tabloidnusantara · 1 year
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morethansalad · 2 years
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Coconut Kaukau (Vegan Papau New Guinean Baked Sweet Potato)
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er-cryptid · 3 months
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creme-meme · 5 months
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I’m sorry that this is the funniest fucking shit ever. I’m sorry to everyone in Papau New Guinea who has to suffer this indignity.
“President of the United States claims his uncle Mike Truck was eaten by local people of an island” is just objectively funny in the worst way possible.
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badolmen · 2 years
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This animal is threatened by habitat destruction, a function of colonialism and capitalism, but to say that it’s long disappearance was caused by such is to imply that these factors have been removed. They are still very much a threat, perhaps more so than when this animal was last observed 140 years ago. This animal ‘disappeared’ in the first place because it’s habitat is incredibly difficult for human navigation/study, and the animal may have been rare to begin with; not every species is common in the absence of human pressures. This animal was found because of the curiosity of humans - including those indigenous to the land it shares with them - and it will be protected because of human care for it and it’s habitat.
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Sago Storage Jar with Bird Face
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orionsces · 8 months
From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free 🇵🇸 🍉 Free Palestine, Congo, Sudan, Yemen, Tigray, Syria, Haiti, Hawai’i, Puerto Rico, Tibet. I've made a list for some donation and free resources for those who need them. Donation Pages and other resources you can help support (Donation Page for Palestine, Syria, Lebanon and other refugee camps) (The Palestine Children's Relief Fund) (Donations go towards Palestine, Lebanon and Jordan) (Purchasing eSims allows people within Gaza to connect to the outside to communicate with their families and also to show what’s happening within Gaza) (A donation site which provides urgently needed humanitarian aid in moments of crisis and conflict in 70 different countries.) (A donation page for Sudan Relief) (A donation page to send water, food and aid to those who are living in Yemen.) Other ways you're able to help for free, contact your local senators, boycott, inform yourself and others! Anything you are able to do is able to help. Inform yourself about Sudan, South Sudan, Palestine, Somalia, Uyghurs, Congo, Libya, Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria and Morocco Inform yourself about Haiti, Hawai'i, Puerto Rico, Tigray, Tibet, Uighurs, West Papau: (A collection of resources for organizers and anyone who wants to learn more about Palestine.) (A free daily button you can click to help the people of Palestine and other areas of crisis.) (A comprehensive list of brands to boycott and reasons why.) (Another list of brands to boycott.) (Contact your local US senator.) (Contact your local Canadian parliament) (Contact your local UK parliament)
You can use this call script if you call your local US government.
Call Script: My name is {Your Name}. I am a constituent of {Representative's Name}. I am calling to ask that the Representative add their name to the Ceasefire Now resolution led by Representatives Cori Bush and Rashida Tlaib, regarding the unfolding crisis in Gaza. It is absolutely urgent that the Representative demand a ceasefire, and that they call on Israel to allow humanitarian assistance into Gaza. The only way forward is addressing the root causes of violence: Israeli military occupation and apartheid, and ending U.S. complicity in this oppression.
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yiddisheyfe · 7 months
You are a Jew hating shande and a racist. Enjoy when your comrades kill you in the coming Pogroms for Palestine!
youre worried about theoretical deaths that will never happen but you would not shed a tear for 50000 palestinians murdered in cold blood by the fascist zionist entity falsely claiming judaism as its reason for commiting a holocaust. you are beyond hope. you are a tar pit. i will laugh in pure joy with my comrades when we see a free palestine from the river to the sea, and the destruction of all colonial entities ravaging indigenous lands and ethnically cleansing their peoples, from turtle island to west papau
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cypherdecypher · 2 years
Animal of the Day!
Giant River Prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii)
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(Photo in public domain)
Conservation Status- Least Concern
Habitat- Southeastern Asia; Papau New Guinea; Northern Australia
Size (Weight/Length)- 30 cm
Diet- Algae; Mollusks; Insects; Crustaceans
Cool Facts- Not quite a shrimp, not quite a crayfish, the giant river prawn is a beast of its own. Both males and females have their distinct, bright blue claws. On males, these claws can be twice as long as their body and are used to show their strength to females. The longer the claw, the more attractive the male. Females use their claws for catching food, needing as many calories as possible. Mama giant river prawns lay up to 250,000 eggs a year, that’s 750,000 eggs in her lifetime. While babies only have half a percentage of a chance of making it to adulthood, the giant river prawn population is booming.
Rating- 12/10 (The closest we have to a real blue lobster.)
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nuclearbedbug · 4 months
Been gone for a while but I'm back with another bird of the day!!
Today we have the victoria crowned pigeon!
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Being one of the biggest pigeons in the world, they're can grow up to 28 inches and weigh about 4-5 pounds!
It's appearance is stunning, vaguely resembling a peacock in pigeon disguise!
It lives in papau new guinea, and can be found in swamps and forests foraging for fallen fruit from the trees to eat!
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nerdneeniya · 5 months
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Hey Shrimpblr have we heard of this tree dwelling shrimp from Papau New Guinea???!!!
It was found on the Cyclops Expedition in the rainforest there last year (along with a lot of other really cool discoveries. But I'm just here for the tree shrimp). I can't find anything more about this shrimp, i don't think they've even given it a scientific or even common name yet. But I need to know everything about this shrimp!!
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morethansalad · 2 years
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Kaima Bona Gatoi + Mock Sago Pancakes — Traditional Papau New Guinean Dish (Vegan)
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er-cryptid · 1 month
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lifestealzine · 4 months
If possible, could money also go to help out kids in the DRC and West Papau? If not, I understand, it's still amazing that y'all are helping out where most people do nothing
We currently are kinda unsure what the market is like for this zine in the first place because there isn't a precedent in the fandom, if we get more orders then we expect we're totally down to give to more causes. In the meantime, please feel free to send charity / fund recommendations our way if you have any, not just for the zine but also for the members of the mod team to look into as we'd be interested in doing more through other projects. Thanks for the question!
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tracybirds · 2 years
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week 2 of @gumnut-logic's palette challenge :) very much enjoying getting to try new things :D utilised a ghost ship screenshot by sketching over top of John's exo suit because I looked at that and went no <3 but in terms of everything else, especially how the colours came together I'm super happy!!! Just don't look too closely at papau new guinea or japan lol
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berylian · 11 months
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Image ID's in alt text
The 14 countries who voted against a ceasefire:
Israel (obviously)
Marshall Islands
Papau New Guinea
United States of America
Even with the votes against and the votes abstained put together, the motion passed by a wide margin of 71 votes. And yet it doesn't mean a damn thing.
From CNN:
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What gets me about this, is this notion that Hamas is effectively holding Gaza hostage.
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