#overly literal
amiraallis · 11 months
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Jay walkin'
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i vote that next year instead of reading Dracula we do a Jeeves & Wooster Book Club. those two never got the rabid tumblr shipping fandom they deserved (disqualified for the sheer technicality of being published a century too soon). we must correct this injustice
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metanarrates · 1 year
nothing is more sexy to me in fiction than a time loop being thematically linked to the experience of grief and/or trauma. a constant reliving of loss and pain that becomes literal, an inability to move on, a cycle that always finds new ways to hurt... literally where would we be without it
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happy birthday to one of the greatest fics of all time <3 ( @bisexuallsokka , thank you for writing this masterpiece.)
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silicated · 21 days
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1 | 2 | [3] | 4
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genericpuff · 1 month
help i forgot about this panel where persephone has excruciatingly detailed eyelids-
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girl's gonna cause a car wreck with slick like that 💀😭
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somegrumpynerd · 6 months
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Killer's nightmare
He has many, but the one he has most often is of coming out of stage 3 and finding he's killed his new family too alone again. Or maybe worse, that he'll never quite be without someone from his past.
Luckily, it is just a nightmare, and he has a different Nightmare he can see to help him calm down.
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trainsinanime · 4 months
I should be sleeping but I just figured out how they could have drastically improved the ending of season 5 with very little effort: What if the fight between Bug Noir and Hawkmoth had not taken place in the kitchen, but in Adrien's room?
Even assuming that the rest of the script stays the same, it would have given so many opportunities. Being in Adrien's space, but without him, would give all sorts of thematic implications and make us feel like his absence was a deliberate narrative choice. Destroying it over the course of their fight would be symbolically destroying his prison, and also showing how Gabriel destroys him, at the same time (bonus points for destroying the prison-bar-like windows).
Plus, you could have done so much with the lighting. The Kitchen fight just doesn't look all that good with its black and white tiles and bright white light. This is especially notable because the episode before, with the theatre production, was the prettiest ML episode ever thanks to all the creative lighting.
In Adrien's room, you have more light and shadow and colors anyway, but you could have really played with bathing the scene in an evening glow, in a thunderstorm, or turning it to night slowly. All the people fighting outside could also have seen the light effects coming from there, making the fight in the house much more connected to the outside.
I'm not saying that would have fixed all the issues I had with the finale, let alone all the issues people have had with the finale, but I think it would have been a much stronger move.
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traumasurvivors · 3 months
I just want to say, I have never once claimed to speak for all survivors… my posts are from my experience and I try to cover all angles. I’ll make posts about people being strong while making posts about it being valid to not identify with the word.
But getting aggressive comments on my posts about it how I “don’t speak for all survivors and should shut the fuck up” is honestly a lot. And using “I’m a survivor too” like it’s some valid excuse to be rude and aggressive isn’t okay either.
I blocked the person. And I will continue to block people that pull this shit. But it is getting beyond exhausting that people constantly come into my posts to say “this isn’t true for me”. And I can handle that but being told to “shut the fuck up” because you don’t personally relate to a post is honestly a lot.
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arabian-batboy · 11 months
Disney, Starbucks and Mcdonald's all had their stocks plummet to all-time lows this month, yet suddenly all of their stocks have now skyrocketed again at the same exact time (with Starbucks rising by 11%??), even though call for boycotts are stronger and louder than ever? Sounds like someone is lying about these new stocks numbers as propaganda to discourage people from boycotting them, almost like they're saying: "Why bother boycotting us when it doesn't even affect our sales anyways? Just come back already <3"
Either that or them selling their products for dirt-cheap helped temporarily rise their stocks for the time being, either ways don't stop boycotting these genocide supporters.
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ayyyyysexual · 7 months
I don't think I've seen anyone post this so. Look at her
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inthecarpets · 5 months
Thinking once again about how beautifully and nuanced Ryoko Kui crafted Toshiro and Laios' relationship. And how in a way the many interpretations and types of reactions say a lot about the viewers' lives and perspectives.
How sometimes two people might want to be polite, might want to be kind, but due to their differences, misscommunication and their own personal flaws they will only end up hurting each other. And the longer their misscommunication lasts, the more it hurts. How sometimes if people spoke sooner it wouldn't get to be so bad.
And how reactions say how quite much everyone been in some kind of situation like that. We assume the best and the worst intentions in each other.
We have to deal with a person who can't stop bothering us. Deal with a person who seems a little shy but they are nice but actually no, they secretly hate us. Situation where someone pretends to be a friend or for some forsaken reason forces themselves to hang out with us. When it's hard to confront someone. When we are too much. When we are in the wrong without realising it. When it's hard to be confronted. Being in a situation you wish you were confronted at the start. How sometimes confrontation is near impossible. Taking a risk of confrontation in general. Not being able to find the right words. Not being able to utter them.
Sometimes we'd all rather to point fingers and call each other names instead of realise the flaws of the world that we live in. How sometimes there Sure are bad people and bad intentions but sometimes it's also just all a bad accident with good intentions on both sides, and lack of education.
Ryoko Kui crafted such a very nuanced and beautiful story. A story with details such show the readers and viewers' feelings and perspectives and shortcomings when interacting with other people. And yeah, i think that's beautiful. Bless.
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quietwingsinthesky · 8 months
its so funny to me how torchwood’s employment process is both ‘incredibly fucked up thing happened to them and jack swooped in to take advantage of the situation’ (owen & tosh) and also ‘u wanna recruit me so bad it makes u look stupid :3’ (ianto & gwen)
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mollysunder · 4 days
The Black Rose has Already Infiltrated Piltover and Zaun!
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You know how there's speculation that this shadowy figure has to do with LeBlanc because LeBlanc and members of her Black Rose group do the eye/eye makeup glow thing?
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Well the conspiracy only goes deeper! Last year, nearly to the day, an exclusive splash art for LeBlanc's Rose Quartz Prestigious skin was released on CN servers.
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Do you recognize that familiar face in the background?
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I do!
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It's Local Cusine (LC)! You could argue that it's just an easter egg. But why is Local Cuisine in Noxus? LC's presumably a sex worker from Zaun and here he is hob knobbing in Noxus, in a splash for LeBlanc of all people.
How do we know this a Black Rose gathering? Well, we can see that the window in LeBlanc's splash art matches the same design used in the homes of other members of the Black Rose in Riot media.
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We also know that many Black Rose members wear masks upon first appearance so that their identity will be anonymous to other members. If you look closely, you can even see that the shadowy figure from the trailer is wearing a mask around their eyes as well.
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And can you guess which character we met wearing a mask in their very first appearance?
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It's Local Cusinie!
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But what does any of this mean? Well, LC could have been sent as a spy by LeBlanc herself to test the Medardas' loyalty to the Black Rose. If Swain is truly set to take power by season 2, then many powerful families affiliated with the Black Rose WILL be purged.
Maybe LeBlanc's sent LC to have them killed herself. The Medardas may be loose ends to her, because Ambessa is only loyal to preserving her family and may in fact expose the conspiracy further to Swain to her and Mel if she could.
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Or maybe LC has his own agenda. Maybe LC is related to the Ionian princess Ambessa killed. You don't have to be from Noxus to be a part of the Black Rose, the organization predates Noxus itself. And frankly, Black Rose members and their related assets do their own thing pretty often, their web of plans can even bite LeBlanc in the butt.
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samijen · 1 year
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slowly getting the hang of drawing my wol
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assiraphales · 1 month
legit question
what’s your beef with ncis?
I have no beef with ncis. I needed a target for my joke, and while soap operas would have been my first choice, their cultural relevance fades years by year. ncis on the other hand is on season 98
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