug​ @anomynousauthor​ @awkwardnesshabitat​ @strangerliaa​ @vainsofroses​
if you don’t want to be tagged anymore, lmk.
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delciastudies · 5 years
Starting up a blog or studyblr (with little or no experience in graphic/web design)!!!
[22.10.19] ✧
I promised I would make a post about starting up a blog so here you go!! These are the things I found most useful in my time starting up a studyblr, and I was never someone with amazing handwriting or an amazing bullet journal, but I loved writing, I loved taking pictures, and I always dreamed of having my own blog! Hopefully this is helpful information to all of you looking to get started <3
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✧ First and foremost, you need to start up a blog that incorporates your interests. Whether that be studying/giving study advice/student experience/really anything academic, that would fall under a studyblr. But there are so many options! Langblr’s for individuals interested in language, bookblrs, literature blogs, travel blogs, you name it. My blog actually began as a travel blog! I still incorporate a significant amount of that into my current blog. Once you find what you’re interested in, you can orient your name, logo, description, and other aspects around that, which takes us into...
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✧ ...choosing a theme! My blog is currently oriented around a simplistic color theme. Some blogs do their themes around their interests: for example books! Which might appear in the logo and cover. I’d say the easiest route to take is choose your color template, and decorate/design everything around that. Find what you think fits you and what fits the type of page you want to create. It also helps to look at other blogs for inspiration! That takes us into..
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✧.. creating your own work, logo, what I would consider ‘artboards’. This gives you a unique and original touch to your blog, personal autonomy, and you don’t have any worries about copyright or taking someone else’s work. While it is easy to pull stuff from online and other blogs, it is much more fun to create your own artboards, and something that I continuously do just out of enjoyment. :) Here are some of the tools I use (and that I know are quite popular) in doing that:
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✧ Illustrator is my main go-to. Whenever I am creating a new cover, profile picture, choosing color schemes or simply wanting to make something fun and cute for my next post, I use illustrator!
     ✧ Pros: allows a wide range of graphics and illustrations; high-tech; popular, so there are lots of tutorials out there for its use
     ✧ Cons: can be expensive (I would advise checking with your school/employer/other institution to see if they offer it for free!); can be overly complicated for someone with no experience in graphic design (like I was!)
✧ Inkscape is one that I have never personally used, but that I hear is extremely popular in the graphic design community. Based on layout images I have seen of it, it seems super simple to use and is definitely a great place to start for beginners. And its free!!
✧ Photoshop is an app that I have access to but do not use as often, but just like illustrator, allows for a wide-range of tools, but can prove complicated for someone with no experience in graphic design; also, it costs.
✧ VSCO is my all-time favorite photo-editing app: I have been using mine for ages. It also is free for some filters, but I personally pay for vsco-pro because of the huge selection of other filters and overall simplicity of it as an app. I also have sooo many travel photos that I post on my vsco page, so check those out. ;) Lastly, and most importantly...
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✧... stay committed! This is the deal-breaker, and one that kept ruining my chances at having the blog I dreamt of. While I made my tumblr ages ago and loved using it for travel, I often found myself abandoning it for months at a time. We’ve all been there. Here are a few tricks that help me to stay committed to my blog and use it frequently enough that I consider myself a committed blogger and I feel emotionally committed as well:
      ✧ Put it in your bookmarks tap (in Chrome or Safari), make it an app on your first page, and check it daily!! I used to set reminders to blog, but now I’m at the point where I think about my blog all the time and don’t need to set reminders (wack). I love to check it at the same time I am checking the mail, like it’s my side hustle (even though its just for enjoyment ;,)).
      ✧ Do 100 days of productivity!! To some this might feel like a chore (I’ve tried completing 100 days of productivity 3 times with no success. It takes time), but it will keep you checking and writing on your blog daily. It works!!
      ✧ Get in touch with other bloggers!! Send them messages!! Reblog their posts!! If you’re making friends and feel like you’re a part of your blogging community (which are normally theme-based: I love keeping in touch with other studyblrs and langblrs!!) I promise it will make you feel like you’re reaching an audience and that you have people who are waiting for your posts (cheesy I know). I love sending messages to other bloggers (and my good friend @ginger-biologist-writer​ who I message every time I’m on :,)). Other things that help you stay in touch with other bloggers is challenges (such as studyblr challenges, tag-a-friend challenges, studyblr reblogs, types posts, etc. etc.) While you’re a at it, check out those links and give them a follow!
       ✧ And fun thing about being committed is the more you use tumblr, get acquainted with its layout, and see how other blogs function, the better you will be at figuring out how you want to organize your posts. Some people love masterposts with links to other amazing blogs or their posts: some people will do infographs, some will do a short daily recaps (which I do!), some will do study tips; some people organize their date like a title or italics or [22.10.19] like me or “daily recap // 22-10-19″ or they add emojis or  ✧’s or anything-- find what you like and go with it!!!
       ✧ most importantly, we are rooting for you. I have not met a single blogger who doesn’t absolutely love other bloggers and isn’t always willing to help out. That’s what we’re here for really... we like to blog, we like to show people how to study, we like to share our experiences, so we like to help! Send a blogger some questions and don’t ever be afraid to reach out.
I hope this helps to all our new bloggers-to-be; just remember, we’ve all been there, and we’ve put in our time and investments to make the blogs we run today. We wanna see yours grow too ;,)
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artificialqueens · 5 years
nobody knows where we might end up, chapter four (branjie) - holtzmanns
(read on ao3) | (tumblr)
“Dr. Cain told Dr. Miller who told Dr. Edwards who told me that she saw you two practically ready to bite each other’s heads off in the hallway a few days ago.” Dr. O’Hara ends her statement with a bite of her salad, eyes expectant.
“Jesus, what is this, the hospital from Grey’s Anatomy? Do y’all ever actually work or just gossip here?” So maybe she’s feeling a little grumpy about it. Also because she’s not sure which time it is that Dr. O’Hara is talking about.
AN: Thank you so much for the sweet responses to this story! I love it so, so much. In this chapter, we have soft baby gays in the past, and a bit of hospital gossip in the present. Writ is the most wonderful friend and beta ever.
“Has anyone told you that you’re nuts? ‘Cause you’re nuts.”
Vanessa’s staring at Brooke’s review for the midterm, and holy shit. The colour coordination. The diagrams. It’s as if she’s going to be graded on artistic ability.
Brooke snorts at her dumbstruck face. “Honestly, it helps me to consolidate all the information, making it all pretty and organized. It’s helpful. My notes aren’t as extensive as yours, though.”
Brooke reaches out to grab Vanessa’s midterm review, a haphazard collection of handwritten notes that she’s meticulously copied again and again. Vanessa’s found a strategy that works for her, especially when it comes to information heavy subjects - rewrite, rewrite, rewrite.
Though it does make her notes look a bit chaotic. And unreadable to anyone who isn’t familiar with her handwriting.
But hey, it works for her.
“Organized chaos, is what mine is.” Her wrist aches with a phantom pain as she thumbs through the pages, remembering the strain as she wrote line after line.
Vanessa leans over the table, looks over at the diagram that Brooke is drawing of the renal system. Her coloured pencils are spread out beside her, because of course Brooke has coloured pencils to make her diagrams even more pretty.
Vanessa picks up the yellow coloured pencil, a smile playing on her lips. “Don’t forget this one when you have to colour in the pee.”
Brooke wrinkles her nose. “Ugh, when you say it like that-”
Vanessa snickers. “Nephrology is wack. I’m glad we’re both in agreement about that.”
“It is cool, though.” Vanessa can see the gears in Brooke’s brain start to turn as she traces a finger over the diagrams that she’s drawn on the page. “Like the fact that sodium is so involved? And the amount that our body retains water is totally dependent on balancing concentration levels in a substance, which is something we learned in what, grade ten? I love it.”
“You’re cute when you’re all excited over pee.” Vanessa can’t help but cackle when Brooke groans at her statement.
“I’m not excited over pee- ”
“Yes you are. Pee lover.”
“Hush.” Brooke lifts up her notes to lightly smack Vanessa’s shoulder with them, making her squeal and lean back in her chair. The action nearly makes Vanessa fall off, and when she catches herself on the edge of the table, the two of them are laughing hard enough that Vanessa’s sure that a librarian is going to come to shush them at any second.
They get back to work after Brooke goes to the bathroom (‘don’t get too excited about going pee in there’), finishing up their respective midterm reviews and quizzing each other. Vanessa checks her watch, sighs as the time for her 6 pm lecture ticks closer and closer.
“I gotta go.” Vanessa doesn’t want to. Switching to a different lecture so that she can spend more time with Brooke would be silly, right?
She tells herself that for now.
“Have fun in class. I’ll study nephrology all by my lonesome.” Brooke fake pouts up at her, and Vanessa rolls her eyes good naturedly.
“You say that as if you’re not going to have the time of your life.”
Brooke sticks her tongue out, a gesture that Vanessa returns right back at her. She pauses when she’s packed up all of her things, letting the words rush out before she loses the nerve to say them.
“Hey, if you’re still studying in the evening and don’t have dinner plans, wanna come over later? I was planning on making something in our suite kitchen. We can keep quizzing each other while making food, if you want.”
Because, yep, that’s the only reason she’s asking Brooke to hang out even more today. To study while they cook.
She’s so transparent that she can see through herself sometimes.
Brooke blinks up at her before grinning, and she’s back to her shyness from when they first started talking. “Yeah. Sure, that would be fun. We’ll be even more prepared for the midterm then.
Yep. Prepared for the midterm.
Vanessa will take it, though. Because really, school is the priority, right?
She grins at Brooke. “Perfect. I’ll text you when class is done?”
“Sounds good.” Brooke waves her phone around in her hand. “I’ll be waiting.”
“I bet you will. Now go back to learning about pee so you can quiz me about it later.”
Vanessa skips down the hallway as Brooke groans, smiling to herself. The two hours of lecture she has to get through before their dinner better fly by.
“Silky. Silky. What have I done?”
“You’ve inv-“
“I’ve invited her over to make dinner together, Silky!” Vanessa practically yelps it, vibrating with nervous energy as she dances around their suite’s kitchen, pulling ingredients that she had bought earlier in the day from the communal fridge and cupboards.
“Do you think she even likes stir fry? I just bought the stuff in the morning ‘cause it’s easy. I didn’t think I was gonna invite her for dinner. ” Vanessa punctuates the last four words with raps on the counter.
Silky munches away on her own dinner at the table, watching her as if she’s a nature documentary. “Who doesn’t like stir fry? It’s easy as shit and always tastes good.”
“What if she has some sort of weird stir fry trauma? Had food poisoning with it and now hates it more than anything in the world?“
There’s a rap on their door, then, and Vanessa looks at Silky in panic.
“Well, now you get to find out. I’m taking my dinner to our room.” With that, Silky takes her plate, shutting the door behind her.
She can do this. It’s only another studying session, this time with food involved. She opens the door to the suite, finds a wide eyed Brooke behind it.
“Hey, I brought two bite brownies for dessert? I wasn’t sure if you liked chocolate or not, but two bite brownies are always good, and they were in the campus store, and-”
Vanessa can’t help but melt as Brooke cuts herself off, drawing in a breath. Did she really have anything to worry about?
“Sorry.” Brooke looks at her sheepishly, taking a step into the suite when Vanessa holds the door open more to let her in.
“For what?” Vanessa grins at her. “You like stir fry?”
They work together as a team, chopping the vegetables and making the noodles like a well oiled machine while tossing questions from the nephrology unit back and forth at one another.
“True or false,” Brooke starts as she drains the noodles, “Renin secretion is influenced by potassium.”
“False.” Vanessa points the spatula at Brooke. “Sodium influences it. Low sodium means that more is released. ”
“Perfect.” Brooke grins at her, bringing the noodles over so that Vanessa can pour the stir fry mix on top. “You’ve been killing all these questions.”
“So have you. I feel pretty good about this unit.” Vanessa sticks her hand out for a high five, one that Brooke returns. “What do you say we take a studying break and eat?”
They curl up on the couch, and Vanessa barely has a chance to bring a bite to her lips before Brooke exclaims loud enough to be heard by the rest of the floor. “Vanessa, this is so good!”
“Yeah?” Her answer is muffled by her bite but she’s thrilled nonetheless, feeling like she wants to get up and dance around. It’s a feeling that only increases when Brooke nods.
“Yeah. I’m definitely gonna need seconds. Maybe thirds? Kind of want to sneak all this back to my room with me. Who knows?”
Vanessa grins. “No need for that, B. You can always come back and we can make it again.”
Brooke points her fork at her. “I’m going to take you up on it.”
“Why else do you think I offered?” She knows that her grin in Brooke’s direction is stupidly happy, solely for the fact that Brooke is reflecting the same facial expression back at her.
Vanessa likes her. A lot. More than just in class, more than when they just study together.
Not that it’s a big deal.
Brooke nudges her side with her elbow. “We spend so much time talking about school and class-”
“-and currently pee, thanks to the nephrology unit-”
Brooke snorts. “-and currently pee. As I was saying, we barely have the chance to talk about anything else, it’s so rare. So, I want to know you more. Tell me something.”
“Like what? That’s an open ended question.” What does Brooke even want to know?
Brooke shrugs. “I don’t know. Tell me more about your family, maybe?”
Vanessa leans forward in her spot, taking a sip of her drink before she speaks. “Okay. Well, it’s me and my mom and my older brother. And my abuela. We make a nice little unit.” She loves her family, really does. Misses them like crazy while she’s at school, especially her mom's cooking, which she appreciates now more than ever after having being made to cook for herself.
“That sounds nice. Are you all close?” Brooke leans her cheek on her hand, listening intently, and her focus makes Vanessa flush under her gaze a bit.
“Yeah. Real close. My mom’s always been supportive, y’know? Through everything. Gotten a couple of ass whoopings along the way, but they’ve always been deserved. I was a demon child.” Vanessa thinks back to herself as a kid, giving her mom more stress than she deserved at the time, acting out.
“But we’re closer now. Which is nice.” Vanessa shrugs, smiling a little. She needs to call her mom soon, catch up with her. “Being away at school makes us appreciate each other more.”
Brooke smiles back. “She sounds like a lovely mom.”
“She is.” Vanessa nudges her. “What about you, what’s your family like?”
Brooke shrugs. “They’re okay. I like being away at school, if that tells you anything.”
Vanessa raises an eyebrow. “That bad, huh?”
Brooke shifts in her chair, trying to explain. “No, not bad, per se. Just…stressful? Wound up?”
“That’s not easy, though.” Vanessa’s glad that her mom isn’t like that. She wants to do the best she can, make her happy, but her mom never acts as if she’s anything but proud of her.
“No. It isn’t.” Brooke fiddles with the couch cushion beside her. “They’re just always expecting perfection on my end, y’know? And I’m trying to give it to them. I want to. I should be able to.”
Now that makes a lot of sense. It explains Brooke’s need to do the absolute best, her panic that sets in when she feels like she hasn’t studied enough. The way Brooke calms down during their study sessions when she starts to understand things better.
“You can’t, though. No one can. No one’s perfect.” Vanessa has to resist an urge to grab Brooke’s hand, rub her thumb in little circles over her palm. “You can only do the best you can.”
“Yeah, I guess.” Brooke doesn’t look too convinced.
“If everyone was perfect, we’d all be boring as shit. Nothing fun to make us all different. We wouldn’t have anything to still work towards, either.” Vanessa pulls her feet up on the couch, scooching closer to Brooke. “You work your ass off and it already shows. I’m sure they can see that.”
Brooke bites her lip. “I hope so.”
“If not, I see it. Everyone else here sees it. You’re amazing.” The words tumble from Vanessa’s mouth before she can stop them, making her want to clap a hand over her mouth.
Way to make her feelings known. She’s probably gonna scare Brooke off.
She wants to take the words back, apologize for overstepping, but Brooke’s smile is soft on her face. “You’re the amazing one, helping me study and feeding me and being more than amazing company.”
“I’m glad I sat beside you during our first class. Not that I had a choice.” Vanessa thinks back to their first lecture, where she had come in late and it had been plenty embarrassing.
“All I remember from that class is how much your leg was shaking for most of it.” Brooke looks at her with a grin. “Thank goodness you don’t do that all the time.”
“I was nervous! It was the first class! Plus, I was sitting beside you and you looked really intimidating.” It’s true. Brooke looked mean at first glance.
Brooke looks at her in surprise. “Really?”
Vanessa scoffs. “Please. As if you didn’t know that already. You were glaring at me the whole time.”
“Oh god. I’m so sorry.” Brooke’s cheeks are pink. “In my defense…I was nervous too?”
Vanessa snorts. “Sure, whatever. It’s all good. Your tune changed real fast as soon as I opened my mouth to talk to you, anyway.”
“How so?”
“You got all shy on me.”
Now Brooke is the one to look indignant, eyebrows raised to contradict her statement. “I did not.”
Vanessa snickers. “Yes you did. All stuttering on your words and shit.” As if Brooke doesn’t make her stumble on her own words, too.
“That is completely false and you know it.”
Vanessa is about to retort, words on her tongue about how she’s nothing but truthful, but then Brooke is tickling her sides, making her squirm on the couch.
“Playing dirty!” Vanessa sticks her hands out to tickle Brooke back, give her a taste of her own medicine, but Brooke doesn’t even flinch under her touch.
“Wait.” Vanessa pauses, narrowing her eyes. “You’re not ticklish?”
“Nope.” Brooke pops the ‘p’ at the end of the word, with a grin at Vanessa that is way too smug.
Brooke giggles at her dramatics and it spurs Vanessa on further, flopping herself lower onto the couch.
“Unbelievable. Not even ticklish.”
“But you are. And it’s a fact that I will absolutely use to my advantage.” Brooke looks too happy, too thrilled about the turn of events.
Vanessa fixes her with a look. She wouldn’t. “Don’t you dare.”
“Don’t I dare what?”
“You know exactly what-” Vanessa shrieks because Brooke tickles her again, climbing on top of her as they’re both giggling.
“Mercy, mercy.” Vanessa holds a hand up and Brooke acquiesces, stopping. It’s then that Vanessa notices that Brooke is still on top of her, close enough that she can smell her shampoo, feel her hair that’s falling in front of her face and brushing against her arms.
Brooke evidently notices at the same time, her eyes widening. She’s about to say something, maneuvering her arm so that she doesn’t fall off of Vanessa when-
“Sup, bitches?”
Vanessa groans, dropping her head against the back of the couch. Typical.
“Hi?” Brooke climbs off of Vanessa at lightning speed, straightening herself out in the couch beside her.
Silky fixes them both with a knowing grin. “Don’t mind me, grabbing a snack.”
Vanessa sighs as Brooke is back on her side of the couch, introducing herself to Silky as she fixes herself a sandwich.
Moment gone.
Vanessa pulls off her gloves, gown, and mask, tossing them into the waste disposal before washing her hands. She grins as Dr. Michaels comes up behind her, smile of approval clear on the woman’s face.
“Nice job, Dr. Mateo. Off to a great start.”
Her first surgery at her new job? Successfully completed. Sure, it had been a simple ablation procedure, but Vanessa feels great.
She’s been hired here as the cardiothoracic head for a reason. She’s gonna show everyone that the chief made the right decision.
“Thanks. You were great to work with in there. That ablation was smooth.”
“You’re damn right about that.” Dr. Michaels holds out a fist, and Vanessa bumps it right back.
Dr. Michaels pulls off her scrub cap, holding the door open for Vanessa to go through. “Lunch?”
They grab a table in the cafeteria, joined by Dr. O’Hara and another doctor that she’s never met who looks like she should still be doing her undergrad degree. Vanessa sticks out a hand to introduce herself.
The woman shakes it. “Dr. St. Clair. Cardiothoracic resident.”
Vanessa’s eyebrows raise in surprise. “You’re a resident? I swear I thought you were-”
“An intern?” Dr. St. Clair laughs, shaking her head. “Yeah. I get that a lot. Looking young as a doctor isn’t the most helpful in getting patients to respect you.”
“So,” Dr. O’Hara’s voice is conspiratorial as she takes out her lunch, “what’s the gossip on you and Dr. Hytes?”
Vanessa nearly chokes on her sandwich. “What do you mean?” It’s interspersed with coughs, prompting Dr. Michaels to pat her on the back.
“Dr. Cain told Dr. Miller who told Dr. Edwards who told me that she saw you two practically ready to bite each other’s heads off in the hallway a few days ago.” Dr. O’Hara ends her statement with a bite of her salad, eyes expectant.
“Jesus, what is this, the hospital from Grey’s Anatomy? Do y’all ever actually work or just gossip here?” So maybe she’s feeling a little grumpy about it. Also because she’s not sure which time it is that Dr. O’Hara is talking about.
She and Dr. Hytes have fallen into a routine of sorts for their joint consult on the upcoming surgery. Vanessa feels like she’s defending her fucking thesis from the way that Dr. Hytes continues to question her abilities concerning the procedure. It’s absolutely infuriating, and lead to many shouting matches in the conference rooms.
The Brooke she remembers from undergrad would never have been like this. Disrespecting her at every turn, acting like a fucking bitch. Acting like she’s better than everyone else. But Vanessa knows her, and Dr. Hytes is not. Vanessa has never wanted to put her in her place more.
But she’s also just started. She doesn’t want to look unprofessional and get fired before she can make any leeway as an attending surgeon.
Besides, if she gets fired, it means that Dr. Hytes wins.
“You didn’t answer the question.” Dr. Michaels and Dr. O’Hara look like a buddy cop duo, resting their elbows on the table, while Dr. St. Clair watches attentively.
“She just rubs me the wrong way, that’s all.” No way is Vanessa going to bring their history - ancient history, at that - up to her coworkers. No one else’s business.
Dr. Michaels shoots a conspiratorial look at Dr. O’Hara. “Seems like a lot of emotion for just rubbing someone the wrong way.”
Vanessa shrugs. “Maybe I’m just an emotional person.” It’s not a lie, not really.
“Not only from you,” Dr. O’Hara lowers her voice, “From her, too.”
“Yeah?” Vanessa raises an eyebrow.
“Mhm.” Dr. O’Hara nods at her. “I’ve seen that woman have maybe five emotions max while working here. She’s usually unflappable. Since you’ve gotten here, though? The woman is pissed.”
Vanessa can’t help the satisfied smile that settles on her face. “Good.”
Let Dr. Hytes be pissed. Especially since she’s been causing Vanessa so much grief. It’s what she deserves to feel.
“See!” Dr. O’Hara points at her. “There’s something you’re not telling us, and I know it. We’re gonna find out.”
Vanessa snorts, taking another bite of her sandwich. “Good luck with that.”
“Dr. West, you wanted to see me?”
“Come in.” Dr. West’s voice is warm when Vanessa knocks on her office door, though it does little to assuage the way her heart feels like it’s sinking in her chest.
She doesn’t know why the chief of surgery has called her in for a meeting, though has a sneaking suspicion it’s about a certain neurosurgeon attending. Maybe Dr. West has had it and wants to get rid of her - Vanessa wouldn’t be surprised if Dr. Hytes has complained about her. The bitch.
“I wanted to touch base with you about your first few weeks here, see that everything is going away.” Dr. West is smiling at her, and doesn’t look too mad - perhaps a good sign?
“It’s been great so far. Everyone is incredibly welcoming.” Not a lie, for the most part - not that she’s going to bring up Dr. Hytes, not when her and Dr. West seem like they’re friendly with each other.
“That’s good to hear.” Dr. West is looking at Vanessa with an expression she can’t quite decipher, and it makes her want to squirm in her seat. She can’t tell how much the chief actually knows.
Vanessa’s pretty sure that Dr. West hadn’t been in the attending locker room in the morning. when Dr. Hytes had interrupted her conversation with Dr. Miller about ICU stay lengths at her previous hospital, muttering that it seemed to be counterproductive for patient health. So maybe Vanessa had to give Dr. Hytes a piece of her mind - so what if such arguments are becoming a daily occurrence? As long as they’re not disrupting patient care, Vanessa’s going to fight back every time.
Vanessa’s not one to take things lying down. She doesn’t care if the other doctors in this hospital are. Dr. Hytes doesn’t scare her. Sure, the way her eyes narrow in her direction and the way she stares down at her make her heart feel like it’s  beating a little faster sometimes - but it’s just adrenaline.
“So.” Dr. West leans forward in her seat, opening up her clipboard. “A change I implemented here a few years back when I became chief was more opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration. More work with doctors outside our immediate disciplines - to build more connections between everyone despite all of our differences and interests.”
“Okay.” Vanessa nods, not sure where Dr. West is going.
“I understand that you already have a joint surgery coming up with Dr. Hytes soon.” Dr. West looks up from her clipboard, holding Vanessa’s gaze for a little too long.
She tries her best to keep her face neutral. “That’s right.”
“How has the preparation for the case been going so far?”
Vanessa channels her best poker face. “It’s been alright, thank you. Dr. Hytes is incredibly smart.” Not a lie.
“I’m glad you think so.” Dr. West goes back to her notes, pushing her glasses up on her nose with her index finger. “One initiative I’ve started with new surgery hires is having them shadow surgeries in a few other disciplines. Have the opportunity to see how others do things, ask questions about unfamiliar procedures, participate in interdisciplinary information sharing.”
“I see.”
“I know you’ve been here for a few weeks and seem to be settling in well. Would this still be something that you’d be interested in?”
From the way that Dr. West is looking at her, she’s not sure if she has a choice in her answer. “It would be pretty educational to shadow in some other disciplines. Haven’t done that since I was a resident.”
Vanessa isn’t lying, per se. It would be pretty cool. It’s just that she already as an idea of who Dr. West wants her to shadow for neuro already-
“I think it would be a great idea for you to shadow Dr. Hytes for one of her procedures, especially before your joint one in a few weeks. You can get to know her a bit more. We can start with that.”
“The surgery is to remove an arteriovenous malformation. Do you happen to know what that is, or do you need a refresher?” Dr. Hytes sneers it at her as she braids her hair back (still as blonde, still as long as it used to be) and Vanessa wants to smack the smug look off of her face.
“I’ve taken neuro, Dr. Hytes, my memory isn’t that shit.” Vanessa scoffs. Of course Dr. Hytes is on her high horse already.
Vanessa is not looking forward to shadowing her in the least. She doesn’t care how she operates, she doesn’t give a shit over how people fawn over her. Hell, if it weren’t for their joint surgery coming up, she probably would have found a way to decline Dr. West.
But at the same time…she needs intel. Needs to know what to expect before they have to step into an operating room as colleagues, so that it doesn’t blow up in their faces.
Doesn’t mean she has to be happy about it.
“If you say so. Keep out of my way in there. This is my surgery, and I’d like to keep it running as smooth as the rest of the ones I do.” Vanessa rolls her eyes at Dr. Hytes’ words. So damn cocky.
“I want to be here as little as you do. As if I’d want to be up in your face during this. Chill.” She pulls on her scrub cap, one with little dogs all over it that she couldn’t resist buying as a resident. It remains her favourite.
“Whatever. Just don’t get in my way.” The words are cold as Dr. Hytes pulls on her own scrub cap, and Vanessa has to suppress a groan because of course .
Dr. Hytes’ scrub cap has little cats all over it. Typical.
“Fine.” So what if Vanessa’s a bit haughty when she says it? “As long as you don’t get in mine.”
The growl that emanates from Dr. Hytes in response is enough to make her smirk more than she should.
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I present to you Kinesis: Chapter 17, please feel free to look for all previous and future chapters on my Master List and under the “Kinesis” tag :) Love you all!
Warnings: None
“Masamune, a letter.” My charge, Kojiro announced as he dropped the correspondence on my desk. 
“Thanks, if you give me a sec I’ll have it read and responded to?” I asked, not sure what the surveillance team was currently doing. 
“I can wait,” Kojiro responded quickly. “Everything in and around Gomphrena is quiet right now.”
I nodded and ripped the envelope open. For once the update lacked details beyond calling everyone to meet just outside of Solidago in the Alstroemeria Forest. Double-checking for hidden or extra information I turned the letter over in my hands. That was Hideyoshi’s meticulous handwriting which guaranteed the lack of instructions were intentional. 
We set off at dawn and with minimal stopping, we made it to the rendezvous point in less than three days. I mean, Alstroemeria made sense, it was in the center of the country and almost dead even between all four bases; I really couldn’t blame them for picking it, but did we really have to meet in a haunted forest? 
“Stop lamenting and get a move on.” Ieyasu groaned from beyond the tree line. “It’s not a haunted forest.”
“Like hell, it’s not haunted!” I shot back, rushing forward to catch up to the group. The last thing I wanted to do was walk through here by myself.
There was an innumerable number of trees, but I guess there would be. This was a forest. The foliage overhead was so vast it nearly blocked out the sun, only a soft stream of light could be seen through the leaves when the wind whirled in the sky above. Everywhere beyond the unmarked path was a carpet of blue, the ground a near explosion of brightly colored flowers; It was beautiful, like something out of a fantasy novel but that’s precisely why I didn’t trust the peaceful facade. 
“Would you relax? You’re literally vibrating, and I can’t find our entry point.” Ieyasu glared at me over his shoulder.
“I know you’re one with the earth and all, but how does this place not give you the heebie-jeebies?” I trotted closer to Ieyasu as he grumbled and gave me a look that was all business.
“If you don’t stop I’m going to leave you by yourself in this not haunted forest.” His face stern as he stopped walking. 
Just as he reached out to touch the bark of a tree off the path, a loud rustling and the crunch of dead leaves could be heard. Whatever was closeby was large and headed our way. Drawing my sword I whirled around to face the noise just in time to see (YN) push through the foliage.
“Gods! Do you always just whip that thing out?” They screeched as everyone’s posture relaxed. “I tried to make enough noise, I really didn’t want to get skewered.”
“Noise was the right idea. At least he saw you before swinging like a sword crazed idiot.” Ieyasu bemoaned, switching topics quickly. “Are you here to take us back to camp?”
“No, I’ve been patrolling the borders. I guess Kenshin made quite the scene when they left Delphinium, and they may have been followed.” (YN) rolled their eyes and tapped the long wooden stick they carried on the ground. 
“Uh, whatcha got there?” I asked, “You figure out your secretly a wizard?” 
I felt a swift wack from both sides, looking around to see that not only had Ieyasu flung mud at me but (YN) had hit me with their stick. 
“No, for the love of- it’s Kennyo’s. What is wrong with you? A wizard? Really?” They laughed out loud “He wouldn’t let me leave camp without it.”
“Speaking of camp. Again. Can you tell us how to get there or can we leave?” Ieyasu mumbled beside me. 
“What’s the rush? I didn’t think you were scared of the forest?” I teased watching how Ieyasu’s eyes’ opened wide. 
Instead of answering, he dumped a fresh clump on clay right on my head. He was too easy to pick on. Though his change in demeanor had me curious, I wonder what had spooked him. 
“I have to finish my loop, but if you go down and past the brook over there, you’ll find the enchantments Kennyo placed.” (YN) gestured east in the direction we had just come from. “Once you get there put in the password and a clearing will come into view.”
“Thanks (YN)!” I shouted over my shoulder, running ahead of Ieyasu and our men towards the stream.
“Anytime, Masamune! Next time let’s try to do it without the swords!”
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bounnostra · 4 years
ch. 5 || TRIAL 5.4 || SCOURGE || [ re: ivey/seattle, bams, aki ]
Suspicion was going to come around to them either way, but it sure frustrates SCOURGE to know that being upfront seems to have done so little in the grand scheme of things. At times, to hold their temper back, the grip on their pen and loose fist turn white-knuckled. They shoot appreciative glances or nods at some who defend them or express doubt in their culpability (...except IVEY). 
( SEATTLE gets a brief, complicated look at his mention of an embarrassing story also. Oof. )
They force themself to let out a slow breath before they blow a fucking casket.
Their expression is much more obviously stressed now, strained and irritated.
“...Yeah. I’m the one who opened the car in our investigation group -- was just guessing based on what I remembered was locked. Was real surprised it actually fucking worked. I also identified the electrical marks on the roof as being… that -- also not a smart thing to do if I was the culprit here.” 
Almost antsy from the tension, they click their pen a couple times. 
“For the record. The marks on the roof were similar to Lichtenberg figures -- what you’d get from a lightning strike, but they weren’t exactly that. I…” A tired sigh. “-- genuinely can’t really describe it, but they were just… a lil’ off than what they’d normally be.”
There’s more they want to say -- more protests about how the wounds still wouldn’t fucking make sense if it were them, more defenses. But it all feels like molasses going uphill and there’s a raring migraine starting to crop up behind their temples, so they squeeze their eyes shut for a moment and pinch the bridge of their nose before attempting to refocus. They need to be productive.
“Uh-- [Prez], the handwriting between the notebook in the stall ‘n the notebook underneath the stables in the locker room matched, yeah. Confirmed that bit.” 
They listen to Aki, feeling a little distantly surprised that she’d even bother to give them any information at all. But at least it’s helpful.
“...So if [Aki] --” Sorry, Aki. They’re not a respectful sort. “-- So. If she didn’t need to escape, likely wasn’t trying to kill anyone, ‘n woulda known the car wouldn’t’ve helped, then that throws all these ideas of ours outta wack.” 
Their voice quietens a bit, sounding more like they’re musing at they turn their attention to their notebook. Scribbling out some outdated notions and such.
“Maybe… mm. Maybe the killer’s the one who had salt on ‘em ‘n there was some kinda transfer to explain it being on her hands… or they tried to get help from her instead of the other way 'round?”
The way their brow furrows at that last part implies they don’t think it makes a whole lot of sense either.
“Y’know. All the kitchens were missing salt -- including the top floor kitchen. But the car’s in the basement. There seemed to be salt on the battery, so. Why would someone go up to the top floor to get more salt, go down to the garage to try fixing the battery, ‘n then end up back on the roof? The battery didn't seem like it'd been outright removed, only that the wires had been messed with. So there's something majorly wrong with this timeline here. Yeah, there was that used pot in the ground floor kitchen, but putting that back wouldn’t require going all the way up again.”
“It just… doesn’t make sense why anyone was way up there in the first place.”
Sorry, folks, they've got no ideas about Mothman right now.
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polygamyff · 5 years
17. Part 4
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This sucks, the fact I got to apologize to him. He has been doing nothing but provoke me, taking shit about me to Tiffany and she doesn’t even know me like that. I am so annoyed but then again, this nigga is in hospital so I should see my work of art. Imagine if I did make him blind in one eye, maybe glass got in it I don’t know. But shit is wack, Robyn says I have too so I guess I got too. I have realized that Robyn is a very clever woman, she knows things and moves in silence. I need to get like her, she is making me like her I guess with always telling me what to do to make things better “hi, Kellen Davenport. Which room?” My mom said he is in hospital and I was like oh shit, I bought Malik with me even though Nalah would be a better protector, I needed someone to just have my back “yes, room number 1. Just here” least it’s close by “thank you” dragging my legs to the room “so you apologizing because Robyn told you too?” Malik asked me for the second time “yes brother, it’s called obeying your woman. When you get one and fall in love, you will understand” pushing the door open, I knew that bitch would be here “not you” she said in such a tone I wanted to go there and slap her face “yes me” Kellen turned his head to me, he has a patch over his eye “Kellen” I said staring at him, not sure if he is angry “Tiffany go and get me a drink” he knows, I didn’t need to say a word “no, so he can harm you?” I ain’t about to say shit, I am here to say sorry and go “for me, get up” she been told, walking off a little placing my hand over my mouth trying not to laugh.
Sitting down on the seat where Tiffany got up from “Maurice fucked you up” Malik never stops “I think he knows, just please” I said to my brother “I came here to say sorry, I did it out of anger. At that moment I saw red, family is everything. Blood is thicker but I was angry, I don’t think you know why?” I said knowing Tiffany talked shit “she said she was talking to Robyn and then you pushed her” shaking my head laughing, I had to laugh because it was predictable of her “I pushed her because she was being malicious towards Robyn, wanting to fight her. She tried to harm my unborn baby, I saw red. I can’t hit a girl so I hit you, now you know me. We have spoken words and said shit, when have I ever beat you? It’s never happened, but she is poison to try and harm a baby I have wanted a long time. For once I am happy and I won’t let anyone ruin that. You were there and yes I took it out on you, I am sorry and the money thing won’t happen, nobody told me to come here, I came here because I felt bad” that is believable, has to be. Kellen is ever so silent “they took glass out of my eye, it may be a few months before I can see again. I can’t cry, it hurts. You gave me heavy blows, it hurt. I never had issues with you, ever since women came into our lives it’s happened and I am disappointed in Tiffany. That is wrong. I will talk to her but I know you don’t say sorry to many people so this means a lot, I don’t want to fuck up what we have and I know you have always wanted to be a dad so this is big. I won’t say shit to anyone, I don’t want to lose you as a cousin” Kellen is all about money, he ain’t losing money “blood Kellen, remember that. Just keep Tiffany at bay ok?” Kellen nodded his head.
That’s one down, opening my car door and getting inside “that was easy” Malik said as he closed his side door “that’s what happens when you want to keep the nigga that feeds you close, I feel like a pimp. I think Kellen is going to have that bitch on a leash or if not, she will be getting a divorce. So the next thing I am doing is seeing my baby but Malik, I am thinking of showing her the house. Nigga, last night or the night before well I went there. They had a whole bunch of niggas outside the place, mind you I got out of the SUV so they peeping my game. I have a feeling they watching, I ain’t even playing. So today, maybe later. Robyn will be seeing the place, what has been done about the garage?” I want my cars all there “erm nothing, I ain’t even been back” I scoffed “get it done Malik, and tell me when family go back so I can then rest easy that they gone” Malik chuckled “ok so you need a new assistant now, I heard Nalah talking about she is firing Ally straight up but also making her sign a contract that she can’t talk shit. You’re without an assistant” I didn’t even know “I guess so” now that is another stress I didn’t want “I can step in for a while for you” putting my car engine on “really? But then I’m going to miss you, you’ll be in New York all the time, no. I want you close by, you know what you can do? Help me get a new one, please nobody pretty. I can’t deal with Robyn being angry with me, maybe a guy? I don’t know, just not a pretty female” Robyn would make me fire her straight away.
Closing the SUV door, the very same men are here again. See this is weird, I’m not liking it. Looking over them before walking up the steps, my phone buzzed in my hand. Looking down at the screen it’s from Robyn, unlocking my phone to read it.
From: Robyn
To: Maurice
My key is under the welcome mat x
Why can’t she just open the door, locking my phone. As I walked along, the guys just watched me walk along and I just stared at them as they looked at me waking. Let me just ignore it, crouching down and lifting the mat, picking the key out. Getting up from my position, unlocking the door and walking inside. The place looks dead but then I see the two balloons saying happy birthday, closing the door behind me smiling “Robyn?” I said walking over to the coffee table, this is cute. A card and a bag on the table, picking the card up “Robyn, are you here?” Where the hell is that woman of mine, ripping open the envelope. Pulling the card out, turning the card around staring down at it in shock, I’ve not had cards in a while, I mean who sends me a card with things anymore. The scan picture of our daughter on the front of the card, my hand lightly touching the card front, is says Happy birthday dad on the front, I feel choked up on this. Opening the card, another shock a picture of Robyn and I at Kellen’ wedding, I look so focused on other things and Robyn is sat right there next to me, reading the caption under the picture ‘who would have thought that after this day changed my life’ I grinned, I was so miserable there too. Looking on the on the side of the card to read what she put, she wrote it this all out, she has beautiful handwriting ‘para mi marido, I am doing this for you. I love when you speak Spanish. To my darling love of my life, the day you spoke to me on Facebook to the day I met you in person. You changed my whole life for the better, you gave me a baby I already fallen in love with. You may not see it and you may not think you do much but baby you do, I know our baby is going to be one spoilt child, not with money but with love. The baby didn’t just save you Maurice it also saved me, it saved me from the people I thought was my friends and also bought me closer to you, I know for a fact our baby was made with love and that alone fills my heart. Happy Birthday daddy from me and our daughter’ something so simple got me a mess, I just can’t contain my emotions right now, wiping the tear that fell.
Placing the card on the table, opening the bag. Pulling the paper out “starlight cinema” I said to myself, what is she even up too. So Robyn is really not here, the hell is her ass. She much be already there I guess, why would she be there. I’ll be back for that card, I need to go and see my baby. Dragging open the door, closing it behind me and locking the door. Walking off but stopped abruptly, that group of boys have now moved and are now closer “is that your girl?” one of them asked, obviously speaking about Robyn “yes, why?” he shrugged “you must got money, riding about in a SUV. It’s cool, I know Robyn myself. Her family help out a lot, I just wanted to know who you was. Cool” that is so random “should come sometime” walking by them “maybe” I just want to go, I am not down to start shit right now but he seems to know Robyn so he may be telling the truth.
Getting out of the SUV outside the cinema “what are you doing?” I asked confused “got me crying and now here” hugging Robyn “well, I don’t know really” I missed my baby so much “oh and these guys outside your place, some guy knew you” moving back from the hug “oh, I know them all. We help out at a local youth place and that is how, they are no trouble. He mentioned you, he as curious. That’s him for you” I can rest easy now “I know people too Maurice, but I don’t know. Look I was doubting myself, Leon said I should do it but he thinks he is right, do you ever go cinemas?” shaking my head “for what exactly? You know my fun was drugs and then I just work, I see movies after when I got the time” Robyn looked at me a little shocked “who doesn’t go cinemas? That is weird Maurice, you just. Look Leon said I should do the little things with you, these are the things we do. I ain’t rich enough to buy you an island but I want us to have fun” smiling at Robyn “you rich, you right rich. Don’t give me that” I pointed out “I am that also but I don’t know” looking at the building “take the lead Robyn, my dad never showed me small. He showed me big, if I wanted to watch a movie in the cinema he will get that movie and we watch it in our own move room. And it’s actually sweet, I didn’t have girlfriends that pay for things, I paid. You good, so please” Robyn grabbed my hand, I will love it because I get to be with her.
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Am I a bad person that I did this, I don’t think I am but how does one person fall asleep watching Avengers, I love Avengers. I can’t believe he fell asleep, it just makes me think. How the hell did he grow up, backwards. I mean I feel sad for him, he was always with older people, he was made to grow up. The simple things in life he didn’t get to do, just buying things is not the end all. Doing things with that person means the most, I don’t blame him but he will learn with me. Stroking the side of his face, he is so cute asleep but I won’t wake him. He works too hard and then barely sleeps, he sleep with me fine but I know he is at peace with me but I wish I wasn’t constantly busy. I know his ass didn’t probably sleep last night and then remained awake doing work, I know he wouldn’t have fell asleep with me like this. That will be the only reason, I won’t say it to him because I am probably making him feel like a weird person.
Tapping Maurice “Maurice” shaking him “hey” he lifted his head “huh?” he looked around him, the lights are on now. He stretched his body out as I got up “was it good?” he asked, I couldn’t help but smile “yes it was, I loved it. Thanks” he shot up from the seat “I am sorry, I didn’t mean to fall asleep. I was up thinking, plotting and stuff” walking behind Maurice “I feel bad, I just wanted to watch the movie and made you suffer” Maurice stopped on the step “no, it’s nothing to do with you stop it. This is fine, I get to spend time with you. Please, it’s not like that” he grabbed my hand, walking down the steps “I love you baby, I honestly didn’t do things like this. I just know what I know, it’s all about business with me but with you, I will do anything with” he is so cute “you do know when our baby is here, we will be doing lots of things together. You better get ready” walking out of the cinema, Maurice put his arm around me “I am ready, I may need help though” I think he knows what to do, he may need telling off sometimes.
Sat at the restaurant with Maurice “I am just happy we can kind of have a date I guess but, did you like the card?” I need to know that “yeah, I was like oh god no. I was looking at the picture like a stupid idiot. I was in a foul mood that day, you sat right next to me. We both didn’t even look, we just didn’t care. I near missed my chance, I am happy Shawn pushed me. He pushed me to do it and now look” leaning down at the side of me and placing my hand into my bag “I know, the picture makes me laugh. The way we are sat together but strangers” grabbing the box out “so I was thinking on what to get you, and I know you wear one watch. You on business you wear just that watch, you are always on business so I got you this. So you remember me” placing the box in front of him, long black velvet box “you didn’t need too Robyn, seriously. Your love is enough, your love to marry someone damaged” he is not damaged, he is lost and needs guidance “please, for me” he picked up the box, he opened the box “it’s a Diamond bracelet, the first man I have ever spent that kind of money on anyways, it’s all diamonds” Maurice closed the box “I can’t, please” placing my hand over his on the box “no, it’s from me to you, when you look at that you remember me” Maurice looking down, placing his hand over his eyes “Maurice, please don’t be like that” he moved his hands “this is different, I don’t know what to do” he is all tear eyed, my poor baby “what is? Talk to me” I like to get to know him more “this, buying me things. I buy things, even throughout marriage. Nobody bought me anything, nobody cared too because I was spoilt. I never was thought, I just had my dad. I stopped birthdays because of it, I didn’t like them because it became a circus freak of what party would my dad do for me and people came, nobody got me anything but in my heart I wanted to know people cared, not even a thought. Even a card, it sounds so stupid. Not even that, so I stopped birthdays” I feel so sad for him, my heart aches “well this is a new start Maurice, things will be different now” he is trying so hard not to cry.
Placing my fork down as I chewed my lasagne “did you apologise to Kellen?” I am wondering now “I did, but now we can get Deja” shaking my head “no, we doing nothing. She did wrong, she knows. We move in silence, I don’t want the noise. Bitches like that want that, they want to seem like they have the upper hand, so they can start thinking they can threaten us to be quiet about this baby, no. In life you can’t just do such things it creates more drama, my baby’ name won’t be tainted, I am just glad I see the truth now. I know you want to do a lot but we do this by letting the think, thinking will kill them. Silence is golden, next I want you to go to Naomi and you make it clear, sitting in silence wasn’t going to not get you caught. She was speaking to Tiffany, I saw. She getting on my nerves, you know how I feel. You tell that bitch, if she had ideas in wanting to get rid of me, or is behind it that you are aware. You didn’t see but I did, I want you to get your wedding ring from her. She was wearing it, sell that and give that to charity too. Then you go to your dad, you tell him that you are close to divorcing, refresh his memory on this. He can’t forget that at some point you will, then you need to make it aware you will be busy. I want you there with me, I don’t want to hear about your dad saying you need to go because I will be angry” I have been dying to say about Naomi, she pissed me off the most with that ring “I didn’t notice” why is my man like this “this is why you got me, I got your back” and that is for life.
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wildfangz · 6 years
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@liliithvatore tagged me in that simself thing thats been goin around DAYS ago but here it finally is! also thank you for the tag this was fun :-]
I tag @slythersim @thelurgoyf @seoulchii @weicyn @solitasims @daisydezem @raha-plays-the-sims if they want to do it & anyone that just wants to do it in general! message me and I’ll even @ u directly if u want. 
anyway lets DO THIS shitload of questions under the cut u’ve been warned!!!
1. what is your name?
2. what is your nickname?
jewel, jules
3. birthday?
oct 26th
4. what is your favorite book series?
percy jackson and the olympians will probably always own my heart & soul
5. do you believe in aliens or ghosts?
yes & yes. tho i do think a lot of alien sightings and conspiracy theories and what not are bullshit
6. who is your favorite author?
maggie stiefvater probably? also cornelia funke but its been years since ive read anything by her so i cant be sure BUT i loved inkheart & the thief lord so much
7. what is your favorite radio station?
ummm when i listen to the radio at all i kinda just switch between two rock stations and our popular music station.
8. what is your favorite flavor of anything?
blue raspberry !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tasty and i love a blue tongue
9. what word would you use often to describe something great or wonderful?
cool. or bitchin’.  i play it simple
10. what is your current favorite song?
hands like houses - revive
11. what is your favorite word?
roulette and inhibition which i never get to use either as much as i want !
12. what was the last song you listened to?
emarosa - givin’ up ! its a bop!
13. what tv show would you recommend for everybody to watch?
the new she-ra on netflix its so good. and gay
14. what is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down?
moana. its also like the only movie i dont have trouble getting thru despite how many times ive already seen it
15. do you play video games?
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16. what is your biggest fear?
idk... being inherently unlovable i guess n ending up alone? also spiders !
17. what is your best quality, in your opinion?
im fairly open-minded and laid back. Unless someones being like, purposely nasty or something I generally don’t get defensive or aggressive. also a lot of little quirks that piss others off dont bother me im very u do u as long as its not actually harming anyone and ive had people tell me this makes it easier to open up to me so thats probably my best quality....
18. what is your worst quality, in your opinion?
....at the same time though i do get very sensitive when faced w/ criticism even if its of the fair variety when its not phrased really gently for various reasons and i dont like that. especially since I have a tendency to not even talk to people about it. I’ll just immediately start distancing myself. also other than that i think overall I have a really high tolerance lvl but if you cross that line I hold a grudge like a motherfucker
9. do you like cats or dogs better?
cats! dogs are good too but cats are a lot easier for me to handle...and quieter generally but even when they’re loud cat sounds dont get to me quite as much as barks do
20. what is your favorite season?
autumn but im starting to really like summer for some reason? wack :/
21. are you in a relationship?
22. what is something you miss from your childhood?
the lack of responsibility, probably. that sounds real bad lmao but for me its like...I know I’ve grown in various ways over the years but I also feel like so many of my experiences, my trauma, my mental health has held me back and I don’t think I’m mentally where I should be for my age. so all the responsibility of adulthood is just..really overwhelming for me sometimes, even though ive been given a pass from certain aspects of it and the rest is pretty simple its the idea!!!!
23. who is your best friend?
my ex
24. what is your eye color?
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25. what is your hair color?
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26. who is someone you love?
my mom
27. who is someone you trust?
not really anyone rn unfortunately...would like 2 work on that
28. who is someone you think about often?
are my OCs a fair answer because i am always thinking about my babies.....
29. are you currently excited about/for something?
my favorite webcomic (that also has two of my all time favorite characters in it) just came back!! the artist disappeared back in 2015 like the day after I binge-read the whole fucking thing & i was so disappointed but its BACK and 2018 has been redeemed
30. what is your biggest obsession?
sims probably! i could talk about anything relating to it for hours
31. what was your favorite tv show as a child?
there were so damn many its hard to even think and figure out the most notable ones...i really, really liked teen titans though?
32. who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to, if anyone?
my ex, again
33. are you superstitious?
not terribly so but somewhat. I take certain things as signs and I mean I do believe in astrology & such to a degree
34. do you have any unusual phobias?
i used to be afraid of mirrors but thats all i can think of and its not even a thing anymore...the only other thing is tornadoes but i dont think its unusual. but it definitely sucks for me ‘cause i live in tornado alley!
35. do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it?
behind it....like taking pretty pictures and dont like ppl capturing my image 2 film
36. what is your favorite hobby?
sims.....also singing!!! and drawing!!!! video editing!!!!!!!!! the works
37. what was the last book you read?
The Dream Thieves....havent finished it though because last time i went to read it a spider was lying in wait and im traumatized
38. what was the last movie you watched?
coco i think???
39. what musical instruments do you play, if any?
drums, various other percussion instruments, and violin mainly
40. what is your favorite animal?
41. what are your top 5 favorite tumblr blogs that you follow?
uhhhhh @bratsims @liliithvatore @cabsim @wildlyminiaturesandwich @keysims pls dont feel bad if i didnt include u these were just the first to pop into my head and ive been following some of them since I first made my blog!! and have kept up with their stories completely and enjoy them etc check them OUT !
42. what superpower do you wish you had?
shapeshifting!!! dysphoria? gone. ugliness? gone. want to morph into a fucked up clown and scare people when they realize all the classic clown features are a real actual part of my face? possible!
43. when and where do you feel most at peace?
chillin’ at the pool in summer during the part of the day when no ones there.... swimming is always relaxing 2 me then i love just resting under the sun and drying off afterwards especially since we have a little pond nearby and i can hear the water! its nice
44. what makes you smile?
always and without fail? interacting with anyone i have a crush on. i’ll look like a dope the whole time
45. what sports do you play, if any?
i used 2 play basketball a lot. Like not seriously but it was a thing
46. what is your favorite drink?
dr pepper and monster energy (original flavor) pumps through my veins at this point. we love a carbonated beverage
47. when was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter or note to somebody?
two years ago for my ex and I’s first year anniversary... I never got it mailed but I did at least take a picture of it (with included caption because my handwriting is atrocious). i was very up front about being a romantic and see heres the PROOF
48. are you afraid of heights?
nope! very excited by them actually
49. what is your biggest pet peeve?
i cant stand passive aggressive behavior. my stance is either get over it or quit acting like a bitch because otherwise im just going to ignore you thats the scorpio way (in all seriousness I really, really do recommend not putting up with it and ignoring it until they decide to be up front with you. it can be exhausting constantly reading into conversations and its not healthy for you or them. if they have something to say they need to learn to talk about it properly, and that lack of social skills is not ever on you)
50. have you ever been to a concert?
yep! i think about....six or so? i love them...which is really funny im autistic and EVERYTHING about them should freak me out and they do in other circumstances but at a show i just live for it
51. are you vegan/vegetarian?
nope! ive thought before id like to go vegetarian...but i couldnt do it with my health problems. also i love shrimp too much
52. when you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
ive always wanted to do something creative! when i was rlly young I thought a lot about singing and acting and writing in particular...all things im still interested in.... also i wanted to be a dictator ages 4-7 because i told my mom i wanted to be president of the world and make people do what i say and she said “honey thats a dictator not a president”. i then made that known at school and that turned into a situation!
53. what fictional world would you like to live in?
pokemon universe or bust. 
54. what is something you worry about?
never being able to do things i want to do or catching up with others because of my disabilities
55. are you scared of the dark?
yes but a reasonable amount i think
56. do you like to sing?
yes :]
57. have you ever skipped school?
yes i used to play sick a LOT and as my parents caught onto it id even go all out to convince them. i was good at school but i hated it so much
58. what is your favorite place on the planet?
dunno! malls maybe i love shopping and looking at material objects i wish to own
59. where would you like to live?
oregon! portland in particular thats been my dream for a few years now
60. do you have any pets?
a cat! he lives with my dad & grandma though...hes grown up there and likes going outside so I felt bad about taking him with me when i moved out but anyway this is him hes fat and stupid and i love him his name is coffee
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61. are you more of an early bird or a night owl?
night owl because my rhythm is all fucked up but in my heart....an early bird...if i get a good nights sleep i’ll be up early yacking your ear off and so excited for the day
62. do you like sunrises or sunsets better?
sunsets are prettier...but sunrises feel more refreshing
63. do you know how to drive?
nope ! im gay !
64. do you prefer earbuds or headphones?
headphones. better sound quality also discourages people from talking to me slightly more
65. have you ever had braces?
nope! but i need them
66. what is your favorite genre of music?
post-hardcore maybe?
67. who is your hero?
every trans person living their truth and being open and loud about who they are past present & future. the worlds not particularly kind to us and our existence alone is considered a radical act, so its always given me hope to see others refusing to pretend to be someone they’re not in this environment and I’ll always have mad respect for that
68. do you read comic books?
i read manga and webcomics...ive always wanted to get into superhero comics but the amount of issues and different versions is ridiculous and makes it inaccessible 2 me 
69. what makes you the most angry?
i mean its hard to pinpoint what makes me angry the MOST...but a contender is definitely how some people feel free to treat others with cruelty and think its their god given right to deny or attack someones existence in some way, & how acts of kindness, even the most basic are branded as liberal bullshit or whatever....it goes against everything i was taught growing up
70. do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book?
real book! electronic device can be easier but....rough on the eyes after a while and nothing beats the real thing for me
71. what was your favorite subject in school?
language arts...at least when we did creative writing stuff
72. do you have any siblings?
two older sisters & an older brother that passed away years ago but. still my brother u kno
73. what was the last thing you bought?
mocha frappe baby!!!!!
74. how tall are you?
75. can you cook?
a little bit....not as much as id like to though but im learning
76. what are three things that you love?
storms, cheesy breadsticks, and cat purrs
77. what are three things that you hate?
unnecessary rudeness, being talked down to or generally treated like im stupid, grapefruit which is the worst thing on this list
78. do you have more female friends or more male friends?
female i think?
79. what is your sexual orientation?
im the big bad promiscuous bisexual your parents warned you about
80. where do you currently live?
oklahoma. gofundme campaign to get me out
81. who was the last person you texted?
my friend jojo! just Now!
82. when was the last time you cried?
yesterday afternoon but im a changed man now thats behind me. i will cry about different things soon
83. who is your favorite youtuber?
the mcelroy brothers. also super best friends play. matt, pat & woolie are all great tbh
84. do you like to take selfies?
depends on whether i feel ugly or terribly dysphoric that day or not
85. what is your favorite app?
ummmm....love live school idol festival ive been playin for years its an addiction
86. what is your relationship with your parent(s) like?
dad = bad mom = okay. theres some issues that strain it but its not too bad
87. what is your favorite foreign accent?
i have no idea what the fuck australians are talking about half the time but i dig it anyway 
88. what is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit?
Italy, Greece, Germany, Japan, Mexico, various other states (ive only been out of state three times. twice to texas and then once to kansas. for five minutes)
89. what is your favorite number?
6!! 26 also
90. can you juggle?
ive always wanted to but alas.... :-[
91. are you religious?
i suppose...but im rlly not into organized religion
92. do you find outer space of the deep ocean to be more interesting?
space probably theres so fucking much of it man!
93. do you consider yourself to be a daredevil?
not to brag but sometimes i eat my mcdonalds hamburgers cold from the fridge so you can figure that one out yourself B)
94. are you allergic to anything?
pecans. not deathly allergic though so catch me eating turtle pie anyway! 
95. can you curl your tongue?
nope :[
96. can you wiggle your ears?
nope :[
97. how often do you admit that you were wrong about something?
usually as soon as i realize....unless someones being real smug and annoying then i might be stubborn about it
98. do you prefer the forest or the beach?
ive never been to the beach but i love her!!!
99. what is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you?
probably that you have to look at your accomplishments differently when you’re disabled or just struggling, to not be so down on yourself because its a fact that what might be a mole hill to someone else is a mountain to you and you have to judge yourself accordingly. Like maybe you weren’t able to clean the whole house, but washing the dishes and tidying your desk doesn’t usually get done but you did it. That that should be celebrated because while it would also feel good if you did more, you still did something and thats great all things considered.
100. are you a good liar?
sometimes, really depends what im lying about and if im like....into it at all. If my guts against it for whatever reason I’ll have trouble
101. what is your hogwarts house?
i always get slytherin or hufflepuff! usually with like 1 point difference
102. do you talk to yourself?
i am talking to myself right now as i fill this out
103. are you an introvert or an extrovert?
extrovert mainly! i used to think i was more introverted but now i think a lot of exhaustion when theres any comes from me just going the extra mile and actively trying to read people and pick up on social ques.... if I just chill im fine
104. do you keep a journal/diary?
nope...ive tried but i just cant keep up with it so i do the next best thing. shouting into the void on the internet to a bunch of strangers
105. do you believe in second chances?
depends on what you did the first time. Some people just don’t deserve taking that risk imo...but i can be a little guarded so maybe thats a bit too harsh
106. if you found a wallet full of money on the ground, what would you do?
turn it in, unless there was no identifying things in it & it was found somewhere kinda random. Then I’d maybe hold onto it unless my gut challenged that
107. do you believe that people are capable of change?
absolutely. i mean thats all we do throughout our lives is change and evolve...that being said I think extremely drastic changes are maybe not entirely impossible, but extremely rare, and the residue of the former self usually sticks around in some form
108. are you ticklish?
yes, dangerously so
109. have you ever been on a plane?
110. do you have any piercings?
one day hopefully!
111. what fictional character do you wish was real?
asra from the arcana.....even if he wasn’t my boyfriend thats just a dude u could chill and eat some pomegranates with u know. Before I downloaded the app my friends kept telling me he was made for me and he really was he ticks like everything on my Favorite Characters Feature List except villain but he has that particular allure & attitude i like so much in villains so thats not a single point off hes perfect
112. do you have any tattoos?
nope...one day! hopefully!
113. what is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far?
accepting my genderqueerness and bisexuality definitely. Self Love hasn’t been perfected just yet but that was such a huge step in the right direction
114. do you believe in karma?
yes! she doesn’t get shit done as much as id like however
115. do you wear glasses or contacts?
glasses. not contacts yet because my eye doctor is a bitch
116. do you want children?
I do....just not sure if id be a good parent. Its really important to me if I had a child itd be for the right reason and I could raise them well in a healthy environment & be able to take care of all their needs yknow
117. who is the smartest person you know?
probably my friend jojo
118. what is your most embarrassing memory?
one time i looked outside and the sunset was really pretty and i wanted to get a photo of it so i walked out.....and stood like right by the street so there weren’t trees in my way...and then i realized mid-pic 1) i am not wearing pants & my shirt is full of holes 2) id been depressed for days so my hair was a tangled mess. I tailed it back inside so i didnt even get a nice pic it was blurry!
119. have you ever pulled an all-nighter?
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120. what colour are most of you clothes?
black i didnt even have to think about that one
121. do you like adventures?
they are pretty swell
122. have you ever been on tv?
a few times when i was little. always photobombing the news reporters 4 what i thought would eventually lead 2 fame & fortune
123. how old are you?
124. what is your favorite movie quote?
this is technically lyrics to that lil song in moana at the end but
“ They have stolen the heart from inside you. But this does not define you.”
hits me hard every time! emotional impact? i know her
125. sweet or savory?
sweet!!!!!!!! gotta balance out my bitter somehow
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fuckyeaharadulov · 6 years
I Remember You - Dylan Strome (Part 2)
So, I plan on posting once a week. Thank you so much for all the love on part 1. Here’s part 2, hope you enjoy.  Thank you to @fiftyshadesofskjei for being a great editor!
Part 1
I stood there in shock as I tried to comprehend what Dylan just said to me.
“I remember you.” It echoed in my mind. I’m not exactly sure what it was that made me so memorable. Was it me standing there at the first game in San Antonio during warm-ups? Or during the second intermission when the team stood in the tunnel behind our seats and watched Jacey and I do a full dance routine to 24K Magic by Bruno Mars?
Clearly knowing he was talking to me, I pointed to myself and mouthed ‘me?’. He smiled and with a little chuckle he nodded and said “yes”.
I stood there awkwardly for a minute until he motioned for me to show him the stick.
“Is it mine?” he asked. I replied with a yes and he told me to hand it over. He found a marker in the equipment still left on the bench and wrote something on it then handed it back to me. I looked to see what it said after thanking him for what he had just done. He smiled before skating away turning around one last time to smile and wave goodbye.
Jacey asked me what he wrote on the stick after he skated away. I looked down and laughed because he had typical teenage boy handwriting. Scrawled at the top of the stick, I could clearly read a set of numbers on it along with his signature followed by his number 91.
I smiled to myself thinking about what had just happened. I turned to Jacey who had just seen the whole thing, standing there as though she was the audience for the soap opera that was my life.
We made our way out of the arena careful not to wack anyone in the head as I passed by. We found my car and sat for a few minutes as the traffic of everyone leaving the lot slowly cleared out. The car conversations went on as they usually would after a game, talking mostly about the game and how amazing it was, the fact that we got to see our favorite players, and of course the fact that I met Dylan Strome and he signed my stick.
“How long do you think you’re gonna wait until you text him?”
“I’m not sure. I know guys have a stupid rule, but do you think as soon as I get home would be too soon?”
Jacey thought about her answer and then started to convince me that I should let her text him so that she could be nosy and stay informed with what was happening. I told her no and that I needed to be the first one to text him. After driving for just over an hour, I dropped Jacey off with her begging, more like demanding, me to call when I started texting him because she already started planning our wedding in the car. I told her I would because I also had to let her know I got home safely or she would hunt me down and kill me.
The thirty minute drive consisted of my favorite CD playing and very serious contemplation of what I was going to say because I had absolutely no idea. I called Jacey when I walked in the door and told her my stupid ideas of what to say to him and they were all terrible. I picked up my phone and the broken stick and copied his number into my phone making sure all the numbers were correct because I for sure did not want to have it wrong. After checking 19 times that it was correct, I stared at the blinking cursor wondering what to say.
‘You know… You really shouldn’t give your phone number to strangers’
He replied back very quickly as though he was sitting there staring at his phone waiting for me to text him. It even seemed like he already had an idea of what I might say and already typed a response ahead of time.
‘Well, I guess it’s a good thing all strangers aren’t as pretty as you, huh?’
I blushed uncontrollably because Dylan Strome called me pretty. I had the biggest grin on my face and as I sat there silently Jacey asked what he said. I told her not so she would know, but more importantly so she could help me with what to say back.
Before I could reply my phone vibrated and another text popped up onto my screen.
‘So I guess we shouldn’t be strangers anymore?’  
‘I guess not. I suppose I’m the stranger then since I never told you my name earlier?’
‘Yeah, and I’m pretty sure you know my name already since you specifically asked Todd for my stick.’  
“Jacey, Todd told him I asked for his stick. I wonder if he saw us talking and maybe asked Dylan how it went?” I said, still on the phone with Jacey, telling her what he had just sent me and wondering what to send back.
‘Well, My name is Ashlyn, and yes I do know your name. It’s Mitch, right?’
‘Haha, very funny. Well Ashlyn, it was really nice to meet you. Do you think I’ll be able to see you again?’
‘Yeah. Here you go.’ Attached to the text I took a selfie of me in my Roadrunners t-shirt and the hockey stick showing his name personalized on it.
‘I’m saving that by the way, but really? Are you planning on coming to another game when we come back to Texas?’
‘I really hope so. It all depends on if it doesn’t clash with my work schedule and if we can get tickets.’
‘Let me know what date you are coming. Next Texas game is in San Antonio right?’
‘Yeah, I’m really excited for it. I loved the last game you played in SA, they’re a great team’
‘Tucson is better ;)’
As I was telling Jacey about how cocky he was acting, another text appeared on my screen asking if I would be driving there alone or if I would have company. I asked Jacey if she wanted to go to the next Tucson/San Antonio game. She asked me why I needed to even ask and it was a stupid decision on my part to think I did. I replied to Dylan saying I would in fact be attending with my sister/best friend and that this time he needed to meet her.
It was well past midnight after I hung up the phone with Jacey. The texts came and went slower and slower as I’m sure he was drifting off to sleep just as I was.
My phone started going off with bright lights and my insanely loud ringtone. I was sure it was my alarm to get up and ready for work only to realize it was Saturday, and I had nothing planned for the day. I had no alarm set and was ultimately confused when my vision cleared from my sleep to see Dylan’s name across my screen. I swiped the green icon to the right, put the phone up to my ear, and laid my head back on my pillow, muttering what was an attempted ‘hello’ but I was sure came out as a sleepy grunt.
“Yes?” I said as I realized this was actually happening and it wasn’t a dream.
“Well the first time we spoke on the phone I imagined you’d sound a lot nicer and a lot less grumpy?” Dylan said with a slight chuckle. I groaned, I could practically hear the smirk on his face.
“Do you even know what time it is?” I said still in my sleepy grumpy tone.
“Um… yeah, it's only 12:30. I just wanted to let you know we got to our hotel and I’m in my room. In case you were wondering. Don’t tell me you already fell asleep.”
“Dylan, I know you don’t know much about me, but there is for sure one thing you really need to know.” I paused trying to make him a little bit nervous. “ I’m actually a little 87 year old lady trapped in a 20 year old’s body. If I can, I will go bed at like ten o’clock.” I was pretty frustrated that I had only been asleep for less than half an hour, but Dylan made it bearable.
“Aw, I’m sorry for waking you up, I hope it was worth it.”
“It was. I promise.”
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hiyo-silver · 6 years
"What's Up You Guys It's Me, Bdenbrough!"
Summary: Bill Denbrough is nine years old. He makes a YouTube channel to try and be more outgoing, and through his journey on YouTube his transition is evident.
A/N: this chapter starts with him not knowing he’s trans yet, it’s introducing elements of his character and also his relationship to the others.
AO3 + My Masterlist
Taglist: @fuckboykaspbrak @thesquidliesthuman @starboystan @rachi0964 @shewasthewind @beepbeep-losers @bigbilliamdenbro @jalenrose1122 @sleepygaybrough @itandstrangerthingsfanfic @boopboopbichie @peachywyatt
Bill tucks his hair behind his ear, sighing at how long it's getting again. He plops on his desk chair in front of his camera, stacked upon several r.l. Stine books to be level with his face. He props his feet up on the desk thoughtfully, taking a breath to soothe himself, realizing how daunting this is.
He looks at his spiral notebook on his desk, open to the page that reads "50 Questions Tag," in his messy, penciled in handwriting. He picks it up impatiently and clears his throat, pressing the on button on the old family camera.
"H-hello! Fuck. Welcome to m-my channel! I'm bdenbrough and I g-guess I'm your host h-here. Today I'm d-doing the f-fifty questions tag as m-my first video even though n-nobody asked me to," he shrugs precariously and looks down at the paper.
He clears his throat again as his own transition. "Where w-were you three hours a-ago?" He reads off, tapping his chin thoughtfully, "At the q-quarry- I th-think? Eddie was there and we found a g-garden snake! Richie said it's weird I l-liked it because girls aren't s-supposed to like slimey things b-but guess what, Richie? Snakes aren't even slimey! Just scaley!" He chuckles to himself, drawing his eyes down to the next line, "Question two," he prompts.
"Wh-who am I i-in love with?" He reads off with a small frown, "N-nobody! I'm too y-young f-for that, and b-boys are gross!" He jokes, making a sour face to add to his point.
"H-have you ever eaten a crayon?" Bill chuckles to himself, running his hands through his hair, awkwardly catching in a tangle near the end. "Uh. I pr-prefer that you guys m-make that assumption yourself," he chuckles to himself. "I-it was a d-dare- thanks Eddie, he'd n-never say he dared m-me though," he adds with a whisper.
"Is th-there anything pink within t-ten feet of you?" He reads, spinning in his chair around to look around. "Uhhh- m-my new church dress, d-don't tell m-my mom but I hate it. And a-also a l-lot of things o-on my bed and i-in my closet probably."
"L-last time you went t-to the mall?" He looks, staring into the window behind the camera as he thinks, sticking his tongue out slightly in concentration. "A wh-while ago- s-saw a movie there with m-my friends," he remembers finally, pointing at the camera excitedly as he does.
"Are y-you wearing socks right n-now? Uh yeah, r-right here under m-my sandals," he jokes, bringing up his leg to reveal that he's wearing strappy sandals, no socks under them though, already showcasing his sarcastic sense of humor.
"Does y-your family have a c-car worth o-over $2,000? T-to hell if I know," he shrugs, flipping the page to the next page of his "script".
He spins around in his chair once, obviously getting distracted by doing the same thing for so long. He takes a moment to reconvene, reading off the next one. "Question s-seven," he starts, squinting his eyes at his own bad handwriting.
"When was th-the last time you were o-out of town? Well I l-leave Derry e-every Thursday for sp-speech therapy," he says with a theatrical shrug.
"Have you b-been to a movie in th-the past f-five days?" He thinks for a moment, his tongue going back out thoughtfully, counting back the days since he and Richie and Stan and Eddie had seen a movie at the mall, "N-nope, it's been o-over a week I'd say," he finally answers.
"Are you h-hot?" He looks at the camera awkwardly and blinks a few times slowly, running his hands through his hair so it lands behind his ear again. "Y-yeah? I m-mean our air conditioning is br-broken and it's the m-middle of summer," he finally decides on answering.
"Last th-thing you had to drink?" He ponders for a moment, knowing that thinking so long about this probably means he's dehydrated. "Oh! Th-this morning m-my mom made lemonade- she n-never makes it s-sour enough."
"What are you w-wearing right now?" Bill looks down at himself, "Uhhh sh-shirt from... Justice? Fr-from my aunt I th-think," he muses, "And a-a-a-a," he sighs deeply at his inability to apparently get that word out, "d-denim skirt from who kn-knows," he shrugs as he turns the page.
"Do I w-wash my car or g-get a car wash?" He smirks to himself at the answer he considers. "I m-mean, Eddie and St-Stan already insist on Clorox wiping R-Richie's Hot Wheels so," he shrugs, pleased with himself for the additional irony. He doesn't usually talk this way- so openly and humorously all at once. He thinks he likes it so far, but he'll have to keep up with it.
"Last f-food you ate? Richie's m-mom made us turkey s-sandwiches, she's r-really nice, I help h-her with the dishes sometimes," Bill says, flashing the camera a winning smile, he likes to feel useful, and Maggie never ceases to have something for him to do when he wants to do something.
"Wh-where was I- this t-time last week? I have n-no clue and n-no desire t-to sit and th-think about it," he chuckles to himself, grabbing his pencil off his desk clumsily to cross the question out aggressively.
"Have y-you bought new clothing i-in the past week? Uh y-yeah, the nasty Church dr-dress my mom got me, it's a-all pink and fr-frilly- wait lemme g-get it!" He says scrambling up to grab it from the hook on his dresser door, holding it against himself for the camera, "Look! It's disgusting!" He whisper yells, running to go put it back as fast as he'd gotten it.
"L-last time you r-ran? Richie w-was chasing after m-me, tag, E-Eddie got him and then I h-had to make a run for it b-because he was really cl-close to where I was," he says, letting the exhilaration of the moment translate into his storytelling.
"Last sp-sport you watched?" He thinks to himself, not a fan of watching organized sports for the most part, "I a-actually don't kn-know, maybe a b-basketball g-game at the high school," he shrugs, flipping the page of his notebook again.
"Favorite animal? A dog! O-or a cat! Or am I o-obligated to s-say a hamster b-because I have one? H-his name is cheese and my dad says he's a l-little rascal just like I am," Bill says, beaming as if he takes it as the most sincere of compliments.
"Dream v-vacation?" He reads, sighing when he realizes he doesn't know, he stares just next to the camera and out the window as he thinks, hearing the door open behind him after a while.
"You done?" A small voice asks before a sprout of blond hair appears before the small boy attached to it. "Said you'd read me a story," the small voice adds, looking timid in Bill's presence.
Bill looks frustrated at first but softens, walking over and trying to lift the boy up by under his armpits, the toddler's shirt riding up awkwardly as they waddle back to the desk chair, "Th-this is my brother, h-his name is G-Georgie, he's a little rascal t-too," Bill chuckles, showing off the small boy to the camera, proud of having him no matter how much he continuously denies it to his friends.
"N-now get off m-my frame you a-hole!" Bill exclaims, shoving him out of the camera's view gently, "I'll tell you wh-when I'm done," he tells him as the younger boy trudges off quietly.
"S-sorry about that!" He says to the camera, "Question tw-twenty one," he says, taking a breath in preparation. "Whose house w-were you at last?Richie's! Wh-when his mom made us sandwiches a-after the quarry today!" He says excitedly at the memory, giving the camera a toothy smile without even meaning to, completely genuine.
"Worse i-injury you've e-ever had?" He reads, pretending to ponder to make himself seem more interesting despite his life of usually just skinned knees and elbows and mosquito bites when he stays out late.
He finally starts his story, looking at the ceiling in trying to remember what he's been told of this story. "I w-was three? I th-think? I was b-being dumb, and I g-got myself wacked b-by a car. I w-was unconscious for s-seven hours," he reports, not having much emotion tied to this story, not remembering a wink of it.
"M-mom says it's h-how I got m-my stutter- but how w-would she know? I h-hardly talked b-before I was three?" He chuckles, jiggling his leg as his filming energy returns. He'd call it filming energy but really, it's "being nine years old" energy.
"Did you really call your brother an a-hole?" His mother calls up the stairs with a tone that makes Bill flinch. He spins his chair around to the door to be sure she doesn't come. He looks back at the camera.
"Th-this has been bdenbrough, I g-gotta go," he says in a hushed voice before pressing the off button to go deal with his angry mother.
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