samara-asaika · 1 year
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Papara-week Day 7: THAT´S MY HUSBAND! -so as my wife~
Nyeheh nobody talks like that about the bride Pap's loving in uwah!!
Nyeheh the Week is over for my Part!
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underscoredau · 1 year
A short Reply from the SOUL prequel comic
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itsalsoconnor · 2 years
Teaser for the next Reply from the Soul video!
I went into more detail in my community post, but the third and final video in this series will feature the previous two videos, along with a new third one! Stay tuned for that!
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unma · 4 months
I didn't think I was going to write a full on essay about Papyrus and this was just going to be a minor thought but it spiralled into a long ass ramble so uh I'm giving it a title.
Papyrus Genocide Route AUs
(or: why the fuck does no one who does this shit actually spend the time to consider how these actions reflect on Papyrus's character and instead make him flip between happy torturer that isn't actually Papyrus and the forgiving Papyrus with any lack of nuance whatsoever?)
Watching a fan genocide au animation and I'm once again presented with the hallmarks of Undertale bad writing™️ but I do like the way these scenarios provoke thought about what the characters would do. I'm still of the opinion that Disbelief Papyrus is still a rather faithful if rough around the edges portrayal of his character, but I don't see many fan animations of Disbelief really acknowledge all the reluctance that simmers within Papyrus during the entire fight, such that the only reason you win is that he simply cannot ignore that side of him who still wants to forgive you.
He knows you killed everyone. He knows he is the final step and that you likely won't change. But it's only a 'likely', and that 0.001% chance is still enough for him to want to let you try regardless. The battle ending on the note of forgiveness and second chances is perfect, because really, how else would it end? Papyrus is too kind and too competent for it to end in you overcoming him after a mountain of reloads. His death was always going to be a betrayal kill.
On that note, Dustbelief Papyrus's methodical nature in forcing you to quit highlighting that he is just as knowledgeable as Sans about what the best option for winning is and is even more competent at performing that simple act is imo still a good portrayal of him. This is a Papyrus who has to wrestle with the actions he's committed, which while started by pure accident, has made killing a viable option of achieving this now that LV ensures he has lesser reservations about killing. The human can still change, they just have to be forced into it, and what else is a more effective method than punishment?
(There are issues with how the very nature of magic working on intent and Sans's theoretical 1 hp inevitably being increased by all the lv he gains, but I'm a Dusttale fan and never bothered criticizing the original premise of the AU despite just how out of character it is and how much build up and slow change that would be necessary that is missing from most depictions of the AU so really why should I care. These are superficial issues at best, really anything can change once you are burdened with the knowledge of being in a timeloop where your actions mean absolutely nothing and you watch everyone you love die, so like what justification do you need there?)
I don't recall if Dustbelief!Papyrus's battle ends on a note of him returning to his old self, but I believe that to be rather impossible. Both brothers has the (vaguely possibly real?) phantoms of the other influencing their action, and I find it very hard to believe that the part of Papyrus who considers leaving himself vulnerable would be able to break up to the surface with a Ghost Sans there to remind him how he's done that before and it was a very bad idea. He knows you'll never truly die, so why even have any reservations about killing you? For you, death is a minor inconvenience. For him, it's at best a major setback and at worst the end of his very existence. The end of everything and everyone as well. Another loop ended, another to begin. If he loses here, what's to say the coincidences necessary will happen this time? What's to say even if they do he won't just forget and end up the same way? There is no guaranteed second chance for him, and Papyrus is competent enough to not even let the chance occur.
I have a major hang up with the possibility of the human actually winning in a Dust route, given the mechanics of the game. I always thought the original ending to Dusttale (the game) having Sans abruptly die was dumb and illogical, but at least the human had the luxury of some kill stealing here. Even with the comic incomplete (though it's actually recently received updates and if this is the first you've heard of it you should check it out), it's clear that Papyrus is ruthlessly efficient and even exploits the human's ability to load to trap and mess with them, so at best for the human they get there with a bit of LV. At worst they get absolutely none. If Sans was so good at eating up all the kills, Papyrus is absolutely cracked at it. And given how I've explained that Papyrus isn't going to give himself up to be killed, I see legit no way Papyrus loses other than a human with no-hitting levels of skill like Merg or Shayy or something. (Is Shayy a no-hitter? Idk I never watched much of their videos. Hell I don't even know their pronouns it's that bad. It's 12:30am and I have a love-hate relationship with Opera as I slowly make the switch to Firefox so crucify me but I don't have the energy to look that up rn and deal with my cruel treatment of Opera resulting in it's absurd ram usage. Why am I on this tangent again? I swear never let me write these things.)
Anyway if game development wasn't a major pain in the neck and I had a family who wouldn't probably make my life more of a hell if I showed them that I probably have ADHD and need meds and not the power of Jesus fucking Christ and I had more time to do this stuff I'd make a fangame and post it and get some criticism to try and encourage more thought provoking analysis of Papyrus through alternate genocide routs but the former of those is unlikely for the near future (and even once I move out I don't want to imagine what it would cost to live and get meds, I think I'd rather just keel over than deal with all that stress) so instead I'm making very obviously ADHD induced rants about this while I sit halfway through a disbelief x last breath fan animation at fucking half past 12 while procrastinating replying to a dm and actually writing the fic I'm very excited to write but can't be bothered to write and huh I'm starting to think that I'm probably not wrong that I might have ADHD huh. What was this post about again?
This can't even be called a proper essay anymore. sorry about that. If you enjoyed my Papyrus ramblings please ignore the rest and simply tell me your thoughts. Even if you think I'm wrong I wanna hear why you think so and talk about it because I need to know more about Papyrus so I can write about him with confidence please I love this boy so much. He can fit so much nuance in that lovely skull of his. It's a shame his brother stole permanent residence in my brain where he would be.
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carlyraejepsans · 6 months
Sometimes I think I’ve got a good idea of sans character then I remember deep down I consider him kinder then papyrus and I have to come to terms with the fact that I have also fandom-fied him and it hurts, anyway congratulations on staying true to his character your the strongest soldier out there
lol don't beat yourself up. i wouldn't use "kind" as a qualifier, but i do think papyrus can come across as much blunter than sans. he's loud and banging and over the top in a way that exaggerates his other attributes, and one of those is his social awkwardness. he's shameless! both when he's being positive and uplifting AND when he's being a bitch. sans is more... contained. less vocal. but that's something that applies to his character in general.
more than anything i think—as jaded and more pessimistic as sans has become with time and his reset knowledge—both him and papyrus start from the same core personality. papyrus' kindness is obviously important to his character, but people tend to play it up too much in my opinion. he's just as capable of disregarding people's suffering and unhappiness for his own interests (empress undyne ending, king mtt ending, remaining our friend in spite of our actions) as his brother. he's just... very loud about his positivity and caring for other people and DOES want what's best for everyone... when it's not particularly inconvenient to him. lol.
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mrblank-0 · 2 months
Haunted!Tale Papyrus
The Fusion of
Ghost!Tale by @kayou-58
Asylum!Tale by @furgemancs
Possession!Tale by @jitterzart
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The Art was made by @etahk
You can find more info of Fused!Verse at theauthorO
Previous Art: Fallen!Tale MK
Haunted!Tale Frisk
Haunted!Tale Sans
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e-icreator23 · 5 months
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Somethings that I thought of hehe
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And have this heh 0-0
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luna-purple454 · 11 months
Have this shit
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Sans is in pajamas as his costume.
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noffy96 · 1 year
Colouring 3 UT skelebros
Finally did another one of @inkz123 colouring pages for the
To the bone, zine
This time UT skelebros, had a lot of fun with this one!
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Had a lot of fun with picking the colours for papyrus outfit. and had fun adding the little clouds. Overall, just really happy with what i did here.
also small vid here of all stages XD
that's 3 down, and 3 more to go, Cause I really love doing these!
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How would they feel about their S/o stealing their clothing?
Hehe this was cute. I used random ones so if you have any others you want to know, tell me.
Dreamboat: Dreamboat honestly loves it whenever you wear his clothing. It makes him feel SO happy, and he isn't even really sure why it makes him happy. If he ever feels bad, all you really need to do is go over to him, wear his hoodie, then snuggle up against his chest in his arms. It'll help him feel better after a bit.
Delusion: It shocks him, and he gets so embarrassed! He puts his hands over his face, turning away from you “Y/n! W-Why are you wearing my clothing?” He really doesn't mind, he thinks that you're adorable, but he is still allowed to get embarrassed. Expect him to give you a bit of payback by wearing your clothing.
Pride: At first, Pride would be a little shocked seeing you in his clothing, but when he gets knocked out of that shock he's now blushing, his eyes wide, before getting a dumb little grin, “You look adorable” he really did think you looked cute. He feels a little bad that you're most likely going to have to change so he could go to work...
Calamity: He's the one that would start to rant and ramble about how cute you looked! He coos and claps his hands together “You need to wear my clothes more often, god you look cuter than me!” he giggles, putting his hands on his cheeks then puts his hands on yours and starts to pepper kisses against your face. Yeah, he might be overreacting a bit, but he was happy!
Lace: Lace would most likely stare at you, then get a little sheepish and look away, tugging his scarf up over his face more. You both knew that he wouldn't like the idea of you touching it. “You... you look nice” His wings were flapping quickly though, showing just how happy he was. It was a little amusing how much he liked his clothing on you.
Warden: Warden stares at you, letting out a little sound then huffs softly. “Why are you wearing my clothing? Get that off” He might sound a tad annoyed, but it's more just because he isn't sure how to feel about that. He's a little embarrassed... he does dislike the fact that you're holding his chain, though. That's a very... special thing for him.
Slay: Slay looks at you, tilting his head to the side, and lets out a little laugh, “You should try to wear just the hoodie and I-” he stops when you gave him a look, so he shuts his teeth, then just grins and leans over to kiss your cheek. “Loooooveeee yoooooouuuu”
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azulsluver · 1 year
I know some of y’all sick of me barging into old fandoms but hear me out on undertale 💔😫
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ivyprism · 7 months
Heliconia: Eclipse kissed me! Durinn: Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! Heliconia: It was unbelievable! Durinn: Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! Callisto: Okay, we wanna hear everything. Durinn, get the wine and unplug the phone. Heliconia, does this end well or do we need tissues? Heliconia: Oh, it ended very well. Durinn: Do not start without me! Do not start without me! Callisto: Okay, alright, let’s hear about the kiss. Was it a soft brush against your lips or was it like a, you know, “I gotta have you now” kind of thing? Heliconia: Well, at first it was really intense, you know? And then, oh God, we just sort of sunk into it. Callisto: Ohh... So, okay, was he holding you? Or were his hands on your back? Heliconia: First, he started out on my waist, slid up, and then was in my hair. Durinn and Callisto: Ohhh. *meanwhile* Eclipse drinking wine in his house: And, uh, and then I kissed her. Somnus: Tongue? Eclipse: Yeah. Parchment: Cool.
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angelp-official · 2 months
New Detlarun + PJSK crack theory alert!! (SPOILERS FOR JPSEKAI I THINK)
Paperus Deltaballs MIGHT be connected to tbis new unit
(Note: In case if you didn't know at this point, this is not supposed to be serious at all, so please don't come after me, I'm just joking and having fun around here-)
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Here we habe 3 poeple here!! HOEVER!! Only 3 people her e? WHERE THE FUCK IS THE 4TH PERSOM and no I'm not counting the person in the mirror cuz if so I'll count the 5th person as well
HOWEVER, THESE PEOPLE HERE LOOK AWFULLY LIKE FRICK AND CHARA!! So these persons MIGHT be them!!! (Source: Trust me bro)
Frisk and 3rd person side by side
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Chara and 2nd person side by side
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Idfk who the guy is but you could say it's Asriel?? Idk not the point
The point is that it's fucking weird that there's no 4th person!!
These 2 people might be Frisk and Charmander from Undertall
SO LETS GO BACK TO THE WEIRD EGG CARD I mean the Luka card where she discovers abandoned Sekai
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"It would be safe to assume that each egg represents something they were trying to make..." HMMMMMMM "...Petrified one, I wonder what you were supposed to become?" HHMMMMMMMMMM THE KNIGHT PAPYRUS AND EGGMAN PAPYRUS THEORIES ARE LOOKING GOOD AS HELL RN
What ARE the eggs supposed to represent? Well, I say that these eggs are supposed to represent the dark worlds the knight, in this case, Papyrus, has made!!
(PS: Tumblr hates the number 11 so I'll post the YT link here)
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So she looks emo as fuck
But you notice that her outfit is more suitible for winter? And WHO'S THE UTDR CHARACTER THAG'S ASSOCIATED WITH WINTER?
"Noelle?" ❌️
"Dess?" ❌️
"Sans?" ❌️
"Papyrus?" ✅️
HELL YEAH IT FUCKING IS, AND SHE LOOKS LKKE SHE HAS A TAG AND WHO HAS A TAG LOOKING THING ON HIS ARMOR? PAPYRUS UNDERTLE!!! Maybe she has a jacket looking dress because Papyrus is familliar with a person who has a jacket (his brother)?? Idfk
HOWEVER, She has black crosses all on her, so what is that supposed to mean??
I say: MAYBE THOSE WERE SUPPOSED TO BE SNOWFLAKES BUt they distorted to X marks overtime bexause Papyrus abandonded his SEKAI and possibly the other s too!!
But why is she emo??
I say: Because Papyrus Deltarune is emo himself!! Maybe because of the same reason Mafuyu is emo? Because Sans Undertale threw away his stuf?? Or is it his and the others' emotioms combinded??? Idk
"I did as I was told, and followed him into the alley. Right at that moment, I closed my eyes without thinking. The sun was setting. Its blazing hue painted the alley in vermillion..."
And there's an unfinished animal illustration and a manga there too??
So uh idk wtaf these are so lets put these aside for now
(PS: These are all actually multiple people's stuff! So maybe the novel thing was Chara's stuff and the drawings are Asriel or Fisk's?)
And the music sheets. Maybe the reason why they sound so painful is because it represents the problems the 4 members face through?
There's also an MP3 player where a boy was practicing. Maybe that was Papyrus? "I bet this boy is a hard worker." "I can hear his frustration and impatience from the way he sings..." Hm? Maybe Papyrus was really putting his emotions into this recording, but it doesn't seem enough. Despite the hard work, he always messes up, and he always has to try again, and again, and again. But still, somehow, he never gives up. Until he finally did.
And the wooden box, oh boy. Maybe it was the 4 members' emotions put into one? Papyrus's shallow hopefulness, Asriel's sad nostalgia, Frisk's unsure creativity, and Chara's pure paranoia, all in one box?
All these feelings hidden away because they all feel too stressed of choosing their own future?
"It's so hard to find a place that makes you feel needed or welcomes you to try in a way that works best for you..." Okay now that's definitely Papyruscore
"Was it because you didn't want anyone to know? Was it because you couldn't tell anyone about it? Or... Was it so painful that you couldn't take it anymore and had to give up?" Maybe it meant Papyrus either didn't want Sans or the others to know, he couldn't tell anyone about it, or he had to give up at that point (And that could explain the others too)... Or was it because he was weighed down by someone? Who knows
And at that point, the SEKAI is now erased. Maybe Papyrus and the others... Really didn't want to remember those terrible memories that they built together. Maybe they finally let go of their... "Mistake", or as they would call it.
Maybe that was in the past? Maybe... All of that was resonated into the Empty SEKAI, the one that belongs to Mafuyu?
Maybe that explains why the SEKAI has one to no emotion put to it at all!! Maybe because Asriel misses his place at home, Frisk and Chara wanted to do their own things on their own, and maybe Papyrus is the only one who truly cared about the SEKAI, but is too weighed down to admit it?
So in conclusion:
The abandonded SEKAI MIGHT'VE belonged to Papyrus Detlarunn
So thank you for coming to my ted talk, cyaaaa 🤩🤩
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marshmall · 3 months
So if there's a mimic! sans...does that mean there's a mimic! papyurs?
This has been answered before.
First of all, I didn't design the mimic! papyrus. I'm not even planning to produce it! However, what happened to mimic! sans may, in the end, happen again, not happen again, or be transformed somewhere. I can't conclude the existence of mimic! papyrus because this world of au has so many possibilities. I don't intend to make it, but if it could be made with mimic! sans motifs somewhere. I welcome creating another character with mimic! sans as a motif! ⌯'▾'⌯
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carlyraejepsans · 2 years
yep. uh, that's it. bedtime for everyone. i've got story duty tonight, so uhhh... nice chat. i'm never touching alcohol again. see ya.
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mrblank-0 · 2 months
Omega!Tale Judge!Papyrus
Art made by @w0lf-g
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The God of Negativity and the son of gaster, who judges the various lower beings of their crimes
Due to gaster death at a young age, papyrus was given the power of negative emotions, however he was not ready for it due to his young age, this caused Papyrus to feel all the negative emotions he felt every being across the multiverse
Due to this horrible experience, he had to always stay near Fate!Toriel due to her positive aura that counteracted papyrus negative aura
After time passed, he has grown a lot older and now is now more mentally stable and has better control over his powers
He spends most of his time at the prison to judge prisoners and to make sure no one escapes, but he also at times visit Omni!Asgore and Fate!Toriel to serve them
He is the most loyal individual to Omni!Agsore and Fate!Toriel
You can find more info about Omega!Tale at @theauthor0
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