#pajamas supplier
clothingflannel · 1 year
Shop locally for bulk wholesale flannel shirts and pajama pants from Flannel Clothing. Our selection is unmatched and our quality can't be beaten! Make us your source for wholesale flannel clothing today.
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sophiajone25301 · 1 year
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Are you looking for comfortable and trendy pants that combine style with functionality? Look no further than our Baggy Thick Waist Pants, now available in a wholesale edition!
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thatwritterbeach · 1 month
So About that Alley .4
Jason Todd x ofc Alex
Unedited***Also I swear Tumblr is messing up my spelling on purpose cuz everytime I re-read something I know I fixed it's wrong again
Alex: short, curvy, red hair, green eyes, redheads go through pain meds way faster than normal people to the point I personally don't even take them, it's a joke, they last 30 min at best
Summary: Alex finds out her bf is red hood, after she spills some not so great secrets to the masked man while stitching him up.
Warnings: Vaginismus* angst, sexual assault, self-harm, depression, drug use by Alex, violence, cursing, NSFW, smut, thigh riding, vaginal fingering, guided masturbation?, p in v (not overly described), pain during s*x, hiding said pain, hickeys?, self-hate, insecurities, eating disorder, weight loss
A/N: I do not own dc booho
sorry ya'll I did not mean to release the last part, it was gonna be longer so here's this one at top speed
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Arriving at a huge menacing manor, the Wayne manor, in your pajamas on the back of a motorcycle while the driver is decked out in bright right flannel is...odd. Jason held the bike steady while she wiggled off then he engaged the kickstand and lifted himself off with ease. Alfred met them at the door and took her gear and Jay's helmet.
"Everyone is in the dining room, master Jason."
"Thanks, Alfred." Alex, unsure what to do gave him a thankful nod and clung to Jason as he led them through the maze of insanity.
"I don't think I can do this Jay," sh whispered, slinging the large bag she carried further up on her shoulder.
"Of course, you can," he assured her pulling her further into his side. They entered what she would calla dining hall where everyone was already sat, having what appeared to be a heated argument.
"I win the bet, cuz I said she was real," Tim yelled.
"No, I win for being right about how long it would take him to bring her here," Dick said back throwing a chunk of bread at him.
"Boys!" Bruce tried in vain.
"I win-" Damian began but was cut of by Jason's two finger whistle. All eyes shot to the door where Alex was very busy faking confidence, moved away from Jay, shoulders back, head up. Bruce was in a suit much to her embarrassment but Dick was in sweats and a long sleeved shirt, Tim wore something similar, and Damian was in a matching silk set that probably cost more than her entire wardrobe but he was participating.
"Tt she's small," Damian scowled.
"I think you mean short, like you pipsqueak," she snarked back before Jason could get after the demon spawn.
"Hhhmf," he replied raising his chin to the side in a holyer than though manner.
"Play nice, Damian," Bruce commanded softly rising from the table to greet her. Mentally freaking out, knowing what was coming she hesitated in her step to meet his outstreched hand.
"Not a friend of Dick's then," he accused, scowling down at her superman shirt.
"I didn't know if you were aware Jason was alive." She lied her ass off. She just recently found out he was Robin so of course she couldn't have told Batman anything other than a lie. Jason caught the inconstancy and frowned.
"What are you talking about," Dick asked joining their little group.
"Caught this one in an alley with a dealer last night, said she knew you, as Robin, Wing and Dick."
"How did you-" He turned an accusing eye on Jason who lifted his hands in defense.
"I've known for years dude, chill. It's not that hard to figure out, the suspiciously large and rich family is the suspiciously large and tech happy hero group."
"So you know everyone?"
"Yep, Superman and everyone too. "
"Dang," Tim jumped in from his seat.
"Why were you in an alley with a dealer," Jason asked what everyone was thinking.
"Getting information before some dude in a cape messed it up." Another lie.
"info on what?"
"His supplier."
"That's my job." She shrugged and moved past everyone to the table.
"I come barring gifts," she said setting the bag on the table to pull things out. "For Dick, a signed copy of (insert circus memorabilia here), for Tim, something to help you sleep and some very strong tea to help with that caffeine addiction. Damian, a travel sized chess board, we can play sometime if you like."
"Thanks," came the collective reply. Jason was still giving her the ' we will talk about this at home look' but she was ignoring him as she sat. After a surprisingly painless dinner with Damian only insulting her three times, Jason standing with a knife in hand, and Dick calming everyone back down they managed to make it to dessert.
"None for me," she told Alfred quietly as he started to place a bowl of some fancy pastries in front of her. She'd already subtly inquired on the carb count of the food which he answered with a slight brow raise.
"You feeling ok," Jason asked from beside her happily munching on his and her portion of sugar.
"Fine," she replied with a soft smile reaching past her full wine glass for water. She never drank and certainly not when she knew she was going to have to drug herself the second they walked into her apartment.
"If you don't like red we have white," Dick said, gesturing to her glass.
"I don't drink."
"Oh, master Jason didn't tell me."
"Sorry, must have slipped my mind." Like hell, he had no idea she didn't drink, he's never seen her drink but just assumed...what he wasn't sure but not that she didn't drink. Dessert done they moved to the 'sitting room' with some sodas, and Alfred plated soft soft music in the background.
"care to test your new board," she asked Damian.
"Tt, like you would be a worthy opponent."
"It's ok if you're too chicken, I get it, I'm intimidating." she said flexing her muscles. With an eye roll he sat cross legged on the floor and began setting up the pieces. She mirrored his pose and set up her side. off to the side where she couldn't see Jason moved his head to indicate to Dick he needed a word and the two moved off without a sound.
"Thanks for the clothes," Jason started, crossing his arms and leaning back against the wall of the long hallway they were in.
"No problem, did she seem more relaxed?"
"Better than expected."
"So what was it you wanted to ask me that couldn't be texted?"
"When I...died, were you sad?"
"What the hell kind of question is that, Jason, of course, I was a wreck. What's going on, are you ok?"
"I am."
"But you don't think she is," he stated.
"I think she'd lying about when she found out I was hood. Three weeks ago I got so beat up from a fight I knew I wouldn't make it anywhere else so I broke into her apartment, key work broke, I had to shatter a window she was pissed. And she found me passed out in the bathroom, and started stitching me up-"
"Dude," he whisper yelled.
"Let me finish. She was talking to me like I was redhood not like she knew it was me, she was asking for advice."
"On what?"
"How to tell her boyfriend she couldn't have sex, because she was," he paused and pulled Dick closer to him to whisper the next part," assaulted when she was younger and it makes it horribly painful."
"No, did she tell you who?"
"He's dead."
"She also said she cuts herself," again the smallest whisper.
"Why would she tell him and not you?"
"The next day she said she knew I was hood all along and she was playing a sick joke to get back at me for breaking her window and lying."
"Rude but seems fair."
"Then she initiated sex. Just pulled me into the bedroom and-"
"I don't wanna hear this,"Dick whines shaking his head to clear the image.
"We've had sex everyday twice for three weeks in a row," he said exasperated.
"A lot, it's a lot so either she has insane drive or..."
"She's expertly distracting you," he finished for him.
"I haven't seen any scars or fresh cuts, but I know she's damn good at makeup she's always perfectly covered my scar," he said pointing to his cheek, where it wasn't even visible in the low light.
"So hide her makeup."
"I've thought about it but I don't want to tip her off, or make her panic."
"So you want my help?"
"I think," deep breath," I think I can't do this alone, I can't watch her 24/7 and be there when she might need me."
"Do you want her to move in here?"
"God no, she'd kill me. Maybe now that you've all met you could invite her over, or stop by 'randomly' when I'm out."
"I'm in bloodhaven now, I can't just-"
"I know, I know, but you're here like every other weekend and that'll have to be enough. Maybe the demon spawn would agree to watch her."
"Tt, she's not your pet, Todd," came an irritated voice next to them.
"How much did you hear?"
"Just that she'd kill you." Eye roll.
"She's not well, demon spawn, and I worry about her safety," Jason ground out trying to keep his voice down.
"You think she hurts herself, what insanity, even for you, Todd."
"Look, kid-"
"Don't start. Damian, you seem to tolerate her enough not to kill her, a win if you ask me, and she needs company while Jason is out. You really can't stop by once a week for chess?"
"As a favor to her, not either of you," he agreed, turning to leave the imbeciles.
Eventually making their way back into the room the boys were shocked to find Alex, still on the floor, body pointed to the tv playing a racing game with Tim. Single handing the controller she expertly steered around the corners and used her other hand to play Damian at chess, eye dancing back and forth, and maintaining a conversation with Bruce.
"What the fuck," Jason exclaimed.
"I used to do this all the time, well not this, but multitasking, it's been so long since I've gotten to use my brain," she said with such glee.
"Are you saying I dumb you down?" There was no real hurt in voice, just un-subtle awe.
"Love you too." She replied and went back to talking to Bruce about...politics? She was talking politics with the vigilante billionaire and it was civil! The game ended, with Alex in 1st and Tim hung his head in shame but ultimately leaned over to shake her hand.
"Tt, so incompetent she beat you one handed," Damian accused.
"Tough talk for somebody that just set me up to take four pieces," she tsked back at him.
"Shit," Damian muttered uncharacteristically.
"Language," Dick said with a laugh.
"Boop, boop, boop," Alex sang as she hopped a single checker around the board taking the last of Damian's pieces.
"I suppose you're competent."
"Why thank you," she mock bowed. "Care to try your luck," she directed at Dick who was leaning on the arm of a large comfy looking chair.
"Why not, you gonna play Tim and Damian at the same time to at least give me a small chance?"
"If you want?" He nodded so she helped Damian set up a second board of checkers just a few inches from the first so she wouldn't have to move. Dick shrank practically had to fold himself to fit on the floor and only slightly invaded Damian's space, not on purpose.
Again she won on all fronts and Jason was practically buzzing with pride.
"You never told me you were smart!" At the look she sent him he waved his hands quickly. "No wait! Not how I meant it, of course you're smart."
"Such a way with words," she praised helping clean up the games.
"Are you leaving," Tim whined.
"I gotta work tomorrow, sorry kiddo."
"I'm like a year younger than Jason."
"A small child," Dick said wiping a fake tear.
"But a small boy," Jason reiterated.
"Hardly out of a booster seat," Bruce joined.
"It was only yesterday I was helping you into a chair master Tim."
"I hate you all."
"Aww, he loves us," Alex cooed reaching over to pinch his cheek," and fyi I'm two years older than Jason."
"Practically a cougar, I felt hunted when she asked me out."
"Yeah, why did I do that again?"
"You got me," Dick seriously stated.
"Tt, she would never chase you Todd, I bet you had to beg for this lovely creature."
"What he said," she agreed pulling Damian into a crushing hug resting her chin on his shoulder since the were the same height. Everyone held their breath expecting a fight but he looped his arms around her and squeezed back, just for a second before wiggling away from her in over-exaggerated disgust.
"I demand a rematch this Thursday," he said curtly and left the room.
"Thank you for coming," Bruce said shaking her hand in an awkward manner.
"Come visit anytime," Dick said pulling her into a hug, and extra long one just to make Jason's eye twitch.
"Let me know when you're online," Tim softly demanded with a hug.
"I don't have any online games, still use my old GameCube and Wii."
"That's cool."
Finally making it out the door she resisted the urge to exhale in relief. Wary of Jason getting concerned.
"That went well," he remarked upon entering her apartment.
"It did," she said softly faking a yawn in hopes of him heading back to his place or insisting they turn in. He went back and forth between their apartments, needing to keep a space for all his gear.
"So about that alley?"
"Not tonight, please."
"Why were you out at all?"
"Red hood is big and scary and gets what he wants with fear yes?"
"I guess?"
"So, short redhead come around asking what you sell and for how much what do you assume."
"That you aren't a threat," he conceded with a scowl.
"so if the short none-threat asks innocent sounding questions like. I may need some tomorrow where are you gonna be, my friend wants to buy but can't leave his place any chance you make house calls. I'm looking for a side job any chance I can meet the boss for an interview?"
"You didn't."
"I did, maybe, he's getting back with me." Lie lie lie.
"I'm going."
"You are not, if they even think I've been tailed you might as well shoot me yourself, I can handle it, if I can't I know how to get in touch. Now please let's go to bed." The whine in her tone made him cave, for now. Thanking her lucky stars he was tired and they skipped the sex she fell into the deepest sleep she'd had in months.
8-10-24 see masterlist for more
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pawsitivevibe · 5 months
I'm finally back in the sewing mood, but we are definitely out of dog pajamas season. I think it's towel robes time. I've got a great idea for a version 3.0.
Haley needs one with more neck coverage. For Arthur I'm going to make one with a snood for the ears.
I've only thus far made towel robes for my own dogs but I might try to branch out to sell them this year. I've been trying to find good suppliers for toweling fabric and not getting anywhere. Sooo might just be that I keep upcycling regular towels.
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pbandjesse · 2 months
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I wish I could say I felt better today. And it wasn't as intense as it has been earlier this week but man was I uncomfortable and crazy fatigued. The heat did not help. But I was able to mostly push through and still have a pretty good day.
I slept alright. But I woke up incredibly sore. I have been using my weighted blankets a lot but I think my tossing plus the weight of the blanket may have bruised me somehow??
I would struggle getting ready. I was just really sore and tired. My hair seems dry and I don't know why. Once I was dressed I just sat in the floor and tried to pull myself together.
The market was fine. It was entirely to warm but in a weird way. James drove us there. Made me hashbrowns. I only ate one and gave them the other and then pretended to be upset that they ate it and we were giggling in the car.
When we got to the museum James helped me set up. I was being a little baby about being so tired and sore. I just wanted to sit down. And I struggled to set things up. It felt like everything was going wrong. Even though it was all silly little things. James still helped me and once I was set up I would mostly just sit in my chair and knit the whole morning.
James would be running around fixing things and making sure things were okay for everyone.
I would have some sales. A lot of stickers today! I need to order new stickers ASAP but we have to find a few supplier after sticker mule lost their minds a few weeks back. I would also like to draw some more designs soon too. I haven't been very productive. Specifically with how poorly I have felt I haven't really made anything! Besides knitting. But even that it starting to hurt my wrists something fierce. So I will have to slow down with that I guess.
I had some lovely interactions today. That o e family came that I have been talking to a lot lately. Their little girl went around my table and just stood in front of me and I tried to chat with her but she's like 2 so she didn't say much that first time. But the second time she talked back and it was very sweet. And the mom remembered all about my knitting project. Which a lot of people were interested in today and had questions about so that was really nice for me.
Del was one of the educators today and came out to chat with me. Sat on my camp couch and we talked and caught up. He's always such a nice man. I also talked to the security guard, Mo, who made a big fuss about thinking my temperature blanket was such a cool idea and he loved how me and James always have a second layer of why we do things and it made me feel very proud.
I would also talk to Ann about the fence. She is annoyed that our fence was not the fence we ordered and is going to make sure we get some money back. She is great. And I'm really glad she is helping us so much just making sure things are okay. I feel very lucky to have gotten to know her over the years.
I was very very ready to go though. And when Ann said we could all start packing up at noon she didn't have to tell me twice. I waited until others were starting to pack up but I was for sure the first one out of there. I was just so sick of being outside. The nausea had come back (after over an hour of being okay) and I wanted to give James a hug and go do my tasks.
And that is what I did. James would give me the things they bought at the market for our little cook out tomorrow. And then I was off.
I went to Glen Burnie and went to the value village. I dropped off my big box of shoes. The guy who worked there that helped me tried to flirt "you got an IG (Instagram)?" And I hit him with the "I got a husband." And his eyes got huge and he apologized and ran away. And it was very funny.
I would walk around the thrift for a little. I got James a framed newspaper headline collage about the Orioles. And got myself a pajama jumpsuit. And then I was off.
I really wanted garlic bread from mod pizza. So I would go and get that. Got confused on the parking lot but it was fine and I figured it out. I also got a little lemonade cake. I was able to eat half before I had to throw in the towel. I needed to go home.
It took about 25 minutes but I got back here. The sun was oppressive and terrible but I got the groceries James got me inside. Our neighbors, Sean and Victoria, are moving and today was the day!
Their door was open and so after I got my stuff inside I went to wish them luck and promised to move their garbage cans on Thursday so they didn't have to drive back here. Sean also showed me around their house so I could see how their layout is different. And I am jealous of their upstairs!! While it's only two bedrooms, they are obviously a much better size and they have two full bathrooms. Plush they have the original banister with decorative trim. The upstairs felt so much lighter. I would love that. I someday I want to knock down the one wall between the two back rooms. But that is a future project for sure.
After wishing them luck I came back in here and did some cleaning up and putting away. I vacuumed the frog tank. And pet Sweetp. Let him go roll around outside for a while. But eventually I would make him come in and went to take a shower.
After my shower I laid down and fell asleep. And I slept really hard. I don't even remember having dreams. I do remember James coming in and touching my hand. But when I woke up for real they were not home. They left me a very sweet note. That they loved me and would be back home from laundry soon.
And they would. And when they got back they babied me. Rubbed my legs that still hurt so bad. Made me an orange juice and frozen strawberry smoothie. Which made me feel bit as bad. But I still felt weak. Like my body was full of concrete. I feel heavy and sore and just so tired.
James would work on folding laundry and I would come lay on the couch. And eventually we would cuddle up to watch "interview with the vampire" which we ended up watching two episodes of and it is fantastic.
I have maybe talked about this before but I had a long standing beef with Anne Rice. I loved Queen of the damned when I was a kid. It was my favorite movie. But Anne Rice was rude to my mom and also all of her fanfiction taken down nonsense. So I decided to stop supporting her. But she's dead now so I win and I can enjoy the series and it's great and I am glad we are watching it together.
Now James is playing with sweetp, who has been very very needy and affectionate this week. And I am very ready to go clean up for bed.
Tomorrow we are having some friends over for a little cook out. And I'm looking forward to seeing people. Though I am very nervous about how I have been feeling and just falling apart on everyone. I am going to do my very best.
Sleep well everyone. I love you all. Goodnight
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What about a summer camp story?
Gil is the new head of the cafeteria. He's cooking for the children and camp supervisors. One time he asks one of the supervisors, Sersi, why this beautiful, statue like woman never eats. Sersi tells him her name and that she never eats in the cafeteria because the food was awful before Gil came. One Day when Gil meets Thena personally for the first time, he can convince her to try his food in the cafeteria.
✨🖤Hugs and Love🖤✨
"There's nothing in there but flour and cornmeal."
The statuesque woman startled, rushing to pull her head out of the pantry like a camper trying to sneak a snack back to their bunk.
Gil chuckled, "everything that's already made is either in the fridges or in the cabinets over the flat top."
She nodded silently, no apologies to be made over being caught red handed, "well, I'll-"
"You can have whatever you want," Gil rushed before she could make her escape. "Anything you like--just tell me."
She cleared her throat, maintaining what dignity she could after being found out. "I was looking for any tortilla chips leftover from chili night."
"Right," Gil nodded, looking down at the late night prep he was getting done. He set down his knife, "because you don't eat the cafeteria food."
He had noticed, of course. It would be hard not to notice the one face who never, ever entered the lunch line. Even the busiest counsellors like Dane and Sersi still had to sit down for dinner at some point. But the elusive activities director always walked around with a power bar or a protein shake in hand, it seemed.
Sersi had told him that the food was particularly horrid before he came to be the camp cook. Many of them had their reservations, and Thena wasn't one for dining communally anyway! He shouldn't take it personally, was her point.
But he was more than curious about the reclusive creature who took the kids on hikes and helped them with archery and volleyball and soccer.
She gave him a more standoffish look, still keeping her hands clasped behind her in her camp t-shirt and white denim shorts. He had never seen her in anything else, even early when the counsellors might grab breakfast in their pajamas before the rambunctious pre-teens rose for the day.
"I hope you won't take offense."
Gil swiped his hands on the towel tossed over his shoulder and faced her more fully. "You say that, but I'm pretty sure you won't even try a bite of anyone else's food."
She shrugged, "I'm not a food sharer."
Gil nodded, "right. That scared of it?"
Her shoulders rose faintly, like a cat arching its back for a fight. "You didn't have to sample the food of your predecessor. You would swear off the stuff as well, I think."
He snorted, "that bad?"
Thena gave him the driest look he had seen from her yet, and that was really saying something. "I brought enough power bars to sustain me for months."
Gil rolled his eyes, although he had to admit, she had one hell of a resolve. "You would rather survive on dry, crumbly protein bars than even try my food?"
"They are not dry."
"Crumbly though," he countered, and she accepted the rebuttal. He walked closer, "there must be something you'd be willing to try. Doesn't have to be anything the truck drops off, although I'll have you know that I don't make shit that comes frozen in a plastic bag."
Thena eyed him in return, still cautious but obviously too intrigued - or hungry - to avoid it. "You don't?"
Gil huffed, snapping his towel off his shoulder and tossing it onto the counter, "not on my life! I refused to take the job unless they changed their supplier and I was allowed to use real food. That shit's not good for kids anyway."
That seemed to sway the obstinate woman slightly, who at least drifted closer to the end of his prep counter. "Well, what do you make, then?"
"Do you not even pay attention to what's on the board?" Gil sighed, although he could guess the answer already. He crossed his arms, "of course not."
"I have other things to do," Thena crossed her arms as well, "I don't just have one age group to manage. It is, in fact, all the little devils who do the activities."
Gil smirked; she called them 'little devils' but here she was, same as the rest of them, spending three whole months at some camp in the woods so the kids could have some outdoor enrichment and three meals and a bed while school was out.
"So?" she prompted, her eyes flicking down to the green onion he was chopping. "What is that for?"
"Well, these are for something else," he shook his head at her prickly demands. "You can freeze them while they're fresh so they stay firm as a garnish for some crunch. But I can make you some eggs if you want."
"Eggs," he nodded, "y'know, usually a chicken lays 'em but you can get other-"
"I understand the concept!" she bit at him, although maybe it wasn't as scary if you weren't under the age of 13. "I'm asking if they're real!"
"Real eggs," he vowed, moving to the fridge as if she were holding a weapon for him to produce the evidence. He pulled out two from the wholesale flat he had in the fridge. "See?"
She pursed her lips at his demeaning demonstration.
"Okay, okay," he chuckled. At least she was fun, this Goddess of War he had heard so much about. "You want something to eat or not?"
He wasn't sure, but he would bet that her stomach was winning the argument against her head.
She relaxed her stance slightly, fingers tapping against the end of the counter. "Could...scrambled, please?"
He knew there had to be a human under that shell. And she was hungry, "yes, ma'am."
Now she was the one to roll her eyes.
Gil turned the burner on, though, tossing a little nob of butter into the pan.
"The food truly was horrid, last year," Thena began her confession as he waited for his pan to reach an appropriate heat. She looked down at her hands. "It disagreed with me on several occasions."
That was what made her so much more resistant than the others. Gil smiled, "and here I thought you were being shy."
She scowled, "I'm-"
"I'm kidding, I'm kidding," he waved it off, cracking his eggs and scrambling in the pan with chopsticks, "sorry. The last way I would describe you is shy."
Thena relaxed somewhat, and he discovered that it was possible for those sharp little shoulders to slouch. "I know I'm the only one who feels so strongly about it."
"I think that mass produced, bagged and canned shit would turn anyone's stomach," Gil offered more gently, keeping his eggs moving on the heat--her eggs. He smiled, "I don't blame you."
Thena drifted a little closer still. "I'm sorry, Gilgamesh, for being so unfair as to not even try anything you've made."
He shrugged, only looking at her briefly while working on her eggs, "hey, it's okay."
She paused, maybe not having expected her forgiveness to come so quickly.
"Also," he chuckled, pulling her very soft scramble out and spiralling the sheet of eggs onto a plate. He added a few of his green onions, just for the sake of it, "it's just Gil."
She pursed her lips at him again, but accepted the plate of eggs, swirled into a peaked cyclone. She gave him a slightly less unamused look, "showing off?"
He gave her his most charming grin, "gotta impress first time clients."
Thena rolled her eyes at him, cutting off the smallest piece possible with her fork.
"Oh, come on!"
She glared at him for interrupting her snacking, but took the small bite for what it was. Her eyebrows raised, and he noticed their darker colour in comparison to her almost white-blonde hair. "Hm...not bad."
Gil kept his eyes on her as he reached forward with his chopsticks. She didn't stop him--even moved the plate back closer to him. He took a bite for himself, "not bad--they're good!"
Rather than argue with him again, the statue of a woman took another bite, with another smile, "fine, they're good. Happy?"
Gil smiled as well, watching as Thena took larger and larger bites, probably starving for decent nutrients after all her smoothies and power bars. At least he knew what to make for tomorrow morning's breakfast. "I'm getting there."
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aditiscreation762 · 2 months
Biggest Ladies Cotton Night Suit Manufacturer and Exporter in Hyderabad India
Aditis Creation proudly hold the title of the biggest ladies cotton night suit manufacturer and exporter in Hyderabad, India. Our commitment to quality, style, and customer satisfaction sets us apart in the competitive world of women’s nightwear.
The Significance of Cotton Night Suits
Cotton night suits are a popular choice for sleepwear due to their breathability, softness, and comfort. They are perfect for maintaining a restful night’s sleep, especially in warmer climates. Cotton fabric is known for its hypoallergenic properties, making it ideal for those with sensitive skin. Whether you're looking for a cozy option for a chilly night or a light, breathable outfit for warmer evenings, ladies cotton night suits offer the perfect blend of comfort and style.
Aditis Creation: Leading Ladies Cotton Night Suit Wholesaler
At Aditis Creation, we are dedicated to being the largest ladies cotton night suit wholesaler in Hyderabad. Our extensive collection features a wide range of designs, colors, and sizes to cater to diverse preferences. We ensure that our night suits are made from high-quality cotton that guarantees comfort and durability. Our wholesale operations are designed to meet the needs of retailers and bulk buyers, providing them with stylish and comfortable nightwear options at competitive prices.
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As a prominent ladies cotton night suit exporter, Aditis Creation has built a reputation for delivering high-quality products to international markets. Our export operations are streamlined to ensure timely delivery and adherence to international standards. We work with a network of trusted partners and suppliers to source the finest cotton and produce night suits that meet global fashion trends and quality requirements. By choosing us as your exporter, you gain access to a wide range of stylish and comfortable nightwear that can cater to markets worldwide.
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Why Choose Aditis Creation?
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Quality is at the core of everything we do at Aditis Creation. We meticulously select the best cotton fabrics and employ advanced manufacturing techniques to ensure that every night suit meets our high standards. Our quality control processes include thorough inspections to guarantee that our products are free from defects and meet both domestic and international quality benchmarks.
Diverse Collections
Our extensive range of ladies cotton night suits includes various styles, from classic designs to modern patterns. We offer options for different tastes, including long sleeves, short sleeves, pajama sets, and nightgowns. Whether your preference is for simple and elegant or vibrant and trendy, Aditis Creation has something to suit every style.
Competitive Pricing
We understand the importance of competitive pricing in today’s market. Our bulk manufacturing and efficient supply chain management enable us to offer high-quality cotton night suits at attractive prices. By purchasing from us, you benefit from cost-effective solutions without compromising on quality or style.
Custom Design Options
In addition to our standard collections, we offer custom design services to meet specific requirements. Whether you need night suits with unique patterns, custom sizes, or branded options, our design team is equipped to handle your requests. We collaborate closely with clients to bring their visions to life, ensuring that the final product aligns with their expectations.
Reliable Shipping and Distribution
Our robust logistics network ensures that our products are delivered efficiently and on time. We handle shipping and distribution with utmost care, providing you with reliable service whether you're ordering locally or internationally. Our goal is to make the purchasing process smooth and hassle-free for our clients.
Commitment to Sustainability
At Aditis Creation, we are committed to sustainable practices in our manufacturing processes. We use eco-friendly dyes and minimize waste to reduce our environmental impact. By supporting sustainability, we contribute to a healthier planet while providing high-quality products.
Aditis Creation stands out as the biggest ladies cotton night suit manufacturer and exporter in Hyderabad, India. Our dedication to quality, diverse collections, competitive pricing, and commitment to sustainability make us the ideal partner for all your ladies cotton night suit needs. Whether you’re a retailer looking for wholesale options or an international buyer seeking top-quality nightwear, Aditis Creation is your trusted source for elegant and comfortable ladies cotton night suits.
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globallover2021 · 4 months
The Ultimate Comfort: Wholesale 3 Piece Pajama Sets
When it comes to comfort and style, few things compare to the cozy allure of a well-designed pajama set. Among the various sleepwear options, the 3 piece pajama set stands out for its versatility and complete approach to lounging. As retailers look to expand their offerings, wholesale 3 piece pajama sets present a unique opportunity to cater to customers seeking the perfect blend of relaxation and elegance. In this blog, we’ll explore the appeal of these pajama sets, the benefits of buying wholesale, and tips for choosing the best suppliers.
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The Appeal of 3 Piece Pajama Sets
A 3 piece pajama set typically includes a top, bottom, and an additional piece such as a robe, cardigan, or sleep mask. This extra item adds a layer of luxury and functionality, allowing wearers to mix and match for different levels of comfort and warmth. The versatility of these sets makes them suitable for various settings, from a cozy night in to a casual day working from home. With coordinated designs and materials, these sets offer a polished look that elevates the standard sleepwear experience.
Benefits of Offering Wholesale 3 Piece Pajama Sets
Offering wholesale 3 piece pajama sets allows retailers to provide a comprehensive sleepwear solution that appeals to a broad audience. These sets are particularly attractive to customers looking for value and cohesion in their sleepwear. The coordinated elements ensure that each piece complements the others, creating a unified and stylish look. This is especially appealing for gift-givers who want to present a complete and thoughtful gift.
The comfort provided by 3 piece pajama sets is unparalleled. Made from soft, breathable fabrics such as cotton, modal, or silk, these sets ensure a comfortable fit that enhances the sleep experience. The inclusion of a robe or cardigan adds an extra layer of warmth, making them ideal for all seasons. Customers can enjoy the flexibility of wearing the robe or cardigan over their pajamas during colder nights or on its own during warmer weather.
Choosing the Best Wholesale Suppliers
Selecting the right wholesale supplier is crucial to ensure quality and customer satisfaction. Start by researching suppliers with a strong reputation for quality and consistency. Requesting samples is an excellent way to evaluate the material, stitching, and overall construction of the pajama sets. This firsthand assessment helps ensure that the products meet your standards and will satisfy your customers.
Variety is another essential factor to consider when choosing a supplier. Look for a range of styles, colors, and patterns to cater to different tastes and preferences. From classic, understated designs to bold, trendy patterns, having a diverse selection ensures that you can appeal to a wider audience. Additionally, consider suppliers that offer inclusive sizing options to accommodate all body types.
Customer service is a critical component of a successful supplier relationship. Choose suppliers who are responsive and easy to communicate with, as this ensures any issues or inquiries are promptly addressed. A reliable supplier will work with you to meet your inventory needs and provide support throughout the ordering process.
Wholesale 3 piece pajama sets are a valuable addition to any retail collection, offering customers the ultimate blend of comfort, style, and versatility. By providing a coordinated and comprehensive sleepwear solution, retailers can attract a broad audience and meet the diverse needs of their clientele. With careful selection of reputable suppliers and a focus on quality and variety, retailers can enhance their offerings and stand out in the competitive world of fashion and sleepwear. Embrace the charm of 3 piece pajama sets and elevate your inventory to new levels of comfort and style.
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ivantextile · 4 months
80D Soft Touch 100%Polyester Sph Fabrifrenchfashion Dress Fabric
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This fabric weight is 130-140gs with good hang down feeling for fashion lady's dress, pajamas and so on.
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tongxianghwgarment · 7 months
Wholesale Scarfs, Headband, Kimono Suppliers
Tongxiang Hengwang Finery Co., Ltd. is professional garment supplier and China Wholesale garment company which Specializing in clothing, clothing, T-shirts, home clothes, pajamas, bathrobes, scarves, scarves, scarves, hats, socks, gloves, shawls, headbands, shower caps, dry hair caps, eye masks, makeup remover pads, cloth bags, beaches Manufacturers of towels, blankets, mats, floor mats, aprons, napkins, tablecloths, cloth masks, earmuffs, daily textiles, fake fur series, silk gifts, etc. 
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clothingflannel · 1 year
Wholesale flannel shirts are an excellent investment for retailers and wholesalers, and they are perfect for those who want to diversify their product offerings. In this guide, we'll cover why buying wholesale flannel shirts. Get the best bulk flannel deals at Flannel Clothing. We provide wholesale flannel shirts, pajama pants and other clothing at budget-friendly prices.
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dhakasale · 8 months
Dhaka Dreams, Wholesale Prices: Launch Your Business with DhakaSale!
The humid Dhaka air sizzles with a million dreams – young eyes shimmering with ambition, fingers tracing patterns on napkins sketched with business ideas, hearts beat to the rhythm of "what if." But between dreams and reality, there often lies a daunting wall: capital. That's where DhakaSale, the digital genie of your Dhaka dreams, bursts onto the scene, granting wishes not with lamps but with bulk deals and wholesale magic.
Forget the days of scraping together taka, of borrowing beyond your comfort zone, or of scaling back your vision out of financial necessity. DhakaSale is your launchpad, your secret weapon in the Dhaka business arena. Imagine stocking your bakery with ovens that whisper promises of golden crusts, filling your boutique with handloom wonders woven with local pride, or equipping your restaurant with spices that tell stories of distant lands – all at prices that will turn your accountant into a cheerleading squad.
From Sketch to Storefront:
DhakaSale isn't just a discount paradise; it's a roadmap to entrepreneurial success. It streamlines your journey from napkin sketch to bustling storefront. Skip the months spent haggling in dusty warehouses, eliminate the logistical nightmares of sourcing from scattered suppliers, and let DhakaSale connect you with a universe of vendors, all under one virtual roof. Browse curated products, compare prices with a single click, and place orders at your own pace – all while sipping chai in your pajamas, dreaming bigger than ever before.
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Savings that Fuel Your Fire:
But let's face it, starting a business isn't just about passion; it's about numbers. And that's where DhakaSale's magic truly shines. Its bulk discounts aren't mere whispers; they're thunderous roars that echo through your budget, leaving it pleasantly bewildered. Stock up on essentials for months, ditch the constant market trips, and watch your startup costs vanish like Dhaka's morning mist. DhakaSale doesn't just let you dream big; it empowers you to do it on a budget, turning financial prudence into your secret superpower.
Convenience – Your Dhaka Dream Come True:
Say goodbye to Dhaka's chaotic traffic and the relentless afternoon sun. DhakaSale brings the magic of wholesale right to your fingertips, freeing up your time and energy to focus on what truly matters – building your vision. No crowded alleys, no haggling headaches, just pure, unadulterated shopping bliss delivered straight to your doorstep. Imagine placing orders while waiting for your rickshaw, tracking packages on your lunch break, and managing your inventory from the comfort of your Dhaka couch – all thanks to DhakaSale's user-friendly interface and seamless processes.
Quality is King:
But your Dhaka dream deserves more than just cheap deals. DhakaSale understands that. Their platform prioritizes quality, ensuring that the treasures you find are genuine and the vendors you trust are reliable. Their transparent rating system and secure payment gateways bring peace of mind to your journey, allowing you to focus on crafting your business, not worrying about hidden costs or shady practices.
Beyond the Basics:
DhakaSale isn't just about rice and lentils, fabrics and spices. It's a treasure trove of the unique, the unexpected, and the downright delightful. Think handcrafted wooden toys whispering folktales from Sylhet, phone cases celebrating Dhaka's street food symphony, or organic honey dripping with the whispers of the Sundarbans. Here, the familiar dances with the whimsical, creating a paradise for entrepreneurs with discerning eyes and a desire to stand out in the marketplace.
Join the Dhaka Dream Movement:
DhakaSale isn't just a platform; it's a movement. A movement of passionate individuals chasing their Dhaka dreams, one bulk deal at a time. Imagine connecting with fellow entrepreneurs, sharing tips and tricks, and celebrating each other's successes. Join the online forums, attend workshops, and build a community of dreamers who support your journey and inspire you to reach even higher.
So, are you ready to launch your Dhaka dream? DhakaSale is waiting, arms wide open, ready to be your wholesale genie, your magic portal to success. Embrace the power of bulk deals, unleash your entrepreneurial spirit, and watch your Dhaka dream blossom into a vibrant reality.
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eclecticprincesszombie · 11 months
The Embroidered Fabric Artistry: Enhance Your Look with Online Options
Embroidered fabric, a masterpiece of textile artistry, has enchanted fashion enthusiasts for centuries. The intricate and delicate nature of embroidery adds a touch of elegance and charm to any fabric, making it a sought-after choice for a wide range of clothing and home decor projects. In this blog, we will explore the enchanting world of embroidered fabric, discuss its online availability, and how it can elevate your style and creativity.
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The Timeless Allure of Embroidery
Embroidery is an ancient craft that involves the artful stitching of decorative patterns or designs onto fabric using needle and thread. This meticulous technique has stood the test of time, evolving from simple hand-stitched designs to complex machine-embroidery in the modern era. The appeal of embroidery lies in its ability to add a unique and personal touch to fabrics, making each piece one-of-a-kind.
Versatility of Embroidered Fabric
Embroidered fabric is a versatile choice that can be employed in a multitude of creative ways. Here are some of the ways you can incorporate it into your lifestyle:
Fashion Ensembles: Embroidered fabric can transform a plain garment into a fashion statement. From elegant evening gowns to casual tops and trousers, the addition of embroidered patterns can instantly elevate your style.
Traditional Attire: Embroidered fabric plays a significant role in traditional and cultural attire. It's used to create exquisite saris, lehengas, and kurta-pajamas, adding a touch of tradition and opulence to these garments.
Home Decor: Add a touch of luxury to your living spaces with embroidered fabrics. Embroidered cushions, curtains, and tablecloths can bring a sense of warmth and sophistication to your home.
Accessories: Handbags, clutches, and scarves adorned with embroidered patterns make for elegant accessories that complement a wide range of outfits.
DIY Projects: For the creative souls, embroidered fabric can be used in DIY projects such as quilting, embroidery hoops, and personalized gifts.
Embroidered Fabric Online: A World of Possibilities
The online marketplace has revolutionized the way we shop for fabrics, making it easier than ever to find the perfect embroidered fabric for your needs. Here's why shopping for embroidered fabric online is a smart choice:
Diverse Selection: Online stores offer an extensive array of embroidered fabrics, with choices that cater to various tastes and preferences. You can explore a vast range of colors, patterns, and fabric types.
Convenience: Shopping online eliminates the need to visit multiple physical stores, saving you time and effort. You can browse and compare options from the comfort of your home.
Quality Assurance: Reputable online fabric stores provide detailed product descriptions, including information about the type of embroidery and fabric used. This helps you make an informed choice and ensures you receive high-quality fabric.
Customization: Some online fabric suppliers offer customization options, allowing you to order the exact quantity of fabric you need and even select your preferred embroidery designs.
Doorstep Delivery: When you buy embroidered fabric online, it's conveniently delivered to your doorstep, saving you the hassle of transporting bulky rolls of fabric.
Embroidered Fabric for All Occasions
The beauty of embroidered fabric lies in its adaptability to various occasions. Whether you're preparing for a formal event or just want to add some flair to your everyday wardrobe, there's an embroidered fabric for you:
Casual Chic: Elevate your everyday style with embroidered fabric by incorporating it into your casual outfits. A pair of jeans with an embroidered blouse or a simple embroidered tee can make a fashion statement effortlessly.
Formal Elegance: When you're looking for a touch of sophistication, embroidered fabric comes to the rescue. A cocktail dress, an embroidered blazer, or an embellished skirt can be perfect choices for formal occasions.
Cultural Celebrations: Embrace your cultural heritage by choosing embroidered fabric for special celebrations and cultural events. Whether it's a traditional embroidered shawl or a regal saree, it's sure to make you stand out.
Weddings and Special Events: Weddings call for the most exquisite attire, and embroidered fabric is the perfect choice for brides and wedding guests. An embroidered wedding gown or sherwani can add a touch of grandeur to the occasion.
Caring for Embroidered Fabric
To ensure your embroidered fabric remains in pristine condition, it's essential to follow proper care guidelines:
Gentle Washing: Many embroidered fabrics are delicate, so always follow the care instructions provided by the manufacturer. In most cases, hand-washing or dry cleaning is recommended.
Storage: Store your embroidered garments or fabric pieces in a cool, dry place, and avoid exposing them to direct sunlight. Fold them neatly or use padded hangers to prevent damage.
Ironing: When ironing embroidered fabric, use a low heat setting and iron on the reverse side to avoid damaging the delicate embroidery work.
In Conclusion
Embroidered fabric is a testament to the time-honored craft of embroidery. Its ability to transform plain fabric into a work of art has made it a favorite choice for fashion enthusiasts and DIY crafters alike. The online availability of embroidered fabric has opened up a world of possibilities, making it easier than ever to find the perfect fabric for your needs. Whether you're looking to create a unique fashion ensemble, enhance your home decor, or embark on a creative project, embroidered fabric is your gateway to elegance and creativity. So, why wait? Explore the vast selection of embroidered fabric online and let your creativity run wild.
For more:- https://zarinama.com/collections/embroidered-fabrics
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pajamascanadaca · 1 year
Locate The Best Matching Pajamas
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Pajamas Canada, the go-to supplier for the coziest and nicest Matching Pajamas, may hold the key to a good night's sleep. Each piece of apparel is expertly made to provide unmatched comfort and style that is suitable for any situation. We can be reached at [email protected].
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print on demand suppliers will really think they're onto something adding the 50 millionth white t-shirt when all artists really want to work with is cotton pajamas and cotton dresses
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jimmywusblog · 1 year
PJGARMENT is one of the world's leading wholesale pajama factories. We are located in shantou, China's sleepwear capital, producing 80% of the country's sleepwear.Our company is called Shantou Mubiao Long Garment Co. We work with the best in the industry to co-create. This allows us to provide the best pajamas to our customers while also considering sustainability.
The product line includes pajamas, loungewear, robes, nightshirts, nightgowns, onesie, jumpsuits, maternity clothes, baby rompers, and baby suits. whether you prefer classic style, a special fabric, or a one-of-a-kind color. We have a professional design team that can meet your needs. Pjgarment Sleepwear is becoming a preferred supplier for Amazon sellers, website operators, and well-known clothing brands.We want to make doing business more convenient for you.It's a breeze to work with us. PJGARMENT has been able to significantly reduce costs and save you time by using simple and systematic ordering processes.
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