#owlet's fanfic
dsudis · 19 days
tale as old as time
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[Image description: three cropped screen caps from the same story/series on Ao3. The first is an author's note from the first chapter, reading "Coded chapter 1/1, but I can't promise that I won't update if I think of more jokes." The second is from the story's header, "Words: 64,326 Chapters: 33/33." The third is from the series page to which the story belongs, "Words: 264,438 Works: 8."]
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joz-yyh · 1 year
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Don't mind me going full-steam ahead into a Bounty Hunter x Flagellant DD2 AU 🙃 ❤️‍🔥 ❤️‍🔥 ❤️‍🔥 MORE DETAILS UNDER THE CUT!!
Damian loses his memory after being subjected to the physical/mental torture of the "cultist" enemies (the majority of his skin is burned and his fingernails have been replaced with metal).
After being "converted" into their group, he looses all sense of who he is. He harbors none of his previous powers/strength, but proves to be resilient against enemy attacks so he serves as a meat shield or remains chained up until they can find further use for him.
One day, an unnatural owlet visits Damian and the flagellant is instantly draw to it, enough to leave his captors/binds with the help of the fledgling’s impressive psychic abilities. He bonds with his newly acquired feathered friend, the two journeying together, the owl leading him somewhere important, feeding him flashbacks/visions of someone he can’t remember.
Damian finally reuniting with Tardif and the bounty hunter can’t believe his eyes. He thought this man was dead. The flagellant is terrified, unable to comprehend his jumbled memories. Having to relearn to be the person he was before, who this man is, and what it all means -- it’s too much. The bounty hunter doing his best to share the burden, mourning over what’s become of his partner and blaming himself. They both have a lot of baggage to sort through, but at least they have an extraordinary pet owl who can help.
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delightfulvoidmoon · 1 year
Please help me find Time of Trial if you can
I want to read again an amazing fanfic named In Time Of Trial by Shine. The site it originally was on is gone, it's not on the author's AO3 profile and I can't download it from here. From some reason it's not responding.
I am scared of bothering the author directly and I find it easier asking this way so you can choose to ignore me. I'm sorry if I've made you uncomfortable, it's my anxiety taking over.
If you have a copy, a link or you know what I did wrong at the site I'll be grateful. Thank you very much for your time.
I don't know why I didn't think of this earlier but I can download the audio and transcribe it! So... If it would be easy I would very much prefer the written version, but if it's hard I don't want to trouble you. Once again, thank you for your time.
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asksleepymclean · 2 years
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TDNG : a painful past - chapter 1 episode 1
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0xjuro · 2 years
Phrase of the day:
mission assist Esther's cookies
Thank you @vmohlere
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“the trial” from pink floyd’s The Wall has been stuck in my head for over 72 hours now, do you have any suggestions to resolve this
This is just something I wrote, but
"What if I was to say to you:
I would cut you open and see what is wrong with you;
But not for the world, oh no.
Would you not trust me?
What if, with your blood,
I made a suit?
If your heart were a door,
Would I close it with a golden key?
Then why would you hide the suit away
Inside yourself?
Why would you hide it?
Just because it's not your name?
Then why would you hold your heart in your hands
'Oh, what could I ever offer you'
You say.
I am not the master of the universe.
What if your heart were a doorway?
But what if you were a doorway to the world?
And what if I were a key
For the universe to be
Just because I love you?
And I am the one.
I'll cut it open and see what is inside you;
Would you not trust me?
Could there be a greater love, than to give your life
To save the world?
That's the greatest love that I know.
I've never seen anything like you,
But I know you'll save the world."
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ships-n-giggles · 29 days
hihi! i just wanted to share my rendition of baby bird bc i love her so much and i always think of this book when i want inspo for drawing!!
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so sorry if u can't read my handwriting 😭😭😭 the main doodle is just how i imagine her look for a gala or something, and the rest are doodles of small interctions that for some reason stuck with me (and a mini version of baby bird as a kid wher she is happy). also some songs that i played that i think fit her a lot too lol.
Okay but I am LOVING this look! It embodies that super soft, super emotional side of herself and the little owlet sketch is making me scream aloud at 1:30am!!!
If it's alright with you, I'd love to post the link to this image for the next update! Definitely will add it in full image when I collect enough fan art pieces! Thank you so very much for this beautiful piece of art and for reading the fanfic!
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iron-strangers · 1 month
WIP: Last Sentence
Rules: Post the last sentence you wrote (fanfic / original / anything) and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence.
Thanks for tagging me @djarins-cyare!
I know all I have to put is the last sentence, but this challenge motivates to write about three more, so here's all of 'em.
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Pairing: The Mandalorian (Din Djarin) x Female Jedi!Reader (from Expanding Clan Mudhorn series)
“Hey, alor, when will you let us take the kids on a trial flight? They're Owlets by legacy! Give them three more years to lose their baby fats and we'll train Aranar to take his place in the Owls.”
You then proceed let out the fattest sob in the history of Mandalore. Your babies can't lose their adorable chubby cheeks! But what if they do? What if they turn into their jaro'la buir and wedge a war for Mandalore? Why is everyone laughing? It's a serious concern! Oh, you were talking loudly instead of thinking-
“Good job, Reeves.” Din sighs, pointing his helmet at her cynically, ignoring her cackles.
“Will you give me more babies if Aranar and Mirshka ever grow up?” 
“O-kay, I don't actually want to hear this.” Kryze cringes.
I'm actually kinda insecure to tag people, sooo whoever wants to do this, consider yourself tagged! 💞
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luna-rainbow · 1 year
have you read the winter soldier fanfic "this, you protect" by owlet? it (and its sequel, which im still in the middle of reading) is basically the definitive Canon to me bc it treats bucky's (and steve's) storyline about 10000 times better than the mcu does and is overall like one of my favorite pieces of literature ever lol.
No I haven't! But I think I have heard good things about it. Thanks for the rec!
I remember someone says that fanfics tend to take off in fandoms where there's a lot of holes to fill in, and a lot of frustration/regret towards canon. Hence Stucky and Supernatural and Merlin.
It does sometimes make me wonder if they did a proper Cap 3 that resolved Steve's and Bucky's grief and anger over Hydra, and properly tied off their arcs, what that fandom would have looked like. Like sometimes a ship can be big but it might not have as much output because people are happy with the way things ended up. On the other hand, it might be an even bigger ship than it is now because I suspect a lot of people left the fandom because they're so upset at Endgame. The remaining English fandom is good at ignoring canon, but I know sometimes Asian fandoms can get very hung up about canon being gospel, and I think a lot of them felt betrayed by canon and never came back.
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countessravengrey · 3 months
Faves & Other Stuff
The Captain America: The Winter Soldier 10th Anniversary event by @catws-anniversary is going on Mar 26-Apr 4!
My Posts:
Stucky Resurrection/Renaissance Post
My Fanfics*:
*written under the name Broken Star
What Happens in the Nest [Current WIP]
Stark Surprise
Favorite Fics:
Infinite Coffee & Protection Detail series by owlet
Bittersweet in Sunlight by 2bestfriends
Collar Full of Chemistry by 2bestfriends
4 Minute Window series by Speranza
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lendmyboyfriendahand · 2 months
I managed to set things up so I had this weekend basically off from chores, and it was very nice.
Friday I went to a park after work, and found out that in addition to the woods I'd seen before it also has a wetland meadow area. I saw a heron! Also there's a volunteer invasive weeding day there for Earth Day, I'm planning to sign up. Afterwards, I ordered pizza and played Civilization VI for six hours. (I have astronomy and can finally explore deep waters!)
Saturday I slept in and fucked around on Tumblr. It was gorgeous weather in the afternoon, so I went downtown and wandered between the little knick shops. I got a felt succulent kit, a ceramic nightlight shaped like the Mackinac Bridge, a black notepad that scratches off holographic, and a half dozen cool rocks. I also just people watched a bit, and enjoyed being outside in a pretty built area rather than a wild area. Someone linked me to owlet's amazing sticky fic on AO3, which I apparently gave kudos before but don't remember, and that was a lovely evening.
Today I slept in again, zoomed church, did a small grocery shop, and picked up books from the library. Then my parents and I went to see Dune 2 and then out for dinner. Overall, it was a very fun and relaxing weekend.
And tomorrow, my parents and I are driving to see the eclipse! We're bringing water and sandwiches and lawn chairs, and planning for the drive to take twice as long as normal. I'm also bringing my notebook to write fanfic in, while we wait for the beauty of nature.
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aimmyarrowshigh · 6 months
fic writer meme: 2, 12, 22, 32, 42, 52, 62, 72?
Answering under a read-more!
2. Do you plan each chapter ahead or write as you go?
For long multi-chapter fics, I plan ahead by chunk but not necessarily by chapter -- I have a general outline and I write to that, and then after I write, I cut it down into chapters where there are "good breaks." I never decide ahead of time how many chapters I'll have and then outline to that, though! That's too much planning for me.
For long one-shots, I generally don't plan and I often don't outline more than knowing the beginning, the climax or big turning-point, and the ending? (And I often don't know the ending tbh.)
12. How does receiving or not receiving feedback/support impact you?
I would say that not getting feedback affects me less than it used to, just because there are so many things that I write now that DON'T get any feedback that if it still made me feel like total shit, I'd feel like total shit all the time, and I don't have the bandwidth for that.
Getting feedback definitely makes me feel more connected to a fandom, though, and inspires me to want to create more for that fandom than the fandom(s) where I don't get any feedback. Fandoms like Steve/Bucky, The Baby-Sitters' Club, Scooby-Doo, and Miss Fisher give me more creative energy through feedback than, say, The Old Guard where I don't really get any feedback anymore, even though I objectively like TOG in a more "fannish" way than Scooby-Doo, or whatever.
I'm in fandom in large part for the connection to other people who love the stuff that I love. If there's no feedback, then a major part of the equation is missing for me, and if I don't feel like the other people who love the thing are out there, then it makes me love the thing less, too.
22. Are there certain types of writing you won’t do? (style, pov, genre, tropes, etc)
Not really -- it depends on the fandom and how to best serve the story. I've written in first-person, second-person, and third-person POV; I've written non-HEA darkfic; I've written kink and vanilla and gen; I've written slash, femslash, and het. There are certain tropes/kinks that I personally am not at all into and wouldn't write just because I personally don't think I'd ever like a fandom where those were in-character for the characters, but that's just kinktomato. There are a LOT of things that I wouldn't write "on request," though, because I would have to have an actual inspiration to be able to feel out the thread of the story -- like, I wouldn't write Steve Harrington/Joyce Byers for an auction/exchange fic, even though I wrote a 10k fic for them. Same with Poe Dameron/Ben Solo.
32. Name three of your favorite fanfic writers.
This changes all the time and I more have favorite fics than favorite writers, but I always love @dracosollicitus, @fille-lioncelle, and @kaikamahine when their fandoms-they-write line up with fandoms-I-read. But 99% of the time I pick to read something based on the summary and not the writer.
42. What’s the last fic you read? Do you recommend it?
I've been in a book reading phase for a while now and less of a fic reading phase, so I'm not 100% positive what the last fic I read was! HONESTLY it was most likely a reread of owlet's Infinite Coffee & Protection Detail series, which I recommend to literally everyone all the time. It's a fic I would recommend to my DAD, it's that good.
52. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I do but I'm slowwwwww at it. I get anxious that I'm going to sound stupid or conceited or something, so I let the comments pile up until there are an unreasonable amount and then I get overwhelmed by how many there are and how long I've been sitting on them. It's a bad system, but it's what I got. I do try to write back reasonably quickly if someone asks an actual question or something, though.
62. Thoughts on cliffhangers?
Very hard to write well. Even in books. I can count the number of actually good cliffhangers I've read on my fingers, and honestly at this exact moment the only one I can really say definitely counts is the end of Catching Fire (THG #2). I think A LOT of the time they feel really contrived and don't actually hit that emotional tension spot that a good cliffhanger needs to hit. Oh, you know what fic has a good one? The Maskfic (despite the threatening sky and shuddering earth (they remained) by @praximeter). It's not the ending, it's the chapter-ender of the Big Reveal.
72. What order do you write in? front of book to back? chronological? favorite scenes first? something else?
It depends on the format! For a free prose longfic like Lent From Tomorrow, I write out of order and just go for the scenes in the way that they come to me and lead into/from one another. Usually it starts from either the climax or the opener and then jumps around to get from one to the other.
BUT if I'm writing something as a structured drabble series like Not In The Answer But The Question or Could Use A Guy Like Me, I write strictly in order chronologically. Those I can't write out of order because I would die.
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The Owlet with Amber Eyes (New Chapter)
A new chapter to my Owl House fanfic, the Owlet with Amber Eyes, has been dropped and ready to read! I hope you all enjoy!
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asksleepymclean · 2 years
1 day (late) - first met
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Since my arts (fan art from different fandoms, redesign of parents for my td fankids, a little with my ocs and others), my ideas and of course page for my au comic (which was ready) unfortunately did not survive on my new phone. Therefore, either make a new one or remember…Okay, not about that now. You probably ask me - do you do it like a week or a month challenge? Is this about OTP? And why is it written "late"? 1.You could say that… I wanted to add a little more art with them (because why not)💙🤎 💚💖 2.Partly..but not quite… Why? Because I only have Christina x John ship (canon) 3.Initially I wanted to publish yesterday (besides, this idea came up a long time ago), but I decided to postpone it until tomorrow (because I have to go to an additional drawing class)
That's all for now…see you soon
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msilverstar · 1 year
Author: @owlet (possibly incorrect tumblr) Date completed: 07 Jun 2019 Works in Series: 8,  Words: 264,438 Series Complete: Yes Ratings for all included works: Teen And Up Audiences, Mature, General Audiences Warnings for all included works: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Fandoms: Captain America (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies) Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes & Steve Rogers, Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers (past), Steve Rogers/suffering, Steve Rogers/Peggy Carter (past) Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Natasha Romanov, Tony Stark, Jarvis (Iron Man movies), Pepper Potts, Clint Barton, Bruce Banner, Maria Hill, Thor (Marvel), Peggy Carter, James Montgomery Falsworth, Jim Morita, Timothy "Dum Dum" Dugan, Jacques Dernier, Gabe Jones, Howling Commandos, Peggy Carter (mentioned), Sam Wilson (mentioned), Old People Brigade - Character, Jane Foster (Marvel), Darcy Lewis, James Rhodes, The Olds - Character, Cat Eleanor - Character Additional Tags; Humor, I hope humor anyway, cursing, Protection, Strong feelings about coffee, slightly off-canon, Steve is sassy, sam is sassy, Bucky is sassy, Everyone has their sassy pants on, just accept that grilled cheese is the perfect food, old people are Team Bucky, Humor + feels, Really bad sarcasm habit, Slight Canon Divergence, Age of Ultron is going to mess up my timeline, My headcanon is a kinder universe than the MCU, Old People Brigade, Cat Eleanor, Mid-CATFA, sassy Bucky, Sassy Steve, Sassiness all around, Steve Rogers is a cheating cheater who cheats, Howling Commandos ask for trouble and get it, Sarcasm, Pining, Communication Failure, Stress Baking, the most prudish porn you'll ever read, let's forget AoU ever happened, referenced past sexual assault (not explicit), POV Steve Rogers, Steve Rogers has a think, Recovery, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Internal dialog like whoa, Angst and Humor, How happy am I that there's actually an "angst and humor" tag, Let's pretend AoU never happened, Dissociation, Sam Wilson is a Gift, Owlet answers some questions, How in the world am I supposed to tag this thing, Brief schmoop, unadulterated fluff, May contain traces of cat hair
“This, You Protect” - summary “The mission resets abruptly, from objective: kill to objective: protect“
Bookmarker's Notes:
Bucky overcoming his programming and learning to have a found family, including some lovely elderly OCs. Also keeping Steve from burning out on saving the world. It's all done in a stream of consciousness starting from bafflement and going on with flair, sass and profound compassion. Long and full of details and happy endings all around.
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wingsyliveblogs · 2 years
Since my brand is Concept Art and Lilith & Luz Fics, and I'm wont to break that;
Raven & The Owlet, AU where Lilith becomes Luz' caretaker instead of Eda. And becomes one of Luz' teachers at hexside.
Lilith: I'll leave you alone, have fun with your friends sweetie!
Luz: groooooan
Boscha: Don't think I'll go easy on you just cause the new teacher is your mom
Luz: Actually can you kill me now?
(fic has spoilers but I'll send if you want when you've gotten far enough)
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1. I must say, I quite appreciate your brand! And this fic, like the previous ones you’ve mentioned, sounds like a lot of fun. Thanks for sharing all this fanfic info; I’d love to have links to these once they’re safe to read! 
2. Yeah, you get it! Obnoxious, bratty characters like Boscha (and Matty) are so much fun. Sometimes, a character being difficult and imperfect and doing bad things can be more interesting than if they didn’t ever do anything wrong! 
But now that I think about it, this is a good point - why complain that Amity in particular is “kind of a brat” when she’s really not the only one who ever causes trouble for the main kids? Is it because she’s a major character herself and the others aren’t??? 
(In general, it's completely fine not to like a character for one trait or another that they possess, but there'll always be people who like that character for the same reason you don't. It's all a matter of personal preference!)
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