#outwardly completely unemotional
lazyveran · 1 year
sylvaina is, in retrospect, so funny as a pairing simply bc of sylvanas's character. a woman so miserable and prone to overthinking being FLIRTED WITH? sylvanas 'i will become the unloveable monster they think i am' windrunner being unconditionally adored by her once enemy?? incredible. 10/10
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uriekukistan · 4 months
In Defense of Shoko in 261
to be so honest, i’m really doing my best not to come off angry while talking about this. but to me this conversation is not just about shoko, but about the way women are treated in media, and especially in shounen manga in general.
people are upset about the way shoko reacted, or rather didn’t react, to yuuta’s plan because it seemed too unemotional and uncaring. if she had shown emotion or protested, people would still be upset because she would be seen as unable to do the necessary thing in a time of crisis due to her feminine emotions or whatever.
this is the dilemma of not just female characters, but real life women. there’s never a right reaction.
additionally i feel that some of the things being said about her are expecting her to only exist as support for gojo, and not as her own character, which i see way too often with female characters in shounen manga.
in any case, i stand by my cancelled wife, and here’s my defense of her. spoilers below the cut.
Since when has Shoko ever been outwardly emotional like that?
if shoko is upset about yuuta using gojo’s body as a weapon, there is just no way she would outwardly object or show any signs that she’s upset. that’s not who she is and she’s shown that. there have been several times where she’s not displayed the emotion one would expect from her, so why would that change now?
when shoko sees geto, one of her closest friends, if not her closest, for the first time after finding out that he massacred an entire village, you would expect her to be feeling a slew of emotions. maybe confusion, maybe anger, maybe hurt, maybe betrayal. maybe even concern for her friend.
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but shoko acts like it’s no big deal at all. she’s just seeing her close friend on a regular day. because she’s not the type to get outwardly emotional. whatever she’s feeling right now is kept somewhere else entirely, far away from the surface.
additionally, in the scene where everyone got frustrated that gojo didn’t react about nanami, we have this from shoko.
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talking about geto. not reacting. guys shoko is just not a reactive person like that, and that’s totally fine. a lot of people are like this (including myself but thats not the point)
but that doesn’t mean the emotions don’t exist, or that shoko has no way of reacting or coping or showing that she’s going through anything at all. one way is through smoking.
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smoking is something shoko picks up again before the shibuya incident, when the entire jujutsu world is growing more stressed with the increased presence of special grades, particularly the disaster curses, the incident at the goodwill event…and at shibuya, the situation was very high stress, yet she keeps a cool demeanour. the only sign that she’s upset at all is that every time she’s shown, she’s smoking.
the only times we’ve seen shoko’s feelings, it’s been completely internal. the most notable being this scene:
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this is the most emotional we’ve ever seen shoko, and if you’ll notice, she’s completely alone.
shoko keeps her feelings well hidden from everyone, so it’d be completely against her character to outwardly show if she was upset by yuuta’s plan.
Since when has Shoko shied away from questionable medical/jujutsu practices?
shoko was eager to dissect yuuji after he “died” like it was some sort of science project and not a human being…please note im saying this as a completely neutral statement, this is not to say whether shoko is a good or bad person, just that she is and how she is.
sure, it’s a bit questionable that she’s looking at a dead teenager on her table and wondering what information she can get out of him, but at the same time, there could be useful information in yuuji’s biology that shows what makes him a successful vessel, at least as far as shoko is aware. useful knowledge that could be used to find another suitable vessel to continue killing sukuna’s power, one finger at a time.
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she even says to gojo “who do you think i am?” when he tells her to make her examination of yuuji worth it, implying that this is a trait that those around her are aware of.
she’s practical and methodical, logically thinking rather than emotionally thinking, but most importantly, she’s not the type to display her feelings.
she’s exactly the type to understand the reasoning behind yuuta’s plan and accept it as a logical last ditch effort, and she’s also the type to store her true feelings about it away to process over a cigarette (or several) at a more convenient time. asking her to do anything else would be asking her to change as a character.
i hope this doesn’t come across as me being unsympathetic to gojo’s dehumanization and being turned into a weapon, i think it’s upsetting for sure (but i respect the narrative choice, i think it’s an interesting way to bring out themes). mostly, i think that shoko, both by the narrative and by the fandom, is only perceived in geto & gojo’s shadow, and i wanted to draw attention to her as a person.
i’m sick of reading the “shoko’s a cold-hearted traitor” comments on different platforms bc i think it’s not true, and i think asking her to act differently removes her autonomy as a character and forces her to be nothing but a supporting role to gojo, rather than her own character.
hopefully this makes some sense dkskld
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oktheartist · 8 months
I love the Levihan trope of oblivious x head over heels. Just the idea of Hange, humanity’s smartest, being completely oblivious to Levi’s feelings as well as their own and Levi who is outwardly cold and unemotional getting butterflies and feeling absolutely flustered whenever Hange is mentioned. And the rest of the vets are aware and are just watching their train wrecks of interactions everyday.
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pocketpennytm · 5 months
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The story where everyone is doomed from the start. (Ft. FATEBREAKERS) Chara (they/it) - SOUL of Pain Plaster (he/they) - SOUL of Patience Omlet (she/they) - SOUL of Kindness Talon (he/him) - SOUL of Bravery Oxalis (they/them) - SOUL of Justice Sonata "Breve" Stardust (she/her)- SOUL of Integrity Litany (he/him)- SOUL of Perseverence Frisk (they/them) - SOUL of Pain Bear witness to my takes on the six fallen humans! I love these silly lil fellas. My main focuses have been envisioning "UNDERTALE: Open Wound", of which Plaster is the protagonist, and "UNDERTALE: Simmer Down", of which Omlet is the protagonist, but I've got ideas for everyone else too. Which I will detail down here lets gooo; Plaster is an anxious overthinker, thinking that they're always doomed. His patience manifests as analysing his enemy's patterns and behaviour, waiting for the right moment to strike... Either emotionally or physically. Omlet is a rude, abrasive person, who thinks the kindest, most selfless thing they can do to people is tell them exactly what she's feeling. Though she seems distant, she does have a warm and caring side- expressed through their cooking. Talon is a very plucky individual, whose bravery manifests as completely pushing down all fear and pretending that he's fine when he's really not fine. He projects outwardly a very cool, calm and collected persona, never breaking a sweat at anything. This trait of his just might be the death of him, as he moves on ahead with reckless abandon- never asking for help, when that just might've saved him. Oxalis seems unemotional at a distance, but they do have occasional moments of goofiness that break through the cold facade. They play as a cowboy embodying justice to cheer themselves up, but it's really only made them seem slightly scary from a distance. Sonata "Breve" Stardust doesn't take shit from anyone. She stays true to herself, no matter what- with her rough-and-tumble-yet-oddly-elegant style. Though perhaps being unaccepting to changing the path one is barreling down is as much of a strength as it is a weakness. Litany is a caring and nurturing person, playing out the fantasy of being a doctor with a clipboard. Always writing down notes on his "clipboard" (journal), clutching onto it for dear life. He only really wants to help others, and he keeps going to achieve this goal no matter what. MISC NOTES: Sonata's form of "game" would likely manifest as a rhythm game sort of thing, justifying it in-universe as this "bizzare trend going around the underground." Stay with the groove, or die! (metaphorically) It's been my headcanon for nearly two years now that the "Red SOUL trait" is PAIN. It is not all too logical. I am sticking by my guns.
NAME LOGIC: I was inspired by Clover from UNDERTALE: Yellow being named after the fact that once pacified, the gun fires clovers. So, I extended this philosophy to everyone else- while also seeking to capture that odd jank the names "Chara" and "Frisk" have.
Plaster is named that because the knives turn into bandaids, and plaster is an alternative term for a bandage, or something that patches up a wound. Omlet is named that because the fire turns into omelettes, and I decided to shorten it for some reason. I think it's charming like this, though. If anyone else mentions how they "aren't really omlettes", i will sob. Talon is named that because that's the most convoluted way I could reference the concept of hands. Which is what the bravery soul phase attacks with. Oxalis is named that because Oxalis Tetraphylla is the official name for a four leaf clover. Though she probably uses Alis as a nickname. Sonata "Breve" Stardust is named that bc the musical notes eventually heal you. a Sonata is a form of music, a Breve is a type of note, and she attacks with some stars. it's also sort of an Equestria Girls reference whoopsie. She's the only one with a lastname bc I feel like "Breve" captures the sort of janky charm I want, but Sonata is a name that I just found legitimately really pretty Litany is named that because that's the most convoluted way i could say "words", in reference to how the soul phase... attacks you with words. It means a funeral procession recited for the dead, but also something that's overly long and needs to be practiced several times- exactly like the cycle of the fallen humans. Or a long and lengthy ramble, like an indecipherable journal.
DESIGN NOTES: I really wanted each of the fallen humans to use their trademark items in an unusual fashion- or just generally "break the mold" a little, ie having Omlet be a rather rude seeming person, while most personify kindness to be a gentle little angel. So, I'll go into that just a smidgen more here. Instead of wearing the Faded Ribbon like an actual ribbon in his hair, Plaster wears it like a bowtie. Omlet wears the apron around her waist, since she's outgrown it but it still holds quite a lot of sentimental value. Most people just?? forget that the worn bandanna is supposed to go around your neck?? since it's got abs drawn on it, and it's like, the whole joke is that it's supposed to look like you have abs- It's a hat. Sonata was such a fun design to make for me. Everyone always chooses to make Integrity a dainty little ballerina girl, so I chose to give Breve a whole-ass varsity jacket. She looks like she'd beat you up and I love it. My logic for Litany's design was entirely "okay... who wears glasses... and takes notes- DOCTOR". So that's what I did. Chara and Frisk were difficult for me to redesign. My friend Cacote suggested Chara be wearing an oversized sweater alongside messy hair, which I quite like. Plus, their hairstyle is a partial reference to Chara from Fanontale, which is always cool. They look adorable. My friend Cacote suggested Frisk be wearing some bizzare fashion, somewhat akin to futuristic clothing. This manifested as me... giving them a weird suit/trenchcoat combo. And a sticky bandage on their nose. They look kind of like a huge asshole, and I love it.
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24mirrorshards · 2 months
so it's heavily implied that Harry isn't the only character with a skill set, and that there is at least some overlap between peoples' skill sets. I'm sure not everyones' is identical (why would non-cops have an Esprit de Corps?), but assuming most people have at least most of the same ones, I would guess that Cuno's main/signature skill is Pain Threshold.
He's quicker to open up to Harry if Harry punches him. When he talks about how shitty and short he expects his life will be, it's like he thinks it's funny and cool. One of Harry's skills (I think Empathy?) points out that Cuno has a soft spot for people he perceives as dangerous. This all seems pretty indicative of high Pain Threshold.
Cunoesse's is pretty obviously Half-Light; the near-complete lack of trust and knee-jerk escalation of literally everything and nothing is pretty telling.
Some other guesses at different characters' main skills under the cut, some with reasoning some without
Harry's own skills hint that Soona has high Interfacing and Trant has high Encyclopedia and there's nothing about them that suggests his skills were wrong about that, so I'm gonna go with those for those two
Kim: Composure. Kim is well-mannered but outwardly unemotional, and he hates the idea of looking foolish.
Cindy: Conceptualization - what else?
Klaasje: Either Drama or Suggestion, for obvious reasons
Evrart: Rhetoric or Suggestion
Liz and Joyce both probably have Logic as theirs, they both think information through in a clear manner
Pretty sure Tommy's is Inland Empire; he's all sensitive and imaginative but without the calculated quality that comes with skills like Conceptualization or Drama
Lena's is Empathy, without a doubt
Titus' is probably Authority, I can see the case for Half-Light with the intimidation tactics but he's too composed for that IMO. (Maybe his is actually the Union-guy version of Esprit?)
I REALLY wish we got to know the ravers better. Their quest was kind of long, but I feel like they had so little to say relative to the quest's length? They are some of my favorite NPCs regardless. If I had to guess their signature skills, I'd say Andre's is Savoir Faire (good dancer, sneaky with the whole meth lab thing), Egg Head's is probably either Shivers (shouts vague things that he's heard from others around town) or Electrochemistry ("party boy"), Noid's is probably either Inland Empire or Conceptualization, and Acele's could be Interfacing (would rather record than party, knowledgeable about recording equipment) or, oddly enough, Volition (least self-destructive of the bunch, perseveres despite a lack of optimism)
And yeah that's all I've got for now.
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ellisgirl · 1 year
Hi🌻~ Is Ellis an extrovert or an introvert? Because I see qualities of both types in him. Also, do you think he's the sentimental type of person or the rational type?
Hi anon🌻:) From what I’ve seen so far he could be an ambivert and originally is the sentimental type but try to be the rational one.
**Slight spoilers under the cut**
A social introvert
Yeah, I see both types in him too. He seems to be completely comfortable around people, whether they’re strangers or not. He always helps the villagers on his day offs. We often see him going out shopping, eating, and hanging around the town with Kate in many events. However, his extroverted quality could come from his obsession, rather than his original self. I noticed that Ellis doesn’t engage himself with many people at once. He’s doing just fine whenever he’s alone AND very quiet in the prologue. He seems to enjoy being with less people and have quality time together(of course, because of his happiness obsession, he would want a single focus to make each happiest lol) Also, I get the sense that he’s that one friend who’s chatty with his friends but still reserved. Quite unemotional and calm, yet very warming towards everyone and has no problem with socializing. Does not easily express what he really thinks and feels. MAYBE just maybe, if he hadn’t had his obsession, he’d have been an introvert because there’s no point in socializing to please every single person he met anymore.
The sentimental one, though outwardly rational.
There are many times in his POV that he thinks to himself that he has to suppress his raw desire and do what makes people happy rather than himself. Ellis often makes decisions based on others(i only mean when he’s not on any missions) which seems really rational—if he does this, would it make them happy? But that’s only an outer shell of his twisted obsession influencing his stream of consciousness for me. While his interior monologue says otherwise, he thinks it would be best if he won’t let his feelings and emotions taking control, because his “love” would be too much and it would hurt others(as far as I recall. There’s so many things going on lol)
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heinousactszx · 10 months
its only fair, if you had to pick a favorite pokespe protagonist who's your go to
adventures is like the one pokemon media that makes me really care about the humans so it's tough but of what i've read i'd say Dia. I just really like his super calm attitude and how it helps him relate to other people and pokemon. I like that the character who represents emotions is (outwardly) unemotional most of the time. he's feeling a lot, just not always showing it. I can relate. plus I like that he was the first to truly have a legendary pokemon on his team, and that that gave regigigas a chance to shine
runner up is Crystalboth because i like her go get em attitude and because she's the only dex holder who actually lives up to her title. Oak hired her to complete the dex and she did. what a champ
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Hoaquin Arie: An Appropriately Unhinged Essay
Hoaquin was introduced as a character in season 2 of Tower of God: Hell Train arc. A short little white boy (4'11 to be exact) with big dreams and billions of people's blood on his hands, he's unabashedly cruel and seems to completely lack the ability to empathize with others. He's narcissistic, only really ever thinking of himself and how to further his own goals- as shown by his ever changing 'loyalties' throughout the comic. He truly stands with no one and only really seems to be in FUG for his own benefit rather than anything the organization believes in.
Hoaquin is completely aware of this and exhibits no shame in this regard, at least outwardly.
To understand Hoaquin, one must understand how SIU chooses to develop his character. He isn't a character that undergoes any change in worldview or perspective, he never redeems himself in any sort of way or has any redeeming qualities, and you can generally see what choices his character will make in any situation (basically what benefits him the most). So there is a very limited amount of things SIU can do with him, as he runs the risk of making Hoaquin boring and a one-note villain.
So what SIU does is reveal Hoaquin's backstory in intervals over the course of ~300 or so chapters, showing us bit by bit what Hoaquin used to be and how he ended up as he is. And it's not a conventional backstory in the least. There isn't some overwhelming trauma that breaks him, or someone (ie his father) who wronged him or soiled/corrupted him somehow. Hoaquin doesn't have an internal descent into darkness where he used to be pure but became wretched.
No. Hoaquin was always bad. But he wanted to be good.
An interesting moment we see before Hoaquin's first flashback is him absorbing his siblings again, thinking please don't forgive me father, I have always been a sinner (paraphrased). This is most likely referring to Hoaquin knowingly tricking his siblings into using them for the soul eating spell all along. He was horrible even before climbing the tower. This is a reoccurring theme with him.
In Hoaquin's first flashback, we see him as a young child chasing down his father. His father doesn't recognize him and asks him who he is. Hoaquin then tell him his name and his dream to surpass his him in swords skill. His father than takes him to the family shrine and tells him that the only way to surpass him is to leave 'this place' and become a demon.
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This flashback is not what it seems. Take that and put it in your back pocket for now.
Now we are made to ruminate on this for a while before his next flashback. He has moments of character insight, albeit very brief and vague ones, because Hoaquin is a very closed off character. He's not likely to give others an opening into his vulnerable inner thoughts/emotions to any other character or the reader even. But we do have the moment of him talking to Beniamino (? or his brother probably honestly I don't remember) about the nature of weapons.
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Beniamino/his brother are human weapons. Literally. However Hoaquin insults their preferred method of fighting (fists), because they're too emotional and dull. A sword, he contends, is sharp and emotionless. Distant. And an emotional dull weapon isn't useful to FUG.
Now on the surface of it, this is just Hoaquin talking shit. However, consider, again, what kind of person Hoaquin is taking to here. He's talking to a living breathing lab human engineered weapon. Arie's are not just swordsmen, they see their swords as an extension of themselves. Here (from the first flashback) his father is figuratively referring to himself/the family as a sword. He's not literally saying Hoaquin is going to be sacrificed, but if he should choose so, he could stay in the family and be his father's 'servant' aka becoming part of his 'sword'.
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They often visualize themselves and each other as beautiful swords, as we see later, particularly Hoaquin. As in, he highly regards being unemotional, sharp, and lethal. Also put this in your back pocket as this is very important to my theory on why Hoaquin manifests 'White' in particular as he gets more powerful.
Another interesting moment in between flashbacks is in the Hidden Floor when hes fighting his Sworn Enemy.
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It's a small moment, but important foreshadowing. His Sworn Enemy takes the form of a sword. You can see this as his ever lasting goal to becoming the strongest swordsman, but I would also like to add something else on top of that. It's important because a sword is how he visualizes his father and his unattainable love. More on this later.
Hoaquin finally merges with Albelda and forms White. For simplicities sake, I will continue to call him Hoaquin.
We get another flashback, this time he's still a child. He goes back to his father and tells him that's he's been thinking about what he's told him and that he's come to the conclusion he should become powerful and rule a kingdom fairly like his father does. His father dashes these hopes quickly:
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Look at this framing. His father, in contrast as to the last flashback where he faced Hoaquin, is now standing on front of him, his back facing his son entirely. He never looks at Hoaquin throughout all of this. These are all old screenshots and I cropped out the bottom of the last panel unfortunately, but there’s supposed to be a (shocked) Hoaquin standing, dark evil looking tendrils exuding from his shadow.
This is placed at this point in the story because White is what grows from the 'seeds of a demon' that Hon (father) mentions here.
But this also shows what kind of father Hon is. He's... Blunt. And... Not really a father at all. At least not the type to care for his children's emotional well-being. One could say that he's just giving Hoaquin advice on how he could achieve his goal of massive power, but no good father would admit something like this to their child. Tell them that's they have evil potential and perhaps destined to be incinerated but it's what he's born for.
And even more interesting, Hon is aware of this. He knows Hoaquin will have an enormous amount of rage within him for his father. He probably knows this is because he cannot love Hoaquin and Hoaquin could never be as powerful as him.
Also, Hoaquin's first flashback is turned upon it's head here. No, Hon isn't telling Hoaquin to become a demon because something is particular evil about Hon himself, it's the evil he sees inside Hoaquin that prompted him to say that. This puts the other flashback into better perspective: his father was basically giving him the option, stay here and remind part of the family as his 'servant' or leave fulfill his destiny to become a demon outside of it.
Bookmark this as the beginning of Hoaquin's spiral. Also remember 'I always have been a sinner?' (paraphrased). His father saw it in him from the beginning and told him.
Now at the start of s3 we don't get much focus on Hoaquin. But there seems to be a slight switch in his attitude- he seems to have grown a particular fixation on Bam.
This is a common way SIU develops Hoaquin- contrasting him with other characters through projection. The same way as with Beniamino/his brother, earlier. This makes sense- Hoaquin is incredibly self centered and it seems the only way he ever takes interest in anyone else in a deeper level is only if he could make it about himself whether it's purposeful or not.
The first interesting moment is when he states to Evankhell that by training Bam she's creating a monster (paraphrased). This concept follows Hoaquin around a lot- corruption, turning into a monster, falling into sin. It may not be obvious at that point, but he was seeing something in Bam that reminded him of himself, or maybe he wanted to see something in Bam like himself.
It's important to remember at this point that both Bam and Arie Hon are irregulars.
This is also the case with the iconic whitehatz (<3) convo. Hatz and Hoaquin compliment each other as complete opposites in so many ways- yet very similar. They are both swordsmen. They both place extraneous value in being able to weild a sword. It's a core part of their identity. But while hatz falls more onto the Bushido code type of swordsman, Hoaquin falls on the other end, whatever that is.
Hatz calls him a murderer and that... Seems to get under Hoaquin's skin. We've seen Hoaquin get called everything under the sun, hell, hes the one who's often most cruel to himself verbally.
But honorable, honest Hatz (and perhaps even naive) says Hoaquin is not a swordsman but a murderer and Hoaquin snaps back that a sword is a tool for murder and Hatz should quit if he can't come to terms with that.
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"... But in the end you're just a killer".
And I hate to say this again but hold on to this concept for a while, it will tie together in the end *shakes fist at SIU*. You will see.
A few other moments happen between then and the whitebam battle including interesting convos between him and Khun, him getting his ass beat by kallavan, etc. Honorable mentions. But let's skip on ahead to Hoaquin's final flashbacks.
But first, let's talk about this battle a bit:
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Remember how I said that Hoaquin is only able to relate to other characters using projection and that's a part of how SIU chooses to develop him?
"I don't team up with anyone. I either make them surrender or devour them. Some have thought of me as a leader and followed me... But I'm actually a predator by nature... So no one has ever stayed by my side until the end."
All of this started because the Hoaquin's siblings were under the impression that he was working with them, particularly Vincinte. Hoaquin is basically saying here that not only that he chooses too be a lone wolf, but he cannot help but to be one.
"so you’re basically just an experiment that those with an inferiority complex made to comfort themselves. Almost every single one of the guys like you I've run into before has been a failed experiment."
Funny choice of words there Hoaquin. I sure hope that exact phrase doesn't pop up again later in reference to you.
The laws of the tower is a heavy topic in this scene. Yorayo insists that being a mix of human and nonhuman gives him the ability to break the towers laws, namely the one against blocking an Arie's sword. Hoaquin then proves him wrong.
And then tries... to comfort him strangely ("you get an E for effort!"- not what he said but basically it). Yorayo even himself questions it, wondering if Hoaquin was trying to deceive him. But... maybe Hoaquin was trying to deceive himself.
He's one his way at the moment to fight Bam. An irregular. He wants to kill his father. An irregular. He wants to believe that the laws of the tower can be broken, just a bit.
Moving on, we get to the Whitebam- Aria battles. This is going to be a bit out of order because it's going to slightly be a stream of consciousness but here we go:
Aria explicitly comments that Hoaquin had the same look as commander Librock- an inferiority complex! Again, it's most likely possible that Hoaquin's quotes from his Yorayo battle had a double meaning; he was also referring to himself as an experiment. But rather some someone else creating him, he's conducting it on himself.
Hoaquin (violently) notes that Bam’s eyes very much remind him of his father's. Similarly, in a flashback Hoaquin comments sadly to his teacher that his father's eyes have become "cold"- going as far to compare it to being drenched in ice water. Clearly Hoaquin is distraught about this, wondering if he's simply not doing well enough and if his father is disappointed in him.
The teacher corrects him, stating that Hon has never "changed" and that to a beings like them are both simply insignificant insects. Maybe Hoaquin is the one who has changed, he suggests. This seemingly breaks something in Hoaquin, his "change" shown as a reference to him casting the soul eating spell. The scene ends with Hoaquin killing his teacher, this panel confirming that this is the start of "White":
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Think of the first flashback we saw before this one: His father telling him that he sees the seeds of a demon within him. Telling him to feast on the souls of the weak, and that's what he was born for.
But Hoaquin doesn't come to hate his father after that, yet. It is only now, that when it's confirmed to him that even after he's done what his father had advised him to do, his father still does not care for him. And what he's left with is a dark fate, blood on his hands, and nothing to show for it.
In that moment he becomes "White", a sword cast against his father in rage and vengeance.
- and, again, Bam's eyes remind him of his own father's- the unattainability of his recognition, and more importantly his father's status as an incredibly powerful irregular similar to Bam that Hoaquin could never measure up to.
Perhaps this is why Hoaquin also seeks to "corrupt" Bam in these scenes, to his own detriment. He wants to bring Bam down to his level, this all powerful irregular who can attain massive power without getting blood on his hands (or sword- more on this later).
(This of course is a complete misunderstanding of Bam on Hoaquin's part. Bam's whole arc this season is about coming to terms with accepting that he can't protect everyone and that people will die for him and because of him. He accepts this responsibility.)
It looks like to me that Hoaquin is trying to justify his own existence through Bam's corruption. And it's not simply just Hoaquin's choices, but according to him, the very circumstances of his birth. Hoaquin states various times that he believes he was born evil, disgusting, corrupt, etc., especially around this arc. That he was destined to wear a crown of blood on his head. Very similarly to how his father told him explicitly that this is what he was "born for".
If Bam, someone who could attain massive power w/o sacrifice, someone born special and seemingly surrounded by people who grow attached to him naturally, someone like Hon, falls like Hoaquin has- well, then can you blame Hoaquin for being so inherently evil?
Yes, you can of course, but I talking about Hoaquin's possible thought process here obviously- in my opinion, born out of insecurity.
But also, if there's a way for Bam to fall- then there must be a way for Hoaquin to go back up.
And Hoaquin greatly desires this. He screams this to Bam- that he wants to eat Bam's soul to gain the power to go up to where his father is "beyond darkness to where the light is". In his last flashback, he speaks to Vincinte about how every Arie desires to forge a sword that does not get stained with blood like Hon's, aka to attain great power without major sacrifice as irregulars are able to do. Hoaquin's sword is already drenched in blood, but he would like to attain massive power like his father's anyways. He has no choice, Hoaquin is a "natural predator" and someone born to eat the souls of the weak- it is his destiny, again, what he was "born for".
What he tells to Bam as he gets ready to kill him
"There was a demanding thirst no matter how much power I devoured from others. But once I take your power I will no longer suffer from it. I will be able to escape this torment of endless emptiness."
"You are my last corruption."
And this is what I mean when I say Hoaquin desires to be good, but has always been bad all along. He puts on an air of comfort in his depravity while acting uncharacteristically during his fight with Bam- initiating physical contact (that he had before put down as "too emotional") amongst all of it- because Bam's very nature gets under his skin. There is a certain level of self hatred, ironically, that shines through here.
Which makes sense. It's often the most narcissistic people who are a compensating for deep insecurities.
This is why, despite criticisms of how Hoaquin was defeated, it's pivotal that is was Khun and Rak who aided Bam in defeating him. They are Bam's family, his best friends. People who stood by his side for so long, while Hoaquin was saying matter of factly just a few chapters ago that everyone eventually leaves his side because of how he is.
It's thematic okay?
Now, let's go back a bit to Hoaquin's second to last flashback. He is approaching his father's sword and the shinsoo around said sword let's him have it. Basically says that Hoaquin is impatient, a sinner, and will be cursed to a bajillion years of thirst for unattainable power. Hoaquin thinks that he doesn't care that he is a sinner anymore and has been cursed with a thirst for power since he was born, as he references to Bam, an endless emptiness.
He is more so bothered by the fact that the sword does not speak to him. To go back to it briefly, this was foreshadowed in The Hidden Floor- Hoaquin's Sworn Enemy could very well be representative of this sword. The sword is meant to represent his father, not caring nor noticing the fact that his son is doing these things. Nothing Hoaquin does garners his attention at all, even war crimes.
The shinsoo however... what could that possibly represent, if it's meant to represent anything? Judging from the flashback right after this one, when he is speaking to Vincinte on good terms- Hoaquin hasn't cast the soul eating spell yet and has not started to kill people for power. So what could this symbolize as who would know about Hoaquin's plan to trick his siblings... Other than Hoaquin himself?
The shinsoo could very well be Hoaquin's conscience... Or it could just be really mean air that regularly talks shit to Hon's children, who knows? Given the sheer amount of symbolism and metaphor in Hoaquin's character on its own, I would not be surprised if the shinsoo is meant to project the guilt/insecurities/shame of the person who dares approach the beauty of Hon's stainless sword.
As promised, with this added information I also want to revisit Hoaquin's moment with Hatz. As we all know, Hatz is nobody special (he is tho, in my heart :( ). He's not a member of one of the ten families, he's not an irregular, etc. He's just a dude with amazing sword skills and some badass swords.
So it is no wonder that Hoaquin frankly seemed offended at the idea that Hatz made the distinction between swordsman and murderer. Because, frankly, in order to grow more powerful at swordsmanship, you do need to get better at killing. The only person who has managed to keep a 'clean' sword, whom Aries aspire to, is Hon. Hoaquin says it himself to Vincinte, that he is unsure if his way of attaining power is the way his father had done it.
So who is Hatz, this little punk, to be all holier than thou on the subject? That, plus, do we remember another kid who wanted to be as good as Hon and gain power the way Hon had? A naive little kid who needed to be told to become a killer? Could it be that in that moment Hatz might have reminded Hoaquin of his own childhood delusion, torn to shreds by his father- so Hoaquin did the same thing his father did, in a paralleled position- completely faced away from Hatz, never looking back?
Whew. Anyways.
Let's talk about "White" as a manifestation.
What is "White"? Obviously White is Hoaquin. They have the same memories and motivations. Some may say that they're personalities are different, but you could also say that "White" is just mature Hoaquin. But, in my opinion, "White" is Hoaquin turning himself into a sword, metaphorically- and perhaps literally, I mean did you see what Hoaquin turned himself into right before he got blasted by Rak? Khun even brings attention to this form, thinking "what on earth is that?"
Bam even calls him a sword in the chapter before
"he's [White] never going to let go of the sword, since he is the sword itself."
Let's break it down-
- As promised, let's return to Hoaquin's convo with Beniamino/or his brother. Hoaquin, speaking to a human weapon, puts down "emotional" fists over unemotional and lethal swords. He maintains that one is only a useful weapon if they are that way. Again, Hoaquin projects frequently and look at who he is talking to.
- As Hoaquin gains more power and evolves, he becomes more psychopathic and sharp. He is becoming more unemotional and cold. He is becoming the lethal weapon he lectured to Beniamino/his brother about the more people he cuts down.
- White is the color of Arie Hon's pure stainless sword (well, all Arie swords to be exact). Hoaquin calls himself "White" for a reason, to imply the purity of this perfect sword. And guess what happens as Hoaquin gets more powerful. He drapes more red over himself. More and more blood is getting on the weapon he has turned himself into. In direct contrast to his father's sword that is never bloodied.
In my opinion, "White" is not a person per se, but a personification of the stained sword Hoaquin wants to become to kill his father. I mean, Hoaquin's first words after forming "White" is a promise to slice his father into pieces. Who know he meant that super literally? As like. He would be the sword itself?
Now lets talk about Vincinte- poor Vincinte... Haha... unless?
In Hoaquin's last flashback, he notes that Vincinte understood the spell long before he had. It took me a bit of time to understand what he was referencing but it was literally right there on front of my face. What had Vincinte wanted all along since the beginning? And what was the flashback showing us?
He wanted to work as a team.
He reiterates this in the flashback as he comforts Hoaquin's uncertainty. Little did he know, that Hoaquin all along was planning on betraying him because well... He can't work as a team. SIU literally has him spell it out. He's a predator, he will either devour or make them submit. By Hoaquin's very nature he is inadequate for this. And he supposedly has comes to terms with this, while desiring an escape from it.
He realizes this at the end when he's defeated by Bam + Co. All that he had done, power built up for hundreds of not thousands of years. Gone. Again. Literally defeated by the power of friendship. And so he runs away and he allows Vincinte to take the reigns. Because Vincinte always understood how to go about their goal. He's patient, ambitious but not bloodthirsty. Willing to work with others. Everything that Hoaquin isn't.
People often forget that Hoaquin is the "center" of the spell, as stated in the Hell Train. No matter what, since he is the one who made the deal with the demon and said demon still is "within him", he will always be the one in charge. That is unless, of course, he's willingly letting someone else take the reigns. As he does.
He is willingly letting this happen. He has run away to allow Vincinte to do as he sees fit because everything he has done up until now has failed spectacularly.
This leads into my last subject (god bless): Hoaquin's demon.
Where did it come from? Why did it come in Hoaquin's sleep? Why is it only in Hoaquin?
I think it's interesting that so many times Hoaquin has mentioned feeling this "thirst" for power from birth and here’s this demon giving him a spell that will allow him to literally consume souls as a power source.
Honestly it think the emphasis, especially in the last arc, of Hoaquin being born evil is really interesting. Has this demon always been inside of him from birth? Hoaquin says in the Hell Train that it is still inside of him now.
What does this demon achieve from this arrangement? Does it actively want to see Hon's downfall? Why? And if so, why would Hoaquin even be an option?
I'm not sure what this all means. Maybe nothing, but I remember when people would make comparisons of Bam's blue demon inside him to the visual of Hoaquin's demon. They do look somewhat similar, although that could mean nothing.
Anyway, I digress. I just wanted to put that little crack theory out there. SIU is keeping Hoaquin around for something, not quite sure what it is.
In conclusion, there are the main characteristics with Hoaquin that intersect to make the absolute batshit insane person he is
- his desire to be notes and acknowledged by his father and how nothing he does garners his attention, leading him to feeling as if he has no choice but to kill him as Hoaquin already has a fate that would lead to such a future ("use your rage towards me as fuel").
- his "thirst" for power from birth. How he was born a sinner and a predator. Described by himself as an "endless emptiness" as he is never satisfied. The life that Jinsung warned Bam against, destroying yourself and those around you by making yourself a weapon.
- handy dandy demon that happens to give Hoaquin a spell that thematically compliments the way he describes the manifestation of his "sin" ("thirst") and it never mentioned again *shakes fist at SIU*.
- the idea that Hoaquin desires to be as good as his father but will never achieve that due to the laws of the tower and his own nature.
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lilyrachelcassidy · 3 years
Draco x Reader One-Shot
Summary: This is based off the song ‘Moonlight’ by Ariana Grande. During the bad times of War, not everything has to be so black-and-white. Both Y/N and Draco know it just too well.
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: language 
tags: @drawlfoy @eltanin-malfoy
Composing yourself had been more than a hard thing to ask for lately.
The Death Eater had finally taken Hogwarts under their control; famous Harry Potter, who was allegedly supposed to play a hero, disappeared in the depth of the unknown; the plan of escaping the school turned out to be an utter failure since the Dementors encircled and blocked every passage of absconding, escalating the disappointment over students.
Yet you hadn't thought of the plan B as an alternative solution, but you were sure, even if you managed to find one, it might take a few more months to figure things out. And you had to admit that increasing anxiety about your parents made you cry yourself to sleep at night. Despite your insistent pleads of the letters to contact you, you hadn't received any response or other sign of life ever since over two months of a constant worry.
And yet, it wasn't the worst part.
The Carrows, who unwarrantedly preferred to call themselves professors Carrows from now on, had decided to introduce their new methods of teaching everyone. And punishing for any triviality.
Once, for example, in Charms class -- which was the worst nightmare of a week -- you had been asked to stand up in front of the class and demonstrate a Crucio curse on the First Year who happened to accidentally bump into Alecto in the corridor. Obviously, you hadn't obeyed an imposed task to which Carrows only reacted with unrestrained rage. Instead of punishing the eleven-year-old boy, the lesson had turned out to be your disciplining session of torture for not being submissive enough. Although the feat had brought you more renown later on, which served to make Carrows more flustered, you still couldn't get out of the Hospital Wing for whole three days.
All of that also led your Occulumency to suffer, which was doubling the struggle. There was for sure no doubt it was an important skill to have, not only to create a mental barrier protecting yourself from uninvited intruders; but also preventing others' thoughts from leaking into your head. It was already enough of bearing the non-stopping suspense in the air. So, the idea of accumulating more emotions on your account would probably navigate to an outburst.  
One thing, however, surprised you. You had found out that people who outwardly seemed to have quite a reputation of cruel tossers were actually more decent and human than you could think. In particular, certain Draco Malfoy, who had been selected as a Head Boy in terms of this year.
Wandering around the school and doing the night patrols, he had happened to find you sitting hunched over, face buried in your knees, and sobbing brokenly at the fate the Wizarding World was faced to deal with. He had flumped next to you, without question, silently accompanying and comforting you in moments of solitude.
Two other times of your encounter had been in the library: spotting you among the crowd of students, he would come over and take a nearby place. You didn't know whether it was a matter of pride or disposition, but he had never spoken up, which you, in fact, didn't mind. At first, you had been a little bit dubious about his sudden influx of approachability. However, as to mute your suspicions down, you tried not pondering about it too much.
Funny, how the real nature of the boy who you had known for a nonchalant sneer and teasing remarks, could suddenly become so interesting and mysterious.
It was on a Thursday late that you were strolling up to The Astronomy Tower to see the Thestrals soaring in the air. Normally, it was around the time when you would be putting yourself to the bed, but too many thoughts were buzzing in your mind, and you knew it wouldn't give you much space to sleep anyways. The only optimum, instead of staring aimlessly at the ceiling and flipping from one to the other side of the mattress, was busying yourself with something else. The lack of sleep was due to nothing else than today's lesson with Carrows. They had thought up an idea of having some practice with a Confrigo spell which, rather unfortunately, was presented on a living phantom. As always, a whole hour of torments was disastrous, to say at least, and even after classes, you couldn't shake off the echo of troubled screams and beggings, which carried over the petrified room of students. That's why you were thinking you could swallow your emotions down, quietly and undisturbedly, in the only place you could wish for some private space. Besides, it was the only spot resembling the old Hogwarts you had known from the previous years, showing the calming extent of green grounds.
However to your surprise, when you pushed the door to The Astronomy Tower, noiselessly, you could notice a silhouette of a man already standing at the barrier, which made you momentarily flabbergasted suddenly considering an option of running upon a teacher. To save yourself from much too unwanted detention, you decided to change your track, rushing straight into your dormitory. But almost as you succeeded doing so, in the last moment, a person shifted in their place and spoke up before you had room to move.
"Pretty late for a casual stroll, huh?" At once, a feeling of dread ebbed away, and you exhaled deeply air you didn't know you were holding as you recognized none other than Draco with his back turned towards you. His tone was as usually taunting, but something in a timbre of sadness was hitched to it as well. "Shouldn't be sneaking out of the room on the patroling hours, you know? I'm the least of who you could come upon today."
Your dignity told you to say something in order to defend your harmless saunter to calm down your nerves, which benefited only your mental account. However, he made a point -- you could have been caught not only by some random teacher but Currows themselves who, you were inexorably aware, wouldn't let a chance of dehumanizing others slip away. And besides, you were a little too dumbstruck to speak, realizing it must be the first time Draco fucking prince Malfoy had uttered more than a word to you. What was a coincidence of meeting up with him just on the same day as you had been wondering about your atypical relationship formed within this school year?
Before your contemplation ended, Draco's voice carried on with a conversation, echoing off the walls. "Care to join? Seeing as you're already here."
Frowning to yourself at how surreal the situation can become, you stepped off the stairs with no more hesitation. You truly wouldn't have suspected the things would turn out that way -- embracing his Head Boy position, you thought he would send you off back to the Hufflepuff Tower with his dismissive attitude as it usually was. Inviting you over to company him was a top cherry you hadn't even considered. Truthfully, it made you feel a little thrilled to accept this offer.
As you walked over to him, his facial features became much sharper than from afar. Now, as you looked at him closely, you could define the contours of his face were even more angelic yet still masculine than in daily light. The platonic hair glinted accordingly to the moon above; his blue eyes were focused on a black void in the sky, clearly pondering more than concentrating on a particular object; a mouth pursed into a line, not a mocking expression he was usually carrying himself with. Eyeing him like that and still not being capable of deciphering him suggested he must be someone between a completely unemotional git or an excellent master of Occulumency. You preferred to presume the second one.
Quickly, realizing you were staring, you turned your head to behold a collection of vivid stars hovering above your head. You knew it was only in the Wizarding World that sky flickered so brightly -- your father was a muggle, and a whole family dwelled among a non-magical society, which you didn't mind at all. And that's why you were able to recognize... differences existing between those two worlds.
"Why are you here?" you asked curiously, not quite capable of restraining yourself from doing so. You were standing close enough to him to smell his sandalwood cologne.
He gave you a perfunctory smile, and although it was a three-second gesture, it somehow made you lighter on the chest to know he was convenient with a conversation. "Needed someplace to think," he explained, not darting his eyes away from where he was looking. He took a pause there. "You?"
"The same reason," you answered simply, shrugging. "My roommates can be too loud sometimes, and I needed some silence to sort out...stuff."
Draco nodded in understanding, not interfering any further into the topic. Brushing your hair habitually with fingers, you scolded yourself for coming up here in the first place. How could you act so irresponsibly to think you could smoothly break a regulations' rule and without anyone finding out? Although you were desperate to hide it, the presence of Draco made you inexplicably nervous, and even though you tried to gulp it down, your stomach was churning when he was around. Time proved his intentions weren't bad after all, and you confronted with the truth ever since he first happened to find you at the moment of your meltdown in the corridor, clutching to him as if he was your sanity. But that didn't dispel your doubts about him becoming a fully active Death Eater, who praised with a Dark Mark on the left forearm like with a reward for some kind of acrobatic stunt.
Your gaze swept briefly over the rolled-up sleeves of his snow-white shirt only to assure yourself the mark didn't disappear off his arm with some help of the power of your imagination. Yet it was still there -- as always, tinted coal-black, scary and blood-curdling every time you looked at it.
That evidently didn't escape Draco's notice who, as though reading your mind, started. "You know, I didn't want this." He didn't have to show what he meant by saying so because you instantly figured it out. You looked up at him, and almost invisibly, his skin pale as it already was, changed even to the whiter shade. "He has bait on me. All of this: assassinating Dumbledore; obeying his will -- it's not because I want that."
The sudden shock welled up at these words, and you gawked at him stupidly, not quite able to process what he had just told you. Swallowing with some difficulty, you coerced yourself to a mutter. "Why... why are you telling me this?"
For the first time this night, his steely stare landed at you, scanning your face to detect signs of emotion. You attempted to conceal it, but he could see you were thunderstruck by his unexpected confession. Without preamble, he smiled slightly at you. "I thought you ought to know."
Ignoring the clenching in your chest, you did your best to not break eye contact with Draco when his eyes were intently locked on yours now. You could swear, something on the verge of interest and sympathy flickered in them for a second. "Why?"
"Because you're the only person who doesn't freak out when I'm around," he explained carefully. "Every time I go to the library or appear in any other public place, you're the only one who doesn't glare."
He closed his eyes, clearly relived with the fact he could confide the worries he had been carrying for a long time. Breathing out through the nose and his lips flinching a little, his head spun again to the blank of the sky.
It was a depressing sight to see him in such dejection, and the images of him being cast aside by his former group of friends with who he had been laughing merely a year ago rolled into your head, try as might to suppress it. You could only imagine what it must feel like to be rejected by everyone around; to play the main role in something you never wished to participate in.
For a moment, you thought he was going to continue because he grunted enigmatically, but the silence remained. Unable to restrain the urge to offer physical comfort, you affectionately grabbed his palm, squeezing it in the reassurance that you were there for him. He didn't attempt to break himself out of the grip, which presumably was a good indication.
"I believe you," you stated, for some reason, satisfied with the fact you're the one to comfort him. "You are a good person, Draco."
This time, it was he who clasped your hand, and he glimpsed at you once more, towering over you with his long legs. "No. In the past, things happened, and to say, I'm not proud of them. Jeering, mocking, insulting -- that wasn't fa-."
"Past is a past, Draco," you cut him off, knowing where it all was leading, and you wanted to bring it to an abrupt end. It was the least adequate moment for apologies. "You can't fix it. Good that you understand your mistakes by now."
He hummed in comprehension, smiling, and his grasp tightened around your palm as if you were about to run off from him, which he couldn't be more wrong about. Admitting to yourself, you loved his smile -- though it was seldom, it much differed from a smirk you were accustomed to at that point -- and you secretly hoped he could do it more often. You also loved that even if he didn't talk much, he was very successful in lifting you up.
Therefore, there you were: standing arm-to-arm with your ex-bully who you had happened to run across; observing the moon in its full exposure; holding hands in reassurance. Both of you clearly enjoyed this gratifying moment and were lingering towards it not to end.
"Thank you," Draco finally choked out. "Thank you for...everything."
Ultimately, smashing the wall of uncertainty down, he wrapped his arms around your neck, hunching a little to adjust to your height, and buried his face in the crook of your neck. At first, your body stiffened at the sudden touch and a skip of the boundary, but as not to agitate him, you adapted yourself soon enough by reciprocating the hug. You started to rub the slow, steady circles on his back, and little by little, he began stroking your hair, softly grazing your scalp.
How long you stood clinging to each other like this, you didn't know. Hearing Draco sigh quietly, feel the rise and fall of it against your hands. Your heart sunk when you heard him breathe out, and you prepared yourself for him to mix out of the embrace because of sudden consciousness he was cuddling with a half-blood Hufflepuff he had been mocking for half of a decade ('I should get going'; 'I didn't mean what I said earlier; 'leave me be, Y/S'). But none of this happened, and he was only murmuring into your ear.
"I presume I should escort you to the dormitory. I could tell you were the whole time with me so no one would get any suspicion if we run into...anyone," he offered, yet you felt him almost grimacing at the thought of ending a moment you were two having.
"Mhm..." you agreed with no more opposition. "But let's give it one more minute."
A/N: This is so typical of me to do something other than what's necessary lmao ;) The second chapter of Summer Nights is almost up if anyone interested. As I think of it now, this one-shot gives me such a vibe of Loud Places/Turn. However, I hope you enjoyed it :) Oh, and I'm explaining the sudden change of schedule with posting: 1. I'm very irresposible; 2. I got the super inspo to scribble this one-shot. Hah, sorry...
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funkymbtifiction · 3 years
Sorry to bother.
I used to believe that I was a 4w5, but I am doubting if I am a 1w9 instead. Either way, I am completely sure that I am an INFP and my instincts are sp/sx. The person who introduced me to the enneagram, from the very first moment, think I am a 1; the rest of the people on the community, a 4. I can see both, but the main difference between the two types, I believe, is who each deal with emotions. Is a 1w9 outwardly unemotional? Is it completely incompatible for that type to be seen as overly-sensitive by others?
It's better to do self-work, instead of asking other people what your type might be. You need to introspect, consider all the good and bad things about each type, and figure out which one explains most of the problems in your life and where they come from. From a 1, it's moral inflexibility and judgmental behaviors that lead to a drive for perfectionism and impossible standards. For a 4, it's self-absorption, getting lost in only how they are feeling, and feeling over-identified with how different, broken, and important they are, compared to others.
A Fi-dom is going to be super sensitive, emotional, and concerned with their own feelings and values and life journey, regardless of their Enneagram type, so you must pay attention to the distinct attributes, strengths, weaknesses, and stress behaviors of each type when deciding which is yours.
A 1 moves toward 4 under stress, becoming more emotional, sensitive, and self-absorbed. A 4 under stress moves toward 2, becoming more needy, desperate to attract attention, and clingy toward others.
Read about them in-depth here (Enneagram 1) and here (Enneagram 4).
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shizaisanxiao · 3 years
List of danmei setting
This list is by no means exhaustive. Readers tend to choose novels based on story setting and MC characterization. Some authors will also indicate if the story is told from the bottom's pov (主受), or the top's pov (主攻).
Story setting:
��田 : Farming. Story is pretty much based around farming elements. Farming / agriculture can be for food, magical plants, or even more. The farm has important significance to the plot.
末世: Apocalypse. Can also be combined with other settings.
明星/巨星/娛樂圈: Entertainment Industry/Superstar/Idol
網配: Voice Acting. Refers to voice acting groups that are usually online based. MC may or may not be a member of the VA group.
美食: Food. Tends to be based around cooking. MC is good at cooking and the world he is living in is probably living off of vitamins and nothing else.
生子: Pregnancy. Yes, male pregnancy.
機甲: Mecha. Novel tends to be based in futuristic settings. May or may not have zurg.
蟲族: Zurg. Beware, your MC might be a zurg. I once read a novel where MC is a zurg, and his zurg form is a caterpillar the size of a cat. He also eats mineral rocks. Otherwise, your MC is probably fighting against the zurg.
重生: Rebirth. MC died and is offered a second life either by a system, or just woke up in someone else's body randomly one day without realizing they had died.
快穿: MC travels through multiple dimensions, worlds, and timelines, for the purpose of completing tasks that the omnipresent System had set for him. Usually hops through a lot of different settings for variety.
穿越: Isekai-ed. Might be into a book, into another world, or into a dimension of higher planes.
網遊: Online games. They're either professional gamers or MC played a game and fell in love with the no.1 player of that game. Choose one.
架空: Fanciful setting. No real life persons, places, or logic has been referenced. Whatever the authors says is, goes.
校園: School / academic setting. Can be in high school or university.
黑幫: Mafia
科幻: Sci-fi
仙俠: Xianxia Chinese Fantasy. If you know what MDZS is you'll know what this means. Flying swords, people fighting against gods, fantasy realms, martial arts, you get it.
甜文: Fluff novels
虐文: Angst novels (usually high-angst to be grouped into this category)
List of character settings:
These tags are usually added before the top or bottom to denote their character and role.
渣: Scoundrel, or just bastard. Basically a huge asshole.
冷漠/冰山: Cold-hearted, unemotional, indifferent.
面癱: Someone who does not express their emotions
忠犬: Loyal
流氓: Hooligan or rogue. Is usually a rough personality.
強勢: Domineering
溫柔: Gentle, caring
腹黑: Inwardly evil (白切黑means outwardly kind but inwardly pure evil)
作死: Someone who often tests someone else's limits for fun
傲嬌: Tsundere
總裁: CEO / President personality
毒舌: Cynical / cutting personality. What they say may not be their true feelings.
女王: Queen. Expects obedience from their CP, is usually cunning and clever.
病嬌: Yandere.
白月光: Someone whom the other reveres and looks up to, but can never hope or wish to be together with
天然: Natural. Can usually mean naive.
弱: Weak. All rounded weak personality.
年下: Younger than the other half of the CP
陽光: Sunny disposition
美人: Extremely outstanding in terms of beauty and charm
大叔: Uncle. Implies that this character is middle-aged.
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omgspookykookie · 5 years
Beauty and the Beast: Belle, INFP
After re-watching the original and live-action versions of Beauty and the Beast, I’d say Belle is a very healthy INFP!
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Judging (Fi/Te) axis: Belle is generally reserved and self-contained, but she has a quiet confidence because she is comfortable with being completely herself. She is not outwardly emotional, and has trouble expressing her feelings. When all the magical items in the castle try to console Belle or comfort her, she tends to defer the question to talk about her thoughts on the matter instead, and in doing so, reveals her true feelings while answering the question in an indirect way. As reserved and unemotional as she may seem at times, Belle is deeply compassionate and empathetic. This shows in her growing love for the Beast once he tells her the truth about his past, and it also shows—indirectly—in the way that she continues to ask her father what exactly happened to her mother. Despite her emotional nature, she doesn’t compromise her individuality for anything. She puts her foot down whenever Gaston asks her to marry him, and defies the Beast several times before she begins to trust him. She is also a strongly independent thinker, arming herself with knowledge that she acquires through books.
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Perceiving (Ne/Si) axis: Belle finds more comfort in books, filled with fantasy worlds, unimaginable possibilities, and adventure, than she does in her own village. She can escape from the mundane realities of her “provincial town” through stories about princes and magic and true love. Belle is also fairly adaptable, able to think her way out of sticky situations and adjusting to life inside the Beast’s castle. She is open-minded enough to really find the goodness in the Beast, humanizing him. When she returns to the village to find her father imprisoned, she naively trusts the people of her town to see past the Beast’s exterior as well and shows them where he is; she doesn’t think that they’d go after him. Belle is also still extremely affected by her mother’s death, and goes back to her childhood home in Paris when the Beast gives her the chance. She is also impressionable, as shown in the value she puts on her father’s wisdom and her dislike for Gaston, but it doesn’t necessarily restrict her view of them; her Ne makes sure that she remains flexible enough.
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Enneagram 4w5 [4w5 7w8 1w2 - The Visionary]: Belle is quite comfortable in feeling different from other people; she doesn’t mind being seen as a weirdo or as strange because at least she is truly being herself. She identifies with stories and characters she reads about in books, and would rather play around with the meaning behind the feelings that she experiences rather than experiencing and expressing the feeling itself. She is emotionally sensitive, but can remain levelheaded enough in most situations. The 7 in her tritype shows in her wanderlust and fascination with other worlds. The 1 in her tritype shows in her distaste for anyone who exhibits immoral or imperfect behavior, such as Gaston’s vanity and the Beast’s unnecessary anger toward everyone else.
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sx/sp variant: Belle doesn’t mind getting caught up in the world around her so long as it stimulates her mind (sx + Ne). She is constantly seeking more, and is passionate about everything that matters to her. However, having self-preservation second also makes her realize her limits, and also keeps her satisfied enough with stories and adventures in books instead of seeking more of the world. She is also less dependent on others’ opinions of her besides the people she cares about.
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typometrics · 5 years
Socionics Type Portraits & Appearance (Beta)
Quadra 2: LSI, EIE, IEI, SLE
Realization of project, introduction and assimilation of results, fixation of idea as system of knowledge.
Decisive (Se, Ni) - World Rejecting
Merry (Fe, Ti) - Clarity Seeking
LSI (ISTj, Ti-Se)
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LSI-Ti Subtype - Kevin Bacon & Milla Jovovich (Instructor)
Self-assured, calm, restrained, correct and impenetrable. At times he may seem arrogant. Sufficiently kind, imperturbable, and unemotional. Very polite and attentive to details in conversation, likes to specify and clarify everything, but sometimes becomes too focused on details that are nonessential to others. Unhurried, perhaps even slow. Likes receiving exhaustively comprehensive and thorough information to his inquiries. Dislikes ambiguity. Internally, he is quite collected. Never loses his spirit and sense of perseverance. Tries to encourage those who are in need of support. Has a direct, motionless gaze that seems to look right through and not at his conversation partner. His movements are measured but constrained; there is a tendency to shuffle his feet against the floor when walking. When he turns, he does so with his entire body such that it sometimes seems like his neck is fixed to his shoulders; doesn't like to turn his head.
The most rational logical type of all. Very constructive. Strives towards organizational hierarchy, can excessively organize everyone else around him. Meticulous with his work and brings everything to its completion. Does not miss any details. Poorly tolerates chaos and confusion. Shows little dynamicity, is somewhat monotonous in his life. Outwardly seems strict, unfazed, composed and restrained. In work situations, he is official even with those who are close to him and even manifests barrack style of behavior. Conservative in clothing, his clothes are often strict, in dark tones, and resemble a uniform.
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LSI-Se Subtypes - Hugh Laurie & Emily Blunt (Controller)
Appears more restless in behavior and internally emotional than the logical subtype. May seem somewhat restrained yet also obstinate and stubborn in his views, willing to enter conflicts when his opinions are not honored. Self-controlled and impersonal in his demeanor. Dislikes objections and lengthy explanations. Often watches the actions of others in order to try to assist them or to point out their mistakes. Sometimes in indignation, he makes reprimanding remarks, other times he simply completes the task himself or tries to help another person do it better. Flaring up, he can become unduly sharp and absolutist in his statements. Occasionally he tries to amend the situation and smiles with kindness and charm. He walks at a rapid pace, placing his feet as if he is "stamping" the ground. Makes an impression of a well-coordinated and active person. Dresses conservatively, but aims for an aesthetically pleasant, even stylish, appearance. In conversation, he attempts to get closer to his partner but doesn't make direct contact. Not inclined to overly sensitive, affectionate, and permissive treatment.
Gusty and impulsive. Doesn't always follow the same order and organization that he requires of others, meanwhile criticizing those who disrupt this order. Seems courteous and communicable at a distance, but in closer quarters can prove to be intolerant. If provoked, can respond by aggression. Strives towards leadership, but is best at managing smaller associations. Outwardly appears strong. Male representatives often have facial hair and prefer a freestyle in their clothing.
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EIE (ENFj, Fe-Ni)
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EIE-Fe Subtype - Dustin Hoffman, Gene Wilder & Katherine Heigl (Educator)
Internally very emotional, but usually modest and restrained in expression of his feelings. Unobtrusive in conversation tries to behave according to the rules of good tone and manners. Vulnerable and easily takes offense. In his heart and soul he often experiences dramatic emotions, but around strangers hides and tries to control them. It is difficult for him to truly relax, inside he is tense and high-strung, vulnerable and quite self-loving. Has a lot of insecurities, from which he usually suffers but tries not to show this. Outwardly can be proud and unapproachable. Usually secretive and careful exercises foresight and thinks things over in advance. Somewhat unsure in himself, but has patience and perseverance, and knows how to attain his goals. Very demanding in requiring others to observe ethical norms of behavior, and often cannot hold himself back from making remarks or giving advice when he sees that someone, from his point of view, is not behaving correctly. Characterized by swings of mood. Can be coldly haughty, stubborn, and demanding, then soft, heartfelt, considerate, and even vulnerable and defenseless. Holds himself with dignity. His movements are precise but smooth, sometimes demonstrative. Dresses modestly and with taste, but if he wishes can look very effective.
Very emotionally excitable, can be sharp. Shows high intensity of emotions. Decisive and artistic. Easily given to ecstasy, high effect, exaltation. Aristocratic in his manners. Frequently a good speaker, or a political leader with patriotic inclinations. Internally dramatic and spontaneous likes to demonstrate his opinion. Outwardly he can shock people around him by extremes in how he dresses: may looks like a homeless person with soiled sleeves, or, to the contrary, dress very brightly, vividly, or aristocratically extravagantly.
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EIE-Ni Subtype - Gillian Jacobs & Jessica Biel (Artist)
Makes an impression of a serious, active, sociable person. An original, unpredictable, creative personality. Sociable, inquisitive and communicable. Quite emotional, vulnerable, and impressionable. Internally tense, experiences frequent doubts and oscillations, due to which can be unpredictable in his actions. At times can be hot-tempered and sharp in his statements. Very artistic, emotionally uninhibited, easily and freely expresses how he feels. Well perceptive of the moods of others and skillfully directs them. Knows how to speak with emotion and inspiration, sometimes even pathos. Very ironic and critical, can be stinging and arrogant. When in good spirits he can become the center of attention of any group. Sufficiently practical, but doesn't have enough self-assurance and confidence. At times he dresses somewhat unusually and extravagantly, other times simply and modestly. His movements and gusty, impulsive, but not unconstrained, and seem somewhat inhibited.
Predisposed to reflect, to experience internal doubts and oscillations. Thinks figuratively, has an inclination towards philosophy. Not very critical towards external appearances, undemanding in food. Reserved, vulnerable, can seem internally broken. Speaks his opinions unobtrusively. Responsible and punctual. He is a good teacher, mentor, educator, who can interest his listeners. Outwardly seems calm. Consistent in presenting his material.
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IEI (INFp, Ni-Fe)
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IEI-Ni Subtype - Fiona Apple (Idealist)
Appears as a calm, tactful, languid and diffident individual. He seems torn from reality, inert and poorly adapted to life. However, such impressions are erroneous, for he possesses a fine intuition, which aids his in establishing useful connections and obtaining support from influential people. Externally he seems serene, but in his heart he is sentimentally predisposed, has bouts of moodiness and melancholy, and regrets his mistakes and misfortunes for a long time. His mimicry is somewhat monotonous, often shows an expression of light amazement or full interest in his conversation partner. His gaze is dreamy and pensive, slightly strained, with a bit of luster, often expressing melancholy, attentiveness, or sardonic irony. His speech is measured, smooth, and intimately heart-felt. On his face there is almost constantly a polite half-smile that easily predisposes towards trust. Gestures are modest, timid, undemonstrative. Gait is unhurried and smooth.
Usually looks calm, dreamy, and contemplative. His facial expression is typically interrogative. Line of behavior is frequently passive. Romantic spirit, lives in the world of illusions and tries to avoid the negative. Optimistic. As a rule, avoids conflict situations and supports compromise. Constrained in the way he dresses. Elegant and refined. Can fulfill functions of staff assistant in presence of a "strong hand", take up work in psychology and psychotherapy.
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IEI-Fe Subtype - Jared Leto, Jake Gyllenhaal & Kate Beckinsale (Diplomat)
Soft, charming and emotional person. Usually looks inspired and optimistic. Possess a fine sense of humor. May talk of his problems and failures with a smile. Ironic, crafty, unpredictable and inconsistent in behavior and conversation. Creates original contrasts, can unexpectedly jab at someone and then just as quickly embrace and kiss his conversation partner. Artistic and charming; unconstrained in conversation, occasionally even with shades of familiarity and impudence. Knows how to bridge the distance. Considerate, tactful, and caring; at times he is simply charming, so great is his talent at positively predisposing others to himself and being liked. Talented at persuasion: states requests in such a manner that it is difficult to refuse them. His movements are refined; his gait is graceful, hasty. Speech is full of emotion, rich with shades, sometimes melodious.
Entices, flatters, is charming and communicable. If he sees negative emotions in his environment, he will try to arrange things such that people will calm down. Mobilizes well in dangerous situations. Loves to be in the center of attention and to dramatize what is happening. Possesses a sense of humor. Easily manipulates with intonation and voice. Can work successfully as a journalist. He finds it easy to entice a person to start talking. Outwardly may appear extravagant, frequently adopts a bohemian, bright look.
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SLE (ESTp, Se-Ti)
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SLE-Se Subtype - Gregory Peck & Rachel Weisz  (Coordinator)
Seems clever, impulsive, seemingly concealing within him a latent threat, far from being easygoing and appeasable. In reality, he can be sharp, sufficiently aggressive, and persistent. Can hold a grudge and be sufficiently resourceful to make the life of his ill-wishers become intolerable. Has a contrasting and unpredictable character. With those whom he loves can be kind, tender, even sentimental. Possesses a sense of humor, that easily molds into sarcasm and caustic irony. Talkative, charming, witty, critical and sharp. Likes epithets and slang expressions. His movements are springy and fast. Gait is somewhat waddling, with knees slightly bent, which yields a stealthy feline semblance. Has a characteristic evaluating gaze with slight squint. Usually looks after his health, periodically takes up physical sports, exercise of gymnastics. Dresses expensively and with taste. Most often he makes a bright impression of a self-assured and prospering person.
Sharp, demonstrative, attacking style of behavior. Can be expressive and expansive to the point of being aggressive. Feels at home in emergency and crisis situations, abruptly joins into conflicts, can apply pressure in order to create order. If he finds himself unoccupied by anything, can even provoke a conflict, so that later he can take initiative into his own hands. Emotional and sociable, with his attention won't pass by a single person of the opposite sex. Women of this type also take initiative in getting to know potential partners. Usually muscular, active and mobile, somewhat thin. Has a well-developed taste, a gourmand. In fashion drawn to exquisiteness and prestige.
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SLE-Ti Subtype - Leonardo Decaprio & Kate Winslet (Organizer)
Leaves an impression of calm strength and self-assurance. Rational and consistent in his affairs. Hardworking and enduring. Usually, he is cold-blooded, restrained, collected and unfazed, but in moments of irritation does not conceal his anger, which shows in his look and in sudden categorical gestures. When he is calm, he is polite and courteous, tough keeps his conversation partners at a distance. His humor is blunt and can be somewhat crude. Sometimes he has a fast-moving, distrustful look that looks from under his eyebrows. Appearance is usually serious, somewhat guarded and alert. Gait and gestures are harmonious, flowing, and precise. Dresses somewhat monotonously, and strictly, although at times surprisingly brightly and extravagantly. Values quality in clothing, occasionally putting together sets from only a few items. In most cases has a tendency to not stand out. This applies both to how he behaves and how he dresses. Seems cold and inaccessible, even though he tries to be appropriate, even-tempered and well-wishing towards others. Holds himself with dignity.
Prefers to remain in the shadow, not showing his aspirations, but constantly holds his hand on the pulse of all that is happening around him. Outwardly appears balanced and phlegmatic. Before acting, checks all the variations of possible consequences, and only then enters into the game. Distrustful, careful, skeptic, conservative and realistic. Due to his low sociability makes an impression of being introverted. Once he has identified a target, acts slowly, by the method of 'slowly compressing ring’.
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anarkhebringer · 6 years
So I’m just gonna spit out lots of words from a quick idea I had that turned into a full fledged idea I’ve decided to stick to...
Y’know, I had the thought of a Smash Bros anime yesterday (probably a split between action and mindless, random comedy like Nichijou or something. I’m thinking the comedy aspect would be more prominent, and more obvious in certain ways, like character personality trait exaggeration), and the thought of Snake being one of those outwardly unemotional but internally fawning kuuderes flooded my head.
I specifically thought of Arin from Trinity Seven and Mai from Nichijou at first.
As for mannerisms...
Gendered bathrooms and showers don’t matter to Snake since he doesn’t see gender and sex of a person as something to divide anyone, so he just goes to whatever one he wants to when he needs to use them, without a second thought. If he’s caught by a girl in one of the girl bathrooms/showers they’ll ask him why the hell he isn’t freaking out like they are, and he’ll just go “Oh.” then he’ll be quiet for a minute before taking a breath and doing a normal volume and bland “aaaaaaaahhh.” with a straight face. Every time he’s confronted about his blankness or density to others and their own emotional responses, he’ll just state how difficult the situation is. Female character: YOU SHOULD BE MORE EMOTIONAL ABOUT THIS! YOU’RE TOO MONOTONE!
Snake: This is difficult.
Female character: Hey! You can’t follow me into this bathroom! Go to the boy’s bathroom!
Snake: I’m fine with it.
Female character: WELL I’M NOT!
Snake: This is difficult.
Though, there ARE times where he’ll show some open emotion, especially if he finds a crude joke funny, in which he’ll chuckle like he usually does, then get blank again after he’s done having his laugh. Also he’ll openly show negative emotions, like anger, annoyance, disappointment, etc, like his actual self.
I also think Snake would be super prone to inwardly fawning over cute things for comedic value, animals especially. A particular scene from Hetalia with Japan sitting there with a grin and a happy blush while a bunch a cute animals love on him and very much enjoying the moment is something Snake would be doing at least once. It would throw everyone off since he jokes about eating pretty much everything he sees, but Otacon would be the one of the group (the other fighters as well as Mei Ling, and Colonel Campbell too since they show up in Brawl in the codec talks for Snake) watching from the sides with everyone else with a fist up to his mouth and a blush on his face as he thought about how adorable the situation was to him.
Over time, maybe Snake would get more openly reactive to things he finds cute for the common kuudere humor plot progression, starting out small and something to make that peak for certain cute things. Like Sargatanas from As Miss Beelzebub likes towards Gossamers for example, though not as animated and loud (at least outwardly, but might be in his head on occasion), probably just a bit giggly and sighing happily a bit. Cute people will get an almost shy reaction from him once he reaches the peak of showing fondness of cute things, like a cute boy or something and it tugs right on Snake’s heartstrings, and he doesn’t really know how to approach the boy properly and makes crude statements instead since it’s all he can really think of to do. Boys with longer hair (or from the neck down) and/or pretty eyes would probably elicit a quicker reaction from him. Not just boys can manage it, girls can too (I headcanon Snake as bisexual so I apply it here too)
Cute boy: *does something, especially something like a little giggle or a curious look*
Snake: *hearteyes.exe*
Snake: *slides over with a semi-shy posture, holding out whatever he’s holding if he is holding something at the moment* Y-...You can call me whatever you want. Maybe da-
Cute boy, in a cheerful tone: I’ll just keep calling you Snake if that’s okay!
Snake: *bites down on the thing he might be holding if it’s something like a pillow and lets out a quiet and struggled noise* This is difficult...
Or along the outward blankness and inward cute things love situation:
Peach and Palutena: *talking about something and both holding little pink hand purses with designs on them based on what they’re happily discussing*
Snake: *comes in the room* What’s up.
Peach and Palutena: *look at him in surprise*
Peach: O-oh, hello Snake! W-we were just talking about Super Fluffy Fantasy Friends!
Palutena: *holds up her hand purse to show an array of fantasy creatures resembling cats and dogs* It’s about these cat and dog type creatures that go on a bunch of adventures and fight evil with magic and the powers of love and friendship.
Peach: W-we’re so sorry for troubling you with such things, Snake... We’re sure you aren’t interested in such childish things...
Snake: Nah, it’s fine. Don’t worry about it. Snake, in his head: FLUFFY. FLUFFY.
I think a LOT of bromance humor would happen between Otacon and Snake, because...y’know how those two are and their relationship’s reputation even among the English voice actors. Also because it would be technical OtaSune/Snotacon fanservice... Like Otacon adoring Snake is and thinking he’s really awesome, and Snake is completely dense to how Otacon gets with it sometimes while everyone else is just like “Dude, are you sure you just think he’s really cool and a best friend? You’re acting like a lovestruck middle school girl right now...” Maybe one of those common kuudere VS. someone else cooking scenes where the kuudere isn’t good at cooking and finally made something good to who it was made for (this case Otacon), and the kuudere had one of those moments of looking down and smiling, blushing from how happy they were.
-just for a little break out of the post’s intended purpose I would find that cooking scene and Snake smiling from cooking something really delicious and getting complimented on it would make me cry from the amount of sheer intensity of the emotion I would release in the squeal of fangirling I’d be releasing from the deepest depths of my existence XD-
I’ve put WAY too much thought into this for not even having this thought in my head for 24 hours yet, my mind is WAY too hyperactive when I like an idea enough LOLOL
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spellbounds-eva · 5 years
Rising Sign is in 27 Degrees Taurus
Calm and deliberate, you hate to move quickly or act hastily. Very practical, every effort must count or you can't be bothered. Patient, persistent and steady, but very stubborn -- you can't be pushed or pressured into anything. You seem outwardly self-assured because you tend to repress your inner tension and turmoil. You exude an earthy warmth, friendliness and charm. You demand comfortable surroundings and appreciate the good life. Be careful of a tendency to be overly self-indulgent. At times, you are lazy and difficult to motivate. Overcoming inertia is a problem for you and, because you are not by nature a self-starter, it is often necessary for you to receive stimuli from others in order to get moving. Sun is in 21 Degrees Aquarius.  
You get bored with the status quo and are generally open to new things and ideas. An individualist and a free spirit, your friends are quite important to you as long as they do not try to tie you down by making too many emotional demands on you. Your thoughts are offbeat and you're a bit eccentric, but not always very changeable. As a matter of fact, you can be quite stubborn at times. Very fair-minded when dealing with large groups or broad issues, you are not always emotionally sensitive to the needs of individuals. Extremely objective, with good powers of observation, you would be qualified to study technical and complicated subjects, like science, computers or maybe even astrology. Moon is in 25 Degrees Gemini.  
Restless in the extreme, you are easily bored because of your short attention span. Your emotions change rapidly and you love to talk about your feelings. Generally, you have good judgment -- your intellect controls your emotions and you do not overreact emotionally to things. A good jack-of-all-trades, you have many- sided interests and enjoy reasoning things through. With your mental agility and need for physical mobility, you are attracted to traveling and learning about other peoples and cultures. You have vivid powers of emotional self-expression - - you can be a nonstop talker. You love to share your ideas with anyone who will listen. Mercury is in 07 Degrees Aquarius.  
You tend to be very opinionated -- you have strongly felt notions about things and are quite vocal about expressing and defending them. Yet you are also an original thinker -- you enjoy shocking others with your offbeat, original thoughts. You appreciate and need mental and intellectual stimulation. Your judgment is usually fair and impartial -- you can be a good critic because you can remain objective and unemotional about most things. Venus is in 06 Degrees Capricorn.
You tend to keep your feelings under control -- emotions are only released in serious or important situations. You are distrustful of others whose behavior could be judged excessive or immoderate. As such, you prefer to relate only to those who are older than you or to those whose position is such that respect and duty are more important for both of you than passion or emotional response. Be careful, however, of relationships that are merely based on practicality or utility or you will ultimately be lonely. Mars is in 23 Degrees Leo.  
You are a very proud person. Strong, bold, courageous and self-possessed, you love to be the one to initiate significant actions. When people expect a lot of you, you respond positively and will work hard in order to maintain their respect. But when your dignity or pride is threatened, you tend to become sarcastic, arrogant and domineering. Try not to take any challenge or resistance that you meet as a personal affront. You are very stubborn about your right to live your life according to your own principles. Jupiter is in 11 Degrees Sagittarius.
You have a very strong sense of ethics and morality. You are widely read and may also be widely traveled because you are sincerely interested in expanding your knowledge of the world about you. At times, you have an annoying tendency to be self-righteous and preachy about your belief system. You are usually quite idealistic and you demand the right to be able to explore the entire world of experiences yourself. Remember to grant others the similar right -- be tolerant, not dogmatic. Saturn is in 12 Degrees Pisces. 
Your tendency to think that your life is out of control is based on an unreasonable fear, probably connected with an unfortunate experience with the person who filled the father figure role in your early life. Learn to take responsibility here and now for your own life. Try to stop having unrealistic expectations about guide figures. Remember that they are merely human, with all the same faults and self-doubts that you have. When you get confused or uncertain, try to simplify your lifestyle -- things will then become easier to bear. Uranus is in 27 Degrees Capricorn.  
You, and your peer group as well, seek out practical solutions to a changing society's attitudes to customs, traditions and authority structures. Your logical and orderly manner of dealing with these matters will result in permanent and carefully planned, but sweeping, reforms. Neptune is in 24 Degrees Capricorn. 
You, and your entire generation, will idealize work, practicality and the ability to attain reasonable goals. But, because you will also stress the need to be selfless and giving, you may find it difficult to attain your goals unless you have lowered your expectations on all fronts. Pluto is in 00 Degrees Sagittarius. 
For your entire generation, society's cherished beliefs and totems will be radically changed. Many traditional concepts will be totally altered, if not completely destroyed. The rights of individuals to pursue their own course in life will be reasserted. N. Node is in 09 Degrees Scorpio. 
You have a special aptitude for working by yourself, or with a like-minded group of dedicated individuals. Once you've committed yourself to a person or group or project, your loyalty and devotion are total until the group's goals have been realized. Not at all gregarious by nature, you're uncomfortable around strangers, greatly preferring to be in known and familiar situations. Others may regard you as shy or eccentric, but those who know you well are aware of the intense loyalty that you have to your friends.
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wintergreen556 · 6 years
5 times Spock said ‘live long and prosper’ when it didn’t matter, and the 1 time it mattered most when he couldn’t
1.  “It is a respectful and logical way to say ‘goodbye’ Spock,” Sarek said.  His 5-year-old son had much to learn of their culture, and if he were to prosper in any way in the climate he was to engage in he must conduct himself with nothing less than precision and excellence in all ways Vulcan.  
Spock nodded and resolved to no longer use the words ‘bye bye’ in parting from others, which his mother Amanda had taught him.  Although it brought her happiness when he did so, it was clear his father disapproved.  Although neither Sarek nor the councilmember had expressed any emotion outwardly towards Spock’s parting words, Spock could tell his father felt his habit was immature and inappropriate.  He held his non-expression, like an acceptable Vulcan, and repeated after his father.
“Live long and prosper.”
2.  The words Stonn had spoken still reverberated within his mind- the cruel names his parents had been called still stung.  However, it had been made clear to Spock that it was essential to diffuse the situation so that it would not escalate even further than it already had.
Spock regarded his tormentor.  The boy seemed much smaller than he had before- he was, of course, still taller than Spock but he seemed to have crumpled in a bit.  He was slouching instead of standing with perfect posture, and the bruises and blood which stained his face added to the diminishing effect.
“I... apologize,” Spock said.  “My physical reaction was the product of anger and was... inappropriate.”  His words, though hesitant, were clear and well spoken. 
They felt like blades being drawn across his tongue.
The older boy seemed to inflate slightly; not nearly returning to his prior pristine condition, but regaining much of his lost decorum.
“Your apology is accepted,” he replied primly.  “I propose we engage in no further interaction, as there is no potential benefit in any possible conclusion.”
“Your solution is most logical and efficient.” Spock agreed.  The prospect of not interacting with Stonn or any of his compatriots any further was certainly attractive.  “I suggest we terminate our current conversation to begin this endeavor.  Live long and prosper, Stonn.”
“You as well”
As Spock walked away, he felt relief.
3. Spock knew at that moment that his life would change its course forever.  He had already made the decision, the moment the minister said those words.
‘...despite your disadvantage.’
“Your human mother.”
Disadvantage indeed.
Spock looked into his father’s eyes as he declined his position at the academy, and before he left, he clarified to the minister and to the council that he was not, in fact, experiencing an emotional need to rebel; that the only emotion he intended to convey was one of gratitude.
As Spock said ‘live long and prosper’, the corner of his mouth twitched.
4. Spock’s conversation with his father procured mixed results.  Sarek was, years after Spock had moved up through Starfleet, after even the destruction of his home planet, still attempting to convince him to move to New Vulcan.  It was too late for Spock to join the VSA, but not too late, in Sarek’s opinion for him to diverge from a path which would lead to an unstable mental state and further emotional outbursts such as the violent and destructive one Sarek observed on the Enterprise.
“Spock,” his father said, “I have procured 3 different opportunities for you to do research on Vulcan spacecraft, and 7 on New Vulcan.  I have sent you the details of each and I expect you to at least consider them.
“Yes, father” Spock replied.  Since their first communication 5 months after Spock had rejected the VSA’s acceptance and left for Starfleet, Sarek’s dialogue with Spock had taken on a constant cycle.  Phases 1 through 3 of each call had been completed at this point- first the greeting, then asking after each other’s health, and then the presenting of the research opportunities Spock would review and reject.  Spock was more than satisfied with his position in Starfleet.  He was content, his captain an admirable man to be respected and guided.  Spock was not interested in any other position, no matter how fascinating the research his father sent him proved to be.
Now, as always, it was time for phase 4 of their call.
Vulcan conversations were logical and efficient.  When there was no more necessary, then the conversation was swiftly ended without excessive platitudes.
“I must take my leave now,” Sarek stated.  “I will expect your decision on these different posts within 3 days.“
“Yes, father,” Spock replied.  “Live long and prosper.”
“Peace and long life, Spock.”
Sarek ended the call, and Spock stared for 2 seconds longer than necessary at the blank screen.  Then, he shifted his pad to be held by his side and exited his quarters.  Alpha shift started in approximately 13.2 minutes, and it was necessary he consume the first meal of his day.
5. Spock felt what could only be described as the Terran concept of deja vu, instructing the ambassador of Beta Antares on the traditional Vulcan ‘Goodbye’.
He had taught it to Jim as well, his captain looking at him avidly as he explained the meaning, significance, and history behind the words.  He enjoyed Jim’s enthusiasm for learning about the Vulcan culture, especially since it was so vital to maintain every piece which was left of it.
The ambassador’s reception of it did not match what Jim’s had been; although his interpersonal intelligence was, in a word, lacking, Spock could tell that this individual was not enthusiastic about his lesson.
“In parting, there is very little more which could be logically said.  It shows good intentions in every way, and allows the opportunity for further amicable meetings.”  Spock attempted to fully sum up the importance and grace of what had become for him something fairly constant and dependable.  It was difficult, like explaining what it meant to see color or to describe what ‘sweet’ tasted like. 
At the end of this mission, they were to go survey the planet Nibiru and gather further data to analyze.  Spock would soon be running through calculations of the statistical probability that significant damage would occur should the volcano erupt.
At present, of course, was the matter of parting.
Spock gave up on attempting to impart the gravity behind the words, and simply stated, “Live long and prosper, Ambassador.”
“And you, Commander.”
Spock barely withheld a sigh.  Perhaps he was being influenced by these humans.
+1. Jim was dying and the world was ending.
Spock couldn’t reach him, the door was locked, he didn’t even have the luxury of holding him as he passed from the universe.  And if the door wasn’t locked he would, forget the ship, forget his life, forget everyone saved he would have held Jim  He floundered as the most golden, bright katra he had ever had the luxury of witnessing was torn away, right in front of him.
And Jim said “...this is what you would have done.  It was only logical.”
And was this Spock’s influence on Jim?  The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few?  Or the one? 
It was certainly logical.
Who cared? 
And Jim, Jim said that he was scared, and Jim was asking him how to stop feeling, as if Spock would ever want him to do that, as if he could let the untamed, unhindered light leave Jim’s eyes, make them go blank but that was going to happen anyway no no NO and Spock could feel his control shattering and he didn’t care.
Jim said that he was scared, and Spock could feel his perfect, Vulcan unemotional face crumble.  All Jim wanted was to not fear death, and Spock couldn’t give even that to him couldn’t save him
And Jim wants him to know that he thinks of Spock as a friend and Spock needs Jim to know he feels the same and Spock is crying, he can feel the tear fall from his eye
and Jim’s hand presses to the barrier between them, and Spock is pressing the ta’al back, begging him to live, I need you to live long and prosper please I can’t do this again, I can’t do this without you but he can’t say the words because they’re useless they’re illogical
and Jim is shifting his fingers to return the gesture he was always so proud of being able to do that, Spock he said, it’s not easy, but it’s really cool and anything for Vulcan, anything for you
there are moments left, seconds left Spock can feel it, and as Jim looks him in the eyes for the last time the last time! Spock brings his other hand up to press against the wall by Jim's face and quickly quickly quickly, no time left initiates a meld
he can feel everything
all the pain, immeasurable pain, the golden katra fading he is being boiled from the inside out he is being burned
love for his friends, his crew his family, him
and Jim smiles at him and takes one last gasping breath
Jim was dead, and the world still turned
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