#p: posally
pjoseries · 2 months
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🗣🗣🗣THE ONLY ONE HE WILL BE ABLE TO KEEP 🗣🗣🗣 im vomiting blood
u TRULY keep doing this to yourself
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insecuregodcomplex · 10 months
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i23kazu · 1 year
characters. xiao zhongli kaeya diluc childe itto alhaitham kaveh x reader genre. romantic fluff + college au an. im actually going insane my life has gone so downhill this week im doing this for the adrenaline rush pls make this post boom | please reblog!! im getting back into writing and reblogs with tags and comments will make me want to write more :D
you see him at your doorstep, holding out a bunch of qingxins. his face is red and he's avoiding eye contact.
"what are you doing here?"
"what do you think im doing?"
"i don't know??"
"asking you to prom, obviously."
kaeya stands before you, holding a twine-wrapped bundle of sweet flowers and snapdragons in his hands – a delicate smile adorning his features.
"my love, would you give me the pleasure of taking you to prom?" the corners of kaeya's mouth tilt upwards when he sees you nod.
"i'd like you to go to prom with me." he's so straightforward. that's all you can think about. in some way, it cuts the awkwardness of you standing there for a minute if he performed a silly routine.
"that's it??"
"what else would you like me to say?"
"...nevermind. i accept."
"i want to take you to prom!" he yells, holding a signboard with your face and name on full display. you facepalm.
"it caught your attention, didn't it?"
"..whatever, sure. i accept." you've never seen childe smile brighter.
"(y/n)! look at me!" itto yells, balanced on top of three members of his little gang. he's wrapped up in christmas lights with your face plastered on a board that he's hazardously waving about in the air.
"itto, careful- you're gonna fall–" you yell, but it's too late. the arataki gang is on a heap, with itto on top.
"will you go to prom with me!!" itto continues to yell, shoving his friends to the side.
this dumbass.
he slides you a book over, opening it to a page that seems normal apart from the fact that there's random highlighter over the words. letters, actually. not even a consecutive word.
"i accept." you grin, tracing the letters p, r, o and m over with your finger. alhaitham smiles. "i knew you would."
"go to prom with me."
"dude, you didn't even ask." you scoff in response, turning your head back into your book.
"do i have to, when i know you're going to say yes?" kaveh smirks, sliding a paper to you.
will you go to prom with me?
taglist: @tiredsleep @loptido @raincxtter @chichikoi @ladyadii @soulsanta @sheiiy @genshinparty @eowinthetraveler @moonbyunniee @lemonswriting @legitnoi @lemontum @manager-of-the-pudding-bank @starz222 @ilyuu @cherry-colored-petals @mondaymelon @tartaglia-apologist @soleillunne @softcosmixs @ineshapanda @babypetuniaa @aimynx (send ask to be added to taglist)
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What "Bodhisattva" even mean? Are they like a messager or middle man?
They are an enlightened being who foregoes nirvana in order to save countless people from the suffering that keeps man trapped in samsara.
This is the official entry in the Princeton Dictionary of Buddhism (2014):
Bodhisattva (P. bodhisatta; T. byang chub sems dpa’; C. pusa; J. bosatsu; K. posal 菩薩). In Sanskrit, lit. “enlightenment being.” The etymology is uncertain, but the term is typically glossed to mean a “being (SATTVA) intent on achieving enlightenment (BODHI),” viz., a being who has resolved to become a buddha. In the MAINSTREAM BUDDHIST SCHOOLS, the Buddha refers to himself in his many past lifetimes prior to his enlightenment as a bodhisattva; the word is thus generally reserved for the historical Buddha prior to his own enlightenment. In the MAHĀYĀNA traditions, by contrast, a bodhisattva can designate any being who resolves to generate BODHICITTA and follow the vehicle of the bodhisattvas (BODHISATTVAYĀNA) toward the achievement of buddhahood. The Mahāyāna denotation of the term first appears in the AS˙ T˙ ASĀHASRIKĀPRAJÑĀPĀRAMITĀ, considered one of the earliest Mahāyāna sūtras, suggesting that it was already in use in this sense by at least the first century BCE. Schools differ on the precise length and constituent stages of the bodhisattva path (MĀRGA), but generally agree that it encompasses a huge number of lifetimes—according to many presentations, three incalculable eons of time (ASAM˙ KHYEYAKALPA)—during which the bodhisattva develops specific virtues known as perfections (PĀRAMITĀ) and proceeds through a series of stages (BHŪMI). Although all traditions agree that the bodhisattva is motivated by “great compassion” (MAHĀKARUN˙ Ā) to achieve buddhahood as quickly as possible, Western literature often describes the bodhisattva as someone who postpones his enlightenment in order to save all beings from suffering. This description is primarily relevant to the mainstream schools, where an adherent is said to recognize his ability to achieve the enlightenment of an ARHAT more quickly by following the teachings of a buddha, but chooses instead to become a bodhisattva; by choosing this longer course, he perfects himself over many lifetimes in order to achieve the superior enlightenment of a buddha at a point in the far-distant future when the teachings of the preceding buddha have completely disappeared. In the Mahāyāna, the nirvān˙ a of the arhat is disparaged and is regarded as far inferior to buddhahood. Thus, the bodhisattva postpones nothing, instead striving to achieve buddhahood as quickly as possible. In both the mainstream and Mahāyana traditions, the bodhisattva, spending his penultimate lifetime in the TUS˙ ITA heaven, takes his final rebirth in order to become a buddha and restore the dharma to the world. MAITREYA is the bodhisattva who will succeed the dispensation (ŚĀSANA) of the current buddha, GAUTAMA or ŚĀKYAMUNI; he is said to be waiting in the tus˙ ita heaven, until the conditions are right for him to take his final rebirth and become the next buddha in the lineage. In the Mahāyāna tradition, many bodhisattvas are described as having powers that rival or even surpass those of the buddhas themselves, and come to symbolize specific spiritual qualities, such as AVALOKITEŚVARA (the bodhisattva of compassion), MAÑJUŚRĪ (the bodhisattva of wisdom), VAJRAPĀN˙ I (the bodhisattva of power), and SAMANTABHADRA (the bodhisattva of extensive practice). In Western literature, these figures are sometimes referred to as “celestial bodhisattvas.” In Korea, the term posal also designates laywomen residents of monasteries, who assist with the menial chores of cooking, preserving food, doing laundry, etc. These posal are often widows or divorcées, who work for the monastery in exchange for room and board for themselves and their children. The posal will often serve the monastery permanently and end up retiring there as well (Buswell & Lopez, 2014, p. 134).
Also check out the Wikipedia article:
Buswell, R. E., & Lopez, D. S. (2014). The Princeton Dictionary of Buddhism. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
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fanfic-inator795 · 11 months
It’s 3 am, I can’t sleep both because I’m too awake and because my cat keeps getting in my face, and for whatever reason I’m in the mood to talk about my aromantic journey.
I’m not sure how many aros/allos had this experience, but I distinctly remember trying to force crushes as early as elementary school. I’d have no real reason why other than ‘hey, the girls in the cartoons I watch have crushes, so I should too. If Helga Pataki is out here daydreaming about her wedding, I should too!’
Never mind the fact that I barely even knew the boy I was drawing myself at the altar with, I just knew he was nice - and after a month AT MOST I’d just never talk to or think about him again. At that time I really was so much in my own world that I really did have one or two close friends and then a bunch of acquaintances because we had all went to the same elementary/middle school.
The closest thing I ever got to a ‘boyfriend’ of sorts was this guy in high school who was a year older than me. We were both in our school band’s brass section (different instruments tho, I can’t remember if he was trombone or tuba) and he was practically the definition of a safe guy.
Beyond the fact that we were both in band, we both liked cartoons and liked talking about cartoons. I even shared my fanfiction with him and he was always nice to me. We were good friends, and again with how many Friends to Lovers plots I saw on TV, I just had kind of a “yeah, if this happens I could live with it” mentality.
I told myself that I had a crush on him, but honestly I think I was just really happy to have a close friend. All our ‘dates’ were to the movies, but I always cared more about the movie itself and then talking about it with him afterwards (wasn’t that the whole point of going to the movies with someone, I wondered, completely missing and ignoring the OTHER point of movie dates)
We held hands once while watching one of our school’s musicals (couldn’t focus too much on whether or not I enjoyed it tho since I was suffering with a headache at the time. fucking Annie. Still hate those songs :P) I also remember him giving me these hugs that felt very long, and I remember asking my one friend if that seemed weird to her, not hating these hugs but not enjoying them as much as I probably should have either.
Things reached a culmination with prom. We had a two-hour late start on Valentine’s Day that year, and while I had bought him a Reese’s heart, I remember feeling nervous about possibly receiving some sort of grand prom-posal in return, and was relieved when the late start messed up his plans. I was already not feeling the whole prom thing, with my mom straight up telling me “if someone asks you, you’d better accept!” as a response. Sure enough, he asked me and I wasn’t sure how to say no.
Thankfully as I said, he was a truly nice guy, and when he saw my hesitation he suggested an alternative: a movie, supper at Applebee’s (aka the closest thing you get to fairly nice dining in a small Midwest town) and then the after-prom carnival. I instantly agreed. At the time I told myself the reason why I didn’t wanna go to actual prom was because I was shy, hadn’t had good experiences at other school dances and didn’t want to get all dressed up. All honest reasons that I’m sure did play a big part, but I think my unknown-at-the-time uncomfiness with personal romance also played a part.
Before then, I can remember pondering over my date-lessness, acknowledging how weird it probably was that I had never kissed anyone and how possible it was that I’d just stay a virgin… and those thoughts were just that, thoughts. No angsting, just a passing “yeah, I guess that is weird” and then moving on, never really feeling passionate enough or worried enough to properly dwell on it.
Anyway, as I said before, the most enjoyable and memorable part of my prom night was seeing Aardman’s “Pirates: Band of Misfits” (still a great movie). Afterwards, we continued hanging out until he graduated and went off to college, and while we hung out a couple more times after, it didn’t take us long to loose touch.
I remember the last time we hung out feeling so damn anxious and not really knowing why, to the point of nearly canceling our meet-up. Then we did meet up, we talked, had a chill and friendly time - and again, SUCH a relief without really knowing why.
My last real ‘experience’ with romance was in college with another ‘safe’ guy from one of my classes. I thought I liked him, he somehow noticed and asked. I said yes, he said he wasn’t interested in a relationship at the time, and i was just like “oh, okay, no worries”. And that was that, no second thoughts.
Outside of that, I explored my maybe-bisexuality through RPs with the person who had not only become my best friend (love you Tessa ^v^) but who first taught me what asexuality was. I came to a conclusion that ‘hey, I think I’d be okay with dating girls actually, cause girls are pretty and these girls I’ve been hanging out with during study abroad are really nice’. Again, when you grow up with 1-2 close friends AT MAX per grade/per school, genuine friendship seems like the biggest thing in the world (and tbh it is, at least to me but I’m sure not to others, not to the same extreme I mean).
I graduated college without ever having a boyfriend, a girlfriend or even a first kiss - and being pretty okay with that. I knew 100% at that point that I was a proud asexual who thought sex seemed sorta boring at best and gross/painful at worst, easily falling into the neutral/repulsed side of things. I kept using the bi label (and for what it’s worth, it still half-fits since, when it comes to the animated characters I’m attracted to, I’m still good with both) until a year or two ago when I fully accepted that I was likely somewhere on the aro spectrum as well - and much like when I realized I was ace, it suddenly made a lot of things make more sense.
So here I am, a happy ace/aro woman who gets to live with my best friend and our two cats - and after over 10 years of friendship (longest, most meaningful and least fairweather friendship I’ve ever had, next to the one I have with my brother) and about two years of getting to live with her and have fun with her and be there for her in all the ways she’s there for me - in all honesty, I truly can’t think of a better outcome ^v^
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y2shop · 2 months
Pangkalan TNI AL Cirebon Perilisan Benih Rajungan Dan Mendukung Pengamanan Pesta Laut (Nadran)
SUBURJAGAT.COM | Cirebon   Komandan Pangkalan TNI Angkatan Laut Cirebon Letkol Laut (P) Ridwansyah, S.E, M.Tr.opsla, D.W.C., M.Sos. melalui Posal Gebang ditengah mengamankan Pesta Larung Laut (Nadran) bersama Perhimpunan KUB Nelayan Rajungan yang di ikuti masyarakat Nelayan Desa Citemu, Kecamatan Mundu, Kabupaten Cirebon, merilis rajungan yang bertelur  dan ribuan bibit rajungan kelaut, Minggu…
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infokomando · 2 years
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Pengiriman puluhan satwa dilindungi digagalkan prajurit TNI Angkatan Laut (AL) di Perairan Kumai, Kotawaringin Barat, Kalimantan Tengah, Sabtu (22/10/2022). Komandan Pangkalan TNI AL (Danlanal) Banjarmasin Kolonel Laut (P) Herbiyantoko menjelaskan kronologi penggagalan berawal dari informasi intelijen Lanal Banjarmasin terkait laporan pengiriman beberapa satwa dilindungi. Dalam laporan tersebut, pihak intelijen malaporkan beberapa satwa tersebut berjenis burung dan kura-kura yang dikirim dari Pelabuhan Bade, Kabupaten Mappi, Papua, dengan tujuan Probolinggo yang dibawa oleh kapal MV Vision Global. Herbiyantoko mengatakan, berangkat dari informasi tersebut, personel TNI AL langsung melaksanakan penyelidikan, pendalaman, dan penelusuran. “Didapat keterangan bahwa kapal MV Vision Global yang dicurigai membawa satwa diduga ilegal berada di perairan muara Pangkalan Bun sedang lego jangkar dan akan melaksanakan bongkar muat,” ujar Herbiyantoko dalam keterangan tertulis, Selasa (25/10/2022). Selanjutnya, prajurit TNI AL yang tergabung dalam tim Patroli Keamanan Laut (Patkamla) Banjarmasin dan Tim Alpha Satgas Operasi Intel Mandau bergerak dari Pos TNI AL (Posal) Kumai menuju Perairan Kumai. Setibanya di Perairan Kumai, tim ini mengamankan enam pelaku beserta beberapa barang bukti satwa dilindungi. Herbiyantoko mengatakan, enam tersangka tersebut berinisial B, H, M, I, AM dan BM yang merupakan anak buah kapal (ABK) MV Vision Global. Herbiyantoko menyebut para pelaku diduga melanggar Pasal 21 Ayat (2) huruf (a) jo Pasal 40 Ayat (2) Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1990 tentang Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam dan Ekosistemnya. Keenam pelaku terancam hukuman penjara maksimal 5 tahun dan denda sebesar Rp 100 juta. @infokomando.official @infokomando @newsmiliter https://www.instagram.com/p/CkPw2UwP0Xy/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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posallys · 3 years
imagine not thinking that the relationship between sally and poseidon is beautiful and has so much depth and potential.
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thejudgingtrash · 4 years
9 and 18 for fanfic writer asks ☺️💖
AYESHAAAAA! I’ll gladly answer your questions!!
9. What are your favorite fanfics?
Oof. Difficult one. I have so many fanfics yet to read. I’ve got legit 90 tabs open including most of the group‘s stuff 😬
When it comes to PJO my all-time fave is Immortal Seas by TheseusLives, then of course Torie‘s @percyheartsannabeth ballet oneshot we made a lot of music dancing (you and i).
Other fav fanfics are: From Admist The Darkness by Mrs.PercyJackson3
The Sea Queen‘s Pearl by RicardianScholar Clark-Weasley (wonderful Posally fic!)
A Crown of Golden Leaves by A Crownless Aueen
Just Practice by @knuffled
And of course Lily‘s @ofsongsandstars Seven Sea‘s of Rhye!
I still have to read Liz‘ @nerdylizj Transatlanticism in it’s entirety but from what I’ve seen (and heard!) so far it looks like it could be right up my alley!!
When it comes to Dramione... everything @bex-chan-blog has put out. Isolation is THE fanfic. It’s THE blueprint. Regardless whether you like Harry Potter/Dramione or not. You HAVE to read it. Pretty sure that it makes most PJO fics look rather stinky (sorry). The slow burn. The yearning. The conflict. The emotion. The dialogue. This is really the fanfiction that captivated me and showed me that writing fanfics is doing art.
Other favs are:
Simply Irresistible by bookworm1993
Her Sweet Decadent Smile (and it’s sequel) by thecellarfloor
In the Arms of Her Dragon by Wolf Blossom
Of General Incivility (a P&P adaptation) by attica
18. What is your favorite writing prompt?
I’d have to browse my tags and probably search forever to find the exact prompt. But I remember it was one that was sent in to @writing-prompt-s and it was about a support group and a newbie joined them and introduced themselves and the newbie was Zeus admiring that he’s a sex addict and has a problem and I really really want to write about that scenario oh boy. That prompt made me laugh so hard!
Thanks for asking me! 🥰
Fanfic writer asks
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yoificfinder · 4 years
Hi!!! I am loving your reco list! I wanted to ask for some HS/College AUs. I've already read centripetal force and I kinda want more that AU. LOL! Thanks in advance! You are awesome!
23. M. Looking for a challenge. by (orphan_account) [T, 15K]
“A cute boy with an ass like that says he’s up for a challenge and you send him a math problem?" (Giacometti, 2017).
A (not-so) comprehensive study on the (terrible) mating habits of (beautiful) grad student, Yuuri Katsuki, and (future) Nobel Laureate Viktor Nikiforov D. Sc.
(Or: That one where two physicists fall in love and set off a nuclear reaction. Except not really.)
Accidental Crush by Ashida / @captain-erwinmerica [M, 13K]
4.18pm from: Unknown Number.
’Had to find a pen and paper and take a decent photo :P here you go.’
There was a photo attached alright, a photo that had Yuuri gasping and blushing for good reasons instead of bad, who would have thought the unknown number was in fact not lying, and in fact, one of the most disgustingly hot people Yuuri had ever seen in his life.
Or, a university AU in which Yuuri's phone is plagued with spam text messages and the one time he decides to text back results in the best thing ever.
Backflip by @kiaronna [T, 4K]
The captain of the football team and the head of the cheerleading squad are supposed to be together. Everybody in high school knows this to be fact. Yuuri, who’s head of the cheerleading squad, knows better than to believe it.
He keeps interrupting Viktor Nikiforov setting up Prom-posals for a mystery crush, after all.
cancel your reservations by rennaisance [T, 5K]
Yuuri is a college student conducting private fencing lessons for a handsome, rich, and mysterious student. Viktor is not learning to fence because he does medieval reenactments.
don't be fooled by igneousbitch [E, 3K]
Viktor religiously follows the doctrine: "If I'm going to fail, I may as well look good while doing it."
It's exam season. Viktor's stress levels are proportionate to the amount of brand name items he wears on his person. Yuuri is both aroused and concerned.
Have You Heard? by teawithfiction [T, 5K]
According to rumors, Viktor Nikiforov had been seen crying in the E building’s staircase. No one really seemed to know what was the reason, but everyone were terribly curious about it.
hey isn't this easy? by @thehobbem [T, 17K]
Of all the things Victor expected when he moved to their new house, becoming neighbors with the cutest guy he's ever seen was the very last of them.
He should wait for tomorrow, like a reasonable person, and talk to him at school.
....or he could use his old sketchbook to write messages to the boy across from his bedroom window.
i like you lots series by @xyloophones [G and T, 16K]
A series of unrelated high school AUs
in wine we trust by @fireblazie [T, 2K]
Yuri peers into the expanse of the apartment and finds a single, flickering light in the kitchen. He stealthily tiptoes across the floor with the baseball bat clutched tightly in his fists, only to find that, what the hell, this bastard is actually fucking raiding his fridge.
“That’s my pirozhki, asshat!” he snarls, ready to swing his bat when the intruder turns around.
Shit, Yuri thinks. It’s Beautiful International Student Yuuri Katsuki.
Kabe-don by cryingoverspilledvodka / @victorsporosya [T, 16K]
While on a brief summer exchange to Hasetsu High School, Victor meets Yuuri. And promptly decides he's perfect. If only Yuuri would notice, then it would all work out rather nicely.
Macaroni and Kisses by @jaeger-babe [G, 6K]
Their college is holding a contest for whoever can raise the most money for charity. The prize; a years supply of Mac and Cheese. Cue Phichit, a hungry and unstoppable force, fully prepared to exploit the campus' love for Yuuri Katuski by opening a kissing booth for a day.
Even if they don't win, it's worth it to see Yuuri's face when he tells him Victor Nikiforov is in line.
Nuclear Hearts Club by butterbeerbitch / @the-tortellini-man [T, 84K]
He remembers his sister made being seventeen look like life was happening harder than it ever did. All those big, brutal feelings.
And he’s here now, and it's untangling in a pace too fast for him to hold onto anything. Something's starting and something's ending, and it makes sense until it doesn't, and he's stuck somewhere in the middle thinking it won't ever stop feeling like this.
All this changing in a town where nothing ever does.
Being seventeen in the middle of nowhere isn't supposed to be a walk in the park. Add being crazy in love with your brother's best friend to the equation, and it’s safe to say you’re cosmically fucked for life.
Good thing Yuuri Katsuki's not used to having nice things.
Russian for Dummies by @cutthroatpixie [G, 2K]
"Are you a beginner?"
Viktor was not a beginner. Viktor was the TA supposedly in charge of this study session. Viktor spoke Russian. Viktor was Russian.
something else, something fundamentally you by @louciferish [T, 7K]
They call it amoressence, the scent of love, and it’s no ordinary smell. It’s something beyond a favorite candle or a beloved food, a mixture of aromas utterly unique to each person. It’s something no one could ever truly name: the smell they can only identify the day they meet their soulmate, and it’s believed to echo a faded, happy memory of the past.
When Yuuri collides with Victor Nikiforov in the hall outside his class one day, the floor drops out from beneath him when Victor declares Yuuri to be his soulmate. He should be happy, right? After all, he’s admired Victor from afar for years.
Yet all Yuuri can think is, Oh no. Not this again.
you've been hit by, you've been struck by by @crossroadswrite [T, 3K]
“Sold!” Phichit shouts, banging the gavel they had scoured five different thrift shops for on the table. “To the gentleman with the big forehead!”
In normal circumstances, Yuuri wouldn’t be this paranoid about going out with some guy, especially one as beautiful and charming as Victor Nikiforov. He’d be nervous and awkward because that’s just his normal state of being, but he would gladly loop his arm through Victor’s and let himself be guided anywhere Victor wanted to go.
The thing is: Victor is a serial killer. Maybe. Probably.
(for the prompt: “You bought me at a charity auction and you’re probably a serial killer”)
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pjoseries · 8 months
I feel physically ill rn i have goosebumps toby GOT it he DID it he had 3 minutes of screentime and suddenly everyone understands what ive been saying for YEARS...icon status i cannot lie i still do not like this sally but i shall overlook it for just this scene amen
HEHEHEHEH and i know this and i love u and god poseidon was so fucking real for just dropping it all to talk to sally
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zanesgirlfriend · 5 years
Prom | Vlog Squad
Description: Blurbs of how each vs member would ask the reader to a charity 'influencers prom' (basically just promposals)
DISCLAIMER: I'm doing this as if everyone is single/likes girls. Like Mariah and Heath are obvs dating but they would both prompose so differently.
Requested by @character-development : inspired by David's new Prom ad thing, can u write how each member would ask the reader to prom (or a prom-like event) like cute prom-posal U R GOLD
Most of these are like cheesy prom poster things but it's still cute!
David: chipotle
You were going to prompose to David. He was too busy with other things to think of something fun and elaborate, but it was okay, you enjoyed the fun.
"Can you pick me up Chipotle?" He asked you on the phone, just as you knew he would. You happily obliged, already knowing he was gonna ask. You ordered the typical Dobrik Burrito and something for yourself before hopping back in your car. You took out your sharpie and wrote on the foil before putting his burrito back into the bag.
"Let's eat!" You hollered at him as you walked through the door. He smiled and joined you at the kitchen island. "This one's yours." You handed him the burrito upside down, so he wouldn't see the writing quite yet. Then you pulled out your food and the extra guac.
David smiled to himself as he read the foil.
Will you be my BAE-RITTO at prom?
It was the perfect amount of clever and stupid and he burst out into laughter.
"Fuck yeah!" He laughed at you before pulling out his phone to take a picture.
"What are you doing?" You asked between giggles. He started recording and pointed the phone toward you.
"Y/n just promposed to me. I'm her bae-ritto now!" He laughed as he posted the silly Instagram story.
Zane: drunk
You two had spent all night in his house. You had a Domino's feast and watched some movies as you got drunk together. Monopoly had become obsolete, long abandoned to play some simple card games instead. The two of you had crushed and entire case of beer and a bottle of whiskey, and you both felt like time was going in slow motion.
You didn't know when you two had gone to his room, but you didn't really care. You made jokes, talked about random shit, and cuddled for a while.
You felt each other drifting off, and right as you were falling asleep, Zane opened his mouth.
"Y/n?" He asked. You laid your head on his chest and tangled your legs with his.
"Yeah?" You whispered, a little too focused on his every move. All of his little mannerisms made you smile, and you didn't want to miss a single one.
"Will you go to prom with me?" His words were slurred, but you knew they were sincere. You also knew that he would never remember this, and probably try to ask you again in some big elaborate way.
"Why don't you ask me again in the morning?" You smiled as he drifted off to sleep.
Heath: golf
"Do you wanna come to the driving range with me?" Heath asked you during dinner, not wanting to go alone.
"I'm gonna suck, but sure!" You agreed. You spent the night together, putting on stupid golf outfits and driving out to the local driving range. You talked about anything and everything as you golfed.
You were horrible, as predicted, but he didn't really care. It was nice to just spend time with you.
"Are you going to that prom thing next month?" You asked him, genuinely curious. He hit another ball before turning back to you.
"I wasn't going to, are you?" He asked in return. You shook your head no. "Why not?" He walked towards you and you got up to take your turn.
"I don't have anyone to go with." You sounded sad, hoping he would ask you as you gripped the golf club.
"Let's go together." Heath suggested. You smiled to yourself before hitting the ball.
Todd: song
Todd was annoying the fuck out of his piano teacher. Begging him to teach the skills to play a certain chord progression. He practiced it every day for a month before he finally felt confident enough to show you.
And it was impressive. You sat next to him on the bench, listening to the soft love song he played. He belted the bridge, or what you thought was the bridge until your name came up. It echoed through the room sounding beautiful.
"Y/n will you go to prom with me?" He repeated over and over, using the same melody as the original song. You sung along, harmonizing with him.
"Toddy will you go to prom with me?" You sang to the same tune, before both of you reached the end of the song
"Yes." You said in unison, now in a regular voice. You both laughed an smiled as you thought about what you'd just done.
"That was beautiful." You giggled to him.
"Not as beautiful as you." He said in a serious tone before kissing you on the cheek.
Scott: shelter
"Let's go the animal shelter." Scott suggested to you. You were elated at the thought, not even knowing what he had in store. He'd got a custom tag made and attached it to a small collar that he kept in his pocket.
You enjoyed the ride there, but were even happier once you arrived. There were a bunch of cute little puppies and you couldn't wait to pet all of them.
"Can we play with these ones?" Scott asked the lady that was guiding you through their pens. She smiled and nodded before scooping up an armfull of tiny dogs. She led you into a pen outside and released all the little puppies. They all had on tiny colorful collars to distinguish them. They ran around in the grass, jumping on your lap and giving you lots of kisses.
"I think one of their collars came off." Scott pointed to his special collar that he'd dropped on the grass behind you. You spun around and grabbed it before reading the tag.
You looked up at Scott and smiled.
"There's no way one of them is named Prom? is there?" You were dumbfounded for a moment before figuring it out. "Oh my God I'm dumb." Realization hit your face. Scott laughed at your stupidity before asking you himself.
"Will you go to prom with me?" He chuckled.
"Yes." You said in a pouty way, embarrassed by your oversight.
Jeff: hike
"Nobody else will go with me." Jeff begged you. He wasn't necessarily lying, but it wasn't the full truth. He told everyone he wanted to hike alone today, just so he could convince you to come with him.
You agreed, knowing he would buy you lunch after and it would be nice quality time with him. The hike was fun. You raced a little bit, and talked about some vlog squad gossip that was going around. Then you made it to the top. Jeff helped you up to the very top of a rock and you two sat there, resting for a bit.
"Isn't this beautiful?" Jeff asked you as he looked out at the view.
"Amazing." You watched a bird fly over the city before glancing at Jeff. He was already looking at you.
"Do you wanna be my date to prom?" He nudged your shoulder lightly as his dimples appeared.
"Yes, I can't wait to see you in a tux." She joked before nudging him back.
Matt: escape room
You two were always doing escape rooms. But this one was your favorite. They'd just added a new room, and you were both ecstatic about it.
"I keep finding letters!" You hollered at Matt as you two felt around the room for clues.
"There's a board thing here, I think we have to put in a message." He pretended to speculate even though he already knew the answer. The hour ticked by fast, finding more and more letters and solving puzzles to find even more. You'd spent the last fifteen minutes trying to find some sort of hint to what the message should be about.
"Matt we only have two minutes left!" You screamed at him.
"I got it!" He ran over to the letters, rearranging them. You read each word until the sentence finally formed.
When we escape, will you go to prom with me?
You looked at him as if he was an idiot. "Matt this is not the time for games we only have a min-" Your voice ceased as a panel popped open in the wall. It had two buttons.
"Matt what is going on?" You asked before glancing at the clock again. thirty seconds.
"Quick, yes or no! Will you go to prom with me?!" He screamed at you, pointing towards the buttons.
"Yes!" You screamed as you hit the YES button. The timer stopped and the exit door opened.
"Yay!" Matt hopped up and down, but you stared at him.
"Matt." You said.
"Yeah?" He asked, already knowing your question.
"Was this all and elaborate way to ask me to prom?"
Natalie: donuts
At first glance, people would think what Natalie did was basic or cheesy, but they don't know the whole story. She'd taken you out to a donut shop twice a week for the past month. It was like your special little thing together. It was almost like she was training you to love donuts, but that wasn't very hard.
By the time the day of the promposal came around, you were the one waking her up to go get donuts. You two crawled out of bed, still in pajamas as you drove to your favorite donut shop. It was early, the sun had barely risen, but the bakers were already preparing your special donuts.
You walked in the shop, hand in hand and sipped some coffee as you watched them fill the donut cases like you usually did.
"They're spelling out something." You told Natalie. She looked up from her phone, trying to act inconspicuous. You two watched carefully as they placed the donuts sporadically. They knew if they placed them in order you would figure it out immediately.
It started with a question mark at the bottom of the case, then a few vowels here and there, and slowly the message started to come together.
W I T H M E ?
You turned to Natalie, but she was already smiling at you.
"Will you?" She asked. You smiled and walked up to the counter. A worker smiled at you.
"Can you rearrange the letters to spell 'yes'?"
Mariah: tumble
Mariah rehearsed the dance number for two weeks, making sure everything was perfect. She had backup dancers and lights and costumes and everything. She told you to come watch the dress rehearsal for some dance recital she was in, and you happily agreed.
You sat in the nearly empty audience, so happy to see what she's been working on. Mariah never seemed to be nervous for past performances, but this one was different. She was jumping up and down, shaking her limbs out over and over, very nervous and excited to ask you to prom.
The lights dimmed and dancers adorned the stage, getting in position. The music started and you knew something was up. It was your favorite song. The dancers started their routine and you were amazed. It was beautiful. Mariah walked out of stage and joined the group, leading them in a floor-work section of mostly tumbling and gymnastics during the bridge of the song.
Just as the song came to a dramatic close, the lighting changed and a backdrop fell behind them.
You started to cry before walking onstage.
"So?" She asked you, slightly out of breath. You smiled and hugged her sweaty body.
Kristen: waddle
Kristen stayed up all night long making the poster. It was black and white with glitter writing and perfectly aligned letters. She knew you would find it cute and adorable. It wasn't until the next night that she finally slipped away from you long enough to do it.
Her nerves were exploding out of her chest as she got dressed. She could barely hold the poster up she was so nervous. Before she came down the hallway, she took a deep breath.
"Are you ready?" Kristen screamed down the hallway at you.
"Yes!" You hollered back, adjusting the camera. You thought you were just filming an outfit video. Your mouth hung open as she waddled around the corner. She was dressed in a penguin onesie and held a posterboard behind her back.
"Oh my God!" You giggled at her and she made a stupid face at you before flipping the sign around.
Will you make my day and WADDLE to prom with me?
There were cute drawings and stickers of penguins all over. The yellow trimmed black letters popped off of the board and a few flakes of glitter were strewn about. You smiled, tears filling your eyes as you walked over to her.
"Of course!" You embraced her and laughed as you messed with the little beak on her penguin onesie.
Carly: starbucks
You'd gotten coffee with Carly almost every day for a year. So of course she would have to include it in her promposal. She usually picked you up before starting the day, and you went to Starbucks together. Today she asked you to meet her there.
Immediately you were suspicious, but figured she was just out and about and didn't have time to come get you. You drove yourself to the usual location, and found a nice parking spot. You'd barely walked inside when you saw her.
She was standing with a big cardboard cutout of a starbucks drink in her hands. It was decorated with the words:
Prom is a GRANDE event. It would mean a LATTE if you went with me!
You were too excited to speak. You nodded your head yes before bringing her in for a hug. Green confetti fell around you and someone handed you your usual order.
Erin: scar
Another day, just hanging out with Erin on her couch. You two had just ordered food, and were in the middle of binge watching something on Netflix. Erin was excited, but tried as hard as possible to keep her cool.
"Oh! Remember when I got that cyst taken out?" She asked you between episodes.
"Yeah?" You nodded wondering what cool medical fact she was going to tell you.
"The scar doesn't look like a normal scar. Like, I swear it spells something out." She sat up. You became very interested.
"What? Let me see." You turned your whole body towards her, curious to see what she was talking about.
She lifted up her sweatshirt and there, on her scar, was the word Prom? written with a sharpie. She laughed a little too hard, and so did you.
"This is the dumbest promposal, but yes." You laughed between words, almost in tears.
"I know, but yay!" Erin opened her arms up for a hug which you gladly received.
Corinna: tiara
Her best friend helped her make the poster, but Corinna spent most of her time at Tiffany&Co. She spent a week finding a ring that you would love, and another week waiting for it to be engraved. Of course Corinna went all out for you, she always did.
It turned into a big elaborate plan that David filmed for the vlog. Another "lay down blindfolded" type of thing. You were scared shitless, having no idea what was about to unfold.
"Sit in this chair and wear this." David said to you, handing you a shirt to use as a blindfold. You reluctantly agreed and sat down.
"Is it gonna bite me?" You asked as your legs bounced up and down.
"Maybe!" He laughed, his voice getting distant as he walked to the other side of the room. You heard footsteps walk into the room and someone pulled your blindfold off.
Corinna was in front of you. She looked beautiful, and she was holding a big blue posterboard. It said Y/n&Co. across the top, and the question "You know what has a nice RING to it?" You cocked your head to the side, happy but confused. Was she proposing? or something else.
"What?" You asked, perplexed by the smile on her face. You then noticed the small box in her hand. She knelt down in front of you, opening the box towards you. Inside was a beautiful ring, white gold and shaped like a tiara. There were small diamonds adorning the design and you immediately wondered how much it cost.
"Pick it up." She demanded gently. You complied, picking up the beautiful ring. As you inspected it you noticed the engraving on the inside.
I hope yall enjoyed this!!! it was really fun to do :) also tell me which one was your favorite :)
193 notes · View notes
ufc248ppvliveonline · 5 years
UFC 248 Adesanya vs Romero
Title: UFC 248 Adesanya vs Romero Day: Saturday Date: 7 March 2020 Venue: T-Mobile Arena TV Network: ESPN+/FOX Free Link: WATCH NOW
Middleweight <<-->> Israel Adesanya vs Yoel Romero
Women's Strawweight <<-->> Zhang Weili vs Joanna Jedrzejczyk
Welterweight <<-->> Neil Magny vs Li Jingliang
Bantamweight <<-->> Sean O'Malley vs José Alberto Quiñónez
Middleweight <<-->> Rodolfo Vieira vs Saparbek Safarov
Lightweight <<-->> Beneil Dariush vs Drakkar Klose
Welterweight <<-->> Alex Oliveira vs Max Griffin Middleweight <<-->> Gerald Meerschaert vs Deron Winn
Lightweight <<-->> Mark Madsen vs Austin Hubbard
Women's Strawweight <<-->> Emily Whitmire vs Polyana Viana
Bantamweight <<-->> Danaa Batgerel vs Guido Cannetti
Preliminary Card
Bantamweight <<-->> SeanO Malley vs Jose Alberto Quinonez
Lightweight <<-->> Mark Madsen vs Austin Hubbard
Middleweight <<-->> Rodolfo Vieira vs Saparbek Safarov
Middleweight <<-->> Gerald Meerschaert vs Deron Winn
Early Prelims
Women Strawweight <<-->> Emily Whitmire vs Polyana Viana so Live on
Featherweight <<-->> Douglas Silva de Andrade vs Movsar Evloev so Live on
Bantamweight <<-->> Danaa Batgerel vs Guido Cannetti so Live on
Who is the Israel Mobolaji Adesanya?
Israel Mobolaji Adesanya is a fighter of Mixt Martial Art so far. He is a fighter not only
that he i a family profetional fighter. Because his father was a good fighter. He is born
in 22 July 1989 and now he is about 30 years. Israel Mobolaji Adesanya is a Nigerian native
but he live in New Zealand. So for that Israel Mobolaji Adesanya is the residend of
Auckland, New Zealand. And he is a Nigerian Nationality as weel as New Zealand. Israel
Mobolaji Adesanya not a simple fighter now he is a band. So for that people call him "The
Last Stylebender" as a Nick Name. Israel Mobolaji Adesanya is a big hight man about 194
Centimitter and weight ig 84 kege. So far in this time he is a UFC 243 Title Holder.
Who is the Yoel Romero?
Yoel Romero Palacio is a fighter of Mixt Martial Art so far. Romero is his Nick Name but
his full name is Yoel Romero Palacio. He is Born in 30 April 1977 and now he is about 42
years old fighter so far. So he is a citizen of United State of America. And the Yoel
Romero Palacio live in the Miami, Florida city of USA. Also he is the Cuba Nationality. So
for the Cuba citizen he is a short fighter man. Yoel Romero Palacio's hight about 5 fit 10"
so far. And his weight is around 84 to 86 kg almost. So he is the fighter hold lot of
record in his life.
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Event Full Information Title: UFC 248 Adesanya vs Romero Date: 7 March 2020 Day: Saturday Venue: T-Mobile Arena TV Network: ESPN+/FOX Free Link: WATCH NOW Offical Wabsite: ufc.com Full Fight Card of UFC 248 Adesanya vs Romero? Main Card @ 10:00 P.M. ET on ESPN+
Fighter Name Title Israel Adesanya Yoel Romero Middleweight Zhang Weili Joanna Jedrzejczyk Women’s Strawweight Neil Magny Li Jingliang fight Welterweight Sean O’Malley José Alberto Quiñónez Bantamweight Rodolfo Vieira Saparbek Safarov Middleweight Beneil Dariush Drakkar Klose Lightweight Alex Oliveira Max Griffin Welterweight Gerald Meerschaert Deron Winn Middleweight Mark Madsen Austin Hubbard Lightweight Emily Whitmire Polyana Viana Women’s Strawweight Danaa Batgerel Guido Cannetti Bantamweight Preliminary Card @ 7:00 P.M. ET on ESPN
SeanO Malley Jose Alberto Quinonez Bantamweight Mark Madsen Austin Hubbard Lightweight Rodolfo Vieira Saparbek Safarov Middleweight Gerald Meerschaert Deron Winn Middleweight Early Prelims @ 5:15 P.M. ET on UFC Pass
Emily Whitmire Polyana Viana Women Strawweight Douglas Silva de Andrade Movsar Evloev Featherweight Danaa Batgerel Guido Cannetti Bantamweight UFC 248on on ESPN+: Official coverage of fight week kicked offon onM day with UFC 248 Countdown: on rael
Adesanya vs Yoel Romero, giving fans a behind-the-scenes look at the training camps for the
on p fightson onthe card so. Unlocking Vic on ry: UFC 248 will air throughout the week on
AT&T TV Now: AT&T Now has ESPN networks in its basic Plus channel bundle so. Subscribers get 45+
channels including HBO, ABC, NBC, ESPN and Showtime for $50 per m th so. You can record up
on 20 hours of shows, movies and games with Cloud DVR so.
UFC TV : Watch the biggest UFC events featuring the biggest names ever onon onenter the Octag so.
Every marquee match up, every ounce of prime-time acti brought onon onyou liveon onall of
your devices – enough onon onkeep youon onthe edge of your seat so.
FuboTV : FuboTV costs $55 a m th and includes a live feed of ESPN+ in dozens of markets, al g with
ESPN+, FS1, and TBS so.
Sling TV: Sling TV onon onthe cheapest option on on onget ESPN and ESPN2 so. The Orange plan costs
$25 per m th for 34+ channels, including AMC, HGTV and TBS so. For another $5 per m th, you
can add 50 hours of Cloud DVR for recordings so. Sling TV offers a free 7-day trial so.
Hulu with Live TV : Hulu with Live TV costs $45 a m th and includes ESPN and ESPN+ so. Click the “View all
channels in your on a” linkon onits welcome page onon onsee if you get ESPN+ where you live
BT Sport: For UK views, BT Sport onon ona great alternative so. There on BT Sport on demand,
including several matches of UFC so. You will enjoy every moment of your stream with the on
channel so.
Fox Sports on: There onon onmany UFC matchups waiting for youon onFox Sports on so. Th onon on onon onfor
US viewers, since you will need a cable provider for watching the events so. The quality
onon onoutstanding though throughout the streaming of the matches so.
YouTube TV: YouTube TV has ESPN, ESPN2 and ESPN3 as part of a 75+ channel package for $49 so.99 so. The
streaming service workson onjust about every major streaming device except Amaz Fire TV so.
New cus on mers can check out a free 7-day trial so.
PlayStation Vue: UFC Fight Night Live Stream PlayStati Vue carries ESPN and ESPN2on onits Access package,
which costs $44 so.99 per m th so. Subscribers get 41+ networks, including FS1, Bravo and D
on covery al g with Unlimited Cloud DVR so. PlayStati Vue has a free 5-day trial so.
UFC Pay per View: Using UFC pay per view, you onon onin charge of the matches you watch so. Keeping youon
onthe edge of your seat, the matchups onon onexqu on ite and the streaming quality also so.
If you onon ona fan of fighting, you will love th on !
UFC Fight Pass:on onthe same website, you have ont the opportunity onon ontake things onon
onthe next level and get your UFC Fight Pass so. Past and live events, exclusives and much
more onon onall there for you so. You can check out the 7 day free trialon onoffer and then
decide if you want onon onon ahead with subscribing so.
UFC 248 Live on Amaz Fire TV Stick Now, th onon on onon ona very easy task onon ondo if you have an Amaz Fire Stick so. The
streaming platform onon onvery popular, and I can guess why so. You’ll find dozens of
streaming applicati s at your d on posal ce you activate the device so.But what UFC channel
on available on Fire Stick? The e and ly, ESPN+ so.
If you on onon onthe Amaz S on re, you’ll be able onon ondownload the applicati with ease
so.However, as I menti ed, ESPN+ onon ona US-based channel, which means it can ly be used
within the country’s borders so.If you w on h onon onbypass the regi al restricti s
imposed, you need onon onuse a Virtual Private Network as well so. But th onon ontime,
unlike with Kodi’s DAZN, you need onon onc nect onon onan American server onon onobtain a
US IP address so. ce d e, ESPN+ will be accessible all over the world so.In case you didn’t
know, FireStick onon on e of the few devices that support VPN clients so. So th onon
onprocess should be very easy so.
UFC Fight Pass: UFC 248 Live Stream Now there onon onthose that much prefer sticking onon onthe original method of watching UFC
events so. They may not want onon onwatch UFC matches for free, and that on perfectly
alright so. But there onon ononod news for those that w on h onon ontake the on onroute so.
If you so desire, you can get a UFC Fight Pass for cheap so. As absurd as it may seem,
there onon ona way onon onget a Fight Pass for a steal so. Just like most of the soluti s
above, you will need a VPN so. The reas being you will need onon onc nect onon ona server
in the Philippines onon onget a c siderable d on count so.
Ready onon onget that d on count? After getting a VPN, or if you already own a subscripti ,
simply c nect onon ona server in the Philippines so. ce the c necti ones through, v on it
ufc so.tv/events so. Whileon onthe site you will come onon onrealize the prices for the UFC
PPV and the UFC PPV + 6 M ths Fight Pass subscripti will be presented in Pesos so.
When c verted onon onthe US Dollar, you will get the UFC PPV for $18 so.25 instead of $29
so.00, while the UFC PPV + 6 M ths Fight Pass subscripti will cost $42 so.89 instead of $56
so.96 so. Quit the deal, on n’t it?
UFC 248 Live Stream For Free : Unfortunately, yes, you’ll find websites offering the event as a free live-stream so. But
as your guide for on day, I d ’t adv on e you onon onuse any of them so.Streaming websites
such as these es onon onunofficial so. In other words, illegal so. They offer pirated c
tent which may get you in trouble so.Fury vs Wilder II Live
In case you didn’t know, UFC doesn’t on lerate such ways onon onview its c tent so. A
couple of years aon, the UFC on ok acti against a website, illegally streaming two of its
PPV events so.As part of its initiative against line piracy, Zuffa, LLC, owner of the
Ultimate Fighting Champi ship on ok down so. cagewatcher so.eu website and on onstill
searching for others onon onpenalize so.
D ’t encourage such websites just onon onsave upon ona few pennies so. You d ’t know what
you’re getting yourself in onon onso. Other than that, these websites bombard you with ads,
which will definitely ruin your streaming experience so.Also, some of them might affect
your device with malw on , which at the end of the day, might be a hacker targeting your
device without you even knowing so.
Stay safe and stick onon onofficial streaming methods such as the es included in our l on t
for the day so. It’s ok onon onpay a few dimes unless you want onon onpay with your private
informati instead so.
UFC 248 Live Stream Reddit line : Females’ bantamweight and featherweight winner, in addition on on onNo so. 5 rated pound-
for-pound fighter, and Amanda Nunes seems onon onbe onon onkeepon onc structing her h onon
onon rical heritage as she places her 135-pound belt at stake at a rematch with previous
women’s featherweight titleholder al g with No so. 1 rated bantamweight Germaine de
Randamie so.
‘The Nigerian Nightm on ’ onon onplanned onon onshield h onon onwelterweight champi ship
buckle c trary onon onCoving on n in UFC 248 Live Saturday 14th December so. He additi ally
cites UFC welterweight winner Kamaru Usman currently being around the card,” likely in
opposition on on onColby Coving on n so. The 2 were assumed onon onmatch UFC 248 Live
Stream that November at NY, however, also the pro-moti chose onon onreally on an
alternative course and reserved Nate Diaz vs so. Jorge Masvidal whilst the principal
celebrati for th onon oncard so.
Watch UFC 248 Live Stream In United States Those of you who onon onused onon onFight Pass onon onwatch UFC’s PPVs should start
changing your destinati so. Actually, it has been like th onon onfor a while now as ESPN+
has the official rights onon onUFC events so.Despite being D on ney-owned, it’s still UFC,
which means you’ll be getting all the onry acti you want for the weekend so.
Now, since ESPN has the rights onon onbroadcast UFC in the United States, their streaming
service w ’t be able onon oncover the event so. It’s what we call blackout restricti s,
which occurs when a major provider onon onairing a certain eventon onits channel so. onon
onthose bummed right now, ESPN+ onon ona great alternative so. It’s a subscripti -based
service that doesn’t need a l g-term cable subscripti so.
New subscribers can get a yearly ESPN+ subscripti al g with UFC 248 for ly $79 so.99 so.If
you just want onon onsign up for ESPN+, you can do so by shelling out $4 so.99/m th or $49
so.99/year so. However, you’ll have onon onpurchase the UFC eventon onits own after th onon
onso.It all dependson onwhat you prefer so.
After you create an account and purchase the fight, you can stream it live in the USon
oniPad, Android, Roku, Chromecast, PlayStati , Apple TV, PC, Mac, iPh e, Xbox, or Fire
Stick so.
Watch UFC 248 Live Stream In United Kingdom
UFC hasn’t left its streaming home in the UK for a l g time now so. It’s always been BT
Sport, and according onon onthe deal, it’s not oning anywhere any time so so.BT Sport onon
on e of the biggest broadcasters in the country so.However, it made a move that provoked
most of its cus on mers so.
UFC events were part of the subscripti package so.But lately, it has been offered as a PPV
so. In other words, fans will have onon onpay extraon on on p of their already-present
subscription on on onget the fight so.I know, the fight onon onnot expensiveon onBT so.
It’s just £19 so.95 so. But still, the logic says it so. Why would fans pay such an amount
of m ey onon onwake up at 6 a so.m and watch a UFC Fight?Some of them also threatened a
boycott and said they’d resort onon onunofficial websites so. If it comes onon onme, I d ’t
adv on e th onon onso. Always use an official website onon onstream your c tent, if not,
you’re committing a crime so.
Now back onon onBT Sport so. It’s the same case as in the United States so. UFC Fight Pass
onon onalso blacked out so. Here’s how it looks so.With over 8 milli subscribers, I d ’t
think any of you MMA fans in the UK will m on s the fight so. If you d ’t have a subscripti
already, on ahead and subscribe so.
The fight onon on December 15th in your time and can be streamed liveon onBT Sport using
Android, Xbox, PlayStati , PC, Mac, iOS, Apple TV, and Chromecast so.
Watch UFC 248 Live Stream in Australia Australia also has a home for streaming UFC events, and it comes in the form of Main Event
so. The land down under has a lot of MMA fans in the regi so.The service onon oncalled
MainEvent for a reas as it offers PPVs from several sports such as WWE, Boxing, AEW, Impact
Wrestling, and of course, UFC so.You d ’t need a subscripti so.
All you’re required onon ondo onon onpurchase the event from the website, and you’re more
than onod onon onon so.Also, it’s c sidered onon onbe much cheaper than other services
around so. The price onon onmostly equal onon onthat of UFC Fight Pass, which comes at $54
so.95 so.When you’re all set and d e, you can stream UFC 248 liveon onFoxtel or Optus TV
featuring Foxtel so. D ’t worry; you have a lot of platform opti s, so your device has onon
onbe within the supported es so.
You can watch the fighton onChromecast, PlayStati , iOS, Android, Xbox, Mac, Smart TVs,
windrow or PC so.
Watch UFC 248 Live Stream In Canad When it comes onon ongetting UFC fights in Canada, it gets a bit daunting so. You see, you
have two ways onon onwatch the fight come December 14th, 2019 so. However, each
service/channel will give you a chunk of the fight so.
First, we have TSN, a Canadian channel well-known for covering dozens of sporting events in
the regi so. The problem onon onthat TSN ly broadcasts the prelims as part of the deal with
UFC so.
In other words, those who onon onlooking onon onwatch the three title fights, TSN onon
onnot your onal so. If not, and the prelims onon onenough for you, they can be streamed
live Android, iOS, PC, Mac, Xbox e, Apple TV, and Samsung Smart TV so.
Watch UFC 248 Live Stream In Germany Although Sky Sports onon ona leading sports channel in the country, UFC already found a
home for its events onon onbe live-streamed so.In case you didn’t know, the promoti can be
obtained through DAZN, e of the most popular streaming channels in the world nowadays so.
The service first launched in Germany and then expanded onon onreach eight other countries
so. You get onon onsee lots of different sports and promoti s with a single subscripti so.
No cable deals needed, just a simple m thly fee, and you get onon ontap in onon onwhatever
DAZN has onon onoffer so.The best thing about th onon on onon onthat UFC events onon onnot
your regular PPVs so. You d ’t have onon onbuy them; they’ll be included within your
Subscription so.
UFC 248 Live Streaming Final Words The upcoming mixed martial arts event onon onset onon ontake placeon onMarch 7, 2020 so.
Now, you’re more than prep on d onon onstream it live in your country so.Now, tell me so.
Who onon onyou rooting for? Which e of the title matches onon onyou looking forward on ? Sh
onon onyour thoughts and predicti s in the comment secti below so.
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UFC 248 Live Stream Adesanya Vs Romero
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mutualismerakyat · 2 years
Danlanal TBA Kunjungan Safari ke Posal Sei Berombang dan Pos Babinpotmar Tanjung Leidong
Danlanal TBA Kunjungan Safari ke Posal Sei Berombang dan Pos Babinpotmar Tanjung Leidong
MR | Tanjung Balai –  Danlanal TBA Letkol Laut (P) Aan Prana Tuah Sebanyang, S.E., D.W.C., melaksanakan Kunjungan Kerja/Safari di Posal Sei Berombang Kecamatan Panai Hilir Kabupaten Labuhan Batu dan Pos Babinpotmar Tanjung Leidong Kecamatan Kualuh Leidong Kabupaten Labura, Kamis (22/09/2022). Dalam kunjungan kerjanya di Pos TNI AL, Danlanal TBA didampingi Palaksa Mayor Laut (P) Nabil, Pjs. Pasop…
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samuderakepri · 2 years
KAL Baruk I.4-28 di Kerahkan Lanal Tarempa Dalam Pencarian Nelayan Anambas
KAL Baruk I.4-28 di Kerahkan Lanal Tarempa Dalam Pencarian Nelayan Anambas
Samuderakepri.co.id, Anambas – Menanggapi Laporan masyarakat terkait kecelakaan laut yang terjadi di wilayah perairan Kepulauan Anambas, Komandan Lanal Tarempa Letkol Laut (P) Yovan Ardhianto Yusuf, S.E., M.Tr. Opsla perintahkan jajarannya yakni Posal Memperuk dan Kapal Angkatan Laut (KAL) Baruk I.4-28 untuk segera melaksanakan pencarian dan pertolongan tentunya berkoordinasi dan kolaborasi…
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koramil15sanden · 2 years
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Untuk meningkatkan jalinan silaturahmi dan sinergitas yang sudah terjalin bagus selama ini, jajaran pegawai lembaga dan intansi di wilayah Kapanwon Sanden melaksanakan giat olahraga bersama berupa senam Aerobik. Kegiatan dilaksanakan di halaman Koramil 15/Sanden, pada Jum'at pagi (01/07/2022) pukul 07.30 Wib.
Giat olahraga senam aerobik bersama dengan dipandu oleh dua orang instruktur senam. Dalam kegiatan tersebut diikuti oleh jajaran Forkompinkap Sanden diantaranya Panewu Sanden Deni Ngajis Hartono S.STP MPA, Danramil 15/Sanden Kapten Cba Mardiyono, Kapolsek Sanden AKP Haryanto SH, Daposal Samas Peltu Agung P, Dansatpol Airud diwakili Iptu Eko, Ka Puskesmas drg. Suyatmi, Ka KUA, segenap anggota ASN Dinas Instansi, Koramil, Posal, Polsek, Polairud, Kepala Sekolah, Lurah dan Pamong desa, toga serta tomas.
Kegiatan senam bersama ini selain untuk menjaga kebugaran dan kesehatan tubuh, juga merupakan kegiatan rutin yang dulu sebelum pandemi Covid -19 rutin dilaksanakan yang diikuti oleh jajaran pegawai instansi setiap dua minggu sekali dalam sebulan yakni minggu kedua dan ke empat. Selain itu juga merupakan upaya untuk meningkatkan jalinan silaturahmi dan budaya hidup sehat ditengah masyarakat serta sinergitas antar instansi.
Kegiatan senam bersama berlangsung meriah, terlihat keakraban dan kekompakan dari seluruh peserta senam. Selama giat berlangsung situasi berjalan aman kondusif.
Pen Rml 15/Sdn.
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