#look at the ingredients i have in exhaustion and then just like. eat something weird like frozen peas and go to bed
corvidaedream · 2 years
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its a spontaneous cooking day, I made/prepped a bunch of food for the next week or so bc im literally this onion headline but for cooking:
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but these eggs came out very photogenic!
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thatgirl-yn · 1 year
I love your work, and can you do a mixed genre for Gyu as Husband. Just do what you can as long as the character is Mingyu, he keeps going around in my mind😭.
Sorry if my typing is weird, English is not my language and I use a translator kkk, thanks and love you so much❤️.
Here it is anon, thank you I appreciate it, I hope you like this. ❤️
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Mingyu as your husband
Genre: Fluff, smut
Word count:727 words
Character: Mingyu x Reader
You were tired from your work, no tired is an underestimation, you are exhausted. Your boss gave you a pile load of work and expected it to be done within the day so you have to work overtime. If not only for your high-paying salary you would have quit years ago. You got to your car heading home. You opened your door and Kim Mingyu, your husband, greeted you with a tight hug.
“How was your day?” his sweet husky voice entered your ear and you instantly relaxed a bit.
 “Tired” you answered tiredly but still smiling. You get to the couch and he put you into his lap cuddling you.
“Aw my poor baby, your boss overworked you again?” You nodded like a child getting pity from your parent.
“Let me get you something to eat” he kissed your forehead and then got up heading to the kitchen.
 You followed him like a puppy and sat down on the high stool. You watched Mingyu prepare the ingredients, chopping the garlic and onions and then putting them in the pan. You watched his beautiful and broad back, and how his bicep contracted while he cook. You are so lucky to have him as your husband. He takes very good care of you plus his food is beyond amazing. You are wondering how he got such a perfect body when his food is so delicious you could eat them forever without getting tired of them. Mingyu is a chef and he owns a restaurant just a few blocks from your home. So whenever you are craving something Mingyu always tends to your food cravings.
You can now smell his cooking and your mouth is already salivating.
“Dinner is ready” he said and put two plates in the high stool table. You are too tired to organize the table so you both settled to eat in the high stool counter. He cooked your favorite Pasta Carbonara. It was so delicious you ate two servings.
“Thank you for the meal,” you said then kissed him
“No worries babe, anytime” he winked at you before he turned around to clean the dishes.
You hugged him from behind while he was cleaning the dishes and he looked at you, “You want anything babe?” he asked
“Hm.. just want to hug you,” you said and closed your eyes feeling his warmth. He continued to wash the dishes, and after he was done he wiped his hands and hugged you back.
“Still tired?” he asked and you responded “yea but a little less now” then smiled at him
“Let’s go to the bedroom I’ll massage your back” he took your hand assisting you to your shared bedroom. He took your top off and then put oil in your back, he laid you down and massaged your back.
You can feel his large warm hands in your back and it feels so good. “hmm” you moaned quietly at the sensation, you can feel the tension from your shoulder loosen.
“feels good?” he whispered to your ear and it sent shivers to your back. He noticed that and he chuckled.
“Want me to make you feel good babe?” now he is asking you in his seductive voice “yes please” you answered submissively. He kissed your lower back before he guided your hips to arch back. He removed your remaining clothes. You can feel his breath in your sensitive part, he kissed your inner thighs before he guided his mouth to your sensitive mound. He licked it and it made you squeal, you felt him chuckle from down there. He continued playing your private part with his tongue then he put his fingers inside of you. It felt so good as his hands play with your mound tickling something inside you. He moved his hand inside and out of you faster and you felt something inside you tightening, “I’m gonna come” you said with a staggering breath and he continued to make you feel good until liquid rushed out from your pussy to his mouth, he licked it clean. “I love you,” you said while panting “I love you too baby, can you take more?” he asked you with a smirk, challenging you. “Of course,” you said accepting his challenge. You are so lucky to have him, not only good in the kitchen but also in bed.
To be continued...
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wellthatschaotic · 8 months
chronic illness/pain is like. you have ants in your house. but its not a big deal its just a few ants right? and one day you're talking to someone and say something like "i hate when the ants eat the ingredients of a meal i was just planning to make, cuz then i can't make the meal unless i substitute something weird aha" and your friend goes "...ants?" and apparently most people Don't have ants in their house constantly. like occasionally they do, especially if they leave sugary foods out or never clean or something, but it's not Normal, maybe you should talk to someone about it
so you go to a bug exterminator and he says well did you try cleaning? are you leaving any food out? are you sure all the windows and doors are all the way closed? and you say yes they always have been, you don't know how or why the ants got in. and he says well maybe just clean more.
so you find another exterminator, who has more experience with ants, and he recommends a pesticide, so you go back home hopeful. and maybe for a day or so it works, but then the ants come right back, and now the pesticide is starting to make your lungs hurt and shit. so you to back and say hey it didn't work. and he goes okay fine. and gives you another one. and now you're still hopeful but not as much as before. so you spray the pesticide and maybe for a day or so it works, but the ants still come back, and this one makes your throat hurt and your eyes water. so you go back to the exterminator and say these pesticides aren't working, and he says maybe it's a different problem, maybe it's the house, why don't you talk to an architect?
so you go okay fine and go find an architect, and at this point the ants are getting worse and worse and you feel like you're constantly running out of food and feel dirty. and the architect says no the house looks fine, i don't see a place ants could get in. and you say i know, but there are ants. and he says well have you tried just cleaning more?
so you go to a yet another exterminator, pretty exhausted at this point. he goes well are you sure you're cleaning? and when you say yes and it's getting harder to clean because of all the ants. and he recommends a pesticide and you say you've already tried that, it didn't work and made your lungs hurt. and he says well if there's nowhere for the ants to get in and the pesticide isn't working, there must not be ants. maybe you're making it up. and you want to beg him to look closer but he doesn't.
at this point ants are invading everything. your food, your bed, your bathroom, you can't do anything without ants present. and you ask around for help or answers, and the responses you get are "well have you tried cleaning?"
and now it's getting harder and harder to clean. and one day you see a cockroach. so immediately you go to an exterminator and say hey, there's cockroaches now too. and he goes where are they coming from? have you tried this pesticide? and you say i don't know where they're coming from, pesticides don't work. and he says have you tried cleaning?
so you try another architect, and you say surely there is somewhere these things are getting in. and he glaces around and says no, i don't see anything, there must not be ants. and you go how can you say that, they're right there, eating my bread. and he goes have you tried cleaning?
so now you have an ant and a roach infestation, and feeling worse and worse every day. and you look online for help. and the answers you get are "have you tried cleaning?" and "try this special homemade pesticide!" and "avoid dairy!" (and briefly wonder what dairy even has to do with anything)
so you keep scrolling and find "ant infestations aren't real" and "uh no one has ants AND cockroaches, you're clearly lying for internet points"
at this point, people in real life are noticing something is wrong, you're acting weird and gross all the time, what's wrong with you. and you tell them. and they say well have you tried cleaning?
until finally. you see someone else talking about their ant infestation. except...lightheartedly. it's a meme about ants stealing bread. so you dm them and say hey, uh, why are you joking about this. and they say well if i'm gonna have ants, might as well crack jokes about it, right? and you say how can you possibly do that, it's miserable. and they say they've found things that help. and you're bracing yourselves for "pesticides" or "cleaning". but they say have you tried sealing your food up, or having a hanging pantry? it doesn't fully stop them, but it helps. and they give you strategies that finally, actually help. and you start to feel like you can breathe again, even though you wish someone had listened to you sooner, before it got this bad.
and now you have the ants relatively under control- they're still there, but there's less and they're manageable, save for a few flare-ups once in a while. except now you also have cockroaches. so you go to your internet friend and say how do you deal with the cockroaches? and they say pesticides. and you say those don't work. and they say yeah they don't work for my ants but they do work for the cockroaches. so you go to another exterminator and say you have ants and cockroaches, and he does indeed recommend a pesticide. so you give in and spray the pesticide and a few days later...they're gone. maybe only a rare handful cockroaches left. finally.
and someone says "all pesticides are bad!" and "pesticides just mean you're dirty or bad at cleaning!" and the cockroaches are gone so you think well, i don't need the pesticide anymore, and you stop applying it. and the cockroaches come right back. they were gone because of the pesticide, you have to keep applying it to keep them gone.
and people start saying are you sure you want to live the rest of your life spraying pesticides? and you say well, i wouldn't be able to live in my house much more without them, so yeah. and their pity is just annoying at this point.
and whenever you complain about ant or cockroach flare-ups, the answer you always get: "have you tried cleaning?"
but at least now you have an online support system, a group of people who finally, actually understand, and even relate. and you've even found people in real life who understand, or at least are compassionate and patient. and you think yeah. maybe i can cope.
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mamashenanigans · 4 months
SURPRISE I come baring KudoxYoichi fruit!!!
Yes! This is the first scene from the next chapter of Urges!
This second chapter is all about Yoichi meeting Kudo and Bruce, but the majority of it will be from AFO’s perspective. This first scene is the only one from Yoichi’s perspective this chapter or, at least, that’s the current plan. Who knows with me, though. I might end up doing a back and forth perspective for this chapter. I’m still feeling it out. Regardless, Kudo and Bruce are brought into the picture and AFO isn’t too thrilled about sharing his brother nor watching him want to give to these complete strangers. Cue awkward first meetings, horror from Kudo and Bruce, and an inevitable “bring your boyfriend to family dinner” scene that will either be hilarious or downright creepy!
This first scene is quite cute and therefore includes a meet cute, but keep in mind what kind of writer I am! Once it switches to AFO, things are going to get weird and creepy.
Anywhooooo, read it below and let me know what you think! If you haven’t read Urges, please do and maybe leave a kudo and/or comment to help me get through my day of grooming dogs. There are only so many times you can shave a doggy butthole before you need a little cheering up! 😝
(The first time I tried to post this, my tumblr app decided to make me look like a fool and double pasted. This is a new post)
Yoichi dropped his overflowing basket to the floor as he scoured through the products on the shelves. This particular grocer was a favorite of his as it didn’t just stock Japanese necessities, but also ingredients from other countries. When it opened, he had been over the moon, bugging his brother incessantly about how amazing the selection is.
Per usual, Big Brother was more concerned about how the haul would help him and didn’t care much for Yoichi’s fervent ramblings over his love for the place. The younger twin couldn’t help his excitement nor the chance to tease his brother over the elder most likely never setting foot in the place. That always earned him a hard scowl or a shove to the shoulder. Normally both.
He’d tell himself that it wasn’t his fault his brother rarely deigned to leave the house unless it involved business, but that would be partly a lie. Okay, maybe an entire lie. He sorta, probably, definitely was the cause for his twin’s physicality at this point, however, Yoichi didn’t like to dwell on it especially now that the brothers had come to an understanding about the needs of the other.
Still, this grocery run had become exhausting.
The night prior, the twins had been watching a cooking competition show. Actually, Yoichi had been binging different food related shows all day now that most pre-meta streaming services had finally returned.
Big Brother had started teasing him early in the day, but his annoyance grew every time he found Yoichi glued to the screen, eyes huge, and papers with recipe ideas strewn across the coffee table and couch. The older brother eventually picked up his smaller twin(he didn’t even bother using a meta ability) and took him into the kitchen, setting him on his feet and dramatically motioning to all the advanced appliances.
“How about you pretend you’re on a cooking show and make me something to eat!”
After sticking his tongue out at his brother’s retreating back, Yoichi had hollered, “I totally could be on a cooking show and I’d win!”
His brother’s deep voice answered, “We all have dreams we’ll never attain, dear brother!”
Yoichi was already yawning once they had sat down to eat their frustration-induced dinner, but perked up when he found a new competition show. He almost broke the remote with how hard and quickly he mashed the buttons, and he could feel his brother roll his eyes.
“Really? You aren’t tired of this drivel?”
Once they were done eating, well, once Yoichi was done eating, he couldn’t stop himself from excitedly talking about all the recipes he would love to make.
And that was his first mistake.
His brother grinned at him and pulled Yoichi in close; their eyes locked.
”Hmm, I heard you say a certain dish I would just love to enjoy tomorrow night. If you can make it.”
Yoichi glared at his brother and sat up straight. He crossed his arms. “I can make anything, Big Brother!”
”Oh, really? Then I’m sure you’ll have no trouble making me Tonkatsu ramen!”
Yoichi’s eyes bugged out and he stuttered, “Wh-what?! You, you, dammit, you know I never cut corners! What the hell! That’s going to take me, take me—”
”All. Day.” Big Brother pulled back and held his stomach as he let out a boisterous laugh. Yoichi seethed.
“You’ve got to be kidding me!”
”Please, we’ve always been together. You know damn well when I’m kidding. I’m just helping you realize your dream of being on ‘what’s his face’s show!”
”That face is THE Gordon Ramsey and you know that!”
Big Brother tutted and flapped his fingers. “Yes, yes, the British one that yells. I must admit I respect his gumption. Went right back to that Hell show before America even got back on its feet.”
”It’s Hell’s Kitchen. You know that.”
”Ahhhh,” Yoichi screeched and pulled at his hair, “the only way I can do it right is to go right now and get everything! You know it takes over a day, don’t you? I’m going to have to have the broth cooking tonight, it has to stay on the stove overnight, cook more during the day, then it—ugh! Big Brother, I swear, if I didn’t know, explicitly from you saying it all the time, that you’d ‘stop death from taking me’, I’d think you want me to keel over!”
Big Brother just stared at him, a humor twinkling in his eyes and an annoying grin on his face. “Well, I have faith in you, my little twin.”
Yoichi jumped to his feet, gave his brother one last glare, and then grabbed his things. His muttering didn’t subside even after he left and especially when his brother called out, “Don’t take forever and bring me something sweet back!”
Even though Yoichi had returned as fast as he could, his brother still complained he was gone too long. It didn’t help matters that he decided to state as such when Yoichi was still standing in the hall with his arms full of grocery bags and his white locks in a state of disarray.
His rush ended up biting him in the ass the next day once he realized he had completely forgotten the pork belly for the chashu. Luckily, it didn’t take anywhere near as long as the rest of the meal to prepare, but that meant he was now back at the store to buy it. However, Yoichi wasn’t one to ever just buy one thing. Perhaps it was him being spoiled by his brother’s money or his mind working in overdrive to come up with more ways to give. All he knew was that he was fairly certain he was out of paprika. And onion powder. And…maybe 3, or 5, or more ingredients.
Before he knew it, his basket was so full that he felt heavily encumbered. With it on the floor now, he was able to more expertly parse through the delicate glass bottles that lined the shelves.
“Where is it? There it is! No, no, that one doesn’t look good. Is there another brand? I wonder…”
Unbeknownst to Yoichi, another customer had taken to looking through the snacks nearby, which ended up being quite fruitoutus when—
“Oh, shit!”
One of the expensive glass bottles fell from the shelf and Yoichi embarrassingly missed catching it twice before it was caught by a calloused hand.
“Yo, may want to be a little more careful.”
Yoichi hastily grabbed the bottle from the stranger and went to apologize (maybe a bow or two?) but went rigid once he finally set eyes on the man that had saved him from having to profusely apologize to the store owner.
“Um, I…I” Yoichi didn’t have words. He couldn’t say he had felt this emotion before that was blossoming in his chest. It wasn’t like when his urges took over, but definitely danced with the feeling he’d have when taking advantage of the plethora of options on the internet. The kind he was always ready to hide from his brother’s discerning eyes with a quick switch to another window on his laptop.
The man that had saved him from public embarrassment gave him a questioning look. His hair was spiked and a lovely shade of orange. His eyes were red (like Big Brother’s) but not quite the same shade nor intensity, and his skin spoke of a life of hard work. The stranger’s clothes looked like they were chosen in a rush and Yoichi easily found every tear and stain.
He was nothing like the men he enjoyed pleasuring himself to in the dead of night after sneaking out of his and his brother’s shared bed.
Ruggedly handsome. Yes, that’s what he was.
“Uh, you okay there, champ?”
”Oh, uh, yeah, yeah! I’m just dandy!”
Crap! Yoichi! You are ruining this!
”I, uh, sorry! I just haven’t, um, seen you here before!”
”So, you keep a record of everyone that shops here?”
Yoichi’s face went red and he hurriedly shook his head ‘no’.
“Whoa, there! I’m just kidding!”
”Yes! I just meant that, well, I come here a lot. And by a lot I mean, like, almost everyday, so I was just a little surprised is all…”
”Right. Anyway, it looks like you owe me now. Saved you from having to deal with that grumpy old guy at the front.”
”I heard that, you hooligan!” A gruff voice spoke over the loudspeaker.
”Damn. This place is really nice, isn’t it? Even has a good ‘ol timer to watch me on the cameras like a damn hawk.”
Yoichi laughed and not in a cute way like he wanted. It came out more like it would from his brother.
His brother. Well, that killed the mood.
”Um, thanks for being my hero!”
Good one, Yoichi. Great job. Totally not stupid.
“Heh. Hero, aye? Never heard that one before. Just call me Kudo.”
Yoichi felt a warmth grow within him and not where he’d normally feel his urges. No, much lower.
“I’m, uh, Yoichi.”
”Well, Yoichi, it was good to meet you, but I’d prefer the next time to not include almost destroying pricey merchandise, okay?”
Next time?!
”Yo, Kudo!” A blue haired man near the front with his hair pulled back called out.
Kudo turned slightly to look at him and Yoichi noticed how the other man cocked his head at a stranger checking out. Maybe another friend?
”Well, looks like I need to be going.” Kudo put back the bag of snacks he was holding and turned to leave, but Yoichi stopped him. “Why did you put that back? I can help if you need it! I’ll buy it for you!” The words flew out of his mouth before his brain could catch up. He wasn’t especially adept at speaking with people other than Big Brother. It had always been just them and surviving, but even now that they were comfortable and no longer had to scrap on the streets, Yoichi never had ventured far with finding friends.
“Uh, yeah, no, dude. It’s all good. Something came up, that’s all. Maybe I’ll see you around again, who knows?”
Kudo walked away towards the blue-haired man and they exchanged some words then followed the stranger that had just paid out the door.
“You two better buy something next time! I’m running a business! Not a hostel!” The old man behind the counter yelled.
Yoichi stood there for a few minutes mulling over the strange encounter he just went through.
Oh, god! He just had a meet-cute! His closed smile took over his face and he was partly convinced little hearts must be bursting around his head.
There would definitely be a “next time” as the handsome, not-quite-put-together clothes wearing, orange haired man named Kudo said.
Yoichi’s phone went off interrupting his semi-lustful thoughts. He took a peak and groaned. A text from his Big Brother on the screen.
BigBro: “What the hell is taking you so long? Weren’t you just getting pork? What’s going on—”
Yoichi growled and put his phone back in his pocket.
Great. Of course, his Big Brother would be the one to kill this amazing mood he was having.
But still…
Next time.
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criolla-star · 3 months
A Fiery Lovestory (Red Son x Mk part 4)
(I suggest you check out part 1-3 if you haven't already, just a reminder Macaque and Red Son are just friends they aren't like a father son duo cause that would be weird since i have Shadowpeach in this comic and since Macaque and Wukong are practically MKs' parent annnnd Red Son has bull ears, and horns that are small i'm sure you have seen fanart of it before, i'll shut up now)
Red Son woke up the next day it took him a moment to process where he was, but when he did he checked the time, it was 6:23am. Red Son always woke up early to prevent the scolding from his parents for being up late, but then he just realised, "Oh fuck...my parents don't know where I am..." Red Son thought to himself he hadn't thought about this yesterday when he agreed to follow he was just exhausted. "Hopefully Macaque can lie for me..." Red mumbled, sure he didn't know where he was but Macaque knew better than to out him. Red let out a sigh before getting up and stretching. He was still wearing MKs' clothes and it was really comfy this made him blush slightly. Suddenly he remembered his fire and then carefully attempted to ignite a fire it took a minute but he let out a sigh of relief when he finally managed to do it rain honestly really fucked him up but that won't be the only thing fucking him.....
He had a pretty peaceful sleep and looked and went to the bathroom he was honestly surprised with how furnished MK's home was, but his thought went back to MKs' sculpted body from when he was shirtless last night, "So hot..." Red Son whispered out, "Why the fuck am I thinking about him, he's an idiot...a handsome idiot" Red Son added, "That's it I'm just gonna find something to eat in this place" Red Son scolded himself before going into the kitchen. He looked around and saw discarder cereal boxes on the counter and table, there were dirty dishes in the sink, "It's such a mess in here" Red Son mumbled, the fire demon wasn't a fan of messy places the closest he's ever had a place this dirty was his workshop.
"I can't with this..." Red Son mumbled as he went and turned on the tap before tying up his hair, taking off MKs' jacket from yesterday, finding some gloves and beginning to do the dishes. Red Son didn't find cleaning a pain and actually enjoyed it (can ya believe someone likes cleaning) He continued to do the dishes and eventually finished that, the fire demon also enjoyed singing and talking to himself while he did things such as cleaning, working or cooking, and yes he can cook like really good also really enjoys it. Eventually Red finished cleaning the whole kitchen, it was now 7:30am he's been cleaning for an hour and was honestly surprised the noodle boy hasn't awoken from his slumber by now. "Hm...hungry..." Red Son said quietly to himself. The fire demon went through cupboards and the found ingredients to make pancakes, "Well he has something else other than cereal" Red Son mumbled before taking off the jacket and he surprisingly found an apron which wasn't dirty and put it one I mean of course it wouldn't be dirty by the looks of it Mk probably only ate cereal and noodles which was kinda sad for Red Son to think about but he shrugged it off.
Red Son grabbed a bowl and made the pancake mixture, I don't know how to bake/cook so don't expect a good description. Once the mixture was complete the fire demon poured it onto a pan, used his fire to ignite the stove and made pancake after pancake. It honestly smelt amazing and Red Son was singing whatever song you want with the most angelic voice very ironic for a demon.
Mk woke up to an amazing smell unaware of the stunning fire demon cooking in his apartment and the beautiful act of cleaning he did. Mk yawned out loudly then checked the time, it was 8am and honestly that surprised him he usually up later than this, "Wow I'm up early, must be the smell..." Mk thought, "Haha...Red Sons' here...OH SHIT RED SONS HERE!" Mk panicked realising that the fire demon was probably up and in the kitchen. He grabbed a shirt and rushed out while putting it on. Only to hear Red Son singing as well as him cooking, the fire demon didn't notice him and continued singing unaware that he was being watched Mk looked around and noticed how clean everything was, "Did he do this..?" The monkey thought. Mk leaned on the door frame and continued to listen until the demon noticed. He was honestly lost in his thoughts Red Sons' voice sounded so sweet and soft. He was watching for 2 minutes until Red Son did a twirl and realisation hit him, "AHHH!! WHAT THE FUCK HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN THERE!!!??" Red Son panicked almost falling down. "Long enough...did you clean this place up?" Mk chuckled out walking towards Red Son, "I-I in fact did, this place was filthy!" Red Son nervously said out before talking in his bratty tone.
"Well thank you, was gonna eventually clean it but never had the motivation to" Mk responded before looking Red Son up and down, he was still wearing his sweatpants but the apron looked really cute on him. "I don't know how you could let your place get like this, but I made pancakes you barely had anything in those cupboards of yours other than cereal, eat it or not I couldn't care less" Red Son said before putting another pancake on a stack, "Hey I'll eat anything at this point I think I've had noodles and cereal a bit too much" Mk said as he sat at the table because Red Son signalled him to sit down. "As if that part wasn't obvious..." The fire demon mumbled before plating some pancakes and giving it to Mk. Before grabbing a tub of ice cream, and strawberries and placing it next to Mk. "Did you go through everything?" Mk chuckled out, "So what if I did? If you have a problem go back to eating cereal noodle boy" Red Son hissed slightly annoyed, "Haha...no..." Mk replied before beginning to eat. MKs' eyes lit up, "Holy shit this is like the best thing I've ever eaten, you are an amazing cook I never thought you would be able to cook" Mk said praising Red Son. Hearing this made the fire demon blush, "I-I tend to do cooking and baking as a hobby it relaxes me" Red Son replied before sitting down and beginning to eat.
Mk stared at him before smirking, "Does singing also relax you~?" the monkey teased, the fire demons' face lit up with blush, "D-Don't you mention that!!" Hr stuttered out embarrassingly. "Hey I'm not making fun of you, you're voice is really nice...I wouldn't mind listening to it forever..." Mk said his voice becoming softer as he lost himself while staring at Red Son. The fire demon blushed hearing that, "J-Just shut up you peasant and eat!" Red said nervously Mk chuckled before continuing to eat.
"I have work at 9:30, I don't mind if you stay here" Mk said breaking a silence as they ate, "Mhm...I suppose I could stay..." Red Son spoke, he was hoping Macaque managed to convince his parents that he didn't run away and somehow Mk must've read his mind, "Does Macaque know you're here...?" Mk added his voice going from his dumb tone to a more serious tone, "No...but, he won't be bothering you till he knows where I am..." Red Son replied.
After a while they finished eating Mk had to go to work and told Red Son rules he had to follow. "Morning kid, you're here early" Pigsy said surprisingly when Mk came in, "Yep" Mk replied happily while waiting for order but he couldn't quite get Red Son off his mind.
(The amount of times i lost motivation for this is unspeakable like i clicked off it and started reading other fanfic or watching youtube, ALSO the true power of the samadhi fire is blue which alters based on the power used if it's a little amount it will stay as red too much it'll be blue saying that i already mentioned this before that Meis' fire is a way downgraded version of the actual fire due to the colour)
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intothemysticfic · 2 years
Late Nights (Nct 127)
Taeil's been working so hard with many late nights. The grueling schedule means that you only see him in passing. He slips in at night while you sleep if he comes in at all. The only time you have together is a short sleepy goodbye in the morning. He tells you one morning that he misses the dinners you’d typically make for him. 
A plan starts to form immediately in your mind. You eat a late lunch before heading to the store, picking up the ingredients for all of Taeil's favorite dishes that you fix. As the night gets late and your regular time for bed passes, you start to wish you had taken a nap earlier. You ignore the tiredness in favor of following through with your late-night dinner plans. 
“You should be in bed,” Taeil murmurs when you greet him happily at the door.
“I have a surprise,” you tell him, helping him out of his coat. He laughs at your eagerness. Following you without complaint to the kitchen. He closes his eyes when he sees the spread of food, inhaling deeply.
“I hope you’re hungry.”
He groans, “It looks amazing.” Wrapping you up in his arms, he asks, “How did I get so lucky?”
3 A.M may not be the ideal time for dinner, but it’s the best meal you’ve had in weeks because you get to share it with him.
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Johnny meets you in the entryway with his arms crossed. You’re a bit cold, a little damp, and a lot tipsy as your friend laughs behind you, offering Johnny a joyous, “Good luck!”
Johnny watches you lean on the wall for support as you struggle to remove your shoes. After shaking his head, he moves forward, bending to help you out of your shoes. You pat his head, offering a slurred, “Thank you. So sweet.” 
“Am I a dog?” He questions lightly.
You shake your head. “The best boyfriend.” 
He lets you cling to him as he leads you to the kitchen. You watch as he starts a cup of tea. The steam reminds you, “I’m cold.” Once more, you try to burrow into his side. 
“Let’s get you into something warmer.”
You whine as he starts to steer you away from the drink, the rational ability to understand that it has to steep has been lost. Johnny isn’t phased; he simply picks you up when you try to dig in your heels. It’s enough to distract you from the tea on the counter and make you laugh instead. When you playfully decline to change. He gently prods, warning, “Tea is only for people who behave.”
“You’re no fun,” you complain while begrudgingly changing, but there’s no denying that Johnny takes terrific care of you.
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Taeyong calls you just like he promised he would - like he does every night. Even if it’s just for five minutes. Even if the only words he has time for are: hi, I miss you, I love you, and bye.
“You know,” you start, hearing the exhaustion in his voice and wanting to give him an out, “you don’t have to call every night - you can rest instead. I know you’re tired.” A tense silence follows, making you worry that you’ve said something wrong.
“I just like to hear your voice.”
“Good, because talking to you is the favorite part of my night.”
He laughs, and the weird tension dissipates.
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Yuta pushes you toward the bed. “We shouldn’t,” you murmur against his lips, “You have to leave early in the morning.” He has to practice first thing in the morning, and it’s already late.
“We’ll be quick.”
You both know that is a lie. It’s too easy to get lost in each other, caught up in sensation. Yuta loves to break you apart slowly, drag it out, and make you beg. Yuta isn’t one to deny himself something that he wants, especially when it’s within reach. So he grins wickedly before capturing your lips in a sinful kiss and pushing you down onto the mattress.
He’ll deal with the consequences of his loss of sleep tomorrow. 
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Doyoung knows something is off the moment his eyes start to flutter open; it takes a moment to realize it’s because you’re no longer in bed. He’s tired but going back to sleep is impossible with you gone. It’s easy to find you by following the light that spills out of the kitchen.
“What’s wrong?”
You shrug, smiling at his disgruntled expression and bedhead. “I was hungry.” You offer him a spoonful of your ice cream. He huffs but leans forward, letting you feed him the sweet treat.
“Did I wake you?”
He hums, drowsy, “Couldn’t sleep without you.”
“Let’s finish this quickly so we can go back to bed.”
He drops to the stool beside you, letting you feed him alternating spoonfuls of ice cream. Once it’s gone, you put the bowl in the sink, and he takes your hand, leading you back to bed. Dropping peacefully back to sleep once he has you in bed wrapped up in his arms.
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Jaehyun has enough self-awareness to know that it is late. But he’s too drunk to remember that your home is no longer his. This doorstep is no longer a place where he belongs. You aren’t someone who belongs to him anymore, and he has no business standing before you. 
You let him in any way.
Every time he shows up smelling like liquor, mumbling pitifully, “I miss you,” you promise yourself that it is the last time. That next time you won’t let him come crawling back so effortlessly. You know you’ll be bitter in the morning as you leave him to sleep off his hangover. Wondering if it was her he lost in the fallout, would he show up on her doorstep in the middle of the night murmuring sweet words. 
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Mark sends you a message telling you not to wait up for him; he’ll be late again. You worry about the dark circles that seem permanent on his face. He works so hard, and you wonder if he’s taking time to eat. You consider the ingredients in your kitchen, items for meals you haven’t been able to cook for him, that you haven’t had the heart to cook for yourself without him. 
You make a plan and get to work.
You snap a picture of the multiple bento boxes filled with food you’ve made. You wait until you’re outside to send Mark the image with the caption: Delivery! He doesn’t make you wait long. His smile is soft as he takes the bags of food, looking around before giving you a quick kiss. “Thank you.”
Later, he sends you a short video of all the guys devouring the food, a chorus of thank-you’s, And you’re glad that, for just a moment, you could take care of Mark.
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Heachan's voice is low in your headphones as he gives you directions. You focus on the screen, fingers flying across keys working hard to keep up with him in the game, not wanting to slow him down. 
Even if the game isn’t your favorite, these late nights are because Heachan has dropped his customer service voice and is in his element. You know he’s enjoying himself, and that’s all you want. 
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darth-lemoncupid · 1 year
morning fog
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pairing: malavai quinn x gender neutral! reader
word count: 1,322 words
ao3 link: 🥞🥞🥞
summary: after a rough battle, your captain decides to use some local kitchenware to make you what’s considered to be an important meal of the day with local ingredients.
warning(s): fluff (i guess?), no consideration for how the facilities in star wars actually work, no considerations for what characters actually eat, quinn being wife material, imagined with a sith warrior reader, strawberries, yes i am referencing my own made up stuff for star wars
notes: i just wanted to write about quinn making pancakes because i made pancakes and thought, “he would totally do this.” if this feels weird (and something doesn’t exactly make sense) it’s probably because i wrote this at 4am.
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What is one to do when they cannot sleep?
Perhaps it’s to take a speeder out and explore the vast landscape of whatever planet they were on. Or to sit and contemplate while looking out into the stars and darkness of the galaxy, allowing oneself to be sucked into the serenity of endless sky.
Or, maybe, if one was like Malavai Quinn, it would be to get dressed and head out to a local market to make breakfast for his lord.
The sun had not even risen yet when he woke up. He was used to waking up before the sun came up and was familiar with the feeling of meeting darkness when he awoke from his slumber. But when he did not need to be up, he usually went back to bed. His body could only take so much after all. But sleep did not come to him easily and while he did not mind the Empire’s rations, his body was feeling for something more human, something made from scratch.
Most planets had their own local markets that sold food, if one knew where to look. Thankfully, it wasn’t his first time on this planet. So Malavai dressed in something more casual, wrapped a scarf around the lower half of his face, and set out for a local market.
The morning fog that he had woken up with gradually disappeared as he took in his surroundings. It was nice to watch the sunrise every once in a while. Truly, the endless black sky of the galaxy got a little boring. It was nice to see color every once in a while.
Being one of the first people at the market meant he had his pick of the crop. The best stuff always got taken first. But Malavai was quick. He picked out his necessities, but he had to contemplate which fruit to get. There were so many choices presented to him. But the one that caught his attention was a berry. Red with a sort of sharp glimmer to it.
“Like it?”
He looks up at the old woman. She has a kindly face but her posture told him that she most likely had experience with the military. “They’re quite eyecatching.” He says.
“Yamian Red Crystal Berries. Sweet and cooling. Hard to come by when we’re far out. But a favorite among the Imperials. Would work well for what’s in your bag.” He glances at his bag. “I was watching you. I like looking out for potential customers.”
“I have never had these Red Crystal Berries.”
“They’re rare in Imperial territories, mostly because the Republic hogs them all.” He could sense a hint of bitterness when she mentions the Republic. “But they are special and quite perfect. Here.” She picks one out and offers it to him,
Malavai looks at the berry and its icy glimmer before gently taking it. He pulls his scarf down slightly to take a bite into the berry. It’s cooling and he feels chills run across his body. It contrasts with the rather hot weather he was currently experiencing. The berry is sweet but has a subtle tart flavor and it has a bit of a crunch to it. He’s pleasantly surprised.
“Delicious, isn’t it?”
“I can see why the Republic is so adamant about having them.” He says.
“They are so adamant that they will force families of farmers to work constantly. And once they have exhausted them, they will replace them with droids.” She shakes her head.
“The Republic has a reputation of hiding their misdeeds.” He finishes the berry. “How much for a gram?”
“300 credits each.”
Malavai almost choked on the air as he thought about his checking account. He had a decent amount of money but after this? He might as well consider himself broke. (This would be the second time, but not really. He’s never actually been broke entirely but last time, he was very close). The woman laughs.
“You’re on a discount. I give them to servants of the Empire. If you were Republic, I would be charging you twice as much.”
He looks at his outfit. Nothing really made him stand out as an Imperial.
“I can identify one when I see one. How many grams do you want?”
“Ummm, I’ll take three grams.”
“750 credits. Consider it another discount since you’ve amused me.”
“I’m happy I have amused you.” His account would be grateful for this lenience.
“Good luck with whatever you’re cooking.”
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Cooking was always time consuming but there was something calming about it. It gave Malavai Quinn some semblance of control compared to the rest of his life. It was a chaotic existence to say the least, but with cooking, he could control the environment around him even just for a little bit.
There were a lot of steps to creating a good breakfast, from making a drink to folding in his fluffed up whites into the batter with the right amount of pressure. But he always managed if he just trusted the process.
Even if the first few pancakes ended up a little burnt and flat.
By the mid-morning, Malavai had finished his breakfast. He was very proud with his presentation and the matching drinks to go with it. It took two hours to make and only ten minutes to eat his plate. Truly the worst part of cooking, that he could labor for so long and it would be gone in less than an eighth of that time.
The extra plate and drink had the captain contemplating. Of course, who should it go to? Certainly not Pierce. Vette was probably still asleep. Jaesa? Maybe, but he knew Jaesa would prefer to do her own cooking or get her own meal. Broonmark was...well, Broonmark and preferred to hunt his meal.
There was only one person that was deserving of his time and labor. (Albeit he had forgotten halfway through cooking that he originally went out for you)
When his dish was done, he put the other dish and cup on a tray and walked out of the kitchen to your room. He could hear the rustling of the sheets from behind the door and knocks. “My lord.”
“The door’s open.” Your voice is a little muffled.
Quinn opens the door, balancing the tray on one hand. Seeing his face makes you lift your head from your pillow and smile. “Quinn! Breakfast? I don’t remember us getting any sort of fancy rations.”
“They are not rations, my lord. I went out and bought everything.” He sets the tray down on the nightstand.
You sit up and take the tray, balancing it on your lap. “Everything looks really good.” You pick up a berry. “What is this? I’ve never seen it before.”
“A Yamian Red Crystal Berry from the planet of Yamia Carro. I presume the climate of such a planet has affected the texture, taste, and look of the fruit.”
“It’s pretty. Almost too pretty to eat.” You take a bite and shiver, feeling chills throughout your body. But it was the kind of chills that made you feel exhilarated, the kind of chills you got from eating just good food in general. “What made you decide to make me breakfast?”
“I had an extra plate.”
“I could get used to this.” You pick up the fork and cut into the pancake. “You look great in an apron.”
Malavai feels his cheeks grow warm and he clears his throat. “I will leave you to it, my lord.”
He walks out, the door closing behind him and he could feel his cheeks growing hotter and his heart quickening in pace. It was only a temporary feeling. It could only be a temporary feeling after all. Getting too attached to you may jeopardize his plans.
Alas, Malavai Quinn could not ignore the blatant truth.
He liked cooking for you and the way you made him feel.
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aeoki · 1 year
High and Low: The Centre of the Earth - Chapter 11
Location: Australian Land (Night) Characters: Tetora, Tomoya, Hinata, Touri, Mitsuru & Hitsugi
Season: Autumn Writer: Akira
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Tomoya: Unfortunately, this seems to be real.
Tetora: Osu. We don’t really know what’s going on, either.
Let’s retrace our steps. After eating my delicious cooking, we were playing tabletop games until we got sleepy.
Tomoya: There’s something in that sentence I want to correct but I’ll ignore it for now… Then, we got sleepier and sleepier, probably because of our exhaustion from being in the bus all day for the past few days.
And we fell asleep like a device being powered off. At least, that’s what it felt like for me. And when I woke up, I was here.
Tetora: It was the same for me. And here I thought I had pretty good endurance~ I felt myself drifting off to sleep and I was out like a light.
It feels like I was fed some sort of sleeping pill rather than falling asleep naturally due to exhaustion, though.
Tomoya: You’ve taken them before? I’m kinda scared of things like that so I could never take them.
Tetora: They sell ones without harmful ingredients at the pharmacy. I sometimes buy them when I’m shopping for protein supplements.
Maybe I’m pretty restless or something but sometimes I can’t fall asleep. There’s been a lot on my mind recently too.
Tomoya: Oh… Yeah. There’s no way you wouldn’t be going through something rough, huh.
But even so, you don’t show your weakened side to us and you’re always so energetic. You’re really amazing, Tetora.
Tetora: Ahaha. I’m being stubborn, that’s all. I just don’t wanna show my lame side.
Mitsuru: Hey! What’s this, anyway? Where are we?
Why’re we here? Did we get taken to some random place while we were on the bus?
Tomoya: That doesn’t sound quite right, either… I don’t really know what’s going on, so I’m pretty confused too.
Tetora: …This might be the worst possible situation.
Mitsuru: Whaddya mean, Tetsu-chan?
Tetora: Maybe we’ve been kidnapped by some sort of international crime group. 
Tomoya: …Seriously?
Tetora: I wanna believe that we really haven’t, but I can’t come up with any other explanation.
Tomoya: Well, yeah…
Rather than being teleported to a random place all of a sudden, it feels more realistic to assume we’ve been physically kidnapped by some bad guys.
Mitsuru: Huh? What? We’ve been kidnapped? By who?
What for? I’m just from an average household, so we wouldn’t even be able to pay a ransom if they demanded one, y’know?
Tomoya: The same goes for me. Maybe they were targeting the rich Himemiya or something–
Mitsuru: Ah! And where is he?
Tetora: He’s still asleep. Look, it’s pretty dark so you probably can’t see properly, but he’s lying over there.
Touri: …………
Hinata & Sora: …………
Mitsuru: Ah, you’re right. They’re all asleep… Anzu Nee-chan too.
Nee-chan, Nee-chan! What’s going on? Tell me!
Tomoya: I don’t think Anzu-senpai knows what’s going on, either. Looks like she’s just asleep.
Tetora: If this was a prank, it’s weird if the “producer” is asleep too. That’s not something that should be filmed.
Tomoya: If it’s not a prank, then there’s a big possibility we’re actually victims of some sort of crime, though.
Tetora: …………
Mitsuru: Hm? Huh? Hey, Hitsugi-chan’s not here!
Tomoya: Hm? Ah, you’re right! Everyone else is here, but him.
Why’s that? Don’t tell me he’s the one who started this prank…?
Tetora: Hmm, he didn’t seem like the kind of person to do something that mean, though.
Maybe he woke up while the rest of us were asleep, realised we were kidnapped and ran away…?
If that’s the case, then there’s hope. Kurone-san will probably get help.
Tomoya: How would he get help? We don’t have any means to contact each other.
Tetora: M-Maybe he’s gone to the nearest town by bus?
Tomoya: We were basically someplace in the wild with nothing around, though. The nearest town is probably a few hours away too.
Tetora: …That means even if Kurone-san managed to escape, our prospects of getting saved is pretty dim.
Tomoya: There’s no guarantee that he escaped successfully too… Just how did we end up like this?
They made us go on this low-budget trip and we even decided we wouldn’t be discouraged and would still enjoy it somehow.
But now we’re victims of a crime… When it rains, it really pours.
Tetora: T-There’s no evidence that we’re actually victims of a crime right now!
Tomoya: What else is there~? Ahh, jeez, why are we seriously in this mess!?
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watermelons gothic
it’s the height of summer now, and you start seeing large watermelons for sale in the supermarket. they are attractively placed at the front of the store, round and plump and deep green. it makes you a little nostalgic, to see them. they remind you of long languid August evenings, savory bites of bratwurst and cool crisp potato salad, sweet red juice running down your arm. you walk past them, the first time.
you do come away from it with a bit of a hankering for watermelon though. your housemate does too- maybe it’s contagious. regardless, they ask you to get a watermelon when you next go to the grocery store, along with the rest of the ingredients for a watermelon jello salad. you oblige.
at the store, you march right up to the display of great green melons and pick up the first one you see. it has a surprising heft to it- were watermelons always that dense? you place it to your ear and give it a knock like your mother taught you to do. it rings back hollow. you place it gently in your cart and continue shopping. it is soon joined by cherry jello powder, green grapes and a can of whipped cream for the salad at hand.
two days later, you and your housemate are tired after a trying day, exhausted to the bone, and looking for something to lift your spirits. they suggest making the jello salad and you offer to help. they prepare the gelatin as you sharpen your largest knife, and they watch as you make the first cut into the melon with a satisfying thwack. in short order, the melon is cut in half, fleshy red insides glistening in the sickly kitchen light.
the two of you quickly set about dismembering the melon, cutting its halves into quarters and quarters into slices. you start chopping the amount you’ll need for the salad, loading it into a large measuring cup. as you chop it, it barely seems like you’re using any melon at all. in fact, as you look up when the cup is full, it seems like there are somehow more melon slices on the various plates scattered around your countertop than there were before.
you and your housemate eat as much of it as you can. they demonstrate their hidden speed-eating-watermelon talents, splattering much of your kitchen floor with sticky red juice. both of you eat slice after slice, but the number of melon slices you have doesn’t seem to diminish at all. eventually you simply have to give up, and package the slices away to eat later. they fill all the tupperware containers you have on hand.
the next morning you come downstairs for breakfast, and find your housemate sitting at the table, surrounded by heaps of watermelon rinds and shaking their head in confusion. when you ask them what’s the matter, they just say “I don’t understand- it’s only one container. It can’t possibly fit this much.” you look at the container of leftover melon in front of them. it’s still as full as you left it the night before.
you open the fridge. initially everything appears normal, but then you notice something weird about a container of leftover curry from a few nights ago. you pick it up to see it full of red flesh and green rinds, and open it to confirm that it had somehow transformed into melon slices. in dawning horror, you realize that everything in the fridge had turned to watermelon. your lemonade and milk to melon juice, your eggs to melon chunks, your dill pickles to pickled melon rind. the only thing unchanged is the damned bowl of watermelon jello salad. like your housemate, you shake your head in disbelief. you pick up a slice from the would-be curry container, and bite into it. it tastes just like a normal watermelon, cold and sweet.
 you take the container and join your housemate at the table. you start eating the melon slices. you do not stop.
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bipolarbaddii · 2 years
It was a weird feeling this morning taking my meds. I pulled three out of their containers and had an effortless thought before I put them in my mouth - “these are my antipsychotics.”
And then I pulled four more out of its bottle and effortlessly thought - “and these are my anti death pills.”
It stopped me in my tracks for a few moments.
This is really what my life has come to? Antipsychotics and meds I have to take to keep my organs functioning?
Both types of pills that I would likely die without.
I can’t help but think of that when I take my abilify.
People tell me to look at it as a mood stabilizer, but truly, it’s an antipsychotic.
It’s literally what keeps me from going insane. And that’s a wild thought to me. That without medication I literally have the likely chance of losing my mind. Of going insane. Of becoming psychotic.
Who even is that? That person at such high risk of such scary things?
And my other pills? Keep my liver from failing. Keep my blood sugar in check. Keep my BODY functioning as it’s SUPPOSED to without the medication.
All these meds to keep me how I’m SUPPOSED to be without them.
But something in me is broken and I don’t have the luxury of being unmedicated.
And what’s wild is that some people refuse the medication or struggle to take them regularly. But my entire life depends on them. My life in my marriage, in motherhood, in my self worth, in my relationships with family. All of it depends on these medications.
So this is what it has come to.
Some days, I’m grateful for these medications. Most days anyway. But something about today, something about my effortless thoughts of “these are my antipsychotics and these are my anti death pills” caught me off guard and left me in this fog of “this is what my life has come to.”
And it will forever be like this.
And I know, in the grand scheme of Hashem’s plan for me, is that these bouts of bad news will eventually turn my life around. Get my body health in check. Get my mental health in check. It will force me to get in tune with my body and my mind. It will force me to take care of myself for the sake of life, for the sake of my kids and my marriage and my family. It will force me to create healthy habits and constantly evaluate my actions.
Even now, in the last week or two, my mind has been fighting hard to listen to my body. I’m trying to get to know her all over again. I’m paying attention to how I feel. I’m paying attention to my highs and my lows of this blood sugar game. I effortlessly stab my finger 4-6 times a day to make sure I’m in a healthy place.
I know that when my blood sugar gets to 85 I start to feel like shit - just as well as knowing that once depression hits the dishes won’t get done.
I know that yogurt makes me nauseous, and that avocado keeps my blood sugar stable. I know that I struggle with lunch and I can no longer stomach a deli sandwich. I know I’m excited for dinner by the end of the day. I’ve learned to love rice, and for some reason I can eat a piece of cake without a spike in my sugars. I guess the meds are working.
I’m getting to know her again. Her ebbs and her flows. Her struggles and wins. My healthy carbs and my not so healthy carbs.
Did you know I have to look at milk as a carb now? How shit is that? BUT I have an excuse to eat avocado and cottage cheese and multigrain toast and tuna salad. I have a reason to have a mini Twix if I’m feeling like shit.
And honestly, this isn’t too bad. Besides the nausea and the exhaustion (which I’m working on) this isn’t as hard as I anticipated. I’m not heartbroken over losing out on pizza when my husband is making amazing meals out of basic healthy ingredients. I don’t struggle to eat my veggies at dinner.
Sure I’m being forced to work towards a better life. But Hashem has blessed me with the medical care that I need and not one, but three doctors who not only listens, but literally take notes as I talk.
I guess that’s all I can ask for in this situation.
And at least He is supporting me, when my family is too caught up in their lives to even check in on mine.
AND he brought me a friend that I’ve been able to be open and share my raw honesty with. My struggles and my wins. Who guides me when I need it. Who checks in on me and who genuinely cares about how I’m doing.
So after I’ve untangled my thoughts here, I guess it isn’t too bad. I guess life isn’t too bad.
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astraldelights · 2 years
Still Moments
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Synopsis: Steven can have rough days, you decide to make them a bit better.
Content: fluff!! No spoliers
Author's note: my monkey brain compelled me to write this. After watching the 1st episode I felt I had to write this. HE DESERVES ALL THE LOVE IN THE WORLD. He baeby.
The door to Steven’s apartment unlocked. Making your way into the cozy but cluttered place, you got to work.
With the knowledge that Steven would always be working much later than you, a small routine had started to make his rest at home more comfortable. Just doing little things like picking up the trash bin and clearing it conveniently whenever you came over to the apartment. It was always filled to the brim. Walking over to the fish tank, you greeted one of the two residents of this apartment.
“Hey Gus, had an interesting day? I know I didn't. "
"What do fishes do all day anyway.” Pausing for a response that never came.
“Swimming I guess.” You answered back for the fish. Grabbing his food from the side, you sprinkled it and watched as he globbed up the floating specks.
“Now that your dinner is done I suppose it's time for mine too.” No response again from the illusive fish.
You walked off to take a quick shower before starting your own and Steven's dinner. The fridge door swung open, it was almost empty except for a few pieces of chicken and lettuce. You needed to restock it, but well that was a chore for tomorrow. Taking them out, you prepared simple chicken sandwiches with mayo. After eating your own portions you left two for Steven. Not really much appetite left for a dead tired man and with limited ingredients you didn't make too much for him.
Moving to the TV you sat down on the couch you got him for Christmas. When he first received the gift he seemed shocked, he wasn't very used to people being nice to him. Mostly with the fact that people treat him like a pest. It also doesn’t seem he’s close to any other family members that are not his mom and even she never visits. Previously, he’d only have a roller chair in the apartment. However when you started hanging out at his place more, he had another person to watch the history channel with, but only one chair. You decided to fix that. While the couch was a hassle to move into the already cluttered apartment, you still made it fit.
Sitting on its soft cushions, the TV droned on in the background as you drifted off.
' I hope he’s home soon '
The door unlocked. Steven walked in, exhausted to the bone.
“Gus,I'm home”
He dragged his feet in and saw you sleeping on the couch as the Television continued showing reruns of old Wheel of Fortune episodes. Steven kissed your forehead lightly before heading to the kitchen. However, that light affectionate gesture had woken you up from your rest. You slowly got up from the couch, following Steven to the kitchen.
“Looking for something to eat? I made you some sandwiches but i should probably heat them up first, and you can shower first”
“Thanks babe” He smiled with a sleepy face, leaving a chaste kiss on your cheek.
Placing the chicken sandwiches in the microwave, you waited as he freshened up. When you first met Steven, you thought he was awkward and a bit weird, but he still had a certain charm to him. You couldn't really describe it, but one thing led to another and after a few dates you started dating. Although it was difficult at the start trying to understand some of his ‘certain’ habits, you got used to them. Loving him, quirks and all.
‘Beep! Beep! Beep!’
The microwave called out, drawing your attention back to the present. You carefully took out the hot plate and placed the sandwiches on the counter. Steven exited the shower and placed a towel on top of his head. Dragging a chair to the counter, Steven sat down beside you and started eating his food. You stared as he ate, appreciating his deep brown eyes. You brushed his wet hair from his face, tracing your finger through his thick brown locks. The moment was still, peaceful. A contrast to the chaos of daily life, it seemed like time stood still with him there. You could just appreciate each other's presence, no words needed to be exchanged.
Both of your minds thinking, "How did I end up with someone like you?"
Lit lavender candles on the table, you snuggled up on the couch with Steven. He laid his head on your chest, enjoying the calming scent that was given off from the candles. The channel had been switched to his favourite, the History channel. While he laid in comfort, it still seemed his mind was troubled.
“I fed Gus, he said his day was boring. I think fish don’t do much, do they?”
“Yeah, they mostly just get to swim all day. Although, I might prefer that than facing Donna at the Museum.”
“Was it that bad? Did she call you ‘stevie’ again?” You traced circles in his hair. He relaxed further into your embrace with this comforting gesture.
“Something like that. But only you are allowed to call me that.” He huffed. You laughed slightly at this, he was so cute.
“Well, do you want to talk about it, ‘stevie’?”
With that comment he blushed at the nickname you had given him. He nuzzled his face into your neck,”Not really babe, i j-just want to enjoy this right now”
You silently agreed and let him rest. Turning your eyes to the television, it had seemed his favourite segment of the history channel had started. Ancient Egypt 101. Steven tried to intently watch the program, but it had seemed his fatigued state would not let him.
“His soul will be judged by 42 assessor gods who must be convinced that he has lived a righteous life.” The television program spoke.
“Did you know-yawn- there was an artefact called the heart scarab amul-yawn-et that would allow the user to not reveal the sins they committed as they…” Steven tried to continue on explaining but it seemed that his exhaustion had taken over.
You patted his head gently,”Rest Steven, I'll still be here in the morning.”
With his final bit of energy he said, “ Thank you love, for all this”
With the lavender scent and the comfort of your embrace, he had finally allowed his hectic mind to rest.
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sukirichi · 3 years
closer | gojo satoru x reader
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a/n: aaah my first ask and it’s a request! thanks so much this is so kind and sweet of you 🥺 and here it is! I’m not sure if it’s exactly what you wanted but I hope you like it anyway! 
summary: in which Gojo has the need to be closer to you after a long day of hard work
pairings: jealous! Gojo x reader
warnings: none, other than this isn’t proofread! (This is just a fluffy domestic short fic!)
masterlist ! 
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The best part about being the strongest jujutsu sorcerer isn’t the power (although Gojo basks in that too) but rather the fact that he allows himself to completely tear his walls down and be putty in your hands once he comes home from work.
Gojo would never say it out loud that the best part of his days is waking up next to you, pressing kisses in your still sleepy face and you whining for five more minutes, then watching as you wobble like a penguin to the shower so you can start your day. Although he doesn’t really ask much from you, his heart still swells every time you make him a sandwich, kiss it and claim that it’s “made with love” before he proudly shows off his ‘breakfast’ of the day to his students.
Even in work, he still thinks of you. It’s quite impossible for this man to stop thinking of you; you and him never left that honeymoon phase even after two years of marriage and a much longer time of dating.
He could be exorcising a curse then get distracted afterwards after seeing an Italian restaurant that he just knows you’ll love. Next thing you know, Gojo flicks his wrist and exorcises the curse in a flash before hopping into that restaurant to look at the menu. Loving is knowing; Gojo takes the time to see if the restaurant would be respectful of your allergies every time before booking reservations.
It’s no secret that this man is completely enamoured with you, if his sappy good morning kisses accompanied with light, teasing touches down your legs is not an indication already. Gojo is confident and feels safe in your relationship and he’s never the type to get jealous because Gojo is Gojo – who else would be better than him for you?
Or at least that’s what he used to believe, until he comes home with a bag of pumpkin spice bread for you, arms wide open and a “Darling~” about to leave his lips when he sees your current predicament.
Nanami is leaning against one of the chairs in your cafe downstairs from your home, the usual stoic man’s lips and cheekbones slightly raised in laughter as you tell him something about your day. Gojo can’t exactly understand the worse falling from your lips because he’s too focused on the way you’re leaning forward, eyes absolutely crinkled into half-moons while you share a strawberry tart with him. Gojo sees the cups of tea have already been emptied, meaning Nanami has been here for a much longer time than he is welcomed.
Gojo clenches his jaw. He’s told you many times you should get a bell so you’d know when a customer comes in, but now he’s thankful you’re stubborn and refused to have one because he can hide in one of the propped up tables and chairs hidden in the darkness.
He can’t help the sigh he releases. He’s late – like he always is.
You’re a regular human who isn’t able to see curses. You’ve only ever known about their existence ever since you started dating Gojo, but other than that, you’re completely unaware of how these things work. It doesn’t bother Gojo. In fact, he quite likes that he can be just a regular man around you, and he basks in the comfort of not having to worry about your safety if ever you were also like him.
He met you when you were just still a barista who helped your boss bake from time to time. Gojo was only a student then who hopped from one cafe to another in search of the best delicacy, but he got more than what he bargained from when he met the fresh-faced and bubbly young woman standing behind the counter whose smile was sweeter than the most sugary dessert you’ve ever made.
As the two of you grew older, Gojo supported you in building your own cafe since you’re so passionate about it and it’s been your dream since childhood.
He still remembers how you’d spend hours in the kitchen trying out new ingredients, so much so that you forget to eat on most days. Gojo is left with the task of literally hauling your ass up upstairs and force you to shower with him. You lie that you’re not really tired, but the moment his skilled hands roll the tension out of your shoulders, a contented and grateful sigh paints those lips he loves to kiss.
One of the things Gojo loves doing with you is taste-testing. He’s not around the house most of the time when you work since he’s a busy man himself, but on the days he actively chooses to annoy Principal Yaga and go AWOL, he’d sit obediently on the counter and let you use him as your own taste experimenting dummy.
When night falls and you’re just about ready to head to bed; satisfied and proud of another day of hard work, Gojo comes home early to help you clean up the cafe and prop the furniture so you don’t overstrain your muscles.
Or at least, he wants to come home early to help you. It’s just that he often gets carried away on his missions and stays behind a lot longer than he’d like because the world of curses is extremely demanding. After seeing that you probably already lifted all these heavy chairs and cleaned up everything by yourself even when you’re tired, and you still have the ability to smile and laugh like that in Nanami’s presence when he should be the one on the receiving end, Gojo is unable to fight back the twisting feeling that pools in his stomach.
Forcing a huge grin on his face, Gojo loudly smacks the paper bag in the table between you and Nanami, his hands resting on the blond’s shoulder who only groans at his presence. “Yo!” He greets, winking when your eyes gleam brighter now that your husband is home.
There’s no trace or hint of anything that could indicate you’re upset with him because he didn’t come home early. Instead, you bow and excuse yourself while picking up your cups and the small plate where remnants of your signature tart had been, and Gojo watches with longing eyes as you disappear in the back room.
Now that you’re gone, Gojo drops in your seat, takes off his blindfold, and glares at Nanami. “Nanamin,” he drawls out. “I wasn’t expecting to see you here – getting chummy with my wife, no less.”
Gojo knows he’s being petty and childish. Of course he is. This is Nanamin we’re talking about; the man is as frigid and stone and he’s as interested in romantic relationships as much as he respects Gojo Satoru. Plus, it’s you, and you have eyes for Gojo and Gojo only, but it’s also Gojo Satoru who’s mixed in the formula, and he’s not the least bit ashamed that he’s being immature right now.
Of course he’s jealous. Of course he’s possessive.
You’re his sweet, little wife – of course he doesn’t like it.
As if reading his mind but couldn’t be bothered to deal with him, Nanami slides an envelope across the table. “Ijichi took a sick leave so he couldn’t give this to you. I was tasked to hand it over to you instead so I came around. It’s not my fault you come home late and your wife insisted I have a short meal before I came home,” Gojo opens his to retort something stupid when you emerge from the back, pretty face tired yet still patient as ever.
“Leaving already, Nanami?” You smile up at him, hand slipping through Gojo’s bigger and rough ones. He doesn’t know why the gesture leaves him stunned, especially when you step close enough that he feels your heat on this sudden cold night. He’s so entranced by everything about you he doesn’t even notice the blond bidding his farewell.
Gojo watches as you turn to face him, smaller hands reaching up to caress his face. Now that his blindfold is gone, his hair falls down to forehead, your dainty fingers brushing them away from his eyes so you could marvel in its beauty.
Like a little kid, he melts into a puddle when you do that exact eye-smile he’s seen you do with Nanami, only this time, it’s reserved, private, and intimate.
Gojo shuts his eyes in the process, nearly stumbling forward, which he doesn’t really let happen with anyone because he’s the Gojo Satoru; strongest jujutsu sorcerer. But you don’t mind, you never do, and if anything it only makes you laugh when he pretends to be deadweight by collapsing into the crook of your neck.
“What a big baby,” you tease with your hand rubbing up and down his back in a soothing motion, all the tiredness and exhaustion from his day disappearing into thin air.
“Yes,” he concedes as he follows you up the stairs where you both change into your pyjamas and settle in for the night. “But I’m your big baby.”
The nickname makes you laugh, head thrown back as giggles erupted in your chest. You’ve already removed your makeup, hair down from your work hairnet and flowing in loose waves. Gojo stifles a gasp then, because you’re in his arms, in his bed, smelling like him, and you’re so soft, so free, so vulnerable and the way you lean into his shoulders while he rubs his cheek on the crown of your head makes him feel like he’s falling in love all over again.
He’ll never get tired of this – of you.
The mere thought of seeing you with someone else that isn’t him doesn’t sit well with Gojo. Now he understands why he’s so jealous and immature – it’s because he hasn’t wanted anyone or anything as much as he loves you.
He can’t imagine a life where he’ll wake up to his mornings without your limbs sprawled across his longer ones, or how he may never hear your sleep talks about birds and butterflies; which is utterly ridiculous, but because it’s you, he finds it adorable. Sometimes Gojo wonders how he ever even lived before meeting, but of course, those were days filled with nothing but him doing weird stupid shit.
Not that he’s stopped doing that, but now at least he’s doing those weird stupid with you.
And he only ever wants to share those with you, so he doesn’t and will never allow anyone else to take what’s rightfully his. You’re his wife, the love of his life, the sunshine in his mornings and the sunset of his beautiful dusk.
He doesn’t care if he’s petty – he’s got every right to be jealous because Gojo Satoru never shares what’s his.
When his mind races back to the way you smile for Nanami again, his hold on you grows tighter. You don’t complain when Gojo suddenly presses his lips into yours, a breathy moan blessing his ears once he finally moves on top of you. Gojo runs his hand under your – his – shirt, letting those talented hands of his roam upon the expanse of his skin like an artwork he’ll never get tired of looking at.
“Missed you,” he mumbles in between the lip-locking, leaning closer when your nails start to scratch his scalp as a way to soothe him from the night. Nothing about the kiss is hurried or fervent; rather, it’s calm and steady, slow and passionate, much like how everything he feels for you is similar to a calm, rainy day where he’ll stay in with a hot cup of chocolate.
You’re home – warmth and comfort – and you know you’re his just as he knows he’s yours, but it doesn’t stop him from kissing you like he wants you to never forget that.
You shiver when Gojo’s fingers tickle your ribcage, that spot always having been sensitive. Your husband swipes his tongue over your lips that still tastes like strawberries from your lipbalm, and he groans, falling forward when you allow him access into your sweet, sweet mouth. Meanwhile, you travel down from his hair into those broad, strong shoulders that always seemed like a fortress to you.
Gojo was so big and strong compared to you. There’s no denying he could easily break you if he wanted to, but he’s nothing but gentle – perhaps a little eager – when he holds you like this.
There’s no memory of how you end up on top of his lap that night with the covers barely strewn across your bodies, Gojo’s back pressing into the bed frame that’s witnessed endless nights of passion. His hands then run over your hips, squeezing it a little too hard until you rut against his hips.
“Hmm,” you moan into his mouth at the friction, while Gojo only smirks at your reaction. Even after years, you’re still so sweet, sensitive, and responsive – he just can’t get enough of it. “Satoru,” the way you say his name is so breathy, almost as if it’s a secret only the two of you should know, so he listens intently at your next words. “You’re a little needy tonight. Did something happen?”
“No,” he lies, smiling to himself once he sees your lips are red and bruised. He’s sure he looks the same, but your eyes are glossed over with love that he can’t resist you pulling you to him as if the space offends him. He trails his lips down to your neck to leave red patches of marks that claims you as his – not that the gold wedding band on your fingers wasn’t doing the job already.
Like the good girl you are, you tilt your head and allow him to do as he pleases. He sucks, licks, kisses and nips at the skin, all the while careful to not hurt you or push you over to the edge since both of you are too tired for the day to ever do anything.
Your head drops to the crook of his neck then, arms wrapped around his shoulders loosely as if you trusted him to catch you whenever you fall – and you know he will. He always will.
Later on, you grow sleepy at the way he starts to pepper kisses into your skin that addictingly smells like cinnamon and vanilla all at the same time. Gojo chuckles to himself at how peaceful you look in that moment, draped over him like a tiny puppy who lives in a world too big for themselves, but that’s not true.
You’re bigger than the universe itself, larger than the vast galaxies he held beneath those eyes, and Gojo finally stops being jealous.
There’s no need to be, after all, not when he’s the one you trust wholeheartedly to tuck you in bed while your soft breathing lulls him into slumber as well. Gojo flicks the lamp off with his finger, not wasting another second before he scoots closer, closer, closer until there’s no more recollection of where you begin and where he ends.
He stands corrected in his statement.
He’ll never get tired of this, of you, for you’re bigger than the universe itself and there’s still a lot of space between the two of you that he can’t wait to cross until your worlds crash and burn.
“Next time,” he promises before kissing your eyelids, “I’ll come home earlier.”
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thewildwaffle · 3 years
Humans are Weird: Antibiotics
A story prompt from a user on a03. Apparently, this is my 50th short story, or at least the 50th installment of m humans are weird short stories. Hurray!
Ni Andu watched a dried sickle leaf roll across the empty courtyard from her window. A deep sigh made her breath fog up the glass. The courtyard wasn't supposed to be empty. Especially not this time of year. The Gauru Ni Moon Festival usually brought visitors from around the world and across multiple star systems right about now. But the disease meant no bright banners were hung. No music echoed cheerily through around the corners and down the streets. There were no wafting scents of fresh fruits and fried breads.
It was amazing and terrifying that something so small that it couldn’t be seen had done all this. The Ni were a proud race, rich in culture, and until now, seemingly sturdy in constitution. Diseases had come and gone in the past, but in such small and freak cases that they were hardly given much attention. It was assumed that Ni immune systems were the best in the galaxy and many other races had even requested to study how they were so effective.
Those prideful memories felt hollow now as Ni Andu sighed and pulled herself away from the dreary sight outside. As a new and reluctant head of the house, she had more pressing things to deal with than moping in the past. Several members of her own family were still sick, two of her hatch mates had been very touch-and-go as of late. She slowly made her way to the cushions where they were sleeping to check on them. To her relief, she saw the soft blankets they were wrapped in rose and fell slowly. She stood there, watching them for a bit in the gathering darkness of their shared humble abode. Matki’s breathing sounded like gravel stuck in a child’s rolling skiffer.
“What are we going to do?” Andu’s wide nose scrunched up as she begged the silent house. “What am I supposed to do next?”
She wasn’t sure how long she stood there trying to think of everything and nothing all at once. It was a good while though and was only interrupted when a small light turned on in the meal room. Andu looked up at the light streaming out of the door’s archway. With a sigh, she gathered her strength to move again to see who was up. As she approached, she heard small claws scrabbling on the stonework floor and storage pods opening and closing.
Sure enough, when she peeked in, Andu could see little Piri shuffling through food storage pods that looked even less stocked than she thought they’d been. There were a few bottled foods, a few containers of ingredient-prepped soup containers, but certainly nothing immediately ready for consumption. Most easy and ready-to-eat foods had been eaten long ago or destroyed when they began to decay and grow dangerous molds. And to a small three-year-old Ni, that basically meant there was no food at all.
“Hey Piri, are you hungry?” Even though Andu had kept her voice quiet, little Piri still jumped and tucked his small thin tail like he was ashamed he’d been caught. Andu smiled comfortingly and stepped into the room to pick up one of the soup packs.
“It’s okay, you’re fine,” she patted him on the head softly, “I think it’s time for a meal too. I’m sure everyone else would agree once they wake up and smell the food.”
“There’s not much left,” Piri’s small voice was so sad and only made the words themselves feel sharper to Andu’s hearts. She tried to think of something she could say to make their situation seem less dire, but nothing came to mind. Instead, she scooped up Piri’s small form and waited until his thin arms latched securely around her scruff before she walked over to get a pot to cook in. She was going to have to add quite a bit of water to this if it was going to make enough to sustain everyone for a meal.
Cooking, even making something simple, helped ease Andu’s mind. There was a sense of normalcy in standing in front of a firebox and stirring a bubbling pot of soup. She tried to ignore how thin it was. Still, the smell made her feel warm and it must have wafted across the house as she could soon hear the tell-tale signs of her hatch mates waking up. She gathered bowls and filled each one. Lowering Piri back down, she handed the young Ni a bowl and carried the rest to the cushions where the rest of the family was slowly waking up.
They ate together slowly, trying to make the contents of their bowl last and talking quietly about anything they could to distract themselves from their situation. Matki was recalling a story from four lunar years ago when Andu had entered a fried bread pastry into a competition. Between Matki’s coughing and Andu interjecting to defend herself, the story kept getting interrupted! She’d worked on the recipe for her pastry for so long and was so proud of it, but the night before, something went wrong when she was making her entry. Whether it was nerves, exhaustion, oversight, or Jentala above forbid, sabotage, it went very wrong. From the way Matki described the judges’ reaction, one might have thought Andu had purposefully tried poisoning them! As everyone chuckled, Matki claimed he still had the video recording from the competition and pulled it out, much to Andu’s chagrin.
Andu pretended to be exasperated by the teasing, but really she was just glad everyone felt good enough to laugh again.
It took a while before she and the others noticed that Matki hadn’t pulled up the video. Instead, his eyes locked on the comm tablet screen.
“Hey, did you find it?”
“Matki are you okay?”
Matki finally looked up, eyes still wide from whatever he’d been looking at. “They’re coming to help.”
Everyone shared a worried look. What?
“Who are you talking about? Who’s coming?” Andu broke the confused silence.
Matki tapped something on-screen with the pad of a finger and a holographic projection display rose up.
Everyone watched enraptured by the newscast. It was about humans. From halfway across the galaxy, they’d heard about the Ni’s plight and had come claiming they had a cure. They were offering aid and resources to run tests to make sure their medicine was safe and effective for Ni use and make alterations if needed. They were even claiming they’d help distribute the finalized cure the moment it was given the go-ahead. In the meantime, they were also sending ships of food and supplies.
Andu could feel the back of her throat tighten. Was this real? Did she dare hope? There’d been so many reports before about help being promised, well, not help to this extent, but help nonetheless. They’d ended up being just for show and were proven empty once those who offered realized how impossible the situation really was.
But humans? She’d heard they were tough. And stubborn. Maybe they were stubborn enough to see their promises through?
The embarrassing video of Andu’s failed pastry was long forgotten, the conversation instead jumped between wild rumors her family had overheard about humans and speculation about how long it would take for the humans to actually lend aid if they were really coming at all. Andu could see a shimmer in the eyes of her hatch mates as they spoke that she hadn’t seen in a while. Although she wished she could feel the same optimism, she could also see how quickly they were all tiring out. Although they’d slept most of the day, the disease was still taking its toll on them all.
Once the meager meal was finished, she stood to gather the now empty bowls. She noticed Piri quickly scrape a finger along the side of his bowl to snag any last morsel before she came along to collect it. ‘Jentala above,’ she prayed mentally, ‘if help truly is coming, send it along soon.”
With bellies no longer completely empty, everyone settled in, and soon the room was full of sleeping or near sleeping Ni.
Andu slept fitfully. She dreamed, but it was fractured and confusing. Even before the disease came, she had a hard time remembering her dreams once she woke up. It was near impossible now. She did remember a loud humming noise though. As she blinked her eyes and lifted her head, she realized the humming was still there. She rose and searched for the source. It almost sounded like… engines? But that, that had to be impossible - the quarantine…
She looked out the window. Dried sickle leaves were flying around wildly as a large shuttle slowly came in for a landing in the courtyard. Andu opened her mouth to call out to the rest of her family, but nothing would come. How were they still asleep with this racket? Apparently, it managed to wake up Piri, who nearly made Andu jump when he bumped into her side while trying to climb up for a better view out the window.
“What’s going on? Who’s outside?” Piri waited to ask until Andu had resettled herself after being startled.
“I’m not sure yet,” she answered as they both watched the shuttle’s doors slowly work through the unsealing process. Across the courtyard, she could see other Ni’s faces peeking out their windows. As far as she could tell, expressions seemed to range anywhere from fear to curiosity to… was that hope? Wait, had they seen the newscast last night? Did they think this was… there’s no way the humans could be here already, right?
They both watched intently as the doors finally opened and a ramp extended. Soon a line of creatures she’d only seen on screens filed down wearing yellow vests and hauling huge boxes in their arms or on carts they pulled behind them.
“It is the humans!” Piri yelled and jumped down from his perch. He ran to where everyone was stirring on the cushions, “Wake up! Wake up! The humans are here!”
Andu wasn’t sure if she should reprimand Piri for disturbing them, or if she should join in. Instead, she watched as the humans in the courtyard started setting up stations and continued hauling load after load filled with what must have been hexaheebs of food, clean water, and various supplies.
She turned to look back at her family who were trying to rise as fast as their weakened bodies would allow. Matki began coughing violently and had to rest against the wall. Andu went to help support him when a knock at the front door startled everyone. They all stared at the old chirrowood door, then around at each other. It had been so long since quarantine had started, they’d almost forgotten what a knock on the door sounded like.
After a pause, the knock came again, this time followed by a worried and drawn-out, “Hello?”
Once she was sure Matki was standing stable, Andu, being the least sick among everyone, walked to and slowly opened the door.
A human from the shuttle stood in the doorway. They were wearing a mask over their mouth and nose, but it was definitely a human! Their eyes closed slightly and creased in the corners as they nodded a greeting. “Hi, my name is Ali, I’m part of the relief team that’s been assigned to this district. We’ve got food and essentials to distribute and I just need to know how many are in this household and if anyone here is in critical condition.”
Andu blinked at the human for a moment as she took in what they’d said.
“We, uh, we have four adults and one child. There, there were more, but…” she couldn’t finish that sentence. From the look the human gave her, she didn’t need to finish it. Her sinuses stung as she fought to not cry. The first visitor in how long and here she was almost crying in the doorway?
“I'm so sorry for your loss,” the human’s head bowed and their shoulders dropped. “I wish we’d known and could have helped earlier. Is anyone here in need of immediate emergency care?”
At that point, Matki started coughing again. Andu and Ali looked back to see him sit back down until his coughing died down.
Andu sighed and turned back to the human. “None of us are great right now. Matki’s probably the worst out of all of us. He sounds bad, but he actually has started to stabilize in the past few days.”
Human Ali gave a short nod and started writing something on a tablet in his hands.
“Do you,” Andu’s voice trembled, “we heard a report last night about you. That you were coming. That you… do you…” she swallowed and fought back desperate tears, “do you really have a cure?”
The human’s eyes creased again. “We do.”
Andu didn’t need to turn around to know the effect this had on her family. She heard it. She felt it. This time, she didn’t fight back the tears.
“Right now,” Human Ali continued, “it’s in the final stages of approval for Ni use, we’re just waiting for the ‘go-ahead’ and we’ll help distribute it as soon as it arrives. Until then, I’ve got some food and supplies for you. I can help unload and unpack if you need?”
“That… that would be... thank you,” she wiped at her tears. “Thank you so much.”
Over the next few days, more shuttles came and went, bringing more supplies, food, tools, and just in general, a brighter outlook and mood to the entire neighborhood. The humans really were here to help, and they seemed happy to do so. Not only were they good with their promises of aid, but they also delivered on the cure they said they had. Ni were instructed on the drug’s use and administration directions thoroughly for both the tablet and liquid forms of the cure. The effects were quick, and from the reports on the newscast, overwhelmingly positive. The Ni were cured! The plague that had once threatened to wipe out their entire population was gone! Celebrations larger than even the Gauru Ni Moon Festival were planned, songs were written, stories shared and spread. It was wholly agreed by all that this was a historic time in Ni history that they all survived through, and all thanked Jentala above for sending the humans to help.
It went without saying that everyone wanted to know more about the cure itself. And that meant everyone, not just the Ni, but the rest of the galactic community who before, had written the Ni off as a lost cause because of the horrific disease. What was this miracle cure? What other things could it do? Where, by all that is bright and shining, did the humans get it, and could it be easily replicated?
The humans, for their part, were again as open and gracious with their information as they had been with their aid. It was an old medicine they’d discovered long ago on their planet. Considered to be the first “antibiotic,” it was widely used on Earth and had saved millions of lives since its discovery. It worked by interfering with bacteria cell walls and destroyed them by causing them to burst.
It was called
“Amazing!” “Spectacular!” “So simple, yet so ingenious!” many in the galactic community praised. “How ever did you discover this amazing drug?”
The initial answer wasn’t too surprising, for humans at least: it was an accident.
Andu almost snorted as she read the report to the rest of her family. Granted, the end of the plague was the first time any of them had come in direct contact with humans, but they all had heard many of the stories about human escapades. Wild experiments that on paper seemed more like a drunken brainstorm party that ended up advancing rocket fuel technology by at least 8 lunar years. Crash-landings on category 3 death worlds and they ended up liking them so much they decided to set up colonies. Half of what they did seemed to be mistakes that just went right for them. Apparently, the miracle drug penicillin was included in those stories.
She looked up its history and manufacturing.
Andu felt claws dance down her back as she read more. It came… from mold? Mold?! She looked up from the tablet to the faces of her equally horrified hatch mates. It took them a moment to remember how to close their mouths.
"You mean like mold on old bread?" Piri broke the shocked silence.
Andu blinked and looked back at the report. Old bread? How many times had they not eaten bread fast enough in the warm humid seasons only to pick up a bul of bread and find mold growing on it. It was dangerous, it had to be carefully disposed of, it was… able to save lives?
She returned to the report. The more she read, the more comforted she became in the safety of the miracle antibiotic. That, and she couldn't argue with the results. Her family was around her, now loudly being altogether boisterous together as they "discussed" the humans and all the ways they played with death in order to save life.
Matki snatched the tablet from her claws, wanting to read the report for himself. As Andu was jostled by her now healthy, energetic family, she was just happy and eternally thankful that the humans were crazy enough to play with something as dangerous as fungus, and then kind enough to share what they discovered.
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doctorslove · 3 years
More Than a Friend
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Summary: You and the Doctor have been best friends for a while now. He takes care of you...People think you're a couple...He even gets jealous when someone flirts with you...Could it be that he sees you as more than a friend?
Tenth Doctor x Reader
Gender not specified for the reader
Words: 1555
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The Doctor and you weren’t even standing close to each other when you shared a quick look, both of you trying your best not to burst out laughing. And the reason why the look was fast was because otherwise you would make fun of that man, you had met just today, right in his face.
This was a common thing that happened; the two of you communicating with only your eyes when someone said something that would be funny only to you. No one else would get it even if you tried to explain it. You would laugh about it in the open as soon as you’d be alone in the TARDIS.
“God he really thought he could outsmart you about time travelling,” you started laughing, letting the Doctor close the door behind you.
“If we didn’t have to hurry I would have stayed there listening to him rumble all day,” he said and joined you laughing.
“Trust me I know what I’m saying. Let me tell you something about the butterfly effect,” you mimicked the man from earlier.
He giggled and your heart filled with joy looking at him. Nothing made you happier than making your best friend laugh.
“Doctor, I think I’m gonna go take a shower and then go to bed. I feel exhausted,” you told him after your laughs faded.
“Okay. But you haven’t eaten anything since this afternoon. I’m gonna prepare you something while you’re showering and you’ll eat it before bed.”
You smiled. The Doctor took care of you all the time, in every little possible way. He had even learned how to cook. Well, kind of. He made you sandwiches that at the beginning, you would admit it, were extremely bad because he added any weird ingredient he could find. But with the time and based on your reactions to each one of them he had learned to make them just how you liked. It was a small gesture but you appreciated it every time.
As soon as you were done with your shower, you sat at the table and started to eat your food. The Doctor was watching you resting his chin on his palm.
“Is it good?”
You nodded with your mouth full and it made him smile with so much affection that made you think about how much you loved him; that made you wonder if he ever saw you like you saw him.
“What is it?” you asked when you had finally swallowed your bite and the Doctor was still looking at you with his expression unchanged.
“Nothing,” he answered with that same dreamy smile that made you find him prettier than you should. “I’m just thinking about where I’m gonna take you tomorrow. And the next day. And then the day after that.”
“Hmm…Seems like you have plans.”
“With you? Always.”
“Y/N, come see this,” he said excitedly and grabbed your hand bringing you closer to him.
“What is it?” You looked curiously at the alien that was sitting behind a stand, making something with his unusually thin and long fingers.
“He’s making necklaces with stones that can only be found on this planet. I have to get you one!”
“Oh Doctor you really don’t need to.”
“Of course I do. It will be something for us to remember this trip.”
You softened. “Okay,” you agreed and moved closer to pick the stones you liked. The Doctor also gave you his opinion and you took it very seriously. It made you feel nice to think you would wear something that he liked. To look good for him.
You agreed on the stones you liked and the alien started making the beautiful jewelry for you. When he was done, he gave it to the Doctor – who paid for it with some coins that you didn’t even know how he had found in the first place – and the Doctor turned to you and asked you if he could help you put it on.
You of course agreed and turned around so he could wear it on you. His fingers on your neck made you shiver and you really hoped that he didn’t notice. You should not be feeling that way when your best friend was touching you, but you couldn’t help but close your eyes and get lost in the sensation when you felt his fingers linger a bit too long on your skin.
“Do you like it?” he whispered on your neck as he was still leaning towards you from behind.
“Yes,” you said, the word coming out more as a breath. “Thank you.”
“That white stone you picked is the best gift to give to the love of your life. It symbolizes true love. You made an excellent choice.”
The words of the alien that made your necklace made both of your heads turn. You blushed and the Doctor did as well but you couldn’t know.
Neither of you said anything to correct him. It made you wonder again.
“This one is free of charge,” the guy who made your coffee said, giving it to you with a flirty wink.
It was one of your designated days that you spent on Earth. You would get homesick so the Doctor made sure you came back to your planet once every two weeks. You had made him join you in your favorite coffee shop.
The Doctor took his own coffee in his hands that he - unlike you- had to pay for. He put the rest of the money he had prepared to give for your coffee back in his pocket, disappointed.
You sat down on a small table to enjoy your drinks.
“What’s that?” he said squinting his eyes and immediately bringing his glasses out of his pocket.
“What?” you said looking at your plastic cup that seemed to have caught his attention. You noticed a few numbers in a row, and below them a name that definitely wasn’t yours along with a smiley face.
“Oh my God, he gave me his number!”
“His number?” he asked confused.
“Yes, it’s his phone number. Humans do that when they like each other. They give someone they like their number so they can call them and maybe arrange a date,” you explained to him.
You weren’t interested in that man as you were too busy pining after a certain Time Lord but you definitely felt flattered. It had honestly made your day.
“Oh…” he said and his eyes suddenly got sad.
He was a bit quiet the whole time you stayed there, which was extremely unusual for the Doctor you knew and loved.
“Is everything alright?” you asked him when you were back in the TARDIS.
“Yeah…Everything is fine. Brilliant actually.”
You looked at him frowning. He sounded almost irritated.
“I mean you seem to be in a great mood ever since you got your coffee, right? So what could be wrong?” he said speaking very fast, occupying his hands with the console buttons.
“I don’t know. You tell me. Like you said, I’m not the one that’s in a bad mood.”
He stared at the floor, silent for a moment, before lifting his eyes to look at you.
“Are you gonna call him?” he asked and his tone was very serious. He didn’t look angry. But he definitely looked serious.
“The guy from the coffee shop?”
“Yes. Will you go on a date with him?”
You almost smiled. “No.”
And he almost smiled back.
“I thought…You seemed excited. I thought you liked him, like you said you humans do.” His hand was rubbing the back of his neck; he was obviously very nervous.
“I don’t. It was just a sweet gesture that I appreciated.”
You were both quiet for a moment and you started to feel awkward.
Was he jealous? Was his mood this affected because he thought you would go on a date with another guy?
“Were you jealous?” you asked before you could think.
His eyes widened. He did not expect that question and honestly neither did you.
He opened his mouth and then closed it again.
“I was,” he said putting his hands in his pockets.
You swallowed unable to think what you should do next.
The Doctor slowly moved close to you. He stood a breath away making your heart feel like it was ready to jump out of your chest.
“I couldn’t stand the thought of you being on a date with someone else,” he whispered. “I wanna be the one who takes you out. I wanna be the one who makes you this excited. I wanna be the one…” he stopped, studying your expression but you were looking at him with an unreadable one. “I wanna be the one you like…the one you want,” he continued.
“You are,” you said and grabbed him by his tie, pulling him in for a sweet kiss.
His hands immediately went around your neck bringing your body as close to him as possible.
You opened your mouth wanting more which made the Doctor even more eager.
“Who could ever compare to you?” you sighed against his lips.
He rested his forehead against yours, rubbing your cheeks softly with his thumbs. Nothing would be the same between you anymore, you knew it. And it made you so happy you could cry.
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caspercryptid · 3 years
Maybe sharing holiday foods with JayVik for a prompt? I know that my family has certain foods we eat to celebrate the holidays, like eating Night Owl Soup one New Years Day!
thanks babes, happy holidays <3
Viktor had.... sort of forgotten. That there was anything to celebrate.
Admittedly, that wasn't particularly forgivable. The winterfest celebrations had been going on for days. But Piltover was always celebrating something or other, and other than progress day, none of the holidays held any particular meaning for him. The celebrations had only gotten more exhausting since people started putting on parties every time Jayce made some big announcement. It was getting tiring.
So he forgot, and it didn't matter anyway, except that Jayce wasn't in the lab, and Viktor has been struggling to figure out why for two days until it clicked that- ah. The solstice. Of course.
The lights are shining in the window, beautiful shades of red and gold, and Viktor looks at them for a while, resigning himself to the strange loneliness of realizing that Jayce was probably having a good time somewhere else, and then he gets back to work.
When the door clicks, an hour later, he doesn't even look up. "I apologize, Sky." he says. "I'm a little busy with this experiment."
"Did you and sky have plans tonight?"
He tenses a little at the sound of Jayce's voice, and nearly falls off his chair turning around. "Jayce." He says. "I-- figured you would be celebrating."
Jayce's arms are full of-- something. It's a few baskets wrapped in a warm red cloth. "I was." he says. "But uh-- it got a little hectic. And I was in the kitchen all day anyway so."
"--you were?"
Jayce comes over and sets a basket down next to Viktor and leans against the lab counter. Viktor raises an eyebrow at him, but he just nods at the board, as if saying- Well, go on.
Viktor opens the basket and has to catch his breath, as he picks one of the objects out of the basket.
"--are these?"
"Meat pies, yeah." Jayce smiles a little, looking embarassed. "I used to have these with my family." Viktor says, a little distantly, as he turns a pastry over in his hands. the edges are curled together horribly, clumsily, but it's warm in his hands, shaped like a half-moon.
"I know." Jayce says, and looks embarassed. "you mentioned once. When you were drunk."
"I haven't been drunk around you since--" "Two years ago, I think." Jayce says. "Which is probably smart, gotta focus on the work and...all."
Viktor just stares at him, for a minute, and Jayce tries for a smile.
"I'm sorry if this was a weird, creepy thing to remember but--" "No." Viktor says, firmly. "No, not at. Not at all."
He takes a bite of the pastry.
It's-- better. than the ones from the undercity. Objectively, Jayce has used better ingredients. It's more clumsily made but... Viktor can't help but feel like the real reason he likes it is because Jayce made it.
Jayce is still looking at him, expression hopeful, and Viktor smiles.
"It's perfect." he says, and then nods to the other baskets. "I hope you didn't make too many, I don't have much of an appetite on the best of days--" "Oh, no. I mean they do have food but--" He shows Viktor a basket of honeyfruit pastries. "--just stole a bunch from our kitchen at home. I thought we could.. just. have our holiday here."
Viktor smiles at him. "I'd like that."
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liltaz-asatreat · 3 years
Based off of this post by @barry-j-blupjeans
Barry, Merle, and Davenport walk down the steps and into the belly of the Starblaster after another unsuccessful Light recovery mission. They know it has to be somewhere hidden in The Hollow Gorge, as the locals call it, but so far everyone who has gone out on a mission has always come back empty handed and with no new intel. It's more than frustrating to say the least, but they still have a little less than half of a year left. They're bound to find it eventually.
Barry stands in line behind Davenport as they wait for Merle to finish washing up in the bathroom, and he hears Lup call out to them down the hall. “Dinner's ready! We were able to get fresh food from a town near here while y'all were out, including fresh milk! So it won't have that weird conjured taste to it.”
Merle comes out of the bathroom smiling, and he high fives Davenport on his way to the dining room. “Alright! Can't wait to try it out!”
Davenport walks into the bathroom and closes the door, leaving Barry to stand in the hallway alone with his thoughts.
It looks like dinner is gearing up to be a slight problem for Barry. Not that he's not going to be able to enjoy it. On the contrary, everything Lup and Taako have made in the past two and half years have been amazing, and it's bound to be even better now that they're able to work with fresh ingredients. It's just that, depending on what they made tonight and how much milk they used to make it, his gut might attempt to murder him. Even when they used conjured milk and dairy, it made him at least slightly sick, and it will probably only be worse now with the real deal.
There is a simple solution to this that crosses Barry's mind as Davenport leaves the bathroom, but he doesn't want to miss out on their cooking. He also doesn't want to seem rude either by not eating their food or inconvenience them by asking that they work around his dietary restriction. Besides, it's been over two years, and he hasn't said anything. To say something now would make it weird that he didn't bring it up before, but in his defense, they weren't supposed to be out here for longer than two months. Also, they've been working to outrun and stop the apocalypse. Lactose intolerance is definitely one of those things that can afford to be on the back burner in comparison to that.
When Barry leaves the bathroom and makes his way to the dining room, everyone's already sat down, and dinner is well underway. There's a spot open between Lup and Lucretia which he takes, and Lup passes him a plate full of scalloped potatoes oozing with cheese. He smiles nervously as he takes it and thanks her. It looks so good, but he can feel his gut already screaming at him angrily. He pushes that aside and takes a bite of the food and instantly melts. “Holy shit, this is amazing!” He says, and Lup smiles.
“Thank you. It's nice to know someone appreciates my cooking.” Lup casts a pointed glare at Taako who just grins and flicks some cheese sauce at her.
“All I'm saying is that you added a little too much paprika, and if I were to make it-”
“Y'all, please.” Davenport sounds exhausted. “I've only been back for ten minutes, can you please at least argue about this later? Lup, it's very good food. Taako, please knock it off.”
Lup sticks her tongue out at Taako when Davenport looks back down at his food, and Taako flips her off.
Barry snorts and takes another bite of food. Their interactions remind him a lot of how he and his little sister, Anne, used to be like. They used to be super close before he moved to live at the IPRE headquarters. The last time he saw her was a year before their mission, and he's probably never going to see or hear from her again.
The potatoes suddenly don't taste as good as they did before.
“So what's the plan for tomorrow, Cap'n?” Merle asks, breaking him out of his reverie.
Davenport puts his fork down and wipes his mouth. “I want everyone to wake up bright and early tomorrow, so we can get another combat training session in before we go on another expedition. I'll take Merle again and Lup to check out the west side of the gorge. There's a blocked off passageway down there that I think you can blow up, Lup.” Lup nods before he continues. “Barry, Lucretia, and Taako, I want you to go into town to see if you can get any more information about where the locals might have seen the Light drop down or any other useful information that they might know.”
“And what do you want me to do, Cap'n'port?” Magnus asks enthusiastically.
“I want you to stay and guard the ship,” Davenport says, and Magnus' face falls.
“But what if I want to go exploring too?” Magnus whines.
“I'll keep that in mind for the next round of missions, but we can't leave the ship undefended,” Davenport reasons. “We don't know if the Hunger for sure comes at the end of every year, and we can't afford to be caught off guard if we're wrong.”
“I don't even know how to fly the ship that well,” Magnus grumbles, crossing his arms for emphasis.
“But you are the only one of us besides me who has vehicle proficiency, and I'm sure you can figure out what I haven't already taught you. I'll make sure to find time to teach you how to fly it better though later.”
“Fiiiiinnnne.” Magnus unfolds his arms and pushes his potatoes around his plate moodily.
There's a little bit of chatter after that about inconsequential things, and after everyone's eaten and the dishes have been washed and put away, Barry heads off to his quarters to read before he goes to bed.
About an hour into reading An Incomplete History of the Astronomical Bodies, it begins. Pain shoots through abdomen, and Barry grunts in pain, doubling over and waiting for this wave to pass. Looks like he's going to be stuck in the bathroom for a while. When the pain passes for a moment, he throws the book down and sprints to the bathroom only to find the door shut and locked. He knocks on the door, and Taako's voice says, “In a minute.”
Barry leans against the wall and tries to focus on breathing as he holds his arm across his stomach. “Please hurry.”
After an agonizing few minutes of waiting and praying, he hears the toilet flush and the water run through the sink faucet. Then it shuts off and after a second, Taako opens the door. “Barry, my dude, are you okay?”
“No! Please move!” Taako barely steps out of the way in time for Barry to rush past him and slam the door shut. He makes it to the toilet in time, and he rests his elbows on his knees and his face in his hands as he sits there. Damn his stupid intestines.
After a few minutes, he hears a knock on the door, and Taako's voice comes through it again. “Hey, Barold? Are you still in there?”
Barry looks up and groans. “Yeah, what's up?”
“This isn't the first time this has happened,” Taako points out needlessly, and Barry groans again. “Do you need Merle? And is there something you'd like to tell me and Lup?”
Barry stiffens. “No, I don't need Merle... probably. And what do you mean, Taako?”
“I mean it's been over two years, Barry. I do notice when people happen to get sick the same time that they eat a bunch of milk products.”
Barry sighs. “Okay, yeah, I'm lactose intolerant. You got me.”
“My dude, why didn't you just tell us that? And why did you eat the potatoes if you knew you were going to be sick?” Taako asks.
Barry bites his lip. “I didn't want to inconvenience you guys with my dietary restriction, and your and Lup's cooking is so good! I didn't want to miss out on dinner because I knew Lup made it.”
He can hear Taako snort, and he imagines him shaking his head. “It's not an inconvenience to make sure you don't die or feel like dying. It's easy enough to make food you can safely eat.”
“What's going on?” Lup's voice comes through the door now, and Barry buries his face in his hands again.
“Barold is having issues because he's lactose intolerant and didn't say anything about it,” Taako explains.
Lup sighs. “Barry, I could have made you something that was safe to eat! Do you want me to go get Merle? He might be able to help.”
Barry feels his face heat up. This is exactly what he didn't want to happen. He didn't want to make this an issue, and now there's two people standing out in the cramped hallway talking to him through the bathroom door about this. And they want to bring a third person in on top of which. He looks up enough to keep his hands from muffling his mouth and says, “I don't need Merle, thank you though. I'll be fine. I just need to finish up here, and I should be good in a day or two.”
“We're supposed to do combat training in the morning, and you're supposed to go to town with Taako and Lucretia after that,” Lup says.
“I know, but I can make do,” Barry says.
“Merle might know how to make it less miserable for you though,” Taako points out.
Barry sighs. “If I go talk to Merle after I come out, will you two let me finish using the bathroom in peace?”
“Yeah, we're just trying to look out for you, man,” Taako says, and Lup laughs.
“Next time I'll make sure to make a Barry safe meal for you now that I know I need to avoid dairy.” Lup says warmly, and for some reason, that makes Barry blush more.
“Th-thank you.”
“Yeah, no problem, babe. Just don't die in there.”
He hears the twins walk off down the hall, and he sighs in relief. This was possibly the most awkward way for them to find out. Maybe he should have been more forthright with this information to begin with, so he could have avoided this whole situation.
Surely he will learn his lesson and just tell people important things about his health and well being.
(Spoiler alert: He does not.)
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