suppressedanxiety · 5 years
Hey Pat? Are you feeling okay? I’m sure your meal was delicious, Logan and Roman just have a lot on their minds that’s all
Anonymous said: Noooo Pat ok I wanna be nice, until Virgil becomes big again, all of Patton’s meals with taste 3x better than usual, and all cookies will taste 5x better than usual. On that note, I wanna magic a few chocolate chip cookies (on a plate) to his room, and also a comforting feeling once he enters (because I platonically love my Sander dad and I dont like him being sad) ~💙
@oxylillikay said: With Anxiety still contained, how is Patton doing?
Patton sniffled in his room, wrapped up in a blanket burrito and desperately trying to stave off the negative thoughts crowding the back of his mind. He had paced in front of Anxiety’s room for almost half an hour before knocking, quiet at first and then loud, but to no avail. 
The anxious side was still avoiding him. He hadn’t seen hide nor hair of Anxiety for days now, and while normally he would remind himself to be patient and let the other side take things at his own pace, his endurance was running thin. 
It seemed like no matter what he did, it wasn’t enough. Anxiety didn’t respond to any of his olive branches, and Roman and Logan were both withdrawing, going off to do their own important things and leaving Patton behind. Leaving him alone. 
He wiped his nose on his sleeve, caught in a cycle of longing for company and hating himself for longing when they had their own lives and duties to attend to. Thomas needed them, all of them, and what was Patton doing? Sitting around being useless and forgetting to help him socialize until it was already too late. 
Logan had already started to get suspicious after the study group, and Patton was sure he’d only managed to get through that because Logan was loathe to inspect anything to do with feelings too closely; If Roman began sniffing around the incident, he’d see through Patton in an instant. 
Especially since Patton had let Thomas muck everything up so badly. 
Sure, he had felt just peachy while the study group was happening, and brushed Logan’s concern off at the time, but the more he thought about it, the more he realized that the event had gone horribly wrong. 
Thomas hadn’t cleaned up anything, feeling self assured in his appearance, even though there was a kind of gross smell emanating from the trash can and he’d already slept in the shirt he was wearing. He’d said a few embarrassing pick up lines to the cute guy in the group at exactly the wrong times, interrupting the flow of the study group and making everyone feel awkward. Patton was terrified that they had all left early because of it. 
He couldn’t even get Thomas to apologize properly, because he was hiding all these negative thoughts from his host, keeping any worries about the situation tucked close to his chest. 
After all, if Thomas started panicking and the others found out, they’d be so upset with him! They would probably start ignoring him like Anxiety was, and then he’d really be alone, all the time. Forever. 
Anonymous said: Is it just me, or does Patton seem like he’s taking over the role of anxiety as well? :0
Anonymous said: So it’s becoming apparent that Patton is being affected with anxiety. Are there going to be any external effects of this like the darkening under the eyes that happened in AA Part 2? (I know this is pre-AA but I was just wondering if the puffball is gonna get some eye shadow).
Anonymous said: But it would take a while to remake everything and the current food would get cold and gross, and what if they came downstairs to eat and there was only gross cold food and they left without eating anything and maybe passed out in their rooms and hit their heads on something on the way down and it would all be because of him?“ That sure is a run on sentence you got in your head there Patton. I’m sure you’re doing fine mentally. That’s a totally normal, healthy thought pattern I’m sure…
Anonymous said: From the sounds of it Patton is starting to have his own anxious thoughts. When he was worried about the others passing out from lack of food and hurting themselves because of it. Is it possible that if anxiety is repressed too long that he would cease to exist and essentially fuse into Patton since he’s the other main emotional side?
Anonymous said: Gee Patton it’s kinda starting to sound like your spiraling? Or developing anxiety yourself? Everything looking ok there bud?
Patton gave in and rubbed at his eyes even though he knew it would only make them all puffy and that would worry the others if they needed him for something and then they’d find out, and-
His increasingly panicked train of thought was swiftly derailed as he caught sight of a dark smear on his knuckles, the ones he’d been rubbing his eyes with. 
It was… eyeshadow? But that didn’t make any sense. That was Anxiety’s motif, representing the sleeplessness that often came with his presence and Thomas’s tendency to rub at his eye makeup when stressed or exhausted. It shouldn’t be on Patton, especially not when he hadn’t seen the anxious Side in ages. 
Come to think of it, had he slept lately…?    
He thought back on some of his behaviors for the past few days, and didn’t like what he saw. He had been feeling increasingly… well, anxious. That would be all well and good if he was a person, but he was a Side. He wasn’t supposed to take on other Sides’ roles, not unless… 
Not unless something had happened to them. 
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Panic hit Patton so hard that his head swam, imagining all the ways Anxiety could have gotten hurt or worse without him knowing. He’d been sitting around moping about his own hurt feelings while the other Side was dealing with something bad enough that he could be fading entirely! 
He jolted out of bed, tears blurring his vision, and immediately hit the floor. He was hit with another wave of self loathing. No wonder the others didn’t want to be around him. 
… Wait. The others.
Anonymous said: Hm. The boys being evasive around Pat screwing with his head probably is making the extra negative processing EXTRA HARD.
Anonymous said: Patton, don’t you think Roman and Logan have been acting a bit strange recently? -🐌
Were they okay? The two of them had promised to give Patton’s meals to Anxiety if they saw him, but what if they ended up hurt by whatever was hurting Anxiety? What if they had been acting different lately because they were on their way to vanishing too? 
He couldn’t let that happen. 
Patton pushed himself up off the floor, untangling the blankets from his legs and drying his eyes. He needed to be better than this if he wanted to help Anxiety, help Logan and Roman, help Thomas. 
He took a few deep breaths, focusing. Right now, he needed to not be upset. He had to be calm. Self-assured. Happy. Perfect. He had to focus. He HAD TO.
Alone in his room, desperate to protect those he loved from an imaginary threat, something in Patton shifted.
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crimehat · 5 years
💐 to the writer I adore.
send me flowers
💐 if you have a platonic / qpp crush on me
thank you! 
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katelynn-a-fan · 4 years
Why We Do What We Do (14)
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Patton heard the commotion before he saw it.
It had been a couple days since the doctors told them they think they could restore Roman’s memories back to their original state before the accident. There was a set of pills that had just entered the realm of legal and federally approved use. It had shown signs of real promise during its experimental stages and while it was not a full proof 100% guaranteed cure for Roman’s amnesia, it was what they hoped for.
The doctors had warned them that there may be some side effects for Roman such as very vivid nightmares or confusion. And Roman had acquiesced even knowing the risks.
“I want to remember you guys, while the accident has changed me forever, I feel like I’d be missing out on something if I just started over.” Roman had said, looking at who he now considered his friends, even if he didn’t remember them after this, he had already formed a bond, whether or not that desire for the bond stemmed from somewhere deep in Roman’s mind that still remembered his friends, he wanted to have those memories back.
Patton knew Roman couldn’t read their expressions, much less what they could be because of. They hadn’t told him about the reason he had driven off and got into a car accident, no mention of a dinner and an argument that led to the unfortunate event that befell Roman ever crossed their lips.
That was what occupied his thoughts as he, Virgil, and Logan walked back to Roman’s room after refreshing themselves anew by going home and taking care of themselves. The doctors had assured them Roman was fine. They were monitoring him and his vital signs for any negative reaction to the drug. Roman was fine.
Or at least, he was supposed to be.
Virgil had just snarked back at Logan playfully at Logan’s comment of ‘You know build-a-bears are not alive right?’, when Patton heard someone distantly shout.
He couldn’t really make out the words, and wasn’t really paying attention, but his heart dropped to his toes as he heard Roman’s voice.
“Fuck off!
In a moment, Patton was running towards Roman’s room, Virgil and Logan no doubt right on his heels.
But when he turned the corner, he almost sobbed on the spot.
Roman was weakly wrestling with a number of doctors and nurses in the middle of the hospital hallway, various leads still attached to him with their machine counterparts closely nearby, beeping from being disconnected.
Roman was sobbing at this point, and Patton’s heart broke as Roman pleaded for his life, begging the doctors and nurses not to kill him.
“Let me go! Please don’t kill me! I-”
“I don’t know who I am! Don’t kill me please! I don't know who I am! PLEASE!”
Patton didn’t even remember running up to where Roman was fighting, all he remembered was watching Roman’s body convulse in sudden pain just as a nearby nurse was finally able to get a tranquilizer and inject it.
Almost immediately, Roman stopped fighting them, eyes open but not really seeing what was in front of them.
But as he did, a deep red spot suddenly bloomed on his gown around the belly area. The nurses and doctors around him became urgent again, knowing that Roman was bleeding likely not just externally, but internally as well.
“Fuck, he’s loosing blood!”
“I know!”
“We need to get him to surgery!”
Patton came up to Roman and without thinking, tried to grab him, his voice cracking as he yelled out a desperate:
Though Roman seemed to be on the verge of unconsciousness, Roman’s face sluggishly changed to one of vague realization. As Patton was held back by a nurse, Patton saw Roman feebly attempt to raise his head, eyes just barely open and utter a very small sounding:
And then Roman’s eyes slipped shut, Patton sobbing as part of him feared that this would be the last time Patton ever saw life in those eyes. And Patton was still trying to reach him, even as his friends took up the mantle of holding him back, shouting, at least Patton thought it was shouting, he could really hear anything over the beat of his own heart really. Even as they got Roman on a bed and whisked them far off to surgery, Patton fought with Virgil and Logan as they held him back.
His mind screamed at them, asking them why they would hold him back.
He needs me! It’s my fault this happened! If I had done something this never would’ve happened! It should be me dying on my way to surgery, not Roman! Roman who doesn’t even remember who he is! Roman, who’s been my friend for years and despite his amnesia still wants to be our friends!
But on the outside, he vaguely realized he was crying and the statements he was shouting in his mind were grief-filled wails to everyone else.
Long after Roman had disappeared from sight, Patton’s increasingly feeble attempts to run after Roman stopped and Patton was held by two of his best friends. His cries and tears felt like they could fill oceans as his sorrow and grief felt endless, like from sea to shining sea.
Patton’s heart cried out to whoever would listen to just take Patton instead, to save Roman from the pain and suffering.
But no such thing could happen, and the cries of Patton’s heart fell on deaf ears and Patton remained where he was with his two other friends and not in Roman’s place.
Patton was sure… Roman was going to die now because of him! 
General Taglist:
@spooky-scary-virgil @hermitcreature
Wwd2 Taglist:              
@lefaystrent @ironwoman359 @delimeful @supersoftsupersleep @altruistic-skittles @007ardra @illogicalthinking @absolutesandersidestrash @lalazebra @a-little-bit-of-ace @sanderssidesweirdo @oxylillikay @analogical-mess @blue-bis @thepastelanomaly @morannegg @ironfilly @datfearlessfangirl @perfectly-princely-emo-nightmare @ambrechandra @viva-la-pluto @glitchybina 
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sa-gt-tarrius · 5 years
The Violet Forest  [Secret Santa gift]
Warnings: Sympathetic Remus, characters being SO RUDE to each other, lots of arguing
Alchemy can’t solve everything, but maybe friendship can. Or maybe that’s just wishful thinking. Logan certainly thinks so.
@oxylillikay I’m sorry about the wait! I didn’t mean for this to take so long, but I got carried away again SOBBB ;v;
Oh oh and I gotta tag @secret-sanders-sized. Whoopsie doopsie
The Kingdom of Sanders Isle was known for a variety of things. It was known for its stunning landscapes, remarkable architecture, and lively culture. But most importantly, the kingdom was known for its kind and wise monarch, Prince Roman. The people of Sanders Isle were prosperous under his rule—no kingdom anywhere in the world could compare.
However, the kingdom was also home to the infamous Violet Forest. It’s been said that the creatures lurking in this forest were harbingers of evil, using dark magic to achieve their wicked ends. People warned their children far and wide not to venture too far into the wood, lest they vanish without a trace.
The kingdom had good reason to be afraid of the Violet Forest, especially after what happened to their prince.
Anyone in the Sanders kingdom could tell you what happened on the fifth of March, one year ago. The prince ventured into the Violet Forest to search for a missing child. But many days passed and the prince never came home. Weeks after his disappearance, everyone was convinced that Roman was gone for good. Some were calling for his brother Remus to take over the throne. Others were ready to move. The whole kingdom was in a state of hysteria.
But then, as quickly as he disappeared, Roman returned. The missing child was at his side, unharmed.
They deemed Roman a hero for braving the magic woods for the sake of a peasant child. But the prince never spoke of his mysterious disappearance. Questions about what awful creatures he encountered and why he was keeping the details a secret plagued every meeting and interview. But no one got any answers out of him. The child insisted that he fought a dragon, but Roman didn’t address the claim at all.
Eventually, the people stopped asking questions. Life resumed, the subjects fell into an eerie state of normalcy, and Prince Roman continued to rule as before. Only now, Roman had become much more withdrawn, never stepping foot outside his castle. He barely spoke or slept, leaving his staff concerned and his eyes droopy.
It was under these circumstances that Logan Cerebrus was summoned to the palace.
Logan was known far and wide as a skilled alchemist of the strangest calibre. Although the ability to perform magic was genetically determined, alchemy in of itself was a skill that anyone could learn. However, without the aid of inborn magic, alchemy is exceedingly difficult to learn, let alone master. Logan was the first (and so far, only) non-magical being to master the art of alchemy. He’d even taught himself to top it all off. Logan was gifted—no one would deny that.
As for why Logan was called to the castle, he had no clue. He’d received a letter in the mail from Prince Remus, Duke of Schwarz, requesting a private meeting in the castle. The guards by the drawbridge were shocked to see such a letter, but there was no mistaking the signature at the bottom of the page. With some hesitance, the guards escorted Logan to the gathering room.
“Ah, here he is!” Remus sang, outstretching his arms as Logan arrived. “Mr. Cerebrus himself!”
“Greetings, Your Grace.” Remembering his manners, Logan lowered himself to his knee and kept his head down. Remus pulled him off the floor roughly, shooting the alchemist a lopsided grin. Logan hesitantly smiled back. “You summoned me?”
“I did, didn’t I?” Remus chuckled, slapping an arm around Logan’s back. Logan didn’t so much as flinch—he was used to Remus by now, having visited the castle so much in the past. “See, I was tempted to summon you just to get you out of that musty lab for a while.” The duke laughed, but his smile fell. “We used to have so much fun together.”
Logan nodded, his expression unchanging. “Yes, Your Grace.”
“Oh my god,” Remus spat, hanging limply off Logan’s shoulder while kicking his leg into the air. “Throw me a bone here! Like a femur, or your tibia! Something!”
“I’m… not sure I follow.”
Remus exhaled in exasperation, letting go of Logan to resume a proper stance. “Nevermind,” he muttered. “I need your help, Logan. It’s a matter of utmost importance. And… it has to do with my brother.”
“You mean Roman?” Logan shifted uncomfortably. “Your Grace, I don’t—”
“He’s not doing well,” Remus sighed. “He doesn’t eat or sleep. He never leaves his room anymore. I’ve tried getting him help, but he sends all the doctors away.”
Logan gazed at the ground absently. “What would you have me do?” he asked softly. “I’m no doctor. I’m just an alchemist.”
“But you’re also Roman’s friend, aren't you?”
A humourless chortle escaped Logan’s throat. “Maybe we were. But not anymore.”
It was true. Once upon a time, Logan and Roman had been inseparable. But in recent years, their relationship began to crumble, and the two saw each other less and less. It had been a few years since Logan and Roman had even seen each other, let alone had a friendly conversation. And the last time they met… well, suffice to say, it wasn’t a pleasant interaction.
Logan had been tempted time and time again to reach out and apologize, to rekindle their old friendship, but he always backed out before he could draft a letter. Roman didn’t seem eager to make amends either, so Logan gave up on trying to make things work. He’d focused on his studies instead of pursuing a long-dead companionship. They were better off on their own, anyway.
“I know you two have been on bad terms lately,” Remus said, pulling Logan from his thoughts, “but I have no other options here. I need you, buddy.”
Logan looked away, his heart growing heavy. “I don’t know how I could help… but I’ll do what I can.”
The duke smiled. “Thank you, Logan. Truly.” Remus patted Logan’s shoulder much more gently than usual, shambling towards a side door with a grim disposition. His body was halfway outside when his head swivelled around. “Well… you know where Roman’s room is. Good luck.” With that, the door was closed with a soft click, and he left Logan alone.
Well, better get this over with.
Logan went slowly, making his way up the winding stairs with a scuff in his step. He knew the way to Roman’s quarters by heart, although it had been a long time since he’d ever walked down the long hallways leading there. How would Roman feel about him suddenly showing up at his bedroom door? Especially when his brother sent him? Remus might as well have called more doctors. There was no way Roman would open the door for Logan.
The trek to Roman’s room went by far too quickly. Logan’s hand hesitated at the golden lion-shaped knocker. It was late at night—the prince was probably asleep by now. As if dealing with Roman wasn’t bad enough already. The alchemist exhaled and rapped thrice on the door, praying that no one would answer.
And at first, no one did. Logan stood by the door patiently, but no one came to open it.
But then, just as Logan was prepared to leave, a familiar voice spoke up from behind the gold-crested mahogany. “Remus? Is that you?”
“Ah… No.” Logan coughed awkwardly. “It’s just me.”
“Let me guess... you’re here because I’ve been acting up.”
“That’s… not entirely incorrect. I’m here because you’re unwell, apparently.”
“Right, got it,” Roman sneered. “Listen, wiz-nerd, I appreciate you coming by or whatever—but I’m a little busy right now. So if you’d just leave me alone, that would be so, so lovely. Thank you, love you lots.”
Logan huffed, unimpressed with the sarcastic tone and the demeaning nickname. “Nice one. And no, I’m not leaving. Remus asked me to help, and I don’t plan on disobeying my prince.”
“Remus sent you?” Roman sounded genuinely surprised. “I didn’t think he…” Groaning, Roman cut himself off. “Whatever! As your crown prince AND as your absolute ruler, I order you to hit the road!”
“Don’t worry, I will,” Logan replied, reaching for the door handle, “just as soon as I’m done here. I don’t plan on making Remus upset with me.”
A startled gasp sounded from within the bedroom. “Wait, no! Don’t—”
The door slid open with an eerie creak. Logan cautiously slipped into the room, the door falling shut behind him. “Roman?” Logan called, annoyed to see the room so dark and unlit. The only source of light was that of the fireplace on the other side of the room. “God, you’re so dramatic,” the alchemist murmured. “Get a lantern on in here.”
As Logan fumbled through his bag for his handheld lantern, he waited for an insult or an offhand comment. But Roman remained silent. In fact, once the light of the lantern illuminated the room more, Logan quickly realized that Roman wasn’t even in the room. Wasn’t he just here, talking to Logan through the closed door? And now the room was empty… how strange.
However, out of the corner of his eye, Logan spotted someone—something—scurrying across the bed.
Logan let out a surprised cry, nearly dropping the lantern in his fright. What WAS that thing? It certainly wasn’t a rat, not with the way it scuttled about on two tiny legs. Thinking quickly, Logan set the lantern down and leapt forward, pinning the thing down with cupped hands. Now Logan was sprawled on the prince’s bed, wrangling a small creature of unknown origin.
And then suddenly, to Logan’s shock, it spoke. “Let me go, you gigantic oaf!”
“Wait, what?” Logan lifted his hands, peering curiously at the tiny figure sprawled out on his palms. It was hard to see its features in the dim light, but there was no mistaking that iconic voice. “Roman? Is that you?”
“Who do you think?!” Roman cried, absolutely exasperated. The prince struggled to sit up straight in Logan’s hands. “What makes you think you can just grab me like a heathen? I am ROYALTY!”
Logan blinked, taken aback. “That’s… not what heathen means.” He meant to ask why Roman was so small, or why he was running away, it why the room was so dark. But all Logan could focus on was Roman’s last comment.
Roman scoffed loudly enough for Logan to flinch. “Ah yes, that’s EXACTLY what we should focus on. Glad to see you have your priorities straight, wiz-turd.”
“You already used that one,” Logan murmured, although he wasn’t paying attention to Roman’s insults anymore. He had become completely captivated by the tiny person in his hands. His finger drifted beneath Roman’s chin, lifting it roughly to examine the miniature face. “What happened to you? You’re so small.”
Roman tried batting the offending finger away but failed miserably. “It’s a long story, and I’d rather not—hey, don’t touch me!” When Logan didn’t retract his finger, Roman resorted to screaming hysterically, writhing around in Logan’s grip. “Guards! Guards, arrest him!”
“Oh, relax,” Logan spat, taking a seat on Roman’s bed. The tiny man was dumped unceremoniously onto the blankets, causing him to stumble and fall flat on his face. “There. Now can you stop screaming like a child? You’re giving me even more of a headache than usual.”
“Oh, that’s rich… coming from the guy who isn’t the size of a MUG! I��d say I’ve been handling this quite well…” Roman crossed his arms, giving the larger man with the world's tiniest glare. “… At least I was until you GRABBED me!”
“I didn’t know it was you!” Logan countered. “You could have had a little more light on in here. Emphasis on little.”
“Little,” Roman repeated incredulously, raising an eyebrow. “...Noooo, you know what? I’m the bigger person here. I’m gonna let that slide.”
“Actually, you’re the smaller—”
Logan’s hands went up defensively. “Whoa whoa whoa, okay. So sorry, your majesty.”
Roman looked about ready to tear Logan’s ears off. But then, slowly, his shoulders began to sag and his eyes fell to the floor. He looked… upset, and not in the usual seething, raging, Roman kind of way. “I was hoping this wouldn’t happen,” Roman sighed. “Especially not with you.”
Logan put his hands down. “What do you mean?”
“This. Me being this size. You weren’t supposed to see me like this.”
“Wait a minute…” Logan tried to make sense of his words. “Have you been this way for a while?”
“Since I went into that damned forest,” Roman grumbled. “I got into a spat with a dragonwitch. He cursed me for my hue-brit or whatever it’s called.”
“Yeah yeah, whatever… So now I’m stuck at this size every night. I don’t change back until the sun rises.” Roman looked defeated at this point. He stared into the fireplace, dangling his legs off the side of the bed. “I don’t want to tell anyone about it… I was supposed to be the hero who slew the dragon, not the loser who got cursed.”
But then, like a spark, his eyes lit up. He jumped to his feet in his excitement, almost falling onto the sheets again. “Wait a tick! You can fix this!”
Logan blinked. “Me? How?”
“You know magic,” Roman explained, growing more and more excited by the minute. “You can change me back! You can break the curse!”
“Uhhh…” Logan hesitated. “I don’t deal with curses, Roman. I’m an alchemist, not a warlock.”
“What’s the difference?”
“I turn metal into gold. I don’t deal in witchcraft.”
“Come now, there has to be SOMETHING you can do,” Roman countered. “Do you have any idea what people will say if they find me like this? Or how I’m supposed to rule a kingdom when I can’t even reach my throne?”
“I see you haven’t changed much,” Logan huffed in reply, taking a seat on the floor to look Roman in the eye. He wasn’t keen on helping at all, but what choice did he have? Even if Roman couldn’t stop him from walking away, Remus certainly would. “I’ll… I’ll do what I can. Come here, I’ll see what I have in my bag.”
Roman squealed in delight, hopping gleefully into Logan’s palm. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” he cried, holding onto Logan’s thumb for support as they made their way to Roman’s desk. “Truly… I’m in your debt.”
“Whatever,” Logan muttered. He set Roman on the desk—more carefully this time—and drew out his quill and paper. “So… tell me about this witch you met with.”
Logan sighed. “Right. Tell me what he did exactly.”
Roman scratched his chin, recalling the event. “Well, I first found him while I was looking for a missing child,” he began, leaning on a nearby book. “I caught wind that he was holding a poor kid captive in her hut, so I swooped in for the rescue. But turns out the whole thing was a ruse. The kid was bait, and I fell for her trap.”
“So what did she do to you?”
“He cursed me. I told you that already.”
“I know, but could you recount what she said? Perhaps that could help us.”
Roman curled in on himself, darting his gaze away. “I don’t remember,” he grumbled.
“Hmm.” Logan hummed. He had a funny feeling that Roman wasn’t being truthful, but he’d focus on that later. “And then what happened? How did you get out of the forest?”
“The kid took me back to town himself,” Roman grumbled. “I’ve got the bruises to prove it, too.”
Logan winced at the mental image of Roman being manhandled like a doll. “Ouch.”
Roman shook his head, dismissing the remark. “So… can you help me?”
Biting his lip, Logan began fishing through his bag. He dumped various things onto the desk, searching for something of use. Pens, bags of powder, a flask, some books… Roman had retreated to the opposite side of the desk to avoid being pelted by a stray object. “Curses aren’t my department,” Logan commented, still running his hands through the leather sack, “but I should have something to help. No promises, though... Aha!” The alchemist lit up immediately, pulling a small satchel into the open. He set it next to his flask, along with a small burner, matches, a feather, and a leaf of some kind. “This could work.”
Roman peered curiously at the assortment of ingredients. “What is it?”
“It’s a potion for remedying jinxes,” Logan explained. “A curse is different—far more powerful—but maybe this can help anyway. It’s worth a try, at least.” Logan carefully set the flask onto the burner, lighting a flame beneath it. “Give me a little bit. I’ll try to strengthen the formula to adjust for curses.”
“Very well.” Roman flung himself onto the book he was leaning on, opting to lie down on it instead. Logan raised an eyebrow but didn’t comment, instead choosing to focus on his work. He began delicately plucking the fibres from the feather, sorting them into neat piles based on colour. But as he worked, Roman’s complaints gradually increased in volume. “I’ve seen snails work faster than you,” he whined. “Just stick the whole feather in!”
“It doesn’t work like that,” Logan snapped, turning away from his feather to glare at Roman. “Be patient. It’s only been five minutes.”
Roman pouted. “Look, you’d be impatient too if you were in my shoes. Just… hurry up! I can’t take this!”
“I’m going as fast as I can,” Logan lied with a smirk. “And if you keep complaining, then I’ll…” He trailed off, his eyes landing on the desk drawer near his leg. “...Then I’ll stick you in the drawer.”
“Yeah, right,” Roman scoffed. He almost looked amused at Logan’s threat. “You wouldn’t dare.”
“Oh, wouldn’t I?” Logan cocked an eyebrow. “Keep it up and we’ll find out.”
At that, Roman seemed to sober up. The prince mumbled something rudely under his breath but didn’t complain any further. Logan sighed in relief, continuing the arduous task of sorting the feather fibres.
But then, mere moments later, Roman spoke again. “You missed a spot.”
“That’s it,” Logan growled, standing up suddenly. His hand bolted forward, squeezing Roman in a fist. Roman cried out—maybe from pain, maybe from surprise—as he was forcefully stuffed into the drawer by Logan’s foot, landing face-first in a stack of papers. “See how you like that, Your Highness!” And with that, the drawer was kicked shut, leaving Roman stunned in the darkness.
“Treason!” a muffled voice screeched. “I’ll have you thrown in the dungeon for this!”
“Good luck with that,” Logan snickered. Despite the stupidity of locking the ruling prince in a drawer, Logan embraced the sick sense of satisfaction washing over him. It felt good to stick it to the snob—he had it coming, anyway.
Once Roman’s incessant babbling was muted by the drawer, Logan was able to continue his brewing in peace. Eventually, the sounds of kicking and swearing died down, and by the time Logan finished pulling apart the feather, Roman had fallen completely silent.
When he finished plucking fibres, Logan snapped the base of the feather in half and dropped it into the flask. He sighed deeply, relieved to finally be finished with the hard part. The satchel was opened, and a fine powder poured into the flask, sparking as it fluttered down. Next, Logan tore the leaf in half and dropped both pieces in among the glitter and the feather base. And finally, Logan grabbed two pinches of the feather hair, one of each colour, and sprinkled it on top of the rest of the ingredients.
The flask lit up as it was set on the burner, and a small puff of smoke flew from the top. Logan smiled, pulling the desk drawer open much more slowly than he closed it. “Okay, Roman. It’s done.” But there was no reply. Logan bent over to peer into the drawer. Roman was huddled in the far corner, facing away from the oncoming light leaking in. “...Roman?”
“I’m finished. Come out, we’ll give this a try.”
“You know what? I’m good. I’ll stay here.”
Logan chuckled. “Don’t be ridiculous. You’re the one who was so desperate to get back to normal, correct?”
“I—I mean... yes, but—” The nervous sputtering was cut off as an enormous hand snaked its way into the drawer, zeroing in on Roman. “Hey hey HEY, WATCH IT!” he hollered, scurrying around the hand. “I can get out by myself! Don’t—”
“I doubt it.” The hand snatched Roman with finality, eliciting another cry. Logan raised the tiny man out of the drawer and plopped him back onto the desk. “You couldn’t have climbed out if you tried.”
“If you hadn’t locked me in there, that wouldn’t have been a problem in the first place,” Roman snapped, springing to his feet.
Logan’s face darkened. “Well, if you weren’t such a nuisance, I wouldn’t have done that to you.”
“And maybe if YOU weren’t such an unfeeling, callous—” Roman trailed off, growing uncomfortably quiet. “I mean… if you weren’t a jerk. That’s what I meant.”
“I didn’t even say anything,” Roman murmured softly, avoiding eye contact. “Just forget it.”
“...Fine.” They had bigger issues to focus on, anyway. But Logan knew that this conversation was far from over. “Come here. We’ll see how this works.”
“Fine by me.” Roman broke out of his stupor and sped over to Logan’s arm, standing patiently by the flask of simmering, sickly yellow liquid. “Let’s get this finished. I want to be normal as soon as possible.
Logan nodded in agreement, plucking the flask up and swirling the liquid around absently. “Indeed.” He paused, glancing between the flask and Roman. “Just remember,” he stated, “that I can’t promise success. There is a chance this will not work at all.”
Roman shrugged. “Just do it.”
“Very well.” With the precision of a seasoned alchemist, Logan tipped a few drops out of the flask and onto Roman’s head. The tiny prince sputtered, put off by the awful stench. “Just rub it diligently. It should start working soon.”
Roman complained under his breath but did as Logan instructed. His hands slid up and down his forearms, soaking the nasty liquid into his skin. Logan stood, gathering his materials and placing them into his bag. The colour of the potion was correct. And given Roman’s crumpled nose, the smell was correct too. With luck, the effects would kick in momentarily.
But by the time Logan had finished gathering his things and Roman was no longer dripping wet, the prince was still only a few inches tall. Roman glanced between himself and Logan in a state of turmoil. “It isn’t working.”
“Give it a minute,” Logan wavered, although they both knew that the potion, for some reason, was ineffective.
Overwhelming grief came over the prince. He fell to his knees, staring into the distance. “That’s it, then,” Roman whispered, burying his face into his hands. “I’m stuck like this. I’m doomed.”
Despite the bubbling of sympathy from within his chest, Logan couldn’t help but roll his eyes. “Doomed is a strong word. I’m sure we can find some way to break this curse.”
“You can’t,” Roman snapped. “The curse is unbreakable.”
“Now, that’s ridiculous. Every curse has caveats and fine print. We just need to figure out how to break it.”
Roman stomped his foot angrily. “I already know how to break it!”
At that, Logan did a double-take, trying to process what Roman had just said. “...You know how to break the curse?”
Roman said nothing.
Logan leaned closer, scooping Roman off the desk. He was still sticky from the remnants of the potion. The prince yelped, backing away from Logan’s face, but found himself cornered by the alchemist’s fingers. “Roman,” Logan breathed, “tell me what the dragonwitch said when he cursed you.”
“I…” Roman gulped. “I—I don’t remember.”
Logan’s eyes narrowed. “Why are you lying to me? Don’t you want to get back to normal?”
“Of course I do!”
“Then say it. Now.”
Roman hesitated, choosing to look at Logan’s shirt instead of his eyes. “It was something like… The coward falls to kiss the ground, the king must grow into his crown… Something about roses, I think... For lifelong bonds confession makes, and only then this curse shall break.”
Logan scratched his chin with his free hand. Lifelong bonds? Confession? What kind of curse even was this? Frankly, Logan was baffled.
The lack of dialogue was making Roman visibly uncomfortable, so he spoke up. “I think… to break the curse… I have to admit a secret of mine. But I don’t know if I can. I don’t want to.”
The alchemist was still very confused. “So... you’d rather be stuck at this size every night?”
“Of course not,” Roman scoffed, flinching away from one of Logan’s prodding fingers. “It’s just that… I can’t… I can’t do it!”
“Sure you can. You simply say whatever this secret is and we’re done with it.” Logan was getting frustrated—he’d been here for hours, and now Roman finally admits that he knew how to break the curse the whole time. What a waste of a night. “We could have broken this curse ages ago, and you’re still being stubborn. I’d suggest spilling this stupid secret so we can both go back to hating each other.”
“Look, I just…” Roman trailed off, rubbing at his face in disbelief like he didn’t believe what he just heard. “Wait, what? What do you mean?”
“You want me to say it out loud? We… dislike each other, so to speak, but we’re choosing to be tactful about it. I’d like to return to a distant hatred before we end up fighting like children.”
Roman blinked. “I don’t like you? Since when?”
Logan rolled his eyes. He hated it when Roman played innocent. “Since you started insulting me? Calling me a nerd? Insinuating that I’ve wasted my life on my studies? Surely you remember that argument.”
“What?!” Roman looked downright offended. “I’ve always been in favour of you studying magic! If you’ll recall, I was the one to suggest it in the first place!”
“So why all the demeaning nicknames? Why the insults? Why do you still insist that you don’t hate me?!”
“That’s just how I show my love,” Roman exclaimed in his exasperation, not quite noticing what he had just said. “I thought you knew that I liked y—” As he heard the words coming from his mouth, he quickly clapped his hands over his mouth lest he say something else he regretted. “I—I mean… I…”
“You…” Logan bit his lip, struggling to form a sentence. “You’re… attracted to me?”
Roman whimpered. “N—no.”
“That’s literally what you said.”
“I said nothing!”
“You’re an awful liar,” Logan replied, but his tone wasn’t as harsh as his words would have you believe. He lowered his chin onto the desk, holding the small royal up to his eyes. “Be honest with me. Please.”
Roman flinched away from the piercing gaze. It had shattered his bravado—gone was the stubborn Prince Sanders, and here was the nervous and stuttering Roman, quivering in Logan’s palm. “I… I’m sorry. I should have told you.”
Logan’s gaze softened slightly. “Why didn’t you?”
“Cause you didn’t like me back. You never laughed at any of my jokes, you never wanted to be with me in public, a—and… you were so focused on your studying. I thought you hated me.”
“Far from it.” Logan curled his fingers tighter against Roman, trying to simulate a hug. “I don’t laugh at anyone’s jokes. It was never about you. And I never liked being with you in public because people kept swarming you for autographs.” Logan cringed inwardly at the memories of running from paparazzi. “As for the studying… I really can’t explain that.” Logan clenched his fist in frustration. How did he not realize Roman was feeling this way? “I didn’t mean to make you feel unwanted. On the contrary—I rather enjoy your company.”
“You do?” Roman looked genuinely surprised. “Oh. Well… I like your company too, Logan.”
“We’ve established that, yes.”
“R—right.” The prince tentatively scratched his neck. As he did so, Logan blinked. Did Roman just get a little taller? If he looked closely, Logan could almost swear that Roman sprouted an inch or two. “Look, I get it if you don’t like me back. That’s why I never told you. I was fine with just being friends.” Roman huffed indignantly. “I was hoping to tell you on my own terms though, not because of a stupid curse.”
“That’s fair,” Logan said, watching in awe as Roman grew two, three, four more inches taller. Lifelong bonds confessions make. “Well, I rather like you too,” he said with some reluctance. He wasn’t even sure if it would work. “In a romantic sense, I mean.”
“Really?” Roman gasped, suddenly growing taller than Logan’s bag. The growth was much more rapid, and soon, Roman had reached the two-foot mark. “You’re not just saying that?”
“Of course not. I wouldn’t lie to make you feel better. I just didn’t want to say anything because of the marrigae laws here. You can only marry royalty, right?”
“I plan on reversing that law soon.” Roman slipped off the desk, leaning on the chair for support. He was almost as tall as the desk now. “Wow, okay then... So, uh, what now? Are we... together?”
Logan grabbed Roman’s arm, sweeping him off the floor and placing him on the bed. He’d have to check for any side effects of the curse or the potion, but so far, Roman seemed just fine. Great, even. “I suppose so. Is that… satisfactory?”
The growing finally came to a halt, leaving Roman at his normal size. He grinned, grasping Logan in a tight hug. “Yes. That’s perfect.”
“I guess your potion was useless after all, huh, bore-cerer?”
“Don’t insult me. And regarding my potion, I... Wait. Are you… flirting with me?”
“...Oh, NOW you notice.”
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katelynn-a-fan · 5 years
Why We Do What We Do (11)
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He- … no... Roman(?), yeah Roman. He remembered some good looking person referring to him by that name, so for now as he couldn't remember any other name that was his, he would trust the word of the handsome (maybe not if he could remember if he knew them) stranger.
Roman heard voices. They were quiet and hushed, but he heard their soft words all the same.
“Do you think he’ll wake soon? I don’t know much about seizures, but he shouldn’t be unconscious for this long should he?” A timid but warm sounding voice whispered, the first thing edging into his consciousness after… something.
Something had happened, Roman remembered his body suddenly moving out of his control all at once and then black. A… seizure? That voice said something about a seizure, Roman… didn’t exactly remember where or how he learned about the concept of a seizure, but he did know that it sounded like what had happened to him.
Something told him that he… knew more about medical stuff than he should, like someone, maybe a friend, was knowledgeable and spouted facts, but he didn’t remember if they told him or where or why.
He tried to move, but his body was uncooperative and he didn’t even manage a twitch. To call his body’s feeling heavy would be an understatement, Roman felt like the whole earth was placed solely on his body. Though, that would be a bit more painful than the minor throbbing throughout his body. But maybe the lack of pain and the extreme sluggishness he was feeling was just whatever drugs or medicine the hospital he was apparently in, doing their thing.
There was a small sound, like a plastic object against… Styrofoam and then another voice spoke, this one a bit more even and level, with less warmth and more… security. Stability.
“Seizures are not all the same, certain seizures can lead to more harm than others, it is fruitless to try to ascertain a quantifiable number to Roman’s unconsciousness when we do not know the directi inner workings of his brain and what specifically caused him to seize.”
Yep, that sounded like whoever this voice is was the source of Roman’s heightened knowledge of certain topics. Though of course, Roman didn’t expect himself to remember much more than that, as he supposedly did have fucking amnesia.
“Logan, please, normal words for the class?” Roman recognized the voice of the tired man that had talked and cried to him when he woke up that second time. Now that he thought about it, he did remember hearing the warm sounding man’s voice come from that light blue person he saw. A name almost came to him, but just as quickly as he tried to hold onto that thought, it slipped away.
All he managed to grasp was that it started with a P.
Paul? Parker? Peter? Patrick? Patrick felt close, but not exactly the right fit. Phineas? Powell? Definitely not. Pollux? Ugh, none of these felt right.
The steady voice sighed, and Roman got the feeling even without looking, whoever it was was pinching the bridge of… not… not their face. Their glasses? So it was that astronomy t-shirt man, that… that explained the knowledge part. They were a science nerd.
Affectionately... I think.
Something told him that a nerd wasn’t always something that this man liked to be called. Roman supposed that was the work of bullies throwing that word around as an insult, and surprisingly, that thought made his blood simmer slightly, even though he didn’t know this man.
Logan… that was a nice name for him. Even though Roman didn’t remember exactly who he was, it fit Logan.
Logan replied shortly, “There is no true way to tell when Roman will wake up.”
He heard the tired man sigh a disappointed, “Oh…”
Roman’s heart swelled in a protective wave all at once, getting a strong desire to go over and comfort the man despite his physical inability to do so.
P piped up, “But he’s gotta wake up at some point! We just have to wait, we’ve been waiting already, we can wait a little longer!”
The tired man groaned quietly, but didn’t continue, probably knowing that nothing would really come of continuing to yearn out loud for Roman to wake up.
Little did he know that Roman was already awake, but just not able to move.
Suddenly, Roman realized that he was drifting off as he heard his friends(?) voices start to fade.
In a desperate attempt to move as Roman panicked, he distantly heard a far off groan. Was that him? He didn’t know as he felt himself drift more.
It was a sudden tight grip on his non-throbbing hand that felt like an anchor in a tossing sea that felt like it immediately brought him back to awareness.
He heard a sob and wondered what happened, if he had truly passed out and had missed something. Did something happen to him again? Did he have another seizure this time and just didn’t remember? Even if he had no idea who these people around him were to him, he didn’t want to worry them like he already had!
I’ve already put them through so much! I don’t want to put them through more! Why is my body so stupid?
Something landed on his face, cutting off those thoughts all at once. No, not landed, dripped onto his face… like… tears?
Then he realized he felt tears on his face, Roman realized it was him that was crying.
He was torn between being relieved that nothing had happened to them or him to make them cry and kicking himself for crying like this, worrying the people around him even more if something did happen.
Instead he listened to the voices around him, hoping that would help him calm down.
“Hey! Hey, hey hey! What is it? Are you having a nightmare? Hey, wake up Roman, you’re just dreaming!” The tired man’s voice called to him, and right then and there Roman wanted to hug the worry out of it while laughing his lungs out with him.
Why do I want to… comfort this man so much? I don’t even know his name yet!
Despite his confusion of his reaction to this man, he managed to raise his lips up in a ghost of a smile. However, the tired voice didn’t seem to notice, as he continued to ramble.
“Patton, go get a nurse, he might be in pain. He needs more medicine! Come on, wake up Roman! Logan? Do you know what might be happening? Nevermind, probably not.”
Roman heard Logan say something, but the handsome man's voice’s rambling was too overwhelming and close to properly hear what was said.
Patton… yeah… that sounds right…
Roman forced himself to stop shuddering and sobbing, but his limbs still felt massive.
“Roman? Are you awake?” The voice was hopeful, but then the hand gripped his hand tight.
Roman wanted to squeeze back desperately to communicate something, but nada, nope.
Suddenly, Logan’s voice bursts out, “Virgil!”
Roman’s eyes finally fly open at the sudden exclamation, and while incredibly blurry at first, he sees enough of the scene to tell what’s happening.
Logan was finishing walking over to… Virgil? Roman… thought that fit the man perfectly, he caught himself thinking how he probably wanted to be with someone with a unique name. Wait… was he gay?
At the seemingly unconscious squeeze… V- Virgil gave his hand, shivers went up and down his spine from the gesture, he inwardly grinned from ear to ear.
Oh… I am definitely gay.
If his limbs weren’t so useless at the moment, he would’ve shot them up to his face as he knew he was blushing hard.
I don’t even know this man, but man is he… breathtaking.
Virgil, as Roman now knew him, barked back, “What?”
There was a moment of silence and an exasperated sigh as Roman saw Logan pull off his glasses and rub his eyes as if he was done with Virgil. He then placed one hand on Virgil’s shoulder and gestured vaguely to Virgil.
“He’s awake, you knucklehead! Has been since he started crying at the very least.”
Virgil turned to face Roman, seeing his eyes were now open.
“Oh… hey… Roman…” If Roman thought his blush was fierce, that was nothing compared to Virgil’s as he tried to bring his hoodie up to cover his face, but as he did, he didn’t see the cord that was draped near his foot.
Viril lost his balance as he shifted his weight in a way that caught his foot on the cord and he spread his arms out instinctually to try and catch himself, but even with Logan grabbing for his arm, he failed.
He fell forwards right towards Roman, Roman saw his face rush up to his and he braced himself for a collision.
But none came.
When Roman opened his eyes, he was staring straight into Virgil’s green eyes. Their faces were hair breadths apart and Roman felt Virgil’s breath on his skin.
Why do I want to kiss this man when I know not the slightest thing about him?
And before he knew what was happening, and neither really knew who initiated it, they were kissing.
And Roman, in that moment, wouldn’t have it any other way.
General Taglist:
@spooky-scary-virgil @hermitcreature
Wwd2 Taglist:
@lefaystrent @ironwoman359 @delimeful @supersoftsupersleep @altruistic-skittles @007ardra @illogicalthinking @absolutesandersidestrash @lalazebra @a-little-bit-of-ace @sanderssidesweirdo @oxylillikay @analogical-mess @blue-bis @thepastelanomaly @morannegg @ironfilly
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katelynn-a-fan · 4 years
Why We Do What We Do (13)
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Roman woke up to an arm draped over him and a hand on his arm. It felt familiar, but also like he had never done this before. It was… confusing to say the least.
Roman thought he should try to get up as he didn’t really feel like he was going to fall asleep again soon. But the grip by the arm was very secure, it didn’t feel too tight, but Roman could tell he wasn’t escaping their grip anytime soon.
Roman instead stared at the ceiling, drifting slightly but not going back to sleep. It felt nice, though Roman really didn’t remember exactly why or how he was here. But it wasn’t really bothering him at the moment.
Slowly, he registered that he smelled a faint scent of lavender from his left where the arm and hand came from. It smelled nice and he swear he felt his heart flutter when he smelled it. But why? For the life of him he couldn’t remember why.
Eventually, the arm relaxed and moved up to just rest on his side, and he took the opportunity at that moment to slowly ease out of their grasp. It was slow going, but he eventually extricated himself and was able to pull himself upright.
The figure stirred slightly, mumbling something about waking up, but ultimately settled back down and their breaths evening out once more.
He looked around the room, and something about it felt… not wrong because the room felt plenty familiar even though Roman had no memory of being in this room. It felt like he had been in here a lot, but yet he had no recollection of anything about or when he was ever in this room before. The dichotomy hurt his head, like a poker between the eyes. He was… wasn’t he in a hospital? He thought…
But his thoughts were interrupted by his hand grazing the nightstand by the bed and knocking a glass of it. Luckily, before it could hit the ground and shatter, waking the sleeping figure that was beside him on the bed, Roman caught it with surprising ease.
Something about his hand and being able to catch it irked him, but he thought it wasn’t really important. The vague notion that the last thing he remembered he had serious injuries filtered through his mind, but were waved off as he would feel and see if he had hurt himself… right?
Roman winced and stifled a cry of sudden pain as he stood up, feeling a stab in his feet like the glass had broken and he had stepped on a broken piece, but when he looked down and investigated the bottom of his feet, he didn’t find anything. He swayed for a moment at the sudden pain, but as quickly as it came, the pain faded.
The room around was littered with some clothes scattered around on various surfaces, though they didn’t look like they were laid out that way suggestively. Because Roman was still wearing, still wearing a hospital gown?
Roman looked down again at his feet and swore the hospital gown he was seeing wasn’t there a moment before when he looked down at his feet initially.
Another stab of pain swept through his head this time, and it took all his will power to not fall over from it.
Huh? OW!
But suddenly, the pain was again gone the moment it got to its peak. Roman looked back down at his feet and just saw a red shirt and some Disney character pajama pants.
I like Disney. I’m… pretty sure. …..What was I thinking about again?
Roman shrugged and took measured steps, navigating the room. The bedroom he was in.
He looked back at the figure that was beside him on the bed. They were probably the one who smelled like lavender, scratch that, they were definitely the one who smelled like lavender. What he didn’t notice before about the bed was that the covers had some words on it, Roman recognized that some were from various literature, though he didn’t remember which or ever reading the books. Most of them cited… Shakespeare the playwright Shakespeare, Roman thought he must like him, something told him he enjoyed dramatics and acting.
Other than that, the room didn’t have much more of anything that stood out. Various articles of purple clothing were interspersed with the mainly red clothing across various surfaces.
Roman again felt that previously searing pain arc through his foot, but it was more subdued and distant this time. He wondered exactly what he was doing, he wasn’t really thinking about where he was going.
Then he saw the door out of the corner of his eye, and if they were in a cartoon, you would see a lightbulb light up above his head.
The door!
Of course!
How could he have been so blind?
Roman walked over to it with a purpose, though there was a small voice in the back of his mind that was trying to convince him not too. But he felt so good and fuzzy in the bedroom, he wondered what the rest of the house would feel like.
Roman gripped the doorknob, which was surprisingly cold, and opened the door cautiously to see what was on the other side. Strangely, as he saw the hallway was a perfectly normal hallway, he let out a deep breath he didn’t realize he had been holding.
As Roman stepped out in the hallway, the fuzzy feeling did change, his eyes suddenly hurt, like there was a bright light in the hallway, but the hallway was actually much dimmer than the morning sun lit bedroom. Roman shrugged that off as he stepped further into the hallway, instinctually, Roman turned to close the door, but when he turned to it, it closed in his face, making him jump. He heard a shout from behind it as it did so as well, sounding like someone muffledly saying “Wake up!”
Somehow, Roman suddenly lost his footing at the shock of the door closing and had to veer into the wall to hold himself up. When he gathered himself enough to become steady on his feet once again, he looked up and down the hall, and his heart skipped a beat.
There were dark figures at the end of the hallway and they had no faces. But even without eyes, Roman knew they were looking at him and they wanted to hurt him.
Almost the moment he spotted them, they started towards him and he turned to run down the other way down the hall, but saw another group of shadows coming from the other way. Right then, Roman knew he wouldn’t go down without a fight.
Prioritizing the shadows he knew would get there first, he brought his arms into a defensive position, ignoring how stiff they suddenly felt.
Probably the fear or adrenaline. Roman absentmindedly noted as the shadows grew closer.
When the first shadow got within reach, Roman swung at it, but it easily dodged and grabbed onto him. Though the shadow was just grappling him, he hissed in pain at the contact as just the shadow’s touch seemed to alight his nerve endings.
He swung again at the shadow grappling with him with his free hand, but before his fist could make contact, another shadow caught it and Roman cried out in pain as it felt like a hot poker was branding his whole arm at once.
Fuck that HURTS!
“Fuck off!” Roman yelled through the pain, still fighting the shadows.
But the shadows didn’t listen as they continued to grapple him, Roman felt tears come to his eyes, as if he didn’t escape their grasp, he knew he would be dead.
“Let me go! Please don’t kill me! I-” Roman faltered.
He was going to say something else, but for the first time, his situation hit him.
“I don’t know who I am! Don’t kill me please! I don't know who I am! PLEASE!”
Roman was crying desperate tears at this point as more shadows surrounded him, he saw a number of the shadows looking at something behind him. He knew he couldn’t successfully turn around while fighting the other shadows, so he did what he had to.
Roman used all of his strength to pry one of the shadows off of him and start to make a desperate attempt to escape, but then two things happened at once, one more painful than the other.
The first thing that happened was Roman felt a rip deep in his upper body that was then accompanied by an all-consuming pain as it felt like Roman’s stomach had split open. Roman screamed in absolute pain.
The second thing, that past the pain consuming his body he almost didn’t feel, was a small pinch in his neck.
Suddenly, his head started to get light and his limbs sluggish. The pain was still there, but it felt like it was just receding away as his body relaxed. He blinked sluggishly at the shadows in front of him, watching them gently reach out to do something. The shadows around him also loosened their grip on him for some reason.
He wanted to move, maybe not fight…
Why was he even fighting again? It was so fuzzy…
He felt so sleepy now, maybe he just needed to sleep. His body seemed to demand it now, so who was he to refuse
Roman’s mind screamed at him, for him to get up and move, but that voice got smaller and smaller as he got sleepier and sleepier. He felt himself be lowered and he actually heard voices come from the shadows.
“Fuck, he’s loosing blood! You gotta…”
“I know!”
“We need to get him….”
That voice sounded familiar, he used a huge portion of willpower to try and search for the owner of the voice. He couldn’t think much now, but he was pretty sure he got his fuzzy feeling mouth to slur out a very unintelligible:
And with that, not hearing whether the familiar Patton-sounding shadow replied, he felt his head drop and his eyes close and he thought of nothing more.
General Taglist:
@spooky-scary-virgil @hermitcreature
Wwd2 Taglist:
@lefaystrent @ironwoman359 @delimeful @supersoftsupersleep @altruistic-skittles @007ardra @illogicalthinking @absolutesandersidestrash @lalazebra @a-little-bit-of-ace @sanderssidesweirdo @oxylillikay @analogical-mess @blue-bis @thepastelanomaly @morannegg @ironfilly @datfearlessfangirl @perfectly-princely-emo-nightmare @ambrechandra 
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katelynn-a-fan · 4 years
Why We Do What We Do (12)
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Virgil realized what he was doing when his vision was full of Roman and he felt those familiar lips on his. He hadn’t even realized he was doing it because his senses were focused on not getting hurt that his conscious mind apparently just left for a moment.
Warm, familiar, face. Wait, I was falling. Towards Roman. Did someone catch me? Wait, why am I kissing… OH FUCK!
Virgil immediately pulled back, rambling apologies, because he knew Roman wouldn’t want to kiss someone who was, to him, a complete stranger.
“I’m sorry! Fuck! I’m so sorry!”
He felt Logan catch him as he backed into him.
“Hey Virgil, it’s okay, it was an accident. He knows that you gotta….” Logan voice floated away as his thoughts drifted away
Virgil continued on rambling, not really listening to what he was saying, in fact, he wasn’t really hearing anything over his screaming thoughts at seeing Roman’s face flushed and confused. He was going to hate him now, Roman would never love him after he kissed him without consent.
No! I can’t come back from this! He’ll hate me. He’ll hate me. Fuck! I can’t! I want-
It wasn’t until he felt Logan’s hand on his shoulder and distantly heard Logan’s voice that he realized he was hyperventilating and starting to spiral.
“Breathe, Virgil, breathe.” Logan’s gentle yet commanding voice faded back into his awareness and cut through the fog of worry permeating Virgil’s mind. Virgil felt Logan’s hand on his shoulder gently squeeze his shoulder. Virgil focused on that sensation and slowly took stock of his surroundings to ground him back to reality.
Virgil realized he had staggered back into a chair and had curled into a ball in a chair and was covering his ears. He hadn’t noticed until that moment.
His mind was still a whirl with thoughts of how he had fucked up his one shot to kindle the relationship he once had with his boyfriend, Roman, who now was a stranger to him.
But Virgil pulled himself out of his self-inflicted prison in his mind as he let his hands relax and allowed his knees to pop as they reached down to the floor. The floor felt cool under his feet. When had he taken off his shoes again?
Oh yeah, he had taken them off after breakfast as he knew he wouldn’t be leaving the hospital for a while and they didn’t necessarily have a rule about taking your shoes off in a patient’s room.
He shivered, but he honestly couldn’t tell if it was because his body was truly cold, because he himself felt like he was just under a frozen lake, but he thought that was just the dread he felt.
Honestly, he deserved it. If he hadn’t hadn’t been so clumsy and tripped, he would not have made Romand endure that.
Virgil couldn’t lie and say he didn’t enjoy the kiss as his body had taken over before his brain had. And his body was more than willing to enjoy the kiss. The thing is, Virgil knew Roman would never love him like that, would never get those memories back.
But at the expense of intruding on Roman’s personal space and to violate his desire to no doubt slowly understand who the fuck him and Logan and Patton were, it had happened. There was no going back from it.
Even if he had to watch Roman fall in love with someone else, he would be by Roman’s side every step.
Or lack thereof, though Virgil as he noticed the cast on Roman’s foot as if for the first time. Virgil had been too worried about Roman in general to notice the specifics to notice that apparently.
But his mind ground to a halt when he looked back into his former boyfriend’s face.
He was smiling?
Why was he smiling?
What was so funny about Virgil crossing every boundary and not respecting Roman’s bodily autonomy?
Virgil’s mouth fell open. Virgil would’ve been speechless if he even knew where his jaw was.
Was there a sadistic joke in his head about Virgil because he hated Virgil now because he had fucked up?
Virgil would take it. He deserved it. He deserved it. He deserved it. I deserve it.
But instead, what next came from Virgil’s mouth made him speechless for an entirely different reason.
“I guess you can call us Romano and Virgilet now, because your kiss brought me back to life.”
And when Roman’s face turned into his signature smile, Virgil just about died on the spot. His face suddenly felt like it was on fire when moments ago it was as cold as ice.
Behind Virgil, Patton squealed at the pun and started to no doubt stim in his own Patton way, his fists flailing in happiness. While Logan said something along the lines of: “Ugh! That is literally the opposite of what happened in the play in actuality, but at least you tried.” Along with Logan’s signature exasperated sigh at Patton daily puns or Virgil occasional subtle self deprecating joke or even pun sometimes.
But before Virgil could gather his thoughts, much less say something, a doctor and an accompanying nurse entered the room. Virgil looked over, no doubt a complete sight with unkempt hair and bags under his eyes.
Patton stifled his squealing at the sight and Logan looked strangely satisfied as well as a little tense, as if he knew this would happen and was almost waiting for it, to the point of worrying, but of course, not to the extent Virgil was/had been worrying over Roman.
“Oh, hello…. Uh…. doctor?”
The doctor came in and smiled at Roman’s question, looking at her chart and said with a warm expression that made Virgil a little better as it probably wasn’t bad news if she was acting so cheery “It’s Dr. Yates, Roman. You boys have been here for a while and I know you’ve been worried, but I have some good news!”
Virgil would absolutely love some good news right now. He waited with bated breath and wide eyes for the doct- Doctor Yates to speak.
Logan asked evenly without missing a beat, knowing the social etiquette in these circumstances and falling into the role of a patient recipient of the news.
“What is it Doctor- Doctor Yates?”
Virgil didn’t miss the wavering and hesitation in Logan’s voice.
Thoughts of Logan being mad with him as well were quickly brushed away, though those thoughts pertaining to Roman were bouncing through his skull.
Roman again spoke, cracking a joke instead of a pun this time.
“Are you going to tell me this is all a dream or a simulation Morphe-Yates? Wouldn't be the first absurd thing I remember hearing. Actually, no, it would. ”
Roman smirked, but didn’t push his luck at some jokes he was no doubt coming up with moment by moment.
Virgil picked up a slight raise of Dr. Yates’s lips, but she kept her professional attitude and air. That didn’t stop the nurse behind her to snort, his hand coming up to cover his mouth once he realized, as it was probably an instinctual reaction.
Dr. Yates looked back at the nurse and the nurse wilted slightly, being reprimanded without even a word. Dr. Yates turned back to the trio and Roman on the bed, face again back to neutral and professional.
“Ah, yes, that’s what I’m here to talk about. We-”
Dr. Yates let a smile color her face, if only lightly, it was not an overly excited smile, but a hopeful one that promised a possibility of something good coming soon.
And Virgil… would never forget the life that flowed back into his veins as the doctor spoke her next words. The moment forever cemented in his memory as the ‘moment he knew he was getting his boyfriend back.’
“We may be able to solve Roman’s amnesia, not now as it will take time, but we may be able to bring your friend back.”
General Taglist:
@spooky-scary-virgil @hermitcreature
Wwd2 Taglist:
@lefaystrent @ironwoman359 @delimeful @supersoftsupersleep @altruistic-skittles @007ardra @illogicalthinking @absolutesandersidestrash @lalazebra @a-little-bit-of-ace @sanderssidesweirdo @oxylillikay @analogical-mess @blue-bis @thepastelanomaly @morannegg @ironfilly @datfearlessfangirl @perfectly-princely-emo-nightmare @ambrechandra
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katelynn-a-fan · 4 years
Hey when are you going to write the next chapter of why do we do the things we do~a pigeon ™
I’m not sure.
 I really have gotten tired of a schedule, where I feel like I have to write a chapter even if I’m not... feeling it. I think in this manner, where I don’t have a set schedule, I can make better, longer chapters that may be a little less frequent, but are thought out and not just... surface level, I guess.
The important thing is... I’m not abandoning it, I’m just adjusting how I write it.
General Taglist:
@spooky-scary-virgil @hermitcreature @monique-euqinom
Wwd2 Taglist:              
@lefaystrent @ironwoman359 @delimeful @supersoftsupersleep @altruistic-skittles @007ardra @illogicalthinking @absolutesandersidestrash @lalazebra @a-little-bit-of-ace @sanderssidesweirdo @oxylillikay @analogical-mess @blue-bis @thepastelanomaly @morannegg @ironfilly @datfearlessfangirl @perfectly-princely-emo-nightmare @ambrechandra @viva-la-pluto @glitchybina @imtooaromanticforthis @phantom-moonfire 
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katelynn-a-fan · 4 years
Interim Wwd2 (14) Teaser
(I am so sorry! I couldn’t write a chapter for this week, I got distracted with a new blog: @ask-dnd-sides and I am sorry I can’t get out a full chapter this week. Take this teaser as a consolation!)
It was five minutes.
They were gone for five minutes.
But in that time, all hell had broken loose.
General Taglist:
@spooky-scary-virgil @hermitcreature
Wwd2 Taglist:
@lefaystrent @ironwoman359 @delimeful @supersoftsupersleep @altruistic-skittles @007ardra @illogicalthinking @absolutesandersidestrash @lalazebra @a-little-bit-of-ace @sanderssidesweirdo @oxylillikay @analogical-mess @blue-bis @thepastelanomaly @morannegg @ironfilly @datfearlessfangirl @perfectly-princely-emo-nightmare @ambrechandra @viva-la-pluto.
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katelynn-a-fan · 5 years
Important WWD2 and Sleepless Nights Announcement
I am going to have certain times where I will write for these fics.
To keep me on track, I will post when I am writing one of these fanfics with the taglist and you can shoot me an ask with any of these numbers:
0 - 1 and 2 - Sentence and Word count
1 - I will give you the last full sentence I have written at that moment.
2 - Word count.
3 - Song I’m currently listening to (in case you want to know as I write while listening to Spotify).
4 - 1 and 3 - Sentence and song I’m listening to.
5 - 2 and 3 - Word count and song I’m listening to.
6- All three - Sentence, word count, and song I’m listening to.
(Please try to only suggest the one that will come out sooner as that’s the one I’m most eager to write, the fics come out Tuesdays for Snaep and Fridays for Wwd2)
Snaep Taglist: (Bold means I am unable to tag you due to some kind of restriction)
@sanders-sides-uncorrect-quotes @paranoidgurl @alexisrealgay @light-it-on-fire @aroaceagenderfluid
Wwd2 Taglist: (Bold means I am unable to tag you due to some kind of restriction)
@lefaystrent @ironwoman359 @delimeful @supersoftsupersleep @altruistic-skittles @007ardra @illogicalthinking @absolutesandersidestrash @lalazebra @a-little-bit-of-ace @sanderssidesweirdo @oxylillikay @analogical-mess 
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katelynn-a-fan · 5 years
Writing Wwd2 (10) TIME!!
Keep me on track plz.
Shoot me an ask with a # from the Announcement post!!
General Taglist:
@spooky-scary-virgil @hermitcreature
Wwd2 Taglist:
@lefaystrent @ironwoman359 @delimeful @supersoftsupersleep @altruistic-skittles @007ardra @illogicalthinking @absolutesandersidestrash @lalazebra @a-little-bit-of-ace @sanderssidesweirdo @oxylillikay @analogical-mess @blue-bis
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katelynn-a-fan · 5 years
Writing Wwd2 (12) Time!
Keep me on track plz.
Shoot me an ask with a # from the Announcement post!! (You get sneak peeks!)
General Taglist:
@spooky-scary-virgil @hermitcreature
Wwd2 Taglist:
@lefaystrent @ironwoman359 @delimeful @supersoftsupersleep @altruistic-skittles @007ardra @illogicalthinking @absolutesandersidestrash @lalazebra @a-little-bit-of-ace @sanderssidesweirdo @oxylillikay @analogical-mess @blue-bis @thepastelanomaly @morannegg @ironfilly @datfearlessfangirl @perfectly-princely-emo-nightmare @ambrechandra
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katelynn-a-fan · 5 years
Urgent Writing Wwd2 (11) Time!
Keep me on track plz.
Shoot me an ask with a # from the Announcement post!! (You get sneak peeks!)
I had Stuff (jazz hands) come up yesterday, so today is the only day to write so go write some asks!
General Taglist:
@spooky-scary-virgil @hermitcreature
Wwd2 Taglist:
@lefaystrent @ironwoman359 @delimeful @supersoftsupersleep @altruistic-skittles @007ardra @illogicalthinking @absolutesandersidestrash @lalazebra @a-little-bit-of-ace @sanderssidesweirdo @oxylillikay @analogical-mess @blue-bis @thepastelanomaly @morannegg @ironfilly
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katelynn-a-fan · 4 years
Urgent Wwd2 (13) Writing Time!!
Keep me on track plz.
Shoot me an ask with a # from the Announcement post!! (You get sneak peeks!)
General Taglist:
@spooky-scary-virgil @hermitcreature
Wwd2 Taglist:
@lefaystrent @ironwoman359 @delimeful @supersoftsupersleep @altruistic-skittles @007ardra @illogicalthinking @absolutesandersidestrash @lalazebra @a-little-bit-of-ace @sanderssidesweirdo @oxylillikay @analogical-mess @blue-bis @thepastelanomaly @morannegg @ironfilly @datfearlessfangirl @perfectly-princely-emo-nightmare @ambrechandra
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crimehat · 5 years
Send me a ‘hi’ and I will put my playlist on shuffle, write down the first line of five songs and give it to you as a poem.
all you want from me are three little words; things are about to change, right?  i feel your every heartbeat.  maybe it’s intuition, maybe we could be magic. 
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crimehat · 5 years
tagged by: @oxylillikay ( you tagged my writing blog but I hope it’s okay I answered here! )  made with: this picrew
Tumblr media
tagging: yoink it <3
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