#Non binary Anakin
Padme: Overdressed transfem wife who takes 4 hours to choose an outfit and get ready. Everything she owns is fashion over function, but she makes it work
Anakin: underdressed transmasc husband who wears whatever smells the cleanest and owns 4 versions of the same outfit. Trying their best to dress nice, there’s a war and they’re a monk cut them some slack
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ahsoka-in-a-hood · 9 months
I can do what I wanna. Have a new poll, for science:
Option 1: Palpatine got actively involved in Anakin's life early on. They saw each other often, and in private. Palpatine quickly became a sort of grandfather figure to Anakin, always in competition with Obi Wan, whom he subtly instigated doubts about in Anakin's mind from a young age, among other things.
Option 2: For most of Anakin's padawanship, Palpatine was an acquaintance. He saw him occasionally, when their paths would cross in (seemingly) natural ways. A thank you for his service to Naboo. Work or events that brought Obi Wan (and therefore Anakin) into contact with the Chancellorship. The occasional debriefing. Perhaps they were invited to a festival of the lights one time. This and that. Palpatine was always happy to see him, and praised him, and showed an interest in what he thought whenever these meetings happened. Anakin liked and was influenced by him. Groundwork was laid, but it was generally above board.
Palpatine really got close to Anakin around/after aotc. Knighthood, losing his arm, the war- and of course, Anakin was reeling from his mother's death and his actions on Tatooine, which along with his secret marriage had him closing up like a clam with Obi Wan. Palpatine pulled him into his orbit just when he was finding his feet, and avoiding his former social net. This is when Palpatine really started to get his hooks into him. By RotS, Anakin was thinking of him as a father figure.
(I feel like I have less to say about option 1 because it's the more self-explanatory one)
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inkdragon1900 · 2 years
How do I put into words that bisexual autistic women understand Anakin Skywalker the way trans men understand Luke Skywalker.
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fandompridehcs · 7 months
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Han Solo is bisexual and transgender!
He's dating Princess Leia, a bisexual trans woman!
Her brother, Luke Skywalker is an asexual stargender demiman!
His parent, Anakin Skywalker is non-binary and has ADHD and PTSD!
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binaryeclipse · 1 year
More non binary Anakin fics. More exploration of Anakin and his fem side in the films. Basically, more of Anakin being in their non binary era. There's so much to explore there. Thank you for supporting this.
I don't think I've written anything specifically dealing with this (maybe one day I should lol) but HELL YEA.
Anakin's the child of the Force and Anakin gets to define who and what Anakin is. Man? Yeah. Woman? Sure. Something between? Always. Something beyond? Definitely.
Honestly, I do tend to see it more as how Anakin is not traditionally masculine and gets to redefine what is masculine for himself but I think there's definitely room for other interpretations where it can also be a outright rejection of masculinity and the binary. That's why Anakin's such a special character. Anakin can be many things for many people and if you find aspects of yourself in him that's powerful and comforting.
It would be fun to write a fic where Anakin ends up getting "misgendered" in a specific alien culture and doesn't give two fucks about it because his ties to masculinity are nebulous at best and if these people think he's a woman well... they're not right but they're also not wrong.
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anakinsthot · 2 years
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Fleshed out an outline for Sweetest Pie tonight! Next update will be for this fic 😁
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queer wars!
either really wonderful queer star wars hcs on tumblr, or my personal queer star wars hcs!!
anakin skywalker is a transmasc non-binary person who uses he/him pronouns
luke skywalker is a transman, and pan/ace
padmé is pan
sabé is also pan/bi (this is canon, from what i know)
leia doesn't use labels, and han is supportive!
mando/din is aroace
ahsoka is bi
obi wan kenobi is pan
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virahaus · 7 months
Okay so a new little idea of mine
You know how in fics where Obi-Wan and Anakin are already married/together, the twins are all grown up and they start to bring home their first boyfriends/girlfriends?
Well Anakin is usually portrayed as the one who disapproves of it, especially regarding Han as a possible love interest for either of the twins but,,, I'm thinking.
Anakin is a romantic to the core. He loves love, and perhaps in a better life for himself he'd delight in watching corny romantic films and swoons over period dramas (his whole speech to padme when he confesses? Please he was Like That for a Reason ™).
He's an incurable romantic, and now that he has the love of his life Obi-Wan by his side always, I bed he'd love to see his children find the right person for them (tho I don't ofc dismiss him being protective over them or giving the possible love interest a stink eye).
But this is more about Han, specifically.
Usually in fics where he's a love interest for either Luke or Leia, Anakin disapproves of it while Obi-Wan is more encouraging and I'm like,,,,
No, sirs. No, madams. No, non-binary folks.
Han is a pilot and a good one a that. He loves his ship and he's a proficient mechanic too. Anakin would prolly be a bit wary about his past but they'd bond about their shared passion sooner or later. Not saying they'd be buddy buddy but the possibility is there.
Obi-Wan tho.
We have canon material about his interactions with Han! And if y'all don't think while watching their interactions that Obi-Wan is so over Han's bullshit I dunno what film have you watched lol
Their first encounter and this is Obi-Wan's face.
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He's literally like: this dude is only trouble. I won't let him date my son. Absolutely not. I veto this.
And it continues when Han speaks of the force.
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For Anakin I think it would be even more hilarious to hear him dismiss the Force as something that do not exist, since you know it's his second parent... But Obi-Wan's face? His little smirk? He's like please. Please let me out of there before I become uncivilised ergo juggle him around using the force.
Anyway thank you for coming to my ted talk about why Obi-Wan would kick Han's ass both physically and verbally if he tried something with his children. Honestly Han was lucky Obi-Wan was dead in the later films 😂
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scarfacemarston · 4 months
Pride Month Requests!
My specialties are character x reader mainly because I've never received requests for ships and I'm not experienced in it! If you don't see a character, I can still likely write it. For male characters it will be MLM Reader x character and WLW for female characters. (Trans characters hcs and readers always included. Edit: Non Binary and gender neutral also welcome!) Reblogs appreciated! SFW preferred.
Characters: Bucky Barnes x Reader Steve Rogers x Reader
Natasha Romanoff x Reader Yelena Belova x Reader Peggy Carter x Reader Arthur Morgan x Reader John Marston x Reader Anakin Skywalker x Reader Obi-Wan Kenobi x Reader
Hawke x Fenris Hawke x Isabela Hawke x Merill Dorian Pavus x Inquisitor Cullen Rutherford x Inquisitor Cassandra x Inquisitor Leliana x Warden
More by Request!
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david-talks-sw · 1 year
"Does it make sense?"
I think, ultimately, the thing that it comes down to for why I just can't see "the Jedi are intentionally written as dogmatic/dispassionate" or "Obi-Wan failed Anakin" or "the Jedi brought their own downfall" reads as valid anymore is because... it makes no sense that George Lucas - of all people - would write that.
Like, this is the guy who preaches the same lessons and philosophies that the Jedi do in the Prequels, every chance he gets (sometimes going all the way back to American Graffiti).
So ask yourself:
Does it make sense that he would intentionally make the characters to whom he gave his own values "dogmatic"?
He's a self-proclaimed "methodist-Buddhist". The Jedi are based on Buddhist monks.
Does it make sense that the buddhist would write a story about space-buddhists being "emotionless", "devoid of compassion" and "at fault for their own genocide"?
Lucas had an apprenticeship, that turned into a friendly/brotherly bond with his mentor Francis Ford Coppola. Their personalities were completely opposite (Coppola was more outgoing, George was more prudent) but they worked in sync, they completed each other.
Do you really think that this guy's intended narrative would be that "Qui-Gon would've been better-suited for Anakin as a teacher than Obi-Wan because the latter was prudent/strict and too different from the more passionate Anakin"?
George lays Anakin's downfall on Anakin's shoulders almost every time he talks about it. It's a corruption that was caused from within, he would be able to love without getting attached if he had joined the Jedi at an earlier age, but he didn't so his attachment and greed results in his turn to the Dark Side.
So does it make sense that Lucas' narrative would be that "the Jedi (aka EXTERNAL forces) pushed, denied and failed Anakin that they caused him to turn" instead of "it was Anakin's own fault because he wasn't able to let go"?
He has said multiple times that, aside from Anakin's downfall, the Prequels center on the Republic's downfall, never mentioned the Jedi once when describing what the Prequels are about.
If the Prequels were actually about "the fall of the Jedi and how they lost their way", wouldn't he have brought it up once? And would he really have focused so much on the Senate and politics rather than adding more development to characters like Mace and Yoda?
I think the answer to all of these is "no".
Here's one more: Lucas stated so many times that this was a fairy tale, that all six Star Wars movies are meant for kids. The situation of the Prequels is more complex than the one in the Original Trilogy, but before, during and after the Prequels Lucas confirmed that the Star Wars morality is binary, it is black and white, good vs bad.
Would he really intentionally make the Prequels this subversive story wherein "actually, if you stop and think about it, the good guys are really the bad guys"?
Or is it just that:
We live in a time where movie audiences expect the "good guy" to be individualistic, flawed and non-conformist, and the Jedi are a community of nigh-incorruptible champions of good who've already completed their character arcs.
So the adults (aka not the target audience) who watched the Prequels at the time were turned off by these characters who they perceived as "holier than thou", having been conditioned by the times they lived in to think that there are skeletons in "Mr. Perfect's" closet.
Thus, they retconned the films (via comics, books, games and episodes) so that they could enjoy the Prequels more, and did so by:
injecting more realistic "gray morality" themes into the films and
projecting an oppressive "boys don't cry" philosophy onto the Jedi.
For lack of a better metaphor, "they put a skeleton in Mr. Perfect's closet so that they could finally find his existence bearable, and keep bringing up that skeleton to this day."
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shapelytimber · 2 months
Just saw your Star Wars sapphic AU, and,,,,, PLEASE tell me they're all actual sapphics/lesbians and not manlikers 😭 Just one sapphic AU without bihets and switch hitters in it PLEAAASEEE I can't handle any more of their cis man worship in this fandom
Ok so this message is disgusting ngl, but I will *try* (and fail) to take your message in good faith, and assume the weirder parts of it are born from ignorance and not a wish to other and harm members of the queer *community*, especially bi and trans people.... Right ?
No, not everyone in my sw au is a lesbian, or cis, that's why it's called a sapphic au and not a lesbian au. I started listing specific orientations in my recap, even if I usually like keaping it ambiguous.
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But your message kinda rubbed me the wrong way :) so just for you anon, let me share the most bi aspects of my au !
- Padmé had multiple relationships before Anakin, Palo and Rush Clovis, both men.
- I ship Vader and Boba Fett, and in my au Vader uses he/him (contrary to Anakin who uses she/her, link to a previous ask were I explain it further) and Boba she/her, making it *technically* a het adjacent ship, and Boba bisexual.
- Obi wan and Lando are bisexual because obviously.
- I really like the idea of Luke being asexual bi romantic, and I like both the Luke/Biggs Darklighter and Luke/Zevulon Veers ships, both men (rip the Han/Luke shippers kdidkdk I respect it, but I prefer Hanleia-)
- And while I'm at it, Luke Lando and Han are all different flavors of non binary, so not women. (As a lesbian I do find non binary people attractive, and know non binary lesbians. But seeing how this ask is formulated, I just felt the need to reinstate that <3)
To sum it up, in my sapphic au I concider Obi wan, Padmé, Boba Fett, Lando, Leia and Luke bisexuals :)
Frankly, from a lesbian to another, in your message you sound like a huge loser who doesn't have male friends and experiences the queer community only through tumblr. Go outside bro, "manlikers" are awesome.
PS : English isn't my first language, so I had to google what "switch hitters" meant. I don't know if it's a slur, but what definition I could find said it implies a bi person is indecisive about their sexuality. And that sounds biphobic to me ngl- I could be wrong, but seing the dog shit message it's attached to....
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soullessjack · 1 year
it genuinely kills me very slowly to think that some people can only ever think of jack as the destiel kid and not like an actual person with a myriad of maladjustments or silly funny personality quirks. like he has a whole special red and white fleece lined Christmas jacket and is canonically acknowledged as looking like a stupid hot white boy without any thoughts behind his eyes. He killed a whole fucking archangel and then decided that he really wanted to try making some friends like a week later. they wanna be normal and nice so bad and pretend to be some normal small town boy next door all the time but they were literally so angry once that it took three gunshots fired in the back to make him calm and reasonable.
he stress eats and stays in their room for weeks on end when they’re depressed or upset. they line their shoes up and fold their shirts and wear bright yellow vans and red hi-tops. he’s narratively paralleled to Anakin but his favorite character is Ahsoka. he pretended to be a coke addict and pretended to be a pretty new boy next door again to flirt with a hopelessly romantic girl. women want him and he’s absolutely clueless about it. women and men and probably fish fear him too. he dresses like a combination between an elderly man and a 70’s sitcom hippie. he was literally called Bieber and Suite Life. they like stripe patterns and Hawaiian pizza and movies and computers.
they’re literally an autistic person who just explodes shit when they get overstimulated. They watch riverdale and constantly sweep their hair back in a specific stylistic choice bc he likes looking like that. he fucking decapitated a whole Gorgon and then stole the guy’s snake as a trophy. he says shut up when he’s mad and calls things stupid and says they suck. he’s a teenage girl. he’s. A Teenage boy. He’s non-binary. He sat on the throne of god in grass stained jeans and clunky grandpa sneakers and left it all behind without even blinking as soon as his shitty bunker home called out to him. He sticks his tongue out when he’s focused on something and his left eye pulls up into a squint when he smiles reallt wide and his smile is crooked and he has sleepy eyelids . They decided to defy death herself just to rescue someone he mildly remembered caring about once and then blackmailed a reaper into helping with said rescue plan.
He got turned into the tiniest ugliest dog ever and got a thermometer shoved up his ass in the same episode where he’s narratively symbolized by the ouroboros symbol and makes the deliberate choice of destroying his soul just to selfishly keep his family bc he legitimately cannot handle thinking about losing them without going insane. his nicknames are sweetheart and darling boy and pal and buddy and Jackie Boy and slugger and he apologized to a girl for upsetting her like two episodes after ripping a man’s heart out and eating it raw. He literally actively wants to be a silly little guy that everyone likes but he’s so insane and unwell at the same time. he’s the best character ever and I need the entire world to understand this and to see him as more than just the destiel baby or I will also explode. .
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machinatings · 1 month
Anakin is so many things for so many people. He’s disabled, he’s neurodivergent, he’s trans in any direction, he’s a boy, he’s a girl, he’s non binary, he’s the straightest guy you’ve ever met, he’s gay, he’s aromantic, he’s more powerful than god, he’s chronically ill, he has every mental/emotional/physical/spiritual disorder under the sun. And he is horrifically problematic representation for everyone 🩷 it’s really beautiful
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darlin-djarin · 2 years
i should sleep but i need to talk about the skywalker family and their chromosomes
it starts out a little silly but i promise i get deadass once i start talking about luke and how he was born.
now, it all starts with anakin.
anakin had no father, his mother birthed him like he was jesus (jesus intersex representation?? 😨 that’s another story) and she could only give him X chromosomes. that means either anakin didn’t have chromosomes, he had two X chromosomes, or he had just one X chromosome. considering his mother birthing him and his fatherlessness (loser), it’s most likely that he had a single X chromosome. therefore he was intersex.
now he probably still had cock and balls (derogatory), otherwise he couldn’t have had kids with padme. if the jedi order had a sex ed class (they probably did tbh), then anakin would probably know or realize that he only had one X chromosome, and therefore he realized he’s intersex.
as much as i love the idea of non-binary anakin- let’s be real guys. anakin would be those types of dudes who, when asked what their pronouns are, would answer with “nor/mal”. people would mention his beauty or his feminine demeanor and he’d be like “i’m not gay”. or something like that. i’m projecting my homophobic brother’s personality onto him. they’re very similar and i’m not particularly fond of either of them. at least, not anakin in the prequel movies.
my big boy chad master anakin in the clone wars had ultimate lightskin rizz.
anyway so onto luke.
it gets serious here.
since anakin only had one X chromosome, and padme had XX, then both of them contributed an X chromosome to their children. they literally couldn’t be able to make a biological male child. if they did end up having a male child, they would either have to be also intersex, or trans.
leia and luke were both born with XX chromosomes.
“but olly! in the movies, they said luke was a boy when he was born!” ah wonderful observation, my silly little padawan.
obviously star wars “humans” aren’t clearly “humans”, rather aliens as well. so likely their biology might differ from irl. but if we were to ignore that and consider all the possibilities, we could come up with a logical explanation.
obviously the technology in the star wars universe is very advanced, at least more advanced than the options we have available. i think the topic of gender and sexuality isn’t even a real thing in the universe. gender is a social construct, right? and clearly with the different aliens, races, and religions in the universe, the discussion of what “gender” is wouldn’t technically apply anywhere because gender isn’t real.
back to the technology part- i’d like to think the universe at that time would be able to find out a child’s “gender” or orientation by examining their brain when they are born. according to this study by Dr. Julie Bakker in how trans peoples brains correspond with the gender they identify as, regardless of how they were born, it can be understood that even from a young age, trans people think and process the same way cis people would within their respective identity/gender.
i think it would make the most sense that when luke and leia were born, they were given brain scans or something of the sort to determine what their gender/identity would be, regardless of how they were biologically born.
therefore we get luke’s “gender reveal” in the movies, even though he was likely born as a biological female.
basically trans luke is canon, y’all are just cowards.
so the whole skywalker family only have X chromosomes. until we get to ben solo. because of Han’s Y chromosome, ben would’ve been born as a cis male (derogatory).
that’s why he became evil. it’s bc his whole family is trans and he was kicked out for being cis.
hope this made sense
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binaryeclipse · 1 year
Yes to the genderfuckery. Yes to Obiwan being supportive as well as all the Jedi in general. Just Anakin saying idgaf to what you label me as. I choose to do this, and maybe in his heart of hearts this is how he honors his mom.
I feel, in the Jedi's case, it's just outright acceptance and not even strange to them. They interact and embrace so many cultures within their own that Anakin's fluid gender is perfectly normal. And little Anakin would just be so !!!! about that because I'm sure Tatooine is much more firmly rooted in that binary and its roles and also filled with people constantly defining themselves against it rather than rejecting it.
Also, the idea that Anakin's mommy issues manifest in his gender presentation rather than in his treatment of women is too good and a really fun way to play with the trope. He loves and misses his mom so much he blurs his gender to be closer to her. Excellent. 10/10. No notes.
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Queer Star Wars Characters (Round 3): General Bracket Match 16
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Sky Graf | Identity: non-binary | Media: The High Republic Quest for Planet X
Sky Graf was a young member of the wealthy Graf family. A year before the Night of Sorrow, their father went missing looking for Planet X. To prove themselves to their family and possibly find their father, they stole their older brother’s ship the Brightbird and deemed up with Dass Leffbruk (who had previously made it to Planet X) and the Jedi padawan Rooper Nitani to use a Force artifact to try to find Planet X during the great hyperspace race. The Force artifact brought them backwards through the planets Dass had recently visited, where they face challenges while also trying to outrun Sky’s brother. During their journey, they also had to take the Path of the Open Hand member Fel Ix as a hostage. Fel Ix began to break through his cult programming, and when the news of a possible battle between the Path and the Republic reached the crew of the Brightbird, he convinced Sky to give up the search for Planet X to travel to Dalna. Fel Ix succeeded by appealing to Sky’s connection with their father by pointing out how he was a father himself. Working with Fel Ix, Sky helped defeat the Graf code that was corrupting the communication buoys in the Dalna sector, preventing more violence during the Night of Sorrow. Their brother, Helis, eventually caught up with them. But the siblings were able to talk about their feelings and reconcile. The two of them would fly the Brightbird together and continue to prospect. But Sky would no longer chase their father’s ghost.
Sky’s lifestyle was a combination of the hard and technical life of a pilot and hyperspace prospector combined with the luxury of their family’s level of wealth. They are very intelligent when it comes to science. They are confident, with a prickly exterior. They didn’t connect with Fel Ix the way Dass or Rooper did until the end, not wanting to try to understand the perspective of someone who tried to kill them. When things got serious, they showed a surprising capacity of violence and a willingness to do anything to achieve their goals. They only felt like they had unconditional love from their father, his disappearance driving them even further in conflict with their family. At the end of the book, they are more at peace, but still eager to make their own name separate from the Graf dynasty. Unusually for transgender characters in Star Wars, there is explicit discussion in their internal monolog about how they felt gender dysphoria when they started to go through puberty and how their father got them a binder.
Sabé | Identity: bisexual | Media: Queen’s Trilogy/Darth Vader comics
Sabé, born Tsabin, was a member of a family of musicians who set their daughter on the same path. However, she was only skilled enough to ever have a supporting role and instead volunteered to be one of Queen Amidala’s handmaidens. She became Padmé’s most trusted operative, pretending to be the Queen during the Invasion of Naboo. After Padmé’s term as queen ended, she remained her operative and worked with Tonra, a member of Naboo’s security force, to attempt to free slaves on Tatooine. They eventually made contact with the White Suns, a Tatioone slave liberation movement. When the Clone Wars began, Sabé once again acted as Padmé’s decoy when Padmé was away from Coruscant conducting an investigation. There she learned Anakin and Padmé were married. However, to make sure Padmé didn’t have her closest confidant, Palpatine blasted Sabé’s brain with the Dark Side until she didn’t want to work closely with Padmé anymore. Sabé spent the rest of the war helping the White Suns.
After Padmé died, Sabé founded an organization known as the Amidalans- a rebel cell consisting of Naboo (including some of the other handmaidens), who sought to avenge Padmé. They attempted to assassinate Vader (who they deemed responsible) on multiple occasions. Sabé focused on deception, preventing to work with Vader to find Padmé’s killer and infiltrating Crimson Dawn.  until she figured out that Vader was Anakin. Remembering how Padmé’s last words (which had been recorded) was “There’s still good in [Anakin]”, she decided to actually become Vader’s operative. Her given reason was that the Empire and Vader did bring order to the galaxy, but it is just as likely she is following her queen’s last order to attempt to bring the man she loved back to the light. She remained by Vader’s side even when her fellow handmaidens came to “rescue” her. Her last appearance in the comics was Vader abandoning her on a beach until she could decide to fully commit to the Dark Side (emotionally speaking).
Sabé had crushes on a handful of people and even a romantic relationship with Tonra, but her most important was her romantic love for Padmé. These feelings were requited, with Queen’s Hope creating a love triangle where Sabé represented ideology and duty and Anakin was selfish love. As we know, Padmé chose Anakin, but a deciding factor was Sabé’s self esteem being temporarily shattered by Palpatine. Her wider moral view seems to have degraded after spending over two decades focusing on avenging Padmé instead of joining the wider Rebellion. However, even working for the Empire, she hasn’t gone completely evil yet- doing things like pretending to kill a bunch of refugees to gain their loyalty instead of actually killing them.
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