#panville smut
jayzfort · 4 months
Remember that time? || Panville
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Pairings- Pansy P. x Neville L. A/N- I'm feeling a tad bit overdramatic today, and yesterday I read a prompt about "signet rings" and may have gotten a somewhat angst-y idea. It has a happy ending, obviously.
Remember when you "almost" got married?
Neville was cleaning up the attic of their house when he came across a dusty old trunk. Brushing off some of the dust, he saw his wife's initials carved into the trunk, next to the Parkinson family crest. "Pansy Parkinson," it read.
"August?" he called out for his son. His 14-year-old son ran up to the attic, giving a visible shiver. "Why'd you shiver, son?" Neville asked, concerned.
"Nothing, just this place has always given me the haunts. I am sure that this house has a ghost that sings at night; Francesca told me," August said, causing Neville to let out a hearty laugh.
"I assure you, there's no ghost in the attic. Besides, shouldn't you be used to ghosts? After all, Hogwarts has ghosts," Neville said as he pulled up the trunk, which was quite heavy. "What did your mum put in here? It's so heavy," he muttered absentmindedly.
"Dad, I'm telling you, there's a ghost who sings at night. I've heard her, when I was five," August insisted, trying to get his dad to believe him.
"Honey, are you sure it wasn't just Francesca singing in the shower?" Neville said.
"I heard that!" came a voice from downstairs. It was his middle child, Francesca.
"Whoops," Neville said. "Aug, I need you to go downstairs and ask your mum for the key to this trunk. Also, call her here; she might want to give away some of the things inside."
"Got it, be right back," August said, racing to the living room of the Longbottom household to find his mother. "Mum?" he called out, but there was no answer. "MUM?" he called out louder.
"I'm here, baby," his mother called out from the study. When he entered, he saw his older sister, Francesca, complaining to their mother. "Thankfully, I don't need to hear him say that again, ever."
"Say what?" August asked his sister.
"You know, when Dad starts every Herbology class with one of us in it by announcing, 'I'd like to inform you that I'm only sleeping with one of the students' mothers in this class,'" Francesca replied. August scrunched his nose in disgust. His sisters, Alice and Francesca, had been on the receiving end of this "joke" from their dad since their first year, and he did not find it funny at all.
"It's really not as funny as he thinks it is," August told his mom and his sister.
Pansy just laughed. "Let him have some fun; he's getting old, you know," Francesca told her brother, which earned her a playful glare from her mum.
"He's not old; he's quite strong and fit for his age," Pansy said to her daughter.
"You're only saying that because you're a few months older than Dad, and if we say he's old, that makes you OLDER," August teased his mother.
"I miss having Alice around. At least she'd take my side," Pansy said, crossing her arms.
"Too bad, Mum. Your favorite twenty-year-old decided to pursue wand making in Australia for a year," Francesca said.
Just before they could complete their banter, Neville came down the stairs, carrying the old heavy trunk with ease, and placed it on the table, flexing his very prominent arm muscles. Francesca muttered, "Show off," to her dad, to which he just sent a lovable wink in her direction.
"See? I told you, he's more than fit for his age," Pansy said, smirking at her husband.
"Ew, Mum, stop, or else Alice wouldn't be your only kid off to Australia. Aug and I'll go off too," Francesca said.
"August, did you ask your mum for the keys?" Neville asked his son.
"What keys?" August replied. "Oh—the keys to the trunk, right. Hey, Mum, Dad found this old trunk of yours up in the attic. He wanted the keys to it," August asked his mum. Neville just rolled his eyes at his son.
"I'm telling you, they switched up kids in the hospital when he was born," Francesca told her dad, which earned her a shove from her brother.
"I haven't opened this trunk since we moved in here. Been like twenty-two years since that. I think I have the key somewhere," Pansy said, opening one of the drawers in the wooden desk. She got out a bunch of antique-looking keys. "Try one of these."
"Why don't you just use the Alohomora charm?" August asked.
"It's an ancestral trunk. My father used this trunk for—well, things we don't need to talk about. Although your grandmother cleared out most of the dark magic, the privacy charms were too strong, and it can only be opened by the key," Pansy explained.
"Isn't that how a regular muggle trunk works?" Francesca said. "You can open that trunk with a simple Alohomora; you can't open this with any of the charms that exist."
After Pansy opened the trunk, Neville gave her a look, a question of permission. She agreed. Neville rummaged through the trunk, finding old books, old cardigans, photo albums, sweaters, and jewelry.
"Hey Mum, what's this?" August asked, digging his hand deep into the trunk. He revealed a ring with a snake carved into the letter P. It was quite small, but August thought his mum was always on the shorter side, which was ironic because his father was quite tall.
"Ah, that's my family's signet ring," Pansy said, with a look of disgust.
"A what ring?" Francesca asked.
"A signet ring. Previously, the heir to a pureblood family was given a ring with the family's crest on it," Pansy explained.
"What significance did it have?" Francesca further enquired.
"Well, now it holds no significance, but back in my parents' generation, where arranged marriages were quite common, the man usually gave his signet ring or the family locket to his betrothed as a symbol of promise and love," Pansy explained, slowly rubbing her thumb over the signet ring.
"Weren't most of them just marriages of convenience where they'd have extramarital affairs of some sort?" August snorted. Francesca and Neville burst out laughing at this.
"Honestly, August, think before you speak—but yes, you're not entirely wrong. But think before you speak," Pansy scolded her son while trying to hide her smile.
"Dad, do you not have a signet ring?" Francesca asked, looking up at Neville. He shook his head.
"My Nan gave me the one my dad wore after the war when she saw me 'worthy' of it, but I seemed to have lost it in my early days of teaching at Hogwarts."
"She gave it to you because she wanted you to give it to Hannah Abbott as a symbol of promise when she was trying to set you up with her," Pansy said, rolling her eyes. Even after being married to Neville for twenty years, she was still very possessive of him. She knew that her husband was a war hero, that she had been on the wrong side, and that women of all ages tried to suck up to her Neville. She tried to act as if it didn't bother her, but it did. Neville always told her that he was always hers and no one else's, but Pansy would always say he had the best glow-up in history and that everyone was going to eye him up and down like a piece of meat.
"You're still jealous? Parks, I thought you'd be over that. It's been twenty-two years since that," Neville said, laughing affectionately, pulling his wife to sit on his lap.
"WAIT, what do you mean set you up with Ms. Abbott? The Leaky Cauldron's Hannah Abbott? You were supposed to marry her?" Francesca asked, not believing what she'd just heard.
"Free butterbeer for life, that sounds so cool. No offense, Mum," August said, as Pansy raised her eyebrow at him.
"What did you bring to the table, Mum, so much so that ol' Herbology Daddy Dearest here ran behind you instead of lovely Ms. Abbott?" Francesca asked. Pansy was super offended at this, but not in a bad way. She knew her kids loved teasing her, a trait they'd gotten from their father.
"It's not about what one brings to the table, Francie. It's about the love, it's about—" Neville started saying before August interrupted.
"I'll answer that for you, Francesca. Two words: ancestral inheritance. That's what Mum brought to the table."
"Are you calling me a gold digger, August Longbottom?" Neville asked his son.
"Indeed, yes, I am," he said, laughing and cackling.
"Ancestral inheritance, and probably the fact that he'd gotten Mum pregnant, which left them no choice," Francesca said.
"Honestly, you two are talking as if you're our parents, and not our children," Pansy said, getting up from Neville's lap, to which Neville made a pout at her.
"Well then, tell us, how exactly did Dad almost get married to someone else?" Francesca asked.
Pansy had recently marked her fifth year of teaching at Hogwarts, which meant it had been six years since the Battle of Hogwarts. Those six years felt like six decades to her, as she had changed for the greater good, cutting off ties with her Death Eater father and helping her mother tip off the Ministry about his and several other Death Eaters' locations.
For Neville, he had just completed his first year of teaching at Hogwarts and knew he had found his forever passion. Within the first few months of teaching, he was unofficially crowned "Teacher of the Year" by the student body.
Between Pansy and Neville, there had been 'tension,' and not the bad kind—the kind where there's an unspoken agreement to leave any party together and wake up in the same bed the next day, only to pretend they were just colleagues until the next gathering. It was a full circle.
"Professor Longbottom? You've missed your morning mail," a fifth-year student said, interrupting the Herbology class with the second-year Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors.
"Thank you, Mr. Cooper, but I'd be happy if you decided to knock next time," Neville said, smiling at the student. The student rubbed his hand behind his neck with embarrassment.
Neville tucked the letter safely into his pocket and resumed teaching the class.
Meanwhile, at the other end of Hogwarts, Professor Parkinson was brewing a potion. This didn't seem unusual for a Potions Master, but the potion was for a test—a pregnancy test. Pansy had suspected she was pregnant when she'd missed her period twice. She had assumed it was due to stress, but now she had a hunch.
She considered going to Madam Pomfrey because she would have the potion, and this wouldn't be the first time someone had gotten pregnant on the premises. But then she knew Madam Pomfrey would gossip about it to Madam Pince, to Madam Hooch, and then to the students. She decided it was safer to do it herself.
"Just two more minutes, and I'll have the result," she muttered as she gulped down the potion and waited.
"When my abdomen starts to glow golden, that means I'm with child. If it doesn't do anything, I'm not pregnant." She waited, glancing down at her stomach. She knew she was pregnant and who the father was.
Her abdomen started to glow with a very bright golden hue. Pansy didn't know how to feel. She was happy, yes, but she wasn't nervous because she knew she could care for this baby even if the father refused to.
"Well, I better let him know," she said, getting off the stool and walking towards the brighter side of Hogwarts, where the clink of her abnormally high heels was lost among the chattering of students and the chirps of the birds.
She went to the greenhouses. Neville hadn’t dismissed his class yet, but he saw her and came outside. "I have half an hour of class left," he said. "You could wait in my quarters."
So she went up to his quarters and started wandering around. "It’s much bigger than my quarters," she murmured. "He’s got an extra study attached." She entered the study and seated herself in the leather chair, noticing a letter and a box on the desk.
She tried hard not to open it, but the Slytherin in her thought, "Fuck it, I’m the mother of his child." She justified her actions and opened the letter.
"Dear Neville,
How have you been, dearest? Great Aunt Agatha was asking about you a few days back when she came around for tea. You’ll turn twenty-four within a few months, and I’m not getting any younger either. My last wish would be to see you with a wife.
Agatha suggested that she’d look into pureblooded families, although there are very few of them left. She thought it’d be best to keep it within. She has a friend whose great-niece was in your year. Lovely woman.
Miss Hannah Abbott? She’s the barmaid of the Leaky Cauldron.
I was a little doubtful, considering it’s not the most conventional career, but from what I’ve heard, she’s made the Leaky into a lush, green, welcoming lodge. I’m suggesting that you meet her soon. Not pressuring, but it’d be good to see you with someone nice.
Also, I found your father’s signet ring, which belonged to my husband, your grandad. I think when it’s time, you can give it to your someone special. If all goes well, maybe I’ll see Hannah wearing this by Christmas time?
All my love, Gran."
Pansy felt a pang of jealousy. Hannah Abbott was indeed pretty, a short blonde Hufflepuff who radiated innocence. Which guy wouldn’t like that? She didn’t know what got into her. She picked up the box holding the signet ring and stuffed it in her skirt pocket.
Running out of the study, she stood in front of the quarters instead of going in, to prevent suspicion.
"Parks, you could’ve waited inside. Nothing you haven’t seen before," Neville said, winking at the shorter woman. She huffed in annoyance and followed him inside, acting as if it were her first time back here today. "Your room is a lot larger than mine. Clearly, McGonagall played favorites," she muttered. He just laughed, undoing his tie a little and rolling up his sleeves.
"Perks of being a Herbology professor. But Sprout did have it all with yarn and patchwork pieces I had to clean," he said as he sat on one of the leather couches.
"What's that?" Pansy asked, pointing at his robe pocket, where the letter Neville had entirely forgotten about was tucked. The one his nan sent, probably 'sweetly' forcing him into a courtship with Hannah Abbott.
"Something my nan sent. Besides, you wanted to talk?" He focused on her.
"No, no, I can wait. Write back to her," she urged him. He got up, and she followed him into the study.
"Another letter?" she asked Neville as he sighed, sitting in the chair and reading it to himself.
"Dear Nev,
I spoke to the Abbott family. They are wonderful people, none of the pureblood superiority nonsense. They just want a strong, nice man for their only daughter.
Although they did remind me, she might be a little sensitive, considering she just got out of a courtship with one of the Oolong boys. I suggest you meet her tomorrow. She's coming around to Hogsmeade to look around the Three Broomsticks.
"Abbott, huh? Sexy," Pansy whistled as she read the letter over Neville's shoulder. He looked at her, rolled his eyes, and said, "Privacy?"
She shook her head in response and asked, "Are you going to go? I mean—to Hogsmeade to meet Abbott?"
"I don't know," Neville said unsurely. "I think I should meet her. Gran and Great Aunt Agatha might stay away from my path then."
"I think you should. Abbott is lovely. She'd make you a lovely housewife with four wonderful little blondies and brunettes toddling around," Pansy said jokingly.
"Lovely? Parks, you realize that this is the same Hannah Abbott you bullied during our years at Hogwarts because she was 'curvier' than you were. You literally dunked her head in the girls' toilet," Neville said, amused.
"That was eight years ago. Besides, I'm much curvier now, and I'm a changed woman," Pansy scoffed.
"You know it shouldn't really bother you who's curvy and who's not. It doesn't really matter," Neville said, furrowing his eyebrows. The things he said made her go weak in her knees.
"Yada yada, Longbottom. Go on the date, score a pretty blonde. Besides, you're getting old. The Potters are expecting their first kid by February. You're hanging back," Pansy tutted, knowing deep inside how much she wanted him to NOT go.
"Parks, you're older than me. Aren't you hanging back?" Neville retorted.
"My friends haven't had kids yet. Well, everyone except Zabini. His wife gave birth to the HOTTEST kid alive, Caesar. And before you stop me, that kid is liquid fire, I'm telling you."
"So are you going to go?" she prompted.
"Do you want me to go?" he asked, stepping close to her.
"It's not what I want; it's what you want," she said.
"I want what you want."
"Excuse me?" she asked, surprised. Yes, she wanted him to not go, but this was sudden. She had loved Neville, and every moment she spent with him, she loved him more. But she refused to acknowledge that. She assumed she would end up co-parenting alongside Neville.
"You heard me. If you want me to go, I'll go," he said casually. Pansy was getting angry. She didn't know why, but she was. Hormones maybe? She was, after all, two months along.
"Go, I don't care," she said, turning on her heel and walking toward the door.
"Have you seen my ring?" he asked. As she turned back, he was frantically searching for the package that was hidden deep inside her skirt pocket.
"You're going to propose to her?" she asked.
"No, it's my dad's ring. Gran sent it over," he said, looking in the drawers. She took off her own signet ring from her ring finger, held his hand, and placed the ring in his palm.
"You can give this to her," she said as she walked away.
"Parks, that's not how it work—" Neville's voice was cut off by the thud of the door shutting.
"Hannah, you seem amazing, but—" Neville started, but Hannah cut him off.
"But your heart resides with another," she said understandingly.
"Not exactly, but somewhat along those lines," he exhaled.
His mind was running with thoughts of the short Potions professor, how she had avoided him for the entire day without even telling him the 'important' thing she wanted to share in the first place.
"Pansy, right? Parkinson," Hannah said. Neville looked confused. "Your heart, it belongs to Pansy. You love that woman," she said, smiling.
"I guess so. How'd you figure?" he asked, intrigued.
"You're preventing blood flow to your pinkie because of her ring. Besides, her giving you the Parkinson signet is a way of telling you that she will forever love you, no matter what."
Oh. Neville didn't know that.
"Hey, Abbott, I have to go," he said, getting up and throwing some coins on the table, then frantically running to the castle, drawing several looks from students visiting Hogsmeade that weekend.
Neville knocked on Pansy's door. "Parks, come on, open up, please."
"Honestly, can't a woman rest? I'm fatigued, Professor Longbottom," Pansy said sternly as she opened the door, dressed in her nightgown.
"The ring," Neville panted. Pansy thought he had figured out that she had nicked his signet ring from his office.
"What ring?" she replied nonchalantly.
"Your family ring. What does it mean? The custom," he questioned.
"Oh, something along the lines of promise, true love," she said.
"And you gave yours to me when I couldn't find mine. What does that mean?" Neville asked.
"It could mean two things: either I'm a very good friend who wants you and Abbott to get engaged, or it could mean that I will love you no matter who else you love," she said monotonously, as if she hadn't just potentially confessed her love for Neville.
"You what—wait, let me just rewind. You just said you love me? Is that right, Parkinson? Well, fifty percent chance," Neville asked, slowly regaining his composure.
"Yes, I might. Big deal," she said. "If you'll excuse me, I'm going to bed. These maternity potions have been taking my energy off," she said, closing the door.
After two seconds, Neville realized what she'd just said. "You're pregnant?"
"Why else would I be taking maternity potions? Oh, also, it's yours. The child. You're the father," she replied, shocking Neville once again.
"What? Wow. You're not scared? I mean, I'm really happy. I'd love to be part of this. Let me help you in any way. This is great news, Pansy," he rambled.
"Nev, the best help you can give right now is probably to allow me to get some rest. Also, you could get me those herbal tea leaves you have in your quarters, and then maybe you'd like to join me in here?" Pansy questioned, the last part tinting her cheeks red.
Neville nodded and took off to his room.
"Wait, are you still on with Abbott?" Pansy asked.
"I left her midway so I could come here, so I don't think so," Neville replied.
"That's great, not the leaving her alone part, though. You've got to apologize."
"Wait, so you stole my signet ring?" Neville asked his wife, his eyes narrowing slightly.
"Wow, he's really getting old, huh? Mum's mentioned that probably eight times, and he asks her that question," August whispered to his sister, causing her to giggle.
"I heard that, August Longbottom," Neville said, not looking away from his wife, who was now avoiding the question.
"Come on, Dad, it's been like twenty years. Bet you forgot about the ring before this," Francesca reasoned.
"I did think about it. When I wanted to propose, I had to get Gran's ring, which wasn't really modern-looking," Neville told her.
"I love your Gran's ring. Besides, if you want the signet ring back so bad, I'll get it for you," Pansy said, rolling her eyes.
"Sometimes it's hard to believe that I am her son, y'know?" August piped up as Pansy left to get her jewelry box.
"Because you're not. You're adopted. In fact, on a rainy day, we found you outside the house," Francesca teased her brother.
"Doesn't rain during March, genius," Neville said, shaking his head.
"Here, take your lovely signet back, Longbottom," Pansy said, handing it back to him, probably after twenty years.
"Honey, it was always yours to keep, but I'd have been happier to give it to you myself," Neville said, hugging his wife.
"When I found out I was pregnant with Alice, I thought you wouldn't want to be part of her life, considering you had the fame, and women, and men running behind you. So, I took it as a keepsake for Alice," Pansy whispered.
"I'm hurt you'd think that. I love you, Pansy Parkinson. I always will."
"It's Longbottom now," she said, rising up on her tiptoes and kissing him.
"And here I thought you'd say you love me too," Neville said, laughing.
"If she didn't, neither one of us would be here," August said, causing everyone to laugh.
"Also, I think we should give the ring to Alice, considering it was nicked for her," August continued.
"She has her whole life left to give a promise to the one she really loves," Neville said, getting a little overprotective.
"Yeah, she could give it to Fred," Francesca said. Pansy and Neville gave her a confused look. "Come on, it's been like five years since they've been together. Who do you think is her roommate back in Australia? Fred Weasley the second."
"Nev? I think we need to have a talk with Alice once she's home again," Pansy said after a while.
"And I need to talk with Fred," he replied.
August and Francesca gave each other a knowing look, realizing they'd just thrown their sister under the bus.
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olivianott · 3 months
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I like you more than I planned | finale | start from the beggining here
Pansy, with tears running down her cheeks doesn’t even reach the backdoor to the shop before she hears him behind her.
“Why are you running away again?”
She stops in her tracks but cannot turn around. She clears her throat to get rid of the lump in her throat. She doesn’t enjoy people seeing her cry.
“I’m uh… just letting you have your time.”
“Time? Time for what? I don’t need any time. I know what I want. I have known for a long time now.” He takes a few steps forward until he is standing right behind her. Breathing in the floral scent of her perfume that he loved having on his sheets after those few nights with her. And hated it too.
“And yes, everything I said in that letter is still true. I want you. All of you.”
She turns around and looks into his eyes finally. Grabbing her face with his big hands, wiping her tears away with his thumbs he says “So, are you sure? Are you in this with me? Without any pretense, games, and bullshit? I know it’s not going to be easy or simple and I am counting on that actually.” he laughs.
And finally, through the tears, she smiles a little bit. “Yes. Please…”
Neville leans in and kisses her. With no hesitation and so passionately that she loses her breath. But she doesn’t need to breathe when she’s kissing the most important person in her life. The only one that gets her, the only one that she feels safe and comfortable with.
Neville can’t stop kissing her. Touching her face, her waist, his hands travel all over her body, familiar, yet so eager to explore again, after what felt like an eternity.
Her hands are also eager to touch him, grabbing a fistful of his hair, caressing the skin of his abdomen under his shirt.
They are hungry for each other.
“You still on the pill, right?” He asks while simultaneously moving them inside the greenhouse again and closing the door with his wand. Ever the sensible one, thinking for both of them. “Yes.” She whispers against his lips.
His hands inch further and further under her skirt, and she feels like it’s an eternity, until finally, his hands touch her through the fabric of her panties, and she gasps.
Special underwear. It was just wishful thinking on her part, for him to see her in it.
He can’t wait anymore, so he gets on his knees, reaches under her skirt and deliciously slowly pulls the lacy fabric down her long legs, all the way to her ankles.
“Fuck me. Gryffindor red with daisies all over? You little minx. You know what it does to me to see you covered in flowers.”
He kisses her inner thigh as she bites her lip in anticipation.
“Neville, please, I-“ She needs his hands, on her, in her, all over her.
“I know, Little flower, I know.” He said while standing up and turning Pansy around, leaning forward and putting his hands over hers against the glass wall of the greenhouse. Running his hand over her chest and squeezing her gorgeous tits through the blouse, he leans close to her ear and whispers.
“But I’ve been working with soil the whole day, you will have to settle for just my dick for now. Do you think you can do that?” He pinches one of her nipples when she only answers with a moan. “You think you can cum without me touching your sweet cunt with my fingers?” He bites her earlobe and her whole body shivers in response. “ANSWER ME. Because I can’t wait a second longer.”
“Yes, Neville! Please, please, just fuck me already, I can’t-” Her words turn into a murmur when the tip of his cock finds her entrance and slides in. Finally.
The feeling is indescribable. For them both. When the uncertainty and insecurity is gone, only the feelings of safety, calm, connection, and HOME remain. Blinding pleasure fills any empty space left inside them.
The greenhouse fills with loud breaths, moans, and groans, the air getting even heavier than before. But the flowers don’t mind at all.
The pleasure is so intense, Neville feels like he blacks out for a moment, seeing stars behind his lids when he feels her pussy clenching. Her orgasm takes him over the edge and his mind goes blank. The only thing registering is her warmth around his cock and the contours of her body under his hands.
Coming down from the incredible high, he can’t help but take one of her hands in his own, intertwining their fingers, the other hand curling under her throat, gently, but tightly hugging her from behind, her back to his chest, while carefully pulling out.
Grabbing her chin, he turns her head so he’s looking into her eyes. Taking the daisy out from behind her ear, he twirls it between his fingers.
“I think Daisy may be my favorite flower from now on.” He chuckles, but looks into her eyes with so much emotion, that she feels like she can read his mind and all the unspoken confessions.
With a smile, he breaks the tension and announces: “I’ll pick you up at 7. Be ready for our first date Little flower.”
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I also posted the story on AO3 so you can read there if you’d like 😌.
Your principessa Nott. 🎀🖤
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so-scarlett-maroon · 3 months
Purebred - Chapter 1 - So_scarlett_maroon - Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling [Archive of Our Own]
Ship: Pansy/Neville Rated: E Tags: Daddy Neville, Baby Girl Pansy, Breeding Kink, Cock Warming Chapters: 3/6 Weekly Updates (Updated today!)
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She blushed as she spoke, but she didn't stutter or shy away from the question. "Can you take control? Breed me like a proper Pureblood woman should be? Bending me to your will? Filling me up whenever you feel the need? Keeping me at your beck and call?"
Her words had him hard again. That was exactly the kind of dynamic he'd been dreaming about. She was so fucking perfect. But rather than tell her that, he decided he should show her.
He stood, and he knew she could see his cock, rock hard and pressing against the zip of his trousers. "Get on your knees," he growled.
Pansy obeyed instantly, her tight pencil skirt stretching over her arse and thighs as she got into position behind her desk, only the top of her head visible from his vantage point now.
"Crawl to me," he ordered.
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augustaoctavia87 · 6 days
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allofthelights11 · 9 months
Illustrations coming soon for What it Means to Live!
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What it Means to Live
Read if you want:     •    Post Hogwarts hilarity     •    Fluff and angst (Dolohov's curse)     •    Draco crushing on Hermione for over a decade and a half     •    Ensemble cast     •    Good banter and hijinks     •    Found family (and comprehensive ‘family’ meddling)     •    Light Ron bashing     •    Inappropriate family portraits (Septimus Malfoy makes an appearance)     •    Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum     •    Slytherins on roller coasters     •    Side pairings of Panville, Lovenott, and Blinny     •    Explicit and shameless sexual exploration throughout
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mysticwrites · 2 years
Prompted by the ask if authors reread their own work: what is your comfort fic, you always return to, your favourite little gem, you can't get enough of, even when (maybe) barely anyone else reads it?
Tag five people you know write too.
Thank you @the-francakes for the tag.
I love all my works. Here are a few that i like to read from time to time.
My Love for You Makes It Snow: Panville fluff
Mr. Mistletoe: Dramione one bed, they both cave, fluff, smut, christmas
Life Divine: Eight short fics of the Panville variety
I tag @thatblondebitvh @b--and--honey @selenewriting @whimsymanaged @reyreyalltheway
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Aesthetic for 'Nothing to See Here' #panville #sexyneville #pervypansy #botanicaltattoos https://archiveofourown.org/works/48418162
Pansy is doing quite well for herself these days. The magical community are keeping the spitting to a minimum - and she now has some really good friends. There may be just one person who makes her a little incoherent, and he just walked into the pub she's in holding a motorcycle helmet, looking like the bad-boy from her wildest dreams. She knows she doesn't deserve him but that won't stop her from looking.... MMMMmmmm Neville :)
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zeebee3 · 3 months
AO3 tag game
Thank you for tagging me @so-scarlett-maroon!
How many works do you have on AO3? 43
What's your total AO3 word count? 926,285
What fandoms do you write for? Harry Potter (at least nowadays)
Top five fics by kudos:
(All are Dramione and rated explicit)
You Do It For Me- WIP, currently 44 chapters and 200+k. 8th year, Draco learns that Hermione has never had an orgasm, so offers to help her. It's a story of who-fell-first/who-fell-harder, lazy river romance and friend group hangs. Lots of games, banter, and yet somehow still basically pure smut.
Would You Rather - The first smutty one (ahem four)-shot I ever wrote! 4 chapters, 14.5k, complete. Draco antagonizes Hermione into playing 'would you rather' while working on a joint assignment in the library. He doesn't think women wank and Hermione decides to prove him wrong.
A Good Landing- 2 chapters, 14.5k, complete. The five times Hermione accidentally sat on Draco's lap, and the one time she meant to. Post-Hogwarts, friend group hijinks, and Hermione has a secret piercing.
It Was A Sunny Day- One-shot, 7.4k, complete. Auror Hermione needs help retrieving a memory from a mission she went on. Auror Draco is sent to use legilimency to retrieve it. This is entirely an excuse for me to write legilimency smut, feat accidental stimulation, dry humping/cockwarming, and a successful assignment.
Baby, Anytime You're Ready, I'm Yours - 11 chapters, 27k, complete. Post-Hogwarts intermixing Slytherin-Gryffindor friend group goes on a weekend holiday. Draco is in love but Hermione thinks they're just best friends. Rom-com vibes, found family vibes, and one of my favorite scenes I've ever written 🤭
Do you respond to comments? I really, really try my best! It's hard to stay on top of them sometimes but I've made so many friends via my comment section and it's such a fun place to interact with the fandom! But it's a time commitment and sometimes I get super behind 😭
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Probably Disturbingly Capable. It has an open-ending and that's usually pretty angsty, plus it's a Death Eater Draco/Order Member Hermione fic so that's always a little angsty. Ooh either that or A Gentle Haunting, which is a retelling of Ginny's possession by Riddle's diary.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest endings? Most of my fics have happy endings so it's hard to decide which is happiest. But possibly one of the ones that ended in proposals? Those were super sappy/happy (Just The Lightest Touch (Hinny), An Indecent Proposal (Panville)). OH or Kindling. That one ends with Draco ending his five years agonized pining, so he's pretty freaking happy.
Do you get hate on fics? Not that I've seen (and I sure don't look for it). I get comments softly demanding things sometimes but none that are aggressively rude or hurtful. I've been super lucky to have the nicest, most supportive readers 🥹🫶
Do you write smut? It's arguably the only thing I write 🙃
Craziest crossover? I've never written a crossover, though I'm currently writing a Formula One crossover so I guess that one!
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Yeah, a few times that I've been informed of (and thank you to the detectives out there who spot them!). So far, they've always been Drarryified which is, frankly, hilarious to me since Harry and Hermione are NOT a one-for-one replacement, nor is Drarry Draco anything like Dramione Draco imo. But I digress.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes! You Do It For Me is being translated into Chinese here, which is very cool.
Have you ever co-written a fic? No, but I've co-planned a fic and one day we shall write it!!!!
All time favorite ships? Dramione is creeping up as my top favorite, but Drarry is a close second. Dreomione is also a delight. I'm a sucker for rare pairs, too, and will pretty much read any pairing once.
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you will? Look. I can't let myself doubt it. It has to be finished. AND IT WILL BE. (I'm looking at you, Balance & Oppose 🥹🫶). I do have a veritable fuckton of unfinished wips in my drafts though, none of which have ever been posted, so I'm sure one of them in there will never actually be finished. But again...I'll never say never.
What are my writing strengths? What I find easiest to write are smut scenes, relationship dynamics, dialogue, and carrying the flow. Are those what I'm strongest in? idk man.
What are your writing weakness? Having any fcking idea where a story is going before I start, and therefore inevitably leaving loose threads along the way.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language? I don't mind reading it as long as the context around it makes sense, but if it's a full convo that I need to check the end notes for, it's less enticing.
First Fandom that you wrote in? Mistborn
Favorite fic(s) you've written? Balance & Oppose is the fic I put the most effort into and for that, it always has a top spot in my heart. You Do It For Me is my favorite of fics I'm actively writing. And my favorite completed fic is probably There's Nobody Like You (BlaisexRon) or Say Please (tattoo artist Draco).
If you made it to the end, I admire your tenacity! 👏🏻
I'm tagging @smolbangs, @goldenbuckyyy, @willowingscribe, @sultrynuns, @youhavemyswordandmybow (if tag games aren't you're thing, no worries!)
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lumosatnight · 1 year
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Lani's Birthday Oneshots: 2023 Edition!
So, today is my birthday (SCREAMING!), and as a continuation of last year's tradition, I present a ONESHOT REC LIST to celebrate 🥳! Here are 15 oneshots, all under 10k words, one for each day in June leading up to my birthday. Lots of genres, lots of tropes, ordered by ship (kinda).
🌼 - fluff | 💔 - angst | 🔥 - smut | 👀 - mind the tags
1. Potter's Got a Tiny Dick (that I can't stop thinking about swallowing whole) by @vukovich [Draco/Harry, E, 4.1k] 🔥🤣 This is crack. Hilarious and filthy crack with bff Ginny, nasty car sex, and unhinged Draco wanting "Just a little nom of a cock."
2. Boy Wonder by @maesterchill [Draco/Harry/Ron, E, 6.1k] 🔥🎹 Established in love Rarry with Draco returned from abroad! Wonderful Ron characterization, witty snappy dialogue, and dacryphilia!!!
3. A Saving People Problem by @the-francakes [Draco/James, E, 5.9k] 🔥🏍️ Draco living at Grimmauld place, and James can't keep his eyes off of him. Oh heck yeah! Surprisingly sweet for such a hot cross-gen pairing. Also poor Harry lol.
4. Gray Eyes (Tell No Lies) by @danpuff-ao3 [Sirius/Draco, E, 3.7k] 🔥🍏 Draco with a lingerie kink! Sirius with a one-way magic mirror! So hot, so delectable. Throw in a praise kink too, and I'm drooling.
5. A Sight to Behold by @lumoslyra [Sirius/Luna, T, 2.5k] 🌼🥐 Luna and Sirius dancing around each other. Hermione watching it all and Harry is just confused. Super cute and sweet.
6. in rivulets, in waves by @dulosis [Bellatrix/Luna, M, 2.0k] 💔👀 Dark and deceptive. I couldn't put this fic down. What happens if Bellatrix survives the war? What if Luna takes her in?
7. Catch Me As I Fall by @this-world-of-beautiful-monsters [Bellatrix/Lily, T, 5.8k] 🌼💔 This fic is a wonderful AU of Lily befriending Bellatrix at Hogwarts. How she slowly changes, how she still is roped into the war. Just spectacular!
8. (give me) the first taste by @iamsiriuslyriddikulus [Narcissa/Lily, M, 4.4k] 💔🌿 Narcissa and Lily as hot moms smoking weed!!! Yes!! This Muggle AU is so well thought-out. The characters are so memorable. (Also I'm a sucker for flangst).
9. Love in a Hopeless Place by @dragonsandotters-dh [Remus/Narcissa, T, 4.6k] 💔🐺 So much hurt but also so much comfort. Draco gets bitten by Greyback. A heart-wrenching and hopeful look into the aftermath.
10. Male Bonding by musigneus [Remus/Severus, E, 9.8k] 🔥👀 This is angsty fuck-or-die to the max. Trapped in a cellar before the full moon. But it's SO GOOD and a somewhat hopeful ending.
11. Open a Vault For Me by Sevanna_OHera [Charity/Severus, M, 3.4k] 💔🧪 I found this pairing recently, and the angst level is off the charts. So much hope and longing in this fic and also a canon-compliant ending.
12. Table for One by @littlesixxwrites [Dean/Blaise, T, 3.2k] 🌼🎄 I LOVE THIS SHIP. Bean is the cutest. This fic has instantly smitten Blaise and equally enamored Dean. Lovely fluffy fic that made me squeal with happiness.
13. Maybe This Time (alternatively: once more, with feeling!) by @wanderingdonut [Regulus, G, 4.6k] 🤣👻 THIS FIC!! I died laughing from this fic, then I came back to life cackling and died all over again. Ghost Regulus is perfect. Snarky and entitled and wallowing in death lol.
14. toxicology by @batmansymbol [Hermione, G, 2.9k] 💔💌 A fascinating dive into the possible implication of Harry being a horcrux for so many years. I love how we view everything through Hermione's unreliable narration.
15. just a few sweaters by Prettything_uglylie [Molly, G, 2.4k] 🌼🧶 This story is a cup of hot cocoa in front of the fire. Warm and sweet and content. I adore it with my whole heart.
BONUS FIC (>10k): Tiny Dancer by @rainchance [Neville/Pansy, M, 12.4k] 🌼🩰 A super sweet Panville fic with ballet dancer Pansy and film student Neville. Wonderful background characters and mutual pining.
Want more fics to read?
Try my rec tag: #lumosinthelibrary
Bday Oneshots 2022, 22 Fic Recs 2022, WLW Library
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jayzfort · 3 months
Remember that time? || Panville
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A/N- this isn't my favorite work, nor have i proof-read this story, so if the plot divereges alot, I'm so sorry for that, but I did like writing this story, I hope you like it too :D
Remember when you hated my sweater?
The Longbottom household was filled with tension so thick you could cut it with a knife. Neville Longbottom was known for his niceness, but when he got mad, he didn't yell or argue. Instead, he resorted to a stony silence, ignoring the person he was angry with.
"You're making that face again," August chimed in, their thirteen-year-old son said to Neville, who had his eyes narrowed and fixed on the long, black-haired woman in their kitchen.
"What face?" Neville asked, his gaze—a glare, really—fixed on the woman.
"The face that says you desperately want to ask the person about their plans for the day, but you can't because you're mad at them, so you stare at them thinking you'll figure it out," his fifteen-year-old daughter, Francesca, added as she joined them on the patio.
"She's going out with her friends tonight," Francesca said. Neville raised an eyebrow at her. "You know, Daphne, Astoria, Bulstrode, and those people," she continued, which furrowed Neville's eyebrows even more as he continued to stare at the woman, who was now applying a very red lipstick.
"She's going out, wearing that?" Neville said, pointing his head in the woman's direction, which earned him a scoff from his eighteen-year-old daughter, Alice.
"Honestly, Dad, let her wear what she wants. What's gotten you so worked up?" Alice asked.
"That's her revenge dress. The whole thing—the red lipstick, those heels, and the fact that she's going out with those women," Neville said, burying his head in his palms.
Alice, Francesca, and August exchanged glances before Francesca spoke up. "So it's a whole routine?"
Neville sighed deeply, lifting his head to look at his children. "Yes, she'll walk up over here, and mock me, mostly my clothing, she'll probably say 'nice shirt' or 'nice sweater you've got there,' and walk off."
August laughed at his father's state. "Try to say something then."
As if on cue, Pansy Parkinson, now Pansy Longbottom, walked onto the patio, her heels clicking against the floor. Her long black hair cascaded down her back, and her red lipstick was striking against her pale skin. She looked stunning, and Neville couldn't deny it, even in his frustration.
Pansy looked at her husband, who looked, well, miserable. Which made her smirk a little. "Nice sweater, Longbottom. Couldn't have gotten a bigger size?" she said with a sarcastic voice.
Some whispers were exchanged between the kids. Neville had his favorite sweater on, a red one that was baggy and looked very comfortable. In fact, Pansy loved it, but today it seemed like she hated it.
"Going somewhere?" Neville asked, trying to keep his tone neutral.
Pansy stopped and turned to him, her eyes narrowing slightly. "Yes, I'm going out with my friends. Do you have a problem with that?"
Neville took a deep breath.
"No, absolutely not," Neville said, shoving his hands into his pockets and heading inside the house.
"Did you really have to be that rude, Parks?" Francesca asked her mum.
"He's mad at you, and he's miserable. You're making him feel even worse," Alice said, shaking her head at her mother, who only grinned back.
"Would it kill either of you to take my side? Besides, he's adorable when he's ignoring me," Pansy said, winking at her daughters.
"Honestly, Mum, just apologize," August said as he got up and trailed after his dad.
"Longbottom men: always resort to ignoring when they're mad and then sulking," Pansy said with a dramatic sigh.
"You're being evil, but somehow I admire it," Francesca said, which earned her a playful hair ruffle from Pansy.
"Well, I'm off. Dinner's on the stove. Alice, do not touch my makeup. I'll know if you do," Pansy said, giving her daughter a knowing look.
"When will you be back? You will be back, right?" Francesca asked, her eyes wide with concern.
"Sweetheart, of course I'll be back. But don't wait up for me. I'll be late," Pansy said, kissing her cheek.
"Okay, Mum, have fun," Alice said, hugging Pansy. "Make sure Nev eats something, okay?" Pansy said softly, and then she Disapparated with a pop.
"I don't get it. Dad ignores Mum, Mum mocks Dad, and yet she tells us to make sure he eats," Francesca said, shaking her head.
"It's called being in love. They'll never hurt each other," Alice said, guiding her sister inside.
"So this whole 'revenge dress' thing isn't new?" August asked Neville as they snuggled up on the couch, with Alice and Francesca joining them.
"Oh no, she's done that countless times. Let me tell you about the first time Miss Parkinson pulled that stunt," Neville said, adjusting his glasses with a frown.
It was late, even for a professor to be out on the grounds. The harsh Scottish winter bothered Pansy immensely, but she shrugged it off as she made her way down to the greenhouses.
She sighed with relief when she saw a light on in one of them. She opened the door, which creaked terribly. The only other occupant turned around, wand in hand.
When Neville saw it was Pansy, he went back to potting the plant, grabbing fistfuls of soil. Pansy grimaced at the amount of dirt getting under his nails.
She cleared her throat, but Neville ignored her. She called out his name, and he ignored that too.
"Professor Longbottom?" Pansy said in her most professional voice, which made Neville turn around, raising an eyebrow in silent inquiry.
"I need a Somniumfloris plant, hopefully in full bloom," she said.
"Why?" he asked simply, adjusting his glasses, smudging a bit of dirt on his nose. Pansy's fingers itched to brush it off.
"That's none of your business," she snapped, clicking her black heels as she walked closer to the Herbology professor.
"Then I'm sorry, Professor Parkinson, I'm afraid I can't help," he said, sighing as he returned to his plants.
"I need it to make the Somnium Potion for the seventh years to study," she said firmly.
"Ah, I see. It is quite a strong plant," Neville said, his eyes never leaving the clay pot he was tending to.
"Well? Do you have it?" Pansy asked, tapping her heels on the soot-covered cobalt floor.
"Does this look like a shop to you? Actually, don't answer that," Neville said, cringing after.
"I'm quite in need of it. I have the class tomorrow," Pansy said sternly.
"We don't have it," he said easily, as if he hadn't just wasted Pansy's time. Pansy was offended. "Why did you ask why I needed it, then?" she huffed, crossing her arms.
Neville just shrugged. "You could use it to drug someone into dreaming or believing their delusions."
"Are you accusing me of something like that?" she challenged. Neville looked back at her with a mischievous glint in his eyes and said, "Maybe. Who knows? After all, you are you."
"I know you do not respect me, Professor Longbottom, but I cannot and will not tolerate criticism based on my past entanglement with the Dark Lord," Pansy said angrily.
"Never mentioned Voldemort even once," he said, rolling his eyes at how easily the woman in front of him got worked up.
"Well then, what is this whole thing about?" Pansy asked, grabbing his arm and feeling his bicep flex under her touch.
"What thing?" Neville asked as he put on a coat, which Pansy eyed enviously.
"The whole ignoring scheme you've been putting up for the past week," Pansy muttered, debating whether to ask Neville for an extra jacket.
"Ah. Is it bothering you?" he asked, smirking down at her.
Pansy flipped her long hair back and huffed. "Yes, we're supposed to be colleagues, more or less friends," she said.
"We are not friends, and considering how you tell your dear Slytherin students how terrible Herbology is, I don't think we can ever be," Neville said.
"So that's what this is about. You seek validation from a bunch of teens dressed in green and silver robes," Pansy said, laughing egotistically at Neville.
"You're impossible, Parkinson," he said as he walked back to the castle.
"You're not even going to offer? Some knight in red and gold," Pansy yelled after him.
Up until the next Hogsmeade weekend, Pansy and Neville didn't speak, not even for work purposes. They either had their students communicate for them or simply didn't address tasks that required collaboration.
Neville was walking around Hogsmeade, feeling different as he strolled through the village as a professor. Now he didn't have to live under the constant fear of not being allowed to visit because he’d let a mass murderer in or simply lost the permission form.
He went inside The Three Broomsticks, drawn by the warmth and not by the lure of alcohol—he never touched the stuff.
"Hannah? What are you doing here?" Neville looked surprised as he saw his long-time friend and ex-girlfriend behind the counter.
"Madam Rosmerta retired. She called me up to ask whether I’d be open to a partnership. Besides, business is great here on weekends, and during the weekdays, I’m in London," Hannah explained as she poured butterbeer into another customer's mug.
"Wow, it's great to have a familiar face here. I guess I'll be making frequent visits," Neville said, winking at Hannah.
"If looks could kill, I'd be ashes right now, considering the glare Parkinson's throwing at me," Hannah whispered, leaning closer to Neville.
"She's here? Alone?" he asked. Hannah shook her head.
"With the rest of the snake princesses. I thought she'd ghosted all of them."
"Me too. Also, may I have a coffee?" he asked sheepishly. Hannah nodded, stealing glances at the table where Pansy was seated. "She's not wearing a coat. How is the woman not freezing?"
"Probably snake skin," Neville said, chuckling as he turned on his barstool to look at Pansy.
There she was, wearing a sleeveless black flare dress that stopped right above her knees. She'd ditched her regular bun and let her long black hair cascade down her back, the slight curls at the end looking nothing short of perfect. Her six-inch black heels matched her perfectly manicured black nails, and she'd completed the outfit with diamond stud earrings and a very, very red lipstick.
Neville's eyebrows shot up to his hairline. Pansy Parkinson looked stunning, not that she didn't always, but this time she looked powerful.
She caught Neville's eye and suddenly got up, earning stares from the rest of the table. She muttered some apologies and came up to Hannah, politely smiled, and paid for her drinks.
She checked out Neville from head to toe, smirked a little, and said, "Nice jumper, Longbottom. Totally doesn't wash you out," and left.
"She is so into you," Hannah whisper-yelled, urging him to follow Pansy.
"I thought you ghosted them," Neville said simply as he walked beside Pansy.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize I had to inform you of the status of my friendships," Pansy said coldly.
"You look nice," Neville said, his face going red as he burrowed himself into the scarf he was wearing.
"I know. You and Abbott looked quite comfortable there. Do I hear wedding bells soon?" Pansy asked, without once looking at Neville.
"What? No, we're just friends. She's seeing Dean Thomas now," Neville explained.
"So you're willing to be friends with your ex-girlfriend, but not your colleague?" Pansy said coldly, as a carriage arrived. She entered without letting Neville in.
"You can take the next one. It'll only take ten minutes," Pansy said as she cast a warming charm on Neville.
Neville was confused. Wasn't he the one mad at, and ignoring, Pansy? How'd the tables turn? She had said he sought the validation of a bunch of senior Slytherins who made fun of him and claimed his subject was useless. If only they knew that more than half the ingredients used by their dear Potions professor came from his greenhouses.
Was she offended that he didn’t call her his friend?
"Pansy Parkinson wants to be my friend? That is something I didn’t see coming," Neville muttered to himself while grading a few essays.
Meanwhile, in the dungeons of Hogwarts, Pansy was grading potion assignments, her thoughts lingering on Neville. "Is he still really that daft? Even after killing Nagini and surviving the war?" She huffed as she got up.
She flooed herself to a very unexpected place: Ginny Weasley's office—now Ginny Potter. Ginny had her wand pointed at Pansy.
"Honestly, all you Gryffindors, thinking someone’s going to attack you. Where’s all your bravery gone?" she scoffed as Ginny lowered her wand.
"Well, if it’s you coming in here, one would have their wands ready. No offense, Parks," Ginny said, pointing to a seat for Pansy. "Also, you look hot—too hot for a Hogwarts professor," Ginny said, eyeing Pansy up and down.
"Actually, I’m here to ask you a favor," Pansy said as she adjusted her dress while sitting down.
"I thought I’d never live to see the day the Lady Pureblood would ask me for help," Ginny said dramatically.
"It’s about your best friend, Longbottom," Pansy said, emphasizing the last part.
"I think I’d know my best friend’s name. What about him? Haven’t spoken to him in ages," Ginny said as she sat on the table.
"You spoke to him last week when your not-so-little group gathered at The Three Broomsticks," Pansy said, slightly kicking Ginny’s shin.
"You sound like a stalker, living up to the Slytherin name, Princess," Ginny winked.
"Your best friend—Is he always like that?" Pansy asked, quirking her eyebrow at the redhead.
"Nerdy? Shy? Nice? Or what the Prophet has to say: confident, matured, and hot?" Ginny teased, making a face at the last part.
"More like rude, stubborn, sulky, and ignorant," Pansy retorted, earning a snort from Ginny.
"Parks, I think that’s not the Neville Longbottom we all know, unless you’ve managed to break him with all that," Ginny said, pointing to Pansy’s outfit.
"Actually, Weasley, I do not dress for the male gaze. I dress for myself," Pansy huffed. "Besides, what do I do to make a truce with Neville—or, well, to be somewhat friends?"
"Nothing. If he likes you, he likes you. But Parks, why do you want to be his friend so badly, considering you tormented him for seven years?" Ginny pondered. Pansy let out a heavy sigh.
"I do not see him as a friend. It would be nice to just be on good terms. Well, I don’t see that happening as he’s still hung up over the war."
"I think you’re the one hung up over the war. Besides, you mocked his subject in front of Slytherins. Any professor would take offense to that," Ginny said as she got off the table to pace around the room.
"And, I think you’re besotted with him," Ginny called out.
Pansy gasped in horror. "I am not! How could you possibly come to that conclusion?"
"I am leaving. You, Ginny Weasley, have been wrecked in the head," Pansy huffed as she got up to go back to her dungeons.
"Do not let whatever Weasley says get to your head," Pansy said as she stormed into Neville's office. He just looked up at her for a moment before going back to grading essays.
"You’ve got to be specific. There are quite a few Weasleys," Neville muttered.
"Ginny," Pansy said as she settled into the seat opposite Neville's.
"I do not want to be your friend," Pansy started.
"I figured," Neville said, looking at her.
"I want to be on good terms, as colleagues, and enough of this ignoring stuff," Pansy said.
"The whole 'ignoring thing' wouldn’t have started if you didn’t talk shit about Herbology to the judgy teens," Neville muttered.
Pansy sighed heavily. "Well, I apologize for that. It will never happen again, at least from my side."
"You apologized?" Neville said, looking dumbfounded. Pansy hesitantly nodded as she got up to leave. She turned and said, "I liked your jumper that day. It's a nice color."
That left Neville speechless for a few seconds. He got up and walked near the Potions professor. "Do you want it?"
Pansy paused, her breath catching as she looked into Neville's eyes. "I'll hold you to that offer," she whispered, stepping closer. Her lips brushed his cheek, leaving a faint red mark.
"You've got lipstick on your cheek," Pansy said, her hand trembling slightly as she raised it to wipe it off.
Neville caught her hand, holding it gently. "No, leave it there, Professor Parkinson," he said softly, his eyes locking onto hers.
Pansy’s heart raced as she felt the warmth of his hand, the tension between them electric. She nodded, her voice barely a whisper. "Maybe we can start over, for the second time?"
Neville leaned in, his forehead resting against hers. "I'd like that," he murmured, his voice thick with emotion. "More than you know."
The kids had gone to bed, and his daughters had made sure Neville ate—a little too much, in fact. He wouldn't be lying if he said he was worried that his wife wouldn't come home that night.
To take his mind off it, he started cleaning the whole house. Just as he completed arranging the books on the bookshelves, he heard the front door open. Pansy was home. He debated whether to go say something or remain where he was.
"I know you're arranging the bookshelf in the way that I do not like it," Pansy called out as she entered the study. She looked the same as when she left, just much more tired.
"You're not to wear heels into the study," Neville whispered as he watched her movements. She came to a halt in front of him.
"Helps me kiss you better, Longbottom," she said.
"Oh," he replied, blushing red.
Pansy stepped closer, her expression softening. "Baby, you don’t know how much it pains me that you always resort to ignoring me and not telling me things to my face."
"But that’s mean and not nice," Neville said.
"Well, sometimes everyone needs to hear the truth. That's how a relationship works," Pansy said.
"We haven’t been doing that, and our relationship’s been working fine for the past twenty years," Neville countered.
"Truly? But do you like all this?" She pointed to her getup, indicating the heels, the dress, the makeup.
Neville sighed. "Well, when it’s for me, yes. But not when you go out drinking with those women."
"Oh no, I went drinking with Ginny," she said.
"My best friend, Ginny?" he asked, surprised.
"She's not only your friend, you know that, right?" Pansy said, rolling her eyes.
Neville chuckled, and Pansy stepped closer, kissing him deeply. "Oh look, I've gotten lipstick all over you again," she murmured.
He smiled, touching his cheek where her lipstick had smudged. "Do you really hate my sweater?" he asked, looking down at it.
"Oh no, baby, I love it. I love it so much, in fact, that I want to get it off you," she said as she kissed him again, more passionately this time.
Neville’s hands found their way to her waist, pulling her closer. Pansy pressed herself against him, her fingers tangling in his hair as the kiss deepened. She felt the heat of his body through his sweater, her heart racing.
He lifted her slightly, and she wrapped her legs around his waist, their kiss growing more fervent. Neville walked them backwards until her back was against the bookshelf, his lips trailing down her neck, eliciting a soft moan from her.
"You don’t know how long I’ve wanted this," Neville whispered against her skin, his breath hot and ragged.
"Then don’t stop," Pansy replied, her voice breathless and needy.
Their lips met again in a heated, desperate kiss, hands exploring, bodies pressing closer. The world outside their little study ceased to exist, and all that mattered was the fire igniting between them.
Pansy pulled back for a moment, her eyes dark with desire. "Let’s take this upstairs," she suggested, her voice husky.
Neville nodded, his eyes never leaving hers. "Lead the way," he said, his voice thick with lust.
They made their way to the bedroom, where the night promised more heated kisses and whispered confessions.
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imsiriuslyreading · 1 year
life is life-ing so hard right now and i’m trying Very Hard to Be A Human™️.
writing panville and reading wolfstar and jeggy are the Only Things keeping me even remotely sane. i’m not sure sane is the word actually.
also reading all the fics my friends write. seeing those little ao3 emails coming in with “thisliminalspace has found a new obsession to write about”. or “solmussa posted a new chapter of this fic you’re waiting for” or “damagecontrol has added more smut to the roster” or “motswolo has completed a heartbreaking fic you’ll never be able to read but you appreciate knowing she’s writing stuff and things”.
these are my saving graces thank you and goodnight (good morning it’s 8am)
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so-scarlett-maroon · 2 months
Purebred: Now Complete
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dhr-ao3 · 5 months
Sticky https://ift.tt/5gAyGJQ by Molivier So, picture this: Draco, half-hard in the centre of the library, devouring an apple he’d just plucked off the floor with such animated fervour that Madam Pince came around the corner, shooing her weathered hands with lips fixed to scold him about setting a bad example for the first-years huddled together nearby. Or: Draco remains very incredibly down bad for one witch who is, unfortunately, ignoring him. Words: 4835, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English Series: Part 2 of Fruity Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott, Blaise Zabini, Draco Malfoy's Grandmother, Pansy Parkinson, Neville Longbottom Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Neville Longbottom/Pansy Parkinson Additional Tags: POV Draco Malfoy, down bad draco malfoy, Draco Malfoy is Feral, Draco Malfoy is Horny And He's Mad About It, Again, This thin plot is merely a vessel for smut, Explicit Language, overuse of the word fuck, And I won't stop, Wet Dream, Smut, Explicit Sexual Content, Hogwarts Eighth Year, I swear to god fruit shows up, Panville is a Little Shit, Imagine the horniest man you know and then triple that, That's Sticky Draco, Whiny Draco Malfoy, Oral Sex, Fingering, Use of the word flehmening via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/K5hLJGR May 04, 2024 at 08:52AM
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lucigoo · 9 months
Harry Potter Fic Rec List
So, here I will add all of the amazing Harry Potter fics I adore. NGL, most are Wolfstar, but there are others in there so I hope you like at least one, they all deserve love 💖💖💖
And as always, if its your fic, or you know whos let me know so i can @ them, they all deserve to be recognised!
The Moonlit River - JBankai89 (Harry/Draco)
You Moony Promise? - Ginger_Snappp (Regulus/James/Lily, Sirius/Remus)
Remus and His Rider - Writer_INFJ_2w1 (Sirius/Remus)
A Panville Christmas - Ginger_Snappp (Neville/Pansy)
You can't do magic, the muggles are watching - GeekMom13 (Sirius/Remus)
Of Minibikes and Coolness - Seekerofknowledge3119 (Sirius/Remus, little Hermione/Harry)
Flying with Broken Wings - Shiyaki - Harry Potter + Walking dead (Harry/Daryl Dixon)
Dadfoot & Moomy - Daisy_space (Sirius/Remus)
A Month in the Life of Sad Spinster Sirius Black: In Which He Unwittingly Stars in a Sexy Mechanic Soft Porno (except, not really) - cmajalis, dustmouth, epithalamium, nerakrose, rscollabmods (Sirius/Remus)
Finders, Keepers - varsavia (Sirius.Remus)
The Haven Hotel - NikiAlex03 (Sirius/Remus)
The Bump - Anonymous (Sirius/Remus, Mpreg)
i want your midnights - raggedypond (Regulus/James, prequel to the below fic)
they will tell you now you're the lucky one - raggedypond - Harry Potter (Regulus/James, SMAU)
seeing you tonight (it's a bad idea, right?) - raggedypond - Harry Potter (Marlene/Dorcas) A werewolf's little human slave - Moon_Stars (Writer_INFJ_2w1) - Harry Potter (Sirius/Remus, smut with plot, watch the tags)
Where the Silence Began - brandileigh2003 - Harry Potter (Sirius/Remus, Prequel to an amazing series)
and you don't want to know me (i will just let you down) - raggedypond (Evan/Barty)
An Infinte Ocean - orphan_account (Sirius/Remus) Signs Between Us - brandileigh2003 @brandileigh2003 (deaf Remus, traumatised Sirius and just an amazing little one shot to her bigger fic) good lookin’ - Anonymous - Harry Potter (Sirius/Remus, faous Siirus coming out, crack fic, its fun) Brother - orphan_account - Harry Potter (Gen fic with Fred reunitig with his siblings in th afterlife, its lovely) The Life In Your Years - FivePips - Harry Potter (Sirius/remus, Muggle Au, its so good) A study of Teddy and Sirius - BayleyWinchester (Sirius/Remus getting together, Sassy Teddy for the win lol) Under the Influence - shantismurf - Harry Potter (Harry/Draco, its cute and fun and the kids are funny) sway through the crowd (to our empty space) - littleoldrachel (Sirius/Remus, Autistic,trans Remus and dancer on Stirctly Sirius, watch the tags but its amazing!)
Of Bookshelves and Baby Carriers - poppunkpadfoot (StormVandal) - (Sirius/Remus, Wolfstar raising Harry is one of my fav tropes. muggle Au)
Au Pif - YumeNouveau, sreka - Harry Potter (Sirius/Remus, misunderstandings, mutual pinning and Wolfstar being idiots, the way we love them. Its very cute) The Daily Grind: Black Coffee - orphan_account - Harry Potter (Sirius/Remus, Sirius doing Orion's bidding and somehow stumbling upon his found family)
Text Talk - Chapter 1 - merlywhirls - Harry Potter - (Sirius/Remus, Probably oe of the more well known Marauders text fics, and for good reason) wading in waist-high water - Chapter 1 - colgatebluemintygel - Harry Potter - (Sirius/Remus, Wolfstar and British Bake off, perfect!) How Teddy Lupin Became an Amateur Arsonist - moonscone - Harry Potter - (Sirius'/Remus, this is so precious and Teddy is amazing) Vigil Strange I Kept - whitmans_kiss - Harry Potter (Sirius/Remus - established relationship and the realities of Remus being a older werewolf. Angsty but HEA) Petty (With A Prior) - lunchbucket - Harry Potter (Sirius/Remus - Funny muggle au, its cute)
Lupine - BayleyWinchester - Harry Potter - (Sirius/Remus - adorable muggle au and as always Teddy is star of the show)
How to Get Rid of Sirius Black - Cylyxa - Harry Potter - (Sirius/Remus - Another fic where Teddy is star of the show and he doesnt like Sirius ....) Puppy Magic - DemonBanisher, thefifthmarauder17 - Harry Potter (Sirius/Remus, Remus' trauma is beautifully portrayed, as well as he fight with himself to do his best by Teddy)
Unusual Circumstances - ThatFilmGraduate - Harry Potter (Sirius/Remus, Sirius doesnt want to go home. It's Remus job to fetch him, the banter and sexual tension is delicious) I didn’t sign up for this - Moonystoastandmarsbars - Harry Potter (Sirius/Remus, kid fic, the kids are all so precious, especially little Leo)
an endless sky of honey - colgatebluemintygel, pjxckson - Harry Potter - (Sirius/Remus, a persephone/Hades retelling. The story is beautiful and the art is amazing) Of Bookshelves and Baby Carriers - poppunkpadfoot (StormVandal) - Harry Potter (Sirius/Remus, one of my fav muggle Au fics) Summary:
The customer standing in front of him is quite possibly the most beautiful man Remus has ever seen. Like, he looks like a model or something. He has long, black hair, flattened by water, and just the slightest amount of scruff on his face, and… Let's Play Pretend - MsAlexWP - Harry Potter (Sirius/Remus, muggle Au and fake dating, whats not to love?) Summary: After James and Lily died, Sirius Black's therapist told him not to date for a year. And that's just as well. He's got a 13-month-old baby now and quite enough to deal with, thanks. But the nosy neighbors in his building keep trying to set him up and won't take no for an answer. Enter Remus Lupin, another single dad who pretends to be Sirius's boyfriend, just to get the old lady brigade off his back and nothing more. Nothing more at all.
i've loved you in a million different ways - dotty456 - Harry Potter (Sirius/Remus, James/Regulus, this is one of my fav Hogwarts-No voldy fics ever)
Summary: An everybody lives fanfic that follows the Marauders from before their first year to the end of Hogwarts - may include mentions of their children/marriages and future stuff because I can. Dumbledore is a douchebag, Voldemort doesn't exist and the Black cousins join together before the elder Blacks start burning that damn family tree. One Flash Of Light, But No Smoking Pistol - Ludo_ten - Harry Potter (Sirius/Remus, Zombie Au)
Summary: Nov 1981: Sirius wakes up hungover in a stranger's bed when an emergency radio broadcast warns of a viral outbreak and instructs everyone to stay inside.
Isolated and homeless, Sirius has no choice but to reconcile with his estranged brother. Their uneasy alliance plants the seeds for buried family secrets to surface. Together, they venture .
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sailtomarina · 11 months
20 questions for fic writers!
Thanks for the tag, @the-francakes - mwah!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
32, many of those being shorts I originally posted here
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Harry Potter, though I am contemplating expanding outward to include some of the related games, as well as works like A Discovery of Witches.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
A Slow and Steady Warming (Charmione, 23K, multichapter, rated E) An Insufferable Duo (Dramione, 2.4K, short, rated G) 10-minute Surprise (Dramione, 1.3K, short, rated E) Convincing Granger (No Books Required) (Dramione, 1.3K, short, rated E) A Delicate Bedside Manner (Dramione, 1.4K, short, rated T)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! I try to respond to all my comments, whether that's on AO3, or here on Tumblr. I always appreciate it when people take the time to leave a message, and I want to thank them for taking that extra effort. It's also wonderful when you can start up a conversation over a delightful little detail you wouldn't have had otherwise.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't do much angst. I try to almost always have a happy ending, but perhaps that is something that might change as I practice different techniques.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All of them? I can think of at least a few that end with weddings.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not yet, but I'm sure it will happen some day.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes, and mostly F/M, though occasionally I'll branch into M/M or multi.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Not yet, but I'm open to one should I find inspiration!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not yet, thank goodness
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Again, not yet, but I'd be flattered if anyone asked me to. I'm a bit shy so I'd never dream of reaching out to ask someone else unless it was part of some fest or something.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
I'm a sucker for Dreomione, but I'm also 100% into any Antomione that @hwaetwegardena writes
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Hmmm, do my shorts count? Many of them have the potential to grow into something more, but I cut them off since they're usually daily prompts.
16. What are your writing strengths?
This I don't actually know. My first instinct is to point out something as boring as my spelling, punctuation, and grammar, but that isn't very interesting, is it?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I actually see my strength as fuel for my weakness, because SPaG often make it difficult for me to just throw all my thoughts out there. I'll keep stopping to fix little things trying to make them perfect.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I'm okay with it, but if you can get someone knowledgeable to check your work, that's great.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
I actually had a lot of fun writing my Panville, Beyond the Garden Gate, for the HP Soulmates Fest this year! It's fairy tale-esque, but with a willful damsel who is most definitely not in distress.
because i'm lazy at the moment, I'm tagging whoever sees this and wants to hop in ❤️
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malpal132 · 11 months
20 questions for fic writers
thanks for the tag @eveningstruggle <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 8
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 95,561
3. What fandoms do you write for? HP (dramione + some rare pairs)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Healer's Guide to Transfiguration
Devil's Snare All the Way Down
Fists, Seconds, and Forevers
The Warmth at Our Backs
Stroke of Luck
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
always! even if it's a few months late. i just think it's nice but i also don't really get anxiety about it, so to each their own.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
hmm probably Stroke of Luck? because of the murder?
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
the ending that makes me the happiest would be The Audacity of Lavender Brown
8. Do you get hate on fics?
only from the fellas that wanna ride jkr's dick
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
i dooo. lots of pulsing, turgid members and velvety steel
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
i don't think so 🤞
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
i have not
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
dramione are my friends and panville are my children does this make sense
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
i never abandon my wips, so jot that down.
16. What are your writing strengths?
imagery & dialogue
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
just fucking getting it done. consistency.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
very cool, will never do it unless i'm 1000% it's correct
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
a toss-up between Devil's Snare All the Way Down and The Audacity of Lavender Brown. i just like giving my girls their flowers okay!!
@niffizzle & @heyjude19-writing, your turn if you want!
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