#owl pronouns
queersrus · 1 year
Owl Theme
tagging @bpdxhoardic, @w-onderhoy
Owle, Owlet/Owlett/Owlette, Owlin/Owline, Owler, Owlie/Owly, Owel, Owling, Owled/Owledd, Owletta, Owlina, Owletto, Owlino, Owlucious, Owllouicious, Owlouis/Owlouise, Owlouisa, otus, otos, owlbert, owlberta, owlester, owlestar, owlastair, owlaya, owlex, owlexa, owlexo, owlexi/owlexie/owlexy, owlexina, owlexander, owlexandra, owlexandre, owlexandro, owlexis, owlfred, owlice, owlisia/owlicia, owliver, owlive, owlivier, owlivia, owliviar, owlivera, owliveira snowy/snowie, scop, screech, strix, sova, sowa athena, alba, azio, axio, asio, Atenea, Athenais, Athene, Afina, Athenodoros, Archimedes minerva wise, wiser, wisdom, wing, who, whoot Glaukopis, glaux, great, grey/gray, Gaebora barn, bar/barr, barred, burrow, beak, beaker, bumin, buho, baykuş, bufniţă eagle, eostrix, eule tawney/tawny, talon/tallon, true, tyto, tokori, tuto hoot, hooty/hootie ural, ugle, uil flores, feather, fly, flight, flyer knowledge, kotori, Kaepora, koukouvágia noctum, noct, nocturn/nocturne, nocturna, noctua caligo, cato, coruja, chouette, civetta jarli intel, intellect Laxmi, lilith pollo
1stp prns: i/me/my/mine/myself
ow/owe/owl/owline/owlself ow/owl/owls/owlself ow/owe/owly/owline/owlyself wi/we/wy/wise/wiseself wi/wise/wises/wiseself kni/know/knows/knowself kni/knowle/knowly/knowline/knowlyself kni/knowle/knowledges/knowledgeself ni/noc/noturn/nocturns/nocturnself ni/nocturne/nocturnes/nocturneself ni/ne/ny/noctine/nyself ni/noct/nocturnals/nocturnalself pri/pre/predi/predators/predatorself fi/fea/feather/feathers/featherself wi/wing/wings/wingself
2ndp prns: you/your/yours/yourself
ow/owler/owlers/owlerself wo/wiser/wises/wiserself kno/knower/knowers/knowerself no/noctur/nocturns/nocturself pro/predator/predators/predatorself fo/feather/feathers/featherself wo/wingr/wingrs/wingrself
3rdp prns: they/them/theirs/theirself
ow/owl/owls/owlself o/owl, owl/owls wi/wise/wises/wiseself wi/se, wi/ise, wise/wises kno/know/knows/knowself know/knowledge, know/knows, know/ledge noct/nocturn/nocturnes/nocturneself noct/urnal, noct/nocturnal, nocturn/nocturnes, nocturnal/nocturnals pred/predator/predators/predatorself pred/ator, predator/predators fea/feather/feathers/featherself feath/er, feath/feather, feathers/feathers wi/wing/wings/wingself wing/wings, wi/ing
the owl, the owler, the owlette, the caretaker of owls, the protector of owls, the owl trainer, the nocturnal one, the day sleeper, the night flyer, the barn owl, the snowy owl, the horned owl, the nocturnal predator, the one who hoots, the night hunter, the wise one, the wise owl
(prn) who flies at night, (prn) who hoots, (prn) who sleeps during the day, (prn) who hunts at night, (prn) who trains owls, (prn) who is owl-like, (prn) who cares for owls, (prn) who is nocturnal, (prn) who protects owls, (prn) who is wise
this owl, this owl trainer, this nocturnal predator, this wise owl
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dazeddoodles · 4 months
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This is not my Raine
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trashno0dle · 1 year
Actually I lied I need to ramble about one thought in particular before I die.
King's Dad was watching everything the whole time. He was keeping an eye on his son the entire time meaning he was watching the first years of King's life when he was alone, he watched when Eda found him in the rubble of the castle and he must've been so thankful that his son had found company at last, and he made sure he was being well treated and continued to watch him grow throughout the years.
When Luz came the Boiling Isles he watched her too, he watched her development and watched her grow into the person she ultimately became and in turn for holding a deep regard to the Owl Family for looking after his son, he revealed his magic to her (something he tried to keep from Belos for as long as he could, but gave to Luz freely) so she could learn and speak his own language as a thank you for all she had done.
And he finally stopped watching, he finally passed on when he knew King was safe and so were the Isles. He no longer had to live in the In-Between, stuck with the guilt and regret of falsely imprisoning the Collector, kick-starting a chain of events that led everything in motion, a lot like with how Luz held a lot of guilt for playing part in it too. Their guilt is linked, they both felt the same way for actions that weren't entirely their fault because they were tricked.
But another thing I'd like to add, onto the Belos point. Is that King's Dad also probably watched Caleb come into the Isles, he watched him fall in love with the hidden beauty of it all and a Witch along with it. He watched Philip/Belos arrive and watched as he committed so many atrocities, how he murdered his own brother, the one he'd watched and allowed in his world — he desperately tried to hide his magic from Belos for as long as he could. Which is further backed up when Philip says (when talking about the light glyph with Luz) that something was trying to hide it from him (I'm paraphrasing here I don't actually remember what he said, but it was along those lines).
ANYWAY. Yeah. I'm thinking about how not only were we the watchers, but King's Dad was watching with us the whole time too. I guess that's another reason they settled on “Watching and Dreaming” huh.
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astrolavas · 4 months
Do u hc transmasc or transfem hunter, or other? and how do u feel abt those hcs
both are cool!
especially considering hunter's arc being strongly tied to his identity and him wanting to be free to choose his own destiny (rather than having it forced onto him and being made to be someone he isn't), even in the narrative sense it just works as a great trans metaphor; so it's no wonder trans headcanons are so popular for him.
when it comes to my personal headcanon, i don't have like The One, i just vibe with whatever i see, but the way i see hunter's gender in canon is that his gender is just... hunter. yeah?
like, i see him thinking of himself as a boy because that's what he's used to and him "being" a "boy" is the only point of reference he has to how being a boy should feel like. he just thinks every boy perceives their gender the same way he does so he doesn't think abt it much further. he just... vibes. you know? him basically just referring to himself as "boy" and using he/him pronouns but also not caring much at the end of the day; being open to all the other pronouns and gender expressions, etc. etc.
he's a boy the same way a dog or a bird can be a boy, or a guitar. he's like a shrimp seeing all the colors invisible to the human eye but with gender, to me.
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missholloween · 1 year
the fact that even in the finale toh kept adding non binary characters... This show has been a great step for genderqueer representation and I'm so excited to see what will come next
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cryptidghostgirl · 6 months
Rapture (Alastor x Ex-Partner!Gn!Reader)
Pairing: Alastor x Reader
Warnings: ANGST.
Word Count: 3,000
Previous Part: Ritornello
Master Lists:
Master Lists 
Hazbin Hotel Master List
Rhapsody Master List
A/N I got a request a while ago to continue this so here is the next part!! Sorry for taking so long. When you guys request things,, it lets me get to them quicker which I appreciate (esp when its about my own projects) :)
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It had been about a month since Alastor had joined the hotel staff and things were going smoothly. Well, as smoothly as they could go when trying to rehabilitate sinners but, some good things had occurred. The best of them had been the addition of their newest guest: Sir Pentious.
Y/n had been suspicious of him at first, as had Vaggie and Angel Dust. They had heard of him before, fought with him in the past according to Pentious himself. Y/n knew the demon had a desire in him, a want to become what they despised most. It became quickly evident that when he had joined the hotel, Pentious had not only given up his war machines but that dream of his as well.
Settling in to the new pattern had been... difficult. It was such a strange thing for Y/n to be around Alastor. There had been a time, a long time, when they had known his every affect, the essence of his being. That time was gone. He was not the many they had known just as they were not the demon he had known. However, there was something that lingered between them still -- the memory. It filled the silent spaces, consumed the air. It was large and complicated.
The first week or so after his arrival, Y/n had been a wreck. They didn't cry, they didn't yearn for him, but they still suffered. It was so hard to escape the old patterns. Each demon found themselves nearly doing things, saying things, experiencing things that belonged in the lives they had once led, not the ones they were involved in now.
Y/n had stopped missing Alastor when their relationship with Charlie had solidified. Suddenly, despite the fact that he was right before their very eyes, inhabiting the same places as they did for the first time in three decades, it was almost like they were loosing him all over again.
Slowly, the need to stop themselves faded. There was no longer the necessity of catching the words in their throats, of pinning their hands to their sides, of burying questions or requests in the recesses of their minds because the need, or habit perhaps is the better word, began to fade. New routines came into being. The world kept turning.
Still, there was the odd awkward silence. Still, Y/n felt a tingle in their spine, butterflies in their stomach, when they ended up alone together. Alastor just smiled through it all, like he always had.
The only real step Alastor had taken that showed any emotion at all towards his former lover was that he blocked any contact Y/n had with Husk and Nifty. Y/n was intent on interrogating them, seeing what sort of a master he was, learning their stories and working to free them from their contracts. Alastor must have sensed this, must have guessed, drawing on his own experience with them, that they would want to do something like that. Every time Y/n managed to come even close to a moment alone with one of them or the appropriate environment for a more personal, private conversation, he appeared and shut it down.
If Y/n were younger, they would have thought it was a game. Perhaps some part of them still saw the competition in it all but, if they did, Alastor couldn't tell. They had changed -- god had they changed -- but, so had he. Change was what time did to a person. He couldn't blame them.
Alastor spent a lot of time watching Y/n. He wasn't sure why, for what he was searching. It was a compulsion. He searched for the bits and pieces he remembered of them, tried to fill the gaps between who they were, and the person standing before him now.
There had been some things he was able to observe. Firstly, Y/n's diet had changed. While before they had eaten whatever was available, now they seemed only ever to eat raw meet. Alastor had absolutely no idea why and the only plausible reason he could come up with was simply that they liked it. Second: where Y/n used to spend hours composing, messing around with various instruments and musical genres, they were rarely found with even their lute in their hand nowadays. Alastor knew that a busier schedule provided by Charlie and the hotel could be at fault but, that answer was unsatisfying. Y/n loved music more than anything, more even, Alastor was almost certain, than they had loved him.
There were a handful of other small details, minor things about the way they held themselves, the musicality of their voice as they spoke. Then there was the biggest change, the cloud looming over his head. This was the way Charlie had changed them.
The days of Y/n running off, rushing away mid conversation, were gone. They regulated their emotions with much greater ease now, Alastor had even caught them doing breathing exercises a few times. There was a certain sense of freedom he hadn't seen them hold within themselves in a long time, not since they had first gotten together. While on the one hand he was happy for them, grateful beyond belief that Charlie had managed to help them regain that sense of themselves, it hurt on the other. It hurt so much because he had tried and this was the evidence that the failure had been his, not theirs. He had tried, he had given them his all, and it hadn't been enough but somehow, in some way, Charlie had been.
Charlie had been enough for Y/n. Charlie had... had... Alastor hadn't.
Something had happened. Alastor didn't know what because it had happened without him. If he had had the chance to talk to Y/n about the interim, the time they had spent apart, he would have. The thing was, Y/n didn't seem too keen on the idea of a private chat.
They were never rude to him. No, they always kept a friendly lilt to their voice, said hello to him when their paths crossed. Alastor could tell they weren't avoiding him either. He knew that if they were, he would never see them at all and he saw them all the time so it wasn't that. Still, every chance he had, every spare moment they shared just the two of them, Y/n found a way to quickly and kindly exit the conversation.
Alastor could force them to engage with him, he knew that, but that had never been their style. There was no precedence for it. He lied to himself, saying it was just that he knew how Y/n would react if he tried to capture them, to force them into any situation they didn't want to be in. He needed to be at the hotel and Y/n had the power to remove him from his position. He told himself that, again and again, while the real reason lurked under the surface.
The truth of the matter was: Alastor did not want to force them. He never wanted to force Y/n to do anything, whether physically or through mental manipulation. Even the consideration of such action felt like a betrayal of them, of himself in a way, of what they had.
What had they even had? Alastor had been in love, loved Y/n still in an odd and nostalgic sense but, he was also angry with them. The newfound regret of having failed them mingled with the decades old infestation of anger, of feeling like they had failed him. At the end of the day, they were the one who had left first. Alastor might have said the words, pulled the trigger, but they were the one that left. They had withdrawn from him long before that conversation on the hill. Y/n committed the murder, allowing the corpse to dry out in the sun, to be picked apart by birds and wild animals. Alastor had just buried the body. It had been the right thing to do, it had been necessary.
Slowly, the silences between them lost most of their tension, became a bit more comfortable. Slowly, they each learned to inhabit their new roles in one another's lives. There had been something and, yes, that something was gone, but there was a new something growing in its place. Alastor had thought the ground was barren. He was grateful anything grew at all.
They were gathered in the lobby, Y/n running a workshop on how to properly wrap presents. Alastor, like the rest of the hotel staff, had been invited to participate but, he had opted to watch. It was a skill he already had, one he had no use for. There was no need to learn what he already knew, but watching Angel, Husk, Pentious, and Nifty struggle was entertaining.
"Okay, well..." Y/n put a finger to their chin, gazing at the box Nifty was holding up to them with pride.
It was perfectly wrapped in white paper with a big black bow on top. Beside the bow, Nifty had drawn a detailed picture of a cemetery for all the bugs she had killed in the hotel thus far.
"You did a great job." Y/n finally settled, patting Nifty on the shoulder, "Well done."
Nifty squealed in glee, turning to present the box to Angel for him to examen. Angel had managed to get tangled up in his project and, realizing this, Nifty quickly dropped her own in order to help him. Witnessing this, Y/n smiled.
Alastor felt the place where his heart would have skipped a beat if things weren't so complicated. He felt the lack of an emotional reaction almost more deeply than if he had had one.
Just as Y/n moved to help Nifty untangle Angel, Charlie bolted into the room.
"Y/n! Y/n Y/n Y/n! I figured it out! I finally figured it out!"
Y/n turned to Charlie as they came to a stop before them, breathing heavily. Their brow was furrowed, their head tilted slightly to the side in confusion.
"Figured what out, Sunshine?"
"Your curse?" Charlie replied as if Y/n should have known.
Y/n tensed. Charlie didn't notice, but Alastor did. He knew them too well not to. It also did not escape him how actively they were avoiding looking at him.
"Y/n, if you get redeemed, wont it go away? Curses can't exist in Heaven, can they?"
His mind was absolutely reeling. What curse? In all the years he had known them, Y/n had never once mentioned a curse. The others gathered seemed equally as surprised and at a loss as he felt.
At last Y/n looked at Alastor. Though only a few seconds had passed since Charlie's revelation, it had felt like an eternity. Charlie followed the path of their gaze, the smile falling from her face immedeatly.
"Fuck, wait, I... fuck. I'm so sorry, I-"
Y/n took a deep breath, turning back to Charlie with a smile fixed firmly upon their face.
"It's alright."
"No!" Charlie insisted, "I swear, I di-"
"No, Charlie, it's alright. I told you, I stopped looking for a cure years ago."
"But you cou-"
"I don't want a cure." Y/n shook their head, taking Charlies hands in theirs, "I want to stay here, at the hotel. With you."
Almost as soon as Y/n had spoken, Charlie's eyes filled with tears.
"I... I..." she stuttered for a moment before throwing herself into Y/n's chest, "Thank you!"
Y/n patted Charlie's back with a comfort that was unexpected to Alastor's eyes. The look on their face as they pulled Charlie from them, wiping the girls tears, was a sort of kindness Alastor had never seen.
A curse? What curse?
A million questions flooded through his mind as he continued to watch the pair.
"I have some business to deal with, are you okay with me leaving?"
Charlie sniffed, nodding her head slightly.
"Do you want to help finish the workshop? We're wrapping presents."
"You're wrapping p-pr-presents? That's so sweet!"
Charlie's tears started anew and Y/n chuckled, ruffling her hair comfortingly.
"You sure you're okay if I go?"
"Just go." Angel advised, getting up and walking over to Charlie, "we can handle this."
Y/n shot him a grateful smile before turning on their heel and walking up to Alastor. He looked down at them, his expression unreadable.
"I'm ready to talk." they stated.
Alastor nodded.
"Let's go."
When the shadows released them from their grasp, Y/n half expected them to be on the hill, their old haunt. It would have been fitting for Alastor to do something like that and he had every right to be so cruel in their mind. Instead, he had brought Y/n in to their studio. The anger radiated off him, the confusion, and still he had thought to offer them such a kindness.
Y/n, their back to Alastor, balled their hands into fists. They could feel the panic rising in their chest, the fear. They took a few deep breaths before turning to face him.
"Do you want to ask me anything? Or do you just want me to talk."
Alastor crossed his arms over his chest, eyebrows raised as he tapped one foot impatiently on the hardwood floor.
"Stupid question." Y/n nodded, "Right."
They took one final steadying, breath and then, they began to speak.
"So, curse. Um... fuck."
It wasn't that they hadn't thought about what they would say before. They had. They had played this moment out in their mind in a hundred different ways a hundred different times. Nothing had ever seemed right, felt right, gone right. Even if it had, they had no idea of where to begin now. The memory of all that practice had been ushered out long ago by the anxiety.
"Some overlords got mad at me and cursed me?" they said at last, their words coming out as more of a question than a definitive truth, "I..."
"Is this why you always left? Is this..." Alastor ran a hand through his hair, looking away, "is this what your secret was? The curse?"
Y/n nodded and Alastor sighed.
"I know you must be furious." Y/n began, trying to keep their voice steady, "Angry that I was so foolish as to allow-"
"That's not why I am angry, Y/n." Alastor cut in, "That's not why..." he shook his head, "I am angry because you didn't tell me."
The breath caught in Y/n's throat. They took half a step back.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
Halfway between an accusation and a plea. He was begging them, he had only done that once before. Y/n hadn't been strong enough then, but they were now.
"Because it was my burden to carry, not yours."
"I carried it anyways! I knew something was wrong, for years! I just had no idea what, no... no... frame of reference. Why didn't you tell me!?"
"I... I..." there was no hiding the truth, Y/n looked away, "I was scared that you would leave."
Alastor watched them in disbeleif.
"And you left anyway." they finished.
"I left because you didn't tell me. We could have stuck together, figured it out. We could have..."
It was Y/n's turn to be angry now. They turned back to him, their eyes alive with fire.
"We could have what?! You could have what?!" the scoffed, "You think I don't know it was all my fault?! You think I don't... don't blame myself for everything?! Didn't know why you really left?! Didn't... didn't realize?! I fucking know that you left because I didn't tell you! I know I caused... that I..." they let out a frustrated little scream, their hands tangling into their hair, "I. Know."
"You could have told me then, why didn't you? Why didn't you stop me if you knew you could!?"
"Because I was scared!"
Their eyes began to grow dark, their skin shifting and writhing like there were bugs crawling beneath its surface. Seeming to notice this, Y/n closed their eyes, taking a few deep breaths before opening them once again.
"Is that the curse?"
"Part of it." they admitted, "If I don't stay calm, I don't get to stay... well, stay me."
The reality of the situation hit Alastor like a ton of bricks, like a moving car. He did his best to calm himself.
"Whats the rest of it?"
Y/n said nothing and so, he tried again.
"I could have helped."
"Helped how, Alastor?" they asked, their voice coming out tired and nearly desperate, "How?"
"I could have found a cure."
"There is none." Y/n shook their head, "Believe me. I can do things to stave it off, keep it at bay but, nothing will take this beast away from me."
"You could try being redeemed."
They raised a fist to their chest, holding it over their heart. A pained expression had taken over their face, their body curling slightly in on itself.
"I don't want to. Not anymore. It... this thing... it's a part of me now. Besides, I couldn't leave Charlie."
"She has lots of people who care about her, people to take care of her. I am certain she would be fine."
"No, you don't understand." Y/n shook their head, "I can't leave her. I know she'd be fine on her own. She is such a wonder, such an incredible person. I need her."
"I wanted you."
Y/n straightened up, their eyes meeting his as their hand fell back to their side. They stared at one another in silence.
"I am sorry."
Alastor had never expected to hear those words. Not from them, not from anybody. He wasn't worthy of apology.
"I am too."
NEXT PART -> coming soon
@willowshadenox @i-love-jafar @elfyeet @reader3 @lazygirlfanfic0-0 @kahlan170 @wendyphan01203-blog @fairyv-ice @clarakainda @lunaramune @mcueveryday @luxky-aish @peterpankat @corvid007 @juskonutoh @simpingsohard @sethianaa @gabile18 @slytherin4ever @skyeliteratures @zombiesnips-blog @cannibalcoyote @moonmark98 @luzzbuzz @snowlotr @randomuser-89 @fakeguysarehot @xdolls-crownx @sassycasy8467 @i-like-potatoes12533 @huskersbooze @idontreallyexistyet @fairyv-ice @clarakainda @lunaramune  @peterpankat @mcueveryday @corvid007 @luxky-aish @juskonutoh @simpingsohard @sethianaa
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waywardsunlight · 9 months
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I don't know guys have some older (young adult) King and Collector plus my headcanons/semi canon stuff
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chimsartblog · 10 months
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Relapsed to mcyt again guys. Sorry. I saw a clown and blacked out
Blood + unmasked clown under cut
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I'm a fan of no face clown
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secret-spirit · 4 months
Crackpot crossover what if Raine Whispers and Alex Williams met?
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sacrifesse · 22 days
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┣▇▇▇═─ OWL iD PACK 〰️
🦉 ︵︵ TAGGiNG @id-pack-archive ᶻ 𝗓
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✙ ︵︵ SYSTEM NAMES : the owl system/collective/etc. , the flying system/collective/etc. , the birds of prey (system/collective/etc.) , the nocturnals , the nocturnal system/collective/etc. , the birds of night (system/collective/etc.) , the beak system/collective/etc. , the talon system/collective/etc. , the night system/collective/etc. , the feather system/collective/etc. , the wise system/collective/etc.
✙ ︵︵ NAMES : night , nightesse , nightette , owl , kendra , nuit¹ , nuitette , nuitesse , noir(e)² , noiresse , noirette² , talon , midnight , shadow , dusk , ebony , luna , achilles , powell , vincent , hazel
¹ means night in french and is pronounced “nwee”
² names that certain alters of the darling stars use
✙ ︵︵ PRONOUNS : owl owls , bird birds , nocturnal nocturnals , beak beaks , talon talons , feather feathers , shadow shadows , dusk dusks , hazel hazels , wise wises , hoot hoots , 🦉 🦉s , 🪶 🪶s
✙ ︵︵ USERNAMES : birdsofwisdom , nocturnaltalons , talont-d³ , duskbattle , nightlywisdom
³ a play on the word talented
✙ ︵︵ TiTLES : the owl , the nocturnal one , prn who is nocturnal , the bird of prey , the bird of night , the hunter of the night , the wise one , prn who is wise , prn who is brimming with wisdom
✙ ︵︵ LABELS : owl
✙ ︵︵ GENDERS : nocturnalgender , owlangelic , owlbeing , owlgender , owldemonic , moonowlgender , owlforfalltempic , owlboy , owlgirl , owlgender , owlgender , owlboygirl
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[PT: owl id pack. requested by anon. tagging id-pack-archive. system names. names. pronouns. usernames. titles. labels. genders. /END PT]
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lera-draws · 2 years
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ecoeschatologist · 7 months
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Went falconing today. In order the birds are: eastern screech owl, Ural owl, spectacled owl, gyrfalcon, harris' hawk and, below the cut the most important one...
Pygmy falcon. The babiest.
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ask-thearchivists · 6 months
Collector Cousins and Uncle Information
This is a post I will temporarily pin for the duration of their visit. If you want the information on the Archivists Click This Link
These are characters here for a temporary event! Send them questions while they're here because none of them will be returning once I'm done.
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Meteor (He/Him, masculine titles only)
The Uncle, over a million years old
Code name Uncle Coor (short for Coordinator)
He is in Control, feels very polite, will use coded insults to be mean in a way that gives plausible deniability, he's always in the right, impatient for a man who's immortal, expects perfection from his children. Does not play favorites with his children but has a subtle distance from his youngest.
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Solstice (He/It, masculine titles only)
One of the Eldest Cousins, tied with his twin, over 200k years old
Code name The Compelor (a Charmer)
Not very naturally charismatic, a bit invasive, a little off putting, works as an extension of its father's will, agreeable when you are not rude to his father, cold when you are. F response: Friend
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Equinox (She/It, feminine titles only)
One of the Eldest Cousins, tied with her twin
Code name The Copyist
Tired, exhausted even, much more naturally charismatic than its twin, she behaves similarly to her twin when it comes to their father but she's much weaker in her defense of him, has a secret that is eating it alive, desperate to tell it in the right circumstances (no Meteor). F response: Was Friend, is transitioning to ???
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Comet (It/Its, any titles)
Second Eldest Cousin, over 150k years
Code name The Conservator
Is constantly dissociating, when it speaks it will speak in long, detailed sentences due to its job, is actually very sweet and will comfort its younger siblings when they're upset. F response: Flop
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Astra (Ze/Zir/Zim, feminine and neutral titles)
Second Youngest Cousin, mentally/physically/emotionally 14
Code name The Cataloger (a Curator)
When zir father is around ze tends to shrink and mumble and not speak unless prompted by him, but when he isn't around ze behaves much more like a typical teen, a little mean unintentionally, teasing, but very insecure. F response: Freeze
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Nova (He/E, any titles)
Youngest Cousin, the same age as the Collector
Code name The Cartologist (a Cartographer)
Doesn't play because he's not allowed to, doesn't grasp death, doesn't mind not being able to play because eir job means e can leave, flighty and nervous, avoidant. F response: Flight.
The askers are Collected individuals that have been removed from stasis to be observed by the Archivists, this is due to an experiment Penumbra/The Coordinator is running, and now the relatives are here to evaluate the results. You do not know their True Names because they are closely guarded secrets (knowing their names gives you power over them so they would never tell you their names) so please try to refer to them solely by their code names in asks.
There will be an ongoing story, responses will be in text and not the images for accessibility, images will primarily be the faces of the Archivists, images will have IDs in alt text.
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c4binet-m4n · 2 years
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sapphic--kiwi · 1 year
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commission I did for @jamscandraw of Steve and their OC Murph at Luz’s King-ceañera 💜💛
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forestquills · 1 year
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MY ETSY SHOP IS LIVE!!!!!!!!!! :DDDD https://etsy.com/shop/forestquills… I have some fanart stickers/pins, some pins for accessibility, pride pins and most importantly donation stickers where all proceeds will go to my family in ukraine!!
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