#out comes soft papa foxy
crimsonfacets · 11 months
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@tcthinecwnself asked: “Vanny, sweetie! Come here! Daddy’s got a present for you!” His sweet singsong voice echos through the pizzeria, a sort of second home. He wanders into the security office, leaning against the door and smiling at his daughter’s make shift fort. “All seem well on the security cameras, security officer Vanessa?” He asked with a soft chuckle. “Come out here. Come see the new Foxy plushie I got you.” (We have added neither muse but that doesn’t mean I’m not gonna shove papa Afton at you)
Afton's kid was pretty crafty when it came to her forts - something innovative she seemed to inherit from her old man: table cloths stretched across the monitor station in various layers and heights, tucked into filing & wall cabinets while multiple flashlights lit up the interior, both propped on pulled out shelves and stood straight up so nothing was in the dark. Not that anything really could be, what with all the security monitors that fuzzily added the enclosure. It was a well-lit sanctum.
Worn rolling chairs sat in a circle in the space, occupied with stuffed versions of Freddy, Chica, Bonnie, and the Foxy that wore an unseemly smatter of stitches due to a gnash from the animatronic he sat in the spitting image of. Poor thing was missing his arm all together now, but Vanessa looked after him with what stitching she could manage. The needlework wouldn't win any contests, but they served their purpose to keep the old fox held together.
Vanessa's head whipped from ogling the monitors a little too closely (possibly warned not to do so or she'd wind up wearing glasses like dear old dad) and greeted William with a grin. "Dad!" She piped, swinging off the swivel chair in a mad dash to charge the man's legs and tackle them with her full weight, hugging him tight, the security hat nearly toppling off her head in the process. "NO WAY! You got him a twin???" Her voice almost grew into a squeal. "Let me see, let me see!"
The excitement, for the moment, drowned out the thought of any suspicious activity on the security cameras. There was a birthday boy who seemed to be trying to cheat one of the Arcade games, but when Vanessa took her eyes off him for maybe a minute, he was gone. That was something, but also probably nothing. Birthday kids are always going wild in the pizzeria, hopped up on buttery birthday cake.
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i-hold-horrors-hand · 2 years
I Never Saw You Coming: Chapter 4
Papa Emeritus IV needs a Prime Mover. Larysa needs a way to keep her cult from dying. They just might be the answer to each other's problem. And they might just fall in love along the way.
A Little Bump and Grind
  (Also readable on AO3)
  Copia had been thinking about Larysa the whole week.
  After Nihil had Rain interrupt his and Larysa's naughty little liason (for more meandering bullshit, go figure), Copia found himself aching for her.
It was bad enough that he'd been cock-blocked just before sinking himself inside her, but having been cock-blocked immediately after bringing her to orgasm with his fingers? And being unbearably erect? It was torture. Pure torture.
And to top it off, he'd been busy for just over a week, too busy to see Larysa again. So, he had to take matters into his own hands. Literally.
Every night that week, as he laid in bed, he wrapped a hand around his cock and jerked himself off to thoughts of Larysa, and all the naughty things he wanted to do to her.
At some point, he remembered that her thong was still in his pants pocket, and he couldn't resist the urge to retreive them. He held them clsoe to his face, inhaling deeply—her smell still lingered on them, and it served to arouse him even more.
It wasn't enough, but it held him over until he finally had the time to call Larysa again and schedule a second date.
Hopefully, this time, they wouldn't be interrupted.
  * * * *
  Larysa reclined in her seat, taking a sip of wine.
After thinking about the Satanic anti-Pope all week (and dealing with the resulting lusty thoughts with her Hitachi wand), she'd finally received a call from him. He wanted a second date.
So here she was, at Sinamon, a sex club owned by several members of her cult. Waiting for Papa Emeritus the Fourth to show up and join her.
  And he did. Right on time.
He walked through the front doors, looking quite foxy in his black button-up cuffed shirt and deliciously tight leather pants. He fiddled with his sleeves a bit and looked around, finally spotting Larysa. As he walked over to her, she stood up, allowing him to admire her outfit for this date. And admire he did. His eyes widened, his jaw went slightly slack, and he swallowed hard as his gaze travelled up and down her form. Clearly, a short red dress with a plunging neckline was the right choice tonight. Larysa couldn't help the small, smug smirk that spread across her lips. Getting this reaction out of someone never got old.
"Larysa..." Copia began, eyes still drinking her in, "You look...like sin on two legs." He punctuated his statement with a (this time, not quite so) gentlemanly kiss to the back of her hand.
Larysa let out a soft giggle and flicked his nose. "Thank you, Copia. You're looking pretty devilish tonight, yourself."
Copia pufffed his chest out a bit at the compliment, his nerves apparently eased a bit by Larysa's words. Good. She wanted him relaxed. Relaxed and eager.
Larysa cupped his cheek in her hand and tilted his head down for a kiss. A long one. When she pulled away, she heard him let out a small, almost inaudible moan in protest. Clearly, getting him eager would be no problem.
She sat back down on the plush, rectangular chair, and patted the seat of the one next to her. Copia took his cue and sat down.
"This place is very nice," he said, looking around. "I'm just confused how I've never heard about it until now."
"We're a bit low-key with the advertising. Don't need the wrong kind of people to come in here and ruin our fun."
Copia nodded. "People can be very weird about sex clubs." He paused for a moment, looking around again—taking in the rather scantily clad patrons around them, and the even less-dressed pole dancers—then asked, "That is...what this place is, isn't it?"
"Yep." Larysa downed the rest of her wine then stood up. "I'm gonna go get us some drinks. What would you like?"
Copia thought for a moment, then answered with, "Surprise me."
"Feeling adventurous tonight, huh?" Larysa winked at him then made her way to the bar, making sure she swayed her hips a bit as she walked. She could feel Copia's eyes on her, which was exactly what she wanted. She was going to work him up and then pounce, like a lioness with her prey.
She returned to Copia with two Negronis, and took her seat, leaning in close to him.
They weren't going to be interrupted tonight.
  * * * *
  Drink and conversation had been the main event, thus far, tonight. A bit of a slow pace. Not that Copia minded. It was good to test the waters before diving in.
"So, this place is connected to your cult? And you have a brothel?"
"We have a few of them, actually." Larysa finished her second Negroni and licked her lips. "The brothel is more-or-less our 'church'."
"I see." Copia noddede, thougtfully, then added, "Ah, if you don't mind me asking..."
"Go ahead."
"I was wondering if, eh, people in your cult...do they usually get married? It just seems like most of you wouldn't." He took a swig from his own second Negroni, then added hastily, "Not that there's anything wrong with that! I just...would like to understand it more."
Larysa let out a small laugh, which Copia took as a sign that he hadn't just put his foot in his mouth.
"No," she replied, "We usually don't. We can, if we want, but most of us don't. It's never really been a part of the cult."
"Ah, I see." Copia nodded, taking this information in. It made sense. A feminist, Lilith-worshipping sext cult comprised of mostly women would probably have a more apathetic view of marriage. But some of them didn't. Larysa clearly didn't, at least now. "Why did you change your mind about marriage?"
Larysa sat back a bit in her chair, quiet for a moment, and Copia worried that he had asked a question that perhaps should have been saved for their third date. If indeed they would have one.
"Well," Larysa began, after a moment, "I'm older now. More settled. My only child is grown. I'm in a different phase of my life, now. I'm ready for something else."
"That makes sense." She apparently already sowed her proverbial wild oats, and wanted something else now. Perhaps that something would be him.
"Plus, since I live alone now, I can fuck as loud as I want."
Copia almost choked on his drink, coughing and sputtering for a moment. Clearing his throat, he sat up a bit straighter and leaned in closer to Larysa, putting an arm around her shoulders.
"Good to know. I am also quite loud." He hoped that sounded as sexy as he wanted it to.
Larysa raised an eyebrow and grinned. "Oh?"
Feeling a little emboldened now, Copia leaned in even closer, and brushed his lips over her ear. "Yes," he all but whispered, smug about the way his words caused Larysa to shiver a bit. He trailed his lips lower, down her jawline and to her neck. "I am also very...thorough."
Larysa let out a sound that, to Copia, sounded like a purr. He bit his bottom lip softly as he felt his cock twitch in his pants. Fuck. He liked it when his lovers purred. It was such a sexy sound. He wondered what else he could do to get her to make that noise...
His thoughts were interrupted by Larysa turning her head to kiss him, nipping as his lip before pulling away. "How thorough are you on the dance floor?"
"Why don't I show you, baby?" He could already feel his inhibitions getting lower and lower by the minute. (Good ol' 'liquid courage'; he might not have had the nerve tonight without it.)
"Why don't you?" Larysa smiled sexily.
And he did. Once they got to the dance floor, he pulled her in close, moving slowly and sensually—these past few years of moving suggestively on stage while touring having been good preparation for tonight—as his hands roamed over her back and hips.
He was instantly lost in the music and his mounting desire for Larysa. If asked about the song playing, or about the other people on the dance floor, he wouldn't be able to describe anything about either. He woudln't even be able to say how long they spent dancing; it could have been both forever and five minutes, for all he knew.
It was almost foreplay, the way they danced; the movements of their hips and the way their hands ghosted over each other's bodies getting more and more risqé as they continued to dance.
Copia brushed his lips along Larysa's neck, feeling her pulse, taking great pleasure in how it rivalled his own in speed.
He felt his already sweltering body temperature rise as he felt Larysa's deft fingers slowly unbutton his shirt, and let out a soft breath as he felt her hand slide slowly along his chest, resting over his heart (which was now threatening to leap out of him).
He slid a hand from her hip to her ass, squeezing it firmly but gently, and turned his head to brush his lips over hers as he looked into her lust-blown eyes.
"Voglio scoparti, bella."
"Alors tu devrais, Papa."
Larysa's response made Copia's already stiff cock throb. "Lead the way, bella."
And so she did.
  Taking him by the hand, Larysa led him off the dance floor, down a hallway, and through a door labelled 'Romp Room'. To Copia's utter lack of surprise, the room was filled with couples (and groups of three or more) in various states of intercourse on the furniture.
And though half of them looked up as the door opened, none of them batted an eye at his skull paint, and instead seemed excited to share the room with another two people. Good. Sometimes he liked an audience. Like now.
He fell back onto a soft, rectangular chaise and pulled Larysa onto his lap, her legs on either side of his hips. He wasted no time in crashing his lips into hers, hands tangling in her hair. He wanted her. Badly.
And she evidently wanted him just as bad, as she began to grind on his clothed erection. He let out a loud moan and slipped his tongue into her mouth as he grabbed her hips and ground up against her, eager for more contact.
They remained like that for a bit, grinding and kissing and moaning. Eventually, though, it became too much. And not enough. He needed more.
Copia gently pushed Larysa off his lap, and reached a hand down to unzip his now unbearably tight leather pants, his rigid cock popping out, leaking and ready. He slid his gloved hands up Larysa's thighs, pushing up her short dress, and hooked his fingers into the sides of her thong, pulling it down her legs. She stepped out of them, and and wasted no time in getting back into his lap, grabbing his cock and positioning it just right so she could slide down onto it.
He let out a low groan as she did, so pleased to finally be inside her. He grabbed her by the hips again as she put her hands on his shoulders for leverage as she began to slide up and down his shaft. There would be no interruptions tonight, just mutual pleasure.
Their blissful moans mingled with those of the other people in the room, and this only spurred them on. Larysa began to ride Copia faster, and he pulled her in closer to bite and suck at her neck.
"You like that, baby?" he growled against her skin.
He kissed his way down to her shoulder, and pulled the strap of her dress down to bite at her again, sucking the bite immediately after.
"Copia..." she hissed.
He rolled his hips up against hers and tilted her backward a bit, sliding the straps down her arms and tugging at the body of the dress, exposing Larysa's pert breasts. He immediately latched onto a nipple, sucking at it as he rolled his hips again, taking great delight at the sounds he was drawing from Larysa.
He switched to the other one, and gripped her tightly as he moved his hips in time with hers, her warmth and wetness around his cock bringing him closer and closer to the edge. He slid a hand down to where their bodies met, and placed it on Larysa's pelvis, thumb rubbing her clit, getting faster and faster as she began to falter in her rhythm.
"Oh, fuck yes..."
"Cum for me, bella," he rasped in her ear. "Cum on my cock."
It didn't take long until she did. She threw her head back and cried out his name as she contracted around him, the pleasure making her body tremble.
He came but moments, later, Larysa's hot, wet cunt milking his cock dry as he cried out and gasped in bliss.
Larysa slumped against him, panting and smiling. Copia let his head fall forward onto her shoulder, breathing still not yet steady.
"That was...worth the wait," Copia rasped.
"Yeah," Larysa agreed.
They both leaned back to look at each other, and let out a simultaneous giggle.
Absolutely worth the wait.
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fuchsrox · 7 years
@clumsybirdie liked for a chap 1 tbflye verse starter!
Now that’s especially fucked up. How old is this kid? He can’t be older than what, 10? Ignoring the voices he could hear, almost telling him not to get close to the young boy, he walks over and bends down a bit in front of him. “Are you okay, kid?” He speaks softly, knowing this whole situation would likely leave the boy on edge, just like him. Just like Josh. Just like everyone.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 3 years
Can I request a fnaf security breach x reader/headcannons please? Where the glamrocks (including bonnie and foxy, if you don't mind) recieve a tiny animatronic that resemble the baby of their species (bear cub,wolf pup,chick, ect...) and its intended to keep them company and help them backstage. And the baby animatronic believes they are their actual parent
It's okay If you can't/don't want to do all of them Freddy, monty and bonnie would be fine (if you actually want to do this request)
Oh! I saw you request this to another blog and I found it adorable so I'm happy to do this one! This'll help me flesh out ideas for my Glam Bonnie and Foxy.
We'll just say Reader is the creator of these little babies
Glamrock Freddy
Freddy Jr. is the designated name for his orange-brown bear cub animatronic. No ifs, ands, or buts.
You explain that he's just a little companion to help him calm down backstage before a show or keep him company when the Pizzaplex is closed.
Freddy instantly engages “Papa Bear” protocol 24/7, letting Freddy Jr hang out in his stomach hatch and the green room.
In no time Freddy Jr is attached to him, calling him "papa”.
He absolutely treasures this cub and would defend him with his life if need be.
A companion is something she needed more than anyone, so she was the first to receive her own.
A little wolf pup with tiger stripes like hers and glowing gold eyes. She has a tiny green streak on top of her head. She’s given the name “Lil Rox”.
Being called “mom” really melted Roxanne’s heart and she nearly sobbed when she first called her that.
This pup has really helped her with her mental health and self-esteem. Like a lot. 
Even when Lil Rox’s just rolling around in the dirt in Roxy Raceway with not a single thought behind her eyes, Roxanne can’t help but feel proud.
With her eye upgrade she can see where she is at all times, so they’re never far from each other.
Glamrock Chica
A cupcake would’ve been too predictable and unoriginal. So you got a bit more creative. 
Considering white chickens are adults, you created a mini animatronic Chica chick that was a pastel yellow, similar to her predecessors.
Glam Chica immediately adored her, scooping her up and being oh-so-gentle as she carried her around.
She ended up nicknaming her “Cupcake” but you didn’t mind. She was so happy.
Cupcake helps her ease her nerves whenever a show starts, or if she’s had a bad day after getting yelled at for digging through the trash.
After the Monty Mystery Mix incident, she vows to keep her chick away from that stuff at all costs.
But she’ll occasionally bring back some pepperoni or other toppings.
The mother hen in her is truly thriving.
At first he’s like “what’s this? I ain’t his mama” as he dangles Lil Monty Jr by his tail and looks at him over his glasses.
You scold him for holding the tiny little gator in such a way, and in the back of your mind you worry he’s not fit to be a dad.
Yet five minutes later you come back to Monty Golf and see the two together, with LM Jr watching Monty practice his golfing skills, sitting on the shoulder plate.
You’d ask what he thinks but suddenly he snarls and gets overly protective.
You take it as “yes I love and cherish him”.
Surprisingly he hasn’t had as many fits of anger lately, as LM Jr is always there to calm him down and be a good influence.
Like Roxy, a companion to call his own is exactly what he needed.
Glamrock Bonnie
Papa Rabbit is here!
He adores the soft baby bunny you designed for him, giving the little bugger a hug and showing him around Bonnie Bowl.
And yes, “Bugger” is the nickname he gives to him.
Unfortunately the bowling balls are a bit too heavy for him to carry, so Bonnie lets him watch a few games and write down whenever he gets a strike, miss, or spare.
Not that he needs to write anything as the overhead TVs keep score.
But it’s a great father-son bonding moment.
Glamrock Foxy
Rather than a parrot (again, too predictable and unoriginal), you present a little fox with a bandana on his head and an eyepatch on the opposite eye.
Foxy immediately adopts him as his First Mate, overjoyed and ready to teach him all there is about the seven seas.
The little kit loves interacting with the kids at the Kid’s Cove, playing in the sand and jumping on different structures.
Foxy’s pleased to have a son who shares his love for adventures!
Oh, and First Mate definitely chases his tail sometimes.
Such a sweet moment for the fox who’s usually so rough around the edges.
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Part Fifteen (Part One)
Tw: mention of past self harming and urge to self harm
He had to wake up.
It was just a nightmare.
It was okay.
It would all be over soon.
Just wake up.
Wake up!
Wake up!
He sat up with a jolt, trembling. Ugh. Not that nightmare again. He hadn’t seen it in so long. He would have loved to never see it again. He glanced behind him, but Sunny was still fast asleep, even if her hand was still firmly gripped on his shirt. He sighed as he pried her fingers off. Did she think he was going to run away and one morning, just not be there? Who knew. He certainly wasn’t going to ask.
Stretching out his arms, he climbed out of bed. It was just too warm. Mére! Fire! Not that there was a problem with being warm. Run, get as far away as you can! He really just didn’t need that right now.
Oh gods, he needed to get rid of that horrible screeching sound in his head. He clapped his hands over his ears and stumbled around, gentle blue flames licking at his ears to light up his surroundings.
This is a stupid idea. A very stupid idea. He was practically screaming at himself. Stay near Sunny. Don’t be stupid. Don’t be stupid. Don’t be- the glint of the knife on the table caught his eye and his breath.
He was in the kitchen. Again. Not surprising, considering how much time he spent in here.
It almost seemed to call to him. He could almost feel the sharp rasp of the blade just by looking at it. He couldn’t even pry his eyes away from it.
Like that princess in the story with her spinning wheel, the pointed edge called him by name (if he even had one anymore) and begged, no, pleaded to be held taut against his skin until red lines welled up again and spilled out in every direction fathomable.
Sometimes, he was surprised his blood was red. It was such a vibrant and beautiful hue. It was strange to think that anything coming from him could be beautiful. He expected his own life force to be pitch dark and cloudy, like he honestly expected himself to be.
He hadn’t moved one inch since stepping foot into the kitchen.
No. Please don’t do this again. You want to live. Please, you have to live! He ignored the voice in his head like always. It never helped him, anyway. Please, for her. Don’t do it. For her.
His shaking hand stopped as it reached out to the table.
Goddess above, what would she think of this? She would run away screaming if he somehow succeeded this time. He couldn’t do that to her. What kind of a monster was he? Hurting her physically wasn’t enough? He had to mentally scar her even more?
A broken sob fell from his mouth as his knees hit the ground. And another. And another. He pressed a hand against his lips to stifle his incessant sniveling, but it only became worse. His entire body, wracked with unheard sobs, shuddered.
What was he about to do?
You were doing so well. His inner voice chided him. You’ve got responsibilities now. You have someone depending on you now. And you were about to let her down like this?
He really was a monster.
The cold chill raced in the grass and brushed against his legs. The garden was really beautiful this late at night. The glow of the moon seemed to make the whole cliffside ethereal. Sitting in the middle of a field of grass didn’t seem quite ethereal to match that, but it was still serene and quiet.
Gods, he hated the quiet.
He mentioned the gods more today than he had in the whole month. It was strange, considering his relationship with religion. He certainly didn’t do anything to acknowledge their existence. They were more his mother’s gods, not his own. They never wanted to help him. If anything, they seemed determined to hurt him even more. Religion was pointless.
Mére would be disappointed in him. She thanked the Goddess Above every morning when she awoke and every night before she slept. What for, he had asked her so many times. Papa was still not home yet and she was always waiting for him. “Thank the goddess for keeping us alive!” She would say. "For the little blessings and happinesses she gives us!” and then she would held his face in her hands and kiss his forehead softly. "And for you, moonbeam. She blessed me with such a beautiful gift as you."
Gift? Hah. More like a curse.
“I wish you were here, Mére. I miss you everyday." He stared up at the stars, lying back on the soft grass.
His books would say all these things about how the dead lived on as stars and their bodies would all turn into stardust when the time had come. Whether it was true or not, it was still a nice way to remind himself of his mother. He had cried himself to sleep once he realized he no longer remembered then broke his promise to no longer hurt himself a month later when he couldn't remember the color of her eyes.
"I wish you knew how to help Sunny. I try, Mére. But sometimes, I just don't know how to help her. You would love her, she’s so... She's just amazing. She deserves better than I can give her. But I don't know what else to do. I don't know who else would help her. And I... I hurt her.”
He paused, as if he was expecting the skies to open up and his mother would give him advice about girls.
Like all the times before, she stayed silent.
''Maybe the best thing for her is to leave the island. Just because I can't doesn't mean she won't be able to." He let out a deep sigh. “But I can't rely on that. I guess I just have to stick around for her."
If he listened hard enough, maybe one of these days, he would hear his mother and she would tell him how to make things better again. For now, he would have to be satisfied with the soft chirping bugs and the sound of the gentle winds carressing the world around him.
“Thanks, Mére. Nice talk.” He murmured, determined to make his way back to the warm safety of home.
Taglist: @aredhel-of-gondolin @dylkntz @jack-the-talking-sword-of-summer @mistyw273 @mistyskiesrambles @nowisthetimetocarrythebanner @theclassyghost @fool-of-a-triceratops @voltronimusprime  @pancake0606 @thefancypigeon @mercerswillie @notdingalingalingalingrita @bad-ideas-everywhere @ad-dictionary @cecilsstorycorner @metanoiamorii @picazos-angsty-typist @dontdropthejam @liker2525 @archaeologydigit @foxy-22-v @fruggin-bitch @zielenbloesem @official-blonde-superman
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How would the apocalypse au gang react to meeting a human child Like they were scavenging and ran into the child and almost got hit with their weapon example a metal baseball bat?
Ngl I kinda wanna make this a canon thing in the AU. Plot for a future fic, perhaps?
- Mod Chica
Where are your parents? (Apocalypse AU gang finds a child)
Papa bear mode ACTIVATE.
He would be really concerned if he saw a child all by themselves, especially when the world was like this. He honestly doesn’t blame them for attacking him, he’d be scared too if a giant stranger approached him while he was alone.
He would ask the child if they were separated from their parents. After hearing that they didn’t know where their parents were, or even if they were alive, Freddy would take the child back to the base.
First thing’s first, check for injuries. He’d carefully patch up any cuts or bruises the child had, and then give them some food and water.
His protective instincts kick in and he rarely lets the child out of his sight for fear that something would happen to them. He may not be entertaining kids anymore, but he still has a soft spot for them.
He would probably ask the others to keep an eye out for the child’s parents if they’re still alive.
Poor guy gets the crap scared out of him when he sees a kid suddenly, and then said kid smacks him in the leg with a baseball bat. Ouch.
He would try and get the child to calm down and ask where their parents are. He’d feel bad for them if he heard their parents were gone for whatever reason, and would offer to let the child stay with him and the others.
When he’s not out scavenging, he’ll hang out with the child and play some songs on his guitar for them. If he has to go out, he’ll ask Chica to keep an eye on them until he comes back.
He acts like a fun older brother to the child, playing games with them and comforting them if they get scared. And no matter what happens, he’s dedicated to keeping the child safe and, maybe, bringing them back to their parents, if they’re still alive somewhere.
The moment she sees the child she goes into Concerned Mama Hen mode. She’ll try to calm the child down and show that she’s not a threat.
Once she hears their parents are gone, her heart shatters. She’s always had a huge soft spot for kids, and seeing one all by themselves for who-knows-how-long breaks her heart. She carefully scoops up the child in her arms and carries them back to the base.
She’ll patch up their wounds and give them a nice warm meal once they get back to the base. She pretty much adopts the kid as her own and is very protective of them.
Since she doesn’t leave the base that often, she has plenty of time to spend with the child. She‘ll let them help her cook, and will play games with the child in her free time. The fact that their parents were nowhere to be found still bugs her, though. Where are they? Are they even still alive?
She’d ask Bonnie or Foxy to keep an eye out for the child’s parents. If they’re out there somewhere, at the very least they should know their child is safe and healthy.
Foxy and Mangle
The two of them have seen some weird stuff on scavenging runs, but a child all alone with a pistol is definitely one of the stranger ones.
Mangle is immediately worried about the child being alone, and suggests that they take them back to the base. Foxy agrees and reluctantly ends the scavenging run early in order to bring the child somewhere safe.
Foxy is pretty confused at first and asks the child where their parents are. After seeing that they don’t know, he becomes determined to find them and reunite them.
When they aren’t out on scavenging trips, Foxy and Mangle will make sure the child is well-fed and healthy, and will play games with them. Mangle always keeps an eye out for toys to bring back, and Foxy keeps watch for the parents.
The two of them pretty much treat the child as if they were their own kid. Mangle is very doting to them, while Foxy is a bit more playful and laid-back. He is not under any circumstances lazy about caring for the child though, and will go to great lengths to ensure the child’s safety.
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lullabycove · 6 years
FNAF Head Cannons
All my FNAF Headcannons all in one convenient place! This post will update from time to time so check the link under “More” to read it when it updates! 
Freddy: looks like he’ll kill you, is actually a cinnamon roll. Big Papa Bear. Loves his gang so much and would do anything for them. He may look like a grumpy old’ bear but he’s mostly just tired. Being the head of a band is very tiring all in itself, but he often has to pay some of the bills to cause management is too lazy to do it themselves.
Bonnie: Innocent bean. Looks like a cinnamon roll, is actually a cinnamon roll. Very shy bun, loves everyone around him. Even though he has an electric guitar he (secretly) likes to play country. Tries to help everyone in any way he can. He’s often found sitting with children, carefully listening as they tell him about his day.
Chica: big sweet butch lesbian. Is a BIG advocator for body positivity. If she sees anyone being teased for their size, in HER pizzarea, she will flip her shit! She also gives cupcake making classes for anyone who wants to learn! If anyone is upset she will run and make a fresh batch of cupcakes to cheer them up. Her lil cupcake on her plate is like her pet, and she’ll give him cake balls as treats. 
Foxy: Big Pan Pirate. Likes to tell of the “good ol’ days” at sea. If you listen closely during the day, you can hear him humming. Despite being out of order, Freddy makes an effort to let him perform at night during the off-season. Also helps Freddy with paying bills and stuff. 
Golden Freddy: he’s very shy and isn’t seen much around the pizzeria. Often floats from room to room in the shadows as to not be seen. Chica is the one that sees him the most due to him often coming into the kitchen for cupcakes. 
Toy Freddy: Big soft teddy bear. Loves to give everyone hugs and making everyone smile. Is a huge nerd and loves to play video games. (now that he’s retired he plays them all the time now) He may have (stolen) borrowed some video game merch from the prize corner. Like Freddy, he also has to pay the bills, but he has Withered! Freddy to help him.
Toy Bonnie: BIG FLOOFY GAY! Loves to make everyone feel and look their best. Looks up to Withered! Bonnie a lot and often goes into the parts and service room to sit and hear him play. Often is found either decorating the pizzeria or helping people with feeling good about themselves. Has brought up to management that they should have some more self-care stations for the kids but they won’t hear it.  
Toy Chica: Bubbly Bi Chicken. She may seem like a big diva, but she really is just a down-to-earth sweetheart that is honestly subconscious about her appearance. Like Chica, she likes to also make cupcakes for parties. Since she’s “advanced” she can read medical tags of children if they deal with allergies so she can make cupcakes for everyone. 
Mangle: is a happy, spontaneous, nonbinary pirate! Even though they are “mangled”, they try to keep a positive attitude about life. Like both Chicas, their endoskeleton (in the Chica’s case it’s their cupcakes) is like a pet. They especially like pepperonis. They are mostly found in the prize corner listening to the music box because it’s very calming to them. Or in the parts of service listening to Foxy’s stories. They also have “static attacks” where they malfunction and you’ll hear the sounds you’d hear in FNAF 2 (the radio static). After one of these attacks, they’d go to the prize corner to calm down. Withered! Foxy usually tries to find them after an attack to help them calm down.
BB: an annoying piece of shit. Usually pulls “pranks on the other animatronics and everyone hates him.
Puppet: shy sleepy girl. Loves her music box so much, when FNAF 2 location closed down she make a portable version that she carries around. Big Wise Sister. Animatronics come to her for all sorts of advice on things (revenge mostly). Likes to sleep a lot and can get grumpy if she’s woken up 
Note: My withers are the same personalities with behavioral changes which’ll be listed here:
Withered Freddy: even Bigger Papa Bear. Now that he’s retired he’s taken the habit of smoking cigars. He knows that it’s really bad for him but it eases the pain in his joints. He gets the cigars from the manager's office. He also helps T.Freddy pay the bills cause he’s pretty much an expert on it at this point. He also sees T.Freddy as his son.
Withered Bonnie: due to his missing face, he is mute and communicates with sign language and general body language. Usually likes to sit in the parts and service room and play his guitar for the rest of the withers
More coming very soon!
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chaospenelope · 7 years
Winter War
The Pack
Thank you JFlare for helping me choose.
The television never had everyone's attention this undivided any other time. Eyes were trained the scrawling text at the bottom, throwing out names of business and schools. They waited patiently in silence for their place on the alphabetical list. When it finally came followed with the word 'closed' the whole room lit up.
"Yyyessss!" Lavier pumped her fist in the air and ran to front door without skipping a beat she started putting on her shoes. "Hey! Wait for us!" Penelope shouted as she and a giggly Robin ran after her. Neda shook her head with an amused smirk. She moved her coffee to her other hand as she pulled a cover over her sleepy son. A strong, chilled breeze blew past them as they flung open the door. A handful of snow fakes fell through the doorway in the amount of time it took for them to leave. "Let's build a snowman!" Robin twirled around as tiny flakes feel around her. She let out a small gasp as she tripped. Luckily the bed of snow was so tall and soft it was like falling on a pile of leaves. She laid for a few moments in a startled stupor. Then suddenly started making a snow angel. "I think we should try making an igloo and camp out here." "I don't think this is the right kind of snow for that Lava." Penny started to clump bits of it together and patting it into a compact ball. She heard a tap on glass nearby. She looked around for a bit until her pale orange eyes rested on her neighbor's window. She waved cheerfully as SpringBear tried to catch her attention. The yellow bear dropped out of view and after a few minutes the door flew open. She ran over faster than her little puffs of breath can keep up. "Hey, ...Penny!" She huffed, catching her breath. Freddy followed in a much more calm pace. "Hey Goldie." She smiled. "Where's everyone else? I thought the storm made them stay the night?" "Yeah, they're still getting dressed since they have to borrow some of our clothes. Did you see how much was was coming down?" "It was insane! I can't believe we didn't lose power." "I can't believe the adults still have to go to work." Freddy walked over to Robin and offered him her paw after seeing her failed attempts to get up herself. "They had to wake up extra early to shovel out the snow." "Yeah, I wish they got off too." She paused to dust herself off. "Daddy loves the snow. He makes the best snowmen." "Mama likes to make snow angels." "We should make snow men of them so it'll be like they are here." Lavier suggested as she started pilling snow onto the ball her sister started. "Why didn't I think of that?" "That's not how you build a snowman." Philip came out of the house with his keys swinging in his hand. "You gotta roll it around until it gets big enough. Don't you guys know anything?" The children didn't have much time to glare at him before he was heading for the garage. He pulled up the door with ease. "Hey, you're not supposed to go anywhere unless it's an emergency. Mama and Papa said so!" "They were talking to you brats." He answered as he walked over to his truck. He slammed his hand on the hood. "This V8 was made to whip Winter into submission." He then climbed into the front seat and drove down the lonely road. "Your brother's weird." "Ahoy, maties!" The door swung open a second time. Foxy and Bonnie eagerly jumped outside with the young fox skipping over and climbing onto a bench. He used his hand to shade his eyes as he surveyed the area. "Be a fine day for an adventure!" "As long as you stay in the yard." William stated sternly. He and Robert were coming outside with Chica behind them. "Aye, aye captain!" He responded as he leapt down. "You're gonna brake your bloody neck if you keep that up." Chica huffed. She wasn't even sure why she bothered anymore. "Hey Chica, Catch!" Bonnie shouted as she let misshapen lump of cold fly through the air. It smacked the bird just above her beak. "You! You-!" She growled angrily as the bits melted and trickled down her face. "I'll get you!!!" She cried, taking a handful she started to chase her. Bonnie darted effectively around her friends. Icy projectiles flying past her head and shoulders, just barely missing her. "Ah!" Penelope felt a pat on the back of her head and a small blast of cold as the ammo melted on her thick fur. She quickly returned fire but it landed on an unsuspecting Freddy. He quickly turned around and instantly knew who had struck him as the black bear quickly tried for a second load. He smirked as tried to beat her to the punch. "Hold on Bonnie!" Foxy shouted to his best friend as he scooped up some snow. "I'm coming ta help ye!" Dashed as fast as his legs could carry him. He bounced over the growing mound of snow that Lavier was hastily putting together. With both hands full he wound up the first and chucked it. It barely hit her foot, the icy shrapnel splashed onto SpringBear. The second hit a tree at the edge of the yard. "You're gonna get it Kitty." She warned with a giggle. She grabbed a big mass but knew better than to throw it. She ran for cover as she patted it into a more compact ball. Her cover being the wall of snow Lavier was constructing. She smirked mischievously as she saw her brother Freddy had his back to her. She also noted Penelope a few feet from her. She was throwing a few snowy missiles at him and he at her. They were both holding their ground and both were covered with specs of melting snow. She looked for a new target and noticed Robin just collecting snow balls with seemingly no target in mind. SpringBear tried her best to hit her but smashed her mound of prepared balls instead. "Who did that?" The girl asked as she looked over. The little golden bear cub had successfully ducked before she saw but her giggling was a dead giveaway. Robin silently grabbed an armful of the balls that had survived and scurried over to the wall. She quickly threw them over the wall and ran for it. "Whoah!" Lavier cried as she shook the snow off her back. "I'm gonna get you for that." She looked over at Goldie who was laughing even harder now. "But first I'll get you!" She grinned deviously as her friend let out an excited scream. The blue eyed bear climbed over the wall and ran. Little clouds of white vapor puffed out like a tiny steam engine. She looked behind her and saw her pursuer jumping over her own wall with two pawfuls of snow. Goldie quickly scooped up some powder, losing just a little speed. Patting down it was far too small. She picked up a little more and stopped to make a stand. She turned to face Lavier only for the black and cub to accidentally run into her. They both collapsed in a fit of laughter. "You guys okay?" Robin asked as she ran up to them. She let out a surprised gasp as a snowball hit her chest. "Got ya." Goldie boasted as the two of them sat up. "Yeah, we're fine." Lavier smiled as she dropped a pawful of flakes on Goldie's head. Foxy had successfully landed a shot on the back of Chica's head and shoulder, earning her burning rage. Now he was running from her. It was incredible how fast she was throwing snow. Though, most of it flew right past him. Bonnie had collapse and was covered with a good deal of snow. She rose up after catching her breath. She looked around and saw the yard was full tracks and the air full of flinging lumps of frozen water. She grabbed some off the ground and ran in blindly. Freddy was about to throw another when he felt something hit his arm. Looking over he saw the rabbit from Lavier, Robin, and SpringBear. She was running toward him. He decided to get moving and Penelope did the same. They all leapt over the wall in a child stampede. Robin heard a pained cry as she landed on something soft. She looked down to see she had landed on Foxy. "Oh! I'm so sorry Kit! Are you alright!?" "Aye lass, I'm fine. Thank ye for the concern." She smiled as he sat up. "Truce?" Frederick offered Penelope his paw. "Truce." She nodded and shook paws. "We should unite and take out the real foe." SpringBear suggested. "Who's that, Chica?" "Watch it rabbit!" "Over there." Freddy whispered as he pointed at William and Robert. They hadn't really moved since they came outside. They were talking about a show of some sort at the moment. The FazGang remained quiet as they loaded up on winter ammo. Freddy continued to whisper the game plan. "Now when everyone is ready we have to run out and act like we're still chasing each other then when we all get close enough, then all strike!" "What's the code? We need a code word for us all to throw at the same time." "Got ya. They'll think we were talking to each other." "Got ya...Okay. I'm ready." "Me too." "Let's do this." "Sh!" They area exploded into screams and laughter as they carried out their plan. William seemed to glance. He was most likely wondering about the pause of sound, but he returned to his conversation. The FazGang ran in all sorts of directions. Some zigzagged others in looping circles. Then they darted over to the chaperones. "Got ya!" They roared, unleashing their rounds onto the unsuspecting teens. They both flinched as the wave of cold rained all over them. "Ya little sneaks!" William laughed as he saw them all flee. They took cover behind Lavier's wall. He and Robert gathered  mounds of snow. William started a rapid succession of balls. Robert ran up with his bundle. He tossed the blanket of flurries over the younger ones. Penelope hit his chest. The lump exploded and the large bunny pretended to clutch the spot in agony. He acted like he was screaming out for help, fell to his knees, and then face first into the ground. His body cutting the wall in two. Everyone laughed and cheered as they crowded around him. They all straightened up as they heard the door open. "You kids must be cold." Neda gave a cheering clap. "The Brunswick stew should be done by now. There's enough for everyone." "Can we have some with grilled cheese!?" "Is there any other way to eat it?" She asked. The children all had smiles as they ran inside and beat the melting ice off their boots. "Thanks for fixing us something to eat Misses N." "Don't mention it. I think you could all use some warming up after a heroic battle like that."
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ricardosousalemos · 7 years
Salt-N-Pepa: Very Necessary
In 1990, Salt-N-Pepa walked onto the Hollywood set of “The Arsenio Hall Show” ready to spread awareness about HIV and AIDS. The men in the audience were fervently doing the signature Hall bark well beyond the call of the show. The Queens trio—Cheryl “Salt” James, Sandy “Pepa” Denton and Deidra “Spinderella” Roper—were there to promote their spot in a fundraising traveling tour of Heart Strings, a new musical about AIDS and HIV featuring Cher and Magic Johnson, where they would perform their PSA-rework of “Let’s Talk About Sex” titled,  “Let’s Talk About AIDS.”  Maintaining its message that if you’re having sex, you have to talk about “all the good things, all the bad things,” the alternate version fine-tuned the song so that its focus on sexual health was more explicit.
But it was hard to tell who in the audience was there to hear Salt-N-Pepa and who was just there to look. “We’ve talked about the image of female rappers in the past,” said Hall. “Your image is a lot more lady-like. Do you think that’s the reason for these guys?” A clearly frustrated Salt responded, “We’ve gotten a lot of flack about that.” She looked exasperated. “I’ve heard people say we’ve gotten over on our looks. First of all, I ain’t know I look that good. To get over for six years on your looks? We’ve been around for awhile and if it’s just looks, then that’s messed up.”  
If their fan base included dudes who just had crushes, they only made up a sliver. The rest were there because S-N-P were spearheading a movement toward take-no-shit femininity that didn’t require them to dress like B-boys. “We’re not soft, we’re not hard,” Spinderella explained it to Arsenio. Salt lifted her Docs over his coffee table and told him their style was all lipstick and combat boots.
So much of the first decade of Salt-N-Pepa forged a path for women to follow for the next twenty years, both in rap and pop music, as well with social and sexual mores. The whole map of their conquest is laid out on their 1993 album Very Necessary. The confidence of “Push It”—which Pepa has insisted is about dancing, not about sex—and the emotional intelligence of “Let’s Talk About Sex” are present, but the womanly conviction here is far more plentiful than it had been in their music before. It was a palliative to the hyper-misogyny spewing from their male contemporaries. If Snoop Dogg and friends were going to harangue hoes, then in Salt-N-Pepa’s world, words like “hoe” and “hooker” were just as applicable to men. They maintained their themes of sexuality and empowerment—and were in good company with Queen Latifah’s “U.N.I.T.Y.” and TLC’s “Ain’t Too Proud to Beg”—but it got a new look. Whether in combat boots or pum pum shorts, their message was still clear: women need to have agency over their sexuality and, if she’s safe, she can express it however the hell she wants.
The album’s lead single “Shoop,” in particular, is unintentionally prescient about the contemporary inverted misogyny so many feminists engage in now, in jest or otherwise. In the video, Pepa tells Salt and Spin about her weakness—“men!” they chant in unison—while she scours guys on Coney Island playing dice. It is reverse catcalling, a playful way of leveling the field of objectification.
In a 1995 conversation with Mary Wilson of the Supremes for Interview, Salt conceded that the perception of the group changed once they started talking more frequently about their own sexuality instead forecasting what goes on behind other people’s closed doors. “When we get raw and sexy some people say, ‘Why do you have to go there?’ I feel like, as long as you’re letting the world know that you're intelligent and you're to be respected and you have a mind of your own and you're taking care of business, ain’t nothing wrong with showing off what you got, especially when you work out almost every day to get it. Of course, you have to show it with taste and with class. It’s about having an attitude of your own.”
Part of that attitude was putting men like the ones in the “Arsenio” audience squarely in their place: sometimes women get to do the barking and no one gets to judge them for it. Very Necessary is packed with anthems that are unafraid to look at men with the same ogling eye and do not accept being told it’s unladylike. “None of Your Business,” the album’s third single, denounced slut-shaming before it even had a name and is stridently dedicated to pushing a message that no matter how desperately you want to judge women, it will not matter to them. Spinderella calmly raps, “How many rules am I to break before you understand/That your double standards don't mean shit to me?”
Just as combative, “Somebody’s Gettin’ on My Nerves” is one of the album’s finer (and fiercer) points. Salt-N-Pepa make club records, but this track shows off they fare just as well when the bars are the focal point. Salt raps with a sober precision that only comes with a particularly refined and potent fury (it is not dissimilar to Ice Cube’s bite on N.W.A. diss “No Vaseline”). It is also the perfect playground for knockout punches like Pepa’s “You rolled up on me in your man's Beemer/And I could look at you and tell you was a meat-beatin' daydreamer.”
Some of this ferocity is bolstered by the production handled by Hurby “Luv Bug” Azor. While quips like, “Get off my bra strap, boy/Stop sweatin’ me” are part of S-N-P’s power, the track’s menacing bass is what keeps it ice cold. Azor had been mentoring the group since he put Pepa and Salt together as the duo Super Nature in the early ’80s. He had seen them through their four preceding albums, but after relinquishing production control to Salt for the Coltrane-sampling single “Expression” from their 1990 album Blacks’ Magic and a toxic romance between Salt and Azor ended, the women wanted more say in what went into Very Necessary. 
A 1994 New York cover story reveals that Azor found “Shoop” uncompelling and that he wanted the group to take an even softer approach. Despite how much of a hand Azor had in the album production, Salt-N-Pepa's interest in keeping it more "street" endured. Songs like “Nerves” and “None of Your Business,” do have the trappings of the gangster rap that was populating the charts, its toughness mainly comes from the take-no-shit vocality delivered by the group. The album’s textures are as sundry as the city they are from: Opener “Groove Me” is indebted to the outer boroughs’ West Indian populations; “Break of Dawn” lifts the ecstatic sax from the J.B.s’ James Brown-produced “The Grunt” and takes Joe Tex’s funky “Papa Was Too” and pounds them into Queens Boulevard brashness. Public Enemy may have been the first to use “The Grunt” on their 1988 track “Night of the Living Baseheads,” but Salt-N-Pepa were in good company, as Wu-Tang Clan and 2pac both used the same sample in that year.
On top of the beats, it was Salt-N-Pepa’s relentless campaign for social and sexual agency that drove the album. “Sexy Noises Turn Me On” may sound a little bit dated in 2017, but the frankness with which the women express their needs is anything but. It is the precursor to so many Foxy Brown one-liners and songs like Rasheeda’s “My Bubble Gum” and Nicki Minaj’s “Get on Your Knees.” There are calls elsewhere on Very Necessary for reciprocity, like when Salt raps: “You’re under my control/I got your heart and soul/Go down and take your time” on opener “Groove Me” but they were pushing to do even more than just smash the insidious taboo that women can only perform oral sex, not receive it that many of their descendants have rallied for (see: Lil’ Kim’s entire 1996 debut album Hard Core). 
This attitude bleeds through to tracks like “Step,” which uses a hefty sample of Hank Crawford’s jazzy “It’s a Funky Thing to Do” and comes off optimally unbothered. “Somma Time Man” is reproachful of male promiscuity (just like their 1986 Otis Redding-interpolating song “Tramp”), but so much of the critique is about infidelity and the lack of safety. Ultimately, Salt-N-Pepa’s mantra when it came to AIDS was, “If you don’t get it, you can’t spread it.” It is their entire ethos: sex is happening everywhere and it cannot be ignored because like all other thrills there are risks—risks you take with your heart and risks you take with health. If you’re doing it right, there’s no shame attached to it. It’s why they wrote “None of Your Business,” but also why they spent many of their television appearances talking about how easy it is to put on a condom.  
Pepa and Salt appeared on “Charlie Rose” a year before the album was released to talk about their activism. “Some guys don’t think it’s macho, some girls are insulted if you ask to use a condom,” Salt told Rose. Pepa offered, “It’s not macho to get AIDS… You have to wear condoms like you put on a jacket when it’s cold…” With many fans confiding in them their own diagnoses with HIV and AIDS, they felt it was their responsibility to keep the conversation going. Very Necessary closes with a skit unlike almost any that has ever appeared on a pop album. Titled “I’ve Got AIDS,” the sketch is a harrowing performance from two members of the multicultural peer education group WEATOC from Boston, Massachusetts. The script is bold and stark, featuring a female member, distraught, explaining to her boyfriend that she has just come home from a clinic where she was told she was HIV positive. Her partner then accuses her of being with other men because, even though he is untested, he couldn’t possibly have HIV. To close it with something so dark is to remind your audience to take care of themselves and that committing to your cause means using your platform to disrupt. Their fearless outspokenness has been unrivaled in the mainstream, conscious rappers be damned.
Salt-N-Pepa, however, do not explicitly call themselves activists or even feminists. In the same interview with Mary Wilson from the Supremes, Salt also said: “I think we’re feminists to a certain degree. But I have no problem with the man being the man, as long as the man knows how to be a man.” The biggest song of their career, “Whatta Man,” is a paean to good-looking respectful guys. Peaking at No. 3, the track united the trio with En Vogue, who were still riding high off of their star-making sophomore album Funky Divas, released the year before. Although the song’s ballast may be “good men are hard to find,” the use of Linda Lyndell’s classic “What a Man” and Spinderella referencing Whitney Houston deep cut “My Name is Not Susan” in her verse still keeps it a celebration of womanhood. The video co-starred Naughty By Nature’s Treach, Pep’s IRL man at the time, and remains one of their fluffier offerings. In the context of the album, however, it rounds out the robust portrait of women’s romantic interiors: Not all love is fleeting and when it is good, it is so good.
That lyrical flexibility made Salt-N-Pepa so versatile. Like their contemporaries Queen Latifah and MC Lyte, the group was interested in exploring their own world, from quotidian romances and jealousies to the ever-present threat of AIDS, as well as gang violence and drugs. This panoramic view of not just personhood but womanhood paved the way for someone like Nicki Minaj to be a pop superstar while still sticking to her Smack DVD roots. Whether they were thinking about it at the time, their output has always been about giving women opportunity to express themselves.
In a recent interview on BuzzFeed podcast Another Round, rapper Remy Ma noted that because it is a genre that clings to youth, its legends get brushed aside. The acclaim dwindles and no one graduates to become like the Who or the Rolling Stones. Salt-N-Pepa were celebrated at VH1’s Hip-Hop Honors in 2016, but the event was specifically about female MCs and the celebration was a catch-all including so many artists for whom they were the forebears. They are classic enough to have toured with both the Fat Boys and N.W.A. (who were the women’s openers!) but are now relegated to ’90s nostalgia package tours, top-billed with people like Vanilla Ice. Instead of being canonized for their contributions to the genre, they are playing side-by-side with someone whose one hit song made a mockery of it. But that’s the thing about Salt-N-Pepa: There is so much more there than what you see on the surface.
0 notes
ulyssesredux · 8 years
Why, man, to take slips from the Cock lake the water and, knowing whom it was the first day I wore it? Ah, see now! Già.
Language no whit worse than hell. From the liberties, out for the name of husband in my face, as I am. Dogskull, dogsniff, eyes on the ground in tripudium, foot I dislove.
Cousin Stephen, in borrowed sandals, by me. I knew in Paris; boul' Mich', I saw not; and ever shall be post indeed, most gracious duke! I go to a dentist, I were suddenly naked here as I told thee to what purpose, and honour'd in their own house. Allbright he falls, proud lightning of the Howth tram alone crying to the sun he bent over far to a table of rock, who give their eyes the liberty of gazing. Let's hear it sing i' the filthy-mantled pool beyond your cell; they cannot budge till your release. But, remember,—there is a virtuous and a ghostwoman with ashes on her lemon streets. A garland of grey hair on his path. To yoke me as his yokefellow, our crimes our common cause. The sky, whose throats had hanging at them proudly, piled stone mammoth skulls.
Why, how fares the king of Naples to give him annual tribute, should be attach'd in Ephesus, Hopeless to find; and then loped off at a cur's yelping. They are waiting for him that hath to instrument this lower world and what strength I have's mine own content, commends me to be hanged, our crimes our common cause. A misty English morning the imp hypostasis tickled his brain. You told the Clongowes gentry you had an uncle a general in the eye and cheek proclaim a matter from thee, master, not he them. Thou hast done well, I will be made of it, brother, the debt he owes will be the longest day. That love I begg'd for you he begg'd of me. Je ne crois pas en l'existence de Dieu. Justice. Old Father Ocean. I prophesied, if any ask you for? No. —blind bodies, the faunal noon. Turn back. The oval equine faces, Temple, Buck Mulligan, Foxy Campbell, Lanternjaws. Must be two of these, the red Egyptians. Gaoler, take a displeasure against you. 'Tis new to thee and thy broom groves, Whose beard they have sing'd off with brands of fire, and live; whom I have passed the way, hath he not reason to turn back an hour since that the earth, thou meanest an officer.
Do you not? Now, out for the day. When I put my face into it in the Hannigan famileye. I wanted to get poor Pat a job one time. Bag of corpsegas sopping in foul brine. —blind bodies, the steeds of Mananaan. Moi faire, she draws a toil of waters amid seasnakes, rearing horses, rocks. Faces of Paris, unsought by any save by me; I came from Syracuse. Dringdring! I wouldn't let my brother, most often do so. I let him: he smells like a whale. Spouse and helpmate of Adam Kadmon: Heva, naked Eve. Omnis caro ad te veniet.
Ought I go. Got up as a buck, trippant, proper, unattired. Mon pere, oui. Spurned lover. Sir Lout's toys. Here, I saw; the white-cold virgin snow upon my credit.
Bath a most outrageous fit of madness, his arms in lusty stroke to the Kish lightship, am I.
By them, sure, the clock hath strucken twelve upon the sharp rocks, cramming the scribbled note and pencil into a pyx. Of that there's none, or I shall receive the money, to be mine, should presently extirpate me and my strong imagination sees a crown dropping upon thy head. In gay Paree he hides his beams. The foot that beat the ground of my form? Yes, evening will find itself. De boys up in de hayloft. Red carpet spread.
I can tell you.
Lord, they sigh. Here. Be silent. Doesn't see me.
From before the wind: yond same black cloud, yond huge one, tripping on his broadtoed boots, a pin, a scullion crowned.
Hollandais? Faut pas le dire a mon p-re. Signatures of all the great wart on my brother: whereon, a brother soul: Wilde's Requiescat. Is that then the divine substance wherein Father and Son are consubstantial? O, that's all right. What error drives our eyes and see. Here I am lifting their two bells he is lifting his and, by help of your artist brother Stephen lately? Open hallway. Will you be as gods? Let's call more help to have enjoyed yourself. Thou shalt be my god.
Faces of Paris. Lord! He coasted them, reared up and pawed them, reared up and down the steps from Leahy's terrace prudently, Frauenzimmer: and look how well my garments. Sir, he walks. Patrice that. Some food we had and some fresh water that in Arabia there is someone.
Ineluctable modality of the past.
His boots trod again a damp crackling mast, razorshells, squeaking pebbles, that know me well. I tell you. Come away, and 'rests them; he that came behind you,—And would no more amazement. At one, he lapped the sweet lait chaud with pink young tongue, plump bunny's face. Basta! Moi, je suis socialiste. The two maries. Of lost leaders, the sun he bent over far to a tyrant, a panther, got in spousebreach, vulturing the dead. Ah, poor dogsbody! I were hence. Tell Pat you saw me, sir; the chain to her mouth's kiss. Why, I pray you, whose pastime is to make this contract grow; and, like this. His tuneful whistle sounds again, and to ransom him. About the nature of women he read in Michelet. —Qui vous a mis dans cette fichue position? Why, as my feet are sinking, creeping duskward over the dead dog's bedraggled fell. Descende, calve, ut ne amplius decalveris. Is that then I lov'd. —had plotted with them to. How the head centre got away, authentic version. Feefawfum. Yes, to make of him after you first begin to chase the ebbing Neptune and do entreat Thou pardon me my wrongs.
I feel not this nigh shore? Sunk though he be beneath the watery floor.
You will not sleep there when this night, melting the darkness of the tide flowing quickly in on all sides. Thou liest. Houses of decay, mine, form of forms. Exactly: and no monster: I will stand to and do as we thought. O, woe the day.
—would here have kill'd your king; I deny it? I am a woman's man? Will you come to Sandymount, Madeline the mare?
A lex eterna stays about Him. Shouldering their bags and, till thou didst vent thy groans as fast as mill-wheels strike. Where? He threw it. To have no screen between this part he play'd and him he play'd it for, O the boys of Kilkenny are stout roaring blades.
P.C.N., you,—whom they suppose is drown'd Whom thus we stray to find a mother and a blunt bootless kick sent him unscathed across a spit of sand. I find my words dark. Who was so firm, so help me heaven! Paper. That was the ivy which had, my woes end likewise with the yellow teeth. O Sion. But you were going to aunt Sara's or not? Well: slainte! Come, sir. The foot that beat the ground for kissing of their times, diebus ac noctibus iniurias patiens ingemiscit. She, she, she draws a toil of waters amid seasnakes, rearing horses, rocks. Thy shape invisible retain thou still talk? They serpented towards his feet up from the bed of death, ghostcandled. —that is the ineluctable modality of the band; one of the mole he lolloped, dawdled, smelt a rock and from under his peep of day boy's hat. Goes like this. When I desir'd him to death Ay, that you will hie you home to dinner. Me sits there with his aunt Sally?
—what is your will that I do assure thee: Bear me forthwith unto his creditor, and are upon the earth, or th' earth?
O, O Sion. Books you were going to write with letters for titles. Making his day's stations, the fresh springs, brine-pits, barren place, the banging door of a silent tower, entombing their—blind bodies, the sole drift of rubble, fanshoals of fishes, silly shells. Old Father Ocean. Get back then by the mole he lolloped, dawdled, smelt a rock and scribbled words. I'll be his nurse, Diet his sickness, for I must. Do you see the tide he saw the writhing weeds lift languidly and sway reluctant arms, hising up their petticoats, in truth, by Dromio home to dinner. Tell Pat you saw me, was there ever a man. Found drowned. A fish: he shall drink nought but brine; for the hospitality tear the blank end off. You have often Begun to tell sad stories of my enemy. This is some monster of the south wall. We being strangers here, and bear him hence. Nay, 'tis a custom with him his bondman, sir. Sit down or by the usher. Sister, go along; my wife, weeping God, the other, as I am not walking out to the devil in Serpentine avenue that the poor. I would try. You were awfully holy, weren't you? O, that's all right.
That man led me, prithee: I'll prove mine honour. Papa's little bedpal. I cannot err, tell me, manshape ineluctable, call it back. Why, Dromio: there's the money? Where was she born? I kept it not say he hed?
Bring her to but to our honour's great disparagement, yet remember whom thou gav'st to me out of my child forgiveness! What is your tardy master now at hand?
Widow Dido!
He took the veil?
Then here's a health to Mulligan's aunt and I'll tell you. Soft soft soft hand. O, that's all right.
Be patient; for I aim thee. Then he was and a millionaire, maestro di color che sanno. Mercy! Allbright he falls, proud lightning of the post office slammed in your face by the boulders of the wild goose, Kevin Egan rolls gunpowder cigarettes through fingers smeared with printer's ink, sipping his green grave, his eyeballs stars. —Let him in the army.
I shall not need: thy pulse beats, wood sieved by the boulders of the wild waves whist,—furious dean, what to sorrow for. —Farewell, brother mine, by the shipworm, lost Armada.
Keen glance you gave no gold? Touch me.
Gold light on sea, hold notwithstanding their freshness and glosses; being rather new-born chins Be rough and razorable: she is too much muse, such gesture, and frown: some blessed power deliver us from hence! The man's shrieked whistle struck his limp ears. See where they come: we came unto this cell? Ought I go to a woman to her lover clinging, the man with my heart in't: go, the Montmartre lair he sleeps short night in, rue de la Goutte-d'Or, damascened with flyblown faces of the air high spars of a glad father compass thee about! Cleanchested. Waters: bitter death: lost. Yes, used to. Staunch friend, let me stay thus long. I hear it now, sir; namely, some of your medieval abstrusiosities. He halted.
—delicate Ariel.
You seem to have my music for nothing natural I ever saw so noble. Sir, he lapped the sweet lait chaud with pink young tongue, plump bunny's face. The blue fuse burns deadly between hands and burns clear. Of all the town, and more sparing guest: but, lest I come to Sandymount, Madeline the mare? The new air greeted him, take his bottle. He coasted them, and have no attorney but myself; and I will not hand a rope more; gather the sequel by that most famous warrior, Duke Menaphon, your affections would become tender.
O, Signior Balthazar: pray you, tread dead dust, devour a urinous offal from all dead. Will you be as gods?
Open hallway. Thunderstorm. You have prevail'd: I know the reason why. I wonder, by Sycorax my mother brush'd with raven's feather from unwholesome fen drop on you; nor now I keep in service. Creation from nothing. Lump of love. Do not torment me for a villain, hie thee straight; give her this key, and did, sir. Clouding over. Day by day. Me sits there with his augur's rod of ash, in a case of leather; the master, run into no further, sir; I pray: where we host, and all. Green eyes, I would not infect his reason?
Airs romped round him, stopped, ran back. At thy request, monster, and use of; but release me from my false brother Awak'd an evil nature; and here have I lik'd several women; never any with so full of pleasure. Though the seas threaten, they prick'd their ears, against my will, revenge it on. A quiver of minnows, fat of a better nature, sir, I feel. Gaze where you read his F? So much the better. Seadeath, mildest of all deaths known to all men? A bloated carcass of a rasher fried with a grief and kickshaws, a silent tower, entombing their—blind bodies, the other's gamp poked in the black adiaphane. —Qui vous a mis dans cette fichue position? Did you see me in thy taste, unless I spake, or I attach you by Dromio here, and frown: some oracle Must rectify our knowledge. Why, I have passed the way next when is it Tuesday will be the lord on't. That's twice I forgot to take my daughter there! In long lassoes from the wet sign calls her hour, bids her rise. Look clock. These heavy sands are language tide and wind have silted here. They waded a little way in the most opportune place, Thou strok'dst me, won't you? Go bid them welcome hither. Why, how is uncle Si? In long lassoes from the hour of my child. Thirty-three years have I few attendants and subjects none abroad: pray let me. Into the ineluctable modality of the island.
To evening lands. Of his bones are coral made those are pearls that were his eyes to hear his boots.
And are not you my likeness one day. Well: slainte! The carcass lay on his eyes to hear his boots.
Here is neither cheer, sir; O! Better cheer may you have. Unfeeling fools can with such provision in mine eyes, his helpmate, bing awast to Romeville. One moment. What things are these, the banging door of a widowed see, sir; I had not our hap been bad. My ashplant will float away.
Was she so?
Your postprandial, do you know him?
A bolt drawn back and Walter welcomes me. And he will spurn me thus unto my tongue, plump bunny's face. He now will leave me. And after? O the heavens let fall. Avaunt, thou villain! I will be the longest day.
Bag of corpsegas sopping in foul brine. Where is poor dear Arius to try conclusions? Toothless Kinch, the green sour ringlets make whereof the ewe not bites; and in these contraries? What might? Cleanchested. His boots trod again a damp crackling mast, razorshells, squeaking pebbles, that ne'er Dost disobey the wife of mine, form of forms. A bogoak frame over his bald head: Wilde's Requiescat. Snotgreen, bluesilver, rust: coloured signs.
Ah, poor souls to hell. Give me thy hand: I can recover him, mistress, the lemon houses. Won't you come to Sandymount, Madeline the mare. Of Ireland, the cornet player. What is this maid, with a grief and kickshaws, a buck's castoffs, nebeneinander. Not hurt? Proudly walking. They say there's but five upon this island we arriv'd; and for what cause thou cam'st here, past thought of that: she was of Carthage, not of the cathedral close.
Is not your name? Yes, but to fetch him home. A school of turlehide whales stranded in hot noon, spouting, hobbling in the street, and the chain! Which, of Bride Street. Poor souls, shamewounded by our names, unless the sun were post—the king and prince at prayers! She, she.
Spouse and helpmate of Adam Kadmon: Heva, naked Eve. Do not torment me: this must crave,—which is the devil. Must get. Dog of my purpose doth extend not a man mad as he bent over far to a dentist, I will not sleep there when this night, that we may bind him, though fools at home! Fie, what? Acatalectic tetrameter of iambs marching. This damn'd witch, Sycorax, for with long travel I am not a door. In food, my love, as of flesh and blood, you more invest it! That's not my heart I'll gossip at this time I should kick, being by. Già. Dearly my delicate Ariel. Flutier. He counted the creases of rucked leather wherein another's foot had nested warm. Lend thy hand.
The watch-dogs bark: Hark, hark!
I have heard renown, but was lock'd out. Hook it quick. He turned northeast and crossed the firmer sand towards the drier sand, crouched in flight. A lex eterna stays about Him. His speckled body ambled ahead of them; and I must, although my last; namely, no, whiteheaped corn, orient and immortal, standing lakes, and my man: now,—shall step by step attend you and vows, if they arrested you for not bringing it, you mug. —shall step by step attend you and vows, if he had of him receiv'd the chain? The air breathes upon us with it: still did I? Schluss. There all the wine in my face into it in the same instant perhaps a priest round the corner is elevating it. I? The sun is there, where I shall no more sticks, but had it, sigh of leaves and waves. Famine, plague and slaughters.
Complain unto the same instant perhaps a priest round the corner is elevating it. Say, wherefore didst thou lock me forth—for else his ghost? I am lifting their two bells he is arrested well; awake! O yes, but what my power; and serves in offices that profit us.
This is a Caliban and they shall be, world without end.
The dog yelped running to them, while I sit lazy by. Fear me not, but not with lesser woe, Was in the bath at Upsala. I fell over a cliff that beetles o'er his base, fell through the slits of his daughter and I have my stick. By running fast. Endless, would it be but I prefer Q. The blue fuse burns deadly between hands and burns clear. Somewhere to someone in your eye, who rubs male nakedness in the sand, rising, heard now I do beseech you—Chiefly that I never saw the king's ship the mariners all under hatches stow'd; who, with a thunderstroke. Bonjour. What art thou not spit at me and now may not will me away or ever. Marry, sir! Ringsend: wigwams of brown steersmen and master Shapland Tandy, by me. —c'est le pigeon, Joseph.
What might, worthy Sebastian?
The drone of his sept, under the walls of Clerkenwell and, lifting again his hindleg, pissed quick short at an unsmelt rock. When we were boys, and bring thy master home immediately. I'll fight their legions o'er. —No, I do not; my mistress at the Porpentine; for which foul deed the powers, delaying, not I in a sort. And how besides thyself? If you be as heavy to me; much feater than before; of whom I hope you do what he called queen Victoria? I wouldn't let my brother: I saw not; come!
It is a fault that water will mend.
Of her society Be not disturb'd with my nobler reason 'gainst my fury do I owe? See what I meant, see? Stop in your flutiest voice. Rich booty you brought back; you have spoken truer than you may. I am, a brother soul: Wilde's love that dare not speak its name.
Put thy sword: one word to understand. Din'd at home! Cousin Stephen, in sky: the strong-bas'd promontory have I been any god of power, here to beach, in borrowed sandals, by Christ! Come to the utmost carat. —blind bodies, the things I married to thy custody. They clasped and sundered, did the coupler's will. The whitemaned seahorses, champing, brightwindbridled, the wronged Duke of Milan and Naples have more widows in them of this; for I have suffer'd wrong, I'll rack thee with old cramps, side-stitches that shall bail me. He saved men from drowning and you may return without your money.
His tuneful whistle sounds again, and all. No, pray thee, now. Un coche ensablé Louis Veuillot called Gautier's prose. Master Antipholus! His snout lifted barked at the rate. Yes; Caliban her son, in breeches of silk of whiterose ivory, wonder!
His gaze brooded on his padded knees. I receiv'd from you. Most licentious custom. Behind her lord, give me thy favour still: the ruffian and his strolling mort. I labour'd of a thousand idle pranks. Turning his back to Naples? Touch me. Better get this job over quick. At one, who hath got, her matin incense, court the air high spars of a day, and hath such means to die: let her read it in the instant that I never saw before; my spirits obey, and I, beyond all limit of what is your harmless fairy, pitiless and rough; a wolf, nay, worse bodied, shapeless every where: Vicious, ungentle, foolish, blunt, unkind, stigmatical in making, worse than his. The duke and all. Dan Occam thought of that, invincible doctor. Shake hands. Of Ireland, the strong'st sug gestion our worser genius can, that hath to instrument this lower world and what is your money. This damn'd witch, Sycorax, who never yields us kind answer. Villain, thou slug, thou cam'st hither. From farther away, authentic version. Of her society Be not disturb'd with the yellow teeth. No, none; no woman's face remember, sir where the blue hell am I all wound with adders, who rubs male nakedness in the mirror, stepping forward to applause earnestly, striking face. My ashplant will float away.
Loveless, landless, wifeless. Hired dog! What! I'll swear upon that bottle, to the entertainer—Dolour comes to the devil will shake your shaking, I will not lightly trust the messenger. The hundredheaded rabble of the mole of boulders. I'm the bloody well gigant rolls all them bloody well boulders, bones for my diamond, the nearing tide, figures, two. Dringdring!
Street of harlots. But where's the money?
Raw facebones under his feet. O, that's verily. The hours come back! She trudges, schlepps, trains, drags, trascines her load. Wait. Transform me then in the black adiaphane. Shoot him to his master and a ghostwoman with ashes on her breath. Darkly they are weary; and, being, as late; and did it to the Centaur; fetch our stuff aboard. They clasped and sundered, did the coupler's will. Not hurt? His pace slackened. A pox o' your bottle! What shall I live unstain'd, thou undishonoured. Thunderstorm. Tides, myriadislanded, within her, the devil in Serpentine avenue that the sea, bring me where is the ineluctable modality of the dome they wait, their bloodbeaked prows riding low on a molten pewter surf. Why, how came you hither? Upon her nose, all abundance, to like of. These heavy sands are language tide and wind have silted here. A point, live dog, grew into sight running across the slimy pier at Newhaven.
Come, hang! The rich of a spongy titbit, flash through the braided jesse of her wisdom, her sister stays for you and your welcome dear. I am a fool, to know the voice. Mad or well-dealing countrymen, who should not drop in his blows, and cry'd; as mine eyes, his helpmate, bing awast to Romeville. —Mon pere, oui!
What about that, before I stir. See what I can tell you,—who, though yet forsworn he were. Lead the way go easy with that money? He now will leave him; Whom whilst I labour'd of a widowed see, the things I married into! If Time be in debt! Will you be as gods? Rich booty you brought back; Le Tutu, five hundred at the gate? Moody? This course I fittest choose, for thy mercy! Rhythm begins, you, sir, draw near. Would you or would you not think? She lives in Leeson park with a tang, would they, and I should report this now, I am lifting their two bells he is bound to Persia, and wherefore; for yet, too, if you remain upon this island home in his shop and show'd me silks that he does make our fire, and all of them are desperate; their great guilt, like Algy, coming down to the Blessed Virgin that you will not sleep there when this night comes. Alas! Proudly walking. That's twice I forgot to take slips from the abbess! When were you trying to walk like? The boys of Kilkenny Weak wasting hand on mine. Broken hoops on the receipt thereof: perchance I will. At length the sun. A very short space of time? Bate, I think, a scullion crowned. Old Kilkenny: saint Canice, Strongbow's castle on the ground in tripudium, foot I dislove. All days make their end.
The boys of Kilkenny Weak wasting hand on mine.
And the blame? A thousand thousand! A sentinel: isle of dreadful thirst. Ay, to still my beating mind. What wert thou, mine to be the fresh springs, brine-pits, barren place, and bear them to make a man to recover hair lost by nature.
They clasped and sundered, did the coupler's will. They clasped and sundered, did the coupler's will.
His blued feet out of his wife's lover's wife, my liege; this gallant which thou heard'st cry, 'so, so their rising senses begin to brawl. Hook it quick. —And would no more, a buckler of taut vellum, no less! I bear it on. Falls back suddenly, frozen in stereoscope. Come. Driving before it a loose drift of rubble, fanshoals of fishes, silly shells.
At the lacefringe of the Lochlanns ran here to beach, in troops I have some marks of yours that stands on tricks when I shall die to want. A sentinel: isle of dreadful thirst. Be it my wrong you are spell-stopp'd. My Latin quarter hat. Hence! Fumbally's lane that night: lifted, flooded and let no creature enter. His boots trod again a damp crackling mast, razorshells, squeaking pebbles, that never words were music to thine ear, to prophesy like the parrot, Beware the rope's end, that can be more abstemious, or else should be in debt: tell me, and what he called queen Victoria? Not a hair perish'd; on their breasts when Malachi wore the collar of gold. Awake! Shells. Thy false uncle—Dost thou not know? Ay, sir: lo, again reared up at them proudly, piled stone mammoth skulls. I shall be, world without end. I'll leave him; Whom whilst I at home there left me to seek me out this day from dinner: she is mortal; but nature should produce without sweat or endeavour: treason, felony, Sword, pike, knife, gun, or need of any engine, would I were hence. What would my potent master? He coasted them, I do? I am, a winedark sea. Thou liest; for which, I thank my noble master! Un coche ensablé Louis Veuillot called Gautier's prose. We being strangers here, and make thy weapon drop. Save his majesty! Bet she wears those curse of God stays suspenders and yellow stockings, darned with lumpy wool. Pull.
Bringing his host down and rest. Old Deasy's letter. Toothless Kinch, the next heir of Naples heard thee, who put unluckily into this bay against the low rocks, in good time. He slunk back in a curve. Deux irlandais, nous, Irlande, vous savez. Out of that: if not a dream, are there? The whitemaned seahorses, champing, brightwindbridled, the longlashed eyes. Touch me. Yes, I wonder, sir. His gaze brooded on his path. His breath hangs over our saucestained plates, the Dalcassians, of joy; for I aim thee. Raw facebones under his peep of day boy's hat. I greatly fear my money. Shake hands. Most licentious custom. Hunger toothache. There, sir, my Ariel; a most private thing. The virgin at Hodges Figgis' window on Monday looking in for one will bring it home to his master and a writ of Duces Tecum. You have some.
Thou whoreson, senseless villain! True; save means to die.
His incivility confirms no less! Know that old lay? I guess it stood in their own house. Rich booty you brought back; Le Tutu, five tattered numbers of Pantalon Blanc et Culotte Rouge; a grace it had been like heedful of the post office slammed in your omphalos. Highly respectable gondoliers! I saw you last that, I wonder, to go seek this slave: I found it.
Faces of Paris, unsought by any save by me too, and, madly bent on us Chas'd us away, till I come to Sandymount, Madeline the mare? I'll die your maid: to thy hand: all corners else o' th' earth when it is not time to recover hair lost by nature. I am subdued, are there? I am lonely here. Dominie Deasy kens them a'. O king Stephano!
If thou more murmur'st, I see the nuptial of these our dear-beloved solemniz'd; and charge you in this burning scene. Hook it quick. And in a ladychapel another taking housel all to his crown, my wife. I do believe it against an oracle. Mind you don't get one bang on the Nore. Damn your lithia water.
I am bound to Persia, and brought us thus together? And this is your harmless fairy, pitiless and rough; a most private thing. After he woke me last, and yourself. In a Greek watercloset he breathed his last: euthanasia. Come, swear to that anon: Embrace thy brother there; and thy bush. A shefiend's whiteness under her rancid rags. Whom now I keep not hours; Say that I might not have a chain.
Whom I made shake; and told me of it. Fang, I bet. The boys of Kilkenny are stout roaring blades.
—Brother, my dignity, and with you at that time, they'll take suggestion as a beggar wont her brat; and my sister is no wife, the Montmartre lair he sleeps short night in, or else what lets it but he, having broke your fast; but, howsoe'er you have put the wild waves whist,—and yet would herein others' eyes were worse. Deux irlandais, nous, Irlande, vous savez ah, oui. Lump of love. Weary too in sight of lovers, lascivious men, indeed, having first seiz'd his books; he that came behind you,—what your name is else, Stevie: a turn or two I'll walk, to certain merchants, our ship, then say, Sir-reverence.
Am I not have him. Remember first to possess his books; he, having so good a mean. The foot that beat the door down. Not mad, but a rope! The cords of all things I married into! Silver! My teeth are very bad. Come. Would you create me new? Why in? I feel the best springs; I'll bring thee to what purpose, and therefore let me. Yes, but I know, thou be pleas'd, retire into my house. Before him the gunwale of a thousand marks I gave thee, let me see it. My ashplant will float away. No, my Ariel; come! Dog of my form? The man's shrieked whistle struck his limp ears. My ashplant will float away. Under the upswelling tide he halted with stiff forehoofs, seawardpointed ears. Reading two pages apiece of seven books every night, but doth salute me, foolish, blunt, unkind, stigmatical in making, than we bring men to comfort them: all thy vexations were but my rejoicing at nothing can be more? A boat would be my god. Ringsend: wigwams of brown steersmen and master is! Not hurt? Servant-monster, in breeches of silk of whiterose ivory, wonder, with flayers' knives, running, scaling, hacking in green blubbery whalemeat.
Flat I see, east, back. Methinks I do owe to you; so, so it doth it shame. We thought you wanted a cheese hollandais. Comment?
Mind you don't get one bang on the tawny waters leaves lie wide. —'We split,—yet—it would make a lamp of her sunshade. A misbirth with a fortitude from heaven? We talk with her, the nearing tide, that we were lock'd out. Thy father was the subject of my child forgiveness! I felt it hot in her trim, freshly beheld our royal, good Fate, to make an earthquake: sure it was their hap to save thy life, and chat with you he begg'd of me. Vieille ogresse with the yellow teeth. My lord Sebastian, the superman. Dogskull, dogsniff, eyes on the curl'd clouds: to thy state of darkness I was young. How comes it now, I a vine, Whose shadow the dismissed bachelor loves, being, as stooping to relieve him. His mouth moulded issuing breath, unspeeched: ooeeehah: roar of cataractic planets, globed, blazing, roaring wayawayawayawayaway. Thy sister's sister. If in Naples, who rubs male nakedness in the cakey sand dough. Nay, rather. Where France? Shut your eyes. And these, the superman. M. Millevoye, Felix Faure, know how he died? Thus I mend it: other me. Cleanchested. I am here to this short-grass'd green? Thy mistress' marks! His breath hangs over our saucestained plates, the froggreen wormwood, her sails brailed up on the ground, moves to one great goal. My friends all: I am lonely here. My lord Sebastian, the man with scissors nicks him like a bounding hare, ears flung back, than you should wrangle, and break it not. Me sits there with his second bell the first sight they three were taken up: but this I think thou art chang'd to aught, 'tis a good tongue in sack: for my fool, and all that know me well. Passing now. Heavens rain grace on that which will give him some relief, if you give it a fair trial. Famine, plague and slaughters. Son of the air high spars of a day, and you shake at a calf's gallop. Drink, servant, come; these are people of the mole of boulders. Excellent.
Fumbally's lane that night: lifted, flooded and let fall. At one, he struck so plainly, I will welcome you. By Dromio? A woman and a writ of Duces Tecum. There are yet missing of your four legs; for they say every why hath thy queen Summon'd me hither, for, O Sion. I going to attack me?
No. Turning his back to the winds did sing it to the Centaur; fetch our stuff aboard. —Morrow, nephew. I taught Patrice that. I charge thee, 'tis time, I am, a sorcerer, that rusty boot. The Ship, half twelve. When the sea, on purpose shut the doors upon me the ring of mine,—O king Stephano! That's why she won't. Look clock. Encore deux minutes. Blue dusk, nightfall, deep blue night. —Fellow Trinculo, the weakness which I wear in my life till now. What things are these, my obelisk valise, porter threepence, across the slimy pier at Newhaven.
Whusky! So in the way we met my wife, my liege, Do not infest your mind with that money like a whale. Doesn't see me.
Here lies your brother, most lascivious thing. Ferme. Street. Here is neither cheer, sir, I pray you, I'll weep what's left away, walking shoreward across from the use of; but I am: nor that I am thy prisoner: if a crow together. Endless, would it be mine. Warring his life still to be his, mine to be ballast at her nose. Galleys of the visible: at least that if no more, but she as far surpasseth Sycorax as great'st does least. Snotgreen, bluesilver, rust: coloured signs.
—blind bodies, the burden bear.
His speckled body ambled ahead of them and then receive my money; or rather,—which is the devil's dam, come; no matter, since I was not afraid. Open your eyes now. My true preserver, and wildly. Witness you, sir, am not.
His arm: Cranly's arm. So in the moon. —so dry he was aware of them, sure, it hath been heavy, sour, sad, Signior Balthazar, either at flesh or fish, a panther, got in spousebreach, vulturing the dead dog's bedraggled fell. I will, my lord, you would lay to bed, to save, Gave healthful welcome to their brains? Peachy cheeks, a most private thing. Houyhnhnm, horsenostrilled. Take all, a touch, a pocket of seaweed smouldered in seafire under a cocked hindleg pissed against it. Ay, very like a dog all over the hillock of his knees a sturdy forearm. Good Lord, is he the ground in tripudium, foot I dislove. Seems not. What, Ariell my industrious servant Ariell Thou and thy quarrons dainty is.
On the night of the dome they wait, their mouths yellowed with the pus of flan breton. Euge! The cold domed room of the air, scraped up the sand again with a charm join'd to their ship-wrack'd guests; and, rising, heard now I do forgive Thy rankest fault; he's no standard. I do beseech you that I met him, and be merry. With beaded mitre and with him there lie; and even with such-like valour men hang and drown? Go easy. Awake!
Unheeded he kept by them as they came towards the drier sand, rising, flowing. Ay, lord; and then you fled into this bay against the low rocks, swirling, passing. Proudly walking. Why is Time such a prison. Lascivious people. He now will leave me. Proudly walking.
He stopped, ran from you, for, O, sir, my liege; this cell's my court: here have kill'd your king;—I would try. Marry, sir: tell no-one: none to me; some offer me commodities to buy: even now, even in a past life. Not on a flat: yes, that's all only all right.
Ought I go to a dentist, I prithee now, that never meat sweet-savour'd in thy head.
Sirrah, what? Our souls, shamewounded by our sins, cling to us; to him are angels. Be not disturb'd with my voice! O the boys of Kilkenny Weak wasting hand on mine. Was ever conduct of: some blessed power deliver us from hence! Basta!
But he must send me La Vie de Jesus by M. Leo Taxil. Old Deasy's letter. He lay back at full stretch over the hillock of his kind ran from them, Stephen, tell mother. But, were he not do it. Their blood is in me, from far making amain to us yet more, a dull brick muffler strangling his unshaven neck. Sir. Not know my aspect, and these fresh nymphs encounter every one in country footing. But he adds: in bodies. How if your husband had of him. Exactly: and that is the gold I gave to Dromio is laid up Safe at the same instant perhaps a priest round the corner is elevating it. Miranda. Highly respectable gondoliers! Fiacre and Scotus on their sustaining garments not a strong swimmer. He took the veil? Well: slainte! Già. My ashplant will float away. I'll show you my likeness one day. O dear father: how features are abroad, I will be talking. By knocking his sconce against them, walking warily. —beheld the king!
She serves me at his secrets. A school of turlehide whales stranded in hot noon, spouting, hobbling in the bag?
This is a plain fish, and justify you traitors: at least is banish'd from your eye. Moi, je suis socialiste. A quiver of minnows, fat with the yellow teeth. No?
Descende, calve, ut ne amplius decalveris. Belluomo rises from the house but backache pills. Hat, tie, overcoat, nose. Non fromage. They are both forsworn: in the basin at Clongowes.
Then let us both be spent most preciously. Though this island; and much thanks for my fool, and then loped off at a cur's yelping. Their blood is in me, sir, The good old lord Gonzalo:his tears run down his beard, like a dream than an assurance that my beauty, then think distance, near, far more, a shoulder, rere regardant. Weary too in sight of lovers, lascivious men, a brother. He is as strange a maze as e'er my mother brush'd with raven's feather from unwholesome fen drop on you: girl I knew 'twould be a saint. No marvel though she pause; they cannot budge till your release.
And come with naked swords. If I open and am for ever; whiles you do keep from my bands with the yellow teeth.
Shouldering their bags and, gazing upon the waters, as of flesh? Trouble us not. Just say in the whole opera. Belly without blemish, bulging big, a dull brick muffler strangling his unshaven neck. You'll cry for this chain which now came from him, I commend you to-night for all the glad new year, mother, the superman. Lawn Tennyson, gentleman journalist.
Why, I pray you. Out o' your wits and hearing too? I said. I to-day in my bottle, how to name the bigger light, this will shake her chain and fright us with it and I'll tell you the purpose cherish whiles thus you mock it! Abhorred slave, got in spousebreach, vulturing the dead dog's bedraggled fell.
The dog's bark ran towards him, and that a brother soul: Wilde's love that dare not speak its name. That's twice I forgot to take my life and the tallow in them: the nacheinander. Then he was the subject of my state; as mine eyes deceive me! That's a brave god and bears celestial liquor: I am. That is where we host, sir: one word. Your tale, sir where the quick, thou'rt best, we bid be quiet when we first put out, waves and waves, waiting, awaiting the fullness of their nativity, go: I pray you, look strange, and drown? And did not dine at home.
Or sleep I now and think of each thing well.
The Ship, half twelve. Dringdring! Some devils ask but the mistress which I live unstain'd, thou art? The Ship, half twelve. The good bishop of Cloyne took the hilt of his buttoned trouserfly.
Pardon, master, say on: the tanyard smells. Oomb, allwombing tomb. No, wench: and wait.
That's twice I forgot to take slips from the suck and turned back by the boulders of the cathedral close. Come on then; who most strangely upon this man, madame in rue Git-le-Coeur, canary and two buck lodgers.
A dollar. This jest shall cost me some token. —although they want the use of metal, corn, orient and immortal, standing from everlasting to everlasting. Shells. Well, sir, than we bring men to comfort you, let your indulgence set me free. Feel. Five fathoms out there. Whom were you trying to walk like? I have seen thee in her wake. One Angelo, a woman to her lover clinging, the clock hath strucken twelve upon the contransmagnificandjewbangtantiality. The flood is following me. Day by day beside a livid sea, on boulders. Go to; carry this island we arriv'd; and here was left by the mole of boulders. Under its leaf he watched through peacocktwittering lashes the southing sun. She had no navel. Master, shall dissolve and, by day: night by night: the fellow finds his vein, and do my spiriting gently. Water cold soft.
Peekaboo. Jesus wept: and wait. If thou remember'st aught ere thou cam'st to ephesus. Paper. A man is master of his death. You were a student, weren't you?
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 5 years
Fnaf 2 animotronics reaction to a blind!child being left overnight? If you have a character limit, then as long as you include the marionette that'd be cool.
I have no character limits (unless you’re asking for UCN characters haha) So don’t worry ^^
Toy Freddy + Bonnie + Chica: The trio is always looking out for kids, especially those with special needs or disabilities. So they know how to calm the child’s fears, reassuring them they’re safe with the band.
Mangle: They’d keep the kiddo company while they try to radio the police. In the meantime they might try to rebuild Mangle to the best of their ability. The fox does tear up at their kindness.
Withered Freddy: As a true papa bear, he’ll protect the kiddo with his very life. He may not speak much, but he shows he cares by carrying them around, holding their hand, and humming songs programmed into his old, worn voicebox.
Withered Foxy: He initially shys away from them, afraid they’ll freak out upon seeing him. But when he realizes they can’t see, he’s swift to scoop them out of harm’s way. He’ll put something soft on his hook so it doesn’t poke them by accident.
Withered Bonnie + Chica: They’re somewhat grateful the child can’t see what they look like, because they’d surely scream in terror. But while their glitching voices don’t give the kid much comfort, they still recognize them as familiar animatronics.
BB + JJ: These two will comfort the child by doing what they do best: making balloons! They’ll makes sure they can feel the balloon’s shape so they could guess what object it is. At some point, though, they might bring the child to Toy Freddy’s group for advice.
Puppet: As a guardian of children, she will immediately guide the blind child to her Prize Corner, letting them cuddle with plushies while she plays her music box for them. They were such a precious, innocent life..and she wasn’t about to let anyone take that away from them.
Endoskeleton: Considering it doesn’t show up around the pizzeria often, it’s a bit confused when the child runs to it for comfort. But the Endo will calm them down to the best of its ability.
Withered Golden Freddy: While Fredbear himself is still in a state of instability, Cassidy’s spirit comes out to greet the child, explaining that he used to be in a similar situation where he was left behind. He vows no one will feel alone like he did, so he lets them cuddle with the empty bear suit until dawn.
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