#park regulations
Preserving Our Afforestation Areas: A Call to Responsible Outdoor Behavior
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maxsix · 5 months
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pocket-size-cthulhu · 23 days
One of my least favorite things about USAmerica, as a lifelong resident, is the fact that in a lot of areas (especially predominantly White areas), you'll see someone just chilling outside in public and your gut reaction is "they're acting weird." Like they're just standing there and you're like, "suspicious".
In order for someone vibing somewhere to not be suspicious, they have to be in a designated Vibing Area (like a park), AND have a visible reason for being there - a kid, or a picnic blanket or whatever. Maybe a book or sketchbook. Then chilling goes from a threat to an enviable luxury.
I think this comes from a combination of factors, including the loss of third spaces, the people-unfriendly design of our cities, and the incessant anti-homeless propaganda. The Outside is largely not a place where people would want to chill if they had a home to chill in instead, since everywhere you go is dirty and loud, smells like cars, is dangerous from cars, and doesn't have anywhere to sit down. So therefore it follows that people who chill outside are probably Homeless and therefore Scary.
I hate it. Chilling outside is one of life's most amazing free pleasures. People should be able to do it without suspicion! There should be spaces for doing it and a culture around chilling outside as the norm! Also, the fear of homeless people is really deeply effed up!!
Imo the loss of third spaces is suffocating us, mental health wise, especially those of us who don't have private land to chill on. But I think one of the obstacles to reintroducing third spaces back into cities is the idea that "Weird (read: homeless) People Will Go There". Which, like, yeah. Unhoused people have to exist somewhere. There's a reluctance to let unhoused people chill anywhere, or to be anywhere near them, and the people in power in the USA are willing to shoot themselves in the foot in order to guarantee that the separation and cruelty remain. (After all, the people in power in the USA have private land to chill on.)
I think your average white USAmerican has just consumed so much anti-homeless and bootstraps and NIMBY propaganda that they don't realize the problem that lack of third spaces presents to EVERYONE in their community.
I'm rambling at this point. Basically lately I've been going to my apartment complex' playground and sitting in the sun on the cinderblock wall that surrounds it, and I feel so bizarre and out of place. I feel like I'm freaking people out (and I'm low-key worried someone is going to report me for hanging out by a playground while being visibly queer. Which they probably won't but still)
All I want to say is.
Bring back third spaces now
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upthewitchypunx · 3 months
I usually don't care that we get those giant ULINE catalogs because it wastes the money of a shitty family to print and ship them. However, I did not consider the weight of those bricks in the bag of our postal carrier. I think I'll call to cancel because we get two shipping to our house. I'll save the postal carriers back a little bit.
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evelhak · 1 month
Every time I see music discourse on Tumblr these days, I learn that I have horrible taste in music. And I'm surprised every time.
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evilfarmin · 1 year
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[1] [2] [here]
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hyah-lian · 4 months
I may have overdone it, lads/genderneutral
No thoughts head empty and so so sleepy
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bunnihearted · 5 months
maybe if we lived in a society that valued individual needs and nurtured and cared for ppl who are different i wouldnt "wish" death upon ppl ._.
#my proposal is:#communities specifically made for noise sensitive ppl#like apartment building made w materials that isolate noise#and where for example on some floors kids arent allowed to live. some floors arent allowed to take in dogs etc etc#no loud music is allowed to be played#and outside of the buildings loud noise isnt allowed such as no playgrounds or dog parks etc etc#and this housing area could be fenced so it's rlly just the ppl who have chosen to live there that can be there#then ONLY ppl who wanted peace and quiet could live here and have a safe haven in the world#if u choose to live there then u will want and choose to respect the rules and be mindful abt others and be quiet#and if u want a 'normal' living situation u choose to NOT live there#if things like this existed i'd be so fkn happy#we all should be able to CHOOSE how we want to live#there are other groups of ppl who want to live in other ways and they should also be able to choose#there r many of us who are different but we are still a minority#and we are forced to live in a wild messy jungle that we arent naturals in. we survive not thrive#we are forced to be in mental agaony every day bc we dont fit into society's regulations and boxes#no one should live like that. society should be built for ALL of us and all out different special needs#but the thing is that ok even if society doesnt care and give us it for free or without fight#ppl actively work to HINDER and prohibit ppl to create new ways of living#when ppl try to make new exclusive spaces that fit their own needs#here comes a sudden influx of normal ppl being angry and upset that theyre excluded from smth#if i tried to suggest building these communities and even succeeded in gathering support for it#ppl in the state and normal ppl in society would be AGAINST me#theyd be angry that i wanted to create a space that excluded them#why cant i live there??????? I ME ME ME ME who is normal is all that matters#everything should aaaaaalways be made for normal people#if any other of us who wants to make their own space dares to even suggest it normies get mad#hell if ppl w wheelchairs wanted to create a walled community where only they were allowed i'd be supporting them#bc i think every single one of us deserves to live in a safe space that calms us#and it isnt your right to encroach on someone else's safe space. everyone are entitled to safe spaces no matter who that excludes
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popsicle-stick · 11 months
joni mitchell was right they are paving paradise and putting up a parking lot
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beautifulpersonpeach · 10 months
bpp idk what i was thinking but i think i just stumbled on a network of pjm blogs on tumblr and i'm so horrified i don't know what to do with myself. it scares me that people so hateful they remind me of profiles on true crime shows are obsessing over the members in the same place as me, just moving anonymously in the fandom among people who are normal fans. their blogs are supposed to be focused on jm but all they do is dissect other members and abuse them,,,,,,
the way they talk about all the members esp suga, tae and jk wishing that they die in the most horrific ways, obsessing over tae and jk's bodies in their magazine shoots and tearing them apart in such dehumanizing ways, fantasizing about hybe going bankrupt and jm leaving bts while in the next paragraph attacking jm for still staying in bts. they keep repeating to themselves that they're the 'true' people who love jm and everybody else hates him. it's so wild to me bpp!!! the members hate him, the company hates him, korean public hates him, his fandom hates him, his friends hate him, but they are the only ones toiling day and night out of love for him. i saw 26 blogs like this with many engagements and it depressed me a lot. i bias jm but could never stand for people hating the members like that. and it's real hate bpp, not just silly stuff people say when they're angry. how will our fandom survive when people can turn a blind eye to this kind of hatred? i'm not on twitter but i know it's more toxic, are solos this extreme there? i'm so depressed after seeing all that i want to leave the fandom completely. there's too much hatred here. people are too insane and there's no way anyone who sees all that hate won't be affected. you talk a lot about the fandom imploding but do you see a way out? do you see the fandom getting better? how can we fix this? i want jm to comeback to a real army fandom in 2025 not a collection of pjms surrounded by other solo stans all fighting each other and hoping that the group jm loves ceases to exist. sorry sorry so sorry that i'm ranting but i feel so scared and heartbroken. the hate jm gets from other member's solos is already so bad but he's getting it from pjms too and they're just as bad hating on other members. how can we fix the fandom to become filled with supporters again bpp? can we even fix the fandom to remove solo stans? have you seen any precedent of this done successfully?
Anon, I've written about how solo stans think and behave before, as well as wider fandom dynamics in Chapter 2. You can search my blog for any of those keywords and find posts where I've addressed a lot of this.
That said, the answer to nearly all the questions you asked here, is no. Because people are people. That sentence sounds cliché, glib, almost meaningless at first read, but please consider what that sentence means more carefully, whatever you determine that to mean, accept it, and move on with your life doing what you can to support the artists you love.
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enekorre · 4 months
Talked with my boss today about maybe taking a month during summer to go vanlifeing and working remotely
She seemed totally okay with it, so I'm slowly getting my hopes up (and looking for a good van)
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entropy-sea-system · 1 year
Hmm. Thinking about if t rexes were scavengers like that Jack Horner guy thought, were. Like lions??? (Interestingly in one of the books I think The Lost World, Ellie Sattler mentions how hyenas hunt and lions sometimes tend to scavenge the hyenas' kills)
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lupismaris · 1 year
I'm just gonna complain in the tags tw medical stuff tbd etc
#its the final stretch and i refuse to will anything into this universe other than this is the final stretch im having treatment and it ends#this is the end of this here and now i will not continue to live like this i cannot continue to live like this i cannot carry this fatigue#any further genuinely i cannot its not a matter of will not anymore i just... i cannot. im legitimately still hiding at the office#despite everyone else having gone home because it takes too much effort to gather my things and walk to my car and im afraid of falling#i forgot my cane at home and its cold and my body struggles with temperature regulating and seizes up so badly#but the fatigue has finally reached a point where its hard to lift my bag or put my coat on or my jewelry without help#or walk across the parking lot just to get to my car and its not like the usual hey we have to adjust to new level of disabled#it's fatigue kneecapping you put of nowhere with a tireiron until you can barely loft your bag or fix tea or prepare dinner#and the fact the all the joy of food has been robbed from me because everything takes so much goddamn effort now#everything takes ten more steps and an hour more planning and special ingredients and yes i know lots of people live like this always#but i haven't and its been a forced short term adjustment period with absolutely no support from medical professionals#and im the only cook in my household/family/immediate social circle so all the labor inevitably falls on me not out of malice#but by default even if they try to help they can only do so much because they dont know what to do#i am literally on the verge of a meltdown just thinking about how much effort dinner is going to take because i cant just#eat a fuckin box of easy mac or ramen with an egg and go to bed no I've got to make a special soup with special ingredients#or a proper balanced meal with protein and veg and whole grain and certain seasoning#and im just so fuckin tired im so goddamn tired if this radiologist doesn't come back and say i can eat freely come Friday#i genuinely dont know what im going to do#food is one of my greatest joys and to be limited even in such bizarrely simple ways requiring so much excess labor#is too much. its too much on top of all this hypothyroidic fatigue. i cant do it.#i dont want to go home and make a fuckin soup. i want pizza. i want take away. i want lamb curry and rice. i want food i dont have to cook.#god im so fuckin tired my body feels so ancient like something wrecked in the seabed being involuntary hoisted to the shallows again#and im not sure its going to survive the process. i mean it has to. we dont have a choice. but fuck.
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quidam-sirenus · 10 months
I think calling the cops on people is always morally wrong and unnacceptable except when it’s my grandma from California calling the cops on her rich neighbors who are breaking water conservation mandates and lighting off illegal fireworks
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brightlotusmoon · 1 year
South Park “Freemium Isn’t Free” – Review – The Insider
The writers even arranged various other explanations as to how the scam works with various whiteboards: “Make highest $ Seem Like Best Deal”—“Game Must Be Playable in 2 Minutes”—“Simple Gameplay. Able To Play On The Toilet.” Unfortunately, these can only be seen when paused, as they disappear in a quick second and are hard to read, in itself a nod to how sneaky the creators behind mobile game apps can be. “Freemium – The “Mium” is Latin for “not really.” The Minister explains the RPG Loop to freemium gaming: “Explore, Collect, Spend, Improve.” In another scene, a blocked message on the whiteboard behind the Minister’s head reads: “Push Notifications (Keep Them Random).” And in the final scene where Satan fights the Canadian Devil, one whiteboard reads, “Use fake campaign to feign concern i.e. ‘Drink Responsibly,’” and the left one shows an 8-step chart on manipulating emotional pain so they can feel temporary relief by numbing the pain.
Comedy Central is airing this episode again and I just realized that in 2014 when it first aired I was beginning my neuropsychology studies as a freshly diagnosed* adult autistic. No wonder.
(*Not in a 'professional' sort of way. The activist who coined neurodivergence and neurodiversity, Neurodivergent K., chatted with me on Facebook and told me I definitely pinged autistic and to talk to my neurologist who at this point was a friend and K knew that. K was one of the foremost activists since the 90s. My neurologist conferred with the general physician I had known for over a decade, and here I am.)
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nightly-ruse · 1 year
I think I may be a little odd
#I’ve been thinking about like everything/neg/pos/breakdown inducing#and I think I’m mentally I’ll#like yeah no shit but also it’s very clear#I literally got out of breath the other day talking about wolves and Yellowstone bc I was talking so fast about them#also have very wild mood swings paired with abandonment issues constant shame for ppl caring about me and trauam over friendships bc#so many have gone wrong and I’ve been forever changed or abandoned (both in one case)#I mean I met this girl at a school meet and she just reminded me of a person who hurt me. they had the same same mannerisms looked similar#besides the hair and I had a full panic attack. I feel bad about that she probably was really nice#or how I feel sick just thinking about the local park bc it’s where I was forced to hang out with a ex friend that wrecked me#such a mixing bowl of bad traits#I can focus I can’t remember I’m either too lazy or too hyper to stay still I can’t regulate tone well and scare myself constantly just by#talking. relationships always end in a burning bridge even when they were so good bc I get so paranoid and scared they’ll leave that I leave#myself. jumping to crazy conclusions to the point I start hallucinating due to stress#I mean how do I even explain to my therapist that my only good friends ended with me skipping school the last days bc I thought one died.#she actually just left school early.#that one I kinda get even tho it’s fucking nuts bc tjat year has mentally burned me so goddamn much but still#and even tho I’ve kinda had a constant itch that something completely explains why I’m this way but am too scared to bring it up bc of#change and trauma related to bringing up my own mental health#I don’t even know what thsi is anymore sorry#should just shut up and sleep#I’ll be fine by morning anyways so what does it even fucking matter#ruse rambles#vent tag
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