#pathy hold me
ficmachine · 2 years
Bloodhound, Octane, and Pathfinder, reacting to a make reader who always hides his face? Like- always wears these pretty/badass looking masks, and one day it falls off (or maybe brakes, or they catch him without his mask) and he's the most prettiest boi they've met- and he just starts crying cuz he's afraid on how they'll react?
You don't have to reply to this if you don'twanna! Also I wanna say I love your work! Your really talented ^^
Please keep up the great work!!
I gotchu! Dw! And thank you! :0c
Bloodhound/Octane/Pathy x Masc Reader. (Mask-wearing self-conscious reader)
Style: Intro + Headcanons
Wordcount: 1.8k (1808 to be exact)
People get curious. People ask. Not everyone, of course, but those who ask about why you cover your face usually prod to the point it gets uncomfortable. The amount of people – Your “fans” as they call themselves - who blow it out of proportion, make you paranoid about someone pushing it too far.
They're terrifying, especially when they obsess over something. You'd think you would have more than enough shit to deal with as a legend but no, this is a whole different can you don't want to crack open.
Regardless, whether it's just for your own comfort or just because you like looking cool is nobody's damned business.
You have your own reasons. That should be enough.
But bad fortune was going to catch up to you at some point or other, you suppose.
The stray bullet that scraped the side of your face was close, way too close - fear washes over you like a bucket of ice cold water.
Ducking under cover with your heart leaping to your throat you touch your cheek with a hiss – red smeared over your glove – and curse under your breath. Shit. Not good but at least you're not out in the open. Taking a deep breath you grip your gun tighter, chest heaving up and down as your eyes lock with your teammate.
“I'm fine.” You dismiss their concern quickly, pressing the inside of your sleeve to your face to stop the bleeding as you peek out from behind the wall. You can't pinpoint the shooter, neither can you sense any movement out in the open. Sucking in a breath you take cover again, back against the cold concrete wall and gun clutched to your chest. “Can't see them.”
Looking back at your partner your brows furrow. They're staring. Is the wound that bad? You pull your sleeve away to see the bleeding eased up and heave a sigh, breath visible in the cold weather.
Your eyes catch the sight of your face-mask on the ground.
Quicker than you can process your free hand snaps to your face. Panic engulfs your form all over again – eyes shooting up to your teammate to find them still staring – they definitely saw. Your head spins, heart hammering as your throat goes dry.
This is probably the worst time to panic. And cry? Are you really going to cry over this? Right now? In the middle of the field?
Bloodhound -
If there's anyone out there who'd understand the panic you're experiencing now, it's them. They wouldn't want anyone to see their face, especially in the middle of the battlefield.
Bloodhound knows better than to stare. Even if they caught a glimpse of your face they respectfully avert their gaze, focusing on the incoming fight instead.
They've seen you come out of fights with much worse scrapes, but when you hesitate so do they.
Minding to keep their eyes off you, they grab your mask off the ground and hold it up to you without a word.
Thankfully there's nobody around, nor are there any cameras close enough to your cover.
They keep watch over you while you fix the mask back onto your face the best you possibly can, and only when you're done do they look at you.
Noticing your trembling form they try their best to soothe you, resting their hand on your arm and giving it a small squeeze. “Stay with me, félagi fighter. The fight is not over yet.”
As empathetic as they are, they can't do anything but bring your focus back to the battle.
It's hard to get a grip on your panic – eyes blurry and ears ringing, you're disorientated and zoned out - but you know you have to. It's either pushing your feelings to the side to deal with them later, or risking dying.
Bloodhound keeps a hand on your arm until you're calm enough to stand and move. Eyes locking with yours you give them a nod, a thanks, and their whole form relaxes some.
“Good. Let's move, myndarlegur. It is not safe here.”
Carefully they lead you out of the danger zone and towards somewhere quieter.
They keep an eye on you throughout the rest of the game, both out of concern and interest.
Whether or not the two of you win doesn't matter. As soon as the game's over and you're free to go Bloodhound checks up on you. They don't bring up whether or not they've seen your face, and with how they're acting you're not entirely sure they did, but if you need to they let you lean on their shoulder as the panic from the day's events catch up to you.
Octane -
Unlike Bloodhound, Octane's a bit too stunned to snap his gaze away from you in time. When your eyes lock he tenses, feeling like he was caught red handed over something he wasn't ever supposed to see.
How can he look away though? Have you seen your face? That's... A dumb question, but he's seen it now too! And MAN, he looked away more out of bashfulness than anything else.
His heart leaps to his throat when he forces out a laugh to dismiss the situation, clicking his tongue. “Ai, amigo, you gotta be more careful. Custom masks like that are a bitch to replace.”
Shaking his head he hands you the mask, frowning when he notices how badly its broken. There's no way you can put it back on.
The realisation draws over you the same second and suddenly it's much harder to breathe than before.
With your vision spinning you lean back on the wall heavily, knees almost buckling under you while the gun slips out of your hand and falls to the ground with a clatter. A vague wave of pain passes through you when you grip your face too hard but you're too zoned out to care.
One moment your vision is spinning, the other you feel fingers prying your hand away from your face. Then, you're staring at maskless Octane grinning his stupid grin at you while he makes sure his own mask sits comfortably on your lower face.
He dismisses you when you ask why, waving his hand in the air as if it was nothing.
“What are friends for, huh? Besides, we have a game to win. Can't have you distracted while we kick ass!”
And kick ass you do.
Sure, he looks kinda dumb with just his goggles and head covered, but with the air filter built in this mask it's much more comfortable to breathe than in your own.
After the game is over Octavio sticks to you like glue, both to check in on you and to let you know you can keep the mask until you can replace yours.
Like hell you're gonna give it back. You're keeping it and he's more than okay with that.
Pathfinder -
Pathfinder, sweet, helpful Pathfinder, notices your mask is gone quicker than you notice your bleeding. Fortunately, he's also the quickest one to jump into action.
“Careful, friend! Faces aren't meant to be shot through.”
You're panicked and shaking, covering your face, and the last thing on his mind is your face. He's focusing on double-checking nobody's near before looking back to you and holding out a medkit to you.
He enjoys looking at your face, of course, so he doesn't look away until you turn away and it finally clicks in his head that you're probably uncomfortable. After all, some people like having their face covered and you happen to be one of those people.
Looking around he pinpoints your mask and dusts it off, holding it up to you.
Noticing you're not moving and your eyes are leaking he tilts his head to the side, only realising you're having a panic attack when his thumb feels the pulse in your wrist.
“Oh no, this isn't good. Don't worry, I've got you.” Immediately his attitude changes from cheerful to deeply worried, and he's wriggling the medkit out of your hand to grab you and get the two of you out of the open.
Thankfully, he holds you close to his chest while he grapples to the safety of the indoors – locking the doors and setting you down in the corner – to make sure no cameras can catch a glimpse of you.
Once inside he rummages through the kit to patch you up, giving you a heads up at the incoming sting loud enough to get through your brain haze so you can brace yourself for it.
With that done he gets to work on fixing your mask up the best he can – he's not great at it but he can get a few strong stitches in quick enough before you need to get moving again.
“There, just like new – only slightly torn.” He beams at you.
By the time he's done you're staring at him openly, eyes dried, mind still foggy but you're grounded enough to bring yourself back into the present. You've been staring at him all throughout and if he noticed he didn't say anything. You're grateful for it.
Pathfinder hands you the mask and you shakily put it on, gasping when he ruffles your head to ground you further.
“Do you need another minute or are you feeling well enough to keep going? We always can outrun the ring with my zip-line, so don't worry about that.”
You let him know you need another minute, and he nods before walking off to double-check if it's still safe in the building. Once he's back he looks at you, head tilting to the left while a question mark pops up on his chest monitor.
“I do have a question for you, friend.”
Your mouth runs dry. There it is-
“Are you alright?” You blink up at him, genuinely expecting him to ask about your mask or why you wear it. Instead, he continues, “I'm sure we can forfeit if you need to leave. Your well-being matters more to me than winning.”
Your heart swells, both with anxiety and appreciation, but you ultimately shake your head from side to side, letting him know you just need another moment.
You might not win, but with a friend like Pathfinder, who's willing to give up winning just to make sure you're okay? You're gonna have to make sure he knows how much he means to you.
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Being Bloodhounds Younger Sibling pt. 2
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Reader: Gender Netural | "you" | Platonic
Notes: the gif makes me smile, bloodhound smiling 🥺
Warnings: none really? Fighting?
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To be honest, when you seen Bloodhound ontop of Fuse like that you were tramatized.
Just immediately closing the door.
"I understand your pain now Arthur."
Finally someone gets his pain.
So in traumtization buddies, you feed him instead, along with giving Bear a snack because he ate already
You best be sure when Fuse and you get placed on a team he's like:
"So. Eh..heh...hows your day going."
"Good. I suppose. But your face reminds me of the time my sibling was ontop of you."
"Ah...eh...houndy likes to feel poweful."
"My sibling is powerful. You cannot handle them. They go soft on you."
Fuse figures out soon that you dont exactly know what your talking about....
But that kinda makes Fuse think. Is bloodhound easy on him?
Fuse tries to get to know you the best you'll let him. Your standoffish, keep to yourself, Pathfinder is someone thats only really gotten close to you, both physically and mentally.
Its true you've stuck yourself to Pathy while out and about, he showed you kindess and was simply pure of heart
So he was allowed to hug you, allowed to get in your personal space
He just has a vibe that makes him want to be around.
Despite you not suppose to be as he's technology
You see alot of Vantage, Fuse and Bloodhound together.
You figured Vantage is there daughter but wonder why you hadnt been introduced yet.
But before you could bring any of that up your older sibling comes knocking at your door.
"Come in."
Bloodhound walks in taking off the mask and helmet, setting it down, "Come. Sit."
Y/n and Bloodhound take a seat on the floor, "i have something for you."
Y/n watched as a box was handed towards them.
"They will aid you."
Y/n was silent as Bloodhound opened the box, "They will help you hear again. Better, easier."
Y/n looked at the book and shook there head.
"Y/n please."
"That is against our ways."
"Y/n." Bloodhound spoke grabbing there hand, "We cannot keep ignoring our future. Rayma has made them for you. They blend in with your hair and skin, they will be hard to see."
Y/n was silent as they watched Bloodhound take them out the box. They trusted Bloodhound with there full heart and mind, and allowed there sibling to fit them to there ears.
A loud ringing came with the word as Y/n quickly pulled them out tossing them away holding there ears in pain.
"Sorry! I'm sorry-"
Bloodhound was quick to grab them from the floor, "too strong I suppose. I will turn them down."
Y/n watched as Bloodhound fixed they twisted a little nib, "Lets do one for now."
With time, Bloodhound adjusted them perfectly to your ears
But they couldnt help the look they were given, you looked lost
Maybe this was the final straw? There really was no going back to the old ways
Bloodhounds thankful to Rayma/Rampart,
And like always they help you adjust
And its werid being able to hear everyone so clearly now.
Pathfinder's excited for you, like holding your hands jumping around excited and Wattson joins in
You dont exactly know whats going on
But to thank Rampart you carve something nice,
You stick with a Prowler, the type that stalk the snowy mountains.
While your carving Pathfinder comes over to talk to you on the drop ship.
"So thats bloodhounds sibling?" Vatnage asked.
"Yeah. That the's rumour goin around!" Rampart smiled, "To be honest though mate, we'll never know by looks. No ones ever seen ol' houndy's face."
"Im gonna go say Hi!"
Vantage happily marched her way over, Y/n silent despite Pathfinder's constant talking.
"Hello! Im Mara!"
Y/n looked up then back down at there carving.
"Ooo you carve too? Im a carver myself." Vantage cheered watching Echo relocated infront of Bear.
"Bloodhound is with Fuse. I believe they are the upper deck." Y/n spoke, "Do not eat the bat."
Bear backed up and pouted, Y/n going back to work.
"Wow. You knew before he even opened his mouth! Thats pretty keen!" Vantage cheered, "But I heard your Bloodhound's sibling. You're a hunter too then?"
Vantage was answered with Silence, "You're name's Y/n right? What was your village like?"
Silence again, "Silence is fun too! I'll sit with you and carve with you!"
Y/n was quiet, they always were, after all they had no social skills outside there sibling relationship.
But with this Y/n couldn't help but feel....replaced.
Bloodhound had Fuse, and Vatnage.
They an odd little makeshift family
You didnt wanna ruin anything bloodhound had made for themselves, but the idea of them kinda just going off and leaving to make a new family kinda hurt
You'd never admit that though.
"Hey! Mara!" Mirage cheered making his way over.
"Mr. Witt!" She smiled, "Mr.Witt! This is Y/n! They're bloodhound's sibling! Well. I think they are atleast. Y/n! This is Mr.Witt! He's super cool!"
"I just came to introduce myself to the g-gor-to the pretty new person." Mirage flirted.
"Do you think you are pretty?" Y/n questioned.
"A little yeah." Mirage smiled, leaning on the nearby crates just to slip and fall, Y/n watching him scramble to his feet.
"So! Me? You!? Pork chops?" He smiled, "I have booze! Wait- that sounds wrong- I'm a bar tender! A good one at that!"
"If you're asking me for a partnership you must ask the eldest of my house."
"Oh! Yeah! Parent consent's...cool. even at our age...anyway-"
"Bloodhound is on the upper deck." Y/n responded.
"Bloodhound is eldest." Y/n informed, "It is bloodhounds word."
Wait....he's....gott ask...
He'll admit. Bloodhound, sweet, nice, but in situations like the games, and serious moments they're pretty uh....spoopy
Bloodhound looked at the man, "ah you have met my sibling. I do hope they did not stab you, social skills are not there strong suit."
"No! No! No!"
"I wanted to take them to the bar. Ya know. Hang out with them."
"The bar is not there strong suit i assure you. If you wish to hang out with them truly. Ask to go on a hunt."
"Aye! Witt ya ol' fella!" Fuse cheered coming up with two bottles in his hand, handing one to bloodhound, "if I'da known ya were gonna be here I'da brought you a bottle."
"Im not staying long. Just askin about Y/n."
"Yeah? What's up with the kiddo anyway? Stab anyone new?"
"Witt was hoping to go on....a hangout as he called it." Bloodhound commented.
"Ya wanna take Y/n out on a date?" Fuse commented, "Good Luck."
"What is that ment to mean?" Bloodhound spoke.
"What? Nothin. Y/n...the kid's...just uh." Fuse told, "Diffrent....ya know?"
"No. That is why I inquired."
"The kids....hard to be friendly with. Kids...off putting, rough around the edges."
"You are saying my sibling is rude-"
"Then what?" Bloodhound asked standing up.
"I told ya! Y/n's rough around the edges!" Fuse spoke in defense, "Hey! Maybe witt will smooth em out, huh?-"
"Y/n does not need smoothing out. None the less a man nor woman to do so." Bloodhound argued, "here."
The bottle was shoved in Witt's chest, he catching it quickly, "Goodbye. I need to check on Arthur."
"Houndy! I didn-"
But bloodhound was already gone.
You were confused as Bloodhound came back upset though No one could tell but seemingly you
You chased them down worried.
"No need. I am alright." Bloodhound reassured, "I will be back-"
Y/n grabbed Bloodhound by the shoulder stopping them, "Last time you said you'd be back you left....for a long time."
Bloodhound sighed, "I. I am sorry."
"You have apologized enough. I just want to you to tell me whats going on. I can not stop you if you wish to leave."
"A small tussel with Fitzroy is all." Bloodhound responded, "I supoose I am a little defensive as of recent."
So you go to sit with your sibling. Its nice to be in each others presence even in silence.
You're for sure targeting Fuse next match.
So it helps that next match you get put with Revenant and Mad Maggie.
"I want Fitzroy's head."
"I like you already skinsuit."
Talk about trail following. Dude your like ontop there team.
Fuse, Loba and Bloodhound all on one team
So you'd for sure have to take out Fuse secluded.
Luckily your able to single him out, throwing him against a wall.
"Woah now! Houndy wouldn't like you killin' me eh?" Fuse tried to persuade, a joke in the tone of his voice.
"You upset them."
"Ah. That. We talked that out I swear!"
"Hm." Y/n hummed in thought, "Oh well, better luck next time."
finisher for the kill? absolutely
But then Maggie's shouting she's down, and Revenant follows quickly after.
"One last egg! Callin it your family!"
Oh...Is Bloodhound the last one standing?
you can be sure there's an epic standoff.
"May the all father guide my victory."
"And may the Ragnarok falling be as brutal as yours shall be this day."
Bloodhound chuckled, "You were always one for the fall."
"The fall is just as important as the rise." Y/n spoke in defense, "you taught me that."
"You listened well for having been impaired," Bloodhound praised, let us see if your tongue is as swift as your knife."
"Verbalailty is something you reached me not to lean on as well." Y/n spoke, both taking a step forward, "I do hope your age has not impaired you much."
With the last words, they charged at one another, cargo bots that also acted as cameras in the games focused in on the two.
"Hey! Hey! wait!" Wattson called, "Look!"
The two teams stopped the firing, and they all looked at one of the larger screens that were usually meant to show legends, playing the battle out.
"You never bring a knife to a gunfight," Bangalore spoke.
"I don't think it's the gun Y/n's worried about," Wraith told in defense.
"An interesting fighter indeed," Ash praised, "but stupid, very, stupid."
Y/n was knocked on their side, groaning, knife and axe were knocked away.
"You fought well little one." Bloodhound praised, "But I must finish what I have started."
Bloodhound was quick to grab their own axe, Y/n getting to their feet as they stood ready to defend.
Cue the epic battle music
You werent giving up easy, and neither was your older sibling
Think about the Kratos verus Thor fight from the beginning of the game, and...just...thats you guys
But when weapons get knocked away, slidding off the side of the platform is when you both finally realize your just above lava
You got pinned to the railing but managed to fill bloodhound over you barely catching there hand before they fell into the lava below.
"What are you doing!?" Bloodhound argued, "let me go!"
Y/n looked down at them, they'd kill Bloodhound for victory? For Slatra...
"I. I can't!" Y/n argued.
"Y/n! Let me go you've won!" Bloodhound defended.
"I cant! I can't!"
"Why not!?"
"I can't loose you!"
Its like morality had struck you, you were killing your sibling.
"Y/n. Let me go." Bloodhound ordered, "I will be alright. Remember. It is just a game. I will see you back on the ship."
Y/n looked down, loosinging there grip, "You promise?"
"I promise."
So, you dropped Bloodhound, winning the smaller battle, and picked up both teammates.
"Ya crack an egg, good on you kid."
"yeah. Thanks..."
Okay everybody going back to fighting now
Sure enough, you did
You didn't win, placed in the top three though.
You could care less though and ran straight to Bloodhound hugging them tightly.
They congratulate you on your success, you were doing quite well for being new
no matter how old you get praise from your older sibling is always reassuring
Mad Maggie out of all people consoles you, sitting beside you
"You took a big step eh?" She spoke, "It gets easier kids, don't cha worry! Take it from me."
"You're people."
She looked at Y/n and chuckled, "Eh, Salvo's one hell of a dog's arse if I say so at the moment."
"You're people are lucky to have a warrior such as yourself."
"Suppose I'm a bit of a fuck up. Especially when it come to the family."
Y/n looked at her as she handed over a bottle, "One for the top three."
Y/n nodded taking the bottle, "I suppose, I am a fuck up as well."
"Don't let it get ya down-"
Maggie went silent as she watched Y/n chug the liquid from the bottle, "ugh!" Y/n gaged pulling it away "Burns-"
She only laughed as their gagging self.
Here comes Mirage asking you out again,
"On a hunt."
"You hunt here?"
"yeah sure why not."
It's been a while since you went on a hunt, and so you invited Bloodhound excitedly.
Vantage wants to go and even cuts in asking.
You are still iffy about Vantage: you can't help it, just human nature you suppose, being jealous.
But here comes octane wanting to join too,
"A group hunter sounds refreshing. Y/n?"
You nodded and said you were inviting one more person too then.
So when you're all dropped off and given a few days rest, you all gather at a ship, and there you come dragging Revenant
Mirage wishes he just invited you to read in his room at this point.
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marvelatthismess · 11 months
hii sorry to bother you, but since you have the apex cookbook do u happen to know if horizons scones that were mentioned in that one s7 loading screen made it in? its kinda haunting me ngl 😭😭
Appearing in my asks is never a bother!! Or appearing anywhere in my notifs to be fair- I'm always looking for an excuse to talk about my favs
There's no scones in the cookbook </3 but we do get these recipes from Horizon:
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She's so sweet to Pathy and I love it
(this isn't part of what you asked for but, because of these recipes, I now hold the headcanon that in the colder seasons (though they make them year round) her and Newton would make the cookies together then Mary would make tea for herself and hot chocolate for him and then they'd take it all stargazing with them)
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acoldmyst · 3 months
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* ◟ : 〔 PATHY DEJESUS, CIS WOMAN + SHE / HER 〕 YARA RHODES , some say you’re a FORTY FOUR YEAR OLD lost soul among the neon lights. known for being both AMBITIOUS and SELF - SERVING, one can’t help but think of YOU SHOULD SEE ME IN A CROWN by BILLIE EILISH when you walk by. are you still the OWNER for GRAVITY NIGHTCLUB, even with your reputation as THE INTANGIBLE? i think we’ll be seeing more of you and A GLASS OF RED WINE WITH A DARK LIP STAIN ON THE RIM; A HAND WITH IMPECCABLY MANICURED, SHARP NAILS, HELD OUT TO CLOSE BUSINESS; CROSSED LEGS ON A BUSINESS CHAIR, ADORNED BY SHARP HEELS AND A CLOSED OFF POSTURE, although we can’t help but think of RACHEL DUNCAN ( ORPHAN BLACK ) + EMMA FROST ( MARVEL COMICS ) + ALANNA MITSOPOLIS ( MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE ) whenever we see you down these rainy streets.
full name: yara cristina rhodes
pronouns/gender identity: she/her, cisfemale
sexuality: she/her, cisfemale
birth date: august 2nd
occupation: owner at gravity nightclub; formerly director of publicity at dahl co. (until 2028) and stoneage industries. (until 2035)
star sign: leo sun, scorpio rising
affiliation: to all, and to none.
ׂ╰┈➤ a study in genetics.
if yara rhodes has inherited anything from her parents, it really doesn't go beyond appearances. daddy's curly hair, mommy's beautiful dark eyes, and the personality of the devil incarnate from a young age. leonardo and beatriz rhodes are good people, as selfless as they come, who both let go of high paying careers in order to dedicate their lives to public service. alas, the do-gooder gene certainly skipped a generation when it came to yara, and that much has been clear from childhood.
ׂ╰┈➤ lessons in patience.
they didn't know what to do with her. she was too smart, too questioning, and too objective. beatriz even had it in her to try a child psychologist, who had to inform her that it wasn't a sin for yara to not be a carbon copy of her parents. this didn't do much for the family's relationship, pushing yara to plan ahead for several years, until she could leave the house as soon as she was 18.
yara has been a free woman since. they've barely have any contact, her parents still unable to look at the woman she has become. since then, it's been one long game of chess after the other; patience to grow under competitive and unfair work environments, to make the right connections, to learn and to grow in more ways than one, all so that she could reach the point in which she now stands.
ׂ╰┈➤ the spider web.
after years of work weaving her silk all throughout new york city, yara rests on her laurels, contemplating the fruits of her hard labour. she's the glue holding several enterprises together, the chain sustaining unimaginable deals, all the while expanding her nightclub franchise, and hopefully her influence, to different cities. there's now a new, albeit smaller location of gravity at las vegas, but new york city is still the beating heart of her operation.
anyone who's anyone in the big apple know the name of yara rhodes, and of the gravity nightclub. but what happens behind close doors is a well-guarded secret, in both cases. gaining access to those, though not an impossible task, is a remarkably difficult one, so you better start playing your cards right.
— associates, in any and all of the organizations or even unaffiliated;
— people who work under her in gravity, both at the club itself and at management;
— former coworkers from dahl co. and stoneage industries;
— former and current lovers?? lol
— i'm open to all suggestions!
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jams-sims · 4 months
Ya know watching someone play through Class of 09 OG. Really made me realize how dark the first game was- The humor is dark the material it talks about is dark. If I had to put the game into perspective is like doing a genocide run first.
It in capitalizes Nicole's encroaching soci-pathy behavior. This is from someone who 100% the OG game. I see now that its been update and you no longer have to go into your files to read the messages left. I also didn't realize on the suicide ending true ending (the one where a grown man ruins a tween girls life.) Jecka leaves you a message. (Further confiriming the messages are from the people in your class.)
It doesnt hold back, i know it would be easy to say it edgy. I meam it based around the early 2000s so duh. But if I had to comepare it to Reup, Reup is like the Fanon of Class of 09 canon self. Reup is dark but more digestable it looks nicer, plays smoother. Just watching someone else play class of 09 made me realize people really need to pay attention to warning when it comes to it. At least in 09.
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angelatmidnight1 · 2 years
ok so👉👈 i used to do hip hop a couple of years ago, but while i did like that type of dance, i was also very, very shy, and I'd get nervous and a bit anxious whenever we would practice (it was a bit intimidating to have a lot of eyes on me). I would dance so much better if i was alone because I'd loosen up almost immediately. Oddly enough, I was able to loosen up just as much when we were performing on stage, go figure lol!
Anyway, if you're taking reader prompts, i thought it'd be nice if you wrote something like that, it doesn't have to be related to dance necessarily, it could be related to playing an instrument for example, or singing, some activity that the reader is kind of insecure and shy about, but then some legend (I dont know who exactly, maybe one of the girls?) would catch the reader doing said activity and would reassure them when they get all embarrassed and then would maybe tickle them until they promise to loosen up and smile more? i love your writing, thank you in advance!
Hips Don't Lie
You claim that you’re not a dancer, until Lifeline catches you grooving in the kitchen on a Saturday night. You stiffen up, embarrassed, and it’s up to her to get you moving again. 
“Ku deh. Only one squad left.”
Lifeline spoke, pinging the last team in the upper buildings at the Swamps. You turned towards the location and peeked around a large rock. At first, you didn’t see anything. But then…
You yelped. Whatever hit you left a big dent in your shields, and you immediately ducked back down. Pathfinder was quick to hand you a shield battery. 
“Here you go, friend! That sounded like a Kraber. Let’s recharge your shields so you don’t die.” Pathy said. You nodded and fully patched up your shields…only to have him hand you another one right away. You gave him a questioning look, and he responded with a thumbs up. “Go ahead, have another one! I collected plenty from the friends we killed.”
“Oh. Thanks, Path.” You answered, giving him a small smile. You pocketed the shield battery and gently patted his hand. “Nice of you to watch out for me.”
Pathfinder’s monitor displayed a smiley face. “Of course,” he chirped. “Good friends always look out for each other, just like good parents!”
You heard Lifeline sigh heavily. You glanced at her, then back at Pathfinder. “What—”
Pathy  moseyed on over to the medic, tapping the D.O.C. beside her.
“See? This is my son! Lifeline carries him for me, but I always make sure he’s kept safe and ready to help us.” He continued, proudly. He looked down at Ajay and cocked his head to the side. “Do you think I make a good daddy, Lifeline?”
“Yeah yeah, of course yuh do.” Lifeline answered; at this point, she thought it was easier to agree with him then re-hash the truth about D.O.C. “But let’s talk about yuh parentin’ skills later. We need to move to high ground.”
“Leave it to me!” Path lifted his head and scanned the area for a good perch. He pinged the one with the most cover and placed a zipline. Then, he zipped his way up, alternating between holding and letting go to avoid some bullets. “Woohoo! No place to go but up!”
You and Lifeline followed suit. Since Ajay was behind you, you fired some covering fire at the enemy squad to give her an easier time getting up. Ajay moved to thank you, until she saw the barrel of the Kraber pointing at you two and the person behind it: Vantage. She dragged you down onto the floor with her to avoid a hit. The shot narrowly missed.
“Damn, this new girl’s a good shot.” Ajay grunted. She pulled her 30-30 out of its holster and looked at you and Path. She made a ‘stay low’ motion with her hand. “Mind yuh heads, ya hear? We gon’ have to take this fight slow.”
You nodded, taking out your sniper class weapon. Pathy did the same. Then, the three of you took turns trading shots with the enemy squad, careful not to expose yourselves too much. You wanted to engage, but Lifeline was right; the other squad had the advantage, and the ring would decide your next move.
Soon enough, the final ring began closing, and both squads would have to jump down. The ring pushed both squads down within seconds of each other, and the battle was on. It was chaotic; people were knocked, revived, and knocked again. But, channeling that chaos, you laser focused onto Vantage, Ash, and Newcastle, mowing them down with your Spitfire. Then, right before the ring could catch you, you heard…
“We have our Apex Champions!”
You exhaled and put your hands on your knees. All of the lights and cameras turned to your squad. Path wasted no time in celebrating.
“Wow, look at that! We’re the champion squad!” He cheered. He did his Squats emote to flaunt the victory. “Go us!”
Lifeline followed it up with her Fancy Footwork emote. That left you standing in the middle. You faltered, feeling shy all of a sudden. You swore the camera flashes got brighter after every match. And, were there this many people watching last time? You awkwardly smiled and waved, taking a step back behind your team. Pathfinder noticed you first.
“Where’re you going, friend?” He asked, following after you. “You ended the match with the most damage. You should be first in line to dance!”
You chuckled nervously. Lifeline turned to look at you too, and you felt your cheeks flush. “Ah, it’s okay.” You replied with a dismissive wave. “I’m not much of a dancer.”
Ajay stepped forward and affectionately patted your arm. She smiled. “Don’t worry about it. Yuh still did great,” she complimented. “Yuh’ve made a lot of progress.”
That was a big compliment coming from your mentor. You thanked her, returning the smile, and resumed giving the cameras your attention. 
But, the truth was, you weren’t honest with your squadmates. You actually loved to dance. But, all of those eyes made you nervous, and you got cold feet. It wasn’t until you were back in the dropship that you were comfortable enough to turn on some music, and let the rhythm move you.
It was a Saturday evening, but the night was young. Still, because it was close to 11pm, you opted to wear your Airpods, in case anyone was sleeping. You picked a playlist that Spotify curated just for you, shimmying throughout the kitchen while you prepared a meal. You have been listening to a lot of throwback songs lately, and this one in particular definitely got you moving. You rolled your hips side to side while you chopped vegetables, grinning. 
I never really knew that they could dance like this,
They make someone want to speak Spanish.
You dipped down low to grab a pan, bouncing back up along with the beat of the music. Then, while doing some body rolls, you lined the veggies into neat rows. 
¿Cómo se llama, bonito/a? 
Mi casa, su casa. 
When the chorus hit, and your food was in the oven, you were off to the races. You sang along, albeit loudly, and gathered what you needed to prepare the next part of your meal. While you were cooking, Lifeline strolled into the kitchen, stopping in the doorway. 
Although it was late, Ajay hadn’t eaten anything yet. She crashed once she returned to the dropship and got some much needed rest. But now, she was hungry, and figured she could just throw a quick meal in the microwave. The last thing she expected to find was you grooving, especially since you told her you couldn’t dance!  Chuckling, she leaned against the door frame, watching you. Then, when it wasn’t clear when you’d turn around and notice her, she strolled over to you. She gently tapped on your shoulder. You flinched and shrieked, whirling around to face the smiling medic. 
“Ajay?!” You gasped. You were still speaking loudly, subconsciously trying to speak over the music playing in your ears. Lifeline chuckled again and motioned to your ears, and you took your Airpods out. Your cheeks flushed; how long was she standing there? How much did she see? “I--you scared me! How come you were just standing there?”
“I wasn’t, I just got here.” Lifeline answered. You weren’t sure if that made you feel more or less embarrassed. Ajay continued, “I see yuh got a lil’ rhythm in yuh after all, huh?”
“No!” You interjected, your face growing redder. “I just like the beat! I wasn’t…you know…dancing.”
“Then what’cha call this?” Ajay mirrored the last dance move you did, and you felt your blush crawl up to your ears. You turned away, unsure how to respond. Ajay’s smile dropped and she moved closer to you. She put a hand on your shoulder. “Hey now, I’m sorry. I ain’t tryin’ to embarrass yuh. Just looked like yuh were havin’ a blast.”
You shrugged, not ready to meet her gaze. “I…guess I was,” you answered, quietly. Ajay smiled softly and squeezed your shoulder. 
“Then that’s all that matters, right?” Ajay encouraged, squeezing your shoulder again to prompt you to look at her. You hesitantly obliged and nodded. Lifeline wasn’t convinced that you were feeling any better, and she sighed. 
“Tell yuh what,” she continued, nodding towards the food you were cooking. “How ‘bout I go get my music and we jam together? After yuh gwann and make me a plate of whatever yuh cookin’, that is. It smells delicious.”
You rubbed the back of your neck, thinking. Dancing was always more fun when more people got involved. Plus, Lifeline was both your mentor and biggest supporter in the Games. Surely she wouldn’t be a harsh judge, right? “Okay,” you nodded, “I can try.”
Lifeline cheered. “Perfect! I could use someone who can keep up with me on the dance floor. Silva’s all over the place.” Lifeline snorted. She exited the kitchen, calling over her shoulder, “I’ll be right back!”
You nodded and returned to cooking your food. You shifted on your feet, feeling both nervous and excited, while you waited for Ajay to return. 
Turns out, it was much harder to dance in Ajay’s presence, no matter how supportive she was. You were stricken with stage fright and the more you tried to ignore it, the stronger it became. After messing up your steps for the fourth time, you let out an exasperated sigh. 
“Dammit, I can’t remember the steps now.” You complained. You flopped into a chair and grabbed your fork, stuffing your face with food. Lifeline smirked, tsking softly, and sat down across from you. 
“That’s cause yuh thinkin’ about ‘em too much.” she said. She brought her own plate of food in front of her to also eat. Then, once you were both finished, she hopped up first and strode over to you, taking your hands. “C’mon, show me again.”
Sighing again, you allowed her to pull you back onto your feet. She let you go, turning up the music, and you just stood there. Were you supposed to lean to the right, or the left? You couldn’t remember. Ajay’s eyes softened; dancing was supposed to be fun! She didn’t want to see you having a hard time. Then, all of a sudden, a mischievous glint shone in her eyes, and she maneuvered her way behind you. 
“Here,” She started, her hands ghosting over your hips. “Lemme help yuh.”
“Help me h-ho-ww⎯” Your breath hitched as she gripped onto the bones, squeezing them. She guided them to the beat of the music. A smirk tugged at the corner of her lips.
“This is how yuh were movin’ before.” she explained. You fidgeted in her hold, fighting back giggles. Lifeline’s smirk broadened, and she held on tighter. “Hang on now, I’m tryin’ to help!”
“Buhuhuhut thahahat tihihihickles!” You whined. You tried to grab her hands, and she avoided you by sticking her hands under both of your arms. You shrieked. “AHAhajahahahahahy!”
Ajay snickered. “What? Maybe it wouldn’t tickle if yuh weren’t so tense, hm?” she teased, scritching her nails along the center of your armpits. You let out a laugh and hugged your arms against your sides.
“Thahahahat dohohohesn’t mahahahke sehehehehense!” You squealed, hugging yourself tighter the more she tickled. When it still didn’t deter her, you squirmed with a renewed vigor, and wiggled yourself free from her hold. Lifeline followed after you. 
“Yes it does!” She argued, moving to jab your side. You stepped away to dodge her, so she just poked your other side instead. You squealed and batted at her hand, backpedaling as fast as your feet would take you. The medic chuckled, continuing to pursue you at a leisurely pace. “How’d yuh expect to dance if yuh stiff and got yuh face all twisted up?”
You didn’t have an answer for her. You were still giggling as you, unknowingly, backed into the corner that she aimed to box you in. It didn’t take you long to figure out that you were trapped, and you yelled as the medic lunged forward. 
Ajay hadn’t even touched you. You held one arm out to keep her at bay, keeping the other one tightly wound around your torso. She arched her brow, giggling along with you. “I haven’t even touched yuh yet.”
You sank down to your knees, panicking as the medic grew even closer. “I’ll loosen up! I promise! Plehehease dohOHOHOHN’T⎯”
Lifeline cut you off, dropping to the ground with you. She seized the arm around your torso and worked to pry it away. Then, with her free hand, she alternated between poking your sides and stomach. “I’m not sure. I’m convinced that yuh’ll just go back to frownin’.”
“Nohohohoho! No! I WOHOHOHOHN’T!” You protested, fighting against her grip. When it seemed like you’d get free again, Ajay focused on poking your stomach some more, drawing out squealing laughs. Your other hand flailed all over the place before it landed on her shoulder. You squeezed and pushed, momentarily stopping her. But it didn’t last; Ajay’s hands found your hips and she repeatedly pinched along the bones. “NAHAHA AJAHAHAHAY! STAHAHAHAP!”
Ajay refused to let up. She continued squeezing, making you flop around. She even had to duck a little bit to avoid getting hit. It took just a few squeezes more for her to take both of your arms and pin them against your chest using one arm. Then, she straddled your waist, still poking into your hips at random. You giggled loudly and bucked.
“Ajahahahahay, plehehehehease!” You begged, yelping when she suddenly pinched your hips. “I’m smihihihihling nohohohohow!”
“Mhm, so yuh are,” Ajay agreed. She wriggled her fingertips across your waist, easily keeping up with your movements as you squirmed. “But I think yuh can do better. I’ve seen yuh laugh harder at Elliott’s jokes…”
The blush returned to your face in full force. “Th-Thahahaht’s diffeheheheherent!” You protested. Ajay scoffed, snaking her hand up your side. 
“Is it? Or are yuh sayin’ I’m not as funny?” 
Your eyes snapped open and you frantically shook your head. “I’m nahahahaht sahahahahaying thahahaht!” You yelled, feeling her hand stray close to your stomach. You thrashed, fighting the grip she had on your arms. You didn’t remember Ajay being so strong…but, then again, she was a combat medic. Maybe you should’ve expected it.
What you weren’t expecting was Ajay changing course and sticking her hand back under your arm. You squealed and hugged your arms back against your sides, trapping her hand in place. It was getting harder for her to keep your hands pinned, so she pulled them above your head instead. This gave her more leverage, and more room to tickle. 
“No no, save it. I see how it is,” she hummed, now wriggling her nails along the length of your armpit. You arched your back, your protests lost in all of your giggling. “And after all I’ve done to help yuh? That’s how you gon’ treat me?”
“NOHohohohohohohohohoho!” You yelled, now full-on laughing. You writhed in her hold, bucking your hips again to try and throw her off. Not only did she stay put, she tightened her grip on your arms and jumped to your other armpit. “AHAHAHA! PLEHEhehehehehehase stahahahahahahap!”
Lifeline ignored you, using her thumb to prod and really get into those ticklish nerves. It was something that worked wonders on Octane, and also did the trick for you. She laughed aloud as you almost threw her off of your waist.
“Oh please, I’m barely doin’ anything!” She snickered. She surprised you again by suddenly worming her fingers into the side of your neck. You sputtered and brought your shoulders up, laughing harder. “I dunno how you n’ Silva can stand it, being so ticklish.”
“I CAHAHAHAHAHN’T!” You yelled, your eyes shutting from the force of your laughter. Lifeline smiled. She continued to tickle along your neck for a few more minutes before she pulled her hand away. Then, she playfully poked your cheeks and nose, which did nothing to calm down your giggles. 
“Breathe easy, I ain’t gon’ kill yuh.” Lifeline chuckled. She lifted a hand and lowered it towards your neck, as if she was going to tickle you again, but she stopped inches away. You flinched and instinctively yelped, making the medic laugh again. “See? Yuh gettin’ yuh-self all worked up over nothin’! All I’m tryin’ to do is get yuh to smile.”
“I am smiling! Look, look!” You, keeping your eyes on her hand, smiled the biggest smile you were able to muster. Lifeline hummed again and moved her hand, resting it on your side. There was a lull between you two, and just when you thought she’d let you go, you felt her hand snaking up your shirt.
“Nah, I still think yuh can do better.” She answered, prodding into your tummy with her fingertips. You screamed and jolted, dissolving into loud laughter. It was too difficult for Lifeline to keep your wrists pinned above your head with sheer will alone, so she let them go to focus on tickling. She hooked her thighs around your hips so she didn’t go flying off, continuing to tickle along the spot. 
Ajay tickled from one side of your stomach to the other, going back and forth, and she had to really work hard to not fall off of you. She laughed. 
“There, that’s the smile I wanted.” She said, easing up on the tickling after a few minutes. By the time she stopped, you were a puddle of laughter, and remained sprawled out on the floor even after she climbed off. At first, Lifeline waited, only to then reach across and playfully nudge your shoulder. “C’mon, get up. I only put yuh through half of what I normally put Silva through.”
You exhaled, pushing yourself up into a seated position. “Half was plenty,” you whined, smoothing your shirt out. Lifeline tsked and gently poked the side of your neck, making you recoil. “Ah! Hey!”
“Uh-uh, don’t start whingin’. I did yuh a favor.”
You huffed and stuck your tongue out at her, squealing when she lunged towards you. Although you didn’t admit it, you did feel a lot better, and it showed in your next fluid dance moves. In fact, you and Lifeline came up with your own synchronized emotes for the next game, which definitely became a crowd favorite. But, after your next game, you had this burning question for the medic. 
“Hey, Ajay?” You called while lounging in the common room of the drop ship. Pathfinder was seated beside you, intently watching the show you’d put on TV. His presence made the question that much more pressing.
“Mhmm?” Ajay answered from the corner of the room, scrolling through a few apps on her phone. She peered up at you to see you smiling. She raised a brow; you only smiled like that right before you said something silly. “What’s on yuh mind, (Y/N)?”
There wasn’t really an easy way to phrase the question, so you just spit it out. 
“If Path thinks D.O.C. is his son, doesn’t that technically make you the step-mom?”
An exclamation point flashed on Pathfinder’s monitor, and he turned towards Lifeline. “Hey! I didn’t think of it that way,” he answered. Lifeline groaned and stuffed her phone into her pocket.
“He’s not, he ain’t even⎯now look what yuh’ve done, (Y/N).”
You snickered, turning back towards the TV. Path on the other hand, got up to meet Ajay halfway. 
“Aw, don’t worry, new mom-line. I’d love to raise D.O.C. together!” He said happily, easily picking her up to hug her. Path had a lot of practices hugging the other Legends, and he remembered to be gentle first and foremost. But, Ajay looked less than enthused, and tapped on his metallic arm. 
“Alright, alright, put me down.” Ajay huffed while leering at you. You gave her a small, cheeky smile, and hopped to your feet before Path could set her down.
“Hang on Path, Ajay doesn’t look too happy about this new parenthood thing, does she?” 
Pathfinder looked at Lifeline and then back at you. “Um, I don’t think so⎯”
“Path,” Ajay interjected. “Put me down!”
You knew that Lifeline knew where your mind was headed, and you had to act fast. Pathfinder, on the other hand, was stuck between listening to Ajay and trying to figure out why you were smiling so much…
A/N: I hope you liked this! I’m pretty rusty, but I loved this idea and had fun writing it. I may try something similar with other Legends :D. But yeah, I hope you liked this story.
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dovahqueene · 2 years
~apex secret santa~
Bangalore gets Loba
- gives her an expensive necklace that matches her bracelet
- she’s genuinely surprised and thankful for her ~friend~
Wraith gets Mirage
- gives him a gold framed photo of his family (minus his dad)
- he openly sobs while she pats his back
Mirage gets Ash
- after a lot of stressing, panics and gets her a cape
- she asks him if he’s trying to get her killed (he says “I don’t know please don’t hurt me”)
Octane gets Vantage
- gets her roller skates so she can be faster
- she has never been more excited in her whole life and proceeds to a fall a LOT
Revenant gets Gibraltar
- gets him a card that says “I will not kill you one time”
- Gibby pats him too hard on the back and asks if he’s getting soft (he denies this)
Horizon gets Wraith
- makes her a home cooked meal and buys her a spa day
- Wraith appreciates the food and gives the spa day to Mirage
Fuse gets Pathfinder
- writes him a song about his life
- Path refuses to listen to anything else for the next 5 years and promotes Fuse to new best friend (Mirage can’t believe what he’s hearing, like the song isn’t THAT good)
Ash gets Mad Maggie
- gets her a tattoo gun that doubles as a… gun
- Maggie says she might actually be a good egg (Ash disagrees but Leigh is pleased)
Mad Maggie gets Fuse
- brings him some guy’s arm
- he laughs awkwardly then just stands there holding it
Gibraltar gets Horizon
- finds pictures of her son and makes a collage
- she gives him a long, tearful hug
Caustic gets Wattson
- he gets her a book of poisons
- she… appreciates the thought and the fact he followed through at all with a gift
Wattson gets Seer
- makes him a bot moth that spark-les
- he tells her he gets the joke and that he appreciates it (then plays with it for an hour right afterwards)
Rampart gets Valkyrie
- gives her a picture of the real Sheila while laughing maniacally
- Valk deadpans at the camera
Newcastle gets Bangalore
- books her a trip with his family
- man oh man does she get emosh
Vantage gets Crypto
- draws him a picture of him and Watson kissing
- he turns red and spends the next day just staring at it and crumpling it up whenever someone walks in the room
Catalyst gets Rampart
- gets her that gum that looks like rocks
- Rampart says it rocks!
Bloodhound gets Caustic
- gets him a new gas mask that they think is superior
- Caustic is impressed by their taste and is glad it wasn’t something meaningless and heartfelt
Pathfinder gets Octane
- after some research, gets him a rabbit
- octane’s goggles fill with tears; Pathy panics because he didn’t mean to make him cry
Crypto gets Newcastle
- tells him he deleted the footage floating around of him not being the original Newcastle
- Newcastle says, “The what??”
Valkyrie gets Lifeline
- gets her some vintage drum sticks Loba found
- she breaks them on the first try but tapes them back together and hangs them on the wall instead
Seer gets Catalyst
- commissions a custom deck for her
- she pretends not to be as hype as she is about it but is still outwardly thankful because she isn’t about to be rude about a nice gift
Lifeline gets Bloodhound
- stitches them two skull hats with her suture skills and a little bit of how-to videos, one for them and one for artur
- they put artur’s on him then puts their own on top of their current helm (blush hidden)
Loba gets Revenant
- gives him a piece of paper with the middle finger on it
- he absolutely cherishes it
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kenjiro-kun · 2 years
A New Target: Chapter One (Part 1)
Apex Legends
‼️ Fem Reader ‼️
Words: 989
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Bloodhound sat with their axe laid on the table. It was told that the woman from before was a newly added legend, information about her was kept a secret for entertainment, and that almost ended her life. If it weren’t for Bloodhound and Anita being as great as they were, the little trick would’ve been only painful and in vain.
Bloodhound huffed, the mask muffling it to a silent growl. “Hey’o Houndy.” They found a great. . . friend of theirs causally enter their room with no permission. “What’s on ya mind?”
“Nothing to be concerned about.” They replied, hopefully it would end the conversation they didn’t want to indulge in.
“Sure, nothing, huh?” Fuse made himself at home, not like it wasn’t already a common occurrence for his presence. Bloodhound was used to it, sometimes they waited for it. “You may have been able to fool others, but me? I see all.”
“Is that so?” Bloodhound chuckled quietly. “What do you see?”
Fuse heard the small sound from them, but although his chest swelled, it wasn’t time to get overly excited about it. He took a seat near Bloodhound, resting his chin on his cupped hands on the neck of the chair. “It was quite a surprise to see someone fall from the sky--well not that much, but certainly during a game? I don’t know what to think, worse enough to deal with Maggie, but you saw that lady fall--know her?”
Bloodhound shook their head. “She is unfamiliar.”
Fuse groaned. “Figures.”
“Why are you interested in this woman?”
“I’m not the only one who is curious, this whole ship is! And now. . . a new planet location? I’m all in for the ride; I’d like to get a letter at least, heh.”
“She showed herself capable of holding her own.” Bloodhound traced their finger along their axe. “She won the game for us.”
“Yeah, she did! Made a lot of people angry too, but I guess they didn’t care.” Fuse laughed. “I wonder where she is, Pathy got her bad didn’t she? Sucks, I’d like to bloody meet her the minute she’s healed.”
“I know where she is.” Bloodhound said.
Fuse smiled. “Do ya now?”
“Ye--” The ship shook. “Another time then.” They took their axe, and hooked it to their waist. “We have some exploring to do, unless you wish to stay here.”
“I’m gonna get some shut eye.” Fuse stretched. “That battle made me sore.”
Bloodhound smirked. “As you wish.”
She didn’t know where she was, nor did she care enough to dwell on the thought. She could figure she was in a medical center by the atmosphere alone. She sat up, wincing, the faint throbbing sensation along her torso reminded her of the events prior to her injuries. She forced herself to the door, pushing it open and walking through. Everything was too true to be told, she wasn't gifted with the ability to watch the games, but stories from those that did, it was horrifying in person.
She stared deep through the window, past her reflection was familiar lands. Her home was being used as an arena, well a small portion. She continued her strain. She didn’t know her purpose here, was she another figure for entertainment? She didn’t want anything, the games gave her no reason, not like the others that fought day and night.
“You.” She turned her head to meet a familiar face. “Do you have a death wish?” Before the woman could speak, Anita took the back of her pure white hospital gown. “Ajay took her time to aid you, it’s best to not ruin that.”
“I don’t belong here!” The woman tried to pry Anita’s grip, but she was too strong and stubborn to let go.
“I don’t care where you belong, you want those wounds to open up? Keep walking.” Anita jerked the woman, walking past her with the same emotionless expression.
“Why are you people here?” Anita stopped. “This is my home.”
“And you are representing your home, by choice, or not.” She didn’t bother to stay any longer. She took steps back, meeting with the window again, she stood and watched.
Bloodhound wandered around. The cold and blinding snow gave them deja vu. Following their instincts, Bloodhound found nothing peculiar about the new planet, certainly nothing beneficial in terms of protection in a fight. Artur flew above, closely watching Bloodhound and the surroundings.
“Out and about, too, mm?” Loba stood on top of a snow mound, her body clothed to protect herself from the unwelcomed cold.
“It is wise to explore.” Bloodhound spoke.
“Looking for anything in particular?” Loba slid down the mound, her heels leaving two parallel lines. “Or did you want to escape such a confined space?”
“Haven’t put thought into it.” Bloodhound felt Artur land on their shoulder. “Just. . . wandering.”
“Is that so. . . That woman,” Bloodhound was almost done hearing about her. “You’ve probably already been bombarded with questions, Anita was with you, mmm, maybe in my dreams. Take care.”
Bloodhound felt a nagging sense at their neck, Artur along with them turned back to the ship to see the woman looking down at them with a sorrowful expression. Were they shamed, or afraid? Perhaps they were both. Loba was long gone now, and now it was their turn to return to the ship. With one step, they went forth, but in an instance their foot sept deeper than normal into the snow. They kneel down, digging to uncover a crack in the ground that led to a small fire at the bottom. They went back to recall the woman at the window, but she was gone from where she stood.
“Take note of this Artur.” They spoke. “I don’t think this is just a new location to fight, perhaps a big evil is approaching.”
They made their way back to the ship, a trail behind them that was soon covered up by a winter storm.
0 notes
ixnova · 3 years
My PC is royally fucked and I’m really fucking upset about it! Fucker keeps blue screening and it just happened RANDOMLY, before that it was working just fine! Mom got a new PC yesterday and she asked me if I wanted one too - it wasn’t really worth the price for me because it was only a 25% upgrade compared to what I had and what I had was working just fine. She went ahead and ordered hers she got a nice pre-built gaming one for a good price from Dell because they had a sale and with the scalping of graphics cards for gaming it was stupid NOT to buy that. I should of said yes tho and got one for myself if I knew this bullshit was going to happen to mine.
It was literally working FINE as it normally did and then the MINUTE moms PC showed up it broke. I cannot believe this jealous bitch committed suicide the moment a new machine was brought in the house that was better than it. I’m really annoyed too because I can’t play Apex. I tried on my switch and it sucks, plus no cross progression, I just want the ugly Pathfinder skin. Mom is letting me play on her PC while we’re trying to figure out what to do with mine (will probably have to buy a new one anyway at an arm and a leg which SUCKS because I’m trying to save up for school and I hate my job and that’s another 6 months working a shitty ass job I hate.) but her keyboard is not comfy and her new mouse has no shoulder buttons so I can’t quick punch. Game isn’t even finished installing yet, it’s at halfway as I type and I’ve been waiting 30 mins for it. Mom’s on wifi in the living room and its... not the best, we’ve had issues with wifi in this spot for ages even on her old PC. I’m probably not gonna have good enough ping to actually play any games dghwjaklsa. So I can’t draw or write fanfiction either which sucks. I literally was just trying to play Minecraft with the boys and it died on me. It keeps bluescreening. Kernel Power error. We’ve reset it fully now too (I managed to save my core files but I have to re-install everything now too which sucks ass and I can’t remember half my account log ins.) It’s still failing after 30 mins uptime roughly. Just started happening randomly yesturday. I am so fucking mad. I wanted to draw, I wanted to write, and I’m fucked. I can’t even play Mom’s PC until like 12am because she uses it too and she works from home and is at her work PC at her desk, which is dumb I keep telling her to use the home office downstairs no one uses but she wont, so I can’t play while she’s working and I can’t play after work because she will be using it - which is fair its her new pc and she SHOULD be playing on it now that its not ass and can run shit she wants to play, but STILL. I’m stuck with nothing but my switch to tide me over me now and I’m very upset about that.
Shout out to Spotify for having a website app tho at least I can run my tunes in another tab.
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emiewritesthings · 2 years
spiderman ☆ jay halstead
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summary: in which y/n has a fear of spiders and jay is always her first call 
warnings: language, violence against spiders (rip lol)
“Pick up, pick up, pick up.” Y/n chanted to herself as the phone against her ear rang in search of a connection to the other line. Admittedly, her hands were shaking and each breath felt like a million tiny daggers poking in her lungs, as her eyes stared at the closed bathroom door.
“Y/n?” Jay’s voice finally shot through the ringing in her ears, and a relief filled sigh left her lips. Her want to jump for joy was ignored as she remembered that she was not on the floor right now, and in grave danger of injuring herself if she lost her balance. “What happened to ‘I’m never talking to you again, Jay Halstead’?” The man’s smirk was audible to the woman that couldn’t see his smug face, and as much as she wanted to check him for it, she also wanted his help and therefore needed to appease him with some kindness.
The words he’d reference had been spoken a couple days prior when the younger woman had a few too many and upon walking her home, Jay had refused her the opportunity to get a kebab. Although Y/n’s memory was a little pathy due to being the tester of Molly’s new cocktail menu, she did remember violently crying and declaring her hatred for the man that was keeping her drunk self away from her one true love.
“Ah, well, that was before satan decided to crawl into my fucking house.” She screeched as she thought about the beast she had encountered just moments before she’d ran into the bathroom following the release of a hearty scream. She had half expected her neighbours to come check if she was okay, or even ring the police considering the noise that echoed around her small apartment. But any such action was yet to be taken, as far as Y/n was aware.
“Satan, huh?” Jay looked over at Hailey who was driving silently, only being able to hear Jay’s side of the conversation, much to her dismay. The blonde didn’t fully understand the male detective’s knowing look, not having half the relationship Jay shared with the firefighter, but knew that the ‘satan’ in question wasn’t the red horned pitchfork sporting kind.
“Don’t fuck with me right now, Halstead. I am still recovering from witnessing it scuttle under my sofa.” She breathed out a rugged breath, wiping the back of her hand against her forehead where beads of fear spawned on her skin. Jay had to hold back his laughter, knowing that the woman on the other end of the line would undoubtedly get annoyed and hang up.
“So this Satan in question,” Jay swallowed his smile as he turned on the speaker, allowing Hailey a front row seat to the ever humorous Y/n y/l/n show. “Is it spider?” Snapping her head off the road for a second, Hailey mouthed ‘seriously?’ silently, cracking up so bad that Jay had to mute the call for a moment to stop her struggles to contain said amusement from floating down into Y/n’s ears.
“A spider the size of godzilla!” Y/n bit back, already not liking that Jay wasn’t taking her very real problem unseriously. Just at the mention of the culprit had her underarms sweating and a shiver slicing its way down her spine. The flashback made her try to take a step back, which in her current circumstance had her letting a string of curse words flow off her tongue as she grabbed onto the wall, preventing her fall. Hearing the commotion, Jay unmuted the call.
“Where are you right now?” Jay asked, knowing that from the way her voice sounded she certainly wasn’t lulling on her couch or even lounging on her bed. No, she sounded… echoey?
“Hiding in the bathroom, where else would I be?” She shrugged off the question in a whisper, as if the sound of the voice may lure the creature towards her safe haven and attack her. Which to a rational person was ridiculous, but to Y/n a growing fear. “I’m standing on the edge of the bath, just in case it gets under the door, you know?” Jay didn’t know, but imagining the beautiful young woman balancing up high scouring any slight movement lightened his mood considerably.
“How are you trusted to fight fires if you are scared of a mesley spider?” Jay snorted, knowing the horror stories of the disasters Y/n had quite literally ran into as part of her profession, and yet the thought of being face to face with a harmless eight legged insect kicked in her flight instinct?
“I do not need your sass right now, Jay. I need you to bring your gun.” She insisted with a stern tone, which soon softened upon requesting his services. “You think you could come get it for me?” She pleaded and Jay instantly could imagine her eyes large and doe like, a look that resembled the call of a siren, only at least the latter led a sailor to death, the former on the other hand just tortured him every living moment. Letting out a sigh in thought - though both of them knew ther
“If I show up and it’s just a bit of fluff again-.” Jay started, reminding them both of the time that the woman had called for help in the early hours of the morning, for the man to drive thirty minutes to find it was indeed just a black piece of fluff from her sock. Y/n cringed at the memory and the embarrassment she had felt towards the man that - at the time - she hadn’t known that long.
“You won’t, I promise.” The man knew she was crossing her heart - even if he couldn’t see it. Looking towards Hailey who just nodded, confirming she was fine making a diversion, Jay agreed reluctantly.
“I won’t be there for another twenty minutes.” Y/n let out a squeal of joy at her knight in shining armour, her arms wanting to wrap around his body and squeeze him had he been there and not somewhere else in the city. The sounds were infectious, both detectives sat in the moving black truck unable to stop their lips tipping at the sweet sounds,
“You are the best, thank you, thank you, thank you!” Saying their goodbyes and once again ensuring that he wouldn’t be long, Jay hung up the phone and relaxed into his seat. However, he was forced to take a break when he felt Hailey glancing between him and the road. Frowning, he met her gaze and instantly groaned at the look that rested there.
“Don’t you dare.” Hailey shook her head with a wide grin, as Jay turned to look out the window - internally grateful for the spider in Y/n’s apartment that had given him the perfect excuse to see her.
“Y/n?” Jay called from the doorway once the key - which Y/n had gifted to him once when he was plant sitting and never asked for back - had unlocked her front door. Jay’s eyes widened at the mess her living room was in, the coffee table flipped and the sofa on its side, signally Y/n’s messy escape.
Shaking his head in amusement, he stepped over a stray pillow, and headed straight towards the closed bathroom door. Approaching, he could hear her humming to herself, clearly having become seriously bored and in desperate need of some form of entertainment.
Bringing his fist up to the white chipping paint that coated the wood, he let his knuckles rasp against it a couple times, observing as the noise stopped and an ominous silence followed.
“Who is it?”
“It’s the spider coming to kill you, thought I’d knock to be polite,” Y/n rolled her eyes immediately, instantly moving to unlock the door and pull it open just a crack for her left eye to peer through.
“Real funny.” She scoffed, though internally she was glowing at her rescuer finally arriving to get her out of the miniature bathroom that definitely was running out of oxygen. Moving closer and leaning down so he was closer to the eye staring at him, Jay just grinned.
“Almost as funny as you locking the door to keep a spider out.” Staring at one another - well sort of - for a moment, Y/n wanted to argue her reasoning and maybe if she had one she would have, but alas she let it go. Grumbling to herself, she dropped the matter and moved on to the more pressing one.
“Did you get it yet? Did you kill it?” She begged, voice wavering to a point that Jay began feeling sorry for her. Sure, the whole Y/n and her eight legged kryptonite had been a running joke for many years - and a very funny one at that - he had become increasingly aware that for her there was no humour in the matter. It was a fear, a phobia, something that made her blood run cold and skin sweat. The feeling of being in danger was one like no other, and Jay would never ever wish that upon anyone especially not a woman like Y/n Y/l/n.
“Not yet,” Her sigh was deep, going to say something but Jay continued. “Thought it would be good for you to help me get rid of it. Exposure therapy or whatever.” The suggestion - to Y/n - was absurd. Instantly she had disappeared from the small space between the doorframe and the door itself as she backed up into the bathroom repeating ‘no, no, no, no’ over and over. Jay recognised the panic in her voice and began to think suggesting the idea was a mistake.
“I can’t, I just-” Y/n shivered. “I can’t.”
“You can,” Jay assured shortly, wanting to compel through his words that he had all the faith in the world in her. Sure, he’d be lying if he said he didn’t like that she always turned to him when one of the bastards was causing havoc around her place. He liked that she saw him as the saviour, as the one person that she could turn to and trust even on a matter such as spider catching. It made his insides glow, a sensation he’d become addicted to, but equally seeing her not almost fall deep into a pit of anxiety at the mere mention of a spider served him much better. “And you will.”
There was silence that followed. Jay didn’t think he could take any more of the guessing, as he pushed the door open further so - for the first time since his arrival - he got a good look at the woman. She was conflicted, that was the first thing he noted. Y/n Y/l/n was all around a confident woman, someone that carried themselves with an aura that made others see them as untouchable. But like anyone else she was still very much human, a being with feelings that for Jay were open to read any time of the day.
Not saying a word, the two exited the bathroom and suddenly the hunt had begun. Y/n grabbed a pillow that Jay had earlier hopped over, and held it protectively in the air, as she glued herself to Jay’s side. Her eyes darted back and forth, back and forth in search of the critter that had to be somewhere in this hell hole.
“Here, spidey spidey.” Jay called with a wide grin, a result of the contact of Y/n’s hand wrapped around his bicep and the humour of the tense environment that had formed. Sending him a quick glare, Y/n’s grip didn’t budge as the two finally approached the last place she had seen their target. Walking around the tipped couch, Jay kicked around a couple pillows and the splayed out throw, but still there was nothing. “Maybe it’s gone.” Jay’s optimism was a rare sight, but it was soon forgotten as Y/n let out a deathly scream.
“Holy fuck!” Releasing Jay, the pillow in her hand smacked down on the floor again and again and again, all whilst a scream of fear vibrated through her mouth. “Not today satan.” Lifting the pillow she clearly wasn’t satisfied by the dead still black dot that was smudged against the pink case of the pillow that she abandoned on the floor the moment she spotted. For soon her foot cast down against it one, two, three times.
With her hair having fallen out of the loose band that had tied it back and into her line of view from the violent act she just commited, the sigh of relief that she released blew the strands around. It took a few more seconds to realise what she had done, before she was suddenly turning towards the frozen in shock man.
Without warning, Y/n jumped into Jay’s arms, a squeal of excitement emitting from her chest as her arms squeezed around him tightly. The man was so confused as to what he had just witnessed that his hands barely moved to support her.
“I did it. Holy fuck, I did it!” Y/n wasn’t sure what made her do it. Maybe it was the adrenaline, maybe it was the possible carbon dioxide poisoning from being trapped in the bathroom or maybe just the surfacing of years of repressed emotion, but her head was soon leaning forward and pressing a kiss firmly against the lips of Jay Halstead.
If he had been distracted before, he certainly wasn’t now. Jay’s attention was vacuumed up by the feeling of the soft lips that currently caressed his own. Her hand was behind his hair, gently strumming the hairs on the back of his neck with her fingers softly, gently, enticingly. Just as he felt he finally became conscious in his body again, Y/n had dislodged herself from the kiss and was staring at Jay in awe of her own actions.
“Oh- shit.” Awe soon turned to panic, as her mind caught up with her body and she thought over what she had just done. Her eyes blew up with uncertainty, desperately searching Jay’s that seemed to be untelling for once in their friendship. “Shit, Jay I’m so-.” But she didn’t get a time to apologise, before Jay was bringing her back and reuniting their lips and their feelings once more. The second time around the kiss was harder, more passionate as if both of them needed to prove to the other that the first was no mistake.
Pulling back, their foreheads were softly pressed upon the other’s, identical smiles on both their faces.
“Thank god.” Both of their smiles flipped, as the new voice was thrown into the touching moment breaking the thick adoring tension that surrounded them in their own little bubble. Not letting go of the woman that was pressed against his body, Jay turned both of them to look to the now open front door where the male detective’s blond partner now stood. “Could you two not have done this 30 spiders ago?” Shaking her head in amusement, Hailey let herself in and looked around with horror. “The spider really was godzilla, huh?”
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probablyspooky · 2 years
Untitled Revenant Project (Revenant x Fem!Reader) Part 8
Warnings: Violence, Language
Pairings: Revenant x Fem! Reader
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Of course it started to rain harder, why wouldn't it? The umbrella Pathfinder was holding over you was trying its hardest to protect you from the harsh rain and winds that seemed to be beating down on you extra hard, but that wasn't the worst thing going on right now, you needed a rest, you were tired, your feet hurt, basic pregnant woman issues. (If this makes you upset do know I was pregnant once and this was literally me). Coming to the top of the wet slippery hill Pathy had led you on, you rested against a tree, not caring about the mud staining your clothes, your legs hurt, and your body hurt/
"Don't worry friend, we've only been walking 2 hours, were almost halfway there!" the cheerfulness in this voice was reassuring you weren't gonna die
"Thank you Pathfinder, but I really need to rest." you sighed, rubbing your calves.
"I understand," he said, the smiley face appearing on his chest, he stood above you keeping the umbrella above you in a nice attempt to keep you dry.
On the other side of the island, three friends were trying their hardest to catch up with you, clearly following the Pathfinder shaped footprints that seemed to trail directly behind your shoe prints.
After a quick rest, you looked up at Pathfinder.
"Where are we right now Pathy?" you asked, attempting to stand up.
"We're just a little before the storm catcher," he informed, helping you up with an arm.
"We'll we better get on our way then." you smiled taking a step, the worst step
Your footing slipped in the wet mud, and you began to slide down the hill fast down, taking hide speeds until you came to an abrupt stop at the bottom.
"Are you okay friend?" Pathfinder called out, also sliding down the hill towards you.
"Yeah I think I'm-"
The area you had slid on was a well that had formed due to the large rains coming down on the island right now. You fell deep into the ground of storm point, and with a splash landed 18 feet below into waist deep water.
"Friend? Are you hurt?" his voice box called down.
"Yeah! I think I'm fine, I didn't break anything." you shouted back.
"Okay! I'm going to come down and try to grapple us out!"
With that, you stepped back to the back wall, allowing Pathfinder to jump down with a much larger splash in the center of the hole.
"Alright! I'm gonna try and establish a zip line on that tree, and hopefully be able to pull us both up!" he said, putting his arm out to hold you close.
Once you were secured, Pathfinder launched his grapple to the tree that was visible from the bottom of the hole. With a couple tugs, Pathfinder began to reel the two of you up, but as soon as your feet left the pool of water, the tree fell, unable to hold onto the weight of itself, a pregnant woman, and a self powering super friendly robot.
The tree fell with a crash, the main trunk of the tree, covering the hole, allowing only a sliver of sky to be seen. The two of you fell back down with a splash, this time your whole head fell under the water.
You panicked for a short bit, until Pathfinder grabbed you by the arms and lifted you above his head, and held you on his shoulders.
"At least this way you will be dry!" he said cheerfully
"Thank you, but how are we going to get out?"
"Don't worry! When I downloaded the data from the computer, I also sent out my signal, so if I was in any danger I could just signal anyone nearby to tell them we're in danger!"
A steady tap stream of water began to pour back into the hole, the tree acting a dam, forcing all the water down into the hole.
"Can you do that now Pathy?" you whimpered, anxious at the thought of drowning to death.
"Already done! Don't worry! I don't have lungs, so I can hold you for a good bit before the water even reaches yours!"
Nearby 4 apex champions got the notification that the friendly MRVN bot was in trouble, and where there's Pathfinder, there's (y/n).
I want to say that an hour passed because I'm stupid and can't think of any other times, but to be quirky and unique, I'm gonna say 50 minutes passed.
Pathfinder only had his head above water at this point, and your knees and feet where underwater. You were beginning to get cold getting covered in water and the cold winds being blown into the hole you were in. You began to cry at the thought of never leaving this hole.
"I'm sorry friend,"
"It's okay Pathfinder, you were only trying to help...I just...I wish I could've seen Kaleb one last time before all of this. I've been in this new world for two months, and I only spoke to him once."
"Oh! Your husband! I grabbed this holo of him before we left, I was going to show you when we got somewhere safe, but I'll show you now."
Pathfinder reached behind his back, to unstick the holo from his leg (you know like a sticker), but during this motion, his heavy weight, and the already wet mud, he began to sink, and this sudden motion caused you to fall backwards, you raised your hand to brace your face from the water, but your hand never reached your face, in fact, you felt someone else cold metal hand grabbing yours.
You opened your eyes to meet the yellow orbs of Revenant's peering through the crack of the hole.
"Revenant?" you said
"Yeah yeah, are you okay? Shitty MRVN couldn't help a damn thing." he grunted, "Hey! MRVN! Get your damn balance up!"
"Already on it friend!" Pathfinder replied from under the water, stabbing both his feet into the ground, and repositioning you on his shoulders again.
Once you were up and back in a good spot, water was at your belly, only the top of it was visible, and you tried to wipe your face, but you were still holding his hand.
"Uh, you can let go." you said
"I was just making sure." Revenant grunted, his arm slithering back to him, "I'm gonna move this tree and get you out of there."
"Both of us?" You lifted your brow
Revenant can't roll his eyes, but you're pretty sure he just did.
"You and that stupid MRVN." he replied.
With that, Revenant tried pushing the tree, but it was too heavy, so he tried pulling the tree by the roots, that only made it shift an inch at best. He tried to see if he could chop the tree with his arm to make it easier to move. That seemed like the best option so he got to work.
Chopping away at the trunk of this tree, minutes passed, and eventually you were struggling to keep your head above the water, Pathfinder was trying his hardest to keep you up, he could tell you were struggling, he was trying his hardest to keep you up.
"Revenant! Is there anyone you could ask for help?" you cried out
Sure he could call someone, literally anyone, he does have everyone's numbers in his head, but he would be damned if he would call for them. They could be anywhere on the island at this point.
At this time he was panicking, he only had about half the tree cut in half, and he wasn't sure if you had another half a tree of air left.
"I'm trying my damn hardest! Don't die on me!" he growled
But he didn't get a response back, quickly he threw himself on the ground to look down the hole, to see your face, obscured by a layer of water, he quickly reached his hand into the water and grabbed you by the arms and holding you above the water. You gasped for air, quickly Revenant stabbed his feet into the ground between some rocks to prevent himself from slipping into the hole himself.
You were crying, you were cold and scared, you wanted Kaleb.
"Stop crying damnit!" Revenant shouted, trying to keep up his arms
"I want my husband! This isn't fair, all you guys have done is keep him away from me! What did I do that was so wrong! Why didn't he want to come see me! See us!" you sobbed
"I- He did! He was just busy!" Revenant said
"With what! Did he remarry! Is that why he didn't want to see me! Why isn't he here!"
You sobbed grew louder, as the water level began to rise more and more.
"He is here!" Revenant shouted, "I'm here (y/n)!"
"What?" you whimpered.
Before he could utter another word, the blue aura of Dr. Somers gravity lift appeared, and the tree was lifted up effortlessly. Then with a tug, Revenant began to be dragged back, lifting you out of the water, tumbling back with you in his arms, another gravity lift was thrown down, and a very wet Pathfinder flew out.
"I'm flying!" he cheered, and then he fell in the mud with a thud.
"Good thing we found ya when we did! Another min down there you would've been sleeping with the fishes!" Dr. Somers cheered
Revenant shifted a bit, finally able to hold you in his arms, he couldn't help but gently nuzzle his chin in your wet hair.
"I'm here (y/n)," he whispered, but he didn't get a response, "(y/n)?"
Revenant tilted your head back, only to meet your gaze. If Revenant could blush he would.
"Kaleb?" you whispered back, "Why did you hide from me."
"I wanted to keep you safe, I'm...not the man you married anymore..."
"You don't love me anymore..." you whimpered, looking down at your hands.
Feeling Revenant gently squeeze you, but not hard, just an assuring squeeze.
"I never said that." he whispered back.
Natalie and Anita quickly came over to you and began to asses you, Revenant sneakily slunk away.
After you were cleared over, the the 5 of you (Anita, Natalie, Dr. Somers, Pathfinder and you) made your way to the storm shelters to wait out the storm. Once the storm passed. Dr. Somers and Natalie took you back to their city, where you saw a Doctor who put you strictly on bed rest for the rest of your pregnancy, but you didn't really mind, you just wanted to be alone after what occurred on Storm Point. Dr. Somers and Natalie felt bad, but they didn't really know what happened between Revenant and you. Eventually they had times where they had to leave you alone in the apartment, and today was just that. The two of them had to leave regarding the new Legend New Castle joining the apex games, Anita and Revenant were leaving the games. After the sea monster came out of the water and was defeat, everyone was so happy about New Castle and Anita staying no one noticed that Revenant wasn't present at the fight, nor did he go to Gridiron.
You were sitting on the edge of your bed, watching whatever was on the small Tv you were given by Dr. Somers. In the middle of whatever the hell you were watching, you felt the familiar cold breeze behind you and heard a thud.
Turning your head, you saw Revenant leaning a box on the side of the room wall. Upon closer expectation you realized it was baby bassinet.
"I figured the baby would need something to sleep in during the day." he said, not turning to meet your eyes.
"Kaleb?" you said
"I go by Revenant now..."
Revenant sighed, and turned and sat on the bed next to you.
"Why did you hide from me..." you asked, fiddling with your thumbs.
"I've made quiet a name for myself the past 200 or so years, I was just trying to protect you from all that... plus if anyone found out you were pregnant with my biological kid from when I was skin sui- I mean, from when I was a normal man, you wouldn't be safe."
Revenant slowly placed a hand on your stomach, and used his other hand to tilt your chin up to look at him.
"But I do have to say, you're as beautiful as the day I married you."
"Can I kiss you?" you asked shyly
"You don't have to ask to kiss your husband, but I don't have such soft lips anymore."
"I don't really care."
Revenant hesitated at first, but leaned down and placed his mouth onto yours. To your surprise he did have a mouth, he opened it a bit, probably to make this feel more normal for you. But eventually he put his hand on your back like he used to all those years ago, and you could tell where this was going. You leaned closer to him, and his other hand snaked around your frame, pulling you down onto the bed.
Breaking the kiss, your eyes met his yellow ones.
"I love you (y/n)"
@bloodmoon-bites @rinnieyin @lovelythings21
(should...should we fuck him)
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ryvenarts · 3 years
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This Birthday boy has had a quiet day and decided to draw the lilli Pathie that holds my pen for me❤️
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toxiic-wastee · 3 years
Pathfinder headcanons that I have. (Romantic headcanons bc I simp for the MRVN)
Pathfinder is so gentle it’s almost annoying. He understands how fragile humans can be compared to himself. I mean he’s a robot, he doesn’t have human flesh. He can be violent unintentionally though. (As seen in his backstory/mini movies)
When he’s with you he’ll try to be as gentle and self aware as he can. So if he wants to hold your hand or hug his touch will be very light.
He probably asks Mirage for relationship advice 💀
So if Pathfinder ends up saying cheesy pick up lines you know who taught him it. Damn you Elliot
If you’re comfortable with it Pathy will 100% show you off whenever he can. Even to the legends. (He pissed off Revenant by mentioning you once, in a game.)
You know when Pathfinder said “I want my friends to be proud of me”?
Yeah he’s a slut for your praise. Compliment him in any shape way or form and he’s so in love with you. Like his combat or voice literally anything and he’s so happy. (When is he not tho??)
You’re probably gonna have to explain to him the concept of sarcasm tho :((
Mirage always has backhanded shit to say to Pathfinder and he’s so oblivious to it. It’s sad tbh.
He watched a bunch of romance movies and called it “studying”. Once he understands that you don’t need anything too romantic he’s fine with just being himself and not trying to hard to impress you.
Baby loves hugs so much. He loves cuddling you. Sure it hurts like hell bc he has almost no self awareness but he loves hugging you and touching you. It’s Hes a cat and his claws are attached to you. Or maybe Pathfinders more sloth-like?he just loves you so much tbh.
Okay I’m done now, time to finish the other headcanons/fan fictions I have in my drafts.
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sturmfurei · 5 years
dabs gently here’s some more ship tags 
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nevaryadl · 3 years
Day 4 of the 31 Days of Apex: Peace cw:  Revenant's usual dark attitude, mild angst, light revfinder feel
Peace was not something in his life. Period.
You cannot have peace when you are pretty much a demon that cannot die. A hell bound soul still forcibly tied to the earth as a means of hellish torment (for you? For others? You cannot say, it has been so long and the pain you have given and the pain that you have taken is just one long blur of agony that rattles the place where your heart is supposed to be). Peace is not an option, never was one, and Revenant was sure that it would never be one for him. He was not a creature that would get to know peace.
"Sterling silver roses!" Pathfinder said, holding the small pot of almost silver colored roses. "A nice lady gave me some and they are finally settled and more hardy than before."
Revenant look at these roses. Silvery, though with a noted touch of purple. Revenant's sensors were telling him that they were letting off a notably sweet stench and as he looked them over, he noted that the stalks were completely thorn less. What a useless fucking flower. He had a temptation to dash it from Pathfinder's hands and throw the pot and contents to the ground... but there was just something about Pathfinder that made him hesitant to be as ghoulish with him as he could literally everyone else. He usually chalked it up to Pathfinder being a bot and not a skinsuit, or the equivalent of being a puppy. Sure, he was a complete bastard and an asshole, but even he had lines he would not cross and something about being mean to Pathfinder felt like crossing a line... so instead of throwing the useless flowers to the ground, Revenant just gave a minute nod to his head that got him a bounce of excitement and a bright yellow smiling emoji out of Pathfinder.
"And I also have Middlemist Red! I saved a man from fall off a building when I was cleaning windows and he gave me some seeds as a means of thanking me!" Pathfinder chimed, going over to a bed and pointing at a red flower that had petals that formed a perfect circle. Revenant looked it up and was surprised by the price tag on the thing. Then again, Pathfinder did save a guy's life for them, but still. There was the impulse to dash it to the ground and once again Revenant was struck with this ill feeling in where his stomach used to be at the thought of doing something cruel to Pathfinder without a damned good reason. So he merely nodded again.
Pathfinder ran him through a number of his prized plants in his little greenhouse. A number of flowers that were plain weird to plants that were worth bank in the right hands but Pathfinder was tending too with clear passion and joy. And again, pushing down the impulses that made him sick, Revenant just gave clipped responses and acknowledgements to when Pathfinder showed them off. And despite the briskness, Pathfinder just seemed happy that he was paying attention at all. Which just made Revenant wonder how many people ignored him and his interests that he was happy that he, fucking Revenant and the current boogeyman that haunted the dreams of the Apex games viewers, was giving him any attention at all. Sad really.
"But my favorites are my sunflowers!" Pathfinder said, going over to a patch of the big damn sunny things. The size of them was actually slightly intimidating, Revenant wondered if one could be used as a lethal weapon but once again opted to not indulge the sudden impulse to harm Pathfinder's plants. "Aren't they pretty?"
"Sure, Pathy," Revenant said.
Pathfinder bounced on his feet again, clearly excited.
"What's you favorite?" Pathfinder asked, clearly wanting an answer this time.
Figuring that an answer would stop Pathfinder from pestering him, Revenant looked around before walking over to a small patch of flowers that looked more like a shrub than anything. Black stalks and leaves with white flowers. They looked like dramatic little fuckers, so Revenant liked them he guessed. He pointed wordlessly at them.
"Diablo Ninebark," Pathfinder helpfully provided. Huh, cool name for a goofy little shrub. "A hardy shrub known for its beauty."
"Would you like a small sampling of it to take home?"
"... No thank you, Pathfinder. I don't have a place to put it and I'd probably just end up killing it like everything else I touch--"
"You don't kill everything you touch."
Revenant lifted his gaze to meet Pathfinder's lone optic. Pathfinder bounced on his feet before stepping over to him to gently take hold of his arm. He could easily get out of Pathfinder's loose grip, but... Pathfinder had just come over to casually touch him...
"See? I am alive, friend. So you do not kill everything that you touch."
"... huh, guess not," Revenant said, too baffled and shocked to say anything else. Did Pathfinder just try to... comfort him? Him? Out of anyone that Pathfinder foolhardly called 'friend'? Huh. And being gentle... with him... Pathfinder was weird.
"But having a place to not have a plant is a valid reason to not take one. How about you come visit here anytime you want?" Pathfinder asked.
"You would trust me?" Revenant asked.
"Yes! Because you are my friend, Revenant. And you seemed really peaceful when you are here," Pathfinder added, his screen flashing into another smiling emoji.
Peaceful huh... Maybe just in this moment, this one moment gifted to him by Pathfinder... maybe he was.
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kimistorm · 4 years
X-Men: First Class Reader Insert || Prologue
“Take whatever you want. We’ve got lots of food. In fact, you never have to steal again.” Young Charles Xavier smiled as he faced the blue girl.
Raven returned the smile with one of her own before remembering the little girl silently stuffing her face with food behind the two of them, “do you mind, if I bring someone I know? S-she’s a mutant too.”
“Of course I don’t mind.” Charles replied.
Raven turned around and nodded behind her, moments later a little girl, around six years younger than Raven and Charles appeared.
Charles smile widened, “hello.”
                                             10 years later
“Pathokinesis.” You declared as you dropped a book on Charles’ desk.
“I’m sorry?” Charles looked up at you in a confused manner.
“Pathokinesis. That’s my mutant ability. Not that emo-pathy or senso-pathy stuff you’re coming up with.” You declared triumphantly.
“Yes, yes.” Charles nodded, “makes sense.”
Your triumphant air deflated and your shoulders slumped forwards, “okay.”
Charles noticed your change in atmosphere and looked back up to you, “what do you want?”
“Nothing.” You mumbled ashamedly.
Charles turned his attention away from his paper and towards you. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” You murmured once again.
“I will read your mind if that’s what it takes.” He threatened.
“You promised you wouldn’t.” You muttered, “just like how I promised not to mess with your emotions.”
“Then tell me what’s wrong.” He prompted.
“I was just proud that I figured out my mutant ability.” You explained as you nervously played with the carpet on the floor with your foot. “That’s all.”
“And you should be, now, you can learn how to harness your ability to the fullest.” Charles smiled.
“Could, you teach me?” you asked quietly, still playing with the carpet.
“Hmm.” Charles thought about it, “generally, it doesn’t seem like pathokinesis is very different from telepathy.” Your eyes brightened with hope. “In fact, one could even say it’s a small step away.” He looked up and met your eyes, “I can try. No guarantees though, once you get deeper, pathokinesis and telepathy are rather different.”
“Thank you Charles!” your eyes lit up with excitement and Charles could practically feel the excitement radiating from you.
“I’ll need to finish this paper and do some research first before I can help you though.” He warned.
“That’s okay!” you grinned.
“Let’s plan for Saturday, alright?” he asked.
“That sounds great!” you beamed, “thanks Charles!” you skipped out of the room and passed Raven out in the hall. “Hi Raven!”
“Hi (y/n).” Raven nodded.
You frowned as she turned away, Raven seemed to be distancing herself a bit from you and Charles. It unsettled you. You thought that you and Raven would be sisters, even if not blood related, for life.
                                            8 years later
“How was it?” you asked without looking up from your book as Raven and Charles entered the house from their excursion to the bar. You didn’t have a complete control over how the atmosphere affects your own emotion, so party atmospheres typically made you seem way drunk, even when you didn’t have anything to drink. It was both humiliating to you and to Raven and Charles. You wanted to avoid that, so you decided to stop going to bars. It also did quite a number on your inner emotional state. It threw your emotions into a frenzy and created a situation where it was difficult for you to regain control over your emotions. “What’d you do Charles?” you asked almost immediately afterwards.
“What makes you think I did something wrong?” Charles asked as he hung up his coat.
“Raven’s animosity towards you makes it painfully obvious.” You replied.
“Hey, you promised-” Raven protested.
“Calm down.” You placed a bookmark into the book and set it down on the table, “anyone with eyes could see that. I promise I didn’t use my power.” You crossed your heart, “promise.” You turned to Charles, “so what’d you do?”
“Mutant and proud.” Raven mocked behind him as she walked out of the room, “mutant and proud.” You heard her from outside of the room.
You raised an eyebrow at Charles, “I know I’m younger than you and you don’t need to divulge everything to me, but it would be nice to know.” “I did the thing again, and Raven heard it.” He mumbled.
“You’ll have to elaborate more than that, you’ve done a lot of things.” You teased, “and I can’t read minds like you.”
“Yet.” Charles retorted, “you can’t read minds yet.”
“If you wanna be optimistic.” You laughed, “so would you like to elaborate?”
“It was the mutant pick up line.” He explained.
“Ah, that explains it.” You shrugged, “she probably won’t let it go though, you know how she gets about her powers.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Charles waved.
“I’m only trying to help.” You raised your arms up in surrender before standing up to leave Charles to do his work, “when you’ve got the time, I’d like you to help me with telepathy again. Please?” you asked in the doorway.
“When I’m finished with this thesis.” He answered as he sat down with a thump at his desk.
“Sounds great. Thanks Charles!” you smiled. You turned around and left the room, passing Raven on your way out. “Hey Raven.” You gave her a soft smile, “don’t…” you hesitated for a moment and took a deep breath, “don’t hold it against him too much. He only wants the best for us. He has good intentions.”
“Right.” Raven nodded, “I’ll keep that in mind.”
You smiled at her again and walked away as she entered the room that you had just left. You hesitated for a moment, you knew it wasn’t right to eavesdrop, but you couldn’t help yourself. You silently picked your way back towards the doorway. You had no intention of entering or seeing what was happening, you just wanted to listen.
“Mutant and proud. Mutant and proud?” you heard Raven repeating what Charles had said earlier, “if only. Would you date me?” she asked suddenly.
“Of course I would.” You heard Charles respond, “any young man would be lucky to have you. You are stunning.”
“Looking like this?” you heard the tell-tale ripple of Raven shapeshifting.
“Like...what?” you guessed Charles looked up from his work to look at Raven, “blue?” you heard him hesitate, and you were sure Raven did too. You had promised long ago that you wouldn’t interfere with their emotions using your power, so you quelled your desire to reach out and see what they were feeling. “You’re my oldest friend.”
“I’m one of your two friends.” Raven responded with a breathy laugh.
“Thank you for that.” Charles replied without a beat. You had to stifle a small giggle, it was true. Charles wasn’t really the most adept at making friends. “I'm incapable of thinking of you that way. You're... I feel responsible for you. Anything else would just feel wrong.”
“But what if you didn’t know me?” Raven pressed.
“Unfortunately, I do know you. God,” you heard Charles pause and probably look at Raven somewhat exasperatedly, “I don't know what's gotten into you lately. You're awfully concerned with your looks.”
“I’m sleepy. Will you read to me?” Raven inquired and changed the topic of conversation. You slowly stood up to walk back down the hall. You no longer needed to hear this conversation. You were worried, the little family that the three of you had, it seemed to be falling apart.
Masterlist (Originally posted in 2018)
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