#particularly relating to some of the games comforting me atm
unprocione · 1 year
hey there! not planning on writing anything at the moment, but wanted to post a notice that i've been considering coming back and writing leon casually again after i make a few changes to my rules, carrd & some core aspects of leon's portrayal.
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silverdragonoid · 3 years
(Hi Jacepens here! I forgot you can only use your main account in asks, oof) Anyway, I’m gonna say for the ask game, an all-around Turn fandom ask:) I’m interested to see your opinions! Ok, thank you <3
(Dw I know it’s you, my Prince<3) I will include your Turn-related prompts from your second ask here so I have the whole package here. I hope you don’t mind
001 | Fandom: Turn: Washington’s Spies
Favorite character: Benjamin Tallmadge (you’ll see him listed here a lot)
Least Favorite character: Arnold
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): BenWash, Washette, Abi x Akinbode, André x Peggy, Halemadge (bonus: Admund x astronomy)
Character I find most attractive: aaaaargh! So many to choose from! but I’d put Bennyboy and Gwash on the same level for me
Character I would marry: (MY GORGEOUS ANGEL-) Ben.
Character I would be best friends with: Sackett & Caleb
a random thought: wAsHeTtE’s DeLeTeD sCeNe + the club of those who didn’t deserve it
An unpopular opinion: (dunno if this counts as one but I really can’t come up with something-) Though the show is brilliant and I love it with my entire heart, a filmed version of the historically more accurate story would be cool too; I mean their youthful, reckless bachelor lives without family drama but just the gang doing their stuff + the missing characters
My Canon OTP: Abigail x Akinbode
My Non-canon OTP: BenWash, Washingharem
Most Badass Character: Mary Woodhull (honorable mention: that one scene... where Ben... slays those red coats... and that aesthetic blood...)
Most Epic Villain: Rogers
Pairing I am not a fan of: Simcoe x anyone (except Lola)
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Laf & Ham had too little screen-time
Favourite Friendship: Ben & Caleb, Abigail & Peggy
Character I most identify with: it’s this weird mix of Ben and George
Character I wish I could be: Major Tight-pants
002 | Ship: BenWash
When I started shipping them: tbh... a Hamilton/Turn (BenWash-including) fanfic was the reason I found out about Turn, so I kinda saw them together before I even watched it. But when I consciously fell for them? Somewhere during season 2 I guess (can’t remember well as I binged everything in 4 days)
My thoughts: (a perfect portrayal of my feelings when I see/think of them)
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What makes me happy about them: their synergy, their brains, their tension, their relationship, I JUST LOVE THEM OKAY?????
What makes me sad about them: how bad they handle feelings and stubbornness (period-typical homophobia put aside)
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: ehh... ehh... not particularly with BenWash, but generally OOC
Things I look for in fanfic: character depth, writing style as from @grumblebee-trilogy because omg, 
My wishlist: the product isn’t specified so the list: the whole series on blue-ray (I’m saving for it atm), those fan-made Funkopops of Laf, Ham, Ben, George, and considering fanfic -.things I cannot say (or write) out loudly. But, oh right! Fan art. Because there’s basically none of them T-T *cries in her corner*
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: “ending up” excludes Nathan Hale, right? :’( and for George: Alex, Laf, Martha
My happily ever after for them: there’s no possibility in canonverse so I’d already be happy with ‘keeping their time in fond memory, meeting regularly, and staying comfortable around each other (and MAYBE some stolen touches)’
003 | Character: Mary Woodhull
How I feel about this character: she’s badass and a psycho but loyal and cunning af and I adore her. While she did mistakes, too, they were mostly a result of Abe’s stupidity. She deserves better
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: eh...
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: uh idk... maybe Simcoe? Because he kinda respected her for her mind?
My unpopular opinion about this character: I don’t know of opinions to know if mine align T-T
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: that Abe would have included and appreciated her much earlier so that she didn’t suffer as much (but then the series would have been much shorter)
Favorite friendship for this character: uhm... did she have actual friends of her own? Okay my second wish for her is that she has people besides Abe
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danieyells · 5 years
Because of you, tumblr keeps advertising ObeyMe! to me. I'm starting to crack under the pressure to play it 😔 Can you at least sum up what I'm gonna be getting myself into? How's the gameplay? I've never played this kind of game before
8D tbf it may have had been doing that regardless apparently people were seeing the ads when it first came out BUT. OKAY SUMMARY TIME.
So, Obey Me!, is not an otome game by traditional standards and, instead, simply follows a storyline with a good amount of romance in it. I believe it was first advertised(and its title in the play store originally referred to it as) an otome game and, instead, it now advertises itself properly as a story and card game.
Obey Me! follows your adventure in a place called The Devildom–essentially Hell, though I believe Hell is a separate part of it between itself and the Human World, I DIGRESS–where you’ve been brought as an exchange student to the Royal Academy of Diavolo, essentially a college for demons.
Mind, you had no awareness or say in this situation, but suck it up because you’re here for a year.
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This is Diavolo! You can’t kiss him. Yet. I suspect we will eventually. But he’s basically why you’re here.
Story-wise your job is to develop an immunity to demonic influence and attend your classes(no, you don’t actually get to do so, though there are references to/talk of it) for a year stay in the Devildom. Afterwards, you’ll write a paper about your experience and you’ll be able to go home.
The exchange program is Diavolo’s attempt at starting peaceful and cooperative relations between the three worlds–The Human World, of which you are from, The Devildom, where Diavolo rules over all Demonkind, and the Celestial Realm, populated by angels and ruled over by who I like to call The Celestial Father, but most people just call god.
Don’t worry though! You won’t be thrown into the Devildom without help! After all, demons eat humans and their souls! You are overseen by Mammon, the Avatar of Greed, essentially your sidekick throughout the story. After Lucifer, his older brother and the Avatar of Pride, shoves you off onto the unwilling Mammon, you’re sent to the brothers’s home dorm, The House Of Lamentation, to get settled.
As you can tell by the names and ways I identify them, there are seven brothers and they’re all representative of the Seven Deadly Sins.
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In order of oldest to youngest, we have Lucifer, the Avatar of Pride and Diavolo’s right hand man, Mammon, the Avatar of Greed and the one responsible for you here in the Devildom, Leviathan(or just Levi), the Avatar of Envy and a shut-in otaku, Satan, the Avatar of Wrath and the most normal-seeming one, Asmodeus,(or just Asmo) the Avatar of Lust and most charming of the seven(in a sense,) Beelzebub(or just Beel), the Avatar of Gluttony who is just as self-explanatory as Asmo, and Belphegor(everyone calls him Belphie), the Avatar of Sloth and the demon sent to the Human World in exchange for you. Suffice to say…you won’t see him much.
Oddly enough, before you woke up in the Devildom, you heard a boy’s voice begging you to help them. A demon trapped them–and you’re the only one they can rely on to save them, the voice said… .
During your stay with the Seven Rulers of the Underworld(the aforementioned brothers,) you’ll get involved in their many chaotic family affairs, learning about them, making pacts with them, helping them, and romancing them along the way. Kinda.
The romance aspect has little effect on the game thus far aside from the phone calls you get every five intimacy levels. The more otome aspects are mostly in these calls, some of the texts you exchange, and in sidestories on Devilgram(the Devildom version of Instagram, obviously) you unlock by earning certain cards and raising intimacy scores. The main story does have a little bit of it(namely in the form of Mammon), but it mostly focuses on you making pacts with the brothers and helping them with their interfamilial issues and lives.
The story isn’t done and is likely not particularly near being done considering the game came out like two months ago and we get an update, thus far, once a month(but we’ve had a few events in between to keep ourselves entertained and busy with stories!)
NOW THEN ONTO GAMEPLAY… . If you’ve never played a gacha game before it’s basically a cashgrab whaletrap system where you randomly draw, in this case, cards for use in gameplay or collection. You get the best cards through premium pulls(i.e. paying real money but you actually earn the premium currency pretty easily in this game, not to mention you get one free pull of the two main paid gachas every…other day? I set mine so i get one every other day.) But you can get good cards through the regular currency pulls as well as actual gameplay.
You variously strengthen and level up the cards through battles(more below,) as well as drawing the same card multiple times(strengthens their ability), and through the Devil’s Tree, where you can also unlock more chats, calls, backgrounds and music for your home screen, and items. Using grimm(the regular currency) you can level up your cards quickly, and using grimm and items you get through gameplay and to-do “quests” you can advance spaces in a card’s Devil’s Tree and power them up as well. It’s pretty simple stuff!
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So your gameplay is in the form of simple little dance battles in which you summon the demons you’ve pulled from Nightmare(the gacha system) to battle for you. They take care of most of it–all you have to do is collect hearts that pop up on the screen and tap on them when their meters are full to use charged attacks in essence. Very simple and pretty repetitive. There are special abilities in your(and the enemies’s) charged attacks that can add some difficulty beyond simple upscaling(namely if they have paralyze as an ability which makes things very inconvenient.)
These dance battles have a timer of 40 seconds and typically last about a minute tops. So things are pretty quick and easy as far as gameplay goes. You read the story, you make some choices(the story is linear and thus far doesn’t branch based on these decisions and you can also go back and redo the decisions as well as read chats and answer calls to redo decisions for new dialogue and sometimes intimacy points as well), you do some dance battles. That’s basically it.
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:D JOBS is how you get money most easily as well as the occasional free affection items and affection boosts. All you have to do is send each of the brothers to work a job(they have favorite jobs as well as thus-far-mostly-secret combinations they can work in that you can watch secret conversations they have at their workplace in) and you’ll be notified when they’re done and you need to pick them up. If you do each job enough you’ll unlock another jobsite with greater profits(and more time between when you need to come get the little shits!)
Oh! But there’s a bit more I forgot to mention! Namely :D JOBS and Surprise Guests!
Surprise Guests come in two forms! The actual surprise kind which will pop up sometimes after a dance battle and the not-surprise kind which come up about twice a day on the home screen!
Oh, I forgot to mention the homescreen too. You can set one of the brothers to stay on the home screen and greet you when you go to it or open the app! The notifications are also voiced by them! If they have a little speech bubble over their head like so, you can engage them as Surprise Guests.
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You can also poke them on the home screen and they’ll talk a little! Usually about the other brothers or that you’re touching them.
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As I said, after each dance battle there’s a chance you’ll get a surprise guest–one of the three demons you used in the battle!
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From here you can give them food, items, medicine, or whip them--they all have preferences of what they like to be given as well! You can buy these things on Akuzon–which is the Devildom equivalent of Amazon which they clearly only used to avoid copyright, given Amazon is evil already–using premium currency or additional currency called Ravens(which you get through Surprise Guests, collecting cards over 10 times, earn in to-do quests, or get from :D JOBS.)  However you can also get them for free from :D JOBS, to-do quests, and sometimes they’ll send them to players through the mail system.
Alongside material items, you can touch them to praise them for a job well done(or comfort them after a battle you didn’t do perfectly in.)  Demons love being pet apparently!
Do this well, and you’ll get an intimacy boost! The first 5~7 surprise guests you get three hearts for the day will give you gifts–either AP(stamina), grimm(standard currency), or ravens.
↓this should be animated. If it’s not. . .gdi.
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You can also get them on the home screen and you get different, more affectionate/romantic dialogue when you do well on home screen affections. I believe these are also influenced by your intimacy score.
↓again, this should be a gif. . .not sure if moving atm 
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You can tap or rub the screen, as well as shake your phone or hit ‘Ignore’ to get a response out of them as well as giving them snacks and items. (They mostly don’t seem to like the phone being shaken or being ignored but I’ve also gotten neutral reactions from both rather than negative ones.) You can interact with their head/hair, face, arms, or chest(i think their hand counts as their arm so in the cases of Lucifer and Satan who always have their hand on their chest, be careful lol.) You can do bad, neutrally, or good in the end. You never lose intimacy points so don’t worry too much if you wanna fuck with em and see their reactions lol you’ll have chances to redeem yourself.
I THINK THAT’S IT. 8D i say give it a try if only for the fun characters or the story, and if you don’t like then nbd, right? 'u’ come to hell with ussss
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bellamygateoldblog · 5 years
Blog Summary Tag Game
Find your fandom kru and help them find you. Answer the following and include the tag #the100blog in your answer, then tag some of the blogs you follow.
created by @johnmurphysreddit tagged by @blodreina-noumou !
1. What are your primary topics?
My blog is pretty much divided 70/30 between t100 & skam italia (i do tend to follow more t100 blogs!) Sometimes there’s the odd post of other shows I watch/have watched.
Most of my posts are spacekru, but i reblog lots of pretty gifs/edits of anything from the show because they are beautiful and creators put lots of work into them! I’ll probably also be posting about Octavia, too, throughout s6 because i’m particularly interested in her arc.
I’m not the most eloquent writer, but i do write & reblog a fair amount of meta, some of which are very lengthy, and i understand it could be frustrating if this doesn’t interest you, so I always try to tag them as “#meta<3″ so you can filter them if you wish. (note: my blog is disorganised atm, i’m still pretty new & only just getting the hang of it lol but my newer posts are tagged properly).
2. What tags should a visitor check?
#meta<3 is where i store meta about the show, it isn’t necessarily all my own, but i do comment on quite a bit!
#anti clarke griffin is where all of my Clarke posts go, even ones that I don’t necessarily class as negative, because i think my general feelings about her character give off a negative impression regardless.
I tag with full names (e.g, #bellamy blake) and i do this with any other show besides t100 that i spontaneously reblog, too (such as #deadly class).
3. What do you love about The 100?
I love the dynamics between a lot of the characters, and i tend to focus on them a lot! There are plenty of instances where there are personality clashes, and where they’re forced to challenge one another. The dynamics also give pretty good indications of who are best suited as units or teams, and who can be percieved as being outliers to the rest.
I like that pretty much every character is presented as grey, it makes it more enjoyable to analyse them, their motivations, and their strengths and weaknesses. It’s possible to view a scene from multiple different perspectives and understand where each of the characters stand during that point in time, even when we don’t necessarily agree with them. I love the redemption arcs of both Bellamy and Murphy, I was always taken with their journey’s of seeking atonement, reflecting on their morals and place in the world, and growing as people as a direct result of their actions and the consiquences of them.
I like to be surprised; I can be a fan of major character death if it’s executed properly (no pun intended), and if this end point is consistent with the rest of their arc. I like when the trajectory of a character’s story changes suddenly, such as when Murphy went along with Jaha to the city of light, and then later regrouped with the rest of the mains, but as a member, rather than an outsider. Another example of this, just to be clearer, was Luna’s refusal to take the flame despite all the suspence and mystery surrounding her character, and i like that they didn’t result to compromising who she was in order to drive the plot!
I’m drawn to post-apocalypse/dystopian future style shows and movies for the new and exciting challenges they pose compared to the here-and-now. These types of shows are a great way of exploring ideas that wouldn’t otherwise be appropriate, such as corrupted morals, the difficulty of survival, and taking extreme measures in the face of danger. LOVE fight scenes, especially involving combat weapons, and the thrill the comes with them; they’re much more entertaining than guns.
I love some superficial drama in the midst of all the chaos, usually relationship and friendship conflicts. I feel it just brings so many more layers to the narrative, and makes the world it exists in seem bigger and deeper, while also serving to make the show more engaging by giving us something we can relate to better, no matter how silly it seems within the context of the show. This way, it doesn’t feel too plot-orientated and gives the viewer a breather from the darker aspects of the show. I think t100 did this better in the earlier seasons, especially with Octavia and Bellamy, as the dynamic conflicts that came later on all seem to be plot-related in one way or another.
I love the whole idea of finding your place in a world that works hard to suppress you.
My favourite characters are spacekru + Octavia & Diyoza (both bad bitches which i truely cannot resist). Deceased favourites: Luna, Jasper + Finn (I like the peaceful damaged ones okay)
I don’t focus too much on ships, but i have a strong preference for Becho!
4. What do you hate/what frustrates you about The 100?
Hypocrisy and double standards that exist within the narrative, and especially within the fandom. A lot of the time this is concerning Clarke.
The fandom climate in general! explicit and implicit hostility directed towards people who disagree with popular opinion, people unable to distinguish between actor and character, people opting to attack rather than discuss, people viewing the entire show through ‘shipper goggles’ and ignoring key elements of the narrative in favour of creating their own canon (people who ignore and twist past the point of it just being individual interpretation).
The wasted potential of Jasper & Finn as insights into the harmful affects and futility of war, and the puncture it makes on a person’s psyche. As much as these deaths had me shaken to my core, I could never quite get past the blatant killing-off of two of the more explictly mentally ill characters. Rather than a recovery storyline, the only solution to their struggles was death, and i’ve always felt like the writers had so much potential to address PTSD and depression more directly, through them. I think it could’ve made for an interesting storyline, and it would’ve given the writers more personalities, dynamics, and challenges to play with.
The belittlement/mocking of peaceful characters, which in a way expressed that hating violence and war made you weak and not to be taken seriously (Lincoln & Luna specifically, but also s5 Monty and s1 Finn).
Additionally, the lack of world-building. We were only given minor glimpses into the past of some characters, we didn’t get to see details on how the ark evolved, or how the present culture was formed from it’s history. We see the same approach with the grounders; we learn that every clan is different, but then we barely see how they are different. The small appearance of mutated animals and then no future mentions is another confusing point. I know most of this is simply due to time restraints, but there came a point where we didn’t learn any more than was necessary to advance the plot, and it just made the world and conflicts in it seem smaller.
Characters I dislike include Clarke, Kane & Abby (both equally as frustrating and eye-roll inducing).
5. Is this exclusively a The 100 blog?
No, but i usually only use one other main tag (skam italia) which can be filtered!
6. What else should people know?
I love engagement with my posts! You don’t need to be reluctant to add your own thoughts. Conversation is welcome as long as it is kind and respectful!
I usually don’t speak too openly about this, but I have depression, which means I sometimes go M.I.A and sometimes i’m here most of my time to keep myself busy. It varies! so if I fail to reply to anything, it may be because i don’t have the energy to just yet, but it isn’t personal!
I talk a lot in my tags, sometimes commenting on the post when i’m trying to avoid hijacking, and sometimes talking bs and tagging Bellamy “big sexy”
I have a lot of unpopular opinions in this fandom, i’m well aware of it lol but i don’t appreciate hateful anons (which i have had in the past, and they aren’t pleasant!) I prefer to keep anon turned on because some people are just more comfortable interacting that way, and that’s fine! but don’t take it being turned on as an invitation to attack me.
I don’t follow many people, but here are some people who’s blogs I love, who i tag to do this if they want to (though i know this kind of thing isn’t for everyone!)
@bound-by-stardust @fleimkepakosskairipa @awkwardnarwhall93 @fleimkepajohnmurphy @ringabellamy @spacekru-defense @skaiengineers @alrightsnaps @bunker-boyfriends
Sorry if you were already tagged!!
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moiraineswife · 7 years
Autistic Jasnah
Okay, but autistic!jasnah is is important to me.
 (apart from being like...super likely. Jasnah has poor social skills, special interests in her research projects, black and white thinking, comes off as emotionless/very withdrawn, very logical patterns of thinking and reasoning, and she’s related to Renarin as well, who is autistic in canon, making it more likely she is as well, since there appears to be some kind of genetic link with autism)   
But it’s also important because: we definitely, definitely need more lady autistics in fiction.  
We definitely need more older/adult autistics represented in fiction. 
We definitely need more nuanced, flawed, complex autistic characters. 
She’s effectively an autistic superhero. Can we take a moment to appreciate how fucking badass that is? Okay. Thanks. 
But her being autistic presents another wonderful opportunity: autistic representation where more than one autistic character is actually presented, and there are two autistic characters who actually, like, interact with one another. What a concept. 
But also, like....the possibilities with Jasnah and young!Renarin. (IF Jasnah is the only other autistic Kholin...and I’d, like, aggressively volunteer Navani as another, but, for the purpose of this hc, I won’t be greedy atm)  
But, okay, Jasnah interacting with little!Renarin and everyone else is...a little bit....unsure of what to do with him, to put it frankly. He’s SO unlike Adolin, boisterous and loud, and constantly giggling at everything, and talking non-stop. Renarin is quiet, and withdrawn, and doesn’t seem particularly interested in playing with, or in the same ways, his brother does. 
Adolin is a good brother, even at that age, and he tries to include Renarin, share his toys with him, let him join in on his games, and introduce him to other kids to play with. But it’s pretty obvious pretty quickly that Renarin is just like nopenopenopenopenope not here for this, and Adolin, who is a considerate soul, even at a young age, lets him sit by himself somewhere quiet, and peaceful, with a few little toys Adolin doesn’t really understand as being fun (little puzzles and cubes and boxes, and stones that are shiny and smooth and feel nice, that can also be Organised) because it seems to make his brother happy. 
He does feel quite bad, though, because even though Renarin is happy, he worries that he’s excluding him. So he has words with Aunt Jasnah because something in his smol, wise brain informs him she’s the one to talk to. She’s like a giant lady version of Renarin, he gets the same Vibes from them. 
Jasnah is a little startled that she’s being sought out to provide this advice. But after about 0.5 seconds of Adolin talking she’s...Pretty sure she understands what’s going on. 
She gets up and goes to Renarin who is, as is his wont, huddled in a little corner somewhere chilling and spends about....a minute with him and then she just...Knows. She knows that this little dude is like her. And she smiles, because she can help him. 
First off, she takes Adolin aside, and she talks to him. He’s pretty young at this point, and she’s not very good at watering things down for kids, but he understands it’s important, and does his best, and understands most things. She explains about autism, what it is, just the basics, really. And then she explains to him that she is autistic, which he knows, in the sense that someone has said the words ‘Jasnah is autistic’ to him before, but he’s never really understood. So she explains. 
Adolin’s eyes widen and before Jasnah has said it, he’s put two and two together and is asking in a soft, hushed voice, if Renarin is autistic took. Jasnah smiles at him. She tells him that yes, she suspects that he is. Adolin asks lots and lots of questions, which Jasnah answers. He wants to know how he can help his brother, and how he can make him happy and safe and comfortable.
 Jasnah explains about not overwhelming him with his friends, even though she knows he wants him to feel included, he has to let him decide for himself if that’s what he wants. Same with playing with his brother vs playing on his own. She explains about meltdowns, and shutdowns, being non, or semi-verbal, and stimming. 
Adolin absorbs it all like a very eager, dutiful little sponge, and she sends him on his way. (He definitely comes home one day with like...a million stim toys he’s gotten for Renarin to try. He definitely gave him the box he has in canon, it’s his favourite and he loves it. Adolin is v proud) 
As Renarin gets older, and becomes more aware of his autism, and his differences, he gravitates naturally towards Jasnah. There’s an understanding between them. Even though they’re obviously different people, they have this one central similarity that builds this little foundation between them, and they get quite close. 
Jasnah is obviously quite a few years older than Renarin is, and has various tried and tested methods of dealing with things, coping mechanisms, and helps him spot sensory issues, as well as providing scripts for dealing with social encounters.
 Oh, and they definitely, definitely talk to each other about their special interests.
 Renarin is someone Jasnah can ALWAYS tell all of the details about her research too (because he understands that all of the details are important to know, and that none can be missed out, in case it was vital, even when everyone else insists that a good 60% of what she’s saying is ‘unnecessary’ Renarin gets it) 
And Renarin does the same thing with her. Seeks her out whenever he’s discovered something new about his current special interest and just Has to tell someone all about it, and of course she patiently listens to him. And definitely gives him the tools to further research it efficiently and accurately. 
Renarin will also seek Jasnah out when he’s non-verbal. Even though Dalinar and Adolin sort of understand, or at least recognise what’s happening, and both refuse to push him into talking...He just feels more comfortable with Jasnah. Because she Understands, in a way that the others just can’t. 
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mal-dambra-blog · 7 years
Maeve x Sha Lin?
Nine days ago, I made a post on how I saw a surprising amount of maeve x sha lin on the internet and was curious on what you guys thought of it...
Here’s the comments I’ve piled up to date (10/15/2017):
@aether-somerset​ said:
I view them as close friends that mess with and make fun of each other a lot. I guess I don’t mind it, but I also don’t want it on my dash. Maeve is canonically 18 and Sha’s probably mid twenties so the age gap doesn’t bother me, I just can’t really see them being,,, together
@dementeddiscord​ said:
Not to sound rude and all like I feel like Maeve should be sort of a character that finds herself in her adventures of adulthood sure she can have people in her life like shalin as her best friend and talus as like a little brother but she herself needs to know who she really is a bad person or a role model of her own
Just my opinion basically
@enderbane​ said:
the age gap between them seems way to much for me to be comfortable with it. but i think theyd be friends!
Last but not least, a wild @rururinchan​ DM’ed me this:
Sha lin x Maeve though? I'm not particularly into it cuz I actually headcanon Sha Lin as gay (as fuck). I do like it as a BrOTP I feel like they would be that unlikely duo that didn't like each other at all in the beginning
Maeve teases Sha Lin a lot. A LOT. Especially since the events of Maeve’s trailer LMAO
So the responses I got weren’t supportive of the pairing in a romantic way. Damn it. I wanted some spicy discourse. Why y’all have to be so unanimous. Then the only way for me to create some drama is to supp-
I jest, I jest. I did promise to give y’all my viewpoint on this, so here I am now- trying to furiously type things up. But I’d like to briefly mention that these points are only coming from my head, and obviously not backed up by Hi-Rez. 
So let me start: 
The ship itself isn’t unreasonable. I can see where it comes from; Maeve’s “my prince” and “I like your pants” are enough to stir up something between the two. 
Also, some can think that BOTH are reasonably young. I, myself, believe that Sha Lin is in his mid-twenties (or slightly older? I don’t know), but some others can think that Sha Lin is just a fresh, young warrior around the age of 18-20. Another portion, in fact, probably wouldn’t care about the ages. Hence, the ship sails! (P.S. There’s cute fanart! Hard to resist, eh?)
I have to say, however, I’m not the biggest advocate of the pairing. Not even as a BroTP. Of course Sha Lin would try to be nice to Maeve, but the pining direction is likely to be
Maeve -> Sha Lin, in which the latter may respond “I prefer to stay at range, but to each their own. (Response from unknown Champion, possibly Maeve) ”
That is, in fact, an actual voice line. It is unclear whether it is actually directed to Maeve, but it is a possibility. Also, he’d consider her as a comrade more than a ‘friend’. But another voice-line tells me that a friendship can happen: 
Sha Lin: "This will be a glorious and honorable battle!" (Question to an unknown Champion, possibly Maeve)
However, this depends on the voice’s tone, which is pretty ambiguous atm. If he takes into account of Maeve’s status as a ‘cat burglar’, he’d say it to persuade(?) her to fight honorably. If he considers Maeve as an ally, he’d say it in terms of morale boost (which seems more likely). It’s just like Sha Lin’s “What happened to you?” to Androxus. The moment I read it, I was excited that some sort of serious and heart-breaking angst might happen. Yet, the moment I listened to it... Nope. What the fuck is angst. 
In the former case, though, it’s pretty hard to contextualize. So I’m not sure about a BroTP between the two. I do imagine them as somewhere between an acquaintance and a friend! Also, headcanon: Maeve is a giant teaser.
Also, Ruru mentioned about Maeve’s trailer. I do have something to say about this. It is a popular opinion that the person Maeve attacked in her trailer is Sha Lin, but dude. I made a blog dedicated to a relatively unpopular character. So like, I have unpopular opinions that I am willing to share. Again, opinions are always personal.
There’s two ways I see it. One is blatantly “It’s not Sha Lin confirmed”, and the other one is “If it happens to be Sha Lin, I don’t know how I am going to form headcanons of this”.
So the first one:
1. It’s hard to recognize whose voice it is just by “AaaH, AAAhhH, and AAAaAHHH”. (maybe because i have a shitty ear)
2. I didn’t recognize that it was potentially Sha Lin, although I did spend a huge portion of time going through his voice line page in Paladins Wiki. I doubt some others will. (seriously, do I just have a shitty ear?)
3. I only accept it as “actually the character” when they’re shown on camera (or shown at least un-subtly). Kudos to @queezleposts, as it was exactly what they articulated. For instance, it was clearly shown who Kinessa shot in her trailer (Androxus), whereas Androxus’ trailer wasn’t targeted at anybody.
4. For the older trailers, Hi-Rez tends to "reuse assets for cinematics” (again thank you Queezle) so that they wouldn’t have to devote time making voices/figures for less important characters that would only come up once or twice in the trailers. Triggerman Buck in Lex’s trailer can be an example of this. So just because they used a part from Sha Lin’s voice pack doesn’t really convince me that it was him without any further implication.
The second one:
The trailer quality of Paladins has increased significantly, and kudos to Hi-Rez for their improvements. However, the significance of the trailers in terms of lore is pretty debatable. On one hand, it is pretty good since it basically shows a bit of the target character’s personality. On the other hand, however, a lot of the older ones aren’t enough to show inter-character relations. 
Not to mention that Paladins is a fighting game, which means that fight scenes are going to be involved in the trailers/teasers. It also means that a lot of them are more likely going for the visuals than the actual lore itself. Advertising the game with cool looking action scenes is great in the marketing aspect. It’s not ‘wrong’, either. So Hi-Rez can jumble up some cool looking characters (more likely, the “title” characters like Ying and Ash) and make them fight against each other. Would it mean that they’re going to be on the same faction lore-wise? Debatable.
So let’s head back to the core question: if under the assumption that Maeve attacked Sha Lin in her teaser, would it imply that they have a special thing between the two? That’s also debatable. But I’m a person with opinions, so I’d say, "eeh”. 
That sums up for the first ship of the table (+ a tangent). Talking about various ships and listening to your opinions are actually really great! I’d like to do this sometime more often, only if it weren’t for the hiatus.
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duesternis · 7 years
Call me predictable, but here we go: 'The cold light of a winter morning lay on the floor of the entry hall like spilled pearls. [...] „Okay, what d‘ya wanna know?“' from 'Lift you up'
This is gonna get super lengthy, folks, sorry for that.If you are in no way interested in reading anything about my overwatch fanfiction and my related babble, I advise you to scroll past this and forget you ever encountered this post at all.
Here goes nothing, Marik.(btw this is all about this post, basically: http://duesternis.tumblr.com/post/167812715352/rageprufrock-lets-go )
The most important thing i have to say about this whole fic and all its related parts is that it was never supposed to be anything this long.But, as usual, it sprouted on its own, growing tendrils of ideas and scenes whenever I turned my mind remotely into its direction.And who am I to deny myself (and you, by extension) the joy of fluffy, sappy men falling hopelessly in love to the backdrop of some organized-crime-drama?
And this is basically just that.The whole scene serves as yet another reminder that Jesse is falling head over heels for a man he barely knows and Hanzo likewise.Maybe even worse.
I’ll deal with this in small parts.
The cold light of a winter morning lay on the floor of the entry hall like spilled pearls. The house was quiet around them and for a moment there was a semblance of home between two breaths.McCree smiled lazily at him and Hanzo smiled back, eyes slipping to his favourite shape in the world.A door down the right hallway opened and Hanzo gave McCree‘s shoulder a squeeze, turned around and walked up the stairs. Turned at the top and looked at McCree.Who stood at the foot of the stairs, eyes huge and mouth open in a disbelieving smile.His cheeks were flushed.
The most noticeable thing about the whole scene with the stairs is the first sentence, for me. Maybe the first two.I could have ended the scene there, or cut it short and just beam them to Hanzo’s office. Because those two sentences say it all.The spilled pearls could be the unexpected beauty and worth Hanzo and Jesse see in each other.The light is just that. Light. But you may recall the fact that Jesse’s Santa Fe hideout had small windows. Not much light.Hanzo isn’t one to rise early. Morning light isn’t something he sees often.The house is quiet. They are, for a moment, alone in the world. Something else they are strangely unused to. They are often alone, but have never been comfortable being alone with a stranger.Then the “semblance of home between two breaths”. Sounded fancy. I liked it.And don’t we all know that distinct feeling of warmth blooming in our chests, between two breaths, when we just know that the person across from us is all we need right now?Yeah. Like that.
The rest of that bit is just Jesse being a huge dork, thinking that Hanzo looks so fucking gorgeous (like always) and Hanzo being awestruck and trying to hide it behind his stoic facade (nerd).
Hanzo jerked his chin at him and with a laugh McCree took the stairs two at a time. His long legs powerful, his spurs jingling happily.„Come with me.“„Right behind ya, darlin‘.“„When you keep saying that, it will lose its meaning, McCree.“ Hanzo grinned to himself and unlocked the door to his personal office. McCree chuckled behind him.The door swung inward and he stepped inside.McCree followed him.„Close the door.“ He did as asked and leaned against the wood. Lit a cigarillo. The room went out over the garden, a white pane of snow where green grass sprouted in summer.
Can spurs jingle happily?????More important: Jesse’s amazing legs and Hanzo’s snark. Secret grins and inviting people into very personal spaces (in this case personal office where important decisions are made).
DO I SMELL TRUST COMING OFF OF YOU HANZO SHIMADA??? (yes i do. it smells like cigarillos)
Jesse is getting nervous here, smoking to soothe his nerves. The white of the snow unnerves him as much as he finds it beautiful.It’s not something he is used to, something foreign to him, to see something so pure undisturbed.He may be afraid of tainting it.(The snow could be a metaphor i think. But I don’t know for what. I didn’t think much when writing the sentence. I just wanted to tell that the office is at the garden-side of the house and make it sound pretty at the same time. the aestheticTM stirkes again.)
Hanzo sat down at his low desk and pulled his glasses out of his shirt pocket.There was a sharp intake of breath from the door and he looked at McCree with an inquiring expression.„Golly gee, Hanzo.“ It came out flatly, powerless.„What is it?“ He frowned and McCree made a weak step forward. The cigarillo in his hand fumed faintly.„Ya look…“Hanzo put a hand to his glasses. „These?“A timid nod, a flush rising in McCree‘s cheeks. It was adorable. Hanzo smiled.„I need them for extensive reading. Since I was a boy.“A breathless laugh and McCree dropped to the floor on the other side of the desk. Barely on the pillow.Hanzo pulled a notebook out of a drawer and unscrewed the top of his fountain pen.McCree emptied his small bowl of paper clips and tapped ash into it.Hanzo raised a brow at that. „You‘ll clean that up later.“„Yessir.“ McCree grinned, face still flushed, and saluted sharply. „So.“„Yes?“
MEGANE HANZO. probably the only reason i wrote this was the mental image of sexy hanzo with reading glasses, looking over them at people, all pissed.and flustered jesse is cute.School-boy wringing his hands at the desk of his favourite teacher, acutely aware of the fact that he’s in over his head.Or sth like that…
Also imagine Jesse dropping on his ass b/c Hanzo’s too hot. *evil laughter*Hanzo’s mildly concerned for Jesse’s well-being, but thinks it’s cute too.
And I wanted Hanzo to be untrusting of modern media regarding important information. That’s why he’s using a notebook and a fountain pen. Something fancy. (My dad collects fancy fountain pens. They’re really pretty.)
And how devastatingly impractical is a low working desk? It needs quite a bit of talent to look down on people from your butt, but Hanzo can pull it off.He’s also a slut for anything tradtional and the contrast of a sprawling Jesse and a proper Hanzo on their respective sides of the desk made me giggle.That’s all.
„What‘s this about?“ McCree pointed at the notebook with his cigarillo. He closed his lips around the end of it and dropped his hat on the floor next to him.Hanzo wanted to touch his lips around the cigarillo and feel his breath on his fingers. It would be hot.„I need information about the workings of the Deadlock Gang.“„Ain‘t you got a division fer that kinda stuff?“ McCree rubbed his untended beard.Hanzo drew a tiny circle at the top of the page.„I need insider information.“Their eyes met over the desk and they shared an inhale.
Things are getting intenser (more intense?) here. I thought it best to slowly edge into the serious weight of the conversation that comes after the bit you asked me to talk about.(Which is actually one of my fav scenes in retrospect, I think)
And I wanted to show the tenderness that forcefully wedges itself into Hanzo, burrowing into his being with all the charm of a bulldozer.He’s completely at Jesse’s mercy at this point already, mostly unaware of it, thoughWhereas Jesse’s getting more and more nervous, his mind as far away from pleasant things as possible. He’s two seconds away from trying to talk his way out of here.He gets scared more easily than he himself would like and it shows.
Hanzo is probably aware of this. (I don’t know that. He writes himself and evades introspection mostly, the jerk.)
Jesse took three drags before answering.„Okay.“And with that he mentally tossed the old black leather jacket hanging in his closet in Santa Fe out the window.He was fair game now.The tattoo on the sole of his left foot itched suddenly and he had to laugh at himself.Damn superstition.Shimada frowned at him. „What now?“„Ah, nothin‘. Jus‘ had to think of somethin‘ funny.“ Jesse grinned and stretched his legs out along the desk. Held himself upright with leaning his stump on the desktop.Crossed his legs at the ankles and let his spurs twirl.„Okay, what d‘ya wanna know?“
Jesse’s scared, but trusting Hanzo to catch him when he jumps into water, not knowing if he can swim.And he thinks, privately, that drowning is preferable to staying a traitor with ties to the people he betrayed.
It took him half the series to come this far. It will take him the next half to come to terms with what that truly means.But he knows here and now that he doesn’t want to walk under the name of Deadlock anymore.
I actually rewrote this bit a few times, though. I’m still not really happy with the leather-jacket-sentence.I have this feeling I could have said it in a more elegant way, but i don’t know how. So it stayed like that.
This also is a great bit to show how Jesse masks his own nervousness and fear with bravado and a show of being particularly at ease.I’m not sure how much Hanzo sees through it. But I think he knows it’s not entirely genuine.He worries.
This is the second time (in the part you chose) that I draw notice to the fact that Jesse is without a prosthetic atm and the first time i do it directly.The first time is where I call his beard “Untended”. And here I outright say “stump”.Both instances relate directly to the fact that Hanzo wants/needs insider information about the Gang.I’m not sure what I wanted to say with that.I don’t plan stuff like that. I don’t plan stuff at all.
I bullshit stuff. I write overly poetic lines and bullshit the rest.
But hey. I think it works? (You must think so too, what with reading my stuff so avidly? :’‘P )
I’d tell you what music I listened to when I wrote this, but I can’t recall. Probably indie pop. (It’s always indie pop or eighties music.)And I think I have nothing left to say.
If you want to know some more, feel free to ask. X’D (Oh boi, this is probably all over the place)
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melted-wax-wings · 7 years
there’s a ton of these so here’s a read more
Is a kiss considered cheating? - Yes
Have you ever faked orgasm? - Nah
If you could have one superpower, what would it be? -Telekinesis
Do you think you are going to be rich in 7-8-9 years? -Probs not
Tell us some funny drunk story. - I just have high stories where i was being a memer.
Why are you no longer together with your ex? -Eh, personal reasons that i don’t feel like sharing tbh
If you had to choose one way to die, what would it be? - In my sleep bc i’m a big baby
What are your current goals? - I’d like to get started on a poetry book
Do you like someone? - I mean, I have a bf so
Who was the last person to disappoint you? - honestly myself lmfao
Do you like your body? - NAH SON
Can you keep a diet? - fuck no i love food too much
If the whole world listened to you right now, what would you say? - “hey can we not be dicks to each other?”
Do you work? - nah but god i wish i was bc i need money
If you could choose only one food to eat to the rest of your life, what would it be? - ngl my basic ass would pick sushi
Would you get a tattoo? - Yeeee
Something you don’t mind spending all your money on? - Pokemon games tbh
Can you drive? - Ye but not very well
When was the last time someone told you you were beautiful? - This morning
What was the last thing you cried for? - ngl i’ve been crying over everything the past few days
Do you keep a journal? - Nah, i’m not interesting enough to have one
Is life fun? - If I’m with others, yes
Is farting in front of people irrelevant? - I mean, it’s a bodily function but it’s not a very socially acceptable one. i personally don’t care
What’s your dream car? - VW bug bc i enjoy the thought of people hitting each other when i drive by
Are grades in school important? - it’s very dependent on the situation. i personally feel like grades should only be a very high priority in one’s major field of study/related studies. However, grades shouldn’t take priority over one’s physical, mental, and emotional health.
Describe your crush. - he’s got these gorgeous eyes that change color. he’s tall and gives amazing hugs. he’s a phenomenal writer and is incredibly intelligent about such a variety of topics from music to writing to just about anything. he’s patient, loving, and funny. honestly he’s amazing and i fall more in love with him every day.
What was the last book/movie that really impressed you? - Alice in Wonderland. i hadn’t seen it prior to last week but just the animation and story-telling was just amazing to me
What was your last lie? - that the reason i didn’t want to go out was because of my stomach hurting
Dumbest lie you ever told? - not sure tbh
Is crying in front of people embarrassing? - not at all
Something you did and you are proud of? - Being recognized as a poet at my college’s poetry festival
What’s your favourite cocktail? - don’t really have one x.x
Something you are good at? - i like to think i’m okie at motivating others
Do you like small kids? - i’m okay with kids as long as they aren’t overly loud
How are you feeling right now? - a lil grumpy bc the ac isn’t on
What would you name your daughter/son? - Jason would be my son, Robin would be my daughter
What do you need to be happy? - Personal growth
Is there some you want to punch in the face right now? - ME TBH
What was the last gift you received? - some books from my bb
What was the last gift you gave? - UHHHH I DUNNO
What was the last concert you went to? - Twenty One Pilots
Favourite place to shop at? - Hot Topic, can’t even lie
Who inspires you? - My bb, mostly because i want to be up at his level when doing things
How old were you when you first got drunk? - Haven’t really gotten drunk-drunk yet
How old were you when you first got high? - 19
How old were you when you first had sex? - 19
When was your first kiss? - Freshman year of highschool
Something you want to do until the end of this year? - i would like to build my confidence
Is there something in the past you wish you hadn’t done? - there is so much omg
Who are you most comfortable around? - @thenerdyshadow and @shining-wonwoo
Name one thing that terrifies you. - BEING ALONE
What kind of books do you read? - mostly dystopian/adventure novels
What would you tell your 12 year old self? - “listen ya lil shit don’t complain about not being in a relationship”
What is your favourite flower? - Lilies
Any bad habits you have? - Cracking my knuckles holy shit
What kind of people are you attracted to? - Highly passionate, emotional people
What was the last thing you cried for? - MY LEAGUE RANKING NGL
Is there something you don’t eat? Some food that truly disgust you? - i don’t think of anything off the bat but i’m very sensitive to the textures/aesthetics of food
Are you in love? - Yeee
Something you find romantic? - I love little gestures that show that someone is thinking about me like mentioning that they saw something that reminded them of me or like a long message in the middle of the night to wake up to
How long was your longest relationship? - 3 years 
What are 3 things that irritate you about the same sex? - that there’s something inherently wrong with liking stereotypically feminine things, that we are seemingly always in competition over something, that cattiness is almost expected??? like damn why can’t we be nice to each other 
What are 3 things that irritate you about the opposite sex?  - balls on the outside of the body are just not anatomically smart, fragile masculinity, the attack on boys who decide to deviate from the norm
What are you saving money for? - i have no money pls help me
How would you describe your bad side? - i get moody and tend to snap at people when i really don’t mean to. i will sometimes do things just to spite people/escalate a situation tho
Are you actually a good person? Why? - i personally don’t see myself as a good person because i’ve done plenty of shitty things that i knew that i shouldn’t have done
What are you living for? - The hope for a better future
Have you ever done anything illegal? - Yee
Do you like your body? - Not particularly
Have you ever made someone feel bad about themselves intentionally? - I have, mostly because the person was toxic
Ever sent nudes? -Ye
Have you ever cheated on someone? - i prefer not to answer this one
Favourite candy? - i love 3 musketeers
Is there a blog you visit every day, or almost every day? Tag it! - uhhh mostly my friends blogs but i can’t really tag all atm
Do you play any computer games? What is your favourite game? - Online games i enjoy are Overwatch and League of Legends. I also enjoy Stardew Valley on PC.
Favourite TV series? - don’t really watch tv
Are you religious? Does God exist? - i’m personally not that religious, but i respect that people do have beliefs in high powers but should not infringe on others rights to not believe
What was the last book you read? Did it impress you and why? - i can’t even tell you what i read fully bc it’s honestly been that long
What do you think about vegetarianism/veganism? - i commend others who are capable of making that lifestyle choice bc i know i could never do so. i’m fine with it so long as it isn’t shoved into my face
How long have you been on Tumblr? - probs 6-7 years? idk
Do you like Chineese food? - i am a slut for chinese food
McDonalds or Subway? Mcdonalds
Vodka or whiskey? Vodka (haven’t tried whiskey)
Alcohol or drugs? drugs (weed bc i haven’t done anything else)
Ever been out of your province/state/country? - I’ve only left my state. i’d love to leave the country one day
Meaning behind your blog name? - shitty Overwatch/Wonderwall pun
What are you scared of? - being abandoned by the people i love and being forced to live alone :^)
Last time you were insulted? - YESTERdAY
Most traumatic experience ? - my mother being a revolving door in my life and giving me severe abandonment issues 
Perfect date idea? - i love the idea of just a nice day together inside but going out at night to dinner and just exploring the world around us
Favourite app on your phone? - tumblr bc i can’t get away from this hellsite
What colour are the walls in your room? - they’re kind of white/brown/gray? it’s hard to explain tbh
Do you watch Youtube? Who is your favourite youtuber? - i do! i watch mostly league youtubers though. i’ve been on a hardcore BunnyFuFu kick as of the last few days
Share your favourite quote. “I’m dying squirtle”
What is the meaning of life? - To be happy
Do you like horror movies? - I enjoy them in concept, but i’m bad at watching them ;-;
Have you ever made your mum cry? What happened? - NAH FAM SHE MAdE ME CRY
Do you feel lucky or special in a way? - i guess but i don’t think i really deserve to
Can you keep a secret? - ye
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picturesque-penguin · 8 years
Ask Stuffs
Tagged by the amazing @miscielross ~!
Nickname: Penguin (By my high school friends :v) Gender: Female Star Sign: Sagittarius Height: 5ft 5in Time right now: 1:30 am Last thing I googled: Genji and McCree (Me and my roommate’s favorite Overwatch characters :>) Favorite Bands: Fall Out Boy, Florida Georgia Line, Panic! At The Disco, Imagine Dragons, Owl City, Rascal Flatts Favorite Solo Artists: Taylor Swift, Halsey, Shanye Ward, Yoko Shimomura, Song stuck in your head: “Hey Kids” by The Oral Cigarettes Last movie I watched: Kubo and the Two Strings Last TV Show I watched: Parks and Recreation When did you create your blog: Sometime during high school I think? What kind of stuff do you post: Fanart and other fandom related things of whatever I’m obsessed with at the time; mainly Final Fantasy XV atm :o When did your blog reach its peak: I made this one Supernatural comic in like 10 minutes and it currently has 8,000 + notes and still gets reblogged to this day so probably that. Do you have any other blogs: Yes, @penguin-arts where I’m going to start putting all my artwork so I can keep better track of it ^.^; Do you get asks regularly: Nope! But feel free to come talk to me about anything! Why you chose your URL: My friends from high school called me penguin after I wore this one penguin shirt a lot and it kind of escalated from there haha. I wanted to do something with penguins and some sort of “ art” term that was also an alliteration. Since most things were already taken I ended up with picturesque-penguin ( ‘ V ‘ ) Following: ???? Posts: A lot Hogwarts House: Gryffindor or Ravenclaw depending on the day Pokémon Team: Instinct Favorite colours: Pink Average hours of sleep: Between 7-10 and sometimes 11-12 when I’m feeling particularly unmotivated to get out of bed. (. - .) Lucky Numbers: 24 Favorite manga Characters: Levi Ackerman (Attack on Titan), Yato (Noragami); However my favorite characters tend to be from video games ^.^ How many blankets do you sleep with: Currently 3 for maximum comfort and warmth Dream job: Becoming a concept artist/creative director for video games Dream trip: Japan~!
I’ll tag @thedoormann, @an-awkward-owl-blog, @girl-with-the-fandom-hoodie, @omurice27, @queersoda, and @capofseashells, but only if you're interested! ^-^)/
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Survey #48
horror survey, ya’ll!
favorite horror movie?   "blair witch project 2: book of shadows" scariest place to be outside at night where you live?   omg the backyard.  we live in the woods, so. any animal fears?    WHALE SHARKS, maggots, wasps, hornets, worms, some spiders when you were younger what were you afraid of?   a skeleton being in my closet (don't ask), the "scream" guy from the movies, my parents dying, and LOADS more.  i was a very paranoid child. when you were younger how did you cope with your fears?   i just kinda... did.  or i slept with my parents. is a basement or attic scarier to you?   ummm... attic, i think. ever have recurring nightmares?   yes, about a hand slowly waving at the end of a hallway and then the scream guy running at me lol.  it only happened when i was a kid tho. favorite old horror film?   i'm not sure.  i'm honestly not a fan of many old ones because the acting is so bad. are you comfortable being at home alone?   yeah. has the fear of something ever kept you up all night?   yes.  when i was home alone for three days some years ago, i was sleeping in my mom's room with teddy.  i REALLY felt like something was staring at me, so i didn't keep my eyes closed long.  then, teddy jerked his head up and stared intently at the foot of the bed, barking like mad.  i was getting very scared so tried to push his head back down on the bed to get him to sleep, but he fought against me, just barking like a damn savage.  he kept staring, so i called my mom, by now almost crying because i know for damned sure something was in that room.  you just... feel it.  mom called our neighbor to sleep at the house with me, because i was that fucking scared.  mind you, it was like 2-3 am.  i slept out in the living room. when you imagined monsters when you were younger what did they look like?   monsters from the movies, really.  mostly scream. do you sleep with one foot out of the covers or both under?   both under what is your natural response upon hearing a loud crash in your house?   i jump, gasp, and assume something fell.  if anyone's home, i'll call out to check if everyone's okay.  if not, i guess i'd probably get up in investigate because i'm a white girl lol.  so if someone WAS breaking in, yeah, i'd die. have you ever played any horror games?   now here's something i could talk about for HOURS!  my favorite series is "silent hill," and i've played all the games excluding "book of memories," which i basically disown from the series anyways.  i've played the first (couldn't beat), fourth (beat), and fifth (didn't finish) "resident evil."  ummm i've played "scp containment breach," but that was honestly too scary for me to even progress in.  i've played the slenderman phone app.  i've played "outlast," but as my laptop is broken, i've yet to finish it.  my first true horror game was "amnesia: the dark descent," which i've also played and beaten many times, as well as its sequel, "a machine for pigs."  oh, does "the walking dead" count as horror?  i'm positive i've got more console horror games, but they're not coming to me atm...  basically, i LOOOOOOOVE horror games!! top 5 scariest noises to hear when you’re alone?   in no particularly order, voices, footsteps, screams, doors moving, and uhhh... idk tbh. pick a horror movie and explain how you would survive.   let's be real fam, i wouldn't.  i have hella anxiety and would NEVER survive. do you have pre-planned hiding places in your house for scary situations?   well i mean, for tornadoes, yes.  mom's told us to go to the hall bathroom. have you experienced any paranormal happenings?   yes.  told about it in a past survey tho, so don't feel like doing it again. do you believe in ghosts?   spirits, more accurately.  like i believe in spirits from hell, and spirits from heaven.  i believe both have contact to earth, and the negative experiences we have are from hellish spirits. are there any spots in your house you are to afraid to be?   in the house, no. any recommendations for horror films?   the first "silent hill," positively.  skip the second.  the blair witch movies are great, too. do you prefer gore or thrillers?   gore what did your parents tell you about monsters when you were young?   they told me they didn't exist. are you a fan of jump scares?   no, because it is NOT true horror.  it's surprising, not scary. do you believe aliens or other life forms exist?   aliens no, as in "other life forms," yes, because i believe in demons. have you read "scary stories to tell in the dark?" if so what was your favorite or what was the scariest story?   OMGGGGG FUCKIN' CHILDHOOD RIGHT THERE!!  my favorite was the one about the wolf girl.  the scariest, hm, i don't entirely remember. have you ever been near a murder scene?   i don't think so. would you ever spend the night in an abandoned building?   for a lot of money, yes. are you superstitious?   no. have you ever had a fortune told to you that came true?   no. do you sleep with your window open?   no. have you ever trespassed onto private property late at night?   no. would you ever stay overnight in a place that is said to be haunted?   sure. do you ever have dreams/nightmares that end up occurring in real life?   no. have you ever worked in a haunted house? if not have you wanted to?   no, and i wouldn't because i don't work well with people. have you ever seen something super spooky and unexplainable?   yes, also explained in a previous survey. scariest horror game you’ve played?   fuck "scp containment breach" lol.  the first scp scares the FUCK out of me. what do you do for halloween?   sadly, nothing. what were you on halloween?   nothing. :/  no money to buy/make a costume. do you have any phobias?   yes.  pregnancy/childbirth, disease/parasites, heights (kinda), the ocean, other pretty generic stuff... have you ever used a ouija board? If so did anything happen during your experience?   no.  i've always wanted one to frame in my own house tho.  i think they're cool. favorite horror movie antagonist?   well in the movies he's called red pyramid, so him. favorite horror musical?   not into musicals. zombie apocalypse weapon of choice?   bow and arrow, i guess.  that way the other zombies wouldn't hear me killing one. have you ever read goosebumps?   i think i read like one as a kid in elementary school. what would be your back story if you were the killer in a horror movie? why are you killing people?   idk, it'd probably relate to me being jealous of ashley and wanting her dead. have you ever gone ghost hunting?   no.
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