#outpost zeta
chronivore · 2 years
The Killings at Outpost Zeta (1980) - IMDb
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lillified · 4 months
On Twt you had mentioned dead colonies, could you talk a bit about it? I'm curious to learn more 👀
I absolutely can!
Dead Colonies
At the tail end of the Quintesson reign and well into the Zeta era, the Cybertronian project began to expand into space, looking to establish itself as a galactic empire (similar to the Quintessons they were following). The new regime's optimism made promising projections about the affair, anticipating the colonies they established would become vital trade hubs, resource hotspots, societies, and even tourist destinations (though some of Cybertron's ultra-wealthy indulged, space travel was far too expensive for this to ever become viable). Although the industry boom following the socio-economic institution of the Caste system gave this ambitious promise legitimacy, it was, in hindsight, completely doomed from the start.
In their heyday, however, it was easy to ignore the warning signs. These colonies stretched from nearby satellites to planets in neighboring solar systems, and they were established to varying degrees of complexity. Some stations were only ever meant to be extraction ports for valuable natural resources. The most famous of these colonies, however, were the settled territories, where groups of Cybertronians were planted and expected to live indefinitely.
Once established, these territories developed independently of Cybertron's culture and society, similar to how the flying polity of Vos maintained its own social identity. In many ways, they were like miniature civilizations of their own, only sponsored and supplied by the Cybertronian government. One example of where their societies differed from the start was in the practice of mooring Titans.
Titans are a subclass of life on Cybertron. They are theorized to be the missing link between Cybertronians and the Primus Superorganism, though that theory is highly controversial. Many Titans are dormant now, existing in a state of extended stasis, but many Polities on Cybertron were established around or even on these Titans, although the full extent of their symbiotic link has been lost to time. Unlike Cybertronians, Titans exist throughout the observed galaxy, likely supplanted by space debris. Though it served no immediate practical purpose, several of these colonies sought out these space Titans to cohabitate with. The most infamous colony to adhere to this practice was Caminus.
Caminus was an extremely ambitious project. It was the farthest of the Cybertronian colonies, whose "bridge" (a series of space stations facilitating navigation to the planet, without which many outgoing ships were lost) was considered a revolutionary innovation in space travel. For a long time it was a shining example of what interstellar expansion should be. A lush natural ecosystem native to the planet, constant technological innovation, a rich independent culture, and a general appearance of abundance made it exotic and attractive to the citizens back on Cybertron.
The colonies existed in excess for a while. Soon, though, the explosion of prosperity and industry from Zeta's widespread mechanization started to trail off, and the Energon crisis was almost inevitable on the horizon. The long-term goal that underscored the effort of space expansion was to eventually find another source of Energon, but that goal was never achieved; by consequence, the endeavor of supporting these colonies became expensive and unwieldly. There was no real end benefit besides maintaining an illusion of abundance.
One by one, the central Cybertronian government slowed down, and eventually cut off, support to these Colonies, markedly including the shipment of Energon. Some of these stations were evacuated with the hopes of reintegrating their residents on Cybertron, but many others, especially the manned trade outposts and extraction points, were simply abandoned. Rescuing everyone was just too expensive.
Of the residential colonies, only one escaped evacuation, though the story is still shrouded in mystery. Before the total cutoff, Energon shipments became increasingly more expensive, dwindling for decades. Caminus felt this bleeding and diplomatic tensions between itself and Cybertron became strained. During one shipment, with no forewarning, an outgoing cargo ship discovered that the final point of the Caminus bridge had completely disappeared, defying reason. All other communications with the colony were also completely shut off. With no way to reach them, and no way to guarantee a safe travel, the ship returned to Cybertron, and the colony essentially disappeared. The story of Caminus would become a longstanding source of mystery and intrigue back on Cybertron, though any tragedy is more a result of bureaucratic negligence than horror.
The rest of the colonies died out much less spectacularly. Now, throughout the galaxy, only old abandoned outposts remain, the skeletons of lives lived there. Like the Quintessons before them, Cybertronian expansion was destined to fail. In the end it only marked another nail in the coffin for the energy crisis, and the inevitability of domestic tensions coming to a fiery head.
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The weapon and her thought on smells via chiefs suit..? We know the banished smell bad but what about like the smell of a crisp rainy morning in zeta halo or the smell of oil and hydrogen fuel from those banished repair outposts like forge of teash or ransom keep. Idk the thought of ai experiencing organic thingsTM is fun
I love AI experiencing organic things through their human filters! I've written it before and I have some more words about it in the works. I also need to keep chipping away at "Pink and Blue" - this ask reminded me how fun Weapon is to write. Thank you for the ask!
The Banished smelled awful, but they had nothing on the choking scent of burning fuel. Ransom Keep was ablaze thanks to the Master Chief, but even safely encased in 63 millimeters of titanium alloy didn't stop the secondhand experience of the noise and stench of exploding fuel silos.
Fresh data and new experiences were better than chatty cylixes and 6 months all alone, she tells herself as the fumes overwhelm the Mjolnir's filters. Chief doesn't even pause. He's probably used to this kind of thing. She wish she knew, no one told her anything.
The noise rattles his armor as well and the sensors vibrate violently after explosions rock the central courtyard of the Banished outpost. She has to recalibrate some of the finer settings but it's so interesting seeing it up close.
And then they find the Scorpion.
Ransom Keep falls and the smoke rises from the peeled back metal of exploded silos, inky black stains in the steadily lightening sky.
Chief makes it back to the nearest FOB before she gets a breath of fresh air. Campfires and breakfast smell so much better than the Banished. Instant coffee and fresh game and rehydrated something overlap with voices and the quiet calls of local fauna. The wind rushes through the grass and heads northeast bringing the cloying smell of pollen and flowers in bloom. The coniferous trees have their own scent as well, clean and light in the background. There's so much of it to take in.
The dark underbelly of the ring illuminated in the Forerunner blues and grays is a distant memory to the sheer amount of life and data in front of her.
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spacetimesally · 5 months
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Acting on the good word of an internal asset, Sally locates and infiltrates an abandoned government outpost that's been co-opted by Malignant scientists working in secret, but their own madness might be their very own undoing in, "Recipe for Disaster"
Welcome to Government Outpost Zeta 9...
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A defunct RelayBot falling to pieces, wandering the outpost aimlessly. A garbled voice sputters nonsense before moving on.
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The outpost has been turned into a makeshift lab and medical facility. Dr. Amanda Bek oversees operations. Stinks of Malignant plotting.
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Dr. Alderman oversees the incubation tanks.
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Dr. Benjamin (left) acts as the brains behind the operation. Malignant Commander Altuna (right), an old war hero lusting for power, desires to build an army of hybrid soldier bots for his righteous command.
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Altuna's right hand Bot, Omega Darling, primes the bio-field chambers for testing.
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A faulty InfoNodeBot becomes an ally, one with the ever-so important self-destruct codes.
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The Doctor will see you, now...
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An experimental vessel to plot an escape.
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halobirthdays · 6 months
Happy birthday to Spartan Bonita Stone!
Today is her -512th birthday!
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Stone was born on Komoya and enlisted in the UNSC, where she served on a stealth vessel. This experience lead to her placement on Fireteam Shadow after she joined the SPARTAN-IV program.
In 2560, Stone was serving aboard the Infinity when it was attacked by the Banished. She was ordered to separate from her team and evacuate with Spartan Nina Koven while the other members of Shadow stayed behind. After crash-landing on Zeta Halo, she and the remaining survivors met up with Koven, who was leading her own group of survivors. Witrhout a real fighting force or orders, the group remained hidden and only fought if necessary as they made their way through the ring. Eventually, they discovered the UNSC outpost at the Mortal Reverie. The Reverie had crash-landed on the ring but still had sufficient supplies to act as a much-needed stronghold for the scattered UNSC forces. Their leader, Spartan Hudson Griffin, left with a small team in an attempt to assassinate Escharum. He failed, and Escharum staged a counter-attack on the Reverie. Despite being prepared for the attack, the UNSC forces were overwhelmed and were forced to flee. Stone and the survivors went into hiding and resorted to guerilla warfare.
Eventually, she returned to the Reverie to find that the Banished had been excavating. They used a human prisoner to access an artifact which gave them the location of the ring's defensive systems. Realizing this would eliminate any chances of a UNSC survival, Stone attacked. She engaged with several Banished leaders, including Jega 'Rdomnai, Gorian, and Hectarius. Though she was at a significant disadvantage, she was still able to get close enough to steal the data on the ring's defenses and have her personal AI, Ouco, copy and then corrupt the Banished's version of the data. Eventually, she was overrun and was abushed by 'Rdomnai, who impaled her on his energy sword. The Banished took the data node back, unaware that it had been corrupted.
Her body was later discovered by Koven, who retrieved the invaluable data from Stone's armor, but did not have the means to move her. A month later, Stone aided the UNSC one last time when Master Chief discovered her body and was able to add her energy shielding module to his own armor.
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camp-mithril-lake · 3 months
IDW Timeline - Part 1: Pre-War "Modern Times"
I am organizing the comics in chronological order because I have a lot of ideas centered pre-war and needed some reference. Plus I am planning to make a more comprehensive overview one day. I listed dates when I found them and the comic it is in and event notes.
Ex-RID #17: “Shockwaves”
Shockwave choosing a Prime and planting a “seed” in the ruins of Crystal City.
Shockwave became a senator in the wake of Jhiaxus and the others departing. He opens his school at this time.
Reveals Proteus was the one who assassinated Nominus to make Sentinel Prime.
More Than Meets The Eye #38
1st Cycle, 012, Megatron is born in Con Facility 113, the Silver Harvest of Tarn as a miner.
Transformers (v2) #22-23
Megatron may be working at the mine under Nova Point at this point in time in Iacon.
4th Cycle, 499, Megatron is assaulted by Whirl in jail after being arrested in a bar fight. He meets Captain Orion Pax.
There was an attempted assassination attempt on Nominus Prime in the news by a bomber. Orion Pax, Captain of the Dead End area of Rodion. A few hours after Orion arrests Whirl and releases Megatron, Whirl’s friends fight him and Orion Pax pushes his way into the Senate and meets Shockwave.
The Senate is voting on the Clampdown.
Shockwave decides to make Orion the Prime he chose.
More Than Meets the Eye #34
Megatron has been sent to Messatine, partially due to Orion Pax name dropping him in the Senate, and Trepan prepares to Shadowplay him as things have been escalating. He has befriended Terminus who has been smuggling out his writings. Terminus vanishes (saved by Necrobot) and Megatron is racked with guilt about taking his writings instead. He internalizes this later. Terminus was the one pushing for Megatron to be a center figure while Megatron was more for group/community involvement.
51st Cycle, 500
More Than Meets The Eye #9-11: Shadowplay | More Than Meets The Eye #37
“Iacon, 4th Cycle 501-Pre-War. A few cycles earlier, the word ‘Decepticon’ first appeared in connection to the samizdat writings credited to a certain miner from Tarn. Nominus Prime hasn’t been seen since the assassination attempt, and the Clampdown is in full force. Proteus and the increasingly factionalized Senate are struggling to manage a population demanding greater influence over decisions taken in its name. The shanix is trading poorly against the galactic currencies. The Primal Guard is embroiled in the Phobos Controversy. And in sports news, Blurr has won the Ibex Cup for the tenth cycle running.” - Rewind
1st Chord, 4th Cycle, 501
In the news at the time a ex-military former Primal Vanguard member burst into a Relinquishment Clinic and started shooting donors.
Prowl and Chromedome were working in Iacon/Rodion at this point. Macadam’s was in their precinct.
Drift and Ratchet meet in Ratchet's Dead End clinic. Ratchet and Orion are already friends.
Orion and the Outliers steal the fake Matrix and in doing so anger the government.
Senator Shockwave is shadowplayed. Orion Pax goes on the run.
More Than Meets The Eyes #36 | Megatron Origin #1
Orion Pax and the Outliers are on the run and defending the sparks in Alyon.
1st Cycle, 502, for several subcycles has been on the run from Sentinel. Meets Zeta of Sistex he contacts Shockwave’s old allies and outliers and went underground. Orion is delighted to talk to Megatron and invites him to join them. Orion mentions Megatron is older than him but still young.
1st Cycle, 502, having been transferred to Croteus-12 (Mining Outpost C-12) Megatron has been seething since the lose of Terminus and the assault by Trepan. Decimus will be closing them down. Megatron kills this day.
Sentinel orders Prowl to investigate the attack on Decimus because he doesn’t want to.
Megatron Origin #2
Time Skip for Megatron to establish himself.
Prowl has been investigating and uncovered the arena and Megatron. They are moving in on him at the same time Soundwave is meeting him for the first time.
Drit #2 & 3
Megatron recruits and renames Drift at a Decepticon Rally. He is named Deadlock and already has a reputation as a killer.
Ex-RID #17: “Shockwaves”
Megatron recruits Shockwave via Starscream after the Senate meeting about the Energon Crisis. This is during Megatron Origins.
Orion reunites with him on the streets the day before the Senate assassination.
Shockwave visits Dai Atlus to injury him and prevent him from being caught in the destruction.
Megatron Origin #3 & 4
Has Constructicons and Combaticons and the deal with Soundwave in place. Megatron begins moving against the government.
Recruits Starscream and others.
Funeral for the cops.
Seekers attack Decimus’s “recognition of service”. Kidnap the Senator as part of the trap and the cops arrest them all.
Kaon take over. Prowl after seeing Sentinel fall makes executive decision to pullout forces and the Iacon backup turns into evac team.
Additional Notes (Exact Dates Uncertain):
Ratchet and Drift are born before Orion (a little after Megatron) and Megatron (5 million years ago)
Orion is born in Iacon
Rodimus is born half a million years after Megatron
Thunderclash knew Ratchet and helped him when he was studying. They both attended the Iaconian Academy of Science and Technology. Ratchet was attending medical school there and Orion Pax was there and they became friends
Prowl is brought online as a Cold Construct and serves in Petrex, a very prejudice town, where he learns how to get around rules. He eventually gets transferred to Iacon, around Rodion but not Orion's precinct. By the time of Croteus-12 he has transferred to Kaon under Sentinel directly, and seemingly fairly high up given his interactions, ability to give orders, and the presentations he gives.
Following Kaon, Zeta becomes Prime raising a New Senate and the Decepticons begin occupying more territory.
Dominus and Rewind leave Cybertron before war breaks out to pursue Luna-1.
Declaration Day presumably happens following Kaon being taken over and Sentinel being killed.
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halopedia · 13 days
Lore Thursday — Outpost Tremonius
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Outpost Tremonius was built around the wrecked frigate Mortal Reverie after the UNSC retreated from a two-day defense against the Banished. As a reward, Escharum named the outpost after the Chieftain who led the assault.
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appo-arsin · 9 months
Fireteam Zeta patrolling near an enemy outpost
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
Heya!! Can I get a Platonic!Yandere!Master Chief? I hope you have a good day/night!!💖💗💕🌺
My regular Master Chief Yandere is already kinda platonic due to how Spartans work but I'll see what I can come up with :) Made this a concept take place around the time of Halo Infinite just to be different.
Yandere! Platonic! John-117 (Master Chief)
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Manipulation, Overprotective behavior, Threats, Gun mention, Swearing, PLATONIC behavior.
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- Due to the enhancements Spartan-II's were given you may only ever get a Platonic Yandere out of Chief.
- He isn't sure how to process strong emotions like obsession so he just comes off as overprotective towards you.
- Maybe for this concept you're a marine or spartan on Zeta Halo.
- Being a marine is scary enough even without the overbearing obsession Chief has over you.
- Doesn't entirely matter if you're a marine or spartan, however, as there's always the threat of Banished attacking your camp.
- You think you're a goner until Chief, whom you previously thought was murdered by Atriox, comes out of nowhere to save your camp.
- You're thankful for the help and this is how you meet.
- You promise the hero you'll always have weapons and help ready for him.
- Which makes him frequent your camp often.
- If you were a marine he'd probably be more protective yet he'd still be pretty fixated on your safety as a spartan too.
- The Banished did a good job on dwindling UNSC numbers.
- Even though Chief is usually busy you happen to chat with him once in awhile.
- Although the further into obsession he is the more he talks.
- You've even had other people from your camp come up to you claiming he's looking for you.
- All just to see how you were doing.
- If your camp frequently got attacked he'd probably move you to the main base they made at Outpost Tremonious
- That outpost he captured has strong security, making him feel calm enough to keep you there.
- Chief being a platonic Yandere it's debatable if he'd bring you into battle.
- As a spartan? Maybe. Probably not as a marine.
- Being who he is even if he adores you, Chief comes off as distant and foreign when interacting with you.
- Conversation isn't really something he indulges in.
- Although when he's resting he likes hearing you talk to him.
- A lot of the people around you are either astonished or envious at the fact you can be so casual with him.
- He's normally only ever close with Blue Team.
- Although, as they aren't sure where their whereabouts are, Chief may just need someone to talk to.
- They don't know how intense Chief is with you, though.
- You could get in a little argument with someone at base over something and if Chief is there, the fighting stops.
- Chief just needs to loom behind you and whoever you were fighting with salutes and leaves.
- He doesn't even need to do much to be intimidating.
- Someone would really have to piss him off if they're finding a gun to their head, though.
- Chief has the ability to be ruthless, treating anyone he doesn't like around you like they're some Banished spy.
- It's nearly impossible to keep him away from you, too.
- You could be transferred to a new outpost, only to find Chief made his way there with just a Mongoose and grappling hook.
- He knows better than to shoot a human unless they're a true threat.
- Unnecessary murder isn't a threat, luckily.
- He'd just be manipulative and controlling of whatever you did.
- He wouldn't openly admit it but he cares for you.
- Even if due to his emotion dampeners it doesn't come out... correct?
- But, he's humanity's protector, right?
- What he's doing must be for your own good....
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cyborb · 2 years
got a handful of questions along the lines of "what happened to x character in y universe" so I'll answer a few of them here
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they're all working as part of team plasma and rainbow rocket with giovanni! their job is primarily to help with reconnaissance in other dimensions to find one that fit what ghetsis was looking for (and picking out a few others where "allies" could be pulled from)... they're more loyal to giovanni than ghetsis/team plasma as a whole hahaha
also some pokemon they have:
archer: (mega) houndoom, bisharp, toxicroak
ariana: arbok, vileplume, drapion
petrel: weezing, zoroark, ditto
proton: crobat, liepard, weavile
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Nope! the calamities that brought about the end of the world in their respective universes also brought about the end of their counterpart... when they meet again in rainbow rocket it's been Years since the last time they saw each other
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yes actually! peony and his daughter travel around trying to find survivors to bring them to safe places that aren't the macro cosmos refuges… rose has tried to get them to just come live comfortably in his perfect cities but they want no part of that
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depends on the universe.... here are a couple examples matching region to winning villain though:
gamma (plasma): alder has "disappeared," but whether that's because he was taken in and mind controlled, on the run, or outright killed is a mystery
delta (galactic): cynthia was last at spear pillar trying to stop everything haha. but when cyrus gets sent back to his universe it's practically at the same point as when he left so there isn't really much to say here hahaha...
epsilon and zeta (aqua and magma): these two are somewhat complementary and that can be reflected in which champion survives… either way they both help run one of the surviving human outposts. wallace is still around in epsilon (aqua) and steven is in zeta (magma)
theta (flare): diantha is for sure dead sorry.
iota (aether): technically the champion for here would be that universe's version of kalani, who is still around (and not blind since that universe never had to deal with necrozma)... she probably does her best to help try and fight off UB's and whatnot
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Boards of Canada’s Twoism cover from The Killings at Outpost Zeta film
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pentag · 10 months
🟣New spawn and a new location
This announcement is a bit late, but we have a brand new spawn! It comes with a new teleporter room, a chill Avali tent on top of the landing zone, a gateway to The Outpost and more! Thanks to everyone who participated in creating it!
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In other news: Zeta's The Scam Scan Museum, where you can scan the objects required to progress the game's story, is now accessible through the Other teleporter.
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Our website: https://multiverstar.pentag.info/ Our Starbound server: https://starbound-servers.net/server/8006/
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bloodgulchblog · 1 year
Question for you! Is there a resource or listing somewhere of what/who was on Halo Zeta during the events of Halo Infinite? I've read various fics with bases or outposts that humans control, but I've also seen one or more wrecked ships on the surface in fics. Just curious. Not at all using this for writing purposes. 👀
Most of what I know about Halo I can credit to a shit ton of reading and leaning on Halopedia when I forget.
A good trailhead for you will be the Battle for Zeta Halo article.
The two big canon sources for what we know about what's going on at Zeta Halo are Infinite itself (obviously) and Halo: The Rubicon Protocol, the novel that came out last summer.
The bases you see people referring to are most likely the different FOBs that you clear throughout the game (they're honestly little more than platforms, most of them.) The most featured crashed ship is the Mortal Reverie, which was part of the Infinity's escort fleet. The Reverie was the survivors' big rally point on the chunk of the Halo featured in Infinite, until the Banished drove them out of it and took control and called the area Outpost Tremonius.
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markrogersart · 2 years
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⚔️🦖SOLD: “Battle in the Red Caviety” 18x24 Oil on Panel 2022. After getting sober, the legendary wizard Haxm Forehand felt that it was his moral obligation to help young Orren on his quest to rescue his sister Floy from the cave-dwelling extrreserials that had spirited her away two nights prior. The desert sorceress, Mora Fess, also joined the party and together, the three adventurers traveled upon flying carpet to the mine known as the Red Caviety, which was now known to be a subterranean outpost for the Zeta Reticulan Grays. 👽✨Over the years Haxm had several encounters with the Grays, and after healing one of their kind who had been shot by bandits, he believed himself to be on favorable terms with the aliens. His strategy for getting Floy back was to be one of negotiation and diplomacy. 👽🦖Things did not go according to plan however, for as soon as the party encountered met with the Grays, the scene erupted into total chaos. Unbeknownst to the adventurers, they had been followed.  🦖🏜In addition to the Zeta Reticualn Grays, the deserts of the Southwestern Bellows were also home to an altogether different species of alien, sometimes referred to as the Reptilians or the Draconians. From what little Orren could make out, it seemed that the Reptilians “had finally discovered the location of the Ceremonial Science Temple” and for some reason or another, the Reptilians were raving about a forcefield--apparently controlled by the Grays--that was preventing their Ancestral Draconian Warship from landing. (Or something like that, Orren couldn’t be sure.)  🧙🏼‍♂️ Here we see Haxm trying to mellow everyone out with crystal magick, Mora preparing to obliterate the extraterrestrials with her enchanted cast iron pan, and Oren staring into the dead eyes of an alien and peeing a little. 👽 (at Fort Wayne, Indiana) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjtGnq3uWLu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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halobirthdays · 6 months
Happy birthday to Tremonius!
Today is his -489th birthday!
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Tremonius was a Banished warlord under the command of Escharum on Zeta Halo. He lead the successful assault on the UNSC Mortal Reverie, a crashed ship that served as the main outpost of the surviving UNSC forces. As a reward, it was renamed Outpost Tremonius.
When Master Chief began his campaign on Zeta Halo, Tremonius was sent to prevent him from taking his outpost. He and his forces were completely wiped out by Master Chief, taking back the outpost for the UNSC.
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ciitrusbeetle · 2 months
tell me about your favourite oc
So I tend to switch between 'favorite' OCs every once in a while, I just kinda fixate on different ones but for the past few months my brain has been revolving around my Aliens (franchise)/Colonial Marines SS13 OC, Inali 'Geiger' Holloway.
(more under cut)
Geiger is a nearly 21 year old doctor who also happens to serve aboard the USCM's USS Almayer. He works for them through Weyland-Yutani, which he has an extensive background with due to his unfortunate upbringing. His (single) mom having died when he was 12, and with his uncle (mom's friend, his name is Austin Grant) unable to formally adopt him, he got scooped up by the corporation in hopes they could raise him to be a director for the company. You can have danm good employees, but why not have someone you could shape throughout their entire life.
Grant while torn by not being able to 'save' him insisted on having Geiger with him at essentially all times, this included having him deploy on the ground with him under the guise that he could protect him, get him to stay put (Grant was a squad leader for Alpha for the USCM). W-Y took this as an opportunity to break Geiger in, putting him through the training and forcing him into the position of a hospital corpsman. Little bro went through the fucking horrors, including the infamous downfall of Whiskey Outpost where he met the head surgeon (Fes Dultava) and other corspman/field doctor (Scott Daniels) who are important later. He was roughly 16 when this happened, though went through the effort to conceal his actual identity even with his inexperience. He lived to tell the tale, but for the next few years they would continue to send him on different missions.
Later on at 19, he'd officially proven himself to be unfit (along with some other strings pulled by Grant) for his original purpose, but rather than terminating him entirely— they stripped him clean of his records and honestly previous identity as a whole before employing him as a nurse on the Almayer. Here he would meet Fes (and eventually Daniels) again, and although he recognized them, they wouldn't recognize him. He was older, more scarred— and also little guy was on HRT. (transmascs for the win). He never stopped going through it either, along the way he'd end up being "captured" by the CLF where they just straight up killed him, defibbed him on their lifeboat, handcuffed him and threw him in a chair without treating any of his actual injuries. This later would end up disabling him for life, he uses a cane to get around and he has severe chronic pain in his left leg among a few other things.
Fes did actually end up legally adopting him, I don't think it's determined whether or not they recognize him yet- or if they ever will unless he tells them. He also has a romance plot going on with a rouge synth by the name of Zeta! Originally a W-Y commando, the two have infact tried to kill eachother. But through some desperation of Zeta's to escape the grasp of W-Y, he asked Geiger for help and technically speaking they are presumed dead/inactive by the company. As of currently writing this, they are lying in bed holding eachother and confessing their love (weirdos).
Geiger honestly is incredibly complex for his actual origins. A lot of the things that happened to him, like the CLF incident happened ingame which I later wrote off to be canon. To think I was scared of learning medical in SS13, and it turned out to be one of my favorite things in the game, and also my (currently) most beloved OC.
I also have a couple other Alien/CM SS13 OCs who don't have as much lore or character to them but they do exist! The two of them a Delta squad rifleman and a dropship pilot for the Normandy respectively. I also have a handful of alien OCs I've written that aren't played ingame, but still exist (such as Grant)!
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