#padme is a trans woman
Padme: Overdressed transfem wife who takes 4 hours to choose an outfit and get ready. Everything she owns is fashion over function, but she makes it work
Anakin: underdressed transmasc husband who wears whatever smells the cleanest and owns 4 versions of the same outfit. Trying their best to dress nice, there’s a war and they’re a monk cut them some slack
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uterinbomber · 2 years
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STAR WARS 🌩️🌩️🌩️
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anthurak · 6 months
One thing that always feels so funny for me when it comes to the Rosebird Parents Theory isn’t when people simply disagree with the theory, but rather people apparently seeing the prospect of a ‘Raven is Ruby’s real father’ reveal to be this totally unthinkable thing and how could anyone ever think this could happen?!
Because once you get past the whole ‘two ladies making a baby’ hurtle, Raven being Ruby’s dad really fits into so many well-known fantasy/sci-fi tropes. Many of which RWBY notably has not done yet, or have already been tied to Raven herself.
I mean, the mysterious villainous and/or anti-heroic loner with ties to the family pulling an ‘I am your Father’ reveal on the protagonist? That’s a fucking CLASSIC. Hell, let’s consider a few things about Raven:
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Big, intimidating helmet.
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Clear Samurai inspiration.
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Wields a katana-like sword that technically has an energy blade (dust=energy) which is generally RED-colored.
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Possesses mysterious and terrible over-worldly powers.
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Has a mysterious past tied to our protagonist’(s) family.
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Was probably in love with our protagonist’s (apparently) dead mother.
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Yeah I’d say Raven makes for a pretty good Darth Vader-expy.*
Beyond that specific case, we’ve already seen the story connect Raven to a BUNCH of ‘mysterious and angsty deadbeat dad who left their kid for unclear reasons’ tropes when it comes to Yang. Why not have those apply to Ruby as well? People have been clamoring for years about wanting to see Summer’s narrative dynamic with Yang explored as much as the one she has with Ruby, so why not have the reverse be true with Raven and Ruby as well?
After all, it seems that the story has now given Ruby a reason to seek Raven for answers just as Yang once did.
And as I’ve noted in previous Rosebird Parents posts, No I don’t believe Raven also being Ruby’s deadbeat dad would be somehow ‘redundant’. Particularly because the context is completely different: Yang has known that Raven is her birth-mother for most of her life, whereas Ruby would only just now be finding out that Raven is her birth-father. Far from being redundant, this would allow the story to explore two very different responses of kids to an absent parent: One who has had to live with the knowledge of that absent parent for years, and one who hasn’t and has to deal with this NEW information suddenly getting dropped on her.
Plus, as I alluded to earlier, it’s rather notable that RWBY hasn’t done some big ‘dramatic parent reveal’, given how much of a staple it is to the genre. And given how reimagining, twisting and flipping classic and well-worn fairytale/folklore/fantasy tropes (often via playing with gender-roles) is basically RWBY’s bread and butter at this point, I’d say giving the series heroine an ‘I am your father’ reveal from a woman would fit PERFECTLY in this series.
And if you’re going to ask ‘but how do two ladies make baby?!?’,
Raven can be intersex. Boom. Done.
Alternatively, magic.
As an aside, yes Summer being trans is a perfectly viable alternative. I just think logistically speaking, Raven being intersex and being Ruby’s ‘father’ makes a dramatic reveal a bit more streamlined. Also, the idea of Raven managing to be BOTH a deadbeat mom AND a deadbeat dad is just too funny XD
*Of course, this comparison gets even more fun when we consider Summer having her own Vader-parallels, ie; Summer almost certainly being taken by Salem and given what we can probably assume to be a Vader-esque makeover via grimm-hybridization in setup for a big reveal. So when we combine this with Raven, I think we can view what happened on their last mission as ‘What if Padme/Obi-wan got turned into Vader INSTEAD of Anakin?’ Like Raven in the present is basically Anakin doing Obi-wan’s traumatized hermit shtick, except all angry and edgy because it’s still Anakin.
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catboybiologist · 8 months
Holy fuck this got long.
@glorhatransgal asked about my "queer timeline", and I'm making a separate post for reblog control. Feel free to engage in the replies or my DMs, though! I'm a pretty open book, except some stuff I would rather leave to DMs.
The tl;Dr is that I think I knew from the time I started puberty, but I had a weird commitment to suppression and misery. I've only managed to tackle that feeling in the past year or so, and I still need to socially transition.
Long long thing under the cut with mental health CWs!!!!!
I'm pretty sure the first awareness I had of queerness was when California proposition 8 was a thing, in the 2008 election. I was ~10 or 11 at the time, and asked my mom what the big deal with letting two men marry was. She explained a bit, explained that "you'll like girls when you get older but you shouldn't judge what other people do" and then emphasized that I shouldn't really ever worry about dating or relationships ever because I should focus on school.
That was a HUGE underlying theme, not just from my parents, but from the area I grew up in overall. Very high academic pressure just kinda.... Oozed out of everywhere, without any one specific parent or teacher particularly overemphasizing it (with notable exceptions). This came up a lot, and made me feel stupid or vain for engaging in any other aspects of my personality, including queerness.
I remember having some semblance of trans thoughts back in Middle School, without ever learning what trans people are explicitly. None of the adults in my life wanted to discuss the subject, mostly brushing it off as "it's something other people do and you shouldn't judge them". Very little explicit hate, to be fair, which is good. But a lot of changing the subject. So to me, it felt like basic vanity- eg, a shallow desire to be "pretty" that everyone had, of course, that I just needed to get rid of to focus on academics.
And of course, on top of that, I was more tech literate than the average kid. So my head was stuffed with the.... Unique.... Perspective on queerness, particularly trans people, provided by the unrestricted wilderness of the 2009-2016 internet. Since no adult in my life would really address it, it gave me a lot of really bad perspectives on the whole thing.
I'm not quite sure when bisexuality entered the picture, but I called myself "straight with exceptions" from the ages of 14 to 21 at least. My earliest clear memory of being attracted to a man was when I saw Aragorn in LotR for the first time (can you blame me?). If you want to make fun of my little nerd ass more, my first distinct attraction to a woman was probably Padme's midriff outfit in Attack of the Clones. Again, since my head was stuffed with weird ideas of queerness, gayness was often portrayed as a disgust or lack of attraction to women. I didn't have that, so I couldn't be queer, right? "Straight with an asterisk" it was.
Dysphoria kinda crackled in the background and grew as I went through puberty. The way I've described it is that my "resting state" was never happy pre-HRT. I could easily make myself happy and distract from it, but I didn't "come home" to a good feeling. Not an overwhelming feeling, not a suicidal one, but just being miserable in the background if there wasn't something to make me happy.
So when I hit a wall with my mental health in high school, it ended very poorly. I was in mostly advanced programs until then, but couldn't keep up due to things I *now* realize were ADHD symptoms. I had ongoing physical health problems that meant orthopedic surgeries, multiple extended times on crutches, limping around a lot, and ongoing pain and lack of physical ability that most people couldn't see, making me feel hopeless about my body and future. Add in a nice little dysphoria bundle in the background of all of that…and yeah. That's the self harm and suicidal period of my life. I was very weird in high school, oscillating between AP classes and almost failing out. I was also really just... Nasty to a lot of people around me, as a shield for how miserable I was. So uh, if you knew me in high school and stumble across this somehow... I am truly sorry. But I made it through, mostly through the patience and good graces of friends and teachers.
Anyways. I'm on a tangent.
Undergrad wasn't that memorable for my queerness- I lived at home while attending a local state college, and dated one cis girl for about a year there. Years later she told me that she realized she's bi, so that was kinda validating. I dove a lot into a academics, research, and volunteering to distract myself, and was academically successful.
I was asked out by a gay guy at one point in undergrad. He was someone who I had talked about my uncertain sexuality with and helped me work towards calling myself bi. When he asked me out, I got a bad vibe, and told him I actually thought I was straight. He was later arrested for rape. So uh... Bullet dodged? After his arrest, I started openly calling myself bisexual, but didn't really do anything with it- no dating and no community. It was a long time coming by that point, and the experience made me realize that I didn't have to be attracted to *all* men to say I'm attracted to men. After all, I wasn't attracted to all women either.
I graduated from undergrad in 2020 and stayed at the same uni for my MS. And this is where we enter "how much do I say" territory. My MS was instrumental in figuring out my transness, but was also a fucked up ongoing situation that involves several other people's dirty laundry that I don't necessarily want to air. I can talk a bit more about this in DMs if I know you and trust you, I guess. Sorry OP. So uuuhhh... Let's just say that I was extremely miserable and living mostly alone, so in the Fall of 2020, I ordered my first skirt to try and alleviate that background misery. I called myself a femboy as a last ditch effort to “just be a feminine man”. It was a key part of figuring myself out, though, and I loved the online community I made that way. About a year afterwards, I was having a shit time, and started the CatboyBiologist account on reddit to distract myself from it. I worked more and more from home, and would dress up as a "femboy" as I did.
I graduated from my MS in 2022 in a miserable state, probably worse than I was even as a teen. But it made me realize three things: one, some kind of mental illness made it really easy for my life to derail, two, my dysphoria made it such that *when* my life derailed, I had nothing to be happy about, and three, my weird standards growing up gave me the subconscious sense that I HAVE to be miserable, otherwise I'm not "accomplished" or whatever.
That's kind of the theme of my queer experience. I always knew it was there, but I excused it as "stupid" or just ignored it because I thought everyone was supposed to be miserable by default.
When I entered my PhD, I made a promise to myself to get rid of my weird connection to misery, and actually work on the first two. I joined a grad student queer group and started therapy almost immediately. At first the focus of therapy was essentially immediate trauma support. Slowly, however, I was able to tackle the underlying issues in therapy. I also brought my "femboy" fits to events organized by that queer org, and social events with the friends I made there. I fully engaged in my bisexuality and had a hot girl summer last year, dating men, women, and enbies for the first time since my undergrad GF.
Oh, and btw. Being a feminine man gets you laid. I'm sorry, it's just how it is. Take notes, alpha males, and put on the fucking dress.
With that support, I finally started HRT in August of last year, at the age of 25. I'm still a mix of boymode and girlmode- I girlmode around queer friends, and boymode most of the time otherwise. I've also told several people that I'm transitioning, but just to treat me as a man for now and wait for me to come out more publicly. My plan is to take a hiatus from my PhD this summer, and use that to travel and socially transition. So that's my upcoming landmark experience.
Up until this past month or so, I was the happiest I've ever been. Some out of the blue bad things happened this January. But I realized something- for the first time ever, bad shit happened in my life, and I didn't derail. I was sad. I cried. I was frustrated. I yelled. I had dynamic emotions and handled it. That's never happened before.
Obviously it's always an ongoing process, and it's linked to so many details of my life that it's really hard to say things about “just my queer experience” but uh yeah. Idk if anyone read all that and I'm taking multiple passes to trim out details that got too personal, but fuckit I'm already extremely doxxable at this point.
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I have seen no less than 3 videos in my YT sidebar that read something along the lines of "Star Wars Acolyte: SW Gone woke?!" or "They put a chick in star wars!" Like, some of these people don't realize there were women in this series from the start? (Or do Padme and Rey not count cause they kept their clothes on all of their trilogies?)
It's probably cause there's another black woman involved after they tried so hard to chase away the last one and think that if they yell loud enough on Youtube Disney will shrug and say "Well, guess we have to be racist now". When you look down on all other races you get a rather inflated sense of your own importance.
It also might be because trans actress Abigail Thorn has been revealed to have a role and you know how the anti-woke mob gets. Personally I can't wait for Jedi Philosophy Tube.
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losergendered · 7 months
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ID: a set of 10 images in 5 pairs. each has one image of the listed star wars character, with a white outline in front of their corresponding flags, and a second image which is a blank flag splice. END ID
Luke Skywalker from Star Wars is a bi gay transtidal trans man!
Leia Organa is an abro gay transandrogynous trans man!
Obi-Wan Kenobi is a bisexual dandelion transfem translunar trans woman!
Ahsoka Tano is abinary and cassgender!
Padme Amidala is transfem, translunar and questioning her sexuality!
For anon!
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sukibenders · 15 days
Being a part of the Star Wars fandom is such an experience, because I've come to find out that I also have to prepare myself for the wave of revisionist history that's going to come out from a certain side of the fandom. Like poc and female fans of the universe have called out this toxic behavior especially following new releases such as The Acolyte, only to be met with "Oh, but we loved Billy Dee Williams, so it's obvious that racism isn't the problem and can't exist in the fandom for that reason." Ignoring how Williams was harassed by, largely white, fans while at airports and going to pick up his daughter and had grown ass men telling him that they wanted to put him in a freezer. I'm not even going to get into the topic of how poc characters are held to different standards in fandom, especially compared to their white counterparts, but it's so ironic how some will say that racism is not apparent in these spaces, yet will yell until they are sore in the throat that what John Boyega, an award winner with more acting chops to his name than these incels, experienced had nothing to do with race but that he wasn't "talented enough." Sure Jan.
Then they'll say "We don't hate this character because she's a woman, we liked Portman as Padme just fine." Again, ignoring how Portman faced such visceral waves of hate from this fandom that she nearly thought she wouldn't be able to act again. People now act like they've always loved her as a shield for their hate towards new female characters and actresses, but it's very apparent that they really don't care about Padme to this day either outside of that. And the treatment that Kelly Marie Tran and Moses Ingram faced, that was a horrific mixture of both racism and misogyny, that got so bad to the point where their costars were even calling out these specific people in the fandom, and yet they still fall on the excuse that just because they "love" these already existing characters now, the treatment they are exhibiting towards these new actors and characters doesn't fall into any form of bigotry. It's a bold face lie and I wonder when they'll realize that no one believes it.
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quillandink-tmblr · 4 years
Anakin Skywalker has to canonically be a trans guy
He has no father, was carried by Shmi, which means he can only be AFAB biologically because that's probably how magical asexual reproduction would work.
Anakin Skywalker! Is a trans man!
Now the only question is who was Padmé's sperm donor
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phoenixyfriend · 2 years
Came up with a Miss Congeniality AU today, with a bunch of input from @whymylifewrites, who actually did suggest the main ship to be Quintress, which I just lost my mind about, because yes.
(I'll integrate most of her comments into the post naturally, but a few took the form of a Q&A that I left as separately indicated.)
It would be so easy for Dooku to be the Pageant Coach.
Dooku: Of any girl I've ever taught, you are truly unique. If I ever had a daughter, I imagine she would be a lot like you. Ventress: [smiles] Dooku: Which is perhaps why I've never reproduced.
Just imagine him doing a Judgmental Pose when he looks Ventress up and down. He can do a lot but they are going to need quite some foundation to cover the facial tattoos.
"They're cultural! Those are allowed!" "They're identifying marks that would have been a scandal in the state pageant; people will wonder they hadn't heard about them already."
As far as 'why is Ventress in the FBI' goes... I think she was a recruit from like. People they arrested. Like she was such a good criminal that they offered to pay her to stop crimes with them instead, and now she's the only person that can pass for young enough to do this undercover work. Quinlan almost definitely recruited her.
The pageant director needs to be Evil and Woman and Femme so I guess Miraj Scintel. The host isn't in on the crime, so... I would have said Obi-Wan but he's already got a role. Other options are Mace or Bail, so I'm going with Bail.
Ventress goes in expecting airheads and instead gets blindsided by shit like "Oh hey, we just looked up New York's arrest record" and "Massachusetts graduated Summa Cum Laude and is expected to be a Senator less than ten years after she finishes her law degree; also she put off her wedding for this since contestants can't be married.
(Listen. Padme's from Martha's Vineyard. I declare it so.)
Ventress befriends: New York - Bo-Katan - they spar at least once, and it's flirty until Bo mentions her girlfriend back in the city Mass. - Padme - they get into really long arguments about government overreach and law enforcement; put off her wedding for this Nevada - Ahsoka - baby of the event (just barely scraped by as old enough), jokes about biting people. Her pageant coach is her adoptive brother, Obi-Wan; her talent is acrobatics or aerial silks Louisiana - Aayla - baton twirler Texas - Fennec - Ventress's roommate, and also very much emblematic of the movie quote about how "This is Texas, everyone has a gun." Illinois - Bly - first trans contestant, flirty with Aayla
Other contestants: North Dakota - Barriss - her talent is piano Alabama - Steela - violin Montana - Riyo - talent is opera singing
Bo would also be a decent Main if not Ventress. She's the New York Lesbian, I've decided. She is doing it purely for the scholarship money. Satine didn't pressure her but I think she trained Bo and was the one who suggested it as an option for College Things.
I think Ventress deserves to make creepy comments about how to Do Crime that all the other girls look at her like ??? for, except Bo. Bo thinks the comments are Entirely Reasonable And Normal.
Bo adds her own comments and Padme looks on in mild disappointment. Ahsoka asks clarifying questions. She wants to be one of the big kids and Fit In.
Ventress: Nah, that wouldn't work, you need a higher quality wiring if you want to short-circuit that alarm to break in without alerting the cops. Padme: ...I mean I know why I know that. Why do you know that?
Barriss does not at all know or understand what kind of company she's fallen into
Ventress and Bo have extensive criminal records. Padme's fiance is an electrical genius who likes to watch youtube videos about how to Do Crime Things because he fantasizes about being a Leverage character. Ahsoka's ready for anything. Steela's done a lot of Macgyvering nonsense, she gives me A/V club vibes. Aayla's a kickboxing teacher.
Barriss is just. Here.
Ventress is getting a very skewed idea of what beauty pageant contestants are like.
Whymylife said "ok all of this is perfect but anakin fantasizing about being a leverage character when ventress is as close to a real life leverage character one can get is so so funny to me"
Padme decides she has to introduce them. I think Ventress want to noogie him.
Dooku introduces Ventress to Ahsoka because he knows Obi-Wan through the pageant circuit.
whymylife said "i was wondering how like, the anakin and obi-wan and ahsoka situation is. like did anakin move to mass for college or something and meet padme there? was padme's involvement with the pageant what inspired ahsoka to do it?"
Which yes, I'm a-okay with that.
Initially I said that, honestly, the only part too complicated to keep is Aayla and Quinlan, because they could have theoretically just asked if he could get his little sister to wear a wire.
HOWEVER there is room for PLOT
Aayla doesn't have any kind of security clearance, so they still need an actual field agent to send in. Quinlan spends the entire op dodging Aayla and trying not to let her see he's here and supporting her competition.
Aayla wants nothing to do with this FBI nonsense, and so Quin is like "No, my little sis is 100% not an option. We have to stick my rival/crush/work buddy in the heels instead."
Bly and Aayla almost kiss during the girl's night out, but then one of them vomits or faints like Rhode Island in the movie. They share some hot chocolate after the climax when post-bomb cleanup is happening (they're just sitting on the steps, a little torn up, hair in disarray) and Their Shoulders Are Touching.
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andy-solo1 · 2 years
Bonding [ *Platonic* Obi-Wan & Anakin]
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Request: Obi-Wan and Anakin but they're both trans, but Obi's further into his transition. Take it from there
Warnings: Slight mentions of transphobia 
Words: 602
Obi-Wan was sitting in his chambers within the jedi temple, meditating peacefully when he felt a fast approaching disturbance in the force. He knew that could only mean one thing. 
His suspicions were correct when moments later his former Padawan entered the room, practically radiating nerves and anxiety. 
“Anakin?” Obi-Wan asked, frowning a bit as he looked up at the fellow jedi. “What’s happened?” 
“Nothing’s happened. I just- I want to talk to you about something.” Anakin explained slowly, tapping his foot and looking like he was restraining himself from all out bouncing around the room. 
“Sit down and tell me about it then.” Obi-Wan replied calmly, patting the spot next to him on the floor and Anakin quickly sat himself down beside him. “Now, what’s bothering you? I could sense your anxiety well before you came in here.” Anakin took a deep breath before answering him. 
“I’m not happy being me.” Anakin said slowly and Obi-Wan raised a brow. 
“In what way do you mean?” 
“In the way that made you become as you are.” Anakin replied, and it dawned on Obi-wan what his friend was talking about. 
Obi-Wan had been a new padawan when he started feeling like something wasn’t right about himself, that he would have rather been born a man, than the female he had been born as. It had taken him a while, and the help of his Master Qui-gon, to finally transition. Now, nobody would know that Obi-wan Kenobi had once been a woman, unless they were one of the older jedi masters. 
He’d told Anakin about his transition first when the boy was young, and asking about the different people in the galaxy. He’d been hesitant to tell the boy, but he’d come to trust him and wanted him to understand that there were people out there who wanted to be different than what they’d been born as. To be who they were meant to be. 
“You want to transition?” Obi-Wan asked, and Anakin nodded. 
“I’ve been feeling for quite a while actually that I don’t feel right being Anakin. I got 3PO to call me female pronouns one day and it just made me feel so much better about myself. But, I’m scared.”
“Scared of what?” 
“People will judge me. Ahsoka, Rex, and the rest of the men will judge me. That, Padme will judge me.” Anakin replied, looking down. Obi-Wan turned to face his friend and grabbed her hands. 
“Anakin, or whatever name you decide is best for yourself-”
“Anni. I know it’s just kind of the nickname of my name but I like it.”
“Okay. Anni, if they care for at all, which I know Ahsoka, Rex, your men, and certainly Padme do, then they will still care for you no matter who you choose to be.” Obi-wan said, smiling at his friend who had tears filling the corners of her eyes. 
Obi-wan was surprised he hadn’t seen this news coming. He’d noticed how his friend had been growing out her hair lately and acting different from usual, but he just chalked it up to begin another one of her odd moods.
“You mean it?” Anni asked quietly, hope in her voice. Obi-Wan nodded.
“And I’m here to help you through all of this, I promise. And if they somehow can’t accept you, then I’ll help you with that too. You do what makes you happy, not what will make others happy.” Obi-wan replied, and Anni threw her arms around him in a hug. 
“Thank you Obi-wan.” 
“You’re welcome. You’re like a sister to me, and I’ll help you however you need.” 
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starwarsbutmakeitgay · 3 months
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Padme Amidala = Trans Icon✨💕
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nevertheless-moving · 3 years
Hi! Your blog is very cool and fun and you have great ideas. I also came across your post about Anakin giving birth and... I think it may not be so improbable? I mean Anakin is at least according to movie I result of woman giving birth any assistance through Force. Force's stance on Skywalker reproduction is clearly "I WILL have grandkids, fate and biology be damned". He could probably will himself pregnant with practice.
Anakin mpreg is just the FUNNIEST to me because he probably would. He’s a Hopeless Romantic! He’s terrified of death! What’s more opposite of death then life! What greater act of devotion of there could there be for Anakin then sparing Padme the pain and inconvenience of childbirth by taking it on himself! And Padme would absolutely go for that–come on she’s specifically into Anakin’s overly intense romantic dedication. No way she doesn’t swoon over Anakin, barely 6 months into their relationship, intensely staring her in the eyes and saying ‘I want to have your babies.’
(The I Hate Sand speech convinced her to marry him. Whatever love language it is the two of them are speaking, it’s the same one)
Logistically– There’s whole person cloning! There’s the Force! What more do you need?!
Most of the people who know them would be way more focused on the fact that he’s a Jedi and she’s a Senator then anything gender related! There are way too many human and near human species floating around for all of them to present gender dimorphism in the same way, and Anakin’s background is ??? for most people, so at most they’re just going to nod and be like ‘oh guess he’s trans or a human variant idk who cares he’s a JEDI! JEDI CAN’T HAVE CHILDREN!!!’
Obi-Wan would age instantly from Ewan McGregor to Alec Guiness because he knows that Anakin couldn’t accidentally get pregnant, he literally had to go out of his way to do this, defying the laws of biology because he...because...why Anakin...just...why. 
The clones who have had ~eehh sex-ed might nominate Rex to ask some blunt questions, because they thought the General was a human male, and they thought that human males didn’t get pregnant, and everyone is suddenly a little bit panicky.
Anakin: “No, this is a...special case. The men have nothing to worry about for themselves, I promise.” Rex: “Okay, great, next question–if you’re a human cis male–what hole is it going to come out?” Anakin:  Rex: “General?” Anakin: Rex: “Sorry, sir. Was that too personal? You said I could ask any–” Anakin: “I HAVE TO GO RIGHT NOW”
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jedi-valjean · 2 years
E.K. Johnston's third Padme book, Star Wars: Queen's Hope has a Trans Clone. She's referred to as "Sister" by her brothers, the other Clones, to tell other people that she belongs. Now, before you ask, this isn't a Whitewashing situation ala Omega. (I know Omega isn't Trans, but I hope you understand what I'm trying to say.) There aren't any pictures in the book, but Sister says she was sent out around the same time as the rest of the Clones, and is described as having hair styled in "long dark braids," suggesting she looks just like their movie depictions, only she happens to identify as a woman. The only non-Clone characters she interacts with are Anakin and Obi-Wan, who gender her correctly, which was really lovely to see.
There was a big fiasco when EK commissioned art of Sister and she gave her Black braids instead of a Polynesian hairstyle, which is appropriative and disrespectful to both cultures. When she was called out on it, she made a halfhearted attempt at rectifying the situation by changing the hair slightly, but not to a Polynesian one, “because Star Wars.” This understandably hurt a lot of Polynesian fans, and made me lose any remaining shreds of respect I had for EK. But other fanartists are fixing EK’s mistake and giving Sister proper Polynesian hairstyles in their art.
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This is the art in question. Below is the “fixed” version. As you can see, not much difference. Some question why Sister needs long hair at all. I’m inclined to agree; it feels like the only reason she’s depicted with this style is because it’s more feminine. Fanart I’ve seen tends to change her hairstyle altogether, usually giving her a bun.
A slightly less important quibble of mine is— I don’t know if it reflects the book’s description— that the blue and pink color scheme evokes the real-world trans flag, which implies that Polynesian hairstyles are too Earthlike for Star Wars but pride flags are not. Speaks volumes about what EK’s idea of representation is IMO.
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EMIL emil emil do you have any lgbtq star wars headcanons?
oh my GOD do i! okay okay i have a lot but here are a few:
- so jango is ace and gay but has little interest in relationships regardless.
- boba, on the other hand, is bi and back in his prime was known as a real ladies' (people's?) man. i mean have you seen that chin touch in rotj?? he's also agender with a side of man.
- din doesn't really care for labels like, at all. his sexuality isn't really all that important to him, but if you were to stick a label it would be bi.
- fennec is a mean lesbian
*** for the clones: i 100% believe that there are thousands of lgbt and queer clones. it is ridiculous to say a group of 1.8 million people that embraces individuality would all be cishet men. so im making them lgbt and no one can stop me >:) ***
- fives is a trans woman. she isn't out to almost anyone, not bc she's ashamed but because she wants to wait till after the war to fully exist as herself. echo and kix are the only ones who know.
- echo is a big genderfluid who just goes with the gender flow
- rex? big bi. cody? bigger gay.
- obi wan is bi. it's literally in his name of course he is!!! he had two very intense relationships as a teen-- one with satine and one with quinlan vos-- but has made a point to choose platonic relationships from now on. his friendship with cody is making that increasingly difficult to uphold.
- padme is a very very very closeted lesbian, even to herself. she's had a weird emotional thing for sabe but she refuses to admit it is romantic. someone get this girl some positive lgbt friendships.
- ahsoka is the biggest lesbian you have ever seen. her love for girls is unstoppable. we stan.
- luke and leia are both trans, they frequently joke that they should switch body parts
- luke is very gay and very open about it. leia is bi but always very discreet abt relationships-- not bc she's ashamed but bc she was raised in such a professional environment. bail was so, so supportive of her.
- finn is a trans man who never thought critically about his gender or sexuality until he joined the rebellion, since thinking like that was a Big No No in the first order. he's bisexual
- poe is gay and very proud of it, and he helps finn work through his gender and sexuality crisis. he is also a trans man, but focuses more on gender euphoria than anything else
- kylo is a greasy cishet.
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chocolateslatte · 5 years
🚨The Rise of Skywalker Detailed Review and Spoilers Ahead🚨
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George Lucas: “If the boy and girl walk off into the sunset hand-in-hand in the last scene, it adds 10 million to the box office”
The “fairytale” we got: A long long time ago in a galaxy far far away, there was a curse of pain and death in a family that just went on and on.  They were never able to break it and they all die, the end. 
Well, you did it JJ, you little punk...you ruined 40 years of cinema. Kids are coming out of theatres crying, they can’t understand. I guess this was the “fun and hopeful ending” you were speaking of during the press tours.  Are you on crack or something, or just sadistic....why would you promote it like that!? Did you forget Star Wars at its core is a story of hope, light, a fairytale in space for children? They did it...they united Reylo’s and Fanboys through hate. 
JJ you do realize tragical romances are only tragically romantic if there was romantic buildup? Romeo and Juliet married in secret, Anidala did as well and flirted in the fields. How was this supposed to be satisfying? A five-second beginning, middle, and end. How this went through multiple execs is beyond me.... I would have understood if Reylo was Rian’s creation. BUT JJ LITERALLY was the one who told Rian to go forth with it...he created Reylo so you can’t say the last Jedi derailed things on that front. JJ wasn’t brave enough for his own vision. This movie was like “the crimes of Grindlewald”, a lot of stuff happening that made me feel nothing. 
Okay, first things first. The OG trilogy was necessary, the prequels were necessary to set up that Vader did not start off bad. What was necessary about the sequels? They just dismantled everything the Skywalker family worked for. Why did we have to see ALL of our favorite characters die? Was the aim that a villain can only be redeemed through death? How original. I’m convinced what they were planning for since force awakens was a journey from villain to hero...but instead we got this a 10min redemption resulting in death a la Vader. Why call Adam Driver’s character a “Disney Prince”?When did Happy endings become so controversial? We go to the movies to feel hope, to escape reality...George Lucas understood that. JJ’s trilogy is uninspired, bland and contributes nothing to the saga. JJ went as far as to recon his own “The Force Awakens”.It had the chance to define generations but no. Literal and utter garbage. Rian made some odd choices but he was bold, unafraid and had the vision. HE knew emotion was at the heart of Star Wars.
BUT my problem is not with the ending, it’s the bloody entire movie. This movie made me realize that it's not Reylo that I am a fan of, it was Ben, Leia, Han, Ani, Padme, and all those other characters. I’m upset because this movie is not my Star Wars: of family, love and above all else hope. This is just a 2.5-hour video game with no emotions. This trilogy was all angst with NO payoff.
Okay, you will never ever convince me Palpatine was planned the whole time. This whole movie was retcon for the Last Jedi that pissed off the fanboys. Lucas films did not have an outline for the three films and Rian derailed whatever they wanted to do....except they didn’t even tell him what they wanted! This should be a cautionary tale of why you need to plan. Kylo ain’t bad, Snoke is gone....well pull out Palpatine I guess. This whole film is JJ’s mad scrambling.  Alright, I will humor you, tell me how Palpatine came back when he fell down a shaft and exploded....not *boom boom because of force*. The force in this movie is not canon George Lucas force, it’s just an easy out whenever JJ wants one. 
1. Opening Crawl: As soon as I saw this I knew all the leaks were true, I wanted to bolt from the theatre. When I saw them in August I laughed cause it was so ridiculous it couldn’t be true. How could Disney let a whole movie leak? The plot seemed like a bad fan-fiction. Actually, fanfics are way more true to lore. Anyway, so Palpatine “announces” that he’s back. Is this the shrewd Chancellor Palpatine we know? Certainly, not...why in the world would he announce it rather than keep on the DL and just attack. Yo Palps ain’t this dumb why would you let them (the resistance) prepare?? Because of plot...well okay. 
2. Did Last Jedi even happen:  this film is the sequel to the force awakens, like TLJ never happened...except it’s acting like there was some movie in between that JJ made. Okay, so why is Kylo trying to run Rey over with his tie fighter...he doesn’t really want to kill her. It’s just meaningless action shots.  And don’t get me started on exposition, the dialogue: “hey look its the Knights of Ren”. Except they do nothing. Cool cool.  Kylo’s character goes back to Force awakens era like no development had occurred...except he’s not even there he’s just messing around not even being a real villain.  JJ’s specialty is set-up and he does this beautifully....but he can not wrap up and follow through. 
3. Rose Tico: yup last Jedi never happened, she has nothing to do. She and Finn are irrelevant. Finn has reverted to being obsessed with Rey. Cool Cool.  I honestly feel so bad for the lovely Kelly Marie Tran. How did you relegate a relatively big character into the sidelines?? Why introduce two new characters this late. Rose could have filmed in for them...but alas we must snub Rian at every turn because that’s just how petty JJ Abrams is. ( don’t get me wrong Jannah was cool)
4. The Rise Of Poe Dameron: Finn has been relegated to a side character who does nothing and just yells “REY!”. It was a great setup, a stormtrooper who was force sensitive but doesn’t want his life to be fighting for nothing. You could have explored trauma, the discovery of the light but nope nada. Tell me the point of his character journey. So flat and static. And with Jannah and the ex stormtroopers they could have gone with the arc of these lost, sad kids coming together to find family. 
5. Leia:  Okay you’re telling me our Princess would give up on her son before he was born, just throw away her lightsaber and accept Ben’s fate? Cool alright. And she knew about Rey Palpatine and didn’t say anything...my princess would never.
6. Mary Sue Rey: Ahh Rey this girl feels no emotion in this movie...just like the audience. Sure she’s trained but she can just do stuff with the “force” that even Jedi masters can’t. Stopping a whole starship, something even Yoda could barely do...yup she can do it. Beat Kylo all the time except one, yup she can. Manipulate the force in mind-boggling ways, heal people...sure Luke couldn’t but Rey certainly can.  Cause she is the chosen one...hell even Ani wasn’t this talented and he had years of training. Poe and Finn have a genuine connection, Rey just seems disjointed (totally understandable why)...but if so the ending is even worse. She doesn’t even find peace with her friends. She’s not realistic and human like Luke and Leia were. 
 Force sensitivity in the galaxy:  What a perfect setup, the boy with the broom at the end of TLJ that was force sensitive. The message is that the power to use the force was spreading through the galaxy. No longer confined to the elite. People were hearing of Luke’s battle of Crate and rising.
7. Kylo/Ben: I still maintain that he, other than Ani was the most nuanced character in the whole saga. His arc from Force Awakens to Last Jedi had progressed. How great that even someone from the legendary line of skywalker and solo could fall to the dark again. He wasn’t flat, he was a tortured boy that was conflicted since the first movie. How great would it have been to see him as a conflicted supreme leader, which was set up in TLJ. But *gasps* a plot of his very own, no can do, this is the nature of JJ’s crush on Rey and Daisy. 
Disney released comics that made us sympathize with him, to see that all along he was manipulated by Snoke, and Palpatine the voices in his head. Neglected by those who were supposed to love him. Adam Driver was cast perfectly, he had almost no lines that weren’t related to Rey’s charcater arc. If he were a woman I’m sure everyone would be offended. That single line’s delivery “Dad-”
Come on Poe had more lines than him, and Driver according to JJ was half of the protagonist. He was pitched an arc opposite that of Darth Vader that’s why he signed. Man JJ really did do everyone dirty. 
8. Ben had no lines while redeemed other than “ow”...I am so sorry ADAM that this nasty ass JJ did this to you...this part was 100% improv by Adam, I am willing to bet my life on it. You know why “ow” was brilliant? Cause it meant he felt pain and emotion, he was no longer hiding behind the hardness of Kylo REN. Adam’s performance as Ben left me speechless, he was convincing as Kylo, intimidating...but as BEN he shines in the way only Solo’s can. The way his eyes become determined once he accepts he must give his life, and he does so happily for the love of his life. His soulmate. Star Wars and JJ never deserved the talent that is Adam Driver.
9. They are supposed to be equals in the force yet they missed the opportunity to fight Snoke together. Tell me how they are equals. He existed only to further Rey’s plotline. 
Oh and the other Jedi including Anakin whisper and help Rey...when his own grandson has been asking for help in distress for like 30years. Nice real nice.
10. Finally Reylo:  it felt unearned cause there was no buildup, JJ just threw it in for kicks forgetting all the P&P parallels he was shooting for. An afterthought. Driver and Ridley’s acting saved the day, they had no lines.  Adam Driver is truly one of the finest actors. You could see the difference between Ben and Kylo in his subtle gestures...the sass was pure Han Solo.  
11. And then the death: I wouldn’t even say we won, but at what cost. We won in no way. Had he died fighting I would have understood, but this death was so unnecessary and put in just for the fanboys. Let me say again I would have been okay with death had it been justified.  How is this any different than Vader x Luke. JJ can only copy not create. How crazy that you can just bring people back from the dead...Anakin is here like, am I joke to you? I could have brought Padme back say what???? What was the point of his whole fall to the dark. The force is infinite, that’s the whole point...once you know how to use it you can’t run out of it like juice. Oh, and Ben did not become one with Rey but rather the Force according to the Disney website. So why pray tell did he not appear as a force ghost? I’m convinced JJ was on crack.  
12. No Mourning BEN no acknowledgment:  5 seconds! And then she moves on from losing her soulmate, half of her soul. She loses it over Chewie but nothing, no emotion not even a second over her other half. Seriously? No one ever knows Ben came back...nada. JJ set up Reylo, time and time again he has said that he crafted the story around the romance. He was left scrambling after Last Jedi and this was a last-ditch shock ending. No Reylo theme song, no across the stars
13. Last Jedi told us you don’t have to come from a powerful family to be important. THE WHOLE thing was that you could be force-sensitive and be a nobody. Nobodies can become somebody. A Hero is not born but made. The force lives in all beings, not just powerful families. It inspired me, what a great message to young guys and gals. Kylo’s line, “you come from nothing, you are nothing...you have no place in this story” finally turns out true. You have to come from something to have a part in the Star Wars story. And Rey had darkness inside her cause she was human. Because none of us are pure, we are shades of grey. But no, it’s cause darkness only runs in families. In the Last Jedi when she wants to see her family all she sees is herself and a shadow (Ben) who joins with her. Please do explain this JJ. And if this granddaughter thing was set up I would have had no problem...but they pulled it from their asses. You can have nothing but mean something. But no pander to the fanboys. In the end, a Palpatine lived and all the skywalkers ended....and we are supposed to have hope. Palpatine really did win. 
14. Rey’s biggest fear was ending up in the desert alone, we were told “the belonging she seeks is ahead not behind” and “there’s someone who could still come back”. They mentioned she felt just as alone with the resistance. Only the other half of her soul understood her. This is truly tragic and sad...I am so heartbroken for her. And don’t tell me she isn’t there to stay...the soundtrack is called “a new home”. Enjoy the rest of your days being exactly where you started Rey....but hey at least you got a droid boo. I’m convinced this is not the balance JJ envisioned in the first movie. At one point in TFA Rey looks up sees an old woman alone, scavenging in the desert. This rattles her to the core and it starts her journey of wanting a better, different life. I am so sorry Rey. Okay so you may say she has the resistance and her friends...but let’s consult the last Jedi. In the end when everyone is on the ship...Rey is surrounded by friends yet looks more alone than ever. No one but Ben, maybe Luke, Leia, and Han understood her pull to the dark.
How sad that these two hopeless souls who had never known a moment of belonging and true love, found it for all but a few seconds.
I will quote: “preventing female characters with strong, compelling narratives from experiencing love, intimacy, and affection is just as regressive as reducing them down to sexual accessories. Assumes that women must choose between a romantic interest and depth of character”
Men really can not write good female characters, can they? A woman really can’t be a badass and end up with the love of her life
15. The Skywalker’s and Redemption: How truly truly sad that Han and Leia gave their life for their son who also died at a young age. ALL the Skywalkers and Solo’s have a tragic end. This is not what George Lucas wanted. What a tragic way to end this saga...they weren't able to break the curse. AND to all those troubled kids out there that lashed out and made terrible mistakes in their youth....doesn’t matter what you do dying is the only way out. You could have exiled him, made him pay in other ways. Nothing can be done to make up for your sins but death, no amount of good means that you can come home. To the young boys that get wrapped up in terror organizations, sorry the only way you can be redeemed is death...don’t bother changing and coming back. They could have exiled him, had him start an academy with Rey for Jedi kids. He could have spent the rest of his days redeeming himself. Why tell us he was literally preyed upon, haunted, and manipulated as a child. Even in a fantasy world, a victim of mental illness and abuse can not catch a break. Ben as a child could not fall asleep due to the demon-like voices in his mind. Everyone abandoned him in his time of need. Ben never desired power like Anakin, he went over to the dark because “the voice” of his grandfather promised belonging. I am shocked that this is the message Disney sends us. Oh and yeah you can totally take on the Skywalker name for kicks...the disrespect I swear
16. The worst bit is that I am 90% sure there was another ending that was scrapped.  There was a promo shot of Jannah in a field, soft lighting, lush planet. It was exactly like P&P. Daisy Ridley said the lasts scene was known to only Her, Jannah on that panel (Driver was away). Convinced Jannah was looking at Rey and Ben starting a new life away from the desert which she and Luke hate so much. Hence the production of “A New Home” soundtrack. Hence why the “Farewell” song played behind Reylo kiss was hopeful. Why Luke’s soundtrack when he became part of the force was not triumphant. Why the death scene was sudden and cut weird and no sorrow from Rey. CAUSE THEY SCRAPPED THE ORIGINAL ENDING LAST MINUTE.  Everyone knows JJ was still editing one month before. The concept art which was supposed to be released this month has been pushed to March. Why you ask? They need to remove the pages with a happy ending. He just didn’t have the guts, pandered to everyone and yet no one. He was successful in creating a beautifully filmed action-filled movie with none of the heart of Star Wars.
And then she goes and buries Anakin’s saber on freaking TATOOINE. He HATES Sand and Luke wanted to get away from there as soon as possible. Of course, a Palpatine would torture them that way. But nostalgia is the cash cow so. JJ can only generate nostalgia, not create original stories. IF he had any creativity she would have buried it at Padme’s grave.
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The fanboys say “leave the romance for the romance movies”....have you seen the original trilogy or the prequels? Star Wars has always had hope and romance entwined with it. 
...and people thought the prequels were bad 
JJ you also said that your goal was for people to come out of the movie feeling more hopeful and happy then they went in...yet here I am. My roommate literally had to console me and buy me ice cream. I am just so numb. I am sure the casual fan will enjoy this, as seen from the rotten tomatoes ratings. I think the critics were too generous with this one, 
Star Wars is very simple at its core, Good vs Bad and Dark vs Light. The kids are expected to understand that a Palpatine being the only one who lives is hopeful? That is the conclusion of three generations of Skywalker sacrifice...
This is how the Skywalkers are remembered...In Tragedy and Curse??
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losergendered · 7 months
luke skywalker from star wars is a bi gay transtidal trans man
leia organa is an abro gay transandrogynous trans man
obi-wan kenobi is a bisexual dandelion transfem translunar trans woman
ahsoka tano is abinary and cassgender
padme amidala is transfem translunar and questioning her sexuality
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