#page 420
pesterloglog · 7 months
Terezi Pyrope
Page 417-420
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subpixie420 · 1 year
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It's officially fall so come watch Charmed with me and let's see what happens🍂
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pikahlua · 6 months
MHA Chapter 420 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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tagline 1 No.420 相澤くんから 堀越耕平 ナンバー420 あいざわくんから ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 420  Aizawa-kun kara  Horikoshi Kouhei No. 420 From Aizawa-kun Kouhei Horikoshi
1 起きろ‼︎ おきろ‼︎ okiro!! "Wake up!!"
tagline 2 黒霧に飛ばされたマイクと相澤… くろぎりにとばされたマイクとあいざわ… Kurogiri ni tobasareta MAIKU to Aizawa... Mic and Aizawa, who were sent away by Kurogiri...
2 どこだよここは‼︎ doko da yo koko wa!! "Where is this place!!"
3 通信がきかねえ… つうしんがきかねえ… tsuushin ga kikanee... "We can't hear any transmissions..."
4 状況もわかんねえ…くそ‼︎ じょうきょうもわかんねえ…くそ‼︎ joukyou mo wakannee...kuso!! "And we don't know the situation...shit!!"
5 俺は おれは ore wa I am
6 死柄木弔を しがらきとむらを Shigaraki Tomura wo Tomura Shigaraki's
7 守る者 まもるもの mamoru mono protector.
8 調子良くブッ壊れやがって‼︎ ちょうしよくブッこわれやがって‼︎ choushi yoku BUkkoware yagatte!! "Things were going well and then you had to go and break!!"
9 動けよこのヤロウ うごけよこのヤロウ ugoke yo kono YAROU "Move, you bastard!"
tagline 3 コミックス40巻発売中‼︎今スグGETしよう‼︎マストバイ‼︎ コミックス40かんはつばいちゅう‼︎いまスグゲットしよう‼︎マストバイ‼︎ KOMIKKUSU 40kan hatsubai-chuu!! ima SUGU GETTO shiyou!! MASUTO BAI!! Volume 40 of the comics now on sale!! Let's get get it now!! Must buy!!
10 白雲じゃないなら思い出のまま消えてくれ しろくもじゃないならおもいでのままきえてくれ Shirokumo ja nai nara omoide no mama kietekure If you’re not Shirakumo, please remain a memory and disappear.
11 こんなものに命運を委ねるんじゃなかった! こんなものにめいうんをゆだねるんじゃなかった! konna mono ni meiun wo yudanerunja nakatta! "[We] shouldn't have entrusted our fate to something* like this!" (*Note: The word in Japanese here is ambiguous if it's meant to read as "something" or "someone.")
12 こんな屍体に縋るんじゃなかった‼︎ こんなしたいにすがるんじゃなかった‼︎ konna shitai ni sugarunja nakatta!! "[We] shouldn't have clung to a corpse like this one!!"
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1 泣いてる ないてる naiteru "Crying..."
2 泣いてねーよ男の子だぞ俺あ!!! ないてねーよおとこのこだぞおれあ!!! naitenee yo otoko no ko da zo orea!!! "I'm not crying, I'm a boy!!!"
3 違う ちがう chigau "Not [you]."
4 黒霧が… こいつが… koitsu (kanji: Kurogiri) ga... "This guy (read as: Kurogiri) is..."
5 雨だ‼︎涙腺なんざねェよ! あめだ‼︎るいせんなんざねェよ! ame da!! ruisen nanza neE yo! "It's rain!! He's got no tear ducts!"
6 こいつは脳無だ!二度も死柄木をハメた相澤が邪魔だから排除した! こいつはのうむだ!にどもしがらきをハメたおまえがじゃまだからはいじょした! koitsu wa noumu da! nido mo Shigaraki wo HAMEta omae (kanji: Aizawa) ga jama da kara haijo shita! "This guy's a nomu! You set Shigaraki up twice, Aizawa, so he removed you because you were a hindrance!"
7 今考えるべきは いまかんがえるべきは ima kangaeru beki wa "What we should be thinking about now"
8 こいつを起動して俺らを戦線に戻させる事だ こいつをきどうしておれらをせんせんにもどさせることだ koitsu wo kidou shite orera wo sensen ni modosaseru koto da "is activating this guy and returning to the front lines."
9 そんでその後すぐ そんでそのあとすぐ son de sono ato sugu "Then immediately after that
10 もう動かねーようブッ壊す事だ もううごかねーようブッこわすことだ mou ugokanee you BUkkowasu koto da "let's break [it]* so [it] won't move anymore." (*Note: He means they should break Kurogiri.)
11 相澤 あいざわ Aizawa "Aizawa,"
12 こいつは黒い鹵獲品だ こいつはくろいろかくひんだ koitsu wa kuroi rokakuhin da Literal. "This guy is our black spoils." Contextual. "This guy is our stolen black chess piece." (Note: This is hard to make sound decent in English. Mic is saying that Kurogiri is like their plunder or spoilers or stolen treasure that is the color black, which is a pun on the "kuro" (which means black) in Kurogiri's name. This pun will continue on the next page. The best corollary I could think of in English to keep up that pun is a stolen piece won in a chess game that is the color black.)
13 タルタロスの"奇跡"は忘れた方がいいーんだよ…! タルタロスの"きせき"はわすれたほうがいいーんだよ…! TARUTAROSU no "kiseki" wa wasureta hou ga ii-inda yo...! "It's best that we forget about that miracle at Tartarus...!"
14 31だよ 31 da yo "We're 31." (Note: He means their ages.)
15 いつまでも雄英2年A組じゃねぇんだよ… いつまでもゆうえい2ねんエーぐみじゃねぇんだよ… itsu made mo yuuei 2nen EE-gumi ja neenda yo... "We haven't been Class 2-A students of UA for a long time..."
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1 …でもこいつは ...demo koitsu wa "...But this guy"
2 雄英生のまま死んだ ゆうえいせいのまましんだ yuuei-sei no mama shinda "died as a UA student."
3 俺ガッ おれガッ ore GA I
4 守…違う……シガラキ… まも…ちがう……シガラキ… mamo...chigau......SHIGARAKI... protect...no......Shigaraki...
5 何故俺たちをねじ切らなかった? なぜおれたちをねじきらなかった? naze oretachi wo nejikiranakatta? "Why didn't he cut us off?" (Note: I think he's asking why didn't Kurogiri cut them in half like he planned to do to All Might at the USJ by "turning off the portal" while All Might was halfway through it.)
6 つき落とさなかった? つきおとさなかった? tsukiotosanakatta? "Weren't we pushed off?" (Note: He's asking why didn't Kurogiri kill them when they had been pushed off the edge of the little island on UA.)
7 …う ...u "...U"
8 誰…ドコ… だれ…ドコ… dare...DOKO... Who...where...
9 …シ…友ダ…チ… …シ…ともダ…チ… ...SHI...tomoDA...CHI... ...Shi-...frie...nd...
10 あの日俺たちはタルタロスで白の栓を引き抜いた… あのひおれたちはタルタロスでしろのせんをひきぬいた… ano hi oretachi wa TARUTAROSU de shiro no sen wo hikinuita... Literal. "That day, we pulled out the plug of white at Tartarus..." Contextual. "That day, we released a bit of a white stream inside him at Tartarus..." (Note: Like I said, this pun really does not work well in English lol. He's saying they unleashed a little stream of Shirakumo inside him that's trickling into the river that is Kurogiri. The use of the color white is a pun on the "Shira/Shiro" (which means white) in Shirakumo's name.)
11 そして混ざって壊れた…黒にどれだけ白をそそいでも真っ白にはならない そしてまざってこわれた…くろにどれだけしろをそそいでもまっしろにはならない soshite mazatte kowareta...kuro ni dore dake shiro wo sosoidemo masshiro ni wa naranai "Then it got mixed in, and he broke... No matter how much white you pour into black, it won't become pure white."
12 だが黒は逆で… だがくろはぎゃくで… daga kuro wa gyaku de... "But for black it's vice versa..."
13 だから再び動いた だからふたたびうごいた dakara futatabi ugoita "That's why he moved again."
14 …わかってるよ山田… …わかってるよやまだ… ...wakatteru yo Yamada... "...I get it, Yamada..."
15 俺たちはヒーロー科の教師だ おれたちはヒーローかのきょうしだ oretachi wa HIIROO-ka no kyoushi da "We are teachers in the hero department."
16 雄英生を卒業まで送り届ける ゆうえいせいをそつぎょうまでおくりとどける yuuei-sei wo sotsugyou made okuri todokeru "We will deliver UA students to [their] graduation."
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1 そこに soko ni "To there,"
2 原点があるのなら げんてんがあるのなら genten ga aru no nara "so long as they have their origins." (Note: By origins, he means the word "origin" we've heard about a lot, especially in this arc, where one gains more strength by keeping their origin in their heart, etc.)
3 ャヤマ……ダ…… YA-YAMA......DA...... "Ya-Yama-......da......"
4 思い出が……… おもいでが……… omoide ga......... "The memories........."
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1 消えてくれねえよ………! きえてくれねえよ………! kiete kurenee yo.........! "won't disappear.........!" (Note: This is Mic referring back to his previous line where he asked for Shirakumo to remain a memory and disappear that way. He's saying Shirakumo is being stubborn and sticking around, basically.)
2 塚内さん‼︎ つかうちさん‼︎ Tsukauchi-san!! "Mr. Tsukauchi!!"
3 イレイザー!無事だったのか‼︎今までどこに イレイザー!ぶじだったのか‼︎いままでどこに IREIZAA! buji datta no ka!! ima made doko ni "Eraser! Are you all right!! Where have you been until now?"
4 物間は動けますか? ものまはうごけますか? Monoma wa ugokemasu ka? "Can Monoma move?"
5 彼は頭を強く打って緊急搬送中だ かれはあたまをつよくうってきんきゅうはんそうちゅうだ kare wa atama wo tsuyoku utte kinkyuu hansou-chuu da "He hit his head hard and is currently in emergency transport."
6 では各地戦況と稼働可能人員 ではかくちせんきょうとかどうかのうじんいん de wa kakuchi senkyou to kadou kanou jin'in "Then, the various battlefields and any available personnel--"
7 その座標を教えて下さい そのざひょうをおしえてください sono zahyou wo oshiete kudasai "please tell me their coordinates."
8 座標…⁇ ざひょう…⁇ zahyou...? "Coordinates...?"
9 ーー…!じゃあ… --...! jaa... "--...! Then..."
10 ええ ee "Yes."
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1 イレイザーヘッド!ドウシテココニ! IREIZAA HEDDO! DOUSHITE KOKO NI! "Eraser Head! Why are you here!"
2 "黒霧"を使えるようになりました "くろぎり"をつかえるようになりました "Kurogiri" wo tsukaeru you ni narimashita "We can now use Kurogiri."
3 敷地外にマイクと待機しています しきちがいにマイクとたいきしています shikichi-gai ni MAIKU to taiki shite imasu "I'm on stand-by with Mic outside the premises."
4 避難警護にあたっているヒーロー防衛特化を残して集めて下さい ひなんけいごにあたっているヒーローぼうえいとっかをのこしてあつめてください hinan keigo ni atatte iru HIIROO bouei tokka wo nokoshite atsumete kudasai "Heroes guarding the evacuations, please set aside defense and gather."
5 黒霧ヲ⁉︎ くろぎりヲ⁉︎ Kurogiri WO!? "Kurogiri!?"
6 手綱ハ握レナイト… たづなハにぎレナイト… tadzuna WA nigiRENAI TO... "If you can't keep a hold on the reins..."
7 どれくらい保つかわかりません どれくらいもつかわかりません dore kurai motsu ka wakarimasen "I don't know how long he will last."
8 早急に! そうきゅうに! soukyuu ni! "Urgently!"
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1 すぐ戦線に行けるのか…⁉︎ すぐせんせんにいけるのか…⁉︎ sugu sensen ni ikeru no ka...!? "We can go to the front lines right away...!?"
2 なら俺も…!行かせてくれ…! ならおれも…!いかせてくれ…! nara ore mo...! ikasetekure...! "If so, then me, too...! Let me go, please...!"
3 俺も…‼︎無名だけど… おれも…‼︎むめいだけど… ore mo...!! mumei dakedo... "Me, too...! I'm anonymous, but..." (Note: He may mean he has no name (i.e. hero name) instead of that he's anonymous, I don't know. I'm not familiar with Horikoshi's Barrage manga, which this character is supposedly from.)
4 ヒーローなんだ! HIIROO nanda! "I'm a hero!"
5 一緒に戦わせてくれ! いっしょにたたかわせてくれ! issho ni tatakawasetekure! "Let me fight with you!"
6 正門前へ せいもんまえへ seimon mae e "[You were the one] in front of the main gate."
7 これ…‼︎ kore...!! "This...!!"
8 怪我したヒーローに…!渡せねえか…? けがしたヒーローに…!わたせねえか…? kega shita HIIROO ni...! watasenee ka...? "To an injured hero...! Could you pass this on to one...?"
9 ーーありがとう………! --arigatou.........! "--Thank you.........!"
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1 戦いは既にほぼ制圧完了している! たたかいはすでにほぼせいあつかんりょうしている! tatakai wa sude ni hobo seiatsu kanryou shite iru! "As for the battle, suppression [of the villains] has already almost been completed!"
2 今各地で継戦可能な者をあたっている! いまかくちでけいせんかのうなものをあたっている! ima kakuchi de keisen kanou na mono wo atatte iru! "Now we are looking for people in various places who can continue to fight!"
3 残すところは国立多古場競技場ーーー… のこすところはこくりつたこばきょうぎじょうーーー… nokosu tokoro wa kokuritsu takoba kyougijou---... "The only remaining place is the Takoba National Stadium---..."
4 面制圧と長持久戦で犯罪史に名を残すダツゴク めんせいあつとちょうじきゅうせんではんざいしになをのこすダツゴク men seiatsu to chouji kyuusen de hansaishi ni na wo nokosu DATSUGOKU "The jailbreaker who leaves his name in the history of criminals when it comes to surface control and long endurance battles."
5 嬰兒樹ギャシュリー えいじじゅギャシュリー eiji-ju GYASHURII "Baby Tree Gashly." (Note: I am horrifyingly confident in this translation. Via some WILD search engine shenaningans, @bakuhatsufallinlove (yes I'm tagging you here to immortalize this ABSOLUTELY WILD RIDE) and I discovered that this villain's name is a combination of titles of the children's books The Baby Tree by Sophie Blackall, a book about where babies come from, and The Gashlycrumb Tinies: or, After the Outing by Edward Gorey, a gothic alphabet book in which all the named children die untimely, grisly deaths. Horikoshi, WHY? DID YOU BUY THESE BOOKS FOR YOUR NEPHEW OR SOMETHING?)
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1 アッヒャアーーーー!!! AHHYAA----!!! "Ah-hyah----!!!"
2 助けに来たよおおお‼︎ たすけにきたよおおお‼︎ tasuke ni kita yoooo!! "We've come to heeelp!!"
3 そして soshite "And then..."
4 分断作戦 ぶんだんさくせん bundan sakusen "Division operation"
5 フェーズ3 FEEZU 3 "Phase 3."
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1 奪われにきたか うばわれにきたか ubaware ni kita ka "Did you come to [have your quirks] stolen?"
2 先生…! せんせい…! sensei...! "Teacher...!"
3 動いたらだめだ うごいたらだめだ ugoitara dame da "Don't move."
4 ーー…腕 ーー…うで --...ude "--...Your arms,"
5 失ってどのくらいだ うしなってどのくらいだ ushinatte dono kurai da "how long ago did you lose them?
6 …わかりません…どのくらい…時間が経っていたか… …わかりません…どのくらい…じかんがたっていたか… ...wakarimasen...dono kurai...jikan ga tatte ita ka... "...I don't know...how much...time passed..."
7 心の中で… こころのなかで… kokoro no naka de... "[when we were] inside his heart..."
8 …AFOは完全に死柄木のモノになっていた… …オール・フォー・ワンはかんぜんにしがらきのモノになっていた… ...OORU FOO WAN wa kanzen ni Shigaraki no MONO ni natte ita... ...All For One had completely become Shigaraki's [property]... (Note: I think he means the AFO quirk is now 100% Shigaraki's.)
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1 雄英でのAFOは 棺でのオール・フォー・ワンは hitsugi (kanji: yuuei) no OORU FOO WAN wa The AFO at the coffin (read as: UA)
2 抵抗する死柄木を押さえつけて統合したと嘯いてただけだった ていこうするしがらきをおさえつけてとうごうしたとうそぶいてただけだった teikou suru Shigaraki wo osaetsukete tougou shita to usobuiteta dake datta was only boasting that he had suppressed and integrated the resisting Shigaraki.
3 死柄木は違う… しがらきはちがう… Shigaraki wa chigau... It was different with Shigaraki...
4 AFOは…完全に取り込まれて消えていた… オール・フォー・ワンは…かんぜんにとりこまれてきえていた… OORU FOO WAN wa...kanzen ni torikomarete kiete ita... All For One...was completely absorbed and disappeared...
5 だから転弧の心をうった時に共に砕けている筈… だからてんこのこころをうったときにともにくだけているはず… dakara Tenko no kokoro wo utta toki ni tomo ni kudakete iru hazu... That's why when I hit Tenko's heart they should have both crumbled together.
6 なんなんだこいつは……! nannanda koitsu wa......! What the heck is this guy......!
7 相澤せんせ…! あいざわせんせ…! Aizawa-sensei...! "Aizawa-sensei...!"
8 エリちゃ… ERI-cha... "Eri-cha-..."
9 先生たちは…私を危ないとこにぜったい連れてかないって せんせいたちは…わたしをあぶないとこにぜったいつれてかないって sensei-tachi wa...watashi wo abunai toko ni zettai tsuretekanai tte "The teachers...they said they absolutely won't take me to any place where it's dangerous."
10 わかってるの…だから… wakatteru no...dakara... "I understand... That's why..."
11 これ kore "This."
12 デクさんに持ってって デクさんにもってって DEKU-san ni mottette "Please take it to Mr. Deku."
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1 角を折ったのか⁉︎なんて事…どうやって…! つのをおったのか⁉︎なんてこと…どうやって…! tsuno wo otta no ka!? nante koto...dou yatte...! "Did you break off your horn!? Such a thing...how did you...!"
2 お願いして おねがいして onegai shite "I asked"
3 協力してもらったの きょうりょくしてもらったの kyouryoku shite moratta no "for someone to help me do it."
4 エクトプラズム! EKUTOPURAZUMU! "Ectoplasm!"
5 スマナイダガ… SUMANAI DAGA... "I'm sorry, but..."
6 コノ子ハ君ノ合理性ト非合理性ヲ良ク学ンデイル コノこハきみノごうりせいトひごうりせいヲよクまなンデイル KONO ko WA kimi NO kourisei TO higou risei WO yoKU manaNDE IRU "this child is learning your rationality and irrationality well."
7 先生たちと力の使い方をお勉強したからわかるの せんせいたちとちからのつかいかたをおべんきょうしたからわかるの sensei-tachi to chikara no tsukaikata wo obenkyou shita kara wakaru no "Because I studied how to use my power with my teachers, I understand."
8 きっとこうしたって力は使える…!だってこれは私だもの きっとこうしたってちからはつかえる…!だってこれはわたしだもの kitto koushita tte chikara wa tsukaeru...! datte kore wa watashi da mono "I'm sure that you can use my power like this...! Because this is a [piece] of me."
9 だがそんな乱暴にしたら… だがそんならんぼうにしたら… daga sonna ranbou ni shitara... "But if you do something this reckless..."
10 "個性"自体に傷が "こせい"じたいにきずが "kosei" jitai ni kizu ga "your quirk itself will be damaged."
11 オールマイトさんの時もかっちゃんさんの時もこうしたかったけどできなかったの! オールマイトさんのときもかっちゃんさんのときもこうしたかったけどできなかったの! OORU MAITO-san no toki mo Kacchan-san no toki mo koushitakatta kedo dekinakatta no! "I wanted to do something like this for Mr. All Might and Mr. Kacchan, but I couldn't!"
12 私 わたし watashi "I"
13 お歌したいの おうたしたいの outa shitai no "want to sing."
14 先生 せんせい sensei "Teacher,"
15 私デクさんたちに楽しくしてもらったから わたしデクさんたちにたのしくしてもらったから watashi DEKU-san-tachi ni tanoshiku shitemoratta kara "because Mr. Deku and the others made it so I would have fun,"
16 今日終わったらデクさんたちに きょうおわったらデクさんたちに kyou owattara DEKU-san-tachi ni "after today is over, for Mr. Deku and the others--"
17 お歌するの おうたするの outa suru no "I will sing."
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1 だから… dakara... So...
2 ちょっとしかなくっても chotto shika nakuttemo even if it's only a little bit [of me],
3 私も戦わせて! わたしもたたかわせて! watashi mo tatakawasete! please let me fight too!
4 エネルギーガ充分ニ溜マッテイナイ エネルギーガじゅうぶんニた���ッテイナイ ENERUGII GA juubun NI taMATTE INAI "Not enough energy has been stored."
5 コノ場合ホボ意味ハナク コノばあいホボいみハナク KONO baai HOBO imi WA NAI "In this case, it has no almost meaning."
6 巻キ戻ルスピードモ時間モ極メテ僅カ まキもどルスピードモじかんモきわメテわずカ maKImodoRU SUPIIDO MO jikan MO kiwaMETE wazuka "The rewind speed and time are both extremely small."
7 せいぜい2〜3分ぶん程度だろう せいぜい2〜3ぷんぶんていどだろう seizei 2~3pun bun-teido darou At most, it will probably take about 2-3 minutes.
8 お歌 おうた outa "[Her] song."
9 聴くまで死ねないぞ きくまでしねないぞ kiku made shinenai zo "I won't die until I hear it."
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1 皆もきっと…オイラと一緒だよな… みんなもきっと…オイラといっしょだよな… minna mo kitto...OIRA to issho da yo na... "I'm sure everyone...is with me on this..."
2 もう動けねーって思ってても…緑谷が頑張ってっとよォ もううごけねーっておもってても…みどりやががんばってっとよォ mou ugokenee tte omottetemo...Midoriya ga ganbatte tto yoO "Even though I thought I couldn't move anymore...I thought, 'Midoriya is trying his best!'"
3 体動いちまうんだよなァ‼︎ からだうごいちまうんだよなァ‼︎ karada ugoichimaunda yo naA!! "And my body went and moved!!"
tagline AFOの前に立ちはだかる…! オール・フォー・ワンのまえにたちはだかる…! OORU FOO WAN no mae ni tachihadakaru...! In front of All For One, standing in his way...!
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galactaknightyaoi · 1 month
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Fanart for @pinkestmenace's Broken Hato, Chapter 5. I've already done fanart for their fics before (kind of), but they weren't anything serious. They are one of my favorite authors though, so I eventually wanted to do something for real. And I got my chance! This scene was too fun not to draw.
I thought it'd be fun to imitate their coloring style too, I hope you don't mind.
I also drew some stupid stuff too!
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Can't wait for more!
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christmas cannabis dividers
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source▪️f2u (please don't claim as your own)
requested by anon
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arbitrary-numb3r · 5 months
Readers: I can't wait for these character's backstory to finally have closure and give us much needed catharsis
Horikoshi: Nah, we need to get back to the big fight
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wzuplovely · 9 months
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hey u. YOU MOTHERFUCKER. yeah if ur reading this that means you're sad as fuck👿 shut. up. You don't need to calm down, JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP FOR A SECOND and listen. i don't give a fuck what it's about. get ur hands out ur pants, get up, drink some water. you and I are gonna scrap these demons 😤 if you need someone, ever, come and get me. im not a professional in psychology but I can be your good friend. Ive got atleast 10 horrors of reality on my belt, I stopped counting at 10 ok lol so be an open book I don't judge. can't express it enough. i am a professional in energy medicine. Ya know reiki and shit like that, so I can send you a long distance if you believe in that type of thing. FREE of charge OF COURSE! im not one of those spiritual gold diggers
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ranticore · 6 months
i removed the tvm sample from my shop because I've now re-edited some of those chapters to include Important Things. full book will be done in what i hope will be about a week. huge massive shout-out to my friend who read the whole thing and had some great suggestions. It's hard to edit solo because ofc I already know everything so I have no metric on whether I'm over or underestimating what a reader understands lol
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gay-poet-gabriel · 4 months
Do you wanna see my 420 page outsiders slideshow
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zefbarbie · 8 months
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we got lifted on a monday ✌🏻😮‍💨❤️
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i can never finish books with more than 68 pages bc when i see '69' in the corner i find it so funny i can't concentrate on the words
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pesterloglog · 11 months
John Egbert, Nannasprite
Act 2, page 420-428
JOHN: um... nanna?
JOHN: wow, you scared the living daylights out of me!
NANNASPRITE: Hoo hoo hoo!
JOHN: well, i guess it was a really great prank. good one nanna.
JOHN: anyway, are you REALLY my dead nanna?
NANNASPRITE: Of course, John! I have come back to help you on your journey through The Medium and beyond! I am delighted to see what a fine young man you have turned out to be. Just like your father!
JOHN: ok, i guess i will take your word for it. i don't remember you at all! my dad said i was really young when you died.
JOHN: hey speaking of which, do you know where he is??? i looked everywhere for him!
NANNASPRITE: Your father was kidnapped!
JOHN: oh no!
NANNASPRITE: When you crossed over to The Medium, he was apprehended by the very forces of darkness which your presence here has awakened.
JOHN: what? ok, so what is the medium you are talking about?
NANNASPRITE: It is where we are now! A realm that is a ring of pure void, dividing light and darkness. It turns in the thick of The Incipisphere, a place untouched by the flow of time in your universe.
JOHN: you mean because we are inside a computer, or in the game software or something?
NANNASPRITE: A computer? Why, what is that, dear? Some new fangled contraption, like the horseless auto-boxcar?
JOHN: well, uh, it's like this machine that, uh...
NANNASPRITE: Hoo hoo hoo! Of course I know what a computer is, John! I was just pulling your leg! Hoo hoo hoo!
JOHN: oh, ok.
NANNASPRITE: No, John. You are not inside a computer or software or anything like that! Try not to be so linear, dear. The software that brought you here was merely a mechanism that served as a gateway! Its routines in a way served to invoke this realm's instance, yet it stands independently of any physical machine, and somewhat paradoxically, always has!
JOHN: i'm not sure i get it, but alright.
JOHN: so what do i actually need to be doing here?
NANNASPRITE: I think it would be best if we started with the big picture!
NANNASPRITE: Above The Medium, beyond The Seven Gates, residing at the core of The Incipisphere is a place known as Skaia.
NANNASPRITE: Legend holds that Skaia exists as a dormant crucible of unlimited creative potential. What does this mean, you ask? I'm afraid my lips are sealed about that, dear! Hoo hoo!
NANNASPRITE: But needless to say, where a realm of such profound importance is concerned, forces of light will forever be charged with its defense, while forces of darkness will just as persistently covet its destruction!
NANNASPRITE: And as it so happens, at the center of this realm whose fate is in question, these very forces duel on a stage, stuck in eternal stalemate.
NANNASPRITE: Yes, they have dueled in this manner forever... that is, until you showed up!
NANNASPRITE: Yes, you, John!
NANNASPRITE: Before your mishap with my ashes, you may recall the Sprite's previous incarnation, which resulted from its Kernel's "hatching".
NANNASPRITE: You see, this hatching occurs automatically in response to your arrival! The result is a pair of Kernels, one dark, one light, each carrying the information they were prototyped with before the hatch!
NANNASPRITE: One goes down, to a kingdom entrenched in darkness. The other, up, to a kingdom basking in light! Each comes to rest in an Orb atop a Spire, of which there are three others in kind. The Four Spires are situated above a throne, and these two thrones preside over the two respective Sovereign Powers!
NANNASPRITE: And once the Kernels are situated, that is when the game is afoot. The true war begins, light versus dark, good versus evil.
NANNASPRITE: This is a war that the forces of light are always destined to lose, without exception!
JOHN: wow, really? then what's the point?
NANNASPRITE: That remains for you to find out, dear! For you see, the journey you are about to take is The Ultimate Riddle!
JOHN: whoa!!!
NANNASPRITE: For now, your objective is to proceed towards Skaia, and pass through The First Gate situated directly above your house, not even terribly far! The Gates will become progressively more difficult to reach, so you had better be prepared to sharpen your adventuring skills!
JOHN: how am i supposed to get up there?
JOHN: ok, i think i get it now!
JOHN: so i guess the battle against good and evil is sort of irrelevant? well, i don't know, that all sounds kind of weird, but in any case, we build the house to get to these gates, and then i can save my dad!
JOHN: and then after that, we solve this ultimate riddle thing and save earth from destruction!!!
NANNASPRITE: Oh no, I'm afraid not!
NANNASPRITE: Your planet is done for, dear! There is nothing you can do about that!
JOHN: oh...
NANNASPRITE: Your purpose is so much more important than saving that silly old planet, though!
JOHN: and that is?
NANNASPRITE: John, you are such a good boy! I know you will succeed.
JOHN: thanks, nanna.
NANNASPRITE: You are a good boy, and good boys deserve treats!
JOHN: hooray!
NANNASPRITE: I am going to go bake you some cookies.
JOHN: ...
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subpixie420 · 1 year
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And when I squinted, the world seemed rose-tinted. Angels appeared to descend. To my surprise, with half-closed eyes things looked even better than when they were opened🖤♥️💨
🖤my links🖤 (OF on going out of business sale!)
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tortoise-teapot · 2 months
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briseise · 10 months
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cyan-glitter · 1 year
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