#parti yorkie
superanimepirate · 7 months
New headcanon:
The day Brook and Yorki got pirate married they threw a huge party with a bunch of music and that's what attracted Laboon to their ship initially.
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deadpoetsocieteaparty · 9 months
Slinktober 2023—Brook
Author's Notes
I gave this some heavy thinking and while I did state that each piece of Slinktober would be a stand-alone piece per character, I maintain the right to connect stories together as I see fit. As it stands, I am linking the Strawhat pieces together as one whole story—told from eight different perspectives.
The bit that holds all eight pieces together is Brook. I present to you all, Day One of Slinktober.
Laboon's Slinky Composition
It was a typical day out on the Grand Line, morning saw the bright sun with not a cloud in the sky to dull its shine but by noon everything had changed. First it was a cloud here and then a cloud there and then they were grouping together and the next thing everyone knew, the sun was gone, the sky fully obscured by angry looking clouds. And then, as if to add insult to injury, the clouds had the audacity to dispense over a foot of snow onto the deck of the ship.
Now, anyone who travelled the Grand Line knew to pack for the temperamental weather phenomena. Any ship’s crew worth their salt would know to pack clothes for all four of the seasons. This crew being no exception even though they complained, or in some cases shouted exuberantly, about the snow—they were all prepared. Well, all but one.
The ship’s musician stood out on deck as the rest of his crewmates threw snowballs at each other or built snowmen. He stood idly by a tangerine tree, no winter coat or boots, snow clinging to his afro and a worn, bent out and rusted child's toy held lovingly in his hands as he remembered a day long gone by...
52 Years Ago
The Rumbar Pirates were two months in to their repairs just inside the Grand Line, after having trekked through Reverse Mountain. Laboon happily swimming about the ship as the pirates played on their instruments and sang songs off the cuff. All but one.
Soul King Brook sat on the rail deep in thought. Laboon stopped swimming in front of him and splashed some water against the side of the ship, as if asking in whale speech for Brook to play him a song.
"Yohohohohoho! Laboon, one of these days we'll have to teach you how to play an instrument, then you can play for us. Yohohohoho!"
Laboon splashed his fins as Brook laughed, not really understanding what the pirate was saying but liking the cadence of the laugh all the same. Yorki, the captain of the ship, came up to Brook and slapped him on the back, "you know damn well we can't teach the little fellow an instrument, the little guy has no hands."
Everyone laughed. That was a fair and valid point, Laboon certainly appreciated all the music from the sorrowful power ballads to the drunken sailor shanties all the way to the lyric-less instrumentals of Brook's violin. Guitars, piano, drums, violin, vocals, you name it, Laboon loved it. Sometimes he'd join in with his whale song and sometimes he'd splash his fins or tail in time with their rhythms. He was a precious being, no one could ask for a better pet or friend.
But, he couldn't play a melody just for them. He couldn't compose his own music for his friends, he was permanently relegated to being the audience. Brook thought his captain's words over and an inkling of an idea was beginning to form. Nudging his captain, "hey, what if, Laboon could compose the music for us to play?"
"I don't see how, but I'm curious. How could he compose a song?"
It's a good thing a cloud passed in front of the sun as Brook smiled because Crocus' eyes were not prepared to handle the light that would have glinted from his teeth. "We teach him."
"And how do we do that?!"
Reaching into his pocket, the Soul King pulled out a slinky.
Yorki was starting to wonder what was in his whiskey bottle last night, he could have sworn Brook just whipped out a child's toy as if that answered Laboon's compositional dilemma. "Huh? How is that toy going to teach Laboon music? It's not a musical toy...is it?" Yep, he was definitely drunk off his gourd, there was no way he was perceiving any of this properly.
"Of course it's not a music instrument, that's not the point! Look, if you hold each end in a hand, horizontally and open your arms and close them it gives the illusion of playing a concertina. Madaisuki* can play his and I'll play the slinky."
Firstly, Yorki was feeling a lot better about last night's drinking habits. Secondly, he was convinced Brook had a genius plan. "Oh, I get it! We'll get Laboon accustomed to the motions of the slinky and can train him to swim certain patterns to move the slinky certain ways. Madaisuki can play according to your slinky playing and it'll be like playing an original composition from Laboon."
"Exactly! Yohohohohoho!"
The two friends high-fived each other and the crew cheered, they had a plan to include Laboon in the merrymaking. It took a good two and a half weeks to train Laboon on the slinky movements and the musical patterns, but before everyone knew it, he had learned how to communicate to Brook and Madaisuki how he wanted the slinky to move.
After a night of partying, Yorki and most of the crew joined Crocus in front of his house as Brook and the elder Mizuta twin grabbed their "instruments." Madaisuki with his concertina faced Brook while the latter, with a slinky, sat on the ship's rail so Laboon could see him more clearly and so he could see Laboon's instruction. He sat facing Madaisuki as well, so that he could copy the slinky's movements as the twin pirate was the one actually playing the composition.
Laboon would compose and Brook merely acted as the conductor's baton which the older Mizuta then followed as he was the musician. It was a brilliant scheme and tonight was Laboon's compositional debut which is why Yorki ordered all the rest of the men off the ship. They would be the captivated audience.
Laboon began swimming in patterns of his choosing, free from training and learning what the patterns meant. He knew. He knew which parts of the slinky produced the prettiest sounds and which ones flowed perfectly into the next phrasing. He knew how fast or slow to make the tempo to get his friends dancing. Brook tapped his foot on the side of the ship to keep himself and his slinky in time with Laboon's aquatic patterns, and Mizuta Madaisuki played his concertina while swaying his body to and fro in rhythm with Brook's tapping.
Laboon had composed a spicy little dance number that soon had his audience dancing on the shore. The crew loved it so much, they demanded the poor little whale give them not one but two more encores of it. The first song ever composed entirely by Island Whale. Crocus tried to christen the piece but Yorki wouldn't have it, "this is Laboon's composition, he has to name it."
"How on earth is he going to do that?! You going to have the Afro King over there teach him speech?"
Yorki smirked, "nah, we'll just ask him of course."
Of course. How could Crocus miss that obvious answer. Yorki nodded to his musical duo on the ship, and Brook just held up the slinky, "Not it!"
Madaisuki chuckled, "fine I'll ask him. Hey Laboon! Whatcha wanna call your piece? It had the rhythm of a rumba but we can't just call it Rumba. So, what should we call it?"
Laboon splashed fervently at the crew on the shore. Yorki smiled proudly, "The Rumbar Rumba. I love it." He bowed to Laboon, "I am honored that you named your debut composition for us. Thank you my friend."
The entire crew, Brook and Madaisuki, even Crocus, all bowed to the little Island Whale. "Thank you for your generosity!"
Laboon slapped his tail on the water's surface in celebration.
52 Years Later
Luffy ran around the deck of the Thousand Sunny, trying to hide from an onslaught of snowballs all aimed directly for him. Seems the crew got it into their heads to band together and target him first before taking each other out. Even Zoro and Sanji put aside their arguing to pelt their hyperactive captain. Seems no one enjoyed his earlier attack of "gum-gum snowball bazooka."
He dashed into the tangerine trees, Nami would absolutely murder anyone who harmed those trees, so he should be safe until they figured out how to flush him out of there. He ran straight into Brook and knocked the skeleton down.
"Shishishi, sorry Brook! Hey, what's that thing in your hands?"
"Yohoho, this is an old memory. My previous captain liked to make children smile, and this was one of the ways we could do that. It's called a slinky."
"A slinky? What's a slinky? Can I eat it?"
"Yohohohohoho!" Brook's teeth chattered as he laughed, he couldn't control himself. Luffy's appetite knew no bounds. Pity he couldn't eat his way to the One Piece. Brook kept laughing for a few more minutes, buying himself time to sell the lie. He didn't want to lie to his captain and technically he wasn't, a slinky is indeed a children's toy, but this slinky was Laboon's instrument—his means of conducting Brook to play a melody only Laboon could otherwise hear. He didn't want to relive those memories again, they made him both happy and sad. As the Straw Hats musician, it was his job to set the mood and he didn't want to bring down their joy right now. So, he'd tell a little white lie and just pass it off as a different memory of his old crew.
"No Luffy, you can't eat it. It's made out of thin metal that's coiled up, like a spring. It bounces and stretches, kind of like you. Sometimes if you bounce it just right it makes a noise. It's just something to play with that makes kids smile." Brook's smile fell away as he got a little more serious, losing himself to memories. His slinky couldn't make that funny little noise anymore, it couldn't stretch like Luffy, and it lost its bounce. It was no longer shiny, the luster being lost to rust and the coils all bent and twisted in on itself that in the center it looked like tangled up string.
Luffy looked at it for a few seconds and then grew bored. "Huh if you say so. You should come play snowballs with us. Hey! I know. If you help me throw snowballs at the others, I'll let you have some of my meat!"
Brook looked at Luffy, did he just offer to share his meat? "Yohohoho! Deal!"
Soul King Brook tucked his dilapidated slinky lovingly in a pocket and joined his captain and crew in a snowball fight. He hung back and pelted the crew with high arching snowballs from the tangerine grove as Luffy wove his way on deck picking off his friends one by one. Brook threw his snowballs in rapid succession, to his crew mates he was creating a white flurry that they couldn't see through making it easy for Luffy to take them out with snowballs or as was most often the case, a tackle to the ground. For Brook, the snowballs were thrown in rhythm to the melody he quietly hummed to himself, Laboon's Rumbar Rumba.
Note: Mizuta Madaisuki is canonically known as being a musician but he is never shown in the manga or anime as playing an instrument of any kind, so it is unknown what his actual musical talent is. For purposes of this piece, I made him a concertina player.
I also apologize if no one sounds or acts like they actually would. All I really know about Brook is his laugh and that's he's a skeleton musician of the Straw Hat Crew. Haven't encountered him outside of fan fiction and even then he's usually a side character. I had the fandom wiki pulled up the entire time and I tried to keep the story accurate to Brook's history and character.
This is probably the angstiest of the Straw Hat fics this month. The overall story will continue tomorrow with Luffy. See you then!
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forensicated · 13 days
02x12 - The Chief Super's Party
This episode was originally the series ender for series 1 but a strike meant that only 11 episodes were finished by the time it came to air. It was tweaked with some reshoots and edits to explain cast changes.
Uniform head over to yard with Mike and Dashers. They have to break in to an office where they find a man beaten and tied up on the floor. He's rather sarcastic about how long they took - even when Pete and Abe claim it was just a couple of minutes. The man claims that the burglars stole a van and some of his sheepskin coats.
Reg has been sent to coventry by the others after he applied for the Chief Superintendents Clerk's job. It's not a popular position as the person who holds it essentially ends up making life hard for the officers with overtime refusals/expense claims/unforgiving memos and so forth. He's in two minds whether or not to attend the party that the Chief Super is holding that night at the pub for the retiring clerk that most people have muttered about in the last few episodes and consider a persnickety pain in the arse. Alec tells him he won't be the only one ignored - Dave Litten has said that he will be returning to attend after 'poncing off' to join another Division. Alec tells him that they're clearly jealous and that's why they're ignoring him and that he should find his niche and stick to it.
Ted drives the man around to see if they can spot the van as it hasn't been spotted by any other officers. Pete drives around the other end of Sun Hill, claiming it's a waste of time as they'd be long gone. Roy is aware of the man who was tied up and his business partner as they've pulled similar dodgy schemes before. Ted also thinks it's iffy but they have to look into it despite both men thinking it's an inside job that they've now shown some 'violence' in as part of to make it look different from the others. Ted suggests he does an obbo overnight to watch the man to stop him from having to go to the party. Roy won't hear of it - if he has to suffer through the party, so does Ted. Brownlow is expecting everyone to be there.
Pete speaks to a cafe owner who has heard whispers in the cafe that the theft of the van/coats is an inside job. He can't give them names or locations however.
Yorkie drives June and Jim to the party. The boys aren't looking forward to it, however, June is - as much as she pretends she isn't aware that Dave will be there and she definitely hasn't had her hair and makeup done for him!
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Also attending is DS Tommy [not yet Frank] Burnside. "Some nice boozers out in Epping," Bob says dryly. "Haven't heard of any?" Burnside claims he's attending to say goodbye to Henry but Bob claims it's because he's heard about the free booze. Roy asks him where his bottle is and that he has to bring one or he doesn't get in. Sadie won't sell him one over the bar so he has to go to an off licence.
Roy reminds Ted to go steady on the booze because he has a promotion board hearing coming up. Upstairs at the free bar, June is having a struggle trying to pull pints without a ridiculous amount of head on them. Dave sits at the side of the bar looking bored.
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Local businessmen, including Bernie - Roy's car lot owner friend - have been invited to make up numbers and can be heard laughing over the general hubbub. Charles keeps being distracted by them and looks for Roy to keep an eye on them, threatening Roy that his feet won't touch the ground if Charles is embarrassed in front of his golf club friends by them or Ted who is obviously drunk.
Tom stands with Bob but makes no secret that he's eyeing Viv up. Burnside returns, pilfering a bottle from the side of the bar and pretending he brought it with him. He hands it to Roy who is wise to him, getting dragged out to the stairwell while Brownlow makes a speech and presentation to Henry, his clerk. Roy asks Burnside what he's doing on the manor because he knows he's up to something. Burnside tells him he's over as a social call cos he fancies June and wants to try his luck. "Do what?" Roy scoffs. "How can any bird in her right mind be interested in a bloke as obnoxious as you?!" Burnside claims he's rung her a few times and she's knocked him back only to say that, if he was truly serious, to turn up that night.
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Roy walks away laughing, 'promising' not to tell anyone.
Ted makes drunken snarky comments throughout Charles' speech which, judging by Brownlow's side looks, can be heard.
Dave is glad that he's on night duty and will have to leave soon as it's a dull party and he's spent it leaning against the bar. Burnside tries to chat June up in front of him and Dave tells him to leave it because 'she's taken!' Reg isn't having any luck either, asking Viv if she wants to have a dirty weekend with him. "Look, Sonny, if I wanted a dirty weekend, I'd choose a man." Bob slips out, unable to stick drinking in the same room as Burnside much longer. He's on night shift too so he walks out with Taffy and Jim wondering if they could get away with doing the same.
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With Bob gone, Tom chats up Viv and Mike starts to make a move to leave for a date. Roy has noticed that the Scotch is rather strong so asks Mike to water it down before he goes. Seeing her chance, Viv sidesteps Tom to make a move on Mike, asking him what he's doing that night. In response, Mike puts her down very harshly which seems quite out of character considering how he is often the peacemaker for Ted. "Got a sick dog at home, got to go look after it. Think it's on heat or something." Thanks a lot, Pal!" she snaps back with June wincing for her.
Mike puts in too much water so asks June to top up Roy's drink a little bit. She pours it out from a bottle that Mike recognises and asks her to stash it away and not serve anyone else from it - or the other bottle that was brought in but won't tell her why. "Did anyone tell you, Mike Dashwood, you've got a right way with women(!)"
Roy corners Ted and warns him that he's already too drunk and needs to go home - but not under his own steam! Ted slurs about Reg likely being the next clerk and that he's warned him if he ever grasses on him he'd punch him. Mike interrupts and leads Roy to one side and tells him that two bottles of Scotch that were stolen from the warehouse have turned up at the party. He tells Mike to send June over to him at the buffet and, if Burnside asks why, to feed him a story to keep him away. When they return, Ted has already gone and Mike fears that he'll be driving home drunk.
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Most disturbingly of all, Roy eats celery with far too much enthusiasm.
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There's no excuse for it, Roy!
At a table with Dave, Mike slips in a 'casual' reference to June being Roy Galloway's girl. Dave almost chokes on his drink in the process.
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Roy has June 'casually' look around the room whilst holding a plate of food as cover to see if she can spot the man who gave her the bottles of Scotch. She can't be sure but she thinks it's one of Brownlow's guests. He tells her to let only Brownlow's guests drink that Scotch - as they're asking for it by name - and to not open the 2nd bottle but put it to one side with the other once it's empty. When the party is over he'll collect them. June asks him to tell her what is going on and he claims - if it comes off - "It's a rare coup." Roy tells Mike to start tracing where the scotch came from in the morning, knowing that it's likely one over on the Super...
Getting nowhere with June, Dave leaves to go over to his nick for night duty, claiming 'This lot ain't worth waiting about for, you know what I mean?' to Roy.
Alec is surprised to see Bob arrive back early for his shift. "It's quiet as a graveyard, Bob. Nothing happened at all. Not. A. Dicky. Bird. Nothing in that book since 5." Alec committed the ultimate sin of a policeman - mentioning the Q word and a woman comes in, shouting the odds.
Henry - the clerk - and his wife start saying goodbye to the people at their party. A large group ignore them and continue their own conversations. It seems that no one really wanted to attend.
Roy spots Brownlow looking at him talking to his friends and, with a knowing smirk because the Chief Super has just had a glass of stolen whiskey poured for him, he raises his glass to him. June winks across the room at Roy and Burnside spots it, looking between them and reading more into it after what Mike told him with Dave.
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Ted drives home with music booming from his car. The rocking of the car is making Ted fall asleep, waking in time just to avoid a skip. He swerves to avoid it and crashes into someone's fence. His car is stuck in the mud and he staggers out muttering "What have I done?" as the homeowner comes out to shout at him. He runs off, pretending he's running after the man who did it when a crowd gathers.
Jim arrives slightly late for the briefing, having to sneak in behind Bob. Pete tells him a van load of sheepskin coats are missing and that he's to let him know if they turn up. Bob reports that a man has called in, complaining that he has a car in his front garden. "Why don't they have little plastic gnomes like everyone else?" Taffy laughs. Given that Taffy and Jim were seen drinking at the party - Bob thinks nothing of sticking them in a car together to drive out to see what has happened with the crashed car...!
Ted rings his girlfriend to tell her that he's crashed the car while drunk. He's alright but he's going to disappear for a little while whilst the heat dies down as he can't afford to be breathalysed at the minute so he tells her to say she doesn't know where he is and he hasn't been in touch if contacted.
As Roy approaches June to gather the bottles, Burnside is seen leading Viv out. "When one door closes..." he smirks at Roy. June tells Roy that Burnside is under the impression that she's having it off with someone else and that whoever it is has scared him off good and proper. "Why'd you want me?" Roy asks with June taking a double take in response before realising what he meant. She tells him that she has the bottles ready for him. She's worked out what the problem Roy might have with it is too. "It's nicked, isn't it....?" Roy grins and tells her they'll have to see.
Jim and Taffy attend the crashed car and Taffy recognises who it belongs to. The man shouts at them when they ask for his name and tells them that he used to be a copper. Bugger. There's no easy way of pulling the wool over his eyes as he knows the procedure and he's very - very - angry! Taffy whispers to Jim that the car belongs to Ted and that he should go over to the phonebox round the corner and ring Bob to ask him what to do.
Reg has a discreet word with Roy to tell him Bob is outside. Bob tells him that Ted has crashed in someone's front garden and he's done a runner. They don't think he's hurt given how he ran away and they are aware he'll be hiding so he doesn't have to be breathalysed. Roy doesn't want Charles to hear about it, knowing it'd be the end of his career. The car has only superficial damage so he's had it towed into the station car park and parked it in such a way that hides the damage. Roy asks Bob if he can square it with the house owner that they'll get him a new fence if he doesn't take it any further. Roy reminds him that 'good boys can't be bad boys'. [I wouldn't say that...there's a very Sun Hill officers that were very bad boys, Roy...!] Bob says he'll help cover unless it gets iffy.
Ted hides in the kitchen of an Italian restaurant, asking the manager for somewhere to hide whilst the dust settles.
As the party settles down and the stragglers leave, Charles makes plans to head home but asks Roy to pop in in the morning as there's something he'd like to discuss. Roy agrees and lingers at the bar so Brownlow asks him if he's hanging on. Roy covers, saying he'd offered to make sure June gets home safely. June is amused when Roy says to give him a few minutes to go before giving her the bottles. "You not taking me home then, sir?" "Taking you home? You don't want me to take you home do you?" he repeats, looking shyly at the bar. "Some might venture that I'm the mystery man you're having it off with and that would never do, would it." "Yeah, perhaps you're right..." June muses, "That'd never do. I do have my reputation to think of... sir..." [I can't help but ship them! Especially how Roy can't look at her when he repeats 'You don't want me to take you home, do you?' and keeps his eyes down on the bar!]
Ted spends the night on a restaurant boat, surrounded by bottles of alcohol which - thankfully - he doesn't seem to have continued to drink. Ted staggers to his feet holding his head and leaves the boat. The sudden brightness as he opens the door blinds him at first but he makes his way out and walks along the docks. Ted hasn't made contact with anyone yet but in his walking around he spots the man who was found tied up at the start of the episode and his business partner selling the 'stolen' sheepskin coats on the docks. He legs it to the nearest phonebox and calls Roy at home to tell him, brushing aside what also happened the night before. Roy calls Bob and reports it, arranging to meet him at the docks with Jim and Mike. Ted tells them he's not asking for absolution when they arrive but he has found the evidence they need. Unfortunately, they're spotted by one of the men so have to make chase.
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The boss of one of the fish companies on the docks comes running at them to tell them that 2 men have gone into his cold storage when the forklift came out. There's no other way out so, amused, Roy tells the boss to send his men for breakfast and leave them to 'sweat' as it were for half hour. Roy wants to turn Ted's problem into a success story but Ted doesn't think it's enough to save him. Bob tells him he's straightened things out with the homeowner but he does have to buy him a new fence. Bob is worried that the chief super will kick off about the unauthorised overtime of him and Jim, but Roy just smiles. "With any luck the overtime will be the least of the chief supers worries." "... Have you got something up your sleeve?" Bob blinks. "I think you could say that."
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Bob takes Ted over to the homeowner to settle things - promising to pay for the new fence AND get the man into the special constabulary. Roy sends Mike to the golf club to trace the moody scotch and he and Jim sit and wait outside the cold storage.
Reg arrives early and goes into the parade room. He calls Brownlow at home and reports Ted for drunk driving. He says he doesn't like to inform on a fellow officer but he's smiling the entire time - then asks about the new clerk's job. Instead of answering, Brownlow hangs up.
Roy and the others prepare to make their arrests. They enter the cold storage in style on a forklift truck wearing the sheepskin coats. Huddled together they find the two men in question.
At the golf club, Mike talks to the manager about fake spirits. He claims everything is legit and nothing is bought over/or under the counter. One of the golf club members is the manager of the distillery of the scotch in question, however. Mike looks through the golf course members and rings the station after telling the boss to go and get him all the spirit receipts for the last quarter.
As Roy et al return, Brownlow orders them to his office. In the parade room, June is fussing a stray dog. Roy asks her if she's seen Ted and she tells him that he's upstairs in the canteen. Without another word, Roy goes upstairs. June sighs, looking at the dog. "Thank you for taking me home last night sir..." "That's alright June, all in the course of duty..." she mimics.
Brownlow tells Ted his behaviour was a disgrace and completely unbecoming of an officer which showed both him and Brownlow up and that he was in no fit state to drive home.
Mike asks June to put him through to the Super's office - and quickly - before Brownlow can continue his rant at Ted and Roy. Mike tells him that the scotch came from one of the guests last night and that he stole the bottles from his employer. In front of Brownlow, Roy makes a big show of telling Dashers not to take the matter any further so as not to cause more embarrassment to the Chief Super - obv! Roy asks Ted to leave the office because there's a matter of great delicacy that has arisen. He tells Charles that a guest of his knowingly brought stolen Scotch to the party. Scotch that he and his friends were asking for by name all night.
Ted sits at his desk, contemplating his career - knowing that any chance of promotion has now gone even if he does keep his job.
Roy returns to CID, gathering Mike for an early lunch on a restaurant boat with Bob at the behest of the Superintendent. Ted asks why not him and Roy says they didn't think it'd be Ted's sort of thing. Ted smiles. "If the Chief Super says you've gotta go someplace - well... you've gotta go"
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augustusaugustus · 7 months
2.12 The Chief Super’s Party
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I think this is the first episode I’d count as a classic. Ted’s drink driving cock-up, Roy coming to his rescue (and getting one over Charles in the process), all the men trying it on with June and Viv (and Frank succeeding with Viv wtf—they really should’ve brought that up when she joined CID), some nice Jim & Taffy moments, Mike wandering around looking particularly pretty, and a good helping of Bob/Roy just to round it all off.
Final episode for Litten & Muswell (good riddance) and Lyttleton (yawn).
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binksbrew · 9 months
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thinking ab him,,,,
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yorkiesofnewyorkie · 1 year
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It was 1 year ago today that Steve and I welcomed our precious Dippin Dot into the world and fought day and night to help her tiny body, weighing only 2.86 ounces, fight to see another day. My heart is so full because of this precious dog. Her fight was as large and fierce as our determination to help her make it. Today, she celebrates her 1 year birthday, and I could absolutely cry for all she has endured. She was suspected of a liver shunt and had testes done and ultrasound. Long story short, she is just a super sassy, healthy, fun sized pocket puppy who was never meant to be so tiny. However, for whatever reason, she was built just for me, and forever, she will be my baby puppy no matter how old she is! My heart beats for my Dippy, and Daddy adores her, too! We don't know what we would do without our little clown. Dippy, Mommy, and Daddy love you so very much. The amount of pride we have in you is immeasurable and timeless. I am so proud of you, baby girl! Happy birthday, baby! 🎂 💗 #yorkielover #yorkiesofig #yorkiegirl #yorkiemom #yorkie #parti #birthday #love #doglife #doglife #doggo #puppylovers #puppystagram #instapuppy #instadog #instayorkie #instagram (at New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoswOcZvU6z/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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greyskyflowers · 9 months
Happily living in the idea that there's a wall in the Thousand Sunny where important things get pinned/taped.
All their bounty posters - the first one from when they're officially part of the crew and the most recent.
Multiple newspaper articles of Vivi
A polaroid type photo of Laboon
Old menu from the Baratie
Drawings that random kids insist on giving Zoro at each island
A little bag of extra tangerine seeds
One of the most accurate news articles about Enies Lobby
Blueprints for General Franky
Basic first aid instructions with child like handwriting spelling out ZORO in the corner
Ace's last bounty poster and a thin thread with one, cracked red bead
Sogeking newspaper articles
Going Merry sketch
Sheet music for Binks Sake
Mihawks bounty poster (& Perona)
A map of the east blue
A dried cherry blossom flower
A old and carefully torn out piece of paper that mentions Ohara
Very reluctantly given Den Den Mushi numbers for Law and Kid
Sanji's terrible bounty poster, crumbled up but smoothed out and showing signs of repeatedly being torn down and taped back up.
One of Franky's speedos. No one knows who put it there or why and they're too afraid to ask at this point.
Ticket stub from Uta's concert
A paper with two columns labeled at the top, Shit Cook and Moss Ball, and filled with aggressively made tally marks. It's very unclear what exactly is being kept track of.
Newspaper articles with Koby, Smoker, and Tagashi
Grocery list with meat and booze listed multiple times in two different handwritings
A envelope only opened once, with the elegant handwriting of a doctor giving the location of a grave and stories of a beloved brother, occasionally broken up by water drops stains.
A Shakky's Rip Off Bar napkin
Old photo of Tom, Iceburg, and Franky
Letters from Kaya
A very old and faded bounty poster for Yorkie
Photo of the outside of Partys Bar with all the Red Haired Parties and Makino smiling
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this party would be fucking crazy
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Yorki would bite someone, Caesar would kill everyone and Mohmoo deserves better.
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 4 months
I know it’s too soon and it sounds like they have everything under control, but let’s say the worst happens and we suddenly have King William and Queen Catherine….
Yes, it would be sad yada yada, but how delicious to see the Harkles forced to bow/ curtsey to the new King and Queen in public. 
Markle would brave the humiliation to help her brand, but how humiliating for them to bow/ curtsey to their hated rivals. 
Seeing Meghan have to grovel to William and Kate would be better than a free dessert with Costco-sized portions.
The humiliation she felt at the Queen’s funeral is going to pale in comparison to the humiliation she will feel at the King’s funeral. And when you think about it, The Queen’s funeral was three times the humiliation Meghan was expecting:
1. She (and Harry) were already in the UK which meant she was on a kind of lockdown that kept her from orchestrating the usual PR shenanigans she has become accustomed to when the BRF has major ceremonial events like this. She not only had ‘the firm’ watching her, but Harry was also there with her, in the same house, and she couldn’t just send him away so she could scheme in private (as she did every other time Harry went back to London without her, and notably for Philip’s funeral).
2. This “lockdown” also meant that she couldn’t go anywhere. No traveling, no parties, no nothing because of tightened security protocols, which means she couldn’t escape any of the criticism being said about her and Harry and she also couldn’t escape any of the praise Kate was getting...whom everyone was now calling The Princess of Wales while she was just ‘Meghan.’
3. It was made very clear that she and Harry were not welcome around the family, neither the main “branch” of Charles and Waleses nor the extended family. Harry wasn’t invited on the plane with William, but Andrew was. Harry wasn’t invited to Birkhall with Charles the night The Queen died to discuss transition. Hardman’s book all but says no one talked to Harry that night at Balmoral over dinner. Harry didn’t do the “family” walkabout at Balmoral with the rest of the grandchildren. The Sussexes didn’t get their own “meet the public and view the tributes” walkabout like the rest of the titled family members (minus the Yorkies). Charles called them ‘Harry and Meghan’ (no titles) and wished them well overseas in his first speech after The Queen’s passing. Harry wasn’t part of the Accession Council. Members of the public visibly and audibly refused to give greetings to Meghan at the Windsor walkabout. Harry had his ER revoked from his military uniform the one time he did get to wear it. Meghan was rejected by Camilla, Kate, and Sophie at the funeral - look at the gulf between them after the service when they were curtsying the cortege. No one spoke to them after The Queen’s commital service when they were waiting to leave but the staff.
It’s going to be so, so much worse when Charles passes. Especially if they’re in California (like when Philip passed) and all these negotiations are happening over much longer distances with much more time zones.
(And I do think Harry has some regret over The Queen and Philip’s passing - he “wasn’t told” they were dying so he didn’t get to see them one last time, which which probably made the trauma from Diana’s passing fresh again, and that’s why we see Harry making urgent plans to see Charles. This isn’t a knock against Harry; I missed seeing my own grandfather before he passed, the only cousin/grandchild who did, and the woulda/coulda/shoulda is very real so I completely understand. I do, however, side-eye his claims that he wasn’t told, because the signs were very, very obvious in both situations.)
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trophyhound · 1 month
ty to @ghost-faces 4 the tag :3
coffee or tea | early bird or night owl | chocolate or vanilla | spring or fall | silver or gold | pop or alternative | freckles or dimples | snakes or sharks | mountains or fields | thunder or lightning | egyptian mythology or greek mythology | ivory or scarlet | flute or lyre | opal or diamond | butterflies or honeybees | macarons or eclairs | typewritten or handwritten | secret garden or secret library | rooftop or balcony | spicy or mild | opera or ballet | london or paris | vincent van gogh or claude monet | denim or leather | potions or spells | ocean or desert | mermaids or sirens | masquerade ball or cocktail party
non obligatory tags: @cemetery-slvt @serialkillerboyf @faggotfungus @yorkie-puppy-gutz @stupidkiddy + anyone else that wants to do it :)
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tobytaco15 · 10 days
Hi hallo hi, this is my second time asking an ask cause I'm in a mood and need good fluffy content, if you're willing of course. BUT, Ghoap visiting a petting zoo, or dog park. And, just what you think would happen and how they would react seeing a cute/favorite animal/dog??
Hello! Thank you for the question! Which is the cutest idea by the way! ☺ so I'll do both because adorableness!
Dog park Retired!Ghoap AU!
Ghost and Soap would visit a dog park two or three times. Absolutely loving it and getting to see all the different breeds in one place. The next time they coming with their own dog that they adopt. Soap loves all dog breeds but insisted that they got a Border Collie and that it's name should be Riley. After one of the military dogs that was on the base. Soap was sad they couldn't take the dog (german shepherd) when they retired because it was still in active service. He had the most experience with Border Collie as he grew up on his family's farm. Ghost didn't have any experience in raising any dog. He was never aloud to have any kind of pet growing up.
When they arrived at the dog park with Riley Soap automatically started to play with her. Ghost stood watching them both play and run around together. He made sure that there was no potential threats. His mind still having his military paranoia. PTSD from being in the military and just from all the trauma from being captured and his childhood. As he was looking around he noticed a small dog (Parti Yorkshire Terrier) it was sniffing around and slowly getting closer to Ghost. He also noticed that it didn't have any tags and was limping a bit. He crouched down slightly wanting to make sure the dog wasn't bleeding. The little Yorkie was very skittish and thin but slowly came up to his hand which was held out. The dog sniffed his hand and his legs before decided it was safe and laid down at his feet.
Ghost froze slightly. This adorable little thing that was still shaking. Felt safe enough to lay down by him. Exhausted by his journey here. Ghost smiled slightly under his surgical mask. He gently reached out and started to pet the dog making sure there were no other injuries to the dog. "Johnny! Come here slowly!" Ghost called Soap over. Soap looked over at him and noticed he was petting a small dog. He grabbed Riley gently but the collar and slowly made their way over. Ghost while still petting the dog (it's fur very soft and making his brain fuzzy from the sensation and repetitive motion) explained how the dog came up to him limping. He looked at Soap with puppy eyes. He really wanted to take the dog home with them but knew that Soap didn't really like small breeds. Plus they would have to make sure that it was ownerless.
Soap smiled brightly at Simon. "Steamin' Jesus Si! You're pure fockin' adorable." He said fondly. "Come on. Let's go take him/her to the vet." He said shaking his head smiling more at Ghost's expression and happy stiming. Ghost gently picked up the dog and held it close to his chest.
After they took it to the vet. They found out it was a boy. He didn't have any chips to show he already had an owner. He had a broken back left paw and some fleas. They took him home with them with the flea medicine the vet gave them and decided to keep him and name him Tanner. Now they have two dogs that they love dearly and go to the dog park nearly every day. The end! 💜
Petting Zoo Ghoap!
One time on one of the mandatory vacation times that they happen to have during the same week they decided to go on a little date. Soap begged Ghost to go to a petting zoo with him. He promised him something special if he did go. (😏) Ghost agreed even though he didn't really like petting zoo's getting overwhelmed easily there. He just couldn't say no to Soap but it's okay cuz he would get to see his favorite animal. When they arrived at to petting zoo Ghost let Soap drag him along pointing out and petting the different animals they had. After a while Ghost decided it was taking to long and dragged Soap over to where they kept all the bunnies. He bounced slightly on his heels as he looked at all the bunnies before spotting one the he wanted to pet. He got into the enclosure making sure no bunnies escaped. The was a volunteer on the outside to also make sure none of the bunnies escaped when people entered and exited the enclosure. Ghost gently say down on the ground and watched the bunnies. The bunny he liked and wanted to pet came up to him sniffing his pants and hands. The little bunny was a light brown and had a little Mohawk. Ghost let out a happy hum as he gently pet the little bunny that hopped into his lap. Soap smiled brightly at them. "Havin' fun LT?" He asked fondly. Ghost nodded as he gently pet the bunny with one hand and let his other hand stim happily as he let out another happy hum. The end! 💜
I hope you like my takes! This was an absolutely adorable idea! 💜
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~Somewhat Massachusetts-centered incorrect quotes cuz he’s amazing and a lil’ too underrated for my liking~
Mass: Real life should have a f(speaks Boston)in’ search function, or something. 

Mass: I need my will to live-
Mass: I’m gonna mix a can of Red Bull with seventeen shots of espresso in a fishbowl and then chug it while Kids by MGMT plays in the background so I can perceive twenty-three spatial dimensions and fight my own soul.
York: That’s disgusting…. Can I join??
Florida, throwing a pokeball at Mass: Mass, I choose you! 

Mass, not looking up from his book and catching it: You need an Ultra ball to catch this Legendary Pokémon.
Mass, laying in bed: Get out of my room. 

York, standing just outside of the door frame: I’m not in your room.
York: *knocks something over and runs away*
Mass: *sighs and gets up, cracking his knuckles as he gets up to go deal with his little brother*
*insert screams*
Mass: What do you call a dictionary on drugs? 

York: If you say "addict-ionary" I swear I will cut you. 

Mass: I was actually going to say "high definition", but your answer's much better. 

York: ...
Penn, skipping rocks on a lake with Mass: It’s such a beautiful evening. 

Mass: Yeah, it is. 

Mass: *whispering* Take that you f(speaks Boston)in’ lake.
York: *casually taking four stairs at a time* 

Mass, falling behind, taking two stairs at a time: F**k you f**k you f**k you f**k you fu-
Mass: Caffeine no longer keeps me awake while I work, so instead I have Yorkie periodically send me texts saying ‘we need to talk.’ 

Mass: It gives me the right amount of adrenaline and fear I need to keep going.
Mass: If I die, you can have what little I own. 

Jersey: Wait. What do you mean "if" you die? 

Mass: My unending existence is fuelled by pure spite, that of which the painful experiences of life have rendered me full. 


Jersey: *Sighs* Let me call your therapist again.
York: I need life advice. 

Mass, sipping Gatorade and eating cookie dough: You came to the right person.
Virginia: Mass, no. 

Mass: Mass, yes.
Mass: I don’t remember that. 

York: Do you remember that night last week when you passed tf out in a revolving door? 

Mass: ...No. 

York: Okay, do you remember when you were chased by those wild dogs for two miles? 

Mass: Not especially, no. 

York: It was in between those two things.
Mass, talking about the Boston Tea Party and basically the entire Revolutionary War: Connie likes to say ‘you can be part of the problem or part of the solution,’ but I happen to believe you can be both.
When York was in senior year of high school:
Mass: How’s class going? 

York: Terrible. I want to stab everybody there. 

Mass: Okay, just don’t get any blood on your clothes. 

York: …you shouldn’t be condoning this. 

Mass: Don’t tell me how to live my life.
Gov: Remember everyone, violence is never the answer. 

Mass: You're right, Gov.. Violence can't be the answer. 

Gov: Correct, Massachusetts. Now, on to the next-

Mass: Violence is the question. 

Mass, pulling out a gun: And the answer is yes! 

Gov: Mass, no!!
Tex, helping Mass after he broke his arm and fell down 6 flights of stairs: You have an impressive pain tolerance. 

Mass: Thanks, it's the trauma.
Mass: When life gives you lemons, what do you do? 
Jersey: Make lemonade??
Mass: No, throw them back up in the sky and make life deal with its own sh*t.
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From a FAKE rented cottage at the San Ysidro Ranch in Santa Barbara, CA, Harry told his good global therapist:
"Meg gives me my space."
Why wasn't the good doctor allowed to meet at their massive Montecito Olive Garden SPACE?
Byrony was allowed to conduct their interview in the so called, "guest house" (as Sparry hung family photos on the wall). Afterwards she was rewarded to step foot across the threshold of the REAL "mansion" to observe and testify to the UK of the "normal" family living behind their very own security wall.
How much "space" does a spouse need? Anderson, Bradbury, Variety and even NOoprah were denied entrance to Casa de Montecito.
With so many "lemon trees," The Meghans still PAID a HOTEL to stage:
pandemic zoom calls & interviews
BLM & pro Biden Bench speeches
40th bday juggling act
chatting with teenagers
AGT (except the meghans who have zero talent)
Spotify Spots
magazine photoshoot & interviews
The very fake mockumentary megflop soap opera filmed inside various rented hotel cottages, on rented benches
All 1 hour away from Montecito at Santa Barbara's San Ysidro Ranch for megflix.
The Meghans still expect Americans to think it's normal to request discounts at a NYC hotel while suing his grandmother's government for (FREE) tax payer funded security.🧐
How convenient for megs that everytime she moved to a new country or city, her self titled "gay husband," Mr. Markus Anderson (former Soho House Bus Boy) chose to relocate to live w/her or near her
In LA, Meg was known as a serial celesbian to the stars. So how did Sparry & Eugenie become bffs with Omit's former gutter guyfriend, the infamous Markus Anderson?
Does MA's influence on the young BRF begin with Misha NooNoo and her friendship with Yorkie Eugenie? It would make sense that Eugenie, was the easy workaround to Sparry. What about all the photos of the York family posing, Sarah included, with sleazy Ron Burkle🤮😖😳
Of course Sparry preferred to party at Soho House instead of working on his character flaws. No coincidence that on more than 1 occasion, Sparry was videotaped pinching or sucking the nipples of male friends & male strangers.
Over the past 12-24 months we've seen Sparry become more effeminate in his motions, walk, speech, and who can forget seeing Sparry rub the back of his male partner as they enter his alleged personal man cave.
According to Caitlyn Jenner:
"supposedly they have a place in LA"
and Harry spends his free time in San Francisco. Is it any wonder Thirsty Tyler Perry who has his own skeletons declared he doesn't want love if it isn't The Meghans kind of love.🙄
Meghan, Markus & Dorito have made all of Sparry's dreams come true.
Dear Sparry, I hope finding your freedom & freebies in CA with your new "friends" was worth the price of your soul. By the way, it's not.
Meghan must feel like she can finally see a light at the end of her failed attempt to destroy the BRF via Sparry. In the end, it was the Queen of England who accurately SUSSed out the heart of Rachel Meghan Markle: an interloper who repaid good with evil.
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opbackgrounds · 3 minutes
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Yorki orders no singing of music to drive Laboon away, which probably made for a pretty miserable week for all parties involved. When it turns out Laboon followed them anyway, the crew sings as a form of reconciliation
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Which connects the idea of music with friendship, and silence with isolation/loneliness. Which in turn makes for a real punch in the gut when after this happy scene with Laboon we're immediately transported to the future when Brook's walking silently alone on his decrepit ship full of dead crew
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lpsotd · 1 year
Back again with another LPS friend. Idk which one this is but it's one of the sticker eyes lps I own and I've always thought that the expression was silly!
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i can tell from the silly right eye (left? right?) that this is yorkie #1473 from the 'balloons 'n treats' party' playset !! however they seem to be missing their bow, i wonder where that could've went ... in the set they're in, they are alongside their friends angora rabbit #1471 and cat #1472, enjoying a nice party together !! with cakes and treats and everything !!
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chucksrus84 · 1 year
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They say coincidences can be interpreted as clues to our destiny. Well, today, I'm counting down four amazing coincidences that would make you do a double-take. Let's start with Game of Thrones alums Jacob Anderson and Nathalie Emmanuel.
As Game of Thrones fans, we're all familiar with Grey Worm and Missandei's ill-fated love story, but did you know that the former co-stars went on to star in separate projects as vampires? Yes, you heard that right. Jacob Anderson, formerly known as Grey Worm, lassoed a lead role in AMC's series, Interview with the Vampire, as the complex, forlorn vampire Louis de Pointe du Lac; enticing audiences with his and his co-star's (Sam Reid) electrifying scenes. Similarly, Nathalie Emmanuel was featured in the gothic horror film The Invitation, as the descendent of an ancient vampire family. To say the least, it would seem coincidences have a way of leading these two actors to where they were supposed to be, but it doesn't end there.
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Like rings circling Saturn, sometimes it takes years, if not decades to lead one person to the role they were meant to play. Take for example, Sam Reid. When Sam Reid snagged the role as Dido's love interest (played by Gugu Mbatha-Raw) in the 2013 historical drama, Belle, he never imagined he'd be playing one of Anne Rice most iconic characters ten years later; turning a role played by several actors into the most memorable and awe-inspiring incarnation to date. To watch him as Lestat, you'd think he was absolutely possessed but I digress. The coincidences I noted doesn't end with Reid but actually begins with Gugu Mbatha-Raw in Black Mirror.
Earlier, I alluded to the fact that like the rings of Saturn, sometimes people are traveling towards a predetermined destination. In Gugu Mbatha-Raw's case, that's double true. In 2016, Gugu along with her co-star Mackenzie Davis starred in a Black Mirror episode called San Junipero. It was the fourth episode of the British syfy and it featured vivacious party girl Kelly (Gugu Mbatha-Raw) falling head over heels for shy, homebody Yorkie (Mackenzie Davis), in a 1987 virtual reality simulator. It was a fantastic…no, beautiful love story between two women with a happy ending and one of Black Mirror's most popular episodes.
But what struck me about the role that Gugu played was not only the affect it had on fans of the syfy show but also the affect it unknowingly had on propelling her former co-star (Sam Reid) to land a role in which the dynamics of his characters relationship with the lead who played opposite him (Jacob Anderson) as well as the dynamics of the relationship between the actors themselves, were strikingly similar if not the same. Watching Jacob Anderson and Sam Reid interact pulled me back to the days when San Junipero dropped on air and drew accolades from critics in television and film. There's something magical about it, as if Gugu and Mackenzie stepped through that door of possibility so that Sam and Jacob could fly. You know what I mean but I'm getting ahead of myself. That's not the only coincidence there is. The next and last one will absolutely blow your mind.
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Last but not least, our fourth amazing coincidence has to do with co-stars Jacob Basil Anderson and Bailey Bass. Did anyone in the #iwtv fandom know that the stars that play Louis de Pointe du Lac and Claudia have the same birthdate. That's right, Jacob and Bailey were both born on June 18th, 13 years apart.
I don't know what it is, but these talented actors seem to be destined for something big. From my vantage point, the stars seem to be aligned in their favor and that's all for today, folks.
Thanks for reading.
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