colescorner · 3 months
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The last several years I’ve wanted to really read outside of my comfort zone and read non-fiction and topics concerning social justice, racism, censorship, homophobia and censorship. I found two book yesterday that I cannot wait to start! I’ve already started the book on censorship…and I love it so far!
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atompowers · 1 year
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concordewillfly · 2 years
they will never admit this but every wannabe tortured poet whiny pop punk man has tried to be hayley williams for more than a decade. but they’ll never be hayley williams
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deviousdayz · 5 months
Yeah idk drake needs to shut up and apologize 😭 Kendrick didn’t win a Pulitzer for nothing like why enter into beef with that man😭😭😭
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mooncalf87 · 5 months
My teachers: wow your ELA scores are through the roof for your grade!! How do you write so well???
Me: hmm yeah idk (glances sideways at all my fics) its a mystery
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comehomet0myheart · 11 months
I truly can’t get over (negative) how Niki is only known by Asian people. She should have Tate McRae or Sabrina Carpenter levels of relevance in NA pop music but instead the mainstream (white) pop audience pays her dust! Tired of it!
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zingaplanet · 2 years
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Ok but are you talking about complicated relationship or are you talking about John Lennon and Paul McCartney meeting when they were just 15 & 17, who decided then and there that they will change the whole world forever, who fell in love with music and skipped school to write songs eyeball to eyeball every day, who wanted to be credited as Lennon/McCartney because all their craft should always be remembered as one, who changed history and wrote music that still inspired generations for the next 5 decades together, who've lived together and saw each other almost every day for more than 10 years, who were each other's biggest rivals driving each other mad trying to outwrite history's greatest hits, who were each other's greatest inspiration and source of jealousy, who had a bond so intense their wives said they never looked at anyone else like they looked at each other,
who ended their musical partnership and friendship through an article in the press, who didn't properly speak again for almost 8 years and only communicated through veiled insults in each other's solo records and media, whose breakup of friendship drove each other to substance and drug abuse for over a decade, who lost a battle to time as the other was gunned down just when they started properly connecting again, who said the night he was murdered that the other was family, and family always forgave each other,
and McCartney who never showed up to induction ceremonies but cried as he said, "John Lennon, you made it, tonight you're in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame" because they always promised they'd conquer the world together, who still showed up to gun laws march in Central Park 40 years after Lennon was murdered across the street, who spent every single interview he got telling people to tell their loved ones "i love you" before it's too late, because he never forgave himself for never being brave enough to say it.
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loquarocoeur · 4 days
Hi, fucked up prophet from earlier
That’s EXACTLY what I wrote down. Max feeling shitty and being more agreeable than normal, Charles begs him to be bratty- max refuses- Charles gets what he wants anyway because max refusing to do what he asks (even if what he’s asking is for max to refuse) is exactly what he’s missing. (It becomes a game, max doesn’t feel bad anymore- but keeps up his refusal to be bratty on the principle of him deciding to do it. He loves Charles for pulling it out of him anyway)
I literally ended it with “ And then max does just as Charles suggested in the media pen. He is sweet and docile and complimentary and everyone tears out their hair trying to get a max Verstappen comment out of him. PR is either fired or begs him to return to normal. After all, everyone prefers max how he is. “
This is already what’s happening IRL thank GOD cause I crave his bitchy media
- ⭐️🥣
Damnit you little Shakespeare, stop outwriting me in my comments and asks for fuck's sake this is such a good concept!🥺😭
Now I want to write it, stopppp🥺👉👈
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the-solar-system52 · 11 months
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I wasn't expecting an update this week, and almost missed it since I checked the website too early, but here we are!
Now there is A LOT to unpack in this page, and if you know my theories, then I'm sure you think I'm about to talk about the parallels between The House of Lead and Negative in this dialogue. Which I 100% will, but another time. I want to talk about the Lead House in itself first.
When I first started with my RGB and Negative theory, I said that the House of Paint and House of Lead where supposed to be parallels to RGB and Negative, and I still stand by that.
But as I read recent pages, reread old ones, and was offered different perspectives from other fans, I'm began to think a lot about Lead House and Paint House as their own CHARACTERS, and not just plot points to parallel other characters.
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Just listen to this stuff RGB says, this is very interesting characterization! And also incredibly depressing. Lead House's strange and physics-defying architecture being explained by it trying to fill the void left by being split apart, and it's extreme loneliness because of that is a very tragic situation for a literal house to be in.
And when I first read Double Exposure, I was under the impression that either The Butterfly or Negative owned the house, but this is seemingly debunked in this page. And that fact puts the previous pages in a very different context.
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RGB outwrite states it here. This House has a personality, toying with RGB and Hero by trapping them, but not actually harming them. It seems to just be excited to be inhabited by people, when it hasn't for so long, and doesn't want them to leave.
Unlike the Paint House, this House can't be owned by anyone, and chooses it's shape based on whatever it wants. And although it seems to take an interest in the conversation Hero and RGB are having (evident by it spawning in the mirror maze when they were talking about Negative) it doesn't seem to be directly controlled by them.
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And gosh I love this panel so much! It seems entirely self aware of how it's gone "cuckoo" due to its loneliness, but turns it into a joke. Or maybe its not supposed to be a joke, and the House just doesn't have any other way to communicate, both options are equally sad.
But seeing how much personality Lead House has, it made me realise that Paint House doesn't really share the same traits.
Its design is entirely dependent on person who is controlling it. Although it reflects the inhabitants thoughts, like Click's face in the trains set, Hero's up-high bed, a bunch of plushies spawning in, etc. All these examples all come from the thoughts, wants or memories of Hero when she has the House's key. I wouldn't say it has much of a personality or consciousness at all.
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And though this system may be convenient for our protagonists, it is very inconvenient for the House itself. It straight up FALLS APART when Hero isn't paying enough attention to it! And consistently gets more and more abstract when controlled by a distracted 8 year old's mind.
So, Lead House has more individuality, isn't controlled by anyone and therefore doesn't fall apart or abstract. But, because it can't be owned, its gone insane with loneliness and isolation.
Paint House can be owned and wouldn't be considered lonely, but is far too dependent on others and is falling apart because of it.
Both houses are incomplete in their own way, so the obvious solution is for them to be fused back together into the House of Lead Paint!
The House of Lead Paint would be a balance between an individual personality, as well as being influenced by others. And they wouldn't be lonely anymore if they were together, plus once again being a home to someone! I could definitely see Hero and RGB living there, but instead of just outright controlling the House, they are able to ask the House for certain things, (or maybe the House could still read Hero's thoughts, but get to choose if its wants to change or not) and it will be more of a character.
This will obviously take the stress off Hero, since she won't have to be constantly thinking about the House just to stop it from abstracting or worrying about her dreams changing the house, and instead it could take care of itself at times, while still being helpful to our protagonists when they need something.
I think this may be happening sooner rather than later. Specifically because of RGB's "It may be as well for us to stay outside for a while" line, implying that something needs to change before Hero and RGB can go back into the Paint House.
This also seems like a stand in for a 'Tree' to this part of the story. "Big structure with emotional issues that needs to work through its issues in a symbolic way and transform into something else" Hero being the current owner of Paint House, having a track record of wanting to help out Trees, and needing a way to get out of Lead House, it seems perfectly in character for her to want to merge the Houses back together again. And now that the houses are in the same area to eachother (with the folded page being opened) I could 100% see this happening before the end of this arc. Probably as a conclusion to them getting out of the Lead House.
(anddd it could maybe be foreshadowing for RGB and Negative RGB merging back together???) (Fnaf sb ruin eclipse reference???) (tho, if that does happen, it would most likely be at the climax of TPOH)
I can't believe I'm getting so emotionally attached to the character arc of two HOUSES. But I just needed to get this rant out of my system.
So I'll probably talk about the dialogue relating to Negative another time, since this is already very long. Maybe I'll wait till the next update, since I'll undoubtedly have more things to rant on about then. But I hope you enjoyed this, even if it's a bit different from my usual RGB-centric theories.
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waterparksdrama · 7 months
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soulsucker lyrics???? im cringing so hard fuckkk...
so awsten congrats 22 year old you still is outwriting you to this day please dispose of your pen at the exit <3 - iz
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teamdilf · 1 month
Writer Interview
Tagged by @kalmiaphlox - thank you!
When did you start writing?
The first story I recall writing was a story about dinosaurs when I was six or seven. We'd been told to write a couple tiny little sheets, but I filled out the entire book with my story.
I started writing fiction in earnest again at the beginning of the pandemic in 2020.
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
I'm a sucker for period pieces but generally stick to fantasy and science fiction in my own writing. I did write an outline for a Solavellan regency AU that I may get brave enough to tackle one day.
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
Nope - I'm me and I feel no need to emulate another writer.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
I have a home office but since I work from home a lot of the time, I find it's not always the best space for me to write, as I'll feel like I'm in "work mode". A lot of the time I write best on my phone - whether it's sitting at a park out in nature, or lying in bed.
What's your most effective way to muster up a muse?
I try to take a walk every day during the lunch hour and daydream, which gives me fodder for future stories - or even just character development that I can use in the stories that I'm writing.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
Realizing that I write a lot of protagonists with painful or outwrite abusive relationships with their parents ended up causing me to confront a lot of painful things that occurred in my childhood/young adult life and come to the realization that the way one of my parents treated me when I was young was not OK and ultimately one reason why I chose not to become a parent myself.
What is your reason for writing?
It's a hobby and I have always been an avid daydreamer so I finally decided to try sharing the stories I'd been telling myself in my head.
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
All comments are greatly appreciated, but I've had a few lovely ones that have made me cry (tears of joy!). I love hearing what people think as they're reading my work, or an analysis of my story/characters/themes. When I get such a comment, I always sit there, dumbstruck, like, "I wrote this and you took the time to write a little essay on MY work?" and then have a nice little cry.
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
One thing I've heard from a few people is that I write OCs well, so maybe as someone who writes characters well?
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
Dialogue and characterization.
How do you feel about your own writing?
Like everyone, I have strengths and weaknesses. I excel at writing dialogue but struggle at describing scenery or action. My biggest weakness is probably action scenes - to the point where I considered cutting a key action scene in a fic I've drafted because I felt unable to write the scene in the way I wanted. It took a couple days of internal pep talks to give it an attempt and it still needs a fair amount of work, but it turned out pretty good!
I'm a lot more confident in my comedic writing than I was the first time I published something that was a straight up comedy. My general rule is that if I'm making myself laugh as I write, I've got gold, but recognize that not everyone shares my sense of humour! If I ever took a go at writing something original with the intention of trying to publish it, the story would almost certainly be a comedy.
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely for yourself, or a mix of both?
Mostly for myself - with the exception that if I'm bouncing ideas off on friends and there's an idea that they're super into, that's motivation to follow through and draft a story!
Tagging @daisywalletchains, @writernopal, @thetrashbagswasteland, @sparatus, @outpost51
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lunetual · 2 years
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♡ HAPPY JOOHEON DAY ♡ i am wishing jooheon a really, really nice day. i imagine the monstas are back to being quite busy, but i hope that jooheon can take some time for himself and have some good old fashioned fun, whether that’s a night out on the town or a quiet evening spent relaxing.
quick cc note: HELLO... we’re in meg’s monsta bday graphics era :) who better to kick us off than THE incomparable and incorrigible JOOHONEY ONE HUNNIT? i admit to feeling a little bad because i know i so rarely post him on this blog, but i want you all to know that he lives, of course, in my heart along with like. the rest of the monstas.
to me, honey is like. okay so. i feel like kpoppies as a whole have gotten REAL used to throwing around the word “ace” and “all-rounder.” and like... sometimes... not that any idols in question are NOT extremely talented and probably excellent in several categories... but ARE they lee jooheon. jooheon to me is like, really a true ace in that he does it all and THEN some, and he does it all WELL. he outsings he outdances he outcomposes and outwrites and of COURSE he outraps. and on THAT subject! i have often said that they don’t make idol rappers like they used to and i stand by it. honey is a rapper who is also an (excellent) idol. there’s a reason that the monstas are so looked up to and well thought of in the industry, and honey is a huge, huge, part of it. and the thing is! he knows he’s good, right? and when he was younger, that came out in this brashness, a chip on his shoulder. but he’s mellowed a lot and i think now it’s more of a confidence where he doesn’t need to SHOW that he’s good because he knows and we all know he’s good. and as he’s said, he’s gained perspective through his time in the industry. i just think he’s grown up so well and into himself in such a beautiful way <- embarrassing and sappy.
i think the main thing that. really stands out to me about jooheon is the honesty in his music, especially his solo work. he lives and breathes music (every moment can be music!!!) and it shows. he can be so raw and direct that it’s like a punch in the gut. i don’t think i can explain what it’s like seeing him perform smoky live except to say that afterwards, you feel like you’ve been wrung out emotionally. i will always be so grateful to him for sharing that and laying his own struggles out bare in order to share and shoulder the burden.
i’m also grateful to him for the way he is the engine of monsta x, the way he is the heart of so much of their music, and i’m grateful for the way that even though he’s been through some really hard times and has found the courage to not only keep on walking, but to keep us by his side and let us have a look into his most vulnerable moments through his music.
i hope that he knows that! so many of us appreciate him and love him and really wish for his continued success and happiness. i for one can’t wait to see what’s still to come for honey, and like. not to be sappy but i’ll keep on walking with him wherever he happens to find himself headed.
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astridhoff03 · 7 months
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I had a Little Idea 💡
A rough Rewirte Idea I have, that I want to Share with you.
The First thing I would do is, outwrite the disrespectful Connection to the Trilogy. Then I would give all the characters emotional backgrounds. (Jun & D’Angelo wouldn’t exist in My rewirte Universe, because I don‘t know what to do with These two.) Tom has no Connection to Hiccup and Astrid and his Dad is ahead of a research station That Researches Old civilisations. His Mum is ahead of a archilogy Team there. Because his parents Are divorced but still forced to work with each other, the releationship between them is Not the best because they Part ways on bad terms. The bad releationship between his parents affects Tom, because they Are always fighting and hating at each other. One day it all becomes too much for him and he runs away. He hides in an Old Ruin where he finds an old Journal with Stories about Hiccup and his Family and their life on New Berk. (There you could put Flashbacks in a respectful way where we See for example the Wedding Party from Hiccstrid, Pregnant Astrid, Zephyr and Nuffink as babys, their first steps,…). Then he could find Alex and Eugene who also hide in there. Alex because she needs some alone time and Eugene because he had a terrible fight with his Mum. (The Background-Stories of These two were: Alex was bullied in School because she has two Mums and also because she‘s very shy and different than the others. Eugene on the other Hand loses his Dad on Cancer and he and his Mum Haven’t the best releationship after his dead, they also weren‘t on the best terms before.) In one of the Old Ruins they found the old Dragon Book and Stoicks Notes about the hidden World. The three decide to search for this secret world, because they wanted to Go on a Adventure to forget which Troubles they have. They three Happen to find the Hidden World After a Long Journey. First they Are very afraid of this gigantic World and the Dragons they first encounter with. But soon they became Friends. For the three their Dragon-Friends became a Escape from the Reality of Life. The Kids thinking about to stay in the Hidden World But have to relealize that its untamble for humans. So they have to Go Back to face their demons. But they decide they will come back to their new found Friends to Visit them. However, the more often they visit the dragons, the more skeptical their parents become. And not just them, some scientists too. One day, one scientis follow Them and Discover the Dragons. He/She kills one and brought it back to the Research Station, where other scientist want to find More Dragons. Now the Kids most Protect the Dragons from the Scientist, to keep Hiccup and Toothless‘ Legacy but also most learn to face their issuse they have in their lifes.
The whole massage would stick true to the Trilogys ending But the overarching theme for this would be the importance of Family, Friendship, to face your Troubles and that you can‘t run away from your Problems.
I still wish someday we get something good out of this Spin-off Show because I want so badly Httyd in modern day. It would be so cool and interesting.
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starfish-sonnyangel · 7 months
yall i relogged into my grammarly account after for the first time since before covid and i found my ac fanfic from middle school 😭  😭  but the thing is i kinda predicted everything perfectly??????? i was a psychic or smth apparently. i remember having this vision where i was gonna write the third book before it even came out but everyone was gonna like my version better #delusional. im sharing it but pls keep in mind this was a whiiile ago, i have much different standards for my writing than i did then. pls be kind 😭  OKOK THANKS
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idk what tf i was on when talking abt chapter 5 but i hope you ejoyed this mildly embarrassing journey with me!! kudos to tweenager me for thinking she could outwrite the authors and then proceeding to barely outlining 5 chapters, your reminder to always dream big <3
ALSO TELL ME WHY WE GOT NO SAEDII POV IN AE?????? i was kinda spiting w that idk
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docholligay · 7 months
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So we've established that Fakir is a sort of lesser sorcerer, I guess, and he can't outwrite the strength Drosselmeyer has inbued the raven with. So are we going to have to see him shine his heart or whatever? Are we going to see AHiru inspire him to get it the fuck together?
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distortedsense · 5 months
Until there’s whole artificial human beings there’s no computer that will outwrite me. It can churn out as much bullshit as it wants, it won’t be able to touch my art until they can touch grass.
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