#packing her lunches and leaving her dinners in the fridge etc
Going on tour with bf!Harry (written one-shot)
Warnings: Use of "she/her" pronouns. Cursing.
Wordcount: 1K.
A/N: I'm not used to writing written one-shots but I tried my best, I hope you like it! Feedback is always welcomed 🥰
To be fair I hadn't meant to leave packing for the last minute, I just got distracted with other things. At least that's what I kept telling myself. But the truth was I just couldn't find it in myself to start, I mean no one likes packing for trips.
Perhaps my lack of enthusiasm was just because I knew I had to pack almost my whole entire wardrobe with me. I mean I was going on tour with Harry for a month. And a girl needed outfit options.
After finally pulling myself out of my spot on the bed where I had cocooned myself, I began to sort through my wardrobe and putting my stuff into my suitcase.
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After what felt like hours I was finally done with packing. I put my suitcase at the end of Harry's and my bed for him to carry downstairs later and made my way down the stairs and into the kitchen.
I grabbed an iced tea from the fridge and after receiving a text from Harry saying he's gonna be home in an hour, I started making dinner.
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As I had just finished making the pasta sauce and began to pour it in with the pasta I heard the front door closing.
"Lovie I'm home" I heard Harry yelling from the entryway, sounding relieved to be home.
"In the kitchen!" I continued making dinner as I waited for him to reach me. And a few seconds later I felt strong arms around my waist and a face being showed into my neck, peppering kisses along the expanse of my neck.
'missed yous' and 'i love yous' being murmured into my neck, I finally let myself move from the embrace and turned around to face him, my arms looping around his neck.
"Hi" his voice soft as if he'd just woken up even though that was not the case and he had in fact been up since 6am.
"Dinner's ready" I stated as I loosened my arms from him and started getting plates up from the cabinet.
As we situated ourselves at the dining table, plates full of pasta and glasses filled with red wine we relaxed, talked about the upcoming departure for the last shows of Love On Tour and just enjoyed each other's company.
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It was 6am when Harry's alarm rang and it was time for us to go to the airport. Since we had packed most of our things, we just did our morning business, got dressed in some comfortable clothes and took off in the car that had been ordered for us. We were going to Werchter, Belgium for some of the shows that were ending an era. We had traveled back to our London home inbetween the Cardiff show and the Werchter show for some much needed rest. Because nothing beat the feeling of sleeping in your own bed.
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After about an hour flight we'd arrived to Brussels from where we'd take a car ride to Werchter since it too took only an hour.
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When we finally arrived to our hotel we straight away flopped onto the hotel bed, even though the flight and car ride were fairly short, traveling and interacting with people was always a bit exhausting so we took a quick nap before meeting with the others (Ai Sarah, Mitch etc.) at the lobby and going sight-seeing.
We went to see Stadhus van Leuven, which I wasn't sure if it was anything special but at least the building was absolutely beautiful.
After visiting a few more landmarks and going to grab some lunch, we strolled back to the hotel to get ready to leave for sound-check.
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I was sitting on a random equipment box watching Harry and the band practice (really I was just admiring him). He randomly waved at me or blew me a kiss which, even after three years of dating still got butterflies to appear in my stomach.
"What's up" he chimed as he made his way over to me on the equipment box.
"Nothing, just thinking bout' how Love On Tour is almost over" I replied, with a bit of a bittersweet tone.
Harry moved to sit with me on the box and wrapping his arms around my waist.
"It is kind of bittersweet isn't it? A part of me is scared about people being disappointed in me taking a break but a bigger part of me is so excited about what's to come." he mumbled while playing with my engagement ring.
I just nodded my head and leaned my against his shoulder, knowing he was more making an observation than waiting for an answer. As we sat and watched the crew putting things in order I kept thinking about how proud of him I was.
"Guys you need to go get dressed" Jeff told us so we made our way to Harry's dressingroom.
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Harry was dressed and doing his pre-show stretches as I once again stood on the side as to not get in anyones way. I had also changed my outfit (per H's request since he liked when I matched him) .
As it was time for him to start going on stage he came to collect his good-luck kiss and he was on his way.
I also made my way towards Anne who had flown to tonight's show. We, together with my assigned bodyguard made our way into the VIP/family booth.
"Can't believe tour's almost over" Anne mumbled to me when we were finally seated and rested her hand on mine. "Me neither, I'm trying to make the most of it before it's over" I answered her as I took in the view around me. Nothing could beat the way people lit up when they saw Harry, how they exchanged bracelets, dressed in colorful clothes, felt at ease. Oh, how I was gonna miss this. Obviously I knew there where so many things and new projects waiting for me and Harry in the future, but I've never been good with change.
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As Harry finally came on stage he immediately had everyone drawn to him. Everyone's attention was on him.
As the night went on me and Anne danced and sang, watched Harry reading and answering signs, laughing with him, just enjoying the night fully.
After all; New and great beginnings are often disguised as painful endings.
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morganwrites12672 · 2 years
I can't stop thinking about Max? And being super super domestically fluffy with her?
Like taking care of her after a hard day (helping her bathe, making dinner, etc.) or making her breakfast/lunch/dinner and leaving them out for her because she'll get up to work super early?
I just want to leave the bestest breakfast out for her and leave a note that says something stupid like "have a great day Maxie! <3 "
Do you get where I'm coming from?
I am going to enjoy writing this way to much, bc I love domestic max.
Max Mayfield x Reader
'Anything for You'
Tags/Warnings: Fluff, domestic Max, cuddles softy max, max is a simp, max Mayfield x reader
Max woke up with your body wrapped around hers,nshe quickly turned off her alarm so you wouldn't wake up.
She hated having to leave you in bed all alone every time she had to get up early for work. She couldn't stand having to escape your grasp over her working early.
But at least she would have one of those stupid notes she claimed to think we're 'stupid'. Everyone knew that was a lie. Her face lit up upon seeing one in her lunch box.
She untangled her limbs from yours and quietly got up, careful not to wake you. You didn't have work today so you might as well get to sleep in.
She was slightly rushed getting ready, she always was. Setting her alarm just late enough so she could run through the house and leave.
After she was as put together as she would be, she opened the fridge to find her lunch box. Bright yellow, you had picked it out because it reminded you of the yellow tank top she wore to go listen to Dustin's girlfriend. Max couldn't believe you remembered that. She was even more shocked when you also said it reminded you of the yellow watch she had, the one that she wore when you both went with eleven to the mall.
She grabbed it and set it. She also grabbed the ice pack from the freezer before unzipping the bag. She saw the note and her heart lit up. She quickly read it, how could she not?
'Hope you have fun at work Maxie <3'
She smiled to herself as she put the note back in her lunch box before zipping up. God, she was in love. She hated the thought of getting all smiley like Dustin was with Suzie.
She would have fun at work. Just because you wanted her to. Anything for you.
Requests are open! My pinned post has my rules and people I write for.
Please reblog if you enjoyed, it helps spread my work. Just liking doesn't do that.
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corvidaedream · 2 years
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its a spontaneous cooking day, I made/prepped a bunch of food for the next week or so bc im literally this onion headline but for cooking:
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but these eggs came out very photogenic!
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Being Supercorp’s Child Would Include
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Warnings: n/a
anonymous said: Hey!! Can i request a story where the reader is supercorp child??
I hope you guys are ok with all these Would Includes! If not, feel free to resend anything you would like to see as an imagine - Admin Cam
Also, I definitely could go on for days about this, but I had to cut the post off somewhere
Being Supercorp’s Child Would Include
Kara and Lena are protective of you
Not necessarily over protective, but your safety always comes first
They give you a necklace with a button to summon Supergirl if you’re ever in danger
Being the child of Lena Luthor and Kara Danvers means that some people may have it out for you, so they always want to be careful
One Halloween you beg to dress up as Supergirl
Of course they give in
For quite a few years, you all have a group costume and it’s absolutely adorable
Kara flies past your school at least once a day
They attend parent teacher conferences every time, even if it means they have to rush there 
Or Kara has to randomly leave early for a Supergirl emergency
The same goes for your school events, no matter what type, and they always sit in the front row, so you can see them
Lena may hate sports but for you she is your number one fan
Kara and Lena are honored whenever you come to them for advice or tips on personal issues or school related things
They definitely hang all of your accomplishments on the walls and fridge
They each have a family photo on their desk at work
Family movie nights
You and Kara “argue” about what movie to watch
Lena has to be the mediator and insist that Kara picked last time so it’s your turn
They take turns dropping you off at school
Kara is usually the one who picks you up or if she’s busy Lena will send her assistant
They try their best to have a family dinner every night
Sometimes this means you and Kara bringing dinner to Lena’s office and eating with her there
Kara makes breakfast in the morning for you and Lena
Makes sure her loves have a good start to their day every morning
Even if it means making you and Lena take your breakfast with you
Little notes packed in your lunch
Kara and Lena take turns writing them
You like figuring out who wrote it by looking at their handwriting
You house is the “cool” house for sleepovers
Lena gets a little overwhelmed the first few times because she’s not used to being around this many kids at once and especially for an extended period of time
Kara loves it though so she is more than willing to take over for the night while Lena retires to their room
Kara will join in on pillow fights, making snacks, crafts, etc.
As you grow up, Lena joins in slowly as she becomes more comfortable
She definitely feels more comfortable around tweens and teens
Of course, she’ll do anything for you and your friends though
She always makes sure the house is stocked with all of you and your friends favorite snacks, games, etc.
Conspiring with Alex and Kelly to get your moms a mothers day present
Or conspiring with Nia and Brainy (mostly Nia)
While also conspiring with Kara and Lena to get Alex and Kelly a mothers day present
For birthday you and Kara always go all out for Lena
And you and Lena always go all out for Kara
Holidays are a big deal
Your family goes all out because they want to make it special for you
Kara and Lena like establishing family traditions because Lena never really had any, so they want to provide that for you
You all take a family vacation once a year
And it’s very well planned out because Lena has to insure she has no distractions and Kara has insure that someone is covering Metropolis for her
They do their best to always make time for you in their busy schedules because you always come first
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wh0lemilk0vich · 2 years
Not sure if prefer established relationship or a get together scenario but picture
Post-Vecna and rebuild - Robin is attending community college (I can’t send her away from Steve) and cuts back her hours at family video, Keith has been scouted to manage a new store, so by process of elimination - Steve now finds himself as Store Manager - with a surprisingly extra amount of spending money
Eddie meanwhile - healing up but cannot find a job because reputations don’t disappear overnight, so he’s still dealing but only household income is Wayne at the plant, and Eddie’s no longer in school so that cuts out one of his guaranteed square meals, so yeah things are tight
Cue Eddie losing a fair bit of weight, cue Steve absoluTELY mother henn-ing it up.
Starts making sure he always has snacks handy - anything calorie dense coz look at his poor boy! He’s wasting away!
Seriously - any excuse for to get a snack in Eddie’s hands- Eddie yawns and Steve’s like “ITS PROBABLY LOW BLOOD SUGAR”
Making sure Eddie meets him 12.30 sharp at family video for his lunch break and Steve taking him any diner or restaurant he’s either knows or has heard is good
(“of course we’re going out to lunch Eddie, it’s good for our recovering local economy!”)
using this as a friendly rouse to pay everything, - insists Eddie orders as much as he wants - and Steve insists he pays it all.
Inviting him over for hearty home cooked meals- always with seconds and desserts
Eddie’s miffed at first and not sure exactly how to bring up that Steve maybe sees him as a total charity case — but he’s got eyes and it becomes apparent that Eddie finishing his plate…is definitely doing things for Steve
So it becomes a game of pushing the envelope- Eddie truly tests the depths of Steve’s seemingly limitless on hand snacks, ordering OBSCENE amounts at lunch, asking for seconds and thirds of both dinner and dessert at Steve’s house
Does Steve eventually realise or does Eddie tell him out right (kink negotiation is key and Eddie’s got more experience in that realm than Steve) does Eddie keep going and try to get him to admit …who knows
Or is the first one to crack robin, having a coke-to-Jesus moment with her bestie at work, watching Steve fuss over his ballooning boyfriend, pushing food on him constantly, even/especially if Steve’s acting all belligerent about it, always asking when Eddie last ate, “nagging” and mothering a smiling fat Eddie like “you sit right there, don’t move I’ve got more snacks in the back” to him etc
Eventually Eddie has to leave, vue a kiss goodbye and a doe eyed lovestruck Steve, watching his boyfriend waddle out the door and pass the shop front window and out of sight…10 seconds of silence til Robin is like “question - wtf??”
Also didn’t know how to work this part into the story - but part of the caretaking overdrive is also caused by (obvi) trauma - and Steve’s need to protect his own, so just idk - boys been working out a lot - beefier and more muscly and hairy than ever before. Eddie’s definitely not the one oblivious to his own size like Steve seems to be but he’s also curious if Steve’d be able to maybe throw him around a bit even with all the new weight
There's so much here and i like it. What I love especially are scenarios where a third party character cops on to two oblivious idiots long before they do.
Like of course it starts off innocently with Eddie convalescing and Steve being natural mom friend, going to lunch with Eddie and Robin. Eddie finishes his lunch because he's, well, hungry, and Steve packs up his leftovers (he didn't really eat his lunch) and Robin's (without asking her) to give to Eddie to take home.
Eddie moves to a new trailer because his uncle's old place has too many hard memories, so what better justification for Steve to fill Eddie's pantries, fridge, freezer, with everything he could want and need and then some. Sure, some of it is pantry-stable junk like cereals, Kraft Mac, chips, pretzels, Stouffer's dinners in the freezer, everything Eddie likes. And once again Robin is conscripted to help shop, bring everything in, and put it away.
It's when they're all hanging out as the older kids and a considerably plumper and happier Eddie has his limbs tangled up with and half sitting on Harrington, and STEVE finally looks calm and happy and contented, and his hand is absentmindedly scratching at and rubbing (oblivious) Eddie's belly, finding any reason to be taking up the same space as his well fed boy, that Robin rolls her eyes and cops on.
She sticks around for a minute or two after Jonathan and Nancy and Eddie go (he kissed Steve deeply, grabbing the back of his head with a ring-heavy hand, and gives him a good grind telling him he'll be thinking about him before bed).
"So. You and Munson..."
"Uh, yeah, for a while now. You knew that." Steve's eyebrows are knit and he chuckles confusedly.
"No, come on. You know what I mean... you and Munson," she draws out his name using her hands to mime an exaggeratedly rounded curvy body.
"I have no idea what you're talking about!" He says going red and rubbing the back of his neck.
"Yeah, you keep telling yourself that. I say live and let live, but I think you should let him know how much you've been drooling over his fat ass. If you ask him nicely, I'm sure he'll give you a taste."
"Jesus, Robin! ... You think so?"
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The Lost Children #Writer Wednesday Din Djarin Modern Day Bounty Hunter x f!reader
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For #Writer Wednesday created by the amazing @autumnleaves1991-blog and tagging @clydesducktape (thanks a lot for the hard work of compiling everything each week)
Summary: This a part 2 of a fic I wrote a few months another Wednesday, read it here. After you scape with Din and your child, you try to find a life again even if that means he has to leave you.
Warnings: Language, talking about neglecting children or abandoned kids, guns. This is fluff with angst and Din being a softie but a dumbass expressing feelings
A/N: I'm super tired, so be ready to find many grammar and mispellings I didn't have the time to really read it through.
The lost children
For a bit, that’s what he said, what he promised until you’re safe and settled.
“So you can keep your little kid in the babycare with the rest of the kids while you’re working. One of the cabins to the right of the front office we’ll be entirely yours. We only ask that you keep clean and in a good state”
“Of course” you’re shining, happy and excited
“You heard that Greg, we’ll have a place on our own” your arms hold the baby tightly, rocking him softly until he giggles. When you turn to Din, he can see your eyes glowing, kissing little Greg’s head, you whisper thank you
Thanking him? what for? He just pointed out that small, almost entirely ripped from the wall, announcement of a local hotel in the middle of the woods that looked for personnel willing to work and live in the resort when they were stopping at a gas station.
It is a perfect place to hide and live a peaceful life and let a baby grow up in the middle of nature. Greg and you could be happy. So why is he thinking that he should make up some excuse so you don't stay, so you don’t leave him. He should be selfish and grab your hand and run away again like you’ve been doing for weeks now, but that’s not life for a baby, and you deserve it, leave the past behind. And him, even if he doesn’t want to admit, it’s part of your past of that runaway woman that commited many mistakes.
But Din’s a bounty hunter, his life on the road, from one job to the next would only make you unhappy, and at the end, you would hate him; and that’s it’s not an option.
Nothing has made Din happier than seeing you smile at him, the little comments here and there you tell him praising him and thanking him one, twice, a thousand times for helping you, the way the baby caresses his face with his small hand and those big eyes looking at him intently until he smiles with only those two little teeth. The way you look perfect, almost like a Madonna from the Renaissance, when the street lights hit your face while he’s driving and you hold your baby against your chest, both of you sleeping in the car.
Would you think he’s a creep for staring? There’s a warmth that grows inside him when he stares at you and baby Greg. A warmth he doesn’t want to let go. He cannot offer you a good life and Din doesn’t want to force you to live like he does, just because he’s so selfish to let you go.
“So what do you think?”
The manager leaves them to think about the offert. And Din balances his big body from one of his legs to the other, hands on his hips, he sighs
“I think”
I think you should be with me
I think I should protect you
I think I should protect Greg
I think I want to be with you, the both of you, forever
I think I love you
But he doesn’t say it
“I think you should take it. It is a good place for a kid”
You frown, even baby Greg looks at him puzzled from the crook of his mother’s neck
“Yes, it seems great, quiet...And I like that Greg could be with other kids. But what about you?”
Your eyes look big, pleading, there’s a question, a petion in them but you don’t say it with words so maybe Din is imagining it, he wants so bad that you will stay with him that maybe he’s making that up
“I will go and…”
And miss you
And miss Greg
And be alone again
“Start the business again somewhere else” he shrugs, and he sees the light flicking in your eyes, the idea in your head being shattered, you’ll never ask the question and he will never answer.
“But you can stay a few days, right? Rest, eat properly for once and repair the car”
“I don’t know…”
What would hurt more? leaving already or prolonging it?
“I don’t want to be this direct, Clint...” he likes that you keep using that nickname you gave him when you’re in public. You only use his real name when you’re alone. Making it even more special, it’s intimate, more anything he has ever felt.
“but you need a shower. And I do too and this stinky baby” you bury your nose on little Gregs neck and it makes him laugh out loud that angelic and sweet giggle hits him hard and before he even knows it, Din is nodding
“A few days won’t hurt”
It’s surprising how they fall easily in a routine. How they seem to find a perfect way around each other, a perfect model like the stars and planets always circling around each other and never colliding. You, dancing softly in the kitchen humming while you stir the soup, baby Greg chasing his little frog while Din holds his back so he doesn’t lose his balance
“Hey, you want this?” Din smiles fondly to the baby and with his long arm places the soft toy far away from him “C’mon like before “ his big hands on his side while the babe excitedly starts crawling towards his frog
“Hey! look! he’s getting faster!”
You smile at them, that big and serious man has the proudest smile, so bright and pure watching your baby grow before his eyes.
It’s been almost a week and he’s still repairing the car, or so he says. The manager hasn’t asked any questions and just assumed they are a family. And you must accept that you do look like one, a broken and weird one, but more than anything you have ever experienced.
And you wish he stayed forever that he could be a father to Greg, he certainly acts the part.
“Dinner is ready.”
The scent of the pines, the bugs chirping and the soft crackle of the fire is the perfect lullaby. Your baby has taken the habit of falling asleep against Din’s wide shoulder while the three of them enjoy the small porch outside the cabin.
“I think the car is ready”
The words you fear the most float in the air and you’re almost tempted to ignore them
“Hmm” you don’t face him yet, just look at the trees and try to swallow the pain “And where will you go?”
“Don’t know yet”
“How will I contact you?”
“Do I have to search on Craigslist? Some old codewords in the newspaper? How do you even find a bounty hunter?” you’re laughing, but it really doesn’t hide the pain in your tone
“I have a phone” Din rolls his eyes at you but he’s amused, surprisingly he’s smiling more since you met him, he’s not that stern or cold as you pictured him when he caught you
“That would have come in handy when we were lost in the desert”
“I mean a fixed one”
“You have a house then?” you turn to him, lowering your voice midsentence as you see your son sleeping peacefully on Din’s arms
“Sort of”
“I will need you to expand that a little bit more Din”
Din in the quiet of the night, the moon, the stars and the fire illuminating your face he admires you pronounce it: The tip of your tongue showing softly between your teeth and he wishes to see you repeat it one, twice a thousand times.
“My family, my...it’s difficult to explain, anyway, it’s my safeplace, where I go to rest, I get the information for my next jobs, etc”
“Oh...okay, so I call you there?”
“Yeah you could, and write if you want” he offers with pleasing eyes
“Penpals, great” you answer and it sounds more sarcastic that you intended
“You could send me pictures of Greg”
Din lowers his eyes to the soft crown of the baby, that soft place on his head where he smells so sweet and tender. He can believe that he’s going and there will be no nights like this.
“I will do”
Your eyes get teary watching him softly kiss you babe, carrying to his crib whispering sweet words so he doesn’t wake up.
“So I’ve packed many water bottles, and those protein bars in case you get yourself lost in the desert again, cowboy. Sadly you won’t have my unparalleled company” you joke tapping him on his arm
“No, I won’t” Din forces a smile “I...Take care” he awkwardly squeezes your forearm
“You too-Shit!” you scream slapping your forehead “The sandwiches! I knew I forgot something. I made you something for lunch. I’ll be right back”
You press little Greg to Din’s arms before running away leaving them with wide eyes and a confused look
“Take care of you mother, kid, sometimes she can be a lot to handle”
“Hi, Ken” you say breathly as you storm inside the reception and get inside the staff meeting room.
“Hi! Has your boyfriend left already?” He asks while writing something on his agenda
“Not yet” you say looking for the lunch bag you had prepared inside the fridge. You hand stops midway when you heard her voice
It is horrible, we have not consolation, our baby has been kidnapped and we have no information
Her fake cries fill the room, some national tv is making a report on the kidnapping of little Greg. The tragic zoom at her face fades away when they show a picture of your baby.
“Fuck…” you mutter
I need him back. He’s my baby
“He’s not your baby, you bitch” you spat under your breath
“What did you say, hun, you need something” Ken raises his eyes to you, one eyebrow arched, he follows your eyes to the TV
“That baby looks exactly…” and then you know
You grab your sandwich bag and strom out as you did before. Din is holding Greg on his hip while he finishes loading the trunk with his bags
“We’re out of here”
You cry when you reach to him, pushing him away, you close the trunk door
“Wait what happened?”
“No time, let’s go”
How has this man trusted you so much as to run away with you? For all he knows you could actually be a kidnapper, that story about leaving your son with someone you trusted and that eventually you discovered that they were assholes could be fake. But he doesn’t. He runs away, drives and drives without asking a question.
“She had the guts to say it was his son, he isn’t. She barely had it for a few months until I could settle my life. And then she asked me for a crazy amount of money because children are expensive you know I fucking payed for a a new pool in her stupid house, while my son was always dressed in old clothes, too big or too small. They didn’t care for him”
And on top of trusting you, he lets you rant away all you anger
“There’s no way I’m giving him back. I rather die!”
He stops the car, the road again is silent, dressed in the colors of the sunset
“Calm down, you’re scaring him” Greg looks at you with trembling lips not knowing why he should be scared or angry, he just knows that his mama is upset “He will stay with you, I promise”
“The police must be searching for us” your warm tears cloud your eyes
“They won’t find us where we are going”
He ditches the car somewhere and you see him burning it. He carries the big bag on his back and hands you water and snacks from time to time.
“Just a few miles more”
The red stone looks like some ethereal cathedral around you, a palace in the middle of nowhere almost like another world, magical and eerie. If there’re marks or signs you don’t see them, but Din walks among the rock so sure of his steps searching among the labyrinth of rocks. And suddenly…
You hear the soft clicks of many guns' trigger locks going off at the same time. But Din softly whistles some tune and from all over: up the rocks, between them, children come out. Kids, all different from one another, some really young, others tall and weirdly looking teenagers in that mixed age where they are not a child nor an adult and others already grown to be young adults.
“Din” a curly haired girl dressed with camouflage clothes runs towards him with open arms, she has a crooked smile as she has lost some of her front teeth
“Hey, gumball!” Din bents down when she hugs him, her sweet face pressed against his belly
“Who are they?” a boy, holding a shotgun to his side, his face full of red dots, frowns at you
“They’re friends who need help” Din explains raising one of his arms trying to calm down the group
“Are they lost too?” Gumball asks
“Yes” Din nods
“But she’s a mum” some kid screams from above
“Mums can be lost too. C’mon, we’ve been walking for hours, can we go home?” he answers
“Of course, let’s go. Boba will be happy to see you” Gumball grabs Din’s hand and smile widely jumping happily through the stone corridors
“Wait, Din, what the fuck? who the fuck is Boba? What are these kids doing here?”
Gumball fires a concerned look at you
“She said two bad words”
“Gonna let it pass, Gum, she’s a bit scared and tired” Din smirks your way and you question in silent muttering the fuck again and again
“I see you pronouncing it, you know?” Gumball rolls her eyes “No bad words or you pay the price”
“Yes, understood, sorry” you close your lips hard trying not to ask more questions until you arrive home or whatever that is.
After a few minutes of turning left right, left right, right left you’re completely lost until the stone towers open up a way to a plain and on it, a ranch.
Some horses roam around nibbling on the pale green grass that grows on the land. A house on the centre is painted white but the paint looks old and chipped.
Now in the clear you count the children that surround you, ten, ten kids in the middle of nowhere.
“Welcome to the Watch” Din smiles at you, he almost look shy and earning a upset look from Gumball, he releases her hand and holds you with his big palm on your back
“What is this place, Din?”
“Home” he simply answers
The kids run through the porch screaming and opening without a care the door to the house
“Yeah, I heard you, little heathens” a masculine voice screams from the interior
His hard steps clack on the ground and you hear the spurs before you see him arriving with his leather boots, his used jeans and a low cowboy hat covering him from the sun
“I thought something must have happened to you” he says, evaluating Din. His tanned face is covered by a long and twisted scar from his lip to his forehead, he has dark eyes like Din but colder in a way, very deep and when they fall into you, you hug your baby tightly without thinking it
“I see” he says “C’mon on in, that baby can’t stay too long in the sun”
The house is nice, surprisingly tidy given the fact that there are ten kids living in it. The furniture looks like the exhibit of an old auction house, each one of them completely different of style, color or age from the other.
The man that everyone call Boba gives some orders to the group and they efficiently start doing what he asks
“Prepare a room for our guests”
“Bring water and food”
“Prepare some fresh fruit for the baby”
You sit, little Greg with eyes wide open. As any baby he’s absorbed by all the children around him, and he reaches with his little hands trying to grab them
“Little fella wants to play, you can leave him on the rug if he wants to”
“He’s fine here, thanks” you say holding him although Greg is already removing your hands from him wanting to explore
“Boba, we have nowhere to go” Din explains sipping on his cold water
“I guess, you have never brought anybody here” He reclines himself on his rocking chair watching Din intenly
“We need to protect them for a while, until we can find a solution”
“You’ll be safe here, you know that, you can stay as long as you want, just respect the house rules” and he points to a wood board, engraved in them are a few rules
Be respectful of yourself and others
I finish my tasks as promised, ask for help if I can’t
I will not curse
Be clean of yourself and your environment
Protect your family and your house above all
“They seem...pretty logical, won’t be a problem to follow them” you smile uncomfortably
“Well, somebody said you have a potty mouth, young lady. So watch it, but for the moment, you may rest, we will see for the rest tomorrow” He sighs when he gets up and taps on Din’s shoulder before he goes to the kitchen
“Let’s make dinner” you hear him scream, before the rumbling of pans and chopping and children screaming start
“Din…” you say after a moment
“I know you have a million questions”
“Duh!” you laugh nervously
“This is my family, we’re not related by blood but by circumstances. Lost kids, abandoned, neglected; we have a safe place here and in time we go out in the world and make our own life but we always have the Watch over us. A place where we’re watched over, taken care of, listened…” his caramel eyes glow and you see his strong and stern facade crumble before your eyes, in this place he can relax. He feels safe so you can too, right?
“We’ll be fine here” He reaches for you hand, the one that holds little Greg caressing him with your thumb, and covers both of you squeezing softly
We, it’s the second time he has referred to you as a group, you and me and Greg, We.
“We’ll be fine” You smile back, lowering your face, you kiss his knuckles, leaving a warmth there Din will be holding for hours.
You don’t notice, but the whole time during dinner he passes his thumb over that small place of his skin where you kissed him.
(Hey! remember when you read that fic in May? I continued it...so sorry that it took so long, I've taken the liberty of tagging you since you were interested in a follow up from the first one @fangirlalexia @childrenofthewatch )
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More Hearts Than Mine - Part I
As always, I do not own anything that you’re familiar with - Newsies, songs, characters, etc. This is loosely based on the song “More Hearts Than Mine” by Ingrid Andress. This has been rattling around in my head for a while and I decided to sit down and write it. As always, feedback would be wonderful! Warnings: cursing
Race - 17 years old, junior in high school - living at Medda’s Spot - 18 years old, senior in high school Charlie - 17 years old, junior in high school - living at Medda’s Amelia - 17 years old, junior in high school Albert - 16 years old, sophomore in high school - living at Medda’s Finch - 16 years old, sophomore in high school Smalls - 13 years old, 8th grade - living at Medda’s Romeo - 10 years old, 3rd grade - living at Medda’s Henry - 4 years old, daycare - living at Medda’s Jack - 19 years old, sophomore in college
October 4, 2019
“Let’s go! All of you are going to be late!” She hollered, her voice carrying throughout the house. Mornings were always crazy in the household but Medda wouldn’t have it any other way. It was always busy with six foster children running around getting into various amounts of mischief. To say, there was never a dull moment in the house and Medda lived for it.
Standing in the middle of the kitchen, she grinned seeing her children file in, sleep still in their eyes. She narrowed her eyes seeing a yawn escape his mouth. “Cover your mouth, Racer.”
Race looked at her with a grin. “Sorry momma. It’s Friday y'all.”
Charlie snorted, shaking his head. “Don’t matter because we’ve got a Chemistry exam that we’ve gotta get through before the weekend.”
“Don’t remind me.” Race groaned, throwing his head back as Smalls and Romeo joined him at the table.
Medda raised an eyebrow at the two. “Are you both ready for the exam?”
“Study hall right before it.” Charlie grinned, looking over at Race.
She shook her head. “An hour isn’t enough time to cram.”
“At least you don’t have a history exam.” Albert threw himself into a chair giving his older brothers a glance. “I second Charlie’s comment about study hall.”
Henry came running in, yelling about something. Medda raised an eyebrow, looking around the room, trying to see if anyone knew what was up with her youngest. Race, Charlie, and Albert all shrugged while Smalls and Romeo were focused on the bowls of cereal in front of them.
“Hey Henry, cool it.” Albert yelled, grabbing Henry and putting him at the opposite end of the table. “Can’t we have a breakfast in peace once in a while?”
Charlie shook his head, looking at his little brother. “You’re one to talk, Albie. Usually you and Racer are going at each other’s throats and causing a ruckus at breakfast. If we don’t have a quiet one, it’s typically your fault.”
Knowing she needed to squash whatever was happening in front of her before it got out of hand, Medda looked around the kitchen. “Hey remember Jack’s coming home tonight.” Medda called, causing the usual chaos of the kitchen to come to a standstill.
Concerned with the sudden quietness, Medda looked up from the six lunches she was packing. “You guys didn’t forget did you?”
“Uhhh no momma. Didn’t realize it came up so quickly.” Race was the first to recover pushing a bright smile on his face as he looked around at his foster siblings. “When will he be here?”
Medda smiled. “He said about 5, just in time for dinner. Don’t dilly dally tonight. Come home and get your homework done so you don’t have to don’t have to worry about it this weekend.”
“Did he say why he was coming home?” Albert bit into an apple, giving the room a wide glance.
Medda smirked. “As if that boy needs a reason to come home. He did mention he was bringing someone home with him.”
Several pairs of eyes widened at her statement as she levelset with each of her children. “Now listen here you’re going to leave your brother and whoever he brings home alone. No giving him crap or being the normal pain in the butts you are.”
“As if we’d ever do that.” Race’s jaw dropped looking first at Medda before looking between Albert and Charlie.
Medda sighed, pointing a finger looking at her oldest three. “Treat Jack’s guest as I treated you when you first came to live with me. If I hear of you pulling any tricks or pranks, you’ll be answering not only to me but I’ll let Jack deal with you as well.”
“Momma!” Albert and Race yelled, knowing that her threat was real. Between Medda and Jack, Albert and Race could only imagine the punishment they would cook up for them.
She chuckled, watching them shake their heads. “Be nice and be the kids I’m trying to raise you to be.”
“Ugh momma, why do you have to take all the fun out of it?” Race gave her a grin.
Medda grinned. “I’m not ruining your fun. I’m just telling you to behalf like the civilized children I know you to be. Now get going before you miss the bus.”
She quickly handed off the lunches she had packed before pressing kisses to each of their foreheads as she watched them walk out the door. She looked over at the three still sitting at the table with a grin. “Finish up and we’ll leave in ten minutes.”
Taking a sip of her coffee, she shook her head at the kids, knowing that they all loved their older brother dearly. “Momma?”
Looking up from her coffee cup, she looked over at Smalls. “Yes, Smalls?”
“Can we start up the conversation again about getting a dog?” She grinned, looking hopeful at her mother. “You know since Jack’s moved out and he had the energy of a dog.”
The calendar on the fridge caught her attention. “Felicity! Don’t talk about your brother like that. I thought we were going to table that until the summer.”
“Well . . . it’s almost summer,” Smalls grinned, raising her eyebrow in hope. Romeo, and Henry both stopped eating momentarily, looking between their sister and momma. “Come on Momma . . . what’s holding you back?”
“Summer is 9 months away. We’re going to be late if we don’t get a move on.” She gave the four a look. “We’ll table this discussion for when everyone is home and has a say.”
Smalls gave her mom a knowing look. “Because you know what everyone is going to say. Why not just say yes and we’ll tell everyone later?”
“Felicity, car now.” Holding out a lunch bag, she gave her daughter a look before pointing to the garage door. Her younger brothers followed suit as Medda grabbed her purse, keys and her own lunch with a sigh before following them out the door.
11:00am - Study Hall
Flipping open his Chemistry book, he tried to focus on the chapters the exam would cover. Looking across the room, he saw Charlie sitting with Amelia, his best friend since childhood, both of them absorbed in their studying. He sighed, flipping pages but not really paying attention to what he was reading. Feeling someone sit beside him, he picked his head up from his book. “You’ve been quiet all morning, what’s going on?”
Spot Conlon was one that was very protective of those around him and when those in his personal circle were not themselves, Spot Conlon was one to pick up on it immediately. Race often joked he should become a detective after high school.
“Jack’s comin’ home.” Race sighed, running a hand over his curls. “And he’s bringing someone back.”
Spot leaned back in his chair, whistling. “Any info on that person?”
“Momma didn’t know. Just that he’ll be home around 5, in time for dinner.” Race looked at his boyfriend. “I’m excited that he’s coming home but he’s never brought someone home before.”
Spot nodded, having been around the Larkin household since Race was adopted eight years ago. “Think it might be a girl or are you leaning towards a roommate?”
“I just talked to him yesterday and he didn’t mention anything about a girl.” Race sighed. “You know Jackie, he can’t keep his mouth shut normally.”
Biting his lip, Spot sighed. “Knowing Jackie, it’ll all be okay. Whoever this person is, should be more nervous than you.”
“What does that mean?” Race turned in his chair, giving his boyfriend a look.
Spot chuckled. “You and your siblings are an intimidating crew. Y’all look innocent but when you want, you all can be evil.”
Nodding, Race chuckled. “You’re right but momma put the kibosh on that. Will you come over tonight for dinner?”
“Medda alright with that?” Spot raised an eyebrow, giving his boyfriend a look.
Shrugging, Race closed his book with a slam. “She didn’t say anything about no boyfriends. I’m sure Finch and Amelia will be over just like normal.”
“I’ll be there.” Spot agreed. “I’ll text my sis and let her know.”
“Wanna dump all your Chemistry knowledge on me in the next thirty minutes?” Race leaned over, stealing a kiss from Spot with a grin.
Spot smirked. “You’re going to need more than 30 minutes, stud. You’ll need all the help you can get; all of which, unfortunately, I cannot help with.”
“Spottie . . . . please.” Race pleaded, giving him his best puppy dog eyes.
Leaning over, he kissed him, smirking. “Open your book and we’ll see what we can get through before the bell.”
Like any afternoon after school, the dining room table at Medda’s was rambunctious and loud. Nine kids were crammed around the table, each with their homework scattered around them. Medda was standing at the stove, stirring the sauce in the pot while listening to each of the kids talk about their day.
“Homework almost done?” Medda called, raising her voice a bit to be heard over the kids.
Various confirmations came from the table as she looked over at them. “Please put your stuff away and help set the table. Spot, Amelia, Finch, you staying for dinner?”
“If that’s okay, Medda?” Spot called, stuffing his book and notebook back into his backpack.
“Always sugar.” She grinned, raising a silent eyebrow in Finch and Amelia’s direction.
Finch nodded with a grin while Amelia hesitated. “Sorry Medda, mom’s making dinner and wants all her kids home tonight.”
“No worries, Amelia. I’m sure we’ll see you at some point this weekend?” Medda asked, looking at Charlie’s best friend.
She nodded with a grin. “I’ll be around. I’ll see you guys later.”
Several goodbyes were yelled as she made her way out the front door. Medda shook her head at the girl before stirring the pot of sauce on the stove. She had long considered Amelia another adopted child with how often she was over at the house. “So you don’t know anything about this person Jack’s bringing home, momma?”
“If I did, I would tell you what I know.” Medda said, looking between Charlie, Albert, and let her gaze land on Race, who asked the question. “Jack called me up last week and asked if it was alright if he brought someone home with him. That’s all he said. Now, he’ll be here in a little bit, so I need all of your bags put up in your rooms and wash your hands. Smalls, Romeo put plates out. Race and Albert silverware and Charlie cups, please.”
With assignments handed out, the kids scattered. Henry sat at the kitchen counter, swinging his legs, back and forth watching Medda with wide eyes. “What can I do momma?”
Looking at the table being set, Medda smiled. “Henry can you make sure every place has a napkin?”
He hopped off his chair doing as he was told while Medda took a moment to relax in the busyness of the house and thankful for everything that surrounded her.
“You alright, momma?” Albert asked, pausing in his movements of laying down the silverware, looking at her.
She smiled. “Just fine baby. Excited that all my children will be in the house this weekend. How’s that table coming along?”
“Almost done momma.” Race called. “How’s the spaghetti?”
She gave it one more stir before nodding. “It’s almost ready.”
“Momma, Race, Charlie, Albert, Smalls, Romeo, Jack’s home and he brought a pretty girl!” Henry yelled as several eyes went wide and the front door was thrown open.
Quickly wiping her hands, Medda put the towel on the counter before following the kids to the front foyer. She smiled at Spot and Finch who stood back, giving the family some space. Medda couldn’t help but tear up as her oldest walked through the door, holding a hand of a pretty girl, just as Henry had exclaimed.
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imagine-zen · 4 years
rfa reactions to mc who suddenly starts to feel dizzy and lose balance because of anemia or low blood pressure :0 ok thx bye
Most of theseI kept to pretty vague dizzy/low blood pressure, but I got more specificsometimes, especially with Jaehee, I referenced a specific condition that’soften called POTS. It’s not common but causes low blood pressure and dizziness.
Anyways, hopeyou like this!
He was doingsome work from home while you were looking at some RFA papers
Elizabeth the3rd wanted a snack, and you couldn’t say no to her sweet face
As you standup, your head rushes with the familiar floating feeling
But it’sworse than the average dizziness that comes with standing up
You don’trealize you’ve fallen over until the darkness clears from your vision and Juminis crouched over you, panic in his eyes as he holds your head
You try tocalm him down, realizing yourself that you’ve forgotten to eat anything todaywhich led to this
He wants totake you to a doctor immediately
After youexplain what happened, he’s not as worried, but still sets you up with a doctor
He wants toset up an eating schedule for you, but that feels too suffocating for you
So instead,he sets up an eating schedule for himself and asks you to join him whenever hegoes to eat
If he’s awayat the office for most of the day, he’ll often invite you to lunch with him
If he’s toobusy even for that, he’ll have Jaehee call to check in on you
You werehelping him practice his lines one afternoon
It’s a niceday, the two of you are outside to get some sun
He’s standing,trying to start blocking his movements out along with practicing his lines,while you are curled up in a plastic lawn chair with a copy of the script to helpprompt him
It’s warmout, not uncomfortable, but you’re sitting in the sun and have gotten a littlesweaty over time
Eventually, yousuggest a break, both so you can get a drink of water and so that Zen doesn’toverexert himself
He readilyagrees and is about to run inside to get drinks for the both of you, but youinsist that he should sit down, and that you can get drinks
You’vealready started standing up while you’re saying this
You’ve beenout in the sun for a while, without any water
You wobble,your knees giving out as you begin to fall back
Zen’s at yourside before you hit the ground, letting you lean against him
All you canthink about is how you’d dropped the script that you were using to help Zenwith
He assuresyou that the script doesn’t matter as he helps walk you inside
As you walk, ormore accurately, stumble, your legs start to regain feeling
You explainyour condition to him as you sip water and rest
From then on,Zen makes sure either you or him always has some water and a snack
The two ofyou have been gaming all day
Yeah, it’snot the most responsible use of a day, but you’ve both been working a lot andyour days off have aligned for once
So, yousuggested starting up the old Grey Station console and gaming for a bit, sinceit’s been a while since you and Yoosung played together
You hadn’t plannedon gaming for the entire day, but one minute the clock reads noon, the next it readsnearly 6 pm
After a matchfinishes, you stretch leaning back and suggesting the two of you pause and getsome food
Yoosung isexcited by this, and goes even further to offer making dinner together, whichyou love
He jumps up,wincing as his back pops and makes a joke about how he’s getting old
You pushyourself out of the beanbag and get a whole three steps before the floor is suddenlyrushing up towards you
You manage tocatch yourself against the wall and a desk, but in the process, knock over somefiles
Yoosung hearsthe noise and isn’t far ahead of you anyway, and he rushes over to you, alreadyasking what’s wrong
He helps yousit down at the chair of the desk you just caught yourself on before rushing toget you some water and any easy snack he can find in the kitchen
You hadmentioned your anemia a while ago, but you manage yourself and your needspretty well
It’s been awhile since you’ve lapsed like this
After you’refeeling better, Yoosung makes an easy dinner of chicken and rice
Yoosung doeshis best to drop small reminders after that, he starts sending pictures of hismeals like he used to when you first joined the RFA
If he hastime before work, he’ll leave a packed lunch for you in the fridge with notes
He truststhat you can manage your health without him pestering you, so he tries to limithow much he reminds or asks you about if you’ve eaten
You initiallymentioned a doctor’s visit about week after joining the RFA, and while the twoof you were finalizing the café plans, you explained your condition to herfully
She would sometimescome with you to your appointments, though she usually stayed in the waitingroom unless you were getting a transfusion, then she’d keep you company
She liked tostay updated, but your condition doesn’t change much, so the two of you don’tdiscuss it much
One night,after a particularly busy day, you’re wrapping things up in the kitchen,preparing for tomorrow, while Jaehee finishes double checking all of thepaperwork
Your limbsfeel like dead weight while your balance is wobbly, at best
But you’rejust tired, that’s all, nothing more
Wiping yourforehead, you go to sit down on a chair
You don’trealize you’ve missed the seat until your head hits the wall and your legscollapse, unable to hold your wait in that position
You hear achair clatter from the other room as Jaehee jumps up to run over to you
You groan,rubbing your head as she helps you stand up and sit in the chair that you justattempted to sit in
She’schecking your head, looking for any injury or signs of concussions
She waitsuntil she’s confirmed that you’re only mildly shaken up before releasing astream of questions and mild lecture points
As she’sgoing on, she pulls out a bag of pretzels from the cabinet that’s for the twoof you specifically, handing the bag to you
You begineating, the salt quickly helping your lightheadedness, though you’re still outof it
Jaehee sighs,going quiet and staring at you
She justwants to make sure you take care of yourself
Later, sheasks to go over your care plan with you, to better understand the best ways tohelp you
If shenotices you’ve been working extra hard for longer or look unsteady, she’ll haveyou sit down and take a short break
You don’thave much of an official documented condition, you don’t feel that your symptomsare bad enough to go to a doctor
So, Seven doesn’tsee anything in the background check he ran on you when you first joined the RFA
And for the mostpart, you’re healthy and good
There were afew times when running from Rika where you had to stop and get yourself together,but Seven assumed that was due to the circumstances
He has plentyof snacks throughout his house, so you’re able to keep your blood pressure niceand high, maybe a little too high sometimes, Seven’s got a lot of chips in thatplace
So, you getcomfortable, think less and less about how much you’ve eaten each day, if you’rea little dizzy sometimes, well, that’s not uncommon and it doesn’t stop youfrom doing anything
Your holdingyour ground against Seven one evening, his voice echoing through the game micand from the next room over, the sounds overlapping
You’ve beenplaying together for a while, and your fingers are starting to drag across the keys
Sighing, youcall out defeat, pausing the game and falling back into your seat
You see Seven’shead poke out through the door frame; his face plastered with a grin
You ask if hecan grab you a drink, maybe Ph.D. Pepper if he’s feeling generous
He agreeshappily and disappears, returning in a moment with a can of soda in his hand,which he hands to you
You reach outto take the offered drink, you feel your fingers wrap around the cold metal
It wasn’t anunusual movement for you, you’ve picked up more cups and cans than you cancount in your life
But somehow, youwatched the can settle in your hand for half a second before slipping, thenfalling and clattering the floor, soda spilling out
You try tojump up, but in the process barely catch your laptop from falling off of you,and then Seven catches you as you start to stumble
He’sconcerned, his face lined with worry as you try to catch your breath andprocess everything that just happened
You start tostruggle, saying you need to clean up the soda before it stains, but Seveninsists you sit down, the floor isn’t that important anyway
After youpromise that you’ll stay sitting, he grabs a towel, at your insistence thistime, then he tries to talk to you
You try toexplain, but there isn’t much to tell, just that if you don’t eat or movearound too much, etc. you get dizzy sometimes
Eventually,you agree to see a doctor, just to ensure that nothing too serious is happening
There isn’tmuch the doctor can do, just a simple prescription that’s more “as needed” thanregular, but in a way, it’s comforting for you, a confirmation that you’re not makingthings up or overreacting
Seven sets upa little reminder system for your computer and phone, every few hours a notificationwill pop up with a note or animation, it’s not always about food, but it’sSeven’s way of doing what he can to help you take care of yourself
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blankcanvas003 · 3 years
Two Lemons :) (Short Indian Story)
Meera is a smart, independent girl. She just finished her college and landed a job in Corporate sector.
She was enjoying her new responsibilities. Her parents were also happy to see their daughter slowly walking towards the path of success. But at the same time as any other Indian parents, they were desperate for her marriage. After completing her first year, she got married to Vineet, a mechanical engineer working at a Government firm in the capital city of India, New Delhi.
Meera was not happy but she had to agree as she did not have any other choice. She requested a transfer to her firm, but they never agreed. So, she resigned from her current job and moved to Delhi after marriage.
Vineet had a joint family but he was living in a quarter provided by his company to live close to work.
After marriage, Vineet and Meera stayed with the family in their ancestral home. Vineet had to travel hours to reach his office. But they have decided to stay few initial months with family as Meera will not feel alone after Vineet leaves for work.
Meera accepted the new changes in her life and she was keeping herself busy doing the daily chores and taking care of her new family members. Deep inside, she wanted to go back to her old life and be independent again.
One day, Vineet was in office and family members gathered to have lunch together. Meera asked her mother in law if there is any lemon in the fridge. Her mother in law replied that we do not buy lemons. Most of us are having acidity problems and specially Vineet hates it. She continued her story.
When Vineet was a boy, he ate his normal meal squeezing some lemon wedges to his curries. Once he finished his lunch, he was having nausea. He soon after vomited out his entire meal and was feeling very dizzy. Doctor was called and he reported that Vineet has chronic acid reflux. He must avoid warm milk, lemon, or lime etc.
After that day, Vineet never touched another lemon although he was very happy that he can get rid of drinking a glass of milk everyday after coming back from school and she laughs.
Meera couldn’t say her that she really loves lemon and her meals will not be complete without one. But she remained silent and adjusted without it.
Meera was taking care of Vineet’s family and most of the household work and Vineet was working hard in his office. He had long office hours as his travel time has also added up but when he comes back home in the late evenings, Meera always has a smile on her face.
Vineet was always shy when it comes to speak what he really likes in Meera, what qualities he really admires about her. Meera was outspoken but she also keeps her feelings to herself when she is not hearing much from the other side. Meera will try out new recipes for Vineet and cook according to his likes or dislike. She couldn’t do much like newly weds as she was living with all the other family members, but she was happy as she was always receiving love and affection specially from Vineet’s grandparents.
Meera will wake up early and pack Vineet’s tiffin and prepare her favorite ginger lemon tea without a lemon and spent some “Me time” doing Yoga in the terrace.
On weekends, Meera will go to market with Vineet for groceries. Someday, they will go for a movie or café. That was the only  private time they used to spent with each other outside home. Meera adapted her life to make others happy. She also tried to be happy by seeing other happy faces around her. And all the family members adored her for her caring nature.
Two years passed by.
One day Vineet announced at dinner, that his company has promoted him but also transferred him to a new city, Mumbai. It was happy and sad moment for everyone.
Meera and Vineet moved to a new city and slowly adjusted in their new quarter. Meera and Vineet went to visit Meera’s parents in Pune after long time. She was also preparing herself to start working again. Vineet was also encouraging her. She was working hard to face job interviews soon.
One Monday, Meera woke up and saw Vineet is not there in the room. She went to kitchen to prepare her morning tea and saw a bag full of groceries. She thought Vineet must have went to his early morning stroll and got those groceries from nearby market as she had prepared the list last night.
She decided to sort those groceries first and then make tea. As she was taking out the contents one by one, she saw a brown paper bag and 2 oval shaped yellow things. She jumped off with excitement. She could not believe what she was seeing. Her favorite pair of lemons.
Immediately she prepared her favorite tea, this time with lemon. She also enjoyed rest of her meals with those fresh and juicy lemons.
She then realized her feelings are not anymore one sided. The bond of friendship, love and care is now mutual.
She surely believed that Love can be expressed without words and here, 2 lemons did that.
The End.
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September 21st, 2020
Day 8: The Day We Spent 9 Hours Hiking To and From The Mother Of All Glaciers
After Cynthia finished her interview this morning, we quickly drove into town to grab to-go breakfast from a restaurant we had found on Yelp before driving to the trailhead for our hike to the Harding Icefield. Unfortunately, once we arrived, we realized that they were already closed up for the season. Instead, we had to drop by Safeway to grab some food. I grabbed two donuts and milk from the bakery and Cynthia went with her Starbucks ham and cheese croissant sandwich to make things quick and easy. 
We finished our breakfast while making our way out to Kenai Fjords National Park, which was a short drive away. While driving down the road to get to the park’s parking lot, I saw a park ranger car parked on the side of the road as I drove into the park. And when I saw him start moving when I passed him, I knew I was not going the right speed. Because I didn’t notice how fast I was driving and that the speed limit had dropped significantly out of nowhere, I was pulled over. Ugh, how I hate police lights turning on right behind me. So I stopped and was questioned about the situation. I was truthful about the situation with the ranger (always the right decision) and because of that, I was let go with a light warning, thank goodness. I’ll definitely be monitoring the speed limit a little closer in these towns and national parks now. 
By the time we arrived at the trailhead, it was around 11am or so. What we had in store for today was the Harding Icefield Trail hike, a well-trekked and difficult hike of 8 to 10 miles roundtrip that climbed over 3800ft in elevation within a segment of 4 miles or so. It was a pretty steep hike that led to the Harding Icefield, a large field of ice that gave rise to many glaciers in the area. Our start was a bit later than I wanted but there was still plenty of time to get to the top and back down. The weather wasn’t great at the start. It was a bit drizzly and very cloudy. But those conditions were better than it being too hot as we’d have to carry our layers instead of wearing them, which is probably way more annoying.
At first, the hike took us along a dirt path to the actual trailhead before starting upwards through the wet trees. There, in the mugginess, we ran into a ton of flies or midges that were super annoying to deal with while hiking. Because it was low season, and maybe because of the weather, the trail was very quiet. There weren’t that many cars in the parking lot when we arrived this morning, and there weren’t many people that we ran into while hiking initially as everyone was far ahead of us. It’s always nice when it’s quiet while hiking. Anyhow, we slowly hiked our way up, step by step, incline after incline. During some parts, the hike kind of reminded me of an easier version of the Day 2 ascent I had to do on the Inca Trail, where I had to ascend 1000m step by step over a few hours because there were only steps and no good stopping point to rest. Good thing this hike wasn’t even close to that in difficulty or both me and Cynthia wouldn’t have made it. 
As we climbed, the rain continued to come down steadily, to the point that we needed to keep our rain jackets on or we’d get soaked little by little. We took a lot of breaks throughout the hike, mostly because Cynthia wasn’t used to such strenuous hikes and this was probably the most difficult hike she’s ever done. So we took our time and made sure she was comfortable moving forward before continuing on. And she did fine with those breaks. 
Once we reached the Marmot Meadows, we were about 1.5 miles into the hike. At that point, our surroundings became more open with less trees and the trail became more of a steady climb upwards toward the cliffs and ridges. This segment of the hike was just beautiful because of the fabulous open views that it provided us as we hiked up. From the trail, we could see the mountains and valleys behind us, the fall colors below us, the Exit Glacier and the beginnings of the Harding Icefield right across the way, as well as the rays of sunlight beaming through the little breaks in the clouds in the distance. It was just beautiful! So beautiful that we spent a ton of time there taking photo after photo. It was so hard to resist taking out my camera every few feet to capture a new scene. 
As we slowly made our way up, the temperature around us dropped to (probably) the high 30s, low 40s as the Harding Icefield became more and more visible in front of us. Good thing that at this point, the wind hadn’t picked up too much or we’d be freezing. It was around this point that people behind us started to pass us and people in front of us started to descend past us. No worries, we weren’t in a huge race to get to the top for any reason whatsoever. The nice thing, though, about having folks descend past us is that we could ask them about the route ahead, if there were any animal sightings, how long until we got to the end of the trail, etc. One group that was descending told us that they had spotted a small black bear in the distance earlier this morning on their ascent but that it was gone by the time they started making their way down. They saw a black bear! We were excited about the possibility of spotting a bear from afar as well but ended up striking out and not seeing any bear the entire hike. Sadness 
But luckily, we did have more gorgeous views as we made our way up. By this point, the glacier seemed like a stone’s throw away.. Actually, it was probably a little further away than that. We slowly climbed and photographed and rested, and before we knew it, we had reached the next section of the hike: the area that people call “Mars” or the martian-like rocky landscape right before the end of the trail. Because we were near the top of a mountain, this area was particularly rocky with very nondescript trails leading through the black, rocky landscape. Fortunately, we had received some advice from other hikers regarding how we should be careful with the trails, how far we should hike, and how long it would take. And after what seemed like way longer than we expected, we eventually spotted the emergency shelter at the very top of a hill that marked a soft endpoint to the hike and slowly climbed our way up and down until we reached it. When we finally reached the shelter, we peered inside and found that many previous visitors to the shelter had written or engraved their names into the wooden walls of the cabin or the cabin door frame. So, we too left a memento of our visit before trekking further out toward the Harding Icefield. 
It took a little while to figure out which unmarked path would take us to the edge of the rocky area and closer to the expansive Harding Icefield but eventually, we found one of the right paths and walked down toward the glacier. We hiked to the end of the path to a viewpoint of the glacier but didn’t see anything marking it as the end of the trail. There, we enjoyed the views of the ice field and took photos and videos before finding a nice, comfortable spot on the ground to enjoy our packed lunch, which included the rest of my sourdough sandwich from the other day for me and another Starbucks ham and cheese croissant for Cynthia with some chips and clementines to enjoy as well. And man was the food yummy after a long hike up to the ice field. 
As we sat there and ate lunch, we also took a moment to enjoy the views of the ice field as the heavy clouds blew in and out, covering the glacier from time to time while also letting sunlight slip through from time to time. It wasn’t long (probably 30 minutes or so) before the wind picked up and Cynthia became very cold. So we ate our food quickly and started our descent. 
Despite the hike being an in-and-out trail, the views that we enjoyed on the way down seemed drastically different from the views that we enjoyed on the way up. That’s probably because we were primarily facing different directions on the way up and on the way down, thus giving us different scenes to view each way. Having such a beautiful panoramic view to enjoy on the way down made the descent much more enjoyable (besides the fact that we were now effortlessly descending and not ascending). It also made for a lot of photo stops of course, which made the descent take much longer than we thought it’d take. With those photo stops essentially being the only stops we had, we slowly made our way down the mountainside. By this time in the afternoon, the clouds were starting to thin out and clear up, allowing us to watch as the sun started to set in the sky. And as the clouds cleared up, so did the rain, leaving a gorgeous scene that photos likely won’t do justice for.
After all that stopping, we finally started to pick up the pace as we made it back to treeline level and eventually made it all the way down. After timing the hike (which totaled about 9h15m), it took us roughly 5 hours to make it to the top and about 3.5 hours to make our way down from the top with all of the stops both ways. What an amazing hike with amazing views, amazing scenery, an amazing endpoint, and really nice fellow hikers that we interacted with! And great, dramatic weather! We definitely lucked out today!
As we drove out of the park, we made a stop at the Kenai Fjord National Park entrance sign for a quick photo before driving back home to our cabin as the darkness set in. The rest of the night was very restful, which was much needed after the long day out. Instead of driving out and finding a restaurant for dinner, we just ate the rest of our leftovers from yesterday which were surprisingly good one day later despite it all being fried foods that got somewhat mushy in the fridge. After dinner, we each enjoyed a nice cup of hot chocolate in our cabin (originally we were planning to sit on the deck outside but because it was so damp and buggy outside, we decided to drink our hot chocolate inside instead) while finishing what we had left of The Avengers: Infinity War. Once that was over, it was time to clean up and get ready for bed. Whew, what a day! 
5 Things I Learned/Observed Today:
1. For entry into a lot of national parks, you usually have to pay a fee. Luckily, with Kenai Fjords National Park, you don’t. It’s always great to save money. 
2. Harding Icefield is very large and its surrounding areas are very cold. And the icefield is more than 700 square miles in area! That’s just ridiculous! 
3. Despite what Alaskans say, bears and moose are not very easy to spot on a two week trip to Alaska. You have to be in the right spot at the right time or super lucky. 
4. In Seward and the surrounding areas, beware of speed traps and police and park rangers just chilling in their cars on the side of the road waiting for speedsters like you and me. Sometimes the speed limits change very quickly and all of a sudden and you don’t notice until it’s too late. Always be wary of the speed limit because they can definitely catch you speeding because that’s probably what you normally do on country rounds in rural areas.
5. Grizzly bears have large shoulder humps and are much more dangerous than black bears. Those are two characteristics that separate the two. Also, based on the signs about bear precautions, if a black bear attacks you, fight back. If a brown bear (i.e. grizzly bear) attacks you, the first thing you should do is play dead and not fight back. That alone tells you a lot about the difference between black and brown bears.
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saucylittlesmile · 6 years
Carried over from the original creator and curator, @balletfever89.  Links to her original Post-Sochi timeline and her Post-Comeback timeline, as well as the original version of this timeline, Post-PyeongChang.  Some of the dates may be slightly off, as I'm looking backwards at blogs instead of keeping up as things happen.
=== Feb 9 - 25 WINTER OLYMPICS PYEONGCHANG, South Korea ===
Feb 26 – Tessa and Scott arrive at London
+Scott has family party in Ilderton (Tessa reported sick)
Feb 27 – Scott at bar with friends
March 1 – Tessa attends St Judes Catholic School and talks with kids (London)
+ Scott spotted in Ilderton
+ Nivea officially announces Tessa as ambassador
March 2 – Tessa with Midori + husband got flowers as a gift from her and Liz (London)
March 3 – Scott spotted at Turtle and Crown bar (AilsaCraig, near Ilderton)
March 4 – Tessa spotted (Bayfield)
March 5 – Tessa posts about packing (London) + Scott spotted at Startbucks getting Tessa’s favorite coffee
March 6 – Scott announces partnership with ActionTrailersOntario
+ out for dinner with guy friends / Skating in Komoka rink
+ Tessa media day for Nivea (Toronto)
March 7 – Tessa Breaking the Ice Event for Nivea (Toronto)
March 8 – Tessa does interview for Canadian Living Magazine and business dinner / Scott arrives in Toronto by train + spotted in bar at night
March 9 – Tessa and Scott huge MEDIA DAY in Toronto
March 10 – Tessa and Scott at Leafs Game (get personalized jerseys) + Scott at sports bar and Tessa at bar with The Arkells (bars across from each other)
March 12 – Training with Sam new Michael Jackson number + Tessa has a spa night (Montreal)
March 13 – Training with Sam
March 14 – Training with Sam
March 15 – Training with Sam / ToutLeMondeParle filming / drinks with Mathieu Caron and Sandrine Balthazard at Le Parloir -caves privees
+ Tessa breaking the Ice with Nivea party at rink early in the day
March 16 – Tessa and Scott dinner with Scott and Jamie Livingston and rest of the team at Foxy restaurant in Montreal
March 17 – Scott spotted at bar in London on St Patty’s day
March 18 – Scott spotted with family member (Cara) at the Toronto airport in the morning / Tessa and Kelly do sightseeing in (Venice, California)
March 19 – Tessa and Scott film Ellen Show episode in (Burbank, California)
March 20 – Ellen episode airs and both are spotted at the airport in LA en route to Toronto
March 21 – Scott and Tessa back in London / Scott does spring shoot for Saffron Road
March 22 – Tessa takes over KitCA Instagram account + Scott cameo while training for CSOI (Ilderton Arena)
March 23 – Morning radio interview BX93 + The Taz Show  / Breakfast at The Bag Lady / Training for SOI / Scott trains for hockey game in the afternoon + Tessa gets Molson Canadian beer fridge
(+ Tessa mentions Scott playing the other night hockey wit the Poplar Hill Flyers and scoring a goal)
March 24 – Scott plays in Fire & Ice charity hockey game (Lucan) + tells fans he has to get back to Tessa in the evening
March 25 – Tessa posts from London (TS clips for Gord come out from her living room)
March 26 – Leave for Japan from London airport
************Stars on Ice Japan Tour (March 31 April 8)
Osaka March 31 - April 1
April 1 – Boat night ride in Osaka (Eric, Patrick, Javi and Kaetlyn)
April 2 – Cafe Arabiq afternoon / Tessa does Yoga with Meagan in Osaka
April 3 – Travel day to Yokohama / Bowling Night (Scott, Meagan, Javi, Evgenia, Plushenko)
April 5 – Training in Yokohama
Yokohama April 6-7-8
April 8 – Last show day + karaoke with cast and bowling at night
April 9 - travelling back to Canada
April 11 – Tessa morning Yoga + dinner at Le Vin Papillon (Montreal)
April 12 – Tessa morning photo shoot for Bon Look (Montreal)
April 13 – Tessa spotted in Toronto
April 14 – Tessa and Scott early afternoon speak at Ontario Sports Symposium (Toronto) + sighting dinner together at Fairmount Hotel
April 15 – Tessa and Scott in Hamilton for sit down with Steve Milton for their book (+ possibly attend Patrick's retirement party)
April 16 – Tessa Takeover:YourMorning, TheMarilynDenisShow, TheSocialCTV & EtalkCTV (Toronto)
April 17 – Tessa morning photo shoot with Strong Magazine (Toronto) + Scott morning sighting at Starbucks in London and event with kids at Komoka rink
April 18 – Scott morning visit to Rick Hansen public school (London) + Tessa work out at RevCon (London)
April 19 –  Scott travels to Calgary + Scott visits his niece’s school Prince of Peace (Calgary) + Scott at Calalta Ice Show
April 20 – Tessa and Scott Classroom Champions luncheon panel (Calgary)
April 21 – Scott at MoirsSkateShop + restaurant picking up food / Tessa at home watching the Leafs game (London)
April 22 – Tessa and Scott spotted at Toronto airport and dinner with SOI cast at night (Halifax)
April 23 – Scott and the guys go out to AleHouse (Halifax)
April 24 – Tessa, Scott and Jeffrey dinner at The Bicycle Thief (Halifax)
April 25 – Scott and Patrick at AleHouse (Halifax)
************Stars on Ice Tour (April 27 - May 17)
April 27 HALIFAX
April 28 – Cast hanging out in Ottawa + Greg Kolz bday dinner
April 29 OTTAWA
April 30 – TS spotted at dinner (anon report from Montreal)
May 1 – TS training at Gadbois in the morning + Tessa business lunch at Ritz Carlton 
May 3 – Tessa and Scott at Raptors game + meet Drake
May 4 TORONTO (TS spotted at hotel + Scott morning coaching with a team at Toronto Cricket Club) Scott podcast with Scott Livingston released
May 5 HAMILTON + Tessa podcast with Scott Livingston released
May 6 LONDON + TS leave venue together in a white car + Scott spotted at Molly’s Pub and an Italian restaurant with family 
May 7 –  Scott at Oxbow public school in the morning + Tessa photoshoot for Saffron Road in the morning and co-hosting an event with Saffron Road in the evening (London)
May 8 – Tessa morning shoot for House and Home Magazine + announces endorsement for HelloFresh Canada. Tessa flew to Winnipeg in the evening + Scott spotted at restaurant in Winnipeg evening with SOI cast
May 9 WINNIPEG (TS and Patrick lunch at Stella’s Plug)
+ Scott attends a birthday party for Greg Kolz (photographer) (unknown if others are in attendance)
May 10 – TS spotted around Winnipeg with the cast morning + TS/Weapo spotted in downtown + Cast flew in the evening + TS spotted at the Rook and Raven Tavern in Saskatoon
May 11 SASKATOON  (Boys breakfast together)
May 13 EDMONTON – Scott out with the boys at Sherlock’s Pub
May 14 – TS + Cast fly to Victoria and Scott at Irish Times Pub in the early evening
May 15 VICTORIA – TS spotted together (fan reports) she did not share pics out of respect for privacy
May 16 – Cast travels to Vancouver on ferry + TS dinner with Dominick Gauthier and Jenn Heil near Gastown
May 17 VANCOUVER + TESSA’s BIRTHDAY!! + Scott gives training advice in the morning at Burnaby 8 Rinks with theintelsc + Tessa and Scott take pics with a cake for Tessa from the bakery 
May 18 – travel to South Korea
May 19 – practice for All That Skate
************ALL THAT SKATE Tour (May 20 - May 22) Mokdong, South Korea
May 23 – traveled at 4 am to Japan – practice later
************Fantasy on Ice Tour (May 25 - July 1st)
May 28 – Tessa posts about work out at Park Hyatt Tokyo
May 29 – Tessa does photo shoot for Vogue Japan in Tokyo (Scott met with her after shoot was done and looked over the pics)
May 30 – Scott (maybe Tessa) spotted travelling with the cast by train (Scott had her luggage)
May 31 – Tessa Scott Jeff and Javi out for Sushi in Kanazawa
(Vogue editor Nayumi Nakamura posts insta story having a meal with Tessa and Scott…date could be from May 29)
JUNE 3 KANAZAWA + travel to Belgium from Tokyo
June 4 – Tessa posts about eating ice cream + sightseeing with Scott in Antwerp
June 5 – Tessa and Scott out and about in Antwerp: visiting museums, sightseeing, shoe shopping, eating waffles,Tutu shop etc. + RELEASE of Tessa’s new H&B line + Thank You Canada Tour announcement 
June 6 – Tessa and Scott out to dinner with trip guests
*************Gold Medal Plates Trip  June 7 - 14, 2018****************
June 7 – Tessa napped before the speech (Scott texted back to Jen Reid) both gave welcoming guests + group dinner 
June 8 – Scott bike tour around Antwerp + TS announce being advocates for #abusefreesport
June 9 –  Morning visit to the market in Antwerp + Visit to the Passchendaele Memorial (dinner and concert)
June 10 – Tessa bike tour around Antwerp + Boat trip with music performances + dinner with GMP guests at Elfde Gebod
June 11 – Morning in Belgium Chimay Abbey tour (TS in forest pic) + bus trip to Reims, France + Tessa sightseeing churches
June 12 – Morning tour to G. Tribaut Champagne, France + dinner with guests
June 13 – Traveled to Japan from Paris – straight into practice in Kobe
June 14 – Practice day in Kobe 
JUNE 17 KOBE ***<3 (fan reports they were out strolling holding hands at night near their hotel)
June 18 – Lunch with cast at Kobe Chinatown + sightseeing
June 19 – travel day to Niigata
June 20 – Tessa and Scott with Javi go out golfing in Niigata
June 21 – practice day
JUNE 22 NIIGATA + Tessa posts about eating together (pic of her with Scott and Javi but could be from the 20th)
JUNE 23 NIIGATA + Tessa out to dinner with Johnny, Miki, Anna and others.
June 25 – Tessa and Kat out for coffee + Tessa Scott Kat and Jeff dinner out in Tokyo
June 26 – Tessa and Kat out shopping in Harajuku + Scott and Jeff shopping nearby + meeting with Vogue Editor at Two Rooms Grill Bar +  dinner with Kat and Jeff at Benkei Umi in the district of Ginza in Tokyo
June 27 – Tessa and Kat Bitove explore Happo-En park
June 28 – Tessa posts about Four Seasons hotel (along with Kat Bitove) 
July 3 – Tessa Scott Miki and Alojna go watch a baseball game at Tokyo Dome
July 4 – Tessa posts about playing golf in Susono-Shi Shizuoka 
July 5 - Filming for Japanese TV + Practice for Dreams on Ice in Yokohama + Thank You Ilderton Party Announcement
************Dreams On Ice Tour (July 6-8) Yokohama, Japan
July 9 – Tessa and Scott back to Canada
July 10 - Tessa and Scott Thank You Canada Tour media day (Toronto)
July 11 – Tessa and Scott Acura West gala to introduce new model and support the Trauma Unit + Etalk appearance
July 12 - Tessa spotted Eddingtons of Exeter restaurant + Scott coaching in Ilderton
July 13-15 - Tessa at the DAMM family reunion (probably with Kate and Jordan)
+ Scott spotted at The Singing Chef of London
+ Scott gets a dramatic haircut
July 14 - Scott at farmers' market to give away tickets to locals for the Thank You Ilderton party
July 15 - Scott attends charity golf game (London)
July 16- 17 - Tessa at the cottage
July 17 - Scott spotted at restaurant (Toronto)
July 18 - Tessa and Scott film an episode of Mr. D (Halifax)
July 19 – Scott stops by skating rink to chat with skaters +  attends dinner and meet and greet Team Jacobs Golf Tournament (Sault St Marie)
+ Tessa goes to Playa Del Carmen with Kat Bitove, Allie Grand, and Jessica Mulroney in a wedding related photoshoot (through July 22/23) (Mexico)
July 20 – Scott attends Team Jacobs Charity Golf Tournament (Sault St Marie)
July 21 -- Scott spotted at Moir's Skate Shop
July 23 -- Tessa and Scott announced as inductees to Canada''s Walk of Fame (to be awarded December 1)
July 24 -- Scott spotted at Ilderton Arena to give away tickets to locals for the Thank You Ilderton party
July 25 -- Tessa photoshoot (Toronto)
July 26  -- Tessa photoshoot for Adidas (Toronto)
July 27 -- Scott on radio via phone - The Taz show to promote Thank You Ilderton
July 29 -- Tessa at the cottage - her niece asked her to write, among other things, Tessa, Scott, nail polish and cupcake in the sand
July 31 -- Scott on radio via phone -  The Dave and Rachel show to promote Thank You Ilderton + Tessa spotted in bookstore
August 1 -- Tessa posts a picture at a takeout restaurant and a bookstore
August 2 -- Scott roams Ilderton with his niece to award the winner of decorating for Thank You Ilderton and is photographed at the arena with a black eye (which he got playing softball)
August 3 -- Tessa posts a picture from the cottage
August 4 – Scott and Tessa // Thank You Ilderton Party & Parade
August 6 -- Tessa at the cottage + Hello Fresh fulfillment post
August 9 -- Scott at Quebec Summer Skate (through August 12) (Montreal)
August 11 -- Tessa vacations in France with Kate and Jordan (through August 26)
August 12 -- Scott is announced to be helping Polish ice dance team Plutowska/Flemin 
August 13 -- Scott at Gadbois, helping coach numerous teams (through August 17)
August 17 -- Scott spotted out in Montreal
August 21 -- Anastasia Buscis' Player's Own Voice with Scott's interview is released (recorded weekend of July 20)
August 27 -- Tessa home in London, grocery shopping
August 28 -- Tessa and Scott go to Utah for Visa sponsorship commitment (through Aug 30)
September 2 – Scott’s BDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
September 5 -- picture posted of Scott in Florida (exact trip dates: unknown) + Tessa spotted for lunch with friends at The Bag Lady (London)
September 6 -- Scott Hamilton and Friends charity skate announced for November
September 8 -- Scott attends a wedding in Ilderton
September 11 -- Scott spotted in London
September 12 -- Tessa and Scott deliver a speech at Ivey Business School in London
September 13 - Tessa and Scott do a joint Hello Fresh promotion + do promotion for their new book
+ picture of Scott posted from Fitness Depot, presumably from when he was purchasing gym equipment for TTYCT (London)
September 14 -- Scott participates in the 'toba Cup, a charity golf tournament (near London)
September 17 -- Tessa and Scott in Montreal for TTYCT preparation
September 18 -- Tessa and Scott attend Soiree des Olympians (Montreal)
September 19 - Tessa appears on Marina Orsini promoting Nivea + Tessa, Scott and Sam outdoor filming for TTYCT
September 20 -- Tessa and Scott win Canadian Sports Awards for Performance of the Year and Partners of the Year (recorded speech)
September 21 -- Tessa and Scott announced as guest athletes on two future Great Kitchen Party auction trips to Mallorca and Newfoundland  + Tessa attends dinner with BonLook
September 22 -- group rehearsals start for TTYCT
September 27 - media day for TTYCT + Tessa does a photoshoot for Adidas + Scott out to dinner with Andrew, Sam, and Marie-France
OCT 2 – BOOK RELEASE (official; copies were available mid-September)
+ Tessa out for very early yoga class with Kaetlyn and Meagan
*****************Thank You Canada Tour (co-produced by T&S)
+ Tessa has a commercial for The Brick air
Oct 8 - Tessa spotted at West Edmonton Mall with a friend going to the movies + Scott spotted at West Edmonton Mall shopping
October 11 -- Scott spotted at West Edmonton Mall shopping and observing Weaver/Poje practice
+ Tessa attends spinning class
October 12 -- Scott spotted at lunch at Joey Bell Tower (Edmonton)
October 15 -- Tessa and Scott interviewed on Mandy and Tyler radio show
October 16 -- Tessa and Scott appear on CTV morning show via video to promote TTYCT in Regina + Tessa and Scott appear in Calgary to talk about the Olympics 2026 bid + Tessa does some 'incognito' promotion for their book at Chapters in Chinook
October 17 -- Tessa and Scott do a meet and greet for Canadian Tire (Calgary) + Scott spotted at restaurant
+ Tessa and Scott do early day press rounds to promote TTYCT
+ Scott spotted outside arena with Andrew learning moves from Elvis
October 23 -- cast stop in Minneapolis; Tessa posts photo of herself at a crosswalk
+ Scott and Elvis spotted at Sault Ste. Marie shopping mall
+ Tessa and Andrew posed for a pic outside the arena
OCT 28 MISSISSAGUA, ON (2 shows)
October 29 -- Tessa and Scott attend GKP dinner in Toronto
+ Tessa and Scott do an early meet and greet for Canadian Tire
November 5 -- Tessa and Scott do a CTV takeover, co-hosting and guesting on CTV Your Morning, The Social, Etalk!, and Marilyn Dennis (Toronto)
November 6 - Tessa attends a Habitat for Humanity event + Scott attends a Maple Leafs game as part of Air Canada promotion  (Toronto)
November 7 -- Tessa and Scott attend an Air Canada partnership event at Casa Loma (including Tessa's eyebrow raising photo impersonating Victoria Beckham) (Toronto)
+ Tessa and Scott attend a meal with family members of The Tragically Hip
+ cast of TTYCT films interview for CBC about the tour, and their future plans (aired November 12)
+ Tessa and Scott win People's Choice Award for Most Hypeworthy Canadians (via pre-taped video)
+ Scott spotted at Britt's Pub and Eatery (Saint John)
NOV 15 SUMMERSIDE, PEI - tour stop cancelled due to weather
November 16 - Tessa does an Adidas promotional event (Toronto)
November 17 - Tessa and Scott arrive in Nashville for Scott Hamilton and Friends rehearsals
****November 18 -- Scott Hamilton and Friends Ice Show, and After Show Celebration, benefitting cancer research
November 19 -- Tessa and Scott teach at Scott Hamilton's Champs Camp
November 22 -- spotted at the airport on their way to Newfoundland (Toronto)
November 23 -- TTYCT cast out for dinner and drinks (Saint John's)
NOV 24 SAINT JOHN’S, NL (2 shows)
November 25 - Tessa and Scott spotted in Toronto (conflicting reports if it was at the airport or otherwise)
November 26 - Scott at the Ilderton Arena with young skaters
November 29 - premiere of Mr. D episode in which Tessa and Scott guest-starred (CBC)
November 29 - book signing (Toronto)
+ Tessa and Scott announce plans for another of their own tours in the fall of 2019 (no other Canadian tours for them that year)
+ Tessa and Scott attended Special Olympics Canada Awards 2018 (Toronto) (with Jackie, Scott's original ice dance partner also there)
November 30 - Tessa and Scott attend the Special Olympics Canada Limitless Gala + attend Canada's Walk of Fame event
December 1 -- Tessa and Scott inducted into Canada's Walk of Fame (Toronto) 
December 2 -- television premiere of The Thank You Canada Tour (CTV)  postponed
+ Scott with Steve Mignardi (CSOI and TTYCT driver) celebrating's Steve's granddaughter's birthday + spotted at Bulldog Pub (Oshawa)
December 4 -- Tessa and Scott keynote speakers for Hope in the City luncheon (Victoria)
December 5 – Tessa and Scott keynote speakers Hope in the City breakfast (Vancouver)
December 6 -- book signing/conversation (Vancouver, 2 locations) + taped an interview with CBC q
December 7 -- Tessa and Scott attend a Visa holiday party (Toronto)
+ Tessa's commercial with Becel and Habitat for Humanity airs
December 9 -- Canada's Walk of Fame airs (CTV)
December 10 -- Tessa has a 'top secret' shoot + returns to Montreal for Nivea production
December 11-13 -- Tessa Nivea commercial shoot
December 13 -- CBC q interview airs
December 14 -- CSOI 2018 airs on Radio-Canada
+ Scott in Dominican Republic with Jackie (and through at least December 15)
December 15 - Tessa attends a Nivea event at Elora Apothecary Pharmasave (Elora, Ontario)
December 16 -- Tessa posts a picture from Elora Mill
December 18 -- social media photo of Tessa posted at her mom's house
December 19 -- podcast with Scott on Inside Sports with Reid Wilkins and guest host Kaetlyn Osmond (at time of recording he was in Tampa, Florida)
+ Tessa's photoshoot for Wedding Vacation Magazine comes out
December 20 -- CSOI 2018 airs on CBC
+ Tessa and Scott named as CBC Athletes of the Year
December 21 -- Tessa spotted at Chapters bookstore
December 22 --  Tessa posts a brand thank you from her London home and an outdoor photo of herself
December 24 -- Scott attends annual Christmas Eve workout at Revolution Conditioning (London) (Tessa 'likes' the group photo posted) + Scott spotted at Masonville mall + Tessa posts about her partnership with Habitat for Humanity/Becel
December 25 -- Tessa posts one of her Christmas trees and a childhood photo
December 26 -- Tessa posts about relaxing at home (London)
December 28 -- Tessa and Scott named Canadian Press Team of the Year
December 30 -- Scott spotted on London to Toronto flight (assumption he flew out of Toronto to Florida for New Year's Eve)
January 3 -- Tessa posts from home (London)
January 4 -- Tessa posts from the cottage (Bayfield) (through at least January 5)
+ Tessa has dinner with a friend from her Saffron Rd. photoshoot
January 7 -- Tessa spotted travelling by plane
+ Scott spotted in Florida (known via very controversial pictures) (PSA: don't be a stalker)
January 8-13 -- Tessa in New York with Kelly playing tourist and doing a photoshoot
January 11 -- Tessa spotted at a spin class (New York)
+ Scott spotted at a restaurant (London)
January 14 -- Tessa and Scott do a photoshoot (Toronto)
January 16 -- Tessa posts about Moir's Skate Shop helping her get new skates
+ Tessa attends a CanSkate class to watch her niece (Komolka)
January 18 -- Tessa does a photoshoot (London) + posts about watching Canadian Nationals (also on January 19)
+ Scott with Patrick, Liam Firus, and Manuel Osborne-Paradis (Whistler, BC)
January 19 -- Scott appears in IG stories snowboarding with Jackie and friends (Whistler)
January 22 -- Tessa posts a photo of herself at a barre class (Detroit)
January 24 -- Tessa does appearances with Sophie Gregoire-Trudeau for Fillactive/Fitspirit as the 2019 ambassador (Toronto)
January 26 -- Tessa posts about a project being filmed with a childhood friend, Katie
January 28 -- Tessa's podcast for Her Mark airs (taped November 9, 2018) + Tessa posts photos from home for Nivea
January 31 -- Tessa does a radio interview (TSN) and a TV appearance (CP24) for Adidas She Breaks Barriers  (Toronto)
February 1 -- Tessa attends Motionball Gala (for Special Olympics) (Toronto)
February 2 -- Tessa posts herself on a train (presumably going back to London)
February 5 -- Tessa attends a SpinCo class + Tessa at Westside studio + Tessa attends Toronto Fashion Week David Dixon show in support of osteoporosis (Toronto)
February 6 --- Tessa at Easter Seals Rogers Conn Smythe Sports Celebrities Dinner & Auction and gives a speech (Toronto)
February 7 & 8 -- Tessa films for her partnership with The Brick (Toronto)
February 10 -- television premiere of The Thank You Canada Tour (new date) + photo released from January photoshoot promoting TTYCT2
February 11 -- Tessa announces partnership with Air Miles Canada and does numerous interviews (television and radio) highlighting Valentine's Day + pre-tapes interview for the 1 year anniversary of their PyeongChang gold medal (Toronto)
February 13 -- Tessa donated two costumes for charity auction benefitting London Abused Women's Centre + eTalk airs new segments on Tessa's July Mexico trip with Jessica Mulroney
February 17 -- Tessa at fellow ice dancer Lewis Gibson's 9am spin class (Montreal)
February 18 -- Tessa in studio (voiceovers?) for Nivea (Montreal)
February 19 -- Tessa posts a boomerang with Scott recreating their Sympathy for the Devil opening choreography + Scott does an interview with Leafs Nation Network (coming soon) + Tessa and Scott attend a lunch with supporters of Air Canada Foundation (Toronto)
February 20 -- one year anniversary of PyeongChang Olympic gold medal celebrations from Tessa, fans, and media + profile piece on Tessa regarding post-Olympic struggles released by The Walrus + Scott breaks social media hiatus to post an Olympics anniversary thank you to their team + Scott spotted at Moir's Skate Shop (London)
To Be Continued in the Post-One-Year Anniversary timeline
351 notes · View notes
virtuemoirdailynews · 5 years
Post-PyeongChang Timeline #03
Carried over from the original creator and curator, @balletfever89.  Links to her original Post-Sochi timeline and her Post-Comeback timeline, as well as the original version of this timeline, Post-PyeongChang.  Some of the dates may be slightly off, as I’m looking backwards at blogs instead of keeping up as things happen.
=== Feb 9 - 25 WINTER OLYMPICS PYEONGCHANG, South Korea ===
Feb 26 – Tessa and Scott arrive at London
+Scott has family party in Ilderton (Tessa reported sick)
Feb 27 – Scott at bar with friends
March 1 – Tessa attends St Judes Catholic School and talks with kids (London)
+ Scott spotted in Ilderton
+ Nivea officially announces Tessa as ambassador
March 2 – Tessa with Midori + husband got flowers as a gift from her and Liz (London)
March 3 – Scott spotted at Turtle and Crown bar (AilsaCraig, near Ilderton)
March 4 – Tessa spotted (Bayfield)
March 5 – Tessa posts about packing (London) + Scott spotted at Startbucks getting Tessa’s favorite coffee
March 6 – Scott announces partnership with ActionTrailersOntario
+ out for dinner with guy friends / Skating in Komoka rink
+ Tessa media day for Nivea (Toronto)
March 7 – Tessa Breaking the Ice Event for Nivea (Toronto)
March 8 – Tessa does interview for Canadian Living Magazine and business dinner / Scott arrives in Toronto by train + spotted in bar at night
March 9 – Tessa and Scott huge MEDIA DAY in Toronto
March 10 – Tessa and Scott at Leafs Game (get personalized jerseys) + Scott at sports bar and Tessa at bar with The Arkells (bars across from each other)
March 12 – Training with Sam new Michael Jackson number + Tessa has a spa night (Montreal)
March 13 – Training with Sam
March 14 – Training with Sam
March 15 – Training with Sam / ToutLeMondeParle filming / drinks with Mathieu Caron and Sandrine Balthazard at Le Parloir -caves privees
+ Tessa breaking the Ice with Nivea party at rink early in the day
March 16 – Tessa and Scott dinner with Scott and Jamie Livingston and rest of the team at Foxy restaurant in Montreal
March 17 – Scott spotted at bar in London on St Patty’s day
March 18 – Scott spotted with family member (Cara) at the Toronto airport in the morning / Tessa and Kelly do sightseeing in (Venice, California)
March 19 – Tessa and Scott film Ellen Show episode in (Burbank, California)
March 20 – Ellen episode airs and both are spotted at the airport in LA en route to Toronto
March 21 – Scott and Tessa back in London / Scott does spring shoot for Saffron Road
March 22 – Tessa takes over KitCA Instagram account + Scott cameo while training for CSOI (Ilderton Arena)
March 23 – Morning radio interview BX93 + The Taz Show  / Breakfast at The Bag Lady / Training for SOI / Scott trains for hockey game in the afternoon + Tessa gets Molson Canadian beer fridge
(+ Tessa mentions Scott playing the other night hockey wit the Poplar Hill Flyers and scoring a goal)
March 24 – Scott plays in Fire & Ice charity hockey game (Lucan) + tells fans he has to get back to Tessa in the evening
March 25 – Tessa posts from London (TS clips for Gord come out from her living room)
March 26 – Leave for Japan from London airport
************Stars on Ice Japan Tour (March 31 April 8)
Osaka March 31 - April 1
April 1 – Boat night ride in Osaka (Eric, Patrick, Javi and Kaetlyn)
April 2 – Cafe Arabiq afternoon / Tessa does Yoga with Meagan in Osaka
April 3 – Travel day to Yokohama / Bowling Night (Scott, Meagan, Javi, Evgenia, Plushenko)
April 5 – Training in Yokohama
Yokohama April 6-7-8
April 8 – Last show day + karaoke with cast and bowling at night
April 9 - travelling back to Canada
April 11 – Tessa morning Yoga + dinner at Le Vin Papillon (Montreal)
April 12 – Tessa morning photo shoot for Bon Look (Montreal)
April 13 – Tessa spotted in Toronto
April 14 – Tessa and Scott early afternoon speak at Ontario Sports Symposium (Toronto) + sighting dinner together at Fairmount Hotel
April 15 – Tessa and Scott in Hamilton for sit down with Steve Milton for their book (+ possibly attend Patrick’s retirement party)
April 16 – Tessa Takeover:YourMorning, TheMarilynDenisShow, TheSocialCTV & EtalkCTV (Toronto)
April 17 – Tessa morning photo shoot with Strong Magazine (Toronto) + Scott morning sighting at Starbucks in London and event with kids at Komoka rink
April 18 – Scott morning visit to Rick Hansen public school (London) + Tessa work out at RevCon (London)
April 19 –  Scott travels to Calgary + Scott visits his niece’s school Prince of Peace (Calgary) + Scott at Calalta Ice Show
April 20 – Tessa and Scott Classroom Champions luncheon panel (Calgary)
April 21 – Scott at MoirsSkateShop + restaurant picking up food / Tessa at home watching the Leafs game (London)
April 22 – Tessa and Scott spotted at Toronto airport and dinner with SOI cast at night (Halifax)
April 23 – Scott and the guys go out to AleHouse (Halifax)
April 24 – Tessa, Scott and Jeffrey dinner at The Bicycle Thief (Halifax)
April 25 – Scott and Patrick at AleHouse (Halifax)
************Stars on Ice Tour (April 27 - May 17)
April 27 HALIFAX
April 28 – Cast hanging out in Ottawa + Greg Kolz bday dinner
April 29 OTTAWA
April 30 – TS spotted at dinner (anon report from Montreal)
May 1 – TS training at Gadbois in the morning + Tessa business lunch at Ritz Carlton
May 3 – Tessa and Scott at Raptors game + meet Drake
May 4 TORONTO (TS spotted at hotel + Scott morning coaching with a team at Toronto Cricket Club) Scott podcast with Scott Livingston released
May 5 HAMILTON + Tessa podcast with Scott Livingston released
May 6 LONDON + TS leave venue together in a white car + Scott spotted at Molly’s Pub and an Italian restaurant with family
May 7 –  Scott at Oxbow public school in the morning + Tessa photoshoot for Saffron Road in the morning and co-hosting an event with Saffron Road in the evening (London)
May 8 – Tessa morning shoot for House and Home Magazine + announces endorsement for HelloFresh Canada. Tessa flew to Winnipeg in the evening + Scott spotted at restaurant in Winnipeg evening with SOI cast
May 9 WINNIPEG (TS and Patrick lunch at Stella’s Plug)
+ Scott attends a birthday party for Greg Kolz (photographer) (unknown if others are in attendance)
May 10 – TS spotted around Winnipeg with the cast morning + TS/Weapo spotted in downtown + Cast flew in the evening + TS spotted at the Rook and Raven Tavern in Saskatoon
May 11 SASKATOON (Boys breakfast together)
May 13 EDMONTON – Scott out with the boys at Sherlock’s Pub
May 14 – TS + Cast fly to Victoria and Scott at Irish Times Pub in the early evening
May 15 VICTORIA – TS spotted together (fan reports) she did not share pics out of respect for privacy
May 16 – Cast travels to Vancouver on ferry + TS dinner with Dominick Gauthier and Jenn Heil near Gastown
May 17 VANCOUVER + TESSA’s BIRTHDAY!! + Scott gives training advice in the morning at Burnaby 8 Rinks with theintelsc + Tessa and Scott take pics with a cake for Tessa from the bakery
May 18 – travel to South Korea
May 19 – practice for All That Skate
************ALL THAT SKATE Tour (May 20 - May 22) Mokdong, South Korea
May 23 – traveled at 4 am to Japan – practice later
************Fantasy on Ice Tour (May 25 - July 1st)
May 28 – Tessa posts about work out at Park Hyatt Tokyo
May 29 – Tessa does photo shoot for Vogue Japan in Tokyo (Scott met with her after shoot was done and looked over the pics)
May 30 – Scott (maybe Tessa) spotted travelling with the cast by train (Scott had her luggage)
May 31 – Tessa Scott Jeff and Javi out for Sushi in Kanazawa
(Vogue editor Nayumi Nakamura posts insta story having a meal with Tessa and Scott…date could be from May 29)
JUNE 3 KANAZAWA + travel to Belgium from Tokyo
June 4 – Tessa posts about eating ice cream + sightseeing with Scott in Antwerp
June 5 – Tessa and Scott out and about in Antwerp: visiting museums, sightseeing, shoe shopping, eating waffles,Tutu shop etc. + RELEASE of Tessa’s new H&B line + Thank You Canada Tour announcement
June 6 – Tessa and Scott out to dinner with trip guests
*************Gold Medal Plates Trip  June 7 - 14, 2018****************
June 7 – Tessa napped before the speech (Scott texted back to Jen Reid) both gave welcoming guests + group dinner
June 8 – Scott bike tour around Antwerp + TS announce being advocates for #abusefreesport
June 9 –  Morning visit to the market in Antwerp + Visit to the Passchendaele Memorial (dinner and concert)
June 10 – Tessa bike tour around Antwerp + Boat trip with music performances + dinner with GMP guests at Elfde Gebod
June 11 – Morning in Belgium Chimay Abbey tour (TS in forest pic) + bus trip to Reims, France + Tessa sightseeing churches
June 12 – Morning tour to G. Tribaut Champagne, France + dinner with guests
June 13 – Traveled to Japan from Paris – straight into practice in Kobe
June 14 – Practice day in Kobe
JUNE 17 KOBE ***<3 (fan reports they were out strolling holding hands at night near their hotel)
June 18 – Lunch with cast at Kobe Chinatown + sightseeing
June 19 – travel day to Niigata
June 20 – Tessa and Scott with Javi go out golfing in Niigata
June 21 – practice day
JUNE 22 NIIGATA + Tessa posts about eating together (pic of her with Scott and Javi but could be from the 20th)
JUNE 23 NIIGATA + Tessa out to dinner with Johnny, Miki, Anna and others.
June 25 – Tessa and Kat out for coffee + Tessa Scott Kat and Jeff dinner out in Tokyo
June 26 – Tessa and Kat out shopping in Harajuku + Scott and Jeff shopping nearby + meeting with Vogue Editor at Two Rooms Grill Bar +  dinner with Kat and Jeff at Benkei Umi in the district of Ginza in Tokyo
June 27 – Tessa and Kat Bitove explore Happo-En park
June 28 – Tessa posts about Four Seasons hotel (along with Kat Bitove)
July 3 – Tessa Scott Miki and Alojna go watch a baseball game at Tokyo Dome
July 4 – Tessa posts about playing golf in Susono-Shi Shizuoka
July 5 - Filming for Japanese TV + Practice for Dreams on Ice in Yokohama + Thank You Ilderton Party Announcement
************Dreams On Ice Tour (July 6-8) Yokohama, Japan
July 9 – Tessa and Scott back to Canada
July 10 - Tessa and Scott Thank You Canada Tour media day (Toronto)
July 11 – Tessa and Scott Acura West gala to introduce new model and support the Trauma Unit + Etalk appearance
July 12 - Tessa spotted Eddingtons of Exeter restaurant + Scott coaching in Ilderton
July 13-15 - Tessa at the DAMM family reunion (probably with Kate and Jordan)
+ Scott spotted at The Singing Chef of London
+ Scott gets a dramatic haircut
July 14 - Scott at farmers’ market to give away tickets to locals for the Thank You Ilderton party
July 15 - Scott attends charity golf game (London)
July 16- 17 - Tessa at the cottage
July 17 - Scott spotted at restaurant (Toronto)
July 18 - Tessa and Scott film an episode of Mr. D (Halifax)
July 19 – Scott stops by skating rink to chat with skaters +  attends dinner and meet and greet Team Jacobs Golf Tournament (Sault St Marie)
+ Tessa goes to Playa Del Carmen with Kat Bitove, Allie Grand, and Jessica Mulroney in a wedding related photoshoot (through July 22/23) (Mexico)
July 20 – Scott attends Team Jacobs Charity Golf Tournament (Sault St Marie)
July 21 – Scott spotted at Moir’s Skate Shop
July 23 – Tessa and Scott announced as inductees to Canada’’s Walk of Fame (to be awarded December 1)
July 24 – Scott spotted at Ilderton Arena to give away tickets to locals for the Thank You Ilderton party
July 25 – Tessa photoshoot (Toronto)
July 26  – Tessa photoshoot for Adidas (Toronto)
July 27 – Scott on radio via phone - The Taz show to promote Thank You Ilderton
July 29 – Tessa at the cottage - her niece asked her to write, among other things, Tessa, Scott, nail polish and cupcake in the sand
July 31 – Scott on radio via phone -  The Dave and Rachel show to promote Thank You Ilderton + Tessa spotted in bookstore
August 1 – Tessa posts a picture at a takeout restaurant and a bookstore
August 2 – Scott roams Ilderton with his niece to award the winner of decorating for Thank You Ilderton and is photographed at the arena with a black eye (which he got playing softball)
August 3 – Tessa posts a picture from the cottage
August 4 – Scott and Tessa // Thank You Ilderton Party & Parade
August 6 – Tessa at the cottage + Hello Fresh fulfillment post
August 9 – Scott at Quebec Summer Skate (through August 12) (Montreal)
August 11 – Tessa vacations in France with Kate and Jordan (through August 26)
August 12 – Scott is announced to be helping Polish ice dance team Plutowska/Flemin
August 13 – Scott at Gadbois, helping coach numerous teams (through August 17)
August 17 – Scott spotted out in Montreal
August 21 – Anastasia Buscis’ Player’s Own Voice with Scott’s interview is released (recorded weekend of July 20)
August 25  – Scott on a triple date with Jackie M, Cara, and friends at a beer festival (London)
August 27 – Tessa home in London, grocery shopping
August 28 – Tessa and Scott go to Utah for Visa sponsorship commitment (through Aug 30)
September 2 – Scott’s BDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
September 5 – picture posted of Scott at a hospital in Florida with one of Jackie M’s coworker (exact trip dates: unknown) + Tessa spotted for lunch with friends at The Bag Lady (London)
September 6 – Scott Hamilton and Friends charity skate announced for November
September 8 – Scott attends a wedding in Ilderton
September 11 – Scott spotted in London
September 12 – Tessa and Scott deliver a speech at Ivey Business School in London
September 13 - Tessa and Scott do a joint Hello Fresh promotion + do promotion for their new book
+ picture of Scott posted from Fitness Depot, presumably from when he was purchasing gym equipment for TTYCT (London)
September 14 – Scott participates in the ‘toba Cup, a charity golf tournament (near London)
September 17 – Tessa and Scott in Montreal for TTYCT preparation
September 18 – Tessa and Scott attend Soiree des Olympians (Montreal)
September 19 - Tessa appears on Marina Orsini promoting Nivea + Tessa, Scott and Sam outdoor filming for TTYCT
September 20 – Tessa and Scott win Canadian Sports Awards for Performance of the Year and Partners of the Year (recorded speech)
September 21 – Tessa and Scott announced as guest athletes on two future Great Kitchen Party auction trips to Mallorca and Newfoundland  + Tessa attends dinner with BonLook
September 22 – group rehearsals start for TTYCT
September 27 - media day for TTYCT + Tessa does a photoshoot for Adidas + Scott out to dinner with Andrew, Sam, and Marie-France
OCT 2 – BOOK RELEASE (official; copies were available mid-September)
+ Tessa out for very early yoga class with Kaetlyn and Meagan
*****************Thank You Canada Tour (co-produced by T&S)
+ Tessa has a commercial for The Brick air
Oct 8 - Tessa spotted at West Edmonton Mall with a friend going to the movies + Scott spotted at West Edmonton Mall shopping
October 11 – Scott spotted at West Edmonton Mall shopping and observing Weaver/Poje practice
+ Tessa attends spinning class
October 12 – Scott spotted at lunch at Joey Bell Tower (Edmonton)
October 15 – Tessa and Scott interviewed on Mandy and Tyler radio show
October 16 – Tessa and Scott appear on CTV morning show via video to promote TTYCT in Regina + Tessa and Scott appear in Calgary to talk about the Olympics 2026 bid + Tessa does some 'incognito’ promotion for their book at Chapters in Chinook
October 17 – Tessa and Scott do a meet and greet for Canadian Tire (Calgary) + Scott spotted at restaurant
+ Tessa and Scott do early day press rounds to promote TTYCT
+ Scott spotted outside arena with Andrew learning moves from Elvis
October 23 – cast stop in Minneapolis; Tessa posts photo of herself at a crosswalk
+ Scott and Elvis spotted at Sault Ste. Marie shopping mall
+ Tessa and Andrew posed for a pic outside the arena
OCT 28 MISSISSAGUA, ON (2 shows)
October 29 – Tessa and Scott attend GKP dinner in Toronto
+ Tessa and Scott do an early meet and greet for Canadian Tire
November 5 – Tessa and Scott do a CTV takeover, co-hosting and guesting on CTV Your Morning, The Social, Etalk!, and Marilyn Dennis (Toronto)
November 6 - Tessa attends a Habitat for Humanity event + Scott attends a Maple Leafs game as part of Air Canada promotion  (Toronto)
November 7 – Tessa and Scott attend an Air Canada partnership event at Casa Loma (including Tessa’s eyebrow raising photo impersonating Victoria Beckham) (Toronto)
+ Tessa and Scott attend a meal with family members of The Tragically Hip
+ cast of TTYCT films interview for CBC about the tour, and their future plans (aired November 12)
+ Tessa and Scott win People’s Choice Award for Most Hypeworthy Canadians (via pre-taped video)
+ Scott spotted at Britt’s Pub and Eatery (Saint John)
NOV 15 SUMMERSIDE, PEI - tour stop cancelled due to weather
November 16 - Tessa does an Adidas promotional event (Toronto)
November 17 - Tessa and Scott arrive in Nashville for Scott Hamilton and Friends rehearsals
****November 18 – Scott Hamilton and Friends Ice Show, and After Show Celebration, benefitting cancer research
November 19 – Tessa and Scott teach at Scott Hamilton’s Champs Camp
November 22 – spotted at the airport on their way to Newfoundland (Toronto)
November 23 – TTYCT cast out for dinner and drinks (Saint John’s)
NOV 24 SAINT JOHN’S, NL (2 shows)
November 25 - Tessa and Scott spotted in Toronto (conflicting reports if it was at the airport or otherwise)
November 26 - Scott at the Ilderton Arena with young skaters
November 29 - premiere of Mr. D episode in which Tessa and Scott guest-starred (CBC)
November 29 - book signing (Toronto)
+ Tessa and Scott announce plans for another of their own tours in the fall of 2019 (no other Canadian tours for them that year)
+ Tessa and Scott attended Special Olympics Canada Awards 2018 (Toronto) (with Jackie, Scott’s original ice dance partner also there)
November 30 - Tessa and Scott attend the Special Olympics Canada Limitless Gala + attend Canada’s Walk of Fame event
December 1 – Tessa and Scott inducted into Canada’s Walk of Fame (Toronto)
December 2 – television premiere of The Thank You Canada Tour (CTV) postponed
+ Scott with Steve Mignardi (CSOI and TTYCT driver) celebrating’s Steve’s granddaughter’s birthday + spotted at Bulldog Pub (Oshawa)
December 4 – Tessa and Scott keynote speakers for Hope in the City luncheon (Victoria)
December 5 – Tessa and Scott keynote speakers Hope in the City breakfast (Vancouver)
December 6 – book signing/conversation (Vancouver, 2 locations) + taped an interview with CBC q
December 7 – Tessa and Scott attend a Visa holiday party (Toronto)
+ Tessa’s commercial with Becel and Habitat for Humanity airs
December 9 – Canada’s Walk of Fame airs (CTV)
December 10 – Tessa has a 'top secret’ shoot + returns to Montreal for Nivea production
December 11-13 – Tessa Nivea commercial shoot
December 13 – CBC q interview airs
December 14 – CSOI 2018 airs on Radio-Canada
+ Scott in Dominican Republic with Jackie (and through at least December 15)
December 15 - Tessa attends a Nivea event at Elora Apothecary Pharmasave (Elora, Ontario)
December 16 – Tessa posts a picture from Elora Mill
December 18 – social media photo of Tessa posted at her mom’s house
December 19 – podcast with Scott on Inside Sports with Reid Wilkins and guest host Kaetlyn Osmond (at time of recording he was in Tampa, Florida)
+ Tessa's photoshoot for Wedding Vacation Magazine comes out
December 20 – CSOI 2018 airs on CBC
+ Tessa and Scott named as CBC Athletes of the Year
December 21 – Tessa spotted at Chapters bookstore
December 22 –  Tessa posts a brand thank you from her London home and an outdoor photo of herself
December 24 – Scott attends annual Christmas Eve workout at Revolution Conditioning (London) (Tessa 'likes’ the group photo posted) + Scott spotted at Masonville mall + Tessa posts about her partnership with Habitat for Humanity/Becel
December 25 – Tessa posts one of her Christmas trees and a childhood photo
December 26 – Tessa posts about relaxing at home (London) + Scott spotted at Costco with his family by a fan (Ilderton)
December 28 – Tessa and Scott named Canadian Press Team of the Year
December 30 – Scott spotted on London to Toronto flight (assumption he flew out of Toronto to Florida for New Year’s Eve)
January 3 – Tessa posts from home (London)
January 4 – Tessa posts from the cottage (Bayfield) (through at least January 5)
+ Tessa has dinner with a friend from her Saffron Rd. photoshoot
January 7 – Tessa spotted travelling by plane
+ Scott spotted in Florida (known via very controversial pictures) (PSA: don’t be a stalker)
January 8-13 – Tessa in New York with Kelly playing tourist and doing a photoshoot
January 11 – Tessa spotted at a spin class (New York)
+ Scott spotted at a restaurant (London)
January 14 – Tessa and Scott do a photoshoot (Toronto)
January 16 – Tessa posts about Moir’s Skate Shop helping her get new skates
+ Tessa attends a CanSkate class to watch her niece (Komolka)
January 18 – Tessa does a photoshoot (London) + posts about watching Canadian Nationals (also on January 19)
+ Scott with Patrick, Liam Firus, and Manuel Osborne-Paradis (Whistler, BC)
January 19 – Scott appears in IG stories snowboarding with Jackie and friends (Whistler)
January 22 – Tessa posts a photo of herself at a barre class (Detroit)
January 24 – Tessa does appearances with Sophie Gregoire-Trudeau for Fillactive/Fitspirit as the 2019 ambassador (Toronto)
January 26 – Tessa posts about a project being filmed with a childhood friend, Katie
January 28 – Tessa’s podcast for Her Mark airs (taped November 9, 2018) + Tessa posts photos from home for Nivea
January 31 – Tessa does a radio interview (TSN) and a TV appearance (CP24) for Adidas She Breaks Barriers  (Toronto)
February 1 – Tessa attends Motionball Gala (for Special Olympics) (Toronto)
February 2 – Tessa posts herself on a train (presumably going back to London)
February 5 – Tessa attends a SpinCo class + Tessa at Westside studio + Tessa attends Toronto Fashion Week David Dixon show in support of osteoporosis (Toronto)
February 6 — Tessa at Easter Seals Rogers Conn Smythe Sports Celebrities Dinner & Auction and gives a speech (Toronto)
February 7 & 8 – Tessa films for her partnership with The Brick (Toronto)
February 10 – television premiere of The Thank You Canada Tour (new date) + photo released from January photoshoot promoting TTYCT2
February 11 – Tessa announces partnership with Air Miles Canada and does numerous interviews (television and radio) highlighting Valentine’s Day + pre-tapes interview for the 1 year anniversary of their PyeongChang gold medal (Toronto)
February 13 – Tessa donated two costumes for charity auction benefitting London Abused Women’s Centre + eTalk airs new segments on Tessa's July Mexico trip with Jessica Mulroney
February 17 – Tessa at fellow ice dancer Lewis Gibson’s 9am spin class (Montreal)
February 18 – Tessa in studio (voiceovers?) for Nivea (Montreal)
February 19 – Tessa posts a boomerang with Scott recreating their Sympathy for the Devil opening choreography + Scott does an interview with Leafs Nation Network (coming soon) + Tessa and Scott attend a lunch with supporters of Air Canada Foundation (Toronto)
February 20 – one year anniversary of PyeongChang Olympic gold medal celebrations from Tessa, fans, and media + profile piece on Tessa regarding post-Olympic struggles released by The Walrus + Scott breaks social media hiatus to post an Olympics anniversary thank you to their team + Scott spotted at Moir’s Skate Shop (London)
43 notes · View notes
Timeline - Post Pyeongchang So Far
********************* 2018 *********************
Feb 26 – Tessa and Scott arrive at London + Scott has family party in Ilderton (Tessa reported sick)
Feb 27 – Scott at bar with friends
March 1 – Tessa attends St Judes Catholic School and talks with kids (London) + Scott spotted in Ilderton + Nivea officially announces Tessa as ambassador
March 2 – Tessa with Midori + husband got flowers as a gift from her and Liz (London)
March 3 – Scott spotted at Turtle and Crown bar (AilsaCraig, near Ilderton)
March 4 – Tessa spotted (Bayfield)
March 5 – Tessa posts about packing (London) + Scott spotted at Startbucks getting Tessa’s favorite coffee
March 6 – Scott announces partnership with ActionTrailersOntario + out for dinner with guy friends / Skating in Komoka rink + Tessa media day for Nivea (Toronto)
March 7 – Tessa Breaking the Ice Event for Nivea (Toronto)
March 8 – Tessa does interview for Canadian Living Magazine and business dinner / Scott arrives in Toronto by train + spotted in bar at night
March 9 – Tessa and Scott huge MEDIA DAY in Toronto
March 10 – Tessa and Scott at Leafs Game (get personalized jerseys) + Scott at sports bar and Tessa at bar with The Arkells (bars across from each other)
March 12 – Training with Sam new Michael Jackson number + Tessa has a spa night (Montreal)
March 13 – Training with Sam
March 14 – Training with Sam
March 15 – Training with Sam / ToutLeMondeParle filming / drinks with Mathieu Caron and Sandrine Balthazard at Le Parloir -caves privees
+ Tessa breaking the Ice with Nivea party at rink early in the day
March 16 – Tessa and Scott dinner with Scott and Jamie Livingston and rest of the team at Foxy restaurant in Montreal
March 17 – Scott spotted at bar in London on St Patty’s day
March 18 – Scott spotted with family member (Cara) at the Toronto airport in the morning / Tessa and Kelly do sightseeing in (Venice, California)
March 19 – Tessa and Scott film Ellen Show episode in (Burbank, California)
March 20 – Ellen episode airs and both are spotted at the airport in LA en route to Toronto
March 21 – Scott and Tessa back in London / Scott does spring shoot for Saffron Road
March 22 – Tessa takes over KitCA Instagram account + Scott cameo while training for CSOI (Ilderton Arena)
March 23 – Morning radio interview BX93 + The Taz Show  / Breakfast at The Bag Lady / Training for SOI / Scott trains for hockey game in the afternoon + Tessa gets Molson Canadian beer fridge (+ Tessa mentions Scott playing the other night hockey wit the Poplar Hill Flyers and scoring a goal)
March 24 – Scott plays in Fire & Ice charity hockey game (Lucan) + tells fans he has to get back to Tessa in the evening
March 25 – Tessa posts from London (TS clips for Gord come out from her living room)
March 26 – Leave for Japan from London airport
Stars on Ice Japan Tour (March 31 April 8)
Osaka March 31 - April 1
April 1 – Boat night ride in Osaka (Eric, Patrick, Javi and Kaetlyn)
April 2 – Cafe Arabiq afternoon / Tessa does Yoga with Meagan in Osaka
April 3 – Travel day to Yokohama / Bowling Night (Scott, Meagan, Javi, Evgenia, Plushenko)
April 5 – Training in Yokohama
Yokohama April 6-7-8
April 8 – Last show day + karaoke with cast and bowling at night
April 9 - travelling back to Canada
April 11 – Tessa morning Yoga + dinner at Le Vin Papillon (Montreal)
April 12 – Tessa morning photo shoot for Bon Look (Montreal)
April 13 – Tessa spotted in Toronto
April 14 – Tessa and Scott early afternoon speak at Ontario Sports Symposium (Toronto) + sighting dinner together at Fairmount Hotel
April 15 – Tessa and Scott in Hamilton for Chiddy’s retirement party
April 16 – Tessa Takeover:YourMorning, TheMarilynDenisShow, TheSocialCTV & EtalkCTV (Toronto)
April 17 – Tessa morning photo shoot with Strong Magazine (Toronto) + Scott morning sighting at Starbucks in London and event with kids at Komoka rink
April 18 – Scott morning visit to Rick Hansen public school (London) + Tessa work out at RevCon (London)
April 19 – Tessa and Scott travel to Calgary + Scott visits his niece’s school Prince of Peace (Calgary) + Scott at Calalta Ice Show
April 20 – Tessa and Scott Classroom Champions luncheon panel (Calgary)
April 21 – Scott at MoirsSkateShop + restaurant picking up food / Tessa at home watching the Leafs game (London)
April 22 – Tessa and Scott spotted at Toronto airport and dinner with SOI cast at night (Halifax)
April 23 – Scott and the guys go out to AleHouse (Halifax)
April 24 – Tessa, Scott and Jeffrey dinner at The Bicycle Thief (Halifax)
April 25 – Scott and Patrick at AleHouse (Halifax)
************Stars on Ice Tour (April 27 - May 17)
April 27 HALIFAX
April 28 – Cast hanging out in Ottawa + Greg Kolz bday dinner
April 29 OTTAWA
April 30 – TS spotted at dinner (anon report from Montreal)
May 1 – TS training at Gadbois in the morning + Tessa business lunch at Ritz Carlton
May 3 – Tessa and Scott at Raptors game + meet Drake
May 4 TORONTO (TS spotted at hotel + Scott morning coaching with a team at Toronto Cricket Club) Scott podcast with Scott Livingston released
May 5 HAMILTON + Tessa podcast with Scott Livingston released
May 6 LONDON + TS leave venue together in a white car + Scott spotted at Molly’s Pub and an Italian restaurant with family
May 7 –  Scott at Oxbow public school in the morning + Tessa photoshoot for Saffron Road in the morning and co-hosting an event with Saffron Road in the evening (London)
May 8 – Tessa morning shoot for House and Home Magazine + announces endorsement for HelloFresh Canada. Tessa flew to Winnipeg in the evening + Scott spotted at restaurant in Winnipeg evening with SOI cast
May 9 WINNIPEG (TS and Patrick lunch at Stella’s Plug)
May 10 – TS spotted around Winnipeg with the cast morning + TS/Weapo spotted in downtown + Cast flew in the evening + TS spotted at the Rook and Raven Tavern in Saskatoon
May 11 SASKATOON (Boys breakfast together)
May 13 EDMONTON – Scott out with the boys at Sherlock’s Pub
May 14 – TS + Cast fly to Victoria and Scott at Irish Times Pub in the early evening
May 15 VICTORIA – TS spotted together (fan reports) she did not share pics out of respect for privacy
May 16 – Cast travels to Vancouver on ferry + TS dinner with Dominick Gauthier and Jenn Heil near Gastown
May 17 VANCOUVER + TESSA’s BIRTHDAY!! + Scott gives training advice in the morning at Burnaby 8 Rinks with the intelsc + Tessa w/Scott at BlueBirdBakery getting her bday cake
May 18 – travel to South Korea
May 19 – practice for All That Skate
************ALL THAT SKATE Tour (May 20 - May 22) Mokdong, South Korea
May 23 – traveled at 4 am to Japan – practice later
************Fantasy on Ice Tour (May 25 - July 1st)
May 28 – Tessa posts about work out at Park Hyatt Tokyo
May 29 – Tessa does photo shoot for Vogue Japan in Tokyo (Scott met with her after shoot was done and looked over the pics)
May 30 – Scott (maybe Tessa) spotted travelling with the cast by train (Scott had her luggage)
May 31 – Tessa Scott Jeff and Javi out for Sushi in Kanazawa 
(Vogue editor Nayumi Nakamura posts insta story having a meal with Tessa and Scott…date could be from May 29)
JUNE 3 KANAZAWA + travel to Belgium from Tokyo
June 4 – Tessa posts about eating ice cream + sightseeing with Scott in Antwerp
June 5 – Tessa and Scott out and about in Antwerp: visiting museums, sightseeing, shoe shopping, eating waffles,Tutu shop etc. + RELEASE of Tessa’s new H&B line + Thank You Canada Tour announcement
June 6 – Tessa and Scott out to dinner with trip guests
*************Gold Medal Plates Trip  June 7 - 14, 2018****************
June 7 – Tessa napped before the speech (Scott texted back to Jen Reid) both gave welcoming guests + group dinner
June 8 – Scott bike tour around Antwerp + TS announce being advocates for #abusefreesport
June 9 –  Morning visit to the market in Antwerp + Visit to the Passchendaele Memorial (dinner and concert)
June 10 – Tessa bike tour around Antwerp + Boat trip with music performances + dinner with GMP guests at Elfde Gebod
June 11 – Morning in Belgium Chimay Abbey tour (TS in forest pic) + bus trip to Reims, France + Tessa sightseeing churches
June 12 – Morning tour to G. Tribaut Champagne, France + dinner with guests
June 13 – Traveled to Japan from Paris – straight into practice in Kobe
June 14 – Practice day in Kobe
JUNE 17 KOBE ***<3 (fan reports they were out strolling holding hands at night near their hotel)
June 18 – Lunch with cast at Kobe Chinatown + sightseeing
June 19 – travel day to Niigata
June 20 – Tessa and Scott with Javi go out golfing in Niigata
June 21 – practice day
JUNE 22 NIIGATA + Tessa posts about eating together (pic of her with Scott and Javi but could be from the 20th)
JUNE 23 NIIGATA + Tessa out to dinner with Johnny, Miki, Anna and others.
June 25 – Tessa and Kat out for coffee + Scott spotted by fan at bar in Tokyo
June 26 – Tessa and Kat out shopping in Harajuku + Scott and Jeff shopping nearby + meeting with Vogue Editor at Two Rooms Grill Bar
June 27 – Tessa and Kat Bitove explore Happo-En park
June 28 – Tessa posts about Four Seasons hotel (along with Kat Bitove)
************Dreams On Ice Tour (July 6-8) Kose, Japan
July 20 – Scott attends Team Jacobs Charity Golf Tournament (Sault St Marie)
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What happens when we consume more than we need? What happens when our choices are influenced by societal pressures of how things should be? Part 1 of my reflective journal will aim to provide a glimpse at two weeks of a working mom, head of a house of five, who also coincidentally adds event planner often to her job tasks. 
Day 1: I specifically started my consumption journal on Friday, October 25. The day before a large case competition I was hosting on campus. Day 1 starts like most every other day of my life. The 20 minute drive to daycare, followed by the usual ice cap pit stop at Tim Horton’s. This day is special though, with the pressures of ensuring everything was just right for our judges and sponsors. I stroll off to Ferme Beaulieu to spend $328 on gifts. I am thinking that at least I am buying local products (honey, herbs, ketchup aux fruits) and feel pretty great about that. But why do I feel obliged to buy gifts at all? Wouldn’t a sincere thank you be enough? I guess according to Jonathan Porritt (2011), I have fallen victim to consumerism at its best. Somehow, I feel OK about it though. 
 A quick stop at Dollarama for gift bags, disposable coffee cups (cringe!), and plastic plastic trays. Finally, a $148 trip to Provigo for snacks for the case competitors and coaches. Oops, did I mention the trip to the t-shirt printer to pick up the 60 red printed competition momentos. Let’s add the 250+ pages I printed that day! As I sit here and reflect on the necessities (needs) of running a case competition versus expectations (and wants), I come to the realization that most of what I have purchased is simply there to enhance image. 
Day 2 (October 26): Tim’s ice cap (check!). 60 Donuts, 60 pre-packed lunches, 24 cans of Perrier, 60 cans of soft drinks, 40 coffees in disposable cups, 100 plastic glasses of wine. Today, I am completely influenced by materialism and keeping the “image”. Let’s keep in mind that I work for a business school and that comes with some rather large assumptions around how things are supposed to look and be. Not to mention, I am hosting five people from the company who is sponsoring the event, so I need to keep them happy and ensure the event lives up to their expectations. I am reminded of Amitai Etzioni, (2012) and his sentiments about “keeping up with the Jones’”. It is true, when one party sets a certain expectation, we all rise to meet, or better, exceed them.
Today; however, my biggest disappointment was food waste. The boxed lunches were good, but about 25% of people didn’t eat all their meal. Almost 100% of the people didn’t eat the dessert included. We don’t have access to compost, so it went to the trash. Above the clear environmental impact of my event, I am reminded of the fact that one fifth of the world’s richest people consume 45% of all the meat and fish (Shah, 2014). Despite the company providing compostable cutlery and cups, I feel guilty that I sent so many things to the landfill today. To top it all off, Sodexo served a less than stellar menu at the Gala dinner (veal sous-vide). I swear I wanted to eat it, but alas, two bites in and I am done. More to the trash. Exhausted and mentally drained, I wonder to myself where the balance between convenience and waste needs to come into play. Why can’t we have compost stations on campus?
Day 3 (October 27): But first, my ice cap! A friend’s child’s birthday party today so I scramble to get things together. I run to Provigo to grab stuff for mini pizzas to share (forgot my grocery bags, so plastic it is). My friend insisted on no gifts at the party, which I wanted to accept, but quite frankly couldn’t. I’m glad I didn’t because apparently no one else respected it either. I think about this social obligation more deeply (Goodwin, Smith, & Spiggle, 1990). I try my best to make a compromise, we opt for a movie day among friends instead of a traditional gift. I am hoping this small intrinsically motivated action may decrease future landfill waste in the future. Nonetheless, we are filled with waxed juice cups and plates. Back to the Provigo to grab something for the family for supper. I grab peppers in a plastic bag, sausages in a styrofoam package, pasta sauce in a glass bottle, cheese in plastic packaging and pasta in a cardboard box. Nothing much to compost or recycle unfortunately. 
Day 4 (October 28): Monday and back to work. Ice cap, yup! I am starting to get quite the collection in my office recycling bin. My boss just commented on it. I guess it is a bit of an eye sore..haha! 
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Two trips to Provigo today. One at lunch to grab George’s bread, deli ham, Coaticook cheese, carrots and dip. Next stop on the way home from work for supper, chicken, baby potatoes and stuffing. 
Day 5 (October 29): If you haven’t guessed by now, ice cap time! Today, my brother (who lives with us) did a fridge clean up. Sigh! I can’t believe how much stuff we threw away. Past date, wilted vegetables, moldy fruits. Why don’t I just throw money directly into the garbage can? Is it normal that the first thing I think about is wasted money? According to a study  by Graham-Rowe, Jessop, and Sparks (2014),  wasting money is indeed a major motivator to minimize food waste. Inspired by this revelation, I am determined to have leftovers for lunch and transform the chicken salad sandwiches tonight for supper. I don’t even have to stop at Provigo today! WOW!
Day 6 (October 30): IC (that’s all I will say). Wednesdays are always tricky because I am running around and teach a class at night. It is one of those days. I grab lunch at Subway (steak sub, chips and a drink) -> garbage.
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Run to Provigo after work and grab steak, carrots, potatoes and gravy from Provigo and throw it in pot to cook. I also realize that I haven’t really bought any candy for Halloween for my students in case class. $65.30 later and we have meat and candies! I’ve also been putting out chocolates outside my office door for students. 
Day 7 (October 31): Another ice cap to go please. I don’t even eat lunch today. Now I realize we have no candy for the kids. Drive to Walmart and $68.03, we’ve got goodies. No lunch again, and we go to a friend’s for supper. Off with the 4 year old trick or treating in the rain. She gets a pail of treats, we have 2 boxes of stuff leftover.
Day 8 (November 1): Day of the dead? I think so! Actually order breakfast with my ice cap at Timmy’s this morning. No lunch today. We decide to go shopping after work today as my brother has a 40% discount at L’Equipeur. $218.58 later, my husband enjoys new shoes, jeans, sport jacket, t-shirts, and a pair of sneakers for my mom for Christmas. Oh wait! Marlee needs new winter boots, so $86.22 later, we have new winter boots for her. I also see the cutest dress boots at Marshall’s (fake baby Uggs). I suppose these is what the marketers are hoping for. Top it all off with super for the family at Guido’s. (Wow! I have really been eating like crap!) Day 8 hurt the bank account!  Day 9 (November 2): Maybe I should actually buy some groceries for my empty fridge. I sludge off to Provigo early Saturday morning to spent near $200. At least I have meat, veggies, fruits, and some of the other basics for my family to actually live on. Stop at Tim’s on the way home for the usual. 
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Day 10 (November 3): Beautiful breakfast with family (and an ice cap). Spent the day making food (soup, roasted chicken, pasta sauce, etc....). Trying to cut down on the restaurant stops this week. End up at the library with some dear colleagues from GSE503, so I think another ice cap is in order to stay awake (and leftover Halloween Candy). 
Day 11 (November 4): Check that thought. Day went to hell, running late, dead tired, no breakfast, grabbed Rima for supper. Fridge full, but I don’t even care at this point. 
Day 12 (November 5): Today is a new day! I started making iced coffee at home! No Tim’s! I actually did not spend $1 today! Why do I feel so great? Apparently it is something referred to as perceived consumer effectiveness (PCE). When is comes to sustainable buying practices, this PCE is influenced directly by guilt and pride. This becomes important because it means that as a consumer,  my behaviours could be modified by using emotions (Antonetti, & Maklan, 2014).
Day 13 (November 6): Another no spending kind of day! Feeling all pride and no guilt! Maybe Atonetti and Maklan are on to something!
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Day 14 (November 7): Last day of recording! No ice caps and going strong.  My husband and I are feeling like we need a little extra family time, so we go out for supper at Mike’s with Marlee. We follow it up by a little Chocolat Favoris. I asked myself why we went to Mike’s again? What a waste!   A quick stop by Provigo to grab snacks for my basketball girls. I make an orzo salad plus pull together fruits, yogurt, cheese and granola bars.
Stay tuned for Part 2 to see if I actually made some changes and what this whole process has meant for me. Until then, I leave you on this note: Waiting on the World to Change
Antonetti, P., & Maklan, S. (2014). Feelings that make a difference: How guilt and pride convince consumers of the effectiveness of sustainable consumption choices. Journal of Business Ethics, 124(1), 117-134. Retrieved from www.jstor.org/stable/24033218
Etzioni, A. (2012). You Don’t need to Buy This. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/FN3z8gtDUFE
Goodwin, C., Smith, K.L., & Spiggle, S. (1990). Gift giving: Consumer motivation and the gift purchase process. In NA - Advances in Consumer Research. 17, eds. Marvin E. Goldberg, Gerald Gorn, and Richard W. Pollay, Provo, UT : Association for Consumer Research, 690-698. Retrieved from http://acrwebsite.org/volumes/7086/volumes/v17/NA-17
Graham-Rowe, E., Jessop, D.C., & Sparks, P. (2014). Identifying motivations and barriers to minimising household food wasteby. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 84, 15-23. doi: 10.1016/j.resconrec.2013.12.005
Porritt, J. (2011). The trap of materialism. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/DtwXryPNciM
Shah, A. (2014). Consumption and Consumerism: Global Issues. Retrieved from http://www.globalissues.org/issue/235/consumption-and-consumerism
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kinetic-elaboration · 5 years
September 1: Vegas Notes
Okay, I’m going to try to write up some notes on my vacation, mostly just the straight events of what I did and when, because I don’t want to forget anything but I also don’t want to spend five hours writing this. Plus I wrote down some emotional impressions yesterday and during the trip itself.
Mostly a traveling day, but because the time change worked very much in my favor, also sort of a ‘first’ day in Vegas itself. I left my apartment at about 7:30 and flew out of Richmond at about 9:03. The Richmond airport isn’t large and I’ve flown out of it before so that was quite easy. Just had time for a chai tea latte before I headed off. I know it’s weird to be this person but I actually really like air travel, and at this point I’m even inured to stuff going wrong, so I was having a good old time even then. Even though the aisles are very narrow and the seats are small. My flights weren’t too long anyway. And for ONCE everything was even better than on time. Three of my four flights arrived early and so did my mom’s, and even my last flight, which left 20 minutes late, only arrived 5 minutes late, which is to say it was also ‘early’ except for the delay in take-off.
Anyway my first flight was to Charlotte and only about an hour, and then in Charlotte I had, like, NO TIME (from talking to a co-worker who’s also going West through CLT and from looking around online, I’ve gotten the impression American does this a lot, gives people a 45 minute layover in Charlotte), but the two gates weren’t too far from each other—farther than I’d though they would be because I had to go from C to B and my gate at B was all the way at the end—and I got in early. So I rushed but didn’t run, got there with ten minutes to boarding, and still had time to use the restroom and wait around for 10-15 minutes before my group actually boarded. So in fact it worked out well.
My second flight was almost 4 hours, which I didn’t think would be long, but it kind of was. They showed Avengers: Endgame and although at first I was just watching and listening to my own music, after a little bit, I decided to plug in and listen because I thought it would make the time go faster to actually watch a narrative. And luckily that monster is 3 hours long so that was most of the flight. I was also starving by this time, so I did in fact get an expensive sandwich on the plane, the eating of which also took up time.
I got in early, at about 1pm, but I had to wait for my mom to get in a couple hours later. I flew into D gate and it took me about an hour of wandering around just to figure out that D was a little satellite collection of stores, gates, and Starbucks, and I needed to take a shuttle to the gates where my mom would be. Once I did that, I saw her flight was early and I had less than two hours of waiting left. So I found a Starbucks with a seating area (there were only A BILLION of them, a fucking Starbucks in every aisle, more Starbucks than DC even) and had a coffee and a yogurt parfait and wrote a bit, which was fine, even though Starbucks is overrated (literally just sugar ice water after five minutes????? Why??????????????? Why is this $500 I could make this myself?). Then I went to my mom’s gate, which was in a nice place with a good view, and read and listened to music until she arrived.
We found the taxi stand, got one right away, and drove to our hotel. It is SO CLOSE. I guess because you can only carve out so much space in the desert. And literally it’s like desert all around and then Vegas, that’s it, a big entertainment center in the middle of nowhere. The landscape was gorgeous and actually the whole time I was traveling across the country I felt very… moved. And then getting into Vegas itself is bizarre because it’s literally a few very famous, very large building just rising up out of nothing.
Anyway, I agonized a lot about hotels but ended up going with an off-strip, non-resort hotel and this was a very good choice. I was pleased. For the same base price as a resort, and without resort or wi-fi fees, we got a whole fucking suite, almost as big as my apartment, with a living room, kitchen, large closet, bathroom with two doors, etc. Plus a fridge and a microwave and a dishwasher and all that. It felt like being at home right away. We spent a couple hours there, catching up, and then went out to eat at about 7 or so. We’re night people and so this felt, for us, like the sort of ‘late’ dinner we naturally want to have but know we shouldn’t—for us, a 10:30 dinner, but in reality, because of the time difference, a normal person hour dinner. Our hotel was right across from Planet Hollywood, so that was our base. I must say I also liked it right away. The fake buildings and fake sky. Even the mall part spoke to me in a strange way given that usually I find malls very stressful. We ended up eating at an Italian restaurant, which seated us in the fake outside part. The food was great, and the salad was probably the best I’ve ever had in my life. After that, we walked around a little and got our bearings, and then went home, showered, got ready for bed. I was exhausted, which was a great feeling: in my head, it was 1 am, and I’d been up since 6, so obviously I was tired, but the clock only said 10, so I felt very responsible. (It was more like 11 by the time I actually went to sleep but still.)
Got up at 7 all on my own, which also felt great—of course it was 10 am in my brain. Life hack for night owls: travel west! We didn’t actually leave until about 9 though, and then we had a big breakfast/brunch at the Café Hollywood in PH, where our server very nicely let us substitute like half the menu for the breakfast we wanted. They also gave me honey with my tea, which, even though I don’t like honey, was an unexpected gesture that rather tickled me. We wandered the resort some more, looked at stores and so on, then went back to the hotel. We were planning on going to the pool but it was in the sun at the time, so we rested for an hour, and then went out and floated for a time. It felt very surreal to me to be floating in a pool in Las Vegas. Just lovely.
After the pool and quick showers, we went out to dinner, at a Mexican place, which I liked although it was a lot of food—I had an appetizer and it was way more than I could eat. Then back to the hotel to rest a little. By this time, we were starting to feel that fatigue that comes with allowing oneself any time to think while traveling. Then my friend B randomly texted me, and I got into a conversation with him, which was hilarious as he did not know I was in Vegas. Very fun to answer a question “how are you” with “I’m in las vegas.”
After that was the show, from which we crawled home at maybe 11, and I guess I must have been awake for some amount of time after but I have no recollection.
We had breakfast at the Café Hollywood again and then did some souvenir shopping. Dropped our stuff off at the hotel, and then went out adventuring. Basically I mean walking down the strip. We had lunch at the Hard Rock Café, where I had the best strawberry basil lemonade ever, and then walked down to NYNY Casino. Walked through the Park, with the metal trees, and into the casino itself, which was absolutely the most surreal thing. Like… the fake buildings do not look or feel like NYC but what do they feel like? A movie set, kinda… a stage… an adult Disney World… so fake and yet so pleasing. Street signs with famous street names just placed next to each other randomly, Greenwich next to Broadway and Broadway does not look like Broadway... and then in the middle of it all, a casino just like BAM out of nowhere. I liked it a lot but I’m not sad I didn’t stay there. I liked having my little home to come back to.
We wanted to see what the Paris one looked like, to compare, plus it was on our way back, but at this point walking back through the hottest part of the day was just…exhausting. We stopped in briefly in the Cosmopolitan just to cool down—it was very black and shiny and full of crystals. Paris itself was underwhelming; it didn’t feel like Paris, obviously, but it also didn’t feel like a Paris replica either. Maybe the comparatively interesting parts were just somewhere else, we seemed to basically be in the casino, but we were tired, so we just left and headed to the hotel at this point. We walked through PH first and I got a maple ice latte, yogurt, and banana muffin, all delicious.
After some rest, we went out again for dinner, even though we weren’t really hungry, but neither were we not hungry. For me at least, I felt like I should eat, more than that I wanted to eat. If/when I do Vegas again, I’ll do two meals a day—it works out much better. Mostly what I wanted was a huge bowl of berries tbh. I ended up with a spinach and berry salad, which was almost the same. We went outside to watch the Bellagio fountain show from the steps of PH. I kind of wanted to be closer but the streets in Vegas are so wide and we would have had to cross two to get there, and we didn’t know if we would make it. But our view was okay regardless. We also saw several groups of showgirls walking across the street, some of them in sparkly sneakers, which was adorable.
We got back to the hotel just past 9, when most people’s Friday night was just beginning. We went back to the pool, to experience it after dark, which was weird but also very relaxing. At some points, we were the only ones there. I floated for a bit with my eyes closed and felt the most peaceful I have felt in years.
At quarter to ten, we went back upstairs to shower and pack. It was sort of a let down but also I just couldn’t think about it. I didn’t want to leave and there were things I hadn’t done that I had wanted to do but I also felt like I would need at least 2 more days to do them, because if I stayed another day I wouldn’t leave the hotel except possibly to float in the pool, I was just too exhausted. We had to get up at 4:30 for my flight, and we both got to sleep fairly late, and I at least did not sleep well at all. I kept having nightmares, none of which I can remember, and randomly waking up.
My memories of the morning are very hazy… I had to get dressed, pack a few last minute things, stuff a granola bar in my mouth to say that I had eaten. Our taxi came up very fast after the hotel called it—literally, I was still rolling my suitcase down the incline when it was parking at the steps. And the drive to the airport was short. My mom and I said goodbye outside of security, and then I had to take a shuttle to my gates because I was, again, leaving at D. But I found everything okay and had plenty of time.
On the way back, I had a not-quite-three hour flight to Dallas first, and then a not-quite-three-hour trip to Richmond, with a 2.5 hour layover in between. So I lost two hours, and then another hour. The flights were both fine, and the layover was quite easy because the Dallas airport is very nice. A lot of signs and gigantic touchscreen information kiosk things, which told me where all the food was. So I knew right away that if I headed toward my gate, I would run into a French café first (where I had a delicious pesto pasta and chicken dish) and then a Dunkin Donuts (for some a GOOD latte and a donut, to go), and then to my gate, where I settled down with my magazine and coffee. By the time I was done it was almost time to board. We ended up sitting around for a while longer than I had wanted, and the plane got quite hot and stuffy, but once we were in the air, it was fine. I listened to music and read my magazine, and finished the article just as we were landing. My co-worker picked me up outside and drove me home, and I got back around 7 I think.
Today I have truly just been sleeping and thinking about the trip. I haven’t event unpacked yet. I’m so glad I have tomorrow off, too, because I truly couldn’t stand to go to work tomorrow, but I do think, perhaps too optimistically, that I will feel normal, or mostly normal, tomorrow.
I already miss this vacation so much but I’m so glad I went, it was honestly just about perfect, and I do feel refreshed, as a vacation should make one feel.
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jeharvill · 6 years
Super Mom and Super Dad
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This picture shows me at the doctor’s office at 8:00am with both kids when they both had croup and we were all up all night.
Our family is definitely surfing through some stormy seas right now, and I thought I’d make a post that has some skeletal sketches about that shit, but mostly focuses on some great parenting moments in our family recently. Because sometimes I am proud of my skills in this arena. 
Recently we saw some old friends, Wil and Mira, who were in town for a conference after leaving their young kids with the grandparents for a week. Mira told me that the morning they were supposed to leave they had no hot water, and when she went to investigate the basement she found the sewer overflowing into the shower. With hours before their flight a septic company came out and put a camera in the pipes, found the problem and solved it, and then they rushed to the airport. At the end of her harrowing tale the moral of her story was “Life is good! We’re so lucky that happened before we left, it could have happened while we were away”. I was just thinking how if that story had happened to me I might have thought “how awful” and Mira’s takeaway was “how wonderful”. I’m endeavoring to be like Mira right now and have a positive outlook.
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One of the big things we have going on is a whole house remodel at one of the apartments. We’re acting as general contractor and we are really stumbling through this. We met a window salesman who pressured us to buy windows we didn’t need, pay in cash, and bribe the city inspectors (we didn’t hire him). We found out that ikea cabinets are twice the cost of custom. And our flooring guy didn’t vent the floor stain, and the fumes caused the neighbors to call poison control when their faces broke out in rashes. 
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Managing the remodel has meant that a few times a week Alex has an early morning where he has to be in the city by 8:00am to meet with someone and I’m finding some new Super Mom tricks for the morning routine. One thing is that I make a line drawing for the kids to color in and this occupies them peacefully while I’m getting dressed. I’ve offered that they could each have their own, but they prefer to share.
I’ve also got them doing a lot more of the work themselves. Often Hazel measures the oatmeal and water into the pot, Oliver washes the berries and serves them, I make the coffee, they each pack their lunches into their backpacks with a water bottle, etc.
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I try to put a little drawing in Hazel’s lunch each day. Usually her bedtime lullaby is a made up song and one night she asked for a song about a mama and baby owl and I made this drawing for her lunch. She likes to color in the drawings at school.
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Alex is really rising to the challenge of juggling his start-up and the remodel. He’s also taught Hazel to ride a bike, which she loves and that’s a great source of joy for us all. He’s really the best with teaching kids things like this, so gentle and supportive without positive or negative pressure.
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We also have school closures so I’ve been bringing the kids to work with me (and Alex has them at home at his work) as we try to piece together childcare and work. It can be a total delight to have them with me during the day, like Hazel here at my desk, and it can be hard like Oliver standing at my elbow saying “when will you be done?” over and over for three hours.
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We’ve been trying to bring more academic practice into our lives. This is  me volunteering at Oliver school for the read-athon day where kids wear pajamas, snuggle in sleeping bags, and spend the whole day reading. I also chaperoned a field trip to see the “overwintering” ladybugs. That was amazing.
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Oliver’s class is learning reading, writing and some math and number skills. With two parents that work full time we don’t have a lot of evening time to encourage him to practice these skills. However, I’ve stumbled upon some ways to make the learning into a “game” and Oliver really loves that.
When his class was practicing numbers that add up to ten, we made up a card game that’s a twist on “crazy 8s” but it’s “crazy 10s”. 10′s are wild AND any pair of cards that makes 10 can be used as a wild. Oliver kept score on a piece of paper, easily adding up the points from each hand as we went.
I put some common alphabet letters on a set of old playing cards and we played a game were we each get five cards and have to make as many words as we can. Oliver was allowed to make himself a “cheat sheet” where we wrote down words he already knew, and he was chuckling the whole time about how sneaky he was cheating in this way.
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This picture shows a letter Oliver wrote to his teacher asking for some details about “friendsgiving”. As you can see, he’s learning to confidently “find his voice as an author” before anyone corrects his spelling. This says “How many kids are in class?” “What time?” “Who can come?” “Can I bring meat?”
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One morning when we were talking about odd and even numbers I showed Oliver how even numbers are smooth across the top when you stack boxes, and odds have a jagged top. Oliver made the number chart on the right and Hazel made this one on the left and then she asked to make it again two more times, carefully writing the numbers each time. We looked at how odd numbers can hook up like puzzle pieces to make an even number, and how pairs of ten can be found by starting from the outside and stepping in.
Oliver thought of this as another “cheat sheet” that he could look at when he wants to remember which numbers are odd and even. He remarked that he couldn’t bring it to school because he would get in trouble for cheating.
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We also made up this game (below). We make a two letter suffix like “at” “am” or “an” and then I write down the whole alphabet and we add the suffix to each word in the alphabet. Oliver sounds out the word and we laugh at the silly non-words and cheer for the real words. Alex and I did a competition to see if “am” or “an” suffix would have a higher score. Oliver sounded out the words and awarded points to either me or Alex depending on whether it was a real word. We tied.
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And I’ve made two sets of “sight word bingo” cards to practice the words that Oliver is supposed to know just by sight. We started with about 15 simple words such as on, it, no. And then we moved on to about 40 words. All four of us play sometimes after dinner, and we have ways to make it a bit easier for Hazel.
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I’ve been really proud of Oliver playing this intro to programming board game, which was a gift from Amma. Within the game you can create a function and then use your function in a program (a program is a series of cards that moves your piece). It’s pretty exciting to see him think about sequences that will repeat and extract that into a function.
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This is a drawing to explain constipation to a four year old.
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These are some great artworks my kids made:
Oliver made these faces.
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Hazel made this unicorn.
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Oliver made this portrait of Harry Potter.
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Hazel has been turning our kitchen into her art gallery. I’ve made a big calendar on the fridge so the kids can get a sense of what’s coming up in the weeks ahead.
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I also spent a day doing volunteer work at this food shelter. We set out this free grocery store and then handed out produce, rice and other staples to people experiencing food insecurity. No one wanted pears. People took as much spinach as we would let them.
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I’ve been hiking a lot. Sometimes by myself, sometimes with Oliver, sometimes with the whole family.
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We did a family hike. I carried Hazel part of the way.
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That’s me on a swing that goes out over a drop off. Pretty fun.
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I went East for the funeral of my Aunt, my mom’s sister. This image shows my uncle saying a prayer at the grave side.
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