#pats his head my guy!!!
iamfabiloz · 2 years
this is a very mentally ill request of me... however.... scourge thinking about quince mayhaps?
YEAAH!! Sorry this took me a bit I reread a million timez to make sure it’s okay I hope u like it scourge :]
The street lights flickered on and off like lazy fireflies, the warm glow lighting up the dull city streets. Stringy telephone pole wires quivered as pigeons clung to them, flapping their gray feathered wings to steady themselves. A few dim white lights burned from the inside of Twoleg structures, little spots of brightness among the gray. 
A cold wind ruffled the back of Scourge’s neck as he looked above at the pink dawn sky. Gloomy, gray clouds were beginning to form on the horizon, and the black tom could taste the humidity hanging in the air. Soon, rain would fall down upon the BloodClan cats and they would drink heartily, happy to have fresh, clean water instead of lapping from dirty puddles. He had instructed Bone and Brick to collect as much water as possible in garbage cans, and other Twoleg containers. His cats would need them in order to last them ‘til the next shower. 
The sound of Twoleg cars speeding and yowling interrupted his stream of thoughts. Scourge wrinkled his muzzle. Those things were quite infuriating. He didn’t mind when they rolled by occasionally on the stony gray road, but when multiple zoomed past they were always incredibly loud. They always would bumble about noisily, the Twolegs inside their bellies looking out through the glass windows with their hairless faces. 
The BloodClan leader stood perched upon the roof top of a tall brick building; it provided the best vantage point for Scourge to survey his territory. It also was a nice place to get away from everyone else, somewhere he could truly be alone with his thoughts. He gazed down at the narrow alley below him. 
Cats were shifting around in one of the dumpsters, picking at saggy black garbage bags for extra pickings. One skinny ginger tom hooked his claws into a bag’s corner and ripped at it fiercely. A stream of half-eaten chicken and rice spilled out at his feet. The tom and the other cats beside him greedily descended upon the food, hissing excitedly. Scourge twitched his ears, approving of his their resourcefulness. 
Suddenly, a tiny mewl sounded from below him. Scourge turned to look at where the source of the sound had come from.
A little black and white kitten was scampering along the sidewalk, crying pitifully out for its mother. The tiny tom didn’t look old enough to be on his own. Scourge tensed, ready to spring down and help the kit, but a gray she-cat suddenly burst from behind a corner and ran over to the lost child. She scooped him up in her jaws and purred reassuringly. The kit’s mother, Scourge thought, feeling something contort inside of his chest. Though he was quite a few feet away from the pair, he could see the cat’s smoky gray fur clearly. An unexpected pang jabbed at his heart.
It reminded him so much of…her. For a split second, an idiotic idea wormed its way into Scourge’s head. Maybe it was her. Maybe she had come looking for him? It could be possible. 
But then the she-cat turned her head and Scourge’s fragile hopes sank. 
The she-cat had a completely different face; her nose bridge was thinner, one of her ears had a pale scar on the inside, and she had a small white spot on her muzzle. 
It wasn’t her. It wasn’t his Mama. 
The she-cat then turned the corner again, disappearing from view with her kitten. Her gray tail whisked around the block and Scourge shut his eyes tight, almost painfully so. Another gust of wind brushed his dark fur.  
He missed his mother. He missed Mama. 
He thought of her warm gray pelt and amber eyes that sparkled lovingly. He thought of her licking his scruffy head soothingly when Socks and Ruby had played too roughly with him. He thought of the soft nest he had shared with her, the Twoleg blankets velvety beneath his paws. He thought about rolling around in the backyard grass with her, the wooden fence looming overhead.
She had been the only cat who had truly cared for him when he was young. The only one who had comforted him when he felt down about his littermates. The only cat he trusted with his life. 
The memories of his kithood were all drenched in misery, all expect for his beloved Mama. She was the bright spot he kept coming back to, no matter how hard he tried to move past her and focus on his vengeful future. Her words kept echoing inside his head. 
Those savages are a scourge on the name of all good cats.
Scourge shook out his fur like he was shaking out a flea. 
Would she be proud of me now? For leading BloodClan? For killing the cats I’ve had to in order to keep the peace? Scourge wondered, heaving a low sigh. Or would she think I’m a brutish savage? Scourge hissed quietly, scraping his reinforced claws on the stone beneath him. I mustn’t think like that. She isn’t here to see how my life has turned out. Her opinion on what I’ve become doesn’t matter, it shouldn’t. 
But despite Scourge repeating the thought in his mind countless times, he still felt a trickle of doubt. Anger stirred deep within his belly and he stared hard at the  brick wall across from him, trying to distract himself from his immature uncertainty. The cats who had feasted upon the chicken and rice were curled up in the bins, bellies full from a good meal. Scourge tried to force himself to feel an inkling of satisfaction, but nothing but emptiness squeezed his his insides. He sighed unpleasantly and finally let his prying thoughts win, but only for a moment.
Despite being a full grown tom and leader of a an alley full of strong, scrappy stray cats, whom he had worked so hard to build up, a small part of him, bigger than he’d like to admit, longed to be a kit again. To be Quince’s little son again. To be Tiny. He thought of the possible timeline where he wouldn’t have been thrown in the river by the Twolegs if he stayed. He would have grown up with Mama all to himself, with no Socks or Ruby to bully and berate him. No littermates meant that Quince would never like them more than him, she would love him, only. 
Being a kittypet would mean never going hungry, never feeling the chill of winter against his fur, never having to worry about all the things he did now as an outdoor feline. He thought about curling up in a fluffy kittypet nest, Mama grooming his pelt like he was a kitten again and telling him that it was all going to be okay. 
A guttural growl rumbled deep inside his throat, but he kept on imagining fake scenarios after fake scenario in his mind. 
Play fighting in the garden. Looking out the window of the Twoleg den at the world outside. Eating bowls of kitty kibble and drinking creamy milk. Basking in the sunlight beaming from the open window, Quince chortling as the exposure turned his black fur a shade ginger. 
Mama and him napping near the fireplace, their pelts warmed by the flickering orange flames. 
He would’ve lived a soft life, a happy life with his dear mother. 
Would it be worth it? Scourge mused, flicking his tail uneasily. The kitten that had once been Tiny, mewed a resounding yes. But adult Scourge frowned deeply and shook his head. 
No, he thought. He could never go back to that life. It wasn’t possible, it could never be. I don’t want it now anyways, Scourge thought, trying to reassure himself. I wouldn’t be the cat I am now if I had stayed. I wouldn’t be me. Without all the hurt and hardship I’ve endured…I would still be Tiny. 
He wasn’t that meek little kitten anymore. He was Scourge, feared leader of BloodClan and son to no one. All he had was himself and his cats now. Bone and Brick were his loyal lieutenants and he had a place here with them. He couldn’t just throw it all away to live a day dream. He still had plans to complete, orders to give out. He had a duty to himself and to all his cats in the alley. 
Quince had been part of his past life, the one that didn’t exist anymore. Though a minuscule part of him would always want to be a kittypet again and live a comfortable life with his Mama, he knew it was a foolish fantasy, one that would never be fulfilled. There was no use dwelling on it now, it would only slow him down. Though he reassured himself of that fact, his heart twisted with misplaced emotion, and he struggled to push it down again. 
The Twoleg cars along the street honked and beeped in booming unison, drowning out any further thoughts on the matter, and for once, Scourge was grateful for it. 
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masterofiodine · 4 months
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bbc ghosts modern au!!
making up their outfits was really fun (especially kitty and thomas, he would look great in skirt)
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somegrumpynerd · 6 months
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Good heavens, look at the time! (Points to a clock where every hour is replaced with "gooptales")
@topazshadowwolf's boys will be the death of me please read it it's so good
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moeblob · 12 days
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Look, I just think it's VERY funny and on brand that I thought of an entire premise of colorful characters for half the cast and immediately drew the only one void of color.
#my characters#i will not bore you all too much in the main post but now its story time in the tags so yeefuckinghaw#noll is a fae and is distinctly the only one that just lacks colors#at first he was like well surely i can wear colorful stuff to make up for my dark hair and eyes !#and then he overhears some of the fae talking about how hes a blemish to the fae and hes like well fuck#guess its time to go all in baby! and decks himself out in all black and jagged clothing#and he tries to play it off as hes an idiot and a lot of the fae actually believe its not ALL an act#like they can tell he thinks about stuff but he normally does it staring into space so they dont care to ask#cause surely it isnt important enough to brood about hes just thinking about stuff#and he really REALLY has a lot of confidence issues and worries that more fae are disturbed by his darkness than let on#but then the other fae that like to hang out with him are like#YOOOOOO THATS OUR LIL VOID! THATS OUR LIL GUY! our lil black spot look at him hes so edgy and cute!#and treat him like a pet cat at times giving him head pats even if he bats their hands away#and the plot premise is that some of the fae are bored and decide they should go play with some humans! give THEM enrichment too!#and noll gets roped into it and The Game is basically go find a human partner and convince them to be an ally#then the fae give the humans cool lil toys (weapons) and are like GO FORTH MY CHAMPION!#so noll keeps like ... not picking anyone to participate because its not just A Game to him#if he can prove victorious in A Game with outside factors such as humans then he can prove hes not#an absolute disappointment to the fae like he has a lot riding on this in his mind#and his friends are just like buddy you cant even play if you dont pick a human you gotta#anyway here is noll and then i have ideas for two other fae and also a veeeery vague idea for two of the humans though not as sure yet#rae if you read all this you should know the cobalt is a fae thanks bye#i am so stressed posting ocs every single time and i am incredibly depressed and anxious#so good lord please let me not just delete all the tags in an hour bc im ashamed
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esha-isboogara · 2 years
puppy boy denji
stop this is such a cute idea !! i love the thought of an obedient little denji who just loves us so much omg 🤭 my heart is melting
this was inspired by (i’ll put the name when i find it)
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✰denji being a little dummy, some nsfw elements for the last three
✧puppy boy denji who can never keep his hands to himself. he loves the warmth and softness of your skin on his. let him lay on your lap pls !! one of his love many languages is touch so expect lots of it. when you come home after a long day he’ll pounce
✧puppy boy denji who loves to be called a good boy. rub his head and praise him suddenly he’s putty in your hands.
✧puppy boy denji who will happily dive right into the puppy boy act. he will bark , put the collar on, allow you to leash him , hell he will even eat out of the food bowl. he’s a good boy and he is absolutely determined to prove it. and yes he’d act like a dog in public too. he has no shame if it’s for you.
✧puppy boy denji who’s a pleaser. he’d much rather give then receive most of the time, though he won’t complain if you were to give him a gift or two. he saves up money to buy the two of you nice things and takes you out to eat often.
✧puppy boy denji who would do anything for you. he’s always going out of his way to see you smile. when he goes out and fights demons he can’t help but think of you,he’s doing this to protect you. this boy is so devoted he keeps a polaroid of you in his pocket to show people (and demons). there’s no real reason for this he just likes to show you off.
✧puppy boy denji who is a total bottom bitch. he loves being taken over and told what to do. every little movement being dictated by his lover - it’s heaven
✧puppy boy denji who is an expert at giving head ! who knows how he learned but what you do know is that he’ll have your legs shaking in a matter of minutes
✧puppy boy denji who is a sucker for public sex. he wants to whole world to know you’re his and vice versa. the thrill of getting caught is another factor. if aki or power were to walk in on him pleasing you he wouldn’t be opposed.
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shrimpwithglasses · 3 months
God take all of literally everyone else’s suffering and give it to Jane cause everyone else just wants to live a normal life. At least seeing a classic duo like John & Karkat put a smile on my face… at least until the end of this conversation… love this art style tho-
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chaosfairy18 · 13 days
Sometimes I forget that not everyone knows the versions of characters in my mind
like what do you mean people don't know Specs and Dutchy would be such a serial killer husband duo
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themetallicnemesis · 1 year
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Made a little fly oc
The little guy specializes on spying and getting dirt on people and rouge just happens to be one of his clients. He thinks she's the coolest person ever, and yeah he's absolutly right
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umilily · 1 year
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thaliasthunder · 1 year
as an atheist that was even physically forced to hear unsolicited religious discourses of "how wrong i am", how "im gonna burn in hell" or "god hates/is dissapointed of me" from believers after saying im atheist, magnus being atheist without being antagonized or questioned for it is something so fucking personal to me
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p0rk-guts · 8 months
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This is the only thing I managed while ibis wasn't working on my phone
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kelin-is-writing · 1 year
so i was bored at work once again which means more dabi thoughts than usual have accumulated xD
this time i thought about what would happen if you were to find dabi adding new staples to his already impressive collection :')
he never wanted you to see him do it since he was already ashamed enough that you had to see the little metal pieces holding him together on a daily basis.
so he always took care of adding new ones when you were either not at home or asleep. but this time you walked in on him while he sat in the shower with blood slowly streaming down his arms.
you had noticed that the burns there were slowly spreading but seeing him like this broke your heart. he looked so vulnerable in that moment and the guilty look on his face only made it worse.
he had expected you to be disgusted by the sight or to simply leave the bathroom again but instead you offered to help him so he wouldn't have to twist his arms to reach the back of his shoulders.
he didn't say anything the entire time even during the shower you took together after you were done to get the blood off of him and also when you helped him gently dry his back so you wouldn't pull on the new staples.
when you went to bed afterwards and you cuddled up to him you almost missed the quiet "i love you" - the first one he's ever said out loud to you.
- 🥛
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it would really mean the world to dabi if you help him out with all his medication/re-stapling process like– it gives him this sense of reassurance and relief, especially since he has always thought you would be disgusted only at the thought of touching him when he’s in that state, but in the moment the villain sees you not only helping him with his staples but also look his way with so much genuine worry mixed with love... he just can’t help falling for you more than he already has, no matter what you did you always shine so brightly in his eyes and make his insides a fluttering mess every single time.
you were taking off his loosened staples, to replace them with new ones, while disinfecting the holes with a worried frown and a small pout; dabi sees your expression and snorts “you’ve been doing this for a while now, so what’s that face my beautiful princess?”, you inhales sharply from your nose and swat him on the arm, getting a little whine from the boy who looked at you confused, eyes wide blinking furiously and mouth open in a curious grimace “no matter how many times i do this... the worry just doesn’t want to go away...”, was your answered as your upset expression changed into a worried and sad one, eyes slowly becoming teary as seconds went by, lower lip trembling “i can’t bear to see you hurt or in pain...”, you finished, voice cracking at the end as tears started to blurry your view and cascade long your cheeks. dabi felt a little pang of happiness inside his chest at knowing that he was this important to you, that though didn’t stop him from freaking out at seeing you cry so copiously “hey... hey love... hey, look at me, eyes on me baby...”, he whispered with a gentle tone that for a second he thought wasn’t his; when your eyes fixed on him with such a tenderness inside of them, the villain felt his heart start hammer hard inside his chest, you were too endearing and lovely for your own good seriously “seeing you cry hurts way more than getting all sewed up. that’s why don’t cry please, hm?”, that soft bittersweet expression dabi was making in that moment was totally new to you, but it made your heart feel like it was hanging over the black hole, it was pure anguish just like how seeing him like that felt to you since when he choosed to finally open up about his past.
you want this man to be happy so bad.
sniffling you nodded while resting an hand over his and leaning onto his warm comforting palm with a small peaceful smile on your lips, a smile that made his heart flutter and lips curl up in a pout as his cheeks turned a faint tint of pink; he was stunned once again by your beauty, you truly made him feel like a teenager.
dabi leaned toward you pressing his lips against yours in a kiss that took you aback for a second because... from it you could feel all the love, care and how important you are for him, it was so passionate only with a simple lips lock.
when he pulled away, the raven-haired boy moved a strand of your hair behind your ear before smirking, satisfied by your stunned expression “thank you for everything you do for me princess, i’m so fucking glad i’ve met you.”, at those words more tears started spilling from your eyes “you’re such a jerk! i just had stopped crying!”, you whined while pushing him slightly, which had dabi cackle, a genuine full teethes smile on his face “sorry baby, sorry. you’re just so damn cute i swear to god!”, he kept apologising while wrapping his arms around your shoulders, squishing you hard against his big warm chest “stop messing with me!”, this time a deep amused laugh vibrated through his chest and your ear, making your heart do a whole backflip from how much you adored it. he let out a long relieved sigh while looking in front of himself with a tender gaze and content smile on his lips, cheek resting on your head “i love you so fucking much y/n...”, you felt like crying again and dabi knew that, in fact his smiled widened, endeared “i love you so fucking much too...”, you cried out hugging him back and burying your face onto his chest, starting to cry silently while sobbing from time to time, making your boyfriend cackle once more and get in response “ow!” a smack on the back.
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fyncherly · 29 days
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A text I sent my friend as I spiraled (haha jk) over vampolitics regarding vague plotlines about a multi-chapter suckening fic that diverges after episode 4 and explores an au in which Edward's plotline doesn't play out quite like it did and there's other plays for power alongside his own and what if some key events still happened but, like, a little to the left and within the context of this slightly altered version (an au if you will) and what if the twins and Gref went with Arthur to London and found more and what about that guy Uncle Lazarus huh something up with him and what if the twins leaned more into their royal status and did something with it (or tried to in a more concerted effort) and Mary Davis will be there (mirror Mary sorry this is after ep 4) and obviously Vex & Viv and what if there's a touch more domesticity cuz I'm a fool for that and what if Gref realizes he's been manipulated and they have to confront this and it's messy and awful and necessary and there's layers guys layers and what if I just speculate and make up lore for the stuff that will probably be answered in season 2 anyway hm and what if and what if—
#listen#do i have a plethora of wips#yah#and do i have a freaking clue about anything at any given moment#nah#but the urge to make this fic starting just after episode 4 but slightly to the left and#kinda like if you watched the Suckening through your friend's prescription glasses while wearing your own contacts#is encapsulating like i just want to go a lil off the rails here and write a “well if this happened this is how it'd go down” sort of thing#of fanfic ya know and i wonder if anyone else would care about this#sometimes i wonder if im fandoming wrong lol why do i do this#i'm already on my relisten to prepare for this and guys i have some suspicions regarding Uncle Lazarus#he distracted me with his silly voice and pheasant talk#but something's off here#and i'm going to explore that in my fic because it's called fanfiction for a reason#god i wonder what would happen if i put this much effort and enthusiasm into creating original things#anyheehoo gonna start writing it today probably maybe#also not a set in stone thing but... what if i made illustrations for each chapter#just a thought... a musing of mine... a whimsical pondering#fuck being into both writing and drawing my life would be so much easier if i was only interested one#oh also ships??? genuinely dunno if that'll be a thing but if there's interesttttttt i'd love to hear what people may want to see??#if i do end up writing this and all CUZ WE CAN DO WHAT WE WAAAANT#kudos to you and a pat on the head if you read all the way down here i love you#jrwi suckening#jrwi: the suckening#jrwi the suckening fanfic
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seokmatthewz · 1 year
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phoenixkaptain · 11 months
Obsessed with male Alear…
His voice is just. He sounds like he is constantly on the verge of tears. He speaks very quietly and there’s a sort of scratchy quality that makes it sound like, at any given moment, he may just start crying. When he gets angry or upset and speaks louder, he sounds on the verge of frustrated tears. Whenever he speaks to enemies, I want to tell them to stop bullying him.
He is pretty tall. Just, in general, he is relatively big compared to the other characters (makes sense, he is a dragon child). He is also the biggest scaredy-cat. He is so scared. He is terrified. Let him go back to sleep. Please.
Speaking of sleep, he just falls asleep. All the time. He slept for a thousand years and he is still sleepy. This war’s going to end and he’s going to fall asleep for another thousand years.
(I am aware the sleepiness is almost certainly also a trait female Alear shares, and it is also funny with her. There’s just something about playing as male Alear that makes everything funner.)
That is, everything is funner because everyone’s first comment is on his appearance. Not to comment on how weird it is or how strong he looks; no, Alear is primarily looked at for the first time and announced beautiful. I feel like this is, somewhat, normal for female characters. Like, in media, someone’s first thought upon seeing a woman is almost always a judgement of how hot she is, isn’t it?
But, playing as male Alear, you get the same treatment. Everyone just thinks he is lovely. His divine dragon power is being divinely beautiful. It’s also just kind of funny when Alear says “Is now really the time or place?” After a bit, he just pretends not to hear them.
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fanatics4l · 2 years
we need more feral boyfriend billy and his mediating, tired boyfriend, steve. there's just billy being some short, angry little guy in public- cursing everyone out and pouting super hard. he thinks he's the shit. he thinks everyone is a piece of shit. he stomps around everywhere and steve just silently walks behind him with a tired but fond expression on his face. people can practically see the invisible leash that steve holds. billy is like one of those dogs that drag their owner around. they're the ones walking the owner.
steve is always apologizing on billy's behalf like "sorry my boyfriend didn't go on his evening walk yet" and "sorry he growled at you, that's just how he is"
billy's the kind of guy to climb up steve and just koala wrap his limbs around him. the kids come over and they just see billy wrapped around steve's shoulders on the living room couch.
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