#page 380
pesterloglog · 7 months
Dave Strider, Roxy Lalonde
Page 380-383
DAVE: thats me
ROXY: i called u here to discuss a v important matter…
ROXY: of extreme delicacy and privacy!!!
DAVE: i feel like i have to stress once again
DAVE: jade is just
DAVE: right there
DAVE: not gonna come over here huh
DAVE: no its cool
DAVE: dont get up i know jakes shitty furniture pile is the most comfortable seat in the house
DAVE: wouldnt want to interrupt whatever important mushroom business you got goin on
DAVE: say hi to shiitake for me
DAVE: thats the only mushroom i know this bits falling apart fast back me up
ROXY: theres toadstools
DAVE: thats what i like to hear anyway wow just like in my video games
DAVE: only i wouldnt be caught dead playing that baby shit
DAVE: im a serious gamer who demands a serious ancillary video game guy
DAVE: only the most grizzled and and war hardened men doing only the most upsettingly ludicrous maneuvers can whet my discerning appetite
ROXY: dave my guy
ROXY: gotta stay on task
DAVE: yeah roxy get it together ive had just about enough of your tangents
DAVE: have some pride man
ROXY: lmao oh ok you got me
ROXY: anyways we need to talk about ship etiquette
DAVE: just gonna out and say it huh
DAVE: and you know what its about damn time
DAVE: the absolute disrespect i get around here for just living my truest life
DAVE: spitting only these hard truths
DAVE: practically a bard sayin hard sooths
ROXY: this is unfair because u know i usually love ur little raps
DAVE: little raps he says
DAVE: i know youre just trying to distract me from the heinous display of aggression you just dumped on me
DAVE: ship etiquette like i dont know what youre trying to say to me
DAVE: what kind of hapless rube do you take me for
ROXY: tbh that makes this all kinds of easier
DAVE: look we both know you dont need to be gay to see that sasuke and naruto love eachother thats just stone cold facts
ROXY: u cant bait me like this
ROXY: i know u know i cant resist talking about which anime boys kiss which anime boyz(™)
ROXY: but thats not the kind of ship im talkin about
ROXY: its actually a lil incredible youd jump there considerin we live on a space ship
ROXY: but if this is how i need to frame this with u then yes sure a certain ship has gotten outta hand
DAVE: have no idea what youre talking about
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sharry-arry-odd · 7 months
You can't promise that. You can't promise anything. It could go wrong. Everything could go wrong, and she could– Nurse Ratched touched his cheek with one of her tentacles. I have made my choice, Victor. I know what I am doing. Please do not take this away from me. You brought me back once. I know you can do it again. All I ask is that you do not leave me behind. I hate this city. It smells bad. I want to see the forest again.
In The Lives of Puppets, by TJ Klune
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vlagg20 · 3 months
Since I have free time to do stuff I was thinking of translating some of the books I got from Paris and Swiss. I was thinking of translating the duck avenger comics that I got from my aunt but then I procrastinated and decided to just translate the thea sisters books because the French language seems easier than the German language sorry.
Besides the duck avenger comic I also got the thea sisters books (it was given to me by my French friend for free so girlie if you ever came upon this post thank you for giving me your old thea sisters books and I luv u very much <3)
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I haven’t translate them all (I haven’t translate any of the books I got from Paris and Swiss haha) but with the free time I have now I could probably start.
Also I skimmed through the secret of the snow book (the one where they went to Japan inspired myth world) and end up on the bonus feature section where they talked more about the lore of the world and stuff like that but my ass didn’t pay attention into it at all because I got distracted by the tanukis.
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They are so cute and fluffy :3
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karlyboyyy · 2 years
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So many things about these five images (actually ten pages) give me warm and fuzzies, so I’m gonna list them all starting from the top!
1. Kageyama smiling!!! Like genuinely so happy to be there, playing against Hinata
2. Daichi, Asahi, and Tanaka all like “holy shit, his serve has gotten so much scarier”, they’re all so cute
3. Hinata digging the ball so flawlessly! He’s grown so much and I want to give him a hug
4. Asahi literally being blown away by Hinata’s dig, I mean look at his flowing hair!
5. Kageyama’s little smirk, he’s so fucking proud of Hinata
6. Atsumu looking like the smug little bitch (affectionate) that he is
7. Hinata soaring!!!
8. Takeda-sensei is so excited! While Ukai looks… scared lmao, but they’re basically just proud parents
9. Coach Washijo 😭😭 very grandpa
10. Hinata being so happy to be home and all his friends welcoming him back makes me wanna cry
11. “Took you long enough” Kageyama, you fruity son of a bitch. Like, he very well could have been referring to Hinata finally becoming someone he could maybe possibly lose to (and being excited about that possibility!). But for him to say that right as Hinata said “I’m here!”… Kageyama just missed his boyfriend, okay?!? He’s just so happy to have him back home and to see that’s he’s grown and learned so much. That’s a man in love, folks
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misslydian · 2 years
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This is probably the funniest moment in mha
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skin-bible · 10 months
I'm so close to being done with my book ........
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i-can-even-burn-salad · 10 months
4. Did you discover any new authors that you love this year?
22. What’s the longest book you read?
24. Did you DNF anything? Why?
Thank you for the ask! From this ask game.
4. Did you discover any new authors that you love this year?
I didn't read much, and there was only one recurring author on my list; @menagerie-of-monsters with 4 books! :D
The Sorceress and the Incubus How to Slay a Dragon The Gardener and the Water Horse The Changeling and the Dragon
Sadly I am very, very ace, and I need to be in the right mood to read monster smut, and I haven't been yet for the latest one. Also uh. Time.
22. What’s the longest book you read?
I honestly have no idea, because I read ebooks, which has no easy way to check word count. I guess I could look up every single one on amazon, but I could also just. Not.
24. Did you DNF anything? Why?
The only thing I remember consciously kicking to the curb was some German anthology of queer fairytale retellings. Which sounded nice on paper — love fairytales. And so many CWs XD
But I just didn't like the first few I read.
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ahagisborn · 1 year
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I just finished this and I LOVED the first one but with this one I felt (and maybe it’s because I also just read a day of fallen night and it suffered in comparison) that it could’ve been anywhere from 300 to 500 pages longer
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pointlessly-poetic · 1 year
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galleon - wolfstar - September 13th - @padfootmicrofics - word count: 380
"Did you see?" Sirius asked, grinning from ear to ear as he passed Remus the Daily Prophet. "They've finally approved it."
Remus didn't have to ask what he meant. Sirius had been following the status of the Wolfsbane Potion for months, keeping Remus up-to-date. Of course, Remus had been interested too, but a part of him couldn't get excited. It was too good to be true, he knew. And as he scanned the page, a dull sense of dread flooded through him.
"It's expensive," he grunted, throwing the paper down. "I'll be fine without it."
But Sirius looked furious. "Remus, I-"
"I'm not taking a single galleon from you, Sirius, and you know it," Remus interrupted. It had been an argument before. Remus had always been too proud, too stubborn to accept help. Sirius, James, and Peter were sneaky enough to force little ways of helping him on him, but this was too much. usually they accepted it but today, Sirius looked furious.
"Fine," he said flatly, standing from the table.
But instead of clearing his breakfast, he waved his wand, and his old school trunk appeared, clothing flying into it.
"What are you doing?" Remus asked, full of confusion.
"You don't seem to get," Sirius said angrily, throwing his leather jacket into the trunk, "that we're a couple, Remus. We do things together. You've talked about fucking proposing, and yet you won't accept my help to make your life less horrible once a month. You insist on taking care of me when I'm sick, but you refuse to let me take care of you. So if you're going to act like we're not in a bloody relationship, I'll go stay with James and Lils for a bit until you get your head out of your arse."
Remus stared, blinking, because Sirius hardly ever talked like that to him anymore. It was clear that Sirius meant what he said, and as much at it pained him to take the help, he knew it would hurt him worse to watch Sirius walk through the door. "Fine," he whispered, fighting back tears.
Sirius waved his wand, stilling the clothing still folding in his trunk. "Yeah?"
"Good. Because I've already put in an order for this month," Sirius smiled, reaching for him.
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butchiful · 4 months
Help me out with kinesiology therapy treatment cost 🙏
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I recently had a rheumatologist's appointment for my constant back pain that has been going on for weeks now. It went well, doctor gave me an order for a few kine therapy sessions so I can alleviate my back pain and know what to do in case it comes back strong again. My only problem is I already have a lot of medicine that costs a lot that is essential to my well-being and this therapy is quite a lot to pay for me personally, but I really want to take it because I trust that it'll be a good treatment for my pain.
The price pictured is in Chilean pesos, approximately it would be 380 us dollars in total. Please consider helping me out as I really Need this treatment right now, I can even offer commissions for donations of 5 dollars or more.
Here's my paypal. Here's my ko-fi page.
Here's my artblog for examples of my art.
Please share and reblog, any help is appreciated so much. Please don't tag unless for accessibility reasons. Thank you 🫀
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one-flower-one-sword · 3 months
Hello I have a question everyone is going on about Hua Cheng hating Feng Xin despite being loyal to Xie Lian. What do you think of the reason Hua Cheng hatred towards Feng Xin?
Hey Anon! thank you for your question, I'll do my best to answer it :)
First of all, I think it's important to keep in mind that Hua Cheng has reasons to hate Feng Xin outside of his treatment of Xie Lian. Though out of the two, Mu Qing treated Hong Hong-er the worst - arguing that a visibly starved and abused child was lying about having no one caring for him and then later kicking him out of the army out of jealousy - Feng Xin really wasn't much better:
The young child shook his head, but Mu Qing said, “There must be. If he doesn't go back, his family will surely be worried sick looking for him.”
“No, no way! There's nobody!” that young child cried, sounding like he was afraid to be sent back, and he opened his arms reaching for Xie Lian. He was still covered with mud and blood, and Feng Xin couldn't stand it anymore.
“What're ya doin’, kid? Things were urgent earlier, so whatever, but shouldn't you know better by now? This is the crown prince. His Highness the Crown Prince. Do you understand?”
That young child's arms immediately shrank back, but he was still gazing at Xie Lian.
Vol 2, page 362
We see this treatment of Hua Cheng continue all the way to the reveal in Mount Tonglu's caves: because of what Hua Cheng is - a beggar child, a ghost king - he shouldn't be near Xie Lian - a crown prince, a god - and his adoration for Xie Lian and desire to be near him is openly treated by Feng Xin as inappropriate and disgusting, as something Xie Lian needs to be “protected” from at all cost - if Xie Lian wants to or not.
After walking for a while, Feng Xin spoke up. “No. I still don't think Your Highness should hold a strange child for everyone to see.”
“What's the problem?” Xie Lian asked.
“You're the crown prince!” Feng Xin exclaimed. While he spoke, he saw a worn-down handcart further up the alley and said, “Put the kid in the cart and pull it.”
Mu Qing immediately voiced, “Just so we're clear, I will not pull that thing up the mountain.”
”No one's asking you to,” Feng Xin said. He reached out and yanked the child from Xie Lian's arms, and the child started struggling again.
Vol 2, page 364
Because Xie Lian is nobility, in Feng Xin's eyes he shouldn't be seen carrying a child of the lowest class. Keep in mind that it was Xie Lian's own decision to carry Hong Hong-er himself and that the child had repeatedly made clear it didn't want to be carried by anyone else. But Feng Xin still takes Hong Hong-er away from Xie Lian, the only person that the child feels safe with and is being treated well by. Not to mention that he's yanking a child around that he knows has recently been brutally beaten, with no apparent care for its injuries.
Once Mei Nianqing divines Hong-er's fate, Feng Xin treats him like everyone else does except for Xie Lian - as if he's not a human being but some kind of dangerous monster that Xie Lian shouldn't even touch:
The Deputy State Preceptors blocked Hong Hong-er, and the State Preceptor backed away, yelling, “Make him leave the mountain, hurry! Don't touch him, I mean it! That fortune is too toxic; don't touch him!” The Deputy State Preceptors hurriedly moved aside, and Mu Qing and Feng Xin didn't know whether to act.
Seeing that everyone was avoiding him like he was poisonous vermin, the child was shaken and started thrashing even harder, biting and screaming with all his might. “I'm not! I'm not!! I'M NOT!!!”
Suddenly, a pair of arms wrapped around his waist, encircling his small form. A voice came from above his head. “You're not. I know you're not. Don't cry, now. I know you're not.”
[...] A while later, the State Preceptor said, “I mean it. It's best if you let go.”
Feng Xin finally came to his senses and exclaimed, “Your Highness! Let go! Be careful of…”
Vol 2 page 380+ 382
So what we've established is that Feng Xin treated Hong Hong-er at best like a nuisance that Xie Lian shouldn't be seen caring for because of the class differences, and some kind of dangerous inhuman thing at worst. Now, since that was the way everyone but Xie Lian was treating him back then, I actually don't think it would stand out to Hua Cheng that much - but what would stand out to him was that Feng Xin, just like Mu Qing, repeatedly tried to separate him from Xie Lian, both through words and through actions, and that he went against Xie Lian's wishes in doing so.
Now we can tackle the other part of your question, Hua Cheng hating Feng Xin despite his being loyal to Xie Lian. And I think to answer it fully, we must first ask ourselves - was he loyal?
It's true that Feng Xin stayed with Xie Lian longer than Mu Qing did after the banishment, but his choices during that time tell their own story:
“Actually, it's… Your Highness, do you still have any money on you? Or something that can be pawned?”
Xie Lian was perplexed that he'd ask such a foolish question at a time like this. “Huh? Why do you ask?”
Feng Xin was sweating, but he replied boldly, “It's nothing… Just… If you happen to have some, can you… lend it to me?”
Xie Lian laughed bitterly. “Do you really think I have anything?”
Feng Xin sighed. “I didn't think so.”
After giving it some thought, Xie Lian asked, “Didn't I give you that golden belt?”
“That's not enough,” Feng Xin mumbled. “Far from it…”
Xie Lian was shocked. “Feng Xin? What exactly did you do? How could a golden belt not be enough to cover what you need? Did you beat someone up and need to pay them off? Tell me?”
Feng Xin came back to himself and quickly said, “Oh no! Don't take this to heart. I was only asking!”
Xie Lian pressed him over and over, but Feng Xin still swore everything was fine. Finally, Xie Lian said with worry, “Well, if there's anything, you must tell me. We can think of a solution together.”
“Don't worry about me,” Feng Xin said. “There's no way a solution will just fall from the sky. Your Highness, you just focus on solving your own problems.”
Vol 6, page 219
While superficially this might look like Feng Xin is trying not to burden Xie Lian with his problems, when we look at the actual context we realize that that's not why he is lying about what's going on. This is set during the time where they're barely managing to scrape enough food together not to starve, and are struggling to make enough money to buy medicine for Xie Lian's sick father. And Feng Xin knows this, knows that anything of value should go towards their continued survival - that's why he rejects Xie Lian's repeated offers of help and lies to him about there being no particular reason he's asking for money. Is that loyalty?
Soon after, he heard the Queen sigh. “If this keeps up, how will my son ever get better?”
Xie Lian could feel something amiss with those words, and Feng Xin replied in a quiet voice. “He's only like this because he's exhausted. Too much has happened lately. Will Your Majesties also keep a close eye on him? Please let me know as soon as possible if there's anything not right with His Highness, but don't tell him you did. Also avoid saying anything that might provoke him-”
Vol 6, page 220-221
Feng Xin told Xie Lian he believed him when he said that Bai WuXiang was back and was stalking him, but behind his back, it's a different story. Not only does he doubt Xie Lian’s grip on reality and his own mind, he urges Xie Lian's parents to also keep up the pretense and then report to Feng Xin behind Xie Lian's back. Is that loyalty?
And we need to keep in mind that this isn't a one time deal but a pattern of behavior that keeps repeating. Feng Xin keeps treating Xie Lian as too naive to be trusted to make his own choices, hence his trying to keep Xie Lian from caring for Hong Hong-er, trying to “manage” Xie Lian like an unruly child, and then all the way to conspiring with Mu Qing to kidnap Xie Lian away from Hua Cheng no matter what Xie Lian wants because they think they know better.
Xie Lian knelt by the stream and puked his guts out for over an hour, heaving until blood came up. After descending the mountain, he walked through the city for a long time, aimlessly wandering the main streets without a destination in mind. Suddenly, a hand gripped his shoulder and yanked him into an alley. Xie Lian looked around and saw an incoming fist before he even glimpsed the other's face.
“Where did you run off to for so long?!” Behind the fist was Feng Xin's furious expression, but by the time Xie Lian saw, he'd already been knocked to the ground by the punch. Feng Xin hadn't expected to knock him down so easily. Confused, he looked at his own fist, then at Xie Lian on the ground. Before he could think to help him up, Xie Lian had already crawled back up by himself.
Feng Xin's face changed, but in the end, his temper was still flaring. “You've got such an attitude! Dropping only a word before running away and disappearing for two months! Do you know how worried Their Majesties have been?!”
Vol 6, page 263
This is after Xie Lian ran away when he found out Feng Xin didn't believe him and was then lured to the abandoned temple by Bai WuXiang and severely tortured and violated. He was obviously not alright when he left and just from the fact that he disappeared for that long it should be obvious that something is seriously wrong - yet Feng Xin doesn't care about finding out, he's so angry at the way Xie Lian is “failing” to be the perfect image he's made up in his head that the moment he sees him again, he punches him in the face. Is that loyalty?
“Why are you being like this? When did you become this way?” Feng Xin mumbled. “I… I really don't know… I'm… Why did I follow you all this time - ?”
“Then stop following,” Xie Lian said.
Feng Xin couldn't wrap his head around that. “What?”
“I said, don't follow me anymore,” Xie Lian repeated. Then he slammed the door.
Four hours later, there was finally some rustling outside the room and low voices speaking. It seemed Feng Xin was bidding farewell to Xie Lian's mother and father. Feng Xin's voice was extremely low, the queen's voice was choked with sobs, and the king didn't say much, but there was a lot of coughing. The door opened a moment later, then closed. Feng Xin's voice vanished, and the sound of his footsteps grew more and more distant. Feng Xin had left.
[...] Before Feng Xin had left, Xie Lian had been afraid. Now that Feng Xin was gone, he wasn't scared anymore. But even though he no longer felt fear, he felt a deeper agony. Xie Lian had initially held a one-in-a-million bit of hope at the bottom of his heart. He'd hoped that Feng Xin would still stay even if Xie Lian admitted he had done things he shouldn't have, even if he became the worst version of himself. After all, the two had never left each other's side since he turned fourteen and Feng Xin was selected to be his personal attendant. They were master and servant, but more than that, they were friends. And Feng Xin had no one to care for aside from the crown prince either - or, at most, him, and the king and queen. But Feng Xin had really left.
Vol 6, page 273-274
And finally, as Xie Lian begins to crack under the weight of his trauma, Feng Xin leaves. Is that loyalty? Or, more precisely, we have to ask ourselves - who was it that Feng Xin used to be loyal to? Because from what we've seen, it was less Xie Lian the person and more the perfect image of a crown prince and a god Feng Xin wanted and repeatedly tried to force Xie Lian to be - a crown prince who doesn't behave inappropriately by carrying beggar children, who doesn't go against the orders of his Shifu, a perfect god who never falters and doesn't show mental or physical strain no matter what he goes through.
Xie Lian stopped eating and said gently, “But I can sort of understand… your feelings.” After a pause, he continued, “There was a period in my own life that wasn't easy. Back then, I'd always think about how wonderful it would be if someone could still love me for who I was, even if they saw me rolling in the dirt and couldn't get up. Though I don't know if there's anyone out there like that. And I'm scared of showing that part of myself too. But if it's someone San Lang yearns for… I think that even if they saw you at your worst, they wouldn't say something like, ‘ah, you're not so great after all'”.
His face grew solemn. “To me, the one basking in infinite glory is you; the one fallen from grace is also you. What matters is you, not the state of you. [...]”
Vol 4, page 182
This is why ‘what matters is you, not the state of you” is the foundation of Xie Lian and Hua Cheng’s love - they love each other for who the other is, not who they could be or should be by any given standard.
Now, someone might say this is all well and good but Hua Cheng wasn't present for the above scenes with Feng Xin and Xie Lian, so those can't be reasons for him to hate Feng Xin. To which I would say, 1. the above examination was about questioning whether Feng Xin really was as loyal to Xie Lian as that discourse seems to insist by looking at what the text actually tells us. And 2., Hua Cheng did encounter Xie Lian several times during his first banishment. And every single time, Xie Lian was alone, in increasingly bad mental and physical states, with no one helping or caring for him.
The first time they meet again, after Mu Qing has just left Xie Lian and Hua Cheng is a ghost fire:
“I won't forget. Your Highness, I am forever your most devoted believer.”
Xie Lian forced down a sob. “...I've already lost all my believers. Believing in me won't do you any good; it might even bring disaster. Did you know? Even my friend has left me.”
The nameless ghost declared as if swearing an oath, “I won't.”
“You will,” Xie Lian said.
The ghost was insistent. “Believe me, Your Highness.”
“I don't,” Xie Lian said. He no longer believed in anyone, especially himself.
Vol 6, page 136-137
After the failed robbery attempt, when Xie Lian gets drunk and falls into a grave:
“God fucking dammit!” He slapped the ground and yelled, “Is anyone there? Is there anyone who can help pull me out?!”
Of course there wasn't anyone. There was only a small ball of haunting ghost fire, blazing unceasingly as it flitted about. After Xie Lian fell into the pit, the ball of ghost fire rushed over, seeming to want to pull him up - but it would never be able to touch him.
Vol 6, page 175
When the group of heavenly officials and Mu Qing drive Xie Lian off the blessed land and Hua Cheng can't help him because he's still a ghost fire:
Xie Lian lay sprawled face-down on the ground in a state of disbelief, his eyes bulging. One of the heavenly officials had shoved him while he was standing there at a loss and made him take that hideous fall in front of so many eyes. It was too humiliating. There were voices all around Xie Lian, high and low, filling the air and invading Xie Lian's ears. He stared with eyes that couldn't be wider at the blackened ground in front of his nose, then he slowly raised his head.
Mu Qing was standing not too far away from him - standing among those heavenly officials, his head turned away, not looking at Xie Lian. Just like the rest of them, he had no intention of lending Xie Lian a hand to help him up. And thus, Xie Lian understood. No one would lend him a hand to help him up.
Vol 6, page 196
When Xie Lian is brutally tortured and violated by being stabbed over and over:
Unwilling to consider this any further, Xie Lian couldn't help but cry out. “Hel-”
Before the phrase “Help me” could leave his throat, the same icy black belt was thrust into his body once again. Xie Lian's eyes widened in horror. The razor-sharp sword was stabbed in, then pulled out. The next person followed without wasting a second, and the next stab was shoved into practically the same spot. The sound locked in Xie Lian's throat finally broke free, and a long, painful scream tore through his entire body.
Vol 6, page 255
And it doesn't stop there - Feng Xin and Mu Qing both ascend again while Xie Lian is lost in the mortal realm, and Hua Cheng is the only one looking for him. That Feng Xin spent so much time in the mortal realm because he was searching for Xie Lian appears to be entirely fanon, as I cannot recall a single instance where the text actually suggests this. And then when Xie Lian ascends for a third time, Feng Xin and Mu Qing are too cowardly to face him, and only seek him out in disguise. And again, they repeatedly try to separate Hua Cheng from Xie Lian:
After a moment, Feng Xin turned to Xie Lian. “If there's nothing else, you’d better hurry back to the Heavenly Court. Many of the heavenly officials have no idea what happened in that ruckus, and they're still waiting for news above. Jun Wu should have been informed by now. You need to report back and give them a proper account.”
Hua Cheng laughed out loud at his words.
“What're you laughing at?” Feng Xin demanded.
“And here I was marveling at how straightforward you are, but it turns out you like beating around the bush too,” Hua Cheng said. “You just don't want His Highness to associate with the likes of demons and ghosts like me, so why not say so openly? Think it's not your place?”
Xie Lian cleared his throat softly. “San Lang…”
“As long as you're aware that he shouldn't be associating with the likes of demons and ghosts,” Feng Xin said coldly.
Vol 2, page 261-262
So, to sum up, when we look at all this from Hua Cheng's perspective - why wouldn't he hate Feng Xin? He's had zero positive interactions with the man, repeatedly witnessed him going against Xie Lian's wishes, and had Feng Xin try and separate him from Xie Lian over and over again. From Hua Cheng's perspective, Feng Xin abandoned Xie Lian to his suffering and forgot about him, while Hua Cheng never wavered in his faith, and didn't give up on looking for Xie Lian even after hundreds of years.
Throughout the entire novel, Hua Cheng is the only one who consistently respects Xie Lian's autonomy - the only times he ever intervenes is when Xie Lian is about to do something that threatens his own physical and/or mental wellbeing. Many other characters, Feng Xin included, repeatedly ignore or even violate Xie Lian's autonomy and the novel makes quite clear how important and profound the distinction is between how Hua Cheng treats Xie Lian and how everyone else does:
Feng Xin glanced at him and couldn't help but say, “...I'm a little surprised.”
“What?” Hua Cheng replied, not turning or showing a single trace of curiosity.
Feng Xin scratched his head. “Since you're so biased against Mu Qing, I assumed you'd think he wasn't worth saving and wouldn't want His Highness rescuing him. I thought you'd prevent him from going.”
Only then did Hua Cheng spare him a glance. “Half-wrong, half-right.”
“The first part isn't wrong - I certainly don't think he's worth saving,” Hua Cheng said. “I don't care if he lives or dies.”
“Isn't that a little too blunt?!” Seeing that apathetic expression made Feng Xin start to sweat; when he realized that this man definitely held the same attitude toward him, he sweat even harder!
Hua Cheng snorted, then after a pause, he added, “But only His Highness can decide what he wants to do. I will never oppose his decisions.”
“...” Feng Xin had never heard anyone say something like that before - not a man to a woman, and most definitely not one man to another. But he was quite sure that Xie Lian would only get all worked up and flustered again if he'd been here to hear it. “Ah… I see,” Feng Xin said, not knowing what face to make.
Vol 8, page 44-45
And just to make this clear - this is not me hating on Feng Xin. We also could probably all have lengthy but ultimately futile discussions on what loyalty personally means to each and every one of us, which is why when it comes to discourse like this I think we have to focus on what the text says. And I think through this examination it's become quite clear where the limits of Feng Xin's loyalty lay in relation to how it was tied less to Xie Lian the person and more to who he thought Xie Lian should be, and how even beyond Feng Xin's ultimate lack of loyalty Hua Cheng has many legitimate reasons to hate him in regards to how both he himself and Xie Lian were treated by Feng Xin.
Hope this answered your question!
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astronicht · 1 month
I think if publishers want to cut corners with printer costs they should go old school and start requesting that books be printed with uncut pages again. I just realized ppl who don’t handle books from like 1860-1960 (approx) have possibly never come across one. Picture flipping thru a romance thriller and then realizing pages 380 and 381 are unopenable bc they’re still one piece of paper joined at the top edge and you must claw them apart with your bare hands. Enrichment. Like those peanut butter dog puzzle toys.
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So it's been a while since i posted any books - mostly because i've been hiding my progress like a little sneak.
I just finished this bind last night of The Desert Storm by @blue-sunshine-mauve-morning, or really it's volume 1 out of like ??? 15, maybe. Please take whatever i say with a pinch of salt (I have had 0 sleep for more than 24 hours, and that tends to make me a little very sleep-deprivation drunk a.k.a. unhinged). Okay, on to thoughts! The Desert Storm was foisted onto me by @celestial-sphere-press who told me under no uncertain terms that I WOULD FUCKING LOVE THIS SHIT. Well, I did. This more than 1 million word epic about Ben Fuckin' Kenobi is pretty much god-tier fanfiction. It reads like a goddamn novel. I can never think of canon again without thinking that this good shit should be canon. I read it and then consumed half of it within a week, and I have zero regrets. @blue-sunshine-mauve-morning, i absolutely love you and love your writing. It is the best thing since sliced bread. It is better than sliced bread.
I also had the benefit of @celestial-sphere-press saying, hey would you want to use the typeset? MY GOD, i am grateful. I love this fic, i would have typeset it if it hadn't been typeset but Des did such a beautiful job that i am absolutely in awe and thankful that she and the author allowed others to use it. Look at it - it's so beautiful. I only had to think hey, i just gotta design the cover and et cetera and so the book happened.
Please also check out @celestial-sphere-press 's amazing post here and here, who is the only person i know who's started and is almost complete in fanbinding this epic, and is also making an author a copy of the entire series.
Some stats, if you will.
96215 words || 380 pages
Title font: Ghaomiec
I took some inspiration from starblight bindery's lovely desert scape as well as this amazing cover of Dune which i own. I love that the landscape emanates Dune vibes while being oh so Tattooine - just sand and heat, relentless loneliness and melancholy. This fic centres around Obi-Wan Infinite Sadness Kenobi so it needed SAD VIBES TM, which i tried to deliver in desolate landscape form.
Also thank the heavens for Renegade members, who in a masterful stroke of Group Buy Saves Money, managed to source extra-out-of-production colours of Colibri and help a fair number of us get really cool limited edition versions of bookcloth. I am now a proud owner of a lorge stash of Duo and Colibri of which i am now sitting on like a shifty dragon with a hoarding problem. Good luck getting your bookcloth now, Folio Society, ha ha (gloating)! This particular bookcloth is Colibri Copper which has been wholly stashed for The Desert Storm series. I am leaning on transitioning to Malachite for Rise and Fall when I get to it.
The front cover design was done with a stock image and converted to a PNG, which i then fiddled with and did some HTV magic with. It was remarkably easier to weed than expected. I tried something new and ironed the design on the naked bookcloth first before gluing it to the boards, which was a new challenge in making sure everything was aligned.
Endpapers are marbled endpapers (Renato Crepaldi) which I got from Hollanders, which perfectly fit the colour scheme of the bind. The only hiccup was as I was cutting, I realized the sheet was running in the opposite direction of his usual papers and half the size, and only yielded 3 A5 size endpapers and so my heart went noooooooooo. oh well. i guess i will use it for quartos.
Endbands are my favourite - silk in 3 colours in the french doublecore style (as i was binding this i did not have the mental capacity to handle the difficulty of 4 strands). the truth is i usually only can do 4 when I have higher brain function and am willing to spend 80% of my time unraveling it from getting tangled.
I also forgot to mention I had mild fuck-ups, I got glue on the front endpaper which I had to hastily remove with wet cloth, and the back square is preposterously bad but I'm ignoring it for now.
Anyway, i've actually managed to complete a few other binds which have not been mentioned here as they've all been gifts/ surprises or event books in some form. I am SO EXCITED, also because I am travelling in the latter half of July to San Diego and L.A. and I get to meet some bookbinding friends in the flesh. Renegade is fucking amazing y'all. I am ready to embrace these crazy lads who have enabled me for the last 1 year, even when i'm the solitary (1) weirdo from my country of origin in the server. Also... potentially bookbinding trip early next year??? I am enthused.
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hooksbooks · 1 month
Fanfic Writers Appreciation Day
This year I participated in @renegadeguild's Renegade Loves Fic (Writers) event for the first time, in which we celebrate Fanfic Writers Appreciation Day by binding two copies of a fanfic we love and sending one copy to the author.
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I chose Florigenesis by @nientedal (and its sequel your roots send down to grow as an epilogue), which is a Megamind/Roxanne hanahaki story. Or, in the words of the author, "Less 'Hanahaki' and more 'mutually-requited pining with flowers thrown in for flavor.' " I loved the imagery of the flowers and had a lot of fun typesetting it with as many floral motifs as I could fit in it.
The flower Megamind ends up coughing up for Roxanne are dahlias, so I found some open-source images of dahlias sourced from books in the public domain to use as scene breaks and as a watermark behind the table of contents. Additionally, I used the font "Lime Blossom Caps" to use as a drop-cap at the beginning of each chapter. The text ended up being a bit more than 380 pages.
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This is the first time I've done a book partially covered in paper instead of all in bookcloth. Before gluing the paper to the cover, I sealed it with homemade paste wax, which I think turned out really well. The book has a lovely feel to it--I'll definitely do some more partial-paper covered books in the future.
Also for the first time I sewed a headband on each book. It turned out fairly well. I used waxed linen thread as the core (the waxed thread that came with my bookbinding kit--its braided and so thick I can't imagine using it for sewing signatures).
Additionally, I got myself a chisel (and sharpening kit) to trim the edges, which turned out much better than expected. I still don't have something to hold the book horizontally while I trim so I'm still trimming vertically for now, but it turned out much better than trying to use a utility knife like I was before.
Technical Details:
Quarto size (quarter-letter, about A6)
Sewn-on made endpapers
Rounded but not backed
Sewn-on headbands (no tailbands)
Chisel-trimmed pages
Oxford hollow
The linen tapes are frayed and glued to the exterior of the boards
Sewn-on bookmark
Things I especially liked about this bind:
CHISEL TRIMMING! I knew it would up my game to have a chisel to trim pages with rather than just a utility knife, but WOW, it made SO MUCH difference! Once they were finished I kept petting the edges of the pages because they were just so soft and smooth and perfect.
I really like the sewn-in headbands. I'd probably use a bit thicker core next time, but they turned out well and I'm pleased with them.
I'm surprised how much I liked the paper-covered covers. I had planned on most of my books being full-bookcloth with this one as an exception, but with how much I like the look and feel of this book I will probably switch that around and do just quarter-bound with bookcloth unless I have a good reason to make an exception.
For the made endpapers, I glued just the edge of the endpaper to the white instead of the whole page. I quite like it--it's a lot more flexible this way and doesn't have a "noticeably glued-together" feel to it.
The wax paste turned out really well. It makes the cover feel very "finished" instead of just like scrapbook paper, which is what it actually is.
Things I'd like to improve for next time:
Because the text block is rounded but not backed, there's a little wrinkling of the endpaper glued to the board right at the hinge so it doesn't pull when the book is opened all the way. I'll have to experiment a bit more with this to figure out a good hinge for a rounded-not-backed book.
Although I love the flower cover, it's a little busy to have the title legible on the cover, so it's only on the spine. That's not a bad thing, but I'm not sure what I would do if I definitely did want a title/design on the cover itself.
I think honestly there's not very much to improve for next time. I'm very pleased with how this one came out--it's very nearly perfect.
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vague-bisexual-crimes · 2 months
2024 IWBFT reread schedule:
Aug 19 - Monday (pages 1-50)
Aug 20 - Tuesday (pages 51-116)
Aug 21 - Wednesday (pages 117-170)
Aug 22 - Thursday (pages 171-246)
Aug 23 - Friday (pages 247-314)
Aug 24 - Saturday (pages 315-380)
Aug 25 - Sunday (pages 381-393)
reread tag is #iwbftreread2024
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