#our life: beginnings and always headcanons
arechickensreal · 10 months
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more school doodles! hes living in my brain rn so heres a lil doodle of what i'd imagine a 15/16 yr old cove holden would look like! might do more doodles of some more concepts but um uh yeah.
drawing w a trackpad isnt actually that hard
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justalittlelilac · 1 month
Lil cheeky thought I had about Cove Holden recently:
I've seen that joke floating around about being teased for being short, and the response is "well, put a few inches in me then," and someone even made a comic of this dynamic with Cove (it was v cute, if someone knows who I'm talking about plz tell me so I can credit them 🙏 ETA: comic is from crowdeerdire. Go like it ❤️❤️) .
Anyway, it got me thinking about how Cove would react to this.
18 y/o Cove? What we could expect. Surprise, flared up cheeks, stumbling over his words. Cute lil bashful boy.
But 30 y/o Cove? MENACE.
I imagine he'd look at you flatly with just the slightest lil smirk he was trying to hide before just saying "okay."
OR if we wanna lean into the cannon of him becoming more confident with you and with himself as he grew older, I could totally see him saying "Okay, I have a few to spare, I think."
Like just said so bluntly with a small smile because you know he's got some pride (the man is 6'4", come on). He always comes out swinging, throwing out flirty quips that take you entirely off guard.
Like it used to be so easy to tease him, get a rise out of him. Now, it's you that fans him off with pink cheeks and he KNOWS IT. It's obvious that it's because he's so comfortable with you but it's still jarring when it happens.
Idk the brain rot got to me with this one. I'm so sorry.
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a-rat-who-writes · 8 months
College Cove AU post
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(I live and die by the fact Cove looks more like this between step 3 and 4 even though this is during step 4. He looks SO SOFT IN THIS PICTUE AUHEYFKIULWFHEY Cove looks LIKE THIS but maybe a little slimmer)
‣ College Cove is 24/7 horny
‣ Without a DOUBT he's pent the fuck up
‣ College is definitely different than highschool was and he decided to follow you to wherever you went to college because you two were dating and mother of God did he get so much more touchy
‣ He's never overbearing, but he definitely is much more needy and loves laying in bed with you in either of your dorms and relaxing during your off days or between classes
‣ He also loves sleeping with you in your bed even if nothing happens, he just likes waking up next to you and feeling your warmth
‣ Doesn't matter if your roommate is there (Miranda or any other of your friends that you chose at the beginning of the year to dorm with) he will give you as much attention as he can.
‣ Cove looks so adorable in his laid-back clothes whenever he goes to class. His normal hair down or put into a tiny ponytail, glasses, a tank top, and grey sweatpants. MOTHER OF GOD IS HE HOT
‣ He somehow doesn't know how much EVERYONE looks at him (especially some of the girls) but he always thinks it would be because he has something in his hair or something
‣ Cove is also the type of person to give you his shirt and wear a skimpy ass top if you felt like boys were staring at your shirt. (so you would swap shirts)
‣ Cove ALSO would carry your books / bookbag to the classes you have together (or just walk you to your classes).
‣ This mf would give you the most passionate kiss before walking away and going to his class that's on the other side of the school, leaving you speechless, appalled, etc etc
‣ Both the confidence this man got and the audacity is INSANE (but its also so so so so SO hot)
‣ If you two share a class that isn't that important or if you understood the class and not paying attention to it for a couple hours wouldn't hurt, you definitely would sit next to Cove and play with his hand under the desk or write down dirty notes to show him which would make him flustered.
‣ After class he would retaliate against you and kiss you in an empty hallway, pushing your back up against a wall while he holds your face gently. (but after he would act like nothing happened and would be his cute self O_O????)
‣ Cove always has that natural ocean smell, it's like-- INGRAINED in his skin. In the mornings when you wake up, you instantly inhale the scent of the outdoors back in Sunset Bird and it makes you think sometimes that you are actually back home
‣ Sometimes in class if you are focusing on some calculus BS or something, Cove will stop whatever he is doing sometimes and just look at you with these.. *SOFT* GODDAMN EYES that when you notice, make you melt.
‣ Without a doubt Cove loves destressing you after your classes or if you are on a time crunch for a paper, he will put your hair up for you or let you sit on his lap. If you let him, he definitely would give you neck kisses the whole time. Not anything aggressive, but he would sit behind you and keep his lips and face in the nape and sides of your neck, giving you soft hickeys that would quickly go away after a day or two, and feather-light kisses that if you let it-- would so easily distract you.
‣ Cove's really good about controlling himself most of the time, (especially in public) but if you two are alone and you kinda.. EGG him on, he will toss you around like you weigh nothing
‣ Cove also loves letting you wear his clothes if you're smaller than him / wear the same size. If you go out / go to class with some clothing piece or jewelry item of his on you, he will be giddy inside and be very pleased like you're displaying that you're his.
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animeomegas · 1 year
More Baxter thoughts~
Imagine post Step 4, MC telling Baxter that he was their first kiss. They sort of laugh and explain that for some people 18 would be considered a late bloomer, but that was the right time for them. They joke that Baxter was just too irresistible.
MC is trying to keep the mood light, just joking about it, but that doesn't really go to plan.
Because Baxter is shocked for three seconds, pleased and flustered for one second, and then deeply guilty from then on.
He feels guilty for not knowing, for taking MC's first kiss even if they kissed him first, and he feels even worse for ghosting them now, which he didn't think was possible.
He tries to just smile and say he's honoured, but he cannot sleep that night because he feels so guilty. He wants to punch 19 year old him in the face (don't we all).
I think MC'd have to firmly pull him from the guilt and kiss him until he truly understands that they'd forgiven him for the shenanigans he pulled 5 years ago, and that they definitely don't regret him being the first person they kissed.
Actually that would be a good strategy to pull his head out of the guilt cloud: MC should ask him if he regrets being the first person they kissed and then watch this man backtrack at the speed of light and vehemently deny it lol.
But also, imagine MC face timing Baxter for the first time after they had to go home.
They'd both do it late at night, I think, maybe they'd both be in bed, and when the call connects, they both just stare at each other for several moments.
Until MC pushes out an 'I miss you' and Baxter melts and says it back.
MC was sort of expecting to be teased about missing him when it's only been a day since they left, but Baxter isn't about to deny that he's already wishing they were with him again.
Just imagine them softly talking about their days to each other, tucked up in their respective beds, wishing the other one was close enough to touch and hold.
Imagine them having to end every face time with a reminder about when they were going to see each other next, just to soften the bitter blow of the end of the call.
Imagine MC taking a screenshot when Baxter looks cute, his hair mussed from his pillow.
Imagine Baxter taking a screenshot when MC starts nodding off, head propped up by one dangerously swaying hand.
Imagine neither of them wanting to bring up staying on the call as they sleep, but both thinking about it every time.
Just... soft Baxter and MC, because they'd be the cutest sappiest couples, especially when they're alone.
This third one and final one is not as cute, but imagine an artist MC who is just enamoured by the mole on the upper back of Baxter's thigh.
They really want to not be creepy, but also... they really want to sketch it.
And so they sketch it, but it doesn't capture the beauty properly, so they add colour and edit and keep going until they have a near photo realistic image of the back of Baxter's thigh XD
Baxter finds the drawing one day and basically blue screens for a good 40 seconds before he attempts to compliment their art work and tease them about the subject material at the same time, the words coming out as a jumbled, flustered mess.
That is all XD Thank you for letting me scream my Baxter ideas into the void haha.
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differenteagletragedy · 7 months
-- 40-year-old Derek is a HUSBAND, and he's the best husband the world has ever seen.
-- If someone is saying chivalry is dead, they haven't met our guy. If you're cold, he's got a jacket. If it's raining, he has an umbrella (and will absolutely get wet if it means keeping you 100% dry). Do you live somewhere that has a colder winter? He's warming your car up for you in the mornings before work, and if he needs to, you know he's going to be scraping that ice. Shoveling snow? He lives for it.
-- Best dad/uncle too. Either you have kids of your own, friends with kids, nieces or nephews from Jorge/Nico/Liz ... it doesn't matter, he's an absolute hit with kids. Can give piggyback rides for days, even if the kids are too old and cool for it. He knows the plot points of everyone's favorite movies and shows and books and can easily hold conversations about them, he knows hobbies and activities from memory.
-- A baby whisperer if there ever was one. Babies LOVE Derek. He can always get them down for naps, he can always figure out what's wrong, he's got a good trick for getting a stubborn burp out. Can swaddle like it's his job.
-- He learns how to cook too! When he was younger he could fix a chicken breast and some veggies or whatever, but as he gets older he finds joy in preparing good meals for his loved ones.
-- Is also very good at massages, and always willing to give one! Back, scalp, hands, feet, full body, he's got it all covered and his hands are magic.
-- The flip side of all of this is that by the time he's 40, he's had over 15 years of being in a relationship with you, so he's definitely good and settled, and that means he's totally fine with getting spoiled in return! He spoils you obviously, but is also content to let you do the same. And you better do the same.
-- He has the prettiest smile lines! Looking at him, it's obvious even to strangers that he's lived a life he's happy with.
-- He's a little thicker around the middle too. He's still fit and muscular, but it's a bit less defined now. It comes from spending a little less time at the gym and a little more time making those meals for his family. He's still an active guy, that's just how he is, but he's content with not having that crazy six pack anymore.
-- Will still absolutely turn all the heads though. Beefy arms, muscular thighs, and, you know, his face. He'll only notice someone flirting with him if they're seriously over the top with it, and if it happens he'll tell them the most sickeningly sweet thing about how he's with his soulmate and not the least bit interested in anyone else. He won't even do it to look good or to make you feel better, he'd just do it because it's the truth.
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qwee206 · 6 months
So I've been in a mood for angst so
How cove would react if MC dies headcanons (angst)
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I feel like Cove wouldn't talk to anyone and just lock himself in his room all day
I also feel like he would stop eating for days to
If Cove even tried to do something he used to like he would think of you and just be depressed again
Cove would probably snap at people easily or he'd be very quiet and non-responsive
Cove would probably feel I lot of guilt thinking he should have been with you more or thinking that it should have been him
Cove would cry a lot and more easily
Cove would often cry into your pillows, blankets, shirts, anything if the sort
Would often stare at old photos with you and him
Would often sit in silence with his dad
Cove would develop a habit of saying "I love you" to people when they leave or go to bed in fear that they would be gone
Would often go to text you or vist out of habit only to remember that your gone
Would often look twice at things thinking he saw you and that you're still there with him
Anytime he would want to say anything about you he couldn't because of how overwhelmed he would feel
I don't think he would do anything that would harm himself or others aside from not talking to anything and sleeping all day
Would get a body pillow or many pillows and would cuddle with them pretending that they were you cuddling him
My next post will probably be some fluff headcanons, these have just been on my mind all day
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eetydk · 7 months
js found out the whale trick and texted Cove abt it
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moonsplit · 6 months
Can I pretty please get some Poly Cove, Baxter, and Derek x reader 🥺
I am desperate and just want to know how they'd be like all together in a closed relationship- how they treat each other, MC, how they act with the other's families, etc. etc.
PS. You don't have to do this request but It's so hard to find poly prompts for them 😭
PPS. Can I be 💫 Anon?
↠ Cove x Baxter x Derek x gn!Reader HCs ↞
* word count ↠ 2743 * tags ↠ gender neutral reader, fluff, a little angst but it's okay, closed relationship polyamory, meeting the family, a very implied slow burn, bax is a little bit of an idiot, the opposite of proof read
* notes ↠ YES THANK YOU ANON 🙏 I'm polyamorous myself, and the lack of content makes me so sad sometimes. Glad to know there's a market aside from me and @starance
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You and Cove were the first two together
After the awkwardness of your first kiss, and the dancing around it, and figuring out the terms and oh god do you tell your families???
And believe me it was awkward for a while
Not a bad kind, just the growing pains of a new relationship- of a first relationship
And then there was Derek.
Who has absolutely had a crush on you and Cove for like- ever? Is that a time frame? He didn't really know, but it felt right.
He didn't realize he was allowed to feel that for both of you for a while.
He thought he had to choose and it broke him a little, because he adored being around the both of you too much to ever choose
He was always supportive of you and Cove after you two told him you were dating
But you couldn't help from notice a little longing in his eyes when you and Cove were couple-y
Or how he withdrew just that slight bit if you got a little too close to romantic touches instead of platonic cuddles
It went from unnoticeable to unbearably obvious as time went on and years passed
You and Cove stressed about it together
For you, you had always stressed about what being in a relationship with Cove would mean for your trio
You'd heard horror stories from books and school acquaintances about loosing friends after getting into a relationship
And Cove
Was less worried about if your relationship had anything to do with it, and more worried about losing part of his home
The trio, your family, they'd become integral to his perception of home
It never felt quite right when you all weren't right by him
So, naturally, you both team up to confront him!
And it went-
Well, about as well as you'd expect? Derek was usually the one to carry the blunt of emotional intelligence, and even then all three of you were dense as hell
None of you are really sure how it slipped, just that it did. Maybe Derek was the one to tell you two, apologizing because "that's probably weird, isn't it?"
You were all versed in the queer community, but had never delved into what polyamory really was
Or maybe it slipped from you, a hesitant ramble spiraling into comparing the way you felt for Derek a little to closely to the way you do Cove
Maybe even it was Cove, thinking maybe Derek pulled away for his comfort- maybe he noticed Cove's awkwardness and red face and pulled away so as to not upset him
Maybe he explained, flustered, stumbling over his words, that he only reacted that way to Derek because he liked him in that same romantic way
But no matter how it happened
It absolutely did happen
Before any of you could regret it, or really even think on the realization that it was all mutual, Cove blurted out
"Do you wanna go out with us?"
Before either of you could respond, he stumbled out words asking if it was okay with you and that Derek didn't have to, you could just stay friends, I didn't mean to impl-
You cut him off, agreeing with the sentiment
And finally
There's the Derek Suarez smile.
You and Cove nearly got knocked to the ground with the force of the hug, vague words of agreement from him mixed with the three of you laughing
You were all still nervous, you didn't know how to go forward with it all-
And you went to your moms for help, because surely they'd know how this all worked, right?
But it all settled, and you three were still you, just, you know- Liz got to tease you that extra bit more
And it stayed like that, until you were all 18 and you hit a little bump in the smoothness
Because someone you saw that same summer you kissed Cove was back
When you first saw Baxter way back then, you just thought he was pretty and nice to talk to, to dance with
Really, you thought the two of you could be friends
But, as many people visiting Sunset Bird do, he disappeared
A little disappointing, but you only knew him for a day.
And then he showed up, the new guy on the street
You didn't quite remember his face until he talked about the soiree
And well, over the summer, perhaps you fall a little in love with him
It's not your fault! He's very charming, and he's sweet
It's not the same intensity and familiarity that your relationship with Cove and Derek brings, but it's fun and you could see him being a long-term partner
And then, of course, he leaves for another five years.
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"Did I do something wrong?" The words spilt from your lips, laying against Cove's chest as he rubbed circles into your sides.
Derek was laying with his head in your lap, letting you run your fingers through- and thoroughly mess up- his hair.
"I don't think so," he chimed.
Cove shook his head, almost trying to convince himself too. "It was his decision to leave, did he seem mad?"
"Well, no, but-" you sighed, anxiety biting away at you as you bit your lip, peeling the skin.
"Mhm! So, it wasn't your fault, or Cove's, or mine. He just wanted to leave. Which personally I think is dumb, who wouldn't want to stay around you two for as long as possible?"
You snorted, letting yourself relax back into Cove for the time being.
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So anyways
You see him again another five years later.
Helping your friends plan their wedding on a short notice- perhaps a little too short notice- your own planning stage looming nearby in the distance
Seeing him again..
Well, naturally you tell Cove and Derek
Because what else are you meant to do?
You, unfortunately, drew the short straw to be the one to confront him
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"Baxter, hang on- talk to me like a real person, for once." You latched on to his wrist, unwilling to let the moment slip through your fingers. "I get it, you don't want to talk to me. But at least- tell me why you left."
He sighed, not making any move to make you let go. "I do regret leaving Sunset Bird with nary a call to you three, you are still together, no?"
You rolled your eyes. "Yeah and we're getting married, but that's not the point. Bax, I just want you to care enough to tell me why."
"You're..." his steadily widening eyes trailed down to your hand, and sure enough, an engagement ring was sitting comfortably on your ring finger.
He tried tugging his wrist out of your hand.
You held on tighter. "You're gonna tell me what happened so I don't feel like shit about it for the rest of my life, okay?! So I don't have to ask for reassurance that it wasn't my fault every time I remember how you left town. I think I deserve that."
You weren't normally a demanding person, he had to know that. He had to see the way that this all ate at your for the past five years.
You watched his resolve crumble, and it was- weird, seeing him drop the professionalism for even a moment. Weird, but welcome.
"Can we go somewhere private, at least? Perhaps the beach?"
You thought back to the symbol of your life, the beach and the poppy-covered hill behind your house. The same beach and hill you managed to drag him out to stargaze from countless times that summer. The sun was hanging low in the sky.
"I'll drive, you sort out whatever you're about to say." You shrugged, taking the drivers side of his way-too-expensive (in your humble opinion) car.
"Alright," he moved around, sitting in the passenger side. Maybe it was the time you spent with him that long time ago, making you notice the unnoticeable. But he seemed- deflated, a little sad.
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It was a quiet night
You could see a bit of disappointment in Baxter's eyes when he looked up to see a cloudy sky, you couldn't help but feel it too
You thought you'd have to push more, but he let out a long sigh
And stared at his hands, almost willing them not to shake
And he started to explain
He was the type to run away, it was ingrained in him
When he realized he was falling for three people all the way back then, he didn't know what to do
The fact that you three were so close knit didn't help
He left because he was scared
What would his family think?
Would he be enough?
Would it end in heartbreak he was trying so hard to avoid? (but, of course, it already ended like that)
Some of his worries were unsaid, he brushed them away with a "I had a lot on my mind, in terms of anxiety"
Truthfully, he thought you would have forgotten about him by now
He realized how much it could have hurt a little while ago, but he thought it would have been so much more likely that he was forgotten- just a blimp in the endless summers you three seemed to spend together
"I would have reached out, if I had known it still haunted you."
His hands were shaking
He clasped them together in an attempt to hide it
They were still shaking, twitching slightly in their hold
He had a crush on you three?
That's why he left and never came back?
You didn't know whether to laugh or scream at the poor man
He wasn't expecting a positive response, of course
But your laugh and yell of "you're a fucking idiot!" felt a little-
"I liked you too, I think those two could have too if you didn't absolutely ditch us."
You leaned on his shoulder, and he made no move to pull away
The scene familiar to an old one, but different
You told him to meet the three of you at a cafe in town
One you used to hang out in all the time
It wasn't a question, but if it was he would have agreed
And the four of you talked
Things were awkward at first, Cove particularly a bit standoffish with him
But you all talked it through
And maybe laughed about how stupid Baxter specifically was back then
He deserved that, he thought
Then a question came up, one he wasn't expecting
Really, the cafe in of itself would have been closure enough for him
But Cove asked if he wanted to go on a date
And Baxter had to shove every instinct and nerve in his body telling him to run away
Because he should be allowed to be happy like this, shouldn't he?
He really didn't know
But he shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth
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He helps plan you, Cove, and Derek's wedding of course
He's far more flirty with you and Derek than Cove, respecting the discomfort Cove has had with the flirting in the past
But when Cove doesn't respond negatively to flirting?
You, Baxter, and Derek gang up on him and make him a literal tomato with how red in the face he goes
Derek showering compliments and peppering kisses while Bax makes his trademarked flirty comments, kisses lingering a bit longer
No matter what you do to add to this man's suffering, it certainly will
Speaking of Cove, he's the last to get comfortable with touch
From you it's been fine since you were kids, and he got used to Derek's touch quickly because of how openly affectionate he could be
But Baxter's normal touch, even just holding hands, was both more subtle and somehow more intimate feeling
So Cove struggled to adapt
Which was fine, of course, he could take all the time he needed
Baxter would always ask if he was allowed to touch him, whether the ask be verbal or not
Even long after Cove started saying yes (near) every time
Same goes for you, if you struggle with touch
They're all very respectful and will ask you first, respecting whatever boundary you set
Baxter being introduced into any of your family lives
Is certainly a sight
He's so out of place it's kind of funny
His family's more uptight and formal
So going to meet Derek's family and seeing the siblings bustle about and bicker, not quite caring about looking strange
Or seeing how much like a friend Cliff tries to be to Cove
or even the soft care your moms gave to you, and the teasing you took from Liz
Happy, loving, slightly chaotic families was not what Baxter was used to and it shows
He was hesitant to bring you three to meet his own family because of it
He wasn't even in very good contact with them himself
None of you pushed him on the matter
They weren't a big part of his life anymore, and honestly from some of the stories he's told?
You'd rather die than have to pretend to be that stuffy and pretentious
Derek and Cove cannot go five minutes without cuddling or holding hands
They're very touchy and affectionate with each other and it's not uncommon for you or Bax to come home or walk into the living room, and they're just tangled up together watching a movie and snacking
Cove and Bax love hearing you and Derek ramble
Whatever interests you at the moment, they'll listen to your voices for hours on end even of they have absolutely no chance of understanding it
If one of you seems really into something and it's sticking, they'll even do light research on their own
So they can be better conversation partners
And so that they can hear you talk more
It melts your heart when they do that for one of you
Or for each other
When the four of you are all cuddling together, Bax likes being the center of it the most
Nine times out of ten if you ask where he wants to be it's pressed against the three of you
Cove likes being on the outer edge, usually
He can get claustrophobic when he's surrounded on all sides, so he's probably on the side of the bed away from the wall too
Occasionally he's having a particularly clingy day and wants to be held by all of you, so long as one side of him (even just his back or front) is free
Derek's happy so long as he's holding a minimum of one person at all times
You can figure out where you'd place yourself in these cuddle piles <3
I can see Liz and Bax being a bit tense at first and you kinda think they hate each other
But when you ask one of them it's revealed that no they actually adore the banter between the two
Baxter and Derek have such potential between the two of them
The suave and semi-formal man and our beloved golden retriever
Derek would "con" the three of you into playing games together
One time it was a sport
That was the day
A.) You got to see Bax all sweaty, and that did things to you
B.) Bax almost passed out
He's not built for running or working out I'm sorry dude
Derek's generally very affectionate
Even just casually with an arm around you, he's always being touchy
Usually in the most innocent way
Cove likes less obvious PDA
Hand holding or brushing shoulders or even hugging
He doesn't like initiating kisses when you're out
Because he already spontaneously combusts when you do it
He can't fight down his flusterment when he knows other people could see him get embarrassed
Speaking of
He gets embarrassed easily
My man can give a kiss to a cheek and then will hide his blushing face in their chest
He gets a little better about it as time goes on
But he's still very shy
It's adorable <3
Baxter likes to hold you close to him, arm around your waist style
Almost like he's showing you off
Like any of the three of you
When you're out and about it's like he's showing you guys off to the world like
He's happy to call the three of you his <3
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ofoceansandtombsanew · 5 months
Could we get some wholesome headcanons of domestic life with Derek and/or spoiling him, because this man deserves the whole world!! Thank you for opening your requests!! :))
Oh absolutely, this king deserves it!
Life with Derek is, unsurprisingly, something very light and fulfilling
Affection rolls off of Derek as easy as breathing. After so long of practically punishing himself for not being perfect, Derek doesn't suppress those feelings or desires anymore
If he wants to say it, he says it. If he wants to feel it, he feels it. Derek has plenty of regrets but being with you isn't one of them
If you enjoy sweets, Derek likes to the eat your favorite candies so he tastes like them when you kiss
As someone who likes to look out for everyone else, it's easy for Derek to forget to look out for himself. So you do it for him. If he's about to take too much onto his plate, you gently nudge him that's okay to share the load or tell someone their request isn't something he can do right now
Every other week the two of you remember you're adults that can do whatever you want now, no restraints and no parents telling you what to do. Whenever that happens, you add something to your list of 'Things we couldn't do as kids that we'll do now as adults'
So far you've gotten a pet, went to a bakery to buy a cake for no special occasion and you've woken up unable to sleep at 2am and decided to cook a whole feast for no reason since neither of you had work that day
When it comes to your pet, you have to begrudgingly admit your baby likes Derek a little bit more than you. Not by much, of course. Derek can't help teasing you when it comes to that: "she loves you, just not as much as she loves me."
Every other Sunday, you have some sort of family hangout with his family. Sometimes it's brunch other times it is lunch or dinner and whipping out some consoles and playing video games
Every summer it's tradition to visit the boardwalk you went to as young teens sans your families. A day just for the two of you, no responsibilities or any other people to look after. You get your face painted, indulge in funnel cakes and then top the night off with the ferris wheel
As if calling back to your summer lemonade excursion, one winter the two of you get the bright idea to make your own mulled wine during a trip to the grocery store. Now it's a winter tradition and each year you change the recipe little by little until it is perfect
While there's nothing wrong with dinner or a movie, the two of you like having experiential dates when possible. Going to a cooking class, giving horseback riding a try, things of that nature. It's nice having a story to tell afterwards
One Halloween, you both went as each other. Derek as you, you as Derek. It got quite a bit of laughs out of your family and friends
One sleepy spring evening, Derek tiredly confesses he fell in love with you pretty much at first sight and he's really happy you return his feelings even after he almost shot himself in the foot with his high standards for himself
One cheesy romantic couple activity you want to knock off your bucket list is being on a kiss cam during a sports game. You actually manage to do it to... it just took Derek a second to notice you were on camera
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lady-daydream · 1 year
Our Life Headcanons/Imagine: How They Deal With Being Sick.
Cove Holden:
Due to both Cliff’s, and then retroactively, Cove’s active lifestyle as well as Cliff’s habit of cooking from scratch plus adding that they live close to the coast. Cove doesn’t get sick very often. Or if he does, he doesn’t react noticeably to it. This means that when he gets ill. It’s normally a pretty strong illness. Cove has a pretty high pain tolerance, and he is the type of person to say ‘ow’ more out of shock than out of pain when he bumped or hits something. As such aches and pains he finds more annoying than difficult. However, he hates the groggy feeling of cloudiness he gets when ill. Normally he will try and sweat it out with spicy food or exercise. But most of the people in Cove’s life normally end up suggesting, or if it is Elizabeth or Kyra it becomes pressuring him to rest. If Cove is being stubborn, they find out that booking a fun activity somewhere for when he felt better normally distracted him long enough for him to forget he shouldn’t be doing anything. He likes cuddles when he’s ill and sometimes forgets that this can cause M/C to be ill as well. So, it normally ends up with both of them getting sick at the same time.
If M/C falls ill however and he’s not sick. He doesn’t like not being able to help so isn’t great verbally at soothing further than ‘I’m sorry – I know this sucks, I’m here for you’. But he shows he cares by distracting them. Or setting up a video call if M/C is in a social mood with friends and family if they are far away so they don’t feel so lonely. He doesn’t mind giving supportive hugs and a few sneaky kisses to M/C, (Much to M/C’s protest at the risk of getting sick), but he just argues he could get sick anyway so why not get a few kisses out of it before he does. If Cliff catches ear that M/C was sick, he normally sends a check-up text, and if he is close enough to be able to do so – he will send food over. If he doesnt hear from the grape-vine, he normally ends up hearing from Cove himself since he is the first-person Cove texts if he’s uncertain if something is wrong or if something M/C does while sick is something to worry about, or if it’s just a side effect of the bug. And if M/C ever needs to go to a GP or The doctors,he never judges if M/C is stressed or scared or needed him there to support, he’s happily holding M/C hand the whole way or waiting outside even if the doctors makes him slightly anxious himself due to the accident that happened when he was younger. 
Derek Suarez:
Derek got sick a lot as a kid. Not intentionally, but due to his two brothers all going to different schools and being in different years, if one person in the household got sick. Everyone got sick. He hates being sick cause he gets fidgety and bored from the lack of energy and ability to move about or being able to do much really. But he doesn’t like seeing other people ill also. This meant he was the first to organise a group activity for Jorge and Nico if all three of them were sick to cheer them up, as well as helping his parents when he could see them slightly stressed from looking after three ill kids. This however led to Derek hiding his illness unless he physically couldn’t from his perceptive parents. So, when he is ill, he may not ask for help, feeling guilty for getting ill. However, as he got older he found his immune system was quite strong so he didn’t find himself ill often. He is always touched when M/C offers to help or look after him when he is ill, even if he takes some persuading from the people that care about him to let them help him get better. His parents like to joke that the brother must be linked because no matter how far apart, the three brothers always seem to get ill around the same time. This leads to a lot of joking phone calls trying to find out which brother is to blame for ‘getting them all sick’.
If M/C ever got ill, he is the first person to notice and is quick to offer help. From the mix of his sports experience, getting sick a lot while young, as well as suffering through rather bad growing pains after he hit 14 till turning 18, he always seems to have painkillers around as well as heating pads or hot water bottles. His strength lay in actually helping cure the sickness and its side effects. He generally isn’t that queasy around vomit, leading to him with either a bowl/bucket or if not a supportive back rub if M/C has a particularly nasty bug or illness as well as being strong enough to offer to piggyback or carry them to bed if its needed. But that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t be the first person to offer mental and emotional support alongside it. He normally ends up joking with you throughout the whole period M/C is ill if they are in the mood to stomach it. If not, he is always happy to give hugs not caring if he gets ill, saying he’s too buff to get ill, forcing a laugh or smile from M/C with a strongman pose. If they aren’t too sensitive to light or noise, he will offer to put on whatever M/C would like to watch, if M/C doesn’t pick something and lets him decide he will pick a movie he knows M/C likes regardless, asking them questions when they seem interested above the movie in order to distract M/C into info-dumping about it. However, due to his vigilance at helping M/C, if things start looking like they are getting worse he normally ends up anxiously double-checking M/C’s temperature or making sure they are intaking enough fluids and food. He is more than willing to take M/C to a GP or the Doctors the minute things are looking bad. If M/C is stubborn he is not beyond carrying them to the car and driving them or just using bribery. He’d rather have M/C be mad at him than them getting seriously sick. But he does always follow up on his bribery so M/C, though mad, does normally end up getting whatever food or treat they want afterward.
Baxter Ward:
If there is one thing Baxter doesn’t like. It’s not being able to work. As such, he hates more than anything being sick. The problem that peoples face with Baxter being sick is that he will hide it until it’s impossible to hide it anymore. He will do anything to continue going on like normal. Tired? down some coffee or work from home. Headache? Wear some sunglasses and listen to some white noise. Sneezing or coughing? Downplay it as a simple cold or hay fever. So, M/C has to be just as sneaky. If they are snuggling and he falls asleep, M/C will test his forehead for a temperature and always carry cough sweets, hay fever tablets, and sunglasses just in case to see if he reacts. After some investigation, and a lot of downplaying on Baxter’s end, he normally comes clean and states he’s a ‘light unwell’. Then comes the next battle. This being actually looking after him. He hates feeling like Mc is ‘wasting’ their time or going out of their way. Constantly apologizing no matter how small the act is that M/C does. However, he appreciates its immensely. He feels ashamed that he isn’t able to deal with the sickness alone, arguing in his own head that adults can look after themselves. M/C reminding them that their Mum’s look after each other whenever they are ill, detailing a time M/C remembers their Mom made chicken soup, homemade orange juice for their Ma when they came home from work with tonsillitis. Normally retelling this makes Baxter chuckle, making him mutter something about ‘some orange juice might be nice, and maybe some comfort would help him get back to work quicker’. But once Baxter starts feeling comfortable and lets up his stubborn walls, he admits that he enjoys M/C comfort. M/C is more than happy to offer head massages, getting as many cold compresses as possible when he needs them, getting him food and just making sure he was taking his medication when he needed.
Meanwhile, though he ignores his own illnesses. If anyone he cares about someone. He will go above and beyond to help them. When they were younger, he would normally find out either from Cove or from knocking on M/C door to have their parents explain that M/C is ill. It would take him long to make his way to town after asking M/C parents if they need anything and picking more than enough supplies to find something to cheer them up. Normally if the illness is bad enough that the M/C cannot text or move about, he will just leave a note with the supplies. Then when they see them later on in the week, he will always ask how they are normally with M/C smiling at their cute note.
However, as Baxter got older, though he became a bit more isolated he still did check in on his co-workers. If he notices someone has been gone for a couple of days, he’ll text them a kind message to see how they are. If they are ill, he will find a small gift – either tea, coffee, or a small snack to leave on their desk with a ‘hope you are well’. If when M/C mentions they are not well, Baxter is happy to take some time off, if possible, to look after them if they would like. If M/C is unwell enough that they are stuck in bed, Baker would recall the story M/C shared about their Mum’s, and a drowsy M/C might walk into the kitchen to find Baxter shirt sleeves rolled up, a YouTube video playing at the lowest volume as to not waking M/C up, all while a tasty soup cooking on the stove.
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endless-summer-olba · 7 months
Possible sprites and designs :o
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From left to right : derek (gb), cove reedley (oc), dandelion (oc), cove(warm) (gb), cove(cold) (gb) !!!
They are in the age between “Step 2” and “Step 3”, so they are 15-16
Why two Coves?
An idea is at the start of the game you can choose between a warm cove or cold cove (perhaps a moderate cove but not now), the type of personality that cove has can affect the way he interacts with you, other people, events, scenarios, and so on!
While you can’t change the way that cove in this game looks, I had designed his sprite as close to what the OG game determines how he looks for each step.
Fascinating posts by @riding-the-sunset-bird about the way choices impact Cove’s looks, and how the mc’s personality can impact his own, that really helped me with this! (sorry if this is bothersome)
Also check out my notion for other info
Height approximations:
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derek 5’3 / reedley 5’2 / dandelion 5’4 / cove 5’8
as you may tell, i focus too much on art and not writing-
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meowzilla93 · 9 months
Possessive Derek! maybe a little OOC buuuuut thats what HC and AUs are for!
At the request of the lovely @differenteagletragedy! now im not going full yandere style, just more like, they have wanted you and want to keep you to themselves type deal
Ill throw out one for Baxter and Cove a little later on, these boys make me feel so many thing
Lets go back a bit with Derek because he has been there since you were 13, this boy has been around and has had to listen to everything that you have gone through
You guys are keeping contact throughout high school, and of course the holidays come and go, but each year, Valentines day comes and Derek is slightly fuming
You are in your 10th year and this year, you receive chocolates and roses from people, some just as a holiday thing, others who are trying to vie for your affection
Of course, you already have someone who has captured your heart, even though you haven’t really admitted it to them yet
You’re having you chat with him after school and you both are giggling over some story he is telling you
Derek then asks how school was and you tell him of all the flowers and chocolates and confessions you got due to Valentines
He goes quiet, and in a low voice asks how many flowers, chocolates etc etc
You have no idea why he is asking but tell him regardless
Rest of the conversation goes swimmingly, like nothing ever happened
A few weeks later though, you get a delivery, from an anonymous sender
It’s a bouquet of your favourite flowers, snacks and a little card attached to it
“No one will ever know you the way I do.”
You cant help but blush at that proclamation, trying to figure out who would’ve sent that, not considering the conversation that happened during Valentines day
Oh but its school holidays now and he has that rare week or day off? He is going to spend his time attached to your hip
You are at the shopping complex and you walk into your friends from school, and one of them is just that bit flirty
You pay them no mind, as you are used to their antics, and as they turn their attention to the other, you cant help but feel Dereks presence next to you, as you feel the ghost of his hand hovering over the lower of your back
When you look up at him, you are stunned by the dark look in his eyes as he stares at the friend that was flirting at you earlier
“Derek?” The look disappears as if it wasn’t even there to begin with. “Yes?” “Is everything okay? You looked, upset…” “What? No everything is fine!” Throwing you a smile that would put the sun to shame “Do you want to ditch these guys and make our way to the beach? I’ll even carry you the whole way.”
Letting out a little squeal you agreed in a hurry, as Derek dips down to let you on his back and he carries you away, looking back on last time, catching the eye of the friend and making sure to deliver the message to stay away
Oh but when he hears about dancing boy come back into your life and finds out how open and flirty he is, Derek is beside himself
He cant meet with you until the end of summer
At the start all he can do is message you each day, making sure you are fine, fishing for information about Baxter and how he was acting towards you
You are fond of the monochrome man, but just stay as friends the entire time, but Derek can only see you falling further and further for him
A little self conscious of his emotions, he pulls back a touch and stops contact for a bit, blaming the scholarship he was doing
The Mountains trip comes and this was his undoing
He begs you not to go, its not safe, what if something happens, he isn’t here for you
But nothing deters you and you go, a touch annoyed with how he acted about this
The trip comes and goes, and a few days after you are back at home, there is a knock on your front door
Its Derek and his beautiful emerald eyes, staring at you longingly and sadness
He apologizes for the way he acted, he didn’t want to push you away and it seems he was becoming a touch controlling over you
You have a long talk and are able to get back to where you both were before all this happened
Proposing the idea to meet Baxter so he can meet him himself and see that he was harmless
Within moments of meeting, Baxter clicks that Derek is head over heels for you as when the two shook hands, Baxter felt a hard pressure on his hand. Though there was a sunny smile on Dereks’ face, there was a touch of a threat in his hand. Smiling amiably, he doesn’t react to the events transpired, but does ease off the flirty banter with you
After that summer ends, and Baxter hurts you with his dismissive attitude, Derek makes a promise to you that he will never let anyone like that hurt you ever again, making a mental note to maybe wreck pretty boys face if he ever gets the chance
Once you finally get together, he will always make sure to be by your side so that no one makes the mistake thinking you are available
Should you get compliments from someone at work, he will make sure to send you something to the office to remind you of him, and make others aware of him
Someone catcalls you, and he is right there? Oh there will be words
In the club or a bar and someone tries to hit you up. You end up on his lap/knee with a firm hand on your hip as he stares down the other person
Derek has spent 10 years yearning for you and trying to make sure you see him and no one else. He will spend the rest of his life keeping your gaze only on him
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meraki-raven333 · 2 years
``𝘊𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘌𝘯𝘵𝘩𝘶𝘴𝘪𝘢𝘴𝘵``
Reader that loves baking and cooking
Notes: Gender Neutral Reader
Character(s): Cove Holden
 A/N: None, hope you enjoy <3
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Cove Holden:
This man will be BEGGING YOU to make him food 24/7
In every scene with him and food he's always chowing down at the speed of light, this man loves him some food
Since you're childhood best friends he'll probably know when you're starting to learn how to cook
"Yeah recently I've been really interested in learning how to cook, I've actually learned quite a bit already-"
"Do you need a taste tester?" He will have actual stars in his eyes like 🤩
If you say no at first he will keep bugging you about it until you give in, no matter how long it takes (even when you're adults he'll still ask you)
Definitely wishes you'd be the person to make his cake for his birthdays, which you obviously do because Cove deserves it
Will tear up the first couple of times, like you made a cake?? For me? On my birthday?
Once you start there's no going back. You are now obligated to make his cake for him every year. No take backsies >:(
Cove is canonically clingy as fuck, so he will be the type to hover over your shoulder and watch you
Yes he's excited for the food but he's more focused on your face as you work. The way you stick your tongue out, the narrowed focused look of your beautiful eyes, how delicately you prepare everything, the cute tiny smile that crosses your face when you do something correct-
Cove will get extremely flustered when he notices he was staring and immediately back away from you with an embarrassed squeak
You probably won't notice since you're hyper focused but if you ask him what's wrong, he'll be talking nonsense with a red face
He'd probably need to leave the room for a bit (or at least put some distance between you two, he can't mentally handle this shit)
Will always "accidentally" be around when you finish cooking
Every. Single. Time.
Bro would be sitting in the kitchen holding a fork and a knife with a fancy napkin his shirt LMAO
All jokes aside, Cove goes soft when you give him food
Even if you cook every single day he will never stop appreciating it
He's so down bad for you and your cooking :)
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covehearted · 1 year
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≻ — Cove messing with your hands
Tags: Established relationship, physical touch
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Cove Holden
Cove who can’t resist playing with your fingers when you two are sitting next to each other
Something about the casual touch makes his heart flutter and a silly smile cross his face
Getting to the point where he could feel comfortable touching you, even in simple soft ways like this was a process and a test of his courage and confidence
Now it feels as easy as breathing
The moment he can, his hands seek out yours. His thumb gently strokes over your knuckles, back and forth
The action soothes him even more than it does you. Something about feeling the bends of your knuckles and the warmth of your skin grounds him and makes him feel safe
If you wear nail polish he has the bad habit of subconsciously picking at it and has ruined at least one manicure that way
He doesn’t mean to he just zones out while talking to you and before he knows it he’s chipped some of the paint off
You don’t mind but he gets down about it for a moment until you distract him with another topic to talk about
If your nails are already chipped and the polish is flaking, give him the go ahead to pick it off of you. He will zero in on his task and the process will be immensely satisfying for him
Also enjoys tracing the lines on your palm and smiles when the ticklish sensation causes you to twitch and try to stay still
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differenteagletragedy · 8 months
can I humbly request some boys w a selectively/always mute mc? 🥺
-- Boys have got you, always, of course.
-- Baxter runs his mouth enough for everybody, and he's so intuitive and smooth (when he's not absolutely falling apart) (but even then kind of) that if you're selectively mute, he can tell when it's that vs. just being quiet. He'll jump in without hesitation and take care of the situation.
-- He will also write you the prettiest letters if you like to write things down. Yeah, he could just say it, he's not the one with the mutism, but where's the fun in that?
-- May or may not practice calligraphy to spice things up, but would never admit if he did.
-- He would get so into it, he's such a little nerd, he'd order a custom little stamp and write you letters and stamp a little wax seal on them then give them to you whenever he thought you needed one, just love letters or spicy letters, he'd have a variety.
-- Do you sign? Derek knows sign language. No, it's not because of you or anything, he wanted to learn anyway. But it's not NOT because of you!
-- Would seriously get just so so good at it, and of course it's for you lol
-- If you're comfortable with it, he'd want to talk about anything and everything that triggers it so he can be prepared. If you're working on trying to overcome it, then great, he can do whatever he can! If it's too much, then that's also great.
-- Derek will literally do anything and everything he thinks might help even the slightest little bit, the effort he would put into this is so remarkable.
-- Cove has been around the longest, so yeah, he's also got this under control.
-- You want to hang out next to each other and text instead of talk? Yeah, that's valid.
-- So I think that Cove (or my Cove, anyway) is typically the most willing to throw hands, especially for you. So if someone says anything about this or makes fun of you or anything like that? It's going down.
-- Unless you don't want him to do that, then he can just talk trash about them. Or text trash about them, that always works too.
-- I love this for Baby Cove because he would be so blunt about it and brutal if he had to be. If you were on the shopping street and the Amazing Alexander or whoever tried to get you to talk and you didn't want to, he would make them cry. I know he would.
-- He would know some signs too, if you sign. Really basic ones, but enough to get the job done!
-- You know who else would learn, Cliff (this is for regular MC, not Cliff's MC. He would do stuff too for them, but I can't think about Cliff's MC too much or I will overheat).
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adventuresofeme-sea · 10 months
MC: Okay, but what if we went to dinner not as friends this time?
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