#par reply
redbootsindoriath · 4 days
Oh look what day it is again!
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Happy Hobbit Day to all who celebrate! Here's a rushed doodle to assure you guys that I am in fact still out there somewhere on earth.
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little-pondhead · 2 years
warning: long idea that came from u so u deserve to hear about it
was ranting to my sister about ur sketches cuz i fell in love with them and they are hitting at like 3 obsessions at once so points for u-
anyway I talked about the fenton creep stick (the joker panel) and my sister (who never watched dp) asked what it was, and after a confusing explanation we decided that a fenton creep stick can be any kind of object that is 1) long and swingable (like a crowbar or even a pipe) and 2) sturdy and not easily breakable
after being in the phandom I saw a lot of headcannons that after the ghosts appeared, the fentons started doing speeches at Casper, and they gave out fenton creep sticks "to be safe" or that the fentons sell those to Amity Parkers (THEY'RE NOT GUNS so they can do it) so pretty much everyone has one
adding those ideas to the fact that my sister thought at first that the stick had something to do with CREEPS (like pedos or stalkers cuz of the name) I now imagine the most famous design of fenton creep stick to be one of those stun sticks (that can not only be used on ghosts, but actual creeps!!!)
enjoy this idea cuz it sure gave me joy
asdfghjkl anon your brain wrinkles are amazing that idea is so funny to me. The anti-creep sticks are advertised all over town and it’s treated the same as a McDonald’s ad. No one really gives a shit but they still take note when there’s something new out.
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And if you wanted to throw in the supervillain AU, I imagine it would go like this:
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cry-ptidd · 11 months
I was doing some emotion studies and this utterly distressed Alucard I drew
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6ebe · 2 months
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personne va te toucher Jules
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you think knuckles is knowledgeable on weather stuff since he lives in the sky
honestly? yes. i think he is. i think he's very meteorology savvy without realizing it
he doesn't even need the tech or anything that we have for it, i imagine he relies completely on his senses and just looking at the world around him. you can really feel and smell when a storm is coming, you know. and that kind of applies to most if not all weather, whether it's hot, cold, or something in between
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the-nysh · 6 months
Someone in reddit pointed out that every time a major event is about to happen (Saitama and Garou's table talk, Blast vs Empty Void) there's a 180º spin and we get a completely different redraw. So they said it would be a meta 4th wall break if it was God all along changing the narrative of the opm world. The concept in itself is cool, but I don't think it would work because people who catch up with the manga after the redraws won't notice the change and also the printed version won't include the redraws anyways.
The even bigger meta mindfuck is if you consider 'god' to be ONE himself and not the in-universe fictional character~ But exactly, I've seen that idea tossed around before, but once the volumes are published, the story's route is set in stone. And those other plot divergences will no longer 'exist' in canon for volume readers to experience those 180 shifts from those first work-in-progress digital chapter releases. (Unless they voluntarily go online to compare with the old archived versions.) So it's fun to speculate the 'whys' for the big changes, but yes, saying it's 'god' (the character) interfering each time to rewrite the timeline whenever he's almost thwarted in a pinch basically won't hold up once the story is 'fixed' and finalized in the printed version. :'D
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fala-alfredo-pasta · 9 months
On the topic of Nagito resenting Izuru, I actually think it could go beyond that. Something that I'm not totally convinced about is none of Class 77 having any hard feelings towards Hajime. While them loving him inside the simulation makes perfect sense, would that really carry over smoothly once they were back out? Because his actions led to both them being brainwashed and for their deprogramming session being sabotaged in the first place. And to add insult to injury, he can take some solace in feeling less "tainted" than they are. Izuru had more autonomy and self-control during the Tragedy, while they were reduced to vicious idiots acting on whatever violent impulse came to them. Like with Sonia, she has to live with being known to the world as the tyrant queen who brought her homeland to ruin (though I personally like to headcanon that Novoselic is recovering). Meanwhile for the few people who are aware of a 15th Remnant, Hajime is "that one other dude with the long hair that we're not even sure killed that many people". I mean if I came out of the NWP with all that mental (and possibly physical) baggage, and the dude in our group who was most responsible for the rest of us becoming so fucked up was conversely the least guilty of us AND got handed a thousand super-talents...well I think I'd be a wee bit resentful and jealous. And going back to Nagito, it also seems a bit unrealistic to me that in most fanfics there doesn't seem to be any resistance from him to accepting medical aid from Hajime. Or dismay at discovering it was done while he was in a coma. Because on top of him probably not feeling like he'd want to prolong his life, accepting that kind of aid from the former Izuru would probably feel kind of infantilizing to be honest. Dude gets handed everything you ever wanted including a better version of your luck, he betrays Hope's Peak because he's bored, does absolutely nothing while someone dear to you is murdered and you and your classmates get brainwashed, sets things up so that your attempted suicide will actually result in you getting possessed by your nemesis...and now you're just meant to let him assert the power of a doctor over you and welcome him as your savior? I just think there'd probably need to be a moment where Nagito is convinced to accept treatment, rather than it being done to him without his consent. Make him feel assured that he has agency and control over his own body, and that continuing to live was his own choice. Because otherwise I think it could get really nasty. " I don't care that you're the most talented man alive. Even if I'd wanted to live, you, of all people on this planet, YOU are the last human being on Earth that I would want help from."
Ooo this be a spicy take! But some very good points! First off, sorry for taking so long to reply to this question it just this got me back into my Dangan theorist mode, and I wanted to replay all of Chapter 0/6 as well as read a summary of Zero in order to re-examine how the game and novel present Izuru Kamukura.
I’ll try my best not to derail this because Izuru’s whole existence and backstory is just…..such a brain worm for me that I can speculate on for hours. There’s just so much we don’t truly know if we’re basing this solely on the games (which I usually prefer to do seeing as the anime is filled with contradictions). But, doing so would mean having to excuse his involvement (or lack of) in preventing Chiaki’s murder and class 77’s brainwashing since there’s nothing within the games that indicates such things happening since even within game it flat out states Junko manipulated her high power connections (ie: the Ultimates), one by one and not in a batch.
She really only used video footage of explicit killing to manipulate the Reserve Course into rioting (Dr0), the rest of the world into more despair (Dr1) and as a way to taunt the Future Foundation (SDR2). Hell, technically, there is no proof that Chiaki actually existed in real life if we’re going only by the games too. That was something canonized by the anime.
Well okay. There may be ONE thing in the second game that can potentially confirm Chiaki’s existence in the real world and that’s her presence being listed in the book Nagito got with everyone's info. However, this was given to him by Monokuma and Nagito did destroy any of the information regarding his classmates time in and out of  school that could have very well revealed that Chiaki wasn’t ever there—but I digress and this aint about Chiaki rn this is about Izuru.
What we do know of him through the game is that he sees himself as being used by Junko and thus brought in a flash drive with her AI to insert into the Neo World Program as a virus so he could use her instead. This feels contradictory though, if the end result would be Junko taking over all their bodies. You can’t even argue that he did it so Hajime could override his present self and come back because that would have happened regardless (that was literally what was SUPPOSED to happen). So then why bring Junko back? How was he using her in that regard? Well, the only thing I can think of is that he pretty much already knew how it was all going to end, and that creating a killing game was the only way to ensure everyone stayed alive whilst retaining their old memories thus decreasing the chance of them falling back into Ultimate Despair when re-awakened and in a way saying “fuck you” to Junko’s despair and destroying the last remnants of her both in name and digitally.
Cool beans. He still lied to them all though. Junko states that each of them willingly went into the program knowing well that her virus was going to force them into a killing game to cause despair. Izuru, though, didn’t tell them his whole plan or how it was truly going to end, otherwise no one would have joined. And that’s not necessarily bad–he was doing it for their own good! Except, well, there’s not conclusive proof that he did so for their sake (and since we don’t know if Chiaki existed irl we don’t know if he did this for her). Also given how indifferent he is in-game, the fact that his surgery left him emotionally distant, and his lack of connection with class 77, well it’d be easier to believe that Izuru did this all purely out of self interest in a way to get “revenge” at Junko and perhaps alleviate his boredom.
Now, present Hajime WOULD have an emotional investment in class 77 and it’s that reason he sticks around to help them recover. But, honestly, I agree that the ex-remnants would take some time to come around to fully trusting him again because remember: they ARE still recovering from despair. It would not be surprising if their residual remnant emotions feel betrayed by him for lying to them and essentially killing off Junko for good. Add in their in-game memories conflicting with their past memories every time they see Hajime and he’s not quite the same Hajime they befriended thus reminding them that he’s also  that guy who just randomly showed up one day then manipulated them into a scheme for seemingly his own self interest, yeeeah it might take them a while before being buddy buddy with him.
Though they will eventually, but let’s focus on Nagito for a bit because he’d be the absolute last person to come around in fully trusting Hajime/Izuru. Because you see, while it was stated that the remnants agreed to be part of the killing game, we know for a fact that not ALL of them did so. And we know this because of chapter 0. In it, we see Nagito meeting Izuru for the first time (as Nagito literally says he’s never seen Izuru before), thus Izuru has not been in contact with Nagito to inform him of the plan (which actually brings into question WHY Nagito is even there/agreed to re-programming but that’s a theory for another day). We also see Nagito being very confused about Izuru’s talking about his flash drive with Junko’s AI in it. And, although he doesn’t fully understand what Izuru is planning, what he takes from it is that he’ll be able to see Junko again and get the chance of killing her himself. Izuru does not correct him or inform him of anything else. Meaning, Nagito knows absolutely nothing of the killing game he unknowingly signed up for nor of the possibility of his body being taken over by Junko.
Unlike his classmates who can forgive Hajime’s actions as Izuru because yeah technically they DID agree to it, Nagito was not even informed much less had the option to say yes. You can argue that Izuru did so intentionally knowing that Nagito’s strange half-remnant state and intense resentment towards despair and Junko would have made him too much of a risk to the plan that is was better to leave him in the dark, but it still doesn’t change the fact that Nagito didn’t get a choice. Add in our previous discussion of why Nagito would be resentful towards Izuru because of all his gifted talents along with this and I’d say yeah, Nagito wouldn’t be all that welcoming toward accepting Hajime’s help post game.
This doesn’t even add in your note on pro-longing his life without his input or anything from the anime, so if Chiaki’s death was actually used as a trigger for class 77 and Izuru could have done something about it–YEAH that’s going to make the resentment exponentially worse.
So your last tidbit of Nagito getting a chance to decide something for himself just hits so strongly given he never got the chance to do so before. It’s the least he deserves now.
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randomnameless · 6 months
I appreciate that at least they stayed consistent with the Sword of the Creator being Crest of Flames-exclusive and, as such, Byleth can no longer use it post-CF and is shown using a normal sword instead in their solo and S-Supported Jeritza ending pictures; makes it all the more baffling that they're still alive despite their heart being destroyed and that the Sothis S-Support exists in that route, but i'll give them credit where it's due for keeping the SOTC's lore consistent.
Post Tru Piss, there's no Crest Stone left for the SoC!
So I'd say it's not that it's CoF exclusice, but rather something like without a crest stone, a relic, even the SoC, doesn't "work" anymore.
Adding insult to the injury though, Post!Tru Piss Billy uses Rhea's sword, aka, a Holy Weapon that could be used by everyone (human and nabatean!) and even heal non-crested people : Billy uses at the end of the "we will make a world for humans!" route a sword that conveyed coexistence between humans and nabateans...
Sothis' S-support in this route really felt odd, because she acknowledges Rhea at least, but has no words for her passing when Rhea died crying for her.
Some people tried to theorise that this Sothis isn't the one Rhea remembers so she wouldn't have feelings about her... but idk, it still feels dead wrong, especially since Sothis remembered feelings of joy and sadness in Zanado, and ultimately remembers how Rhea is a her kid thanks to the lullaby (and in SS when she "talks" to her).
If Sothis was a better written character and not accidently written to be the most toxic parent in the FE series, I'd maybe write something about her feeling so bad that, again, she was used to slaughter one of her own children (Nemesis first in Zanado, and now Billy in Tailtean) but as canon!Sothis is, I'm not really motivated to do something like this.
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snarkspawn · 7 months
I'm still so happy with my piece from you! I have to stop myself from reblogging it every day bc I want everybody to look at it.
I'm honestly so glad to hear that!! 🥰
This kind of feels like the equivalent of someone who goes around showing everyone photos of their children whether they want to or not lmao but that's okay!! You have a beautiful child you SHOULD make everyone look at it!!
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ethereal-rpg · 1 year
coucou ❤️ je serais potentiellement intéressée a m'inscrire sur un forum, juste parce que j'ai envie d'écrire tout plein pour compenser la rédaction académique 🥰
vos recommendations pour un forum cozy, sans pression, avec du monde chill ? ça peut être city ou fantastique, dark ou léger, tant qu'on peut y trouver sa place sans trop de peine ou d'angoisse 🥰❤️ merci d'avance !!
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mohabbaat · 4 months
"Bharatiya nari sab pe bhari" Lmao how can you take anyone with that cringe ass username seriously lol
i found the username okay honestly (i mean i personally hate long ass usernames with dashes in between but to each their own). her bio is tho. its literally "sass kween" like please its 2024. don't call yourself sassy, don't call anyone else sassy either. you are not a part of the 2012 percy jackson fandom jfc.
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parpindolls · 2 months
Hey, this an alter/par/varisex blog, Call Spire, Dismal, Ire and/or Civil.
My pronouns are He/they/shi/vei/it.
Im 17 yo bodily/chronologically and a foreverkid.
I am autistic queer, xenic, trisoque parsex nonhuman being and plural.
I’m fairly new to the altersex community and kinda skeptical around certain aspects.
I am mentally disabled to please be patient and kind.
I will post under the altersex, parsex etc tags and am going to make a question tag. I am going to ask a few questions there.
Tags I’m going to use or already use that already exist.
parsex, varisex, intersex (occasionally), altersex, inaltersex.
Tags I’m gonna make.
Parpindolls talk, Parpindolls questions, Parpindolls replies, altersex questions, varisex questions.
Nsft posts are just one’s with g*nital or sex mentions in coining posts, nothing graphic.
I am delayed and damaged.
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redloftwingfeathers · 11 months
Trick or treat!
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What a great costume!! Here, have your face back (:
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houseofwisteria · 6 months
🌺 / one for arthor too o course 🥰
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He freezes while she puts the flower behind his ear only understanding what's happening and why she stepped into his space so suddenly way too late not that he minded but once he does an awkward bashful chuckle leaves him.
" That fer me? Y'know you can add gems to a bull n' can't make it look any less rough around the edges right? I'm thinking It should be the other way round but you know y... thank you. " he itches the back of his neck fighting a shy smile.
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piraytoro · 1 year
hi what happened to the bit:/
I am sorry to report that we had to take raytorotits away from people on tumblr bc they couldn’t be fucking respectful smh
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evermoredeluxe · 8 months
तो क्या आप भारत वापस लौटेंगे? या अमेरिका में ही जिन्दगी बिताने का प्लान है? Lol ;)
america mein hi plan hai
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