#park chanyeol fan fic
lofitojii · 7 years
Toxic [VIII]
Summary: “We all know him to be a proud, unpleasant sort of man; but this would be nothing if you really liked him.” -Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice. His dark demeanor is nothing more than a mystery to you. His dark past explains the reasoning of his desired passion to completely destroy every inch of your innocence.
Warning: Angst [M]
Word Count: 4.9k
AN: This is the second to last post. The next part will be the last part of this series! I really hope you guys liked the story. :) 
Toxic Masterlist
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“Holy shit,” Kyungsoo cursed, his voice soft due to the early hours of the morning. “Love? What did you say back?” You brought your knees to your chest, resting your head against your kneecaps as you help the phone close to your ear.
“I said I love him too,” you replied, still replaying the moment over and over in your head. Your heart still raced every time you thought of it.
“Well,” Kyungsoo started. “Where is he now?” You looked over at Chanyeol sleeping soundly in your bed, his lips parted slightly as he let out small snores. His hair was a mess, covering the majority of his forehead.
“He’s asleep in my bed,” you finally replied, remembering you were still on the phone with your friend. Kyungsoo was quiet, knowing you had more to say, just waiting for you to speak up. You couldn’t help but smile, admiring the boy that was a few feet away from you. “I’m in love with him, Soo.” You heard Kyungsoo shuffle around a bit in the background, is exhale signaling that he heard.
“I know you are. I still don’t like the guy, but if you’re happy, I’m happy.” You were happy, happier than ever. You never thought you would ever find someone else, never thinking that someone like Chanyeol would fall for someone like you. It was a shock to everyone, not just you. Chanyeol was different than you were, his dark demeanor contradicting your sensitive and pure attitude. It didn’t make sense, if anything it was the furthest possibility from your mind when you first met him. Yet here he was, fast asleep in your bed as you sat in the window bay in your room, admiring from a distance. “I’ll see you New Years, Right?”
“So you’re going to the party?” You raised an eyebrow, Kyungsoo’s small scoff causing you to smile at his reaction.
“I’m bringing Luna. I don’t want to be stuck at home with my parents.” You had called Kyungsoo that morning, that giddy feeling bubbling up in your stomach as you waited for him to pick up. You didn’t know who else to call, Kyungsoo being your closest friend. You would have called Lisa, but it felt weird knowing she was Chanyeol’s ex. It has been weird with her the past few months, knowing that Sehun had mentioned to you about the two's history. Lisa kept her distance, and you didn’t know if you wanted to keep it that way. “Hey Y/n, I have to go. Tell Chanyeol I said hi. And Y/n?”
“I’m really happy for you.” You felt a smile creep across your face as Kyungsoo mentioned his happiness for you. You brought your phone down to your side, looking at the photo of you and Chanyeol that you had taken one morning when you woke up next to him, his sleeping face being too cute not to catch.
You looked up, seeing Chanyeol still fast asleep in your bed. You got up, walking over and placing a small kiss to his forehead before leaving him to sleep a little longer. You made your way downstairs, coming to your brother at the kitchen counter with his laptop propped up in front of him. “Been up long?” You asked, grabbing his attention. Jongdae looked up from his screen, letting out a long yawn.
“Maybe an hour. I had a video call with some company overseas,” he replied, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He closed his laptop, moving it to the side. You poured him a cup of coffee, placing it in front of him. He hummed a quiet thanks, bringing it to his lips as he took a small sip. “So, how was your night? You and Chanyeol left kind of early.”
“It was good. Just had a long day yesterday with the drive,” you shrugged, leaning against the counter.
“Y/n,” Jongdae started, taking off his glasses and setting them to the side. “I ran into Joongi last night at the party. He showed up a little after the two of you left.” You rolled your eyes as he mentioned Joongi’s name, not really wanting to hear what he had to say. You were over Joongi and his manipulative lies. The last thing you wanted to hear was that your brother was talking to him. “He told me something about Chanyeol.”
“Well don’t believe anything Joongi says. He-”
“I’m not trying to start anything,” Jongdae cut you off. “I’m just looking out for you. He told me that Chanyeol is a player? That he’s had a string of woman ever since he started school there? Sleeping with his professor? He’s been arrested a numerous amount of times for public disturbance, assaulting an officer and other students. He has a bit of a history. I’m just looking out for you and want you to be happy and I can see that Chanyeol does that, but I also want you to be careful.” You knew a small percentage of what Chanyeol had done during his time at school, every time you found more out it was hard to hear. “I can tell you didn’t know that, did you?”
“I did.” You were partially lying. You knew he was constantly getting into fights, having a bit of a reputation. You didn’t know about the professor incident, your heart aching at the thought. “Did Joongi mention why we broke up?”
“He didn’t need to. I talked to Chanyeol last night,” he replied. “I came home and he was outside in the back on the phone with someone. Told me about how Joongi had been cheating on you for a couple of months. Almost a year. I was about ready to go and beat the shit out of the guy until Chanyeol told me he already did.”
Your head began to spin, the imagine of Joongi telling you he loved you as he was constantly with other girls making you sick to your stomach.
“He doesn’t seem like the guy Joongi was telling me about,” Jongdae said quietly, getting up from his spot. “I like Chanyeol. Mom and dad like Chanyeol. I don’t know much about him but you know what they say, sometimes the good is brought out in a person when they have a reason to. You may be this guy's reason.” Jongdae was always very smart when it came to people. He majored in psychology, graduating this last year and already doing research on the human mind that was taking off. He was smart, the one person that knew you better than anyone else. Jongdae pulled you into a side hug, leaning over and kissing your temple. “Now, the real question is, how is he going to react to Auntie M’s personal questions.”
“Oh god,” you laughed, forgetting that you had your family party that evening. You were soon taking from your conversation with your brother to Chanyeol walking in, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he made his way into the kitchen. You couldn’t help but smile at his vulnerable state, walking over and pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“Rough night?” Jongdae asked, winking over in your direction, causing your face to burn bright red.
“Damn it, Jongdae!” You yelled going over to hit his arm. He just laughed, trying to dodge your hit but failing.
“I’ll see you two kids later. I have an appointment with a client at the office today. I’m bringing Minjee to the party tonight and I really want you to meet her.” Jongdae said his goodbyes to both you and Chanyeol, leaving you two alone in the kitchen.
“I swear I thought we were quiet,” you said, looking up at Chanyeol. He laughed, pulling you into his arms and pressing a small kiss to your swollen lips.
“You were anything but quiet last night babe.” You felt your face go red once more, thinking that no matter what Chanyeol said, you would never not feel the butterflies.
You had many questions you wanted to ask Chanyeol, so much that you felt like you didn’t know. You knew at some point, you would have to confront him. It was Christmas eve and you didn’t want to ruin the holidays by making Chanyeol upset. Instead, you were going to enjoy your time, let Chanyeol have a good Christmas with your family.
“What’s the plan for today?” Chanyeol asked, taking the coffee mug from your hand and drinking it himself.
“Well we have the day to ourselves but tonight is my family's Christmas party. I would love if you came.” Chanyeol raised an eyebrow, setting the mug down.
“Hmm now why would I go to my girlfriends family Christmas party after I met her parents and spent the night in her childhood bedroom?” Chanyeol smiled down at you, leaning in once more for a kiss, this time letting it linger a bit longer. “I’m excited to meet your family.” You knew you had fallen in love with Chanyeol, everything about him being absolutely intoxicating. But you couldn’t help but feel yourself bubble up with questions.
One question at a time you thought to yourself.
“Can I ask you a question?” you swallowed your fear, trying your best to tiptoe as best as you could.
“Ask away,” he pressed.
You took a deep breath before finally speaking. “How serious are we?” You didn’t know it was that question that you were going to ask, it just came out. Chanyeol was a bit taken back by your question as much as you were. “I’m sorry. You don’t have to answer that.”
“Well I love you. I love being with you,” Chanyeol started, ignoring your statement. “I’m serious about being with you.”
“Then why do you continue to keep secrets?” With what he was saying, you felt it was okay to press further with the questions. Chanyeol furrowed his eyebrows, chewing on the inside of his cheek. He didn’t answer for what felt like forever until he finally exhaled.
“What do you want to know?”
“Everything. Your childhood, your family? You’re so secretive.”
“Y/n…” His voice was deep and intimidating. He was just as irritated as you were, annoyed even. You knew you were crossing a boundary, but Jongdae once said that sometimes you have to be uncomfortable with someone before you really know them.
“I just want to know you better,” you finally whispered. “We can take baby steps.” Chanyeol rubbed his hand over his face, stress evident in his actions. He took your hand into his, placing it under his shirt and over the familiar scar you had taken notice to multiple times.
“That,” he started, letting you gently rub over the rough skin. “That is from when I got into a fight with my foster dad at age 13. He was hurting my little siblings at the time and I stepped in and he attacked me.” You were in shock, the way he was so serious as he stared you dead in the eye. You didn’t want to make eye contact because you didn’t know how to react. “I had a really hard childhood and I don’t talk about it for a reason. Because when people find out, they treat me differently. I don’t need your pity Y/n. I had enough of that growing up when I was jumping from foster home to foster home. You want to take pity, take it somewhere else.” He pulled away, turning away from you as he began to fill his coffee cup up again.
You didn’t know what else to do so you came up behind him, wrapping your arms around his torso. You pressed your lips to his shoulder blade, resting your cheek against his back. “Thank you,” you whispered, having nothing else to say. Chanyeol let out a deep sigh, turning around and wrapping his arms around you.
“Why don’t we go out to breakfast? I’m starving.” You agreed to his offer, wanting to just spend the day with Chanyeol. You knew you had more questions, and so did he, but the both of you knew it wasn’t the right time. When the time was right, he would tell you.
You and Chanyeol decided on having breakfast at a local diner that you would go to after every football game in high school. You remembered tagging along with Joongi and his friends, never really getting along with them but going anyways to support him.
“What’ll it be kids?” The waitress asked, coming over to your table and taking your order. She took the menus, leaving the two of you alone to enjoy your morning.
“So this party tonight. Is it formal wear like it was last night or brown ugly sweater? Maybe like a casual button up?” Chanyeol asked, bringing his coffee cup to his lips. You just laughed, shaking your head.
“Just go as you,” you replied, leaning your head against the palm of your head. “I don’t want you to feel like you have to pretend to be something you’re not.” Chanyeol mimicked your actions, having his face only inches away from you. “I’m not going to lie, if you kept your hair pink, I don’t think my uncles would let you get away with that.” Chanyeol laughed, pressing a small kiss to your nose before pulling away. As he sat there, staring out the window at the newly coated white streets, his face beaming from the glowing outside.
“Stop staring at me you dork,” Chanyeol finally laughed, catching you in the action of staring. You couldn’t help it. You couldn’t help the fact you were completely in love with Chanyeol and every little thing about him. You couldn’t help that he was the most beautiful thing that stood out to you.
“Well funny running into you two here.” The voice was all too familiar, the way it hissed from your left. You didn’t want to look over, not wanting to give him any sort of attention, not after what he told Jongdae last night. It wasn’t his to tell, and for that, you felt more than just a dislike for the man standing inches away from you.
“What the hell do you want, man?” Chanyeol sighed, looking up at Joongi in announce. “I’m getting tired of your face just popping up.”
“Not my fault you two decided to come home to where I happen to live,” Joongi smirked, his attitude spiking as he could tell he was bothering the both of you. “I’m surprised you’re still with this scum after what I heard about him. It just amazes me-”
“It’s none of your business, Joongi,” you snapped back, finally looking up from your twiddling thumbs. The last thing you wanted was to give in to his little manipulative actions but you couldn’t stay quiet any longer. “What happens between me and Chanyeol, is none of your business. What goes on in his life is, you guessed it, none of your business. You keep it up, I’m going to have to do something about it myself. So take your high and mighty shitty attitude somewhere else, like all those asses your head was up this past year. Bye now.” Your sudden outburst took not only everyone around you, but yourself, by surprise. You didn’t expect to blow up like that but it felt good to get it out in the open.
Joongi huffed, stomping away in a dramatic movement, leaving you and a very wide eyed Chanyeol. “Well at least now I know not to get on your bad side.” You were over everyone butting their two sense into yours and Chanyeol’s relationship. You get that people were nervous for you, hell you were nervous for yourself and that was stressful as is. You didn’t need everyone and their dog barking at you, telling you that he wasn’t right.
There was more to Chanyeol, more than what he was giving off. When you first met him, he was rude, didn’t care for just about anything. But while he was bickering with you and pushing people out of the way, he was acing all of his classes, helping his professors teach lessons, doing his best in school. Yes, he was slipping in the social aspect, creating a bad name, but that didn’t matter to him. He didn’t care for his social status, he only cared about whether or not he was passing school.
When you first got together with him, after that night, he really showed a different side of himself. You remember going over to his place, none of the other boys being home, just being Chanyeol. He was in his bedroom, working on an essay for one of his harder classes. He explained to you, his research, how long he had been working on it, something that even you didn’t expect. You hated the fact people kept bringing up the negative about him.
You were pulled from your thoughts when Chanyeol’s phone started to ring, pulling your attention towards his direction. He pulled it out of his pocket, rolling his eyes and setting it down on the table. You were quick to snatch it, looking at the name flash across the screen. It was Junmyeon. “Answer it.” You pressed, handing it over to him.
“Fine.” You slid your thumb across the screen, bringing it up to your ear. “Hey Junmyeon, it’s Y/n. Chanyeol is in the bathroom right now.”
“Oh no worries,” Junmyeon replied. “How is your break going?”
“Good,” you replied. “He’s loving it here in the middle of nowhere.” Chanyeol rolled his eyes, trying to plead for you to hang up. You just ignored him, lifting your hand to stop him from asking anymore.
“Sounds like it. I’m actually glad you answered. I was wondering if you and Chanyeol would want to join us for dinner. Our treat. We live here in Seoul so we would love to pay for you two to come out here when you get the chance. Don’t tell him about it.”
“I would love that,” you tried to hide it away from Chanyeol. “I will send you my number and we will go from there.”
“He’s back isn’t he?” You heard Junmyeon laugh on the other end. “Okay. We will talk again soon. Happy Holiday’s Y/n. And tell my dumb brother I said hello.” You hung up, handing your phone back over to Chanyeol who had a confused look on his face.
“He just said he misses you and wanted to get ahold of my dad for some school stuff,” you tried to play off, knowing that Chanyeol would easily call your bluff. Chanyeol just shrugged, not wanting to go on anymore about the small conversation you had with Junmyeon. Instead, he said something different.
“If he wants us to visit, I’ll set something up so we can do that.”
“Wait, really?” Chanyeol leaned back in his seat, propping his elbows up along the back of his booth.
“You brought me here to meet your family. I want you to meet mine. Well, my brothers. He’s married and has one little girl whom I just adore. I think you’d really like his family.” You were excited that Chanyeol was stepping out of his comfort zone with you, agreeing to go with you to your family party then inviting you to meet his? It was a small gesture, something you shouldn’t be so excited about, but you were. This was big for him, for the both of you.
After breakfast, you headed back to your place to get ready for the family party your parents were throwing. Chanyeol had helped your mother with some light cooking, making just about everything but dessert. You and Jongdae helped your father decorate the living room area, hanging up lights, small decorations just to make the place a little more homey. After you had finished, your mother rushed in, placing a plate of cookies on the coffee table. “Okay go get ready you two. Family will be here soon.”
You walked up the stairs, coming to Chanyeol’s open door, him pacing back and forth in his room. You walked over, slowly opening as you tried not to scare him. “Is everything okay?” He looked up, running a hand through his hair as he slipped his phone back into his pocket.
“Everything’s fine. I have to go do something.” He began to put on his jacket, rushing around the small room, in search of his keys. You were confused as to why he was in a hurry, his actions causing you to be a bit worried as to why he was so upset. He stopped in front of you, looking down at your furrowed eyebrows. He lifted your chin, leaning down and pressing a small kiss to your lips. “I’ll be back really soon. I just have to go take care of something.”
“Chanyeol,” you called out, grabbing his attention before he could walk down the stairs. He turned around, looking at you with his big doe eyes. “I love you.” He couldn’t help but smile, walking over and pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“I love you too.” And with that, he walked down the steps and out of the house. You walked over towards the hallway window, watching him pull out of the driveway in his car, driving off down the road.
“Where is he going?” Jongdae asked, looking over your shoulder. You shrugged, crossing your arms over your chest. You had an uneasy feeling about what he was doing. He didn’t even give you a chance to ask what he was doing. He was so fast to quickly move past you, trying his best to avoid any conversation. You didn’t know when he was going to be back but you could only pray he was staying out of trouble.
Your family had arrived, aunts and uncles filling the living room, your grandmother on your mom's side going over how you used to spend Christmas with her when your parents were working. You loved it when your family came over, being able to catch up with them. You felt like you would have had a better time if Chanyeol was there, but he still hadn’t returned. It had been a couple of hours now.
“Where’s Chanyeol?” Jongdae finally asked, looking around the small living room with you. “Everyone was looking forward to meeting him.” You were about to reply when you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket, slipping it out and looking at the unknown number. You excused yourself from Jongdae, answering the call regardless of not knowing who it was.
“Hello?” you asked, awaiting a response.
“Y/n,” you heard his voice said. “It’s Junmyeon. Chanyeol’s been arrested.”
“What?” You felt your heart just break, the words echoing through your head. “What happened? Where are you?”
“I’m down at the police station. They called me a little over an hour ago and I just got here. Can you come down? I’ll explain more once you get here.” You agreed, quickly hanging up and pulling Jongdae aside.
“I have to go down to the police station. Can I borrow your car?” Jongdae didn’t question your request. Instead, he handed you his keys, giving you a concerned look. “I’ll let you know what happens.” You rushed out of the house, hopping into Jongdae’s car and racing off towards the police station.
Your mind was racing with what could have happened. Was he okay? Did something happen to him? You were nervous, the pit in your stomach growing as you tried to hold back any threatening tears. You didn’t know what to expect, not wanting to think of the worst just quite yet.
You arrived, seeing Junmyeon sitting in a chair closest to the door. He was quick to spot you, getting up as soon as he saw you walking towards him. “What happened?” You asked, entering the building. Junmyeon pulled you into a hug before sitting you down. As Junmyeon rubbed his legs, you could tell he was nervous.
“Chanyeol,” Junmyeon started. “Chanyeol beat the shit out of Joongi. Joongi is in the hospital with a broken rib and hasn’t woken up.” Your body was numb, not really knowing what to feel anymore. You were confused, light headed at the thought of Joongi in the hospital. “If he doesn’t wake up Y/n…. Chanyeol could get life in prison.”
“W-Why? Wh-What happened-d?” You could feel your body just shutter as the words escaped your mouth.
“Chanyeol was meeting someone, I don’t know who exactly, but he was upset about it. Went to the local bar and drank himself to a point where just about anything could set him off and Joongi was there. One thing lead to the next and I get a call from the police station. You know how Chanyeol get’s when he’s drunk, he’s a ticking time bomb.” You felt as if you were no longer on earth, feeling like the whole place was fleeting beneath you. Your body felt heavy, your head still in the clouds as you tried to wrap the idea of Chanyeol being in jail.
“Hey,” the cop grabbed your attention, your eyes following to the boy who was still handcuffed. “The man he hit woke up, isn’t pressing charges. Since the other guy threw the first hit, Mr. Park here is free to go.” He unlocked the silver cuffs, letting Chanyeol walk in front of him. He was no longer drunk, just looking like he had taken a beating from hell. Junmyeon got to his feet, guiding Chanyeol out the door, letting you follow behind.
“Hey Junmyeon? Will you give me and him a second?” You whispered, Junmyeon agreeing as he walked back inside to fill out some paperwork. Chanyeol leaned against his brothers car, letting his head fall back so he was looking at the sky. “So what? You have nothing to say for yourself?” He didn’t reply. “What happened?”
“He wouldn’t shut up about you,” Chanyeol whispered. “I can’t let him walk around like that thinking it’s okay.”
“What he says doesn’t affect me anymore, Chanyeol. You can’t go around starting fights like that.” Chanyeol lowered his head, the look of defeat vivid in his line of sight.
“I was just trying to protect you.”
“I don’t need your protection.” You felt the space around you tighten up as you choked back tears. Chanyeol lifted his head, looking at you dead in the eye. You wanted to look away, to just let this be over with, but you couldn’t. You also couldn’t look past the face he had nearly killed your ex-boyfriend, the way he lost his anger. “You should go home with Junmyeon tonight.” Chanyeol was silent, his head hanging low as he focused on the ground in front of him. He didn’t argue, didn’t protest.
“I’ll make sure he gets the rest he needs. Thank you Y/n,” Junmyeon said, placing a hand on your shoulder and giving it a small squeeze. You gave him a small smile, thanking him. “You should go home and get some rest. I’ll text you when we make it back to my place.”
“Thank you Junmyeon.” Chanyeol had yet to look up at you, his posture being limp as Junmyeon helped him around the car to the other side. You felt as if you wanted to cry, but couldn’t. You choked on your own words, walking back to your brother's car. It was silent, sitting there in the parking lot of the small police station. You watched the snow gently hit the windshield, building up for you had yet to start up the car.
You didn’t know how you were feeling, your body being numb. When you finally started the car, the snow had already made a coat on the ground, covering up the exposed roads and sidewalks. The drive home was quiet, listening to the way the car drove through the wet puddles, the heat blaring against your sensitive skin.
You pulled into the driveway, putting the car in park. That’s when you could feel yourself losing control. You let the tears fall, the pain beginning to grow as the image of Chanyeol flashed through your mind. He was so defeated, knowing that he had upset you. He had been trying so hard to be better and you felt like it was all washed away tonight, going back to day one with him. It hurt you, it hurt knowing that he had snapped and you couldn’t be there to help him.
You walked inside your house, Jongdae sitting in the living room. He peered over his shoulder, seeing you make your way inside. You took a seat next to him, resting your head against his shoulder. Jongdae didn’t say anything, he just let you rest your head against him, knowing that you weren’t okay without having to say anything. You could feel your eyes get heavy as you stared at the blank TV in front of you. Your eyes were swollen, making it hard to really keep them open but you knew it would be almost impossible to fall asleep.
Jongdae let out a deep sigh, wrapping an arm around your shoulders as he hugged you close to him. “It’s what he needs right now. He will be okay eventually, but he needs this and so do you.” Jongdae was more than right, but you didn’t want him to be. What you wanted was to be with Chanyeol, cuddled up to him in his bed that you happened to miss so much. You wanted things to be okay, to be perfect. But they weren't going to be, and it was hard to come to terms with.
This is what’s best for him, you thought to yourself. For us.
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xerceii · 3 years
I met you last Monday
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Pairing: Chanyeol/OC
Genre: Romance/Fantasy/drama
Plot: Chanyeol is one of the worlds biggest rock stars who’s getting ready to set off on their tenth anniversary tour with his band exo. Before he does he wishes that he can do this tour and move on with no regrets in life. He wakes up to find himself ten years in the past in his old apartment with a past he wanted to forget.
Warnings: Topics of suicide, depression, drug abuse and other stuff might be mentioned. 17+
Note: I made this a long time ago as part of my “Careful what you wish for” series that I never did. The first story to this would be Visible with Sehun/OC pairing that you can read here. (You do not need to read Visible to understand this one)
Wattpad Link here ao3 link coming soon
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thatmultifandomhoe · 4 years
EXO - Master List
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No word count = under 1k.
  💞 = Fluff
  🌩 = Angst
  💋 = Smut
Updated as of 5-24-2021
Click here to Return to the Main Master List.
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Not yet.
Not yet.
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Not yet.
Not yet.
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Not yet.
Not yet.
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Not yet.
Not yet.
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2 notes · View notes
honeyluvs-stuff · 4 years
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capa para spirit ll fanfic por Ixx_s
13 notes · View notes
thinkyoureholy · 5 years
The Phoenix [6]
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Pairing : Park Chanyeol / [fem] Reader
Genre : Angst, Violence, Language, Fluff, Smut, Character Death?, Fantasy! AU
Words : 3.1
Pt 1. Pt 2. Pt 3. Pt 4. Pt 5. Pt 6.
≫ ──── ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ──── ≪
-Y/N's P.O.V-
I chased after the red haired boy, giggle after giggle falling from my lips. I stumbled over my legs but regained my balance immediately, the smile never falling from my lips. I managed to catch up with him, tackling him to the floor.  We rolled once or twice before coming to a stop. I stared down at the young boy with a grin plastered on my face but that smile soon fell from my face as that little boy seemed to go into a young man right before my eyes. I stared into his bright red eyes in shock.
I sat up in bed, gasping for air as my eyes flew open. I had woken up in a cold sweat, my chest rising and falling quickly with each breath I took. I stared at my hands with wide eyes, my eyes darting around. What the hell was that? Why--Why did that little boy turn into Chanyeol? Why am I even dreaming something like that? And why...why does it feel like a memory? That dream was too vivid for it to just be a figment of my imagination...and its not the first time I’ve dreamt something like this. Ever since my encounter with Chanyeol in the woods that night I had recurring dreams about him. His face as a child was just too clear for me to think nothing of these dreams.
“What’s got you up so early?”
I froze at the sound of its voice. I looked around almost frantically to see it splayed across the door, “Nothing.”
It smirked, slithering across the floor before it materialized in front of me, “You know you can’t hide anything from me...might I remind you that we share the same body…”
I grit my teeth those words. It always said this and every time I heard it it pissed me off to no end. This body's mine and mine alone. I don’t care if that thing is taking up residence inside me but this body is mine. I hate the thought of it taking my body over, knowing it had the strength to do so. I hated being at its mercy, I wasn’t even allowed some time alone inside my own head.
It chuckled at the dark look on my face, getting closer the mist turned into flimsy hands. It reached out to caress my cheek, chuckling once more when I moved away.
“I just love when that look comes to your eyes. That’s the look I want to see on your face when you finally kill that little phoenix and those that he rules over.”
I clenched my fists at the tone it was using with me, “Don’t patronize me. And I’ve told you already...I’m not killing those that have nothing to do with our affairs.”
“Oh? Is that so? Even though I told you you had no choice in the matter, you continue to disobey me...you’re a brave one...I’ll even go as far as to say you’re braver than your ancestor. She couldn’t handle having me reside in her body...so she took her own life but you...you blatantly defy me again and again...you’ve got guts I’ll give you that.”
I cursed to myself, feeling the temperature in my hands beginning to drop the angrier I got. I had to restrain myself from using my powers against this thing...it would be useless to even try that anyway. I let out a deep breath through my nose, feeling myself relax if only just a little bit.
“What do you know about those dreams I’ve been having for the past few days?” I asked, changing the subject.
I watched closely as it noticeably flinched before regaining its composure.
“I don’t know what you want me to tell you regarding that...I’m as clueless as you are.”
“Really now?”
It scoffed, offended to see that I didn’t believe a thing it was saying, “You think I’m hiding something from you?”
“It wouldn’t be the first time…” I muttered under my breath but it was loud enough for it to hear me.
The way the mist dispersed told me that it was done talking to me for the next few hours or for the rest of the day if I was lucky. I sighed heavily, rubbing my hands over my face as I thought back to that dream...and all the other ones that came before it. There was only one person I could think of that could tell me if my dreams were actually forgotten memories that are trying to resurface.
It was unlike Kyungsoo to avoid me. Usually he’d be the one coming to me, wanting to get me to relax a bit and enjoy the fresh air with him as he dragged me out to the garden when I would bury myself in my work for hours on end but that hasn’t been the case these last few days. These last few days I had only seen my brother about three times and each time I never got to speak with him. I had always meant to because when I did see him he looked troubled and that was one thing I couldn’t stand to see. I was fine with taking all the hate, all the backlash from my people. I was okay with getting the short end of the stick, so to speak. And I did all this to give Kyungsoo an easy life, one where he didn’t have to worry about making tough decisions and where he could focus his time on things he liked to do like tend to the gardens, help sick animals, further his relationship with Hayi...trivial things like that. I wanted him to have the life we would’ve both had if our parents were still alive.
I looked up at the sound of his voice, raising a brow when I met his gaze, “Shouldn’t you be out in the field?”
He smiled softly as he shook his head, “I don’t think there’s any need for me to be out there...at least not right now.”
“Jun what-”
“Chanyeol has pulled back his soldiers.”
I froze at his words, so many questions running through my mind, “What?”
“They started moving sometime during the day yesterday and we were prepared to fight but by nightfall they had all gone back. Y/N, I think this is Chanyeol’s way of saying he wants peace.” Junmyeon explained, a slight giddy tone to his voice.
"Peace? That murderous fire bird wouldn't know what peace is if it hit him in the face." I retorted with as much contempt in my voice as I could muster, "Who said you could leave the front lines without my permission?"
"I...I just thought-"
"Well whatever you thought you thought wrong. Now, go back out there and protect my lands." I cut him off, my voice oozing with authority.
"Just how far does your hate go?"
My heart sank at the sound of the new voice. He sounded disappointed as he appeared from down the hall. I refused to meet his gaze, hanging my head in shame. Kyungsoo was the only person I never wanted to disappoint yet here he was, looking more disappointed than ever.
"How much of yourself are you willing to give up to that thing living inside of you? You've even allowed it to erase your memories."
My ears perked up at his words as I now stared at him wide eyed, "What do you know about those memories?"
This is what I wanted to talk to him about. I wanted to tell him about my dreams and ask him about what they meant but it seems like he already knows what they are. If they truly were my memories he should be able to tell me why I keep seeing Chanyeol in them. Why did that little boy turn into Chanyeol every time he turned and showed his face? It was true that I was missing a huge chunk in my memory of when I was a child but I had never thought much of it, I mean it was so long ago it only made sense that some of my memories had faded with time. But what he said about it erasing m memories made something within me snap...was it purposefully trying to make me forget. I asked aloud the one question that had been plaguing my mind since these dreams started up...since I noticed a pattern with Chanyeol’s appearance.
“Did I know Chanyeol as a child?” I asked, my voice low but loud enough for him to hear.
He kept his mouth shut for a moment, avoiding my gaze before finally answering, “We knew both him and his brother, Jongin. They were a pretty big part of our lives up until their parents died...that happened about a week before our own parents died.”
My knees gave out at his words but I forced myself to stay standing. His words were shocking to say the least but the fact that he had been keeping this to himself for so long hit harder than anything.
“When were you going to tell me…?”
“I didn’t think I’d ever have to tell you something you lived through. We’re both the same age...I didn’t think your memory was so terrible but now I know that’s not the case. That thing is taking over your mind Y/N and the first thing it’s taking from you is your memories. It won’t be long until you won’t be able to recognize your own flesh and blood.”
-Kyungsoo’s P.O.V-
I watched as she stumbled back, bringing a hand up to the side of her head. She shook her head quite violently for a moment, setting her jaw as she closed her eyes. I frowned at the mist that emitted out of her before engulfing her whole body. I took a step towards her but an arm stopped me. I looked over to see that it was Junmyeon who stopped me from getting any closer to her.
“It’s not safe for you to get any closer…” He muttered, his turquoise colored eye glowing brightly, “It’s been awhile since I’ve seen that thing come out and take over...it must be much stronger than the last time I saw it with how little she resisted it.”
I opened my mouth to tell him to stand down but a dark laugh stopped me. We both looked over to see that her hair had turned a pitch black, her eyes doing the same. She grinned wickedly, tilting her head from side to side, as if she was stretching before she began to crack her fingers at her sides.
“Ah...it sure is nice to be out…” She trailed off, looking down at her had as it began to cover itself in frost, “Boy how I wish to have a body this strong without having to share it...it's a shame really...Y/N doesn’t know the true power she has within her.”
Junmyeon and I stayed silent, watching her for any sudden movements. It seemed like she was talking to herself, that thing was having too much fun being out but we couldn’t relax even if it did forget we were in the room. Junmyeon moved to stand in front of me, using himself as a human shield against this thing. That's when she raised her head, finally taking notice of us. Her grin seemed to grow as she angled her body to face us properly, ice covering the ground. The ice crawled its way over to Junmyeon, little tendrils of the ice making its way up his legs until they got to his knees. Junmyeom cursed as she practically glued him to the floor. She let out a chuckle when he began slashing at the ice around his legs with a whip made out of water but his attacks weren't leaving so much as a scratch on the ice.
"Good luck with that...it'll take you at least one hundred slashes to even make a dent." 
I grit my teeth, annoyed that it can just do whatever it liked. As my anger grew the ground beneath us began to rumble. She was surprised by the sudden action but she let out a crazed laugh.
"I'm getting real sick and tired of you, demon. Just when my sister is about to learn the truth you push yourself out." I yelled out, the ground beginning to split.
"I'm the one that's getting tired here. I thought I told you to keep your mouth shut if you know what's good for you." She all but growled out before the windows suddenly burst open like a bomb had been set off on the other side.
Junmyeon created a wall of water to protect the two of us from the shards of glass coming towards us. Her eyes seemed to darkened when she saw him do that. I could see her clench her fists tightly, her teeth biting down on the inside of her cheek. My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach when I saw ice forming around her right hand as water swirled around her left, the wind blowing through her hair. She smirked, attacking us with three of her powers but they never reached us. 
An immense and overwhelming heat encased both Junmyeon and I. I looked up with wide eyes to see Chanyeol standing before us, his phoenix wrapping its wings around us. The fire coming from the phoenix melted the ice around Junmyeon's legs in seconds.
"It looks like we got here just in time."
I looked to my left to see Jongin give me a small wave. I was more than confused at this point and just as I opened my mouth to question what the hell they were doing here Jongin grabbed onto my sleeve, pulling me closer to him. He also grabbed onto Junmyeon and Chanyeol, making sure he was touching us all in some way before we suddenly teleported to a different place. I was forced to close my eyes, suddenly feeling dizzy. Jongin let go of me but the loss of something stable made my knees give out from under me. I fell to the ground, holding myself up with my arms.
"What the hell did you two just do?" Junmyeon asked in a strained voice.
"We brought you somewhere safe." Jongin replied slowly, his tone sounding cautious.
There was silence for a moment, forcing me to look up at the two. Jongin stayed quiet while Chanyeol walked over to me, crouching down in front of me.
"I had a feeling that thing would try and kill you like it killed my parents. I knew she'd be devastated to know of your passing...so I decided to bring you to a place where that thing can't touch you...at least not for the time being."
He smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck, "I've sort of remembered memories I had locked away. I know all four of us were close as children...Y/N and I especially…"
My eyes widened at his words….he knew? Does this mean he remembers the past he had forgotten? I looked over to Jongin, silently asking him. He nodded slowly, answering my question.
"How long have you known?" 
He looked shocked at my question but he answered nonetheless, "A little less than a week now...wait you knew?"
I nodded, pushing myself off the ground as I rose to my feet, "I've known my whole life. Unlike you and Y/N I didn't lose my memories, on the contrary I can remember them as clearly as if they happened yesterday."
"And you've kept quiet this whole time?"
I ignored his question as I turned to Jongin, staring into his onyx colored eyes, "Why did you show him the past without consulting me first? If he knows it's only a matter of time before it finds out and comes to kill him...taking the whole empire in the process."
"My brother deserves to remember his own memories don't you think? He has that right the same way your sister does." Jongin replied curtly.
"You think I don't want my sister to remember what she's forgotten, what happened that night... like it really happened and not how that thing made it seem?! I would give up any of my limbs for her to have her memories back, her true memories and not the ones that have been distorted! But I can't even begin to tell her the truth without that thing interfering!" I cried out, my heart breaking at the thought of my sister being a prisoner in her own body, "I'm tired of watching that thing slowly eat away at her...I can hardly even recognize her now. And...and it angers me to know that there's not a damn thing I can do to save her. At this rate she'll end up taking her own life like our ancestor who had the misfortune of housing that monster in her body all those years ago."
"What?" Junmyeon and Chanyeol both exclaimed in unison.
"Wait, forget about the memory stuff for now...when exactly did this ancestor of your die?" Chanyeol asked, taking a step towards me.
"The day of her twenty fifth birthday."
Junmyeon inhaled sharply before speaking, "You both turn twenty five next month…"
I bowed my head, praying she wouldn't follow in her footsteps but with how things were going, it was only a matter of time. Y/N was already starting to change...and it wasn't for the better. I dared a glance at Jongin, hoping his eyes would tell me if the past would repeat itself but he avoided my gaze.
"No matter how much you beg I can't tell you about what's to come. There are things we can't meddle with, time is one of them." He said, his tone firm.
"No, Chanyeol. I've made up my mind about this and you can't change it, no one can. Kyungsoo's been trying for almost a decade and I've stuck by my decision." He cut him off, his black eyes clouding over, "I won't have any of you playing God, whatever is going to happen will happen whether you like it or not. Any changes to the future I have seen will happen organically...not by your meddling...that is if anything can change it."
"You bastard." Junmyeon growled out from beside me, taking a step towards Jongin but I stopped him.
I gave him a look to which he answered with a step back, bowing his head. I then turned to Chanyeol who had a troubled look on his face.
"Chanyeol...I want to know how much you remember exactly...you might be the only one that can trigger her memories."
He rose a brow at my words, "What? Why…?"
"Because then I'll know how far you're willing to go to help me save my sister."
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sehun-smut-blog · 6 years
Deceitful - Chanyeol
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some people bring out the worst in you, others bring out the best. Then there are those remarkably rare, addictive ones who just bring out the most. They make you feel so alive that you’d follow them straight into hell, just to get your fix
one | two | three | four | five | +
This post contains intense and possibly triggering themes. Viewer discretion is advised. Rated [M] for mature.
You and Chanyeol may have made amends, but that doesn’t mean you were going to go easy on him.
So maybe that justified why you were waiting patiently for him, in nothing but your black silk housecoat and matching black lace set, twiddling your thumbs until he would eventually walk through your door.
He was supposed to be giving you a briefing on some opportunity that had come up with Neoculture. Simple, really, should only take an hour or so. Just running over body language and discreet questions you could ask, maybe see if you could get into their headquarters. That’s the goal, anyway. Since the gala, it had been nothing but radio silence for a few days, making you nervous. The deadline was approaching, it was now becoming hard to ignore how in a few short weeks everything you had grown to love could come burning to a heap at your feet.
If you even survived the infiltration, that is.
But that didn’t make you nervous, somehow. What made you anxious was, impossibly, the six foot man that was scheduled to arrive any second. 
And you didn’t know how to feel about that. Because you don’t get nervous! The sweaty hands, racing heartbeat was all new to you, not something you typically came by. It was stupid to be almost afraid of anything that came out of Chanyeol’s mouth these days, considering that after your whole spilling-of-the-heart he had seemed to ditch the asshole behaviour. There was no reason your chest should contract whenever he brushed too close, or how sometimes the teasing he would subject you to would make you blush. 
So this? The silk robe and sexy set was to ensure he wouldn’t be able to resist. It was sexual frustration, certainly. You hadn’t gotten laid since that damn on-call room in the basement, and you were aching for something to fill the void - literally.
Which also explained why you almost leapt to your feet when you heard your door swing open. 
Chanyeol called your name through the small apartment, booming voice echoing through your place for just a moment before he turned the corner to your living room, the words immediately dying on his lips.
His eyes widened to the size of saucers as he drank you in, jaw slack. You noticed with a grin how his ears immediately grew red, from underneath his - now black - hair.
“You changed the hair?” You hummed with a smirk, nonchalantly picking at your nails as though this - you in lingerie, alone in your apartment - was completely normal. 
“Y-You’re naked.” He huffed, stammering slightly as he flopped into the chair opposite you. You could tell he was trying to appear just as nonchalant as you were, but the fact that he couldn’t get his eyes off you was a dead giveaway.
“No, I’m not?” You hummed sweetly, cocking your head at him as though you were confused. “I’m wearing a robe.”
He scoffed, head lolling until he was staring at the ceiling. You watched him gulp, knowing by how his hands tightened on the armrests that he was fighting to not come tear it off you. 
“A robe doesn’t count as clothing.”
“Says who?” 
“Says me.” He growled, finally locking his gaze on you once again. You could tell he was fighting it, the opportunity to not hold you down and fuck you into submission, the urge to admire the way your breasts dipped into your bra. “We’re supposed to discuss work.”
You laughed, crossing your legs quickly and ignoring how his eyes traced the movement. “And I can’t do that in a bra and panties? I’m focused, come on Chanyeol, control yourself.” You teased, now fiddling with the belt that was the only thing keeping the robe from spilling open. 
“Don’t undo that.” He warned, but it was too late, the silk already slipping from your torso to reveal the black, sparkly bra he had been so fond of only a week or so ago. “Oh, fuck sakes.”
“What? Come on, let’s talk about work then, you big pussy.” You said with a laugh, leaning back onto the couch with a sigh. “I’m fine.”
“Of course you are, but if I whipped out my cock would you feel the same?”
“Is that an offer, Chanyeol-ah?” You said with a wicked grin, making him scoff.
“Nope. You’re not winning this thing.” He huffed, leaning forward to rest his elbows his knees, giving you a slight grin with a shake of his head. You liked the dark hair - it suited him, made him look older than the fiery red had.
“What if I said you’re new hair looks good? Sexy, even. Would you let me win then?” You hummed, returning his grin slightly as you watched him lick his lips.
He groaned at that, blinking away the thought with a wave of his hand. “No, no, come on, we’ve got to discuss work.”
“No fun.” You pouted, but understood anyway. Hell, as great as it would be to wind up screaming Chanyeol’s name tonight, he was right. There was still plenty to be done in the meantime. “What did you guys find out?”
“Minseok managed to file into their email server, they have something booked for tomorrow night.” Chanyeol sighed, eyes still closely tracing your body as he spoke. It made you want to set on fire. “A club downtown, they’re going to make some deals while they’re there. It’ll be a good time for you to socialize again.”
“Sounds good. Do you know who’s all going to be there?” You hummed, but your mind was elsewhere as you admired the way his legs looked in those sinfully tight jeans.
“Stop undressing me with your eyes.” He huffed, snapping at you with his right hand slowly. “Eyes up here.”
You let out a huff of a laugh, rolling your eyes at him. “I was not!”
“It’s distracting.” He scoffed back, rolling his eyes. “Come on, I’m trying to be a good supervisor!”
You scoffed at that, hating how the one time he thought with his head was also the time you wanted the exact opposite. Even then, your promise to try listening to him held steady. “Fine, fine. Go ahead, I’m listening.” You relented with a sigh, giving him a nod.
He nodded back at that with a relieved smirk. “Thank you.” He huffed, leaning back in his chair slowly. “Now, where was I?”
“Before you caught me lusting after your thighs? I think you were going to tell me the guest list.”
“Ah, perfect.” He said with a smirk, giving your body one last drag with his gaze. “Not too sure on that one, but it’ll definitely be that cult circle they call their men. His men, Tayeong’s. They like to handle most things themselves.”
You nodded, shifting forward in your seat slightly. “That’s good, I know them from the gala.”
“Exactly. Have you touched base with the mo - Baekhyun?” He huffed, watching as you started to correct him. When he corrected himself though, you fought to grin. “He might have gotten notice, you should see if he knows any more.”
You hummed. “Nah, haven't heard anything but I’ll text him and see. I’ll probably need to go with him anyway, make it seem organic, right?”
He nodded in approval, his eyes glittering slightly. “Feel that? It’s called learning.” He grunted teasingly, watching you roll your eyes with a grumble.
“Whatever. We should still go over what information I should get.” You huffed, crossing your arms slightly.
“Right. Well, I don’t really know what to tell you.” He hummed, watching the way your breasts squeezed together with your motion. He couldn’t help himself! “It’s probably more important that you just keep making connections, get as close as you can.”
You nodded, chewing on your lips out of habit. It was something you developed after what seemed like never-ending glimpses of Chanyeol lusting after you. It was the only thing that made you not jump his bones like a maniac.
“Okay, how?” You hummed, giving him a timid grin. “You’ve been doing this job longer than me, any tricks of the trade?”
Chanyeol hummed slightly at that, his gaze narrowing in a devilish fashion. It made your lip chewing grow in intensity, blinking the thoughts out of your head quickly.
It wasn’t fair how quickly he could turn the tables on you. One second he was fighting to not touch you, and the next, his gaze had your palms sweaty. He could flick a switch in you with just a glance, make you want to subject your body to him in a flash. Anything he said, you would do tenfold, so long as it made him brush his hands over your skin.
“So you like learning now? Willing to actually listen to my ideas? Huh, who would have thought.” He gruffed with his signature smirk, now unabashedly watching the way your chest rose and fell with your breathing.
“Shut up and teach me, you asshole.” You sighed, heart thudding at the way his gaze was glued to you.
“Hey, I thought we were going to ditch the asshole thing.”
You rolled your eyes at him with a playful grumble. “I agreed to ditch the undermining-your-authority thing. It was you who was supposed to ditch the asshole thing.”
“Well this asshole is going to teach you a thing or two, so how about you keep your half of the promise and do what I say, hm?” He asked nonchalantly, but his gaze was poison as he made eye contact, flicking you a lazy grin. “Now stand up and approach me like you’re at a bar.”
You scoffed. “What?”
He grinned, gesturing for you to rise with a flick of his fingers, egging you closer. “You heard what I said. Come on, approach me. i’m sure you’ve done it before.”
You rolled your eyes at his insistence but stood anyway, trying to ignore how Chanyeol watched your legs rise and meet the black lace of your panties with a hungry gaze.
But you couldn’t ignore it, hard as you tried. So instead, you muttered, “How should I start?”
He cocked his head slightly, giving you a blatant look. “How about hey? That’s usually a great conversation starter.”
You rolled your eyes but somehow your feet still moved to approach him until you were just a foot away. His hands were drumming the armrest of the chair, his aura still dominating and cocky, making you want to hop onto his lap immediately.
Some may take it as daddy issues, but you liked to call it common sense.
So, you breathed. “Hey.”
“Hi.” He responded, eyes glittering with delight. “What now?”
“I-Um...” You faltered, breaking under his stare. “Can I buy you a drink?”
Chanyeol laughed at that, shaking his head slightly. With his new hair, it didn’t make it fall into a mop around his face, which made it even harder to ignore the straight slope of his nose, cut of his exceptional jaw. “Try to not be so foreword. You’ll want to play a little hard to get, at least.”
“Okay, so what?” You grunted, crossing your arms with a huff. He really didn’t like making these things easy.
“Wait for him to lead the conversation. Makes him feel in control, guys love that.” Chanyeol hummed, before cocking his head at you with a grin. His tongue poked from between his teeth slightly, endearing. “So, what are you doing here?”
You scoffed at his tone when he was in the role, how he tried to sound dignified and... Tayeong-ish. It made you squirm. 
Chanyeol’s voice was so much nicer, but you’d never tell him that.
“Came with someone. Baekhyun.” You sighed, flicking your hair over your shoulder. “Thought it would be fun.”
“Well, I hope it will be.” Chanyeol acted, nonchalantly glancing around the room as though it was actually a pulsing club. “Don’t usually see women as hot as you around here.”
You scoffed, rolling your eyes. “Tayeong would never say that.”
Chanyeol shook his head with a laugh, mimicking your eye roll. “You’re right, he’d probably call you exquisite, or immaculate or something as stupid. But I’m not going to do that like I’m from the eighteen hundreds, so just go with it.”
You sighed, shaking your head and fighting a grin at his words. Hell, he wasn’t wrong. “Okay. Well, I would tell him I tend to follow wherever the excitement is.”
Chanyeol nodded at that, giving you a grin. “Well, could I buy you a drink?”
Even the words off his lips made your knees weak, gulping slightly. “Only if you ask nicely.”
“Good, don’t make it easy.” He breathed, hands now folding on his lap slightly. “So, may I please buy you a drink? It would be an honour.”
Scoffing out a laugh, you nodded, even going so far as to pretend to grab a drink from an imaginary bartender. “Thank you.”
“From this point on conversation would be harder, you’ll have to keep it light so he doesn’t suspect anything. It’ll be more important to use body language.” Chanyeol hummed with a grin, watching you swirl imaginary ice in your imaginary glass. “Which is a lot more fun to teach.”
You fought the urge to swat him, shaking your head with a laugh. “Stop, you’re the one insisting on work. You’re distracting me.”
He laughed quickly, running a hand through his hair. “This is work, shouldn’t you be distracting me? Come on, body language.”
You scoffed but used a hand to brush your hair off your chest slowly, pulse tingling at the way he watched your motion. “So, how has the company been?” You hummed nonchalantly, cocking your head at him with a smirk.
He smirked right back. Cocky bastard. “Great! Love it, being an unfair murderer and thief and all. Favourite thing in the world.” He huffed quickly, as though the world tasted sour in his tongue.
“That’s good.” You hummed, now stepping even closer to brush your fingers across his shoulder quickly. Tayeong did this to you at the gala, it would only make sense to do it back to him. It made sense for you to mimic his own motion - plus, you loved how he stiffened under your touch, the way his pupils slowly dilated as you brush some imaginary lint off his shoulder with a sultry grin. “Mind if I take a seat?”
He hummed, eyes flicking to the couch behind you where you had once sat. It would be easy for you to sit back down, continue practicing, but his devilish grin made it clear that he wasn’t wanting easy.  “This club is so busy, there’s no other unattended chairs. Now how are you going to simulate that?”
Heart drumming, you rolled your eyes with a scoff. “Oh, Yeol, I’m sure I can figure something out. In fact, here looks great.” You breathed, shuffling forward until your knees were brushing his.
You expected him to say no at your intentions, but instead his head lolled to the side, eyes flooding with darkness as he pondered it. His lips were twisting into a smirk, his knuckles white in the fists on his lap. He wanted you to crawl onto his thighs, you could see it in the way his eyes traced yours. Still, you were surprised when he spoke.
Finally, he growled. “Well, I’m nothing if not a realist.”
You laughed at that, placing your knees on either side of his thighs until you were balanced in his lap. He was warm underneath you, a feeling you hadn’t felt in what seemed like years making your head spin.
“Well I guess chivalry isn’t dead after all.” You hummed sweetly, hands softly draped onto his shoulders for balance. “Now tell me, any big plans for the company?”
The feeling of his body under you was making your heart rattle like a bird in a cage, your palms sweaty. He was dizzyingly warm, his hands slowly coming to rest on your legs outside his own, deathly still. 
“Nothing too huge. Attacking a far superior gang, probably going to die. You know,” He shot your a grin, his face so close to yours you could see each of his individual eyelashes. “The usual.” His eyes were dark brown but still, somehow, impossibly warm. You weren’t sure how you had missed if before becoming... friends, or whatever the hell this was. Now, the warmth in his gaze was drowning you.
You it down the need to gulp for air, hyper focused on the feeling of his hands on you. “The usual.” You hummed instead slightly, feeling his chest rising and falling as your hands travelled to his front. It was so intense you thought you were going to pass out, this feeling that had you weak in the knees. 
He nodded slowly, the grin slipping off his face as suddenly, he seemed to become enraptured in watching you as well. His eyes flickered over your features, breathing falling slow, until suddenly, he slowly began to lean forward.
You had kissed boys. Plenty, in fact. They had started it, you had started it, they had been mutual or forced, but you had plenty of experience in the kissing department. That still didn’t explain why you felt your lungs were going to give out when his eyes drifted shut, how the tilting of his head gave made your hands tremble like you were about to faint. 
The new feeling quickly claimed your previous nerved of steel, corroding them until you spoke, just a second before his lips would have brushed yours. “Who wins?”
Slowly, his eyes flickered open again, focusing on your lips before they flickered up to your own. “What?”
“Who wins? If we kiss right now, who seduced who?” You breathed, fingers tightening on his shirt slowly. Because God did you want to kiss him, kiss him until you passed out, but it made you impossibly terrified at the idea.
He shook his head slowly, hands slowly beginning to trail to your hips. The path left your skin erupting in goosebumps, made you chew your lips slowly to fight the urge to immediately kiss the living daylights out of him. “Does it matter?”
Those three words were all it took. Because Hell no, it didn’t fucking matter. All that mattered was having his lips on yours.
You barely had time to mutter “no,” before he did just that, his mouth immediately meeting yours in the start of a slow, careful kiss. It was new, to have him carefully slot his lips onto yours like you were glass, his hands loosely draped on your hips. It made you grin, smiling profusely as you pressed back, eyes fluttering shut. Chanyeol’s scent was heavy in your nostrils, spiced and warm, your head spinning with it. 
Chanyeol felt you smile, his own slowly growing to reflect it as he began moving, the kiss growing deeper with his every move. Soon enough you opened your jaw, allowing him to deepen the kiss impossibly further. It was heady and thick, the air surrounding your bodies as his hands tightened their grip, rocking you back and forth slowly on his lap with a growl.
“Chanyeol.” You groaned at the feeling, arms going limp and allowing the sleeves of the robe to slip off your shoulder.
“Since when do you call me that?” He grumbled, biting your lip slightly and making you squirm with a grin.
“Yeol.” You hummed, enjoying the vibration of his chest when he growled at the name. With the word, his hands tightened their grip on your ass, making you shriek playfully.
“I thought you hated that nickname.” You laughed against his lips, hands threding themselves into his hair. It was shorter than last time, allowing you to tug at the new short locks with pleasure.
“I do.” He scoffed, hands returning to your hips and giving you a squeeze. “Unless you’re the one calling me it.”
You leaned back with a satisfied grin, eyes igniting as you relished in his admittance of the affection towards the name. “Oh, I so told you so.”
“Shut it.” He laughed, shaking his head at you with an embarrassed grin. “If you tell anyone, I’m going to kill you.”
“I don’t doubt that.” You grinned, leaning back down to press a quick kiss against his jaw. It was fucking impeccable, it would be a crime not to, especially when he let out a grumble at the feeling. “Now,” You hummed, leaning back slowly and giving him a sultry grin. “To the bedroom?”
Chanyeol grinned back up at you at that, but to your surprise, he shook his head slowly. You tried to ignore how your chest deflated, smile dampened at the rejection from him, especially when he had seemed so... desperate for you as well.
“No, no. I would, trust me, but I don’t have time, I’ve got to get back to headquarters.” He sighed, cocking his head at you with a half-apologetic grin. “But trust me, I’m definitely considering that invitation a point in the desperation games.”
“Oh, so that’s what we’re calling that now? The desperation games?” You scoffed half-heartedly, rolling your eyes at him. You hated how when he smirked, the flushed redness of his lips made ache to cover them again with your own. 
“Yeah, I came up with it. All on my own. Pretty good, eh?” He grinned, but you just rolled your eyes, shifting until you could clamber off his lap, cheeks burning. Suddenly, you felt impossibly exposed in your ridiculous ensemble, struggling to tie it with your shaky hands.
“Yeah, fantastic.” You huffed, tying the belt into a rough bow with a slight sigh. You tugged your hair out of your face quickly, your gaze suddenly unable to look at him.
The feeling was back, but this time it was worse. Had you gone too far? Maybe he didn’t like it. It was stupid that you felt like throwing a fit, gnawing on your lip harshly to forget the feeling of his on your own. 
“Hey, what’s wrong now?” He asked lowly, and you could see out of your peripheral vision that his head was cocked at you slightly. It made you want to squirm.
“Nothing’s wrong Chanyeol.” You hummed nonchalantly, eyes meeting his warm ones with a half-grin. “You should get back to headquarters, you could defiantly use some target practice.”
He scoffed at that as he rose to his feet, shaking his head slightly. “I could kick your ass at target practice and you know it.” He said back, shooting you a slight smirk with the motion. He had dropped the matter relatively easily - the fact that you were still being strange, fidgety. You were grateful for it.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever you could.” You said back, forcing out a laugh that sounded just as empty as your chest felt. 
He scoffed at that, giving you a playful shove when he brushed past. It just made your skin ignite to a scalding temperature though, knocking your breath away.
Jesus, you had to get laid.
“I would bet on it, but we have enough competition already, so I won’t.” Chanyeol hummed as he nosed on his sneakers, turning to give you a wink over his shoulder as he said it. It just made you grumble, rolling your eyes slightly as you leaned on the wall facing the door with a slight scowl.
“Or you could give up on the competition all together and admit you’re attracted to me.” You said with a grumble, rolling your eyes when he barked out a laugh.
“I never said I wasn’t attracted to you.” He laughed, ears flushing a bright red when he spared you a glance.
The words made you smile slightly to yourself, even though just a moment ago his actions had wiped it off your face. “So you are?”
Chanyeol grumbled under his breath at the confrontation, ears growing a brighter scarlet by the second. “Don’t push it.” He hummed, shrugging on his black bomber jacket slowly.
But you had to, your heart screamed. Just this once, you had to make sure he wasn’t three steps ahead of you like he usually was, wasn’t feigning attraction for the sake of the desperation games. He wouldn’t lie to you, that you knew for a fact. He never had so far. 
“You are? I’m pushing it.” You urged, hand coming to rest on your hip as an excited smile drifted past your face, which you were hoping came across as cocky.
He glanced back over at you, and for a second, you could have sworn your heart stopped. 
Finally, against the blush on his cheeks, he nodded quickly. “You’re the most attractive girl I've seen in a long time.” He hummed quickly. The words made your skin crawl in pleasure, already wanting to drink them up like a fine wine. You allowed yourself, just this once, to relish in his admittance.
But the moment was gone far too soon. 
“But just because you’re hot doesn't mean I’m going to sacrifice my manhood in this competition.” He said with a devilish grin, and suddenly, you were back to square one.
“Ugh, whatever. Go back to Exodus, tell me if you find out anything else about tomorrow.” You grumbled with a wave of your hand, only appreciating his laugh for a second before he shut the door softly behind himself.
You slammed the door to the cab before quickly darting inside, the chill in the air making your freshly-shaved legs already erupt in tiny, prickly goosebumps. God, that was the worst! It had taken you far too long to get them as smooth as they were, and already the feeling of their sandpaper texture brushing against each other made you grit your teeth.
It was far too cold for you to be out in this weather dressed like this anyway, but the club you were attending made it obvious that there was certainly a dress code. Even though the code didn’t call for much clothing at all, you were already longing for a jacket to brace against the wind.
Finally, you stepped inside with a grumble, hands already coming to rub at your arms and make the frigid chill disappear. It was everywhere, all the way up your legs to just where the skintight dress covered the curve of your ass, down to your cleavage that was dripping in chains of silver jewelry. It would look extra nice under the flashing lights of the club, which you were going to head to, right after you met Baekhyun at headquarters.
Speaking of, the man was nowhere to be seen in the empty foyer, so you sat on one of the couches to your right quickly. You felt damn near naked in the little black number, which was accentuating your body so tightly you could barely breathe.
It’ll be worth it, you reminded yourself, brushing off your lap with a slight scowl. Even if tonight just resulted in making more damn connections, this dress was memorable.
“Nice outfit.” You heard a hum from behind you, somewhere in the hallway. Your head spun, toking eyes with Kyungsoo, from where he must have seen you waiting.
“Ah, Kyungsoo. Thank you.” You said with a slight, embarrassed laugh. It was barely there, slinky and almost embarrassing under his stoic gaze. “I’ve got to get their attention somehow.”
“Of course, that’s your job.” Kyungsoo said with a nod, walking in front of you. He was strictly professional, his gaze never wandering past your own, until his lips quirked into a slight smile.
“Do you like it so far?” He asked, adjusting his stance slightly. “The job, I mean.”
You nodded, smiling back slightly with a huff. ‘Yeah, it’s... it’s great so far.”
“Good, I’m happy to hear it.” Kyungsoo said with a nod, cocking his head at you slightly. “Not many women would be up for a job like this, we’ve had a lot leave before.”
You laughed slightly at that with a shake of your head. “I guess I’m not most girls, then.”
“You can say that again.” Another grunt interrupted you, the voice returning a flush to your cheeks more quickly than you could bite it back.
Chanyeol paced in front of you slowly, smirk dripping off his lips as his gaze drank you in. Again, your heart was thudding, but you hid it with a scoff.
“Ready? You brought the earpiece?” He hummed, even though his eyes were unable to focus on your face. You could feel him, his desperation to reach out and brush against your leg, and you would have let him too, until Kyungsoo’s voice cut your thoughts short.
“Chanyeol.” He hummed lowly, shooting him a look from the corner of his eye.
“What? I’m just asking!” 
“Well you can ask without eyeing her up. She’s going to work, treat her like a colleague.” Kyungsoo snapped lowly, his voice laced with a growl.
Chanyeol shot him a low gaze, leaking with slight disdain for Kyungsoo’s words. He was fond of him, you knew that, but right now, an unspoken tension was clouding the air. It made you squirm, desperate for something to shatter it like glass. You had no idea what the hell their problem was, but you wanted it to be resolved - and quickly.
“Yeah, I have the earpiece in and connected, I’ll call you once I get into the car.” You nodded quickly, offering him an awkward half smile when his eyes finally tore off Soo.
“Okay.” He said with an affirmative nod, biting his lip slightly when he refused to speak further. He could be a good actor when he wanted, but right now that skill seemed to fail him as his gaze flickered between you and his superior.
Kyungsoo let out a sigh, pushing his black-rimmed glasses off the bridge of his nose. “You should focus on setting up another meeting with Tayeong after tonight. Time is ticking, we have to get as close as possible.” He hummed lowly, his voice returning to it’s usual serious business tone.
You nodded. “Of course, I’ve been thinking about what to say so I can do just that.”
“Oh, you’ve been... practicing?” Chanyeol said with a cocky smirk, crossing his arms slowly. His face was dripping in a knowing look, his mind certainly thinking back to the practicing he had tried to help you with.
Gulping slightly, you nodded. “Yep. Practicing hard, in fact.” You said with a slight smirk of your own, watching his oversized, calloused hands as they tightened on his biceps slowly.
“Hard?” Chanyeol grinned, his tongue poking out from between his teeth with the motion.
“What the hell are you guys talking about that I don’t understand?” Kyungsoo growled, snapping your gaze back to him. 
“Nothing.” The two of you said in unison, which didn’t seem to help your case. Kyungsoo’s gaze narrowed as it flickered between your two forms, gears grinding in his mind. He was thinking hard, you could tell from the furrowing of his gaze, but thankfully you didn’t need to hear his thoughts before you were interrupted.
“Sorry, sorry!” Baekhyun muttered, loping from the elevator quickly. He ran a hand through his mussed hair, white dress shirt perfectly casually unbuttoned, shoes polished to a shine. “I was at the range, lost track of time.”
He stopped in front of you, till breathing heavily but offering you a grin and hand nonetheless. “Well you look fucking amazing, not that I should be surprised.”
You shook your head with a grin, but took his hand anyway and stood. Hell, the towering heels on your feet made it hard enough to stand on your own, his help was basically necessary. 
“Oh, this old thing? Just found it in the back of my closet.” You laughed, releasing your grip on him to brush your lap one last time. You were lucky he wore dark black skinny jeans, torn at the knees. It almost looked like you matched, both of you dressed perfectly unkempt and sexy for the club.
“You should look in the back of your closet more often.” He scoffed, glancing over your form slowly. 
“She’s going for information on Tayeong, not to impress you.” Chanyeol sneered slightly at him, making you shoot him a look.
“Chanyeol.” You cut at the same time as Kyungsoo did. Thankfully, he didn’t seem to notice you had said anything at all.
“It’s his job to bring her along, don’t berate him because of it.” He growled, locking his jaw defiantly against Chanyeol’s poisonous glare. It was low and set staunchly on Baekhyun, his arms locked in their folded manner, but you could see his fists forming against his chest.
“I’m not berating, I’m reminding.” Chanyeol huffed, locking his jaw slightly. 
“Well, stop it.” Kyungsoo said harshly, before looking at you and Baekhyun. He rolled his eyes slightly, but gave you a nod anyway. “Go on, you’re late enough as is.”
“Okay, I’ll talk to you later Chanyeol.” You hummed, offering the pair of them a slight wave as Baekhyun’s hand on your back ushered you out the door. 
You pretended not to notice their eyes on your retreating frame every step of the way.
It was only a short walk to Baekhyun’s parked car, only slightly up the street from the parked door. Unlocking it, he made sure to swing the door open for you with a grin. “After you.” He hummed, eyes twinkling.
You just rolled your eyes with a scoff, clambering into his front seat quickly. He got onto the drivers side quickly, immediately letting the engine roar to life under his hands.
“Excited?” He hummed, turning to give you a smile when you pulled away from the curb.
You grinned right back. “Yeah, hopefully I can get a good connection formed.” You said, turning to flick on your cell phone quickly. Now that you were en route, you knew Chanyeol wouldn’t be nice if you took too long to call him.
Unfortunately for you, though, your phone began buzzing before you could even attempt.
You slid to accept the call before even glancing at the contact, figuring that Chanyeol would have already gotten impatient with you. Hell, you were half expecting him to growl at you, but you were surprised when smooth velvet whispered through the earpiece instead.
“Hey, I’m going to be listening in for tonight. Chanyeol’s been too highly involved with your placements as is, so I told him I’d take over.” Kyungsoo hummed, his voice slow like molasses in your ear.
Your brow furrowed slightly with the information. What the hell? Chanyeol was your supervisor, it was his job to watch over you the way he had been. Every step of the way, he was beside you, coaching you like a mentor. How come tonight was the night he was suddenly pulled off duty?
“Are you not going to say anything?” Kyungsoo questioned, his voice biting in a way that made your stomach twist with anxiety. His authoritative aura was still heavy over the call, somehow hinting that you should be saying something to indicate that no, you weren’t wanting Kyungsoo on the other end of the line. It was stupid, but that was exactly what was tying your innards into knots. Now, you began to get nervous.
But moreover than that, you weren’t speaking because Chanyeol had told you not to let Baekhyun know last time.
“I-Isn’t this secret?” You hummed quietly, but watched as Baekhyun shot you a glance from the corner of his eye as you pulled up to a red light.
“What did you say?” He hummed, giving you a teasing smirk. He thought you were being crazy, surely.
“Secret? From Neotech, sure, but you can talk now. You and Baekhyun are on the same team, aren't you?”
“Um, sorry,” You hummed to Baekhyun, pointing at your ear quickly. “It’s Kyungsoo, I’m on the phone.”
If he was surprised, he didn’t show it. Instead, he nodded quickly, giving you a slight grin. “Oh, I thought you were talking to yourself! Sorry, keep talking. You can be louder, I don’t care.”
You nodded back with a half smile, fingers fiddling slightly on your lap. Now, you let your words grow in volume. “Sorry Kyungsoo, I didn’t think...”
“Didn’t think Baekhyun could know? I figured Chanyeol would be weird like that, he’s always overly engaged. He was probably watching Baekhyun closer than he was watching you.”
You nibbled your lip slightly. “Why would he care about what Baekhyun does?”
The car slowly pulled to a stop outside a large, concrete building. Neon lights illuminated the name of the club; Moscato, in garish blue. You had arrived, further proven by Baekhyun throwing the car into park.
You opened the door and clambered out just as Kyungsoo’s response came. His answer, however, just made more questions flood your mind.
“Don’t you know?”
“Well, you’re back already.” A voice said as you closed the car door, making you turn quickly and face the speaker. As soon as you did, a fake, sweet smile slipped onto your cheeks out of habit.
“Jaehyun.” You hummed, walking to give him a hug in greeting. It was fleeting, but his hands rested on your hips even after you pulled away. The feeling made you want to hiss, but instead you covered it with a smile at him.
“You look as stunning as ever.” He hummed, eyes tracing down your neck and along the jewelry adorning it. It was hungry and intense, as he licked his lips at the sight of you, a piece of meat for a starving man.
“Thank you.” You laughed, hands clapping together in your front. Otherwise, you would have no choice but to rest them on Jaehyun’s chest, which was essentially exposed in his attire. His burgundy shirt was buttoned lowly, leaving his collarbones exposed to the chill. All he had to brace against the wind was a black suit jacket, dressed with a sparkling, shiny cufflink. “It’s cold out, what are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be inside?”
“I could ask you the same, for the first question at least.” He hummed, his hands still refusing to leave your waist.
“I brought her along, she wanted to see everything again.” Baekhyun said, tucking his keys into his pocket and giving Jaehyun a lopsided grin. “You’re on watch?”
Jaehyun nodded, finally releasing your left hip to brush aside his jacket. The thick black handle of his strap was tucked into the waistband of his jeans, dark distressed denim a stark contrast to the seriousness of the weapon. “Nothing’s going to happen but Tayeong didn’t want to risk anything, especially so close to... well, you know.” He grinned, showing his array of pearly white teeth confidently.
Little did he know, you knew too. Tayeong didn’t want to screw anything up before the ambush.
“Yeah, I know.” Baekhyun laughed, giving Jaehyun a clap on the shoulder quickly, a signal for him to drop his remaining hand off your hip. For someone who had been told that Baekhyun was pining after you, he didn’t seem to care much that the man himself was watching.
“We’re going in, text if anything happens.” Baekhyun finished with a firm nod, tugging his arm around your waist and leading you away from the man outside. As you turned though to give him a little wave, you cut short at the image of him, carelessly staring at your ass with each step you took. His gaze was dark, lip tugged between his teeth, and suddenly you wanted to throw up.
Because that look made you realize just what you were to these men. At home, in Exodus territory, the guys watched you with respect. They seemed to genuinely like you, took your presence right from the beginning as a new member of their team. You didn’t have a family anymore, but Exodus had done everything for you so far that let yourself change your mind. Now, like Chanyeol, you felt like they were your family, in a way. Here, you were nothing but a piece of ass, a pretty accessory to adorn someone’s arm. 
The warmth of hundreds of pulsing, sweaty bodies engulfed you as soon as you stepped inside. Shrouded in darkness, the only sources of light were large chandeliers along the walls, illuminating large booths that were separated by walls of hanging crystals. The floor was thundering with feet, making the building seem to sway alongside the thudding music. Even through the aura of extravagant sinnery, the stench of sweat made you scrunch your nose.
“There aren't security cameras there so you’re going to be on your own. If anything goes badly I’ll be able to hear it, but not see, got it?”
And even though Kyungsoo couldn’t see you, you gulped with a nod. 
“Come on, let’s get started with a drink.” Baekhyun hummed into your ear, his arms leading you towards the booths. They were mostly occupied, making you relax slightly once you realized that the bar, tucked into the corner of the doom was your final destination.
“Rye and coke.” Baekhyun told the bartender. She was young, your age or even younger, so when the attractive Baekhyun slipped her a smirk you could see her ears flush bright red.
“Of course, sir!” She chirped, her smile deflating when she noticed Baekhuun’s arm was still wound around your waist. “A-anything for you, miss?”
You shot her a smile, laughing slightly as you leaned onto the bar. “Vodka soda, please. And don’t call me miss, I’m not much older than you.”
Even though your words were meant to make her more at ease, she blinked profusely with a nod. “Yes, I’m sorry. I’ll get those drinks for you guys.” She stammered slightly, before scampering away to the wide bottles on the wall.
“Jesus, did I skin her cat or something?” You huffed at her jumpy demeanour, the smile drifting off your face.
Baekhyun scoffed, removing his arm from your hips and instead settling into an empty barstool to his left. “You just scared her, who cares.”
“Why would I scare her?” You said with an eye roll, turning to give him a look.
Baekhyun smirked. “You’re intimidating, you know.”
“What? No, I’m not.”
“Yeah, you are.” He hummed, eyes flickering over you slowly. Still, it wasn’t like you were a commodity - instead, he seemed to be measuring your scare factor in his head. “Pretty face, great body. Dripping in diamonds. Confident, sexy. You’d scare anyone in their right mind.”
You rolled your eyes, fighting the urge to turn red under his words. They were compliments, not things that should make anyone scared of your presence. You had a resting bitch face, you knew that - the way people spoke of you confirmed it more than enough. Still, you didn’t want to be feared for your appearance. You wanted to be respected for your skills.
Something that most guys seemed to get without batting an eye.
So, you scoffed. “If she’s scared of me now, she should see me with a rifle in my hands.”
“You’re not intimidating to me, if that helps.” Kyungsoo hummed in your ear, making your lips twist into a slight smile.
But that’s because Kyungsoo was intimidating to everyone. That doesn’t count.
That made Baekhyun laugh, even when the girl brought back your drinks. You pretended not to notice that she didn’t make eye contact with you, instead rolling your eyes as you took a sip.
The drink was fizzy and tart against our tongue, the bite of lime a refreshing break from the scent that was still plaguing your nostrils. Neotech was good at pretending, getting only the best venues for their events. This club was screaming wealth, with everyone you saw wearing satin dress shirts and barely-there dresses, every limb coated in jewelry. The crystals separating each booth were swaying softly, scattering broken rainbows onto the walls like art. Even then, they always had their telltale stench of deceit oozing out - in this case, literally.
“Where is everyone? Mark, Yuta, the other guys?” You hummed, taking another slow sip as you surveyed the area.
“Probably on watch too, or with Tayeong. He’s getting a shipment tonight and doesn’t want them to pull a fast one on him. This club is always a good distraction to have plenty of cars coming and going - and he’ll need plenty to move the goods.” Baekhyun said lowly, making his voice nearly masked by the pulsing music.
“The goods?” You responded, turning to shoot him a look. What goods, exactly?
Baekhyun seemed to catch your unspoken question, giving you a low gaze. Even then, the words seemed too weighty for the setting, as he instead rose to his feet. “Dance with me.”
It was more of a statement than a question, prompting you to nod and follow him onto the dance floor. It was packed and humid, every person having a drink in their hands if they weren’t on another person. It was sleazy, the way people grappled at limbs like they were worth millions, the couples making out almost everywhere you turned. Thankfully, your free hand was holding to the back of Baekhyun’s white dress shirt, other one still occupied with he heavy glass of your drink. It seemed to be the only thing preventing hands and hungry eyes from latching onto you.
Finally, Baekhyun slowed to a stop, in a dark corner near a set of speakers. It was thuddingly loud, making you wince that poor Kyungsoo would have to endure the sound as well.
Nevertheless, when Baekhyun turned to shoot you a playful grin, you returned it. These clubs were like a second home during your adolescence, although never this high-class. Even though, the atmosphere was the same, sparking your muscle memory to switch into gear.
Eyes fluttering shut, your hips began to trace lazy circles, fingers dancing imaginary patterns into the air to the beat of the music. When you opened your eyes again, Baekhyun was watching with a playful smirk, hands grabbing at yours to tug you into a playful spin.
Your hair swung with the motion until you spun against his back, laughing the entire way. Your hips swayed in unison, his body never pushing it to become anything more than a playful dance. You liked that about him, how he knew there was a line. He would tease and poke and prod, but never took it too far. So while the two of you were happily dancing together, it was just fun. Not expecting anything more, not wanting anything more, he kept it purely amusing as his hands wrapped around your wrists, making the two of you do stupid, silly moves. If he had tried to take it too far, you probably would have snapped off one of his limbs, but he never did. He never would.
Plus, you only really let one guy consistently take it too far.
At the realization, your eyes snapped back open, skin growing sweaty under Baekhyun’s grasp. Because Baekhyun was your friend, and you were imagining someone else in his place. Someone who was entirely too tall, with an endearing smirk and warm eyes.
This sucked. The fact that he was always there, and you couldn’t place why. He wasn't even breathing down your ear, had been considerably more bearable lately, but still the gnawing, heart thudding feeling followed you. It was everywhere, the idea of him all-consuming. You were surprised it hadn’t burned you to ash yet.
“Okay?” Baekhyun hummed into your ear, thankfully the opposite one of where Kyungsoo was listening.
You took another quick sip with a nod. Because yes, you were okay, just... delirious, or something. Horny, probably. At least, that’s what you’d been telling yourself. “Yeah, I’m fine.”
“Okay then.” Baekhyun said with a smile, before sending you into another quick spin that made all those weird thoughts slip from your head.
It could have been minutes or hours, the time you spent with Baekhyun on the dance floor. Spinning and swaying, bouncing on your feet to the beat of the songs as they rolled through. Uninterrupted and amusing, you had all but forgotten you were actively on the job.
Until with another spin, you watched as Baekhyun’s eyes, previously glowing with a grin, flickered to someone behind you and immediately lost all life.
You felt cool hands tighten on your hip when you brushed into someone, their body immediately stepping all too close to yours. They towered over you, your heart racing, until you glanced to look at who’s arms you had stumbled into.
The sight made your heart thunder to a halt. “Tayeong.” You hummed under your breath, immediately moving to shuffle out of his grasp.
At your motion, however, his grip just tightened, to an almost painful point. You could feel each of the thick, dark silver rings digging into your hipbone, but you had already tried to move once. You would be stupid to try again.
“Hello, darling.” He grinned, showing off his teeth from behind his thin lips. Up close, with you pressed up against his body, you could really see every flaw - or lack, thereof - on his pale, porcelain skin. He looked even more sharp since the last time you had met, all high cheekbones and burning, deep black gaze. The notch above his brow was still carved sharply, his copper-red hair slicked off his forehead. He even had a faux silver lip ring, curled around his bottom lip like a snake. “You look just as ravishing as I remember.”
Against the thudding of your pulse, you smiled up at him quickly. The music was so loud, it justified you leaning closer to him, mouth nearly brushing his ear as you spoke. “It’s nice to see you again, Mr. Lee.” You smiled sweetly. 
The name made him tug you closer, the curve of your ass now staunchly pressed against his groin. You could feel the brush of denim against your spandex, making you want to tremble slightly. “I told you, anyone as beautiful as you gets to call me Tayeong.”
You faked a fluttering giggle at that, free hand coming rest atop his on your hip. Against the blazing heat of the dance floor, he was ice cold under your warmth.��“Thank you, Tayeong.” You hummed, even going to far as to give him another smirk before your eyes fell back on Baekhyun.
“Good, you’ve got him. Keep close, make conversation.” Kyungsoo whispered in your ear, your eyes blinking quickly at Baekhyun even though you made no attempt to move.
Before you could even decide what to speak, Tayeong seemed to sense your action about to move away, tensing up behind you like an attack dog. “Byun, you should be on watch. I’ll take care of this pet, go watch the left flank with Lucas.”
Baekhyun set his jaw but nodded nonetheless, giving you a slight smile before he slipped into the crowd.
Leaving you with the wolf himself.
“You’re a good dancer.” Tayeong hummed lowly, his head ducking to growl it into your ear. “Absolutely exquisite.”
He’d probably call you exquisite, or immaculate or something as stupid. But I’m not going to do that like I’m from the eighteen hundreds.
Chanyeol’s voice echoed in your head, making you want to physically eject ourself from Tayeong’s arms. It wasn’t an option though, no matter how much you hated being in his grasp. Instead, you grinned, taking another slow sip from your glass. You didn’t want to say anything further - in fact, if it were up to you, you would have torn his hands off you the minute you recognized him. But it wasn’t your choice to make. This was your job now, not your crazy teenage years.
So instead, you shot him a dangerous smirk. “Want to see more?” You asked innocently, watching his eyes flood with desire at the idea.
“Of course.” He hummed, finally loosening his hold on your waist and letting you step away from his frigid body. You turned to face him slightly, taking in the torn up Aint It Black tee and equally as torn black jeans, silver watch matching the silver rings. Before, he had seemed regal and cunning, a stone-cold businessman. Now, he looked downright dangerous, especially when he quirked his notched brow at you quickly.
 He was waiting. So, you didn’t disappoint.
Any rhythmic, smooth bone you had in your body was activated under his eye, making your hips snap to the beat of the music. Your arms were raised above your head, brushing your hair over our shoulder as you turned, griding your body with every motion you made. It was hot, and downright dirty as you watched his eyes flash from your breasts to your ass, taking in your lean torso and long legs like he was deciding which would feel better under his tongue.
Finally, with another spin you felt him, his hand wrapping around your middle to rest on your stomach. He gave you a quick shove until you were firmly pressed against him with a gasp, his other hand quickly falling aim on your throat. 
His grip tightened slightly, making your heart thunder in your chest. Immediately, your hands snatched to his, tightening around his digits as you choked out a gasp. His fingers were digging into your windpipe, making you gasp for air. Every maneuver, kick or punch that Chanyeol had taught you was racing through your mind, but you knew better than to use them this early. His grip was certainly going to leave bruises, but wasn’t enough to kill you. If he wanted to, you would have been dead by now.
“So pretty when you’re gasping for me. Come along, I’m going to buy you a drink, pretty girl.” He growled into your ear, and you could feel the cool silver of his lip ring brushing against you.
You squeaked slightly with a nod, making him chuckle lowly when he finally released your throat. Your hand cupped the aching flesh tenderly as you gulped down breath, eyes already feeling glassy from the intense moment.
Tayeong’s hand slipped from your stomach to your ass as he turned, dragging you along to a secluded booth in the corner. This one was different - the crystals strung from the ceiling circled it completely, only offering small glimpses behind the shield until Tayeong spread them apart with a sweep of his arm.
The crystals crackled as they knocked against each other, with Tayeong pushing you through them with his opposite arm. You stepped in quickly, heels clinking against the faux hardwood with each pace. You sat on the velvet seat, your dress slipping easily over the material as Tayeong matched your motion on the opposite side.
His gaze was hungry on you as he settled into the plush booth, hands immediately folding on the tabletop as he shot you a subtle smirk. “What would you like, I’ll have someone fetch it for you.”
You smiled slightly, ignoring the thudding of your heart or the ghost of his hands on your neck. “Um, vodka soda please.” You hummed, your own hand coming up to trace where his had previously been pressing.
He grinned as he watched your motion, biting at his lip ring slightly. “Sorry about that, your throat just looked so stunning, I couldn’t resist.” He laughed, slipping his arms across the table until he could grasp your free one from where it was resting.
His grip was still cool but firm in yours, making you want to tug it away quickly. It felt foreign in your grasp, only increasing the jump when he barked.
“Yuta!” He snapped his head twisting to the sheath of crystals suspended from the ceiling. His voice was laced with a snarl, a stark contrast to the faux sweetness he always used with you. 
Almost immediately, the crystals were swept aside, revealing a scowling Yuta. Almost immediately, his gaze snapped to you, full of seething. “She’s back already?” He growled at Tayeong, making him tighten his grasp.
“Yes, and you are going to fetch this beautiful woman a drink. And lose the attitude, understood?” Tayeong said to him lowly, giving him a low glare with the words. 
Yuta seemed less than pleased, but he seemed to understand that Tayeong’s tone was not to be messed with. You didn’t like Yuta, not in the slightest, which made you send him a slight smirk when he spun of his heel with a growl, the crystal curtain swaying back not place.
“As I was saying,” Tayeong turned to look back at you, the sweetness leeching back into his voice and making you want to gag. “You look stunning with those diamonds around your neck.”
You squeezed his hand slightly with a twinkling laugh, crossing your legs under the table. “Thank you, they’re not much but I wanted to look nice.” You hummed, flicking your hair over our shoulder with a grin. 
Tayeong laughed slightly at that, his hand as cool as ice in yours. “Well, you may be right, but on you they look fantastic. I hope you don’t mind my ask, but I’d certainly love to add to your jewelry collection, if you’d let me.”
“Don’t accept right away. Make him want it.”
“Oh God, Tayeong, you don’t have to do that.” You said with a slight laugh, finally succumbing to the urge to release his hand from yours and instead trace the chains softly. “That’s far too much.”
“No, I insist.” Tayeong said, a slight growl lacing his tone. Now that his hand was free, it curled into a soft fist, dragging across the table until he could entwine his own fingers together. “It would be an honour to have a gift from me adorned on your body.”
You smiled softly, finally dropping your hand from the necklaces and instead resting them on your lap. “Well, I’d love to accept but it’s too much to accept.”
“Accept it.” He finally broke slightly, his voice growing slightly more gravelly, with his narrowed gaze. It made you jump, the action causing him to let out a large, fake smile. You could see through him like glass. “You wouldn’t want to make me upset, would you doll?”
His voice was sharpened like a knife, making your gut twist. “N-No, I wouldn’t.”
He smirked. “I love how you take orders.” He said, finally leaning back into his seat slightly. Almost as though summoned, and thank God for it, Yuta returned.
“Your drink.” He scowled, setting it in front of you with a slight, mocking grin.It made you want to kick in his knees and stomp on his fingers one by one, the way his faux grin gave way to him blatantly glancing at our cleavage. He was angled in just a way that Tayeong couldn’t see, something that he was definitely certain of.
Before you gave in to the urge to beat him into next week, he stepped back, turning on his heel to gave Tayeong a glance. “The last of the shipment has been loaded, should I take it over?”
Tayeong shook his head, instead gesturing for you to take a drink. “No, I’ll take it myself. We were just getting ready to finish up, weren’t we, beautiful?”
Even though your conversation had been nowhere near done, you nodded, not wanting to hear his voice raise at you yet again. “Yes.” You hummed, taking a large sip from the glass quickly.
Tayeong laughed slightly at your action, moving to stand and offering you a hand. “Don’t worry about that, you can just take it in the car. Come on, I want to show you something before we depart each other again.”
You wanted to roll your eyes at his distinguished, flowery language. If Chanyeol was here, maybe you would have. Instead, you just furrowed your row. “I’s a glass, won’t the bar want it back?”
Tayeong scoffed harder than your words seemed justified for. “God, they won’t have the nerve to even question me on a few missing glasses. Come on, don’t dawdle.”
You pursed your lips but nodded, taking his exposed hand and shuffling to stand alongside him. As soon as you had, he yanked you tightly to his side, giving you a coy smirk. 
“Don’t need to be so far away, I want everyone to see you on my arm.” He hummed, stepping out of the secluded booth and dragging you along every step of the way.
While your pace was behind him and Yuta, you finally let yourself scowl. He treated you like another watch or ring, a fancy addition to his arsenal of pretty little objects. It was as disgusting as it was irritating.
But you replaced it with an excited grin when he stopped, giving you a quick glance. At your reaction, he smirked slightly, having no idea that beneath your curled lips you were holding back a scream.
“Yuta,” He hummed, giving the tall man a glance. “You and Jaehyun are to watch over thing here. If anything happens, and I mean anything,” He narrowed his gaze, making you squirm. “Call me. If something goes wrong on your watch, you know the consequences.”
If Yuta was phased by his thinly-veiled threat, he didn’t show it. Instead, he just gave a curt nod. “Of course, boss.” He hummed, before giving you one final, twisted smile. “And have fun, miss. I’m sure Tayeong won’t disappoint.” He snarled, before twisting on his heel and dispersing into the crowd.
Tayeong didn’t react to his last comment. If anything, his chest slightly puffed in pride, making your skin flash cold. He was disgustingly confident in his charms, barely sparing you a second look before he was pulling you through a back door, labelled Emergency Exit.
You half expected the alarm to sound, but weren’t surprised when it didn’t. If anything, it just made you want to roll your eyes, how the man pulling you into the crisp night air seemed to have little regard for anything apart from dragging out outside.
The back alley was dark and seedy, trash littering the pavement as you clambered down the steel stairs to meet it. In front of you, a car was parked, the engine idling. It was nice, sure, but not nearly as extravagant as you were expecting from Tayeong. Hell, you wouldn’t be surprised if the guy had a helicopter on the roof, just in case anyone wanted to doubt his wealth.
Suddenly, a head popped from behind the rear of the car, slamming the trunk shut with a heavy bang. “It’s all loaded up for you.” Mark hummed, giving the steel a few slight thumps with his fist. “Biggest run of tonight.”
Tayeong smirked at him, teeth glinting under the lights lining the building. “Perfect, I’ll take it from here. Watch the flank and make sure nobody follows.” He hummed, before releasing your hand and gesturing for you to climb into the passenger side with a wave. “Go in, I’ll be following.”
You nodded with a slight smile, turning and heading around the front of the car. You had barely taken a few steps before Kyungsoo was back, whispering in your ear.
“License plate.”
You glanced down at your feet, taking in the worn numbers quickly. K1S 5B7. You repeated them in your head, a mantra as you tugged open the door, slipping onto the leather seat and shutting it softly behind you.
You tried to remain inconspicuous as you watched, Tayeong’s form crossing his arms as he likely discussed more business with Mark. In the silence and solidarity of the enclosed space, you allowed yourself to reply. 
“K1S 5B7.” You huffed quickly, disguising your motion with a quick adjustment of your hair.
“Got it, I’ll see if it’s registered.”
You just nodded at that, taking a quick sip of your drink to cool your nerves. Hell, you were about to be in a car with one of the most dangerous men in the city, you would need some liquid courage to keep you from wanting to choke him out as soon as he stepped into the vehicle. It didn’t help that the car was fully loaded, you thought, turning slightly to glance into the backseat.
Almost immediately, your throat wanted to close up.
There were vacuum sealed blocks of bags - had to be hundreds, you thought. The trunk was filled to the ceiling, blocking any view from the back window, and the seats were also packed full. bags on bags as far as your eyes could see, and the floor was littered with dozens of guns.
The door opening made you snap your eyes back, watching Tayeong slip into the drivers seat alongside you.
His eyes immediately found yours, the way your body was twisted, giving away that you had been looking around. “Ah, curious girl.” He laughed, twisting the car into drive. “Ever heard the saying curiosity killed the cat, my dear?”
You twisted our lips together at that, eyes immediately becoming downcast. You couldn’t tell if he was threatening you, or just being his usual, cocky self. “Yes.”
“Well you’re lucky I like you, or that would be all too real right now. Go ahead, look around. You better understand what you could be getting into with me.” He said with an evil grin. He knew, he damn knew that at this point, there was no turning back. In his eyes, you were his now, or you were dead. Simple as that.
Luckily, in your eyes, the world wasn’t black and white.
You allowed yourself another glance as he pulled out and onto the roadway, the car immediately wefting through traffic without a care for other driver’s safety, or your own. He was a maniac, thinking he was above it all. Even death.
“What is it?’ You hummed, turning back to watch him slowly.
He scoffed. “Oh, you sheltered little thing. Cocaine, heroin, ecstasy, you name it and it’s probably packed up somewhere. This cargo is worth a pretty penny.” He hummed, turning to meet your glance. With a smirk, he cocked his head teasingly at you. “But don’t worry. You’re the most precious cargo of all.”
You scoffed slightly at that, giving him a slight smile to cover the fact you felt like you were about to pass out. This was crazy, how he was fucking flaunting his dangerous arsenal without a care in the world. They weren’t smart with their business, you knew that, but the fact that those weapons seemed to make the ones Exodus had look like dust still made you want to scream. Maybe you were in over your head. Maybe this could really, like seriously be the end of it all.
But you didn’t allow yourself to stew on it too much before Tayeong interrupted your thoughts.
“So what brought you to Neoculture? I know it’s an esteemed company, but a pretty girl like you shouldn’t be involved in such dangerous activities.” He hummed, cranking the wheel to take over the carpool lane and slamming onto the gas. It made you lurch slightly in your seat, not that he noticed, or seemed to care.
“Um, I’d heard about you whenever I’d be, you know, out on the street. Stumbled into Baekhyun one day, seemed as good an opportunity as ever. I’ve always liked danger.” You replied with a faux smile, even going to far as to brush your hand against his on the gearshift. How was he always so damn cold?
He grinned at that, a cheshire one that seemed all too twisted for his steely appearance. “Well you’re a smart girl.” He hummed, switching back into the left lane with a loud honk form the car behind him. Ignoring it, he claimed the pavement with ease, the motion so slick and self-assured you would almost believe he thought he was invincible.
The car was leading to a part of the city you were unfamiliar with, all dark buildings and faded yellow streetlights. It was damp, you could see water spraying form either side of the racing tires. Dark and grungy, it made you twist slightly in your eat. 
It was nothing like the glimmering glass skyscrapers in Exodus territory.
Eventually Tayeong pulled to a harsh stop, the seatbelt digging into your waist with the motion. He flicked the car off, motioning you to climb out with a flick of his wrist. “Out.”
You nodded, popping open the car door into the damp air and stepping out onto the sidewalk. It must have been raining here, the moon not even visible from behind the thick smog of clouds, and the air was thick with the stench of garbage and soot that was coating the street. It was putrid, making you wrinkle your nose.
“What’s that look for?” Tayeong muttered as he walked around the car, eyes set on your face lowly. He moved like a tiger, a jungle cat stalking its prey as he watch your expression morph slightly, letting out an embarrassed grin.
“Sorry, it’s just... the smell.” You hummed, kicking a spare granola bar wrapper from under your foot slightly.
Tayeong scoffed as he tugged his phone from his pocket, unlocking it swiftly. Within a moment, he held it to his ear, waiting for someone on the other side to pick up.
In the meantime, Kyungsoo was back, mumbling in your ear. You had all but forgotten he was even there, he was so much quieter than Chanyeol had been. Now, his words claimed you, filling your veins with ice.
“I’m going to hang up, stash the earpiece in the tip of your shoe or something. He’s going to get... close, so don’t risk him seeing it at all.”
It was making you dizzy, the stanch and the soot and the sound of Kyungsoo giving you the okay to operate solo. Your heart was alight, almost drowning out Tayeong’s words beside you.
“Sicheng, last round it waiting out front. Keys are in the ignition, pull it out back before unloading.” He ordered, his voice empty of any emotion. You could hear someone on the other end mulling, but Tayeong didn’t even toss a goodbye before he hung up on him, mid-sentence.
“Come on, smells better inside.” Tayeong hummed, tossing you a glance before  walking ahead, towards dark glass double doors on a dark brick building. He didn’t wait for you to catch up, didn’t hold open the door while you walked inside. You didn’t know what you were expecting, but you weren’t sure why it surprised you.
If you were expecting to be warmed, you were sorely mistaken. Instead it was all cool granite, the floors nothing dark slate stone and walls exposed cement poorly attempted to be decorated with an assortment of canvas’. There were potted plants at the reception desk, which was vacant, before the ceiling suddenly disappeared, revealing it’s almost entirely hollow centre.
Your footsteps echoed as you glanced up at the various floors stretching above your head. Hallways and balconies lined the empty centre, glass banisters overlooking it. There was nothing but a few couches and coffee tables in the space - attempting to make it feel more full, certainly, but the effect was lost in the gaping abyss of the building. It was insanely large and domineering, rendering your words useless as you instead took it in.
There was nothing, nothing but cool stone and exposed steel. Here, there was nowhere to hide, every angle of the floor visible from the floors above. Even the elevator had glass walls, interior visible to anyone that dared to glance. There would be no sneaking around this place - even if you wanted to, you would certainly be gunned down.
“I know what you’re thinking, and yes, it’s very big.” Tayeong said, giving you a cocky smirk as he headed to the elevator. With the press of a button, you watched as it slid through the elevator shaft before finally coming to a rest on the first floor with a squeal.
You shook the shock from your being, instead giving him a lopsided smile. Somehow you prayed it would cover how your hands shook with eery breath, the distant humming in your head and the paleness in your cheeks.
“This is huge!” You hummed in false shock, keeping your eyes wide as you continues looking around. Thankfully, the elevator didn’t stop your wandering eyes, letting Tayeong press a button for the fifth floor while you leaned onto the railing to eep looking.
Your eyes hopefully looked wide in amazement, but in reality your training was keeping you grounded. Tracing the balconies hopefully looked like you were filled with wonder, but you knew better than let the shock consume you. Your gaze was instead scouting out every nick, every flaw in their design. The doorways were narrow, but there were spaces between them to shift to if someone were to fire through it. The large plant pots gave spaces for you to duck, if necessary. Still, it was empty - too empty. It was radically unsafe for you here. If you were discovered, there was barely a place to hide. 
You were a lamb in a lion’s den here.
The elevator slid to a stop on the fifth floor with a bing, the doors squeaking open loudly. It was a recurring pattern with Neoculture, you realized - all slick on the outside, but behind the scenes they were running on dust. It was all for show, all of it - they didn’t care if they struggled, so long as others thought they were succeeding.
You followed Tayeong down the hall, heels clicking harshly on the cement the entire way. He belonged here, you realized - his stone cold demeanour matched the cool, untouchable nature of these very walls. It was frightening, knowing that he was just as empty as this building was, no emotions or remorse. Even then, he was clearly relaxed. In his element. This was where he lived, truly came into his serpent skin. Part of you thought he may very well be cold blooded.
Finally, he came to a door, fishing a ring of keys from his pocket. There was only a few - thirteen, if you counted correctly. You watched them clinking together until he finally pulled one, using it to unlock the door swiftly. Around the same time, your brow furrowed. There were about thirteen floors in the building. Thirteen floors, thirteen keys.
Now, your twisted smile was genuine. They kept the locks on each floor the same.
Suddenly, however, your smile drifted away as you stepped into the room. 
There were no windows. Only one door. A worn desk sat on one wall, on a patchy rug, and it smelled like must. Musty, and dusty, and disgusting.
“This is my office, where I run everything. It’s also where I conduct job interviews.” He said, turning to give you a small, gut wrenching grin. Slowly, he cocked his head, notched brow arching harshly. “Care to take a seat?”
You covered your tremoring with a soft laugh, nodding as you settled into a worn cloth chair across from his desk. It was nowhere near as plush or luxurious in the ones with Junmeyon’s office.
Tayeong took his place in the chair behind the desk, his eyes never leaving yours - or more so your chest - the entire way. His gaze was sickening, making your gut twist and skin begin to sweat. Your hands trembled, so you folded them on your lap slightly, arching a perfectly manicured brow. “What would you like to ask?”
Tayeong scoffed at that, his eyes never stopping their tracing over the dips and valleys of your chest and hips. You felt it again, that disgusting, sick-inducing feeling. You were nothing, another pretty decoration in his decrepit office, something he wanted to have constantly under his hands, and tongue.
And he only confirmed it, when he scoffed. His eyes narrowed, hands turning white as he gripped onto the scripted wood of his desk. “No, I don’t want to know anything. Get over here and get on my desk.” 
You wanted to scoff. Flip him off, scream. Kick his face in until that stupid, disgusting, sleazy smirk slipped off his face, make his heart race the way yours was. You felt like you were having a heart attack.
But instead, you knew better. You knew this was your job, that you had no fucking choice in the matter. Your every fibre ached to snap, but you couldn’t no matter how badly you wanted it.
So instead, you bit down the voice in your head that told you to run, and shot him a slight smile. “On your desk, sir?” You hummed meekly, cocking your head at him as though you were confused.
Tayeong growled, giving his desk a firm tap with his fingers. “Yes. Now.”
His voice was authoritative, firm in his demand, making you rise to your feet. Your knees wobbled slightly, matching the trembling in your skin. But you continued, slowly crossing in front of his desk, settling yourself down on the wood slowly. Your hands gripped tightly onto the wood, your breathing growing shallow as you watched his hands come up to cup your knees quickly.
“What a magnificent thing you are. I’m sure I’ve told you enough, hm?” Tayeong growled, his teeth showing from behind his thin lips. It was like a wolf, snarling at you, ready to eat.
You laughed lightly, head spinning diss circles. You were on the brink of vomiting, black specks darting through your vision. His hands were cold and thin, too cold. You wanted large, dwarfing, warm hands to engulf you. Not this. Never this. 
“Yes, you’ve mentioned it.” You hummed, leaning backwards onto your hands slightly. Wether it was for balance, or to prevent you from collapsing to get your head to fucking stop ringing, you weren’t sure.
He growled slightly, his hands shifting upwards quickly and roughly, making goosebumps erupt on your skin. God, this felt weird as hell, pretending to be so willing to open yourself to him, when really you wanted anything but.
When he shifted upwards onto his feet, his mouth catching purchase on your neckline, you let out a whine. To him, it certainly came across as sexy, wanting. Really, it was the opposite - uncomfortable, aching to pry away. 
Because it didn’t feel good. He was all harsh lines and cool skin, his teeth already gnashing against your flesh. It took you back, to drunken teenage hookups, experimenting and trying to be a damn porn star. You would have liked it - when you were sixteen. Now, you wanted an experienced guy, broad chest and tender licks across your skin, biting down only after you had been worked to the brink.
You wanted the kind of sex Chanyeol gave you, laboured breathing and firm grasps of your shoulders. You wanted breathless teasing and unencumbered touches, feeling his grin pressing into your neck when he would push you just a little too far. You didn’t want some stranger with dark eyes. You wanted him.
Now your eyes flashed open, looking up at the ceiling as your breathing deepened. It wasn’t the good deep, the kind of excited, intoxicating deep that made you feel like it was the only way you would stay alive. It was a bad, gut wrenching tug of air, making you want to scream into a void and snap out of the current predicament you were stuck in. 
You wanted to scream because you loved your job, yes. But you hated this.
Suddenly Tayeong brushed aside your hair, his hand clamping slightly onto your neck. He gave you a cocky smirk, his free hand brushing over the hemline of your panties beneath your dress. “Say my name.” He said, a guttural grumble that made your insides melt to acid.
Gritting your teeth, you hummed. “T-Tayeong.” 
“Good.” He gritted, his hand now tightening onto the marks he had already forced into your throat earlier. The pain returned with a dull ache, flooding your veins slowly and with enough force to make your heart thud.
Suddenly, however, his hand moved to flick the hair behind your back, his lips quickly biting harshly into your jaw. It caused pain to flare across your skin, but that wasn’t making your breathing stop cold.
‘The earpiece.’ You thought, your eyes fluttering back shut. Immediately, you wanted to fucking kick yourself. God, the earpiece was still in, and if his eyes were to open you would be outed. Shot, tortured, killed. You would die, and this would all be for waste. Fuck, you even had the option to stash it in the tip of your heel, never had even a second without him to consider how the hell you would make it work.
Now, your hands came up to Tayeong’s chest, pushing him slightly. “”God, I -” You huffed, your mind racing a million miles a minute, because he was right there and you were going to die.
So, you did the only thing you thought of.
You tilted your head to him, forcing his teeth to release their hold on your skin before he could even flinch and, you kissed him. Fully, so you could feel the metal lip ring under your lips, smell his sharp, metallic scent. He smelled too close to blood for your liking.
But you ignored it, slipping your tongue into his mouth (to his surprised grunt). He didn’t mind, judging my how his hands immediately slipped from the skirt of your dress to grab your jaw, angling you under his hold so he could control your motions. His teeth bit down on your lower lip, tugging it harshly and making you whimper.
“You even sound delicate.” He growled, his fingers digging into your skull harshly. At that, you let out another light grunt, light and airy, disguising your disgust with the situation at whole.
Ever wanted the world to stop? Just fucking pause, for one second, so you could catch your breath and think, consider all possible outcomes before your next move? Because you wanted that now, anted it so badly you could kill, your gaze becoming hazy and head murky in the thought of please, God, stop this.
And for the first time in your life, God was watching you tonight.
The old landline on his desk let out a shrill ring, cutting through the sounds of your shallow breathing like a hot knife. Tayeong growled, hand immediately flying to bring the phone to his ear. “What?”
You took the opportunity to catch your breath, immediately slipping the sleeve of your dress that had fallen off at some point during the ordeal. You were freezing, fucking cold as ice. It felt like the room had dropped twenty degrees.
“Is it one from Exodus?” Tayong grunted, making your ears twitch slightly. What the hell? Someone had come, someone else had taken the bait to go to the club? This was your job, your mission, even if so far you were catastrophically failing. 
You could hear someone, an unfamiliar voice on the other end of the line. “He’s not talking, we’ve tried everything.”
Tayeong’s next sentence made your blood rush cold. 
“Tell me it’s that redhead.”
His words made your breathing stop. They made the urge to vomit a thousand times worse, made your heart palpitate, and made you want to collapse. You had been aching for the world to stop, for one moment, but now that it had, you were worse off then before.
There were no fucking redheads in Exodus, except for the one you couldn’t get off your mind. The one with warm eyes and newly dyed black hair.
They wanted Chanyeol.
“Well bring him into the foyer, it’s easy to clean.” Tayeong scoffed, slamming the phone back onto the receiver with a growl. He spun to face you, running a hand through his hair with a rough sigh. 
“Something came up, let’s go.” He grunted, only taking a second to straighten his mussed shirt before he turned towards the door. 
He was gone in a flash, leaving you scrambling after him, yet again. Your mind was moving a mile a minute, head heavy and eyes burning. 
What if it was him? What if you went and watched him put a bullet through Chanyeol’s skull, had to listen to the sound of his breathing stop short and watch the life spill from his veins.
You couldn’t do it, you knew that. You’d never be able to watch idly while they killed him. You’d have to fight, as terrifying as that seemed.
But in order to fight, you had to be there to see it.
So you clambered off the desk and spun through the doorway, running down the hallway on your toweringly high heels. Following Tayeong’s form as he pressed the call button for the elevator, your racing pulse refused to slow. Your breathing was heavy now, but you still remained straight upright, not showing any form of weakness or unease. 
You couldn’t dwell on this, the fact Chanyeol could very well be about to die. If you did, you might die too. Instead, your head was racing with every stitch of training you had endured the last month. The kicks, the punches, the aiming and gunshot recoiling in your hands replaying vividly you could almost feel it. 
The elevator creaked open, but not before you heard it. This building was like a fucking echo machine, and you could hear the scuffling across the main floor, the grunts and low, guttural moans. Moans of pain.
Stepping inside, you gulped while the elevator slowly sent the two of you downwards. You could see the floors flashing by, but couldn’t look out the glass windows. You weren’t sure how you would react if you did.
“Remember when you said you always liked danger?” Tayeong hummed, giving you a dangerous grin. If you thought his eyes were hungry when he looked at you, but this was nothing like that. He looked like a starving man, especially when he tugged a previously unseen gun from the hem of his jeans, underneath where his shirt concealed it.
You forced out a weak, nauseous smile. “Yeah, I do.”
He nodded. “Well, you’re about to see what we do here. I hope you’re excited.”
The doors slid open with a shrill beep, which Tayeong immediately took as a sign to get out. He never waited, which you were growing used to, but now you were thankful for. It hid your pale, sweaty skin from his gaze.
You followed him, heels clicking, and eyes immediately falling onto a mess of a scene before you. Four men were dragging someone before they dropped him with a painful thud, leaving him crumpled on the floor in a heap. Baekhyun was one of them - he was quick to find your eyes, giving you a sorrowful look, with the slight shake of his head.
Your brow furrowed. His face was twisted in disgust, sorrow, a thousand emotions you couldn’t place. What the fuck? His teeth were gritted, jaw locked, and you could see his knuckles were fiercely scathed. His face however, remained trained on yours, watching your emotions carefully. No, it couldn’t be.
Seeing your reaction, he immediately flicked his head towards the door, sending you a silent command. 
Get out of here.
But you couldn’t, now when one of the men shifted, giving you a glimpse at the guy on the ground. Dark jeans, gangly limbs were all you could see while the men watched him like vultures.
You were going to pass out.
“Who do you work for?” Tayeong grunted. At his words, the men parted, letting both him and you take a better look.
“N-No one! Please, I-I swear!” The man spat blood onto the ground, making you wince. He was battered and bruised, his lip cut and bleeding, eye already swollen shut. He looked like hell, and a lot like you, pale and sweaty. You were shot back to the interrogation room when his eye met yours, pleading, desperate. He was scared.
You didn’t recognize him. He wasn't Exodus blood. It wasn’t Chanyeol, no, but it was still a person. You were scared too. For him, the stranger on the ground. You were so scared your throat was closing off, so scared you could barely see a foot in front of you, your mind clouding like a murky fog was washing over your eyes. 
“Then why the hell were you looting around the back of that club tonight?” Tayeong growled, free hand coming to cock his handgun. The sharp sound ricocheted throughout the building, making you jump, as well as the guy on the ground.
“P-Please don't! I- I... I’m a drug dealer, I got kicked out of my house, please.” The man pleaded, wincing at the image of steely Tayeong slowly pointing the gun in his face. 
You were frozen. You wanted to move, to snap the gun out of Tayeong’s hands, to trail it on his forehead instead. The guy was honest, you could feel in in your bones, in your heart. He was a poor kid, homeless and struggling and probably just wanting someone to hold him, but you still couldn’t move. You could do something, anything, but your limbs were limp. It was like you were watching from an outsider’s perspective. Depersonalized. Derealized.
“Hm.” Tayeong hummed, twisting his arm slightly as he extended it even more. Now, the barrel was just a foot from his face, unwavering and deadly. “Ever heard the saying curiosity killed the cat?”
The man spluttered, more blood dripping down his chin with the motion. His hands were raised, pleading. “I-I’ll leave, I’ll forget this ever happened, I swear! Please, just -”
But that’s all the man got before Tayeong fired.
You couldn't help but let a shrill scream fall from your lips, head snapping away from the scene before you could see anything. But you could hear everything, the bang, the resounding echo assaulting your ears even though your eyes were squeezed shut. You could hear the splatter, feel it spraying across your front, the remainder of what was left of his head spreading across the cement floor. Glancing down at the flecks of metallic red liquid scattering your chest, sobs immediately shuddered throughout your body. 
The smell was next, putrid metallic blood that seemed to suit this building all too well. It was heady and thick, fueling the shaking of your hands, sobs racketeering your shoulders. The smell was hell. But the silence after, that was what made tears slip down your cheeks.
You couldn’t turn, couldn’t look at what was left of him, even when Tayeong muttered. “Good riddance. Sicheng, clean this up, we have work to do.”
You wanted to scream again, at the cold, calculated drag of his body you heard across the floor. It was quiet now, too quiet, the only sound the sniffled and sobs that were wreaking havoc on your body because that man, that boy, you could have saved. 
You bit down another scream when you felt his hands brushing across your shoulder softly, his lips lean in to trace your ear, laced with a bitter smile. 
“Don’t worry. First time is the worst.” He hummed with a slight laugh, before suddenly, Tayeong was gone.
“Baekhyun, get her out of here. I’ll expect her at our next event.”
You were numb now, numbed by his words to even Baekhyuns warm touch on your lower back, slowly guiding you out the door. He had blood on his shirt. The man’s blood. It was on your front, too.
You could barely hear his whispers, about how it was fine and you’d be okay, but what the hell did that matter anyway? Because he, that guy, was not okay. That guy was dead. Tayeong killed him, and for what? He was nothing in his eyes, no threat to the company, anyone or anything. He was young, and stupid.
And now, he was dead.
You barely noticed when you collapsed into the car, only the slam of a door alerting you to the fact. Only then did you let yourself really scream - a guttural, resounding yell that echoed throughout head and tainted the image of that man. You could still see him, smell his blood, hear the gunshot that ceased his breathing.
Baekhyun climbed in, hand immediately coming to rest on your thigh. “Hey, hey! It’s okay, you’re okay jagi.” He hummed, attempting to comfort you.
You smacked his hand away, eyes only able to see the blood on his knuckles and splatter on his shirtsleeves. “Get the fuck off of me! Don’t fucking touch me!” You cried, hands cupping your face to cushion your sobs.
Your breathing was rapid, even as Baekhyun pulled away from the curb, now silent. He never spoke, letting your cries fill the void, the shaking of your hands on your face the only company you had. He was everywhere - his swollen eye, bloody lip, spitting acid into your eyes. The world was still spinning, tugging you further away from reality, because holy fuck, a guy had just been killed, and you were what? Going home, going to go to sleep? Did you even have that right when he would never experience it again?
“Pull over.” You managed to stammer, hand fumbling with the clasp of the door handle roughly. It was a one lane road, he had to stop the damn car!
“What?!” Baekhyun asked, quickly yanking the car to the side of the road, even with his confusion. Swiftly, he unlocked it, allowing you to tumble outside.
You fell to your hands and knees on the rough cement, scathing your knees, but you didn’t care. All you could see was the splatter of blood on your dress, a deep rusty red.
So on your hands and knees, in the misty air, you finally threw up.
You slammed your front door with a jarring, empty huff, hands immediately tugging the bluetooth from your ear and throwing it against the floor harshly. The tears had stopped, the tremoring of your hands had weakened, but now, you were just... empty.
Heaving in breath, your hands pulled the hair from your face roughly, kicking off your stupid heels and casting them aside as you instead ran to your bathroom. The blood was on your chest, your neck, your dress. You wanted to scrub yourself out of this entire damn situation.
The water splurged from your tap, letting you immediately cast your hands under its scalding spray. It was numbingly hot, but you didn’t care. You were numb anyway.
A deep, booming voice made you jump, throat catching onto any air in your windpipe and claiming it as it’s own. You spun, shoulders immediately lurching into another fit of tremors. Every scenario, the image of him died once you recognized the man standing in your bathroom doorway.
“What’s wrong, what happened?” Chanyeol growled, fishing his way itno the small space and immediately going to inspect your hands. His were warm and dwarfing your own, reminding you of how Tayeong’s had been the exact opposite. The memory made you lurch your hands away harshly, stammering for breath.
“Are you hurt?” Chanyeol pressed, making eye contact in the mirror. You knew you should be embarrassed - your mascara running harsh black lines down your face, eyes red and raw, nose sniffling. You still couldn’t bring yourself to care, instead scoffing out an empty laugh.
“I’m fine.” You lied, gritting your teeth against the husky gravel of your voice.
“No, you’re not fine, what the hell happened?” Chanyeol urged, brushing your hair as he inspected your back for any sign of injury. 
You spun, pressing his hands away quickly. He could see right through you, although it wasn’t hard. It was easy as hell for him to tell that no, you weren’t fine, how could you be?! With every blink, you only saw that guy, his body being dragged across the floor, his blood splattering everyone surrounding him.
“They killed him!” You shrieked, slapping away his touched harshly. You couldn’t have him touch you when you still felt so disgusting. “They killed him, and I watched, and I could have stopped - !”
“Shh, they killed who?” Chanyeol hummed, his voice trying to soothe your sobs.
You pushed your hair out of your face, wiping at your stupid, teary eyes with the motion. “I-I don’t know, some guy, but he was nothing! He wouldn’t have done anything to them and they still fucking killed him for it!” You hiccuped, cursing the tremoring of your hands.
“You couldn’t have stopped anything.” Chanyeol muttered, shaking his head slowly. “Nothing at all. This is what they do.”
“They fucking blew his head off, Yeol!” You yelled, hands forming fists at your sides. “And I stood beside Tayeong while he did it, I should have -”
“Should have what? Punched him? Tried to knock him out? You were outnumbered, you would have been killed too!” Chanyeol urged, clasping onto your shoulders tightly to stop your shaking. You couldn’t look at him, even when you felt his eyes searching your face. You're ashamed.
“I should have done something.” You finally huffed, blinking and meeting his gaze. It was sad, the way he looked at you. He looked at you with pity, like he had seen a thousand times worse, and you didn’t doubt it for even a second.
“You did the right thing. That guy was in the wrong place, at the wrong time. That’s it.” He hummed, his deep tenor seeming to rattle your bones.
“How do I do this?” You whimpered, now searching his eyes as well, like he held all the answers. “How do I go back to Tayeong and pretend this never happened? He’s dead, Chanyeol.”
Chanyeol shook his head slowly, his lips twisting into a slight frown. “I know you don’t want to hear this, but it gets better.”
You scoffed at that, turning back to the mirror and out of his grasp. “Don’t fucking say that.”
“I have to, okay? It’s stupid but the first is always the worst. You never forget, not a single one.” Chanyeol urged, watching you return your hands to the scalding spray of water from your faucet. “Each one you name. You imagine them as a person, because that’s how you get through. You’ll avenge him, okay? You’ll make his death worth it.”
“How the hell am I supposed to do that?” You laughed, empty.
Chanyeol sighed, his hands coming to unclasp your necklaced from around your neck carefully. He was trying not to scare you off, you could tell from the fluttering touch, like a butterfly. 
“It’s not easy. It fucking sucks, but you’re going to remember him, and the countless others those guys needlessly killed to get to the top. You’re going to remember his face when you get the chance to hurt Tayeong, the way he hurt him.” He hummed, slipping the chains off your neck and clattering them onto the countertop slowly. “Because when he’s gone, it’s over. They can’t do that shit anymore if they’re dead, too. That’s what you look forward to.”
You shook your head slowly, tears slipping down your cheeks slowly. You wanted to believe him, wanted to trust in his words, but when you’re working the same system it was impossible not to. Neoculture and Exodus, you both operated outside the law. Two sides of the same coin. When that’s the case, how do you know right from wrong?
 “Do we do that? At Exodus, do we kill people like that?” You whimpered, glancing back up at him through the mirror.
Immediately, Chanyeol shook his head, so  fast you immediately felt your sobs slowly begin to quench. “No. Never.”
At that, you just let out a weak nod, shoulders finally deflating. Because you had no other choice now. This was your life.
And you trusted that Chanyeol wouldn’t lie to you.
At your silence, Chanyeol sent you a sympathetic glance, cocking his head slightly. Shifting, he twisted on the faucet to your tub, plugging it and allowing the water to wash across the yellowed ceramic.
“What are you doing?” You asked quietly, watching his motions all the while. The way the tattoo on his arm stretched with the movement of his wrist, the veins in his calloused hands.
He huffed slightly, pushing the dark hair off his forehead slightly while he caught your eye in the mirror. Shaking his head, he gave you a slight, tight-lipped smile. “My first time was bad too, but I went back in that basement in Exodus and scrubbed myself alone. For hours. That was the worst, being alone. There were no distractions.” He hummed, his finger slowly brushing the zip of your dress, carefully. “I’m going to clean you up so you can just relax. You need it.”
So, when his hands slowly began unzipping the material, you nodded, allowing him to slip it off your shoulders slowly. You were back to being catatonic, just relishing in the feeling of him stripping you of your clothing. Grabbing an elastic, he twisted your hair up in a novice, haphazard bun, before clasping onto your shoulders softly.
“Go on in, it’s warm.” He hummed, stepping back and letting you move.
Your motions were robotic when you stepped into the water, slipping your body until you were curled into a ball on one end, arms looping around your legs. The water was silky and slick, warming your lukewarm frame.
“Come on, stretch out.” Chanyeol hummed, grabbing a bar of soap from the ledge and offering it to you quickly.
You followed his direction silently, still letting tears slip off your cheeks as you slowly ran it over your neck and chest. You could see the specks of crusty red leeching off, spreading their crimson tendrils through the water like fingers. It made you want to vomit again, the sight of his blood flaking off your skin.
It could have been seconds or hours, the time you spent in the water, scrubbing your flesh. You wanted to rub him off, the memory of him, his death. You wanted to scrub a piece of yourself off with him.
Finally, after the water had long turned cold and your motions fell limp, Chanyeol turned from where he was sitting, on the edge of the tub. He was biting his lip slowly, his head tilting as he took in your tiny, trembling frame.
Finally, he spoke. “Towels?”
You pointed to the back of the bathroom door, where they were hung. Stepping over, he plucked one off the task, before turning and giving you a sympathetic grin. “Come on, you’re clean. Up you get.”
You couldn't bring yourself to match his expression, instead just offering a small thanks before you pulled yourself up, walking into his arms, where he had the towel extended and waiting for your body.
Slowly, he wrapped it around your shoulders like a cape, until he was able to rope his arms around you. It was then that he paused, his breathing stuttering slightly.
You looked up at him questioningly, furrowing your brow at his pause. His lip was still being steadily chewed, eyes flickering slightly over your features. He stammered slightly, jaw falling slack, before he set it roughly.
“I’m going to hug you now.” He said with a swift nod, waiting to gauge your response. “Okay?”
Now, you didn't mind the pink flush on his ears, or how it made your heat thud. It reminded you that you were alive. So, you nodded slightly.
He was dizzyingly warm when his arms claimed you inside them, tugging you into his chest softly, until you could bury your face in his neck. You could feel his heartbeat, slightly quick, matching your own.
“Nobody held me after my first. I wanted someone to, but nobody did, so I’m going to hold you for a bit, okay?”
Gulping, you nodded again. “Okay.” 
He was soft from under his grasp, a stark contrast to the initial rigid exterior he had shown to you. It was comforting, his warmth and soft scent, cedar making your head finally stop circling. In his arms, sheltered from the outside world, you could almost, almost forget everything you had endured tonight. His hand slowly traced up and down your spine, his breath splaying across your shoulders, encouraging yours to match his verbatim.
Eventually, however, he pulled away with a slight smile. He watched you carefully, brushing a story strand of hair out of your eyes slowly. “Feel better?”
Huffing out a slight sigh, you finally managed a weak smile. “Yeah, I’m better.” You hummed, appreciating how his eyes crinkled with the motion of his fuller smile.
“Okay. Come on, get ready for bed then.”
You secured the towel around your shoulders, giving him a slight smile before you padded outside, towards your bedroom. He followed, his heavy footsteps tracing your own until he stood in your doorway, simply watching as you tugged open your dresser in search of pajamas.
Your hands claimed a tee shirt and sweatpants, pulling them onto your body quickly and ignoring his gaze. It wasn’t pressing, sexual in any way. It was just comforting.
Finally you stepped towards your bed slowly, turning to give him another glance.
At your eye, he shifted, standing up straight. “Okay. You’re okay now?”
You scoffed slightly. “No. But I will be, hopefully.”
Chanyeol hummed, giving you a lopsided smile slowly while you clambered onto your soft white bedsheets. “Okay.”
You crawled under the heavy sheet, only stopping when you heard him move. He had turned, heading away from your door and towards the hallway, towards an exit. Somehow though, it made your throat tighten.
“Wait!” You called, watching his steps freeze with the word. 
Maybe it was unfair, that you wanted him to stay. Maybe it was stupid, and childish that you didn’t want to sleep alone, let the image of the shot man lull you into a fit of nightmares. It was unfair that you even had the luxury of sleep and he didn’t.
Even so, you knew you wouldn’t want to be alone tonight.
“Stay. Please. I don’t - I don’t want to be alone, not yet. Just sleep here, please.” You hummed, watching Chanyeol pause with the words.
After what felt like years, he turned, face etched with an emotion you couldn’t place. It made you nervous, how you couldn’t tell what he was thinking. It was whisked away though, when he took a slow, hesitant step into your room.
“You sure?” He hummed, but his feet continued in their motion until his knees were brushing the duvet.
Offering a weak smile, you nodded. “Yeah.”
Chanyeol nodded, lips twisting to keep himself from smiling, you thought. Slowly, his frame made a dip in the bed when he crawled alongside you, his head resting on the pillow softly when he laid down, gazes locking.
You could smell him again, that cologne that always had your head spinning. It was a thousand times better than the scent that was stuck in your head -  the smell of blood. So, even though it was against your very nature, you allowed yourself a moment of weakness.
“Can you hold me?”
Chanyeol grunted a slight laugh at that, but was quick to reach out and tug you into him. Your hands clutched at his shirt, forehead resting on his chest, the rising and falling of his breathing bringing far more security than anything else you could imagine. 
You let yourself soak in it, the feeling of safety against his chest. These days, it felt hard to come by. This job was nuts. Heaven and hell all at once, the best and worst thing that had ever happened to you. You were alive and free, but twisted under Tayeong’s grasp. A puppet to his regime. You weren’t sure if you could do it anymore. Once so certain, your mind was now wiped of anything. How the hell were you supposed to go back?
Softly, you whispered into the darkness. “How am I supposed to do this again? How do I know I’ll be okay, after all this?”
Chanyeol hummed, and you could feel his hands slowly twining in your own shirt. “You’ll be okay, I know it. I am. If worse comes to worst, at least you have me you can talk to. You have me, okay?”
And you nodded against his chest, even though your stomach twisted. Because yes, even if a part of this job involved the horrors you had witnessed tonight, you had him.
But not if Tayeong got him first.
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fanficsofmine · 6 years
Wake Me Up - Chapter 1
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Summertime. Young. Single. Free.
You were living your dream life. You had a great place, amazing friends and a steady job. Independent and happy and free, what more could you ask for?
You didn’t think that meeting Chanyeol at a concert or Minho on the beach would influence your life as much as they did. They weren’t supposed to, anyway.
What exactly are you to do with whirlwind romances that show up when you weren’t expecting them?
Characters: Park Chanyeol, Choi Minho, OC’s
Word Count: 2243
Soundtrack: We are the Ones - King the Kid
A/N: This will be posted every Saturday! Enjoy! -Admin T
I took a long drag off of my cigarette and handed my roommate the bottle of merlot we were sharing. She took a swig of it and took a deep breath, taking in the night air. It was nearing 3 am, and this was our weekend routine. After our nights out, or even nights in, we always made time to sit outside together and just breathe.
I glanced over at Desi as she fiddled with her phone to change the song playing. Her pale skin, sky blue eyes, and chin-length blonde hair all shone, even in the darkness of night. She was a calculus major at the University here in town. Her boyfriend was passed out on our couch, (Pre-Law will do that to you,) and they were my two best friends.
I had just moved back to town. I had galavanted off for a year to a new town, completely alone. It was supposed to be a time of “finding myself,” but instead I ended up sharing my 23rd birthday with strangers from the restaurant I had worked at for a couple of months and a feeling of lost time. Not that it had been completely worthless. I did discover just how much I despised the state of Missouri...
It felt good to come home. My small-ish Texas town was like a blanket. The sky was open and clear enough to see stars, even with the city lights. The light guitar pluckings of John Meyer or Jason Mraz or somebody of that sort was just loud enough for us to hear and not disturb our neighbors. It was home.
Desi leaned her head back against the railing of the balcony and said, “you know, those things are gonna kill you one day.”
I shrugged, but nodded, tapping the end of my cancer stick out in the ashtray. “Yeah. I’ve done it for almost 10 years now, though. I had to impress those high school boys, Desi! Mama didn’t raise no quitter.” She rolled her eyes at my response. “I know. I know. I always tell people, ‘if you don’t smoke, don’t start!’ and I’ve been helping one of my other friends quit. They’re just kind of, a part of me I guess. I’m sure I’ll stop one day.”
Desi picked up my pack and said, “what if I hid them from you?”
I laughed. “That would stop me until I found time to run to the convenient store. But how about this? It’s July, right? I’ll make it my goal to quit by the end of the year.”
She tossed my cigarettes back to me and raised an eyebrow as if to say, “uh huh. Sure.” Instead, she actually asked, “what’s your plan for tomorrow?”
Taking another sip of wine from the bottle, I said, “well, there’s a concert a few hours from here. Presley said she wanted to go check it out. I think we may head down and grab a bite and watch a few bands play. She said she knows one of the opening acts. Might be fun. Wanna tag along?”
Desi nodded back toward the living room. “It’s our anniversary. We’re gonna go to dinner and visit or first date spot.” She swooned a bit and I smiled. I loved their love.
“Ah yes. The day true love was invented. I forgot that’s tomorrow.” She laughed and told me to go to bed if I was going to be driving. I raised my hands in surrender and compiled. I did my best to not wake Collin up as I tip-toed through the living room to get to my room. I shut the door behind me, but not before my huge tabby I had rescued, snuck through.
“Come on, Stormy. Let’s go to sleep.”
The daylight spread across my face way sooner than I had been ready for. There was a knock on my front door and I groaned when I saw it was already noon.
I shuffled through the living room and saw Desi peek her head out of her bedroom on the opposite side of the apartment. She only had one eye squinted opened and I waved her back to bed. No objections came from her as the door clicked shut again.
Presley was standing there, arms crossed. Her bright, naturally red hair was down over her shoulders, exposed by a cute tank top over distressed jeans. Her freckles scrunched together as she said, “is that how you’re wearing your hair?”
I rolled my eyes. “Good morning to you too, sweetheart. Come in.” She was already halfway through my door before I had even finished the phrase.
“I figured you’d still be asleep.” she said. “I come bearing gifts of hangover relief and ‘let's get moving sleepy head.’” I was suddenly aware of the plastic grocery bag in her hand and I reached for it, but she pulled it back.
“Clothes and hair first! I’ll drive so you can do your make up in the car!”
I groaned but complied. After digging through some drawers, I settled on a pair of jeans and a baggy t-shirt I knotted up. Half of a bottle of dry shampoo later, I grabbed my make up bag off of the counter and returned to the living room. Presley, ever the prepared friend, had already filled up two to-go coffee thermoses of coffee and handed me one. Closing my eyes, I sipped the warming elixir and sighed.
“Okay. Now I’m ready.” It was time to wake up.
The four hour drive wasn’t to bad. I did my make up as best as I could for being in a moving vehicle. Presley and I screamed steering wheel karaoke-worthy songs at the tops of our lungs, and talked about broken hearts and dreams and ambitions. We had gotten into town super early, and discovered that this show was at a super shady venue.
“You did not just drive me four hours away to get murdered, did you?” I stared at the venue cautiously.
“Don’t be dramatic.” She rolled her eyes. “I’ve actually been here a few times. It’s not that bad once you’re inside.”
“Well, it’s a bit too early to go inside. They’re not even open yet.” I rolled my neck and stared at her. “Why did you come pick me up and make me lose precious sleep.”
“The doors open to the public in a couple hours. I brought us here early because…” she pointed across the street from the venue. “That place has the best god damn pizza of anywhere I have ever been in my life. We’re gonna go feast before we rock out.”
She wasn’t wrong. The pizza slices were as long as my face and neck combined. It was greasy and cheesy greatness. I almost overate to the point of being willing to miss the show, but, Presley wasn’t going to let that happen. After we let our food settle for a bit, she dragged me out of the booth and we walked across the street again. A line was starting to form at the door and, once we paid our cover, we went inside.
The bands were… good? A couple of soloists opened up first, and they were alright. One of the openers was a heavy metal band trying to jam way too hard for a 5:15 pm slot, and I was way too sober for this.
As if she could read my mind, Presley showed up next to me and handed me a beer. As next band was preparing for their set, she leaned over and said, “so, this is my ex’s band.” I nearly choked on my beer.
“Wait. What?! We drove all this way to see that ex?!” How had I not put two and two together that her “knowing someone in one of the bands” translated to, “the guy we regularly refer to as the spawn of Satan.”
She nodded at the lead singer who was tuning a bass guitar. “Don’t be mad! He said he was gonna be close by and he wants to talk after the show and I knew you would be up for a road trip!” I sighed and took another drink of my beer.
Yup. Definitely too sober for this.
They began to tune, and I caught glimpse of the guitarist out of the corner of my eye, which then led to him having my full attention. He had a curly fringe that hung over his eyes in an “intentionally messy” fashion. His sleeves were rolled up and I could see a couple of tattoos decorating his arms. He kept glancing at The Ex and flashing this amazing smile when he laughed as they joked on stage.
Once the lights dimmed, there were several loud fan-girl cheers and then a beat of silence before a guitar strum brought the lights back up. The band immediately jumped into a pop-punk sounding jam that I found thoroughly enjoyable. People around me started dancing and singing, and I wished that I knew the music to join along. Instead, I just threw my head around and bounced along with Presley as they rocked out. They introduced themselves on stage after the song, and I caught guitarist's name; Chanyeol. He flashed another charming smile at the crowd, and, for a moment, I thought I got an extra few seconds of eye contact. It didn’t last long before he was back to jamming out.
After their set, Presley and I made our way back to the bar. She said that they would be coming out to “meet with fans” and that The Ex, (still didn’t bother to learn his real name,) had texted her that he wanted to talk. I rolled my eyes and she shoved me. I made my way to the bar and ordered another beer. Eventually, I saw Presley and her ex sitting at a tall table across the way. The conversation seemed light and easy, so I wasn’t too worried, but I made sure to keep her in my line of sight in case she needed an out.
I must have been staring hard, because I jumped when a voice behind me said, “ah. I kind of hoped you were a ‘guitarist’ kind of fan, not a lead singer girl.” I spun around to see Chanyeol there leaning against the bar. He nodded toward my beer and said, “can I buy you another one in hopes of changing your mind.”
I laughed and replied with, “oh. Yeah. Nope. ‘Children of the ruler of the underworld’ don’t fall under my ‘types’ so I’m definitely not interested in him.” His eyebrows furrowed together and I clarified, “that’s my friend. He’s her ex.”
Once realization hit he said, “ah! You’re Presley’s friend!” He reached out to shake my hand. When I offered mine, he shook it and said, “we were all on her side of the break up, just so you know.”
He ended up buying me another beer. Conversation flowed easy between us. Occasionally, we were interrupted by someone asking for pictures with him, but he always jumped right back in to focus on me. We discussed music and books, (turns out he was a huge “Lord of the Rings” fan) and movies. I noticed that he had changed out of his button up and was in a t-shirt with the sleeves cut off of it. I saw a few more tattoos along his arms, accompanying the one on his wrist. He caught me trying to make out one on the top of his arm, and he finally aimed it toward me to show me a monkey. He explained that it was his Chinese Zodiac.
“You have any?” he asked. I told him that I had a few, but not anywhere that could be visible. “I work a desk job. You know, gotta maintain the ‘professional’ appearance. No fun hair colors. No visible tattoos. No crazy piercings. I get to appear completely boring.”
“You appear the furthest thing from boring.” I made eye contact again with him to see if he was teasing, but his expression was serious. The corner of his lip pulled into a tiny smile and I was thankful for dim bar lighting to hide my blushing.
“So- where’s your next stop?” I asked, changing the subject.
“We’re headed to Austin tonight. You should come.” His response caught me off guard.
“Uh… what?”
“I said you should come with us. Tomorrow is Sunday. You’ll have time to…”
“To drive back in the middle of Sunday night to make it to work exhausted on Monday?! You’re crazy! Plus, I have Presley with me. She’s gotta get back too.” I was trying to not lead on how desperately I actually wanted to go watch him perform again. I didn’t want to seem crazy. Was that crazy?
“I bet she would be willing to go too.” He pointed to the corner and I turned to see Presley making out with The Ex.
“Crap. I was supposed to not let that happen.” I pretended to look guilty and Chanyeol laughed. He put his hand on my knee and said, “don’t go back yet. I need to get to know you more.” I hadn’t realized how close he had moved toward me. Our knees were touching and his face was only inches from mine. He was mesmerizing. I took in his features. His eyes were sharp. His lips were full.
I agreed to go.
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omyeol · 6 years
in your arms | pcy
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There were a few things that you did to heal yourself after a long, tiring day at work. Sometimes you liked to go swimming—there’s nothing more healing than being underwater where you could only feel and hear your own heartbeat. But sometimes, it’s as simple as listening to a playlist full of your favorite slow songs in your room with your eyes shut, letting the music fill in the silence. Other times when you’re lucky and time was on your side, you could just curl up in bed with your boyfriend’s arms wrapped around you—this didn’t happen a lot, but when it did, you felt like the luckiest person in the world.
On a particular hot summer day, though, you hit a jackpot.
Throughout the day, you didn’t feel like yourself. The day seemed to pass slowly to you—although you were sure you could blame the meeting that seemed to go on and on. It didn’t help that one of the juniors had messed up the mock-up design—you invested lots of time in it—that you made. To make it worse, you were still uneasy and a little bit scared sometimes because of the news that got out a month ago—the dating news between you and Chanyeol.
The news came out exactly two months after your first anniversary. It had been rough on both of you until it came to the point where Chanyeol avoided using his personal social media for a little while and you avoided looking at your phone unless you really had to. You remembered how the both of you didn’t leave the apartment for a few days—you even managed to skip work and call in sick for a few days—and how nerve-wracking it was when you finally found the courage to leave the apartment.
It had been a month and though it got a little bit easier each day, but sometimes when you had a hard day, it was easy to let the worries you had pushed to the back of your mind forward again. The next thing you knew, you weren’t only thinking about work but also the disaster that happened that day, and you were in much worse mood.
And as if your boyfriend could read your mind, Chanyeol texted you during lunch, and although it was simple and short, it’s amazing how it could lift up your mood a little bit.
Wanna hit the gym after work?
Sureee. But I need to get my swimsuit first
I’ll get it for you
Also I’ll pick you up from the office
You’re the best! <3
Anything for you my love~~
After getting those texts, you managed to go through the day without taking a moment to collect yourself in the bathroom. You managed to pull through and finish what you should finish with minimal mistakes—it also helped that no one bothered you as if they could sense your bad mood from far away. Counting to the time where you could finally leave, you held back from jumping out of joy when it was finally time to leave. There’s a change in your mood—that your coworkers didn’t fail to notice—and you felt so relieved when you saw Chanyeol’s car in the parking lot.
“Hello, hello,” he greeted cheerfully as you slid into his car. Letting out a sigh of relief, you cracked what seemed to be the first smile of the day and looked at your boyfriend fondly. “What’s with that look, hmm?” You just shook your head.
“Nothing,” you breathed out. “Just grateful that you’re here. I just had the longest day at work.” With a smile, Chanyeol leaned over closer to you and pressed a kiss on your forehead. Relishing on the feeling of his lips against your skin, you felt a little bit calmer.
“I’m glad to be here too,” he murmured as he pulled back, flashing you his adorable smile. “Ready to go?” Nodding at his question, Chanyeol started the car and pulled the car back from the parking lot.
This didn’t happen often—Chanyeol picking you up from work and you both going to the gym together. Usually he would meet you there and you both would go home together, stopping to buy food or groceries along the way. Ever since the news broke out, you opted to work out at home—in front of the TV with some workout videos from YouTube—and only went swimming once a week, when usually you could go at least twice a week.
Even though the gym you both went to was private—since it’s owned by a celebrity, too—you couldn’t help but still feel uneasy about it. That was why Chanyeol liked to stay close to you whenever you both were out. There was a silent agreement between you two to company each other during workout so no one would feel left out or uneasy. You hated going on treadmills, but you did it anyway while you waited for Chanyeol to finish his workout routine, and after that he would return the favor by swimming with you—not exactly swimming, but he liked to stay on the side and cheer on you as you swam. Sometimes he would play music from his phone and give you a kiss once you finished swimming a lap, or he would leisurely swim besides you and spark a random question to take your mind off things.
“Babe,” Chanyeol called out from beside you where he sat on the edge of the pool, his feet kicking in the water and his hand fiddling with his phone, and you just hummed. “Have you seen penguin sleep?”
“Kyungsoo?” Your boyfriend let out a loud laugh that echoed in the room, you were glad you could make him laugh. “No, no, why do you ask?”
“Just curious,” he mumbled and you let him be for a moment. “Want to watch the video with me?”
“What video?”
“Video of penguin sleeping.” Chanyeol could be so random, sometimes you forgot about it. With a laugh, you shook your head and placed your hand on his knee, squeezing it softly.
“I’m gonna do a few more laps and we can head out, okay?”  
The two of you finally headed out after what seemed like an hour. Chanyeol had accompanied you to the shower—no, not like that—and waited outside, ready to pass you the towel and clean clothes when you’re done. He also made your shower more entertaining with his impromptu singing and his tales from his dance practice, and it caused you to take longer shower because he made you laugh and when you laughed you couldn’t do nothing but lean on the wall and try to not slip and split your head open.
“Are you two fucking in the shower or what? That was a long ass shower.” You didn’t know when Baekhyun arrived at the gym, but you were glad that you only saw him when you both were about to leave.
“Fuck off, Byun. We’re not like that,” you spoke, rolling your eyes at his accusation.
“Mmhm, yeah, right, like I’d believe that.”  
“Shut up, Baek. We’re leaving.” Baekhyun let out a loud, menacing, villain-like laugh that taunted you into having the urge to kick his ass, but before you could do it, Chanyeol pulled you to his side and slung his arm around you. You two stayed like that as the two of you said goodbye to Minseok and Sehun who were also there.
The drive home was spent in light touches as Chanyeol held your hand in his and sneaky kisses from you when the car got hold up by the traffic light. The instrumental songs that blasted through the speaker during the ride made you feel sleepy and content, and it heightened your need to cuddle with him on bed. Holding his hand definitely wasn’t enough for you, since you craved to feel his arms around you.
“Can we cuddle?” You asked when you both finally arrived at your apartment—which could be said as Chanyeol’s too because he got lots of things cluttering around the place. Toeing his shoes off, Chanyeol turned to look at you with such a soft look across his face and you could’ve sworn you could melt from that.
“You don’t have to ask.”
And that’s how the both of you ended up laying on the bed with your face snuggled under his chin and his arms around you, a music playlist filled with both of your favorite songs blasting softly through the Bluetooth speaker connected to Chanyeol’s phone. The warm glow from the lamp on the desk, the soft music, and the feeling of having Chanyeol around you was a perfect way to end the long day you had. The way he caressed your hair softly and rubbed your back gently were just the perfect additions and it made you sleepier than you already did.
“Sleepy already?” You hummed against his t-shirt covered chest. “You must’ve had the longest day at work.”
“You couldn’t imagine,” you breathed out. “This junior messed up the mock-up design I made. I spent days and nights on that and he just messed it up like that.” Ever the dramatic, Chanyeol let out a loud gasp.
“Oh no, did you yell at him?”
“I wanted to, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t do that in front of everyone. I just scolded him and gave him the glare, and he sweated.” Chanyeol let out a laugh as if he could imagine you giving your junior a glare—it’s the death glare that could rival Kyungsoo’s, he told you once before—and you could feel his chest vibrating against you.
“I’m sorry that happened. You don’t deserve that, really.” You just hummed at the words he spoke against your head before he pressed a few kisses on the top of your head. “Oh, your hair smell good. New shampoo?”
“Ohh, you noticed! Nice one, Park,” you teased him and leaned up a little bit to press a kiss on his collarbone.
“How couldn’t I? I’ve got your hair in my nose and my mouth like this.” You just chuckled at him, and just in time for Coldplay’s Sparks playing through the speaker.
“I love this song but it will make me even sleepier,” you commented as the intro started.
“Then, sleep.”
“But I still want to talk with you.” Pulling back from his chest until you laid your head on your own pillow, you pouted at him and blinked your eyes slowly in fake innocence. Letting out a sound that seemed like a mixture of squeal and groan, he smiled widely and moved to place his hand on your cheek, pinching it a few times until you both giggled at each other. Your heart felt lighter and warm at the sound of his giggles and the sight of his dimples that you loved so much.
“Just go to sleep. I’ll sing this song for you.”
“You don’t know the lyrics, Yeol,” you pointed out with a faint smile and he rolled his eyes playfully at you.
“Okay, I’ll hum it, then. Happy?” At your nod of approval, Chanyeol started humming the song and you scooted closer to him. He moved his hand to caress your hair gently again as you shut your eyes at the feeling of his touch and the sound of his soft humming filling in your senses. His light touches pulled you deeper into the dream land, but you still didn’t miss it when he pressed a kiss on your forehead and murmured the words ‘I love you’ onto your skin.
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tourdiforce · 6 years
In Lonely Places. Preview.
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How did you know him? Did he know you? You felt as though he could have been the love of your life. A parent, or a child. A worst enemy or possibly even the devil himself. Nevertheless, you wanted – needed, even, to know.
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chittaphonsicecream · 6 years
chanyeol fatherhood!au
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a/n: my friend is the BIGGEST chanyeol stan ever so I asked him for help and I got so inspired that I wrote this right away
• okay can anyone in the entire world deny the fact that chanyeol is destined to be a father??
• like did you see the return of superman??
• let’s get started this time for real
• when you found out you were pregnant with chanyeols baby... well,, oops
• it wasn’t meant to happen but ya know what things happen that’s why i’m here at least
• you knew chanyeol wanted a baby
• I mean have you seen him interact with kids??
• every time the two of you were around kids he just gave you this lOOK
• and you knew what it meant
• “let’s have a baby”
• but y’all weren’t trying or anything,, it just happened
• so when you told him, he was the most excited boy in the whole wide WORLD
• but then he was like shoot
• are we ready for this??
• but it was happening so lol you gotta get ready
• he would be so excited and would want to take care of you so much
• let’s be real he would talk to your baby all the time
• he would put together a whole little nursery
• he would talk about names and goals and dreams and what the baby would look like
• honestly he thought it couldn’t get any better
• it did!
• because when your little one was born... chanyeol was in heAVEN
• they had his ears and his nose and omg he was so happy
• their tiny little hand wrapped around his finger and he about died
• he watched u hold them and feed them and knew that nothing would ever compare to this
• but when you took the baby home from the hospital,,
• he was like wtf do I do??
• the kid wasn’t old enough to understand anything
• chanyeol just had to do whatever they cried about
• he had zero sleep
• he wasn’t around as much as he’d like to be bc, well,, chanyeols busy being the face of korean music ya know
• but when he was around!!
• he would sing and rap for the baby and hold them and just be obsessed over HIS BABY
• like that baby was HIS no one else’s
• he really tried to keep the cutie out of the public eye
• didn’t want the baby to be constantly bombarded by the paps and fans
• this would be one smart baby bc chanyeol would constantly be talking to them
• they would know hecka words and be able to speak in full sentences at a v v young age
• once they were around two chanyeol made them the yummiest lil meals and fed them so cutely so they would get nice and chubby
• he’s a lil happy virus so he would be so happy about everything his kid did
• omg, you peed in the toilet? this was the best moment ever to him! you picked up your toys? uh even BETTER! gave ur momma and daddy a kiss before bed? yeah chanyeols heart just got a little closer to bursting
• he would love and support his child 101%
• even when his child got older and made some ~less than good~ decisions, he still made sure they knew that he loved them unconditionally
• he always wanted them to be happy
• hated the idea of his child facing heartbreak
• does everything he can to make his kiddo happy
• falls in love with his baby more and more everyday bc he saw so much of u in them
• it was so easy to fall in love with something so small and pure
• when the kid was all grown up,, chanyeol was devastated
• but he was also so proud that his lil baby could come so far
• your kids number one supporter right there
• loves his kids more than anything and will do anything to make them happy
• okay can chanyeol just hurry up and get into a relationship and have a baby already so my fic can be brought to life I would appreciate it
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knjjkwriting · 6 years
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Hey guys! Here’s a (continuing) list of fics we’ve read we thought others should read! Hope you all enjoy them like we did!
Included: BTS, EXO, Jay Park, Kris Wu...
Jungkook -
  > Don’t Ever Let Me Go (Jungkook x Reader) 
  > Moan Wars (Jungkook x Reader x Yoongi)
  > Pushing Buttons (Jungkook x Reader)
  > By Its Cover (Jungkook x Reader)
  > Hittin’ Her Hay (Jungkook x Reader) 
       ^ Hittin’ Her Hard (Jungkook x Reader x Seokjin)
  > Locker Room Talk (Jungkook x Reader)
  > And They Were Roommates (Jungkook x Reader)
  > New Rules (Jungkook x Reader)
  > Bad (Jungkook x Reader)
  > I Won’t Stop You (Jungkook x Reader)
  > Skulls and Roses (Jungkook x Reader)
  > In Motion (Jungkook x Reader)
  > The Blue Princess and her Red Rose (Jungkook x Reader)
  > Lust & Errors (Jungkook x Reader)
  > Boy (Jungkook x Reader) | Playgirl Series |
  > Yellow Calf (Jungkook x Reader)
  > Grounded (Jungkook x Reader)
  > Secrets of Silk (Jungkook x Reader)
  > Date in a Box (Jungkook x Reader) | Service Series |
  > The Devil’s Change Up (Jungkook x Reader)
  > Demon Dickin’ Down (Jungkook x Reader)
Taehyung -
   > In Search of the Aurora Borealis  2 (Taehyung x Reader) |Tales of Greyria        Series |
   > New Tricks (Taehyung x Reader)
   > S.L.U.T. (Taehyung x Reader) | Playgirl Series |
   > Rent-a Boyfriend (Taehyung x Reader) | Service Series |
   > Abstract (Taehyung x Reader)
Jimin -
  > Touched by a Fallen Star (Jimin x Reader) | Tales of Greyria Series |
  > LA Devotee (Jimin x Reader) | Playgirl Series |
  > Handyman (Jimin x Reader)
  > Heartbreak Insurance (Jimin x Reader) | Service Series |
Hoseok -
  > Hurricane (Hoseok x Reader)
  > Down the Three Seasons Path (Hoseok x Reader) | Tales of Greyria Series |
  > Scott Pilgrim (Hoseok x Reader) | Playgirl Series |
  > Transference (Hoseok x Reader)
  > Heartbeat (Hoseok x Reader)
  > Just Animals (Hoseok x Reader x Yoongi)
  > Oceans of Gold (Hoseok x Reader)
  > The Breakup Bureau (Hoseok x Reader) | Service Series |
Yoongi -
  > Chaos of Fate  ft. Jungkook (Yoongi x Reader) 
  > Moan Wars (Yoongi x Reader x Jungkook)
  > Wrong (Yoongi x Reader)
  > Black Lace (Yoongi x Reader)
  > A Brief Story of Time (Yoongi x Reader) | Tales of Greyia Series |
  > Black Sheep (Yoongi x Reader) | Playgirl Series |
  > Hot Enough (Yoongi x Reader)
  > Like a Butterfly (Yoongi x Reader)
  > Caller Number 9 (Yoongi x Reader)
  > Grey Area (Yoongi x Reader)
  > Fray (Yoongi x Reader)
  > Just Animals (Yoongi x Reader x Hoseok)
  > First Love (Yoongi x Reader)
  > First-date BAIT! (Yoongi x Reader) | Service Series |
Seokjin -
   > The Devil’s Dick (Seokjin x Reader)
   > Kiwi (Seokjin x Reader) | Playgirl Series |
   > 24/7 Marriage Counselor (Seokjin x Reader) | Service Series |
Namjoon -
   > Horns (Namjoon x Reader) | Playgirl Series |
   > Ghost Messenger (Namjoon x Reader) | Service Series |
   > Overtime (Namjoon x Reader)
   > Five Months (Namjoon x Reader)
Sehun -
    > Charming (Sehun x Reader)
    > Mind’s Eye (Sehun x Reader x Jongin)
    > Scars (Sehun x Reader)
Jongin -
   > Two Sides (Jongin x Reader)
   > The Wanderer She Met (Jongin x Reader)
   > Mind’s Eye (Jongin x Reader x Sehun)
   > 99 and Marlowe (Jongin x Reader)
   > Insidious (Jongin x Reader)
   > The Human Pin-Cushion (Jongin x Reader)
  > Rivers of White and Gold (Jongin x Reader)
  > The War (Jongin x Reader)
  > Married to a Monster (Jongin x Reader)
  > His Fame (Jongin x Reader)
Chanyeol -
   > Truth (Chanyeol x Reader)
   > Hero (Chanyeol x Reader)
   > Guilty (Chanyeol x Reader)
Solo Artists:
Jay Park -
   > Ruin the Friendship (Jay Park x Reader)
Kris Wu -
   > July (Kris Wu x Reader)
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Chaebols: Music Man (excerpt)
Genre: Fluff
Length: 1.8k
Pairing: Chanyeol x OC
Summary: Yeon-hee hates when her favorite customer is in a bad mood. But an attempt to cheer him up may turn her life upside down. 
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(no copyright infringement intended)
“Yeon-hee, please. The band is going to be late. Just for a little while, just till they get here.” Ji Daewon begged hands folded together in front of him.
“I don’t know, oppa. You know I haven’t played my songs in front of a crowd in a long time.” Kim Yeon-hee shook her head. She moved around him to fill her drink orders.
“I know. Please, Yeon-hee, save me just this once.” Daewon swiveled back around to step in her way again, shaking his folded hands vigorously in her face, “Just thirty minutes. They said they are thirty minutes out.”
Yeon-hee sighed, noticing a customer walk in, one her usuals. “I have a customer, give me a minute to think about it.”
She took her tray of drinks out, a beer for glasses guy, soju for weird nose guy, a fruity thing to the flirty girl that annoyed the crap out of her, then she made her way to the music man. He had been a regular for a few months now, first coming with a group of friends for a bachelor party type celebration. She called him the music man because he continued to return, typically on the days they had live music, and sat alone, watching the show.
At first, he was lively and loud, easily making friends in the bar but after a few weeks he had become quiet. He seemed lost in his thoughts most of the time, and she had a feeling this was not his usual personality. She didn’t peg him for bipolar, he just had a lot on his mind. Music man didn’t look like he was happy.
She approached cautiously, “You look like you need something a little stronger than your usual beer. Scotch this round?”  
“Yeh,” he replied without even looking up at her.
Yep, he was having another bad night. It was a shame that his bright eyes were darkened by whatever issue had been plaguing him. He would perk up some when the music started. Only that wouldn’t be for another thirty minutes or so. He should be okay until then.
Yeon-hee grabbed his drink quickly, setting it down on her way to clean up a table in the back. She didn’t want to admit it, but she missed the kind smile the music man flashed around the place when he first came. His laugh was infectious and there wasn’t anyone who he wasn’t instantly friends with. Seeing him go from that to the silent, solemn man who sat there now, was dis-heartening.
She peered over her shoulder where he sat. Music man looked even more warry than normal. He stared into the distance, swirling the already half drank snifter on the table. She couldn’t stand it. Why his mood mattered was something Yeon-hee couldn’t explain, but if it was music he needed to cheer up, she would get it to him. She took her tray back to the kitchen, passing Daewon on the way.
“I’ll do it.” She told him before she grabbed the music man another scotch. Yeon-hee laughed at the scream of excitement Daewon barked, dropped the scotch off to the music man and made her way to the stage. The house instruments were already set up, and Yeon-hee ran a few practice bars to warm up her fingers and voice, then addressed the crowd.
“The Blue Lounge would like to welcome everyone here tonight.” She began. “Mercury is running just a little late. So, it will be my pleasure to entertain you until they arrive. I’m a little rusty, you guys, so take it easy on me. This first one is called Sing to Me.”        
Just how she had practiced a million times in this very spot, before the bar opened, she let her fingers lazily play over the keys. The song was slow, and sad, one that she had written when she left her parents in the states and moved to meet her mother’s family in South Korea. Her parents didn’t understand that she didn’t feel like herself there, with an American father and a Korean mother, she didn’t feel like she fit. Amanda Thompson, her American name, wasn’t real to her. Her mother’s family had been accepting, so she took her Korean name and her mother’s family name, Kim Yeon-hee, and left her old self behind. At that time, she had just wanted someone who understood her.
“Sing to me again.
Sing the words I cannot understand, but your meaning
is too clear. Your warm bourbon sound vibrates deep
into my black-hole heart, it pulls the ragged breath
from my chest and I am free again.”
Yeon-hee was in her element. She loved the stage and singing, making music all together. She loved her voice, raw but still smooth, and a little more sensual than she usually meant to be, but it mixed well with the type of music she made. Yeon-hee felt like she could finally speak when she was playing her music and singing her own songs. She was free, able to be who and what she was, not having to fit into the tidy molds society deemed were appropriate. When she performed she was a sun, burning hot, and lighting up.
Yeon-hee glanced up at the music man, curiosity becoming too much for her. She almost forgot the lyrics as she saw him. Yeon-hee had meant to cheer him up a little, but the look on his face was something more akin to fascination. He stared at her, intently, his eyes wide, and a ridiculously large smile on his face. They seemed to sparkle.
  Yeon-hee thought for a moment that it was what pure excitement looked like. She quickly shook that thought out of her head. Though she was proud of her music, she doubted it would cause him to grin like a child at Disney World. But still, the way he watched her was unnerving. A chill ran down her spine. She wasn’t scared, he didn’t give off that vibe, but she had a sinking feeling that she’d just gotten in over her head. That smile meant trouble for her.
The next song she played was a cover of a song that was popular at the moment. I was fast-paced and she was pleasantly pleased when people started to stand and dance. The last song was another original. A ballad, not a slow as the first song, but with a deeper meaning than the second. In all, she ended up playing six songs, and the music man never took his eyes off her. Finally, she saw the sign from Daewon that the band had arrived.
“Thank you,” she laughed as they applauded, “but your real entertainment is here. Give it up for Mercury!”
She clapped as she welcomed the band on stage and then returned behind the bar. She glanced back at the music man one last time, but his table was empty. Yeon-hee pouted, and she was very uncomfortable with the amount of disappointment she felt at his disappearance. As she rounded the corner of the bar a hand wrapped around her wrist. She tried jerked away, anyone who was a regular knew Yeon-hee didn’t put up with being grabbed, but there were still the newbies who didn’t know better. She had to put them in their place every once and a while, but before she could put the hurt on him, Yeon-hee recognized those eyes.
The music man lifted the corner of his lips in a crooked smile, as if he was waiting for her to attack him. She held her captured wrist in between them, her eyes narrowed, her skin burning where he touched her.
“I know you know better than to grab me.” She reminded him, referring to when he witnessed what happened to the last man who grabbed her a few weeks ago. The man had tried to press charges for assault against her, but the police laughed it off.
His smile widened as he gently released her wrist, “I know, but I need a pen.”
Yeon-hee eyed him suspiciously but took the few steps to the register and grabbed her pen, slapping it down on the bar in front of him. She didn’t know how it was possible, but his smile widened even more. With a roll of her eyes, she walked away to find Daewon.
That was a mistake.
“I need another favor.” Daewon told her. This time there were no whistles and bells, no complements. Yeon-hee knew that even though he said favor, she would have no choice in the matter. “I just got a call, I need to leave, and I don’t think I’ll be back before close. I need you to stay and manage the bar while I’m gone and close up.”
“Oppa,” she whined, “I’ve closed every day this week, you promised I could get off early tonight.”
“I know, but I need your help, cousin.” He shrugged, “I’ll give you an extra day off next week for it. Don’t forget the guy is bringing the cases of that new beer for us to try, I’ll have Kim Sunghyun come to bounce if you need him.”
Yeon-hee sighed. “Yeh,” she knew there was no point in arguing. He was dirty for pulling the cousin card.
The worst part about being on stage for Yeon-hee was stepping off it. All her other duties seemed so mundane compare to the rush of the stage. Even a small venue like The Blue Lounge didn’t lessen the exhilaration she experienced while playing her music. Her mother had been a piano prodigy studying in New York when she met Yeon-hee’s father, music was in her blood. She didn’t need to be a big star, as long as she could continue writing and singing, she was content.
Yeon-hee split her section between Kang Chun-ja and Jin Eun-hye and stayed behind the bar. The music man ordered a water instead of another scotch, and sat quietly at the end of the bar, seemingly disinterested in the band playing. Seemingly watching every move she made. For hours. She wanted to be annoyed, normally she would be, but the distant, sad look he had entered the bar with was long gone.
The guy with the cases of beer came at mid-night. A little late to be dropping off cases of beer, but it was the deal Daewon had made with the brewer and Yeon-hee wasn’t going to question. She motioned to Sunghyun to keep his attention up, pulled Chun-ja to the bar and started to the door that lead to the back of the bar. The music man was the last customer before the door, and his eyes were still on her.
Suddenly she had a bright idea. Sunghyun couldn’t leave the girls in the bar to unload, but that didn’t mean she had to do it on her own. And she could find out why the man kept staring at her. Yeon-hee stopped at the end of the bar and leaned over to speak to her stalker.
“Music man, you look like you have something to say to me.” She yelled over the music.
“Possibly,” he leaned into her to so that she could hear him better.
“Then follow me.” She shrugged and walked through the door to the storage area.
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BABY FEVER: Chanyeol
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Author: @julietsoddeye AU: Canon | Dad!EXO Genre: Fluff | Angst Pairing: Chanyeol x You Trigger Warning: Kinda angsty, sorry :/ Word Count: 998
Plot: Chanyeol: You went home from work and your two-year-old son is burning up with fever. You have to take him to the ER, quick!!!
Part of the Baby Fever series
A/N: I hope you enjoy the first installment!!! Let me know what you think. :D BTW, I broke my own heart writing this. Hahahaha D:
Coming home from work to your 20-year-old niece freaking out as she cradles your son in her arms because he won’t stop crying. He was already fed, his diapers were changed and the air conditioning is set to your weather-sensitive child’s preferred temperature.
The moment you took him into your arms, you felt his hot skin and instantly know your baby is burning up with fever. Not wasting any more time, you calmly direct your niece to pack a few stuff in one of the baby bags to bring to the emergency room with you.
Thankfully, the nearest hospital is just a ten-minute car ride and the ER department wasn’t busy tonight, that your son was immediately attended to by the hospital staff.
Leaving your niece to watch your now sleeping baby to minister to and pay for his discharge, you make your way to the cashier when you saw someone you haven’t seen in a very long time.
You stealthily walk up to one of the counters without being noticed and you almost made it out until the cashier lady spoke your name rather too loudly for everyone in the vicinity to hear in this silent part of the hospital.
You regret glancing his direction because he was already looking straight at you. His large eyes widen when he confirmed that it was you.
Bowing and bidding the cashier a quick goodbye, you dash back to the ER department, wishing, PRAYING, that he didn’t follow you there.
Looking around as you hide under your hoodie, you sigh in relief when you didn’t see him. You gently push open the partition and silently enter to see your son already awake and all smiles while your niece is taking selcas with him.
Your son utters, face scrunching very cutely with both hands extended out while doing a grabby motion as he reaches out to you. Your heart immediately melts seeing him happy when three hours ago he was fussy and difficult because of his fever.
“Eomma, who is that?”
He points at someone behind you and you twirl your head around to see who it was and—
“Y/N…? Y/N, it is you.”
Chanyeol gushed, closing the curtain partition behind him. The manager he was with stayed behind, guarding the perimeter in case someone saw him.
“Who is he, eomma?”
Your son asks again when you made your way towards him, checking if he’s really alright.
“H… How is he?”
You ask your niece, ignoring both Chanyeol and your son’s inquiry.
“He’s… Okay.”
Your niece was eyeing Chanyeol, checking who it was.
“Is he… Is he Park Cha—”
You halted her from speaking before she can even mention his name out loud. Your niece slaps both her hands up to her mouth, her eyes grew big and she starts convulsing with excitement!
“I—I’m a really big fan!!!”
She whispers loudly as she jumps up and down, making your son twirl his head to the side as he looks back and forth between his cousin and Chanyeol.
“I heard.”
Chanyeol clears his throat as he shakes hands with your niece.
Moments later after your niece calms down from her fangirl moment, Chanyeol told her to go buy coffee for the three of you so she can recover some more, and to also give you and him a little time to talk.
“You weren’t lying when you said your niece was a fan.”
Chanyeol started and you gave him a small nod of acknowledgment. Why wasn’t he leaving yet, you’re definitely not ready to see him again. Not now that you’re with your son.
“Why did you suddenly left me two years ago?”
It took a few moments before he spoke again, but his words stung you more than you should have. You thought the pain will eventually subside, but obviously, time never heals anything.
You couldn’t answer him. In all honesty, you didn’t know what excuse to give him. You couldn’t possibly tell him that Lawyers from SM found you and told you to go away or they will ruin his career. You couldn’t crush his soul like that. He loves his music you couldn’t take away from him something he was passionate about. You couldn’t let anything prevent the great career ahead of him, not even his own son.
“Is he mine?”
You couldn’t stop your tears from falling involuntarily. All these years of pretending to be firm, concealing your fears and covering all the hurt were spilling willingly from your heart. Acting like you’re strong all these years for your son, now that you’re faced with the person who you ran away from, cannot hold your emotions anymore.
“Eomma, please don’t cry. Sungyeol is here…”
Your son coos at you, while wiping your tear-streaked face with his little hands.
“You even named him after me.”
You hear Chanyeol let out a single humorless laugh. You can see from your peripherals that his face was buried in his hands, his hair all sorts of crazy from removing his black hat off.
“Ahjussi… Are you my appa?”
Both your and Chanyeol’s head shoots up with the straightforwardness of Sungyeol’s question. Not even waiting for an answer, Sungyeol crawled towards Chanyeol’s direction and jumps up into his arms. Chanyeol didn’t hesitate and took the small child in his embrace, burying his face in Sungyeol’s hair.
You try to stop yourself from sobbing, but witnessing Sungyeol finally meeting his dad is both making you the happiest and breaking your heart. Why did you have to tear them apart from each other? Two years was lost because of your selfishness.
“I guess I really am your appa, Sungyeol-ah.”
Chanyeol smiles down to his son and Sungyeol nuzzles his face on his father’s chest.
Aikie Masterlist | Michiko Masterlist | FIC RECS | FIC REC SIDEBLOG
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karlyherself · 6 years
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Heyo! I posted another chapter in my fanfic series, Fallholt. I’m just getting close to wrapping up the first part of the series and it’s already novel length. It’s gonna be so long omg.
Anyways, here’s Channie boy!
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thinkyoureholy · 5 years
The Phoenix [4]
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Pairing : Park Chanyeol / [Fem] Reader
Genre : Angst, Violence, Language, Fluff, Smut, Character Death?, Fantasy! Au
Words : 2.7k
Pt 1. Pt 2. Pt 3. Pt 4. Pt 5. Pt 6.
≫ ──── ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ──── ≪
-Y/N’s P.O.V-
I walked through the palace halls, my attention on the papers in my hand. The people had become a little restless with the tensions of war looming overhead. We haven’t been able to get in enough goods for them to sell and buy to keep their families fed. Of course they blamed me for it and it’s true that it was partially my fault so it was my responsibility to fix this problem. I sighed heavily, looking over the papers once more before stopping in the middle of the hall. I rubbed my hands over my face, frustrated with all of this. 
I didn’t get to dwell on this for much longer when I felt a presence directly behind me. I set my jaw, turning around quickly to face her. I watched her jump, startled that I had turned around to face her so abruptly. I gave her a blank stare, a grin spreading across her face at the look in my eyes.
“What do you want Hayi?”
Her grin seemed to widen as she looped her arm with my own, turning the two of us around as she dragged me with her to god knows where, “I just wanted to see my best friend. I was thinking maybe we could-”
“Hayi I don’t have time for this. I’m busy.” I said, my tone sounding colder than I had intended.
Her face fell at my tone of voice, a sigh leaving my lips as I unwound our arms, placing both hands on her shoulders, “You know I’d love to do whatever you had planned for us to do but…just not now. It’s not a good time.”
“It’s never a good time with you…”
I frowned at that, letting my hands fall to my sides, my hand clutching onto the papers tightly, “Maybe Kyungsoo can-”
“Nevermind, forget it. I should’ve known better than to come here, call for me when you’re not obsessing over that phoenix from the empire next door.”
“Obsessing?” I asked, scoffing at the word, “Look, I’m sorry I have better things to do than gossip over men like I don’t know, run a whole fucking kingdom. Why don’t you make yourself useful and find something else to do other than waste my time.”
With that I turned on my heel and stomped down the hall. Not only did I have to deal with the shit going on outside of the palace I had to deal with Hayi’s bullshit too? Fuck that. I’m stressed enough as it is, I don’t need such trivial things stressing me out more. I cursed under my breath, looking at the crumpled up papers in my hand when I bumped into someone. I looked up to see who it was, my eyes softening at seeing that it was Kyungsoo.
I sighed heavily, stepping around him with a frown. I knew what he was going to say and right now I didn’t want to hear it.
“Y/N I heard what you said to Hayi-”
“Soo…I don’t want to hear it. You can lecture me any other time…just not now.”
“Y/N, she has a point. You’re obsessing over Chanyeol too much. You should just let the past go…there’s nothing you can do to change it.”
I turned on my heel and marched back over to him, getting in his face, “Let it go? Kyungsoo he killed our parents! And you want me to just let it go?”
He frowned at my words, his eyes gazing softly into my own. This is why he could never rule over the land properly, only in name. Since he was a child he was too soft, too lenient. He let people walk all over him, I hated that side of him. I hated seeing people taking advantage of his kindness. 
“Our father killed his…”
I scoffed, the papers in my hand now a crumpled mess, “I don’t believe that. Our father didn’t have a murderous bone in his body. He was trying to make an alliance with that phoenix why would he go to all that trouble if he was just going to kill him?” My shoulders sagged, a look of sadness in my eyes, “Our father…was a gentle and kind man. He would never hurt anybody even if they wronged him. He was the exact same way you are now. Tell me, would you stoop so low as to become a murderer?”
He looked away, bowing his head, “No…”
“Chanyeol killed our father, an innocent man, because he was convinced our father committed a crime he didn’t actually do. What’s worse is that he took our mother away from us too. That fire took everything from us…” I trailed off, a lump in my throat as tears gathered in my eyes, “I can hardly remember what they look like anymore, Soo. My memories are fading…and before they completely disappear I want to get at least some justice for our parents.”
“Are you sure it’s you that wants this or that damned monster inside of you?" 
I looked at him, shocked by his words, my mouth hanging agape.
-Kyungsoo’s P.O.V-
I watched as that black mist materialized behind her before it seeped into her hair. Her white hair turned black almost instantly, her eyes changing colors, her nails elongating into claws. The shocked look she wore on her face all but vanished as she smirked, that thing having taken over. She tilted her head to the side, the smirk on her face growing into a devilish grin.
"You’re a perceptive one, boy.”
I narrowed my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest, “What the hell are you planning, demon?”
“Demon? C'mon now that’s no way to talk to your sister now is it?” She asked, a mischievous look in her eyes.
She stepped closer to me, hoping to intimidate me but I stood there unwavering, keeping my expression blank, “You’re not my sister.”
She chuckled, reaching out to touch me but I stopped her, grabbing onto her wrist tightly, “Are you going to answer my question or will you have me repeat myself?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
I dug my fingers into her wrist, “You know exactly what I’m talking about. You and I both know what really happened that night.”
“Is that so?” She asked, yanking her wrist out of my grasp.
Next thing I knew she was moving so quickly I could barely make out her movements. She placed a hand on my shoulder, kicking my legs out from under me and slammed my back roughly against the cold hard ground. I groaned low in my throat, gritting my teeth at the pain I felt in my back. She giggled maniacally, her clawed hand wrapping around my throat as she hovered over me.
“Tell me then, what really happened that night? Tell me so I can kill you nice and slow,” She said, leaning in closer so our faces were mere inches apart, her black eyes somehow growing darker, “Or better yet you can keep your mouth shut unless you want sister dearest here to be left without a family. I won’t let you or anyone else get in the way of my plans. The only reason why I haven’t killed you yet is because with you gone she’d completely fall apart and I can’t have that. Heed my warning, boy, stay out of my way if you want to live.” 
Her hand around my throat tightened for a moment before she let go, rising to her feet. She stared down at me a second longer before turning on her heel. I grit my teeth, propping myself up on my elbow as I stared after her. That darkness is going to consume her one of these days…and it doesn’t seem like there’s anything I can do to stop it.
-Y/N’s P.O.V-
Junmyeon had come back a few days ago to report on Chanyeol’s movement…or lack thereof. That phoenix seems to be lying in wait from what I can tell. This was good because it gave me some time to come up with the perfect plan but I was also starting to grow weary over his prolonged silence. I knew he was planning something…I just knew it. 
I let out a heavy breath of air, slouching in my seat, propping my head up on my hand. It was quiet in the throne room, so quiet it was starting to drive me insane. At this point in time I didn’t want to be alone with my thoughts but it seems like everyone has been avoiding me today. It seems like they’ve been avoiding me for some time now that I think about it. I remember losing a piece of a day about a week ago and no matter who I asked about what happened that day they never gave me a straightforward answer. When I asked Kyungsoo about it his eyes hardened for a moment, as if remembering something but he kept his mouth shut, telling me nothing too important happened. The last thing I remember about that day was talking to Kyungsoo about Chanyeol…after that there was nothing until the morning after.
I closed my eyes for a moment, inhaling slowly before rising from my seat. I grabbed my cloak, tying the strings around my neck as I headed for the door. The guards said nothing as they watched me, moving to follow after me as soon as I opened the door.
“I’d like to be alone, you’re dismissed for the day.” I said before leaving the room. 
I headed for the garden, hoping to run into Kyungsoo but he was nowhere in sight. I frowned as I looked around, spotting the entrance to the forest. I stared at the treeline longingly, my feet carrying me over to the forest before I could even process what was happening.
I walked through the woods, silently observing the area. Ever since that day fifteen years ago I found peace in walking through the forest. Kyungsoo warned me time and time again about doing things like this, saying it’s too dangerous to wander around the woods this late at night. I smiled at his words, feeling the light of the moon on my back as it guided me through the forest. He’s always been a bit overprotective but he’s too calm to ever act on anything anyway, that is until he’s pushed far enough. I mean the king of the Earth and all living creatures, be it animals or plants should be calm right? Unlike his sister, the cold hearted ice queen. No one really believed we were related, besides our personalities our looks completely contrasted one another. He had dark brown hair while mine was a pure white, his eyes were a comforting chocolate brown while mine…mine chilled you to the bone, they were as white as my hair, my pupil and iris becoming one. I guess the looks came with my powers…didn’t make it any easier that my own people couldn’t look me in the eye when they spoke to me though. 
“I wondered who was walking through the forest this late at night but that white hair is a dead give away,” A deep voice said from the shadows.
I froze in place, looking towards the place where the voice came from. In the next second a man with fiery red hair stepped out, his eyes practically glowed in the dark, the crimson red drawing me in. Just by seeing his hair and eyes I knew exactly who he was. The rumors were true, the man was drop dead gorgeous but I didn’t let his looks phase me. I glared over at him, watching a smirk find purchase on his face.
“A pretty girl like you shouldn’t be out wandering around the woods at this time of night…there are hungry wolves lurking around.” He said, his eyes shining mischievously.
I scoffed, crossing my arms over my chest, “I think you underestimate my power. It’s the wolves who should be afraid of me…not the other way around.”
He grinned at my words, leaning back against the tree behind him, “Oh I’m not underestimating you. I mean how could I? Little ole me wouldn’t dare to insult our dear ice queen.”
I closed my eyes at his words, feeling myself start to get annoyed, “I’m not your queen. A king shouldn’t claim another’s queen so easily.”
He chuckled, pushing himself off the tree he was leaning on, “So you’re betrothed to another? Who is he? I’m curious to know who melted the cold heart of our beloved queen.”
“That’s none of your business. The king of fire, light, and lightning has no business knowing my affairs. Now if you’ll excuse me I’m leaving. I can’t stand being in your presence for another second. Be thankful I’m not ripping you apart. You’re time will come soon so consider today your lucky day.” I said before turning my back on him.
“My lucky day?” He asked with a low chuckle, “Both you and your brother will get what’s coming to you in due time, that I promise you…my queen.”
I stopped dead in my tracks at his words, clenching my hands into fists. I felt the temperature in my hands begin to drop, my ice beginning to form. I was trying so hard to control my emotions but the wind swirling around me told a different story. I tilted my head, cracking my neck before turning to him. The wind blew through my hair in a type of controlled chaos, and it was controlled, because I controlled the wind and everything it carried.
“You stay the hell away from my brother. Threaten me all you want but I swear to you if you even so much as look in his direction I will end you. Not only am I the queen of water, the queen of the wind, the cold hearted queen of ice but I am the queen of darkness. Without your light you are nothing so do not make me extinguish your light forever. I am not keen on dirtying my hands but I will if I have to,” I said, taking a step towards him with each word I spoke, “Do not test me Phoenix, they say not to play with fire but I am much much worse than fire. I am the reaper incarnate, death walking amongst the living. I am the water that will extinguish your fire, the ice that will freeze your lightning, I am the darkness that will swallow your light whole and you with it.”
-Chanyeol P.O.V-
I watched with wide eyes and her eyes blackened, literally. This…darkness changed her eyes from that beautiful white I was fascinated by into a pitch black, light being entirely sucked into them. But it was gone as soon as it came when she blinked. She gave me one last look before turning on her heel and went back the way she came. I placed a hand over my heart, feeling it beating rapidly. I didn’t know if it was out of fear or-
You’re getting a little too brave with your words don’t you think, phoenix?
My heart skipped a beat at the voice that rang out, a chill running down my spine. I looked around but I didn’t see anyone. I’ve never been this afraid in my life…not even when my father would lock me up in that pitch black room. No, this feeling was so much worse, this fear was crippling. I looked around frantically, but I didn’t see anything. I stumbled back, falling into the tree I had been leaning against earlier, unconsciously bringing a hand up to shield me from the unknown creature. The voice chuckled darkly, the sound giving me goosebumps.
That’s right…be afraid little phoenix…be very afraid. One hell of a storm is coming your way…I’d prepare myself if I were you. I’ll make sure you can’t choose another vessel to hide yourself in, your entire empire will fall on my hands and then there will be nothing to stop me from consuming this entire planet.
“What the hell are you?” I asked, my voice shaking with fear.
It let out another chuckle, this one making my phoenix recoil.
Your worst nightmare.
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missoh-ao3 · 6 years
Bothersome Hyung
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(GIF credit to owner)
Wordcount: 3,801 | Light Angst, romance, some fluff | Chanyeol-POV | One-shot | Complete
— Rating
— Characters
[EXO] Chanyeol , Sehun, Suho, & Kai.
— Pairing
Chanyeol + Sehun
— Warnings
Mild language, mentions Kris & Luhan leaving EXO.
— Ao3 Link
Click Here
— Summary
After Luhan's departure from the group Chanyeol has made it his personal mission to make Sehun happy again.
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