#and then you have the Dark Lord of the Underworld behind him
maximura · 9 months
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a/n just broadening my cheese thoughts. I freaking got hit by the love for my first mate. Had to revisit this red haired god.
"My answer won't change", Eris spoke firmly. They had been at it for hours. The alliance with the night court was important, yes. But that didn't mean that Eris was thrilled to attend the meetings. "Eris, this is crucial", Rhys almost pleaded. It was nearly funny. How desperate the high lord was. How he had rushed to Autumn just to see him. "You said that already", Eris breathed, reaching to pour himself another glass of whiskey. "Yet I don't think you understand", the lord of the night court growled.
"Oh, I do", and Eris did. But this was a matter he was not willing to discuss. Her. They needed her. Her. They didn't even address her by her name. She was just her. And that in itself annoyed him. Eris had silently dared them to call out her name. To let it swirl off their tongues, but it never did. "You know I would not ask if this wasn't important", Rhys tried once again. Eris met his gaze before saying slowly, "No". "Drop it, Rhys. He's a selfish ass only looking for...", Azriel started to say, but Eris's hands came in contact with a table he was sitting behind. "Do you know what you're asking for, you bastard?", the fireling pointed a warning finger at the shadow singer.
Rhys was about to speak again. But without any announcement, the double doors opened. In strolled her. The room died down. The silence was so loud that it was almost unbearable. Dressed in the most beautiful deep green gown that left very little to the imagination. The material itself was almost desperate to cling to her porcelain-like skin. Lips painted deep plum red, dark features. Beatty, who no doubt could cause wars, made men drop to their knees. Give up their most valuable possessions. Just so they could pray at her feet.
And yet her gaze was on Eris. Overlooking everyone else's presence, no one else at this moment deserved her attention. Yet she knew that everyone was looking at her. The way her hips swayed as she walked. Her breasts shifted as she pulled her hair to one side. Whatever they talked about was long forgotten. "My invitation must have gotten lost in the mail now, didn't it?", she beamed at Eris sheepishly. Eris gripped his glass tightly, nearly smashing it. He was dissatisfied with her actions. She knew it. He was mad. And it was true; she could feel it, and smell it. Everyone now had their eyes on her.
"You suffocate me, woman", the fireling snarled through gritted teeth. She only smirked, pulling his glass from his hands and brushing the corner of the glass with her lips—that same corner that Eris's lips touched not long ago—as she muttered, "You ignite me, husband". No more words were shared after that. They were fighting a silent battle with their eyes for a while before she turned to the other three males in the room.
"Now, before this place goes up in flames", she purred, looking directly at the Illyrians. Rhys bowed his head, sinking. She watched him. "Sweet, but it won't make a difference", she said, motioning for him to stand up. Rhys met her eyes, and she knew. She knew that he, too, understood. Knew that Eris and her were a match like no other. She was a true goddess of death, while Eris summoned fire. They could build and ignite hell together. Set the world up in flames and keep it blazing for centuries if they only desired.
Hence, this union was a secret. Kept from prying eyes and ears. It was a cry for war if the word spread. Beron was the one who managed to steal her from the underworld. One who bound her and his son forever. She was nothing but a feral beast the first time Eris saw her. She nearly suffocated him while a priestess wed them. But then his pain met hers, and what bloomed from this union was not something a world so small could handle. Could understand.
If others knew of their marriage, no one knew what they were doing behind closed doors. They couldn't even come close to grasping the strength of the bond that now mated them together. They knew nothing about their first night as a married couple. Of how frightened she had been back then by the demands that Beron made. Eris had grasped her wrist, poking her finger with his fang to draw a tiny bit of blood before he let the blood fall onto the sheets, so the maides could gossip about it in the morning. They knew nothing of the nights she spent playing the piano in Eris's office while he worked or simply sat there admiring her. They knew nothing about the hunting trips they took that had nothing to do with hunting. How they would bring the whole forest to fall silent before it burst to life as both of their cries filled the air.
She stepped closer. It was thrilling to see things no one else could. To be able to grasp things others couldn't touch. She pulled at one of the Illyrian's souls, bringing it out of his body as it seized. The thrill of touching something that wasn't yet meant to die was exceptional. "You're playing", Eris's voice cut through her desire. "Oh, I would never", She turned to her husband, letting herself giggle. Eris shook his head but did nothing to stop her. He just swirled his whiskey in his glass. "Cruel, cruel creature, let go of him", he said, and she huffed, "No fun". The Illyrian inhaled sharply, his hand on his chest, as his big eyes watched her. Yet all she did was smile.
"I can bring that soul to you", she said bluntly, turning away from them. He stepped to stand next to Eris, his hand coming to lay for her naked back. "I...", Rhys stuttered, clearly taken back by her words. He tried to come up with something to say but failed miserably. "Surprised that I know why you're here?", she teased, "Nature requires balance. Two nights from now, we shall come to the ever-white lake. I'll summon his soul", she said so naturally that it seemed as if all of this wasn't surreal.
"Y/N, this means so much", Rhys said, bowing his head again. "Leave", Eris growled, "If I see you before that time, your dogs will be dragging you out of the lake", Eris barked. She pinched her husband's side gently. The two winged males stepped forward angrily, but Rhys quickly placed his hands on their chests. She nodded her head at the Lord of the Night Court. He returned her gesture before winnowing out of the fireling's office.
"I don't like this...", Eris muttered when it was just the two of them in the room. He pushed his armchair back slightly, guiding her to sit on his lap, his arms snaking around her middle. "You don't like many things, dear", she breathed, her fingers moving to brush through his red hair. "You putting yourself in danger is at the top of the list", he stated firmly, reaching for his glass once more. He was always like this. His desire to protect her was something he hadn't yet conquered.
"You don't own me", she purred, pressing her finger against his chest. He nodded, "I do not, but you are the love of my life, and I would rather watch the world crumble than let you hurt", his words were powerful. Ones that other lovers spoke sparingly. But Eris. Eris was not like other lovers. And she knew that his love ran deep for her. And what he said was true. Because nothing could keep them apart. Eris would not allow it. She would not allow it.
"It's just one soul", her voice was much softer now as she spoke. "One too many", Eris muttered, swallowing the sharp liquor. A tight frown on his face. She touched his sulking features. "Don't do this", she whispered. Eris said nothing. He interviewed their fingers together. Bringing their hands, which were marked by twin tattoos, closer to his chest, he kissed the top of her palm. "I would not survive if...", Eris breathed out, brows knitting together. She cupped his face and said, "Good for you, my husband, that I have no intention of dying". Her eyes met his, and Eris could feel all the love she poured into his heart.
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A loose retelling of Hades and Persephone-modernized and darker than before, but beautiful all the same.
A/N: I'm not happy with this. But you guys can have it anyway.
Tags: SKZ, Stray Kids, Stay, Bang Chan, Chan, Christopher, Christopher Bang, Y/N, Femreader, Chan as Hades, Y/N as Persephone, Underworld, Greek Mythology, Hades and Persephone, Smut, Fluff, Angst, Chan x you, Chan x reader, Chan x y/n, SKZ x you, SKZ x reader, Other members make guest appearances as various Greek gods, Greek Gods
Genre: Fluff, Smut, Angst
Warnings: Underworld Shit, Dark Undertones, Underhanded God and Mortal shit and dealings, Death, Dying, Triggering Themes, Toxic Relationships (not main characters), Chan's fucking in love with reader to the point of obsession.
🌸I’ll Be Damned-Gavn
🌸Seven Nation Army-Stevie Howie
🌸Call Me-ShineDown
🌸Granite-Sleep Token
🌸Say Don't Go (Taylor's Version)-Taylor Swift
Title: Every Last Seed
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He goes by many names.
He always has.
King of the Underworld.
God of the Dead.
Bringer of Death.
Lord of Darkness.
But by far, his favorite name is the one that only you are allowed, dripping from your lips, soft and sweet, like honey, like a deadly nectar he's become addicted to-
"Where the fuck is he?" Chan storms through the door to his office, terrifying the wraith he employs as his secretary, her throat jumping with a gulp, as she straightens her glasses, and clasps her clipboard to her opaque chest.
"Ah, sir, I was just asking his Lordship if he'd prefer tea or coffee-"
"No need." Chan growls, not even bothering to look in her direction. "He won't be staying."
Hyunjin grins from his position behind Chan's overly large desk, his feet planted directly in the middle of some important treaties Chan had been working on the day before for some particularly pesky mortals.
"Ah, is that any way to treat your baby brother, Channie?"
His given name. The only ones who dare call him by that name are his brothers and you.
Everyone else just refers to him by the name the mortals gifted him when he became God of the Dead eons ago-Hades.
Chan stalks toward his brother's reclined form and promptly shoves his feet off the desk with a little bit more force than necessary.
"The perfect way, actually. Especially when said brother is impeaching on my very valuable and limited time, uninvited, I might add."
Hyunjin sniffs, straightening the highly expensive baby blue suit he wears, and plants his feet firmly on the ground, swiveling in Chan's chair to face him.
He tucks a strand of his golden hair back behind his ear and levels Chan with a self important look that makes him grind his teeth in agitation.
"Fine. You obviously want me to get straight to the point, so I will."
Chan feels a muscle tick in his jaw as he taps his foot impatiently, motioning with his hand for the man before him to continue.
"Great. What is it?"
Hyunjin sighs, making a show of straightening the crown on his brow, and then he gives Chan a grimace which he tries to soften with a halfhearted smile that Chan sees through immediately.
It makes his clench his fingers into fists at his side.
"How's the new little wife, hm, big brother? Satisfactory, I presume?"
Chan feels himself prickle at the mention of you, but he keeps his expression unreadable, dark, as he stares back at his clearly prodding brother.
"Fine. Anything else? Or did you travel all the way here and risk your wife's wrath just to ask me how my honeymoon was?"
Hyunjin blanches at the mention of Hera, and clears his throat, clearly uncomfortable now in the face of Chan's obvious ire.
"Yes, well-" He stands up, planting his hands flat on Chan's desk and leaning toward him, as if to appear intimidating.
Chan wants to laugh at the pathetic display.
"-there's been a problem. I'm sure you've noticed the influx of extra souls ever since you uh, tied the knot, without her mother's permission?"
He fidgets nervously under Chan's unwavering, blank stare.
Tugging at the collar of his expensive suit once more, Chan watches as his younger brother, the supposed God of the Gods, seems to wilt under his penetrating gaze.
Finally, he sighs heavily, and seems to implore Chan to give him something, anything, he can work with.
"Her mother's fucking pissed with you, Channie, all right? I'll just come out and say it. I need you to fix this."
Chan remains unmoving, stoic, in the face of his brother's obvious plea.
After another moment of silence, Hyunjin throws his hands outward and exclaims with obvious exasperation, "C'mon, help me out here. Lord knows I've helped you in the past when you asked."
Chan arches a brow. "Helped me?"
His voice is flat, cold, deadly, and Hyunjin winces subtly.
"Okay, listen-" He holds up his hands, as if the weak gesture of peace will stop Chan's building fury. "-you know the delicate balance we have between the mortals. We worked decades for that, and if Demeter keeps fucking offing them left and right, just to spite and overwork you, and the Underworld, we're gonna have a much bigger fucking problem on our hands than a petty little feud between you and your recently acquired mother in law."
Chan hates to admit it, but Hyunjin's right, as much as it pains him to agree.
Fucking Demeter and the chip on her shoulder toward him.
God forbid, her perfect, innocent, naive daughter-the goddess of Spring-fall in love with someone as twisted and dark and wicked as Chan-god of the dead and ruler of the Underworld.
No, the Goddess of Harvest was not bound to let this go lightly, and it seemed he needed to put a stop to this before it ever really began.
A few extra mortal souls on his workload was nothing really, but if she even thought about dissuading you-
Chan pinches the bridge of his nose and screws his eyes shut. He can feel a headache building.
"Fine." He grits out, and he can practically hear Hyunjin breathe a sigh of relief. "I'll handle it."
Ignoring his brother and his babbled platitudes of thanks, he steps toward the window and looks down over the city below, flickering to life beneath the coming darkness.
"But know this-" He turns and levels Hyunjin with a dangerous, black gaze. "-if I even hear a whisper of you and Demeter's little foolish escapades putting my wife in danger, I will end you both without a second thought and with one snap of my fingers."
He still remembered the first time he ever laid eyes on you. How could he forget?
Attending one of his younger brothers garish and old fashioned parties-he'd thought they'd stopped doing these kinds of things centuries ago-he'd been dragged over to rub shoulders with some of the greats, one stiff tuxedo away from going the fuck home where he belonged.
And then, he'd seen you, hidden in Demeter's shadow- though nothing could truly hide your exquisite and rare beauty, not even your mother's sour, pinched expression-and his feet had moved toward you without permission, as if drawn by an invisible thread of fate.
Your mother had looked at him as he approached with such disdain it would've set him on fire had he not been a god, but he'd ignored her, striding boldly forward through the party goers until he stood directly in front of you.
"Hades." Demeter had hissed in greeting, dark hatred flashing in her eyes as she'd put a protective arm out in front of you.
You stared up at him with the biggest, most beautiful eyes he'd ever seen, and extended one slender, soft hand out toward him, breaching the threshold of your mother's protection without a second thought, as if you could feel the tug of the persistent string too.
"Persephone." You had whispered, than blushed, your cheeks going red, as his fingers found yours. "Or Kore. O-or (Y/N). Whatever is to your liking, your highness."
Your hand was like velvet-warm and silky in his own-and his fingers dwarfed yours, making them feel delicate and almost fragile in his grip.
"I know who you are, Goddess of Spring." He had replied, with far more confidence in his low tone than his quivering gut felt in the moment.
Your expression had flashed surprise at his words, and you glanced away under his direct gaze, red, full lips parted, cheeks taking on an even deeper hue of scarlet.
The look of sudden shy demureness on your features intoxicated him, and his dick immediately took notice.
"I am honored that one such as yourself, your highness, has taken notice of me already."
He had cleared his throat, subtly adjusting himself in his too expensive slacks-some high end shit Hyunjin had insisted he wear-at the soft tone of pleasure your voice took on at his attention, and finally, reluctantly released your hand, even as Demeter ushered you back behind her looming form.
"We really must be going." Her expression went from pinched to furious as his eyes lingered on you just a bit longer than necessary. She ushered you away. "Say goodbye, Kore."
"Goodbye." You had murmured, eyes flitting up to his briefly, before you let your mother lead you away and out of his sight.
Chan took his leave shortly after, giving Hyunjin some bullshit excuse of the Underworld not running itself, and had hightailed it home, his skin itching beneath the ridiculous suit he wore, and his hard-on aching for a release.
That night, he came with his cock in hand, and your name on his lips.
He arrives home to find you in the garden, kneeling in the dirt, fingers dug deep into the soil.
It's a common occurrence, a sight he's grown used to, but he still pauses, watching you silently for a few moments, enjoying the way your hair falls around your face, the way the curves of your body are accentuated against the early evening light.
Cerberus notices him first, raising his giant, blocky head from his paws where he lays beside you next to the garden plot, ears erect. His thick tail thumps the ground-once, twice-at the sight of Chan and you glance up, following the dog's gaze.
Chan steps from the shadows, and the most gorgeous smile he's ever seen graces your features as soon as you catch sight of him.
It takes his breath away, and as you stand, brushing the dirt from the dress you wear, he thinks, not for the first time, that you're the most fucking beautiful thing he's ever had the pleasure of calling his own.
"Channie." You breathe sweetly, throwing your arms around his neck as he draws closer, burying your face in the juncture of his throat. "You're home."
"I am." He agrees, wrapping you tightly in his embrace, taking a moment to let his nose skim your hair, the smell of blossoms and springtime filling his senses.
You pull back, just enough to gaze up at him, and he lets his finger go beneath your chin, holding you there, so he can study and memorize, once again, every single intoxicating line of your features.
Your lips quirk into the start of a smile, as if you know what he's doing, but you don't say anything.
He's grateful for that.
"Did you have a good day?" You ask softly, your breath warm on his fingers, as he traces the part of your full, soft lips.
"Eh." He lifts one shoulder into a shrug and lets it fall back down heavily. "Not as good a day as I would've had staying here with you, little blossom."
You arch a brow, and he sees it, the stubborn expression wash across your face that lets him know you know he's trying to deflect.
You put your hands on your hips and stare him down, and he resists the urge to lean forward and kiss the tip of your nose.
Fuck, you're adorable.
"I heard Zeus came to see you."
"Is that so?" He questions, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth, as he watches you hold your ground.
He leans forward, fingering one of the loose strands of hair that frames your face, before he lets his gaze dip to your throat, the golden chain you always wear dipping tantalizingly out of his line of sight where it disappears between the swell of your breasts.
"You're correct." He acquiesces, his fingers itching now to reach up and tug the chain free, so he can dangle the wedding ring he knows lies safely between your breasts between the two of you, just so he can remind himself who you belong to once more.
His dick swells at the thought.
He clears his throat, and brings his gaze reluctantly up to meet yours once more, noting the dark flash of stubbornness that washes across your eyes.
"However." He smirks now, stepping closer, letting his hand gently close around your throat, your pulse thready beneath his palm, like a fluttering bird beating against the bars of a cage. "I don't really want to talk about my brother right now, do you?"
He leans forward, and begins to suck kisses along the column of your throat, and you giggle, batting him away and stepping back before he can distract you further.
"Channie." You whine, putting your hands once again on the swell of your hips, and he thinks, not for the first time, that your delicious curves are going to be the death of him one day. "I'm serious."
He sighs, and tries to ignore the hardness of his eager dick between his thighs, knowing you're not going to let him off the hook-or let him fuck you dumb-until he's told you what Hyunjin wanted.
"Fine." He sighs again, and drops onto one of the many benches he had had installed in the garden solely for the purpose of watching you do what you love most.
You step toward him, and he opens his legs so you can slide between them, putting your hands on his shoulders as his fingers find your hips through the thin material of your dress.
"Tell me." You insist, staring down at him and Chan tilts his head back to look at you, arching a brow at your commanding tone.
"Goddess of Spring, are you really telling the Lord of the Underworld what to do?"
An amused smirk flickers across his lips at the look of exasperation that crosses your features.
You stick your tongue out at him, and he chuckles, tugging you to him. You protest a little, but let him do it anyway, burying his face into your stomach, the soft feel of your dress caressing his skin.
He breathes in your perfume, once, twice, and then leans back, meeting your gaze.
"Your mother is throwing a little temper tantrum it seems."
Your eyes widen minutely, and Chan sees your lips flatten into a determined, serious line.
"Because of our marriage?"
Chan gives a slight nod. "It would seem so."
One of your hands clenches into a tight, white knuckled fist at your side, and your chest stutters with a sharp intake of breath.
Beyond your shoulder, a vine springs to life, fraught with large thorns, curling around a nearby tree, up and up, tight enough to strangle the bark beneath its hold.
Cerberus raises his head, scenting the sudden unease in the air, and lets out a small whine.
You take in a deep breath, and the vine begins to slowly retract its hold on the tree.
"Little blossom." Chan murmurs, tugging you down onto his lap, and encircling you in the safety of his arms, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head. "It's nothing to worry about, I promise you. I'll handle it."
He feels you shake your head beneath his chin.
"You shouldn't have to handle it. She's my mother. I need to stand up to her."
Chan glances beyond you as Cerberus whines again, and sees the vine's thorns growing dangerously long with your distress, piercing through the trunk of the tree, cracking the bark into splinters.
"Pet." Chan warns quietly, nudging your chin in the direction of the destruction. "Take a deep breath."
You gasp, and let the air out on a long, shuddering breath, and the vine halts its upward progress almost instantly as you collapse against Chan, slumping into his chest.
He can hear the tears in your voice when you whisper, "I'm sorry."
His finger finds your chin again, and he raises your watery gaze to his own.
"Never, and I mean never, apologize for the power you hold, my love. For it will bring gods and mortals alike to their knees, and one day, when they all pass beyond this life, you will be known as their queen."
"You know, it's usually easier to get into the palace through the front door."
The unfamiliar, male voice startled you and you lost your hold on the branch you were currently coaxing toward the palace wall, snatching it up again with a curse just in time to stop yourself from tumbling all the way back to the ground below.
"Fuck." You glared over your shoulder, down to the newcomer, but could only make out a tall, dark silhouette, cloaked in a hood.
The man tilted his head, as if he was looking up at you, and you swore you could feel his smirk even through the darkness.
"Yes, thank you for the advice." You snapped back with a huff, already reaching out for the next branch as your magic grew it down toward your outstretched fingers. "But I think I'll stick with this."
"Suit yourself, little blossom." The mystery man leaned against the thick trunk of the tree, and crossed his arms over his chest, staring out at gods knows what.
You paused, catching your breath, and glared down at him, even though you're sure he can't see you.
"Don't call me that."
You saw his chest rise and fall in a silent laugh. "Why?"
"Because." You huffed, reaching for another branch, out of breath as you work around the gods awful gown your mother had insisted you wear to visit Olympus. "I don't know you."
"Oh, but I think you do."
You paused to consider his words, racking your brain for anyone you knew in Olympus well enough to give you a nickname, and came up with no one. Your mother didn't let you visit often from the mortal realm.
"I don't." You insisted, standing up on your tiptoes to try and reach the top ledge of the wall.
You heard the man chuckle again as you stretched-up, up, up-and just as your fingers had grazed the cool marble, your foot slipped off its hold on the branch below, and you tumbled, shrieking, back down through the tree and toward the hard ground.
You closed your eyes, waiting for the impact, but it never came.
Cracking open one eye, you stared straight into the face of the mystery man, safe in the warm, strong curve of his arms.
His hood had fallen back in the act of catching you, and your eyes widened as you recognized the handsome face before you.
Fucking. Hades.
Brother of Zeus.
God of the Dead.
He grinned at you, and arched a brow, reiterating softly, "But you do."
Your heart did one sharp staccato against your ribcage, as he set you carefully to your feet, and stepped back, and almost instantly, you missed the warmth of his skin against your own.
"Thank you for saving me." You stuttered out, curtsying deeply, now that you had your wits about you.
He chuckled, staring at you as you straightened back up, and you hoped it was dark enough to hide the blush staining your cheeks.
"Oh, I have no worries that if I wasn't here, little blossom, you would have saved yourself."
He motioned upward with a jut of his chin, and you followed his gaze to the tree, gasping as you saw a thick, dark green vine wrapped around its bulbous trunk, stretching down from the palace wall and to the ground below, curling around your feet.
When you glanced back to the man before you, he was already pulling his hood back up over his face, ready to disappear back into the blackness.
"Wait!" You called out before you could think better of it, and he stopped, cocking his head.
You swallowed hard, and took a step toward him.
"Will I see you again, your highness?"
You swore he smiled beneath the hood.
"Call it what you will, Goddess of Spring-fate, destiny, the will of the gods-but I think you and I will be seeing each other again very soon. Very soon indeed."
"You can't have her, you know."
Changbin took another long sip of his drink, cheeks already rosy, and followed Chan's hungry gaze across the room to you, standing close by your mother's side.
He simply shrugged when Chan turned to shoot him a glare.
"Her mother would never allow it. She hates your fucking guts. Not to mention-" He leaned over and lowered his voice, as if he was telling Chan a secret. He could smell the liqueur on the younger god's breath. "-the whole 'Underworld Ruling' thing."
Chan is saved from having to respond by the appearance of Minho, flute of champagne in hand, look of annoyed disgust on his face, as he slid past the hulking god beside Chan and took a seat on the duvet across from them.
His brother glanced dismissively at Chanbin, leaning back to take another long swallow of his drink.
Changbin grinned and wiped his mouth on his sleeve.
Minho arched a brow and his nose wrinkled slightly in open distaste. "Do you ever not wear armor?"
Changbin grinned bigger, and slapped a loud palm to the armor fitted perfectly to his broad chest.
"Of course not! I'm the God of War. Always have to be ready for anything, Uncle. You know how it is."
"I'm sure I don't." Minho sniffed, raising his champagne delicately to his lips, and taking a tiny sip. "The Ocean does not concern itself with the dealings of mortals. Let alone their trivial pursuits of war."
Changbin merely shrugged, and stood, slapping a powerful hand to Chan's shoulder, which sent him jolting forward in his seat, rubbing his offended arm and glaring up once more at the towering figure of his nephew.
"I'm off to find another drink. And maybe a few maidens." Changbin announced, giving Minho a mock salute, as the man stared him down with annoyed disdain. "Take care, uncles."
And with that, he was gone.
Minho's gaze flitted to Chan, and he took another long, slow sip of his drink.
Chan felt his eyes unwittingly pulled back to the other side of the room, but you had disappeared from view, probably dragged off by your mother for more introductions.
"I'm surprised you came."
Chan let his gaze drift back to his brother across from him, and offered him a tilt of his head in acknowledgement, reaching for his own glass of forgotten champagne.
"Yes, well, that makes both of us. I'd hoped to not find myself at another one of these damned archaic, presumptuous affairs for another eon or so."
The corner of Minho's lip flickered with amusement, and his eyes roamed past Chan to the dozens of gods and demi gods currently mingling on the expanse of Hyunjin's vast dance floor.
"Our baby brother is good for very few things, and throwing amusing soirees is indeed not one of them."
Chan felt his own lips quirk into the hint of a smirk, and he raised his glass to Minho in silent salute.
Minho tilts his own champagne in response, and they both take a deep draft of the shimmering, bubbly liquid.
His brothers were hard to tolerate on the best of days, but he'd always felt like Minho understood him just a little bit more than Hyunjin ever had.
Standing, Chan places down the now empty glass and nods to Minho in farewell.
"I've made an appearance. Now it's time to take my leave."
Minho watched him in silence for a moment, an unreadable expression on his face, and then with a flick of his fingers, he filled Chan's empty glass back up with water.
Chan stared at him, and he arched a brow.
"Drink some water before you go, brother. It'll help with the hangover tomorrow."
He sighed, reaching for the glass, and downed the water in one gulp.
"There. Happy?"
Minho's mouth flickered again. "Almost." He cocked his head, and let his gaze roam over Chan's body, as if he could see the way his muscles tensed, the way his mind swirled, already thinking about running into you on his way out.
When Chan went to move past him, Minho put an arm out, stopping him in his tracks.
"Careful, brother." Minho murmured, eyes dark and discerning, trapping him in place. "Interest is a fickle, fleeting thing, but obsession is fatal."
There was a beat of tense, deafening silence, Minho staring at him like he could see right through him.
Chan shook his head, and broke the spell.
"Thanks for the advice." Chan grunted, pushing past him without another glance, stalking toward the exit, not caring as he shouldered past the partygoers, earning himself a round of nasty looks.
The cold night air of Olympus embraced him as he pushed through the double doors and into the opulent garden beyond.
Unlike the swirling colors and lights and noise of the party inside, the garden was deserted at this time of night-dark and quiet and abandoned-just how he liked it.
Taking in a deep breath, holding it as the frigid air seared his lungs, Chan strode deeper into the garden, walking between the towering, shadowy rows of hedges, clearing his head.
The music had almost faded out of ear shot, when he heard it-a small, unfamiliar sound that immediately caught his attention.
He paused, freezing, and listening.
There it was again, just around the next bend, somewhere near the center of the hedge maze, beside the fountain he knew graced the large stone courtyard lined with benches hidden amongst the neatly trimmed foliage.
Taking another quiet step so he could round the corner, he heard it once more.
It almost sounded like-a gasp?
Chan came around the hedge quietly, on full alert, his footsteps silent, and as the fountain came into view, he caught sight of a figure leaning back on one of its edges on the other side, obscured through the haze of the water.
Another creeping step forward, still hidden by the shadows of the bushes, and the person came into view.
It was you-sitting on the marble edge of the fountain, dress hiked up around your knees, leaning forward as you focused on something intently.
Chan narrowed his eyes, trying to see what it was you were doing, and when he realized, as another little breathy moan left your lips and your wrist spasmed, he halted, feet suddenly leaden.
Gods above, you were touching yourself.
He should move, he should announce his presence, he should leave, he shouldn't be watching you in this very private, very vulnerable moment, but he can't seem to get himself to break the spell, watching you silently from the shadows of the hedge as you pleasure yourself.
You let out that sound again-a breathless sort of stifled release of breath-and Chan felt his dick start to swell in response, straining against the fine fabric of the slacks he wore.
You let your head fall back, eyes screwed closed, lips parted, as your fingers continue their work, and Chan's eyes are drawn to the way your chest heaves for breath, the perfect swell of your breasts straining against the corset you wear.
Suddenly, he can move again.
Stepping quietly from the shadows, he approached, moving to stand in front of you, and as if you could sense his sudden presence, his eyes on you, your eyelids fluttered open, your mouth forming a perfect 'o' of surprise as you caught sight of him.
"Y-your highness-" You stuttered out, cheeks immediately blooming pink, and Chan was enthralled by the way the rosy color spread rapidly down your chest.
You made a move to remove your fingers, tugging at your billowing skirts, but Chan held up a hand, his eyes meeting your own.
"No. Don't stop."
You froze, staring at him, wide eyed, like a fawn caught in the daylight, and he made an attempt to soften the gravel of his voice, repeating again, softer this time, "Keep going. Please."
You stared at him for another long moment, and he couldn't breathe, maybe you were going to run, maybe you were going to tell on him, what a pervert he'd been, maybe you were disgusted-
And then, slowly, eyes still holding his own, you let your fingers dip back beneath the folds of your gown.
He could tell the moment you made contact again, because your body stiffened, and that sound-the one that went right to his cock-passed your parted lips once more.
Chan watched you, mesmerized, as you let your fingers do the work, arching your body on the edge of the fountain to find the right angles, all the while, holding his gaze unwaveringly.
You were brave, he'd give you that.
You gasped, mouth falling open, and he saw the way your wrist twisted, picking up pace.
He imagined how wet you were, how easily your fingers slid in and out, and he clenched his hands at his side to keep himself in place, to force himself to let you be.
"What do you think about?" He asked suddenly, licking his lips, his mouth desperately dry.
"What-" You started to question, the words breaking off into a breathy moan that had him painfully hard, even harder than before.
He took a step closer.
"What do you think about? When you're getting yourself off?"
Your eyes had screwed closed as you grew closer to release, but you managed to flutter them back open to meet his gaze, your face twisted into the start pleasure, your fingers never stopping.
"You!" You gasped out desperately, chest heaving, free hand digging into the marble ledge of the fountain, fingers white with the effort of holding back.
Chan watched as you came then, crying out and body vibrating, and when the orgasm had finished ripping through you, you slumped back, breathing hard and cheeks flushed.
Pulling your hand from your skirts, Chan tried not to focus on the way your fingers glistened as you wiped them off on your dress.
He was rooted to the spot, watching you come down, cock aching and leaking down his leg, wishing he was the one who'd undone you so fully, when you finally met his gaze once more.
Your expression was unsure, lips pressed into a thin line, when you repeated softly, defeatedly, "You. I think about you."
You sat up, straightening your skirts with your clean hand, and Chan resisted moving closer to you with what very little willpower he had left.
You were biting your lip, staring at the ground between the two of you, when he conjured a trace of shadow, using it to caress your chin and tilt your gaze back up to meet his.
Your eyes widened slightly in surprise, your skin pebbling into goosebumps beneath the touch of the shadow, but you didn't move, you didn't look afraid.
Chan felt the corner of his mouth lift into the hint of a smile as he let the shadow trace your cheekbone, brushing back a loose strand of damp hair into your elegant braid.
"You know, little blossom, my brothers say you're a problem."
Your eyes widened a little more, and then a flash of indignation crossed your pretty features.
Chan cocked his head, studying you, and you stared right back.
"Because I want you, but I can't have you. And I tend to have a fatal flaw of getting obsessive over things that are kept from my grasp."
He flicked away the shadow with his fingers, burying his hands into the pockets of his slacks as he let the words settle between you.
His dick was still unyieldingly hard.
Your lips parted slightly, as if surprised by his admission, and then a brief, mischievous smile flashed across your lips, catching him off guard.
You tilted your head, and your lips quirked upward into a bigger, sweeter smile.
"Your highness?"
You hopped down from the ledge of the fountain, and found your shoes, slipping your feet into them as he watched, waiting for you to continue.
When you stepped toward him, closing the distance, he resisted every urge to grab you and slot his mouth hungrily over yours.
You looked up at him curiously, studying his features, your eyes large and dark, framed by the longest eyelashes he had ever seen.
When you finally spoke, your voice was quiet, as if you were telling him a secret only known to the two of you.
"What do you think about when you come?"
He stared at you, trying to put the words with the movement of your lips.
Finally, he swallowed, watching your eyes flit down to follow the movement of his throat.
"Hm." You hummed beneath your breath, lips twitching, as you finally slipped past him, headed back in the direction of the party.
Chan whirled, watching you go, and as if you could feel his eyes on you, you turned and paused when you reached the hedges, fingers trailing over the dark, emerald leaves, leaving shining pink flowers behind in their wake.
"Interesting." You arched a brow, giving him a half, knowing smile. "And here I was, thinking my little obsession was one sided."
Chan let a shadow slink from the hedge beside you and trail around one of your ankles.
You grinned at him once more, and slipped silently from view.
Chan steps off the elevator and is immediately met with the largest bouquet of flowers he's ever seen, shoved directly into his face.
He swats them away with annoyance, and the person carrying the atrocity comes into view, panting like they've just carted weighted rocks up the floors of the building and not obnoxiously perfumed flowers.
"Oh, hey boss." Jeongin beams, adjusting the vase of flowers in his arms, so that he can reach up and push the cap he wears back slightly, revealing a sweaty swath of dark hair.
"I got you flowers!" He holds up the arrangement, as if Chan can't see them, and follows him when he stalks past him toward his private office.
Setting the bouquet down on the front desk as they pass, flashing Chan's assistant a winning smile, Jeongin hurries to keep up with Chan's long strides, floating slightly above the floor.
"Well, Persephone did, technically, but you know, she asked me to give them to you so-"
Chan ignores the chattering messenger god beside him, and turns a left down the hall, already silently going over the meetings he has scheduled for today in his head.
Turning another corner, he's just about to push into conference room two, when Jeongin slides in front of him, spreading his arms out to block his way and trying to catch his breath.
"Whoa, boss. You can't go in there."
Chan stares the kid down, expression stoic.
"Jeongin. Get out of my way."
Jeongin doesn't budge, though Chan can see a flicker of fear flash across his dark gaze as he stands in front of Chan's looming, annoyed figure.
He reaches up, scratching at the back of his neck in clear discomfort, and shuffles from one winged foot to another.
"Okay, but here's the thing-" He starts, hemming and hawing, glancing past Chan and to the hallway, then back to the god standing in front of him.
"Jeongin." Chan warns, beginning to think there's something going on that he doesn't know about, and nothing pisses him off more than to be oblivious.
Jeongin clears his throat and gives him a half hearted smile. "Persephone kinda asked me to keep you out of the conference room today because she's kindameetingwithhermomtodiscussthingswithoutyou."
Chan stares blankly at the boy in front of him, wringing his hat now between anxious hands, and then asks quietly, dangerously, "She what?"
Jeongin swallows, the gulp is audible in the tense silence, but still holds his position blocking Chan from the doorway.
It's admirable, he'll give him that.
He gives a little shrug and a sheepish smile. "Sorry, boss?"
Chan growls beneath his breath in frustration, and pinches his nose.
He can feel a headache coming on.
"Fine." He grinds out, the muscles in his jaw popping with his irritation as he clenches his teeth and glances past Jeongin to the waiting conference room. "But you're to come and get me as soon as they're finished." He points a stern finger into the middle of Jeongin's chest. "And Demeter is not, I repeat not, allowed to be alone at any time while she's in the Underworld, understood?"
Jeongin nods and gives him a little salute, even as Chan is already stalking away.
"Yes, sir!" He calls out down the hallway, voice echoing off the walls and exacerbating Chan's growing headache. "I won't let you down, boss! You can count on me!"
Chan mumbles something beneath his breath about hiring new wingmen, and locks himself in his office.
Chan doesn't get to see you for the rest of the day.
The hours slip by, and he's faced with problem after problem-mortal souls unhappy with their judgement, wraiths he employs needing his every attention and signature, accountants wanting to see him about the toll to cross the Styx ('inflation is happening you know!')-and by the time he finally gets home, well after sunset, his every muscle is tight with irritation.
He walks in to see you in the kitchen, apron tied tightly around your waist, Cerberus at your feet, dozing with his head on his huge paws.
The dog gives a thump of his tail when Chan appears, alerting you to his presence, and you glance up from whatever it is you're chopping, giving him a wide, bright smile.
He's not fooled. It doesn't reach your eyes.
Pushing aside the monstrous bouquet from earlier that now resides in the middle of the giant, granite island that takes up a majority of the kitchen, he raps his knuckles on the stone, watching you carefully, his head cocked.
"I heard your mother stopped by today."
He watches the way your chopping stalls, but you don't look up at him, chest inflating with a silent breath before you turn, tossing the carrots into the large stew pot on the stove.
"Yes." You finally say, back still to him.
He tries to force the irritation simmering just below the surface down, relaxing his whitened fingers one by one, as he blows out a long, slow breath.
You turn then, at the use of your given name said in his stern tone, and resume cutting, chopping blocks of beef into smaller cubes.
Chan blows out another breath, harsher this time, and rubs at his temple.
The headache from before is still lingering, pounding now that he's finally left the office for the day.
"What did you talk about?"
You flick your eyes briefly up to his, and then back to the meat beneath your knife.
"Her 'temper tantrum' as I believe you put it."
Chan winces slightly. That wording probably didn't go over very well.
"And?" He prods, leaning against the counter, leaning down so he can glance into your face.
You bite your lip, and he sees you blow out a breath, before you look up at him and force that smile back onto your face-the fake, overly saccharine one from before, the one he doesn't buy for a moment.
"Do we really need to talk about this right now? You just got home, and dinner is almost ready-"
Chan flattens his hands, palms down, on the cold granite, and doesn't let you look away.
Your fingers tighten around the knife, and he sees you let out a shuddering breath.
At your feet, Cerberus cocks his head, your obvious display of uncertainty grabbing his attention.
"Channie-" You start to say, and he watches the way your throat bobs with a swallow.
Anger swirls into embers in the pit of his stomach.
He leans forward, dark eyes flashing. "What did she fucking do? If she so much as made you feel bad for any of this, I won't hesitate to pay her a little visit in the mortal realm-"
"No, no." You wave your hands, finally meeting his gaze once more, your bottom lip wobbly and your eyes shiny. "It's nothing like that."
Chan feels his heart immediately sink.
A tear drips down the length of your cheekbone, and he resists the urge to lean across the counter and swipe it away.
You rub at your eyes with your hands, and breath in an unsteady inhale.
Cerberus stands, butting his blocky head into your hand, until you let out a slight, watery chuckle, and begin to pet his dark ears.
"She-" You start to say, then stop, and Chan stares at you, frozen in sudden fear.
The flowers sitting in their vase on the counter begin to wilt and turn brown and brittle, dropping leaves to the granite like snow fall.
Chan ignores them.
You take in another breath, and pick the knife back up, moving to chop again.
"She wants to make a deal. She wants me to spend Spring in the mortal realm, with her, so I can fulfill my duties every year. And then I'll stay here, with you, the rest of the time."
You look up at him, your expression vulnerable, unsure. There's hurt in your eyes.
Chan's thoughts stop. His body goes cold. There's a buzzing in his ears, and he doesn't know if the shadows are lengthening, or if his sudden loss of control is causing everything to creep in.
He turns, and without a word, flicks a shadow out to send the vase of now withered flowers crashing to the ground.
You yelp, jumping at the noise, and Chan stands, back to you, staring at the mess he's made, chest heaving, hands clenched into tight fists at his sides.
The mess he always makes.
After a beat of silence, he hears you put down the knife, and then your soft footsteps, as you pad around the counter and kneel on the ground next to the shattered vase.
Slowly, without looking at him, you reach out and begin to pick up the broken pieces.
Chan breathes in, breathes out. His headache is pounding.
"Little blossom, leave it-"
He starts to say, moving to crouch before you, just as you pick up another piece of sharp ceramic and wince, instantly dropping the piece back down with a clatter, as you pull your hand back against your chest.
Chan reaches out and tugs your hand back into view, watching as the cut on your palm starts to slowly leak golden, shining ichor down the line of your wrist, dripping on the floor between the two of you.
His breath stalls as he glances up to your pained expression, all the anger leaving his body in an instant.
"You're bleeding."
"You're bleeding."
Chan glanced up at the sound of your voice behind him, meeting your concerned gaze in the mirror, where he remained, leaning over the basin, palms on the cool ledge of the sink, watching the water swirl away down the drain.
"Yeah, well-" He gave a little humorless chuckle as he watched the water shimmer with the ichor he washed from his knuckles, before he straightened and dried his hands, glancing once more at you in the reflection of the mirror. His mouth quirked up into the hint of a smirk, and he winced as it pulled at the split skin of his lip, tasting fresh ichor on his tongue. "-luckily for me, my brother hits like a pussy when he's been drinking."
Your eyes widened. "He hit you?"
Chan turned, swiping a hand across his mouth now, tossing the towel to the side. "Yeah, well, I probably deserved it."
He'd no more than finished the admission than you're at his side, taking his hand in yours, your eyes raking across the golden liquid that marked his knuckles, tacky and congealing.
You glanced up at him, curiosity flashing across your pretty features.
"What did you do?" You questioned in a whisper, as if asking him to divulge a dark secret.
Chan almost grinned-you're too fucking adorable-but he leaned in, his forehead brushing yours, expression serious, and lowered his voice to match yours.
"I told him, little blossom, that there's no way in fucking Tartarus that I'm going to another one of his stupid, historic parties, unless of course, it's thrown for us and planned in celebration of our marriage."
You stared up at him for a silent moment, and Chan almost backtracked, wondering if he'd been too bold, when a slight smile curved your lips up mischievously.
"Well." You released his hand and straightened the collar of the suit he wore, before stepping back, eyeing him up and down, head cocked with interest.
The look on your face took his breath away.
"Then I guess you'd better get me a ring, hadn't you?"
Chan slips your ring carefully from your finger, lying it beside the sink, before he tends to the wound on your palm.
You protest the whole time, claiming it's fine and you're fine and he's being dramatic, but Chan's heart won't stop pounding in his chest until every last drop of your golden blood is wiped clean from your skin.
When he's satisfied with himself, he helps you get down from your position atop the bathroom counter, and pushes you gently toward the waiting shower.
"I'll just be a minute." He says, as you roll your eyes, but strip your clothes anyway, waiting before he hears the water turn on, before he darts back to the kitchen.
He cleans up the mess he made in his anger, and goes back to the bathroom.
He watches you for a moment, through the steamy, hazed glass surrounding the large shower, your perfect outline stretched back beneath the pounding water, and then gets rid of his own clothes, tossing his suit to the side, before he slips into the shower to join you.
You glance at him over your shoulder as he enters, wet hair plastered to your skin, lips pulled into a worried pout.
"Channie-" You start to say, but he steps to you and pulls you flush against his bare chest before you can get any of the other words out.
Your arms go around his waist, fingers tickling the skin of his back, and he lets out a long, slow breath, the exhale rustling your hair, your face buried in the planes of his chest.
"I'm sorry." He apologizes softly, and you pull back to look up at him, eyes wide and soft.
"You don't need to apologize." You say, reaching up to shove some of his thick, dark hair back off his forehead, starting to grow heavy with water.
"I do." He nods, staring down at you, letting his finger go beneath your chin, as he traces the line of your lips with the pad of his thumb.
You're so fucking beautiful.
"You're my wife, yes, but you're also a Goddess, and I need to remember that."
You stare up at him silently, letting him continue, and he lets out another breath, reaching his hand up to cup the side of your face, your skin warm beneath his fingers.
"You have your own duties and responsibilities, and I'm being selfish keeping you here. I can't hide you away forever."
The corner of your mouth wrinkles, as if you're thinking about smiling.
"Are you sure?" You nuzzle into his hand, pressing a kiss to his palm.
"As much as I would like to-" He starts, leaning over to press a kiss to the corner of your lips, moving up along your cheekbone. "-I can't. The mortals-and Demeter-need you."
You sigh, he feels it in the way your chest brushes his, and lay your head on his chest, listening for a moment, to his heartbeat.
He strokes your damp hair, and finally you say quietly, "All right. But I don't have to like it, right?" You pull back, looking up at him with a tremble in your bottom lip.
"No, you don't, little blossom." He gives you a half smile, bending his head to press a kiss to your throat, than to the swell of the start of your breast. His cock twitches at the feel of your soft skin beneath his tongue. "I'm sure as fuck not going to like it."
You give a little laugh, slightly watery, and reach up to swipe the tears from your eyes.
"What will you do?" You ask with a shaky breath, staring up at him in a way that makes Chan's heart squeeze, his insides feel tight with all the love he has for you. "While I'm gone?"
He gives a slight shrug, leaning against the shower wall, as you move to start shampooing your hair into a lather.
"Run the Underworld. Judge the mortals. The usual stuff. I mean, what did I do before I had you?"
"Brood." You reply back instantly, glancing at him cheekily over your shoulder as you turn to rinse your hair.
He leaps forward and pins you to the wall as you shriek, tickling your sides as you wriggle to get away from him, laughing so hard it makes you breathless.
He pulls back, letting you breathe, and you push some wet hair from your face, taking in a couple of calming breaths, before your eyes meet his once more.
The mirth disappears from your pretty features, and Chan feels his chest tighten.
"Seriously though, Channie, I-" You swallow, Chan watches your throat bob, and your eyes grow shiny again. "-I don't know how I lived all those eons without you. And now, to have to leave-"
"Hey, hey." He steps toward you once more, caging you in the protection of his arms beneath the warm spray of water. You bury your face in his chest. "Pet. Look at me."
Finally, you do, raising watery eyes to his, and he gives you what he hopes is a reassuring smile.
"Listen to me, little blossom." He reaches up, stroking your hair behind your ear. "We're talking about months here. Just a few months topside, to soothe your mother, and then you'll be back home with me before you know it."
You sniff, swiping at your nose, and then nod.
"You're right. I know you are."
Chan gives you a half smile, gentle and soft, and leans down to press a kiss to the part of your lips.
The thought of you leaving his side is ripping him apart, but he manages to keep his expression neutral, if only for you.
He presses another, longer kiss against the column of your throat, and takes a moment to breathe you in.
"I love you. I always have, even before I knew you, even before I saw you, and nothing, and no one, will ever change that. You are, and always will be, my obsession, Goddess of Spring."
You look up at him with tear filled eyes, and lean up to press a kiss to his own lips.
"I love you too, God of the Dead. You're the only thing in my entire, immortal days that has ever managed to bring my heart to life, and I thank you for it."
A genuine smile tugs at Chan's lips now.
"Ironic, coming from the Goddess of Rebirth about the Ruler of Souls."
You give a little laugh, eyes sparkling as you look up at him. "I guess so."
Chan tugs you to him and, determined to memorize how you feel, kisses you long and hard beneath the cooling water of the shower.
Inside his chest, his heart flicks out a shadow to meet the flowering vine snaking from your own.
"Do you think we're all fated to another?"
You ask, lying beside Chan on the grass, the cool night breeze kissing patterns across your bare skin.
He turns his head to look at you, staring up at the stars overhead, fingers twined within his own.
The ring on your finger brushes his knuckle, and a warm sensation washes over him at the thought that you're his now-for eternity.
"Isn't that mortal shit?" He asks teasingly, and you turn to give him a glare, but it only succeeds in making him more endeared, your nose crinkling up and your lips pursing.
"Well, yes, but-" You shrug, turning back to the sky, reaching up your free hand to splay your fingers against the backdrop of the shimmering stars. "-do you?"
Chan considers.
He's never put much stock in fate, or destiny, or anything else the mortals believe in, and he says as much, rolling over to look at you, his hand skimming your bare hip.
"I don't know. But what I do know is this." He props himself up on his elbow, looking down at you, where you lie, watching him, from the grass.
He lets his finger trail over the marks of his teeth blooming on your shoulder, the love bites already turning purple up the column of your throat, soothed by his tongue.
"Fate is fickle, I don't like to rely on it. Fuck, sometimes, I don't even think I can rely on myself, but I do know, without a shadow of a doubt, that you and I, little blossom? We were meant to be. And nobody, not fate or any of that other shit that mortals believe in, made that happen. We did."
He watches you as you pause, considering, and then you give him a smile that steals his breath, sitting up beside him to throw your arms around his neck, pressing a kiss to his mouth.
"Fuck fate." You breathe against his lips, and right now, in this moment, with your skin pressed against his, your warmth settled firmly in his lap, his ring on your finger, Chan thinks he has to agree.
Chan trips over one of Cerberus' toys and gives the big dog a glare, tucked safely away under the kitchen table, his head on his paws.
"I swear to god, your mom is coming home today, and if she sees the state you left this house in-" He threatens vaguely, waving the toy around, before tossing it into the basket in the corner.
"I'll what?"
Chan whirls so fast at the sound of your amused voice that he almost gives himself whiplash, turning to face you in the doorway, a grin on your lips and your suitcase in your hand.
You give him a little wave, suddenly shy, as he continues to stare at you, rooted to the spot.
He's moving then, crashing into you and sweeping you up into his arms with such force that you lose your breath, dropping your suitcase to the floor, as he pulls you in tight to his chest.
You're laughing and crying, and Chan breathes you in, nose pressed to the top of your head, like he's a starving man seeing food for the first time.
You pull back, just enough to smooth your palms over the side of his face, your eyes still shiny with unshed tears.
"I missed you, Channie."
"Fuck." He breathes out, crushing you back to him again, never letting you go. "I missed you too, little blossom."
You laugh again, a watery sound, and press kisses to every inch of his face you can reach from his embrace.
Chan feels like he can finally breathe properly for the first time in months.
"What did you think about while I was gone?" You ask, your eyes sparkling, as if you already know the answer.
He lets out the breath he's been holding, and leans forward to kiss you breathless.
"You." He breathes back in response, and your lips part with pleasure at his answer. "Always you."
And then he kisses you long enough to make up for all the time missed-past and present.
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Pletonic yandere with Disney Hades
Will be nice to have a sassy dad
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Yandere Father Hades 
“Come on Megara, all you got to say is that I’m going to some siren soiree you know. I just know he’s going to ask you before anything and it’ll give me enough time to–”
“Fat chance, Spitfire. You’re daddy’s going to sniff you out faster than Cereberus and we all know how that ended last time.”
You sucked your teeth as you know her words are true. While the embarrassment that came with your father crashing every Olympian party you so much as thought about attending. But you had to go this time, you just had to.
“But Meg…Perseus will be there…”
She groaned bookmarking a page in her book and closing it to look at you earnestly. Recognizing that longing look in your eyes, she painfully sighs as she grasps your hands.
“(Y/n) the thing about love is that it's…not guaranteed and wouldn’t you want to save your freedom for something that will promise your happiness.”
You knew what she was getting at and you had nothing to protest. Perseus may have invited you but you doubted he actually remembered you. Let alone would really notice you’re intentions towards him. Sinking your head and pulling from Meg’s hands you slowly stood.
“I-I guess you’re right.” You turned away mopily leaning on the exit of the room, “I’ll see you around Meg.”
She could only worriedly sigh as she watched you drag yourself out the room. Her look of sincerity and sorrow morphed; scrunching into a disatistied frown she turned the side of her cheek to the darkest corner behind her.
From the darkness a blue fire ignited resting atop the head of none other than Hades. With a spikey toothed smile the deity of death emerged from the shadows with spirits high.
“You know what? I am! Ta think all it took to get them to behave was a brokenhearted–”
“Yeah. Yeah, well maybe if you let them live a little they wouldn’t treat you like the plague itself.” 
“Meg, meg, meg! I’m sure you can’t tell but I’m their parent and what experience do you have raising a little bundle on your own?”
“Come on! Come on!”
“NONE! That’s right! Zilch, Nada!”
“Whatever just don’t go blowing up the underworld when they explode at you.”
“Yeah? And how much do you want to be-”
Suddenly the distant calls from Panic and Pain rang throughout the hall, before they stumbled in. 
“Sir! S-sir!”
“M-master! (Y/n) took the chariot–”
“-and t-they released Cerberus as well!” 
Exactly as they expected an angry beam of red hot fire shot off his head as his face contorted to one of pure rage. Meg stepped away from him letting her lips stretch into a knowing smirk as she crossed her arms.
“T-they i-interrupted our cleaning it–”
“Yeah sayin’ something about not living forever?”
Meg snickered. “What’d I tell ya?” 
He shot a glare towards her before grasping the heads and horns of Pain and Panic. Veins popping from his forehead and heat permeating from his hands, he let out a pent up scream. Shriveling in response the imps bore the pain of his raging flames.
Meg rolled her eyes holding her hands over her ears, waiting until his eventual cool down. In a puff of air he released his servants and ran a hand through his azure flamed hair.
“Alright Im cool, I’m cool again. We just need to know where they're going.”
“We don’t know Master!”
“M-m-maybe they went to a park or something?”
“I’m thinking our dearest Nutmeg knows the answer to that!”
She groaned as Hades squeezed her shoulders and mockingly nuzzled his cheek into hers. Pulling away she looked behind her to see a dark look on the lord of death’s face. She fought her desire to shakily sigh before spilling what she knew–she hoped you were doing what you needed to do.
Arriving on the chariot of death to a Solcist party was the coolest entrance you could have had. And as much as you wished you could dally you needed to find Perseus–to tell him how you felt. Pushing past the other party-goers still guffawing at your arrival you made your way into the heat of the gathering already feeling the tightness of bodies dancing next to one another. 
You could smell the power of your cousin Eros wafting through the air. It gave you a sense of urgency as you searched for the one you were looking for. 
Perfect timing. You turned to the hero, expecting to see him as handsome as the day you met him only to stagger at the sight.
On his arm was Andromeda, the ethiopian princess he’d recently saved. In turn he was leaning into her, a visual intimacy between the two that really made them stand out. 
“H-hey Perseus, Andromeda.”
“So happy you could make it, we’ve heard great things about you-”
He kept talking and all you could do was blindly nod your head and wave off his compliments. Watching painfully as they disappeared into the crowd, seemingly sneaking off to make out in a corner somewhere.
It hurt. 
It hurt a lot.
But you didn’t want to leave. In fact you wanted to party. Party so hard you’d see no end in sight. To forget about that pain, to replace it with something sweeter for the time being. You’d deal with the pain later but for the time being…
“I think its a good time to call those…flower lovers…what are they? The lotus eaters?”
When Hades finally arrived to the right party spot, he’d fully expected its attendees to run in terror. After all he arrived on the back of a drooling and searching Cerberous but the only reaction was the distant coos of some few who seemed to notice them. 
“Aww what a cute puppy!”
“Here give ‘em a flower!”
“Give them three.”
Hades scrunched his nose, practically suffocating by the sent of intoxication and the lotus’ influence. Slipping offf Cereberus’ back he walked past the intoxicated guests. He didn’t mind the way the giant dog(s) accepted the flowers offered to them as well as the humans feeding them as snacks. 
“Saves me a cow or two.” 
Entering the andron, he shoved past the different intoxicated humans and demi-humans in search of a familiar head. Even as he pulled at familiar looking partiers and stomped through different rooms he found no sign of his little flame. Feeling close enough to burn the property to the ground he quieted as he recognized your silhouette in the moonlight. 
Sitting idly on a bench you were too occupied removing the seeds of your pomegranate to properly acknowledge your fatherl.
“Hey, you! You look like your having the time of your life too bad I’m here to cut it short! Eh?!”
He put his hands out as he finished his punchline to which you sent a single look his way. Deflated Hades plops himself next to you looking into your lap and then at your face. 
“Sooo is this what you’re like with lotus in your system? A total buzzkill?”
He frowned deeper when you all but sighed as you continued to pick out the seeds of your fruit. 
“I already had two of the lotus flowers…but that was a while ago.”
“Than what in my name are you doing here?”
He watched your eyes look to the side towards a couple that were drunkenly clinging to one another; that was all he needed.
“Uhh no reason.”
He didn’t seem convinced. But when you gave him that adorable pout he figured he could wait before exacting their comeuppance for putting Hades baby in a state of unease. Kirking his mouth into a smile as he pulled you into him.
“C’mon kid what’d do ya say we blow this popsicle stand? Eternity’s still young and the dead won’t stop coming anyway!”
You chuckled, “What’d we even do?”
“Well I’ve been hearing rumors of Thebes having a new hero, figured we send a hydra or two over for a…welcoming gift.”
“That sounds cruel….I’m in!”
“Yes! Now where’s the chariot?”
“Right, about that that’s a f-funny story–”
“Kid you’re killin’ me here!”
The day had come and Meg couldn’t help but smirk at the sight. Sleeping soundly in your room surrounded by the armor of the now fallen hero. Not to mention the other various artifacts you clutching onto in your sleep.
“All tuckered out. I’d say you weren’t half as bad as a dog but I know you too well for that.”
“Think what you may the title of #1 Daddyio belongs to me. Speaking of I have a job for you Meg.”
He handed her a device, it looked strange but he snatched it out of her hands to shove on her face; clouding her vision.
“Ah what are these things?”
“The cool kids are callin’ them: sunglasses! Anyway, there’s this guy with a gorgon’s head and I need him dead.”
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ventique18 · 7 months
Book 7, Chapter 7, Episode 101:
So the DiaRamshackle squad landed in Ignihyde, where they meet the completely aware Idia. They had thought they got out of a dream into the "real world", but it turns out they're just outside of Lilia's dream but still within Malleus' magical domain expansion-- which is Idia's "dream" now. Proof of this is because Sebek's still wearing his armor.
At this point in time, apparently they haven't really conversed with Idia yet. Sebek barely remembers that Idia's the Ignihyde housewarden LOL.
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Sebek: "... That's right! I knew I've seen that face before. You're Ignihyde's housewarden! Back at the entrance ceremony, you attended in some sort of board-like thing. This might be the first time I've seen you in proper form."
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Sebek: "I am from Diasomnia, First Year, Class D, Seat 33, Sebek Zigvolt!!" WHY IS HE SO ENTHUSIASTIC LMAO
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Sebek: "This dopey man right here is Silver. Second Year, from the same dormitory!!" (DOPEY DSJKNDAS HE'S BASICALLY SAYING HE LOOKS HIGH LMAO)
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Idia: "Are Malleus and co.'s ears still fine from being blasted by this boombox everyday at close-range..."
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Silver: "Everyone, on alert! Idia-senpai, Grim, prefect, get behind me and Sebek!"
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Idia: "Wuh?! What's this all of a sudden?! Ow, ow! I'm getting crushed between hard muscles and hard armor!"
So the "darkness" have come for Idia because they sensed that someone needs to be lulled back to sleep lol.
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Grim: "Malleus might pop up again to say "You're awake?"..!"
Sebek: "The "darkness" are fine, though I do not know if we can win against Lord Malleus without Sir Lilia..."
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"No, we are ready!"
Sebek: "Whether it be the darkness, or Lord Malleus... We will definitely strike back!!!"
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Idia: "Uogh... Wai-- too close... Can't... breathe..!"
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???: "About Malleus and the dark shadows... You don't need to worry about them for a while. I think he's spending considerable "resources" trying to get Lilia Vanrouge back to sleep."
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Ortho: "Hehe, sorry for making you worry."
Apparently, Ortho's appearing in monitor mode for now because trying to appear as his usual form in Idia's dreams causes some serious errors.
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Ortho: "Anyway... Everyone, brother's face is already turning blue from asphyxiation. Can you let him go now?"
So the two let go of him and Idia let's in a HUGE GASP FOR AIR
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Idia: "ohh I almost descended to the underworld... Tha-thanks for the save, Ortho..."
So anyway, Sebek starts questioning the two what they mean by Malleus using up resources to put Lilia to sleep. Ortho starts the explanation by recounting events. That during Lilia's farewell party, Malleus put everyone to sleep-- no, froze time and space itself. But Ortho in particular managed to escape from the island through communications satellite. Everyone was shocked because Ortho could do something like that?! Ortho just laughs and says his "peculiarity" was helpful, because while he's not a mage and therefore cannot have a unique magic, he can transmit his "soul" through radio waves.
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Sebek: "Loathe as I am to admit... but human advancement in machinery is amazing."
Silver chimes in and praises that Ortho's uniqueness is something they can never attain no matter how hard they train. Ortho moves on, explaining that he went to STYX headquarters and there, they hatched the plan for Ortho to infiltrate Sage Island in order to analyze Malleus' unique magic, Fae of Maleficence.
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phyrestartr · 1 month
Rhubarb | Zagreus x M!Reader (WIP!!)
#SFW, reader is a daimon, ik nymphs can't be male but let me have this!!!, reader tends to persephone's decayed garden, hurt/comfort, lots of fluff, COURTING!!!!!
“You wouldn't happen to be the one gifting me all these flowers, would you?” Zagreus asked. 
You cleared your throat as you scrambled for an excuse, a reason, an explanation to give the godling–it didn't feel right to outwardly admit to it (Gods, that'd be embarrassing), and you couldn't find it in you to turn the prince away; if you did that, what would be the point of your bashful little gifts? You wanted to show support, you wanted to try and embolden him when few else would. 
But still–
You tucked some hair behind your pointed ear and cleared your throat once more, never ripping your gaze away from the flowerbeds to look at your opponent. Nope. You wouldn't do it. You couldn't or you'd die on the spot (again). 
“I beg pardon?” You asked, willing your earth magicks to replace that which had withered in the garden. 
You swore you heard him smile. “Those flowers, the ones in my chambers? The ones that renew every night, or–or day, or what have you.” His cindered footsteps ventured closer to you. “Surely you must have some idea.”
“I'm afraid I don't, Prince,” you hummed, stepping away as he followed. “But I can keep an eye open, if you so wish.” 
“Oh, come on. Do you really think you'll be punished for giving me a flower or two?” Zagreus asked.
“Everything can be punished in this house. Anything in regards to the runaway prince, even more so.” And that was true. You'd heard of Megaera and Thanatos being promptly admonished for their inability to stop Zagreus, or their blatant refusal to even try to stop him. Most didn't give Zagreus the time of day. What would you, a mere shade, say in your defense if the lord of the underworld found out about the simple fondness you felt for the prince?
Before you could linger on that dread for too long, a hand caught your wrist, stopping your further retreat. It wasn't painful, nor did it frighten you–but it was odd. So, so odd. You'd not felt the warmth of another for decades. It reminded you of a warm summer's day.
“Look, I–I just want to thank you,” Zagreus said, sounding far too flustered and honest. You couldn't help but turn to him and meet his mismatched gaze, finally.
“Thank me?” You said, dumbstruck. A little because of the brilliant emerald and ruby eyes staring down at you, a little because of his words.
The prince nodded. He didn't release your wrist. “Is that so unbelievable?” He asked with a smile. 
“Not when it comes to you, no.” Your face heated, but you kept your composure calm and collected. “Well. You're, uh, free to speak. If you wish.”
“Thank you,” he said, not hesitating the slightest bit, “For taking the time to…well, think of me, I suppose. These days, it feels like everyone's against me, so the flowers, they--they're a welcome sight.” 
His smile melted your faux frigid expression, and you let the slightest hint of gentility peek through. “I worried they'd be a nuisance.”
“A nuisance?” Zagreus balked. “No, no, anything but. It's what keeps me going most days, if I'm being honest.” 
You raised your brows, despite a smile not following. “Well, that's depressing. To think few others are cheering you on brings a tear to the eye.”
The prince snorted. “Huh. Never knew gardeners could be the sarcastic type.” 
“Seems you haven't met enough gardeners, then.” You clasped your hand over the one holding your wrist. “Truthfully, I don't understand the extent of your quest, but I've no doubt you'll succeed. I wish you to know that I've full faith in you.”
Zagreus’ energy surged tenfold. His smile nearly blinded you, he who had become so used to the dark, and his eyes gleamed like polished gems. Cerberus probably bore the same look when he was a pup, you figured. Did he play tug with the prince back in the day? Probably. Or fetch, perhaps.
“Really?” The prince asked, now holding both of your hands in his and squeezing. “You think so?” 
You swallowed away your shock at being touched again and stared hard at the spot between the prince's eyes. “Well, yes--you're like rhubarb.”
He leaned toward you, leaning down and welcoming himself into your personal bubble. “I've not the slightest idea what you mean, but I'm eager to know.”
You almost smiled. Almost. But you wouldn't let him win, not that easily. 
“Once you accomplish your goal, perhaps I'll tell you.”
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s-awturn · 20 days
Underworld Sun || LH44
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summary: It only took an unpretentious visit to a local florist for all of Lewis's convictions to come crashing down, and finally the lord of the Underworld found what was missing in his lonely existence.
cw: dark content, slightly stalkerish behavior, nostalgia, pure smut, Lewis!dom x reader!sub, revelation, mention of magic, violence, outbursts of rage, (fake) naivety, devotion, deep love, soulmates, family interference, mention of kidnapping.
a/n: I know, I know it took me a while to post, I ended up getting distracted by short stories, but I'm not going to abandon Underworld Sun, I've already created an attachment to this story and I need to finish it (when? I have no idea) Anyway, forgive me for the delay and enjoy!
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prologue | chapter one |
Everything was converging into chaos and Lewis was feeling on edge. He knew the walls of Tartarus were weakening, his powers were too and Lewis had no idea why. The twin gods looked at him, trying to understand what Lewis was thinking, but he remained with a stony expression, he gave no clue as to his thoughts.
"Are you going to talk to Zeus?" Fernando asked, seeing Lewis give him a death glare.
"Zeus does not need to know everything that happens in my domain, let that be clear" he retorted bitterly, no matter how much Zeus had changed in the last millennia, he was still Zeus, the arrogant king of the gods who thought he could stick his nose wherever he wanted. He definitely didn't need his brother giving his opinion on what was going on in the underworld.
He waved the twins away, ignoring their whispers.
He sank into the armchair, feeling like Atlas holding up the vault of heaven was something common for him. Lewis closed his eyes tightly, trying to give his body some serenity and calm, but it had been millennia since he had known what rest was.
A knock on the door brought him out of his self-pity session and he saw Tisiphone enters with a bouquet of flowers in a vase.
“Where do I leave it, sir?” she asked. In the vase, the bouquet of flowers looked bigger and more beautiful. Lewis indicated the sideboard behind his desk, which had a privileged view of London and the flowers there would make the view even more pleasant.
“Is Alecto back yet?” he asked, turning his chair to look at the bouquet, hoping the flowers would end his problems like a miracle.
“She is on her way, she was intercepted by Hermes, he seemed very interested in her itinerary” if Tisiphone wanted to know where her sister was, she didn't show it. That was one of the things he liked about the creatures who worked for him, there was no gossip, everyone was too focused on their work to want to interfere in other people's lives.
“I would like to understand why the Olympians are so excited to get involved in the interests of the Underworld. No one wanted to take the wheel when Zeus offered, but everyone wants to know what happens here.” He grumbled. “Bring the Fates here, Tisiphone, immediately and cancel all my appointments, I will be available only to Alecto.”
“Of course sir, excuse me” she left, leaving the echo of her heels spreading through the room. The soft scent of flowers emanated throughout the room, keeping the memory of the French florist alive, Lewis could still hear her voice and even feel the static from when he touched her. That girl shouldn't be on his mind, he shouldn't even know her name, but he sent Alecto after information about her. Lewis wanted to know everything, even how many vaccinations she must have had.
Before the knock even sounded, he waved his fingers so the door would open.
“The Fates, sir.” Tisifone said before closing the door, Lewis kept his back to the entrance, but he heard similar footsteps approaching his table, footsteps that followed the same rhythm, but so different.
“Boy, you wouldn't call us here to keep your backs to us,” he heard a drawn-out, tired voice scold him.
Lewis turned around and found three identical, yet completely different women. Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos, the living personification of the destiny of men, gods and beasts. Even Zeus surrendered to the power of those women.
Clotho was young, her appearance hovered between fifteen and twenty years old, thick and wild brown hair, intense green eyes and an enigmatic smile, she loved to speak riddles. Clotho was the spinner of fate and together with Artemis and Ilithia, she cared for women in labor.
Lachesis was a mature woman, in her forties, with a few gray strands in her brown hair, wrinkles around her eyes and a deep voice. Lachesis decided the fate of creatures as she pulled and wound the thread of their lives. Lewis was usually with her, assisting in that duty along with Tyche and Moros.
Atropos was the last woman, a wise old woman. Her hair was completely gray and full of wrinkles, her body was tired and bent with the weight of age, her green eyes conveyed the wisdom of ages, Atropos carried ancient knowledge that he could not even imagine, she cut the thread of life, flanked by Thanatos and Moros.
Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos were the same woman at different stages of life, marking youth, adulthood and old age. The spinners of fate who kept the wheel of fortune turning forever and ever until the end of time.
“I don’t want to take up too much of your time, I know the wheel can’t stop,” he said, keeping his tone pleasant, Hades didn’t cultivate respect for many individuals. In fact, he hated most of them, gods and humans, he made no distinction. Gods for their arrogance, pride and cruelty, humans for mirroring the examples of divine beings so well. “I have just one question to ask”
“Is this about the little French girl from this morning? She’s adorable, a beautiful smile,” Láquesis said, despite the clear mockery in her voice, Lewis knew she was sincere.
“No, it’s not about her,” he waved his hand in the air, dismissing thoughts of her. “I need to know how to hold Tartarus, the world will not endure a second Titanomachy, Cronos cannot be released, ever.”
Not that he cared about humanity, but Tartarus was closely linked to the Underworld, and Hades had a hand in his father's downfall, Being very selfish, he already had enough problems to want to face family shock therapy, his contact with his brothers and nephews was already enough. He didn't need to include his father in this.
“You need to find what you lost, boy,” Clotho said, playing another one of his riddles.
“If Tartarus is falling apart, it’s because something in you is dying, you need to remake yourself to keep the Titans’ prison whole, boy,” Atropos said, raising her skeletal finger.
He frowned in confusion.
He didn't remember losing anything, everything was in its place, he waved his hand to make sure his invisibility helmet and fork were still in his hands. So what would he have lost?
“But how will I know?”
“Follow the flowers, boy, they always know,” the three said before disappearing. Lewis put his hands in his pockets and began to pace back and forth, the conversation that should have cleared up his doubts only fueled more questions. He prided himself on having a good memory, nothing went unnoticed by his mind.
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He was getting ready to leave when Alecto showed up, he ordered Furiæ to come in, she was carrying a small yellow folder and looked a little angry.
“Sorry for the delay, sir, I was intercepted by Hermes on my way back,” she apologized as she closed the door, the only sign of her evident anger flaring in Erin’s fiery eyes. Alecto's whole appearance was the picture of calm, except for her eyes. “I got what you asked for, but it was a bit of work” She handed the folder to Hades, in fact there weren't many pages in there, which was strange, considering the girl must have been between nineteen and thirty years old. There was nothing in his life?
“Please give me some information in advance, Alecto,” he asked, pointing to one of the chairs, which she did immediately.
“Y/N Y/L/N is an orphan, sir, she was found on the steps of the convent in Paris, where she lived until she was eighteen, when she entered the faculty of biology in Lyon and moved to Avignon to work in a flower shop specializing in organic cultivation”
He opened the file, finding just over a dozen photos of her, Y/N as a girl, surrounded by other children in the convent's orphanage, another of her as a teenager, holding a huge sunflower vase and a first place trophy. Others of her in college. After that, no other photos.
"Social media?"
“She has a YouTube channel where she teaches how to grow plants, other than that, nothing.”
Lewis was even more intrigued, and left the file on the table. “Okay, that’s all Alecto, you can go, thanks.”
“It was nothing, sir... Excuse me.” She stood up to leave, but paused halfway. “May I have a word of advice, sir?”
“Sure, talk”
“Seek Hecate, she can help you find answers.” With that, Alecto left, leaving Lewis to his ramblings. He had many questions, but no answers. Apparently that was the day to mess with Hades' head, for Rhea's blood.
He read the document, Y/N had graduated with honors from the University of Lyon and had been part of a research group at the university for a year after graduation. She would soon graduate with a master's degree in botany from the University of Avignon. She was an intelligent girl, but shy and withdrawn, with a very small list of friends and only two emergency contacts: the mother superior of the convent in Paris and a friend in Lyon. There was a copy of her orphanage registration and her school records.
No information beyond that.
He turned on his laptop and opened the browser, searching for her YouTube channel, it was active and had a little over 150 thousand views on the entire channel. Y/N updated it every week, posting about the progress of plant growth, recommending plants for different places or just giving growing tips. Lewis watched the vast majority of the videos, Y/N was sweet when she spoke, she showed patience and loved what she did, even though gardening was not one of her interests, he noticed that she had a natural gift for captivating people's attention, no matter what she was talking about.
This only piqued his curiosity further and he decided to leave early, he would follow Alecto's advice and look for Hecate, the goddess of witches and lady of the crossroads would certainly have answers to your questions. When passing by Tisiphone, he reinforced the request to cancel all his commitments.
“What if they ask for you?” she asked wisely and Lewis smiled, putting on his sunglasses.
“To anyone who asks, tell them I’m dead.”
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“You assured me she would stay hidden! Now everyone on Olympus knows Persephone is alive and it won’t be long before Hades finds her!”
“You are worrying for nothing, no one will find Persephone, if not even Apollo who sees everything and Athena with her magic mirror managed to find her, Hades will not be able to do so.”
“Are you sure about that?"
“As soon as the sun rises tomorrow, you are worrying for nothing, Hades will not find you, the walls of Tartarus will fall and you will have your revenge, I assure you”
“You better be right, Hades can’t find Persephone.”
“And he won’t, my lady, believe me.”
“When can we plant doubt in Zeus about the integrity of the Titans’ prison?”
“Soon, we will let the gods enjoy what remains of the calm before the storm.”
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separatist-apologist · 5 months
What are your favorite monster fics? I’ve read all of yours and you have left me craving it.
You can't go wrong with any of these, and they are also my personal favorites:
On Waves of Blue by @kingofsummer93 [elucien]
Elain is bored of her mind-numbingly dull life as Princess of Mushroom Kingdom. The only excitement she's ever known is the threat of the great fire-breathing King Koopa, intent on making her his bride.
Is it so wrong, then, that she doesn't fear his return?
To Tango With The Devil by @iambutmortal [feysand]
For two years, Feyre’s been obsessed with the demon statue in the church. It haunts her dreams, even on the eve of her wedding. To bad the statue’s just as obsessed with her.
Bow Down by @shadowisles-writes [elucien]
When one of Elain's rituals releases more magic than usual, a much bigger demon than what she has ever protected herself against comes to her door. No amount of hidden traps and talismans can protect her from what he wants to take.
My Heart of Stone by @c-e-d-dreamer [nessian]
“Why do you run from me, my mate?” the gargoyle asks, tilting his head and sending his dark hair cascading over one shoulder.
Nesta feels hysterical, fear rising like bile in the back of her throat, but somehow she’s able to choke out the words, “what did you just call me?”
Howl by @iftheshoef1tz [azris]
When Azriel suspects that werewolves are behind the disappearance of his brother, he turns to the only werewolf expert he knows. Unfortunately for Azriel, Eris might be the werewolf he's been looking for.
Smite My Enemies by @abraxos-and-ataraxia [nessian]
Nesta summons a creature to obliterate her enemies, but quickly finds another use for the demon that appears.
A Woman So Heartless by @velidewrites [nessian]
When the Goddess of the Underworld grants a mortal General an extended stay in the land of the living, she doesn’t expect him to come back with another deal — one she has no idea will ruin her life forever.
Bejeweled by @thesistersarcheron [feysand]
Every court has their own Great Rite with unique, ancient traditions. The Night Court’s priestesses have played coy with Rhysand since he inherited the throne last year about what imbuing the land with his power really means; all they tell him is that he is meant to spend the night in the Night Court’s mines dripping in ceremonial jewels while everyone else gets to attend the orgy without him.
He doesn’t expect to find Feyre, a faerie made of crystal who leads him on a chase deeper and deeper into the mines as the Rite’s magic overcomes him.
Meet Me In The Woods by @paranoidbagel [feysand]
Returning to the ancient forests surrounding his ancestral home in the Scottish highlands, Rhys quickly discovers how the hunter becomes the hunted when a bloodthirsty Scottish faerie turns her ravenous sights on him.
The Music of the Night by @the-lonelybarricade [feysand]
It's Feyre's first year as an elligible maiden for the village reaping. In order to escape the chance of being chosen, Feyre rushes into a marriage with Lord Tamlin. She is terrified on her wedding night, but foruntately she is spared from consumating her marriage when she is pulled into a strange, erotic dream with an enchanting creature.
Paint It Red by @moodymelanist [nessian]
Nesta Archeron has been thirsting for revenge against Tomas Mandray since a fatal encounter in November 1940. When he suddenly reappears decades later, she finally has the perfect opportunity to make him pay for what he’s done. Her only problem? She and her friends aren’t powerful enough to take Tomas and his lackeys down on their own…
Cassian Valladares is the deadliest vampire hunter Windhaven has seen in a generation. When Nesta approaches him with a plan to kill her ex-fiancé, he’s initially hesitant – he wants nothing to do with leeches, especially one who almost got him killed. But as the bodies start piling up, Cassian and his brothers are forced to reconsider…
Will Nesta and Cassian be able to put aside their differences long enough to work together? Or will they find themselves consumed by something else entirely?
Crow Song by @damedechance [gwynriel]
Three years ago, Gwyneth Berdara became the ward of the Night Institute, a band of hunters led by Rhysand who work to rid the world of vampires. After one fateful night where Gwyn unwittingly welcomes one such creature into their home, she strikes a deal with Azriel, one that is just as likely to condemn them as it is to save them.
What The Shadows Hide by @shadowsxgwynriel [gwynriel]
When Gwyn goes out on the night of Calanmai to search for a missing priestess, she’ll soon find out that something lurks in the shadows...
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silky-nereid · 6 months
☘ love like a broken pot || DARK CONTENT
yandere! crime lord x second hand in charge! reader/you
tw : minor & major injuries, manipulation, degradation of self-worth, intimidation and implied murder.
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Yandere! Crime Lord who found you when you were nothing; a mere husk covered in scars from a previous crime lord that had been too rough with you and he took it as a challenge to rebuild you; a better you. 
Yandere! Crime lord who is not well-liked in the underworld because he’s known for taking disposable men that were traitors or new people that had either defied death under his wings because the other families would’ve killed them already.
Yandere! Crime lord who isn’t afraid of causing harm to you or to others that are teetering on the edge of betrayal because he’ll purposely step on past wounds of the crew for his benefit. 
He sat on the edge of the bathtub, wearing plastic gloves stained with various mixtures of colors on the once white tank top. Your stained hands applied the tin foil strips to the newly dyed pieces of hair. 
“You’re my favorite,” he said. “You know this, don’t you? You can talk, I’m not mad at you anymore.”
“I.. I know.” Your hands finished folding the last piece of tinfoil on his hair. “But what happened to Ja—“ 
“He betrayed me, he betrayed us,” he explained. “After that stunt he decided to take a swim. Don’t even mention those who betrayed us.”
Yandere! Crime lord who often dyes his hair strange colors and never lets you choose the colors because he has a dartboard to help him choose his dyes but you often have to go and buy the dyes for him.
Yandere! Crime lord who often patches your wounds that you got from missions that he sends you on and enjoys it when you bring back trophies for him to show that you complete the mission. 
Yandere! Crime lord who likes it more when you bring him simple trophies from the mission like a bloodied golden tooth, a switchblade that he eyed; the way it twirled in the hands of the person that didn’t deserve it, golden cufflinks that he could wear or rings that he could add to his fishbowl that he has; enjoys the weddings rings because they are pairs. 
He finished washing his hands, seeing you closing the trunk. Blood remained on your cheek, turning to him. His hand pulled you by the collar of your shirt, eyes stared into your very being; he could break you if he wanted too.
“You’re getting sloppy,” he threatened. “Too sloppy to be exact, next I’ll have the cops at my door because of your sloppiness. Do I need to get Marcus to do your job?“ 
“I’m not getting sloppy,” you confessed. “Just have too much on my plate.”
He let go of your collar, eyeing you up and down and a simple smile carved on his lips. 
Yandere! Crime lord who purposely little by little stops giving you the attention that you as you were slowly getting replaced by someone better than you but still keeps an eye on you somehow; has your schedule written somewhere. 
Yandere! Crime lord who enjoys seeing you wallow in your misery and how you’re discarded ever so quickly by other caporegrimes because you were chipping away at your own patience. 
Yandere! Crime lord who fails to notice the planted bugs inside of his gentleman’s lounge because he’s too busy answering the phone in the miniature barber shop. 
Your eyes looked at the ruins of the gentlemen's club and the hands that caused it. You didn’t mean it, didn’t you? You turned around seeing his long shadow on the floor, covering your hunched form and flipping the golden lighter open and close; eyes that threatened to burn your skin. 
“I didn’t give you an order to cause this.” He gestured to the blood trail that was smeared into the miniature barbershop. “Clean this up.” 
He went from behind the bar, disappearing for a moment and pulling a first aid kit. He walked towards you, handing you the first aid and his hand caressed your lower cheek and neck. Your eyes watered, hands trembling desperately clutching his sleeves and staining the sleeves with someone’s blood; it hurts…
“Why did you betray me?” He asked. 
He twisted the blade further causing a gasp escaping your lips. 
“Just to think I was going to let you finally go to a normal life,” he berated. “But you couldn’t keep your lips shut, singing like a canary to the police.” 
He pushed you away, watching you stumble around. He sat down next to your hunched wounded form, blood formed a small puddle around you and his hand tightly gripped your chin and turned it to face him. 
“You must not be feeling the pain.” He pressed on one of the many open wounds. “There you go.” 
Your blurred eyes watched them pull him away, the ringing in your ears continued. Unfamiliar warm hands that pulled you up onto emergency gurney and looking up at the dusk sky; seeing the colors fade into each other. You looked over to him while he was seemingly being handcuffed, placed into the cop car but he never broke eye contact.
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earls-wife · 6 months
La Sein
Hi lovelies! It's been a minute hasn't it? But I'm here with a piece that I spent more time than I should have on. It combines several short drabbles that wouldn't play nice so I meshed them all in together for this piece. I think it turned out well. What do you think?
Warnings: yelling, pinning, mention of jewel toned eyes (there are many gems but some are picky about detailed readers so here's your warning)
Astré= OCiel. (See my page for why)
As always, female reader.
Lyrics from La Sein from Monster in Paris
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La Sein
She's respondent, so confident la Sein, la Sein, la Sein. I realize, I'm hypnotized la Sein, la Sein, la Sein.
I hadn't expected to find it.
My heart. Sewn to the gown of a glimmering gem. That gem sparked with a fire that warmed the cold abyss within me. She was anything but plain despite the simplicity she adorned herself in. Her laugh defied the stars and the faces that dared to look upon her glory.
I couldn't look away from such a creature as she. So far from the darkness. I was beguiled. In the shadows I dwelled among the underworlds devouts. My eyes watched her, my heart pinned to her gown.
I hear the moon, singing a tune la Sein, la Sein, la sein. Is she divine, is it the wine la sein la Sein la Sein.
The wine is sweet tonight, red as the color on her lips that teased to me. How could I resist such sweet minstration that heaved it's weight onto my chest, drowning me.
I shouldn't feel this way, I shouldn't entertain such pleasures. I shouldn't watch her, yet I cannot look away.
"You are the Lord Phantomhive correct?" She asked me, her eyes dancing with the candles flame, bleeding into my soul. A soul that I hadn't known to breathe in a decade or more.
"Obviously." I bit at her gentle smirk that only caused more color to blossom in my body. She strangled me, pulling wanting moans of desire out of the abyss I lied in.
I don't know, don't know. So don't ask me why. That's how we are la Sein and I.
We danced that night. I, tripping to follow such grace. Mouth dry and in need of the water her lips offered like a bubbling spring, yet her tongue burned. Fire. How despondent of a monster I am. Undone by a mere flash of her jeweled eyes. Eagerly trailing behind such a master of hearts all the while hating myself.
I can't get out, she has me. I can't stay away from my heart now that she's returned the annoying thing to me. I never wanted it back. She should have stayed away. Yet, she bends in my arms and meets my eyes with no fear. What being would dare to meet my eye?
I don't know, don't know. So don't ask me why. That's how we are la Sein and I.
"She's stunning of course my lord, but is she really the bride you desire?" A Baron asked me. The billard room smoking with cigar waste.
"How precious you two would be, side by side two turtle doves cooing in harmony." Count Druitt, another monster of a different breed then me, chattered. His eyes sparking on a grotesque idea no doubt.
"She has no station, she's a dollar princess!" Another exclaims while I smile striking the cue ball against the colorful array of future points I would devour. Each one mine. She was mine.
I feel alive, when I'm beside la Sein la Sein la Sein. I realize, I'm hypnotized la sein la Sein la Sein.
I didn't plan this. I didn't want to fall for him. I knew the rumors and I knew he was no good. There was no charity in his soul, nor was there such a thing as mercy. Merciless was the tone at which he played life. Revenge to humiliate and destroy. Everything he touched deteriorated, yet I could only crave more of it.
A touch of hands encased in gloves, a demonic grin snuck into the color of his eye. How was I to fight a monster I couldn't not see within him? No matter what he said to warn me away, I didn't see what he saw. Not anymore.
How long has it been? Days? Weeks? Months? When had I become so accustomed to the shadow at my shoulder, looming as a black cat upon the ledge of moonlight. A hunter that watched me with a gaze that made my world tremble with life.
Queen's Guard Dog they called him. Lord of the Underworld to another tune, and I his lady. I couldn't help myself, he captured me with that unwavering eye.
I don't know, don't know. So don't ask me why, that's how we are la Sein and I.
"You can't marry her!" Marquis Midford, his uncle by marriage, bellowed. His face changing to a subtle color. Not a loud individual, it was clear this was unacceptable to the tolerant man.
"She'll be the end of your good name!" His cousin Edward held his sister, Elizabeth, as she sobbed into his arms. The raised curl of his lip showed teeth. "Come to your senses cousin!"
"She's nothing." Count Druitt, the fruity tart he was sat in whimsy bemused by the ordeal.
"Nephew reconsider this foolishness." Marquess Midford narrowed her steel eyes on him. Her hand on his cane stopping him from leaving.
"I'm sorry Aunt. There's no one else." Astré replied before making his escape. Cane left behind.
I don't know, don't know. so don't ask me why, that's how we are la Sein and I.
"Your eloping?" The maid asked blinking at her lady.
"Yes. Hurry please we must pack quickly." She replied tossing several items into a chest. "Who knows how much time we have."
"It's risky."
"Its fate."
"Your father-"
"He will understand, just as Astré's family will. Someday."
"As you say my lady, as you say."
Upon the bridge.
My heart does beat
Between the waves
We will be saved
The air we breathe
Can you believe?
Learn to forgive, upon the bridge
That's how we are la Sein and I
That's how we are la Sein and I
We had escaped, my heart and I. Call me selfish or a fool. That I had dragged the vey creature of life from the sky into the depths. Oh how she sang in those depths. For me, she was mine. For her, I was hers. That is just how we are. My Lady and I.
-Dollar Princess: a term used in the 1800-1900 time frame to refer to a foreign rich woman of non-noble descent who participated in the London season to find a husband. These girls were looked down on for their lack of status but desired for their huge dowries their fathers were willing to pay in exchange for marrying into aristocracy. These girls were the way many American tycoons and millionaires got around the American law against aristocracy titles in the new world as well as gaining more power amongst their own circles. The English would gain funds long overdue to provide for their failing estates as the world progressed beyond them. The dollar princess was the saving grace of many families during that time.
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raiynnah · 8 days
@wolfstarmicrofic - word count: 827
In a world of black and white, starkly split between burning light and voracious darkness, there are only the gods and the god-fearing. With the inescapable tragedy of childhood as his shadow, Remus understands all too well that there are no shades between the sinless and the sin. There is no fall when there is an inherent corruption that ripples through his features, reflecting his soul and physical being. Like two mirrors facing each other in judgement, infinite depictions betray him through his looks.
Remus gazes into the water, which is pure and true and most importantly honest, his eyes cutting over the monstrosity that stains the river reflection like oil, forever separate. 
In a world of monsters and gods, the beast does not notice the deity behind him, caught up in his cage. Instead he sighs, defeated, not snarling at his prison like his nature deems he would.
“Careful,” warns a voice, sweeter than the honey that kings delight in, sweeter even than the ambrosia the gods hoard. “We don't want another Narcissus, do we?” Remus startles, confused at the spoonful of genuine conversation offered to him when he grew up licking any sweetness off knives. He knows the sweetness of pain, of the ache in his muscles and the blood in his mouth when he bites his tongue, and not much more.
“You must be blind if you think that to be currently possible,” Remus answers bitterly. A delighted laugh erupts from the person behind him.
“I see more than you ever will, mortal.” Remus stills, thoughts freezing over, and turns to face the stranger.
There stands the shape of a man, blurry at the edges like light when it fades out, tall, proud and amused. Leaning on one foot, arms crossed, with a smile on his face, he looks human. But it does not distract Remus’ attention from the way that impossibly black strands of hair—the colour of the distance between stars—spill delicately over his shoulders, curving like the familiar blades of enemies or Remus’ hands around water as he scoops it up to drink. His skin glows like the moon; smooth, pale, and as cold-looking as marble. He is beautiful, made up of contrasts of death and life.
“I am no mortal, my lord.” Without a name, Remus treads carefully, relying on a title he’s unsure of. The god tilts his head the way dogs do, yet his stare remains that of a wolf.
“You are no god either.” It’s not said like a question but rings faintly like one anyway.
“I am cursed by one of your own, my lord.” The silver in the god’s eyes as they narrow reminds Remus of his father’s swords, displayed proudly to visitors, and the coins his mother counted after each fight, leaving behind a frustrated opponent that promised to win next time.
“Do you not know who I am? As much as I find it pleasant to be called yours, I have a name like most others.” When he winks, Remus thinks he must have slipped into the realm of dreams unknowingly, because surely this could not be real.
“I…apologise,” he starts, scratching the scar on his skin self-consciously. “I have not been allowed into temples since I was four. My name is Remus Lupin.”
“Sirius, god of souls.” Prince of the Underworld, guide to the dead when he leads them into his father Orion’s domain. It clicks into place in Remus’ mind so easily he wonders if the knowledge comes from him or Sirius. “What did you do wrong at four to be cursed?”
“Be born to a woman who married a man whose hubris had no limits.” It’s not a unique story, a son punished for his father’s mistakes, so he does not go into detail of his father’s strength in battle and weakness in wisdom. “So now I am a monster, inside and out.”
“I know monsters, Remus. I am even fated to marry one, or so they say. Trust me on the fact that they may know appearances but I know souls. They may paint you as a beast but a painting is a reflection of the artist, not the subject.” Remus is quiet for a moment.
“Thank you,” he whispers, his words stolen by the wind. Sirius smiles, somehow still having heard it.
Sirius goes to sit next to Remus, eyes never leaving the river. When their reflections shudder with the current, he wonders what Sirius sees. A monster and a saviour? (Sirius sees a man glowing faintly, animalistic features fading in the warm light, next to empty space, but he will not share that for many years, not until the titles my mortal, love, and soul become a daily blessing. Gods have only appearances and divinity.)
“Your soul is purer than mine could ever be, Remus Lupin.” It sounds like an apology and a promise, it sounds like the rustle of hands as the fates weave two strings together.
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 1 year
Yandere Demon Lord with an Angel Darling!
Daeman is a Great Demon feared by many,demons and angels alike. He's known as one of the worst in the Underworld,one day while he was strolling in a forest of the mortal world
He met her,the Darling,an angel who just happened to be there,he heard her sweet voice singing from afar,she was so sweet and kind. She wasn't even disgusted at the sight of him,she was different than all of those pretentious angels who would scoff at him if they see him
It was true love at first sight
They met eachother more and more in that forest. But Daeman knew he couldn't stop his growing love and lust for this innocent doe
He knew if he keeps letting her go,she would fly away from him one day. So he pulled her down to the Underworld with him
Darling was terrified ofc,she was so naive like a bunny caught in a trap. Daeman claimed her in bed afterwards ofc,while doing so,he told her that her God isn't here, only he is here
She became his darling wife afterwards, she's not getting back to Heaven anytime soon,now that she's defiled by him
Daeman was a sick bastard,he even puts a sigil on her womb called the Love's sigil, it's a mark of possession over her,it will even help him track her down should she escapes, when he activates the sigil,Darling would feel unimaginable lust,but ofc it prevents her from laying with any man beside Daeman himself~
After all he only wants her to lust after him and only he's the one to satiate her lust
A/N: Sorry this took so long to answer. I have two papers due in a week. Also, this is pretty tame, but hopefully, you still like it. I mainly based some of this work off of Hades and Persephone.
Also, here's a song to go with it, if anyone wants to listen:
TW: Smut, blood
You were a blessing to Earth. Everywhere you went, miracles happened. Ghosts went to the afterlife when you walked on their grounds, the darkest beasts bowed down and became domesticated, and life bloomed on your footprints. Your favorite spot is a quiet spot in the Amazon Rainforest. You love the biodiversity and the never-ending sounds of the forest.
"Ooh, ooh, just for the flowers, sea, and me," You sing, combing your hair.
In the clouds above, the most feared man in the underworld, Daeman, is watching for trouble or humans to mess with. Then, he hears your voice, and before he knows it, Daeman is behind you.
"Your voice sounds beautiful," Daeman says, sitting next to you.
You turn around and look him up and down. You see his wide frame, 6'5 figure, and long dark purple hair. You smile at him, light filling the forest floor.
"Hi, what's your name?" You ask, slowly moving your feet in the water.
"Daeman, you probably know me. Most people in the Underworld know who I am," Daeman says, unsure why you're nice to him.
"I do know. My angel friends tell me all sorts of things about you. But I saved my judgment until I actually met you. Which would be now."
Daeman's mind couldn't help but scream, "She's different! She's different than them!".
It was true love at first sight. Unbeknownst to them, two cupids are watching them from behind the trees. They pull out their bow and arrows and shoot at Daeman and you. An explosion of pink happens around the two of you, neither of you can see it, and the feeling of love settles in.
"I can't wait to talk to you again," You say, flying away. The sun eventually covers your figure.
Daeman's hand is in the air, reaching for you but out of reach like you are his Icarus. He sighs and returns to the Underworld.
"Boss, what's wrong?" A fellow demon asks, seeing him reappear.
"Nothing, I just saw Icarus fly away," Daeman responds, walking into his mansion.
Daeman returned to that same spot tomorrow, and soon enough, you two met each other there every day. You two became closer and traveled the human world together.
"I wanna stay with you forever," You say, holding Daeman's arm.
"You shouldn't say such things around me. I'll drag you down like Hades did Persephone," Daeman responds, putting a hand on your cheek.
"It's ok. I heard what you said. I know you're afraid of me flying away from you. But I'm not. I'll gladly give up my wings and live a mortal life with you," You say, kissing Daeman.
"No. No! No! No! Stop! You're making it worse! Stop it!"
"Daeman, I want to be with you!"
"Don't! Please, don't!"
"I love anything you do. I love you. You know, even If I listen to music that is not my style, or even if I eat food that I don't like, or even if it's raining without an umbrella and all soaking wet, it's alright. I love it because I love you."
Daeman hugs you, and suddenly the ground beneath you disappears. You fall into the dark abyss with him and wake up in a bed with him.
"My angel, would you do me the honor of being my bride?" Daeman asks, pulling out a blood-red ring.
You were terrified. The walls were gothic and black. There's no sunlight. Only a red moonlight peeks through the velvet curtains.
"Y-Yes," You answer, stuttering as you feel something bad is happening.
Daeman slips the ring on your finger, and you feel a burning sensation on your wings.
"AAAAHH!" You shriek in pain, arching your back.
"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" Daeman exclaims, cradling you.
Your wings burn away until they are nothing. Daeman's long nails go to your stomach and draw a love sigil. He couldn't help but follow his instincts. He had to mark what was his.
"What have you done to me?" You cry, tears falling onto Daeman's clothing.
"My love, you're my bride now. You've chosen to be with me. Your God has forsaken you for choosing a demon like me. I'm only here for you. You, my Icarus, flew too close to the sun," Daeman says, kissing every piece of skin showing. "The love sigil should be taking effect any minute now. How does it feel to only feel lust for me and no other man?"
Incredible lust overtakes your body, and you fiercely kiss Daeman. Nothing matters in the world more than him.
"My dear Hades, won't you show me how it feels to be with you?" You say, taking off your dress.
Daeman undresses, and soon enough, you both cave into your worldly desires. He strokes his dick, then puts it into you. Your pussy is unbelievably tight, and you cry in pain.
"Daeman, it hurts," You weep, crying onto his chest.
"I know it hurts, my love. Stay still, I'll help you," Daeman comforts, kissing your lips.
The love sigil glows and suddenly, your pussy is dripping wet. Daeman starts to thrust and you're overtaken by these new feelings. No one made you feel the way he did. Even in romance or in sex.
"Ah~" You moan, holding onto Daeman to keep whatever is left of your sanity.
"Yes, baby! Keep going!" Daeman encourages, trying to keep you from orgasming too early.
Your stomach feels weird, and your love sigil glows.
"Daeman, I'm cumming!" You moan, trying to hold it in.
"I know, my love. I'm cumming too," Daeman moans, thrusting faster. His long nails scratched your skin.
"Oh, Daeman!" You exclaim, throwing your head back.
You both cum together, and the love sigil becomes a faint mark. Daeman pulls out of you and carries you to the bathroom. He turns on the hot water and places you in the bathtub.
"My angel, are you upset with me?" Daeman asks, washing your body. The blood from your first time turning the water red.
"I don't know. I chose to be with you knowing the risks. I just didn't expect them to hurt so much. I never knew I wouldn't be traveling Earth and its skies again," You reply, hugging your knees.
"You said you would live a happy life as a mortal with me. If I became a mortal with you, would you be happy?"
"Of course. There's nothing I wouldn't give to see Earth again."
"Then, so be it. I will be a mortal too. And when our time comes to enter the Underworld again, we will be together. Forever."
You kiss Daeman and look into his eyes. He goes into the water with you, and you continue to make out with him. You both go underwater, feeling like you're on cloud nine.
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radioofdoom · 9 months
Hi! This is my first request ever (I don't even know if I'm sending it to the right place). Could you do a platonic older sister for Nico? Like, when he gets to camp, young and sweet (I missed this side of him so much), gets claimed and moves in to the Hades cabin (imagining that exists one). Reader is 16, and has duties in the underworld that remove the possibility of them being the child of the Great Prophecy (I don't know what, or how, but let's pretend it works). Everyone at camp is kind of scared of them, and Nico gets that ideia of them, but then we gets scared because the cabin is very dark at night and reader helps them. (Also reader teaching him to play magic the gathering (which is very similar to Mitomagic) and the two of them beating ass on a tournament (maybe outside of chb?). The reader teaching him how to use his powers and latter, when he discovers that his sister died, she stops him of doing something stupid.
That's my ideia, but I don't have the skills to write it, I hope I did everything right
this would be the first part of this ask, I've made all three into drabbles so I'm sorry if it's not as long as you wish it to be, the piece below is a drabble regarding: when he discovers that his sister died, she stops him from doing something stupid
"Don't" you say, footsteps disturbing the silence as it crinkles the fallen leaves. Nico has been pacing around for hours before the moonlight finally gave way and showed him the entrance. The entrance to his father's world. Your job at the underworld was simple, guard the gates at all costs, you and the three-headed dog replace each other from time to time. Shifts between you and Cerberus were handled by Hades. Lo and behold your brother caught himself during your shift. It was intentional. "Don't even think of entering the Underworld, these gates are not open to you." Orpheus once came through these gates to bargain for his lost love. Nico was here to do the same. "I'm a son of Hades, I have the right to pass through" the boy says through gritted teeth, his eyes pointed as though he could see right through you. The light that was once there, was now replaced by anger and pain. Pain that could rival the love Eros strikes others.
"Perhaps you did not hear me correctly," Stepping forward, the cavern behind grows narrower, "The doors of this realm do not welcome you. Not in your current predicament." After Eurydice fell from Orpheus' grasp. The Lord of the Dead never allowed anyone else to migrate from the land of the dead to the land of the living. "No exceptions will be made." were his exact words. Not even for his own flesh and blood. "You're our sister, and you refuse to help get our sister back?" Nico's voice was raised now, his lips turned into a snarl. His hands were balled into fists so tight his knuckles turned white. "I expected better from you." "Go home Nico" you knew he had no home to go to, not after he stormed out of the camp. A ten year old would not be safe outside alone. However, anywhere was safer than the Underworld itself. "Go home and think this through. Maybe then these gates will open"
Nico, who once looked at you with warm and open eyes. Seemingly looked at you with hatred. "I was wrong to trust you" With his back now facing you, the boy walked away. His footsteps fast yet hard on the ground. If only you knew what this would turn into. What would happen the moment he took a wrong turn and fell right into the Labyrinth.
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nyxronomicon · 7 months
Nyx, my beloved - I am here to share some more thots regarding assassin choso x reader. (ps. I love, love, love a black turtleneck on a man so let's go with that and also, I pictured the yakuza boss being sukuna too!!)
choso starts second guessing if he should continue his work with sukuna. the man is one of the most violent, deranged criminal lords in the country but choso has been nothing but loyal towards him. he's been in this game since he was nineteen years old, trading his life into protect his younger brother, itadori, who ran with the wrong crowd.
itadori's mistake costed choso his freedom. all he's ever done is sacrifice but if it meant protecting his loved ones then he had no qualms. but now, with you in the picture, he can't but think if this life makes sense to him anymore.
I picture him standing in sukuna's office, his mind wandering to other places. maybe he can just work as a waiter, or bartender until he can figure out what kind of career he can build. he'll take any honest work at this point, as long as it means coming home to you with no shadows following behind.
the two of you can simply build a life together. maybe even have some kids. his throat tightens. he would love to see you as a mom. he saw you interacting with your friend's toddler recently and it nearly drove him wild. but it's not something you've both discussed yet and he won't push anything that you don't want either - but the possibility makes his heart flutter.
just wondering how a life with you can foster and grow.
he loses himself for a moment while speaking to sukuna, and his boss notices.
"choso" the man sternly calls out, snapping his attention back into place. "something on your mind?"
choso shakes his head, "no, sir.."
sukuna furrows his brows, his index finger tapping lightly against the surface of his wooden desk. "you've been distracted as of late. you know I don't like repeating myself."
choso straightens his back, two hands slipping into the pockets of his charcoal slacks. "I apologize," he expresses regretfully, "it won't happen again."
but he can't stop thinking of you even after sukuna repeats his assignment. can't stop picturing you in a white dress at the alter as he steps out of his office. can't stop thinking about how your honeymoon would be as he hops on his motorcycle to track his next target.
all the while sukuna sits at his desk, moves to open one of the drawers before sifting through the cabinet. he pulls out a file, flips through the stack of documents and photographs. he pulls out one where you're sitting right across from choso, the two of you at a coffee shop. his arm is draped over your shoulder, your cheek resting comfortably on his shoulder.
there are only a handful of people who sukuna trusts, and choso is one of them. he didn't join sukuna's gang on his own accord, but he turned out to be an exceptional asset. the king of the underworld narrows his eyes at the sight of your pretty face.
he can't have anyone coming in between his deadliest weapon. your lover is bound to sukuna for life, and he won't let choso go that easily.
also cannot forget that i love YOU too bb <3 <3 ok more under the cut heh...
!! dark content ahead !!
was i picturing toji as the kidnapper that disappears? no not at all why would i do that i would never....
cw: murder (you literally watch choso kill some guys lol), reader is kidnapped, BLOOD, reader wears a skirt, mentions of rough handling
Your struggle against your restraints as you come to. You're not dead, that's good. In fact, you don't feel any serious pain, maybe some bruising from rough handling but nothing major. You take in a deep breath. The air is cold, a little musty. You're blindfolded, sat in some cheap metal chair.
"Awake, sweetheart?" A man's voice bounced off the walls in the room. It was clearly empty. "You'll want to see this." The blindfold fell from your eyes but the man had disappeared just as quickly. You couldn't catch a glance at him, but you were sure this was the man that kidnapped you last night. Was it last night? How long have you been out?
"Hey, wait!" You shouted. "Let me go!" You struggled more, now able to see, though the only lights were spilling in from the hallway. Other than the chair, there was a little table. Your kidnapper had carelessly left the door open, and you saw a few men who looked like yakuza milling around in the other room.
Fuck. Yakuza? This shit doesn't happen to normal people. You struggled against your restraints again before seeing one of the men collapse with a hole in his skull. Shot with a silenced gun. Standing right behind where the man once stood was unmistakable. His twin pigtails and that tattoo across the bridge of his nose... it was Choso.
You watched as the other guys attacked him, and just like a trained assassin, he dodged and counter-attacked both men simultaneously. He now wielded twin daggers, the same kind yakuza are known to keep. In just a couple of minutes, the two men were gasping for air as their lungs filled with blood.
Was that your boyfriend? You couldn't even imagine him doing something like this before seeing it with your own eyes. He was too sweet and kind. He'd never hurt a fly. This had to be someone else. And this someone else just brutally murdered three men like it was child's play.
The stranger looked through the open door, seeing your eyes wide and filled with fear. He started to rush towards you and half of you wanted to scream, but something inside you held it back. The very small piece of you that knew this was Choso, despite your adamant denial.
"Babe, fuck, I didn't mean for this to happen." As he entered the room, it was undeniable. It really was Choso. Or some cruel, sick joke from the universe.
"Choso?" You could feel the tears forming.
Without answering, he pressed his lips to yours, the feel of his mouth, the passion. He was warm and comfortable. He was home. Tears sfell from your cheeks, but it was from relief knowing it was him.
"Let me get you outta here, ok, love?" He looked into your eyes, worry set deep in his features before he moved behind the chair to untie you.
"Did... did you kill them?" You asked, letting your limbs drop as the rope fell to the floor.
Choso was silent. He stopped moving, he even stopped breathing. This was his fear. You'd find out about him and then...
"Yeah." He ripped off the band-aid. "I needed to protect you. Sorry, this was all my fault." You could reject him, you could leave him, but he'd die before letting you rot in this place.
"Your fault?" You turned to look at him, massaging the dents left behind from where the rope dug into your skin. He was covered in blood, but it was still him. Even if it was his fault, he risked his life to rescue you.
"I..." Choso was still frozen, adrenaline pumping. He needed to save you first, that was all he could think. "Let's talk later. Please. We gotta get out of here. Can you run?"
Choso helped you to your feet. You felt a little wobbly, but you could manage. "I think so."
He frowned. He hated seeing you in this state. He hated the thought of another man grabbing you. Your short skirt showed off the bruises on your thighs from getting manhandled. Bruises in places only he should get access to. He could kill everyone on this building for even considering laying a hand on you. He needed to find the kidnapper and slaughter him senseless. It's what he deserved.
"It's ok, Cho." You touched his cheek, pulling him out of his vengeful thoughts. "I'm ok."
He didn't think twice before pressing his lips to yours again, kissing you even deeper as you tasted someone else's blood on his lips. Had he not been holding you so tightly against him, you might have fallen over from the force.
"Fuck," he whispered, worry still decorating his features as he pulled away. "I'm so sorry. C'mon." He grabbed your wrist, thinking about you in that white dress with your beautiful smile for the hundredth time. But this time, he was determined to make that vision a reality.
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twisting-echo · 1 month
A Fiery Heart’s Confession and a Shy Heart’s Shield
In the heart of the Mirrorforge Crater in the Stellar Hub, where the Mirrorverse heroes and villains often gathered to strategize and unwind, Hades and Snow White found a quiet spot at the table in the corner of the mess hall. The air was filled with the scent of Tiana's gumbo.
Hades, the Lord of the Underworld, was uncharacteristically nervous. His usual fiery demeanor was tempered by a rare vulnerability as he turned to his close friend, Snow White. She sat beside him, her serene presence a stark contrast to his usual chaos.
“Snow,” Hades began, his voice unsteady, “I need your advice.”
Snow White looked up from the hot cocoa she was sipping, her eyes filled with curiosity. “Of course, Hades. What’s on your mind?”
Hades took a deep breath, his flames flickering slightly. “It’s about Maleficent. Ever since she shot me this little smile when I saved Oogie Boogie and Ursula from the Fractured, I can’t stop thinking about her. I… I like her, Snow. But I have no idea how to get her to date me.”
Snow White’s eyes widened in surprise, but she quickly composed herself, offering Hades a warm smile. “Maleficent? Oh well, first of all, it’s wonderful that you have feelings for her. But Hades, I want you to know that you shouldn’t change who you are to please her.”
Hades raised an eyebrow, a hint of his usual sarcasm creeping back into his voice. “Like, what? It’s not like I’m going to change myself into 'Mickey Mouse' to please her.”
Snow White giggled, shaking her head. “I didn't mean that. What I mean is that Maleficent is strong and independent. She’ll appreciate you for who you are, not for who you think she wants you to be. Just be yourself, Hades. Show her the side of you that cares—the side that saved Oogie Boogie and Ursula. Let her see the real you.”
Hades nodded slowly, absorbing her words. “You think that’ll work?”
“I do,” Snow White said sincerely. “And remember, confidence is key. Just be honest with her about your feelings.”
Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of heavy footsteps approaching. Snow White glanced over Hades’ shoulder and saw Gaston striding towards them with a bouquet of flowers, his eyes filled with determination. Panic flashed across her face, and she quickly ducked behind Hades.
Hades smirked, his flames flickering with amusement. “Looks like Gaston’s on the prowl again. He’s been quite obsessed with you lately~”
Snow White blushed, peeking out from behind Hades. “I don’t know how to face him, Hades. He makes me so flustered.”
Hades chuckled, patting her hand reassuringly. “Just remember what you told me. Be yourself. If he can’t handle that, then he’s not worth your time.”
Snow White took a deep breath, nodding. “You’re right. Thank you, Hades. but I don't think I'm ready right now."
As Gaston drew nearer, Hades stood up, his imposing figure casting a long shadow. “Hey, Gaston! Looking for someone?”
Gaston paused, his confident demeanor faltering slightly under Hades’ intense gaze. “Uh, yes. Snow White, actually.”
Hades scratched his chin, pretending to be deep in thought. “Hmmm, Snow White, let me see... dark-haired babe, about this tall,” he gestured with his hand, “and the fairest of them all? Oh, she went that way,” he said, pointing in the opposite direction.
Gaston, not one to question Hades, nodded eagerly. “Thanks, Hades!” He turned and hurried off in the direction Hades had indicated.
Snow White stepped out from behind Hades, her cheeks still flushed but now with a hint of amusement. “Thank you, Hades. That was quick thinking.”
Hades smirked, his flames flickering with satisfaction. “Anytime, Snowie. Now, let’s get back to figuring out how I can win over Maleficent.”
Snow White smiled, feeling more confident with Hades by her side. Together, they continued their conversation, each finding strength in the other’s support.
(Whatever is blue and underlined is a link)
I know I've been talking about Hades and Snow White's relationship in a romantic light for a while, but since I love their relationship dynamic so much, I thought I'd write about them in a platonic light. They just complement each other so much, and I think they would be so cute if they supported each other in their romantic endeavors.
I wrote this based on my love for the Hadeficent ship, thanks to the House of Mouse. I also wrote this based on the Disney Mirrorverse Official Villains Trailer and my friend @frie-ice post about a screenshot she got of Maleficent smiling at Hades in the trailer. 
And the part where Hades jokes about turning into Mickey Mouse to impress Maleficent is a reference to the House of Mouse episode Halloween with Hades. The Gaston pursuing Snow White part is based on my love for the ship and my fanfiction Snow White's Howl. Funny enough, this exchange between Hades and Snow White takes place after the events of my fic.
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kaeyx · 7 months
anon who suggested demon beastzai here again !! meeting demon beastzai probably consists of months withstanding very very strange things happening wherever you go and even more so within your house. from lights flashing off and on, scratch marks on the wall, your stuff going missing, things being misplaced…. im not sure how reader and demon beastzai would even meet but i would think after you did, he got hooked on you immediately therefore the weird things start happening
it isnt until he actually makes himself FULLY known to you does he start showing up in front of you with little to no regards of your comfort, im sorry you just have a new roommate !! no takesies backsies !! he lingers behind you randomly , wrapping his arms around him and dotes on you. sure maybe he messes you with and maybe it’s a lot but it’s nothing too serious!!! yet. yet at least. unless youre so insistent on getting rid of him but you dont really have the power to actually do so, so he plays with you lightly <3
oh and he totally watches you take baths or showers, he’s like a cat he will follow you into every room. and let him nuzzle you while he holds you in bed wont you? no he won’t let you outside that much anymore, if you need something he can just order someone to get it for you ! he has a lot of power you know ? why would you need to go outside without him? if you really want to that badly, he supposes he could shapeshift into a human form but he’d really rather stay at home with you.
also going back to what someone said abt the demons faking that they have heats/ruts YOU CANNOT TELL ME THAT DOES NOT HAVE DEMON BEASTZAI ALL OVER IT. HE WOULD DEFINITELY DO THIS…. just hearing him whine while he buries his face into your neck and he presses against you, practically humping you and hes just complaining about how painful this rut is for him !!! even the strongest demons have their weaknesses, youre the only person who can help him :(( he cant go to anyone else
I also don't know how demon Beastzai would come around to be honest.... he just pops up and decides to stay. The closest explanation I can come up with is he's some sort of lord/ruler in the underworld? That could serve as substitute for the PM, but I'm not too concerned about logistics I want the vibes. Somehow, someway, Beastzai decides he's your new roommate and now refuses to leave. Even worse if you live in a little studio apartment, because it's impossible to keep your distance or have any personal space. He'll sit with you, sneak into your bed, poke his head into the bathroom while you're showering, and nothing you do or say will stop him.
Beastzai also refuses to let you leave! He can magic groceries and takeout into your hands, you can shop and order stuff online, why would you ever have to step foot outside? If you complain about being confined to such a small space he'll offer to bring you back home with him, but of course that "home" isn't anywhere in this plane of existence. If you insist on going outside he shapeshifts into a hauntingly beautiful man, his dark fur turning into a dark coat, claws turning into long, nimble fingers. If the light hits his eye just right you swear it looks red. And he holds your hand everywhere you go, of course. Doctors' office, grocery store, he'll even hang off your arm while you're trying to work, exercise, go to class... And he'll be whining constantly about going back inside. He's got a million excuses: pollen, the sun hurts his eyes, he doesn't like getting wet, it's too hot, it's too cold, people make him anxious... It's neverending. And god forbid you have to take public transport, he'll hug you from behind, rest his chin on your shoulder, and glower at anyone who tries to stand close to you until they get off.
As for how he'd look, I have a few ideas but he's mostly the same as regular Demonzai. Big, tall, not buff just broad shouldered, horns and fangs and big claws. Lots of dark brown/black fur especially on his stomach and back. Maybe slit pupils? Yellow or red eyes, perhaps a forked tongue. He might even have backwards knees like animals do, generally I imagine him as part goat with some monster features added. If you strip him naked there won't be a lot of difference between Beast Demonzai and normal Demonzai imo, maybe a few more scars on Beastzai.
Also OUGJSVJDKVJD YES HE FAKES HIS RUTS ALL THE TIMEEEE he gets extra clingy and puts his hands all over you and whines pathetically, humping your leg and crying about how painful it is, walking naked around the house because he's "overheating" and conveniently letting you see every inch of him... And much like regular Demonzai he's not opposed to straight up holding you down and taking what he wants, or using you in your sleep.
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