#payload options
selfmaderibcageman · 3 months
Squibs and theatrical blood, used to simulate bloody gunshots, are made from condoms filled with red food coloring and tied to fishing lines before being taped to the actors' chests.[5][6][7][8] Nabwana had previously used cow blood, but was forced to discontinue its use after one of his actors developed brucellosis.
cant have shit in wakaliwood
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araraito · 1 year
I’m flipping a coin for something and it says heads every and each time, it’s been 11 flips and it’s heads every single time I’m going crazy... 
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futuremercifulnerd · 9 months
New 2024 resolution just dropped - Stop playing overwatch because its fucking garbage now and 90% of the ppl that play it are braindead
#i could literally make an hour long video on why this game pisses me off now and how sad it is as someone whos played since day one#im not gonna shut up about it actually lmao cause someone had the audacity to message me thru playstation#i called out team diff cause my team sucked and the tank had the nerve to message me saying#“its qp the mercy gameplay i just witnessed was garbage dont be toxic unless you have the gameplay to match it up”#first of all i was mercy for like a minute and switched off after i used my ult and i couldnt stay alive cause no one was doing damage#secondly the TANK who refused to ever group up is talking shit to ME about ganeplay?#you walked away from the team when the payload was inches away from landing on point and us losing#the enemy team had a sombra and even if they didnt you shpuldnt be leaving when its that close#how many times do i need to spam group up?#how many times do the other teammates have to join in spamming group up for you to listen lmao#i get not acting like qp is comp but theres a certain point where qp isnt an excuse for YOUR behavior and the way ppl react to it#you cant actively throw or play like shit or refuse to try anything different and then get mad at ppl getting mad at you#me picking mercy WAS my chill trying to have fun option lol she is the furthest thing from my main#you lost the right to claim “its just qp” when you deliberately walked away from the team+died on your own then complained about heals lol#anyways i just sent back “not the tank you cant fathom grouping up lmao check yourself” and blocked them#cause im not gonna entertain your bullshit#im 100% quick to block online cause i dont need to deal with shit i dont want to lmao getting blocked =/= you won the arguement btw#ppl really cant fathom others just refusing to mess with crap they dont need to or want to#in a other match the enemy lucio was just diving and doing no heals (seriously he had less than 2k heals at the end)#and their teammates called them out and their respinse was just “quickplay” and their team went “so you cant heal in qp???”#and that interaction sums up my opinion on a lot of shit lol#also the fact that a majority of the ppl who play this game atp act like this is a huge reason why ppl call out bullshit so readily#like fuck dude we played an arcade game where the enemy had two snipers who were def soft hacking at the very least#whats the point?????
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niqhtlord01 · 7 months
Humans are weird: Do not give them Toys
( Please come see me on my new patreon and support me for early access to stories and personal story requests :D https://www.patreon.com/NiqhtLord Every bit helps)
When the human government wished to initiate trade with the Filthrax Conglomerate the Filthrax were understandably cautious. They had always been sensitive when it came to sharing technology with other species. To that end they had an extensive amount of restrictions on what could and couldn’t be traded; excluding much of their more advanced technology from ever reaching the market.
The humans in comparison were technologically inferior to the Filthrax in nearly every aspect so they pictured the humans to heavily lobby for advanced technology to be made available. So it was with some surprise that when negotiations began the humans did not lobby for advanced technology, they instead seemed deeply invested in obtaining the Filthrax toys.
This was not something the negotiators had expected. Research into human culture had showed a deep rooted sense of aggression, towards outsiders and themselves when promoted, which made them believe that the first opening bid would be towards military grade technology.
Sensing the discord, the human diplomats explained that while they would like more advanced technology to be an option, they understood the hesitance and reluctance to trade such dangerous items. They said they would be fine earning the Filthrax’s trust over an extended period of time through trade. It seemed that several human enterprises had their eyes on Filthrax toys and they seemed like a safe enough items to begin trade. The Filthrax agreed and so trade lines were opened between the great powers.
What the aliens saw as a harmless deal was in fact the first foot in the door that could never be closed.
Several million orders for toys were placed almost overnight and the economic boon was felt overnight throughout the Filthrax Conglomerate. None of them understood the fascination humans had with their trinkets but if they were willing to pay then they would be more than happy to sell. It wasn’t until the Nexus Wars began that the Filthrax would come to understand their folly.
The “Nexus” was a series of star systems that held the majority of trade lanes between the core worlds and the far flung resource rich outer zones. Trade through these lanes was deemed to be the most stable for long distance transportation so whoever controlled these regions would make considerable wealth from their stewardship.
Current stewardship fell to the Omicron Empire who had held the systems for the last several hundred years and as such used the profits it generated to fund their empires expansion. The humans wished to control these routes to fund their own imperial ambitions but had never leveled the playing field with the Omicron military to make such a transgression possible.
Then, without warning, the human military launched a series of strikes against Omicron bases and fleets in the Nexus systems triggering the “Nexus War”. The Omicrons raised their fleets and armies and dispatched them to the systems with the full intention of repelling the humans and then carrying on their counter offensive into human space. What they met however was a suddenly technologically advanced human military spouting drastic advances in military equipment not seen.
Human soldiers now carried portable shielding units that blocked everything less than a direct hit from a hover tank, while their ships launched fusion bombs carrying a heavy enough payload to shatter Timbar class battleships in half.
With this new technology, the human military had taken control of half of the Nexus systems within five months of the wars start. Other powers dotting the stars took notice of the sudden prowess of the human military, as well as the calculations predicting that within another five months the Omicron Empire would be driven from the Nexus systems. Some cheered at seeing their old rivals in the Omicron’s brought low, others sent delegations to the human government pledging alliances and treaties, many more came to join the war effort now sensing blood amongst the stars; but to the Filthrax, they quickly came to realize the part they had played in this war.
While Filthrax toys were rather unremarkable, they were unique in the way that their power sources could last an entire lifetime. Through controlled energy distribution, the Filthrax had created a rudimentary power source that, while considered basic in their society, was light years ahead of any neighboring species.
The humans were well aware of this feature.
They knew before negotiations even began that the Filthrax would never part with their advanced weaponry or technology, but they would be willing to part with something they considered nothing more than a toy. Toys that were then torn apart to get to the power source, reverse engineered, and then used to power weapons and machines of human design.
Filthrax toys were now forming the basis for a new galactic power, and they had been fooled into giving them away for nothing more than currency.
The sudden realization sent shockwaves through the upper echelons of the Filthrax. If they admitted this they would be not only be publically humiliated on a galactic scale; but also be portrayed as cobelligerents in the war. Not only that, it would invalidate their own standing treaties with other species which specifically stated they would not trade anything that could be repurposed for war. They could see trade agreements torn asunder for a dozen species with even embargos placed upon their territories. Worse yet was if they did cease trading with the humans the human government could release the information and still black list them to the wider galaxy.
So they sat and watched the war from the sidelines, contemplating that their bobbles may have very well just doomed the universe.
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howtofightwrite · 3 months
I’m not sure if this is off topic for your blog, but out of fear for my search history and the police, I wanted to ask if there is a means of someone producing a homemade bomb or something throwable that generates high levels of heat?
For context, the character I am writing is a lab intern that is secretly studying how to get rid of a parasite (think of something like Venom/Carnage) that can only be injured/destroyed with high levels of heat.
Two thoughts come to mind immediately, thermite and white phosphorous. So, in both cases, we're going to be setting metals on fire.
Thermite is more of a process than a specific chemical composition, which means getting the materials to make thermite explosives isn't that challenging. It involves getting a highly reactive metal, and then getting it to oxidize aggressively. Turns out, if you force aluminum to rust on the spot, it gets a bit warm. In some cases (such as with copper) the reaction is energetic enough to cause molten metal to splatter.
Because we're talking about different chemical mixtures, it's a bit hard to predict the exact tempreture, but most thermite reactions (at least, all of the ones I've ever looked up) will burn in excess of 2000K (3000F.)
Rigging thermite into a more portable form isn't that complicated, and crude pipe bomb-like containers should get the job done. Though, this would likely cause further problems.
The second option is white phosphorous. This burns at a lower temperature (around 800C), but this stuff ignites on contact with oxygen. Something you might be able to find in the air you're breathing. White phosphorous is a bit more tightly controlled, and is used in a wide variety of munitions. (In theory, it's used for tracers, as the phosphorous will ignite and glow while the round is traveling to its destination.) Because it will continue to burn in the wound, white phosphorous wounds are particularly horrific (as you'll see, if you ever visit the Wikipedia page.) However, it is already available as a payload for most military small arms cartridges.
A third option is classic napalm. This stuff tends to burn north of 800C. The actual material is a bit more disturbing than you might realize. Nalpalm isn't just a burning liquid, it's more like a burning goop, that sticks to whatever it hits... and continues to burn. Imagine a Vaseline sprayer (except, the Vaseline is ignited just after it leaves the nozzle.) Producing napalm in a modern chemlab, with a reasonable stockpile of ingredients shouldn't be too difficult, though it's unlikely the stockroom would have enough of the relevant chemicals to make much of the stuff. (Nalpalm flamethrowers go through a lot of fuel, so making the stuff on site might not be a great option.)
Using any of these methods will get a lot of attention on your character. While we tend to overestimate just how much casual searches for this kind of information are likely to land you on a watch list (this used to be more true than it is today), actually using them in the field will get an anti-terrorism taskforce crawling down around your character's ears. (Especially if they're making thermite loaded pipe bombs.)
Now, here's the funny thing about all of this: It's unnecessary.
You've got a monster that is vulnerable to flames. The simplest, and cheapest solution, is probably to go buy one of those orange, plastic, flare guns. This'll set you back less than $40 dollars (plus the cost of the included flares.) Then load up on extra flares, (at this moment, they're around $10 per flare.) (If you already have a 12 gauge shotgun, you can skip the flare gun entirely, and just buy 12ga flare shells.)
Those flares burn at similar temperatures to white phosphorous rounds, and are much, much, less regulated. (Though, if you're wandering out and buying up hundreds of flare shell rounds, that's likely to raise a few eyebrows.) (This is also true of normal emergency flares, similar temperatures, and they burn for much longer.)
This is without even thinking about Dragon's Breath shells, which will burn in the range of some of the hotter thermite reaction ranges. (To be honest, it probably is a thermite reaction, but I'd need to look into them a bit more to verify that.)
So, ultimately, the problem for a monster vulnerable to heat is that there are a lot of ways to throw burning metal at it, and let that cook it for you.
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paper-mario-wiki · 7 months
scout how do i get into tf2. i want to play but i'm intimidated
u can choose one of the 9 guys, and theyre all fun to play.
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first guy is the fastest and jumps twice, but has low health. he has a strong shotgun as his primary that can kill people from full health in 2 shots if youre close enough and aim well enough
second guy is kinda slow and has a rocket launcher, which does a lot of damage (but not enough to kill anyone in a single hit like other FPS games, unless you get a crit), and hes got a lot of health
third guy is my favorite one and is one of the more mechanically complex. u can do a lot, but for now think of it as area denial. not very much range, but high output and leaves them on fire
fourth guy is like junkrat: he launches grenades that explode on impact with a target, but if they hit a wall or the ground they wait out their natural timer before exploding. he can also leave bombs that he can detonate at any time. hes also pretty slow but has more health.
fifth guy has the most health and the strongest gun, but is also the slowest and one of the easier guys to pick off from a distance. hes got a big gatling machine gun
sixth guy specializes in utilities. he can deny an area by putting down a sentry that fires automatically and be upgraded twice (faster firing + rockets with levels 2 and 3). he's not great in 1v1s but he can hold is own if you play smart.
7th guy is the main healer. you point at a guy and click on him to heal, but after youve connected to him you dont need to keep looking at him the whole time; as long as youre within a certain distance and you keep holding down the mouse button you'll keep healing. he also passively regenerates health slowly, but as the worst offensive options in the game
8th guy is broken. you can instantly kill anyone from any distance as long as you click on their head. not super great in close combat but has optional weapons that can enhance his survival rate when he's rushed down
9th guy goes invisible, can disguise as enemy teammates to fool them, and can instantly kill anyone with a backstab, but he's also easy to kill and has poor defensive options if he's caught out by himself.
the game is free to download, and once you do i suggest queuing for casual selecting any maps that look good
i suggest Harvest, Badlands, Sawmill, and Viaduct for King of the Hill
i suggest Badwater, Upward, Frontier, Snowycoast, and Borneo for payload
i suggest Turbine, 2Fort, Double Cross, and Landfall for Capture the Flag
go have fun. dont worry about being bad. just play and find joy in any way you can.
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thanook · 1 month
what car would you make a time machine of?
i want to say the toyota supra because it already sounds like one but realistically a toyota hilux loaded with a payload of fuel is the most reasonable option survival wise
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nasa · 2 years
Comin’ in Hot: Seven Things to Know About our New Heat Shield
What goes up, must come down, and from space, without burning up in an atmosphere. That’s why we’re pumped for the Low-Earth Orbit Flight Test of an Inflatable Decelerator, or LOFTID. Launching on Nov. 1, 2022, with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Joint Polar Orbiting Satellite System-2 (JPSS-2) mission, this technology demonstration marks the next step in advancing an innovative heat shield design that could one day be used to land heavy payloads – including humans – on Mars!
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Here are seven things to know about this innovative re-entry system: 
1. LOFTID is the first-ever in-orbit test of this technology. 
Inflatable heat shields, called Hypersonic Inflatable Aerodynamic Decelerators (HIADs), have been in the works for more than a decade. In 2012, the third of the Inflatable Re-entry Vehicle Experiments (IRVE) launched on a suborbital sounding rocket from the Wallops Flight Facility, demonstrating a 3-meter (10-foot) diameter inflatable heat shield.
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But the LOFTID re-entry vehicle, at 19.7 feet (6 meters) in diameter, will be the largest blunt body aeroshell to ever go through atmospheric entry. Designed to withstand temperatures as high as 2900°F (1600°C), this first-ever in-orbit test of this technology will prove if it can successfully slow down large payloads – such as crewed spacecraft, robotic explorers, and rocket components – enabling them to survive the heat of re-entry at planetary destinations with an atmosphere.
2. You can find out how this tech works in real-time.  
LOFTID is unique in that all operations will happen within a few hours of launch. After the JPSS-2 satellite safely reaches orbit, the LOFTID vehicle will separate from the upper stage of the Atlas V rocket and begin re-entry into Earth’s atmosphere. If all goes as planned, the technology will help the vehicle decelerate from hypersonic (more than 25 times faster than the speed of sound) down to subsonic flight, less than 609 miles per hour for a safe splash down and recovery from the Pacific Ocean. 
While in flight, engineers at NASA’s Langley Research Center will receive location data every 20 seconds and onboard sensors and cameras will record more comprehensive data about the technology’s performance. You can get a behind-the-scenes look at Langley’s Flight Mission Support Center where the LOFTID project team will be monitoring the flight test at NASA.gov/live following the launch.
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3. A lemon-sized capsule ejected into the Pacific Ocean will hold key flight data. 
The LOFTID re-entry vehicle will record both sensor and camera data during its flight. The data will include the temperatures and pressures experienced by the heat shield and will illustrate how well the technology performed during the demonstration.
Although the goal is to retrieve the LOFTID re-entry vehicle after it splashes down in the Pacific Ocean, the team wanted a back-up option just in case they can’t recover it. Enter the tiny yellow package called an ejectable data module (EDM) which will also record flight data. The EDM will be released from the spacecraft at an altitude of about 50,000 feet. It will free fall into the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Hawaii and should land within 10 miles of the spacecraft’s splash down location. A recovery team, that has practiced hide-and-seek of the EDM on land and sea, will use GPS to search an approximately 900-mile area of the Pacific Ocean to find their “lemon.”
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4. This heat shield packs a punch. 
Although NASA has historically relied on rigid aeroshells, parachutes, and retro-propulsion (rockets) to decelerate people, vehicles, and hardware during entry, descent, and landing operations, a benefit of inflatable heat shields is that they take up less space in a rocket, allowing more room for other hardware or payloads. LOFTID’s aeroshell has been folded and tightly packed down to 4 by 1.5 feet for launch and stacked in the United Launch Alliance (ULA) Atlas V rocket payload fairing.
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5. LOFTID is dedicated in honor of one of its innovators.  
LOFTID was developed as a partnership with ULA and is dedicated to the memory of Bernard Kutter, ULA manager of advanced programs, who passed away in August 2020. Kutter was instrumental in advancing the inflatable heat shield design and developing the plan to test the system on an Atlas V rocket. He was an advocate for both space technology and expanding access to space. Kutter’s NASA and ULA counterparts agree that LOFTID is unlikely to have made it to space without his vision and passion.
6. LOFTID is made of tough stuff. 
Synthetic fibers make up the inflatable structure, braided into tubes that are, by weight, 10 times stronger than steel. The tubes are coiled so that they form the shape of a blunt cone when inflated. The thermal protection system that covers the inflatable structure can survive searing entry temperatures up to 2,900 degrees Fahrenheit. Researchers used the same heat-shielding materials to create a fire shelter prototype for firefighters battling forest fires.
7. You can make your own LOFTID Halloween costume! 
Still looking for an out-of-this world Halloween costume? With a few commonly found materials, like orange pool noodles and duct tape, you can create your own LOFTID costume. However, we make no promises of protecting or slowing you down from becoming the life of the party.
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Follow @NASA_Technology for the latest updates on LOFTID. Don’t miss our live coverage leading up to launch from the Vandenberg Space Force Base in California. The NASA Edge JPSS-2 Tower Rollback Show airs live on NASA TV and YouTube on Tuesday, Nov. 1 at 12 a.m. EDT, and NASA TV live launch coverage will begin at 4:45 a.m. EDT. 
Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space!
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whirlpool-blogs · 1 month
asking for a friend??
WIP Tag Game
ohhh this is the Nazi interrogation Buckies fic! Loosely based on the post that @thebuckys started, and @crowthis and I were riffing on.
Gale is known to be the best B-17 pilot around, so the Nazis are determined to get answers from him. They know he would be their best bet for getting information about the fuel range of the bombers, airspeeds, combat box weak points, max rate of ascent and descent, etc.
They also know that the Buckies' biggest weakness is each other. So when Egan rolls into the processing center, they know exactly what to do.
After days of fruitless interrogations, they drag Gale into an interrogation room and there's John, tied to a chair and hair matted with blood, eyes wide when he spots Gale. They tell Gale that for every question that he doesn't answer, they're going to hurt John. Quickly, John yells out, "I'll be fine, Buck, don't give em nothing."
So when the Nazis ask what the fuel range of an escort P-51 is, or what radio frequency they use to pull together their formations in the air, Gale keeps his mouth shut. Even when they flatten John's warm, beautiful right hand against the table and crush every last delicate bone in it. Even when they hold an electric cattle prod to John's abdomen for so long that he's throwing up onto himself, that Gale can smell burning flesh.
Eventually, the Nazis realize they're getting nowhere and escalate to the next option: their truth serum. It's super expensive because it has to be synthesized in a lab using hard-to-find reagents, so they really do try to avoid using it as much as possible. But they have a Major, and they have Cleven, so the higher-ups clear the use.
They inject it into Gale's veins and Gale just laughs at them. "You think truth serums actually work?" he spits. "If they did, then you would know that I'm actually in love with John. And the fuel range of a Spitfire is 1180 miles with a drop tank." And oh FUCK.
But now that Gale has started, he can't stop. He tells the Nazis about how long he's been in love with John. He tells them how 12 o'clock high is the weak spot of a combat box, where the fuel tanks on a B-17 sit. He tells them about Marge, how he's going to marry her, how he's going to break his own goddamn heart and marry Marge because he can't face the alternative.
John is begging, Please shut the fuck up. Gale, just shut up. Shut up.
The Nazis are DELIGHTEDDDDDD, they hit the payload AND the pilot is a deviant?! They start joking, laughing, and then decide to give Gale a reward for his good behavior: a blowjob from the man he's apparently so in love with.
John's mouth is all wrong when he takes Gale's soft cock inside of it, all slimy and warm. There's leaky, gummy wounds where his two back molars used to be. Gale doesn't need to be a genius to figure out why; there was already blood on John's face and a pair of bloody pliers on the table when he arrived.
It's the worst blowjob of Gale's life.
He comes, still soft.
John pulls off, spits blood and cum onto the floor. There's tears in his eyes. "In love with me and still gonna marry Marge, huh?" he asks.
Gale looks down at him. "Yeah," he says, softly. "Yeah, I am."
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copperbadge · 1 year
Sam re: American Bats in the Ask. There is a (possibly apocryphal) story about the American military trying to use bats as a delivery method for incendiary payloads in WW2. According to the story, the first test did not go well at all, since you can't tell a bat where to roost and your control tower and hangars look like as good a place to land as the intended targets. (search bat bombs WW2 for more info)
But, this raises the possibility that some 'genius' had heard about this plan, packed some of their local bats into a ship for transport to Europe to try it themselves, and upon arrival hearing about how poorly it had gone, releasing their bats into the wild, not knowing/caring about invasive species etc etc etc. Ta Da! Jelly Donut Bats in the Ask!
Oh yeah! I remember hearing that story on QI years and years ago, although I think the actual story is that the bats were released too soon, accidentally, and instead of being deployed on a test site, just roosted under a fuel tank until they were blown up. In googling, I also came across this absolutely shining example of twentieth century military reasoning -- the bats idea came from a dentist in Pennsylvania named Adams who happened to know Eleanor Roosevelt:
In his letter, Adams stated that the bat was the "lowest form of animal life", and that, until now, "reasons for its creation have remained unexplained". He went on to espouse that bats were created "by God to await this hour to play their part in the scheme of free human existence, and to frustrate any attempt of those who dare desecrate our way of life."
There's something very typical about some random middle-aged middle-class white dude deciding he knows what God's purpose is and it's to use the military to serve his wants and needs. I think of this as the Kissinger Aesthetic, where men in ugly haircuts and tortoiseshell glasses come up with wildly stupid plans to accomplish brutally cruel objectives. But it is, frankly, exactly the kind of thinking that would result in some poor Naval grunt having to look after several pairs of bats all the way from Carlsbad to Askazer-Shivadlakia, then either being ordered to release them because the plan was scrapped (which, it was scrapped in late 1944) or accidentally releasing them because he stored them in the wrong cage or something.
I bet Michaelis and Jes do an episode of All On Mike about the Infamous Immigrant Bats Of Fons-Askaz and the battles of three separate kings to eradicate them (Gregory II, Nathan IV, Jason) before Michaelis actually, you know, phoned up a specialist in bats and asked what his options were. Said bat specialist probably immigrated as well and has been Bat Health Officer with the conservation corps for the last few decades.
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usafphantom2 · 4 months
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The Lockheed SR-71A Blackbird "Big Tail" has calibration stripes painted on its tail to help with tracking during early flight and taxi tests
Big Tail - One of a Kind Variant
Shortly after the first SR-71’s began flying operational missions over North Vietnam, the Air Force was looking into ways of expanding the capabilities of the aircraft. With the interchangeable noses, mission planners had to make a choice of flying either optical cameras or side-looking radar, depending upon the mission requirements and the weather over the target area. Unfortunately several missions were rendered useless when weather over the target area prevented the use of the optical camera systems installed. There was also the possibility that future ground defenses had the ability to reach the SR-71 from behind since it carried no aft facing countermeasures.
SR-71A 959 Big Tail on the ramp at Palmdale.(Lockheed Photo)
In 1974, the Air Force identified a requirement for aft facing ECM requirement on the SR-71. Several proposals examined by the Air Force included conformal packages, belly pods as well as an extended tail fairing. After researching all the possibilities, the extended tail appeared to be the most viable option based on lowest cost, added volume and least aerodynamic drag. The new “Big Tail” assembly is 13-feet, 9-inches long and weighs 1,273 lbs. with 49 cubic feet of space to carry 864 lbs. of payload. The primary payload consisted of aft facing ECM as well as the 24-inch Optical Bar Camera. The new assembly needed to articulate 8.5 degrees up and down to clear the runway during take-off and landing.
The tenth SR-71 built (61-7959) was selected to receive the new modification. This aircraft was already being used for flight test duties at Palmdale at the time so there would be no effect on the operational fleet. Between April and November 1975, ‘959 received the modification with the new tail fairing; necessary modifications included a 51-inch adapter unit for the new tail, air conditioning for cameras and other equipment as well as routing the fuel vent along the upper surface of the tail. In addition to the tail modification, chine bays were modified to accommodate the 24-inch Optical Bar Camera.
The modified tail assembly shows up well in this view as SR-71A 61-7959 ‘Big Tail’ takes on fuel from a KC-135Q tanker aircraft. The ex-tended tail required the fuel dump port to be routed across the top of the new tail assembly.
With the stress and vibration testing completed, ‘Big Tail’ was taken out for the first high-speed taxi test on November 20, 1975 by Lockheed test crew Darrell Greenamyer (pilot) and Steven Belgeau (Reconnaissance Systems Officer-RSO). Two weeks later, on December 3, the same crew took Big Tail up on its first flight. Lasting just over one hour, the crew performed basic flight checks as well as tail deflections and fuel dump tests. With each test flight with the same Lockheed crew, Big Tail flew to higher speeds and altitudes achieving Mach 3 at 75,000 ft during the 6th flight on January 28,1976. Prior to turning the aircraft over to Air Force test crews, Greenamyer performed 4 solo flights to prove the system could be run by just a single crewmember. The RSO’s seat occupied by a ballast dummy affectionately known as “Sierra Sam”.
Once Lockheed crews proved the system worked, the Air Force took over all flight testing. Tom Pugh and Bob Riedenauer became the pilots and RSO duties went to William Frazier and John Carnochan with the first Air Force flight taking place on May 5, 1976. Over the next 6 months these Air Force crews made 23 flights in ‘Big Tail’, testing various camera systems in the tail and chine bays, as well as new ECM systems such as the DEF I, DEF J and DEF A-2.
Although ‘Big Tail’ proved to be a viable system, the Air Force chose not to pursue the concept any further.  After only 36 flights with the extended tail, ‘959 made its last flight on Oct. 29 1976
@Habubrats71 via X
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iamforsaken · 11 months
Hiya!! Could you possibly write something about dee and a gn reader working on a school project and just laying all over each other, and it just really being tooth rotting fluff over all. Thanks!!!
(Sorry for the lack of context,but i would love to hear your spin on it)
He would probably get annoyed if you moved around too much, but after getting over that issue it would mostly be calm, but expect to be flicked if you crush him…. Which would definitely happen … that boy is SCRAWNY he is NOT strong at ALL, you could crush him just by putting a bit more pressure on him.
Nagging… so much nagging. He will be HARSH on your work, but he just wants to help…. lots of name calling . However, if HE makes a mistake… payload. You will get to embarrass the LIFE out of him.
Getting smothered by pillows is always an option if Heavy were to barge in…. or getting shoved onto the floor by a very flustered Dee.
Sorry this was short! Hope you enjoy!!!
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theluckywizard · 7 months
In the Shattering of Things, Ch. 70: Chasing Shadows
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Summary: Rose continues to uncover the chaos behind the scenes at the Winter Palace and alerts her advisors to her discoveries.
Fic Summary: Lady Rose Trevelyan's idle, aristocratic life blinks out in a haze of irrelevance when the breach destroys the Conclave. She may be soft and coddled when she joins the Inquisition, but there's a fierceness inside her she's yet to fully recognize. Armed with only a few relevant skills and the mark that makes her a legend, she is thrust onto a path delivering hope where it’s long been scorched away and finds comfort in the grumpy, handsome stick in the mud charged with her protection and training. As she stumbles her way across southern Thedas, she begins to realize she's tangled at the center of machinations she barely understands, and she's not alone in that. Enter Hawke.
Excerpt below the cut 👇
“We found more evidence of foul play— a lot more. Which may or may not be related to the Tevinters.”
“Then perhaps we should warn the empress now,” he says, leaning to peer through the door back into the ballroom.
“Aside from Josephine skinning us alive for being too obvious, Celene’s advisor Morrigan said she’d be by her side,” I explain.
“Did her advisor even make it that far?” he asks.
“I’m not sure.”
“We should check,” he insists and moves to stride back inside. 
I catch Cullen by his hand before he draws too much attention looking eagle eyed and overly alert at someone else’s party.
“Not like that,” I scold him. “Here— give me your arm. We have to act casual.”
“Andraste have mercy,” he mutters, rubbing a hand over his face in frustration. “What does that even mean?” 
Apparently he used up all his patience for playing it cool earlier. He holds out his elbow stiffly. I tuck my hand into it.
“Smile,” I instruct. I pretend to delight in my surroundings before glancing at him. “Act like you’re having a good time.”
Cullen stares at me blankly, addled by how far outside his skill my directive falls.
“Well— just, try not to look so antsy,” I say. “Talk to me.”
“About what?”
“Explain to me— the finer points of our latest siege capabilities.”
Cullen’s gold embroidered epaulets fall an inch. “The ballistas or the mangonels?”
I grumble softly, waffling my head around in frustration. “Take your pick.”
We move back into the ballroom and Cullen begins explaining the rationale behind our array of mangonels and the benefits of single projectiles versus scattershot. I nod and smile, and snatch us two glasses of punch from a passing tray, offering one to Cullen.
“I’m not drinking tonight,” he argues, baffled once again.
My eyes do a somersault. “It’s for show. Just— pretend to take a sip.”
Apparently incapable of pretending to drink, Cullen dribbles a splotch of punch on his uniform. He curses under his breath and I stifle an unruly laugh.
“At least it’s red,” I note in a whisper. “I see part of Celene’s dress around that corner. Keep going. Mangonels.”
Cullen continues, discussing a few options for setting payloads ablaze and which are the most cost effective. Celene comes fully into view, clearly in discussion with someone I can’t yet see.
“She’s talking to someone— don’t look.”
“I’m not,” he protests. Cullen cranes his head and looks.
I poke him sharply. “Tell me about the tar.”
He scowls at me momentarily before continuing. “The tar pits of Edgehall are rather close, fortunately. Geologists believe—”
Morrigan’s raven black and wine-colored form appears from around the corner as she emerges to sweep her eyes over the room. A young heavily armored man stands vigilant beyond Celene. Morrigan nods to me subtly.
“She’s there. Along with Celene’s champion I believe,” I remark, allowing the breath I’d been partially holding to leave me fully.
Read the rest here
Start the fic here!
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scoobydoodean · 8 months
SAM: You bitch. You lying bitch! RUBY: Don't hurt yourself, Sammy. It's useless. You shot your payload on the boss. SAM: The blood... You poisoned me. RUBY: No. It wasn't the blood. It was you... and your choices. I just gave you the options, and you chose the right path every time.
*Mortal Kombat voice* FATALITY
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howtofightwrite · 7 months
I've got a world-building/combat question. I have these two warring nations in my setting, both medieval-ish tech levels. One of them figures out how to make magical flying craft that are basically WWI airplanes. The other country invents dragon riders in response. Since then, they've been at war for ~60 years. I'm trying to figure out how the heck an air force would alter medieval combat strategies. If you've any suggestions, I'd appreciate it
The first, and biggest world building problem is that magic is part of your overall tech level. Ironically, Diskworld is an excellent example of how magical technology can basically function as an alternate path for social and technical development, though, honestly, a lot of high-magic settings tend to have tech leakage from magic.
One of the more common examples that comes to mind are “magical radios.” Either it's an enchanted device that allows person to person communication, or it's direct telepathic communication, but whatever it is, it serves a fundamentally similar role to a handheld radio, or (depending on how it works) a phone. The thing is, it's functionally a magical replacement, and it would affect society in much the same way those technologies have.
This is a long way to say, if your magical combat technology has WWI-grade planes, there is a very real possibility that a lot of your warfare is also going to be at a similar magi-tech level, if not more advanced. Having written that, I'm reminded of The Red Star comic series; though, that has a heavy Soviet aesthetic, and is not-at-all medieval.
Again, it doesn't really matter if you have fully-automatic firearms, or if you have a bolt thrower that conjures and propels crystals at hyper-sonic speeds into your foes. If they have a similar rate of fire, and similar accuracy, the meaningful change is texture. Your characters might see tiny crystal fragments shattered on the floor, or embedded into walls, instead of bullet holes. There may be no smell, or conjuring the crystals might leave a different odor. A handheld lightning projector might leave scorch marks, and a scent of ozone, for instance.
Magic might also factor into armor and defenses. If you can use a magical ward to dispel conjured objects, that might be extremely useful for fortifying specific targets against incoming conjured attacks, but it would likely be wholly ineffective against the lightning projector, or some other kind of directed energy beam weapon.
“Inventing,” dragon riding as a response to someone else making a magical airship, does strike me as an odd cause-and-effect. If dragon riding was that easy, it would seem likely that someone would have militarized them long before that point. Inventing flying objects that could function as a hard counter to dragons feels a little more natural. Or, magical, AA installations. Though, this is something that could probably be finessed, if you're really committed to the setup. It's also worth remembering that air superiority is an extremely potent advantage, even if you're not sure what to do with it, meaning that if one side suddenly had fliers, and the other side couldn't come up with a counter in short order, they'd be picked apart, and the war wouldn't have this 60 year timescale.
If it seems like I went to ranged weapons very quickly, there's a simple reason. You can't joust from a plane. Your options are to either propel objects at people, or drop things on them from above. Dragons also (usually) have the option to breathe fire on them. Now, firearms did exist in the late medieval era. So, that's not that far out of range. I'm less sure of the invention of bombs. At least, of the variety you could deliver to your enemy on the battlefield. Though, it occurs to me, you could probably use a catapult or trebuchet to deliver an explosive payload, if the explosives were stable enough to survive launch, but sensitive enough to detonate on impact. (Of course, if you have some kind of magically primed explosive, that stays stable until it is ejected from the catapult, and then explodes on impact, that would work.)
Looping back to the timescale again, this would require some pretty potent defensive capabilities. A dragon, with the ability to breathe fire, and the capacity for strategic thinking, could easily starve out an entire kingdom, simply by making a habit of torching all the cropland it could find. It doesn't, particularly matter if it gets all the food, so long as it torches a meaningful percentage of the available crops. When you have farmers going hungry, you're going to see food production dipping, exacerbating the problem. When you have soldiers going hungry, they're not going to be able to fight as effectively. When you have the peasantry going hungry, you're going to see civil unrest, and probably rebellions coming for their lord's head. You can't wage a war against a hostile nation under those circumstances. (In fact, there were multiple peasant revolts during the Hundred Years War, which basically stalled out France's ability to fight. England also suffered multiple peasant uprisings at roughly the same time. Though, those were motivated by taxation, which ends in a similar place.)
A related concept that's somewhat hinted above, is that wars are expensive, and both France and England found themselves facing uprisings because of taxation needed to support the ongoing war. (The irony being that both nations encountered this at roughly the same point in history. Roughly 40 years into the war.) A war that's been going for 60 years will likely have ravaged the economies of the involved nations. This isn't necessarily something that your characters would be aware of, unless you expand the context to show non-wartime economies.
The simplest explanation for why this happens is that any money you spend prosecuting the war are products that you never see returning value from. The money itself doesn't leave the economy, but the natural resources, and labor required, are expended non-productively (from the perspective of economic growth.) So, if you have a peacetime merchant, they're moving money around, but they're paying for their goods, and then those goods are going to consumers, who may also be contributing to economic activity with those goods (this even applies for food, you can think of that as a necessary component to any productive activity.) If you're a wartime merchant, selling weapons to the military, you are contributing to economic activity when you buy the weapons, but when they're sold to the crown, that's no longer productive. Those weapons leave the economy and never return. Worse, any soldiers who are permanently wounded, or killed, are also removed from the economy. Over time, this can destroy the most prosperous of nations. (To be clear, this is more advanced economic analysis than anyone in the middle ages would have had. So, the idea that wars are expensive was understood, but the exact reasons it slowed the economy were not.) And, this kind of thinking is another form of technological advancement. Ideas for understanding complex systems have become more intricate and detailed over time. While it's not the concept of, “invention,” that you might be used to, it is a similar form of progress.
So, how would this look in your world? There's a lot of potential consequences, most of which are not contradictory.
An impoverished lower-class is very likely. Whether that includes wounded veterans or not is a little more up in the air, though after 60 years, military pensioners, and those who suffered life-altering injuries on the battlefield are likely to be a common sight, either on the street or in the poverty line. (Especially if the crown is willing to enforce drafts and conscription.) At this point, that might be a very real possibility.
A struggling aristocracy is also likely, with former major power players who've declined into poverty. This might take the form of borderline abandoned estates that have been taken over by the crown or squatters. (Probably not both at the same time.)
Serious inflation is likely (and could be why formerly stable guild members, merchants, and even some of the aristocracy might now find themselves struggling.) I realize this point isn't something most really think of when you're trying to write a fantasy world, but it's worth considering. More likely this will be seen in food prices having increased over time. So the major symptoms you'd likely see would be decaying structures that no one has the resources to maintain, rising food prices, and generalized poverty. Even in a fairly magically advanced setting, a lot of these things would, likely, still happen. Of course, if the dragons have been used to destroy the agricultural base, things would be even worse in that nation. To be clear, food and taxation riots are not off the table there.
This is sort of a non-sequitur, but if you have a setting with classic transmutation (lead, or other base metals, into gold), you would actually see inflation with every batch of transmuted gold hitting the market. It's sort of an amusing note on the fantasy of being able to produce as much money as you want, but ultimately, it's actually harmful from a macroeconomic perspective. (Basically, the same reason counterfeiting is a problem.) Though, it is a possible hook for criminal groups in one of those nations, producing counterfeit gold via transmutation.
There's also a real world example from 2020, where a jewelry company had fabricated “fake,” gold bars as collateral to secure loans. In total, they claimed to have 83 tons of gold used to obtain loans worth over 2.8 billion dollars, from 14 different creditors. Except, when they defaulted on those loans, and were forced to hand over the gold, it was discovered that these were in fact gold plated copper bars.
I realize the question was about the flying forces specifically, but so long as that advantage is dealt with quickly, and neither side is able to monopolize air superiority, that's not going to change nearly as much as having that level of magical advancement would on its own, and of course, the general consequences of having a war that's been going on for long enough that multiple generations have died on the battlefield. That's going to a bigger effect on your world as a whole.
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faranae · 5 months
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My first ever hacker in Friendship: The Game!
After quite the glowy display they lit themselves without me touching them, started using top-tier friendship emotes at me, exploded ALL of their light all over the map, got it all back again...
A friend of theirs (I assume) showed up, lit themselves for me just like the first one did, and proceeded to watch the utter chaos unfold.
SooOOOoooo anyway if you ever need to report a hacker in Sky, it's easier than it seems:
In the support menu, you know that QR code it generates? First of all, that's clickable so you don't actually need a camera. (That's not super clear on PC, at least.) Tapping/clicking it will take you to a simple-looking support page with a chatbot.
Some folks think it's a generic page, but that QR code includes a "payload" in the URL that identifies you! So once you're in there, you don't have to worry about remembering all of the technical details. All you have to do is answer a few questions which the bot will walk you through; For most answers, it will provide options for you to click.
For the final details, all you have to do is give what info you can about the hacker and the mischief they were up to. The person looking at your ticket will have access to a log of what happened, not direct footage: If you can give specifics about the hacker themselves such as a notable item they were wearing or expression they were using, it can help identify which player is causing the problem.
Once you've given the information you can remember, that's it! You can go back to playing, or close everything out if you'd like! You don't have to wait for any responses or anything like that.
Also, something super cute? The chatbot, whose name is, generically, "Thatgamecompany Support", will change its name as soon as it realizes you're reporting a hacker.
So don't worry. The Abuse Spirit will take good care of you.
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