#pats snek boy
pikabysss · 1 month
I found this little messy doodle so silly, I couldn't keep it hidden anymore...
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Is that accurate?
Personally... I'd keep patting even after the switch of wittle (6 feet tall) snake boi. *pat pat the hat*
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p0k3m0n-catch3r · 6 months
I'm not sure if it is within the rules, but I would beg on my knees for some fluff between a gn(or even male) reader that leads to Levi purring
Platonic would be brilliant but even romantic is fine
Just give some soft attention to the snek boy until his anxiety is extinguished, please
Nobody gives Levi enough love
A Senstive Spot on Levi
Leviathan and Gn!MC
Can be seen as a romantic relationship, not specified
(Levi does have autistic traits in this)
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Being dragged into RAD was probably the worst thing to happen today. Levi had to deal with a meeting right after too! Not to mention the fact that all his brothers shared at least two classes with you and he only had one! He was stuck alone and couldn’t even have his music since Lucifer took it away. It was hell for him!
Classes sucked, they were extremely boring and loud, and the only time it was slightly interesting was in 6th period, which was Potions Class with you. By that time though, he was ready to give up and cry. What’s up with demons trying to talk to him when he wanted to be alone?! Plus the succubi and incubi being loud throughout the entire day.
When the meeting finally happens, Levi looks extremely tired and ready to go home. That quickly ended with a glare from Lucifer though…
Walking back with Levi was a bit weird, he avoids any topics and doesn’t really bother talking to you. Since this extremely out of character, you decide that Levi needs a break! You guys get back home and you leave him be for a bit, and after roughly an hour you come back to his room.
Before you can even knock you can hear small sniffling and hiccups from his room… And him loudly talking to his little friend.
“H-Henry 2.0…!! C-Can you believe what happened today.?? Lucifer is so horrible… *hic* I hate RAD..!!”
Huh. When’s the last time he cried? Well for something reasonable. Not about an anime or a figurine. Not important to you anyway! You knock and you can hear Levi panic a bit, you can hear him moving around the room, probably cleaning up his face to try and get rid of any hint of him crying. Poor him, he doesn’t even realize how loud he was…
“Wh- H-hold on! You guys always come at the worst times…”
After a minute of him trying to make things better and ultimately failing, since you’ve heard him fall and panic even more at least 3 times so far. He finally opens the door and you aren’t sure if he feels better you’re there or if he’s panicking even more.
“…I- Uhm..Do you need something..??”
“Are you gonna let me in or not? I wanna see if you’re okay.”
“I am okay!! i just- i.. just fell, thats all.”
“And cried?? You’ve been through a war im not that stupid.” You walk in and close the door. “Gonna explain why you seemed weird today?”
“Wh- Im not!-“
“Liar.” Grabbing Levis arm, you move him away from the door and you sit down on his gaming chair. “I can see anything going on yknow? You and your brothers gave me that power after doing the most insane shit behing my back.”
“…J-just… School.. RAD just sucks.. Its so loud and i hate it!!”
“…Was that so hard”
“Actually it was. Shut up”
You sigh and point to his bathtub bed, which to this day think is incredibly stupid. Whatever though, if it stops him from falling of beds and hurting himself, you guess its fine.
“..Why are you-“
“Lay down. If it works with your brothers, it’ll work with you.
“…I don’t think i should-“
“Who cares? Lay down and ill make ya feel better.” You get up, clearly tired of his bullshit and you sit on his bed, which you can see some tear marks on his body pillow. Tossing the pillow to the chair, you pat the space next to you.
“Hey my-…ohhhh…” His pale face flushes a bit with a beautiful color of light pink, then sighs and sits next to you. His face flushes into a deeper pink when you lay back and move his head onto your shoulder, scratching his head being gentle with him.
“Feeling better?” You ask after a minute, he nods with his eyes closed, his face still the same shade from a minute ago… He turns into his demon form, and you guess that its just because its more comfortable. Being careful not to accidentally touch his horns, you move to a spot behind the horns and play with his fluffy hair there.
By the time hes asleep, which is just a few seconds after playing his hair, you can hear a small sound.. A deep sound, which freaks you out for a second until you realize it’s extremely similar to a cats purr. Just… extremely more deeper, at least an octave down.
You love Levi a lot, but you have to record this. You pull out your D.D.D and start recording. Lets just hope Levi doesn’t wake up…
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Could I pet the precious Splatter snake boy :D
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You pat the snek
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the-horse-of-reason · 1 month
He grins at the head pats and shrugs at Acacius.
“I don’t know what you’re on about, I’m just a little angel!”
he blinked innocently at him, his grin widening.
*acacius groans, rolling his eyes. he glares up at the two of them, then slithers off and coils into a little ball, facing bell anon to keep an eyes on her. tiny little snek boi :3*
{Did. Did you just say that emoticon?}
*no. i narrated it. big difference. acacius rolls his eyes again and crosses his arms on top of his tail, looking for all the world like a tiny pouting two-year-old.*
*he huffs and continues to pout like a toddler. he then proceeds to look even angrier and even more like a toddler.*
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hardcore-otaku · 4 years
Im in need of head pats Levi. uWu I mean I give you plenty of head pats can I have some in return? >//>
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You want something from me? Only if I get something in return.
(¬ε¬ )
Why do all these normies keep coming to me for physical affection?? I barely even show my regular Henrys affection!
(ŏ̥̥̥̥ωŏ̥̥̥̥ )
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notsuspishyatall · 5 years
omg what about daddy Pat with his three (or four) diapered bois (for whatever reason - stress wetting, bed wetting, small bladder) just running around after them and changing them etc.? ~ El
Patton wakes up at the middle of the night to see a very shy looking Roman standing in his doorway. Oh yeah, he was up late doing things and Patton is the one who usually puts him in his “princely pants” as he calls them (whatever helps him so that he puts on the damn diaper for his bedwetting. Logan would call them bloomers if that’s what it took). So he shoves his glasses onto his face, and makes quick work of the change, tucking Roman in beside him afterwards. “Sweet dreams princey,” He says with a soft kiss to the cheek.
* * * *Virgil is always a tricky one to gauge. One minute he’s fine and the next he’s hiding in the closet (pun NOT intended, but appreciated) with wet pants and is crying. Today it seems work was especially hard for him and the minute he gets home he’s at Patton’s door, tears threatening to spill down his cheeks with the diaper in his hand. It’s not often that he comes to Patton, because his stress wetting embarrasses him to no end. But Patton treasures the trust it takes and makes the whole thing quick, before turning on a movie and cuddling his boyfriend. 
* * * *
Logan was…. a basket case sometimes. So adding a smol bladder to hyperfocusing was generally not a good idea. But Logan enjoyed tempting fate/proving Patton wrong. Funny thing was Fate (and Patton) were usually right on this one. So after one too many accidents (and Virgil being the one who finds him before Patton gets the chance to help out), he is no longer allowed to go anywhere near his special interests or projects without a diaper on. Even if it drives Logan nuts and embarrasses him, he is grateful to Patton for caring enough to do this, to help him, and maaaayyyybeeeee change him once or twice while he’s working. Even if the words are never said, Patton can tell the implication of appreciation is there.
* * * *
Dee was almost worse than Logan, if that were possible. He seemed to have a hard time telling exactly when he needed to go, or maybe it was telling what his limit was and bypassing really bad and not stopping until it was a potty-emergency. Whatever the case, Dee was his 24/7 diaper boi, just until they worked through whatever was going on. Patton had his suspicions, but didn’t quite know how to voice them. He worried about Dee though. They were working on it. and it wasn’t exactly like he could STOP taking the anti-depressants or his ADD meds; he needed those to like, function enough to work on getting better. So if wearing diapers in the meantime helped take one thing off of his plate, then Patton was willing to help out. He understood the depression thing more than he cared to admit.
* * * *
How did Patton even know about how to diaper his best boys? Let’s just say he uh………had some unique interests/experiences that may have given him firsthand experience. ;)
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slytherinsnekxvii · 3 years
let's talk about lily evans and the marauders, aka moony, wormtail, padfoot and prongs. given that i didn't use their actual names, i think you can figure out where this is going. it's also long as hell, so. canon vs fanon, marauder edition, except snek is sleep deprived.
now, before we begin, i don't dislike the marauders. or lily, tbh. if I'm being perfectly, genuinely honest, i still go back and forth sometimes but they've been growing on me for a while now. the canon versions, at least. fanon does them real dirty, and that's part of why i'm writing this, because i'm genuinely tired of it. it's an injustice.
you can at least make excuses for james and lily, who were so undeveloped that jkr practically dropped a fill-in-the-blank sheet of character information in our laps, but sirius, remus and peter were around long enough for y'all to get real acquainted with them.
in canon, sirius black is an unhinged mf. genuinely. this isn't to say he's a bad guy, in fact, we see that he's still capable of doing good things, still capable of love, still capable of all the things that prove he's actually not bad at heart, just,,, severely traumatised and very steeped in negativity from his time with the dementors. what i'm saying is that this man is absolutely, no questions asked, no holds barred demented, and how could he not be? the guy sat wrongfully imprisoned in azkaban for twelve years, a good portion of which he spent as a dog in order to protect himself from the dementors. he certainly wasn't completely insane, but you cannot tell me that he was all there. he got out of azkaban fuelled almost solely by the intent to get revenge on pettigrew, tried to commit murder in front of three witnesses who were also children—one of whom was his godson—ate rats and was also malnourished, which i'm certain did not help the situation any. this man is off his goddamn rocker, and you know what? you love to see it. good for him.
oh, but, snek, that's what he's like as an adult. what about when they were at school? before azkaban? my guy, the reaction he has to grimmauld place is not the reaction of someone without trauma. i don't believe that walburga and orion were the type to physically abuse their children, but whatever happened in that house helped to fuck him up enough that he skipped the joke of part of practical joke, and pranked snape by telling him how to meet a werewolf that he knew would be fully transformed and dangerous to humans. more than that, the werewolf was remus, whom he's friends with, and who—best case scenario—would be facing a trial if james hadn't stepped in. you can say that maybe he didn't think about or understand the gravitas of his actions, but at the end of it, that's not how properly sane people react to people they dislike, and that's not how they treat their friends. if anything, it reads like he was in the middle of a breakdown and absolutely losing his shit and he wasn't thinking at all.
my guy went through some serious shit, and was in no way completely mentally stable. we can see pretty clearly that he's got a serious dark side to him that probably would have gone unbridled had he not disagreed with his family, and yet, fanon took one look at him and went, "teehee, uwu bad boi go vroom."
fanon said padfoot is a pretty boy with nice hair who is tastefully traumatised from his horribly abusive household. sirius rides his motorcycle and plays jokes and flirts with anything that moves, but he can do no real wrong and always comes back to his soft, bookish, chocolate-loving boyfriend remus, who will laugh about his lycanthropy and quietly disapprove but secretly laugh at his friends' antics while hiding his smile in his cardigan.
respectfully, what in the absolute fuck.
i'd put that meme in here if i could, the one that's like, "well done, you've broken _______ down to its bare essentials," but no. i can't bc it doesn't even apply. this isn't a meme, it's theseus' fucking ship.
fanon broke it down, and replaced the pieces one by one until we got to this point, where we need to sit down and ask ourselves, "is this even the same character?"
the answer is no, by the way. it isn't. when people talk about woobifying characters—you know, taking away every flaw they have, romanticising everything they do and making them only capable of doing good, wonderful, lovely things?—this is what we mean.
and it'd be one thing if it was just the one character, but, no. fanon went all in and made them all squeaky clean and boring, especially peter, who draws the shortest of the straws.
remus got fucked, too. not just because fanon insists on sticking him into a relationship with sirius. which, we'll tackle wolfstar in a bit, but that's not even the worst of it. here, we have yet another example of blatant, rampant woobifying. again, is he a bad person? no. we know he's a good guy, we know he's generally kind and well-mannered, we know that he wants to fo the right thing but hey, fun fact. did you know that you can be nice and a coward? did you know that you can be benevolent and good and kindly and have the greatest of intentions and still be shady as fuck? no? ask dumbledore. the man played people like chess pieces when he needed to, and he was a twinkly grandpa. these are things that can coexist.
teenage remus is a coward who, understandably, does not stand up to his friends, likely for fear of being ostracised, and doesn't uphold his prefect duties as he should and takes part in their bullying of snape as a result. he lets them romp with him in werewolf form while they are in their animagus forms and then, he lets them continue to do so even after they have multiple close calls, which, again, had anything happened, would have resulted in a trial in the best case scenario.
grownup remus is still a coward, he tells no one that sirius can move about the school in his animagus form despite wholeheartedly believing that he's a mass murderer, he tries to run out on his wife and unborn kid. he isn't deliberately making attempts to harm anyone, but he's content to sit back and let things happen to him and around him so he doesn't rock the boat, although he is capable of action, which we see when he is more than willing to help sirius merk pettigrew in the shack. he can be careless, he runs out to the shack knowing he hasn't taken his wolfsbane and ends up transforming in front of the students he, as a teacher, is meant to be protecting. of course, this doesn't negate his good qualities, it just bears repeating that his flaws do exist, and they're pretty serious.
fanon moony is always pleasant and kind and soft-spoken and bookish, and he always has to have his chocolate. he knows when to tell off his friends, and he'll do it, even if he's secretly amused by everything they do and laughs about it with his best friend, lily evans, who coincidentally spends all her time with them so he and sirius can go on double dates with james and lily and no one has to remember peter exists.
why. theseus' ship 2.0. does the actual character still exist or is this something entirely different thing bearing the same name?
as for peter, who needs peter pettigrew, the actual, legitimate, fourth marauder when you have lily evans? canon pettigrew is opportunistic as fuck. he's latching himself to the biggest bad on the block and he's going all in. for teenage peter, that was james and sirius, and for adult peter, that's voldemort. canon peter is good enough at transfiguration to master the animagus transformation, just like his friends, and he's good enough at potions to brew the potion that gives voldemort a body. and honestly, you can't say he wasn't brave. he could've run off somewhere and died, or changed his identity or something after he faked his death and framed sirius, but, no. he goes and resurrects voldemort. that's fucked up, yeah, but it happened and honestly, i respect that it. he stuck to his guns.
fanon wormtail is lucky if he exists beyond being a spineless sycophant for james and sirius, or an evil conniving little rat who's looking to toss his entire friend group to the wolves at eleven.
of course, this isn't meant to negate his bad qualities, he still murdered people and framed sirius and sold out the potters to die, but his good characteristics do exist, and james, sirius and remus genuinely were his friends.
and now, we get to lily and james.
we have hardly any information on either of them. they're a pair of cardboard cutouts that we can paint and stick flyers to and colour outside the lines however we want. we can do whatever the fuck, as long lily is brave and smart and somewhat kind and james is brave and willing to die for his family. we were essentially handed a pair of ocs.
and yet.
what little bits of canon we have are thrown out of the window regardless.
james is privileged and rich, and he throws hexes for fun. he's willing to hex lily when she disagrees with him, and then, he goes behind her back to continue hexing snape after she believes that he's stopped doing so. and that's all we know about him until he dies for his family at twenty-one years old. once again, say it with me: this does not negate his good qualities. he definitely had them, he took sirius in when sirius ran away from home, he became an animagus to keep remus company as a wolf, and he saved snape in the shack, thereby saving remus and sirius by extension. him having flaws does not make him a bad person.
fanon prongs is a feminist. he fights for equal rights for women everywhere, and he constantly treats his girlfriend, lily, like an absolute queen. he's the hottest boy in school and everyone claps when he walks through the halls. mcgonagall and dumbledore are always patting him on the back and making jokes with him. he has a built-in dark detector that helps him sense when someone is a evil and needs to he punished.
give me a break. the dude's cool and all, but was the gary stu treatment necessary?
...oh, he needed to match fanon lily? right, right.
canon lily is a contradiction unto herself. she's supposedly a great friend, but since we see her at a point where they were already drifting apart, we see her putting little effort into keeping their friendship afloat. she victim blames based on rumours, she doesn't seem to care over much about what snape has to say about the people who have been tormenting him since day one. and she's justified, of course, she doesn't have to stick around. canon lily is a bit of hypocrite, she says that snape calls everyone of her birth mudblood, but then that begs the question why she still hangs around with him if that's the case. he calls her mudblood, she retaliates by calling him snivellus, and finishes up with a dig about his underwear, which, sure, it's kicking a man with a rusty spoon and pouring salt in the wound, but she's, again, justified. i get where she was coming from. and then, of course, she dies for her kid after marrying the guy who relentlessly bullied her quote-unquote best friend for their entire school careers. but, like i said, canon lily is, in many ways, a contradiction.
lily is basically a plot device. she pushes everyone's narrative but her own, and does little else.
of course, this trend would continue in fanon. fanon lily exists to be the perfect girl who gets really angry over the slightest injustice, and of course, she gets to be one half of one of the oldest enemies-to-lovers "it was just sexual tension" cliche pairings in the book. she's just,,, a mary sue. in so many fics, so many headcanons, she's just pettigrew's stand-in, a girl to form a gang with marlene, mary and dorcas—who happen to be more undeveloped ocs who also get the woobify mary sue treatment—to parallel the marauders. there is nothing compelling about her character when she's presented as a saint, and even less when she's supposedly the other moral compass for the marauders that doesn't actually work because she thinks that james is cute.
and this brings me to the next topic. jily. what, why, how. this was supposed to be a healthy, happy relationship that would have lasted in the long run? absolutely not. even for its time, i can't say that i see it lasting.
first of all, jkr presents james' crush on lily as just that: a crush. a mildly obsessive one, but a crush nonetheless, which she tries to liken to the pulling of pigtails. and then, we see that james' way of getting her to go out with him consists of blackmail, and when that doesn't work, he resorts to threatening her. this could have been set aside if he had actually, genuinely changed when they started spending more time together, but as we're told by sirius and remus, he didn't. he just got better at hiding what he was up to. and it has to be that he hid it, because if she knew, this further damages the character that she's set up to have and paints her out to be either unable to stand up to him or an enabler.
regardless, they get married. and while i have trouble believing that it was out of genuine love, there are scenarios that could make some semblance of sense. it's wartime, after all, and maybe lily is worried about her stability in the wizarding world, so why not marry into an established family whose son is already showing interest? or perhaps, she falls into the trap of every bad boy cliche ever, and she thinks to herself, well, i got him to be better then, maybe i can get him to do even better in the future. or maybe, she doesn't get into a relationship with him immediately and sees him on and off, until eventually, she accidentally gets pregnant and they scramble to have a shotgun wedding so as not to leave lily alone at nineteen with a baby. or maybe they marry each other because they're there and sure, neither of then is ready and they don't know what love even is but what else is there to do when there's a dark lord about? anyways, the point is, they get married.
and then what? if we count pottermore into canon, he goes on to further damage her relationship with petunia and vernon, to the point where she ends up crying. if we don't, she fades into the background enough that nobody has anything to say about her. she's harry's mum, she's james' wife, lily potter, she was kind and smart and brave and that's it. her agency is gone, anything else we have of her personality is gone.
jily just,,, wasn't built to last. and, yeah, this,,, this is a hill i'll die on.
same with wolfstar, honestly. there are so many reasons why it wouldn't work, but fanon has made it so fucking prevalent that it's literally everywhere no matter where you look.
first of all, i've said it before and i'll say it again. sirius is more likely to get with james that he is to ever end up in a relationship with remus. their chemistry is just,,, underdeveloped. net zero for a relationship.
secondly, sirius instigated the werewolf prank, and lupin would have paid the price for it. this could have been overlooked, but he doesn't seem the slightest bit guilty about any of it when it's brought up in poa. he could have been responsible for lupin losing the security of his place at hogwarts in the best case scenario, and in the worst case, his life. and he seems to look forward to full moons, even though they clearly aren't pleasant for remus, which,,, yeah, you're going to have fun, but like, maybe be concerned about the fact that your friend undergoes excruciating pain and it isn't a pleasant time for him? read the room, my g.
thirdly, they don't trust each other as much as fanon seems to think they do. they were both willing to believe each other the traitor before ever suspecting pettigrew. sirius thought remus gave away the potters, hell, he thought remus was a spy for voldemort, and remus was convinced that sirius was a mass murderer. neither of them needed to be convinced.
fourthly, maybe i'm reading too much into it, but like. sirius had money. remus had no money, since, yk, he was a werewolf and struggling for cash and still, sirius,,, did not leave him any money. i feel like if you had money to spare, you would give to your friend who is literally poor. but, again, maybe i'm reading too much into it and this isn't as valid a point as i think it is.
and ehh, the fifth reason is that it's,,, actually very much not the representation for the ltgbt community that fanon says it is but y'all aren't ready for that conversation.
anyways, just,,, even when you set the couple shit aside, the power dynamics between everyone here is fucked. like, james and sirius are clearly at the top of food chain calling the shots and egging each other on. then there's lily, who isn't even a marauder, but is always ever-so-slightly above remus but still not on their level, because, well. neither of them actually listen to her. remus is the novelty friend, the friend who's,,, alright, i guess, but you keep them around specifically because they're funny or they can dance or they have something that you can either show off to other people or keep as your little inside joke, your little secret, yk? and peter is just sort of there. like, yeah, he can do what we can but does that make him as good as we are? no. does he have a funny little something about him that we can exploit? nah. therefore he sits at the bottom. and like, yeah, james and sirius are on the same level, but james is yanking sirius' chain, not the other way around. anyways, like i said. power dynamic's fucked and it bothers me that we were given all of this, and fanon decided to take it all and throw it away so they could give us flamboyant!badboi!sirius black x softboi!motherhen!remus lupin going on double dates with feminist!trustfundbaby!james potter and saint!lily evans while ignoring peter pettiwho?
theseus' fucking ship, indeed.
anyways, this needed to be said. it might not make as much sense as i want it to, considering it's 4:12 in the morning as i'm posting this, after taking a break from writing to do some research and coming across way too much content about fanon marauders, but it's here and it still makes enough sense that you can read it and understand what i mean. and like, at the end of the day, you can go ahead and headcanon whatever you please, you can write fic and make art and do whatever you like, just,,, remember that they're exactly that. headcanons. stop presenting fanon as canon. please. i'm literally begging. we actually have evidence against it. just,,, acknowledge that they're headcanons and stop putting them forward as though they're able to fit into canon. please.
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atsuminthe · 3 years
—how they like to hug you, and how it feels; ft. date tech, johzenji, nohebi boys
previous « you are here! » next
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back hugs!
feels like a water balloon hitting you and soaking your clothes
he’s so cheeky with his hugs—he’ll tease you and make you work for it
it’s always worth it, though. futakuchi’s hugs make you feel safe and protected (he fought a spider for you even though he absolutely hates spiders, what a hero)
randomly wraps his arms around you when you’re doing mundane things
whenever you cook he steals things even though you feed him directly from the pan, justifying his presence by “being lonely and wanting to help you” (he doesn’t)
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heart-to-heart hugs!
feels like burying your face in a fluffy pillow
baby. aone is a beeg beefy baby and deserves only the best
he loves hugging you. mostly because you’re not scared of him and he can pick you up easily
watch his face light up when he notices you running towards him after a win—his heart is about to burst
he just loves you so much
very gentle when hugging you—never tightens his arms too much around you so he doesn’t hurt you. he’s strong and he knows it
kisses the back of your hand all the time
a giant, soft teddy bear
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spinning hugs!
he’s excITED most of the time so expect very very tight hugs and the wind knocked out of you
will apologise for almost crushing your ribs
pat his hair and tell him it’s alright (but let him know he’s a bit too excited)
likes it when you rub his shoulders! he’s very tense and needs a little bit of relief
will scoop you up in his arms and carry you for a little after placing a kiss on your lips
all your friends are jealous be because koganegawa is a very dedicated boyfriend
he’s basically at your beck and call
a giant puppy, really
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straddle hugs!
feels like dancing in the rain
“who needs a seat when you have my lap”
loves it when you sit on his lap and wrap your legs around his waist
presses his forehead on yours and bumps your noses together
sometimes tickles you when you let your guard down
cradles the back of your head and lets you lean on his shoulder—wraps his arms around you and tightens them. sometimes he squishes you a little too hard to see you pout and mumble how he’s mean
lets you choose his piercings if he’s feeling generous
ugly cried when you bought him a new piercing for his birthday
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side hugs!
feels like being happy for the first time after a long while of sadness
snek. snek man. sneaky snek man.
drapes an arm over your shoulder whenever you walk side by side. holds your hand sometimes but that’s for special occasions
numai always teases him about how blunt he is. never means any harm, just smirks when daishō pouts and blushes
always touches you in some way, needs reassurance that you’re there
whenever he hugs you he squishes you into his side and kisses your temple
snek man deserves love. wrap your arms around his waist and he’ll melt
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taglist: @nakizumie; @lovelytarou; @risjime; @izhyperfixates; @kirakirasaku
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obeymebutcursed · 4 years
Levi will use his tail to pat his own head while gaming. He also pats his tail, rubs his face against it and cuddles it. The scales are smooth and cool, so it is a great stim. He has made the mistake of doing it in public, and got super embarrassed.
He also uses his tail to comfort his brothers, especially since he isn’t good with socialising or physical contact. It almost always works.
This is so cute 🥺
I totally picture Levi using his tail as a comfort item for himself.
I bet that's why he loved Henry 1.0 so much. Scales make snek boi happy boyo.
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notaversetohedonism · 3 years
Hello friends and welcome back to OP can't just have a casual idea it's gotta be a wholeee thing, presenting : what I think all the Sanders Sides contact lists would look like, featuring implied moxiety, logince and dukeceit!!
. Virgil : Bumblebee 💜🥺
. Logan : Smarty pants🦉
. Roman : Princey 👑
. Janus : Snek 🐍
. Remus : Scary 💀
. Thomas : Tony 🤓
. Patton : Pat <3
. Logan : Specs
. Roman : Tweedledum
. Janus : Harvey Dense
. Remus : Tweedledee
. Thomas : Thomas
-Logan- (if he had it his way he'd do their real names so they all named themselves)
. Virgil : Stormcloud
. Patton : Baking Master 🎂
. Roman : My Prince Charming
. Janus : J
. Remus : A goldfish in a condom
. Thomas : Thomas
. Virgil : J.Delightful (it changes every week)
. Patton : Padre The Softest Puffball
. Logan : Mi Amor
. Janus : Reptilian Rapscalion
. Remus : The Less Attractive Twin
. Thomas : Thomalomadingdomg
. Virgil : One Angry Man
. Patton : Surprisingly ok
. Logan : Rational Thought
. Roman : Prince Pompous
. Remus : My Morning Star ✨
. Thomas : Self Care Who?
. Virgil : Brad Pitiful
. Patton : Daddy 🥵
. Logan : Dork 8===D
. Roman : Fun House Mirror My Dick
. Janus : BOYFRIEND 🐍💚💋💖
. Thomas : Thomathy
. Virgil : Purp-Man
. Patton : Dad guy
. Logan : Reason I'm Smart
. Roman : My Hero
. Janus : Slimy Boy
. Remus : Demented
57 notes · View notes
yamithediaperdork · 3 years
A Bet can be costly (Percy Jackson)
A bet can be costly
It was only half past nine in the morning and already Percy and Jason were bored while hanging out in the latter's cabin. True it somewhat helped that Jason had somehow swung getting a TV and cable while even Percy despite being the son of one of the big three didn't but still there was just nothing on that held either boys attention for long.
Of course Percy despite his claims of being strait and sighting the fact he was dating Annabeth as proof of said straightness he found himself looking over at Jason who was in just his black shorts and nothing else as he relaxed on the cream colored sofa that the two boys where sharing.
Jason might of been younger but he was well more build compared to Percy who while wasn't fat or even chunky, was as ripped as the demi god next to him.
"Ughhhh, there is NOTHING to do.." Jason groaned and shut the tv off, leaning back and closing his eyes, then smirking and turning to look at Percy as he opened them. "Well almost nothing, but I don't think you're man enough for a little bet I have in mind."
Percy huffed a little at that, ever since he'd been caught with wet pants during a party, everyone had started to treat him like a little guy, even though he had to be one of the most hung guys there!
(Well at least he thought so, it wasn't exactly like he went around and measured everyone else's ding dongs.)
"I can take on any bet you have in mind!" he said and crossed his arms.
'heh, gotcha~' Jason thought and then flashed his pearly whites at Percy.
"Alright, but if you don't wanna take the bet even after I say it, don't feel bad alright?" Jason said, and waited for Percy, who was getting somewhat fussy to nod in agreement.
"Ok buddy, The bet is simple enough.. we're gonna drop our pants and compare cock sizes. Whoever is bigger wins, and the loser has to be the winner little boy for the summer, and do whatever he's told."
"..Where you dropped on your head as a child?" Percy asked, raising a eyebrow but then smirking. "But Fine, you're gonna look sooo cute as my little boy Jason. It's you who might wanna back down, I'm packing some major heat here." Percy said and patted his crotch.
'..Ok he's just asking for a cuddle now. just too cute.' Jason thought then out loud went "Well Mr.Jackson, if you're so sure of yourself go right ahead."
"heh, Wanna spare yourself the humiliation huh? I'll let you keep your modesty." Percy said, really full of himself now as he stood up and started to tug down his black jogging pants. "Your about to see why Annabeth walks funny every time she comes over to my cabin~"
with his pants around his ankles and his plaid boxer's on display, Percy hooked his thumbs in the waistband and shot Jason a shit eating grin.
"Last chance to back out, though I hope you don't. you're gonna look fucking adorable in a sailor suit on the beach making me sand castles."
"Sheesh you trying to be a Pro wrestler with all that trash talking, shut up and show me what you got." Jason laughed, the sheer attuide coming from Percy was just too cute, double so when he knew a few things about Annabeth that Percy didn't.
Smirking Percy dropped his shorts and showed off all 7 inches of his fuck meat, not as thick as he would of liked but it got the job done and his pubes were neatly trimmed , almost a buzz cut.
"Face it Jason, your F'ed in the A." Percy said, reaching down and stroking his semi soft cock and gaining a half inch as it went to full on stiff mode.
"Oh my~ That IS quite impressive Percy, way more then I thought a pants pisser would of had." Jason said and stood up, hooking his thumbs in his shorts. it was well known he went commando so there would be no build up here. "Too bad it's still not enough."
"What?" Percy asked, looking confused and then Jason's shorts hit the floor and a soft 8 inch cock was looking back at Percy, at least TWICE the thickness of Percy's proud fuck meat!
"But, wait, there's more!" Jason said in his best TV infomercial voice, and with a couple of pumps his cock jumped up to 10 inches and was leaking a little cock drool.
"H-Holy fuck!" Percy squeaked.
"So do we need the measuring tape? or compare them side by side or do you wanna be a good boy and take your shirt off so big brother can get you dressed little man?" Jason asked.
"ah..ah..about that..see..I uh..I was totally kidding about making you do anything.." Percy was saying, trying to back away from Jason now with his pants and undies around his ankles. "T-this was all just a silly joke so I don't think we reall-"
"Percy, I'm going to ask one more time, for you to finish striping, or you'll be going over my lap little man." Jason said, bending down and tugging his shorts back up.
"Well ok, when you put it that way that soun- LOOK A DISTRACTION!" Percy yelled and pointed behind Jason and then went to run, instantly tripping and boinking his face off the floor since he hadn't kicked the clothes off.
"heh..I can see you're going to be a handful." Jason said and walked over and picked the dazed Percy up.
"I can taste purple!" Percy coo'ed.
"-snek-, I bet you can."
After making sure that Percy wasn't concussed, Jason waited for a few for the poor soon to be little guy to get his marbles back, and when Percy did he'd find himself over Jason's lap, a firm hand on his lower back to keep Percy from taking off.
The boy had been stripped naked by this point and Jason had made sure his cabin was far enough away from the water to keep Percy from using any of his powers, plus his own taps and water tank were enchanted to 'help keep Percy honest'.
"i.. what... Ah!" Percy yelped as he came to his sense and realized the situation he was in.
"welcome back buddy." Jason said, rubbing his free hand on Percy's bubble butt, almost kneeing the semi fatty flesh of the older boys butt. "Never knew you had so much junk in your trunk!"
"S-Shut up!" Huffed Percy even as he fought to get free, but it was clear who of the two was the stronger and a sudden SWAT to his ample back side (when made a ripple to Jason's delight) stopped him.
"J-J-Jason...Big Brother..I-if I promise to be good, can we skip th-" Percy started.
"Sorry buddy, I don't wanna do this anymore then you wanna be spanked." Jason started, a bold face lie but still. "But you need to learn if your not a good boy there is a fallout. I'll only go with 10 swats THIS time and hopefully you won't make me punish you more."
Percy whimpered, giving a weak token effort to get free but Jason could tell he had more or less accepted his fate and in a small way made Jason hate he STILL had to follow though.
Figuring it was better to get this over with Jason brought his hand down hard on Percy's cheeks, making the demi god guy out and kick his legs.
before Percy could even fully process that swat the second was already happened, Jason wanted this to be fast and hard.
He was all of five swats in, and Percy was blubbering like a baby, his hot tears flowing freely when he felt Percy stiffen on his lap.
"JASON STAP I HAF-" Percy started to warn and then..
well Jason was glad he'd pick a bar stool he had for the spanking as his lap and legs were drenched and a smelly puddle was made as Percy's bladder unloaded itself.
"I-I'm sorry please don't spank me morrrrre!" Percy sobbed.
Jason, despite being soaked in his little guys wee wee, just tugged Percy up and hugged him, wincing slightly as the bawling Percy got snot all over his shoulder while glomping him.
'Yeah..we're gonna share a shower.' he thought.
One wash up later and Jason and Percy were cleaned and dried off, with Jason in a fresh pair of shorts and a t-shirt while Percy was just wrapped up in a big fluffy towel whining softly still.
As it had turned out Percy was NOT a fan of showers, and had wanted to go for a bath despite Jason pointing out how bad of a idea that would of been. Having to put his foot down Jason had been forced to threaten anther trip over his knee to get Percy into said shower.
Now with Jason dressed it was Percy's turn and Jason rummaged though a dresser drawer and came out with a perfect little guy outfit made to Percy's size, clearly he had been planning this for awhile.
Said outfit was a pair of white socks with little anchor designs in dark silver all over them, a pair of briefs likewise with the anchors on them and then following up from that, a pair of cream white shorts and a sailor top.
"..How long have you been-" Percy started to ask.
"long enough, now lay back and let big bro get you dressed. and try not to have anymore accidents little man." Jason chuckled, and smirked as Percy huffed and stuck his tongue out at him.
"You shouldn't stick out your tongue, only snakes and fools do that and snakes don't have arms and legs so you must be a fool~" Jason teased.
"Oh WHATEVER!" Percy fumed and went to stick his tongue out again, but seemed to think better of it.
Once the little guy was all dressed, Jason helped him stand up and kissed his forehead, Making Percy whine and squirm and lead him over to a mirror so he could look at himself, adding a little sailor cap to his head and smirking.
"...I look like a oversized 5 year old!" Percy whined, cheeks going bright red and huffing and squirming.
"That WAS what I was aiming for." Jason chuckled and smooched Percy's cheek, getting even more fussy whines from the newly turned little. "Your gonna look SO cute on the bench making me sand castles and I have a cute little swim suit for you and everything!"
"..why do i get the feeling even if I had won, you would of just found a way to little me anyways?" Percy whined.
"Heh, that kinda foresight would of served you well about half a hour ago little bro."
Leading the huffing Percy back out to the living room, Jason set out a blanket on the floor for the little guy and then as Percy sat there silent fuming, he brought over a cardboard box and set it down.
Percy peeked into the box and it was half filled with toy's that he was sure would of delighted any 4-7 year old but only made him roll his eyes and look up at Jason.
"Really?" he asked Jason."Even if I hadn't of stopped playing with toys years ago, i was more into action figures then stuffies and toy cars and boats."
"Well since video games are a no no for little guys like you and ditto for action figures, you better learn to like these." Jason chuckled.
"What? why can't I have action figures?!" Percy demanded, never mind he had JUST said he wasn't into them anymore.
"Too many little pieces that could come off when you chew on them." Jason chuckled and patted the top of Percy's hat covered head.
"I DON'T CHEW ON TOYS!" Percy semi shouted and huffed.
"That's nottttt what your mom said when I was getting her help with this." Jason said in a sing song voice. "she told me you had teeth marks all over your old power rangers toys.
"Slander and lies! ..WAIT MY MOM WAS IN ON THIS?!?" Percy shrieked.
"Heh, oh yeah. wants pictures and warned me if I make you feel too little to be ready to diaper you at night."
Percy's right eye twitched and then he went on a incoherent screaming and shouting fit that Jason let go on, just to get it out of Percy's system and was amazed it took about 10 minutes before Percy stopped, panting and huffing, spittle running down his chin.
"You wanna try that again, this time in English so I can actually understand what you say?" Jason asked, grinning ear to ear.
by the time Percy was done, Jason had tallied that normally he would of earned about four mouth washings and at least one trip over his lap, but again, was letting the little guy get one punishment free vent in.
"Free better?" Jason asked as Percy huffed and pouted.
"Good, that's the last time I'm putting up with a fit like that Percy, so I hope you got it all out of your system. next time you'll be treated like any other five year old who has a tantrum." Jason said.
"..what does that mean?" Percy asked, gulping. "A time out in the corner?"
"well a time out is part of it, but you'll find this isn't some new age parenting place. Here at camp half blood, we believe in spanking naughty little boys and girls." Jason said and the look on his face left no doubt he meant it.
"..Oh poopie." Percy whimpered.
"Really Percy? stand up and let me check. I don't smell anything." Jason said with a chuckle.
"T-That's not what I meannnnnt!"
after his twin rants and everything else, it was just about lunch time so after getting Percy to start playing with his toy cars, even though Percy looked bored out of his mind, Jason started to cook up some lunch for the boys.
"Percy, I don't hear you playing..you being good over there?" Jason called over his shoulder, cutting up some potato's to make them fries to go with the grilled cheese he was gonna make.
Percy almost snarled out a reply but the threat of a spanking was in the back of his mind and instead..
"Yeah I'm being good, I don't know how to make the cars make enough noise to convince you though." Percy said.
"oh well thats simple. Make the engine noises. go vrhoom vrhoom." Jason chuckled.
"...you are a sick sick man, you know that?" Percy asked, but knowing when he was licked, started to do the noises just like 'big brother' wanted.
blushing the whole time and feeling foolish.
'I suppose it could be worse, no one else is here. and he'll have to get tired of this before long.' Percy thought.
Of course with the way Percy's luck was going he wasn't exactly surprised when right as he thought that, the doorbell rang.
"Percy buddy, can you be a good boy and go answer the door? big bro has his hands full." Jason called.
Huffing and getting up, Percy semi stomped his way over to the door to Jason's cabin, never once realizing with his bratty attuide he seemed less like someone who didn't wanna show off his outfit and more like a huffy little guy who didn't wanna stop playing.
Opening the door without checking to see who was there, Percy entered a full body blush as his girlfriend was standing there, looking amused.
"A-Annabeth!! W-what are you doing over here?" He squeaked.
"Pfffttt, Oh my god, Jason actually got you to do it! this is too good!" She giggled. "I've known he wanted to dress you up for awhile but never in a million years would I of thought you'd -actually- do it!"
the clear amusement in her voice and the big grin on her face had Percy feeling like the little boy he was dressed up as and he squirmed and whined loudly.
"Percy! Who's at the door?" Jason called.
"I..I..It's.." Percy stammered.
"It's Annabeth!" Annabeth called over Percy's shoulder.
"Percy, don't be rude, Invite her in." Jason called.
the last thing that Percy wanted was for his girlfriend to come in but clearly it was out of his hands, so instead he looked down at the floor and then stood to the side, gesturing for her to come in.
'Dad, if your listening..I could really use a tidal wave right about now.' Percy thought.
Sadly, Either seaweed daddy wasn't listening or found this whole thing to be funny as Annabeth walked in and spotted Percy's play area, squealing with delight and laughing.
the next 20 or so minutes was spent with Annabeth 'looking after little Percy' and keeping him out of trouble while Jason made them all lunch.
As bad as playing cars and having to make the noises had been before when it was just for Jason, it was so very much worst doing it for the amusement of his girlfriend who kept asking humiliating questions, and 'Big brother' insisted that he answer them all.
"Awww are you having fun?" She coo'ed as she sat back on the couch.
"..Oh yes, Loads." Percy huffed sarcastically though to his dismay she took it as a honest answer.
"Well that's good! So which car is your favorite?" and she leaned forward now, studying the different types of toy cars.
"...I dunno, I guess the police car?" Percy said and semi shrugged his shoulders, and squirming from all of the embarrassment he was receiving.
"Heh, lots of little guys like cop cars, that makes since. Hmm..Your squirming a lot, do you need to use the potty? we don't want you to have a accident!" Annabeth said, looking mildly concerned though still grinning.
"I-I don't need help telling when I hafa potty!" Percy almost shrieked.
"Heh, tell that to the damp spot on the floor from your accident eariler." Jason called.
"Ohhh, did somebody wet his pants?" Annabeth giggled, looking totally delighted.
"I-It wasn't my fault! Jason was spanking me a-and I ju-" Percy tried to argue but got cut off.
"Oh, why did he have to spank you? were you being a bad boy?" She asked, leaning in close, eyes filled with excitement as she brushed her hair behind a ear. "Did you cry lots and lots and beg big brother to stop?"
Percy was having all sorts of warning bells going off in his head at how excited she seemed by this and just shut his mouth and crossed his arms turning away from him.
"Oh you did! Ahahahaha! Wow, spanked into submission by someone younger then you~" She teased, then got up. "Well all that aside, I don't believe you Mr.fussy pants, so come on, let's take you to the potty."
"NO! I don't have to!" Percy huffed, and winced, he HEARD how little he sounded.
"Percy, you come with me to the potty and try little man or I'll get Jason to do it. who do you think is gonna be nicer about it?" Annabeth asked.
"She's got a point buddy." Jason called over, he was almost done with the fries and grilled cheese that was gonna be supper. "Also you've had your mulligan, any more accidents and you'll be losing big boy underwear privileges."
"..You mean it gets worse then these baby briefs?!" Percy yelped out.
"Yup~ Normally next step down would be pull-ups but I couldn't find any in your size so right back to diapers." Jason called and turned and smirked. "So.. still think your good or wanna hedge your bets and go sit on the potty?"
"...I'm going to the potty because -I- choose to!" Percy huffed and scrambled to his feet.
"Mmmhmmm, whatever you have to tell yourself little man." Jason said and turned back to the cooking.
Annabeth had stood up as well and offered Percy a hand, and while he wanted to slap it away, somehow he just knew how that would end and accepted it.
"..Your waiting outside the door while I go." was the only thing Percy could think to say.
It never dawned on him that despite never being to Jason's cabin before, she seemed to know exactly where the bathroom was, though in his defense she was keeping him off guard.
"Oh my, such a big boy, going all by yourself.. Deal but remember to wipe and wash your hands."
'fuck my life..'
sitting on the potty Percy was mentally counting down how long he should play along with the potty game when he was shocked that a stream did escape him, followed by a couple of wet farts.
As such after the boy had wiped and flushed and washed his hands, his face was somehow even more crimson then before.
Not helping matters was Annabeth praising him for being a good boy and holding up a hand for a high five which Percy weakly returned.
Getting back out to the main room the table had been set and while Annabeth's and Jason's plate sat on the white table cloth, Percy's on was on top of a plastic mat shaped like a teddy bear.
when Percy whined and pointed Jason just gave a big toothy grin.
"Sorry buddy, but I've seen you eat, you're a messy eater and it's easier to wipe the plastic mat clean then to wash the table cloth. Oh! that reminds me.." Jason said as Percy fumed and took his seat.
His grilled cheese had been cut into four parts for him and his ketchup for his fries were in a little plastic bowl to the side. He was about to comment he wasn't that bad when Jason produced a teen sized bib,white in color with navy blue text on it reading 'I love my big brother!'
"..Your joking right?" Percy asked, narrowing his eyes and glaring at Jason while Annabeth covered her mouth to stifle a laugh.
"What, you don't like it?" Jason asked, pretending to sound hurt while smirking.
"What do you think?" Percy asked.
"well ok, you don't HAVE to wear the bib if you don't want to, but if your not wearing it, i want you to strip down to your undies so you don't get your new outfit all dirty buddy." Jason chuckled.
"...Give me the effing bib." Percy growled though clenched teeth.
"Ah ah ah, none of that, that was too close to a swear word for my liking. try that again and your be a little bubble breath. also, as your loving big brother." and Annabeth couldn't hold it in and laughed out loud. "..It's my job to get this on you."
"..Of course it is."
Percy's one mulligan as the bib was put on him was that his drink was at least in a cup, though Jason noticed him looking at it as he finished.
"Ok buddy, I'm taking a chance and trusting you with a big kid cup. but if you spill it, it's back to sippy cups. Or if you wanna just use one now that's ok too. you don't have to put on a show for our guest." Jason said.
A swear was almost out of his mouth when Percy caught himself, and biting down on his tongue, he just ignored Jason and started to chow down on his fries, planing to eat in silence.
However much like most of his other plans for the day, this one fell to the wayside as while Jason and Annabeth started to chow, Jason asked Percy what he'd been pretending was happening while he played with his cars.
The tone in Jason's voice made it clear Percy better come up with something quick, and so the newly turned little boy spun a tale about some cops trying to bust a smuggling ring of counterfeit toys.Percy was getting annoyed though that despite how much of a excellent bullshit story he was weaving on the spot, Jason and Annabeth were apparently distracted and ignoring him.
the only time they seemed to chime in or respond to what he was saying was when he went quiet for too long.
what the Demi god turned little guy couldn't of known though since he lacked X-ray vision was that there was a good reason the two of them were semi ignoring Percy, except to encourage him to go on between his bites of food.
Jason and Annabeth were playing footsie under the table and sending each other signals of shared attraction.
What little Percy didn't know yet, but would find out all too soon was that Annabeth had been over to this cabin more then a few times, having hooked up with Jason while Percy was off being a good boy for his mom.
The idea of cucking the son of one of the big three had just been too much of a temptation to pass up, and it had been going on far longer then Percy himself would of guessed.
She had even faked being too sick to go out with him on his birthday, just to come over and get fucked by Jason, who had truthfully ruined sex with Percy for her but she still put on a show.
The moment that let her always squirt the hardest when neither boy was available though was how she had tricked Percy into eating her out, while blindfolded after Jason had cream pied her. she claimed the funny taste was a sugar cream she had picked up from a sex shop and Jason had been there, watching from the closet as Percy licked and slurped her clean, making her moan even as the poor boys face had been screwed up.
Clearly he hadn't cared for the taste but whenever Annabeth moaned and asked how he liked it, he would reply with a choked
"I-It tastes awesome..y-you should get more."
That had made her squirt right then and there and breathlessly after, she promised Percy she would.
She hadn't even returned the favor, just had Percy climb into bed with her and removed the blind fold once Jason was out the door, cuddling him and stroking him off and on so that in the middle of the night Percy had been forced to sneak off to the bathroom and jerk off, not knowing Annabeth was awake and could hear everything from her bed.
Percy finished his food and his drink, and let out a loud Belch as he finished his story, Annabeth and Jason had finished before him but stayed seated to 'listen' to his 'amazing' story.
"Wow buddy, you have a activate imagination!" Jason coo'ed, pulling his feet away from Annabeth and giving Percy his full attention and smirking.
Of course the sea brat had gotten ketchup on his face and fingers, and on his bib. add into it that while Jason and Annabeth had been drinking root beer Percy was sporting a purple kool-aid mustache and Jupiter, he just looked so cute!
"Heh, hold still buddy, I think somebody needs a quick clean up." Jason laughed, getting up and getting a damp wash cloth and rubbing over Percy's face as the little guy squirmed.
"Stopppp! I can do it my selfff!" He whined, making Annabeth snort.
Did Percy really not hear just how much of a little guy he sound like right now?!
Either way, over his own protests he was cleaned up and given anther drink of grape juice, though this time it was in a light blue sippy cup.
And boy, if looks could kill Jason would of hit the floor stone cold dead.
"I THOUGHT you said I could use big kid cups!" Percy huffed, furrowing his brow and once again looking like the little guy he was dressed up as.
"well your gonna go back to playing while me and Annabeth watch some TV and I don't want you getting too excited playing cops that you knock over your drink without realizing it." Jason said reasonably.
"I wouldn't!" Percy whined.
"well maybe you would, maybe you wouldn't, It's my floor so I get to make the call. when we're over at YOUR place you can knock all the cups over you want." Jason said and smirked, then tapped a finger on Percy's nose.
Leading Percy over to his blanket, Jason got him sat down and noticed Annabeth tapping her chin as she looked down.
"Penny for you thoughts." He said.
"I was thinking, you know that old play mat, where it's a toy and it's toy car sized? we should get one of those for Percy!" She said grinning ear to ear.
"I think-" Percy started to say, not looking happy but he was of course cut off by Jason.
"That's a awesome idea! In fact I think Nico has one still, I'll go see if we can borrow it later!" Jason said smiling and turning to Percy. "Doesn't Annabeth have the BEST ideas little guy?"
"I can barely contain my joy." Percy muttered, huff and holding his sippy cup up and taking a drink before he said more and got his mouth washed out.
with the TV turned on Percy tried to get into the movie that Jason had popped in, but it was some sort of a romantic comedy and he hated those and found himself legit getting into playing with the cars, talking softly to himself and not realizing he was talking out loud as he did a few more police chases, then had a whole story going on about a big race going on.
He found himself drinking lots of the kool-aid, it was really sweet but seemed to dry him out and more then once he had to go and excuse himself to go pee (though Jason or Annabeth insisted on walking down with him to the bathroom, just in case he needed help)
he also found himself getting super tired despite having a good nights sleep, though he chalked it up to everything he had been though so far and laid on his tummy and put himself on eye level with the car's as he ran them back and forth, watching the shiny metal of the the hub caps move and feeling his eyelids drooping.
"Percy buddy, you wanna go for a nap?" Jason called over, pausing the movie, making Percy sit up. he'd shut his eyes for a few seconds.
"Nooo I don't need a nap." Percy huffed and whined.rubbing a fist under one eye.
"Well you were laying there with your eyes closed for about a minute." Annabeth pointed out.
"wasn't sleeping..I was..checking my eyelids for cracks!" Percy huffed, pouting, and taking anther gulp of his juice.
"well ok, if you say so. if you wanna go for a nap it's ok though." Jason said, smirking.
"What EVER." Percy huffed and laid back down switching to one of the toy boat's and laying on his back, moving it in the air now.
he played with the boat for all of 30 seconds before his eyes closed again and soon the 18 year old going on 4 at best was snoring softly on the floor.
"Sheesh, I thought you said you were only gonna give him a light dose of sleeping pills." Annabeth said softly, leaning in and kissing Jason's cheek.
"I didn't. Sea brat is just a lightweight. still, we better move to the other room if he snores as bad as you say." Jason said.
as some deep snores started to come out, the cuck'ed demi god was left on the floor to sleep it off, though before Annabeth and Jason went to go and play 'hide the pickle' they were nice enough to drape a blanket over Percy and get a pillow under his head, setting his hat on the coffee table.
Kissing and mashing lips, Jason and Annabeth almost didn't make it to his bedroom before they were all over each other, she was trying to pull off his shirt as she pressed him against the wall.
"Some one's needy." Jason teased, though he only had slightly more restraint then her.
"I haven't had a real orgasm in 2 days..you turned me into a nympho, take responsibility for it!" Annabeth moaned and begged.
A slap on the ass brought he back in line and she manged to keep her clothes on till they were in Jason's room, with her going and kicking the door shut, or trying to as it only closer 3/4's of the way.
"Jesus, look how wet you are, I'm shocked you didn't leave a puddle." Jason teased, getting her on his bed and sliding two fingers into her dripping sex and hitting all the right spots to drive her wild.
"Stop teasing and fuck me already! I need a MAN, not a BOY!" She moaned.
"Far be it from me to argue." Jason chuckled and pinning her on her back, he entered her hard and fast, just the way she liked it.
Or so he assumed from the cries of pleasure that rang out and the way her arms and legs wrapped around him, trying to pull him in deeper.
her cries were muffled by Jason's lips on hers, his tongue entering her willing mouth and making her hers and when he pulled back, she was semi drooling.
even as he rocked his hips in and out of her, he held up a finger to his lips.
"Shhh, don't wake the baby."
Percy groaned and whimpered in his sleep, having weird dreams where he only came up to Annabeth's and Jason's knee caps and they were teasing him lots and treating him even younger then they already were, when a sharp cramp in his tummy woke him up and he sat up on the floor, rubbing a eye.
"Gotta poop.." Percy mumbled, half asleep and slowly making his way up to his feet, swaying a little bit and letting out a massive fart as he did so.
the poot drew a whine and a whimper from the sleepy demi god, who held his nose as the smell reached him and toddled away as fast as he could, a little cry of 'stinky' coming out of his mouth.
heading down the hall to the bathroom, which was across from Jason's room Percy mostly didn't pay it any mind, the absence of Jason and Annabeth hadn't really clicked in his mind yet.
He likely would of ignored the room all together if he hadn't of heard a cry of pleasure coming from it, and it wasn't Jason's voice.
Toddling over Percy took a peek and his eyes went wide and his sense got a rude wake up call, there was his girlfriend naked and bouncing up and down on top of Jason who was fondling her tits as he cried out and and had her hands on his wrists, encouraging it.
even as he took in the site and felt a rage boiling over, Percy's little sailor shorts painfully tented out and a cramp hit, making him go to his knees and keep watching.
"Fuck fuck fuck, you're so much better then Percy~" Annabeth was moaning and mewing, trying to lean down for a kiss. Jason instead rolled and now was on top of her, fucking her like the whore she was and looking over in Percy's direction, smirking.
"Of course I am. He's just a little cuck boi. I bet if he knew what was happening he'd just suck his thumb and jerk off." Jason said, and winked at Percy.
Percy wanted to get up and storm in there, to pound on Jason and put him in his place.
Instead he found himself reaching into his shorts and jerking his painfully hard cock, which had already leaked pre though the briefs and the shorts and his thumb found it's way into his mouth, sucking on it.
"Hell I bet once we get his stupid ass back in diapers, he'll be more then willing to prep daddy for mommy. can you picture him bobbing up and down on my cock, thickly diapers and whimpering but rubbing the front of his huggies?" Jason added.
Percy missed Annabeth's reply, mostly because as Jason said it Percy was picturing himself doing it, and accordingly the thumb started to move in his mouth, as if he was practicing for daddy.
"Might even let him have a load or two..I know you're gonna breast feed him but I wanna give him some daddy milk too." Jason chuckled, fucking Annabeth in ways Percy knew he never could and he whimpered around his thumb.
Normally Percy's stamina was as such he could fuck for at least half a hour without blowing his load but whether it was the scene in front of him, the scene in his head, the bowel movement pressing on his prostate as he was fighting to keep it in now or all three, his peak was coming fast.
Drool trailing sown his chin and shutting his eyes, he let the mental image of Jason face fucking him while he pooped himself fill his mind and had the biggest most intense orgasm of his life, shooting though the undies and shorts like they weren't even there and spraying his load on the wall, before slumping over, panting and eyes glazed over.
the last thing he recalled before conking back out was a loss of control, and a warm muddy feeling starting to spread on his butt.
Jason finished up with Annabeth and they cuddled, the smell reaching them both but oddly not bothering them as much as it should.
She had picked up Percy was watching from the looks Jason kept giving the door and then his dirty talk and smirked and she traced a finger on his pecs.
"You really are evil you know that~" She giggled.
"Oh please, if anything I just saved us about 2-3 days worth of effort in making him a diaper wearing cuck. trust me, he's never gonna be able to replace that feeling with anything less then watching mommy and daddy fuck." Jason said.
"heh, so you don't think he'll at least be able to hump his stuffies?" Annabeth asked.
"Oh, he'll hump them alright, but all he's gonna do is basically goon himself stupid. Add in maybe some hand jobs from you while your breast feeding him and that's what sex with you will become. him sucking on your titties and humping your hand." Jason laughed and pulled her in for a kiss. "Unless of course you don't even wanna grant him that?" Jason asked and smirked.
"Heh, Nah, I'm not heartless. what we had was fun and the least I can do is let him suck on my titties. though maybe I'll dump a condom full of 'daddy milk' over them first." She teased and they both laughed.
"Well, I suppose ONE of us should go and get him cleaned up and diapered." Jason said and gave Annabeth a hopeful look.
"Heh, nice try, diapers were YOUR idea, so enjoy wiping his poopie butt Mr.daddy dom." Annabeth said and rolled over, covering herself with a sheet and drifting off into a light nap.
"..Maybe it won't be so bad." Jason said softly and slid out of bed.
getting a pair of shorts on he moved out into the hall way and leaned in to check on Percy.
"Oh Jupiter! it's worse then I thought!" came his cry as Annabeth opened one eye and chuckled.
15 minutes later (though it felt like hours to poor Jason) and Percy had been cleaned up of all of his mess and taped up in a nice snug diaper.
the sea brat had woken up halfway though the clean up but hadn't offered one bit of resistance as Jason cleaned him, unless you counted him covering his face in shame when he got a stiffie as Jason wiped his winky.
Still he had been a good boy and lifted his hips when told to for Jason to slid the thick diaper under his butt and sucked on his thumb big time as Jason helped him to his feet.
"well, I guess it's save to say your not big enough for big boy undies huh buddy?" Jason asked and kissed Percy's hot cheek. "Wave bye bye to your undies." Jason added, tossing them in a waste basket and almost melting as after a second, Percy actually waved bye.
a pat on his padded rump and a point towards the living room had Percy toddling unsteadily on his feet, getting used to the bulk between his legs while Jason took the bag out of the trash can and tied it shut, unwilling to let the treasure so to speak linger.
As he came out of the bathroom he saw one of two adorable sights. the first was that Percy had plopped onto his butt and was trying to get back up. the second was that Annabeth was at the end of the hall, leaning down slightly and lightly slapping her thighs and coo'ing to Percy.
"Come on little guy, you can do it! walk for mommy!" She coo'ed."Stop sucking on your thumb and use both hands to get up and for balance~ that's it!"
Percy was clearly mortified, but had a silly grin on his face and pulled his drool soaked thumb out of his mouth and managed to get up on his feet and step by step made his way to her, arms held out like a baby learning to walk.
'Awww, babies first steps and we didn't record it.' Jason mused.
Percy huggled and nuzzled Annabeth who showed off her shocking power as he lifted him up and set him on her hip, taking over over to the couch and sitting down with him as Jason ran the bag with the smelly undies and shorts out to the trash.
Joining the other two on the couch, Jason and Annabeth were on either side of Percy and giving him lots of cuddles.
"So..I suppose you have a few questions for us." Jason started.
"MORE then a few.." Percy agreed.
Half a hour later and Percy was all caught up with what was going on, how this had been the end game from the start and how long he'd been cucked.
It hurt in a way but in the long run he could tell that despite him not being considered a man or even a big boy anymore, Annabeth still cared for him and well, he kinda liked the attention from Jason as well.
"Will I still get to have sex?" Percy asked as his last question.
"well, depends on what you count as sex. You'll get diaper rubs when being breast fed." Annabeth said.
"and your free to hump your stuffies, just not too much, I don't wanna have to replace the stuffing in them every day." Jason said then looked a little sheepish. "Thoughh uhhh..If you wanted to make daddy super duper happy and get a bunch of toys as a reward..I kinda like the idea of long term cock locks on little boys like you."
Percy whined at that and squirmed.
"H-How long?" he asked.
"ehehe well uh..at least a year at a time." Jason started and Percy's jaw dropped.
"Are you nuts?! I'd go crazy!! There's n-" Percy started to whine and have a fit, but was tugged suddenly by Annabeth.
while his attention had been on Jason she'd slipped off her top and now had Percy in her lap and one of her tits resting against his face, the hand on the back on his head and the other hand on his crotch.
"Shhh don't be so fussy and drink up and think about it." she coo'ed.
He tried to fight free for a few seconds but then while trying to yell actually tasted some milk coming out of Annabeth's perfect tits and calmed down, suckling away almost greedily now and thrusting his crotch into her hand over and over again as he drank up.
"if you end up creaming yourself while drinking titty milk I'm going to have to take it as a sign you wanna be locked up for a year buddy." Jason coo'ed, moving around behind Annabeth now and kissing the back of her neck. "Doesn't that sound fair 'mommy'?"
"Mmmhhhm~ totally 'daddy'."Annabeth moaned then turned her attention to Percy. "What do you think baby Percy? Does that sound fair and you want mommy to stop feeding you her boobies or do you wanna keep drinking. hold up one finger for stop, two for keep going."
To the surprise of no one two fingers were held up and she let Percy keep nursing, though she felt a need to toss out a warning.
"Percy sweetie, you might wanna slow down, titty milk is mean for real babies, not big ones and can react funny with your system." she warned.
"Like what?" Jason asked, looking a little concerned now.
"Oh, he'll have this go right though him and then you'll have your first stinky diaper to change." Annabeth said with a evil grin.
"..Uh Percy buddy maybe slow down." Jason said, sweat dropping a little.
It wasn't that he didn't wanna change a smelly diaper, more just he thought there would be more of a break in between said smelly diapers.
In any case Percy either didn't seem to hear mommy and daddy because he was lost in his own little world of diapie rubs and titty milk or he just didn't care, a ominous gurgling coming from his tummy.
"better get ready for anther present from your favorite little gift maker." Annabeth teased Jason as she increased the diaper rubbing which made Percy only drink harder.
Jason resigned himself to his fate and decided to help things along, reaching around Annabeth's arm and rubbing and pushing on Percy's tum tum.
the effect was almost instant and Annabeth pulled her hand away just as Percy started to spurt, the back of his diaper ballooning out with hot mush and hiting his happy spot on the way out and Percy was derpy faced and hand titty milk running down his chin as he diaper humped the air.
"Cumming! Baby Percy ish cumming while going POOPIE in his diapies!" he babbled out.
"heh, you sure are~"
-3 and half months later-
Adjusting to life as a family and living at the camp year round wasn't always easy for everyone, for one there had been a tricky business with calming down Percy's real dad when he found out what Percy had been turned into.
Thankfully Zeus and Hades had manged to calm him down and make him see how much happier their nephew was like this and sea daddy had let it go, though warned Jason and Annabeth that if they ever broke Percy's heart not even his brothers would be able to stop his rage before leaving.
(ironically this threat had made Annabeth have a slight accident and Percy had giggled for almost a hour about how mommy needed diapers too)
Switching all of his clothes into little style ones was anther challenge and then there was the fun of trying to figure out what he could keep from his old life and what he had to give away, though the little yard sale they had for his big boy stuff was helped with Percy in just his diapers and a pair of sandal's running around and gushing over different things and hyping up how kewl they were.
Today however Fall was well underway and Jason was sitting on the front porch with Annabeth sipping on some hot cider while Percy played in the yard.
He was dressed in light black sweat pants and white socks and a pair of light up heel velco strap sneaker, and wearing a light jacket colored blue to help with the chill in the air.
his thick diaper showed under the sweats but after so long in the diapers he only had trouble walking or running when they went up to three diapers just before bed.
Jason had just finished raking up all the leafs into piles before taking a seat on the porch and sighed a little as Percy apparently made it his mission to take out the 'evil leaf aliens from planet FART' via jumping into the piles.
"Remind me why I bothered to rake these when i knew he was coming out to play?" Jason asked, smirking slightly.
"heh,well if I had to take a guess I would suggest that your a glutton for punishment.. or you just wanted to watch him be a cute little dork." Annabeth said and took a sip, then placed a hand on her tummy. "So, I have a question for you."
"Oh?"Jason asked, his hand joining hers on her belly and feeling a little kick.
"How long do we wait to tell him he's gonna be a big brother?"
The end
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activechataclysme · 4 years
TITLE: two truths and a lie.
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug Ship: The Love Square - SnekMouse Rating: T [ AO3 ]
“For the, uh, game. You said two things,” he said, holding up two fingers. He wiggled one finger.  “That there was a, uh, boy you’ve been in love with for years,” then the other. “And that you want to get over him.”
“I get that,” he said quietly, tapping a rhythm against her shoulder with his fingers. “Do you, uh, do you see him everyday?”
“More than he knows, I think,” she said, her tone a little sly, as if she was sharing an inside joke with herself. “He sits right in front of me in class, actually.”
“I realised I’m in love with this girl recently, I’m scared to ask her out. She, um, sits in front of me, an-and…” he floundered before finally tacking on a lie. “She knows exactly how I feel.”
... Or in which warm feelings flare in chests, soft gazes are exchanged, blushes are blushed and confessions are made without even intending to.
One of their evening patrols ended with the two of them after patrol on a secluded rooftop, with beer in cheap plastic cups in each of their hands, and two half empty bottles of it between the two of them. They sat on the balustrade, feet swinging as they looked out at the city, chuckling as they played a game of Two Truths and a Lie.
Aspik found that beer, if had in, er, generous amounts , could in fact make one tipsy, as well as loose-lipped. He was sure Multimouse would’ve figured him out if she hadn’t been a little tipsy and out of it herself...
People love photographing me, I hate that they do ( She had looked at him somewhat sadly at that ) and I love shopping for my own clothes.  
My dad’s a dick, Ladybug is the uh worst and my bestfriend is a superhero. ( She had giggled uncontrollably. )
Modelling is my dream job, I enjoy piano and I love our patrols together. ( He suspected, in a very self-satisfied manner, that the flaming of her cheeks didn’t have much to do with the cold. )
…And well, If he didn’t already know Multimouse’s identity, after tonight he definitely would have....
My parents are bakers, I have a DJ friend and I’ve never dated a musician.  
I have a journalist friend, I want to be a… singer and all walls in my room are pink
Chat Noir’s hair is as soft as it looks but don’t tell him I said that ( If Multimouse wondered why Aspik was blushing, she didn’t voice that ) . I like wearing my hair in pigtails and I’m allergic to marigolds. (Hard, because Aspik couldn’t possibly say that he’d seen her eat marigolds; he never questioned it of course.)
“Your previous suit design was awful, I love rose macarons and Chat Noir’s puns are amazing,” she giggled.
Aspike let out an amused snort. “You love rose macarons. And you love Chat Noir’s puns. So the lie obviously, is about my suit. My suit was the best .”
Multinouse giggled harder, cheeks flushed pink under her mask. The beer must be really getting to her, he thoughts, watching as she took another sip. “ False ,” she declared. “Chat Noir’s puns are awful .”
Aspik huffed. “My suit was just fine , little mouse.”
“Sure, snake boy,” she snorted.
“I’ll have you know I’m an expert on fashion,” he sniffed.
“I’m sure you are, Mr. Celebrity,” she laughed.
Multimouse reached over to ruffle his hair, laughing harder at his petulant look as he attempted to flatten his hair. Just as he was attempting to straighten his bangs, he caught her soft blue gaze on him. She was smiling at him warmly, almost a wistful expression on her face.
“What is it?” he asked, tilting his head.
She shook her head, almost as if she was snapping herself out of something. The softness left her face and she gave him a weak smile. “Your turn,” she said, downing her cup.
He watched quietly for a few moments, as she hastily refilled her cup. He cleared his throat and looked away, training his eyes on the city lights.
“I’m thankful to have you in my life and that we’re friends, your suit is super cute, grey and pink? Very you . And uh…” he floundered, when he sensed her wide-eyed blue gaze. “I… Uh, hate passionfruit?”
He heard her let out laughter, and he couldn’t help but turn to look at her. “You don’t hate passion fruit,” she giggled.
He snorted. “Well, how would you know? Maybe your suit is not cute. Maybe you’re not my friend.”
“You’re so silly,” she laughed. “Don’t think I haven’t seen you scarf down the passion fruit macarons I bring occasionally…”
“Well, only a fool would dislike those,” he said petulantly. “I can tell they’re baked with love,” he added teasingly, wagging his eyebrows at her.
She blushed and looked away, nervously patting one of her space buns. “...Er, well, m-my suit is amazing . I only ever wear top notch fashion, th-thank you very much.”
He grinned. “I’m sure you do.”
“And I… We’re…” She seemed to inhale deeply, before her gaze flickered over to his, a little wistful. “Friends. I know we are. You make sure to let me know.” She laughed, though it sounded a little hollow to his ears. “Everyday.”
Her eyes widened a fraction and she chuckled nervously. “I mean, everytime we patrol.”
Aspik frowned at the distant look in her eyes and the nervous fidgeting of her hands. He scooted a little closer to her and hesitantly took her hand in his. She stiffened, but only for a moment before relaxing again with a gentle sigh. She leaned her head against his shoulder.
“I’m glad we’re friends,” she said softly, and added almost as if to herself. “I’m happy we’re at least that.”
“Me too,” he said, before adding gently. “Your turn.”
“What? Oh, um right,” she said, and he felt her fidget lightly before settling down.
“I’ve been crazy in love with a boy for years,” she started, and Adrien froze. How had he forgotten about that . “I need to get over him, because I know he doesn’t see me that way...”
“He’s an idiot,” huffed Aspik, illiciting a startled laugh out of her.
“He’s not,” she said. “He’s the smartest, sweetest and kindest person I’ve met. Second only to maybe Chat Noir.”
“So Chat Noir is first , huh?” preened Adrien.
“Don’t tell him I said that,” she laughed. “It won’t do his ego any good.”
“Pfft,” said Aspik dismissively. “He’s the humblest hero of them all.”
“Sure,” said Multimouse, rolling her eyes.
“But we digress,” said Aspike. “This debate is on hold until further notice.”
“Whatever you say, li’l snek.”
They were silent for a few minutes before Aspik finally cracked. “You only said two things.”
“What?” she asked, lifting her head off his shoulder to look at him.
“For the, uh, game. You said two things,” he said, holding up two fingers. He wiggled one finger.  “That there was a, uh, boy you’ve been in love with for years,” then the other. “And that you want to get over him.”
“Hm,” she hummed, looking away again before letting out a soft self-depriciating laugh. “It’s going to be so easy to?”
Aspik wrapped a hand around her shoulder to tuck her further into his side, because what an idiot of a guy.
“I get that,” he said quietly, tapping a rhythm against her shoulder with his fingers. “Do you, uh, do you see him everyday?”
“More than he knows, I think,” she said, her tone a little sly, as if she was sharing an inside joke with herself. “He sits right in front of me in class, actually.”
Adrien felt his breath rush out of his lungs, as the world shifted in his mind’s eye. Like a fast replay of everything with a new filter, and he felt his chest start to warm. He tightened his grip around her and pulled her tighter against him.
He cleared his throat. “Have you, um, tried asking him out?”
“Only a hundred times,” she laughed. “It’s always gone wrong. Maybe that was for the best anyway. He doesn’t… He doesn’t see me like that.”
“And how do you know that? If you haven’t asked him out?”
“He says that we’re “just friends” at least once a week.” Marinette snorted. “I am starting to think that’s his way of gently letting me down without really having to reject me. He values friendships too much for that, I think.”
“You should really not make presumptions,” he said nervously, heart racing.
“Pretty sure I know what I’m talking about, Aspik. I’m sure I know what I’m talking about.”
“Including his feelings?”
“Feelings he’s made pretty clear,” she said as she drew circles on the back of his hand.
Aspik sighed, feeling like he was on the precipice of losing something he hadn’t even known he had. He really, really did not want to let go.
“My turn,” he said quietly. “I… There’s this… girl.”
Multimouse seemed to deflate a little next to him, which he couldn’t help but find a little perplexing. But he trudged forth.
“I realised I’m in love with this girl recently, I’m scared to ask her out and…” he floundered before finally tacking on a lie. “She knows exactly how I feel.”
“Well, that’s kind of obvious, snake boy,” she sighed. “I don’t see what you have to be scared about…”
“She… I found out only today that she’s trying hard to move on from me.”
“That means she still does have feelings for you.” Her voice was smaller than he’d like, almost a breathy resignation to it. “You should ask her anyway. I can’t imagine anyone saying no to you.”
She lifted her head off his shoulder, her gaze warm, smile fond. “Yeah.”
Aspik hummed. “Even you?”
“Of course! I just told you I- Well, I- I mean, if-if it weren’t for that guy I told you about, then um, yes. Definitely. For sure. Yep.”
“You think so?”
“Maybe I’ll leave a note on her desk when school re-opens after Winter Break. With a bunch of flowers.”
“Yeah, I’m sure she’d like that,” sighed Multimouse.
“Actually, maybe not,” he amended thoughtfully. “She sits right behind me, so it’ll be hard for me to see her reaction. And she’s a little prone to easily freaking out,” he chuckled fondly. “Maybe I should enlist my bestfriend’s girlfriend for help. Those two are bestfriends, you know, and she’s a schemer, that one. What do you think I should-”
He stopped when he realised Multimouse’s head wasn’t against his shoulder anymore. He turned to see that she was staring at him with wide eyes, head tilted curiously
“Did you say that she sits behind you? Like right behind you?”
“Huh,” she muttered. “Y-You said that she has feelings for you. And that you found out she was trying to get over them.”
Adrien unfortunately had always been just a little slow on the uptake. So he chuckled a little. “Yeah, found out today, in fact.”
“ Today ?”
“Yep, today.”
“She told you herself, did she?”
He really should have noticed the careful neutrality in her tone.  
“Yes, actually,” he nodded vigorously. “But you seem to think there’s still hope, so I… Wait a second .”
He whirled on her, eyes narrowed, to find that she was studying him too.
“Do you…. Know ?” she asked first, eyebrows set in a wary pinch.
Aspik hesitated before leaning closer to her, almost nose to nose now bodies twisted to face each other. He turned completely to her in a moment, one leg folded, the other hanging off the ledge of the roof.
“Do… you know?”
“I asked first, mon é cailles .” The slight twitch of her eye gave away her faux serious facade though.
He smirked as he wrapped a hand under her knee to tug her closer, while her hands came up to hold his shoulders so she could stabilize herself. “Can’t argue with that logic ma petite souris ,” he chuckled, face towering over hers. “But I’m afraid I have the upper hand here.”
With that he kissed the corner of her lips ( Her. Lips. ), just as he decided to hell with it and tugged her onto his lap ( Oh, my god! ) fully.
“A-Aspik!” she squeaked as he looked up at her affectionately, before pressing a kiss to the other corner of her mouth.
“Multimouse,” he said, now his hands wrapped around her hips, zero room between them.
She was watching him with parted lips, face flaming, while her expression was of utter disbelief. Hesitantly, her hand went up to trace his mask, before it settled on cupping his cheek. Blushing, she looked at him with soft eyes before leaning slightly and kissing the apple of his cheek.
“How… How did you find out?” he asked quietly, as she started to draw back.
She looked panicked for a moment before relief seemed to wash over her.
“The game sort of gave you away,” she admitted, not meeting his eyes as one of her hands snaked ( snaked , heh) over his chest and over his shoulder so she could play with the hair at the nape of his neck. “Um, so what gave me away?” she asked shyly.
He froze for only a second before thanking the gods for having Marinette herself present the answer to him.
“The game,” he grinned.
She groaned before deflating in his arms ( In. His. Arms!!! ), forehead resting against his shoulder.
“I knew the beer was a terrible idea,” she whined. “It made us too loose-lipped!”
“Beg to differ,” said Aspik. “Best idea you’ve had, I think.”
Multimouse giggled. “Maybe.”
“Hey, Marinette?”
“I do love you, you know. I meant that.”
She was quiet for some time before she finally drew away from him to look him in the face. She brushed his hair out of his eyes, dancing with a pure sort of happiness that made his heart burst with joy. She kissed his forehead, and then the tip of his nose, making his face heat up with anticipation.
As he watched, her eyes flickered to his lips, before she looked away nervously, biting her lower lip with worry. Adrien’s heart warmed - what, was this the hundredth time just that night? - and he brushed the tip of his nose against her chin.
“You know, you keep doing that and I might just kiss you,” he said teasingly.
He laughed softly as the tips of her ears turned red. “Well, you won’t hear me complain, mon écaille irisée ,” she muttered.
And well, so he kissed her. She seemed frozen in shock for a fleeting second before melting against him. Her hands locked around the nape of his neck as she pulled him closer, an almost mind-numbing tug at the base of his skull as she tilted his head back to get a better angle. He decided then and there that he wouldn't complain if they never stopped. He tried his best to cull the purr building in his throat because that would be dead giveaway, and wondered briefly if he'd develop snake-like tendencies as well if he wore the miraculous long enough. His teeth grazed her lower lip, where hers had been less than thirty seconds ago, and he bit it gently, greedily swallowing the moan she let out.
They finally parted for breath, and her buns sat skewed on the top of her head, messed up and unkempt, some strands straying loose and falling on her as she stared at him.
“You know, no one’s ever called me iridiscent before,” he said, eyes dancing with mirth as he swept back some of the loose hair off her face.
“Shut up, nicknames aren’t really my forte,” she pouted, leaning into give him another peck against his lips.
“No, I love it,” he assured her, making her look down at him again. “Will you promise to call me that forever?” he asked teasingly, an eyebrow quirked with mirth.
Everytime he thought she couldn’t turn any redder, she proved him wrong. And he loved her for it.
“You’re too much,” she complained. “You and Chat have been spending too much time together!
Adrien only laughed. “But you looooooove me.”
“Yeah I do.”
“I’m glad you didn’t get over me,” he said quietly.
Her smile faded and she looked at him fondly. “Thanks to you, you don’t make it easy, you know.”
“So I’ve heard,” he chuckled.
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ikemen-girl · 4 years
Hellooooo sweety I'm back again 🤣🤣🤣
I'm kinda have a bad week this week (it's only Wednesday I know 😭😭😭 but I don't think I can take anymore than this orz). So, in order to lighten up my feelings, may I ask you how Mitsuhide AND Hideyoshi would react if they were being swallowed together by the wormhole, along with MC (and maybe Sasuke, your choice xD) back to MC's era, 500 years in the future? I want to know what chaotic misdeeds those two gonna do if they have to live together for 3 months in the modern era until the next wormhole comes xD.
Thank you soooo much and have a nice day! 🍀✨
Helloooo dear😍😍 & welcome back✨✨😍😍🤗🤗😘😘💗💗! Thank you so much for the request😍😍! This sounds so hilarious & fun giving me so much entertaining content to write on🤣🤣! I am sorry to hear that you are having a hard week, if this work of mine will be able to help even a little in lifting your spirits, I will be very glad😍❤😘😘 & hoping you have an amazing week ahead😘✨. So here we go💃💃~
Mitsuhide😏 & Hideyoshi😩 reacting to staying in 500 years later in the future🏙:
One day, everything was going very well in Azuchi Castle🏯, as for once, Hideyoshi was NOT nagging at Mitsuhide🤯 or Ieyasu throwing snarky comments at Mitsunari😒or Masamune on the adventure of jumping off the cliffs🏊🏻‍♂️ or Nobunaga eating konpeitos🍬.
Wait, wait, wait, what?! CUT🎬! WHAT IS THIS HAPPENING📽? THIS CAN'T HAPPEN🙅‍♂️! CHANGE THE SCRIPT😠🤦‍♂️! "Director sir, this is calm before the storm😅!", said the staff member. "Oh okay, continue, let's see🤨!", the director let out a deep sigh.
*ahem* Back to the scene in Azuchi castle🏯-
Mitsuhide was busy teasing his darling little mouse. "Can you stop teasing me already😒?", you pouted☹, your cheeks red with embarrassment🙈😳. "My, My and why should I do that😏?", said Mitsuhide squeezing your cheeks like it were made of dango-mochi, so soft to touch😘💗, chuckling😆 at your super adorable face😍😘👩.
Oi, Mitsuhide😠!", said Hideyoshi loudly coming around in the Mitsuhide's garden. "Not again!", Mitsuhide slapped his forehead🤦‍♂️. "My mom is here, you better behave😂😝!", you said giggling as you went running towards Hideyoshi seeing this as a chance of escape from his hug actually teasing.
"Welcome, Hideyoshi!", you said greeting him with a big smile on your face😍✨. Hideyoshi patted your head in return with a soft smile on his face☺️. "Oi Mitsuhide, where did you suddenly disappeared without a word again? What are you plotting again? Do you know how much worried MC was for you😠?", said Hideyoshi glaring at the kitsune boi. "My, My, whatever do you mean , Hideyoshi😏?", Mitsuhide smirked.
"Mitsu----", Hideyoshi was cut off in between with a loud scream. "What happened, little mouse😟?", Mitsuhide frowned, looking at you, concerned. "Look! Look there! Wormhole😱!!!!", you shouted looking at the dark-cloudy sky. "Worm-what?", asked Hideyoshi, confused. As soon as they both turned to look at the sky, droplets of water fell on their face & finally heavy raining without as much as a warning⛈. "Oh no! Mitsuhide! Hideyoshi!", you screamed as lightning striked. They all suddenly found themselves in the air. "What is happening?! Hold my hand, MC!", shouted Hideyoshi. Instead of you, Mitsuhide grabbed his leg tightly, "I asked to grab my hand, not my leg😑! Well nevermind😒🤦‍♂️!". Mitsuhide smirked at him😏 & wrapped his other arm around MC holding her close to his chest.
And boom! They found themselves in 500 years later in the future.
"Mitsuhide! Hideyoshi! Are you okay😱?!", you asked looking at Mitsuhide still holding you unconsciously and Hideyoshi who was also lying on the ground passed out. "Mitsuhide! Wake up!", you said as you gently patted his cheeks. "Yeah, yeah, I am fine, my little mouse! I am so glad that you are safe😘😍💗!", said Mitsuhide looking at her with a smile on his face.
"Oww! Where are we😵💫?", said Hideyoshi as he stood from the hard ground and fell down again. "Oh God, Mitsuhide! Let go off my leg right now, ugh😫😠!", said Hideyoshi glaring at him rubbing his forehead. "Oh my dear friend, I am so sorry😏!", said Mitsuhide looking as unapologetic as ever trying hard not to snicker at him🤭. "Don't you dare laugh at me😡!", said Hideyoshi glaring at him. You were so relieved that they both were fine & scanned the surroundings😌😍.
"Guys! Calm down, look around, we are back in the future!", you said breaking their conversation. "WHAT😲?!", exclaimed Hideyoshi finally turning his head to look around his surroundings.
"Now get up both of you, it's so embarrassing, people are staring at us😳!", you said giving your hand to help them get up.
"Is this really our future?", asked Hideyoshi looking around, highly shocked & confused😱.
"Yes😍💗!", you said, feeling nostalgic to be back in future after such a long time. "MC!", another voice added in. You all turn to look at the source of the voice. "Sasuke!", you exclaimed. "Are you okay?", he came, looking at you worried. "Yes, I am fine but how are you here as well?", you asked confused. "Got swallowed by the wormhole! I estimated that we can return to Sengoku era after 3 months", he replied. "You mean to say that we are stuck here for 3 whole months😱?!", exclaimed Hideyoshi, horrified. You and Mitsuhide looked at each other surprised at the declaration😲.
"Once I will be able return back to Sengoku era, my boss will kill me for sure, I am so scared!", Sasuke said with a stoic expression adjusting his glasses😬. "You don't look scared🤨?", asked Hideyoshi. "Sorry Hideyoshi-san, my facial muscles can't express my emotions properly", said Sasuke. "I can understand, God of War will certainly rage a war if he don't find you by his side, Master Sasuke😏!", said Mitsuhide with a smirk. "Don't frighten me more, Mitsuhide-san😯, I hope my BFF Yukimura handles the situation well🙏🏻!", said Sasuke praying silently. "Bee🐝-what-now?", asked Hideyoshi confused at the term. "Don't stress your mind, It's a future word for best friend", you chuckled at him😆.
"Let's go my home for now, I will show you both around, Sasuke please come as well☺️🥰!", you said stretching your arms. "Here is some money for you I quickly grabbed from my home!", said Sasuke handing you money. You gave him a grateful smile😇😍. "What is that paper?", asked Mitsuhide, curious. "Oh, these are the currency notes that are used to purchase things!", Sasuke replied. "Now, I will go buy some food & buy them clothes, you see!", said Sasuke as he pointed out at their traditional dress & went inside the supermarket across the road🏪.
"MC, why are those crowd of girls especially staring at me🤔😐?", asked Hideyoshi, confused. "Don't you know, that your charms are irresistible, no matter the past or future😏?", replied Mitsuhide throwing a mischiveous wink at you😉, smirking at the girls. You caught up on his intentions and gave him a silent a thumbs up👍 with a evil grin😈.
"Wait, what, MC?! Mitsuhide, what did you tell her😱?!", said Hideyoshi angrily glaring at Mitsuhide. "HELL YES🤩!", exclaimed the girls happily. "Hoooh, I haven't done anything, Hideyoshi, it's your fault for being so irresistible😏!", said Mitsuhide with a smirk while the girls surrounded him.
"Let him enjoy the company of the girls for a while, little mouse, let's go🤗😘!", Mitsuhide said while taking you away from the crowd of girls surrounding Hideyoshi. "I will not let you go you this time, snek🐍😡!", Hideyoshi shouted angrily. You both laughed 🤣 looking at Hideyoshi who was politely trying to get away from his fangirls😅.
"Wanna eat icecream till the time Sasuke returns? Try it🍦!", you gave him the icecream. You didn't notice when he ate the whole icecream in 1 bite as you were paying the money. "Owww!", screamed Mitsuhide as he clutched his head. You turned back to look at him, surprised. "Who told you to eat it that fast😨?!", you said while gently rubbing his temples. "Little mouse, it's such a small ball of icecream, I didn't know", said Mitsuhide with his eyes closed, smile on his lips💆‍♂️.
"Here you are, Mitsuhide😡!", shouted Hideyoshi as he came and grabbed his collar. "Because of YOU, I landed up in such a huge mess over there! It was so hard to get rid of those girls😫!", said Hideyoshi angrily. Mitsuhide just smirked at him😏. "Now, now, don't fight already again🙅‍♀️!", you said separating them again.
"Now we will cross the road and go to the supermarket! These things are used for transportation like horses in Sengoku & are known as vehicles & here are mostly cars, scooters! They are dangerous, so be careful", she explained. Hideyoshi nodded. "Ready?", she turned to her left but Mitsuhide was gone⁉️.
"Where did he disappear?!", you wondered looking around. "He was just here😱!", said Hideyoshi as he looked around. Mitsuhide was purposely trying to cross the road swaying around while green signal zone is on to annoy Hideyoshi causing the commotion on the road😏. "What the heck are you doing, Mitsuhide?! It's dangerous! Are you trying to kill yourself😡?", Hideyoshi scowled at him pulling him aside.
"YOU😠!", said the traffic police officer to Mitsuhide👮🏻‍♂️. "We are gone🤦‍♀️!", you said slapping your forehead. "We are extremely sorry, sir🙇‍♀️!", you asked him for forgiveness bowing again and again. Mitsuhide looked at you, confused. You glared at him & pushed his head down to join you in apology. "Say sorry😒!", you whispered. "Why?", he asked with a smirk. You pinch him secretly🙄 and he said "I am sorry!" with a pout on his face🙁🙇‍♂️. On the other hand, Hideyoshi was laughing at him🤣 and Sasuke took the whole video of the chaos to add it in his vines collection📱, "Mitsuhide Akechi is seeking forgiveness from a traffic police officer, this is great! MEGUSTA😎🤩🕺!", said Sasuke with glittering eyes.
You finally went to your home along with everyone to relax after having a long day, but both of the warlords were extremely taken aback by the technology of the modern Japan😱😳.
You went to change your dress while Sasuke explained the technologies present inside the house. Your house was very cute and sweet, nicely decorated by teddy bears & your paintings. These poor bois were taken aback by even the simplest things such as television, fan, lights, A.C., kitchen, washroom, vacuum cleaner, etc. "Can we enter the world inside the T.V by breaking it🤔?", asked Hideyoshi with a very innocent look on his face. "Please, don't even think about it, Hideyoshi-san😐!", replied Sasuke adjusting his glasses.
You came outside the changing room wearing a shirt and shorts. Mitsuhide & Hideyoshi gasped at the sight while Sasuke just captured their expressions in his camera📸. "Just what are you wearing, MC😱?!", he removed his haori and covered you with it. "I always wear it like this in my home, Hideyoshi, stop overreacting🤣!", you said laughing giving it back to him. "Mitsuhide, what happened😯?", you waved your hand infront of his face. Mitsuhide.exe. has stopped working😶😳
As they both came out after changing their traditional dresses, your jaw dropped at their looks. These both looked so dashingly handsome in the modern wear, you were trying not to swoon over them😍 while Sasuke captured pictures, fanboying over the fact that the greatest warlords in Sengoku era were wearing the dresses chosen by him📸🤩😍.
"These dresses are very comfortable☺️!", said Hideyoshi amazed. "Very stylish indeed💁🏻‍♂️!", said Mitsuhide smirking looking at himself and turned to look at you to give a wink & flying kiss😉😚🥰. "YES! THAT'S MY BF🙆🏻‍♀️😍😘🥰!", you shouted instantly, then realized what you blurted out😱 and immediately covered your face with your hands out of embarrasment🙈, the tip of your ears, red😳. Cue Mitsuhide laughing at you patting your head🤣
"Finally, my phone is charged, I missed watching youtube videos, scrolling instagram, tumblr so much!", you said with such joyful eyes😍. But the terms, you used just now went over the heads of Mitsuhide & Hideyoshi like: W A T👁👄👁?
"I brought all the delicacies of the modern world, like pizzas🍕, french fries🍟, chocolates🍫, potato chips, noodles🍜 from the market for our first day here!", said Sasuke as he took out all the food on the table🥰. Mitsuhide didn't care as he don't have any sense of taste🤷🏻‍♂️ while you all were crying tears of joy eating such delicious food after a long time😭😍😋 even though they were unhealthy😛. "I am letting you go for this time, MC but you should take care of your health😊!", said Hideyoshi looking gently at her. "Yes, I will!", she nodded☺️. "Masamune sure is losing a great deal of fun & delicious food here!", you giggled😂. "He must be jumping off the cliffs definitely right now!", Mitsuhide smirked😏. Cue Masamune sneezing in Sengoku, "ACHOO! Did I catch cold? Well jumping from this huge height was definitely fun this time!", he grinned like a tiger, soaking wet standing in the river🐯😁.
Sasuke went home after dinner while Mitsuhide and Hideyoshi went together with you to your parents' home next day😍.
You had a very emotional reunion and you explained everything to them about your journey in Sengoku era😭🥰🤗😍. Hideyoshi couldn't remember the last time, he had seen Mitsuhide who is a total nervous mess & stuttering the words out of his mouth infront of your parents😳😲😱. "Relax, Mitsuhide, they are only my parents, they won't kill you!", you said rubbing his back gently, chuckling softly😆.
"I-I would like to thank you both so much for bringing this angel😇 into this world and I promise to keep her safe🤗 and love her😘 with all my heart💓, lifelong💖! Please give us your blessings🙇‍♂️!", Mitsuhide bowed deep infront of your parents requesting for your hand and you were so happy beyond words, only tears roll down your cheeks as you gave him a very beautiful & happy smile😢😘🥰❤. Your father came to Mitsuhide with a very stern expression & you both were scared for a moment but he smiled and patted his shoulder, holding his hand, "I give my precious princess like daughter👸🏻 to you, take care of her for me👨🏻‍🦳!". Mitsuhide nodded with a grateful smile and eyes with unshed tears🥺💗. Your mother was very touched & happy with her son-in-law👩🏻‍🦳, "He is such a sweet boy😍😘❤!". "EXCUSE ME, SWEET😱😳?!", Hideyoshi exclaimed, shocked. "My, how rude😏!", smirks Mitsuhide. "Well, he is atleast very sweet to me, Hideyoshi😍😂!", you giggled and Hideyoshi sighed while everyone laughs together🤣.
In a week, you and Mitsuhide were married🤵🏻👰🏻💍💏 in the modern day with the blessings of your family👫🏻 and close friends👬🏻👭🏻. You were the most beautiful women in his eyes😍💓 while he was the most handsome man in your eyes😍🙈. You both were such a lovely couple💑. Obviously, your friends didn't know of Mitsuhide & Hideyoshi's real identity. It was the happiest of day of both of your lives✨🎊🎉💯. Cue Hideyoshi sobbing in the corner while Sasuke is busy comforting him😭😭.
Next day, you took your dream job in your favourite design company even if if was for a short while and both Mitsuhide & Hideyoshi were super proud of your talents👏🙌💯😍❤. That night, you fell asleep working on the table and it was past midnight. Mitsuhide carried you to your bed where Hideyoshi was sleeping😴. Mitsuhide kicked Hideyoshi out of the bed and placed you down gently on the bed and tucked you in properly.
Cue Hideyoshi screaming- MITSUHIDE! WHAT THE HELL😡!? Mitsuhide: Shhhhh! She is sleeping🤫. Poor Hideyoshi sleep on the sofa from that night but he didn't mind as it was also very much comfortable😍❤.
Well, for your own good and never in your right mind, give the duty of kitchen to Mitsuhide. I repeat- NEVER🙅‍♀️! Once Mitsuhide tried to impress you with his cooking everything on his own, your kitchen was destroyed as a result. Stick to making tea please, Mitsuhide, you are an expert in it🍵!
Also once Hideyoshi in the same way tried to impress you by cleaning the house on his own when you and Mitsuhide went together to the restaurant. He made a 100× times more mess of the house than it was already😱. That day, Hideyoshi was nagged by you🙍🏻‍♀️ for the first time while Mitsuhide snickered🤣 & Sasuke as usual made a video out of this epic incident to add in his vines collection💯📱. From next time, Hideyoshi made a mental note to help you only in your presence.
"I am so sorry Sasuke, I promise to pay you back for everything once I get my salary🙏🏻🙇🏻‍♀️!", you said with a apologetic look. "Don't mind that, I am happy that MY money is used to help my favourite warlords of Sengoku🤩🥰🤗🕺✌🏻. MC: Sasuke, W A T🙄. Hideyoshi: eye twitch🤨. Mitsuhide: smirks😏. Sasuke: 👁👄👁
Mitsuhide is a big prankster as usual, walking danger indeed, he takes his pleasure in Hideyoshi's misery😈😏. He would always play pranks on Hideyoshi like for instance, switching off the lights while he is in the washroom🛀🏻, yes, you heard it right. Cue Hideyoshi screaming: MITSUHIDE! LET ME TAKE A BATH IN PEACE! GODDAMNIT😡! Mitsuhide would definitely click the worst pictures & boomerang of Hideyoshi to annoy him 24×7.
You along with Mitsuhide, Hideyoshi, Sasuke would often go to the cafe together to eat, dance, sing, relax together🕺💃. Hideyoshi is a very good singer🎤 & is very popular in cafe so he is approached by many girls with love confession & Mitsuhide tries to makes his situation worse😈 but you stop him with a kiss😘 on his cheek😍❤ while Hideyoshi politely tries to get away from his fanclub yet again.
Cue-Hideyoshi passed out of drinking too much😵🍻. "Nobunaga-sama, don't eat konpeito....it's bad for your own health.....Masamune, don't run...in the hallways.....Mitsunari, eat your food.....Ieyasu...be nice...", murmured Hideyoshi in his sleep, even crying tears as he misses other warlords. "Awww, he is so sweet!", you said wiping his tears with a soft smile your face. "He worries about everyone too much", said Sasuke with a soft smile remembering his friends in Kasugayama Castle😊. "Guess, we have to carry him home again😆😍!", you said looking at Mitsuhide who nodded with a smirk, "Now, can I leave my best friend out here alone, my little mouse😏?", asked Mitsuhide. You and Sasuke both shake your head😂.
You all would often go to the amusement park together. Mitsuhide would definitely buy you all the the plushies & teddy bears of the shop winning them in a shooting game😍😘😏🔫. The shopkeeper got so suspicious of him but he couldn't say anything to him as he has no proof🧐. Hideyoshi will initially be against the idea of rollercoasters but will be dragged along by Mitsuhide. You and Hideyoshi will shout all the time but you definitely enjoyed it😱, while Mitsuhide & Sasuke sat through the whole ride like it was nothing🤷🏻‍♂️. "I made the video of you..", said Sasuke with a proud expression. "SASUKE, DELETE IT😱😠!", Cue you and Hideyoshi chasing him but he kervanishes while Mitsuhide peacefully sips his tea😌🍵.
Mitsuhide will definitely kiss you💏 on the top of the ferris wheel🎡 after hearing its significance from Sasuke😎as he ships you both already😍💯, you will be taken aback with surprise but would hug him out of happiness💗 fufufufufu. While Hideyoshi will be dragged around by Sasuke to all the places except the ferris wheel, he would be concerned about your whereabouts yet Sasuke wouldn't tell him. Hideyoshi: 🤨, Sasuke:😬.
You all would also go in the haunted house👻. The most terrified person would definitely be Hideyoshi 😱 even though he wouldn't admit it🤐. Mitsuhide & Sasuke will think them as a big joke while you will stick close to Mitsuhide & him playing your hero whenever you feel scared of the ghosts👻😏😎. Cue Sasuke dancing with the skeleton☠, MC: Sasuke, the heck are you doing👁👄👁? Mitsuhide will definitely scare the already sweating with fear Hideyoshi using his horrifying pranks available in the haunted house😏☠👻. Cue Hideyoshi screaming like a girl😱.
Mitsuhide will definitely take part in many shooting competitions and undoubtedly win them all🔫He is the best marksman afterall💯 What do you expect😏? On the other hand, Hideyoshi take part in singing competitions making all the girls swoon over him🎤🎶, afterall they cannot stay inside the home everytime, now can they😂?
All of you would travel to many places like temples, places of historical significance, well-known shopping destinations, hill stations across Japan with Sasuke as the tour guide, as usual🕺💃😎💯⛩🏙 Mitsuhide & Hideyoshi were thrilled to travel in bullet train & aeroplanes for the first time in their lives🚅🛩😍💗.
Mitsuhide & Hideyoshi would be the great fan of animes. Hideyoshi loves the anime containing lots of emotions😍❤🥰. Mitsuhide on the other, loves the anime involving a lot of psychology & suspense😍❤🥰. Hideyoshi would cry his eyes out watching anime movies like a silent voice, grave of the fireflies, hotarubi no mori e, I want to eat your pancreas, your lie in april while you and Sasuke comforts him💗, he loves reading manga as well & his favourite is Kyou no Kira-Kun❤🥰😍😢. He will definitely ask Mitsuhide, "How the heck do you exactly look like *Tomoe* from Kamisama Kiss🤨?" Mitsuhide be like: Who👁👄👁? On the other hand, Mitsuhide would absolutely enjoy watching popular anime hits like Death note, Attack on Titan & Code Geass🕵️‍♂️.
Mitsuhide would always protect you and if any man tries to look at you, one stare from him🙂 and they will ran away fearing their lives 😱 while Hideyoshi would always help you out at home😍🤗, he would be also always nagging at you to take proper care of yourself🙍‍♂️, while you be like: Okie dokie, big brother😍🤗!
"How did you gain weight, Nobunaga-sama? You ate a lot of konpeito in my absence, right?! Give me your jar, right now! No konpeito for 3 months!, Hideyoshi scolded Nobunaga😠.
"Noooo! Don't order me around, Hideyoshi😱", said Nobunaga as he tried to hold the jar safely in his arms but Hideyoshi successfully snatched it away from him.
"Send him in future again, MC, please! I just want to eat konpeito☹🍬!", Nobunaga pleaded. You shrugged🤷‍♀️.
"MILORD, NOOOOO🙄!", shouted Hideyoshi with a groan.
"HIDEYOSHI! TAKE CARE OF MITSUNARI FROM NOW ON! I CANNOT TOLERATE HIM ANYMORE😡💢!", shouted Ieyasu almost throwing a table at him while Mitsunari blinks innocently.
"IEYASU, NOOOOOO!", exclaimed Hideyoshi, horrified😱.
"I seriously missed loads of fun in future, isn't it MC🙁?", asked Masamune after listening to their time in the future. "Yes, obviously but I missed this fun as well🤣!", said MC laughing. Mitsuhide smirks standing besides her and nodded😏.
"I missed you so much bro😭😭😭😭😭!", cried Yukimura hugging Sasuke.
"I know right, I miss you too my BFF, I know you had a hard time controlling Shingen-sama & Kenshin-sama at the same time", said Sasuke comforting him🤗🤗.
"That man doesn't listen to me, always eating sweets & flirting around, GROSS🤢! That god of war gave me so much trouble, always attacking me out of nowhere!",complained Yukimura😭😠.
"That's rude, my boy😒! I am glad you came back Sasuke!", said Shingen with a smile. Sasuke high-five with him😂🙌.
"DIE!", said Kenshin unsheathing his sword⚔.
"Kenshin-sama, I just came after 3 months and you are trying to kill me now!", said Sasuke barely avoiding his strong blow.
"I AM KILLING YOU BECAUSE YOU DARED DISAPPEAR FROM ME!", said Kenshin as he puts his sword against Sasuke's neck.
"It's time to ker-vanish!", said Sasuke adjusting his glasses.
"Don't you dare run away from me!", said Kenshin and endless chasing begins....
I hope you all enjoyed reading it 😍❤! Thank you so much😘😘💗💗! Likes, reblogs, comments are appreaciated ❤😇😘.
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willowaudreykeyes · 4 years
Logan Being Adorable Crow/Raven/Birb Boi
Basically I’m stuck with this headcanon forever now because I love it too much and I really love crows and ravens and the idea of winged Sides so welcome to my list of what Logan does that’s birb related.
- Logan is the one that reminds the other Sides when Thomas is speaking to someone who has hurt them in the past. He also does this as soon as Thomas sees them, so that the others don’t try to initiate something that would put Virgil and Janus on edge. 
- And technically that’d be more for Virgil and/or Janus to do but Logan kind of just did it and they don’t complain. He does it because crows are known for telling others when and what the nearby mean human looks like and helps them avoid them. He didn’t even realise that it was a thing he did for the longest time.
- He also makes sure that the others stay warm; even more so Janus now that the snek actually hangs around them all now. He knows that its a very parental thing to do but when he sees one of the others shiver he wants to just hug them and warm them up; so he puts a blanket on them instead because that’d be weird for Logic to do.
- He really wants to be the hugger, and not the huggee. He wants his wings around the other Side and to keep them safe in the little pocket he makes. But he denies that he ever has these thoughts and does his best to ignore them.
- Remember that he’s also Curiosity and that birbs are very curious little creatures too.
- SPEAKING OF CURIOSITY! Like the twins, Logan also has a small pocket (much smaller then the ‘kingdoms’ that the twins have) that he can manipulate. He’s hidden said space from the twins but he also hasn’t been there in years...
- Before he became so... non-showing of his emotions, he used to fly around his small space and even played ring toss games and other things. He still loves games, of any kind really, but he limits himself to ‘intellectual’ games so that his self-made reputation stays intact.
- I’m bumming myself out here so HE MAKES NESTS! In his bed. And without twigs and sticks and stuff, he’s found that they like to dig into his skin and put holes in his clothes as he sleeps. He uses blankets, pillows, stuffed toys, in as many different shapes and textures as he can because he loves having so many different textured things. He usually makes them on rough days, where he’s too tired to talk himself out of making such a ‘weird’ thing- but they’re usually huge and he falls asleep INSTANTLY in them.
- Roman used to pat his head. Roman no longer pats his head. It feels nice, especially when he did the thing where you have all your finger tips on the scalp and just move them in and out, but Logan always slapped his hand away before he got too relaxed. He knows he makes tiny birb noises when he’s happy and with the Side that he sees as his best friend? He’d be relaxed too easily. And then everything with Roman would be destroyed because he’d instantly find it ‘weird’ and ‘abnormal’. 
- No one touch his shinies. He has quietly and sneakily snatched a few of the others things (he made sure that they wouldn’t be missed) and sometimes he pulls them out from the back of his closet just to shine different coloured lights on them at different angles and- Oh look, five hours have passed and all he’s done is look at shiny things. He loves it, but also hates how much time he’s ‘wasted’ when he could be working.
- No one touch his pebbles either. Roman and Remus used to give him pebbles back when they first appeared and he has no idea how they knew that he loves these round rocks that each are formed under a one in a million-billion chance. Even now, he’s seen a few pebbles lying around the Mindscape that he’s picked up and he knows that Remus leaves them around for him specifically. He’s rather glad that Remus hasn’t asked why he likes pebbles so much...
- Speaking of Remus, he once had the thought to eat one of his tentacles (birds eat squids its not TOO weird) and he saw Remus almost snap his neck to look at him after the sudden intrusive thought. Logan doesn’t know why Remus lied and said that he just wanted to try and scare Logan; when he had obviously heard his thought. 
- So Logan’s 100% afraid of Remus learning that he is birb and sharing it and its the only thing about Remus that he is scared of. And he hates it because Remus is so much fun to freakin’ talk to!!!!!!!!!!
- Oh and he definitely only falls in love once in his entire life and it’s for the person that he fears will find out his secret. So more repressing his feelings!
- He can’t watch any movies with flying in it. It makes his back ache and his legs jitter because every part of him wants to go do that. Go in the sky and just stretch his wings.
- Oh and he hasn’t let his poor wings out in years. 5 years? 8? He’s lost count. But he has been getting more and more back pains around the others and he knows that its the exact place his wings would attach to his back. He’s thought about locking himself up in his room, never coming out to avoid the increasing back pain, but he knows that it’d drive him crazy to not be around everyone. And to not see Thomas or Remus or Roman or the others again... So he puts up with it.
*hugs Logan* SPREAD YOU’RE WINGS AND FLY LO GOSH I WANT TO SEE MORE CANON-SETTING WINGED LOGAN FICS. Seriously if you know of an existing Logan fic where he’s a birb, please link me. Or if you make one from here PLEASE show me I would be so overwhelmingly astounded to see something made from this (i would prefer a happy ending one but I’d read any tbh)
@ladyedwina @sparrowofsong @5am-the-foxing-hour
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Dee Little Snake
Series Summary:  Janus uses age regression as a way to destress but has little control over it whenever he grows upset. Trying to keep a secret like that can be hard when you’re only four years old, and thus family bonding ensues in a way nobody expected, least of all Deceit.
Chapter 6: A Storm in Purple and Blue
Chapter summary: Dee wakes up small in the middle of thunderstorm but thankfully Logan and Virgil are there to make it better.
Warnings: thunder stoorms, food mention. If there are more please let me know.
Taglist (ask to be added or removed): @a-different-s1de @emo–nightmare
General taglist (ask to be added or removed): @janus-is-an-adorable-snek-boi  @im-an-anxious-wreck
WC: 1,295
Dee snapped up as his room was illuminated with a bright flash followed just seconds later by a band so loud and close it seemed to shake the walls and rattle his small frame. Rain pelted heavy and hard against the windows and the wind whistled straight through the walls making him whimper and pull the blankets up over his head. He hated waking up little and doing so during a thunderstorm seemed cruel. Or was he little because of the storm? Another loud crack of thunder scattered what little bit of coherent thoughts he could force himself to string together. He curled up as tight as he could and grabbed his nearest stuffed an animal, a rather ratty purple bear Virgil had let him have when they were actually children, squeezing it as hard as he could and willing every scrap of comfort he could get from the action to soothe him enough that he could try to sleep through the storm. He saw the bright flash of light even with his eyes closed tight and cover over his head and he tensed, bracing himself for another roar of thunder.
And roar it did, like a thousand lions staking their territory from across the plains or a great dragon sounding a battle cry over a castle full of knights. It lingered this time as well, seeming to echo around and around in his skull. His eardrums throbbed with the noise and he tried in vain to keep tears from falling as the sound finally faded only after an eternity had passed, leaving him shaking as if he was buried in snow rather than overheating under a thick duvet. Making up his mind he waited for the next flash of light, holding Vee as tightly as he could in preparation for the next roll of thunder. Pressing his lips together he fought hard to stay calm as the walls shook once again with the force of the noise, though thankfully it seemed to take a little longer for it to start. He remembered Virgil saying that that meant it was moving further away.
It didn’t matter now as he took a breath and threw the covers off quickly, almost slipping as his feet fought to find purchase on the floor in his hurried state. Managing to catch himself in time he made a beeline for the door, throwing it open and sprinting out as the hallway was illuminated by another flash of lightning. He fell against the wall and pressed himself as close to it as he could while curled around his bear as thunder roared once again, somehow louder in the hallway than it had been in his room and making the soles of his feet vibrate with its intensity. He cried out before slapping a hand to his mouth and snapping his head up in fear as something touched his shoulder, thankfully greeted by Logan with his glasses askew and rumpled pajamas hanging off of him. Dee didn’t even bother thinking before throwing himself at the other, slutching to his pants legs in fear and burying his face against his knee. He was embraced somewhat awkwardly from the angle but it still helped him relax someone, shaking abating only a little as another strong roll of thunder sounded through the hall.
“Dee. Can you hear me?” The soft question cut through his fear and he nodded. “Would you like me to pick you up or would you simply like your hand held? I’m asking because I think our best course of action would be to go to the kitchen and turn the lights on...and maybe since it’s a special case...make hot cocoa as a treat to help us feel better.”
At the mention of cocoa, Dee’s mood instantly improved, stepping back hesitantly while still clutching his baer to his chest. Logan waited patiently as the other weighed his options carefully; Dee didn’t want to bother Logan but cocoa definitely sounded better than trying to find somewhere to hide where he couldn’t hear the storm anymore. Holding out his hand he looked up at Logan with hope shining in his eyes. “Cocoa please?”
“An excellent choice.” Logan carefully took his hand and pulled him close as they made their way quietly down the hall, though they were both surprised no one else was awake because of the storm. Logan paused as Dee hesitated in front o fVirgil’s room, wanting to wake him but feeling slightly selfish for it since Logan was already with him. Logan thankfully seemed to read his mind and gave his hand a squeeze, prompting the small side to look back up at him.
“He might be awake- he doesn’t do well in storms if memory serves. You can knock if you want to see if he’d like to join us.”
Nodding, Dee reached forward with the bear and knocked gently, rapping just a little more firmly with the last two so he had a chance of actually being heard. The door opened almost immediately to reveal Virgil wrapped up in his hoodie with noise canceling headphones around his neck and eye shadow a deeper black than usual, bringing even the deepest shadows of his room to shame as they writhed behind him. He seemed surprised to see Logan but recovered quickly enough, smiling tightly as he shut the door behind him and reached forward to ruffle Dee’s hair a bit. Opening his mouth to speak he seemed to think better of it and waved instead, not trusting his voice to be normal with the heightened anxiety.
“Logan’s makin’ cocoa!” Bouncing on his toes a bit he looked up at Virgil and held out his hand, keeping his last three fingers wrapped firmly around his bear's paw while he waited expectantly. Taking the hint Virgil clasped his warm hand around Dee’s cooler one and they resumed their walk down the hall. Virgil exchanged a look with Logan that Dee didn’t catch but he was suddenly lifted a bit into the air before being set down gently on the steps, giggling as he was lifted again and again, kicking his feet up and swinging a bit everytime time they went down. Storm all but forgotten they lifted him one more time, settling him into Virgil’s arms as Logan went to get out the mugs and cocoa. Still giggling while hugging his bear he leaned back against Virgil and felt the ther lay his cheek on top of his head, slightly distorted humming making the silence cozy while Logan turned on the stove to heat the milk.
It was comforting and warm and Dee barely registered that the storm had passed until Logan mentioned it offhandedly, placing three mugs down on the table. Dee watched as Logan paused for a second looking at them, a small small wrinkling his eyes as he looked away to wash the pan. Only after being set down in front of his mug while Virgil sat beside him did he realize why.
“You’re purple.” Virgil started a bit as tiny hands reached forward to pat his cheeks, bear forgotten in light of the new purple he was currently admiring. Squinting his eyes in confusion before realization dawned on his face Virgil smiled openly, tapping on the back of Dee’s hand in a random rhythm as he continued to pat his cheeks. Logan ruffled both of their heads walking past, getting a huff from Virgil and a giggle from Dee as they all settled in front of their drinks and basked in the newfound calm after the storm. They’d all most likely regret saying up this late in the morning, but for now happy content radiated from all of them in the quiet peace of the mindscape.
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emy-loves-you · 4 years
Wrong Numbers and Useless Gays Chapter 10
Protective Snek meets Tired Boi (With Flowers!)
Chapter 9 | Masterlist | Chapter 11
Warnings: crying, mentions of sex, mentions of lying and mistrust
(Jan 2nd)
V- (10:20 AM) Hey Pat, what do you want for your birthday?
P- (10:21 AM) I don’t need anything big, Kiddo. Just another drawing from you would be amazing :)
V- (10:21 AM) Is there nothing that you would be happy with me buying you?
P- (10:22 AM) Well, I like flowers!
L- (10:22 AM) No you don’t. None of us have gardening skills and you cry every time they wilt.
P- (10:22 AM) I still like them! We’ll just have to try harder this time!
Virgil thought for a few minutes before smirking. He exited the chat and opened up a chat with Janus and Remus.
V- (10:23 AM) Do either of you have the staff contacts from that charity event 2 months ago?
J- (10:23 AM) Perhaps
Re- (10:23 AM) Y the hell do you want them?
V- (10:24 AM) Do you remember the flowers that they were selling? I want to contact whoever they bought them from.
J- (10:24 AM) You mean like the one that Remus bought for me?
V- (10:25 AM) Yes, but less obscene colors.
Re- (10:25 AM) Wait let me guess
Re- (10:26 AM) “Princey’s” birthday was in July and “Lo” doesn’t seem like the flower type, so this is for “Pat,” isn’t it?
V- (10:26 AM) Do you have the fucking contact or not?
J- (10:27 AM) Even better. I have the address
V- (10:27 AM) Why the fuck do you have the address?
J- (10:27 AM) Remus TOTALLY didn’t break the original flower as soon as we got home.
Re- (10:28 AM) HEY! I tripped on YOUR stupid rug and it happened to end up crushed underneath me!
Virgil chuckled, eventually breaking up their argument so he could get the phone number and address. Once he had it, he called the shop and ordered a custom-made bouquet. They told him that it would be ready for pick-up in 2 weeks. He turned back to his crush’s chat.
V- (10:29 AM) Just finished ordering your gift.
P- (10:29 AM) What is it?!
V- (10:30 AM) It’s a surprise! Oh, and do you still have the vase that your chocolate bouquet was in?
P- (10:30 AM) Yeah, why?
V- (10:30 AM) You may wanna have it empty on your birthday :)
(January 16th)
“So, where are we going?” Remus asked, chugging the rest of his Pepsi.
“To get Virgil’s flowers, darling. We’ve been over this.” Janus replied, adjusting his rearview mirror. Virgil laid in the back, fast asleep. Janus sighed. Virgil never got enough sleep, in his opinion. It was difficult to get Virgil fully asleep by 4 AM, and even then he was usually awake by 9 AM. Ever since he met his new “crushes,” Virgil had been getting better with his sleeping habits ( “Lo’s been trying to rope me into their sleeping schedule,” Virgil had admitted with a blush ); but he still didn’t sleep enough, in Janus’ humble opinion.
Speaking of crushes, Janus focused his eyes on the empty road as he thought about the three men who had stolen his best friend's heart. Pat, Lo, and Princey, Virgil called them. Not much to work with in terms of name, and no physical characteristics either. Janus was halfway convinced to stalk them (he knew where they lived, after all) but the thought of Virgil hating him for it shut up those thoughts immediately. Virgil already dealt with a ton of Janus bullshit without complaint, the least he could do is honor Virgil’s wish to keep his crushes anonymous. Even though Janus had no physical description to work off of, Virgil's offhand comments were enough for Janus to paint a decent picture of them.
"Princey," the first one that Virgil met. Extremely dramatic, probably light-headed and egotistical. The one that Janus ordered a katana for. A fucking katana. Why would he want a katana of all things? And those nicknames. His nicknames for Virgil were worse than Remus’, and that’s saying something. Though he was kind to Virgil in their interactions; at least, that’s what Virgil told him. Janus would have to keep a close eye on this one.
“Pat,” the one they were going to pick up flowers for. The so-called “Dad Friend” of the group. Called Virgil “Kiddo.” Mother-henned the shit out of him. Even though Virgil was their Sugar Daddy, Janus wouldn’t be surprised if they called Pat “Daddy” in bed. On the other hand, some of the things that Virgil said spoke otherwise. Pat’s love of stuffed animals, his goofy puns, his opinion against swearing; he sounded like a child in an adult body. An oxymoron, and someone that Janus will also have to keep an eye on.
And “Lo.” Possibly the one that Janus trusted the least out of the trio. Extremely serious. Chocolate addict. Has a fucking sleep schedule for his boyfriends. Probably a control freak. Works part-time at the library. Goes to the local college. More interested in space than the world around him. Probably even more egotistical than Princey. Spends the majority of his time arguing with others or chastising Virgil for spending money on them. Most likely to upset Virgil. One that Janus would definitely be keeping an eye on.
His grip on the steering wheel tightened. He would not let them hurt Virgil. And if they somehow did, well…
Some of Father’s old associates could still prove useful. They at least knew how to hide a body. Or three.
(January 17th)
Janus triple-checked the address, making sure that he was at the right house. Virgil had needed a safe way to ship these flowers to Pat’s house without Pat finding out OR one of his crushes seeing his face. So, Janus agreed to be his delivery boy. It made sense; Deceit wore the most makeup AND he hissed every other line, so it was near impossible to be recognized out-of-costume. And if Janus got a good look at Virgil’s crushes… well, Virgil wasn’t here now, was he? Janus set the bouquet on the middle of the porch; far enough for the person to not accidentally knock it over on their way outside, but close enough to where it would be noticed and not accidentally fall off the edge. He tapped the door three times with the back of his knuckles and quickly turned around, making a beeline for his car. He intended on getting a glimpse of the man’s face as he drove away, hopefully seeing enough to be able to spot him off the college roster-
“Wait!” Janus stopped dead in his tracks. He didn’t expect him to be that fast. There was a moment of silence before Janus heard a sigh. “You’re not Virgil, are you?”
He smirked. “Yes, I’m definitely Virgil. I just decided to knock on your door and increase the chances of you seeing me when I could’ve just texted me.”
The man sighed again. “You must be Janus, then. I assume that since you arrived specifically when Patton wouldn’t be home today, you came to drop off his birthday present.” There was a slight pause, probably meant for Janus to respond. Suddenly. There was a soft “Oh.” Janus couldn’t take it anymore; he turned around and his jaw dropped.
The man was tall, taller than any of the Dark Sides. He had dark brown hair, brushed neatly out of his face. He wore a pair of square glasses, which perfectly framed his dark blue eyes. He wore a black button-up shirt and dark wash jeans. A navy blue tie hung loosely around his neck. But what caught Janus’ attention was the look of pure adoration on his face as he looked at the flowers on the porch. His face was so open and kind, something that Janus never expected him to look like. Is this the look that Janus gave Remus when they were alone? If so, Janus now understood why Virgil didn’t want to be in their relationship. Just the look on Lo’s face was enough to make Janus feel excluded from their relationship. Suddenly, the adoration turned to a more mischievous look. “That’s why he wanted Patton to clean out that vase,” he said fondly, before shaking his head. “Do I even want to know how much Virgil spent on this?”
“Nope.” Janus made sure to keep his voice nonchalant, not showing any sign of weakness. He watched curiously as Logan did the same, schooling his expression before looking up at Janus. His eyes briefly flickered over to Janus’ scar, but other than that he paid no mind to it. Janus felt something rise within him; whether respect or irritation, he couldn’t tell. “Now’s the time where I must ask: what are your intentions with Virgil?” He made sure to keep an even tone, not wanting to influence Lo’s response.
Lo blinked, looking almost surprised, before his eyes dropped back to the flowers. “I don’t know,” he admitted. “On one hand, Virgil is an amazing person that I’ve now known for several months. I know that the others have wanted to ask him to join our relationship for a while. On the other hand, we know very little about him. Unless Virgil inherited this money, there’s no possible way that his only profession is commissioning art. What else has he lied about? How can I trust him, much less love him, if I don’t know when he’s lying to me?”
Janus slowly raised his left hand, using his right to cover his heart. “My name is Janus Williams. I swear to you my full honesty. Ask me anything that you don’t believe other than Virgil’s profession, and I will answer to the best of my ability.”
Lo rubbed a hand against his face- fuck, the guy was actually crying. “That’s the problem. I want to believe him; I want to read his texts and not feel even the slightest bit of skepticism. I want to eagerly accept him into our relationship, no questions asked. But I can’t!” He looked back up at Janus, the look in his eyes something that will pierce Janus’ soul for a long time. “I’ve spent the past 8 years taking care of my boyfriends. I can’t have Virgil hurt them, accidentally or on purpose! I will do anything to keep them safe, even if it means keeping Virgil away.”
Janus sighed, pitying the man in front of him. “Would you like some advice, Lo?” At Lo’s nod, he turned to walk away. “Virgil has no intention of ever harming you. He originally lied to you so that he wouldn’t get hurt or used. He’s never had to tell anyone this secret, and he’s never been one to easily trust others. I know you’ve already waited a long time, but please, be patient. He’ll come to you when he’s ready, I swear.” And with that, Janus got in his car and drove away. Once he got to the nearest available parking spot (located at a sickeningly sweet bakery) he pulled out his phone to text Virgil.
J- (2:12 PM) Package delivered
V- (2:12 PM) Thanks, man. Did they see you?
Janus paused. Should he tell Virgil about their encounter? Something told him that Lo wouldn’t mention their interaction to Virgil. If he did, then Janus would come clean. If not…
J- (2:13 PM) No, Virgil. The secret identities of your boy toys are safe.
V- (2:13 PM) Cool. I’ll let them know that it’s there.
And with that, Janus drove back home, where he can watch shitty romcoms and hopefully forget about the tired look in Lo’s eyes.
P- (5:04 PM) Oh my gosh, I love these Kiddo!
R- (5:04 PM) What did he get you?
P- (5:05 PM) [*Photo Attachment*]
[The photo shows the light blue vase that Patton’s chocolate bouquet was in. The vase was filled with beautiful glass roses. They were mainly clear, with the tips of each petal either red, navy blue, sky blue, or violet.]
V- (5:05 PM) Now you can have flowers that'll never die. Happy Birthday, Pat.
P- (5:06 PM) Thank you SO much, Virgil!
V- (5:06 PM) :)
Taglist: @bisexualdisaster106 @self-taught-mess @itawalrus @arodynamic-enby @sanderssides-angst
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