#passion is so incredibly important
bpdlivingdiary · 2 years
a new morning, a new day. it's always so nice to be able to advocate in a public space for people who have been disenfranchised the same ways as me. ever since i was a child, i felt my wordiness was too much, stifled my speech to the "normal" kind because i had more solace in studying the minute rules of grammar books and reading encyclopedias and almanacs and great novels... than any children my age.
it's a bit sad to think about. i never found it useful. but if all the pain ive been through can help me make even one person feel better, its worth it. to help even one person stand taller, and work forward instead of falling into hating themselves. there's too much information everywhere, it's a cloud. ive been through terrible pain trying to navigate what is "real", what is "normal", what is "doing things right". but to see someone light up from just me being able to explain what they feel? to see the relief of being defended, being seen and known, it's different. it brings me light and i want to give more to others. this sounds so cultish but the light in my life is so sparing. comorbid mental illness and neurodivergency can make you feel wholly broken, like so many pieces are wrong no one can fix any given one. finally, after so many horribly low moments, after so much fighting, im in a place to be happy. i must share my joy with a world i see so bleakly as much as i can.
will I do anything? likely no. but ive already made one person feel better. and i'm making me feel better. and that's so much more valuable than many know.
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twilight-zoned-out · 28 days
Edwin Payne is a dweeb who gives terrible weak comebacks, who can be unnecessarily petty, or overly smug, who is inordinately pleased with himself when wearing detective gear and using scientific gear, the thought never crossing his mind that he might not look as cool as he thinks he does, who carries a continual and utter absolute delight at acting like the characters he loved to read about, who was enthralled by his magazine detective and adventure stories and who wears a similar smile when he sits on the bed watching Scooby Doo with Niko, 'these detectives are terribly clever,' whose board game collection is mostly variations of Clue, who requires payment (because any good detective is worth some kind of payment) but whose idea of payment is whatever interesting object the client offers to add to his collection, who has encyclopedic intelligence he clearly dedicated hours to learning, who has a particular way of acting and speaking like everything is of vital importance, because to him, it is.
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iron-sides · 10 days
shaking and frothing at the mouth like a small rabid dog. i have thoughts about the perfect court that do not and cannot exist in any language but what's important here is that you HAVE to under that fundamentally. fundamentally riko moriyama is a scared little boy who has been told since birth that he is nothing, and that the only way he can change this is to be the best: he can be the best or he can be nothing, and the default state here is nothing. and he knows somewhere deep in his gut that he will never be the best. he grew up with kevin day and saw the way kevin lived and breathed exy and knew there was something different about him, knew that they way kevin lived and breathed exy was somehow more than the way he did. and so he lied, he drew numbers on their faces he beat kevin down however he could because he could not stand to be nothing ever again. and it still wasnt enough.
#GODDDDD IM SO NORMAL ABOUT HIM!!!! WORST GUY EVER FOR REAL#DESPERATE TO FEEL IN CONTROL OF ANYTHING HE CAN BECAUSE HE CAN NEVER CONTROL THE IMPORTANT THING#which is to say he will never understand WHY kevin is better than him. because the answer is so simple and so contradictory to everything#he has ever known:#fundamentally riko plays exy because he needs to be something more than nothing. fundamentally kevin plays exy because he LOVES it because#he knows nothing else because its what he has left of his mom because he is incredibly autistic about it#and that level of love of fondness of drive of passion is not something riko will ever have#because riko doesnt love EXY#he loves BEING THE BEST. he loves the spotlight the attention the being more than nothing#this is why hes better with the media than kevin: he plays exy For This and kevin does media For Exy#aaaaaaa. anyway <3#riko man. im so normal about him#my thots#aftg#also i think its important to understand that (i think) (to me) kevin KNOWS THIS#he knows exactly why riko does the things he does and thats why he makes so many excuses for him#because that's his brother. because it isnt rikos fault he was raised to believe he could be the best or nothing#but its not kevins fault that hes the best. and its not jeans fault he exists#<- because it was never about jean. it was never even about kevin! they were both collateral damage#of the way tetsuji raised riko#and im not totally sure how much of that jean knows ill have to read tsc again#but yeah. anyway ^-^#kevin day#riko moriyama
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From this interview:
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hysterical-cats · 8 months
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this ^ lil black swoopy in silli/jemi's bib is actually incredibly important and its a crime that they dont include it more often
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wraithsoutlaws · 6 months
you know i had a fun little vp idea i wanted to do for the cyberpunk anniversary but i haven't had the energy to even touch it recently so i'll just settle with saying that this game impacted me in ways i never thought it would when i first picked it up 3 years ago. i knew i would enjoy it, i had been looking forward to it for a long time, and despite a ~controversial~ launch, i had a fucking blast from day 1 (on ps4 no less). regardless of bugs and memes and public dunking, the story grabbed me like nothing else could at the time, and it reignited so much of my passion and motivation for art that i had lost in the clutches of mental illness and i'll always be grateful for that. it introduced me to so many wonderful people (some whom i carry very close to my heart), and maybe most personally surprising, it gave me an outlet to understand parts of myself that i had been too afraid to acknowledge for a long time, the courage to accept and embrace myself as non-binary, and allow myself to just BE without trying to convince myself i'm crazy. that's not what i expected from the get-go but it's been a really fun journey to be on ngl
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hey ummmm jsyk the red cross is going through a severe blood shortage. if you are eligible, please donate—from the beginning of august to about mid-september 2023 alone, the red cross has lost about 25% of its blood supply, and has been sending blood to hospitals at a MUCH faster rate than it has been receiving donations.
giving ONE pint of blood can save THREE people’s lives. power red donations (which require certain conditions be met) can allow you to safely give TWICE AS MUCH blood. plasma can be given once every two weeks, making it more frequent, but again, you must meet certain conditions.
also, i’m not sure if this is a thing in just my state or nationally, but if you give blood before October 20th 2023, they give you a free $15 Amazon gift card. i believe we shouldn’t need incentives for things like this but in case that is a motivator for anyone, check what they’re doing in your state!
i cannot understate the importance of giving blood right now if you are eligible and have the means. you could help so many people by regularly giving. someone in the united states needs blood every two (2) seconds, and while three people doesn’t sound like a lot, many people together donating could save up to thousands.
please share this around. it’s something i’m insanely passionate about and i wish more people were.
source for shortage stats: https://www.redcross.org/about-us/news-and-events/press-release/2023/red-cross-announces-national-blood-shortage.html
schedule near you: https://www.redcrossblood.org/give.html/find-drive?cid=p-max-oct-23&med=cpc&source=google&scode=RSG00000E017&gad=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwsp6pBhCfARIsAD3GZuZNFjPI2X1wURQ0VQWnVxx-KYW2rV1ASBZWp6cvpehVLl4wHqmlRusaAuQLEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
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sennaverstappen · 3 months
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rimouskis · 8 months
on the subject of museums though: I'm a FIRM believer that the smithsonians are genuinely some the greatest cultural heritage americans possess and I believe SO fervently in them being free to the public and accessible to all because they ARE our nation's history and tell (and ideally deconstruct) our national myths and help contextualize the natural world around us and show us the heights of human ingenuity and art. also my favorite of all of them is the national museum of the american indian and I personally think if you can only go to one smithsonian museum it should be that one
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edsbacktattoo · 10 months
can’t believe i missed it. happy belated birthday to my first born!
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they grow up so fast 🥹
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cowardstiel · 9 months
watched the unaired sherlock pilot and crying laughing ☠️☠️ the title card is outrageous
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dnangelic · 7 months
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dark will always take up immediate issue with those who mock love or emotion as weak i think. irrational at times? sure, he can agree. sensitive, vulnerable? absolutely; inherently, (as a synonym for sincere,) but the moment someone starts legitimately calling love a weakness or an exposed vein only meant to be punctured and drained from, that's when he starts to get angry. dark, as someone who already bears an inherent callousness and apathy, who knows just how easy it is to be cruel, destructive and belligerent, always admires daisuke for the boy's heart and tender, stubborn emotion. like sugisaki's interview mentions, dark is likely someone who bears continuous witness to and understands just how much intense effort can go into someone doing their best in trying to be kind to others; he thinks that he himself never could, at least not even close to the same way that daisuke steadily tries to maintain. those that would mock or scoff at daisuke's, if not the overall idea of kindness, dark won't hesitate to snap at and call weak, pathetic, or cowardly in return. those who prey on others' feelings and scorn or abuse them aren't proving that kindness is a 'weakness;' they're only fouling good things that could have even otherwise been their own with their own 'malicious crap and garbage.'
#*・゚⊰ 𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐃𝐒. ⊱ ✦ › OUT.#reference.#this can get complicated bc like even if he chews somebody out he probably still won't start fighting them or anything#and there's still the part of him that doesn't really care how people live their lives for themselves#but at the same time. he recognizes that careless part of himself too. unlike daisuke who's always always showing compassion and worrying#for others' feelings and their safety#in the end ppl like this just remind him of krad who's always saying the same thing#emotion is a weakness feelings are a vulnerability so just never have anything ever. don't want anything don't do anything#for yourself. just repress and break and self destruct and let him control/manipulate everything#dark can't staaaaaand that.#it's not the love. it's YOU. anybody who twists and mucks things around. you're the weak one you're the scum#(and again. dark is the responsible one. he's the one who wants to always own up to his own shit)#daisuke isn't weak for his kindnesses because it takes so much -effort-. and he's always trying his best to focus on things important#and to meet them in whatever way he can. daisuke might admire dark for being capable and charismatic. cool and 'reliable'#but what dark doesn't say is how he admires daisuke for being so incredibly strong but still soft and -tender- as well#it's the same perspective as riku- 'he looks kind of wimpy but he's not weak. he always thinks about how he can do his best.'#even if dark can't be daisuke. the things that make himself up. things like love. sincerity. passion. things that make life worth living#dark will get hella defensive of things like that if you push the right buttons.
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wibble-wobbegong · 1 year
my dream is to one day host a 3 hour lecture where i just talk about elmike and how their relationship is the most complex and unique (in the sense that they’re incredibly subversive of tropes and avoid tons of cliches, not that they’re the most special pair or whatever) in the show
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tennessoui · 11 months
💫, 🎈and 🧿 <3
(ask game meme)
💫what is your favorite kind of comment/feedback?
!!! has to be said i love all sorts of comments!! scream at the characters' bad decisions, just scream, write how much you want to hug the characters, tell me when you laughed, go line by line talking about what hit you the most, try to guess what's going to happen next, leave extra kudos, anything you want!!
i think the only comments i don't appreciate are the ones correcting grammar or spelling or pointing out typos - i live by the philosophy that if i give you 19k words for free and there are 100 typos and grammatical errors, then the math still works out in my favor and i have given you more good, typo-free words than typos!! so i don't really care about my misspellings.
🎈describe your style as a writer; is it fixed? does it change?
i feel like my style changes for the story!!! i try to stay away from a lot of metaphor or flowery language in general though. i guess i focus a lot on dialogue and breaking up big paragraphs with short actions or dialogue. i really want my fics to be like. understandable for the most part. i think i definitely have some heavy and dark fics with twisted reasonings and stuff, but for the most part i like that my fics are pretty easy to read and straightforward and accessible to people who don't know or care much about the details of canon !! because that's how i came careening into this fandom haha
🧿what steps do you take to not take things personally if a fic doesn't do well, or if your writing/posting/sharing experience isn't going how you'd like it to?
tbh i log off i go for a walk i paint i read a book i do my nails i take a shower etc etc there is no predicting what this fandom will like most at any given time because fanons and tropes that are popular and "in" change so frequently and so quickly. but i write for myself, what i want to write and what i find interesting, and so if i'm feeling like i'm getting into my head about ""the numbers"" of a fic, then i log off and take a break for a bit until i remember again it's all for me, babyyy
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moskowins · 5 months
yeah,   yeah,   eli and demetri are cute,   but miguel and eli?   they own my heart now and forever.   out of all the bonds that eli could ever have and i want to see more on screen,   in order it goes:   eli/miguel,   eli/sam,   eli/robby,   and eli/tory.   i said what i said.
#out of character. ⁽ edie ⁾#don't get me wrong#eli and dem are incredible and they had a beautiful friendship but the show refuses to acknowledge that dem genuinely never accepted#that eli was growing and changing and tried to pull the hawk persona from him without a care of why it had happened or what it meant to eli#he looked down on him for it and it's why hawk turned all the affection he had into active hatred#and eli was horrible to him and you don't just move past that and go back to how things were. eli and dem are so so different now#and they need to fix so much between them. they can and they will but it's also okay to not go back to how things were#they outgrew each other and that's okay. it's valid and it happens and they can still be close without going in circles#eli and miguel's friendship is so important to me because they grew together and miguel actually saw eli for who he was#miguel was the only one who could see his friend even when he took the rage and anger and need for control too far#he knew eli didn't stop being eli just because he was putting up this front and diving head first into it#also the fact that sam and eli have so much in common yet have always been on opposing ends and a balance to each other? makes me feral#i need more of them because i know they can be such a good team and it warmed my heart to see them root for each other#sam and eli are so passionate and have the capability of being so raw and real and their fighting styles are the most balanced tbh#they've been everywhere all at once and i need them to be a duo and fighting together because everything they hated each other for was a#doing of their trauma and their fears and everyone else tbh. sam and eli don't really know each other at all#and they have so much to unpack and see in each other because i do think that they have a lot in common and balance each other#eli and robby whew so much to unpack there too and i just need them to not gloss over what happened between them#and same with eli and tory because at some point they were all they had in ck when everything changed#and hawk was loyal to her and cared for her and he was displaced and it sent him deeper down#anyway justice for eli and actually seeing ties that matter without him just being shoved into an old friendship
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supernovaa-remnant · 5 months
anyway, one of these days I'm just gonna make a long post about all my favorite prose from ad aeternum (I'll put it under a cut probably) because, whilst I do think goals of self-improvement in one's craft is important, I also think that it's deeply important to be able to find things in your craft to be currently proud of.
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