#pc: mysterious lady
battle-of-alberta · 3 months
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why did we let him have doughnut party
i am usually wary of july flavours because they're often cocktail or fruit/flower based, but this year we are going full stampede apparently. I mean, look at the cursed ice cream combinations coming out of Made By Marcus this month:
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(for the uninitiated, caesar is not a caesar salad, it is a Calgary-born cocktail of tomato juice / clam juice / vodka, although they have omitted the clamato for vegan purposes which essentially makes it a bloody mary) (we can forgive dill pickle pb since it was one of the original flavours and created for marcus' pregnant wife, according to legend)
(toasted hay saskatoon berry is the bomb dot com though, I can vouch for that one!!)
anyway, the yeg exclusive doughnut party bonus!
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cream filled, chocolate glazed, honeycomb on top! yum
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sparring-spirals · 1 year
Imogen: Oh, you guys [F.C.G and Fearne] didn't even meet them [Caleb and Beau].
Fearne: Well, i only saw a glimpse of her back but, what I did see, whew, what a back.
Imogen, only communicating the most CRITICAL of information: she was- she had abs for DAYS-
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dragonagitator · 11 months
Timeline of major events during Gale Dekarios's lifetime
Here is my attempt to compile a timeline of major events that took place during Gale's lifetime, including his personal history, happenings in his hometown of Waterdeep, and major world events that would have affected him personally or affected everyone in Faerun. I hope this is useful in writing your Gale-centric fanfics!
The time period covered assumes that Gale is 40 years old during the events of BG3 and thus was born in the year 1452 DR. AFAIK there's no canon age given for Gale, but most fanons seem to peg him as being between 35 and 45, so I went with the middle of that range. Please feel free to adjust his estimated age for each event up or down depending on how old you think he is in BG3, e.g., if you think he's 38 then subtract 2 years, if you think he's 42 then add 2 years, etc.
Some of the more interesting implications of this timeline revolve around how much Mystra's powers and presence in the world significantly changed during Gale's lifetime. When Gale was a child or teen and first attracted the attention of Mystra, she was weak, not in contact with her Chosen, and assumed to be dead by most of the world. Gale was ~27 years old and already her lover by the time a "much diminished" Mystra called to Elminster for help, and Gale was ~35 years old when Mystra fully regained her powers as the Goddess of Magic. She seems to have dumped him shortly thereafter.
Detailed timeline and sources under the cut. It's long.
Most of the text that isn't specifically about Gale is copypasted from the Forgotten Realms wiki. See bottom for links. I haven't read all the novels and modules referenced by the wiki for these events yet and thus will likely need to revise this timeline as I work my way through those.
Birth to age ~27: until 1479 DR worldwide: Mystra was generally considered to be "dead"/missing during Gale's childhood and early adulthood because Mystra/Midnight was "murdered" by Cyric in 1385 DR (67 years before Gale was born).
However, Forgotten Realms canon of Mystra's timeline clashes with what Gale tells us about the timeline of his relationship with her:
Gale: "Once upon a time, not quite that long ago, there lived a wizard in a tower. The wizard was what one might call a prodigy, who from an early age could not only control the Weave, but compose it, much like a musician or a poet. Such was my skill that it earned me the attention of the mother of magic herself. The Lady of Mysteries. The goddess Mystra. She revealed herself to me and she became my teacher. In time, she became my muse, and later, even my lover." PC: "What did Mystra's attention feel like?" Gale: "Love. Perhaps it was not quite love, but you see, the wizard was but a very young man. It was most certainly love to him."
Speaking as a middle-aged person myself, while most 40-year-olds would consider 27 to be "young," the modifier of "very" suggests he that was much younger than 27 when he first became Mystra's lover. I'm older than the oldest estimates for Gale's age and I still wouldn't characterize myself at age 27 as being "but a very young woman." That description seems more fitting for someone in their late teens / early 20s.
Also, if he was "but a very young man" when they became lovers, then that means he was even younger (a child or teenager) when she first revealed herself to him and started teaching him magic.
So Gale's relationship with Mystra must have started during the period that the rest of the world believed she was dead or missing. Mystra did still have some sort of disembodied "presence" during this period, so maybe she was simply not able or interested in speaking to Elminster or her other previously established Chosen. Or perhaps she was fragmented, and Gale's relationship began with one of those fragments? Part of her "presence" ended up possessing a bear, but I'm assuming not the part that Gale was fucking.
Birth to age ~30: until 1482 DR worldwide: Gale was born and grew up during the "Era of Upheaval," which was known for widespread wild magic and dead magic zones, a lot of changes in the pantheon of deities, and a lot of wars and political conflicts amongst mortals.
Age ~16: c. 1468 DR in Waterdeep: "Dagult Neverember, the richest man in the city, became Open Lord."
Age ~27: 1479 DR in Waterdeep: "By this year, the Field Ward had been established, and Skullport was no longer inhabited."
Age ~27: 1479 DR in Waterdeep: "The 8th walking statue, the Griffon, appeared in Waterdeep and to defend Ahghairon's Tower. It eventually settled down near the Peaktop Aerie on Mount Waterdeep and eventually became a landmark of the city."
Age ~27: 1479 DR in western Cormyr [roughly 1050 miles / 1690 km southeast of Waterdeep]: "While recuperating in a cabin in the King's Forest, Elminster felt Mystra's presence calling to him. He found her much diminished, possessing the body of a bear that had guarded a cache of items Mystra's still-mortal form had collected. She asked her most trusted servant to find new candidates to become Chosen and to recruit Cormyr's War Wizards. Only a few weeks later, having been restored to his full powers as a Chosen by absorbing the silver fire of the dying Symrustar Auglamyr and then that of the Simbul and Manshoon, Elminster returned to Mystra (in agony from absorbing too much of it) and returned much of it to the Lady of Mysteries, restoring much of her power and divinity. This event became known as Mystra's Return."
I'm assuming that Elminster's acquaintance with Gale must have begun sometime after this because otherwise you'd think Gale would have mentioned "oh yeah she's not actually dead, we've been banging for a while now."
Mystra reestablishing contact Elminster, regaining some of her power, and the rest of the world learning that she was alive is pretty huge and therefore must have been a significant turning point in her relationship with Gale as well.
I'm also assuming that Gale did not become one of Mystra's official Chosen until after this, since it seems like Mystra's Chosen weren't active while she was laying low and letting the world think she was dead?
Ages ~30 to ~35: 1482 DR to 1487 DR worldwide: "The Second Sundering, also known as the Sundering of Toril and Abeir, was a great catastrophic event in the history of the worlds of Abeir and Toril."
Age ~32: 1484 DR worldwide: "Most of the gods created many Chosen among mortals, trying to gather as much power as possible to be as high in divine ranking as they could before Ao completed the new Tablets of Fate, sealing their status and portfolio. People started to claim they had been 'chosen' by the gods and granted special powers, some apparently for 'divine purposes' while others had no idea why."
It's possible that Gale was recruited to be a Chosen of Mystra by Elminster per Mystra's instructions to Elminster to find candidates, but given that the gods were also choosing people directly during this period and that Mystra had a preexisting relationship with Gale, she may have also Chosen him directly herself. Poor Elminster out there trying to find the best candidates and then Mystra surprises him by adding her boyfriend to the roster. Gale being a nepotism hire despite having otherwise been qualified would be pretty funny.
Age ~34: 1486 DR in Waterdeep: "Neverwinter and Waterdeep began to clear the rubble in their cities that had built up over a century of neglect."
Hey, remember when Gale said that he used to be able to levitate an entire tower back when he was an archmage? Maybe this is when he was doing stuff like that.
Age ~35: 1487 DR worldwide: "Stars reportedly fell from the sky, gods long thought dead walked the land and armies led by Chosen clashed everywhere. Major geological instability resulted in numerous earthquakes and volcanoes, as the worlds of Abeir and Toril were separated once again, and areas once consumed by large chasms were restored to their pre-Spellplague status. Ships arrived on the mainland continent from Evermeet, Halruaa, Lantan, and Nimbral—all realms previously thought lost to Toril."
Age ~35: 1487 DR in Candledeep [roughly 650 miles / 1050 km south of Waterdeep] : "In an attempt to fully restore the goddess Mystra and the Weave, Elminster Aumar began his search for Khelben Arunsun's writings on the Weave, heading towards Candlekeep. Laeral and Alustriel Silverhand had also been hiding within the library: the two sisters' duty was to prepare their own destruction, so that no one could use their power to gain control over the Weave." ... "The energies of the destroyed Wards were absorbed by the Shadow King, who then left for Myth Drannor, followed by the three Chosen of Mystra."
Although Gale was likely a Chosen of Mystra by this point, he wasn't one of the three mentioned here.
Age ~35: 1487 DR in Myth Drannor [roughly 1350 miles / 2170 km east of Waterdeep]: "Meanwhile in Myth Drannor, Larloch, the Netherese, and the Chosen of Mystra (allied with the elves) clashed in a catastrophic battle." ... "As Elminster defeated Tanthul in a mage duel, the Netherese enclave crashed atop Myth Drannor. Elminster himself was saved by Mystra, who gained full control over the Weave once more, stopping Shar from turning it into a new Shadow Weave."
Age ~35: 1487 DR worldwide: "As 1487 DR came to a close, the Second Sundering ended with the full return of Mystra and the Weave, the separation of the worlds Abeir and Toril."
Gale was not a character in the novel about these events so any personal involvement would have been minor, but I'm including them in his timeline because he would have been impacted by the "full return" of Mystra to the world. I imagine he would have experienced many of the same issues that spouses of someone just elected to a high-level office go through.
Gale's lack of personal involvement in Mystra's restoration despite being her Chosen AND her lover is kinda weird, which makes me wonder if things were already starting to sour between them? I really wish that I could lock Ed Greenwood and Jan Van Dosselaer in a room together until they came up with a coherent explanation for what the fuck Gale was up to while all this was going down.
Age ~35 to ~39: 1487 DR to 1491 DR: Sometime during this period must have been when Mystra dumped Gale and he went looking for a lost bit of Weave to win her back but got a Netherese orb lodged in his chest instead.
Mystra was newly back to her full power as the Goddess of Magic and laying down the law, and Gale didn't take that very well:
Gale: "We enjoyed each other's company - body, mind and soul. But even so, I desired more. You see, no matter how powerful a wizard we mortals can become, we never scratch more than the surface of the Weave. Mystra keeps us in check. There are boundaries she doesn't let us cross. Yet every time I was with her, I stood on the precipice, gazing into the wonders that lay beyond. I sought to cross her boundaries." PC: "How exactly did you try to cross those boundaries?" Gale: "I tried to convince her. I pouted, I pleaded, I swore my ambition was only to serve her better. But she only smiled and told me to be contented. As inconceivable as it seems to me now, I shared a bed with a goddess and yet I wasn't satisfied. So I sought to prove myself worthy to her instead."
Gale's description of what happened after she dumped him sounds like it took place over a multi-year period, since I'm assuming that he had to spend some time searching for the "tome of gateways":
Gale: "The goddess spurned the mortal. The veils were drawn once more, and the wizard was left behind heartbroken." ... "Poor wizard. Silly wizard too, for he wouldn't take no for an answer. Like so many of the heartbroken, he did something infinitely foolish. One has to think big if one seeks to win back a goddess. So the wizard thought big." PC: "Define big." Gale: "Here goes: Once upon a time, very long ago, a mighty lord lived in a tower. A flying tower to be precise. I'll save his story for another time, but the gist of it is that he sought to usurp the goddess of magic so that he could become a god himself. He almost managed, but not quite, and his entire empire - Netheril - came crashing down around him as he turned to stone. The magic unleashed that day was phenomenal, roiling like the prime chaos that outdates creation. A fragment of it was caught and sealed away in a book. No ordinary book, mind you: a tome of gateways that contained within it a bubble of Astral Plane. It was a fragment of primal Weave locked out of time - locked away from Mystra herself. 'What if', the silly wizard thought, 'What if after all this time, I could return this lost part of herself to the goddess?'" PC: "What was the answer to his question?" Gale: "The answer was to try, and the outcome was to fail."
Not sure how much Gale was around for the next few events, since he might have been gallivanting around the Astral Plane looking for the tome instead of spending time in Waterdeep. But one assumes he'd notice the physical changes to the city whenever he returned, and that he'd hear about local news from his mother and Tara, so he would certainly be aware that these things happened.
Age ~37: 1489 DR in Waterdeep: "In response to increasing dragon and cultist activity, the Council of Waterdeep was formed, bringing together representatives of realms from all across the Sword Coast. The threat of the Cult of the Dragon was driven home when Masked Lord Arthagast Ulbrinter was assassinated, though it inspired more resolve than fear. In the midst of these events, Open Lord Dagult Neverember was ousted by a vote of the Lords of Waterdeep, replaced by Laeral Silverhand. Although Waterdeep was largely spared due to the dragonward, the Field Ward was still burned to ashes by dragon attacks, displacing huge numbers of people."
Age ~38: 1490 DR in Waterdeep: "The cloud giant castle of Count Nimbolo and Countess Mulara appeared out of clouds and hovered over Waterdeep for a while, triggering mass panic. Heralds sent out by Lady Laeral Silverhand tried to calm citizens and promise that there was no danger. In fact, the giants wanted to research Waterdeep's history and meet its leaders, as they search for traces of the ancient giant realm of Ostoria."
Age ~39: 1491 DR in the Astral Plane (I think?): Gale finds the "tome of gateways" and becomes afflicted with the Netherese orb:
Narrator: "You see through Gale's eyes, staring down the corridors of a dread memory. A book, bound, then suddenly opened. Inside there are no pages, only a swirling mass of blackest Weave that pounces. It's teeth, it's claws, it's unstoppable as it digs through you and becomes part of you. And gods, is it ever-hungry…"
Age ~39: 1491 DR in Waterdeep: Gale begins a year-long isolation in his tower in Waterdeep and eventually stops communicating with anyone except Tara. Not sure exactly when his isolation began relative to the other events of this year, so he may or may not have been personally affected by or even aware of some of the Waterdeep events below.
Age ~39: 1491 DR in Waterdeep: "The returned Eilistraee appeared under the walls of Waterdeep causing an influx in the amount of her followers in the city. They eventually sought out Remallia Haventree and asked her for a holy forest-glade in the ruins of the Field Ward. By Mirtul, the housing crisis in Waterdeep had worsened as a mysterious sickness killed or drove out all of the inhabitants of Downshadow, the Field Ward remained desolated by dragonfire, and Mistshore was burned down by agents of Masked Lord Braethan Cazondur, rendering all three unofficial wards uninhabitable."
Age ~39: 1491 DR in Waterdeep: "Fear threatened to overtake Waterdeep once again as the cloud giant castle of Burruld hovered over the ocean near the city. After the Blackstaff Vajra Safahr panicked and threatened the giants, Open Lord Laeral Silverhand calmed the situation, negotiated with Burruld, and learned that their purpose was to search for the lost daughter of King Skyvald, Princess Irie."
Age ~39: 1491 DR in Waterdeep: "In mid-Mirtul, numerous Masked Lords and other people were gruesomely assassinated as part of Cazondur's conspiracy to seize control of the city. Open Lord Laeral Silverhand, assisted by Elminster and Mirt, worked to maintain order in the city while investigating the murders. While attempting to apprehend Cazondur, Laeral herself was killed and disintegrated by a surprisingly simple trap involving falling rocks, but recovered with Elminster's assistance. An exceedingly dramatic showdown at the Palace of Waterdeep between Laeral and Cazondur in front of assembled servants, nobles and guildmasters resulted in Cazondur's death at the hands of an unexpected third party, Xanathar agents Belvarra Bowmantle and Suthool. Including Cazondur, a total of thirteen Masked Lords and scores of others were slain, and several more Lords publicly unmasked."
Please note that our best guess for the location of Gale's tower puts it couple blocks away from Mirt's Mansion and Gale has mentioned being a patron of the Yawning Portal Tavern, so it seems likely that Gale and Mirt would have been acquainted. If Gale was already in isolation by the time all this went down, perhaps Elminster and Mirt tried dropping by Gale's tower at some point but were repelled by the wards that Gale had set up to keep everyone away? Gale seemed very certain that no one cared about him enough to check on him but I wonder how much of that was the depression talking.
Age ~39: 1491 DR in Waterdeep: "A delegation from the city of Mirabar disappeared while en route to the city, having been waylaid by cultists of the Elder Elemental Eye."
Age ~40: 1492 DR in Waterdeep: Gale abruptly departs his tower and doesn't tell anyone where he's going per Tara's line in his origin, "You left the tower in such a hurry, and you didn't leave an address."
Age ~40: 1492 DR in Yartar [roughly 310 miles / 500 km north of Waterdeep as the crow flies]: Gale is kidnapped by the nautiloid. As explained in a previous post, I believe that he was headed north to find an unpopulated area to die and explode in.
FR wiki: Gale Dekarios
FR wiki: Era of Upheaval
FR wiki: Second Sundering
FR wiki: Mystra
FR wiki: Mystra (Midnight)
FR wiki: History of Waterdeep
FR wiki: Yartar
BG3 datamined dialogue transcripts
Map of Faerun
Sad headcanons posted to Tumblr by various people over the past few months that I unfortunately didn't save links to. If you saw something in here that you've posted about then I probably got the idea from you. Please feel free to drop links in the comments so people can read the original post(s) about it, thanks!
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adachimoe · 14 days
2009 Persona Club P4 Profiles
I've posted Adachi and Yukiko's before, but this is a collection of all their "YHVH" (Yasogami High Visual H) social media profiles.
The protagonist doesn't have a profile due to him being the silent protagonist.
Nickname: Isn't "Prince Walking Disappointment" kinda mean?
Greeting: Yo!-Sup? This is Yo!-Su?-Ke's room (... I tried ...)
Favorite music: Something you can listen to and play. Guitar owns!
Favorite Food: Fruit flavored throat drops cause they're good for karaoke (Yosuke can give the protagonist a Fruity Fruity Throat Lozenge in dungeon chats; also in the evening hangouts during Golden)
Least Favorite Food: Tofu - sorry Rise!
Dislikes: Cockroaches they're black and rustle around and move so quickly ugh
Clubs: People who commute on bikes, Wanna go to Junes?, Delicious Homemade Food, Trial of the Dragon
Inbox: "DVD!!! DVD!!!" (from Chie)
Parting words: Saving up for a scooter (these profiles are before Golden came out)
Nickname: Kung Fu Girl
Greeting: Check this! Hyah!
Gender: Girl!!!
Favorite food: Meat
Favorite animals: Hamsters, bunnies, and other tiny animals
Dislikes: Math, insects - the enemy of all mankind
Favorite movies: Kung fu
Clubs: Trial of the Dragon, Burning Dragon, Fans of Animals w/Tiny Eyes, Meat Lovers
Inbox: "Return my world history notebook" (from Yukiko)
Nickname: Yukiko, the lady of the house... Sigh...
Greeting: Hello~ Chie invited me
Likes: Japanese food, dogs (you see, one fateful day on the Samegawa... [omitted]) (Talking about her and Chie meeting due to a dog from Chie's SLink and the Golden audio drama)
Dislikes: Nothing in particular, but I don't take well to sex jokes / dirty talk
Special skills: Kimono dressing and table / place setting
Clubs: Japanese clothing fans, the Go Home club (for people who aren't in clubs), Let's visit the dam, Fans of Showa Era music
Inbox: "Lemme bathe in the hot springs again" (from Yosuke)
Nickname: If you call me bald, imma punch you in the face
Greeting: I'm Inaba's Runaway Train
Likes: Ototo (animal crackers), Homerun Bars (topsicles)
Hobbies: Sewing, knitting, peeling the wrappers off of Homerun Bars
Clubs: Let's Sew, Knitting Cafe, Delicious Shops in the Central Shopping District, Hawaiian Quilt Enjoyers
Ideal fight: One without rules
Inbox: "Hey, I got the rare submarine!" (from Yosuke; this was "rare penguin animal cracker" in English)
Nickname: Risechi / Risette, duh!
Greeting: Where a young maiden's secrets get revealed
Likes: Hagakure special from Hagakure Ramen
Hates: Japanese ginger and royal fern
Favorite people: Senpai / the protagonist, grandma
Least favorite people: Indecisive and unreliable people
Clubs: Cafes and Sweets of Okina city, Tofu Lovers, How about Kanami Mashita?, Fans of Animals w/Tiny Eyes
Inbox: "The best sweets around are..." (from Teddie)
Nickname: The detective prince
Greeting: Hi there, my upperclassmen invited me
Gender: No comment (As in, Naoto wrote "no comment")
Favorite book genre: Detective novels due to work
Likes: Putting myself in danger (longer explanation of what it says in Japanese)
Dislikes: Women's clothing - especially anything revealing
Specialty: Working with machines, been doing it since I was young
Clubs: Linux Fans, DIY PC Builders, Fans of Mystery Novel Narrative Tricks, Beginners Fashion
Inbox: "Let's get a bucket ice cream parfait tomorrow" (from Rise)
Lastly, Nanako, Dojima, and Adachi don't have the high school social media profiles, but they still have regular profiles nonetheless.
Likes: Dad, big brother, Risechi / Risette, everyone else in the Investigation Team, Junes
Dislikes: Fighting, shiokara (fermented fish guts; it seems that Dojima keeps these in the fridge in P4 lol. She uses some of them to make the Slime chocolate in Golden.)
Specialty: Singing the Junes theme
Likes: Nanako, beer
Dislikes: Working, physical tasks that require attention to detail (I'm clumsy)
Specialty: Judo, reading one's character
Likes: Sushi (especially uni), beef, cabbage dishes
Dislikes: Paperwork, cleaning his room
Specialty: Revolver maintenance
Here's the full post of Adachi's profile w/the fanart pages too
Teddie's is. Uh. An experience. I'll post his sometime else cause I think I'm not 100% sure how it should be handled. Like he fills out [gender/sex] (they're the same character in JP) as an emoji of a woman and the words "I live for love". Which I feel like is best interpreted as, "Sex: Yes please". But hmmmMMMmmm.
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neetily · 1 month
Now i cant stop thinking about Ouran Highschool DoL Club lolol it sounds interesting Id say! Whitney is the most popular! Kylar Struggling but happily giving each PC attention
But Id choose my Loved Robin <3
here are some of my thoughts >:D it's been a while since i watched ouran so if the vibes aren't vibing then feel free to correct me lmao. also i took some insp from bitch club don't judge me </3
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Whitney is by far the most popular choice for both genders. there's just something about the way he talks down to others, grabbing them by their hair or nape and tugging them, dragging them to where he wants them to be for their scheduled time that just seems to keep the freaks coming back, y'know? he acts as though he hates the gig, nonchalant and confused over why he's the most popular boy there, but it's pretty simple in retrospect. he rarely, if ever, turns down requests. willing to do whatever the fuck he's asked to do simply because he's the sluttiest of the group. on the plus side, he gets free hole every day, so he's not complaining. a quick and easy fuck, just like his clients, what's not to love? his only rule is that he never bottoms... at least, not for anyone except you. his favourite customer <3
Kylar doesn't think he's that popular because he never puts out for anyone, simply biding his time in the corner all alone, awaiting for the day that you pick him to spend some time with. but there's something alluring to how mysterious and aloof he is, right? gathering quite the following of loyal customers despite his strong dislike of them, avoiding eye contact and offering dry replies any time someone other than you decides to steal his time away from casual stalking. he's just too busy watching you, seething with raw jealousy at the way the others flirt with you so easily and regularly; he can't provide his clients with another more than hums and nods. he isn't even listening to them, petting his cock instead to the sight of your pretty smile.
But it's easy to see why Robin is popular in comparison, particularly with the ladies. indulging his customers so effortlessly, taking time and care and attention with each and every client that visits him, the real BFE! he puts out a decent amount once enough rapport has been built with his fans, making sure to leave a lasting impression to build a sizeable following. but, in spite of his apparent sincere appearances, he's really only taking part in the club as a form of practice. something about gaining enough experience to match your skill, his heart skipping a beat when you decide to slot him in for an evening. he's always so excited to show you what new things he's learned since last time <3!
Pure Sydney, on the other hand, does his best to avoid anything more than simple hand holding at most. his customers tend to be followers of the church, excited to hold the sydney's hand! and though he feels a twinge of guilt every time he holds someone's hand that isn't your own, he can't deny that he feels good upon seeing his clients smile so warmly back at him. rather than physical acts of affection, he much prefers the classic host club experience; sitting in a nice quiet corner together with however many patrons have came to visit him that day just to chat. light conversation, a quick balm to worried minds. it's pleasant, and he enjoys getting to see you on top of that!
Corrupted Sydney is of course taking part in the degenerate behaviour behind the scenes, though he exclusively reserves the rights to fucking his cock into your hole; no one else is allowed to fuck him or get fucked by him. a quick handjob under the table as he drinks tea by one of his most loyal supporters? sure, whatever. some thigh fucking with another customer as they sit on his lap for him to read to them? absolutely. but he waits for you to book his time before getting his cock wet, making sure his whole schedule is clear so that he can spend as much time on and with you as possible
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hestzhyen · 15 days
Chapter 48 Speculation Posting
Hello, dear void, and welcome to The Hype Building Chapter.
So Chihiro and Hakuri are collecting all the bearers before returning to Kamunabi HQ- hope that doesn't get derailed (sorry). TRAIN FIGHT INCOMING THOUGH! YEAH!
I love train fights! Chihiro's facing off against a snazzy-looking Hishaku guy and it's gonna be epic. I hope we get the full treatment of starting inside, moving to the top, ducking under bridges, decoupling cars- the works. With the current pace, I think we'll get through it and arrive at Senkutusu Temple by the end of the next chapter. What will be waiting for the crew there...? It's the location that probably houses the girlish-looking Bearer, but who knows.
OK, OK, before I get pilloried for trying to guess the associations despite completely whiffing on where Uruha would be, I think I got it this time. Sushi Chef has got to be at the sushi restaurant. If he isn't I'll... I don't know, yeet my PC off the nearest bridge or something. So that leaves two locations: Senkutsu Temple and Kuentaisha Shrine. I think Eye Scars is at Kuentaisha Shrine mostly because the name contains the kanji 煙 (en), which is specifically for smoke, tobacco, haze, and ash; and both times we've seen him, he's been smoking. So with the other three locations accounted for, that would leave Girl Bearer for the next stop at Senkutsu Temple. That's my theory! It sucks! But I'm rolling with it anyway!
But before we get there, Chihiro's gotta deal with this prettyboy:
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Why you got those dots under your eyes like Shiyumi, man? And why did the official TL mistranslate your name to "Hirohiko"?
And we even got this guys' name! (Wow, really spoiling us with the names lately, Hokazono-sensei.) Our villain this time is Hiruhiko (昼彦), meaning "noon boy" in a literal sense. 昼 (hiru) can be chosen to express the importance of being decisive and/or appreciating the joy of life. 彦 (hiko) is exclusively for male names and has multiple connotations- virtuosity, honor, respectability, being of good character... lmao. Wiping out Uruha's buddies and lugging their corpses for a few kilometers to bait him definitely fits the bill for that description, yup. This won't be the only fight between them- a named character is not going to go down in a single skirmish (probably). But hopefully Goldfish Batman can get a few good hits in for Bandana guy and the rest. Fuck 'im up, Chihiro.
"But wait, didn't the Anti-Kuregumo squad go down in one fight over thirty chapters ago?" you didn't ask. Why yes, they did. Isn't it strange that they break the rule of Hokazono-sensei not giving names to fodder and one-off characters?
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Gone but perhaps not totally forgotten? Missing: Makoto Kasahara (big hand guy with the stripe over his nose- he was out scouting).
Out of all these guys, Kazane is the only one with a real shot of being relevant again since he's alive and in mostly one piece. But we got full names for every member of the squad despite being stuck using fan nick names for important characters like Ice Lady. What gives? Were they named just for the shock value upon death? Plausibly! But now that we have Ice Lady, Braid Bro, Sazasis, Bandana-kun and more, these guys stick out as an exception.
I think that maybe we could get into sorcery clans as the mysteries surrounding the Hishaku are revealed. Because if I'm right about them being a defeated faction, it would make sense for them to have ties to clans with special abilities and powers like the Sazanamis. Sorcery is inherited, after all, and the Sazanamis aren't the only ones who would build a clan around those powers if they were useful enough.
The Sazanami name was, at best, an indirect reference to the nature of Isou and their clan legacy. I will not be putting much stock into the clan names and how they tie into members' abilities- my Japanese isn't good enough for that, and I don't have access to the raws to confirm what kanji were used for ability names anyway. But I think there are enough physical similarities between one set of characters in particular that illustrate what I mean about clans being tied to or split between sides.
Behold my awful MS Paint skills:
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Common traits: extremely short, stocky men with masks over their face (mouth in particular). We've seen Kiyohiko as a member of the task force, an unnamed Kamunabi higher-up that watched Chihiro's interrogation, and one of Uruha's guards at the hotsprings. The repeated mask and stature combination seems like a deliberate design choice at least.
And then there's this shot of the datenseki-empowered onsen invaders:
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The guy with the long braid in the middle looks an awful lot like Ikuto, doesn't he? A smidge suspicious in a series that goes out of it's way to kill off uniquely designed characters without any fanfare.
There's also some of the datenseki aura wisps looking like Kuregumo's dragon smoke effect...
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Rest in piss, Sojo.
The last time we saw datenseki in use, Tenri's spirit energy manifested as a jellyfish (ch. 33). Why is it indistinct smoke for these guys- is it because they probably aren't elite sorcerers? Are the datenseki provided by Sojo different than the one Tenri used somehow? Also, there's a limited number of these datenseki according to Chihiro... but we can presume that more can and will be made... Sojo is still gonna haunt the narrative though his deadly space rocks, I guess. I'm fine with this if it means he's never resurrected.
I think the designs for the characters and the smoke effects are artistic limitations first and foremost, but I can't completely let go of the "what if" nagging in the back of my head. It's too early in the series to see if this is subtle foreshadowing or just grasping at straws, so I won't hold on tight to this pet theory like I am with the Hishaku one. The only other scenario that's come close is the hinting about Hakuri's real talents (praying mantis imagery, first Isou misfire with his eye still becoming distorted, surviving the Enkotsu hit point-blank, the silhouette of the first patriarch sporting a mirrored version of Hakuri's hair style, Soya's tools disappearing, maybe his name if you read into that kind of stuff).
Oh yeah. We got another name this chapter: Yura (幽). 幽 means (to) seclude, subtle, confinement, tranquil, and/or dark. Spoopy. The connotations as a name are what one one would expect: profundity, having a mysterious presence, subtlety, so on and so forth. 幽 is usually read as yuu (the other reading is kasu), so if it turns out to be a code name of some kind, I wouldn't be surprised. For now, whether or not Yura is actually the Hishaku leader is unclear. It's too late for Hokazono-sensei to give us his name though- the Western fanbase has already dubbed him "John", which shall be his name forevermore.
Other than that, lots of Uruha hooray! He is a perfect blend of ridiculous and badass (sensing a trend with friendly characters that meet Chihiro, hmm...).
His conversation with Chihiro was so bittersweet...
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He really, truly cared about Kunishige the man instead of Kunishige the war hero. And Chihiro's expression... oh, my heart. I really appreciate these little reminders that Chihiro's still struggling with grief on top of his father's burdensome legacy. To be told he's the spitting image of his beloved dad after so many people doubted him clearly meant a great deal.
Uruha's raised a flag for teaching Hakuri how to value his own life too, just like I was hoping:
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Boy who has trouble valuing himself notices someone correctly assessing their own worth by refusing to take the bait that he would have fallen for. Hm.
I cut out the speculative yapfest because honestly, it's just one potential thread out of many. It might not even go anywhere at all. But if I want to indulge myself, I guess I can put it like this: Uruha is a very strong Hakuri parallel in both demeanor and situation. If it was just the first one, I wouldn't be investing in Hakuri character development stocks this arc. But now I will do so cautiously- and hope Uruha doesn't get buried under a mountain of death flags.
For now, we wait to see how Chihiro's second fight against a Hishaku member goes. Thank you, dear void, for letting me ramble once more.
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pianocat939 · 2 months
I haven’t posted in a longgggg time. Mostly because I’ve been on the grind for some video games + money to buy a new saxophone because my girlie is LIVING on tape rn ;-;
Anyway, this is just…a random idea I’ve thought of. I don’t have big plans yet, but just a little something to get me back to writing again.
So this idea is inspired by both Monster High and Monsters University. And the thing that might make this a shitpost is acrually the heavy design inspo from Mike Wazowski…save me from my brain-
Tw: Drugging, Needles (very brief), no consent mini surgery (installment of a device), implied stalking
So, MC is at university doing whatever studies they wish. Of course, they get assigned to a dorm to make transportation easier.
(MC can be human or any creature you choose, I’m bullshitting here)
Upon first entrance, their roommate happens to be some cyclops dude trying to cut his hair. Just…casually cutting his hair. Miserably. The more he cuts, the more it looks like a bowlcut.
(Now, unlike Wazowski, he actually is tall and has a proper body and head. More similar to the Ancient Greek myth than Mike. However, minus the giant part.)
MC is kind of feeling awkward but tries to introduce themselves. But he’s just snipping away, while talking. He’s quite friendly, but more quiet.
It’s only until he’s about to chop off a huge chunk that MC offers to do his hair since it’s about to be a borderline disaster. He agrees.
So somehow MC is stuck with trimming hair while they get to know him better.
He talks of how he’s a computer engineering major. How he’s building some grand PC of his own to game on.
Then he mentions how his family immigrated from Cyprus and has been living in [country idfk] ever since. Then goes on a ramble how despite his family’s culture he is the biggest hater of olives. He mentions mother complains to him he is avoiding his true nature.
But then, he asks MC, “If you had to offer your heart to let someone survive, would you?”
Of course, MC is stunned and is confused why he’s asking such a question. But answers soon enough.
He smiles. His one eye squinting with happiness.
“I would. I absolutely would. Especially since it took me so long to find you.”
Before MC could question him, they feel his hand quickly grasp away the scissors. His agility is a mystery. He then gets some form of spray can bottlefrom his hoodie pocket and sprays their face.
A suspicious, cheap looking can. MC starts freaking out: the chemical smell, his strange statement and question, and even his facial expression creeping them out too.
But then, they start feeling woozy. Weak. Extreme weakness you could call it. Having to settle themselves on the nearby seat. Their mind shutting down quickly.
And in moments slump over the backrest of the chair like they’re sleeping.
The cyclops just continues to smile. Before reaching to pet their hair. “I lied. I never was a computer engineering major. I’m actually a chemical engineering major.” He swishes a hand through his hair. He then comments, “Not bad at the cut.”
Before he drags them to a different room. The room is already decorated with things they would tend to enjoy. The colours, furniture, and items.
He tucks them into bed. Before leaving the room briefly, getting a tiny device (like lady bug small) with a needle attached to it. He leans down and pricks their neck, installing the device. He settled it deep enough to hide, but not enough to cause permanent damage.
He finished the installment off with a bandaid. Giving one last pat to their head before leaving the room.
Similar to what I said before, this isn’t a fully established idea. Just something I thought of while doing random things.
Now, just a bit of explanation because that’s what I love doing. So, he has in fact been stalking MC before this event. I’m not sure how/when yet, but definitely for at least a year.
The suspicious can of chemicals he had is actually something he engineered himself. It’s just a chemical that can knock someone out for less than half an hour, while also having the side effect of losing their recent memory.
The device he installed is a tracker. A very detailed one.
I don’t have a name for him. And idk if I’ll ever will, but just know he is in fact evil Mike Wazowski. /j
I’m thinking to add other characters to this idea I have. Including more ladies because I realized I rarely ever write women. And we need some.
Alright I need snoozers.
- Celina
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verosvault · 9 months
Fantasy High Junior Year Trailer Screenshots of the PCs! 😋 (Spoilers ahead for Fantasy High S1&2)
If any of y'all see any clues in any of these. Drop it in the comments please because I'm curious! 😂
I love how Riz's has like Kalina stuff on it and also 3 sticky notes that say "night yorb?" just...AROUND! 😂🤣💀
Also...since when did Kristen gain THAT much MUSCLE?! 😭😭✋✋
I LOVE the "Keep Going" and the "Are you my dad? Yes No?" on Gorgug's! 😂😆
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Adaine O̶'̶S̶h̶a̶u̶g̶h̶n̶e̶s̶s̶y̶ Abernant
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Adaine's has a doodle of Jawbone on the top left.
Her new Arcane Focus! The sword she took from her father!
There a unique doodle of something on the top right of Adaine's? It looks like a cat of some sort to me....but Idk. 🥴🥲 [EDIT: That little cat doodle on the top right is the same cat doodle that is on Jawbone's shirt!!]
[EDIT!: "ESF" flag on Boggy stands for "Emotional Support Frog"!!!]
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Fabian Aramais Seacaster
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Fabian has a doodle of his dad, Bill Seacaster on his.
His magical sheet!
A "Hoot Growl" Owlbears Poster!
Toxic Masculinity is DEAD! 😂✋
Also, the sword of the Seacaster's as well there it looks like!
Fabian also has a tiny little message on his that reads: "I'm here to be Great"! 😆
There's also some kind of ticket stub on the bottom left corner!
As well as what looks to be a Start line with shoeprints for what I'm assuming is a track for either running...(or dancing 👀)?
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Kristen Applebees
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Kristen's has Cassandra on the top right! 😆
A scratched off "yes?" in regards to the deity she had created before.
Along with a corn on the cob
and her iconic staff of doubt!
She's also BUFF!
So... That's obviously VERY NEW!!! 😂
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Riz Gukgak
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Riz's has Kalina around his.
It has what I think is the picture from Sophomore Year of both Pok and Kalina next to each other. The mystery photo of that season.
It has Coach Daybreak.
"Bardy Boys" iconic reference.
"Night Yorb?" written 3 different times...Idk why it's referenced 3 different times here 💀...
The bottom right of Riz's is what seems to be a drawing of Biz Glitterdew. Underneath the Biz drawing, it reads: "HACKER".
There's a drawing of a Corn Cutie.
There seems to be random numbers? I see "10", "5", "12", "03". There's a "3:" which idk if it's supposed to go along with the other random numbers or if it's supposed to be a text face. I also see letters here too, like I see "S", "H", "A" however the "A" seems to be the lettering for "Aguefort".
There's a drawing of an octopus with a pirate hat, which I'm assuming is a drawing of James Whitclaw maybe?
I don't know if the small drawing of the woman ABOVE Coach Daybreak is supposed to resemble Lady Doreen? The lunch lady.
There's a small writing on a sticky that says "Jorjuu?" The J at the end looks like a "u" to me. Maybe I'm blind. Either way, I assume it's referring to Telemaine's wrong pronunciation of Gorgug "Jorjuj" :p
Right next to Riz's center photo of himself seems to be something that says "(un)licensed" the words under it looks like scribbles, but I can only assume it's "private investigator".
Idk who that girl is on the right in the small black and white photo. I have no clue who that's supposed to be. 🥴🥴🥴 Is it supposed to be a drawing of Penny Luckstone maybe??? [EDIT! The small black and white photo is a picture of Penelope Everpetal!!!]
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Fig Faeth
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Fig's has a concert ticket stub! Maybe that's the event going on at the Thistlespring Tree? Maybe? Maybe Gorgug wanted to perform to his parents 😂 and then...things went wrong? 😂💀 idk! I'm purely guessing!
Fig's has a tiny little message that says "Burn Towns Get Money"! 😂 That one lyric in one of their band songs! 😂✋ Another tiny little message that says "burn it up"!
It has Fig's iconic guitar with a small golden star next to it!
It has a tiny cute photo of Gilear!
It has her Dwarven Skateboard!
It has what I can only imagine to be a little doodle of what I assume to be Gorthalax???
Then it has Fig's little Dwarven skateboard.
It has what seems to be a spiky collar of some sort? Idk what that could be referring to other than Hilda Hilda's dog that she has chained outside of the police house...but that's quite a stretch! So...I honestly just don't really know. 💀✋ [EDIT! The spiky collar might just be referring to Fig's punk aesthetic!!!]
Fig's also has that like..."A" Circle of Anarchism symbol on hers as well! So...yeah! That looks dope and amazing!
[EDIT!: The beginning of the words "HILDA HILDA" on the right side under the drawing of the skateboard!! 😂😂]
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Gorgug Thistlespring
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Gorgug's has small messages of "Keep Going" on his!
It has a small message that says "METAL" in all caps! Probably since he loves Metal music! Just like Zelda does! 😂🤣 :3
It has a letter that says "Are You My Dad? Yes No" 😂😂 Even though he's found his dad already so it's kinda funny I guess? 😂💀 But it's SO HIM too so...ya know! 😂🤷‍♀️
There's what looks to be a small doodle of a rose in the top right. Probably for his one true love! Zelda! 🥺 :3 [EDIT: THE SMALL DOODLE OF THE ROSE IS THE TIN FLOWER FROM EPISODE 1!!!]
Then there seems to be a doodle of like ...I originally thought it looked like a moon? But it might be a doodle of a satellite around earth??? I mean... it's right next to the rose...so... I'm assuming that that's what it is? Idk 🥲😅
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If y'all caught something I missed! Please holler in the comments! 🙏 I NEED THEORIES!!! RKAKFKW 😭✋
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daitranscripts · 2 months
Skyhold Conversations
Skyhold Masterpost
The PC speaks with Morrigan in the gardens.
Morrigan: My [lord/lady] Inquisitor. Morrigan: Wandering the gardens, I see. Morrigan: Greetings, Inquisitor.
1 - Dialogue options:
Investigate: Tell me more about you. [2]
Investigate: Thoughts on the Inquisition? [3]
Investigate: What are you working on? [4]
Investigate (after the Temple of Mythal): You know about elven lore? [5]
Investigate (after meeting Flemeth): Did Flemeth tell the truth? [6]
Investigate (after the Final Piece): What will you do now? [7]
General: Goodbye. [8]
2 - Investigate: Tell me more about you. PC: I'd like to know more about you.
Morrigan: Ah, yes. Whence comes the mystery woman, slinking her way into the Inquisition’s ranks? Once, I was an apostate, living well away from the banal influence of the Chantry in the Korcari Wilds. Then came the Fifth Blight with its darkspawn, and I left Ferelden for the empress’s court. ‘Tis certain the nobles of Orlais breathe a collective sigh of relief that I am now here.
Morrigan (if asked before): If you have questions, then ask.
9 - Dialogue options:
Investigate: You were in the Fifth Blight? [10]
Investigate: You’re an apostate. [11]
Investigate: Why the Orlesian court? [12]
Investigate (if Morrigan had Kieran): Tell me about Kieran. [13]
10 - Investigate: You were in the Fifth Blight? PC: You were in Ferelden during the Blight? Morrigan: The Blight began in the Korcari Wilds, so yes—I experienced it firsthand. Indeed, I fought at the Hero of Ferelden’s side for a time. [They are] the reason the Blight was defeated. ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ Morrigan (HoF went through eluvian with Morrigan): We… became close, closer than I ever thought possible. When I left, he perused me. Morrigan (HoF romanced, did not go through eluvian): We were… very close. It was difficult to leave him. Morrigan (not romanced, did ritual with HoF): In the end, what he did for me… I will always be grateful. Morrigan (did ritual with Alistair/Loghain): I wish things had gone differently in the end. It had to be, yet… Morrigan (not romanced, did not do ritual): We did not part on good terms. I regret a great deal, but that most of all. ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ Morrigan: And after that, I can to Orlais. The last place one would look for me, or such was my hope. [back to 9] ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ 11 - Investigate: You’re an apostate. PC: It’s odd that an apostate can live so… openly. Morrigan: (Chuckles.) It confuses those who expect apostates to cower and hide. I stand boldly before them and demand to know why I need some Chantry mage to teach me to control my power. They would put me on a leash so they can feel safer at night? I am uninterested in their comfort. Naturally, it helps to have friends in high places. [back to 9] ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ 12 - Investigate: Why the Orlesian court? PC: The Orlesian court seems like an odd place to find someone like you. Morrigan: That was the point, originally. I knew the empress was intrigued by the arcane, and that I could answer question no Chantry mage could. Thus we fit together nicely. I became her advisor and she my benefactor and source of refuge. Morrigan (Celene died): The moment Celene perished, my time in court was done. I do not miss it overmuch. [back to 9] Morrigan (Celene lived): Truth be told, our arrangement would not have lasted much longer. Too many wagging tongues, even for Celene. [back to 9] ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ 13 - Investigate: Tell me about Kieran. PC: Tell me more about your son. ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ Morrigan (Old God Kieran): He is very special young man. PC: Special in what way? Morrigan: In every way. At first, Kieran was a means to an end but as he grew… I never thought of myself, Inquisitor, I had no good example to follow. I find myself becoming something I can barely recognize. [back to 9] ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ Morrigan (Human Kieran): I had him before I came to Orlais. He… is a delight, truly. PC: You sounds surprised by that. Morrigan: More than you can know. Kieran changed me. I will protect him to my last breath, if I must. [back to 9]
3 - Investigate: Thoughts on the Inquisition? PC: Now that you’ve seen the Inquisition up close, what are your impressions?
Morrigan: ‘Tis remarkable, what you have built. I will give you that.
Morrigan (secrets perks highest): Leliana has built a network of spies beyond anything Thedas has seen. Morrigan (forces perks highest): Soldiers are camped outside Skyhold in numbers that would give any nation pause. Morrigan (connections perks highest): A web of favors has wrapped every noble family in southern Thedas around your fingers. Morrigan (all perks equal/Inquisition perks highest): You have an army, a web of agents, and political favors owed you from every major played.
Morrigan: All this in precious little time, conjured from thin air through the power of fervor alone. I wonder if Corypheus suspects what he was enabling, just as I wonder what will become of all this once he is defeated.
Dialogue options:
General: First we must defeat him. [14]
General: I’m not sure what’s next. [15]
General: The Inquisition will continue. [16]
14 - General: First we must defeat him. PC: We have to defeat him first. Then I’ll worry about what’s next. Morrigan: Should that happen, the world will lie at your feet… more or less. [17] ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ 15 - General: I’m not sure what’s next. PC: I have no idea what will happen once all this is over. Morrigan: Do you not? No doubt there will be countless men and women with suggestions. [17] ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ 16 - General: The Inquisition will continue. PC: Whatever happens, the Inquisition will survive. Morrigan: That alone is worthy of wonder. A new player on the stage, a figure of might and marvel. [17] ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ 17 - Scene continues. ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ Morrigan: Beware the heights you reach, Inquisitor. When this is done, many will be eager to knock you back down. [back to 1]
4 - Investigate: What are you working on? What have you been doing to help us?
Morrigan: Currently, my efforts are focused on determining what Corypheus is and where his power comes from. The elven orb he carries is what draws my attention. I wonder if the power he used to tear open the Fade in fact came from the orb. Perhaps it is even the source of your Anchor. If I learn of its origin, I may also learn what Corypheus now intends—as well as his weaknesses.
18 - Dialogue options:
Investigate: Would you fight alongside me? [19]
Investigate: What about his dragon? [20]
Investigate: Could he become a god? [21]
General: I appreciate your efforts. [22]
General: We have little information. [23]
General: I need more from you. [24]
19 - Investigate: Would you fight alongside me? PC: I could use your company for my excursions outside Skyhold. Morrigan: I have spent my share of time wandering the wilderness in the company of others, Inquisitor. Thank you for the invitation, but for now, I will restrict my efforts to researching the arcane. [back to 18]
20 - Investigate: What about his dragon? PC: Do you know anything about his dragon? Morrigan: It has the appearance of an Archdemon. Of that I am certain. A true Archdemon, however, is supposedly the corrupted form of an Old God. Has Corypheus actually dug up one of the ancient prisons? If so, why has a new Blight not begun? His dragon is something else, something connected to his blighted nature as well as his magic. Beyond that, I cannot say. [back to 18]
21 - Investigate: Could he become a god? PC: Is it even possible that Corypheus could succeed? Morrigan: The Black City exists. Wherever one goes into the Fade, it is visible in the sky. The last time Corypheus and his cohorts stormed its doors, the unleashed the Blight upon the world. This time? Perhaps he might indeed gain untold power, becoming something unto a god. It is also possible he could unleash something far worse than the Blights. So yea, Corypheus could succeed in his goal. If not, his attempt alone could destroy the world.
Dialogue options:
Investigate: He thinks I’m his rival. [24]
[Back to 18]
24 - Investigate: He thinks I’m his rival. PC: Corypheus says I’m a rival. Does that mean… Morrigan: Could you become a god? That depends: are you prepared to use your Anchor to enter the Black City? Dialogue options:
General: Definitely not. [25]
General: I don’t know how. [26]
General: Yes, if I could. [27]
25 - General: Definitely not. PC: No. Never. Morrigan: Tell Corypheus that and see if he believes you. [back to 18] 26 - General: I don’t know how. PC: I… wouldn’t know how, if that’s even possible. Morrigan: Perhaps Corypheus fears the moment you learn. [back to 18] 27 - General: Yes, if I could. PC: If the Anchor would let me do that? Absolutely. Morrigan: Then Corypheus is correct. You are a rival. [back to 18]
22 - General: I appreciate your efforts. PC: However you can help, it’s appreciated. Morrigan: I am doing what I can. In time, we shall see what more I can offer you. [back to 1]
23 - General: We have little information. PC: We know so little about Corypheus. Morrigan: Continue prodding at Corypheus, Inquisitor. Elicit a reactions, and we may yet learn from it. [back to 1]
24 - General: I need more from you. PC: Someone of your skills could do more. Morrigan: I am doing what I can. In time, we shall see what more I can offer you. [back to 1]
5 - Investigate: You know about elven lore? PC: You seem to know a great deal about elven lore. Morrigan: The Dalish are not the only ones interested in the distant past, Inquisitor. Indeed, my skills allow me access to places the Dalish dare not even dream of. The ancient elves hold secrets they have not yet given up, secrets about the foundation of Thedas itself. Thus, they are my focus. Corypheus clearly feels the same. [back to 1]
6 - Investigate: Did Flemeth tell the truth? PC: Do you trust what Flemeth told us? Morrigan: About what she is? I… am uncertain. I knew there was more to her than I realized, that she was not truly human—but this? I once found her grimoire, and that was where I learned her immortality was gained by stealing the bodies of her daughters. Flemeth claims I misunderstood: “It is not forced on the unwilling.” Meaning I might agree to such a thing? Impossible, yet there seemed an undeniable sense of truth to the things she told us. All my years spent hunting for arcane mysteries, and the greatest was the one I left behind. [back to 1]
7 - Investigate: What will you do now? PC: So what do you intend to do now?
Morrigan (Morrigan drank, had Kieran): Once Corypheus is defeated, I will take Kieran and leave. Morrigan (Morrigan drank, no Kieran): Once Corypheus is defeated, I will undoubtedly move on. Morrigan (PC drank, Morrigan had Kieran): Now? I will take Kieran and leave. Morrigan (PC drank, no Kieran): Now? I will move on. You have what you need to face Corypheus.
Morrigan (Morrigan drank): Where I will go is is uncertain. I must consider the fact that Flemeth may have plans for me. I am, after all, her servant. Such a delight. Yet we must now consider the coming battle. I hope all I learned from the well proves worthwhile. [back to 1]
Morrigan (PC drank): You are her servant, but I am her daughter. I doubt she will let me slip completely from her clutches. Whatever happens, I wish you well in the coming battle, Inquisitor. [back to 1]
8 - General: Goodbye. PC: I’ll leave you to the garden. Morrigan: As you like. Morrigan: Until next time, then. Morrigan: Of course.
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Character Art: Somate Studio
Marketing Materials: Renerie (Profile) and @studioghostlegs (Banners)
Fun Villainess Fact: The more evil the villainess is, the more ornaments you’ll see on her dress. They are useful accessories for murder!
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battle-of-alberta · 3 months
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tfw its pride but also you're in the finals for the first time since the 2006 lockout
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peppermintschnapps · 8 months
ok so im going to be VERY mentally ill about "mystery of the druids" for a couple of paragraphs now, specifically halligan & lowry and their rivalry/relationship dynamic.
no human being should ever think this much about a terrible PC game from 2001, but i did, and here it is...
THE RIVALRY! Why does Lowry show so much animosity towards Halligan?
Let us consider this: Halligan must demonstrate a level of competency at his job that keeps him employed. If we look at the events throughout the game, Halligan manages to solve the murder case without any funds, without access to the computer database, and without conventional tools or weapons. Remember - he manages to commandeer an elite fishing rod to retrieve salt deposits from a dock. Who problem solves like that? He displays an unconventional approach to problem solving that may seem insane, but proves to actually be extremely effective and inspired. I am going to argue that this cannot be the first case that Halligan has shown these unique traits - he may be a disaster of a human being in most considerations, but he's undeniably successful when it comes to unearthing the truth and getting results.
And THAT'S the true reason why Lowry despises him so much - that Halligan, with nothing going for him in life at all, is so remarkable at being a detective. Halligan's never had to actually work for it, but he's innately talented at solving cases. And what does Halligan do with these rare talents? He solves cases so that he can then waste his pay by gambling and sitting in his dingy office, throwing darts, smoking and eating pizza. It's like the ultimate spit in the face to Lowry, who is so very methodical and thorough in every manner - that Halligan has this innate and almost "magical" intuition to solving cases, and then treats the whole thing like one big joke (remember the joke warrant that got Halligan banned from the database.) It infuriates Lowry to no end, and he can then only channel this frustration into trying to disprove his own feelings of inadequacy. He presents himself as neat, stylish, wealthy, and successful to try and indirectly undermine Halligan and try to reclaim his wounded ego. Lowry surrounds himself with objects of status and his own success. Although Lowry isn't even consciously aware of it, Halligan makes him feel ineffective and insecure - and these repressed emotions manifest as an outer vitriol and spite. (I would argue that Lowry isn't even interested in Janet, he just wanted the date as a way to tell himself that he's "better" than Halligan.)
Let us then consider the following hypothetical: could Lowry potentially let go of this jealousy and rivalry? A hypothetical turning point in the narrative where Lowry is faced with an inner realization that his feelings of inadequacy are self-indulgent, and only hindering both parties. Lowry admits to himself that Halligan - even if undeserving - has a keen ability for uncovering potential leads and evidence. Lowry realizes he could bring focus and precision to Halligan's "reckless" efforts by offering his own organizational skills, knowledge of protocol, and resources (see: office stationery) to the table. In this way, Lowry and Halligan could both complete what the other party lacks! Perhaps, even entirely by accident, the two awkwardly stumble into the realization they actually work really well together in the field.
Halligan admits he may have been too dismissive of Lowry because he felt inadequate when confronted with Lowry's wealth, luck with ladies, status, and outward aura of control - and Lowry confesses his previously hidden feelings of jealousy. They both realize that they were kind of alike, in their silly inadequacies! Could they begin to move past their initial rivalry, and begin a tentative partnership and friendship? Maybe Lowry could offer a helping hand in getting Halligan's office tidied up, and Halligan could offer Lowry a valuable new insight into unconventional detective methods he had never considered before.
..............ok did you actually read this far? that's fucking incredible. anyway,
NOW THAT WE HAVE LAID ALL THE GROUNDWORK, WE CAN MAKE IT GAY!!! 🏳️‍🌈 after that, they fall in love and give each other kisses!!! 💋 mwa mwa xoxo ♥️ HA HA! it was all a PLOY so that I could be self-indulgent and make it a slash romance!!! 😎
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alexissara · 1 year
Upcoming Sapphic Games Goddess List
Hey, well to my check in with upcoming sapphic games, this list cover every single game I saw in my research that is in active development that showed signs of sapphic content. This list because of time of writing potentially may contain a game or two that was released or just by the time of you reading this later but I am doing my best while looking at everything I can to figure out where gay may be. Games on this list are filled with my opinions and don't represent the companies opinions and I wasn't paid or anything to put any games on this list. This post is split into 5 categories Non Visual Novel, Narrative Games, Make Your Own Gay, A Gay Exists and Potentially Gay. So feel free to skim across sections.
Non VN
These are games that are not visual novels that are centered on an explicitly sapphic character. This character's sole romantic interest does not need to be sapphic but the sapphic desires have to be seen as a core part of the character or game. 
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All Lana wants is to figure out the mystery behind her mother’s death. She embarks in a Megaman Zero inspired journey into a strange tower to get her answers. Lana has a girlfriend who is a core part of the story and is prominently shown in the trailers, art and stuff. I believe I even saw her fighting side by side with her girlfriend in a boss battle in the latest trailer. 
Contains: Sapphic Lead, Her Girlfriend 
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Thirsty Suitors 
Enter the world of a Southeast Asian bisexual disatar Jala in one of the most stylish games I’ve ever played [the demo of]. It blends some fun skateboarding, with a really neat turned based RPG, and apparently even a cooking mini game into one complete package. The RPG combat is fun, funny and delightful. The story hinges on two romantic relationships that have broken down for Jala, both of whom are women, one she recently broke up with that leads her to go back to her home town and the relationship she fucked up big time in her home down with her former best friend. She battles against her not so evil exes in these RPG style mind palace fights where they resolve their feelings current and former and come to some kind of resolution. 
Contains: Bisexual Lead, at least two ex girlfriends 
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Boss Game [PC Release]
This game is already out but it has a PC release coming up and that’s amazing and great and opens the game up to more people. A pair of Girlfriends need cash and so they take gig work hunting demons but as they take the jobs they start to figure out what’s really going on and to do the right thing. 
Contains: Cis Lesbian [lead], Trans Lesbian [lead], A non binary character, a bisexual character 
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Kitsune Tail 
A mario inspired adventure about a little gay fox girl trying to save her crush from also a cute villain she might be into. It’s a super adorable platformer with a very light hearted tone invoking classic games with a modern queer twist.
Contains: Sapphic Lead, Sapphic VIllain, Sapphic Damsel 
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Love’s Crescendo
This is a Rhythm game visual novel hybrid about a couple of lesbians who are both doing music in their lives at this pivotal point. Valerie and Cadence complete each other, musically. This romantic musical adventure gives a lot of sweet and cute moment for these two and nice musical gameplay. 
Contains: Two Lesbian of color Leads 
Narrative Games
These are Visual Novels and similar games where the gameplay is mostly reading a story, maybe making choices along the way or playing a few mini games but the mini games do not comprise the core gameplay loop of the story. 
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Love In A Bottle 
Ankora is a lesbian love demon looking for love, in a visual novel point in click adventure she can choose to go after four different ladies. This game boasts a bit of dress up on on Ankora you can unlock while playing the game. It’s a rare dating sim where everyone is a clear adult and everyone is another kind of fantastic creature. 
Contains: Let’s Go Lesbians, Let’s Go 
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Pen Pal Princess: A Queer Romcom Visual Novel 
You play as a queer princess looking to make her own love story. This is a game about online dating in a modern fantasy setting, it’s a cute and sweet concept and feels so relevant in a world where so many queer people date long distance. 
Contains: Sapphic Lead, some amount of sapphic romance options
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Flower Knight Hú Dié
A solar punk RPG with a lesbian main character, Hú Dié. After the Flower Knights failed her most important friend she wanted nothing to do with them but she finds herself thrown into a situation dealing with the monsters and more that infest the world. 
Contains: Lesbian Lead, Sapphic Romantic Interest 
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High Elo GIrls 
You play as a black college dropout who gets drafted into an all women esports team. You can choose if she is Top, Jungle, Mid, DPS, or Support and the kind of relationship she has with each woman. I am not currently aware if polyamory is an option but there is some degree of customization to the relationships. 
Contains: Sapphic Lead, 5 women to romance including at least 1 trans woman. 
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You're a sexy trans girl android and you are gonna have sex with some people. There is mysterious in this cyberpunk world you gotta solve and the best solution for a service android like you is fucking your way to the top. You explore, make out with hot women, and do your thing. 
Contains: Lesbian lead, Big old lesbian cast [maybe they have some other sexualities and genders]
Make Your Own Gay
This category goes over games that queerness is an option but I believe it is possible for a heterosexual who doesn’t like gay people to play the game and just kinda, miss the queerness. This is typically games where you choose to ship characters together, normally your avatar character. This places games under a pretty high bar because straight people are not very smart on the whole and are really bad at reading media critically or engaging it.  For me a lot of these games are obviously queer in some way and also these games are not out, so I have no way of knowing for sure. This placement is not an insult and I actually expect several of the games in this part of the list to be some of my favorite games. 
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Fields Of Mistria 
In this game, you start a farm in a new town, connect with local villagers learning their stories and potentially even romancing some of them, your gender does not matter. Enjoy a cozy environment of lovely people and enjoy a wonderful farming adventure. Explore dungeons, fight monsters, and more. Customize your character with a selection of appearances and customize your home and make it feel like it’s truly your own. 
The games special thing is an amazing 90s anime aesthetic. It’s magic for farming system also seems particularly streamlined. 
Contains: Women, Men and Non Binary characters you can romance. Customizable character. 
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Moonstone Island
In this game, you start a farm in a new town, connect with local villagers learning their stories and potentially even romancing some of them, your gender does not matter. Enjoy a cozy environment of lovely people and enjoy a wonderful farming adventure. Explore dungeons, fight monsters, and more. Customize your home and make it feel like it’s truly your own. 
This games special thing that it has monster tamer with a really fun deck building element for your attacks. 
Contains: Women, Men and Non Binary characters you can romance. Character who you can just assume is whatever gender, they are never gendered. 
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OVA Magica
In this game, you start a farm in a new town, connect with local villagers learning their stories and potentially even romancing some of them, your gender does not matter. Enjoy a cozy environment of lovely people and enjoy a wonderful farming adventure. Explore dungeons, fight monsters, and more. Customize your character with a selection of appearances and customize your home and make it feel like it’s truly your own. 
This games special thing is that it’s kinda like pokemon and has cute little slimes. 
Contains: Some women you can romance  Customizable characters. 
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Story Of Seasons: A Wonderful Life 
In this game, you start a farm in a new town, connect with local villagers learning their stories and potentially even romancing some of them, your gender does not matter. Enjoy a cozy environment of lovely people and enjoy a wonderful farming adventure. Customize your character with a selection of pronouns and appearances [She/He/They] and customize your home and make it feel like it’s truly your own. 
This games special thing is that you grow old and die and get to see your kid grow up. 
Contains: Women and men you can romance. Customizable character including three sets of pronouns. 
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Fae Farm 
In this game, you start a farm in a new town, connect with local villagers learning their stories and potentially even romancing some of them, your gender does not matter. Enjoy a cozy environment of lovely people and enjoy a wonderful farming adventure. Explore dungeons, fight monsters, and more. Customize your character with a selection of pronouns and appearances [She/He/They] and customize your home and make it feel like it’s truly your own. 
This games special thing is that is has online multiplayer and fairy shit. 
Contains: Some Women you can romance. Customizable character including three sets of pronouns. 
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Lakeburg Legacies 
A city, kingdom, town, world building type game where the game centers around pairing the people you put into your town, having them work jobs and create resources and them creating babies. You can decide what characters you want to move into your town and pair them with your gender of choice so you can filter out men totally if you don’t wanna see them [except you can’t pick babies genders]. It doesn't’ appear to have any trans stuff going on and the characters are like randomly generated silly things with a few traits. Still it’s a fun type of this game and I could see myself enjoying a few loops of it. 
Contains: The ability to pair people up with the gender of your choice. You can’t control the gender of their babies. 
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Our Life: Now and Forever 
This is a truly deeply in depth life sim that trades the depth of romantic options opting for two to give you a truly ridiculous amount of customization about yourself from growing up and transitioning changing your pronouns to altering all sorts of things about yourself and relationships. This is a game about living your life from childhood to adulthood together with someone.
Contains: Genderfluid and Lady Romantic lead, your able to pick your characters pronouns, transition them during the course of the story, and more. Customizable kind of relationship dynamic from love at first sight to slow burn. 
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The Office Type
What if office stuff was hot, you can date that hot office stuff. It’s a dating sim where you can pick your pronouns and stuff and date all sorts of office themed hotties. 
Contains: Choose your own romances and choose the genders of all the options in the game between Lady, Guy and non binary. 
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Imperial Grace
A diplomacy and romance visual novel where you make choices for your kingdom and choose who you would like to smooch. 
Contains: Contains Customizable Queen, 1 lady you can romance, has a detailed list of triggers for players to be aware of what their getting into. 
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Solace State
A cyberpunk story about building a revolutionary movement as Chole. YOu build relationships with people and communities. Chole can hack people’s brains and get information on their thoughts. A moral system that seems to be based around your choices in not a binary way but a, how do you evaluate the ethics of doing the actions your doing to make the world better. You can make the world worse or better in the game. 
Contains: 1 Lady you can romance 
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Call Me Under 
An Eldritch Horror romance where you can pick between three sets of pronouns He/She/They and romance a collection of hotties in this 50s inspired horror world while trying to figure out about the missing people in town and the other horrors brimming of late. You can be half siren or a human depending on that things in the story will change. 
Contains: Several Women and Non Binary romantic options, a Sapphic Polyamarous route, character who can pick between human and half siren and She/he/they pronouns. 
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Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical 
A muse has died and your character got her power, now the worlds a musical and you gotta solve her murder otherwise you're gonna be the one who pays for her getting killed. It’s a unique musical visual novel with a big cast of big names. 
Contains: Woman Lead, two romacable women [? not confirmed], main character is probably canon bisexual but couldn't confirm in demo so here for now [but probably actually a narrative game].
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Spirit Swap
Spirits are all around us and matching 3 pops them. In this match three game you play as Samara and look for love while trying to fix the issue with the spirits in town to utterly amazing low-fi tracks. For people looking to take a break from the story of the game you can also enjoy several other mods including playing against other players. 
Contains: Multiple Romantic options of varying gender including sapphic ones. Main character is probably canon bisexual but in the demo her attraction to men was a lot clearer to me then her attraction to women and I think a straight person might not catch she is gay. 
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Love Shore
A true cyberpunk adventure where you pick between one of two protagonists. For our purposes your Farah.  This game is probably not properly a make your own gay but your not gonna get any sapphic content in one route and I think you can technically avoid it. Regardless, this game boasts a really awesome weaving plot and some sexy horric monsters you might be able to kiss too. There is some hidden stat elements which is a neat part of the game and it overall seems really cool. 
Contains: Your selection of one of two protagonists, one of whom is a woman and queer. You got to choose her to get to the sapphic stuff with at least three romance options that are ladies.
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Gales of Nayeli 
This game is still really early in development as far as I know so it’s hard to say how much will remain consistent but I was told directly that Nayeli and Keri could have a romance and Nayeli is the title character of the game so the main character of the story is sapphic to some extent [they also assured me it wouldn’t be the only sapphic pairing in the game]. I simply cannot judge if that is something we see in the story because we’ve not got that kind of trailer yet. There is also an avatar, one we can assume can have romances, you can pick their pronouns but not edit their appearance. This looks like a really fun strategy RPG in the vein of Fire Emblem, with grid based tactics and if your into that and want some sapphic stuff, this is one to keep an eye on. 
Contains: Sapphic pairings between party members, self insert character who you can choose the pronouns of but not edit the appearances. 
A Gay Exists
This Category is for games with ensemble casts, in which a sapphic character might exist in the game, be playable, be unavoidable but they are also not the focal point of the story but instead just a small part of the story. A gay does exist in this game they in theory could even be in the lead but you might not know it like a game starring Wonder Woman or Harley Quinn where in canon they might be bisexual but the game simply might avoid ever stating it. 
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Granblue Fantasy Relink 
Set sails through the sky in a high flying action RPG with a wide cast of characters from the popular gacha series Granblue Fantasy. It features the canon bisexual icon Rossetta as a playable party member seemingly from the start of the game. 
Contains: At least one playable canon bisexual. Player insert who can change genders on the fly. One playable subtextual sapphic knight. 
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Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising
Bullshit could or could not be blazing in this Arcsystem Works fighting game follow up expanding the cast of Granblue Fantasy Versus and the general contents of the game. We don’t know the full roster but the roster of all the last game is included giving us for sure several pieces of representation. 
Contains: Two Trans women, one canon lesbian, several more subtext sapphics. 
Potentially Gay 
These are upcoming games I think probably will be sapphic to at least some extent in any of the above categories. Simply put, unlike the one’s above, I Am not confident enough to include them in the lists above because we simply haven’t seen any evidence to show that sapphic stuff exists. At least not in any trailer, demo, interview, or whatever that I researched when putting together this already very long list, so please be easy on me. 
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The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood 
The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood is a card creating, fortune telling, narrative game about revenge, isolation, and more. You play as Fortuna, a witch who has been put into isolation without her magic or the ability to see anyone else by her Coven’s leader. She calls on a mystical being and makes a pact so she can get her revenge.  During the game you can express romantic, sexual, etc desires and it seems like you’ll be able to craft some relationships as well as the cards. 
Rune Factory 6 and Rune Factory Dragon 
In these games you’ll probably be able to pick your pronouns, romance people regardless of gender, and use magic to enhance your farming. Both will likely contain dungeons with simple combat and a light action RPG story to play. You probably can get married and have kids, you maybe won’t be able to customize your character beyond picking gender but you probably will be able to customize your house. 
Fantasy Life I: The Girl Who Steals Time
The first fantasy life made it where you could only be straight but at this point, Fantasy Life would be the last remaining life sim series to not let you be gay unless they totally cut out romance.  I think literally the last life sim with romance to not let you be gay was like Rune Factory 4, a 3DS game.  This game isn’t a farming game but it stands out next to the sims and other similar games as well. 
Hades 2 
The first one had a bi guy lead, I assume this time you’ll be a bi girl. 
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Dark Deity 2 
The first one had an gays, I assume this one will have an gays as well, hopefully more, I wasn’t totally in love with how they did supports in Dark Deity 1. 
Really this one is just vibes based, the art style says “queer” to me. Also your little beasties can start romances with each other and tehy don’t have genders but I bet you could do some making your own gay shipping with your little pokemon. 
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En Garde! 
The vibe of the main protagonist is serving lesbian.  Please Devs at Fireplace games, tell me she kisses a woman, even in private, I won’t tell anyone if I am not allowed too, the game looks fun and I just want her to kiss a girl. 
--- That is all for now but if you enjoyed me doing all this research and putting it together in a really nice place for y’all then consider backing me on Patreon or Ko-fi or recommending me for work,I got my card on my page with professional contact info. Other than that you can always just follow me, reblog, share on whatever other social media sites are your poison.  If you know any other sapphic games that are not yet released PLEASE let me know,  want to know them all and I’m going to keep a new list after this article goes up for a few months from now when a lot more of these games are out or maybe next year around not E3 time again.
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blaiddfailcam · 10 months
Fuck it, below are my favorite gifs I've made of Bloodborne (so far) in no particular order.
I didn't post all of these in sets, at least not yet, mainly because I needed to balance the arrangements as far as color and even camera motion. Too many sweeping shots in a set is kind of obnoxious, as much as I love making them.
Bloodborne is pretty tricky for making gifs, requiring a good deal of patience and ingenuity just to get the hunter out of the shot. But once I figured out a few methods, things took an interesting turn!
[CW for blood—obviously—gore, and body horror]
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Yahar'gul Chapel
I know I wanted a shot of the Amygdala statue in Yahar'gul, but it felt too easy to record it head-on, and besides, why not just post a screenshot then? Then I saw a flickering candelabra, and the celestial larva statue, and it seemed like a dramatic angle. I liked the shift from gold to blue—from knowledge into mystery.
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Hunter's Nightmare
I did get to use this one in a set, and although the spray of bullets at bottom are a little irksome, I thought the way the camera swept past that urn in the illusion of a crane shot was cool. Really, my hunter is just crouching behind a fence.
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Cathedral Ward
FromSoft is supremely gifted at arranging their mapspaces so that large setpieces like the Astral Clocktower are naturally framed by environmental pockets. Somewhat instinctively, I knew I had to capture this descending shot in time with that large huntsman emerging from the alley mist. The fact that it looks as if the viewer is peeking from behind the coffin was an accident, but sells the feeling of dread.
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Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower
This one worked out almost too perfectly. I thought I'd just get a basic shot of her approaching, but then she did that and I gasped, lol. Her set was surprisingly quick to put together.
Old Yharnam
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I was still figuring out some camera tricks by the time I hit Old Yharnam, and this was my first attempt at moving the hunter with the monocular activated while tilting the camera independantly. I had to crop out the hunter, so it's woefully grainy, but I think it sells the effect well enough.
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Ebrietas, Daughter of the Cosmos
This was promptly after I threw a pebble at her.
Quite thrilling.
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Iosefka's Clinic
The very first gif I made of Bloodborne! I wanted to capture that "oh fuck" moment of the scourge beast feeding on those dead mobs, and the only method I knew would work (not having the monocular yet) was to sit by a wall. As it happens, Bloodborne doesn't apply translucency to foreground objects, so I was surprised to be able to get this peek from behind a shelf of medical equipment, simple though it is. That would never work in Elden Ring!
Vicar Amelia
I may reattempt her set in the future, as I learned a few tricks for "shooting" after defeating her, and I should've upped the brightness. Still, this angle of her seemingly pulling the hunter out of Laurence's beastly skull before squashing them was pretty dramatic—and a total accident.
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Moon Presence
Moon Presence may not be a very difficult fight, but let me tell ya, trying to capture it had me gnashing my teeth. It moves so sporadically, it's hard to find a good backdrop, and it never seems to want to do much more than flop around. Worse still is that to get all of its cooler moves, you need to dish some hefty damage to break its limbs, but without killing it prematurely. In the end, I was pretty happy with even this straightforward tilt shot with the moon appearing to descend behind the crawling chaos.
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I still have plenty of footage to sift through and memorialize as gifs, but I think I need a little break to, you know, enjoy the game, lol. There's plenty I still want to capture, and I figure there's a bit of a vacuum for Bloodborne gifs, owing to the lack of a PC release and all. Not that it can't be finegled, but it doesn't mean it's impossible on console, either.
...Hopefully this doesn't come off as pretentious. I just have a lot of fun making these for some reason, ameteurish as they may be.
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wufflesvetinari · 11 months
funniest thing in my ttrpg life happened at shadowrun yesterday
we started a new campaign several months ago (after ~8 years on the other one). about a month back, michael introduced a stern/self-confident, mysterious ork woman who tried to get us to break our contract for double the pay
i went "oh, thank you michael, hot mysterious ork npc clearly designed for me 🙏" and my character immediately began flirting with her, using her as an inspiration to write saucy romance novels, etc
she came back in the session yesterday, to my pc's vocal enthusiasm...i did not realize that michael was, this whole time, dropping INCREASINGLY OBVIOUS hints about ork lady's identity. i missed every single one of them
finally at the end of the session a different player had to be like "hey so wasn't that [sarah's old pc]?"
reader, it was. READER. i spent two sessions flirting with MAVEN!!! my own goddamn pc!!!!!! the mortifying fucking ordeal of being known!!!!
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geraldofallon · 2 months
So I promised myself I would talk more about my OCs on here, so this is I guess a lil basic overview starter of each of them, I’ll get more into detail on them later.
Lady A—
Lady A (also known as the Voguish Romantic or by her real name to only her closest confidantes) is my main PC, she’s the one I started the game with and the main one I actually play with. She exists separately to any other OCs, and has her own distinct storyline. As I described her to my bestie cobaltsunflower:
“She’s a dreamer and a romantic, who started as an artistic bohemian but clawed her way up the social ladder until she could pass herself off as aristocracy. But now that she’s there she’s dealing with the weight of what the aristocracy does in order to stay on top and the methods they use to keep others below them, so she’s torn between a love of the lifestyle and basically selling out, making art just for money’s sake and hurting the people who she used to be a part of”
The Crew of the SS Amphitrite and the Moonstone Club
So while Lady A exists separately on her own, all my other OCs belong to the same shared Fallen London universe, though they can be split into two distinct groups/stories and rarely interact with the other.
The Crew of the SS Amphitrite were put together by Emil Enderby, the Rueful Truth-Seeker, in an attempt to find his dearest friend after she mysteriously went missing.
The Moonstone Club formed after various circumstances sent them in each others’ directions. Certain similarities in their lives have begun to feel less like coincidences, and so they meet regularly to discuss and seek advice in their various investigations.
The Crew of the SS Amphitrite
The crew is led by Captain Agnes Plowden, owner of the SS Amphitrite, who has an unusual spiritual connection to the sea, and includes the few who both answered Emil’s notice placed on a board at Wolfstack Docks asking for intrepid adventurers and stuck around to actually hear the mission rather than leaving the pub once he’d bought a round of drinks for everyone who’d shown. This includes:
A tomb colonist of indeterminate age and gender named Zimuandagal (called a variety of nicknames for short, though most commonly “Zimu”) who has spent years? decades? centuries? perfecting their duelling technique.
A devil named Teddy (short for Theodore not Edward, he gets very offended when people presume wrongly) with shady motives that seemingly have nothing to do with souls, along with Cathy Linton. Cathy’s a bohemian who has begun to regret selling her soul, and is trying desperately to track it down, believing Teddy to be involved in some way.
The Leopard Princess Zaya of the Khanate. She occupies the rather enviable position in the royal family of being a high enough rank to warrant all the benefits, while having enough older siblings that she’s not expected to take on any of the responsibilities. This leaves her time and freedom to pursue her passions - notably archaeology and history.
Dr Baudel is one of the more unlikely members of the crew. In fact, none of the rest of them can seem to figure out why he’s there at all. He’s a respectable member of middle class society, with a strong presence in the church and a weak stomach on the zee.
The Cephalopodic Orphan, so called because their real name is unpronounceable (something along the lines of Ssossoffoorooth), is a little bundle of rubber and tentacles. It’s difficult to know how Rubbery Men age, but this one seems to be the equivalent of a nine or ten year old human. They’ve emotionally latched on to various members of the crew, and there seems to be no way of leaving them behind.
Then there’s Emil himself, an investigative journalist who formed a very unlikely friendship with a Third City survivor. The Ajaw was mysteriously involved in the city’s sale, has a mysterious source of immortality, and she has now mysteriously vanished.
Oh and there’s also a pirate rat.
The Moonstone Club
The three founders of the club were the ones to reach out to the current members with an invitation to share their findings, though they mostly leave the work of running the club to Detective Rañjan, an immigrant from Varchas, with the other two preferring to focus their attentions elsewhere.
Professor St Aubert, known also as Miss Annabel to her friends, is the Foremost Correspondent in the Neath and one of the Moonstone Club’s founding members. She spends her time writing papers, giving lectures, putting out her hair when it catches on fire, and taking tea with Mr Pages.
The last founding member is somewhat of a mystery to all. The Shadow Rook was believed to be a legend, except by those that had either been victim to one of its robberies or had benefited from them. Surprisingly, the Shadow is the one who had suggested the formation of the club to the others, despite its reputation for solitude and secrecy.
The other members of the group (italics are to make this easier to read) include Fausta Gryphon, Annabel’s favourite student and the club’s resident madcap; the famed Fabian Silver, renowned for his legendary adventures and escapades; Jezebel of Mahogany Hall, the tattooed magician with silver eyes and an unwanted friends tagging along with her; a Clay Man named Peter, who runs an orphanage and a garden to attempt to heal from his traumatic past; Dotty, a deviless who runs a criminal empire in competition with the Gracious Widow, and is Detective Rañjan’s arch nemesis (she, on the other hand, barely knew he existed prior to the club’s formation); and the Rosy Dream-Walker, a Far-Arbori silverer named Tiye who has come to London on a mission.
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