#outerswap sans
therisingverse · 4 months
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'Tis the great animal rescuer Champ! Fear this bean as he saves kittens up in trees and puppies on the streets! (no actual animals were lost in the making of this statement-)
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ivyprism · 11 months
My Outer Skeleton Boys (Info Dump)
Warnings: Mentions of scars, violence, etc.
Rigel - Outertale Sans
Personality: He's easygoing, pleasant, and laid-back. He is a trickster with a floating personality. He's both calm and nice. He enjoys making puns and playing practical jokes. He's a laid-back, good-natured person. He is adept at assessing and adapting to changing circumstances. He also enjoys cheering others up. He knows everything there is to know about the stars and planets. He excels at emotional analysis and enjoys making puns. He is a lovely soul with the potential to make people feel better. He's also pretty knowledgeable.
Appearance: He is a skeleton with bright blue eye lights. He has glowing freckles.
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(With more ombre!)
Astrophel - Outertale Papyrus
Personality: He is a man of remarkable courage and gentleness. He keeps an eye on others and takes extra measures. He only has half a soul due to a horrible event in his life. When it comes to love, he's a jerk who tries his hardest to impress his crushes. He's a romantic, although a hopeless one. He's quite attractive and flirtatious. He is really bright and quick. He's a good guy who will never back down from a battle. He believes that anyone can be a decent person if they try hard enough. He is courageous and never gives up. He is exceedingly forgiving and believes that some of his opponents are acting for legitimate reasons.
Appearance: He is a skeleton with bright sun-orange eye lights. He has freckles all over his body.
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(with more orange ombre with white star-like speckles!)
Canis - Outerfell Sans
Personality: He's a terrifying, strong, but sluggish skeleton. He is firm and does not back down. He appears prickly at first, but he will ultimately soften around you. He is attractive and flirtatious. He is exceedingly aggressive and powerful, and he is competent with a variety of weapons. He may be quite nice and adores animals. He has outstanding perception and the ability to read a room. He cares about the group and is an excellent character judge. He takes care of others as much as he can and is not scared to defend them. He is quite knowledgeable about heavy weapons and firearms in general. Once you get to know him, he is a very compassionate person.
Appearance: He is a skeleton monster with bright red eye lights. He has three golden teeth (two on the left of his mouth and the other is on the right.) He has five large scars on his left eye, two reaching where the two golden teeth are. He has freckles all over his bones.
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(with red ombre with white star speckles!)
Hesperos - Outerfell Papyrus
Personality: He is a brave and severe individual. He is highly severe and has a prickly personality. He is a very flirty person that works really hard. He is intensely focused on his task and may appear rude at first. He is quick, muscular, and extremely intelligent. He enjoys learning about planets and stars and is an expert in fighting techniques. When someone tries to harm his friends and loved ones, he attacks them via the throat. He is incredibly observant and intelligent, and he is not easily duped. You'll see that he's gentle and compassionate as you get to know him. He has a keen sense of people and the environment. He is also a gentleman once you get to know him.
Appearance: He is a skeleton monster with three large scars on his right eye. He has very sharp teeth. He has freckles all over his bones.
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(With red ombres with white star speckles.)
Pyxis - Outerswap Sans
Personality: He is a courageous and joyful individual who bears a great deal of heroism and power on his shoulders. He's both nice and strong, like really so. He is typically regarded as fearless and strong. He, too, never quits up. He is clever, intelligent, and wise. He'll put you in touch with folks and cook for you! He is kind and careful, but he gets tired and frustrated and wants to rest. He's the hero who is always by your side. He is always quiet and peaceful while working unless he is trying to inspire the people he is helping to be strong and powerful. He works tirelessly to shield and defend others. He believes that everybody can be a decent person.
Appearance: He is a skeleton with bright blue eye lights (he has stars in them.) He has light blue freckles.
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(With blue ombre with white speckles!)
Umbriel - Outerswap Papyrus
Personality: He has a laid-back but frigid personality. He is lazy and easygoing, but he can be really strict. He enjoys practical jokes, poor puns, and puzzles. He's the epitome of a gentleman. He's a lovely person who doesn't like greasy cuisine but adores sweets. Because he is often quite lazy, he balances off his younger brother's vigor, but he does things when prompted. He enjoys teasing his buddies and is a bit of a flirt. He's a hopeless romantic who falls head over heels for folks. He's a good man who experiences stress but knows how to deal with it. He is both calm and wary. When it comes to safeguarding people, he overcomes adversity and never backs down.
Appearance: He is a skeleton with bright orange eye lights. He has freckles all over his bones. He has two large jagged scars on his left eye that are diagonal.
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(But more orange!)
Outertale was made by 2mi127.
Outerfell + Outerswap was made by unknown
@kioko-noodles / @kiokodoodles @monomori3 @hearty-dose-of-ranch @rainbowut @miscneilleaneous / @neillesart @fruitsnackart @und3rwat3r-a5tr0naut @underfell-crystal @buff-borf-bork
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fiaura-art · 2 years
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Altair, do you have a wide range of space puns and jokes? Are you willing to share any with me?
"Yeah, I got a lot. I mostly come up with them when I'm readin' comet books. I got a lot of space to keep em in" he holds up his hands, shrugging his shoulders as he let out a little chuckle. "Though I will say, sometimes when I try to come up with them I space out, I ain't the brightest"
"I ain't too sirius at the moment, just saying since it's better to be safe than starry. I think a lot of my space puns got a nice ring to it, I'm not even really tryin' to planet, I'm just going off"
He was going to keep going but suddenly Orion tackles him "Stop with the puns!" Altair laughs as he floated a little off the ground, sticking out his sparkly tongue.
He was not sorry.
Orion was lightly hitting his brothers chest with his fists. They were, of course, just messing around.
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vrnicky · 1 year
(We can do this 3 times?)
Cause I got 9 this go around, and now I'm curious on who else I could get for this event.
Ye you could get smooched 3 times!!
You get...
Atlas! My outerswap sans!
You never knew how you crushed on Atlas. He was not your specific type but he was so cute!
He was working as a waiter in different restaurants you went to, for a moment you thought he could be following you but that thought didn't last long. He was very well known in said restaurants.
That meant he has been working on them for a while now, okay, that relaxed you even knowing it was impossible for him to follow you. He just treated you like a normal client.
You were sketching while waiting for your food and he clearly saw that, you caught him staring when he was taking the orders of other people and you thought that was cute!
When he finally got you your food, he was rather quiet than normal.
"Something wrong buddy?" You ask him as he's trying to not look at your sketchbook.
"You can look, I don't mind, if you're not busy right now of course." You swear you saw stars in his eyes as he sits down and carefully start looking through your sketchbook, you wanted to eat after all.
And time passed doing that, you go to a restaurant, order food and when the food comes, you let him see your sketchbook and even doodle a little! He always said he wasn't a professional but he always did his best.
And not knowing, you slowly grow to like him in.. not so friendly way. Maybe you were catching feelings because while you were eating, the chats began to be more and more casual, like old pals!
And if you put close attention, you could maybe think he liked you back!
Well, it was indeed true, he did like you and now you two are dating.
You always enjoy going to the restaurants and eat there with him, you love to see him so happy serving the food to the people and you were happy to see the people liking him so much.
–DEAR IS EVERYTHING ALRIGHT?– his words pull you out of your thoughts of the past.
You're cuddling on your bed.
–DID I WAKE YOU UP???– he asks worriedly and you chuckle, placing a sweet kiss on his teeth.
"No silly, I was thinking how we started dating" you answer and his cheeks fill with cute freckles from his blush and you just giggle.
"I'm so happy to be with you"
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manymochi · 1 year
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Outerswap Sans
(Click for better quality)
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spookuzm · 2 months
What is your design of outerfell? Because i havent seen a fully cannon one :0 Which one do you like :D
I don't have my own design/take of Outerfell yet! Though I'm planning to :)
And here's the canon or more well known designs of Outerfell Sans and Papyrus! (I can't find the original artist anywhere on tumblr???):
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I love Papyrus' design better, sorry Sans. Though I fucking love his jacket!!! I want that so bad 🥺🥺🥺 *grabby hands*
I also love his constellation gaster blasters— JUST UGHH I LOVE THIS AU FUSION SO SO MUCH!!!
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jsdimensions · 3 months
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Error Of My Ways: Chapter 2
Words: 2,994
Rated T for multiple instances of swearing and heavily implied death.
Read the first chapter before reading this if you haven't already!!! There's a ton of important context there that you will miss out on if you don't.
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Fic is below the cut.
I felt my heart stop.
Or…soul. Whatever. That didn't matter. Yet.
Turning around slowly, my shoulders raised, and my posture became defensive as I braced myself for the worst-case scenario.
Looking down, however, all I saw was a child with short, brown hair, a yellow shirt with a blue stripe, matching blue overalls, and brown boots. Their eyes were brown, but I could see a hint of red close to their pupils. Rosy cheeks decorated their face.
They looked like a Chara to me. It seemed to me like my portal abilities were a little off. Oh well.
My posture loosened up for the most part, still a little tense and awkward due to my lack of mental preparation when it came to talking to anybody but the voices.
“Oh, uh, hello there…” I smiled anxiously. “What are you doing here?”
“Nice,” I responded plainly, trying my best to keep my tone from shifting outside that of casual small talk.
“Hey, you look kind of like somebody I know! His name is Sans.”
“Oh, do I?” I tried my best to feign surprise, but the child I assumed was a Chara variant didn't seem to fall for it.
“Yeah! Here,” the child grabbed one of my sleeves with their smaller hand, “We should go meet him! I bet you'd like him!”
“Well, I don't know, I'm kind of busy–”
They tugged at my sleeve. “C'mon…please? You don't look busy.”
I glanced in a random direction, hoping the voices could help.
“Hey, who knows? It could be fun. Give it a try.”
“don't make the kid sad!!”
“You can leave at any time if something goes wrong.”
I sighed. “Alright, alright…take me away, then.”
I let out a yelp as the child began to run, my sleeve still in their hand. I felt myself almost fall on my face, yet somehow I caught myself. “Hey! Slow down!” The kid didn't seem to hear me. Either that, or they ignored me. As we approached civilization, I quickly used my free hand to pull my hood over my head. Various houses, buildings, and people almost seemed to fly past us as we rushed by.
Finally, we stopped. I quickly saw the building next to us as I regained my composure.
It looked to be about two stories high, with bricks painted a light purple. It wasn't quite the wooden cabin that would usually be found in Snowdin. Despite the place’s seemingly cold atmosphere at first glance, I quickly discovered that it was given a warm sense of life with various decorations scattered about the house, like the colorful Christmas lights that outlined where the edges of the roof were and a sign hung on the door with “Bone Is Where The Heart Is” carved into it.
My posture shifted as I easily became uneasy by the second. The child seemed to notice this, as they quickly spoke up about it.
“What's wrong?”
“I don't know about this…wouldn't they be…well…suspicious of a stranger suddenly being at their house? I don't think the more serious brother would be so welcoming…”
The child looked like they were about to ask a question, but quickly decided against it as a skeleton, about my height, opened the door.
He appeared to be a Swap variant, wearing a large blue cape with constellation patterns littering its deep blue coloration. The rest of his outfit, including a t-shirt, gloves, pants, and boots, were all blue as well, with yellow accents that matched the cape.
“HELLO, HUMAN!” His voice was loud and booming, which caused me to flinch. “DID YOU MAKE A NEW FRIEND?” His eyelights scanned my form, seemingly making sure I meant no harm.
Chara nodded vigorously, a smile spreading across their face. “Yeah! This is…” They looked at me. “What's your name?”
I glanced away, a hint to the voices. “Um…”
“go with error for now. you never know if youll decide to change your mind about acting like yourself later.”
The Swap variant reached out to me, offering a handshake. I accepted tentatively, giving him a nervous smile.
I mentally scrambled to think of an excuse.
“Oh, yeah, um, you see, I just…don't go out much. Not really the most social person.”
“Oh! …Really? I mean, we just met, and–”
I let out a short chuckle as I grabbed my scarf again. “Thanks.”
Sans stepped to the side, holding the door open for us. He used his free arm to motion us inside. “COME ON IN! I'M ALMOST DONE WITH SOME TACOS. FORTUNATELY, I MADE EXTRA THIS TIME!”
Chara eagerly entered the skeleton brothers’ home. I tagged along right behind them, scanning the area out of curiosity. As I sat down on a chair in the dining room, I tapped my fingers on the table in front of me.
After a series of noises from plates colliding with each other harshly to what sounded like plastic packaging being torn to shreds, Sans finally strutted into the room, holding two plates with tacos atop them, one in each hand, and carefully set them down in a smooth motion that would make a waiter at a restaurant blush. “BONE-APPETIT!” He punned, eliciting another smile from me.
As Chara began to dig into the taco, I reached towards it but froze.
…The tongues.
I shook my head, grabbing the taco. Why would those be a problem? I doubted they would act on instinct. If anything, I could use them to mess with people…
That final thought made my smile return as I took a small bite out of the taco. It had burger patty meat, cheddar cheese, lettuce, green onions, and sour cream inside its crunchy tortilla shell.
I let out a satisfied noise as the ingredients and flavors melted in my mouth, seemingly dissolving inside it and giving me a refreshing wave of energy that felt similar to the stuff I used for the portal or the bones. Magical energy, I promptly dubbed it. I knew the name wasn't that original, but I didn't really care.
“PAPS!! THE TACOS ARE READY!! GET OUT OF YOUR ROOM!!” Somehow, Sans yelled even louder than usual.
I continued to eat the taco, relishing in its flavor. It was quite similar to the tacos my dad used to make for me a few years ago, minus the green onions and lettuce.
A muffled “coming” could be heard from another part of the house, followed by a collection of soft footsteps. A taller skeleton shuffled into the room, wearing an outfit with the same colors as his brother's. He wore a blue hoodie with yellow sleeves and a fluffy hood, navy-blue shorts, and a pair of matching sneakers.
His relaxed demeanor momentarily faltered as he gave me a brief suspicious glare while I stuffed my face with another bite of taco. I gave him a nervous wave before his gaze shifted to his brother.
“who's this?” He stuffed over to the free seat on the table, which was on the other side of mine.
Papyrus scanned me one last time before his expression softened. “if ya say so, bro.” He took a bite out of the taco that sat in front of him. Oddly, Sans hadn't eaten any tacos–did he even make one for himself? I wasn't sure.
I thanked Sans for the food as I (swallowed? dissolved? consumed?) the final bite of the taco. He gave me a thumbs up and a “YOU'RE WELCOME!” in response. Soon after, I got up, pushing the chair I sat on back into the table.
“I'm sorry, but I really need to go. I have some things I need to do.”
Sans nodded understandingly as Papyrus continued to eat his taco.
“Aww, already? There's so much stuff left for us to do, though!” Chara complained, a slight pout on their face.
“Yeah…Again, I'm sorry. If things go well, though, I should be back soon!” I looked at Sans. “Thanks for the hospitality, I appreciate it.” He nodded, his huge smile not shifting in the slightest.
I walked over to the door, saying my goodbyes as I turned the doorknob and left. After a few minutes of walking, I found an alleyway where I was able to create a portal back to the Anti-Void from.
I stretched my arms contentedly as I walked through.
“Ahh…that went better than I expected it to.”
“Wait A Second…”
“jupiter? theres somebody behind you.”
I turned around to see Chara once more. Deja-vu.
The voices cried out in outrage.
“–HOOT. Shoot! What are you doing here!? It's not safe for you here!” Chara looked around, puzzled.
“It isn't? It doesn't look like anything's here to hurt me.”
“But that's the point! Oh, God, I don't know what'll happen if you stay here for too long…We need to get you back home as soon as possible!”
I frantically opened another portal, immediately noticing that it was an Underfell. Closing that portal, I tried again, only to see an Underground caked in monster dust.
Many attempts after were met with failure. Only once did I see the starry skies of an Outertale, and it was a regular variant, not an Outerswap.
Finally, I sighed loudly, my posture becoming a resigned slouch.
“What were those places? Other planets?”
My anxiety spiked further. My voice wavered and distorted more than usual, shifting in pitch at random. “…Yeah, let's just say that. It's…easier.”
My voice seemed to catch Chara off guard. “Sheesh, are you okay? You…”
“I'm fine. Just voice cracks.” I felt my glitches intensify slightly as I crossed my arms. I turned around, giving Chara a nervous smile and a thumbs up. I could practically see their thought process on their expressive face as they seemed to shrug it off.
“Well, if you say so.” They still remained a little suspicious, but it seemed like they didn't want to pry. Thank God for that…
“Okay, um, hold on–”
“I'm trying. Shut up.” I waved with one of my hands dismissively, as if the voice was a bug.
“Who are you talking to?”
I felt another spike of glitches, a little more severe than the last, wrack my body before coming up with something on the spot.
“Uh, myself.”
I tried my best to focus once more, attempting to block out the voices until I could finally portal to the right AU. I opened another portal.
Wait, really?
I squinted.
“Chocolate!?” Chara ran up to the portal. I stretched out my arm, a motion to stop them from going further.
…Oh my God. They did.
Wait, they could hear–
“Hey! We have to go there!”
“Well, I don't know–”
“C'mon! It's chocolate! I know it is! Who doesn't like chocolate!?”
I sigh. For whatever reason, chocolate sounded very good at that moment.
“Well, you got me there. Just make sure to be quiet, and stay hidden. Who knows what could be on the other side?”
They nodded vigorously, running through the portal. This place appeared to be a variant of the woods near Snowdin, made of chocolate. The ‘snow’ was made of tiny white chocolate pieces, the bark of trees was made of dark chocolate, the ground made of…perhaps cookie crumble..? Either way, this place looked delicious. Chara immediately started chowing down on a tree.
“huh never heard of this au before”
“me neither,” I mumbled, making sure I was quiet enough so Chara couldn't hear me as I scooped up a handful of ‘snow’, “but i'm not opposed to it…i explode if i don't have dessert after a meal, anyway.”
“r u ok, jupiter???”
“…metaphorically.” I specified before letting out a small, satisfied noise while I shoved some of the false snow into my mouth. “Hmm. This tastes better than I thought it would.”
I wondered if this meant a fragment of Error was still…there. Likely not, I concluded, as it could easily be a change in taste buds. An odd thought, indeed, but one I'd have to get used to along with everything else.
“I know, right!?” Chara yelled whilst chewing on bark. “This place is paradise…” They took another bite of the bark they tore off.
I wasn't sure how much time went by as Chara and I stuffed our faces with candy. The voices murmured to themselves as we did so, but I was too focused on how good everything tasted to listen to them. If I had spit, I was sure my mouth would be watering. The flavor was almost enchanting; a perfect balance of sweetness, bitterness, richness, and salt.
Suddenly, I heard an odd, melodic whistling noise. I could see Chara turn their head to stare at it at the same time I did. The sound of the voices was muffled, but they seemed panicked.
Was it a person making that noise? My vision of the whistling object was almost a strange blur, as if I didn't have my glasses on. I knew I did, however, when I reached up to feel them.
The whistling object looked…appetizing. Was it alive?
I supposed I'd have to find out.
“You need to leave right now, this place is dangerous.”
“open a portal below you before you two eat a person!”
I leaped at Chara before quickly opening a portal below us. I had no time to think of a specific place to go to before we went through, landing in snow.
Real snow this time, thank God.
I had my arms wrapped around the child. Their pupils, which looked a little too dilated moments ago, returned to their regular size. I quickly let go of them, getting up and surveying our surroundings. They simply stayed on the ground, disoriented.
“...What was that.” I didn't know how to process what just happened. The glitches made themselves known once more.
“there was an enchantment of some sort on the candy. i think. idk.”
“Whatever It Was, It Seemed To Do Something Strange To You!”
“i'm glad you got out of there. ty, loud voice!”
“Bro you almost ate somebody”
The sound of the so-called ‘loud voice’ made me flinch. Well, it wasn't like the other voices were wrong…
Wait, hold on, I was getting distracted!
“Wait, WHAT!?” Ohhh, shit. Fuck. A person!?
“Shush! Don't attract attention! If even we had no clue what AU that was, then who knows what else could be out there!?”
I heard a noise, followed by a groan. Chara was waking up. I didn't even know they were unconscious in the first place?
“Ow…” They held a hand to their forehead as they sat up.
“Let's…not do that again. Where are we, anyway?”
“It looks like a Fell AU”
“yup, red sky in snowdin.”
I turned around, the cold breeze sending a shiver up my spine as I came to a realization.
It's empty.
Abandoned. Particles of dust and snowflakes were almost indistinguishable from one another. Bones impaled various structures around the area.
Footsteps in the distance. I turned around.
A human child, covered in dust with a knife in hand.
I looked back at Chara. They looked frozen in fear, like a deer in headlights. They knew what the dust meant.
The footsteps, suddenly, became faster.
I didn't waste any more time.
Once more, I ran to Chara, opening another portal and dragging them through it with me.
I tripped on my own foot. Right before the portal shut, I heard something fly right by where my head just was. It landed on the floor of the Anti-Void with a clatter.
Oh. We're back. Finally. Took me long enough. I rolled over onto my back before sitting up, eye sockets wide.
Chara stared at me in shock. Their expression alone told me everything I needed to know.
“I'm…so, so sorry! I didn't want to…put you in danger like that.” I hoped they would understand what I said, as my voice shook and stuttered at an almost-constant rate. They seemed to get the gist of it, nodding understandingly.
“It's okay! I…think I'm ready to go home. Are all other worlds that scary?”
“No, no…” I opened another portal, “We just got…unlucky, that's all.” The AU on the other side looked like Chara’s original home, but I couldn't know for sure yet. “Stay here, alright? I'll scout ahead and see if this is your world or not.” They nodded wordlessly as I stepped through the portal, finding myself back in the alleyway. A decently-sized group of monsters wandered about, calling Chara's name. Seemed like it was.
I let Chara follow me through the portal. They held out their hand, offering for me to hold it. I accepted their offer, wondering if they did so to comfort the both of us. Maybe, maybe not.
As we got to the end of the alleyway, I stopped.
“Are we still friends?”
They nodded, eliciting a small smile from me. “I know you didn't mean it. You said earlier that you're still learning.”
“Thank you. Go on ahead. I'll see you later. I gotta catch a break at home.”
They let go of my hand, walking away. They looked back at me and waved goodbye. I responded in kind, then went back into the Anti-Void. As soon as the portal closed, I let out a huge sigh.
What a long day, if it even was a full one. Time in the Multiverse was probably very strange.
“where are we headed next?”
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ratsoh-writes · 8 months
Here’s todays doodle page!!!
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It features maples new face which is a massive improvement from before!!!!!
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….. a big big improvement for sure.
I think Helios is absolutely adorable in his pretty boy stage face lol. His design is done, but I’m deciding on a few things for Artemis’ face. I’m thinking sharper shallower cheekbones to make her feel gaunt. She’s entirely too pretty for someone so sick.
Lushs’ face is a work in progress too! He’s keeping a lot of his old design for the most part, it’s just face shape I need to work on lol.
Oh and just undyne supplexing honey lol
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tado25 · 1 year
Low quality art for @_boybutter_ from Twitter
I love this design soooo much🤌
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ketchuptwelve · 1 year
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some cheatcode doodles i forgor about
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kiraaachi-blog · 1 year
Xeron x Astra!
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I love them so much <33
I know, the hands are weird-
Xeron & Astra belongs to me ✨
Yes, It's their human version!
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capricioussun · 3 months
Mhh your space bois?
Space boys!!
⟡ despite being the same age difference as most of the others, Boötes seems older, and tends to act more like an older brother to Antares
⟡ Antares always wanted to be in the guard, he'd heard stories of their heroics from back during the war, and wanted to help protect others as well
⟡ Aurigae is a little bit more of a prankster than Stretch, and tends to get into trouble with the guard despite being a sentry himself
⟡ OS Sans (who still needs a nickname) is actually captain of the guard! He took on the role after their Alphys stepped down and (pretends to) take it very seriously!
⟡ Ara has his Grillby have a very will they won't they type of relationship that has most of the regular patrons making bets (both are aroace-spec and have no idea they give that vibe)
⟡ Pictoris is a very skilled embroiderer! It's not something he'd consider a hobby, since he mostly picked it up to customize his clothes to his liking, but he branches out more post pacifist and loves making all sorts of designs
⟡ Boötes doesn't float around like the other Sanses do, he prefers staying grounded for some reason...
⟡ Antares loves animals, but there aren't many in their sector, so whenever he scavenges and finds books or magazines or videos about them, he does his very best to preserve them
⟡ he may be the judge of his world, but Aurigae and their Toriel...don't really see eye to eye. They have a very tense relationship, though most don't pick up on it around them
⟡ OS Sans actually doesn't really enjoy cooking or baking, so he makes a lot of instant or pre-prepped stuff. His more original ventures...are not very good
⟡ Ara has...a particularly hard time visiting the labs. He still does, to help out Alphys from time to time, but given the option, he'd never set foot in there again
⟡ Pictoris will argue to his dying breath that his jokes aren't puns, they are incredibly witty word play, there's a difference! (<- pretends he doesn't have a sense of humor)
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asteroidblocking · 5 months
Got back into UnderTale and the AU community, sooo me and a friend in a discord made a ship and a ship child! (I feel like making one is a right of passage in this fandom lol)
Meet Mariner1!
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The ship child of OuterSwap!Sans (who was dubbed Star-Dust as a nickname) and Error!Sans. The shipname is SwapNova! Swap comes from Star-Dust, and as supernovas are the destruction of stars, Nova comes from Error!
Mari was ofc named after a space craft fail! Another reason I chose it is because of the fact that it was a typo that caused the failure, and Mari couldve been named Typo instead.
Notes about Mariner1:
- He was formed from a time Error and Star-Dust met, in which they fought immediately within sight of each other out of panic. Before Error realized this was a combination of two AU's he likes and left.
- He has chronic pain, as Errors glitches canonically cause him pain, they cause Mariner pain too. His pain doesnt get in the way of his life often, but that is only because he got used to it with time. When he was a small child, it was extremely bad and often had him at home in bed. Presently, its dull, but flares up randomly and without cause some days. On bad days he doesn't really move from his bed, often lying there and only getting up to alarms for food times, or to use the bathroom. Pain relieving medication doesn't really work on him.
-He has some sight problems due to the glitches and the fact that his right socket is never fully open like his left is. Usually he solves this by just closing his right eye, but he cannot do that all of the time. And he doesn't like the idea of glasses.
- Mariner1 is autistic. This affects a lot about his life and relationships with people.
-His autism finds most any touch rather weird and uncomfortable feeling, while not painful, he wont actively seek it, or look for it. Which makes others think of him as rather withdrawn. (This also applies to his own touch to himself, he does not like when his phalanges all touch eachother if he can help it. Theres always a minescule amount of space between them.)
- He doesn't speak aloud often. Only sometimes randomly or when he thinks its necessary. He is rather quiet, until he isn't. Usually when away from people he searches for stars to mess around with. Mostly finding old ones to blow up. That is when he gets loud.
-this doesn't mean that never opens his mouth except for rarely speaking and eating though. Quite the opposite in fact. As his strings come from his mouth, hes often seen with his mouth hung open, and maybe a phalange or two inside of it. He does this absentmindedly, this causes a slight drooling problem. But can be fixed by giving him something to do with his hands, and by giving him chewlery. He likes to eat the rubber though.
-His special interests arent considered normal to most people as well, those interests being jesters, bells, lost space craft and humans, and overall any weird disturbing things related to space, as well as anything to do with fires and explosions. Generally, people find him "disturbing" and "freaky".
Those are only some notes, if anyone has questions i might open up an Ask Mariner1 Blog for him! If i dont ill just dm it or add to this post and screenshot and tag the asker.
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alexandraisyes · 1 year
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Starry eyed
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Galen just here being the best bean he can be! It was a need to doodle this baby today!
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