#page 421
pesterloglog · 11 months
John Egbert, Nannasprite
Act 2, page 420-428
JOHN: um... nanna?
JOHN: wow, you scared the living daylights out of me!
NANNASPRITE: Hoo hoo hoo!
JOHN: well, i guess it was a really great prank. good one nanna.
JOHN: anyway, are you REALLY my dead nanna?
NANNASPRITE: Of course, John! I have come back to help you on your journey through The Medium and beyond! I am delighted to see what a fine young man you have turned out to be. Just like your father!
JOHN: ok, i guess i will take your word for it. i don't remember you at all! my dad said i was really young when you died.
JOHN: hey speaking of which, do you know where he is??? i looked everywhere for him!
NANNASPRITE: Your father was kidnapped!
JOHN: oh no!
NANNASPRITE: When you crossed over to The Medium, he was apprehended by the very forces of darkness which your presence here has awakened.
JOHN: what? ok, so what is the medium you are talking about?
NANNASPRITE: It is where we are now! A realm that is a ring of pure void, dividing light and darkness. It turns in the thick of The Incipisphere, a place untouched by the flow of time in your universe.
JOHN: you mean because we are inside a computer, or in the game software or something?
NANNASPRITE: A computer? Why, what is that, dear? Some new fangled contraption, like the horseless auto-boxcar?
JOHN: well, uh, it's like this machine that, uh...
NANNASPRITE: Hoo hoo hoo! Of course I know what a computer is, John! I was just pulling your leg! Hoo hoo hoo!
JOHN: oh, ok.
NANNASPRITE: No, John. You are not inside a computer or software or anything like that! Try not to be so linear, dear. The software that brought you here was merely a mechanism that served as a gateway! Its routines in a way served to invoke this realm's instance, yet it stands independently of any physical machine, and somewhat paradoxically, always has!
JOHN: i'm not sure i get it, but alright.
JOHN: so what do i actually need to be doing here?
NANNASPRITE: I think it would be best if we started with the big picture!
NANNASPRITE: Above The Medium, beyond The Seven Gates, residing at the core of The Incipisphere is a place known as Skaia.
NANNASPRITE: Legend holds that Skaia exists as a dormant crucible of unlimited creative potential. What does this mean, you ask? I'm afraid my lips are sealed about that, dear! Hoo hoo!
NANNASPRITE: But needless to say, where a realm of such profound importance is concerned, forces of light will forever be charged with its defense, while forces of darkness will just as persistently covet its destruction!
NANNASPRITE: And as it so happens, at the center of this realm whose fate is in question, these very forces duel on a stage, stuck in eternal stalemate.
NANNASPRITE: Yes, they have dueled in this manner forever... that is, until you showed up!
NANNASPRITE: Yes, you, John!
NANNASPRITE: Before your mishap with my ashes, you may recall the Sprite's previous incarnation, which resulted from its Kernel's "hatching".
NANNASPRITE: You see, this hatching occurs automatically in response to your arrival! The result is a pair of Kernels, one dark, one light, each carrying the information they were prototyped with before the hatch!
NANNASPRITE: One goes down, to a kingdom entrenched in darkness. The other, up, to a kingdom basking in light! Each comes to rest in an Orb atop a Spire, of which there are three others in kind. The Four Spires are situated above a throne, and these two thrones preside over the two respective Sovereign Powers!
NANNASPRITE: And once the Kernels are situated, that is when the game is afoot. The true war begins, light versus dark, good versus evil.
NANNASPRITE: This is a war that the forces of light are always destined to lose, without exception!
JOHN: wow, really? then what's the point?
NANNASPRITE: That remains for you to find out, dear! For you see, the journey you are about to take is The Ultimate Riddle!
JOHN: whoa!!!
NANNASPRITE: For now, your objective is to proceed towards Skaia, and pass through The First Gate situated directly above your house, not even terribly far! The Gates will become progressively more difficult to reach, so you had better be prepared to sharpen your adventuring skills!
JOHN: how am i supposed to get up there?
JOHN: ok, i think i get it now!
JOHN: so i guess the battle against good and evil is sort of irrelevant? well, i don't know, that all sounds kind of weird, but in any case, we build the house to get to these gates, and then i can save my dad!
JOHN: and then after that, we solve this ultimate riddle thing and save earth from destruction!!!
NANNASPRITE: Oh no, I'm afraid not!
NANNASPRITE: Your planet is done for, dear! There is nothing you can do about that!
JOHN: oh...
NANNASPRITE: Your purpose is so much more important than saving that silly old planet, though!
JOHN: and that is?
NANNASPRITE: John, you are such a good boy! I know you will succeed.
JOHN: thanks, nanna.
NANNASPRITE: You are a good boy, and good boys deserve treats!
JOHN: hooray!
NANNASPRITE: I am going to go bake you some cookies.
JOHN: ...
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chandralia · 5 months
hori saving that bkdk handhold and making us microdose the other ones so we don’t die instantly
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tinyshinysylveon · 5 months
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kikyocaps · 3 months
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maythebaebewithyou · 5 months
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cronchy-dumbass · 10 months
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Gideon the Ninth, page 430
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Nona the Ninth, page 421
I am incapable of being normal about this
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blackstarchanx3new · 9 months
Four Swords Returns Pages 418-421
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askclato · 8 months
Proof that The Hunger Games is a comedy. Part 1: The Hunger Games
“The girl with the arrows, Glimmer I hear someone call her - ugh, the names the people in District 1 give their children are so ridiculous - ” - page 221
“It’s mayhem. The Careers have woken to a full-scale tracker-jacker attack. Peeta and a few others have the sense to drop everything and bolt. I can hear cries of “To the lake! To the lake!” - page 231
“When we find her, I kill her in my own way, and no one interferes.”
Somehow I don’t think he’s talking about Rue. She didn’t drop a nest of tracker jackers on him.” - page 263
“His rage is so extreme it might be comical - so people really do tear out their hair and beat the ground with their fists - ” - page 270
“Not that Cato is the final word on anything. Didn’t he just lose his entire stash of supplies?” - page 273
“He falls to his knees and halves the brief remainder of his life by yanking out the arrow and drowning in his own blood.” - page 282
“Yes, frosting. The final defence of the dying.” - page 306
“A happy story? This will require a lot more effort than the soup.” - page 325
“Peeta eats without complaint, even scraping out the pot to show his enthusiasm. He rambles on about how delicious it is…” - page 334
A disturbing thought hits me. “But then, our only neighbour will be Haymitch!”
“Ah, that’ll be nice… you and me and Haymitch. Very cosy. Picnics, birthdays, long winter nights around the fire retelling old Hunger Games tales.”
“I told you, he hates me!” I say, but I can’t help laughing at the image of Haymitch becoming my new pal. - page 371
“Hey, Effie, watch this!” says Peeta. He tosses his fork over his shoulder and literally licks the plate clean with his tongue, making loud, satisfied sounds. Then he blows a kiss out to her in general and calls, “We miss you, Effie!” - page 380
“That way we’ll both be quieter.” Like I was making any noise.” - page 383
“Yeah, and that turned out great. You ended up dying in a mud bank.” - page 384
“And she’s very clever, Peeta. Well, she was. Until you outfoxed her.” - page 389
“Just in case Cato decided to pull a Foxface on us…” - page 399
“Everyone ignores me except for some Capital attendant who appears behind me and offers me a beverage.” - page 421
“This is it? I think grouchily. Shouldn’t my homecoming dinner be a little more spectacular?” - page 424
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 4 months
Hi sorry to bother but did you make a post with all the reasons why the politics in red white + royal blue are so off?? Because I remember reading one and I think it was from you but I can’t find it
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homestuckreplay · 2 months
Gamer Grandma Gits Gud!
(page 419-421)
7/30/2009 Wheel Spin: Captchalogue Lore Verdict: INCORRECT
7/31/2009 Wheel Spin: Parent Bad :( Verdict: EXTREMELY INCORRECT - true answer: Grandparent Good :)
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There's an absolutely overwhelming amount of stuff in only three pages and LOADS to say, so I'm going to bullet point this to keep this as brief as possible because I try to write these posts within the timeframe of a single Mountain Goats album.
Rose + Dave
Those notification bubbles above the computer really exist, in Sburb at the very least! Rose knows that Dave is wearing those stupid shades confirmed.
The command is 'Rose: Pester John.' and Rose only half obeys this - she pesters, but it isn't John. Always cool to see characters push against commands, and to have expectations subverted for the reader.
Dave acknowledges that his bro might be taking puppet irony too far, and it's Rose he chooses to tell this to, explicitly saying 'don't tell John.'
Dave's bro's ventriloquist rap doll haunts him in his dreams?? This is definitely a normal sibling dynamic and definitely not something that's going to end up being super important given the general theme of the characters having dolls in their house.
What are Dave's bro's websites and are they anything like Dave's? Does Rose think Dave's bro is cooler than he is? Is this a sticking point in their friendship?
'I suspect he is preoccupied with the fact that he just had a bucket of water dumped on his head by the ghost of his dead grandmother, who also happens to be dressed like a clown.' Fucking insane thing for Rose to say. No wonder Dave has no idea what to make of it.
John + Nanna
Nannasprite is the coolest ever. Lots of her wisdom clearly comes from being a game NPC, but she dispenses it in such a grandmotherly fashion.
Nannasprite is also the most powerful character because she never has to retrieve her arms. She has one all the time, while everyone else is sometimes drawn without them.
Very interesting dynamic that John doesn't remember his nan from before she died, and is essentially getting to know her for the first time in gamesprite form.
Absolutely hilarious bit that Nannasprite pretends not to know what a computer is.
Dad + Imps
The imps on p.421 are both clown themed and have the same bodies, but different color schemes. One is a shale imp exactly like the one John thought - the other could be a different flavor of imp who drops different loot?
John is 'a fine young man just like [his] father' according to Nanna. I sure would love to know what Dad was like when he was young.
With the new knowledge of the strife portfolio, can we assume Dad uses both cakekind and broomkind? Possibly other fatherly household objects too?
Dad was kidnapped by 'the forces of darkness,' which doesn't sound very good. The imps seem like really low level enemies though, and not deserving of this title. Who do they work for? In D&D, imps are very low level fiends who serve devils and archdevils, and I believe this comes from Christian mythology. But imps aren't typically evil in and of themselves, just mischievous lackeys, so something bigger is happening.
The Lore!!!!
The Medium - makes me think of an artistic medium, as in a type/category of art or the material used to create art, or of a medium/middle between light and darkness or good and evil.
The Incipisphere - from incipient, 'beginning to happen or develop' + sphere, a uniform three-dimensional round shape. This is interesting, because the place is 'untouched by the flow of time' but also has just come into being with the beta release of Sburb and also 'somewhat paradoxically, almost has' existed apart from it. This works because I too have had older relatives tell me confusing stories that don't make logical sense.
John is not inside a computer or digital space, the computer served as a portal to a different physical space (which is also a ring of pure void). Computer (or fiction in general) as portal to another world is a common metaphor that is being made literal here.
Sburb probably dictates how much gamesprites know and how much they're allowed to tell the player. To what extent is Nannasprite 'pre-programmed' and to what extent is she making her own decisions? Is the lore she gives John completely reliable?
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thestudyinglesbian · 1 month
current read
*I hate spoilers with every fiber of my being pls no spoilers until I'm finished (I will update the post)*
update: i finished the book, my review is here if you wanna take a look!
currently reading: Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuinston
started: fri 16/8/24 (it's currently Monday 19/8/24)
page: 202/421
current thoughts: this is my first romance book I've read it ages and I LOVE IT SM!!! IT'S SO GAY!!!!
ships: LOVE HENRY AND ALEX SM (I think their ship name is firstprince? idk I refuse to look up anything online until I'm finished). also originally I was pushing the lesbian June x lesbian Nora agenda but I don't think that's gonna happen so now I'm going with polyamarous June x Nora x Pez OR aro/aroace nora bc yes 🫶🏼 also call me crazy but I want Zahara x Shaan (ik they haven't even interacted IDC SHUSH)
lesbianism: i firmly believe a book hasn't reached its full potential until there's a lesbian in it, so I'm holding out hope for lesbian Bea
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acourtofthought · 9 months
About who MC of the next book will be....I honestly agree with you. I mean, taking out ship discourse, all the arguments I've seen to support Az being the MC for the next ACOTAR book are using points from the CC series. But guess what....I've never read CC! I don't know what the heck a Starsword is or whatever connection that has to Bryce or whatever. And I bet there are plenty of people who've only read ACOTAR. (1/2)
Happy Saturday!!
I have found, not just in the book world, that people struggle to think outside of what they know.
For example, I remember getting into an argument with my mother who had been a teacher. Two years ago, my kids school announced that in two weeks time, the teachers would be getting a day off for a mental health day and I was discussing how that is inconvenient for the parents.
I know how hard teachers work, I truly do, But around here, children are expected to go to school 180 days and as parents, they plan on their children being in school as scheduled. So it's very difficult for a working parent to suddenly make plans to keep their children at home outside of the already "budgeted" for sick days, snow days, etc. It's an extra day where a working parent either can't be present for their employer or they need to pay for childcare.
But my stance upset my mother because she thought I wasn't respecting how hard she worked (even though she had retired so it was a moot point), that parents should be expected to take care of their own children.
I wasn't arguing against the fact that teachers worked hard or that parents shouldn't be responsible, just that it did put working parents in a difficult situation that they hadn't been expecting. But she was only focused on what she knew as a teacher and not how she might have felt as a working parent who lost income by this surprise mental health day.
When it comes to the fandom, I think there's a bit of that mentality because the fandom thinks in terms of what they know because they are in the fandom. Understandable but I do think it's important to step back and remember the many people who aren't immersed in the world of SJM in the same way. Something you understand with not having read CC.
Yes, there was a bit of buildup for Az's future story in SF (his name was mentioned often but that doesn't equal buildup, it simply means he shared dialogue and Cassian's plotlines). Hell Emerie was mentioned 421 times and no one is claiming she's getting the next book.
But it's not just about SF or even the crossover which happened months after SF. It's about the ACOTAR series in it's entirety (something I think fans forget when they focus only on SF) and there has been SOOOOOO much buildup for both Elain and Lucien. Two characters with unexplored powers. Two characters with an unaccepted mating bond that snapped. Two characters who haven't found a court to call their own. Two characters who have not gotten to share their traumas though their traumas happened on page since books 1 and 2 and beyond (versus both Az and Gwyn where we were told of their traumas after the fact. I'm not saying that lessens their traumas, simply saying we didn't experience them with the character in "real time", at least not Gwyn's trauma that was the reason for her going to the library).
We watched Lucien nearly killed by Rhys and almost killed again in the second trial, saw that he was whipped for helping Feyre, watched him being pushed down by Tamlin, read as he was forced to flee Spring, witnessed his SA by Ianthe, we witnessed his sadness over Elain and his past when Feyre slipped into his mind and he was given a POV (actually, SJM had Feyre slip into his mind on three different occasions in the actual book, that means just as much as an Az bonus), we saw his brothers try to kill him yet again, it was revealed that he has an unknown father, he met Elain's father and has untold stories with that, he developed a friendship with a female who, at the end of SF was about to be called back to Koschei, was living in the human lands but then was permanently stationed in Spring.
With Elain, she was taken against her will and forced into a Cauldron. Changed into an entirely new species. We had the chance to read how traumatic that experience was for Nesta but some do believe SJM is just going to skip over Elain's experience in favor of Az. Skip over Elain finally being able to talk about the loss of her father. Skip over Elain finally making a decision about her bond and her fiance and Az's rejection. Skip over Elain finally proving that she is capable. Skip over Elain finally finding her home.
I understand that SJM wanted to tell Nesta's story first but Nesta is also an Archeron sister. SJM has always spoken of wanting to tell the stories of these three sisters. So why would she skip over the final sister in favor of Az who the fandom knows is a capable warrior, who knows he belongs in the NC despite his struggles? Who isn't even fully aware that he has a mating bond?
Does it really seem like SJM would bench a FMC in favor of a guy? That Az's story is more important than the 24 year old who was violently taken from the life she knew and forced into a new one, where she recently lost her father and her friends and her fiance, is possibly struggling with her snapped bond and she just doesn't get a voice until Az has his story told?
This isn't meant to sound Anti Az because he deserves his HEA too, I'm just not sure his story is more important to tell than Elain's at this moment. Or even Lucien's.
Because regardless of what we learned of Az in SF or the CC (like you said, some won't read the crossover and from a publishing standpoint that means the next ACOTAR book still has to make sense for those readers), that doesn't erase what we were told of Lucien and Elain long before that.
The layout is:
Elucien bond plot introduced in 2016
Lucien being abused by Tamlin in 2016
Elain being made introduced in 2016
Lucien having to flee Spring /Koschei / Vassa / Helion as Lucien's Father / Lucien meeting Papa Archeron / Eris showing sadness over his relationship with Lucien introduced in 2017
Graysens Rejection / Seer powers Discovered / Elain killing the king / Elain's fathers death introduced in 2017
The IC needing Spring's borders protected / Lucien living with Vassa and Jurian introduced in 2018
Elain's powers gone dormant / Elain moving quietly being mentioned / Elain mourning Graysen and her father introduced in 2018
Elain's powers still dormant / Elain starting to stand up for herself / Rhys and Amren saying others have underestimated her / Elain reminding others of her trauma / Elain not fitting in with the NC / Elain being made for Spring, her scent a promise of spring / Reminder of Elain wanting to travel to the continent / More mentions of Elain moving with stealth introduced in 2021
Lucien commanding Cassian with a single word / Lucien being permanently stationed in Spring to be their eyes and ears because they need a strong ally / Lucien's "father" wanting to ally with Koschei / Lucien's friend Vassa ready to be called back to Koschei / Mor not able to get the peace treat signed in Valhallan / Lucien's brother becoming a character heavily involved in the plots and visiting the human lands where Lucien is living introduced in 2021.
Az got buildup in SF (2021) and he is part of the crossover (2024).....but she's playing catchup for him because he didn't have a lot setting him up to be an eventual MMC before that.
His newly introduced plots (of which they are still a little unclear outside the Illyrians) don't automatically take precedence over Lucien and Elain's plots. It doesn't mean she's pushing Elucien to the side in favor of Az.
It could just mean she's planning ahead for what comes after Elain and Lucien's story and the crossover isn't necessarily some sort of trump card when we have no idea exactly when or how SJM plans on introducing what happened in the CC into the ACOTAR series or when the next ACOTAR book will start on the timeline. The crossover doesn't eliminate the very real threats they were facing in their world in SF and if people are saying that she can "shelve" Elain and Lucien's stories regardless of the buildup they had in books 1, 2, 3 (etc), then why can't Az's story also be temporarily shelved regardless of the page time he got in SF / the crossover so she can first tell us Elucien's story and take us to other courts outside of the NC? Wouldn't the series ending in the NC make the most sense?
Shouldn't they deal with threats on their own world before they really start worrying about threats from outside their world?
You're right though (in regards to your second anon), whatever story she tells next is fine. But the arguments saying why it has to be Az don't make sense to me because if she could sideline Elucien then she can do the same to Az.
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moon-alight · 2 years
Hi ! I just found your page and I wanted to tell you that I love your page! I was wondering if I could request an &team reaction to you taking off your promise ring during an argument.
Of course. :)
Now I believe the Maknae line wouldn't really give anyone a promise ring because they are so young but I did it for the sake of this.
&Team Reaction to you taking off your promise ring during an argument:
Warnings: angst, sadness
Word Count: 421
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-Stares at you in shock
-He is angry but also disappointed
-"I don't mean anything to you, do I?"
-Walks away to 'cool off' but in reality he breaks down the moment he is alone
-Also stares but in complete disbelief
-"Put that back on. Now."
-Would glare at you as you refuse to put the ring back on
-Gives you some space before he would check up on you
-He hides his tears very well until he's alone
-Has to remind himself that one little fight won't be the end
-He would wait for you to come to him
-He just doesn't understand because you meant so much for each other and now you're acting like this
-Picks up your ring and stares down at it with a sad look
-"Are you breaking up with me?"
-It takes a lot of reassurance on your part for him to believe you when you say you were just impulsive
-Shocked. Heartbroken. In Disbelief.
-Goes through the five stages of grief in five seconds
-He takes off his own ring and puts it down next to yours
-Remains angry and walks away and slams the door shut
-He has tears in his eyes at the sight of you taking off your ring
-Stands there while staring at you, hoping you'd put it back on
-"We can figure this out. . . I love you."
-(You're a monster if you do this to him, just saying.)
-Just like Jo, he can't hide his tears even if he wanted to
-Nods softly as if he understands and respects your decision and takes off his own ring before he walks away
-"I'm sorry." He would say before leaving you alone
-(You're still a monster if you do this!)
-I feel like he might be a bit of a hot-head so he scoffs at you
-"I'm sorry I wasn't good enough." He would say bitterly
-Takes off his ring and throws it on the table before walking to the door and holding it open for you to leave
-"I'm glad you had as much fate in this relationship as I did." The sarcasm would be dripping from his voice.
-I see Maki as a matured person even though he is the Maknae. So he would stare at you
-Sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose while shaking his head
-"Lets sit down and talk about this, alright?"
-Deep down terrified that you want to break up with him
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anzedlav · 4 months
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Background for [S] The Show Must Keep On Running on Alternian breakdown page 421
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My favorite background panels form Alternian Breakdown MSPFA
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Three photos from my “A Flower Album” Slideshow of 1,401 (includes videos) flower photos.
Photo group 421. Enjoy!
You belong among the wild flowers!
Every day of your life is a page of your history.
So, don’t forget to sing in the life boats
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blackstarchanx3new · 9 months
LOZ Four Swords Returns AU Masterpost PT 2
For some reason I can't add more links to the other one sooooo.
Here we are.
Split 15
Pages 412-414
Pages 415-417
Pages 418-421
Dark Link and Green 16
Pages 422-426
Pages 427-429
Pages 430-433
Pages 432-434
Pages 435-437
Pages 438-441
Pages 442-444
Pages 445-447
Pages 448-450
Pages 451-455
Going Further 17
Pages 456-459
Pages 460-462
Pages 463-465
Pages 466-468
Pages 469-471
Pages 472-474
Pages 475-478
Pages 479-482
Pages 483-486
Pages 487-489
Pages 490-492
Reality 18
Pages 493-496
Pages 497-500
Pages 501-503
Pages 504-506
Season 2
Shades of blue 19
Pages 507-510 1
Pages 511-514 2
Pages 515-518 3
Pages 519-522 4
Pages 523-526 5
Pages 527-530 - Uncensored Pages 527-530 but mildly censored 6
Pages 531-534 7
Pages 535-538 8
Pages 539-542 9
Pages 543-546 10
Pages 547-552 11
Pages 553-556 12
New Friends 20
Pages 557-560 1
Pages 561-565 2
Pages 566-569 3
Link's Bedroom 21
Page 570-574 1
Page 575-578 2
Page 579-582 3
Page 583-586 4
Page 587-591 5
Page 592-595 6
Page 596-600 7
Page 601-604 8
Cloudy kitchen thoughts 22
Page 605-610 1
Page 611-616 2
Page 617-623 3
Page 624-630 4
Page 631-637 5
Page 638-644 6
Pages 645-649 7
The woods 23
Pages 650-657 1
Pages 656-659 2
Pages 660-667 3
Pages 668-673 4
Pages 674-677 5
Pages 681-687 6
Pages 688-694 7
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