#paine { ☠️ } threads
starvingtongue · 11 months
@poeticphoenix // from paine :>
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"Let me handle this one, just go!" her skills with machinery was tenative at best, rocky at worst, but she figured she could handle something like this. "See if you can find any others and I'll help when I can." if whoever set this one set the others, Paine hoped they were stupid enough to make them all the same. she hoped if she could figure out one, they could disarm the rest of them in no time. and it was with cautious optimism, something she could have only learnt from the Gullwings, that she began to work on disarming the traps that lay around them.
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diejager · 8 months
hii!! just so you understand, I have real brainrot because of your “Only Human” series! I love it madly tenderly and with all my heart😭😭 anyway, I saw that you have requests open, but feel free to ignore if this is not the case or I indicated something incorrectly. how about our favorite monsters and hybrids 141 with a new member of the team who is a witch??
also, sorry for my english, I use google translate☠️
Hey, no worries, I understood your request!
Spell Cw: witchy stuff, death, murder, drowning, blood and injury, fluff, magic, inaccurate understanding of magic, tell me if I missed any.
He always found it mesmerising, the soothing coldness of your spell working its magic on him, gleaming like water embracing his bleeding wound, the skin ripped apart at the middle and flesh throbbing painfully. It wasn’t anything new, pain wasn’t a stranger to him, rather a friend, a brother to him. Pain was a repetitive thing in his life, wound after wound bleeding him, and scar after scar painting his skin, he’d gotten so used to it that the stripes on his face were now an integral part of his identity, pushing the facade of a tiger if he didn’t have his ears and tail out.
But with you, everything had smoothed over to a soft thrum, like the warm waves cradling his shifted body, your magic, attuned to their aches through your bond and being, worked to cure everything to ensure that the pack he grew to love and care for stayed safe. Your being was like a body of water - the ocean - a beauty of nature when calm, but a terror when enraged, storms crashing against land and causing devastation in moments of fury. You were as dangerous as you could be caring and loving —just like the sea.
“Why didn’t you come see me first?” You sighed, tone laced with amused disappointment, brows tensed but your pretty lips quipped up, “I thought I put you in control of this Horangi…”
You worked your magic on König, fingers weaving invisible threads over his bleeding forearm, pulling the strings of puppet of flesh and bone, controlling the sinuous fibre of his skin to sew itself back. Horangi watched his friend’s wound steadily close up, injury shrinking with every pull of your finger until all that was left was the lingering scent of your cool magic and the metallic odour of blood.
“König is stubborn, ” Horangi chuckled, flashing you a sly smirk despite your exasperated expression, “Big too. I can’t move him.”
“And I can?” You scoffed, finishing off your skin weaving with a soft pet on his arm, letting König admire your work like a child with a new toy even though you’d gone through the same process over and over in the past, König had a habit of collecting scars as often as he toppled his enemies.
Your magic wasn’t only used in healing, you were an adaptive soul, your comfort found itself in water, and water meant life, and life meant whatever violent fury came along with quiet calmness. And in the right situation, where Laswell sent the Task Force on a boat or by the shore, you could level the oceans at your will in anger or protection. You gave men and women a watery grave on land, drowning them in their water-made coffins to stop them from reaching your wounded comrades, glaring off at anyone who tried approaching your cover .
You had Gaz, Price and him, tending to their deeper injuries and letting them use their first aid while you kept the enemy at bay, lower lip pulled between your teeth, gnawing on the skin until it bled. Separating your attention for both healing and defence/offence demanded a lot of concentration, especially when you were sewing up Price’s deep gash on his leg, listening to his hiss and groans of pain.
“Fucking-” Horangi busied himself with wrapping the bandage and gauze over Gaz’s wound, his eyes occasionally peeking at your clenched fist that pushed out your anger through the waters you controlled, “Bastards keep coming.”
You were a puppet queen and the sea your mannequin.
“Almost done, Hunter,” Gaz hissed out when Horangi pulled too tightly on his bandage, sending you a reassuring look to calm down your raised hackle, teeth bared and eyes burning the enemies alive as much as you were depriving them of air.
This was another show of your prowess, your fingers puppeteering water, commanding it and coaxing the water’s will to follow your call, heeding your every whim. It was a majestically show, as tragic as it was beautiful, much like the cleansing of the world when the oceans flooded Earth, leaving but Noah and his wife, and couple of animals to remake the land. You were remaking the land you fought on in an imagine, to make it safer and protect them —it would tire you out for the day, Horangi will ready to help you with anything wile you doze on and off.
Taglist: @craxy-person @crowbird @dead-cipher @iwannabealocalcryptid @iizx7y @mxtokko @capricorn-anon @perfectus-in-morte @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @bvxygriimes @distracteddragoness @konigsblog @angelcakes-22 @cassiecasluciluce @ramadiiiisme @ramblingsofachaoticthinker @im-making-an-effort @love-dove-noora @jinxxangel13 @daisychainsinknots @0alk0msan @mul-pi @danielle143 @beau-min @makayla-666 @urfavsunkissedleo @notspiders @brokenpieces-72 @luvecarson @petwifed @randominstake @heartelysia @jggykhug09090 @cassiecasluciluce @hayleybarnesx @shironasumi @sparky--bunny @bloobewy @call-me-nyxx @sans-chara @infpt-zylith @sweetnanah
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prince-liest · 7 months
The last bus stop in hell is a new favourite. I went absolutely insane when I realised what the fuck Alastor did to get out. The gun shots felt genuinely shocking, I could feel just how angry and out of control Alastor felt when he pulled the trigger and it wasn't even from his perspective!!!!! Genuinely think the fact that you've written this from Angel's pov was a genius move, it keeps the mystery of not ever quite knowing what Alastor's thinking that we have in canon whilst still letting us feel just how angry and violated and reactionary Alastor is in that moment when he lifts the gun and tells Val to beg so he can force Val into a position of weakness and kill him like that. Waffhdhdhgv going crazy stupid. Genuinely think Alastor's pov would have made this a tougher sell (you've kept the fic really kind despite everything. You haven't dragged pain out for the sake of showing pain and I think it works.)
Thinking about how Val uses what he taught Angel, how in your fic Angel mirrors Val is so many little ways because he learnt everything from him and yet still, Angel is a genuinely kind, caring individual despite everything when Val so obviously... Isn't
Thinking about the fact that as proven here, Alastor could look like shit and still no one would dare to so much as look at him too long
Thinking about how genuinely good husk is to still want to make sure "Alastor's" going to be ok even though he's scared shitless. thinking about how kind he is to Angel
Also LOVING the little. Anon culture you have built here. Giving myself a call sign emote.
- ☠️ -spirits
It's 8am and I've already been awake for 4 hours and the brain cells I have remaining just want to go /cups hands around this ask and holds it close to my heart
You have pinpointed so many of the things I was hoping to convey in this story and it just gives me the warm and fuzzies. I was a little unsure about how the subject matter of this fic would be received and y'all have consistently made me very happy I decided to write it. Just. Heart emoji!! Thank you, anon! (Also what a great emoji to choose, hahaha. The anon culture kinda built itself, ILY guys and also cannot believe there are so many!)
Speaking of which: MORE ASKS UNDER THE CUT! If you sent me something about the fic last night it's probably down there!!
THE NEW CHAPTER WAS INSANEE ???? SCREAMING OH MY GOD ALASTOR STRAIGHT UP SHOT VALENTINO ??? (until he was nothing but mush 😨) speechless beyond words but it was SO good and cathartic omg i was literally on the edge of my seat in suspense 😭😭😭
Hahaha, thank you so much! Honestly absolutely lovely to hear—I think the general response to this chapter can be summarized as "oh my god" and this pleases me immensely. 💛
Angel Dust finally being able to cry when Husk backed away from him, ouch my heart 😭 Also Alastor not being able to use any of his usual radio demon powers but still managing to be the scariest person in the room. Very well written. I don't usually read stuff this dark but I'm really glad I decided to.
Huskerdust are my little gold vein of goodness threading through the horrible bedrock of the rest of this fic, haaa, and I really wanted that moment of catharsis for Angel himself... and YES!! Alastor was a scary motherfucker before he ever became the Radio Demon and I'm so glad that came through. Is he okay? No. But he's ready to make that everybody else's problem.
Thank you for taking a chance on this very murdered dove! I am genuinely very flattered to have the opportunity to make a dark fic a nonetheless good read for you!
An absolutely stellar chapter, as always! Your writing kills it every time and your descriptions are staggering in their detail! I adore how many emotions you made me go through during Alastor's entrance alone; from realizing that he escaped on his own, learning that his leg was injured in the process, to finding out that his mouth is bloodied. I crumpled on into myself. Agh! Of *course* he'd chew through it rather than just breaking/snapping it off. Truly a one of a kind man. So much showing without telling! It's all wonderful and your work is always such a delight to read. I'm not normally one who physically reacts to writing, but wow some of the scenes in this chapter had me flinching! This was most definitely a ramble that I could have simply commented under the chapter itself; all that to say that I am very excited for the next chapter and all of the aftermath to follow! 💫💫💫💫💫
P.S. Thank you for giving Alastor a gun. It is what he deserves. ❤️
Alastor DOES deserve a gun, ehehehe. Honestly so pleased that this has stood out to you as an example of showing without telling specifically because Angel Dust's extremely traumatized POV has been godly for opportunities to do that and it's been a very fun way to write. Gosh, this ask just means a lot to me in general, thank you SO much for your lovely words!
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jordyn-degas · 3 years
Blast from the past [pt. 2]
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[Part. 1] [Part. 3] [Final Part]
character(s): our boy Itadori Yūji; some Satoru Gojo & Megumi Fushiguro 
here and there warnings:
afab!reader - fem!reader  angst fluff characters are 21+ drops of smut
notes: story adapted from personal experience
word count: 3.226
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Mood 🎧 SHELLS - Jagwar
"I wouldn't hold you, make you my captive Don't hold me too And the tighter you grip, yeah, the harder I'm pulling 'Till we fall through"
Knees bent, arms wrapped around them with your chin resting on their bones, a sharp pain starting to shoot through the spine as you have been on the bathroom floor for the past 30 minutes. Ragged breath, body consuming itself as it burned through the pain, forcing and demanding of your heart to stop its erratic beats, the tension and pressure booming into your weakened eardrums. Vomit pooled into your throat, refusing to let it out and become even weaker than you already were.
“I’m coming in.” Megumi’s voice creeped through the door.
You had absolutely no reaction to what sounded as a lazy threat, scooting forward to leave him enough space to enter the bathroom. Megumi walked up in front of you, sat down by crossing his legs and watched how you fell apart. He knew not to bother such fragmented soul with words of comfort as it was to no avail. He saw you in this state before and absolutely hated it. The love Megumi Fushiguro had for you could not be denied as it weighed heavily over the love he had for Itadori Yuji, two of his best friends riddled with such disgusting pain. Indeed, he probably loved you more, something Megumi never had the courage of confessing.
“I cannot believe fucking Gojo did this.” you whispered half-lidded, lips slightly apart eyeing a crease into Megumi’s shirt.
Kiyotaka Ijichi was one of the people you trusted with your life, handing him the simple task of finding you an apartment in Tokyo. He did not even pulled the threads of the past through his own filter of thoughts before accepting Gojo’s offer, an apartment he had laying around empty in a beautiful complex with an inner garden, benches surrounding a marble fountain. What the white haired sorcerer failed to mention was that on the other side of your apartment, separated by the garden, was Yuji's home.
Leaving the apartment will prompt you to step on a hallway built into a square balcony, one apartment on each side, four apartments per level, giving you the opportunity to look down into the inner garden. It also gives you the opportunity to look straight forward where Yuji's door taunts you mercilessly. You both have each other’s apartment in view, first thing you see when leaving the safety of your home.
“What did you expect of him?” Megumi sighed shaking his head. “He shocked even us with this move.”
“Can you stay with me for a couple of days?” you ask while slowly crawling into his lap, head resting right under his chin. “That if there is not someone waiting for you home .."
“Not anymore.” Megumi replied wrapping his arms around the person he called the love of his life. “I’ll stay for a bit.”
“Thank you.” you whisper feeling calmness emanating from your best friend.
“You know I hate it when you’re broken-hearted.” he said placing a kiss on the top of your head. “And with Nobara happily living with Maki .. you’re stuck with me.”
A laugh escapes your lips much to Megumi’s satisfaction that he managed to pull it out from you. It has been two hours since everyone left your home but he felt that he had to stay, that Yuji's mere presence broke you once again. It was absolutely astounding the level of impact his best friend had on you.
Holding a cup of coffee in your tired hands, palms wrapped around its warmth, you gazed over the rail of the balcony at the beautiful fountain. Two of your neighbors, a couple around 60-65 years old, were laughing their heads off before gazing at each other as if it was the first time they met. A couple of tears gathered into your eyes, his arm swinging around his beloved, pulling her head to rest into the crook of his neck, a peaceful smile showing on both their faces.
“Morning!” Yuji spoke and you jumped almost dropping the cup.
“ITADORI!” you snapped.
For a second, his eyebrows shot up before starting to laugh with you following immediately.
“Sorry.” he said with a wide smile that bent your heart in motions that seemed impossible.
“At least I didn’t dropped it.” you sighed looking at the cup.
“Hell would break loose if you won’t finish your morning cup.” Yuji said placing himself next to you, both watching over the elderly couple. “They are two of the most kind people I’ve ever met.”
“They are so in love.” you chuckled as the woman pinched her husband's nose to which he pouted.
“Some can afford it.” Yuji whispered, sadness lacing his tone.
“Coffee? Tea?” you asked, completely ignoring the remark.
“I actually ..” Yuji began but was suddenly interrupted by another blast from the past.
“Y/N! I’m so happy you’re finally back!” SHE said walking up to the two of you.
It was her.
Kasumi Miwa - old friend and Yuji's long time girlfriend.
The only one with an innocent soul that had absolutely no idea what had happened between you and Yuji five years ago. SHE was the kind soul and beautiful heart that made the mistake of loving him, pushing you aside without even realizing it. You had nothing against her, a pressure punch destabilizing your lungs as Kasumi pulled you into a tight hug, her soft, blue locks tickling your face. When Yuji met your gaze, he quickly bowed his head, eyeing the ground in complete and utter shame. He was still with her after all this time.
“How time has passed.” you said with a wide smile pulling back. "You look amazing!"
“Oh, come on.” Kasumi chuckled. “Nothing compared to you.”
I’ll have to agree with you here. - you thought shamelessly.
“When Yuji said you have returned I was beyond thrilled.” Kasumi beamed genuinely. “The relationship you two had was unbelievable. I wish I had such a friend.”
Balls deep inside you? Let me make a couple of calls and we can get that fixed! - The nastiness of your soul pouring out.
“We were young.” you replied with a shrug. "Things change."
“Nonsense!” she shook her head. “We’ll have you over for dinner on Friday with Megumi and Nobara. You can’t say no to me after all this time!”
“I wouldn’t dream of it.” you said with a soft smile seeing her so excited.
“Perfect!” Kasumi jumped. “I’ll head to work and see the two of you later.”
“Have a good day.” Yuji said at the same as you did but the difference was that he received a long peck on the lips while you stood there holding your breath.
“Now that it's settled ..” you said aiming for the door of your apartment. “.. I’ll get ready. I have to be at Jujutsu High.”
“Wait ..” Yuji said grabbing your wrist. “I need to talk to you.”
“So did I.” you raised an eyebrow. “Five hears ago.”
Despite the anger, you wished he would simply pull you into his arms, wrapping himself around you. You knew it will be hard to come face to face with him but the simplicity of yearning engulfed you a lot earlier than expected.
Yuji looked at the woman he used to love with such fervor and he knew she was thinking the same as he was, pulling Y/N by the arm, her small body colliding with his. Left arm wrapping around the waist while the right grabbed softly the hair at the back of her head, a deep sigh leaving his body. She froze for a couple of seconds before he could feel her arms going around him and tugging at his jacket. Yuji wanted nothing more but to pick her up, take this gorgeous woman into the bedroom and have her spread her legs for him as she used to. To feel Y/N all over his body, to trail along her skin with his fingers, placing kisses from top to bottom without stopping to even breathe. He wanted nothing more than to have her scream his name at the top of her lungs while her nails would relentlessly scratch his back, marking him all for herself.
“Breakfast.” Megumi announced lazily as he leaned against the door while chewing.
“Megumi?” Yuji asked confused seeing him emerging from Y/N’s apartment in nothing but shorts.
“Hm?” Megumi yawned.
“He is staying with me for a while.” you replied recognizing immediately Yuji's frown and he pulled back, the soft citrus scent he always had leaving you wanting more.
“He does not like sleeping in a bed that is not his. Not even if someone’s life depended on it.” Yuji thought slightly confused with this living arrangement.
“I’m not talking to you.” you said walking right past Satoru that tried to stop you.
“Yup.” Satoru sighed. “You’re mad.”
“Damn right I am, Satoru!” you snapped forgetting to even call him by his last name or Sensei, not being capable of giving two scents on showing a bit of respect. “Do you even have any idea how it feels? Did you even stop for a second to consider my feelings instead of your stupid, childish mind games?”
“That is why I did it.” Satoru said rushing behind you.
You stopped dead in your tracks, trembling with anger at his words. The man you trusted the most with your life was playing a dangerous game with it. Feeling his hand pressing on your shoulder, you quickly turned around and grabbed his wrist with force.
“HE IS WITH HER!” you growled dangerously. “RIGHT ACROSS THE HALL!”
“You either move on entirely or finally find a way to be together.” Satoru said placing his other hand on top of yours. “Y/N, you decided to return and live the rest of your life here. At least do it happily.”
“Sensei, you have absolutely no idea how I felt five years ago and I can remember as if it was yesterday.” you said as the chilly September breeze washed over your locks, calming you down slightly.
“I was there.” Satoru replied with a seriousness you have never seen before. “I carried your dead drunk body off the couch and into the bed. I changed your clothes and washed your hair. I held you through your cries and screams. Do not tell me that I do not know because that would be a grave mistake. I might be a laid back person but you broke my heart and no one does that.”
“Gojo Sensei ..” you whispered surprised. “I’m sorry for snapping because I never had a chance to tell you how grateful I am for everything.”
“You don’t have to.” he shrugged. “If you ever want to pay me back .. simply be happy, genuinely happy.”
“And bring a bag of sweets.” you chuckled.
“I won’t say no to that.” he laughed before eyeing someone behind you. “Incoming.”
“The brat is back!” Sukuna thundered through the mouth on Yuji's face.
“I don’t have the energy.” you said raising an eyebrow as one eye appeared above the mouth. “Purpose and length of visitation.”
“Can’t I greet my favorite sorceress?” Sukuna asked with a grin.
“I missed you too.” you sighed knowing that Sukuna wanted nothing more than to be the center of attention, to be praised. “Happy?”
“Arrogant brat.” Sukuna growled before pushing himself back into Yuji.
“You really have the patience.” you said eyeing the strawberry haired man.
“He .. makes some compelling arguments sometimes that actually make sense.” Yuji said scratching the back of his neck with a wide smile, the same smile that lit up any room he was in.
“Perfect!” Satoru jumped clapping. “Now that you two are back together .. in the same city, let’s train for a bit!”
“Oh, shut up!” you laughed walking towards the entrance of the apartment complex. “You purposely let me win?”
“As always.” Yuji replied with a smirk.
“Nah! Nah!” you jumped. “I’m simply better and amazing!”
“Yeah ..” Yuji trailed off as you stopped in front of your door. “You are.”
A deep blush shocked your cheeks, almost dropping the keys from your hand while he had the exact same expression, the same blush and shy smile. You enjoyed the sight, giving you a sense of power you thought you didn’t had anymore.
“Do you still watch anime?” Yuji asked.
“You’re joking right?” you followed raising an eyebrow with a smirk.
“Wanna watch a bit?” he asked barely breathing as if he was a 13 year old asking a girl to share the sandwich his mother made. “In one of these days.”
“Are you busy now?” you motioned to your apartment while opening the door.
“No.” Yuji quickly replied following you inside.
“I’ll take a quick shower.” you sighed in pleasure releasing the hair from the high ponytail.
“I’ll make the popcorn.” he nodded scrambling into the kitchen.
“Where’s Megumi?” Yuji asked as you stepped into the living room. “He usually guards this house like a ..”
Completely at loss of words.
His eyes fell on you, freshly out of the shower sporting an oversized shirt and a pair of shorts that were barely visible, feet covered by comfortable slippers. It ate at him a bit the fact that the shirt was Megumi’s, his mind conjuring up the image of his best friend railing you into oblivion. Yuji knew him all too well and, as much as he cared for you, that man thought about fucking you at least twice since you came back.
“Yuji?” you asked confused. “The remote?”
“Uhh .. yeah ..” he replied handing it to you as he shivered lightly feeling you next to him on the couch sitting so casually.
“I can move if you want.” you said searching for Naruto on the screen of the TV, scrunching your nose a bit which Yuji found extremely cute.
“What? Why?” he jumped confused.
“You’re tensed.” you chuckled. “Don’t worry, I am not going to fuck you.”
His breath hitched and you turned to him surprised at the reaction. Sure, your joke was masked as the truth in a way because you could sense the desire on him as well, the stench of it hitting right into your core. You both looked at each other deeply, remembering what it was like when you used to fuck, wetness drenching your shorts in a second.
“Same goes for you.” Yuji picked up the pace of the moment and laughed. “The disaster!”
“I know right?” you replied also laughing knowing it all simply turned into a usual back and forth you two always had. “I missed this!”
“Me too.” he replied pulling your feet into his lap and rubbing at your ankle as he used to whenever you would watch something. “Come on, play! I really want to see for the millionth time Naruto kicking ass!”
“I’m here for Kakashi!” you jumped excitedly as he appeared on the screen.
“Still drooling after all these years?” Yuji laughed pushing popcorn into his mouth.
“He is daddy, Yuji.” you rolled your eyes. “No one can change that.”
“I used to be your daddy every single time you would beg for my cock to be in your mouth.” 
Yuji thought once again, unable to stop these memories from slipping back in. The way his throbbing cock would fill up your mouth so good, your ability to take him whole and endure him fucking your face mercilessly, drool and pre-cum dripping at the corners of your mouth. 
“I need to stop before my cock rips through these pants.”
“Stop looking at me like that.” you said putting on the next episode after two hours of feeling normal next to Yuji as if things did not crashed and burned between you two.
“Like what?” Yuji played dumb.
“Like that.” you simply replied with a shrug.
With one swift movement that went unnoticed by your eyes, he pulled you onto his lap, arms wrapped tightly around your body. Your breath hitched, heart starting to beat erratically as the yearning was increasingly powerful than before.
“I can’t stop looking at you.” Yuji whispered as his eyes bored into yours.
“You have to.” you replied breathless. “We cannot go back.”
“Why?” he whispered against your lips.
“Why?” you asked visibly offended, jumping off of him and walking away into the kitchen able to still have your eyes on him due to the open space apartment. “Tell me you can’t be serious!”
“I missed you in a way that simply hurts.” he said with sadness while standing up to face you. “For five years I kept thinking and thinking of nothing else.”
“You can’t have the best of both worlds, Yuji!” you said shaking your head. “You chose.”
“Y/N .. I ..” Yuji tried to say but he knew he had nothing to defend himself with.
“We were supposed to leave together for a while.” you said with a sad smile. “That is where I lived until now.”
“What?” Yuji asked surprised.
“I waited for you in that train station for 3 hours.” you continued ignoring his question. “I knew about an hour in that you won’t come but still .. that crushing hope of you loving me as much as I did clouded my judgment and I stayed a bit longer. Gojo found me asleep on one of the benches and took me home.”
Yuji stood there, tears rolling down his cheeks as he listened to the mess he left behind. Why? The fear of running away, starting over, running away from Kasumi that did absolutely nothing wrong was too much for his young and stupid brain.
“You don’t get to cry.” you chuckled. “You broke me as no one managed to do. You had me through sweet words and incredible sex. You crushed the world on me as I never thought you would. Now .. you cry? You made your bed. Might as well sleep in it.”
The hurt and pain on his face was too much for you as the harshness that rolled off your lips wasn’t a lie but it gripped at the heart tightly, never wanting to hurt Yuji no matter how much he hurt you. As much as you tried to deny, you truly loved the man.
“This is our life now.” you said pushing yourself not to cry as well.
“Close together but forever apart.” Yuji said walking right in front of you, a strong tremble hitting your extremities.
He simply placed his hand behind your neck, pushed and placed his soft lips on your forehead, a deep sigh leaving him. You tugged at Yuji's hoodie, fists strongly gripping at the material, wanting nothing more but to rip it off, feel him on your skin.
“I’m so sorry.” Yuji whispered. “You’re the woman I am going to love deeply for the rest of my life.”
“Go.” you simply said completely broken. “Please ..”
Itadori closed his eyes and pulled back unable to look at you before disappearing back to his home. When the door closed, you fell on the floor, a loud scream leaving your lungs along with a wave of hot, painful tears that tried to wash your heart of everything.
“How am I supposed to stop loving you?” you thought unable to stand.
“Maybe I will find someone .. maybe I can finally let you go through them .."
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septemberrie · 3 years
Ok ok ok but did you see the Rivusa scene!!!☠️☠️☠️
I need to hear your take on it!! What do your think it means? What’s the plot? I looked at it on repeat for 2 days now!
Pls pls pls give me on of your top notch rambles!! And tell me I’m not the only one losing my head over this😳😳!!
anon!!! i will be honest when Mo shared that post I lost my head, literally did not send one more email that entire day, brain logged tf off except to put my clown makeup back on
((also "top notch rambles" asjkfjs thank you for the entirely underserved credit for the garbage that comes out of my brain!!!))
I can't remember all the threads people were pulling that day and a lot got tossed around so sorry if I am stealing this from someone in particular but here's a jumble of thoughts with no organization:
New Spec uniforms - from Rosalind? Nay, I submit that they come from Andreas, who obvs has a compulsion to look extremely sexy as he overhauls Saul's training regime 😌. The new curriculum is gonna be way more combat-focused, on both the magic side and the Specialist side, from our little glimpses of Andreas and what Luna's ideas of teaching should be.
But the real question is he mind controlled here or is he not?
If he's still being mind controlled I need Musa to be playing dumb (bc obviously she'd know) but by playing along she lures him into a false sense of security and she might be able to pick up clues/information to relay back to the rest of the Winx. She pads his ego by telling him what a strong sexy fighter he is and can he teach her. Then at the opportune moment, Musa undoes Rosalind's mind control in time for him to join Sky & the Winx in the battle against Rosalind.
If he's not being mind controlled, I want Beatrix blackmailing him at every turn, taunting him that he's playing toy soldier and isn't a real player in the game. Riven takes out his frustration with training and Musa, wanting to keep up with the new curriculum, inserts herself into his regimen for reasons noted above. Training with Musa represents a productive outlet for his helplessness and gives him back a modicum of control of his life again.
And the headcanon from @onlyhereforangst that made me scream: if they're prepping for a battle and when battle comes, and they're fighting alongside each other, then I need Riven to get hurt and I need Musa to help him, drop everything and run to him, falling to her knees and taking his pain away, absolutely 0 hesitation--in direct opposition to her running away from Sam & not being able/willing to take his pain (until plot I guess ugh) in the s1 finale.
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tazmilyxfamily · 3 years
Anonymous inquired:
Hornet vs. The Hollow Knight for the ☠️ meme
Send ☠️ to find out how my muse would kill yours
The question immediately had her unnerved.
Her hand clenched the needle’s handle tighter. It was easy, before, when she’d been duty-bound to challenge each vessel that showed promise. Most fell easily, already weakened and unpracticed against anything more coordinated than the slobbering corpses of Hallownest. Barring the vessel that had since become a moth, most others had miserably failed her test.
Provided they’d even reached her in the first place.
But it wasn’t the taller vessel’s training that made Hornet apprehensive, as they were similarly learned in that regard, and the way they towered over her meant little when she was as quick as she was. It was possible that she’d even enjoy fighting them, provided the match’s intent was not of a lethal nature.
It was that Hornet already had a plan. One she’d never enact now, but one thought up nonetheless.
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"The crack on their shell would be an easy anchoring point.” The sentinel began. Her voice was unusually quiet, as if fearing being overheard... “Their movements are slower now, and they’ve grown weaker as a direct result of their sealing.” Not in the Black Egg. While what exactly happened to them in there was still unknown to her, she wasn’t stupid. They would’ve been Infected. 
"I’d attempt to bind them in my Silk and impede their movements. Then, as they’d attempt to free their arm, I’d...” Hollow had been so trusting when they’d first reunited, having immediately allowed her to put her hand near - and on! - the cracks they’d sustained. They’d been wide back then. Jagged, uneven. She hadn’t planned to kill them before, merely to give the other an opportunity, and knew even that would cause pain beyond words. The guilt was only eased by the fact that she’d be putting them out of their misery in this hypothetical.
Hornet moved past the thought with practiced ease. It didn’t completely dissipate, however, and still managed to worsen her feelings of unease.
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“I’d use my needle to split their shell in two. It would take some force, but my thread would hold for long enough to give me ample opportunity.” She bowed her head. “The shade left behind would only need to be dispatched of once.”
Then they’d be gone- dead to the world for good after their second chance at life.
Hornet could only wonder if she’d be able to live with the guilt.
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starvingtongue · 4 months
continued from here | @corditeheart
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"You think she listens to me anymore than you do?" she shot back, her free hand going to rest of her hip. and this was coming from Paine, the one who liked getting into the occasional fight. yet, while Paine liked getting into them intentionally (and knew what her limits were), Yuna had a more unintentional way of doing it that resulted in the rest of the Gullwings getting dragged into it.
crimson eyes watched the woman walk the feet fight back to the bed. luckily for Xu, she didn't fall down on the way over.
"We might be friends, but Yuna has a way of getting into fights regardless of how many times I tell her to look before she jumps." her hand moved from her hip to take the other end of the tray she was carrying. she took a few meagre steps towards the bed. she hoped the tray wouldn't get smacked out of her hands by an uncomfortable and impatient Xu.
"Barkeep sent this up. He figured you might be hungry." Yuna and Rikku were still off doing Yevon knows what, Brother was on the bridge being...well Brother, Buddy was busy trying to locate their next sphere, and Shinra was doing something with the dresspheres again.
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starvingtongue · 9 months
continued from here // @etroaed
the bravado that bordered on stupidity made her side eye the blonde so hard Paine began to wonder if her eyes would start swiveling in her head. she had become accustomed to such a feeling, for better or for worse, though it hadn't meant she stopped looking at Rikku like she had a deathwish. arms folded as her companion took her first rush towards the beast before them.
she would stand silently behind the blonde, cooly watching the tiny blades not even scratch the iron giant's armour. she would shrug in response as Rikku looked towards her for back-up. the blonde's words and her bravado had indicated that she needed no such help from the warrior, so the warrior would let try it whittle the giant down until the right words were spoken.
until then, Paine was finding some sort of vague amusement from the whole ordeal. she had dealt with fiends like this before and watching Rikku try to deal with it was amusing at the very least. had she learned nothing about the usefulness of the dresspheres? or perhaps she was truly hoping that Paine would jump in with a swing of her blade to take it down.
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only when she heard the magic words of help (though a please would've been nice), did Paine relent and draw her sword. a huff in the form of a laugh escapes her nose and a smile cross her lips for the briefest of moments. "Took you long enough." it was said in jest, though there was an element of prodding there too. boots crunching on the dirt as the sword was drawn and readied for battle. once she spots an opening, she barely has to think before she's running up towards the fiend and swinging. her sword pierces through the armour and the iron giant staggers back.
"Now!" she calls. Rikku's daggers might be just enough to push it further back, if not kill it.
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starvingtongue · 10 months
spotify wrapped has arrived! / @yunhuntress
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"Am I...still alive?" her voice came out croaky. her throat felt like it was caked in dust. she groaned as she pulled herself upright, wincing a little as various body parts ached. a sharp pain shot through her shoulder and she sucked on her teeth at the feeling. the memory of what had happened came back in flashes. some sort of rampage, something to do with a rather powerful fiend running amok through the city. a cough racked her before she got a chance to delve any deeper into her memories.
both her and Fang had tried to prevent the fiend from doing any more damage than it already had. there had been dust everywhere as it had smashed into buildings, chasing after anyone it could find. her last memory had been of the sound of shots before had blacked out. she had changed into her gunner dressphere in an attempt to draw the attention away from a group of people the fiend had been trying to attack. she had figured guns were a better way to get it's attention rather than swinging a sword at it's ankles. it had done the job, the beast had rounded on her, but it had meant she'd gotten a nasty swipe round the face in the process. in all the chaos that had been happening, she wasn't sure if it had been her pulling the trigger that had finally killed the beast or Fang. she might've regained consciousness at one point to the sound of fighting, but had promptly blacked out again.
"Is it dead? Who was it that pulled the trigger that killed it? You or I?"
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starvingtongue · 2 years
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"Brother and Buddy said they'll be parking the airship for a few days." There was something about them taking a break thrown in there too. They'd been working themselves to the bone with a recent flurry of sphere hunting gigs and wanted to lay low for a while. The Gullwings weren't as big as they once were and Rikku had apparently been busy helping people too. She dared not think about what Shinra was working on these days, let alone how Rin had gotten involved.
"Think we can convince Baralai and Nooj to help us borrow it for a while?" They had always talked about having their own airship one day.
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starvingtongue · 2 years
"Yuna," there were times when it looked as if the former summoner was lost in thought. Paine could understand, she'd spent many an hour lost in her own thoughts, replaying memories over and over, wondering what could've been done differently. wondering if perhaps she'd chosen the right course of action that led her to the present. she wondered if Yuna had those same thoughts or if her memories took her to some happier place. Paine hoped she wasn't interrupting anything too cumbersome.
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"Buddy's picked up some sphere waves coming from the ruins at Gagazet again. He thinks it might be on the way up to the top this time. Think you're up for the challenge of finding it?"
random starter // @ofayth
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starvingtongue · 2 years
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paine tag drop
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starvingtongue · 9 months
continued from here // @youchxse
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"I sure hope this isn't a speech you're planning on saving for Yuna." she had been half to tempted to say this as a joke, and maybe in some ways, she was. but the warrior was serious about this too. Paine cared a great deal for her friend and the thought of someone saying this to her made something akin to anger flare up within her.
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starvingtongue · 2 years
continued // @gbrnth
eyes narrowed even more than she thought possible. she felt her skin prickle and her lips pull down at his words, her metaphorical heckles raising. Paine was well aware of the bounty on her head, she'd be a fool not to know. she wasn't worried in the slightest about the bounty increasing. what were a few extra coin on an already heavy bounty? yet, she had figured the Balfonheim Port, including it's outskirts, would've been a safe haven for someone like her. the presence of any of the empire's soliders, let alone an Archadian Judge, would be extremely unwelcome in the port, hence her certainty that she'd be somewhat safe here.
clearly, she was wrong.
her eyes widened ever so slightly, though there was a definitive trace of hostility in them still. her lips turned up into a sneer as she spoke. "You really think I'd go back to that place willingly?" her words came out stonily cold despite the fury that was boiling beneath the skin. her back was against the chain, her hand still cupping the drink she'd only half drunk. "The empire must have their claws in you good if you think I'd willingly go anywhere near that place again."
he must truly mean his words, for not once did she hear his voice waver nor it go into any other cadence besides calmness. however, she would rather die than go back to the capital. she knew that if she even uttered those words, he would gladly take her up on her offer. the last thing she needed was to be stuck back in a labratory and being tested on again. the first time was enough, a second time would be hell. death would be a sweet price to pay.
"Lay one finger one me and I'll kick your ass back to the capital empty handed." there was no way she going to get dragged back there without putting up a fight. if she was going to go down, she'd at least go down with a fight. her eyes not leaving his for a second, her legs crossed and her drink was on her lips again. she wasn't stupid, oh no, he would have to come to her. if he had been sent by the empire to bring her back, he must be somewhat competent in a fight. she wanted to see what he would do first before making any sudden movements.
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starvingtongue · 2 years
continued from here // @tsurugixbuster
she wasn't sure if part of her had been itching for a fight, or she'd just been in a particularly rough mood all day, but when someone stepped to her, she didn't hesitate. the guy was on his ass before he'd had a chance to blink. clearly she was in the mood to start more trouble then her companion. admittedly, she was fine with that. she'd taken on worse odds before and won.
thankfully, probably for her own sake, her companion joined in the fray before paine got herself too seriously injured.
when the last guy was standing, hands pulled the sword off from his holster, paine was already by zack's side. her own gloved hands pulling her weapon out. three out of four guys hadn't put up much of a fight, not that they'd had the chance to. she hoped the last guy would give her some semblance of a good time.
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"That would be nice. After all, I am the one that started this." she smirked, hands gripping the handle of the sword as she pulled it higher. dragging zack into this hadn't been her intention, but accidents happened. two against four hadn't sounded too bad. perhaps that's what the thugs thought when they stepped to her. "I'll distract him. If you see an opening; take it."
turning her attention back to the thug, she took a couple steps forward, her grip adjusting along the way so both hands could comfortably wrap around the handle. once she was satisfied with how her grip was, her tempo picked up and just as she reached the guy, her arms sung her sword upwards, almost in an arch.
the sound of metal on metal rang out. part of her was glad that this guy wasn't as stupid as his companions were. backing up a couple of paces, she righted herself. just in time too as the guy swung back with some force. perhaps a bit too much as paine side stepped just in time to watch him miss the swing and stagger forwards. with just enough force to knock him even more off balance, paine's elbow somehow landed in the middle of his back. it was enough to send him tripping in zack's direction at least..
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