bluewinnerangel · 2 years
Ok this latest anagram reminds me of signs some of us made at AFH so I'm gonna share with the class
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Different groups had these signs because of of course wanting to give louis a taste of his own medicine. He didn't see them as far as I know, but you know the post going around of the flag being delivered to louis? Yeah it was put on the note given along with it with 0 context sjshaj
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kaleuh · 1 year
Befriending the Deli lady has literally been like interacting with Sable & Able or Brewster or any of the Animal Crossing NPCs until eventually.......................................you are friends....................!!
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avonne-writes · 4 months
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It took all of Bucky's charms to convince Gale to drink with them on Bucky’s 25th birthday. He begged and pleaded and cajoled him with his best puppy dog eyes until that half-suppressed smile appeared on Gale's face, and he said. "Suppose I can stomach one glass."
So, they went to the nearest bar in town with all the other cadets who had a weekend pass. Bucky got them both a stiff drink, and they clinked glasses before throwing them back, to the cheers of Bucky's friends. Well, Bucky threw it back. Gale gave it a long look, then took about half a sip.
Bucky could see him shudder, his plump lips purse. He leaned back against the bar, his elbows on the counter, and snorted a laugh. "I can take it off your hands if you don’t like it."
Gale just gave him a glance from the corner of his eye, then poured the whole thing down his throat. A muscle tightened in his jaw as he put his glass down, probably fighting nausea. He turned and put his palms flat on the bar as if to steady himself as the burning liquid settled in his stomach.
Bucky nodded at him, trying and failing to hold back a grin. "Look at you."
It was hard to tell in the bar's warm light, but Gale's cheeks seemed pink already. He blinked at his empty glass, then looked at Bucky and smiled as though he thought something was very funny. "Happy birthday."
Bucky's grin widened. He squeezed Gale's shoulder, then turned to gesture for the barkeep. "Another one for me and a ginger beer for my friend."
Bucky was on his third drink and just about starting to feel the buzz of it in his limbs when he noticed Gale watching him. They were seated in a booth by then, trapped in the corner by all the other guys who came to celebrate with them. Their friends were trying to outyell each other as they all fought to tell the same story to a pair of hapless girls they managed to invite to the table. So no one paid any attention when Bucky turned to look at Gale and found him looking back. For a moment, they just stared into each other's eyes, then Gale averted his and smiled. Again, as if the world around him was the most amusing thing ever. He was flushed, his blue eyes shiny.
Bucky's lips curled into a wide grin. "Feeling good?" He asked. When Gale tried to control his smile and failed to wipe it off his face, he laughed. "Got you good, didn't it?"
Gale rubbed at his forehead and leaned against Bucky's side. His gaze lacked its usual sharp gleam and his hand moved in less measured gestures than usual - he was completely buzzed. "I'm fine."
"I can see that." Bucky chuckled. The fact that Gale was a lightweight didn't surprise him at all. Originally, he had thought that maybe he could get a few more drinks in him, but seeing him after only one, he knew that sticking to ginger beer for the rest of the night would probably be for the best. "Do you need some air?"
Gale shook his head. Then, Bucky felt it - under the table, Gale's fingers were hooked into the belt of his uniform. Who knew when they found their way there. They clung to him as he leaned back in his seat, and Gale’s shoulders followed to find his again. A muscle twinged in Bucky's chest. His grin faded into something more muted as he studied Gale's flaming face, the way his smile dug deeper lines into his cheek whenever he glanced in Bucky's direction from the corner of his eyes, the way he bowed his head, and the shadows his eyelashes cast.
He couldn't resist, he bumped his knuckles lightly against Gale's cheek. It felt hot to the touch. The gesture made Gale snicker, then hide his face behind his free hand as he often did when he didn't want to draw attention to his laugh. With butterflies fluttering in his stomach, Bucky slid his arm behind Gale, palm coming to rest warmly on Gale's shoulder. He felt his own face heat up when, instead of staying still as usual, Gale leant his whole weight into the embrace as if he was starving for it. He even tipped his head back to rest it on Bucky’s arm. His hand slipped to Bucky's thigh.
Bucky looked around, but none of their friends seemed to notice. Most of them were also well on their way to drunkenness. Only he was running behind, it seemed. A situation he couldn't say he was familiar with, but given the state Gale was in, he thought that was a lucky thing. He leaned in to whisper into Gale's ear.
"Do you wanna leave?"
Gale closed his eyes, still smiling, then nodded. That was all Bucky needed. With some effort, he managed to extricate them out of the booth, crawling over some of the guys, who shoved at him playfully before getting up to let Gale out too. Gale moved slowly, with the caution of someone who was doing his best not to appear drunk, but if someone knew him well enough, the abundance of joy in his expression was a dead giveaway. Buck Cleven wasn't prone to smiling at nothing or to moving his gaze back and forth between Bucky and the rest of the bar instead of keeping it fixed on one thing. Bucky pretended to be drunker than he was just to have an excuse to throw his arm around Gale. He started singing, and felt Gale's arm squeeze tight around his waist.
"Buck, you gotta do something before we all go deaf!" One of the guys called out to raucous laughter. Gale snickered again, clinging to Bucky a bit harder, then he started pushing Bucky towards the door.
"I'm coming back for that dice game, Bill!" Bucky pointed at them, and they all waved their arms at him to just leave already so that they could continue trying to woo the girls.
He and Gale made it outside in a few minutes.
They stumbled into a dark alley nearby, where Gale tugged at the lapels of Bucky's uniform until Bucky kissed him. His lips parted pliantly for Bucky's tongue, and he tasted so sweet that for a moment, Bucky thought he might get drunk on it too. It was a nice, languid kiss. Bucky could have pushed for more but he forced himself to pull back, because he had a feeling that a back-alley romp wasn't what Gale was actually being so needy for, and he could tell that he was right when the first thing Gale did when they parted was to drop his head to Bucky's shoulder.
When Bucky slid his hands up Gale's arms to his back to hug him, he wrapped his own arms around Bucky's waist. He sighed as the embrace closed around him.
They stayed like that for so long that Bucky thought Gale might have fallen asleep standing. But as he tried to pull away, the arms around him tightened.
Bucky breathed in deep. "You wanna sleep in my room tonight?" And this time, that was all he meant, sleep. He could sneak Gale into his hotel room, and they could cuddle as much as Gale needed.
Gale took a deep breath too and straightened up. He let Bucky go to rub at his own face. "Sorry about that." He cleared his throat. A frown formed between his eyebrows. It seemed that he was sobering up. "No, I'll be all right. You go back. It’s your birthday after all. I think I will - go find a ride back to base."
"I'm not going back without you."
Gale looked at him. Even in the dim light, Bucky could tell that his eyes weren't quite clear yet, but some of the haze was gone. "I need a few more minutes."
Bucky leaned back against the wall and lit a cigarette. With his free hand, he reached out to hold Gale's. He was pleased when Gale didn't pull away. "I can wait."
Gale watched him wordlessly with that tipsy little smile on his face until Bucky finished his cigarette. When the last of it burnt down, Bucky threw the stub away and stepped into Gale's space again. He gave him a chaste kiss.
Gale bumped his forehead to his, then moved away. "I'm not drinking another one."
Bucky laughed and pushed him towards the main street. "Why not?"
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appendingfic · 2 months
"What will the owners say, sir?”
“Let the owners stand on Nantucket beach and outyell the Typhoons. What cares Ahab? Owners, owners? Thou art always prating to me, Starbuck, about those miserly owners, as if the owners were my conscience."
He might be the manager and depressed and insane but by god Ahab refusing to let himself be motivated by making the shareholders happy is refreshing
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computerspeech · 23 days
OHHHH THATS A GOOD QUESTION HMMM i think s.a.m. would like lucasarts games a lot. specifically maniac mansion (something something commodore 64). they know every little nicknack of the scumm engine. would probably boast that they dont need scummVM to run lucasarts games (they do need it) i definitely feel like the microsofts probably mess around with the pre packaged windows games. i can imagine the three of them all carefully staring at a computer (with sam controlling it) trying to beat minesweeper. voder was made and destroyed before the age of gaming alas, but after revival s.a.m. would definitely introduce a nintendo 3DS to him. he gets hooked on warioware gold and mario kart 7 say would probably love playing co op/team games with dectalk, theyre close buddies after all. i can definitely see them play stuff like NSMB wii and team fortress 2. they've very definitely played the portal 2 co op campaign before. ari isnt much of a gamer, and if you introduced him to xbox live i think she'd outyell everyone even with her TTS voice. hes just like that. definitely dont make her play overwatch macintalk much like ari isnt much of a gamer either. but would probably enjoy simple games like game & watches or puzzle games like match 3 stuff.
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ratherembarrassing · 11 months
the best best best thing about that entire experience was this:
the crowd was 50% people decked out like yankee doodle dandies, 5% blue and yellow, 45% visibly agnostic. the stadium was mostly silent for the first half except for the packs of americans who would. not. shut. up. i was nervous. the vibe was awkward.
but then.
the noise started picking up every time the usa fucked up. the noise started picking up for sweden wins. by the end of extra time, 50% of that stadium was outyelling the americans.
melbourne are, first and foremost, world class haters. and that's why it's my favourite city on earth.
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rosearttrash · 7 months
i wrote a fukin
It is a quiet morning on the beach as a person, fully decked in swimming gear, stretches at the edge of the water, ignoring the biting wind. People walking their dogs and going on morning jogs notice them and wave. An old looking man approaches the swimmer and strikes up a conversation. Whatever was said doesn't matter anymore, as the color fades from the old man's face and he reaches into the pocket of his heavy coat, calling the authorities.
The sound of sirens and the blue lights of police cars break the monotony of the grey morning sky. The intern they brought as a negociator shaking in his hat doesn't soothe the growing crowd. Public safety won't be there for another hour, arguing that if it isn't actively eating people and just standing there, it can wait.
"So that's a demon ?"
"Devil. Here's the megaphone and here's your script. Just waste time, don't make it angry, don't get close, and do not make a contract with it."
The intern lookes pathetically at the police's devil consultant, megaphone in hand, and starts reading:
"h-HELLO-" the intern startled by the noise "HELLO, SEA DEVIL, I AM MIMZEE, I AM HERE TO TALK TO YOU."
"Ocean Devil." retorted the no-longer-smiling swimmer. "And I said I wish to talk to your superior."
"Looks like I am not worth your time, and therefore you are not worth mine."
The consultant raises an eyebrow.
"Bold lie, let's see what that gets you."
Taking their swimming goggles off, the Devil says:
"Stop putting waste in the ocean."
"what ?" said the intern away from the megaphone. "EXCUSE ME ? WHAT DO YOU WANT ?"
"I want you to remove all the waste in the ocean and stop putting more in it. it makes me sick."
The consultant does their best to restrain a laugh.
"This guy's an idiot."
"Why yes, you uphold the law. Uphold this law."
"Well it should, I do not wish for any filth on my property."
A short piercing sound breakes the monotony of the howling wind. The "negociator" tries to make get the megaphone to work again, in vain. He yells, but the Ocean man does not hear him. Looking for guidance, the young man looks at the consultant, recieving only a shrug and a barely contained smirk. Gingerly, he gets closer and keeps trying to outyell the wind. Whatever he said was devoured by the wind the same way he was devoured by the ocean.
It is around 1pm when Clover, Devil consultant by trade, arrives to her dingy appartment and start a voice call on their phone.
"-yeah, the guy thought calling the cops would solve polution. Then he ate the kid, which is less fun. Al-also the flooding, yes, but think of it this way: natural selection, plus, we had no idea the ocean would follow it when it started running ! Honestly i think we did pretty good." On the other side of the phone, the interlocutor sounds displeased at Clover's calousness.
"Hey at least we know about this Ocean guy and how much of a threat he is, and I don't have to hear about Star Wars every lunch break." "Ok ok, I'm sorry, that was uncalled for. I'm just really more interested in such a Devil going completely unnoticed for so long. Like, everyone's a bit scared of the Ocean but it's the first time we hear about an Ocean Devil, aren't you a little bit intrigued ? Listen, if I had to mourn every baby who taunts a pitbull, I'd-"
Clover is interupted by a paper bag hitting her in the face before falling in their hands. A burger king bag with soggy fries and half a whopper.
"Diner." said an older woman in flat tone.
"Ow, and thanks, how much do I owe you ?"
"I didn't pay."
"…, ok." More unintelegible noise from the phone.
"oh, Chance says hi."
The silence in the appartment followed for the entierity of the fries and burger, with no company, Clover goes to sleep early, trying to sleep off the man sized jaw of the devil and the ensuing tsunami she can't help but feel responsible for. But disasters happen every day, and she did her best, she learned, and she grew, she hopes.
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kasumingo · 11 months
Ppl in this day and age were done soooo dirty by discouraging existing in public and stranger danger. Friendlessness both irl and online is an epidemic bc sometimes you just need people to (privately) complain to and sort ur thoughts out with. Like people who wont be passive or always yes-men and point out if youre getting irrational with shit too.
Like im on occassion super bitchy and petty but you dont get even a fraction of that from my socials bc i do all my kvetching in 2 group chats and then usually calm down right after. And if its an actual issue i trust that the person will get theirs (whether thru karma or the word spreading in private) without calling for their downfall.
(Btw remember the discourse around gossiping and saying its immoral and unnormal. Bc i sure do. Now that was some shit !)
Also i feel like bringing that kind of inflammatory character to the issue that callouts do undermines ur cause, because if the situation becomes more polarizing some people will side with the person being called out, even when theyre known abusers, and youll get the opposite effect than intended. Regardless of actual intention its so often just harmful virtiol framed as the moral high ground
Honestly - even if not irl for various reasons, everyone can participate in general discussions online on discord or other group chats and make tighter groups to vent in, like it's not hard to not be a toxic asshole online who airs all their dirty laundry on the most public platforms possible, not taking into account that not everyone will agree with them (and thus lashing out in the aftermath). But nah, everyone is an enemy.
(Oh God. Not the gossiping thing. I'm noticing a trend. This harmless behavior? You're actually the worst person alive if you do this natural thing. Sexual thoughts? Gossiping? Vent art? Oh humanity, what are you, some kind of predator? /s)
And YEAH I feel like this emotionally-charged take on any social issue comes from thinking that if they say how disgusted and harmed they are, they'll make it a stronger case. And in turn it just makes them look like immature reactionaries and even if there's a merit to the callout, they're not doing it with the seriousness it requires.
The internet is just a bunch of people trying to outyell someone to be taken seriously and unfortunately a lot of people are prone to emotional manipulation.
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cyanora · 3 years
My parents normally: your so quiet, you need to talk louder!
My parents when im talking back and pointing out things they dont like: ugh what happened to that quiet child.
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one-winged-dreams · 5 years
Grimmjow being distressed because this time my problem is a little old Mexican lady and he CAN'T solve this with physical violence.
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hyperions-fate · 2 years
Let the owners stand on Nantucket beach and outyell the typhoons. What cares Ahab? Owners, owners? Thou art always prating to me, Starbuck, about those miserly owners, as if the owners were my conscience.
Herman Melville, Moby-Dick (1851)
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watchingspnagain · 2 years
Rewatching Croatoan
Welcome to “Ventilation Plugs Hurt More: A Supernatural Rewatch Blog” with Lor and Mace!
 Up today, s2e9: Croatoan
  Sam has a vision of Dean killing, execution style, a man who swears he's not infected with something, but what that something is isn't clear in the vision. So the boys take off to see what's up and land themselves in the middle of a small town just starting to turn on each other where the word CROATOAN has been carved into a light pole. They hole up with a few people in a doctor's office, and a few hard choices have to be faced. They eventually discover that it's some sort of demon-based infection that seems to run its course and then vanish. Dean feels like they've lost a big battle somehow and they both have to face up to what's going on with Sam and what John told Dean just before he left for Hell.
 Below is a log of our real-time reactions as we watched. Remember that there may be spoilers for any part of SPN’s 15-season run here. Note also that the nature of our conversation is adult and thus it may contain adult language and themes.
[and we begin:]
im supposed to be paying attention to something other than Dean's unbuttoned Henley, right?
 “ventilated” nice, Dean
and Sam says plugged
those are... opposites. and yet
I love English. it's so dumb
 it IS so dumb
Dean's musterious second necklace peeks out
 very musty
you HUSH
not my fault my thumbs are thick and Dutch
“that’s schoolhouse rock”
it's cute how Dean pretends he doesn't know things so Sammy can explain it
 you’re adorable
this is probably fine
look. I realize bad shit is about to go down, but. I would live in that house
 It’s a cool house but I bet there are snakes nearby
MACE. Ruined
 sorry. that’s the FIRST thought I have about any possible dwelling
there's no snakes in oregon
 that sounds suspiciously like a lie
I would never
 Suspicious Dean is suspicious
he is
 Dean didn’t hesitate to put ventilation plugs in that dude
that is hotter than it should be given... the corpse
suprasternal notch nnngggg
he so rarely shows it off
 this woman looks so familiar
"we'll get back to you on that" terrifying and deeply competent
she DOES
AS IF any American town would quarantine because of a virus
 the new least believable thing about SPN right there
“I don’t swing that way” Oh Dean
"you are a handsome devil, but I don't swing that way" Classic Dean bringing up the thing he means to hide
mmm i love when we can hear Baby running like that
 HAHAHA the yelling back and forth
omg this exchange
"you gotta neigbor named Mr Rogers?" "not anymore" haaaaaahahahahahaha
 holding the gun under his arm WHY IS THAT SO HOT
I HATE guns
oooof Dean. people do not hug him enough
ugh the people just standing out there in the dark SO CREEPY
 “Awkward” HAHAHAHA
"too late for that"
Dean looking to Sam for the decision on the untying
 oh Sam
 “nobody’s shooting my brother"
 that’s 87% of the show right there
Dean just outyelled a marine. that's impressive
 well, he WAS emotionally abused by a marine as a kid, so…
the way his voice changes on "no"
Sammy's tearfulness I cannot
 I’m getting FUCK 369 vibes
"who says I want to?" I CANNOT
"so you're just gonna give up? you're gonna lay down in die?" FUCK 327 SIDEWAYS AND BACKWARDS
(and Dean can only admit to Sam how tired he is when he thinks they're both gonna die)
oh I FORGOT about this little bit here at the end
 aaaand the black guy doesn’t survive the episode
almost but no dice
so do we assume he goes back and kills the doc?
 I guess?
otherwise there is indeed something left behind
mmm I love that shirt on Sammy
 Sam knows that Dean wouldn’t want a break unless something awful is coming
and he wouldn't want to take a break for HIMSELF
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randombubblegum · 2 years
oh yeah i am. a different person than i was before, i was like three people away from the barrier and it was insane. seeing a lead vocalist's legs changes a man forever. but like fr actually it was an amazing show, even the crowd was great! we outyelled the amps multiple times and it was a surprisingly safe crowd, nobody got pushed around and gerard didn't even have to ask us to take a couple steps back like he has at most other shows. i guess he just has to show some thigh to shock the audience into politeness lmaoo
i love thattttt :( im glad to hear the crowd was chill bc i wouldnt blame anyone for going fucking nuts frankly. like who expected to see that much of gerards bare thighs in 2022!!!!!!
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werezmastarbucks · 4 years
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enzo x reader
request! looks like we’re having a mini series on our hands.
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word count: 2291
warnings: mentions of torture (probably not in this chapter, but then on will def do)
You were thrown into the cell, concrete floor meeting you with its hard substance. It didn’t hurt. What bothered you was the vervain in you which made you dizzy and slow. You thought you recovered pretty quick, jumping back up on all fours, but the walls swayed, and you only saw bleak, dirty golden of the weak lamp in the corridor ceiling.
Ever since you became a vampire, you’ve felt invincible. A fatal mistake, perhaps, but the feeling is so justified. As a human, you were considered feeble. All the more satisfaction was drawn when it turned out you didn’t need to sweat anymore to punch someone back.
Because you liked getting into fights.
Now, all your senses were deceived. The sound of the closing cage door was probably the most horrifying sound you’ve ever heard in your life. Clang. And you couldn’t even see properly, but every inch of your now agile and perceptive body knew what it meant. And it paralyzed you with fear.
For about twenty minutes.
You could feel someone in the next cage, feet from you, lying on the floor and prepped against the wall. But they were in the dark and did not speak. You could feel their eyes on you, like vampires always do, opaque black and unblinking. You didn’t pay attention at first. Slowly recovering from the burning sensation in your veins, you first sat up, keeping a mantra in your head. Do not lay down and die. You’re an invincible vampire, and iron bars are nothing for a creature like you.
After, you tried to stand up, your hand on the wall, skin irrtated by old harsh stone. Cold.
You went towards the bars and tried them, pulled and pushed, and as soon as your voice returned to you, you started yelling, calling names, kicking and shaking the cage, although it didn’t seem to notice you.
You refused to just allow that. That, the reality of where you were. You were a free person, and then you were an even freer vampire, and nobody had a right to just catch you like a rat and put you under the ground.
“Stop. Stop”, the voice said. He had to shout a little to outyell you. You twitched, remembering your quiet neighbor; his voice seemed weak, hungry. You’d never heard a voice of a starving vampire before, and now you felt little shivers crawling down your spine. You stepped to the side of your cage, swaying, still intoxicated. The darkness went bursting with green spots, and you sat yourself on the foor, holding on the bars.
“If you keep screaming, they’ll come to quiet you down, and from what I saw about you, you won’t like it even worse”, he said, with a thick English accent, so exquisite he sounded like a person from another time. You shifted, trying to see him better, but even with your vampire eyes, still vervained, all you saw were outlines of his body, spread on the floor, at the far wall.
“How long have you been here?” you asked, scared to death to hear what he says.
He took a minute to gather energy.
“Long enough to know how this place works”.
“No, tell me how long”, you pressed, your heart pumping in your temples. One thing you carried with you into the undeath was your high level of anxiety. Which, obviously, hightened so greatly sometimes you could feel your heart in your throat, literally.
“What year is it?” he asked, finally.
“Two thousand and nine”.
“Oh, doll”, he muttered, and then there was silence.
It looked like he blacked out.
He was out all night. You couldn’t see the skies, but your inner clock ticked well. Pretty soon, you became sleepy yourself, but hunger wouldn’t let you sleep.
You fidgeted and crawled about, then, when you were able to walk, you started walking around the cage like a jaguar.
First signs of captivity coping started showing themselves.
This is all a mistake. Yes, they have captured me and put me here because they have confused me with somebody else. Pretty soon they’ll realize that they made a mistake and let me go.
But your mind was sharper now. If you really believed that you would’ve called them. The sleeping silhouette at the far wall unnerved you. Being in enclosed space, in the matter of hours, has set a new dimension to your seeing of the world. You hated that guy. Smug, although he was almost dead. Thinking he knows what you are. Gathering information about you, almost smirking and refusing to answer questions. Grumpy old man.
You finally dozed off closer to the morning, when the natural gravitation of the sunlight demanded you to. Windows or no windows, you served the changes of day and night and the instincts were strong.
That’s when they came for you for the first time. Without a single word, they vervained you again, causing pain in all your body. Your mouth gaped open as you tried to keep your eyes open, feeling their hands dragging you on the floor.
“Mistake, mistake, mistake”, you heard yourself whisper.
“Be quiet”, the neighbor said. Or maybe you imagined that.
“Hey, loud one”.
You were laying face down, trying to block everything out, pain swarming in your body in miriads of black worms. Your brain could not comprehend what’s just happened and how long it took. Just like that, the order of day was broken, and, being paralyzed with pain and indignation, you couldn’t tell what time it was anymore. You couldn’t understand how a bunch of mortals managed to stripe you down and mutilate you, and get you back together, in such a short time.
The darkness was pricky, full of thorns, as your body went aching, and your mind, it was bursting with blood.
“Hey”, it felt like he threw a pebble at you, or something small.
You growled, not getting your head up.
“You alive”, he noted. His voice sounded way better. Suddenly, there was a faint trace of blood, maybe carried by a draft from the corridor, or with his breathing, and your whole body convulsed, longing for nourishment. You twitched, painfully, and found yourself laying on your back now. You were in hell.
“Did they feed you?” he asked. You couldn’t move your mouth, fangs aching with hunger, tongue heavy and blue-ish.
“You’re a new vampire”, he said. It wasn’t a question this time. He was just making observations. You tried to move your head to take a look at him but all you saw was your own ceiling.
“The first couple of times are the worst, but you’ll get used to it. Learning to fight thirst is the more serious problem”.
He kept talking to you, saying something you couldn’t even grasp exactly. He said, when they inject you with poison, it’s useful to hold your breath, because that way it hurts just a wee bit less; he was talking like an old, old English gentleman, using all the old-fashined words, and for a moment there you thought, even if you stood up to look at him, you wouldn’t see a man, because he was merely a ghost.
His chatting put you to feverish, heavy sleep that lasted for many hours until you woke up again.
You did not realize you were crying in your sleep.
A bag of blood was thrown into your cell, and your weak limbs clutched it, last vigorous spring of exhausting young vampire, and started drinking.
Once you were done with the bag, you fought off the desire to lick the plastic to clean off all blood. Your eyes were seeing better now, you all of you felt almost okay. Having slept, with a healthy dose of warm blood in your veins, sending your mind in overdrive. You felt anxious, energetic, and before a new wave of horror kicked in, you crawled carefully to the bars separating your cage from your neighbor’s.
You could finally see him. He was not what you expected. A young man, not more than twenty-five, was looking back at you with pitch-black careful eyes. Not dusty, not faded with mist of years spent inside this prison, smelling like a vampire should smell; apparently, he’s just eaten, too. His slim arms were laying on his sides as he prepped himself against the far wall, sitting. There was something Italian about him, but that just might have been the dark hair and the way he cocked his head. Maybe not Italian, just... different. You haven’t seen faces like this except in the book illustrations. He had a strong forehead and a hidden plan inside of his gaze. And he was looking directly at you.
“Feeling better?” he asked in his eerie accent.
Your throat was still contracting, the taste of blood arousing all your senses in vain, because you weren’t going anywhere.
“What is this place?”
“They call it Augustine”, he said slowly, “it’s a place where vampires come to lose hope”.
“What century are you from?” you winced. It seemingly entertained him but he abstained from commenting on your face. You had no idea what you looked like and whether you had blood on your skin.
“Last one”.
“Beginning of it?”
He leaned on the wall, looking up, and yet another shock of despair stung your insides. He had the look. The look that people get, who are held captive for a long time. Sometimes you’re put away for such a long time you learn to live again, you learn to get used to the conditions and the place, and eventually you deal with the idea of staying forever.
It’s much worse for vampires than for humans because humans eventually grow old and die. But you can keep a vampire for eternity.
He was looking on the ceiling and imagining the sky. You could see it right through his dark eyes.
He slowly lowered his face.
“How long have you been alone?” you asked quietly.
“For about sixty years”.
Breath got stuck in your throat. His snake-like smirk creeped onto his face, making him look like a textbook vampyr.
“And yes”.
“Yes to what?”
“To what you’re thinking. You’ll stay here, too”.
All kind of expression escaped him. He turned, facing the corridor and started looking at a fly circling the lamp in the ceiling. You could hear its ringing buzz and the sound it made when it hit the warm glass. You could feel and hear everything. The smell of dust in the lines on the floor. Water dripping somewhere above your heads, on the first floor. The vampire breathing very queitly, and his heart, beating with such fatigue as if he was a plant growing out of this concrete. You could smell people who left sweet traces of their bodies after they passed down the corridor. The inviting scent from your bag. You took it and threw outside, into the corridor, and your neighbor whistled musingly.
“You could use some time to get used to here”.
You couldn’t believe it was happening.
The next time you saw him, looked at him, he was taking your place. The people - the mortals - one tall woman with dark-red hair and very sweaty armpits, and a short man with a face like a piece of wood - came and took him away. You still didn’t know his name. You were calling him Neighbor in your own thoughts, but he still didn’t ask you for yours, although it’s been... two days? Three days and a night? No idea.
He left with them on his own, walking between them, and they didn’t have to vervain him. You sat on the floor, asking yourself, why he let them do that to him. You couldn’t even think about what you had to go through in that laboratory; an obvious thought was scratching your mind, but you pushed it away. Leaning on the wall, you closed your eyes, trying not to listen to what was going on on the first floor. You were trying to think objectively. If Neighbor went to the lab on his own, shoulder to shoulder with those monsters, he has completely come to terms with it. You were dreading a state in which a being is completely at peace with being tortured. But he spent so many years here... his face looked like he was from another world. Pairing yourself with someone was the last thing you’d think about here, but you could see the features of his face, although worn out and blank, could be considered handsome. Interesting how little things were still as clear as big things.
The fly was still alive, circling the lamp for warmth pointlessly, almost blindly.
You still didn’t know Neighbor’s name.
Hunger came in waves and the blood they gave you was generally fresh and female, and you wondered who it came from.
You did not want companionship. You did not want to converse with him. Or listen to him share his wisdom of living here. All those things would mean you’re assimilating, and you had no intention to do so. You’d resist. You’d fight...
After they brought him back, exhausted and pale, you asked yourself if this vampire was telling himself those same things about not staying here, about the longevity of human spirit. You were young enough of a vampire to remember what a human spirit is. You looked at their faces, the tall woman with big brown eyes, and the scared, cautious coward. They were just like you, at the end of the day. You all came from the same species, and yet...
As if humans ever stop waging brutality on each other.
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minyoongislaysme · 5 years
i love when jin starts randomly outyelling bts cuz no one can keep them in line like jin can lmao.
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beabeyonce · 7 years
"dear talia." "Yes, I know your name." "You have become someone I have been very very aware of for a little while now." "And let me just say, it's...amazing that you do what you do." "The fact that you don't give any fucks, is incredible." "And frankly I'm in awe of you." "You sit there on your tower, and you look down at the people below, Like...some queen." "Like...some queen." "and you are a queen, really." "It's amazing how you can command anyone's attention with your behavior." "A queen." "a queen, loved by so many." "loved by so many." "It's amazing just how much- I have to admit how much shock it puts me in to see the support given how strong of a personality you carry." "It's unheard of." "Such a fucking queen. God." "Or should I say: such a tyrant." "Allow me to rephrase my first sentence." "Yes, I know your name. Mostly because you've been a ratchet bitch." "who for the first time in my life has made me so ashamed to be a POC." "That I no longer wonder just how it is that some people look at POCs with hatred." "And let me say, I'm disgusted by your actions." "not you , don't get me wrong, but your actions." "Because actions do not define a person, but they do define themselves." "and right now they define the biggest fucking bitch I have ever wanted to fucking punch in the face." "And right now, they define the biggest fucking bitch." "the biggest fucking bitch." "Well done, Puta." "well done." "Puta." "You've gotten a pacifist to actually want to reach through the screen and sack you with your own monitor." "The fact you don't give any fucks is abhorrent." " and you really ought to be ashamed of yourself." "The fact you don't give any fucks is abhorrent, and you should be ashamed of yourself." "And I'm in awe of the fact that you have somehow managed to actually have a sway in the ( tumblr rp  ) community." " Like some...tyrant." "Like some bully." "Like some...Tyrant. Like a bully." "Like a bully, who literally does not give a who she fucking hurts." "and seems to forget that they are people...just like her." "Who speaks about equality, and yadda yadda." "Who speaks about equality, and yadda yadda when she's a bigger bully than any white person I've ever come across." "and I've come across a lot." "You sit there on your high tower, and you judge every person and condemn them, and ruin their reputations and then say, 'Damn bitch deserved it'." "You sit there on your high tower." "and you judge every person and condemn them." "and ruin their reputations." "Damn bitch deserved it." "It's amazing how you manage to outyell everyone who comes in contact with you." "and still somehow people seem to lose their morals and feed it." "Incredible." "You go out of your way to push people out in the same of doing the right thing." "... of protecting pocs." "and somehow you've forgotten that everyone is actually a fucking human being." "oh. my. god." "Want a novel idea?" "You mean that... everyone is a person who deserves an opinion whether you agree or not?" "Oh my god, amazing. Groundbreaking." "Oh by the way, I have a question." "Why do you attack people who can't fight yo back? Hmm?" "Coward much?" "Attacking innocents, stealing ideas." "Do not for one second try and make me think you haven't." "Or should I point to..." "Which was such a fucking blatant rip off you made me gag." "which was such a fucking blatant rip off." "You made me gag." "Or..." "Which was...again such a rip off." "And you know it! That's the amazing part." "and you know it!" "That's the amazing part." "You know it. And you just sit there like 'bitches shut up'..." "Oh sweetheart. Baby girl. What don't you fucking get?" "Oh sweetheart." "Baby girl." "what don't you fucking get?" "Oh right, that you're human just like everyone else, and completely mortal." "Whoops." "As I was saying." "Where was I again?" "Oh right. You seeming to forget that all those people you've chased out of the community are people too." "Awww, sweet [ enter name ] , what exactly needs to be pointed out to you so you'll stop picking on the rest of the schoolyard,, Hmm?" "You just can't leave people alone, can you?" "And god, the people who support you- you all ought to be ashamed of yourselves." "Let me ask you something, for all your support, exactly what are you trying to prove to them?" "That POCs are Ratchet bitches who need to put every white girl in their place?" "That you are the few who ruin it for the rest of us because you bitches be sittin there like, 'Oh well they said something racist?" "That you are the few who ruin it for the rest of us." "Because you be sittin' there." "Oh well they said something racist?" "Oh shut the fuck up." "Let the fucking Hatchet be buried." "Because goddamn!" "You are all up in here." "when is emma gonna release her damn url so that someone better can take it?" "Like you know what?" "That ain't your url." "That ain't your call." "And you lil sweetpeas need to calm your fucking tits and think about what the fuck you're saying." "calm your tits." "Think about what the fuck you're saying." "I don't give a fuck who you guys are bully." "I don't give a fuck." "But it's disgusting, it's vile, and y'all be sitting here pretending to be something you ain't like yall are saints or something." "But it's disgusting." "It's vile." "And y'all be sitting here pretending to be something you ain't." "Like yall saints or something." "Saints." "Hold on, I gotta catch my breath from the laughter." "anyway, I think I'm done." "I don't have much else to say to you expect that you reeaaaallly done it this time." "Its a pity that people can't just leave other people alone..." "but oh well." "If you wanna act like you're a 5 year old nobody can stop you." "sadly. I mean, I'm here because apparently no one want to lower themselves to your level and call you out." "Which leaves some of us less than willing to bow to your eternal bitchery." "chomping at the bit in annoyances." "Because they wont stand up for themselves enough to fight you." "and to fully give their two cents." "Me? Psh." "I don't give any fucks." "You've taken any fuck I had to give, and flushed them down the toilet with all your pushing."? "And frankly? Well... I'm happier for it." "Finally I get to relax." "So, I'll go now." "I've gotten almost all my rage out." "Still wanna slap you, [ enter name ]..." "You sweet lil munchkin queen who apparently was raised so backwards she don't know no better." "*pats your cheek*" "Have a nice, lonely, bitchy life." "and enjoy yourself." "You've earned it." "I'd answer you...But sorry I'm out of fucks to give. I'd go to fuckmart but fucks are really expensive." "nah. Its really easy actually." "I just think the fact that you've driven people out of this community because of 'racism' and all of a the sudden its like magic." "
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