#paper dolls are very not a thing I do but it was fun just drawing each eye 4 times
Some bad photos of my Surealist Eyes Paperdolls
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Mushroom eye
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Boat eye
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20's slenderman eye
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art · 22 days
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Creator Spotlight: @mimimar
Hi! I’m Michelle (Mimimar), an illustrator born and raised in Venezuela, currently based in Italy. I enjoy making colorful illustrations that reflect the things I love: fairy tales, fantasy, tenderness and queer (especially sapphic) stories. Occasionally, I also make paper dolls, comics and animatics. I have a lot of interest in book illustration and I’m currently developing my own stories that I hope to share as an author-illustrator someday!
Check out our interview with Michelle below!
Did you originally have a background in art? If not, how did you start?
I always enjoyed drawing when I was a kid, but it only became a hobby that I did almost every day when I was around 11. At first I only used traditional mediums, but I decided to make a serious effort to learn how to draw digitally when I was 15, and once I got the hang of it I never stopped!
I didn’t go to art school so all of my learning was done through studying the tutorials and resources that other artists generously share on the internet and lots of practice / trial and error.
How do you want to evolve as a creator?
I want to do many things but what I want to do the most right now is work on books! I want to make art for other authors’ stories and also my own stories as an author-illustrator. I want to grow as a storyteller and create art and stories that will really resonate with people emotionally. I’m always striving to improve my skills as well.
I also really love dolls, so working on doll box art or as a doll designer is something I would love to do someday. I actually have been designing paper dolls on my Patreon for the past few months, it’s been a fun project that is still ongoing right now!
What is one habit you find yourself doing a lot as an artist?
Probably using a lot of purple! It’s my favorite color so I find myself using it a lot. If I can find a way to sneak a little bit of purple into an illustration or a character design then I will.
Congratulations on finishing your Ivy Comic! Did the outcome turn out like how you expected or were there some unexpected bumps along the way?
Thank you! It’s a project that I worked on very slowly in between other art because I wanted to really take my time with every spread and make each of them a fully detailed illustration. I thumbnailed the full comic before starting but I kept changing the sketch for the final spread until the very end! Overall I’m really proud of the end result. I sprinkled a lot of hidden details in every page that I hope some of the readers will notice. For example: the meanings of the flowers in each page represent what the characters are feeling in that moment, and the colors of their wardrobe become gradually lighter as the story progresses to represent their emotions, as well as the changing of seasons.
We’ve noticed that you have created some amazing cover art for TGCF. Is there another series you would like to do something similar with? 
That was another passion project that took some time to complete. Initially, I didn’t intend for them to be specifically covers, it was just a series of illustrations based on the 5 books/main arcs of TGCF. But since they were well-received and I had people telling me they wish they could use them as covers for their books, I decided to rework them into dust jackets for the english translation of TGCF!
I haven’t thought of any other specific series but I love doing cover art so maybe I’ll do something similar again in the future!
What’s your favorite part of your style? Why?
I’ve heard from other people that there’s a delicate quality to my art, this is something that I like a lot! I like pretty things, fairytales and vibrant colors. I think all of these things probably reflect in the art I make as well.
If there is one thing you want your audience to remember about your work, what would it be?
I hope that they remember how it made them feel. Feelings and colors are the two things I give priority to in my work. Most of the time I like depicting tenderness, softness and emotional intimacy. If that could reach the viewer and stay with them it would make me very happy. 
I make a lot of art with queer (mainly sapphic) themes because they’re the kind of stories I personally like and want to see more of, so whenever people tell me that my art has helped them in their journey to discover and accept themselves, or that they see themselves and their partner in my art, it is always extremely meaningful to me. When art that I made to give myself comfort can provide comfort for others, no matter how small, it reminds me once again that despite any hardships art is genuinely worth pursuing.
Who on Tumblr inspires you and why?
So many artists! To name a few:  I love @sakizo’s amazing eye for fashion and detail,  @paneeps’ gorgeous style and striking colors,  the sweetness of @bevsi’s art,  @vickisigh’s pretty colors and concepts,  @idledee’s warm and heartfelt art,  @littlestpersimmon’s dreamy wonderful art,  and @loish has been an inspiration for as long as I can remember.
Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing, Michelle! Be sure to check out their Tumblr blog over at @mimimar.
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angelbaby-fics · 6 months
i just saw requests are open so sorry if it’s too late to ask!!!
could i request something along the lines of Daddy!Stucky with a little who loves coloring/drawing/crafts and Steve usually does them with the reader cause he’s artsy but he’s not home so she asks Bucky to do it with her, but he’s not artsy so he’s hesitant but he obviously still does it cause that’s his baby. And it turns out he’s really good at it and has tons of fun
(sorry i just kinda word dumped i hope that made sense)
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Word Count: 1k
A/N: Okay, first of all can we just appreciate this gif??? he looks so pretty & squishy & i just wanna kiss him all over hehehe 💕 anyways i really really love this idea!!! and i had a lot of fun writing it! :D so i hope you have a good time reading it 💕
When it came to artistry, your daddy was your idol. Steve had been drawing since he was very young, very long ago, and so he was rather good at it. You loved to color alongside him, each drawing the same subject and comparing your masterpieces when you were finished. You were so mesmerized by the way he intuitively connected one line with another, visualizing the whole picture in his head as he brought it to life on the paper. Steve always told you that yours was better, and even though you knew he had to say that because he was your daddy, the compliment still made you beam. 
You’d recently gotten a brand new sketchbook, and you were hopping with excitement to fill it up with art. When you woke up that morning, the first thing you did as you tumbled out of bed was grab your bucket of markers in one hand, sketchbook in the other as you sprinted out to the living room. You scanned the room for Steve, drinking his morning coffee on the couch like he usually was. But he wasn’t there today. Instead, Bucky was on the couch, and he looked up from his book as you burst into the room.
“Good morning, pumpkin,” he said with a loving smile. “Where dada?” You asked, your artistic tunnel vision making you ignore your Baba completely. “Well hello to you too,” Bucky said with a cheeky grin. “Daddy’s gotta work today, so you’re stuck with me, muffin!”
“Oh, okay.” You said, putting down your art supplies and joining Bucky on the couch. You tried to hide your disappointment - you loved spending time with Bucky after all - but you’d been so looking forward to drawing with Steve that day. “What’s wrong, doll, don’t you like me?” Bucky joked.
“Of course! But… wanted to draw.” You replied, whispering the last part. It was no secret that Steve was the one you always drew with, and Bucky played the role of a high end art dealer or a museum curator when you were ready to display your work. You’d never drawn with him, and you weren’t opposed to it, but it just wasn’t something you were used to. “Well I could try to draw with you if you’ll let me, sugar.” Bucky suggested, hoping to still salvage your perfect day. 
“Really?” You asked.
“Sure! In fact, why don’t you teach me how, since you’re the one who’s good at all this art stuff.”
That about changed everything. You were more than eager to teach your Baba a new skill, feeling quite proud of yourself being the highest authority on art in the family now that Steve was away. You tore a page out of your sketchbook and placed it on the coffee table in front of Bucky. Then, grinning mischievously, you dumped your bucket of markers out onto the table. Bucky’s eyes widened at the mess, knowing it would more than likely be him cleaning it up when you were finished, but this was simply part of your artistic process.
“It's good to have all the colors in front of you so you know which one to use next!” You explained.
Bucky didn’t see why you couldn’t have all the markers in front of you in the bucket, but he decided it was best not to argue with an expert. You picked up your first color, dark green, and motioned for your Baba to do the same. You’d easily decided on a simple topic for his first picture, something simple. A scene in the park. It had all the components of a classic coloring picture: trees, grass, birds, butterflies, and anything else your heart desired. 
Once you explained the concept to Bucky, the two of you got to work. Your face down, you were laser focussed on your own artwork. You never once popped your little head up to check on Bucky’s progress. The same couldn’t be said for him, however. Your Baba glanced over every few minutes, smiling to himself at your concentrated face, tongue poking slightly out of your lips as you determinedly colored in each blade of grass and tree leaf. If only he could get you to focus this hard on cleaning your room. Only when you’d finally completed your work did you break your concentration, setting down your final marker with a flourish as you looked up expectantly at Bucky, waiting for the praises to start.
But something caught your eye.
Bucky’s sheet of paper, sitting just in front of him on the table, was an explosion of colors. Abstract shapes swirled into the familiar forms of trees and flowers, but only when you squinted. The sky was purple, the grass was red, the trees burst with fiery orange leaves. Your brow furrowed; this art was gorgeous, but it made no sense. 
“You drawed that?” You whispered in awe.
“Yeah, you like it, babydoll?” Bucky asked proudly.
“It's so pretty and crazy!” You said, looking up at him with wide eyes.
Bucky chuckled. “Is that a good thing?”
You nodded eagerly, not wanting him to think you were insulting his talent. 
“How did you even think of that, Baba?” You asked, shocked at his unconventional approach. It had never occurred to you to portray things in a way other than what you considered normal. Bucky had opened a whole new world for you. 
“I don’t really know, it just came to me.” He replied modestly. “Do you wanna try?”
Bucky offered up a clean sheet of paper to you.
When Steve came home a few hours later, he wasn’t greeted at the door as usual with a kiss from Bucky and you jumping into his arms. Normally your absence would make his heart race, but it only took him a minute to turn the corner and see the two of you, his husband and his precious baby, working hard together over a piece of paper. A rainbow rendition of Steve’s famous shield, the star in the center made up of tiny swirls and dots. He already knew he’d treasure this masterpiece forever.
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dellalyra · 1 year
Family Formations - The Portrait
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Request: @theourconah hi!! for family formation – I was wondering if you could recreate this video I’ve seen circulating a few times on the internet before. A child attempts to draw a picture of their mother, but it’s so hilariously bad that their dad instantly bursts out laughing. The kid is confused and becomes sad, realizing it’s bad, but the mom says smth like, “It’s so amazing! I’ve never looked better!”, basically comforting the child
I can see Megumi doing smth like this and being very embarrassed being caught drawing Gojo or mc - and Gojo not being able to hold back laughter
If it doesn’t suit the series, it’s okay, but haha I thought it could be cute :) also omg I LOVE all of the parts of family formation sm!!
A/N: this was so fun also I love those tiktoks so I loved doing this - just a lil Drabble of sweetness and teen parents Y/N and Satoru.
A calm Saturday afternoon was on today’s agenda in the Gojo household, Tsumiki was helping you plant some new rose bushes before she lost interest and went to play with her doll house, Satoru was sitting in the sun lounger near you and Megumi was at the table, reading and drawing.
Just as you’d finished helping a few wilted buds on your newest peony bush Satoru asked if you wanted a glass of lemonade and wandered inside. After a minute, you followed him in – you needed a break from the sun and hot air.
You sat at the table beside Megumi as you drank your icey lemonade.
Peeking at his drawing made from the myriad of crayons Satoru had insisted on buying last weekend, you saw a slightly familiar figure on the page.
“That’s a lovely drawing ‘Gumi, can I see?” You ask, smiling.
“Um, it’s you.” He says, blushing.
At this, Satoru is staring over at the drawing and you flash him a warning look.
Kindly put, the drawing looked closer to a praying mantis than you.
“That’s Y/N?” Satoru asks, voice cracking from barely restrained laughter.
“Yeah – see, you’re in the garden.” He replies as if Satoru was the stupidest person ever and his flowers didn’t look like triangles.
“Wow! That’s, really wonderful! Thank you so much sweetheart! It’s beautiful.” You ask, biting the inside of your cheek. This kid was so reserved you couldn’t afford even a tiny slip up that might make him even more shy.
Satoru is behind you now, arm around your shoulders and you can see the shaking of his chest as he tries to not laugh – heeding your warning.
It lasts 3 seconds.
Satoru is nearly sobbing in tears beside you as Megumi begins to look like he wants to hide away forever.
“He’s only laughing because he’s so bad at drawing! Don’t worry ‘gumi! It’s such a great drawing, I love it! I’m gonna hang it up in my classroom at school.” You try to reassure him with what might be the worst excuse as you elbow Satoru in the ribs.
“Totally kid, she’s never looked better – no jokes.” He bites back his hysterical laughter as you fight to not join him after examining how awful you look in the picture.
“Why don’t you do Satoru next, ‘gumi? Or Uncle Nanamin?” You ask, trying to encourage him.
He smiles at little – which from Megumi is more of a lip twitch and then shrugs but drags more paper towards him and grabs a light blue marker and begins making circles which you think might be meant to be your boyfriend’s eyes.
You walk into the kitchen, pressing a kiss to the top of the child’s head.
As you get behind closed doors, you almost collapse into Satoru’s chest and he falls apart again.
“Holy shit, why the fuck did I have a square nose? Is my head really that big? Oh my god, how the fuck did I not die laughing?” You choke out as tears of laughter stream down your face.
“Honestly princess if you don’t get a huge green dress like that, I’ll be heartbroken – honestly sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.”
The giggles only get worse after seeing his portrait of Gojo.
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spockandawe · 10 months
Now. Here's the big project! I made a test notebook for once in my life, but I've never enjoyed making notebooks and I'm always chasing that sweet, sweet dopamine. So the test notebook was like... 90% in parallel with the actual book, just rehearsing each step real quick before I did it on the real thing. And what I did was a fresh binding of 'it's about the bones 👌' by @sunderedstar. I had a typeset file ready to go, I'm in the middle of relistening to the audiobooks, it was perfect! And then I zoned out and accidentally cut a whole cover's worth of leather and not just a spine and the whole project ESCALATED 🤣
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First, the k118 binding went beautifully. I really do recommend it. It can be done with an oxford hollow to give you a breakaway spine, but I... didn't do that! I stuck to the old timey examples I've seen where it's a tightbacked style and, yeah, it still opens SO far, it's an absolute doll. The style is characterized by vellum strips on the spine used to attached the cover boards and give them the security and flexibility without added bulk. I got impatient trying to differentiate between PAPER vellum and ANIMAL vellum in search engines and just said screw it and went in with the paper vellum. I still have actual vellum getting shipped to me, but truly, the paper stuff worked amazingly. I'm not sure how durable it is, in terms of years of life, but if feels REAL good now. Also. Finally had a thematic excuse to use this beautiful lacquered paper.
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I also remain very proud of my typesetting for this book. Warning that you can glean HtN and NtN spoilers if you read the text closely! But scope out that hand I subbed in for the emoji in the title, that's important.
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Because now that I was committed to all this leather. Something I've been procrastinating on for MONTHS is learning how to properly tool leather. I have a set of brass stylus tools that ought to be up my alley! Freehand drawing was my first creative hobby of note! This interest dates back to like, fifth grade, and it was time to GO for it. So. I modified the ninth house skull to have some sick shades, made the IX on the forehead more scrawled and scratchy, and drew a skeleton hand over the art I used for the title page. I printed my lines and traced them through printer paper with unheated tools. This was extremely rad, but I couldn't stop there. The next day, I went back over my lines with heated tools, and the level of crisp was SO delightful. I'm still very new to this, still learning how these tools and the material even handle, but oh man. I am actively antsy to find the next project to do this for, this was SO much fun, I enjoyed it so much, and I love this book to pieces!
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Ghoul Game Night - Swiss
Summary: Y/n is Papa's newest ghoul! Summoned during a hectic time she never had the chance to really get to know her new pack mates. What happens when they drag her into a game night of truth and dare? Well, ghoul things!
Fandom: Ghost Band
Pairing: Swiss x Ghoul!reader
Warning: Crack, fluff, and cuteness, sexual tension, dirty talk.
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The bottle took forever to spin. Well, at least it felt like forever. Y/n swore that if she stared at it any harder her eyes would go cross-eyed. Resting in between the comforting presence of Rain and Mountain as they leaned up against the edge of the couch at their backs she was content to allow them to lull her into a sense of warmth and safety. She hoped she'd get someone good; maybe Rain? he seemed pretty tame in comparison to the others. Calming as he ran his fingers through her hair. Or Mountain even wouldn't be too bad - he was very docile and gave off an aura that was protective as he idly rubbed at her lower back to ease the tension. Like Aether, they had a good quality to them that put her at ease and she could already tell despite not fully knowing them they probably would be the pair she'd hang around often.
The bottle finally stopped spinning and she followed the nose towards a cheeky grinning Swiss who was all teeth and wiggling brows. Y/n puffed out her cheeks like a chipmunk and blew out a breath. Well, so much for her wishes being granted. Licking her lips she straightened up and squinted trying to not show just how nervous she actually was. Satan seemed to favor Swiss anyways; the ghoul had been trying to bed her for such a long time since she'd been summoned - she knew he was going to give her a freaking dare.
"Aw, looks like it's your lucky night, sweetcheeks." he grinned at her before playfully clicking his teeth at her. "Because I'm a gentleman I'll let you decide whether I read a truth or dare for you and to add icing to the cake, I'll do my half first." he offered
Y/n flushed slightly. "That's not very reassuring," she replied softly before biting her lip in thought.
She would imagine a truth would be just as bad as a dare if the girls had anything to say about it - which they did since they were the ones to write the slips of paper. But if she chose a dare and didn't like it...she could always take a shot, right? But would she be seen as weak if she had? Was that even part of the game or just an add-in to get them drunk or tipsy for later-night fun? Groaning she plonked her forehead against her up-drawn knees.
"Okay..." she breathed. "Hit me with a dare."
"Which leaves me with a truth huh? Alright, fair enough. Aether my man, hand those boxes over." Swiss reached for them both as they were slid across the carpet towards the multi-ghoul.
First, he dug into the truth box and unfolded it. "Hmm, alright. My truth is....What do you want me to do when we are having sex?"
Y/n gasped and she scrambled towards him to snatch the paper. "It does not say that!" she protested but as she flipped the paper over she read the words and winced feeling a heat hotter than Dew to creep up her neck. Her ears flattened and she looked up at Swiss who was eying her up and down.
Yep, that's it. She didn't like the Ghoulettes anymore. She swallowed and pointed to the alcohol. "Drink."
"Not your choice and not your truth, baby doll." Swiss smirked leaning loser. "What? Afraid of what I'll say?"
"You don't have to answer it..."
"Who says I don't want to?" Swiss suddenly reached for her and yanked her towards him before hoisting her up by her waist to straddle his thighs. Blocking her backward escape with his legs drawing up to pin her in place as much as a way for her to lean back on if she needed it.
Y/n yelped in surprise and gripped his strong shoulders. Her face heated up like a bonfire at their closeness. At this angle, she was higher than him so she found herself staring down into his dark eyes. His face was tilted upward towards her but even having the higher leverage Y/n felt no less intimidated.
Swiss seemed to understand the rise of panic that had to have been reflected in her eyes before his expression shifted and his flirty smirk softened into a genuine smile. He freed one hand from her waist to gently brush along her flushed cheek and bring her closer until they were pressed forehead to forehead. With his other arm, he tightened his grip drawing the Ghulah tighter to his chest.
The position seemed intimate - far too intimate for the eyes on them. She glanced to the side where she could see Aether and Dew watching intently as if holding their breaths for something extraordinary to happen and their stares did little to lessen the painful thuds in her chest. Swiss didn't need to be a quintessence like Aether to realize she was slipping.
His warm hand cupped her cheek to pull her attention back to him while his thumb brushed soothing strokes below her eye. All she could see were his eyes this close and it help ground her from the prying eyes of their packmates.
"Hey, sweetheart. Don't look at them. You're okay, it's just you and me, yeah?" his smile turned bright as Y/n hesitatingly nodded and squeezed her eyes shut.
"Just you and me..." his lips brushed against her cheek and making her sigh at the sweet contact; allowing her to ground herself in the moment. It was not as if the pair of them were getting naked to fuck in front of their pack mates. It was just...a dare. Right...the dare.
The rest of their pack watched intently as the multi-ghoul cupped the back of the female's head to draw it to his shoulder so that his lips could touch her ear. Aether and Dew had a perfect view of her face that flushed so hot Dew swore he could almost see steam coming from her ears.
Swiss was whispering something into her ear - too soft for anyone but for the two of them to hear in their own little bubble but whatever he was saying was seriously making them question Y/n's innocence with the different expressions that shifted on her face. Even still, she did not move away in mortification but instead wrapped her arms around his neck to hold onto him. She nodded to whatever Swiss said before drawing back.
He tipped his head back to smile at her while his hands ran up and down her sides seemingly content to just hold her for a moment longer. They didn't say anything to each other and instead, Y/n tipped her forehead to headbutt him gently earning her a warm purr of delight and a long leathery tail to wrap around her leg.
"Ahem...." Aether coughed into a fist. "Would you like to share with the rest of the class?"
"Seriously man! What'd you say? You were supposed to tell her what you want to do during sex! Spill the hell beans!" Dew's tail was thwacked impatiently on the ground.
Y/n shared a look with Swiss before the ghoul poured a shot and the female downed it with barely a wince of the harsh fireball going down her throat. She smiled and handed Swiss the glass before climbing out of his lap and going back to join Rain and Mountain.
As she got comfortable again Mountain leaned over to whisper to her with Rain leaning in too to listen to her answer as the three others bickered in front of them.
"So what did he say?"
Y/n smiled touching her lips thoughtfully before glancing at the pair with a cute little blush. "He said he wants to take me out on a picnic dinner later this week at nighttime to star gaze." she replied softly.
"Ah but that wasn't-" Rain began frowning and Y/n grinned sheepishly as she tugged on the blanket; pulling it to partially cover her fac as her voice lowered just for the pair of them.
"He also mentioned something about making love to me under the stars until all I knew was his name and the imprint of his cock. But not before he takes his time to make me see more stars behind my eyelids than those in the night sky and only then will he brand his touch into my skin so that his touch will forever be burned into my memory."
Mountain and Rain gaped at her in silence and then the tall ghoul snorted out a laugh. He bumped his shoulder against hers and shot her a wicked little smile. "Let me know if you need the Greenhouse. I'll make sure Primo stays out of the way." he winked
"Mountain!" Y/n yelped smacking him in the arm but there was a twinkling in her eyes as the trio burst into laughter together.
"Hey, don't get too cozy missy. Swiss did his truth...you, lovely. Still need to do your dare." Aether grinned over at her and the laughter stopped immediately.
"Oh shit" Y/n bit her lip but accepted the box that was handed to her.
Digging around a moment she picked a strip of paper and unfolded it. Instead of feeling embarrassed the female ghoul actually smiled as she read it once before rereading it out loud.
"Kiss me like Mary Jane kisses Spiderman." she looked over at Swiss who was smirking over at her with a crooked little grin.
"Kissing before our date, sweetheart? Man, you know how to charm a man." he winked before pointing at Mountain. "Come on big guy give me a boost!"
The earth ghoul rose to his feet and waited until the pair joined him. Only when Swiss gave him the okay did the tall ghoul holds his hands out expectingly. Swiss ducked in a swift movement to stand on his hands in a handstand. Mountain gripped his ankles and lifted him off the ground effortlessly. This brought Swiss face to chest with Y/n. Laughing a bit the ghulah bent over and grasped the multi-ghouls face and planted a sweet kiss to his lips. She playfully nipped at his top lip earning her a growl as Swiss playfully reached for her but she was already darting out of his reach and stuck her tongue out; a pretty flush on her cheeks.
"There! Now who's next?" she asked clasping her hands together.
Maybe playing this game wasn't such a bad idea after all. She did get a date out of it at least and Swiss seemed content enough as he was placed back to his feet. She rejoined her friends in their circle and shot Swiss a little smile before turning her attention back to what Dew was talking about as he grabbed the bottle to spin next. This wasn't at all was Y/n was expecting but she sure didn't mind it too much...not yet anyway.
Feel free to ask to be tagged for a specific ghoul or for the entire series! I would love some comments too! Don't forget to check out the workshop for future Ghost content!
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soft-bugs · 4 days
Stress Relief/Calming Distraction/etc. Ideas for Regressors (based on my own experiences and things I've learned from others)
• Take some deep breaths. I know that's like listening to a broken record and obvs doesn't work for everyone, but it's worth a try!
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• Drink some water and put some comfy clothes on and/or wrap your favorite blankie around yourself!
• Put on some soft lighting, if available. Especially if you're overstimulated!
• If you gotta/wanna bodily/vocally stim, DO IT!!! I also like to use stim toys and touch/hug soft things like a blanket, stuffie or pillow.
• If you have a pet, give 'em a cuddle or some pets! (a stuffie is also very comforting!) Or if you have one that can't/doesn't like to be handled/touched, you can just sit and watch them move around (feeding them if needed, can also be fun to watch!) (I love watching my fish swim around/eat sometimes 😹)
• If you're feeling anxious; dip your face in a bowl of cold/ice water, eat something sour or spicy like Warheads sour spray, Sour Patch Kids, Takis or jalapeños, hold something cold like an ice pack against your chest/stomach, try to relax your jaw and shoulders, use stim toys/stress balls
• If you're feeling angry; you can crumple/tear up pieces of paper or an old notebook. Writing down your feelings and/or scribbling rapidly before doing this is good too! You can also punch a pillow or anything soft enough to where you won't hurt yourself. Ik it can be wasteful, but snapping wooden pencils into lil bits was very therapeutic for me for a while! If you happen to have balloons for whatever reason, you can tie one to a rubber band(/string?) and bounce it against your fist like onea these babies:
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• From the one above, write out your feelings! Even if it's just "I am feeling _ because _". If you have a hard time finding the words, here's some cool emotion wheels I like to use!:
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• If you are on your period, take some painkillers (Midol is a lifesaver!), try to avoid caffeine & nicotine if you smoke, use a heating pad/heated blanket if available, take a hot bath or shower, if possible exercise/walking or certain stretches can help with cramping, and I'm gonna be completely honest here free-bl33ding on the toilet just helps sometimes idk 😂
• If possible, go for a walk or ride your bike around the block!
• If possible, try to talk to/call or text someone you trust, like a friend or family member. You can talk about anything, it doesn't have to be about what's causing your stress/anxiety/etc.
• Watch TV, YouTube, stim GIFs/videos, etc. Whatever helps you relax or laugh!
• Play a calming video game (I like to play Slime Rancher, Animal Crossing, Cooking Mama, Night In The Woods, Webkinz and No Man's Sky on creative mode!)
• Be creative! Even if you think you're "bad" at it bc it doesn't matter if it looks "pretty," you don't have to show anyone or post it anywhere. All that matters is if it makes you feel better! Drawing/doodling and coloring have always been a very great emotional outlet for me! Other fun stuff you could do: Splatter/abstract paint, make a collage or start a scrapbook, make a DIY craft with stuff around your house, SCRIBBLE!!, play around with an instrument or music program/app, design a character on Picrew or some sort of character creator, print out/make paper dolls and their clothes, stickerbomb something, film a music video featuring ur pets/stuffies/toys!
• Continuing the creativity one, make a mood/stim/agere board for yourself, an OC, your fave/comfort characters(s), etc.!
• Do word/number puzzles like word searches, crossword puzzles, sudoku, acrostic puzzles, cryptograms, framework/fill-in puzzles, etc.
• If you like making lists (like me), write out a list! (Ideas: Your comfort characters/movies/shows, your favorite board/video games, favorite places or cool places you've been, interesting animals, favorite bands/musical artists, current favorite songs, etc.)
• If you're like me, you can play some music and write down your favorite lyrics from each song that plays! (And doodle/scribble around the paper borders in between hehe) And/or make a playlist! Maybe make a playlist of songs that make you feel better in that moment, so you can look for it whenever ur stressed/upset!
• If possible, take a hot bath (you can add bubbles, bath bombs and/or toys!) Or a quick shower. Oh, and speaking of, I have a tip for people who struggle with brushing your teeth/remembering to do so! Try brushing your teeth when you shower!
These aren't the only things I do/know about, just ones I can remember at the moment, and they may not all work for everyone of course, but hopefully this is helpful to someone. 🥺 Feel free to add more in the replies/tags/reblogs!
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pumpkzsafeplace · 11 months
baby pumpkin tips: fun, simple things to do in little space <3
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finding things that can keep either you or your little occuiped can be a bit tricky, especially if you're just starting out in age regession. so here are some of baby pumpkin's fun & simple things to do in little space <3.
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-> puzzle and activity pages
puzzle and activity pages can be easily found on the internet, raging in all different ages to suit your little needs. all you need to do is pick the best ones, download & print them and there you have a very fun afternoon planned.
for those littles who don't have a printer/ or can't access them for any resons- you can still take part too! simply downlaod any type of drawing app on your phone or tablet and transport the picture in & enjoy a night full of different activites <3
-> home-made doodle pages.
if online doodles don't suit your fancy, then you can always make your own doodle pages at home. you can make your own dot to dots, could paint pretty pictures trying out new techniques ( i recently did finger painting- was super duper fun!) or you can make your own colouring books.
for this: grab a thick black pen and make lots of squiggles and doodles across the page- never taking your pen of the paper. once you're done, you'll have a cute black outline for an adorable wacky pattern that you can colour in! (this can also be done online too!) it is very fun! one of my favourite things to do when i'm bored! <3
-> fun rivalry competitons.
rivarly can be super duper fun when done right, and if you don't have a caregiver and a bunch of little friends then this can be a super fun activity to make you feel a little less alone. simply pick an acitivty to do, give yourself a set amount of time and then reveal to see which person did it the best. you could even speed it up and turn it into the '7 second challenge' or something. <3
-> fun little tasks.
when it comes to littles, the longer the task the more content the little can be (if the task is intresting enough). so challenge yourself or your little to new tasks to take on, get creative and do big projects to show off. something i did recently was begin to make a home-made doll house out of cardboard.
it wasn't the best and extremly wobbily but i had fun- and that's all that matters. this could be great if you're in a long distant dyamic, you could set up little nights whre you show off what you made for the week and issue out treats to the person who did it the best. <3
-> don't forget the number one rule.
as long as you're both happy, then that's all that matters.
somtimes people think that to have fun, you have to go out and spend loads of money. when in reality, some of the funnest night's me and daddy have had is when we've done silly little things at home and caused a mess, because that's what fun is all about. so enjoy yourself! and don't let anyone else tell you anything different! <3
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i hope you enjoyed this post! if you end up doing any of the tasks let me know how you get on & if you found it fun! have a lovely night everyone! <3
(if you have any requests submit them! n’ill get around to doing them)
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lukkabloom · 5 months
Fun facts abt residents according to Ikevamp Radio (ヴァンなま) Part 3
Continuing down the line with episodes 8-10!! These are getting longer bc it's getting more and more chaotic and funny
Episode 8: Makki and Morishi in Vincent and Sebas cosplay!!!!
Morishi (referring to Makki’s amazing cosplay) “I can’t destroy the atmosphere of the game (so I have to look good)… well I kinda already did (destroy it) but…” (the 2nd sentences refers to the fact he says weird things in his “I love yu” segment)
Another thing the two did that was cute—Morishi: does driving motion w/his hands Makki: “You don't see taxi drivers so handsome like you. I would be your customer anytime”
Morishi: “Maybe I should become a driver? Haha”
Also!! Makki: “Is Vincent cute?" Morishi: “Yes, Vincent’s cute. Makki’s cute too”
“I love yu” segment coming up!! Sebas starts out by saying “Sigh. Baths are really nice. It’s so nice that I can forget about the fact that I wasn’t nominated in the ever-so popular Ikemen series election (this was during the Ikemen election of 2018)
Also when Vincent enters the bath, Sebas is like “well, well. If it isn’t Master Vincent, whose route was just released and is gaining popularity by the minute.” (This episode celebrated Vincent’s jp route release) and then continues “Congratulations on your route release” to which Vincent’s confused. And then Sebas coughs and says “please don’t mind me”
Vincent likes oden, thanks Sebas for always cooking delicious food
Sebas stops breathing for a sec, then says “Ugh! As expected of a route-released character. So bright!”
Vincent’s worried abt Sebas’s weird attitude, Sebas reassures him that everything’s fine
The two bathe together so much now that it’s almost like a routine
MC is sick in this episode? Sebas brought her okayu (porridge), she happily accepted
Vincent wants to make her porridge as well, asking Sebas if he should put ginger, tabasco, or habanero to warm up her body. Sebas says “she will probably explode if you do that”
Saddened, Vincent proposes to peel apples, Sebas answers “Nononononono. It’s dangerous.”
Vincent: “It’ll be fine. I’ve actually gotten better at cooking. I can make scrambled eggs now”
Theo used to look after Vincent when he’s gotten sick
Sebas gave Vincent chocolates for valentine’s?? It was chocolate in the shape of a sunflower bouquet??? (how is that possible to make???) For Napoleon, Sebas gave him chocolate in a shape of a horse, Leo was given a chocolate in a shape of cigarettes (that’s kinda funny bc in Japan there are these snacks called Choco Cigarettes which are basically that)
Sebas gave Isaac apple-shaped chocolates, who, according to Sebas, made a weird face upon receiving it
Vincent’s in awe, reaffirming his theory that Sebas can do anything
So Sebas confirms that he only gave the gifts to the residents nominated for the Ikemen series popularity poll (Napo, Leo, Isaac, and Vincent—idk who the last person is) and wishes luck to Vincent (Vincent’s just confused but is like “I’ll do my best, I guess?”)
A new segment of the show called “van Gogh and Sebas and sometimes you!!” Where the viewers can vote on the situation they’d like to be in, and Morishi and Makki will act it out as Vincent and Sebas. The chosen situation was “where you are feeling down, and Vincent and Sebas try to make you laugh by doing funny things” and OMG the things they do are FUNNY AS HECK (aka very ooc), they just scream “yeaaaaaahhhhh!!!”
In the script they were given it literally just says “YEAAAAHHHHH!!!” and everything else was adlib
So next up in the “van Gogh’s drawing section” instead of drawing, they made paper-clay dolls of their characters and… well it was interesting to say the least. I recommend just watching the livestream itself for the experience
The two asked the audience if they even wanted the paper-clay dolls, and they were surprised by the “yes”s 
Anyways my fav segment!!! “Can you tell me… your name?” This one was even funnier by the fact that the camera continued to be focused on the Vincent and Sebas clay dolls while the two said their amazing lines. Well, it was supposed to be like that but there were so many voices of laughter and the two VAs couldn’t take it seriously so the camera zoomed out to their faces
Vincent’s line was “The wind here’s a bit too cool, so come here.” Most were serious names, but the last one was “Sebas, the wind here’s a bit too cool, so come here,” and Morishi just entered into the camera frame (it was zoomed into Makki while he was saying his lines)
Sebas’s chosen line was “Woosh! I have seen the inside of your skirt! (しゃっ!スカートの中いただきました)” (idk even know how to translate it, basically Sebas saw your undies from under your skirt when the wind blew too hard) the facial expression Morishi has while saying this line is so funny
There was “Yoshihiko, woosh! I have seen the inside of your skirt!” Makki replies, “I don’t wear one lol”
Episode 9: feat. Leonardo’s VA Tsuda Kenjiro once again once more
Tsuda stumbled on his line when introducing himself. He went “Leonar—aahhhhh” (he was trying to say something like "The voice of Leonardo da Vinci, Tsuda Kenjiro or smth")
They did a poll bc they were curious on the ages of the audience (0.8% were elementary schoolers, 3.3% middle school, 4.6% high, 13.3% college/university, 78% adult/workers) they think the children are watching by themselves, not w/their parents/guardians (they need to make the show available for all ages)
Very random but there’s a segment (that I never talk abt that’s been existing since the 1st episode) called “Motivation! Energy! Suzuki!” (やる気!元気!鈴木!) where a self-proclaimed low-level Cybird employee Suzuki-san introduces events and gachas happening @ the time of the livestream (you can tell why I skip this section. It doesn’t really apply now) Anyways, so she uses her phone during this segment so the VAs can pull on gachas and listen to voice lines in featured cards, and when her phone went back to her lock screen (accidentally) it showed Mozart’s drawing of Vincent from Vincent’s pre-route release and I thought it was neat
So to the thermae skit!!! This is probably one of my fav thermae skit episodes bc it’s so chaotic
Just like usual, Leo and Sebas sing the song whenever they are a part of the thermae episode (the same song from episodes 1 & 3)
Vincent notices that Leo and Sebas are acting a bit weird, the two join Vincent in the bath to talk about it
Leo asks what Vincent thinks of when he says “spring,” Vincent says that spring reminds him of cherry blossoms and he loves them
Leo thinks of the word “farewell” when thinking of spring, then tells Vincent that he has something to inform him
Leo’s planning to leave the mansion, Vincent’s confused asks him if he fought w/Comte
Sebas urges Vincent to be calm and let Leo continue. Leo describes that has a life-long dream of wanting to be a basketball player (I’m not even sure if basketball even exists during this time??)
Vincent is confused, but Leo continues “I know it’s not like me to say that. Besides, no one has ever heard of a basketball player who's a vampire. So I tried to give up. But nothing I do will let me forget about it!” 
Vincent: “Forget about what?”
Leo: “The sound of a basketball bouncing off the floor!” (Sebas: “dun, dun, dun, dun, dun" <- that's the sound of a basketball hitting the floor) Leo: “It’s almost as if god is telling me to not give up on my real dream”  (Sebas: “dun, dun, dun, dun, dun. Ando-sensei, I want to play basketball.  [←What reference is this idk] dun, dun, dun, dun, dun")
Leo: “So I’ve finally made up my mind. I’ve decided to leave the mansion and go to the Americas.”
Vincent is confused, and during this time, Sebas starts “I’m sorry to interrupt while you are deep in thought, but I also have something to tell you, Master Vincent”
Vincent: “Wait, you’re not going to say that you’ll be leaving the mansion too, right?”
Sebas: “It’s exactly that.” Vincent: “N-no way.”
(So apparently Sebas has been working in the mansion for 3 years?? I’m guessing MC is here rn so… idk more new info ig)
Sebas: “I’ve been really wondering what it means to come face-to-face with others… And my conclusion has led me to… wrestling.” (Vincent's confused even more)
Sebas: “In the sport called wrestling, you face an opponent without any gear. It is the ultimate definition of coming face-to-face (literally) with other’s bodies.”
Leo: “The two of us, in 2020, desire to compete in the Olympics held in Japan.” Sebas: “I believe my goal is to shoulder the Japanese flag (日の丸).”
Leo & Sebas: “(Master) Vincent. The two of us will be leaving this mansion!”
Vincent: “So… you’ve already made your decision. Then, I can’t stop you. Honestly, I’m a little—no. I’ll miss you a lot. I thought of you two like family.”
Leo & Sebas: “F-family…”
Vincent: “But! I shouldn’t do anything like stopping you from achieving your dreams, right? I-I’ll be watching over the two of—”
Sebas: “Ahhh! Stop!”
Vincent: “... ‘Stop?’”
Sebas: “My chest is hurting so much, I can’t continue doing this! Master Leonardo!”
Leo: “Ooooii, Sebas! Do it properly til the very end....”
Leo reveals that April 1st that’s coming up soon, aka, April Fool’s and everything that they stated previously was a lie. Sebas apologizes, willing to do anything to seek forgiveness from Vincent
Vincent is relieved, saying he can’t be angry at the two bc the happiness he feels from being able to spend more time w/the two overpowers the feeling of anger.
Sebas says phrases like “viewers” and “broadcast” confusing Vincent, but Leo tells him not to worry since it’s Sebas’s usual “meta-fictional expression/breaking the 4th wall”
Afterwards, Vincent says “I forgot to tell you two something. Actually, I’m not a big fan of baths because they’re too hot.”
Leo & Sebas: “EEEEHhhhhhhh!!”
Vincent: “It's a lie. Sorry. I wanted to tell one. Haha. To be honest, I really like baths!”
(I can’t believe I translated almost the whole skit that took so much time. I hope I don’t do that again... I will do it again)
“Can you tell me… your name?” segment comin up!!! Dang Leo’s line “Come here, closer.” his VA has such a good voice I’m swooning
Sebas’s line “Do you want to eat dried squid (atarime)?” Is just so random?? Like usually his lines are funny but at least related to the season or holiday at the time of the broadcast, but you can literally eat dried squid any time of year.
Anyways onto the names being called. There was “Atarime, do you want to eat dried squid?” and “Makki, do you want to eat dried squid?” w/Makki quietly replying “yes, yes.” There was also Tsuda-san and oyaji (dad).
Episode 10: for the first time in this radio the VAs are doing it in front of an audience
(Idk why this link looks a bit weird)
They do this episode in their cosplay which looks amazing as usual
Morishi had Vincent’s Drama CD, and wanted both Vincent and Makki to sign it, addressed to him. Also wanted Makki to draw both Morishi and Makki’s face on it (Makki did all that)
Makki said that Morishi is slowly eating at Sebas's character (basically Sebas turning into Morishi himself)
The return of the “van Gogh and Sebas and something you!!” segment!!! Lmao all the situation descriptions are so long. The chosen situation was “Protecting you from a suddenly-appearing enemy. However, Vincent and Sebas can’t decide who will hold them back, instead arguing against each other” One of the choices was the one they did last time, and Makki was like “pls don’t choose that one” (the one where they try to make you laugh)
Vincent: “We can’t hold them back. Let’s divide the work. One of us will take her (MC) and run away while the other holds back the opponent.”
Sebas: “A very smart decision. In that case, Master Vincent, I’ll leave everything to you here.” takes you away
Vincent: “Eh? Sebas? Isn’t it typically the opposite?”  Sebas: “Eh?”  Vincent: “It looks like we need to have a discussion”
Vincent: “Hey, strong opponent,”  Sebas & Vincent: “wait a moment!”
Vincent’s reasons as to why Sebas should stay is bc Sebas can do anything, so he should be able to hold back the enemy.
Sebas: “Master Vincent, you have more hit points (hp) than me” (since when was this a RPG??)
Vincent: “But above my hp, it says I’m poisoned”   Sebas: “but you only lose 1 health for each poison damage. I’m paralyzed, so—” Vincent: “You’re paralyzed?” Sebas: “and I’m cursed, so I should get away first”
Vincent: “But see, I don’t have any gear equipped.” Sebas: points to Vincent's scarf “But you have your scarf”
Vincent: points to Sebas’s vest “But this jacket here—it gives 100 defense, right?”   Sebas: “I got it. I’ll just take it off” Sebas takes off his outer jacket
Vincent: “Wait, Sebas…”  Sebas: “And then, finally—” Vincent: grabs Sebas's inner jacket “you’re wearing two jackets?”
The discussion was going nowhere, so they decided to end with rock-paper-scissors. Sebas won against Vincent. Vincent: “Sebas escaped, but I’ll do anything for her.” (he says this thrice, showing how salty he is)
Makki said this happens in a parallel world, different from the typical ikevamp period
Thermae episode coming up!! Aka they become idols!!
MC looked tired recently, from overworking and stress, so Sebas came up with an ultimate plan named “I want to make her happy! So we will become idols!”
Vincent doesn’t know what an idol is, Sebas describes it as someone who can sing and dance and make others happy. Vincent’s not sure if they can be something as amazing as that
Sebas: “With your pretty face, dignified personality, and angelic smile, you have all the attributes of an idol”
Vincent: “Sebas too, works hard all the time, and both your personality and appearance is very cool.” Sebas: “thank you for the compliment. Recently, I’ve been feeling that one of my charm points, my coolness, has been challenged.” (It's prob bc you're so weird in these skits, Sebas!!)
Sebas creates rules to become an idol. “Rule #1: an idol’s introduction must be catchy!” Vincent can’t think of one on the spot, so Sebas pre-made one for him. 
Sebas: “Hii! I come from Japan. I’m known as Sebas, aka Sebastian. My job as a butler is always done in a relaxed manner—” Vincent: “Relaxed!” Sebas: “controlling everyone with a cool stare—” Vincent: “Control!” Sebas: “I always understand my position. I keep my emotions in check—” Vincent: “Check!” (Vincent’s chanting Sebas’s words btw) Sebas: “But for tonight, I can express my feelings.”
Anyways it’s Vincent’s turn. Vincent: "Hai! From Groot Zundert, I’m everyone’s angel, Vincent! My hair texture is fluffy!” Sebas: “fluffy!” (Sebas is chanting now) Vincent: “My mood is fluffy!”   Sebas: “fluffy!”  Vincent: “I want to surround you fluffily (?), help you relax with my angelic aura! But… (he suddenly gets serious) don’t forget that I’m actually a man.”
(Both Sebas & Vincent’s lines are supposed to rhyme but my tiny brain doesn’t form great words to do that so you’ll get the literal translation here :PP)
Vincent says he’s embarrassed from doing that, and feels his face getting hot. Sebas says they should get going to the next page of the idol adventure
Vincent’s like “We’re striving to be idols, right? By the time we get there, I feel like she will have recovered…” Sebas: “...” Vincent: “You didn’t realize that, Sebas? You must really like her…” Sebas: “It seems like it…”
They decide to visit her instead after the bath to make her feel better and help her improve
Also I really wasn’t expecting so many ppl to be interested in this??? Anyways I finished all the episodes so as I promised the next parts will be coming out in the next two days :))
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marinersubmariner · 1 year
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AU looks for Rey and Ben
Commentary under the cut
I initially conceived of this as being solely about the hairstyles, but then I couldn’t just make them wear one outfit because different outfits go with different looks, so it increasingly became a very high effort video game character customizer. It’s just too much fun to play dress-up, and what better time to indulge my love of space fashion than with a custom template of my favs!!
I actually do have a longtime dream of making a paper doll set because I love outfits, I love canonverse AUs, and the lack of significant variety in their looks throughout the sequel trilogy has obviously driven me to madness, but. drawing clothing on entire head-to-toe figures is a whole thing. These busts alone took so much time I don’t know if I’d ever finish something more extensive.
Miscellaneous notes and thought processes from staring at this for way too long:
Short-haired Rey/long-haired Ben 4ever
Rey wearing green and Ben wearing blue is my ideal configuration so it’s what I will always default to. They are simply the correct colors, sorry I DO make the rules
Of course this whole thing came about mostly because I wanted to give Ben a Leia hairstyle. OF COURSE. And the outfit is stolen from Bail—I previously made a photomanip of this but didn’t quite complete it (yet?? ehh. why bother at this point). Funnily enough in that manip I had turned Bail’s grey ROTS cloak blue for Ben, and then in the Obi-Wan show they did that same color swap and gave Bail an actual blue cloak. Curse my gift of prophecy
I played with giving Rey Ben’s exact same scar—which also looks rad—but because I overthink everything it seemed more fitting to make it a mirror image instead. Dyad things
The EU did already have a guy with Jason Todd hair, but setting that aside I’m still pretty attached to Kylo Red Hood parallels. And a while ago as I was thinking about the white streak again I realized it would make sense to extend it from where his scar is, symbolic of how death and resurrection would be experiences that stemmed from that initial injury. I’m not a huge fan of his scar being completely healed in canon because I’d rather things have permanent reminders instead of erasing them (which is generally a whole problem with TROS!!!), so I like the idea that it would change rather than disappear. Anyway the cost of resurrection is: looking extra cool 😔
Sci-fi women with shaved heads are very special to me, but specifically in the history of Star Wars I have a deep fondness for Natalie Portman’s buzz cut during the ROTS press. She looked so good, RIP bald Padme
Rey’s black cowl is modeled on Kylo’s TFA cowl, but I also imagined it as the good boy sweater. Either way, she’s wearing his clothes
I know Ben in the standard white shirt is pretty boring, but I needed a low collar to showcase his hair (ostensibly the point of this entire exercise!) and I liked pairing a white outfit for him with a black outfit for Rey, because reversals are the best part of their whole deal. Also: casual space Gandalf the White. Also also: I think I just ended up making him the transformed Beast from Beauty and the Beast. APPROPRIATE. It was kind of tough for me to settle on a look to go with the long hair because it was the Ben hairstyle that I thought worked best with every outfit.
Rey’s green wrap/robe is the most improvised clothing here, just aiming for something nice and green without getting overly fancy. I sort of vaguely pulled from the Chandrilan formalwear we saw on Andor, but I mean, the kimono wrap is a pretty standard Star Wars wardrobe staple regardless. The white mock neck undershirt is definitely inspired by Mon. So you can maybe say she’s dressed in Chandrilan clothes because it’s Ben’s homeworld, and he helped her with the braid because yes I subscribe to Ben hair braiding fanons, I’m so sorry, I’m in too deep!!!!!!!
Puffy jacket! Even more colorful!! To be honest I have throw pillows with these colors and I love them, but I was also thinking to give Ben a yellow accent as a nod to Rey’s lightsaber color. This is where it gets to a point that I could spend days switching out color combos, a dangerous game
This was way more time-consuming than I expected it to be, but that seems to be true of all art projects for me as I get older. Now I gotta try to sustain some productivity and move on to the next one of my billion WIPs. Being obsessed with a dead ship and character for which there is vanishingly little hope of ever getting new canon material is so much work
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sherifftillman · 2 years
can u do a steve x reader where he meets your little brother (not baby brother but like around 9-10 yrs old you know)? tysm!!
Genre: Fluff
Word count: 998
A/N: This was SO fun to write, I hope it's everything you wanted!!
"Trust me," Steve reassures, putting one hand on your knee as he drives, "I'm, like, some kind of naturally born babysitter. You've seen how great I am with Dustin and the gang."
"Yeah, because a) they're teenagers who you can sass, and b) you have no personal stake with them. If my brother doesn't like you, he'll tell my parents. If my parents don't like you, we're toast," you explain.
"Look, trust me, I just have a way with kids," Steve squeezes your knee. "He's gonna love me."
"Oh, you mean like how you've always had a way with women, but it took three failed pick-up lines before I finally agreed to go out with you?" you smirk.
"And look at us now," he grins back at you. He pulls up outside of your house, looks in the mirror and adjusts his hair. Getting it just right, he looks at you and nods. "Showtime."
"You're really getting dolled up for my brother?" you ask.
"First impressions matter, okay!" Steve frowns as he gets out of the car, leaning back in to pick up the cups that had been sitting between the seats, put them on the roof and run round to open the door on your side of the car. "That was why we decided to get his favourite fast food for lunch, right?"
"Yeah, but trust me, that's about all he'll respond to," you shake your head as you climb out of the car, hands full. Steve helps by taking the bags of food off your hands as you unlock the door. "I'm home, Ma, you can go!" You call out.
Your mother rushes through the house, "Be good! Oh, you must be Steven, it's so nice to meet you, I'm sorry I can't stay -"
"Mom, it's Steve, I've told you -" you interject, but it's futile.
"I gotta go, make sure your brother behaves! Good luck with him, Steven!" she shouts over her shoulder.
"Can't say I didn't try," you sigh, and Steve chuckles.
You swivel round to see your brother standing at the foot of the stairs. "Is this... Him?" he asks, pulling a face at Steve.
"Yeah! This is Steve. He and I went and got you a burger. And soda," Steve shakes the cups slightly with a hopeful smile. Your brother rolls his eyes.
"Leave mine on the table," he grunts as he turns to run back up the stairs.
"What, and let it get all gross and cold and wet from the grease? Fine, your funeral," you shrug, gesturing to Steve to follow you into the kitchen.
Your brother follows begrudgingly, sitting at the very far end of the table away from you two. You try and make conversation, "How's your town coming along?"
"Town?" Steve asks.
"Its just Lego," your brother explains. "But it's okay. I'm making a railroad through it now."
Steve's eyes widen. "Like, one that really works?!"
"Well, I have to pull the train through it, it's not like it's automatic," your brother mumbles into his food.
"That's still so cool," Steve's eyes are completely lit up. "What else is in your... Town... Thing?"
"You don't get to see it," your brother states hurriedly, staring daggers at Steve, who holds his hands up.
"I get that, I'm not trying to worm my way into it or anything. Just curious."
Your brother takes the paper bag your food had come in, and grabs a pen. He draws an outline of what he wants his town to look like, eventually. "Dad says I can't have the basement yet, but when I can, that's when Phase 2 will come in," he explains.
"And what is Phase 2?" Steve asks.
Your brother's eyes narrow. "You don't care. You're only here to kiss my sister."
Steve feigns a look of disgust. "Oh, dude, not at all, gross." He deliberately ignores your look of offence with amusement. "Nah, my dad never got me any, which sucked, Lego is the shit." Your brother stares wide-eyed at Steve. Your head snaps to stare wide-eyed at Steve. Steve stares wide-eyed into oblivion.
"You said a bad word!" Your brother points at him.
"It's not bad if it's used between the right people. That's adults, and cool people. And here?" He traces a circle connecting the three of you with his finger. "Nothin' but cool kids."
Your brother points at you. "You think she's cool?!"
"Hey, I buy you your Legos!" you frown.
In unison, both Steve and your brother groan, "Oh my god, it's Lego!" Steve points at you with his thumb and rolls his eyes, and your brother shakes his head.
"She has a point, though," Steve shrugs. "She deserves a little credit for that, right?"
"I guess," your brother shrugs. "So, Phase 2 is me building houses with interiors - that's the word for inside the building," he explains to Steve, who acts as though he's never heard the word before.
"That's so creative, dude," he grins. "Can't wait to see it all someday."
Your brother finally finishes eating and hops out of his chair. "Well, don't think you can still see it today," he states matter-of-factly. "But I'll let you know when Phase 1 is complete."
"Sure thing, little man. I look forward to it!" he calls after your brother as he runs up the stairs, before leaning in close to you and grinning. "What did I say?"
You lean back, "Don't think you can get so close, mister kissing-is-gross, Legos-are-cooler - I don't care that it's called just Lego!" you exclaim as Steve pulls a face at you, and he laughs.
"Nothing beats kissing the coolest kid at the table," Steve drawls, leaning in again to kiss you slowly.
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artfromsaturn · 1 year
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 Previous Dresses: Scarecrow | Riddler, Ra’s, Two-face, & Penguin
I think this will be the last of my Batman Villain Lolita Post for now, with a few of the more challenging villains.  Again, feel free to make your own designs or use these in some way, the more the merrier. :D  
A few thoughts underneath the read more + alt colors for Zsazs & Killer Moth
Black version for Zsazs to keep with his pants & classic Killer Moth:
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Pyg: I think he’s one of the most Devianart Edgelord of the Batman villains, but his portrayal in Arkham Knight was done well enough that I warmed up to him.  His plastic surgery nightmare face design is fun and the reactions of the victims & other people worked well, and showed Lazlo as terribly messed up instead of cool edgelordsona.  Like, you know, a person who’d exist.  Good job Batwriters. 
Anyway I leaned towards the guro lolita + simple butcher look his comic and his game designs went for.  There are extra additions of frills for both a more “doll”ish look and a touch of ita, since tacky feels part of his character.  I didn’t want to just make a mask so I framed the hair as “pigtails” (what else?).  I think some make up would add to the look to make the doll idea and the pig idea go farther.  The pattern on the bottom of the skirt and boots is supposed to be those chain link people you can cut from a piece of paper that all hold hands, all perfect, like Pyg declares his dollitrons.  I’m not sure how successful the transparent apron is but at the end oft the day I like it and that’s what counts.
Freeze: This design might lean too much towards literal costume and less into a more practical interpretation of the design, but I can’t help it, I like the Tron and glowy stuff aesthetic.  Doing a retro futuristic lolita look was too fun of an idea to pass up.  Not much has changed outside of converting it to a dress and turning the gauntlets into Miku bell sleeves.  Snowflake earrings & delicate hair for Fries’ one true love & because they’re pretty.
Black Mask: I didn’t want to do all skulls since there’s enough dresses out there that do that, so I ended up with the mask part of his name.  Made sure to give the rich colors of a mobster along with the swag of the suit as well.  I think this one could be designed to be better and less busy (to fit in with the sleekness of Black Mask’s look more) but I wanted to go a bit over the top because why not, Lolita’s very theatrical.  
Ventriloquist: Ok, this is a silly one.  This is nice and casual lolita that doesn’t look too close to Wesker, but that’s because Wesker’s design is supposed to be intentionally plain and meek.  Without the (badly drawn, sorry) Tommy gun purse & Scarface, I don’t think he’s recognizable.  That’s not a bad thing - him and Scarface complement each other perfectly and make a memorable design.  So I did my best to make a cute casual coord and add the few touches to make it look more like Wesker, & drew a teeny Scarface to show such.  I wish I could have done more to reference Peyton Riley/the second Ventriloquist but all I could capture was the color since her design is also very simple. 
Scarface himself only got colors that were closer to the outfit.  I didn’t fancy him up too much since I think it would mess with the gangster look he has, which is already close to aristocrat fashion in the lolita world.  He was lucky not to get extra frills at the ends of his sleeves!
Zsazs: another mainly Arkham Design.  Most of mine are based partially on Arkham since that’s where I get most of my Batman fix, apologies!  Anyway, I just liked the idea of a skin-flesh dress with the locks and buckles of the Arkham prisoner jacket/uniform.  The bell sleeves already being on him made this a lot easier.  I left a spot open where I was going to draw the bat symbol, but I decided against it.
Killer Moth: Top are his Arkham Asylum Artwork colors since I think they’re very nice.  Went for a cute little 1960s inspired fur coat & bob, as his design is already psychedelic. Gave a fun flower crown to round out the colors & hold up some cute moth antenna.
Firefly: His The Batman design was the most unique to pull from and a good starting point to make an outfit.  I took some inspiration of the warning stripes, junk around the belt, & burnt skin tights from the Arkham version too.  *ellis voice* I ever tell you about the time Keith and I made fireworks? Otherwise, his design would have been much harder to work with considering it’s mostly a solid suit with not many features in his apperances.  It would have had to be more abstract if I went for one of those.  
But yeah his The Batman design and designs spinning off from it kick ass, so I did a sporty-ish look.  I hope the bonnet doesn’t look too silly, I just wanted headware that differed the outfit from Killer Moth better.
Strange: Another design that had to go with the Arkham look.  Strange is a classic villain with his face being one of his big, defining features.  This is a great thing in character design, it just means it’s harder to make an outfit around it! 
I love the classic mad scientist look so I didn’t stray too far from it, it looks fun medical Lolita already. All I really did was add the medical book brain pattern (thank you British Library) + little bats, because of course he’d have bats on his brain.  It’s also a nod to his habit of Batman Cosplay & impersonation.
A few people I thought of but didn’t make dresses for:
Joker - He’s fabulous, I just didn’t feel jokery & wanted to focus on others more.
Catwoman, Harley, & Ivy - All three ladies have so many designs it’s hard to choose.  They have so much more freedom with their designs than most of the male crooks.  I’d have to make like... 4+ outfits for each just like I did with Scarecrow if I was to ever be satisifed. ;w;
Mad Hatter, White Rabbit - All the Alice themed supervillains have been done as Lolita Coords by Lolita fashion already since, well, Alice was a big inspiration for the fashion in general. I’d be down for them but I just felt bad because I couldn’t think of how to separate them from others as well as I could, like how I made Black Mask’s design more elaborate as to make sure the themes and connections to the villain was clear rather than just a skull design.
Killer Croc & Man-bat: Also hard to differ between a general animal-themed coord and them.  
Thanks, hope you guys are enjoying your new year so far. :D
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secretgamergirl · 6 months
Console Design- Can I have my cake and eat it too?
Recently I spilled the beans that I have a little hobby project slowly brewing away where I am designing a new game console. I'm still not ready to really properly pitch the whole thing, but between sharing that, explaining computer architecture, and seeing people's feedback, it keeps pushing itself towards the front burners over more practical projects I SHOULD be giving my focus to, and while people are paying attention, I might as well try to crowdsource answers to some questions I'm getting hung up on.
So... a lot of what I'm doing here is, I'll be honest, rooted in nostalgia for 16-bit consoles. There's a certain retro appeal to the look, speed, and general immediacy of 8-bit games, and more than plenty of support for making games that evoke that feel, and even recently made free dev tools for people to just make new games for older systems, and as I'm writing this, there is this massive renaissance going on with indie devs restricting them to the constraints of early polygonal-graphics-focused consoles, but we mostly skipped right past that 16-bit period, and all its hallmarks:
2D graphics with more color-depth than people really knew what to do with. All sorts of hardware-level flashy effects like transparency, resolution changes, neat little raster effects. A soundscape of crunchy FM synth and sparingly used sampling with distortion effects. Just a little taste of support for polygonal graphics. Not enough to go all-in, but enough to make a nice spice here and there. A general push to show off with fancy jointed paper doll sprites, 3D effects from sprite-scaling, just... clear ambitions all over to make low res 2D eye candy. Plus everything was cartridge based, allowing people to add extra custom chips for things they really wanted that they didn't quite have the power for.
So that's basically what I want to deliver here. A platform where you have more toys and tricks than you know what to do with if you're coming from 8-bit style stuff, but a real tricky set of restrictions to work around from a more modern approach, hopefully with its own look and sound. To that end I've been doing a ton of research into how some of those work... and a lot of it involves fun little tricks between scanlines. In particular, if you look at that mode 7 video above, right around 7:50, we've got this real eye-popping barrel distortion background. What's going on here, on a hardware level, is we have the ability to, essentially, apply one single image as a texture to a single parallelogram, which in this case is just taking a rectangular background and squishing it in towards the center then out towards its regular dimensions... but where doing that squishing and stretching between individual scan lines as we send the video out to the screen. Several changes to the shape before we've even finished rendering out one frame of the video, and tada, weird barrel.
Being able to support tricks like THAT, specifically, is a must-have feature for what I'm working on, and I'm pretty confident I can design the hardware with that exact capability... but the original hardware doing that was, to my understanding, very much working with the peculiarities of how a CRT worked and the exact number of operations it could get done while the beam was swiping back to the left to draw the next line, and I legitimately have no idea if tricks like this are even really possible if I slap together a similar chipset and send video out an HDMI cord to a modern display.
Like, I know I can fake that. I've got a Retron 5 hooked to a cheap flat panel TV with Castlevania 4 plugged in, but my understanding is that's actually emulating an SNES in software on some very-much-overkill for this sort of thing modern processor. What I would LIKE to do is build this with a chipset you really can push to its limits, hooked to modern display, and get this sort of effect. Because while I realize a big chunk of the audience for this sort of thing totally have nice well-maintained CRTs, I don't want to be married to hardware people no longer manufacture. And I'd rather not have some way more capable sub-processor wedged in here just to get the video output of whatever cheap fast legit 16-bit chipset I use otherwise to play nice with HDMI standards.
I'm still sort of in the dark about HDMI and modern display options, to be clear. And you know in a perfect world I'd like to have support built into this if you want to hook it to a CRT, but at the end of the day I need to pick an aspect ratio, and it's probably gonna be 16:9.
A similar fork in the road I may need to pick a lane for before I can really get going is looking at ASIC chips. What I'd really love is to be able to just point people at a design files for the casing and PCBs, and a warehouse of old mass-produced chips that sell for pennies, make the whole thing a neat little home electronics kit where the total price of everything is like, maybe $10 or $20 or something, you get out a soldering iron, and assemble it all yourself. But, I might need to custom design a chip or two in the end, and there's a chance it ends up being cheaper to just build literally the whole system on one chip. Simpler, easier to make a portable version of the whole thing, but it loses that DIY feel.
And of course there's also the risk that the overall architecture and chipset I'm looking at isn't going to have the oomph to do what I want it to do at a nice steady 60 FPS (maybe 120?) I'm just kind of assuming once I commit to a path I'll be able to find a dirt cheap chipset covering all the bases I need it to that'll hold up at a faster clock speed than consoles really ran at in the mid-90s. I want people to be able to do things smoothly that historically really had some slowdown, and you know, I AM planning to have a higher base resolution than the systems I'm taking inspiration from (maybe the same height but clearly more width).
And of course the real pain is going to be prototyping all this since none of it's going to work without hooking display AND something popped into a cartridge slot. I'm at least saving myself some headache starting with a controller I can at least test in other things, but wow there's gonna be so many different potential failure points to worry about at one step in here.
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yurissweettooth · 1 year
My Typical Art Process✨🌈
Was gonna reply to anon with this, but figured it was a bit too unrelated so I'll make a separate post! I do kinda wanna share my process anyway for anyone curious. I made something similar for twitter once but I no longer use twitter and my style has changed since then so here's a new one!
Tl;dr I draw for fun only and I have learned that textures and overlays and post-processing can do a LOT when it comes to making something look more "complete" while also not taking a lot of additional time. This is just my personal style spawned from my laziness and my love of harsh colors😆
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I'll put it below the cut because it's long!
So to begin with, when I doodle (as opposed to a proper drawing that I take my time on) this is my typical "lineart":
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I just draw the… what do you call it? The under parts… Like the circle and shapes, etc. to get the pose. Then lower the opacity and do another sketch on top of that. Then I lower the opacity of that and do ANOTHER sketch on top. 😆 I do that as many times as necessary until it looks like something. I don't worry a ton about anatomy or messiness or stray lines, it's just for fun to get an idea out of my head :)
Sometimes I also leave the under-sketches in or sometimes I turn the layer off. For this one I left them in.
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Then I turn on all my textures, overlays, and H/S/L correction layer and crank the saturation up. The selected colorful layer was something I made once and saved it as an image material so I can just slap it on any time as an overlay. You will see it in almost all of my art, she's my beloved crutch and also I just like it lol. Other than that, I sometimes use paper textures that CPS came with and sometimes I make a perlin noise layer with the smallest grain size and set it to 'soft light'.
I also have recently been using a manga screentone overlay that comes with CSP.
Then I start coloring underneath!
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This is how it looks without all of the blinding colors and textures I put there to distract you from the mess lol
Even in ones where I DO put in effort and try to use better anatomy and clean up a lot of the scribbles I pretty much never use clean lineart simply because I cannot be bothered 🤷🏾‍♂️ I don't really do anything different here, I just spend more time one it:
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Also, even then the overlays and textures do a lot of the heavy lifting. Some of the overlays and effects I draw myself like the rainbow boarders around them and of course the doodle hearts. I don't draw backgrounds very often but I don't like an empty background so overlays or little doodles or text effects typically go there.
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I should also mentions that I use the lightroom mobile app to further enhance all of my art, as shown above in the before and afters. I don't really have much to say on this point. I used to use lightroom mobile a lot when I did doll photography and I pretty much just wing it based on what I learned doing that. I like to mess with the texture settings and do masking edits to change the foreground and background independently to get better color balances. Like a bozo I pay for the subscription but I bet you could use any old editing app.
Oh, and I do pretty much everything with these brushes here. I got them a while back when they were free for 48 hours but unfortunately they are no longer free and cost 80 clippy now :( Should also warn you that they saturate any color and idk how to stop it from doing that so I just adjust the color accordingly before using or edit in post. Very nice though!!
Some other (free) things I like and use a lot:
Warm color set
Watercolor paper texture (free)
Cloud brushes
Watercolor auto action
Real paper textures
Prism brushes
Freckle brush
Aaaaand that's basically it!
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lord-shitbox · 7 months
answer the rest of the questions. for the art piece, that red gozumezu one you drew recently with the hurt mezu
splittin this one into two actually
😂 Funniest drawing
this redraw. [original image for the first is something like justin kennedy bowling? idk i copied and pasted it off of google images]
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🕑Drawing(s) that took the longest
i need to put this on my art blog but keep putting it off. 1 year
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👑Favourite fictional character(s) to draw
take ONE guess (it's gozu and mezu.) (i do need sort of a break from them again tho.. Vere's pretty fun even though ive never done a proper art of him. judar and padparadscha have really fun hair to work with also!)
👔Design process for [x] character 
I'll answer this for crimson (jangle) because they're pretty much the only one I tried hard to design for.. here're just a buncha scraps. images: a) early doodle i didn't like. too easygoing & like me irl. went in a different direction from here b) the final state of their design on the doodle page c) silhouette considerations -basically I just threw shit onto a paper doll of a pose until i found stuff I liked. tried to incorporate spikes (prickliness, dangerous edge) & belts / wraps (emotionally repressed) but Also really open shirt because 1, it fucks; 2, "open about vulnerable subjects to mask not being vulnerable in other subjects" -their flower pins & long hair -> 1, rad as hell; 2 -> touch of femininity to offset their masculine demeanor. they're more in the "man" territory in terms of identity however dgaf. & i love gnc -in a parallel vein the stance is very solid because they're a solid individual. unchanging, unbothered, resolute, stubborn, resilient.
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📆Earliest fandom you did fanart for/first fanart
EARLIEST earliest fanart was probably this thing. approx ≥ 9 years old..? first fandom i ever did fanart proper for i think was hades game in 2020...that's the earliest I made anything with intent to share with other fans, at least.
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rest of questions to be linked here tomorrow im so eepy
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Is any headcanon you make up for Quackerjack not just you projecting on the character yourself or is it all "Since I like this my fav likes it too" "Since I suffer from this kind of thing my fav suffers from it too" kind off deal?
Suffer? From what? I'm confused...
Quite a bit of headcanons that have nothing to do with me, actually. They're really fun to do because I have to do some deep dives sometimes to get an understanding of what I had in mind. Hyperlinked ones are ones I could find the exact posts
QuackerJack has rubber based superpowers but doesn't know it
QuackerJack is Gosalyn's bio-dad and he was Professor Waddlemayer's son-in-law Headcanon/Theory
QuackerJack had a bad bout of pneumonia as a kid and his strong attachment to toys began because his parents bought him a lot of toys during recovery
QuackerJack has a perfectly normal twin brother named QuackerZachary that lives in Duckburg and isn't relevant to the plot
QuackerJack unintentionally messed with his own memory while testing the HypnoDisc/Mr. Relaxatron
QuackerJack is one of the strongest mortals in St. Canard
QuackerJack is 2ft 9in tall
QuackerJack has rubber based superpowers but doesn't know it (explained further)
The Lawn Darts Theory
Load Bearing QuackerJack Theory AKA: QuackerJack's consistency in his alternate counterparts is keeping the multi-verse from collapsing on itself
QuackerJack saw "Five Characters in Search of an Exit" when he was 11, and it messed him up for a few weeks in 1961
QuackerJack's in-universe actor in DT17 is named Mike Bill, and he retired from acting to be a pediatric dentist because he broke his leg on set, presumably what Jim Starling was referring to when he said "one little boo boo and they fall to pieces
QuackerJack was a Flower Child
Lots of short headcanons
His "Origin Story" begins with a series of mundane bad luck
QuackerJack caused a bullet ant infestation that resulted in St. Canard being fumigated, which is probably one of the reasons he was sued
QuackerJack collects LaserDiscs
QuackerJack's weird eating habits includes, but not limited to: Eating Mac and Cheese as a scoop in his hand like an apple, eating coleslaw out of a paper bag with his fingers, drinks ranch dressing straight out of the bottle, chomps down on a soda can to shotgun it, etc...
QuackerJack's plumage is underdeveloped, and better resembles down instead of guard feathers. They're very fine and fluffy, and not very waterproof, hence why he can't float like other Ducks. This gives him the Duck equivalent to being "baby faced", which he finds embarrassing. Part of why he wears so much attire is to draw attention away from that.
QuackerJack went to the Duck-verse equivalent to Woodstock when he was 19. Yes, he did have a VW esque van, and yes, it was a pretty awesome time.
QuackerJack is a licensed nail technician, but business for such a salon in a predominantly avian city is pretty non existent. The reason for this is because he took college courses in fashion and cosmetology in order to better design dolls that would appeal more to customers.
Aforementioned fashion classes were very helpful in his costume design skills as well.
QuackerJack checks the dump regularly for discarded game consoles and controllers so he could gut them for parts to repurpose into his mechanical creations
Pertaining to the "QJ is Goz's Bio Dad" theory, him being so is why Taurus Bulba targeted him in the comics during his time working at QuackWerk.
QuackerJack is canon to Super Smash Bros (something I've been working on for a while now, with some posts linking the ideas via connecting game appearances and all that, but basically, because he's in "Disney Heroes Battle Mode", he's effectively linked to Wreck-it Ralph, which includes links to specific game franchises that would be in SSB, as well as linking to Kingdom Hearts and Minecraft, both of which were added to SSBU after I'd half-joked about those being the missing links)
The only things I really project would be a few quirks and similar things I always related to that I would know how to write about properly because "write what you know". 👀
Also, I just want him having amblyopia to be reasonable because I never see that get represented and Nega-QuackerJack having those thick crafting glasses at least gives me hope
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