#peach.. its tolerable than cherries
gemsofgreece · 28 days
How to follow a Mediterranean Greek diet
The Mediterranean diet naturally expands throughout the coastal countries of South Europe, North Africa and the Middle East but there are some small differences between their cuisines. So here I am writing specifically about the Greek version of the Mediterranean diet, known for its delicious, natural flavours and its significant health benefits.
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Eat daily:
Olive oil: the pillar, the liquid green gold of the Mediterranean Greek diet. Olive oil should be used ideally exclusively for all purposes. It's dressing salads, it's used in cooking and in fact it's traditionally what is used in frying too. Replace all types of oils, butter and margarine with olive oil even when making pastries. The only problem here is that outside of the Mediterranean basin olive oil can be pricey, however that's the foundation the diet is based on. If you are interested in following the traditional Greek diet for taste or health purposes, it is good to really incorporate olive oil in your daily cooking. If it’s not possible to afford buying olive oil all the time (although you could balance it out by not buying other oils and butter), a non-Greek-typical but equivalent alternative could be avocado oil. However, I doubt avocado oil or any other oil can remotely compare to olive oil in health properties, taste or in any other positive quality 🫒
Vinegar: Just like olive oil, vinegar is a very important ingredient and is also used in natural remedies However, it can hurt a sensitive GI tract if consumed in large portions. A little bit of it added to meals frequently is very healthy. Apple cider vinegar is also very loved and used in salads often 🍇
Vegetables: no portion can be too much (wild greens, garlic, onions, cauliflowers, cucumbers, eggplants, beets, peppers, spinach, artichokes, zucchini, peas, lettuce, the list never ends). Tomatoes and broccoli are recent additions to the Greek diet however they were integrated perfectly to the Greek cuisine. In general, all vegetables can be enjoyed freely with some moderation in the potatoes, especially when fried 🥗
Fruits: grapes, berries, apples, melons, cherries, figs, prunes, sour cherries, peaches, pomegranates are the most historically loved fruits in the Greek diet. Since the middle ages citruses like the orange, the lemon and the mandarin are more and more loved. Greeks nowadays use lemon almost more than vinegar and both have become integral components of the Greek diet. Obviously, tropical fruits like, say, banana, mango, grapefruit are not present in the traditional Greek diet, however all fruits are good fruits and you can enjoy them freely 🍎
Legumes. Eat freely to the tolerance of your body. Legumes can be too heavy for some GI tracts. Legumes are a great source of protein and fibre. Choose brown lentils, white beans, fava beans, chickpeas, giant beans and black eyed peas the most 🫘
Nuts, seeds: almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, peanuts etc. Eat as much as your body can take, because everybody is different 🥜
Mushrooms: mushroom it up! A great healthy way to have them is grilled with herbs and plain or apple cider vinegar dressing 🍄‍🟫
Whole grains: this is the traditional way to eat grains. Brown bread, oats, whole wheat pasta 🌾
Fish and seafood: find and eat them fresh. Instead of buying them deep frozen from the big markets, find local fish stores if your place is coastal and has them. Eat both large but especially small and medium sized fish. Some fish like salmon and tuna should ideally not be consumed daily due to their high levels of mercury and fats 🐟🎣🍤
Herbs and spices. Feel free to use as much as you want however if you are interested also in the flavours of the Greek diet besides the health benefits, a tip is that Greek dishes do not contain extremely hot spices 🌿
Water: A lot of water daily and, mind you, plain clear mineral water. No flavoured water, definitely not sparkling water and ideally no other liquids in place of the water. I mean, sure you can have liquids but you should ALSO have plain water 💧
Eat a few times per week:
Poultry: Poultry and lean meats entered the Greek cuisine mostly after the Middle Ages however they are nowadays enjoyed as part of the Greek Mediterranean diet because they are tasty and healthier than other types of meat. Chicken has become especially popular in the Greek cuisine. Other birds are the pheasant, the quail, the turkey and more sparsely the duck 🍗
Eggs: eggs are healthy and should be consumed a few times per week but not daily because they can cause a rise in cholesterol levels 🥚
Dairy: Greeks LOVE dairy products, especially the various types of cheese, however they are often irritating to the GI tract and they are linked with rises in the level of inflammation in the body. This is why you should ideally limit them to a few times per week. One exception is the yoghurt, which is fermented and can be perhaps consumed more frequently due to its beneficial properties. Important note: if you want to follow the Greek diet, you should ideally opt for milk and other dairy products from goats and sheep! Cow milk is not traditionally used in the Greek cuisine often and sheep and goat milk are significantly healthier and more nutritious. The only drawback is the stronger smell, however if you can get past that, it is strongly advised to switch to those instead of cow milk. Another note: what is known as “Greek yoghurt” in western countries is not in fact a true Greek yoghurt. What you call Greek yoghurt is to us simply a strained yoghurt, a yoghurt from which the whey has been removed. Sometimes in western markets (and in Greek “modern” dessert yoghurt products) butterfat and powdermilk is added to them and they are mostly made of cow’s milk. Again, a traditional Greek yoghurt is made of sheep, goat milk or a mix of both and is unstrained. It also has a trademark thickened skin on its top (dunno if this is the actual term lol) which is in fact the part of the yoghurt that contains the most nutrients and personally it’s the tastiest part of the yoghurt but apparently it is not for everyone. As an example, a study showed that an unstrained sheep yoghurt has more protein, more omega-3 fatty acids and minerals yet fewer calories and fats than a strained cow yoghurt 🍦🧀
Wine: in small portions, like a small glass up to a few times per week and always in combination with your meal. You don’t drink it to get hammered, you drink it for the health benefits it has in very moderate quantities and for the reasonable mild euphoria it causes before it becomes harmful. The GI tract is linked to the brain and is detrimentally influenced by negative emotions. This is why it is important to try to be in a good mood, relaxed and peaceful when you sit down to eat. A sip of wine now and then can be good for that 🍷
Eat once per week or ideally less:
Red meat like pork or beef. In fact, beef should be the one most avoided not only because it is indeed the rarest of the common meats used in traditional Greek cuisine but also because you can’t separate the fat from the meat as easily as with pork. To follow the Greek style in a healthy way opt for goat, then lamb or pork and make beef your most occasional meat dish 🥩
Processed meats should be eaten rarely. If you are in a mood for it though, opt for Greek style sausages with herbs in or bacon at most. Cured meats like ham are better to be avoided but turkey is the healthiest of them. They are not a part of a traditional Greek cuisine though.
Refined grains can be enjoyed weekly but should not replace whole grains
Pastries. What’s new, pastries are not ideal for health. However, if you are yearning for something sweet, if you want to keep it healthy as much as possible in the “Greek way”, opt for desserts made of healthy ingredients like honey, nuts, olive oil and fruits. Chocolate came to Greece in the 19th century, however it has become an integral part of confectionery since then. Opt ideally for dark chocolate, combined with nuts or fruits such as oranges and prunes. Greeks especially love chocolate combined with nuts.
Soft and sugary drinks. Avoid them overall, especially the processed products in the markets. If you need a sweet drink really bad, you can keep it traditional by making your own sweet lemonade, sour cherry, pomegranate etc drink at home. You could also enjoy small quantities of lemon or mastic liquors which are good for digestion.
Try to find mastic if it’s available where you live. The mastic is a resin produced from the mastic tree, a species endemic to the Greek island of Chios and a small part of the opposite coast of Turkey. It has numerous beneficial properties, especially for digestion and gut health, and it combines them with a very pleasant fresh and sweet flavour. You can find it in gums that boost digestion, in drinks, in pastries and even in non-edible products like toothpastes. Learn about it and give it a try, no matter if you are interested in following Greek diet or not.
Greek cuisine does not go berserk on as many ingredients as possible (however Greeks typically add more ingredients than, say, Italians and perhaps fewer than the Middle Easterners). Don’t worry about adding as many foods and nutrients in one single dish. The most important thing in Greek cuisine philosophy is to pick the finest ingredients. Avoid deep frozen or precooked and processed ingredients. Pick whole fruits and vegetables from your local small grocery store. For example, don’t buy a watermelon slice in a zelatin bag from the supermarket. Take the whole freaking watermelon home. You heard me right. It’s heavy, yes, but you would be surprised how much tastier and healthier it is this way. Go to the butcher for meat. Go to the specific cheese shop for cheese. Go to the fisherman for fish and seafood. Go to the pastry shop and get a nice dessert instead of buying candies from the market.
Remember that in moderation you can eat most of the foods you desire, especially if they are not processed foods. There is nothing about the Greek diet that is restrictive in terms of its philosophy - historically the intake of various foods was regulated only based on availability and price. There are no foods you should limit due to any perception of them being “bad” and you should never feel guilty the moment you are actually having the food. Just work slowly and progressively by building gradual appreciation for healthy foods and prize less nutritious foods as occasional taste bud rewards.
As said above, a good mood is crucial when you sit down to eat. In the history of the Greek society this translated into eating with friends and / or family, maybe with the occasional sip of wine, ideally in a pleasant environment and always taking your time with your food. If some of these are less feasible than others, try alternatively to improve the setting in which you eat, to eat in an environment that calms you down. Schedule your meal so that you won’t eat in anxiety or hurry, if this is possible. Think of pleasant memories and feel grateful for your food. Cheers! Or, you know, εις υγείαν!
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flowerwrites06 · 3 years
the tale of agape I — jjk
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World Info: There are eight types of Love originated from Ancient Greece. In the Realm of Love, these types have been turned into seven Gods and one Goddess. — Agape (universal): OC (Name: Belle) | Pragma (everlasting): Jungkook | Storge (familial): Yoongi | Mania (obsession): Seokjin | Philia (platonic): Namjoon | Eros (sexual passion): Taehyung | Philautia (self-love): Hoseok | Ludus (playful): Jimin
Plot: Agape is a well-loved Goddess in the Realm of Love. Anyone who wins her approval will become the most powerful entity in the land, standing side by side as a co-symbol of eternal Love. Unfortunately with knowledge of this power, Gods and Nymphs are prone to obsession and cunning. So Agapes’ de facto brother, Storge organises a tournament in her honour. Only the winner will become Agapes’ partner. 
Pairing(s): God!Jungkook x Goddess!OC (Name: Belle) ft. God!Seokjin 
Rating: G | PG | M | R 18+
Type: Drabble | Oneshot | Two Parter | Series
Word Count: 2.6k 
Genre: Gods & Goddesses | Fantasy | Romance 
Tags & Warnings: betrayal, nothing intense in this chapter but there will eventual smut and violence so 
Authors Note: i miss doing a jungkook series lmao so here you go, there were a lot of people during requests asking for a god/goddess au so I’m going on that with a new plot based on the eight types of love. I’m also extremely sleepy and ready to pass out, please excuse any mistakes. And lastly of course, enjoy and let me know what you think! Is this something you’d want me to continue or nah? 
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Morning began with soft sunlight painting the Love Realm, making the Cherry Palace sandstone glow like a topaz gem. Yoongi, the God of Familial Love stood at the terrace with the God of Platonic Love, Namjoon. Their soft silk robes flowed in the cool breeze as they watched the chariots of red, gold and blue riding into the courtyard; each vehicle pulled by majestic stallions.
“Are you sure about this?” Namjoon asked, eyes gently squinted to adjust to the bright day. His flowing blonde hair looked almost white from the reflection of the sun.
Yoongi shook his head, heart shaped lips pursed. “I don’t like it as much as you do but this is the only way we can filter out the ones on our own accord.”
“Is Belle okay with this?”
“She likes tournaments. Chose the method herself.”
Yoongi hummed in agreement, unable to hide the smile spreading across his lips.
Namjoon chuckled. “Sometimes I think she just likes the knocking of heads.”
“Agape has a cheek to her.” Yoongi leaned forward on the balcony railing. All the heads padded out of their chariots, escorted by servants into the palace. Only one chariot hadn’t arrived yet.
“Seokjin is coming too?” Namjoons’ voice grew deep with slight contempt.
“I have to invite him. It wouldn’t be fair.”
“You know how he gets, Yoongi.” Namjoon shifted to face him completely. “What if he gets out of control in this tournament?”
“I gave him my warning last time.” Yoongi raised a hand to calm him. “He knows what’ll happen.”
“You can’t kill him.”
“Oh I’ll keep him alive.”
Namjoon shook his head, laughing. “How do you make even that sound threatening?”
Yoongi grinned. “I made her my sister for a reason. No one hurts her on my account.”
Refreshing wind brushed through the transparent crème curtains into Belles’ room as her lady-in-waiting fit her into a warm pink georgette dress for the first tournament. The tone matched her pink irises, making them look more otherworldly than ever.
Angel let out a satisfied sigh after fixing the train. “Lord Yoongi knows how to pick dresses.” She stood up straight and fixed the gold patchwork bordering the shoulder of the dress.
“He always chooses pink.” Belle observed herself in the silver rimmed mirror, tilting her head. Her curls fell over half her face.
“Well, you can’t wear red just yet.”
“Such a strange rule.”
“Apparently when Agape wears red, it’s only for the most auspicious occasions.” Angels’ voice turned airy as her face lit up with astonishment. Her passion for the Gods of Love was admirable and endearing without the added obsession of climbing the ladder. She respected the concept of love in its purest form. Belle needed more of that around her. “So it’s special that you wear it in specific times.”
“Will I wear it for my wedding?” A small thrill tingled through her belly mentioning her own wedding. Belle remembered all her dreams about being the splash of red amongst pink roses and falling peach blossoms in the Cherry Palace center garden.
Angel stared up at her, eyes glossed and face flushed with excitement. “It could be the most beautiful deep red dress that has a train all down the Realm.” She gestured out through the curtains.
“That’d be a bit hard to move around in.” Belle giggled as she shrugged off the pink dress until she was down to her white underdress. “But I appreciate the enthusiasm.”
“Watch your left, Eros!” Laughter ensued from outside her room.
“You watch your footwork, Pragma!”
Hearing the Gods’ names being used as colloquial nicknames was a strange sound to Angel but it made Belle grin. She rushed forward through the transparent curtains to the sandstone balcony which looked over one of the smaller gardens. The ones with apple trees and the fountain.
“My lady, wait!” Angel whispered harshly.
The sleeve of Belles’ underdress slid off her shoulder but she barely thought to fix it. Angel quickly draped a silk robe over her body to keep her decent.
The two young Gods of Love, Pragma and Eros dueled each other like they were performing in a playful dance. Yoongi called Pragma by Jungkook and Eros by Taehyung. Both of them a true symbol of their role in the Realm.
Taehyung had beautiful deep tan skin, glowing like a bronze pearl and his sharpened eyes constantly brimmed with bliss over the things around him. He wore a loose silk shirt of yellow and white, half-opened to expose his soft chest while his dark brown curls fluffed and flowed like a gentle garden.
Jungkook was of milk tea skin, sweat on his neck and cheeks glistened, matting his raven hair to his forehead. His body was lithe and muscular adorned in a red and black shirt. The smile on his face had the perfect mix of mischief and pure joy. His feet moved like the genteel steps of a blossom dancer but his sword swings were the strength of a rock sentinel. Chuckles flowed from his lips at the sequence of movements, truly enjoying the activity instead of being full of anger and determination to win something.
Belle wanted to continue admiring him but a sense of her own mischief seeped through. The fountain centered this garden which the Gods did an amazing job to avoid in their flexible parries and attacks. When she noticed Jungkook nearing the fountain ready to avoid, she took a deep breath. “Having fun, my lords?!”
As expected, Jungkook lost his balance and toppled over to the fountain. His beautiful shirt splashed with water and his dampened hair from sweat completely soaked from the fountain flow. From up on the balcony, it looked like a Nymph was pouring water constantly on Jungkooks’ head.
Belle couldn’t help but laugh and Angel tried her best not to follow along.
Jungkook winced at his drenched self; almost a hint of anger on his face before he threw his head back and scoffed out a laugh.
Taehyung looked over to follow the sound and his expression softened when he recognized Belles’ face. “Agape,” he whispered with such a baritone voice that it even shocked Jungkook.
He tracked his gaze up to the sandstone balcony, decorated with pink roses and all-spice flowers. Jungkook raked his fingers through his hair, slicking it back so he could see her. Agape. The Goddess of Eternal Love. Beautiful brown curls and glowing skin against the warm sunlit sky. He couldn’t see it clearly from here but the hints of her pink irises twinkled. A smile tugged at his lips. “You got me, my lady.”
Belle smirked, leaning forward as her cheeks heated. “Be sure not to catch a cold, my lord. I’m looking forward to seeing you at the match.”
Jungkooks’ smile turned to a bright grin. “I’ll be as healthy as a God,” he mused before biting his bottom lip.
The day had come for Seokjins’ arrival. Mania: the God of Obsessive Love. This time Yoongi opted to see him personally in the council room. Kiku, the Earth Nymph Queen and his wife stood by his side despite her wish not to see this God again. In the last banquet, Seokjin had less than pleasant things to say to her and Yoongi was on the verge of announcing war. Thankfully Namjoon broke apart the fight, telling them to separate until they calm down.
Black robe train slithered across the white polished stone floor. When Yoongi remembered Seokjin, he saw a plump skinned charmer who saw the world as a trail of possibilities. Today he stood in front of a thinning man. “I thank you for welcoming me back after my horrible behaviour in the last banquet.” Seokjin spoke in his truest charm but it was changed. There was a darkness under his eyes now and his previously plump skin became sunken with age.
Yoongi attempted a smile. “It’s forgotten.”
Beetle black eyes flickered to Kiku with the same deathly sleep-deprived expression. “And Lady Earth, I offer my humblest apologies.”
Kiku nodded in response without a word. Yoongi knew it was her way to tolerating this visit without giving her true opinion.
“I’m happy to be part of this excitement.” Seokjin intertwined his long fingers together like a spiders legs uncurling.
“Both Eros and Pragma will be participating.”
“How wonderful!”
“Jimin will also be giving his famous stories as entertainment with Goddess Gaias’ illusions. I know you enjoy them.”
“My favorites are of ours.” Seokjin always had his way to maintaining the memory of their history. The two oldest Gods of Love. Family and Obsession building the Realm of Love from scratch. There was a twisted beauty about that fact.
“The servants will help you to your temporary chamber in the Palace.” Yoongi nodded to the three servants awaiting his order. “Make yourself at home.”
Seokjin bowed and turned his heel, quietly expecting the servants to scurry after him.
Yoongi glanced over at Kiku. Her entire body exuded a sense of concern and a hint of anger, green vines were twirling around her fingers to relieve her stress. He held onto her hand, her skin as soft as a cloud. A silent comfort to reassure her that it’ll all be well.
Thousands of people in the Realm of Love crowded on the wooden pavilions, waving their flags of rainbow colours representing their favourite jousters. Excitement thrummed in the air with that hint of curiosity. Who would the Goddess Agape stand next to at the end of the festival? Some of the members of the crowd were already deep into debate as to which fighter would be the most appropriate.
At the center and best view of the arena, three velvet lined seats were placed. Yoongi sat in the middle with Kiku on his left and Belle on his right. A step lower than the seats were the three non-performing gods, Namjoon, Seokjin and Hoseok, the God of Self-Love.
Once the crowd was organized and ready, Yoongi stood up. He didn’t need to move an inch before everyone delved into an attentive silence. “Welcome to our esteemed competition, good people. The rules are simple. You are to clash with your partners in a fair joust and the winner will provide a favor of their colour to the Goddess.” He gestured to Belle. “The one with the most favors will win the match.” Yoongi waved his hand. “Let the games begin.”
A wave of applause and cheer welcomed the first jousting match between Taehyung and an Earth Nymph. Their gold and silver armor glinted against the summer light. Another trail of pin-drop silence as the jousters had their lances ready. Belle kept her eyes on Eros as most of the crowd did. No one expected him to be much of a sportsman but his blooming friendship with Jungkook seemed to have influenced his new hobbies.
With a clap, the stallions galloped towards each other. In a pounding rise of suspense, they grew closer. Closer. Closer. Taehyung smashed the lance against the Earth Nymphs’ chest earning a wild applause.
He reached the other side and one of the servants gave him a white favor for his victory. Taehyung rode out to the platform where Belle sat. Keeping his half-lidded gaze, he kissed the favor and had it levitate towards the Goddess. “For you, my lady.”
Belle smiled and gently accepted the favor. She gave a short bow to acknowledge his gift.
Another series of matches continued on but what Belle truly waited for arrived around five matches later. She may have counted in her head until she saw the red flag matched with green.
Jungkook rode in his glinting obsidian armor and black stallion that had the most beautiful silver mane. He was a picture of magic. Lances at the ready, the crowd stills with anticipation. The Earth Nymph rides first and Jungkook follows suit a few seconds later. There were some murmurs that the God lost his focus in the midst of the match. They soon found out it was another reason altogether.
The sheer brute force of Jungkooks’ lance nearly cracked the Earth Nymphs’ armor and had them falling off their horse. Due to the leather straps, the Nymphs’ struggling body was still being dragged by the stallion while servants tried to get them to safety.
Belle stared at the fallen Nymph in worry, feeling a bit guilty for the sheer excitement brimming through her body at Jungkooks’ explosive victory. He brought a red favor. This time Belle stood up from her chair as the beautiful stallion closed in. Moving down the step platform with Namjoons’ help, she took a moment to caress the stallions’ head.
“For you, my lady.” Jungkook handed her the red favor.
Belle accepted it, feeling the warmth of his palm and the heat exuding from it. “My lord,” she muttered before turning on her heel. Perhaps it was too blatant of an action for her favoritism but she didn’t care.
Yoongi noticed the flushed pleasure on Belles’ face. He couldn’t help but chuckle, rubbing his lips and instinctively holding Kikus’ hand. A part of him remembered how the early thrills of a blossoming relationship felt like. The more Belle smiled, the more he felt grateful for this tournament.
Jungkook stayed still on the spot just watching Belle move back up to her platform. His body and soul grew too comfortable in her aura that it made him dizzy. When the Goddess sat down and faced him, he shook himself back to reality. Giving a quick bow, he rode back for the rest of the tournament.
Night fell into a deep blue blanket of sky and the remnants of thrill from the tournament celebrated with ale, dancing and pleasure. Jungkook had last seen Taehyung in a bedroom full of the most beautiful Nymphs and the smell of incense. With the look on his face, one could only imagine what was going on in there. He, however, was called to Seokjins’ chamber.
He knocked on the door four times and announced himself before Seokjin invited him in with a chirpy tone.
“Welcome, Jungkook!” Seokjin was about the only person other than Yoongi who could call him that. “I hope you had fun in the tournament.” He gestured for him to sit at the dining table.
“Sword fighting is more my favourite—” Jungkook relaxed on the chair, his tired muscles aching when it was finally resting. “—but I liked the favors idea.” He smiled.
“I’m sure you did.” Seokjin picked up an apple from the glass bowl and wiped it on his robe. “Keep going like this and our deal will go smoothly.”
His smile faded, fingers lightly tapping on the arm of his chair. “Do you think it’s fair? Sneaking up on the Goddess like this?”
“Don’t start getting a conscience now, my lord.” Seokjin chuckled. “When you were begging for your friends’ life, you said you’d kill the Goddess.”
Jungkook tasted something bitter on his tongue at the thought.
“Too bad that friend didn’t have your beautiful dedication to friendship.” He scrunched his nose. “Wind Nymphs, they’re a bit filmsy, aren��t they?”
Jungkook pressed his lips together, averting his gaze.
Seokjin let out a deep sigh, raising his palms. “Apologies.” The kindness of his gaze ended as soon as it started when he narrowed his gaze. The shadows cast under his eyes made him look more like a Demon than a God. “But we’re still on this deal, aren’t we?”
It wasn’t a request open for Jungkook to refuse. If he backed out of his deal then the price would be dire. Seokjin was an ancient God of Love like Yoongi. Entities like him could take a God or Nymphs’ powers, rotting their core soul into a Demon. An animalistic creature with no memory of their past self.
Jungkook was trapped the moment he thought of a deal with Seokjin. All he could do was nod and accept the betrayal he was going to perform.
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next chap >>>
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So Sooga gets along with Revali, Sidon, Riju- what about Urbosa and Daruk? I don't think I recall the dynamic between him and the others. And I think Kohga is missing a few too- i guess im asking for headcanons here.
Oh good point. All of these are susceptible to change, so nothing is particularly set in stone.
Enjoys hanging out with Revali. He admires not just his talent, but the fact that he hides his insecurities very well. Match that with his quick wit and their mutual love for making fun of Link honestly makes them buddies. They like to train, have tea, and have a nice crab omlette (Sooga is on and off in terms of how comfortable he is, eating around Revali). Revali, along with every other rito (namely women) have a crush on him. Sooga just, fucking attracts birds for some reason.
Sidon is his close second friend. Big as he is, a lover of fish, Sidon is annoying in a sort of endearing way. He likes fishing, hiking, swimming, collecting shells with him. When they aren't having fun outside or fucking, you'll see them indoors, whittling while Sidon goes on and on about some story. Sooga likes to listen, Sidon loves to talk. They just work.
Riju. Riju is sort of like his niece. He treats her respectfully, but having grown up with six sisters, Sooga has the instinct to care for her. He takes her out for ice cream, he does her nails/hair, listens to her rant, and even helps pet sit Patricia from time to time (and Patricia LOVES him, she blows him kisses all the time). He's also kinda protective. A boy her age tried talking to her, he went missing the next day. Odd I know.
Urbosa. Urbosa acts like HIS older sister, and while women make him uncomfortable, he trusts her more than most. She's always there to give him words of encouragement, always there to help him against some rather hungry ladies- she just has his back. Sometimes they meet up for a nice dessert and talk about what they like in men (Urbosa loves ladies too, but women are lost on Sooga).
Mipha. Sooga and Mipha get along. They aren't at each other’s throats, but Sooga isn't exactly nuts about her. She finds him slightly imposing, he doesn't like being near women-without Kohga, they're awkward with one another.
Teba. Sooga and Teba actually get along pretty well. They're both rather strong and silent types. That is, until Sooga asks about the family life. They end up sitting next to each other, tending to their weapons, while Teba tells him what it's like to be a dad. They're quiet overall.
Daruk. Daruk and Sooga...they co exist. Sooga doesn't hate him, but he isn't a fan. Jealousy from Kohga aside, Sooga doesn't like that he's loud, brazen, VERY touchy, and is constantly trying to get him to eat. Suffice to say, Sooga would prefer anyone else's company (he was once in a room with JUST him and Mipha. It sucked).
Sooga and Yunobo. For some reason, he's chosen to adopt him too, and is constantly acting as his confident. He's constantly making sure he's eaten and slept, and is trying to help him come out of his shell. The 'he asked for no pickles' meme, but in an uncle way. Sooga likes to take him out to smash boulders during the day, and hunt for fireflies at night. Yunobo once fell asleep on him, Sooga didn't have the heart to move him. He had to see a doctor for his back the next day, but worth it.
Link and Sooga have a VERY competitive relationship. They've established early on that they're rivals, and as such, wanna beat each other's shit on a daily basis. They lowkey need to stop hitting each other and just bone, everyone sees it.
The Great faeries. Not champions, but imma include it anyway-they coddle the crap out of him because he's honestly adorable to them. He really. Really wishes they'd stop kissing him, just ONCE. They're all better than Malanya though, for some reason he fucking HATES Sooga.
Zelda. Sooga...does not like Zelda. I'll leave it at that. Let's just say you shouldn't leave them alone together.
Impa/Purah/Robbie. Its fucking on site with Impa, Purah is actually tolerable, and Robbie is just fucking annoying.
Kohga of course, LOVES his lil red fishy, Mipha. You kidding me? She's a cherry! An absolutely precious lil ruby! Kohga loves her SO much, she can pretty much just waltz into the clan whenever she pleases, and gets whatever she wants by asking for it. They're ABSOLUTELY bff's. Shopping, cooking, talking about boys and taking selfies, they're practically joined at the hip. I'm telling you, Kohga would end game any bitch if Mipha asked.
Daruk. Kohga LOVES the guy! Not just because he's easy on the eyes, but he's big, loud, rowdy, pair that up with his love for food, and these two can keep each other company FOREVER. Just, be warned if booze is allowed, and may god help your pantry. When they AREN'T raining hell, they spend time at the hot springs, and let me tell you, you've never seen two dudes happier, they're like pigs in shit.
Sidon. Kohga and Sidon get along great! Nice to look at, Sidon is also just a sweetie who just. Does whatever Kohga tells him to. Like Sooga, but dumb as hell. One of the few people that BOTH of them can hang around with. Seriously though, Sidon is a big dumb sweetie, Kohga LOVES it.
Urbosa. Her and Kohga get along, in a sorta 'let's meet for brunch on Sundays' kinda way. It's a casual friendship, and honestly? It's comfortable for them. He's still lowkey scared of her though.
Kohga is Riju's OTHER uncle. He's the more 'tell me about the boys you like' kinda uncle. Total enabler, he lets Riju do all the kid stuff she never really got the chance to do. You wanna play with chalk? Absolutely. You wanna get your shoes dirty? Course! You wanna eat all the candy and go pants a royal guard? He's IN.
Revali is an ass. Full of himself, snarky, and so in the closet, they bicker ALL the fucking time. They don't HATE each other, they just fucking can't get along. They fought over BREAD once.
Teba doesn't love Kohga. He's not quiet, he squirms a lot, and even if he's asleep, he tosses and turns a LOT. Teba just puts up with him, while Kohga thinks he's boring, but nice to look at.
Yunobo is more loved by Sooga than Kohga, but he thinks the kid is a peach. He teaches him how to talk to boys he likes. Can't help with girls though. Still sweet to the poor kid though, always brings him something to eat, because he worries.
Kohga LOVES Link! They both love food (especially fried bananas), Kohga loves Link's antics, Link loves Kohga’s funny dance moves- they just click. You'll often see them napping together after a buffet of food.
The great faeries! He LOVES them!! They're big, they're beautiful, they proud and loud- they are just his gal pals. He knows each ones specific tastes, and its so easy for him to charm the pants off of them during tea time. Don't tell anyone, but Malanya is his favorite, they love talking about horses.
Impa/Purah/Robbie. Kohga doesn't hate Impa, but the girl is SUCH a buzzkill. Instead of going and getting her a girl, she's here, scolding him for some random rule. Smh. He LOVES Purah though. They're TOTAL shutterbugs together, and they both agree that Impa needs to get a girlfriend. Robbie is also a TOTAL babe. Like if dude likes to experiment, Kohga can run some tests on that DI-
Zelda. Kohga...hates that he likes her. She's just a sweet gal, and with a smile like that? He can't hate her. He visits here and there for political reasons, but they do have lunch and catch up. Him and Sooga do sometimes help pick outfits/looks as well. And...well. The royal stables are a HUGE plus (seriously, Kohga SWOONS for her white horse. He jokes that he's more handsome than Sooga. He's half kidding, that fucker is a BEAUTIFUL horse).
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hello-yue-here · 3 years
hii, i just wanted to say i love your headcanon of tenor zuko, it works so well! 💞💞
i was wondering whether you also had an idea of which other members of atla would sing and how they would?
thanks so much, liv! 💞💞
aaaaAAAAHHH theatre kid mode: activate
aang: ummm the best singer EVER like bro is an airbender: hes got FANTASTIC breathe support. his directors always wanna cast him as the lead because hes also a triple threat (remember his dancing w katara??? remember how well he played pippinpaddleopsicopolis (i def spelled that wrong oops) manz can sing dance and act hes a star) BUT he always auditions for the comedic side kid characters because those are the ones he wants and no one else is funny enough to play them. it works out well since they have tenor king zuko to be the male lead.
katara: strongest belt you have ever heard in your LIFE. can riff like no other. but the thing is shes an alto so she never gets the parts she deserves because in my experience directors always favor the sopranos. however she is the BEST dancer no matter what cast she is in so she always gets these BEAUTIFUL solo dances and people flip out over them.
sokka: he thinks hes a tenor so he always tries to sing the high stuff (and he can! he does have the range and can hit the notes but he doesnt realize its straining his voice a little bit) so when he gets casted in a baritone role and fucking KILLS IT everyones like holy shit hes amazing. like katara hes got a pretty powerful belt but again if he tries to go too high hes gonna strain his voice. despite not being able to belt too too too high like tenor king zuko, his mix voice is very good and his falsetto is fucking amazing (jersey boys sokka from my yuekka senario last week anyone?)
toph: see you THINK shed be an alto but NOPE. she is a classically trained soprano because of her parents and her classical voice is fucking beautiful. never a dry eye when this girl sings. coukd easily be christine in phantom if she wanted. despite this due to her short height and small frame she is always cast as the little boy characters that are too big of roles to cast random little kids and too high for the other men. example: she was james in james and the giant peach and she was FANTASTIC.
zuko: tenor king.
suki: OUR LEADING LADY. started out as a mezzo soprano w a strong belt and evolved into a true soprano who can actually sing on pitch (no offense to my soprano friends out there. its just. in my hs. EVERY girl thoight they were a soprano. in reality we had two true sopranos. out of like 40 girls who thought they were sopranos. it was a nightmare.) zuko and suki are almost always paired up for the romantic leads in the shows and become besties because of it. very very good dancer as well. back to her voice. im thinking veryyyyy eva noblezada mixed with laura osnes.
azula: soprano queen azula for the same reasons zuko is a tenor king. however: due to the fact that she cannot act or dance for SHIT takes away from her singing talents. its okay tho! she still gets every female lead because no one else can sing like her. the director just makes sure to have everyone dance around her in big numbers and chooses shows where the acting isnt too hard. her school and zukos school are rivals and during hs musical award season it gets HEATED.
mai: alto queen. alto queen. alto queen. who is always playing the female villains and loving every minute of it? mai. her voice is low and haunting and very beautiful to listen to. it gives you shivers and goosebumps because how can her range go that low??? alto queen what more can i say. her raspiness is just *chefs kiss* the cherry on top.
ty lee: dancer first. girl cannot sing for her LIFE. literally so bad she cannot carry a tune at all. but her dancing and actor save her so she always gets the funny girl roles that dont require much ir any singing at all. she always tries her best tho! and by senior year of high school her voice is actually barely tolerable instead of downright painful to listen to. her dancing is on par with kataras and they always make ty lee do the show stopping acrobating tricks even if the show doesnt have that kind of vibe. shes just so energetic onstage that people go crazy for her tricks.
yue: soprano legend. her voice is literally a disney princess voice. she would get all the female leads but she gets stage fright and prefers being in the ensambke anyways. but seriously if you listen to this girls soft voice you will get tears. think denee benton and sierra boggess.
jet: TENOR PRINCE. always either zukos understudy or his best friend character. there have been multiple times when jet suited a role better than zuko wcting and dancing wise but they still have them to zuko because yk. tenor king zuko. favorite role by far was when he was judas in jesus christ superstar and zuko was jesus (jet stole the show in this one which is why its his favorite. he managed to steal the show even when zuko sang gethsemane. the ONLY reason im choosing this show for this hc is because tenor king zuko would fuckin KILL gethsemane and jet has major judas vibes. also judas is hot in this show WHOOPS)
thank you so much for this ask jingyi i had so much fun making this (it took me 25 minutes WHAT THE FUCK time cannot be real) i miss being in musicals i cant wait to do another one
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drferox · 5 years
WHY you shouldn’t feed these 10 foods to your dog
Dogs might think they’re human, but their physiology is not like ours. Humans might eat a wide variety of foods with little concern, but there are some very common human foods which you should not feed to your canine companion. You’ve probably seen the foods on this list before, but this is WHY these foods should not be fed to dogs.
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Chocolate, Theobromine and Caffeine:
Everybody’s heard that chocolate is bad for dogs, and it’s true. Chocolate contains a compound called Theobromine. Theobromine is a type of compound called a methylxanthine, and another methylxanthine you might be more familiar with is caffeine. We know quite a lot about these compounds, as humans use them both medicinally and recreationally. The long version is that they all inhibit phosphodiesterase and antagonise adenosine receptors. The short version is that they increase muscle activity, including the heart, and stimulate the central nervous system.
This presents as dogs that have fast and irregular heart rates, high body temperatures and increased muscle activity that can progress to seizures.
It takes a reasonable amount of chocolate to poison a dog. One M&M isn’t going  to do it. For a 35kg dog it’s going to take at least 3500mg of theobromine, which is about 5kg of typical milk chocolate. But only 1.2kg of dark chocolate or 600g of cooking chocolate, which is possible.
A 10kg dog needs much less. 1.5kg of milk chocolate would do it, which is only about 3  large Easter Bunnies, or 300g of dark chocolate, which is one packet from the cooking isle.
Chocolate is super tasty, dogs will absolutely gorge themselves on all chocolate available, so it’s not too difficult to poison smaller dogs with it.
And even if you get the dog through the toxicity, the high fat content of chocolate can go on to cause other gastrointestinal problems.
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Onions & Garlic:
Yes, I said onions AND garlic. All allium species contain the same potentially toxic compounds, whether raw or cooked. That goes for spring onions too, it’s just really difficult to convince a dog to eat enough of them to be poisoned. These plants cause a Heinz body anaemia by inducing oxidative damage to the surface of the red blood cells, and for some reason breeds of Japanese origin like the Akita and Shiba Inu seem particularly prone to this toxicity.
It usually takes 10 to 15g per kg of body weight to poison a dog, but those breeds can be affected by as little as 5g per kilo. So for a big, 35kg dog, that’s about three medium sized onions.
Poisoning can happen all in one go, or it can happen by eating small amounts over a longer period of time, which is why it’s infuriating to see garlic being suggested as a natural remedy for things.
Bad cases will have to be treated with a blood transfusion as there is no direct antidote. And for interest, there are other things that can cause Heinz body anaemia too, like zinc.
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Macadamia nuts:
You know how everything in Australia has a reputation for being deadly? Well the Macadamia is the one native Australian plant that has successfully become a mainstream agricultural crop. And it’s poisonous to dogs. Legitimately, for some weird reason Macadamia nuts cause progressive paralysis in dogs. We don’t know what the active toxin is, but we do know it’s present in both raw and cooked nuts, and as little as 5 nuts can cause paralysis in a 20kg dog. Sometimes the dogs develop vomiting and joint swelling in addition to paralysis, but most recover well with supportive treatment.
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Grapes, Raisins and Sultanas:
This is another weird toxin when it comes to dogs, and it’s especially weird in that we don’t know what the toxic compound actually is. Grapes, raisins, sultanas and foods that contain them can cause idiosyncratic (unpredictable) reactions which result in kidney failure by ischaemic injury (lack of blood flow). It’s completely unpredictable which dogs will develop the reaction, and it’s independent of dose with as little at 10 grapes causing the toxicity.
In addition to being unpredictable, you really don’t want to mess around with it. Grape toxicity when it happens has approximately a 50% mortality rate.
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Yeast dough:
A dog can absolutely eat cooked bread, but raw dough with yeast in it to make it rise presents some interesting problems. First is that the fermenting yeast produces ethanol, which can be toxic on its own. Second is that the yeast can and will continue to ferment inside the dog’s stomach where it’s nice and warm. This produces more ethanol, but can also cause bloating and the sticky dough is very difficult to remove by vomiting.
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Chewing gum and Xylitol:
Xylitol is a sugar substitute used in many ‘sugar free’ products, of which chewing gum is the most common, but more and more foods contain it these days. It’s found naturally in many plants such as berries, but ingesting a large amount of it, about 75mg per kg, will cause profound hypoglycemia. Larger doses can also cause liver failure, and it’s only about 50:50 whether treated dogs will survive that. Dogs with hypoglycemia can look drunk with symptoms like vomiting and difficulty walking.
For a 35kg dog, 10 to 15 pieces of sugar free gum could cause this toxicity, and they will happily eat the entire packet if given the chance.
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Alcohol (ethanol):
While humans indulge in this recreational plant toxin, we have spent a considerable amount of our history adapting to its use and some human populations have evolved a higher tolerance than others. Dogs have not done this, but they will consume it either in alcoholic beverages that humans give them for a laugh, or by consuming rotting fruit that’s fallen off trees. Yeast dough can contain it too.
Signs are more or less what you would expect for a drunk dog - sleepy and wobbly, but can progress to low body temperature, metabolic acidosis and some will stop breathing.
The median lethal dose of alcohol for a dog is about 1 standard drink for 2kg of body weight, orally. That’s an average, but some dogs will be more severely affected than others, and complications can still occur at lower doses.
And remember, wine is made from grapes, which can and will cause unpredictable kidney failure, so that’s an extra No.
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Stone Fruit:
The flesh of fruits like apricots, peaches and cherries are fine to feed in moderation, but it’s the large seed inside the fruit that causes most of the problems. These seeds do contain cyanide if cracked open, but the more common problem we see is not a toxicity, but gastrointestinal obstruction.
Some of these seeds are small enough to swallow, but large enough to cause a blockage either at the pylorus, where the stomach empties into the intestine, or in the small intestine itself. This will obviously vary with the size of the pip and the size of the dog. A cherry pit isn’t going to cause much drama, and a large dog like a labrador might poop out a series of peach pips, but a small dog like a terrier may not be so lucky.
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Avocados deserve a special mention because not only are they a stone fruit with a large stone that would cause an obstruction in most dogs if eaten, the flesh of the fruit also contains a toxin caused persin. Persin is very toxic to some species of birds and herbivores and will cause inflammation, swelling and cardiac arrhythmias. In dogs, it would be unlikely to see more than vomiting from this toxin. However, avocado is also relatively high in fat for a fruit, and fatty foods are also not ideal to feed most dogs and cats.
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Fatty Foods:
The most common reason for me to see gastroenteritis in the vet clinic is a dog eating too much fatty food, but it will also potentially cause pancreatitis and that’s even more of a concern. We can tolerate dogs with some diarrhoea or a single vomit after eating something unusual - even humans do that sometimes - but pancreatitis will cause significant pain as well as nausea, and can progress to sepsis, disseminated intravascular coagulation, diabetes or death.
Dogs vary in terms of how much fat they can handle in their diet, with some being much more sensitive than others, and this sensitivity usually increases with age. For most dogs, moderation is the key, not gorging on fatty scraps that the humans didn’t want to eat or barbeque leftovers.
So now you know why these foods aren’t recommended for dogs. We’re not just saying it for no reason, even for the unexpected ones like grapes and macadamias.
This post was sponsored by Fluffy on Patreon. Thank you so much for your ongoing support.
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hortikulturazagreb · 4 years
Growing an Edible Surfaces For Beginning Growers
uređenje vrta Zagreb
Landscapes rely on simple care for trees, bushes, perennials, and usually for the home novel reader annuals and potted arrangements to come alongside one another.
uređenje vrta Zagreb
Trees are often your foundations of the surroundings after the home per se. Plenty of fruiting woods that make good factories also make superb landscape trees. Various cherries, apples, pears, apricots, citrus, peaches, pawpaw and apples are prime types. Many are breathtaking a in the spring, attractive in form, and produce delicious berries. There are many cultivars with fruiting trees along with different growth altitudes at maturity, together with all take effectively to pruning and additionally shaping. Fruiting flowers are passed typically as landscape selections in many landscapes when they can be messy, nevertheless this is only a concern if you're not planning to harvest the fresh fruit from them. As edible landscape trees, the majority all fruiting shrubs are excellent panorama candidates.
Some a lesser amount of commonly known although very wonderful surfaces fruit bearing trees and shrubs include crabapples (they make the best jellies and jellies! ), hackberry (jams in addition to jellies), and persimmon (can be used to get anything and are really delicious). Again, just about all take to shaping and they are lovely in type. Crabapples often have superb fall color, for the reason that do hackberry. Persimmon trees hold onto your fruit past leaf drop and are really ornamental in branching structure.
Nut displaying trees are also superior landscape candidates certainly where an large and stately tree is needed. Schokohäutige walnut may come in your thoughts but this would are the only exception inside landscape as they develop a very potent contaminant that kills several species of indoor plants within their root area and beyond. An alternate tree that is make much welcome return in the landscape may be the Butternut. They check a lot like the stately black walnut nonetheless don't possess like potent of a herb growth inhibitor with its root method. The nuts can also be delicious. There are now ailment resistant butternuts offered. Hazelnut blooms as soon as nothing else flower arrangements and sports wonderful foliage in the autumn. They are very small designed for trees, almost plant like in proportion, which are them very vital from a design viewpoint. Pecans and hickory, and some chestnuts could make good landscape woods as well.
There are a lot of flowering shrubs by using delicious edible bounty that are beautiful landscaping specimens, that purchasing for edible landscape bushes may be more involving confusing experience. Because of make the decision making undertaking easier, we've identified a few of our preferred. These shrubs choose to adopt shearing and trimming; have beautiful grow, foliage form along with color, fall shade, and popular edible crops.
Blueberries are generally absolutely wonderful edible landscape plants. They're just not as difficult to nurture as many seem to believe. There are many cultivars that will range in kind and color together with fruiting. From exceptionally small and very small mounded forms so that you can large and sprawling and tall versions, blueberries come in a lot of flavors. Add some peat into each original planting hole and additionally mulch with compost or pine fine needles is all the pH adjustment they need, nothing at all complicated. They all endure adorable and sweetly scented spring bouquets of pink in addition to white. They all get attractive bushy vegetation in a nice good green, sometimes cutting edge growth being green or pink. They both bear delicious green or pink plant in the summer. And they also all glow exceptionally red in the tumble. They are super healthy, doing well in most most climates, even that coldest areas.
Elderberry has come to this forefront as a rather potent and effective natural medicine. You'll find it happens to be a beautiful shrub well suited to the surroundings. There are cultivars to choose from with purple leaves too, making these individuals a striking inclusion to the landscape (especially when planted involving chartreuse colors associated with foliage in various plants). The leaf form is beautiful and unusual. Your flowers are predominantly fragrant and very popular with pollinators. The all berries are easily made into jellies and jellies along with juices. While usually treated as a big perennial, they can get to shrub like ratios in one season plus they need lots of house to spread out. They can be super easy to grow, in addition to being a native vegetable you're doing your native ecology a enjoy by using elderberry within your landscape. You will need to seed more than one elderberry to guarantee good fruit specify. They prefer extensive sun but might tolerate some tone with grace. They just do not like to dry out which means they're not with regard to xeriscaping or parts of the landscape which get dry.
Viburnums are common in the panorama as they are delightful shrubs for all in the reasons we absolutely adore landscape plants- wonderful habit, form, designs, and variance within cultivars. Specifically for your edible landscape, a American Cranberry Rose bush, or Viburnum trilobum, is an especially useful edible landscape plant selection. The blueberries aren't especially consumed fresh, but just as before they are very pleasant as a jelly and jam. Another American native plant, creatures love them additionally. Viburnums can handle a lot more shade than additional shrubs, and tends to make a great understory herb.
Pine typically provides thoughts of colossal tall trees which is fairly accurate to be able to assume- but pinus radiata now comes in countless cultivars that are shrubs in the surfaces that it's dizzying. Mugo pine specifically is normally well suited for landscape benefit from as is very famous. Better too can be, you can get a great once a year crop of mouth watering pine nuts coming from mugo pine! There are a number forms and colorations of mugo this tree, so you'll have a fantastic time shopping for certain evergreen material to fit your edible landscape properly.
Shrub roses are old garden bushes and plants. More voluminous and easier to increase types of roses work nicely in the landscape, together with leave behind extremely edible and fabulous rose hips meant for harvest. Rose body are very high in vitamin supplement C and can be generated into teas and additionally jams. Rose sides make excellent concentrated amounts like rosewater which might then be used around cooking, and even inside homemade cleaning supplements and room fresheners. Roses themselves need aggressive pruning however , otherwise are relatively undemanding. The roses are a delight, and plenty of new cultivars from landscape roses are hardy, disease challenging, and beautiful. Rosa rugosa is a ancient version of an terrific landscape and indigenous rose that's wholesome and disease protected, and leaves behind massive red and yellow hips in the drop.
In warmer zones, rosemary can improve to shrub just like sizes and will make a great shrub. Indeed, rosemary is an imperative in cooking. It's also possible to use rosemary with homemade cleaning products- especially in natural soaps where it is actually scent works well to get masculine (or possibly not of course) aromatic bars and the tiny needles themselves make for terrific exfoliators. Rosemary is normally grown as a perennial, but can naturalize in warm sufficiently areas in excellent sun. It can stand some drying out nevertheless enjoys consistent seepage.
If you thought ones edible landscape possibilities with trees and shrubs ended up being liberating, wait unless you start looking at perennial choices. There are many perennial edibles to choose from, most notably for root usage. Some normal perennial herbs ideal for landscapes include rosemary (mentioned above for a shrub but in many cases can be kept being a smaller perennial), sage, thyme, oregano, chives, ginger (in hot areas), and lavender. Mint is a especially hardy and competitive perennial, but a spreading nature shouldn't always make it a great landscape plant. Mint is better kept planned and planted in pots in addition to contained. Agastache can be described as less common at this point very wonderful organic that makes an excellent landscaping plant. So is usually tough Echinacea which consists of beautiful blooms, that now come in various colors aside from green and white. Cheyenne Spirit is an Echinacea mix with crimson, orange, coral, white, and other colors this warm up the surroundings with long lasting flowers. You can use the blossoms and leaves at all these plants designed for culinary uses as well countless jobs throughout the house.
There are plenty of perennial plant life that are not natural in nature, although offer vegetable meals. Artichoke is a lovely perennial in milder climates. It's very odd and stately mode make for a great focal plant. Harvest that flowers before they will bloom, as be the artichoke you eat. Asparagus, or what we realize as asparagus, happens early in the spring and coil as a thick spear (that's the section we eat), nonetheless leaving some of the spears alone to grow along with develop the rest of the months rewards you using tall and wispy foliage that contrasts and fills within well among many other plants. Edible rhubarb is a large leaved plant that can be collected in the early spring because of its stalks. Super robust, its one perennial crop enjoyed with the coldest of temperatures and is most popular combined with strawberries (another great perennial edible for the landscape) around pies. There is elaborate rhubarb that is also larger and more awesome than the type that is definitely commonly grown inside gardens, and while all those are edible to boot they are larger together with woodier. Various freezing hardy cabbages and additionally kale are really ornamental and provide flavorful and nutritious green vegetables through the season. They will easily reseed for most areas and are terrific at filling in spaces. The blooms any time allowed to bolt within the warm season usually are 4 petaled, quite often yellow or crimson, and very pretty.
Blood plants are often ignored in the landscape while they are typically cultivated with gardens and concerning farms for their results, but if you take a look at strawberries in full poor growing and scattering mounds of attractive green foliage, you will recognize that they also make a excellent landscape ground protect. Many varieties undertake need some fixing measures as they can be good at spreading, however , this can also end up of advantage inside the landscape where clean spots are complicated to cover.
Daylily factories are very popular panorama plants, but not many men and women know that the flower arrangements of daylily are extremely edible and delightful. Mild, crunchy, indeed floral, they are amazing in salads and even on sandwiches. Daylilies are hardy and never picky and are produced everywhere. There are many types and colors in addition to sizes of daylilies. One can spend a week looking at on the internet catalogs of daylilies from breeders. Commonly, most affordable, and the the majority of versatile daylily it's stood the try of time still is actually the Stella D'Oro.
Ornamental annuals could be more than petunias along with impatiens. There are many yearly plants that have edible leaves and think about that work correctly in the landscape. Like pansies and violas have blooms which might be very edible together with beautiful. If a single thing, they make exquisite garnish. Freeze violas in ice cubes and additionally drop a viola filled cube towards a cup of popular or cold dinner for a beautiful emphasis. Candy viola roses in sugar with regard to storage and have used them later on cakes. Pansies and violas go back yearly in most aspects, but they are typically viewed as annuals. These people like full sunrays and in toasty areas benefit from color. They are easily grown up in pots nevertheless naturalize beautifully within borders. Other very ornamental annual roses that work superb in the landscape tend to be nasturtiums and calendula. Nasturtiums can be compact and mounding, and also long and trailing. Calendula is usually lime, daisy-like, and is superb as garnish, around salads, or inside drinks. Both Nasturtiums and calendula can be available in the springtime in flats, although usually are easily immediately seeded into the surfaces. Fun with young ones!
Lettuce can be an definitely stunning leafy landscaping annual, wonderful inside front of the edge. Lettuces come in quite a few colors and shapes and textures. People look best with the cooler seasons, nonetheless can easily be reseeded if thy bolt and become unsightly. Another solution to lettuce of which performs all period long and is nearly as tasty and even more wholesome is orach. Orach is a relative with the common weed "lambs quarters" but is additionally related to spinach. Orach is usually sold since seed, and is available in colors of vibrant pink, red, natural, and chartreuse.
And, we come to vines. Vines offer a clean opportunity to try an item slightly unusual, numerous ornamental landscape vines are also highly edible and beautiful, however , aren't well known. Hops are one superb example. Hops are widely-used in beer helping to make. They are the efficient flowers on a gentle little vine that is definitely well behaved in addition to super hardy. Hops love to climb wall. Another very easy to help care for and sturdy vine that makes delightful food is the kiwi. The hardy kiwi version of the kiwi many of us are familiar with would make smaller fruits, they are certainly mouth watering. Hardy kiwi arrives as male along with female plants, therefore you need both to help make fruit. They often need green foliage this is splashed with smart bubblegum pink. Kiwi vines grow massive, so they need a good sized support- over 10 feet if possible.
There are many edible landscape shrub selections! Not to get overlooked and very valuable, consider putting ones own beautiful landscape to get results for you and your family unit.
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cutiecrates · 5 years
Cutie Reviews: Tokyo Treat May 19
Hello, welcome to our next review :3 today we’ll be looking at the May Tokyo Treat. I’m going to point out now that i was a little disgruntled by some details in this specific box- but I will still fairly access everything as usual.
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(You probably recognize the DIY item there, I won’t be reviewing it because I already have, and have gotten it numerous times since <_<)
“We’re so excited for you to try this month’s mixture of snacks. Doesn’t the crisp air and budding springtime flowers make you just want to devour some juicy fruit and enjoy their sweet flavors? You’re in luck, because this month we’ve got some yummy fruity flavors in a variety of sweet treats! We’ve also got some delicious savory snacks in store for you! Are you ready? We can’t wait for you to enjoy this months Tutti Fruity box!“
Lucky Treat
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This month, the Lucky Treat is full of adorable Rilakkuma goods ranging from cuddly to practical school and kitchen items, many of which feature Rilakkuma hanging out with his friends and visiting various places. 
May Prize
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Meanwhile, the contest is all about Gudetama, featuring two plush for the grand prize winner, and Gudetama cookies for the runner-ups.
Fanta Banana Yogurt Mix
Our first item (see pic on top) is the Banana Yogurt Fanta we were supposed to get in the previous box, but due to the “exciting release“ of the Sakura-flavored cola, it was pushed back to this box. Which isn’t bad since it still fits with the theme of this box. Made from healthy banana and nutrients, this is a carbonated drink at only 34kcal, making it a great choice for those seeking less-calorie intake.
Rating: ♥ 
Honestly I didn’t even want to give it that heart. I’ve said this several times but I’ll say it again if you might be new, I don’t like bananas, and I especially HATE the taste of artificial banana! I tasted no sort of creamy yogurtness or vanilla or anything else except banana. My parents loved the drink meanwhile, so I let them share it.
BUT in saying that, if you like bananas/artificial banana, you will probably really like this. Even though I disliked it, I never spit out the portion I tried and didn’t think I would throw up (like that takoyaki nightmare from a few boxes ago). So it earned 1 heart for at least not making me hate bananas even more.
Caramel Corn Puffs
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I decided to start with this because I’ve had it numerous times and didn’t feel like I needed to entirely review it. The Tohato Caramel Corn is a popular brand that we’ve encountered many times, not only in the original/regular flavor, but in a variety of others.
This time we are receiving the original in “share pack“ form, each bag/10 grams being 56kcal.
These are delicious, lightly crisp caramel-flavored puffs. They are pretty sweet though so unless you have a sweet-tooth, you might find them cloying after a while. They make all sorts of unique sweet flavors, from fruity to desserts like tiramisu and ice cream. I would recommend them and they’re pretty easy to find online.
Curry-flavor Crispy Flakes & Salt and Wasabi Chips
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Another item I won’t really be reviewing are these little ramen noodle crispy flakes flavored after curry. Besides snacking on them, they can also be used to top udon or other noodle dishes.
I’m not reviewing this because this is also another item I’ve had a few times- but in comparison to caramel corn, I don’t actually like this one. They have a nice crunchiness and the flavor is strong, but that was why I didn’t like them, I wasn’t into the flavor. This was another item I gave my mom.
Meanwhile, we also have a bag of salt and wasabi chips by Calbee. Now, originally we were supposed to get the Pizza Mayo Mentaiko flavored chips, but due to regulations in meat substances being shipped, it had to be replaced last-second, so we either got the Wasabi chips or the lightly salted.
I was a little disappointed by the change, but at least they were giving us another Calbee brand chip to replace it. These chips (which I have no info on due to the late change not reflected in the book) have a total of 305kcal per-bag.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥  
I usually love these chips, but this one I was a little mixed with opinions because I only like wasabi in extremely small doses sometimes. The flavor is pretty strong and bold, and they get spicy the more you eat, and if you love wasabi I’m sure you would really like these. I can’t say they’re my favorite of the brand, but the crunch is great and they still taste good. You also get a lot of foldy chips (the ones that resemble fortune cookies or wontons), which are my favorites~
Also, I discovered they go good with cream cheese :P my favorite sushi is a Philadelphia roll, which is what gave me the idea to try it.
Matcha Chocolate Corn Puffs & Strawberry Rusk
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Following those are two more items I have tried before- so I won’t be reviewing them either (I’m sorry but I don’t see the point in writing the same thing, and essentially I’m still reviewing the item...). First are the Matcha Chocolate puffs by Ginbis, a brand known for their delicious star-shaped corn puffs with chocolate baked into them. This specific flavor is a limited edition, so it’s not always available. Each bag is 321kcal.
So... this is pretty much like the banana drink. I hate green tea and these have no sweetness at all. But the texture is a smooth crispiness which I do like, so I usually like this brands products. If you like green tea you’ll probably love these.
Our other item is a strawberry chocolate coated rusk (rusk are baked bread pieces coated in glaze and/or sugar) from Ginza Rusk. These are sweet little biscuits embedded entirely with the strawberry flavor, and each pack is 208kcal; something I find a little unappealing about them when you compare the amount to some of the other items <3<
They’re a light crunch and taste pretty good, but I’m usually not a big fan of these rusk snacks. This one I found more tolerable then usual though; maybe they’re starting to grow on me.
Chobo Chobo Cookies & Sakura Japanese Sake KitKat.
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These little baked, puffy cookies are made from a traditional recipe and are known for melting in ones mouth. Their bags feature all sorts of adorable little character variations, and each bag is 62kcal.
Rating: ♥ ♥
I don’t know what they put in these but they aren’t my most favorite thing. They remind me a lot of something I don’t like, but I haven’t had said thing in a really long time so I don’t remember what it was...
All things considered they do melt in your mouth though.
Next is another unique KitKat, featuring the fresh sakura (cherries) and Japanese sake (alcohol). These are limited edition and out in time to celebrate Hanami (cherry blossom viewing). You get 12 mini-sets per usual, and each one is 63kcal.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
They have a lovely pink color (its my favorite shade in fact) and as soon as you eat them you taste the sake and a perfumey cherry- it reminds me of a fresh powdery bath product from Avon. But as strange as that is, I actually kinda like it. I’m not sure if they put alcohol in these, but I’m assuming they might soak the wafer in it or something.
New Mochitaro Puffs & Sugar Rusk Umaibo
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These are our last crunchy snacks presented in this months box. First is the Mochitaro Puffs, which are small, bite-sized crispy snacks. I couldn’t find the calories on this, and these are basic salted. 
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
There isn’t too much flavor in these compared to the other snacks in the box, but the saltiness is noticeable, without being too intense. I kind of like how they aren’t as bold as the other snacks though, it’s a nice change of pace. They sort of remind me of the regular/plain Bugles.
We also have our monthly Umaibo; this time in a sweet sugary rusk flavor. It has a buttery sweetness in scent, and each stick is 43kcal. If you’re interested in trying Umaibo, they’re super-easy to find online; I’d recommend them but they can become Addictive!
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
In terms of favorites, it doesn’t make my top 3- but it would probably make my top 10. It’s really good, it reminds me of buttery pretzel sticks, I would recommend it if you want something crispy and sweet.
Strawberry Lollipop & Strawberry Mochi
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I love strawberries, so I was overall happy to see a few strawberry items in this box- even if I’m not hugely into rusk. First up we have a basic strawberry lollipop with a Hello Kitty package. There are multiple packages, each with a cute little game on the back, like for example mine has a “find the matching flower“ game. Each lollipop is 22.8kcal.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 
Tastes like typical Japanese strawberry candy, which is a little different than American strawberry candy in most cases. It’s not a realistic flavor, but I really like it. I swear I get a little hint of watermelon or peach in it too.
Our next item is an actual Mochi :3 these are very rare in this box, I can’t recall if we ever had t before or not... but I do like mochi. It’s become pretty popular where I live as of late, especially ice cream ones, but I think I prefer the basic snacking ones more.
With this little pack you get two, adorable baby mochi~ I couldn’t find calories on them either. But as you can see in the pick, each one has a marshmallow-like inside with strawberry cream or jelly in the middle.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Dissecting it, you don’t get much flavor or taste but its very soft, and just a little sweet. They’re also fun to squeeze and play with, and when you eat it entirely (careful so you don’t choke though >x<) you get a bit of flavor. I can’t say I strongly taste anything but I like it.
Cherry Mochi
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If you’ve read my blog before then you might recognize this, this is an alternate Mochi treat and we have had these before- these ones are cherry flavored, and last time they were soda. These are by the brand Kyoshin. I couldn’t find calories.
Rating: ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Besides the cute and unique packaging, these also taste good. They’re very different from the other mochi, in that they’re little chewy candies. They taste like normal cherry-flavored candy.
♥ Cutie Ranking ♥
Content - 5 out of 5. Everything held up and it was all plenty tasty, with the exception of a few items I didn’t really like, but I know catered to those of you who do like the taste would love the items. Nothing tasted stale or old.
Quality - 2 out of 5. I was severely disappointed, not in the quality of the items but the box itself for being extremely repetitive; half of the box had repetitive items, the theme was very repetitive, and the DIY kit was disgracefully repetitive...
Theme - 3 out of 5. A good portion of the box was fairly fruity in going with the theme, and I believe if you’re going to do a theme you should stick with it, and I noticed that the Classic edition of the box caters more towards the theme than the Premium, but this time I thought it was decent. However, as I said above it was pretty repetitive, so I can’t say I enjoyed the theme.
Total Rank: 5 out of 10. Not counting my preference in flavors, I feel like the items were great. Nothing was stale for having sat around a few months (which is a problem sometimes), no quality problems in terms of item damage or issues, but the fruity theme didn’t appeal to me at all because I feel like the box only half-tried in following it, and there was a lot of repetition. I even wanted to justify the DIY but you honestly can’t at this point. I think this is the 3rd time I’ve gotten it recently, and several kits have fruity tastes or themes, there was no excuse for them to give this same DIY kit to us this soon. They quit with the health snacks and everything else that made this box unique and fun, I don’t understand why obtaining equally priced DIY is suddenly so hard.
♥ Cutie’s Scale of Yummy ♥
I’m not doing it this time, I’m kind of in a bad mood now that I wrote that <3< sorry.
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I have no idea if you can do this or not, but would it be possible for you guys to cast a healing spell for the victims of the Christchurch attacks? Just so that their minds can feel a bit better. Or if you have anything else in mind, feel free to do it. Thanks.
Oh wow, that’s quite an ask. A wonderful, but overwhelming, request.
I’ve never done something on this scale before, but I certainly can try. If it can reach anyone affected by the attacks and help to provide even the smallest amount of comfort, I’m more than happy to try.
My heart goes out to the victims and their families. It truly does. ❤
The object of this spell is twofold. For those affected by the attacks, it is intended to provide comfort and healing to its user. To those wanting to send support, it is intended to send out protective and loving energies.
When charging this spell for yourself, it is important to focus internally. Turn your energies inward, and tell yourself what you want this spell to produce within you. Say it as though it is already true; as though you have no doubts that this spell will work. Say things like “I will heal from these events,” or “You are safe and loved,” depending on your intent. Be sure to be in a genuinely positive mindset while imbuing the spell with this energy. These positive energies will be amplified threefold and brought back to you when the spell takes effect.
In order to get into the correct mindset, I like to listen to emotionally appropriate music. For this spell, I listened to songs of connection like “All You Need Is Love” by The Beatles. I’d recommend trying this if you feel you are struggling with focusing your energies. It is also easier to strengthen your thoughts while viewing one focal point. I use my glass ball for this, which I would recommend you focus on as well while using this altar spell.
The meanings of each piece of the altar are detailed below the cut.
- Mod Knight
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no new asks; Spring Cleaning
North: Earth (represented by stones)
African Jade: Self-healing.
Agate: Love.
Amazonite: Univeral love.
Amethyst: Healing on all levels - body, mind, and spirit.
Aventurine: Eases heartache.
Bloodstone: Healing.
Cat’s Eye: Improves the ability to deal with challenging situations.
Carnelian: Protection.
Hematite: Protection.
Lilac Amethyst: Cleanses, purifies, and heals the mind, body, and spirit.
Lodestone: Protection.
Moonstone: Encourages empathy and kindness.
Quartz: Amplifies and sends energy.
Rainforest Rhyolite: Protection.
Rose Quartz: Restores harmony after emotional wounding. Promotes love, peace, and tolerance. Heals soul trauma.
Snowflake Obsidian: Dissolves fear, shock, trauma, and pain.
Tiger’s Eye - Gold: Protection.
Tiger’s Eye - Red: Protection.
Unakite: Balance of the emotional body.
Vesuvianite: Community, protection.
East: Air (represented by incense)
Dragon’s Blood: Love and protection.
South: Fire (represented by candles)
Green: Healing.
Blue: Calm, protection.
Pink: Caring, goodwill.
Black: Protection, repels negativity.
White: Peace.
West: Water (represented by water and oils)
African Queen: Love, comfort.
Angel Dreams: Love, protection.
Bergamot: Peace.
Chamomile: Peace, love, tranquility.
Clary Sage: Soothes nervous exhaustion.
Country Spice: Love, healing.
Eucalyptus: Healing.
Eucalyptus Lemon: Healing love.
Green Tea: Love, progress, and moving forward.
Lavender: Peace, protection, love.
Lemon: Love, blessings.
Orange Blossom: Love.
Peaches N Cream: Protection, love.
Red Egyptian Musk: Sense of control.
Rose: Love, protection.
Rosemary: Love, healing, protection.
Tea Tree Oil: Strength, harmony.
Vanilla: Love, calming, consoling, soothing.
Note: This mixture was dabbed over the heart during the spell to increase its power.
Center: Focus of Energies
Glass Ball: Allows for a mental focal point during spellcasting.
Pentacle: Represents Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, and Spirit.
Worry Doll: Represents the removal of fear, worry, and pain.
Wand: Concentrates Internal Energies
Cherry Wood: Amplifies spellwork.
Ivy: General good luck.
Note: This wand was held during casting the spell. It is only on the altar in the photo for visual representation.
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countessofbiscuit · 6 years
For @celebrate-the-clone-wars’ Writing Wednesday Prompt “Your Reputation Precedes You”  Rating: M Words: 2414 Inspired by The Adventures of Doll Rex.
(If there isn’t a 69′s in a universe with a 79′s, I’m calling bs) 
Having spent themselves silly, the boys in blue who’d brought the house down were long gone, and 69’s grew dull again. The exhibitionism continued, sure, the dancing was always pleasing in a kind of mindless way, and when things got really boring, the massage droid in the break room had a lekku setting that induced comas—it was almost enough to make a showgirl consider marriage.
But the circus this wasn’t. There used to be wardrobe brawls and stampeding reeks and everything. The only adrenaline high to be had here was shaking up assholes who tried to stiff her colleagues until their credits and their shame fell out. A civilian crime, and a dwindling one. The soldiers never did that. Ursula fleeced them for admittance—the bigot—then got mad when the staff stretched the poor sods’ pocket change by giving them free drinks because they were polite and very, very pretty. Oh they made noise. Lots of it. But they viciously policed their own and didn’t put their hands where they shouldn’t. And not just because they thought they might get charged.
They were … “shiny.” And two meters of broad, blood-red Twi might scare the shit out of anybody whose first experience with boobs was two hours ago and three levels up, when they got squished against someone on the dance floor or got flashed by a waitress.
Hence the boredom of a somewhat self-conscious girl who doesn’t like working a room for tips.
“Lala, that’s for you,” chirps Diohn when Laa’let returns from the freshers.
She stops fidgeting with her bra and rebuilding circuses in the sky and glances at the Zabrak bartender. Diohn points at the counter, then returns to digging through the mixer chiller.
A doll is sitting on the end of the bar. 
It’s propped up around a bright red cocktail, looking stupidly drunk, resting its chin on the rim of a glass about as wide as its comical face. Laa’let narrows her eyes at the arrangement. A clone. She recognizes the little flared skirt and shoulder decoration—and the golden top of one of those boys in blue. She scans the club for any that fit the description, but it’s just a throbbing sea of maroon sweats and crumpled greys, with a shrinking handful of businessmen pressed against the edges of the room; the only troopers in plates are the wrong color, and most of them are sitting along the rack, where they’ve figured out that two shoulder wings promise some seriously advanced recon—a much more exciting and personal show than anything happening at the bar.
“Who?” asks Laa’let.
“Didn’t see,” Diohn shrugs from inside the chiller, “they just left credits. And a note.”
Laa’let slides up towards the drink, ignoring the vulgar garnish—a cherry shoved in between a split taffy stem. The script is very regular, but the napkin is torn on the angles, like they couldn’t get the pressure right:
For the Ruby Rancor ♥
She grates the sharp tips of her teeth together. “You said you wouldn’t make it a drink.”
“I didn’t! I swear!” Diohn takes her own dulled molars to the cap of a bottle and spits it in the trash. “But you should stop fighting it. It’s definitely caught on.”
“Then what’s with this,” Laa’let says. It’s not just the garnish that’s offensive. Diohn’s clearly chosen her most bulbous glass, and she must have some campari, premixed to the perfect shade, chilling in a jug somewhere.
“That’s just me doing my fucking job. Now you should do yours.”
Diohn won’t share her tips forever, but Laa’let has her limits. Maybe too many of them for this career. “It’s not my job to talk to dolls.”
“Talking to cute faces with nothing but stuffing between their ears? I’d say that’s definitely in your contract. Roll out some carnival tricks.”
Laa’let’s lekku stiffen. “Circus. And I was a fucking acrobat.”
“Whatever. There’s still an audience—and maybe they’ll tip.”
It’s not an audience if you didn’t invite it, she refrains from saying, it’s an embarrassment. Too much like real life. With a frown, Laa’let swipes the drink, and the doll flops face down onto the chromium counter. Pathetic.
“Hand me that,” she says, snapping her fingers at an open bubblezap bottle.
Diohn giggles and swiggs the dregs. “Awww, someone’s had one too many!”
Laa’let maneuvers the doll into a seated position against the bottle, mindful of the oversized head. Its eyes are fixed off to the side, as if deliberately avoiding her boobs. “I need to get on his level. Is this a double?” she asks, stirring the drink once with the garnish.
One of Diohn’s liberal shots cascades over her peach fingers as she preps a line of Fuzzy Yodas—frothy, green, and strong enough to make you talk backwards. “You’ll have a nice time. I promise.”
Laa’let pulls out one of the lethris barstools and drops onto it. She hates sitting on these chairs. They’re sticky and undersized, like everything else here—even the ceiling is too low to accommodate her best tricks on stage. It’s maddening to be reduced to pantomime, the feeling of holding herself by halves, but Diohn’s right. She’s still a consummate performer, she’s still on the clock, and she’s still fucking broke.
“So,” Laa’let begins, taking a long sip that melts her sinuses and makes her damn nipples hard, “I’m new to this job and don’t have a lot of conversation up my sleeve, so do you want tragic backstory or tragic backstory?”
The little soldier makes big eyes at the turquoise Togruta on stage, but doesn’t indicate a preference.
“Tragic backstory it is. You might think it all started when my parents sold me to some charlatan in a travelling circus. Or when my growth spurt went on two years too long and I couldn’t get health insurance—did you know organs over a meter long are considered a pre-existing condition?”
She’s got her lekku draped over her shoulders and she shakes the tip of one in the little soldier’s face.
“Speciesist, I know. Free Porn Taa is laughably small in every department, so it’s not a priority for him. And the Togs aren’t represented in the Senate—not that healthcare is a priority there either.”
“Ugh, Lala,” groans Diohn, loudly dumping an armful of bottles into the bin as she passes by. “Politics? At my bar? No wonder he’s bored.”
Laa’let makes a rude gesture at Diohn’s back. “Anyway,” she says to the disinterested doll, “things really didn’t go downhill for me until the fucking Zillo Beast.”
The rack around Tosha’s stage erupts in applause when she finishes her routine. Another charming clone thing. It’d never occurred to them not to clap.
“Did I see it? You bet your plastic ass I did. Three of its gnarly legs came crashing through the roof during my act.”
Just for something to do, Laa’let takes the garnish from her drink and starts to trace a wet rendering of the monster that ruined her life on the counter.
“Squashed half the audience. I fell into the netting, along with all the buttresses, and was buried with broken ribs for three damn days. And this is where having no health insurance, no transferable skills, and no tolerance for animal abuse lands you,” she says, gesturing at the room, humid and a hazy red in the house lights, like an oversized womb.
Laa’let follows the little soldier’s gaze again. Tosha’s now working the rack for tolls. She’s got her knees on either side of one trooper’s ears, gripping him by his red shoulder wings as he gently tucks some funny money into her panties, ruffled and pink like cotton candy.
“Look, I know she’s topless and I’m not, but you could at least pretend to pay attention.”
A trooper in purple plates, very much paying attention, suddenly materalizes next to the doll. Laa’let takes in his double wings and his skirt—has she been performing for a fancy ARC?—and then moves onto his hair. It’s shaved into a landing strip across his skull and down his chin, and she can’t help wonder if the landscaping extends below the belt, too.
“There you are, Rex!” he declares, smiling broadly like he’d be very happy to enlighten her. “Who’s your pretty friend?” He gives a wave with one of the doll’s stubby arms.
This part always makes Laa’let nervous. What seemed like a good idea when she was eighteen and angry now made her job—wooing credits out of beings already much smaller than herself—very difficult.
“Doesn’t your friend know it’s rude not to stare?” she says, as softly as she can over the synth-glimmik pumping from the speakers, shielding her fangs with full lips—the only gift her mother gave her.
“My apologies, ma’am,” answers the trooper while ogling her tits for both of them. “He said he knew you, but he was probably talking out of his shebs.”
“Nah, he’s just shy. He doesn’t know how to ask,” comes a rumble in her cone. Another trooper pokes his head over her shoulder and starts taking mental soundings down her cleavage. 
Mindful of the bulk of her lek, she turns to glance at his plates—also purple, also winged. “Ask what?” 
The second one tilts his pretty face up. His hair curls in a way Laa’let recognizes as attractive to humans, and thick black stripes on his cheeks somehow brighten his green eyes, which sparkle at her with all the optimism of someone about two drinks in. “How much to blow bubbles?”
Laa’let takes a moment to parse this phrasing. The soldiers have a funny way of talking, but blowing bubbles is a far cry from their usual slang, crude and derived from military words she doesn’t understand. But eyes speak a pretty universal language, and theirs are glued to her red rack. If anyone’s going to introduce face fapping to the clone lexicon, it won’t be her.
But Green is far too cute to be allowed to bury those sweet cheeks so soon. The cheroot smoking on his breath is making her heart flutter, and she downs the rest of her drink.
“What’s your name, soldier?”
“Jock, ma’am. And that fastidious fucker’s Muse.”
She struts her long fingers atop the bar towards the doll and starts to toy suggestively with his little skirt. “Well, Jock, boys in blue get things on the house,” Laa’let teases with a smile, not bothering about the fangs. If these two are going to spook, better get the disappointment over with.
Muse sits his ass straight down for the long haul, and Jock hovers even closer.
“And boys in other colors?” he mumbles, brushing the back of a finger down her shoulder, evidently still full of hope. That he doesn’t go straight for her plushy lek says he’s got manners, and Laa’let feels her bum go warm on the barstool.
“What makes purple boys special?” she asks, genuinely curious. She’s not encountered any troopers in this soft shade before, and 69’s does a good trade in color—every dancer’s got their favorites, but it’s considered good luck to get crisp tips off a new one. They think it means you’re a trooper’s first; Laa’let just suspects a counterfeit operation somewhere.
“We’ve got walkers and big, fuck-off tanks with psycho warfare tech” and “we’re an elite, hypermobile, armored reconnaissance unit” are the simultaneous answers.
Muse makes a disapproving face at his comrade and straightens up a little when he clarifies. “We’re the 113th Armored Infantry Battalion, ma’am.”
“And the color?” she asks, fingering the lining of Jock’s skirt. Maybe she could get him down to nothing but this, then bribe it off him? The lethris on these things is pretty lush, given it’s army issue.
“Commander’s orders,” says Jock, beaming. “Matches our Jedi’s sabers.”
“Who’s your Jedi?” Laa’let prods, wondering how much two elite soldiers will leak over big tits.
Jock squints at Muse. “I think that’s classified?”
“Definitely classified.”
“He’s sealed tight but … I’m working on it,” Jock assures her with a wink, mischievous and loaded. She can’t tell if he means his Jedi, Muse, or both, but his playfulness is certainly working on her. Even if Diohn hasn’t just made herself conspicuous, inquiring with gestures about the status of flimsi in fingers.
Laa’let smiles, plucks the doll from the counter, and dumps him headfirst into her cleavage.
“Steady on, Rex,” gasps Muse, wide-eyed, grinning stupidly between the doll and slack-jawed Jock.
“For you two,” she begins, giving the little head a very illustrative shake, “this is ten…”
Using the nubbed arms, Laa’let pushes the golden top of her dress down, popping out one ivory nipple, then the other, conscious that she’s already given away about fifteen credits. “Handsies is twenty...”
Flipping the little doll over by the arms, she lets him come to rest where creamy fabric melts into the divot between her hips. Her senses are alight with human! now that Jock’s knees have failed him and his head’s propped up on her shoulder. Her right lek tingles against his balmy cheek. She returns Muse’s puppet wave. “And anything more is subject to performance review.”
“We…” Muse begins, opening and closing his mouth like a blurrg on spice, “we’ve only got twenty between us.”
Laa’let bites her lip and bounces the doll in her broad lap, like she isn’t preparing to inflate more than just their manual scores. She’s flipped her glass and her tits are out. Diohn better be getting her a fucking room.
“Tell you what. Twenty plus this little trooper and you might find I’m big enough to share.”
. . . . .
[CT-61-6898] Are you seated
     [CT-27-5555]      in briefing w some top squares      knock me down my ombre hombre
[CT-61-6898] …  RIP Cpt Rex
     [CT-27-5555]      !      what did those dumbfucks do
     [CT-27-5555]      its only been 12 hrs      we r still in the system ffs
     [CT-27-5555]      facts tho he was ltd edition      not even rex actual has one
[CT-61-6898] unnamed.holo
     [CT-27-5555]      !      u perv       what did u fucking do to him
[CT-61-6898] Shit That wasn’t for you Wrong holo
     [CT-27-5555]      too late      ...rip smokecheck
     [CT-27-5555]      commdr tano likes ur paintjob
[CT-61-6898] You fucking wish (...but I’ll pass on the compliment) 
     [CT-27-5555]      so he didn’t get creampied      good 2 know      what happened 
[CT-61-6898] rexnruby.holo
     [CT-27-5555]      !
[CT-61-6898] Is he scuba qualified 
     [CT-27-5555]      !
[CT-61-6898] Muse is sorry not sorry Rex was sacrificed for the mission He did give me a datachip instead
     [CT-27-5555]      WORTH IT
Smokecheck belongs to tiend. The 113th bros and Miss Laa’let are mine. 
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stratagreen-blog · 6 years
Planting an Edible Landscape For Beginning Gardeners
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Landscapes rely on easy to care for trees, shrubs, perennials, and sometimes for the home gardener annuals and potted arrangements to come together.
Trees are often the foundations of the landscape after the home itself. Plenty of fruiting trees that make good crops also make fantastic landscape trees. Many cherries, apples, pears, apricots, citrus, peaches, pawpaw and plums are prime examples. Many are breathtaking the in the spring, beautiful in form, and they produce delicious fruit. There are many cultivars of fruiting trees with different growth heights at maturity, and all take well to pruning and shaping. Fruiting trees are passed often as   click here options in many landscapes because they can be messy, but this is only a problem if you're not going to harvest the fruit from them. As edible landscape trees, most all fruiting trees are excellent landscape candidates.
Some less commonly known but very wonderful landscape fruit bearing trees include crabapples (they make the best jams and jellies!), hackberry (jams and jellies), and persimmon (can be used for anything and are absolutely delicious). Again, all take to shaping and are lovely in form. Crabapples often have glorious fall color, as do hackberry. Persimmon trees hold onto their fruit past leaf drop and are very ornamental in branching structure.
Nut bearing trees are also good landscape candidates where a large and stately tree is needed. Black walnut may come to mind but this would be the only exception in the landscape as they produce a very potent toxin that kills many species of plants within their root zone and beyond. An alternative tree that is making a much welcome comeback in the landscape is the Butternut. They look a lot like the stately black walnut but don't possess as potent of a plant growth inhibitor in its root system. The nuts are also delicious. There are now disease resistant butternuts available. Hazelnut blooms when nothing else blooms and sports beautiful foliage in the fall. They are very small for trees, almost shrub like in proportion, which makes them very valuable from a design standpoint. Pecans and hickory, and some chestnuts will make good landscape trees as well.
There are so many flowering shrubs with delicious edible crops that are beautiful landscape specimens, that shopping for edible landscape shrubs may be more of confusing experience. In an effort to make the decision making task easier, we've picked a few of our favorites. These shrubs take to shearing and pruning; have beautiful bloom, foliage form and color, fall color, and popular edible crops.
Blueberries are absolutely wonderful edible landscape plants. They are not as difficult to grow as many seem to think. There are many cultivars that range in form and color and fruiting. From extremely small and compact mounded forms to large and sprawling and tall forms, blueberries come in many flavors. Add some peat into each initial planting hole and mulch with compost or pine needles is all the pH adjustment they need, nothing complicated. They all bear adorable and sweetly scented spring flowers of pink and white. They all have attractive bushy foliage in a nice pleasing green, sometimes new growth being red or pink. They all bear delicious blue or pink fruit in the summer. And they all glow brilliantly red in the fall. They are super hardy, doing well in most all climates, even the coldest areas.
Elderberry has come to the forefront as a very potent and powerful natural medicine. It also happens to be a beautiful plant well suited to the landscape. There are cultivars available with purple foliage too, making them a striking addition to the landscape (especially when planted among chartreuse colors of foliage in other plants). The leaf form is lovely and unusual. The flowers are heavily fragrant and very attractive to pollinators. The berries are easily made into jams and jellies and juices. While often treated as a large perennial, they can reach shrub like proportions in one season and they need lots of space to spread out. They are super easy to grow, and as a native plant you're doing your local ecology a favor by using elderberry in your landscape. You will need to plant more than one elderberry to ensure good fruit set. They prefer full sun but can tolerate some shade with grace. They don't like to dry out so they're not for xeriscaping or areas of the landscape that get dry.
Viburnums are common in the landscape as they are wonderful shrubs for all of the reasons we love landscape plants- great habit, form, colors, and variance in cultivars. Specifically for the edible landscape, the American Cranberry Bush, or Viburnum trilobum, is an especially valuable edible landscape shrub selection. The berries aren't especially eaten fresh, but again they are very delightful as a jelly or jam. Another North American native plant, birds love them as well. Viburnums can handle more shade than other shrubs, and makes a great understory plant.
Pine typically brings thoughts of gigantic tall trees and this is fairly accurate to assume- but pine now comes in so many cultivars that work as shrubs in the landscape that it's dizzying. Mugo pine specifically is well suited for landscape use as is very popular. Better too is, you can get a great yearly crop of delicious pine nuts from mugo pine! There are many forms and colors of mugo pine, so you'll have a good time shopping for some evergreen material to suit your edible landscape perfectly.
Shrub roses are very old garden shrubs and plants. Fuller and easier to grow types of roses work well in the landscape, and leave behind very edible and delicious rose hips for harvest. Rose hips are very high in vitamin C and can be made into teas and jams. Rose hips make excellent extracts like rosewater that can then be used in cooking, and even in homemade cleaning products and room fresheners. Roses themselves require aggressive pruning but otherwise are fairly undemanding. The blooms are a delight, and many new cultivars of landscape roses are extremely hardy, disease resistant, and beautiful. Rosa rugosa is a native version of an excellent landscape and native rose that's healthy and disease resistant, and leaves behind big red and pink hips in the fall.
In warmer areas, rosemary can grow to shrub like sizes and makes a great shrub. And of course, rosemary is an essential in cooking. You can also use rosemary in homemade cleaning products- especially in homemade soaps where it's scent works well for masculine (or not of course) scented bars and the needles themselves make for wonderful exfoliators. Rosemary is usually grown as a perennial, but can naturalize in warm enough areas in bright sun. It can tolerate some drying out but enjoys consistent moisture.
If you thought your edible landscape choices with trees and shrubs was liberating, wait until you start looking at perennial choices. There are so many perennial edibles out there, most notably for herb usage. Some common perennial herbs perfect for landscapes include rosemary (mentioned above as a shrub but can easily be kept as a smaller perennial), sage, thyme, oregano, chives, ginger (in warm areas), and lavender. Mint is a very hardy and aggressive perennial, but its spreading nature doesn't always make it a good landscape plant. Mint is better kept planted in pots and contained. Agastache is a less common yet very wonderful herb that makes an excellent landscape plant. So is tough Echinacea with its beautiful blooms, which now come in many colors aside from purple and white. Cheyenne Spirit is an Echinacea mix with red, orange, coral, yellow, and other colors that warm up the landscape with long lasting blooms. You can use the blooms and leaves of all these plants for culinary uses and other countless jobs around the house.
There are plenty of perennial plants that are not herbal in nature, but offer vegetable foods. Artichoke is a beautiful perennial in warmer climates. It's very unusual and stately form make for a great focal plant. Harvest the flowers before they bloom, as that's the artichoke you eat. Asparagus, or what we know as asparagus, comes up early in the spring as a thick spear (that's the part we eat), but leaving some of the spears alone to grow and develop the rest of the season rewards you with tall and wispy foliage that contrasts and fills in well among other plants. Edible rhubarb is a large leaved plant that can be harvested in the early spring for its stalks. Super hardy, its one perennial crop enjoyed in the coldest of climates and is most popular paired with strawberries (another great perennial edible for the landscape) in pies. There is ornamental rhubarb that is even larger and more impressive than the type that is commonly grown in gardens, and while those are edible as well they are larger and woodier. Various cold hardy cabbages and kale are highly ornamental and provide delicious and nutritious greens through the season. They easily reseed in most areas and are great at filling in areas. The blooms when allowed to bolt in the warm season are 4 petaled, often yellow or purple, and very pretty.
Strawberry plants are often overlooked in the landscape as they are typically cultivated in gardens and on farms for their fruit, but if you look at strawberries in full low growing and spreading mounds of pretty green foliage, you will see that they also make a great landscape ground cover. Many varieties do need some controlling measures as they are good at spreading, but this can also be of advantage in the landscape where bare spots are hard to cover.
Daylily plants are very popular landscape plants, but not a lot of people know that the blooms of daylily are very edible and tasty. Mild, crunchy, and of course floral, they are wonderful in salads or even on sandwiches. Daylilies are hardy and not picky and are grown everywhere. There are many forms and colors and sizes of daylilies. One can spend an entire week looking at online catalogs of daylilies from breeders. The most popular, most affordable, and the most versatile daylily that's stood the test of time still happens to be the Stella D'Oro.
Ornamental annuals can be more than petunias and impatiens. There are many annual plants that have edible leaves and flowers that work perfectly in the landscape. For example, pansies and violas have blooms that are very edible and beautiful. If anything, they make elegant garnish. Freeze violas in ice cubes and drop a viola filled cube into a cup of hot or cold tea for a beautiful accent. Candy viola blooms in sugar for storage and use them later on cakes. Pansies and violas come back yearly in most areas, but they are typically treated as annuals. They like full sun and in warm areas benefit from shade. They are easily grown in pots but naturalize beautifully in borders. Other highly ornamental annual flowers that work great in the landscape are nasturtiums and calendula. Nasturtiums can be small and mounding, or long and trailing. Calendula is usually orange, daisy-like, and is wonderful as garnish, in salads, or in drinks. Both Nasturtiums and calendula may be available in the spring in flats, but usually are easily directly seeded into the landscape. Fun with kids!
Lettuce can be an absolutely stunning leafy landscape annual, wonderful in the front of the border. Lettuces come in many colors and patterns and textures. They look best in the cooler seasons, but can easily be reseeded if thy bolt and become unsightly. An alternative to lettuce that performs all season long and is just as tasty and even more nutritious is orach. Orach is a relative of the common weed "lambs quarters" but is also related to spinach. Orach is usually sold as seed, and comes in colors of bright pink, red, green, and chartreuse.
And finally, we come to vines. Vines offer a neat opportunity to try something slightly unusual, as many ornamental landscape vines are also highly edible and beautiful, but aren't well known. Hops are one excellent example. Hops are used in beer making. They are the green flowers on a delicate little vine that's well behaved and super hardy. Hops love to climb fencing. Another very easy to care for and hardy vine that makes delicious food is the kiwi. The hardy kiwi version of the kiwi many of us are familiar with makes smaller fruits, but they are certainly delicious. Hardy kiwi comes as male and female plants, and you need both to make fruit. They often have green foliage that's splashed with bright bubblegum pink. Kiwi vines grow large, so they need a large support- over 10 feet if possible.
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exolstice-blog · 7 years
“If you kiss me again, holy shit, I might want to take you home with me tonight.”
[A/N: The last request made by a cute anonie!! Completed!! 😣🌌
group&member: EXO - Minseok
prompt: (5) “Roses are red, violets are blue, Merry Christmas bitch, I love you.” + (50) “I’m freezing, you’re warm. Hug me.”
genre: Fluffity fluff and a drunk!Minseok ahsk
I’m actually proud of this?? It was like a little continuation to the previous Minseok request, the “Fuck it, let’s get drunk” I think, so you should check that out if you want before this one but really I think this one’s understandable on its own too 😂 aLSO, omg, I had to use “oppa” and I’m kinda cringing a little but for the sake of contexttt ,, anyways, HAPPY NEW YEAR!💕💮🌌(also he looks incredibly rude here wat)]
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High on laughter and short on money, it wasn’t too long before you and Minseok were complete and utterly wasted—in all senses of the word.
Of course, you’d decided you wouldn’t give up the alleged reservations on that one fine restaurant, although, as it turned out, it had all been a hoax ever so manufactured by your now ex-boyfriend, Lee Chanhyuk. Still, Minseok had offered to pay for it all, your very own table and later on seat over the bar.
Having one too many drinks hadn’t necessarily been an affordable matter, you came to realize as little by little, in much too giant leaps, Minseok’s pocket money shriveled to nothing.
Not before you were thrown out, of course, as it happened to be that minors under nineteen weren’t allowed much other than cider—and that Minseok had yet to turn nineteen in a month or so. That guy—
“So basically you are now a fugitive of the law,” Minseok blabbered in a distinct accent—one overcome by stammering and hiccups, dead giveaway to his low tolerance for alcohol. “Fucking awesome.”
“And why would I be one?” You protested with a headache, letting the smooth surface of a bottle of Soju roll through your forehead like a little frozen rolling pin to soothe the pain.
“You invited me. You paid for the drinks; you are responsible,” you growled the remark, taking one more long swig at your bottle, emptying it out, and throwing it aside with the others. Minseok had fallen short on money, true, but who said a few old pennies for Soju weren’t enough to get you through the night? “Besides, before you took on my offer of getting drunk you could have, I don’t know, maybe mentioned that you weren’t fucking old enough to drink yet?”
Minseok giggled at you with a sheepish look, cheeks tinted peach and cherries. “What, did I look older to you?”
He had the courage to throw his head back and chuckle—a deep and almost dark chuckle, one from his chest, ending in a groan—letting the tendons of his neck expand impossibly, shinning with sweat in a heat rush produced by the alcohol. “Should I let you call me Oppa, then, uh?”
He looked unbearably good—so much it jabbed at your pride. So you jabbed at his.
Minseok coughed when your elbow came into contact with his ribs; not really a harsh blow but would do for the moment to shut him up.
It was the best you could do anyway—with your head almost high on the clouds from far too much firewater, only God knew what could become of you if you let him pull off one more of those little performances of his.
At least you had the cold, you thought; enough to numb you down, lest you do anything as jeopardizing as falling weak for Minseok and his charms.
But the cold played tricks on you; perhaps it hadn’t truly ever been on your side.
“Shit,” you muttered, nibbling your own pacifier, setting your throat ablaze with liquor—and yet you shivered.
Maybe sitting on a random bench at the park while chasing midnight wasn’t necessarily the best idea you could’ve come up with.
You glanced at Minseok. He was muttering something in a funny way. “Roses are red, violets are blue, Merry Christmas bitch, I love you.” You fought a smile because holy shit he couldn’t possibly be the reason you smiled one more time that night—not again.
“You. Put your arms around me,” you said, watching your words be thrown around in the air so carelessly in the shapeless shape of water vapor, watching him look at you startled.
“What?” He blinked, so incredibly lost. “W-Why would I do that?”
“Don’t get the wrong idea, dummy,” you barked before he could say anything else. “I’m freezing, you’re cold. Hug me.”
“Oh.” Minseok gulped audibly as he shuffled closer to you.
You weren’t hesitant as you leaned on him, as you let his arm wrap around your waist failing impossibly as he seemed to tremble. He found a good grip no longer after, and you were so close to him in a way that could only make you feel like a cheater. Your leg almost hovering above his lap; your hands on his chest, clingy thing on his jacket; and your head just below his chin and jaw, he could possibly feel your hair tickling his neck and, had you glanced upwards, you could have possibly felt his neck on your lips.
That wasn’t so bad an idea. You weren’t a cheater—not technically. You’d just been ditched…
“There,” Minseok whispered. Too close. “Does that feel better—”
“Kiss me now,” you said.
“If you’re still cold, then I could take you home. You could get sick and—”
“No,” you looked up at him only to catch him staring back at you. Dark eyes bigger than the moon itself, soft porcelain lips—he was everything there was in your field of vision and for once you weren’t mad about it. “I don’t need a kiss to make me warm.”
“Make me forget.” You asked to those eyes, to those lips, to that breath of liquor. “Kiss me and make me forget.”
Minseok seemed to not have noticed but he took little to inch closer; the mix of breaths and perspiration in the winter a hot one, sending water vapor fuming up to the stars.
“But don’t you remember that I’m younger than you?” He was a kitten—completely inebriated and lost but with a feral want of heat that could not be covered up by innocent remarks. He was biting his lip, too, harsh enough to draw blood out of. “Then you might actually become a fugitive of the law and be chased down and you wouldn’t be able to come to school and sit in the front seat and I wouldn’t see the way you brush your hair back when it gets on your way of writing and—”
You broke the smile you could no longer contain. You didn’t think Minseok could get so talkative when drunk and you didn’t think it could be so genuinely likeable. You almost felt bad.
But not really.
You cupped his cheeks on your hands which finally made him stop, his lips lightly pluckered in wet reds and pinks.
“Then let them come and get me.”
You kissed him and you were going to hell for that.
Minseok’s eyes became impossibly wider before closing themselves; it could have been a command for him to move as he brought you closer, wishing there were more space to break between the two of you.
The kiss—was not what you expected.
It was hungry and almost feral, with sighs of fever in between that drove you sick, virtually light-headed. It was spiked with Soju and whiskey and rum, polluted with groans and silent wild cries that made you shiver all over. It was pulling and tugging, teeth, tongue, and lips, winning and losing, a game of its own. It was Minseok brushing your hair back in such a way that made you think you were breakable, fragile despite all the evidence that gave away your unchastity for kissing.
Indeed, you were going to hell for that.
You pulled back, needing to breathe, and Minseok did the same.
There were only two shapes in that park at midnight breathing heavily while flooded by moonlight like sighing furnaces. And you felt like a sinner all over, where his fingers had dug into your skin and where your hair stuck by your forehead matted by sweat and where your lips stung by the fury of his mouth—and maybe someone was going to get you because just what the fuck had you done.
You sighed and looked at him—the way his cheeks were flushed and his lips were red and parted and, oh God, maybe you didn’t care anymore if you would burn in hell for kissing Kim Minseok because it sure wouldn’t burn as much as you did at that moment.
“Let’s,” Minseok breathed, sighed, and did it again. He looked exquisite. “Stop for a little.”
He used his thumb to caress the skin of your cheekbones, setting it aflame. “If you kiss me again, holy shit, I might want to take you home with me tonight.”
You smiled. “I might let you.”
🎀🎀 Happy Holidays 🎀🎀
[it’s holidays until i go back to school okay?🙅 which is in four hours holy shit i need to sleep]
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okaypoet · 7 years
I use to hate it
Rejected it simply because of its attachment to her.
A girl who wore skirts over skinny jeans
A girl who asked out 7 boys in a week because she felt she needed a boy to go to the dance.
A girl who believed she was not as pretty as the color she covered herself in.
Pink wasn't for boys
If I wanted to be one I couldn't even like it.
I spent years saying things like "that's WAY too pink" or "I can't have that, it's pink. "
I found the pigment nauseating,
so overwhelmingly heteronormative.
However over the years grew to accept the very light shade of red,
tolerating it when I had to and in only small doses.
But then I saw them,
standing across the room.
They were wearing a white puffy skirt
and their hair
my god their hair.
A fluffy cotton candy dream,
all I could do is watch it go by like I was laying in a field looking at the clouds floating away.
How could I hate the hue of something so wondrous?
Three months later as we're sending pictures, they discover we have matching peach colored underwear.
I noticed how amazing we both look in them.
I say, "pink is definitely our color."💞
But the more I think about it, the more I realize that pink, is OUR color.
Every moment with them has been nothing but pink;
A cherry blossom I put after their name🌸
Magenta hearts sent over texts 💖
Strawberry milkshakes
Coral backwards hats
velvet skirts
Fuchsia eyeshadow
Rosie cheeks on blushing facing ☺️
Light practice hickeys not deep enough to be purple💜
Bubblegum tinted lips
Leading to sweet kisses on curved hips.
(They always talk about how they want to do that)
It's drives me crazy
They talk about my body in a way no one has.
Wanting to hold it, touch it, feel it, treat so kindly.
With such enthusiasm.
Yet they want more than just my parts.
I get giggly when thinking about them.
I don't just wanna text,
I wanna call them.
Want to hear their voice
Their laugh.
They actually think, I'm funny.
It gets harder and harder to hang up.
I don't wanna stop.
And that gives me the fuzziest feeling I've ever felt.
So warm
So soft,
pink. 💕
My favorite color 😍
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worlds--avenged · 7 years
Professor Tom: Chapter 10
Summary: This wasn’t the first time a student had fallen for him. Hell, it wasn’t the first time this year. But something etched deep in his bones told him that she was different. Surely there could be no harm in talking to her after class… Right?
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A/N: Two. Months. Two goddamn months i’ve been neglecting this fic. I’m so sorry, y’all, time just got away from me I guess. Anyways, here’s a bit of backstory on Seb and Tom’s relationship. As always, don’t like, don’t read. 
CHAPTER WARNINGS: Drug use, alcohol use, mentions of sex, just a bunch of gay shit tbh
He seemed so fucking cool at the time. His carefree attitude, his apparent dominance over any room, his high alcohol tolerance. Mostly the latter, though the former didn’t go without notice. This was when he had his beard, hiding his round cheeks that rarely saw any attention more than the occasional blush. Even the way he snorted white lines was so elegantly masculine. Glamorous, even.
He’d heard whispers about him around the campus, despite only being there for a matter of weeks-- the prototypical bad boy. Bad for you, bad for himself, bad for everyone that got in his way. He was a hurricane, an earthquake, a tsunami, something so naturally catastrophic that you just couldn’t tear your eyes away from the destruction in its wake. Sebastian was the reason why the kids called it “tearing up the dance floor”, because on the off occasion he didn’t put cherry bombs in the toilets or down an entire bottle of Ciroc (the Ciroc was water) on a whim and smash the empty bottle on his skull, he would dance on any lukewarm body with a pulse and a hole in it until the sun came up. Then he would accompany the body to bed. And thus the cycle continued.
So when an invitation to a recent graduate’s party slipped under the door while Tom was finishing one of his short stories, he didn’t hesitate. He wanted to see what all the fuss was about with the man.
Poor Tom wasn’t ready when he crossed paths with Hurricane Seb.
He’d read plenty on how beautiful destruction was, written false words about the broken and the damned, but Sebastian’s damask lips on another girl’s neck was the personification of every tragic character he’d pretended to know anything about.
The only thing he had wished he’d done different was find his muse sooner.
He forgot the details-- what cologne he was wearing, how he styled his hair, what outfit he threw together to make him look like a proper college student and not an infant, but he could never forget the first time he laid eyes on Sebastian.
Tom knew it was him the moment he heard the drunken shouts of the partygoers. He didn’t hear a name, he didn’t see Sebastian, didn’t get an introduction from one of his three friends. But he knew that the figure bent over the table couldn’t be anyone but the asshole that dragged his curiosity there in the first place.
Tom caught Seb’s eye in the moment his head lifted from a plate of ten clean lines of cocaine. Seb wiped the residue off of his nose, downed the rest of what could have been peach schnapps in hooch (he was too blacked out to care), and walked over to the shy, little twink he just couldn’t take his eyes off of.
Boundaries were odd. It didn’t occur to Sebastian that he was resting most of his body weight onto the nerd pressed into the corner until Tom stumbled and Sebastian fell against the peeling wallpaper. Apparently college students didn’t have a penchant for interior design. Flurries of words strung themselves into a sentence, and somehow Seb managed to open his mouth and get the words out.
“What the fuck is a kid like you doing here?” Seb’s words quaked with intoxication, but his voice was still strong and Tom struggled to find an adequate response.
“I-I’m not a kid, actually. I’m a student.” Sebastian cocked an eyebrow and chuckled, taking another swig out of his plastic cup, god knew what number drink he was on. He mustered all the sobriety he could and put one neuron next to another and spark up a conversation.
“I see. You new? I haven’t seen you around. Freshmen don’t usually come to parties this early in the year unless they’re being hazed.” Sebastian’s eyes darkened and he bent down to whisper into Tom’s ear. Tom turned bright red and was reminded exactly as to why he was so intrigued with the man in the first place. Because he was hot.
“And you don’t seem like the fraternal type.” The words came out of his mouth so easily and with so much sober stability that Tom wondered if he had even consumed any alcohol. But Tom caught a whiff of his breath that said otherwise. Tequila and something sour that he couldn’t quite place. Even with the white powder dotting his beard and his eyes foggy and red from the alcohol, he had a gravitas to him that Tom couldn’t ignore. An irresistible charm that pulled everyone closer to him like a fucking magnet. Or maybe that was just his dick talking.
Tom tried to play it cool, nursing a small sip of his drink and trying to string together  somewhat coherent sentence. But considering who he was talking to, that was a tall order.
“I’m here for an assignment,” He said simply. Sebastian grinned like the cat that ate the canary and Tom felt an urge to explain himself. “English. I’m, uh, writing.”
Seb glanced at Tom with an unintended urgency that forced Tom to look away. He felt like an idiot. And Tom was the farthest thing from an idiot. The next shock came when Sebastian clapped him on the shoulder and doubled over laughing. A belly laugh, like Santa Claus in the Coca-Cola commercials.
“I meant what are you doing in this corner, dude. You should be having fun!” Sebastian insisted. He spread his arms in front of the throngs of sweaty bodies plastered to each other, grinding to a song he didn’t know. Sebastian rested an elbow on Tom and used his shoulder as an armrest. If it had been anyone else, he would have protested. But this was Sebastian and Sebastian did what he wanted and who he wanted when he wanted to. So Tom let him. Sebastian snapped his wrist flippantly and leaned in closer, as if there was anyone in his vicinity that could have heard them.
“There are a million horny girls here waiting for some dick.” Tom’s body stayed still right where it was. But every muscle, every nerve ending in him froze at the mention of sex. Tom wasn’t exactly proud of his track record with fuckbuddies, but discussing it so brazenly and so casually was uncharted territory for him.
It had occurred to him that the conversation would eventually go in that direction, but it throws him for a loop when Sebastian brings it up after barely talking to him for two minutes. But he could only be so surprised, considering that Sebastian was the one who had sauntered over to him and struck up a conversation in the first place.
“Or guys, y’know, whatever you’re into,” He shrugged and downed the rest of his beer, throwing the cup over his shoulder as a thin stream of liquid dribbled out of the corner of his mouth. He reached out a hand. “I’m Seb.” Tom felt a sudden urge to impress the man. He stood up a bit straighter, as if that would help his tiny frame against the ox of a man in front of him.
“I know,” Tom followed his lead and gulped what was left in his cup, crushing it in his hand before dropping it to the ground. Tom quickly found himself losing the upper ground as he felt the effects of alcohol overtake his body. He held on to Seb’s hand for a bit longer than what would be considered a purely orientational handshake. Sebastian looked at him expectantly and Tom suddenly forgot how to hold a regular conversation when Seb met his eyes. Words, Tom. He reminded himself. Formulate words.
But Seb’s breath was 40 proof and his smile was warm and despite being the most popular person at the party, he had decided to take pity on Tom and leave his friends for a conversation with a nobody. So it was no surprise that the shock started talking when Tom’s voice dropped and he uttered, “I don’t know what I am.”
Seb chuckled. “Well, right now, you’re with me. And that’s the only label that matters to any of these posers, anyways.” Sebastian throws an arm over his shoulder and it wasn’t just the alcohol that made Tom’s knees quake when Seb pulled him closer and steered him into the kitchen.
“Let’s get you drunk and see how many people you’ve fucked by the morning. Correct me if I’m wrong, but by my count, you’ve fucked zero people. Now, what if we gave you a shot of...” Suddenly, like magic, there was a drink in Seb’s hand. Then, it was against Tom’s lips. Then, it was being forced down his throat, burning.
(I was gonna end it there but because i’m a terrible author and i haven’t updated in an age...)
And then there was black. A few flashes of memories run through his head. Naked skin pressed against him. Music thumping in his chest with a rubber band beat. The heat. The sweat. And, of course, Sebastian. His grin, his drunken cheers, his fierce pride that had roped Tom in in the first place. But when Tom reached across the bed to search for him, he found the space unoccupied. He was just grasping at empty sheets. His eyes opened slowly, and he instantly regretted letting the afternoon light pierce through his brain the minute he blinked.He groaned and turned his back to the window, burying his face in a pillow that definitely wasn’t his own. Actually, the bed wasn’t his either. And his window at Uni was on a completely different wall. And there was no way his bed back in his dorm was this comfortable. Panic sets in quickly when he realizes how out of place he his. His body stays rigid in the bed out of fear that moving a muscle would trigger any number of hangover symptoms. The terror takes over and he sits up in bed to find himself completely naked and covered in a thin sheen of dried sweat. A wave of nausea hits him like a mallet to the temple and it takes all his might to suppress the urge to run to the bathroom and empty his guts of the poison he ingested the night earlier. He turns to the bedside table to search for his phone, but all he found was a little sign that read, “Welcome to Motel 6!” and the name of a town he didn’t recognize. The door to the bathroom swings open and Tom jumps at the movement. Sebastian stands in the door frame, wrapped in a towel, his hair wet from the shower. He chuckles at Tom’s weakened state and even the comparably quiet noise makes Tom wince.
“You look like shit.” He said simply. Tom rubbed his eyes.
“Feel like it.” Sebastian dries his hair and tosses the towel on the bed.
“Wash up. We have an appointment.”
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beltain · 7 years
30 Character Questions
1.) Describe your character’s relationship with their mother or their father, or both. Was it good? Bad? Were they spoiled rotten, ignored? Do they still get along now, or no? Ilyrrath didn’t know her parents growing up. She was raised by her uncle, aunt, and their immediate families. But she didn’t mind, because throughout childhood, she was lavished with compassion. She could honestly say that her relationship with her relatives was one of love and respect. Her uncle wasn't the most talkative or jovial man, but he worked hard to ensure for his family a secured livelihood and supported his niece’s wishes of becoming a ranger. If one didn't know her well enough, they'd sooner assume Ilyrrath's aunt to be a fishwife than a noble's housemaid. She was wider than she was tall with lungs that could outwit the cleanest foghorn. Once she acted up, proper manners subsided and her lowborn dialect grew thicker. Her index finger and tongue were her favorite weapons and she'd wag both at the drop of a hat, especially when it came to matters of men and her niece: “Never let ya' knickers down, girl. Them boys be nuttin’ but trouble! They be chasin' ya’ like foxes in tha' fields soon enough!” “That makeup’s as thick as your uncle's spackle! You look like a trollop! Want ta' be treated like one, too? Wash tha' offa’ ya’ this instant!” 2.) What are your characters most prominent physical features? Silvery hair, tapered ears, and freckles. 3.) Name one scar your character has, and tell us where it came from. If they don’t have any, is there a reason? There is a sliver of dark pink and shiny tissue about a couple of inches in length along the inside of Ilyrr's right forearm. It was unintentionally self-inflicted when she shot an elven bow for the first time without wearing an arm-guard, and the bowstring burned against her flesh. 4.) How vain is your character? Do they find themselves attractive? She personally doesn't find herself all that pretty to look at, which is why she’s occupied with things that are, such as flowers and satin and lace. 5.) What’s your character’s ranking on the Kinsey Scale? Abysmally abstinent. 6.) Describe your character’s happiest memory. One of Ilyrr's happiest memories would have to be when she finally met her birth parents after two decades. 7.) Is there one event or happening your character would like to erase from their past? Why? Nothing. She wouldn’t be who she is now if her life didn’t happen the way it did, both bad and good.  8.) What’s your character’s favorite ice cream flavor? Color? Song? Flower? Ice cream flavor: Pumpkin and ginger. Color: Sunsets. Song: Elunite choirs Flower: Roses (especially peach, yellow, and pink), cherry blossoms, and wisterias. 9.) Who does your character trust? Herself. 10.) Can you define a turning point in your character’s life? Multiples are acceptable. The moment she opened a book as a little girl fantasizing about monsters and heroines. 11.) Is there an animal you equate with your character? A manasaber for her ferocious protectiveness, and a monohorn for her gentle elegance. 12.) How is your character with technology? Super savvy, or way behind the times? Plain scrolls or gnomish teleportation? Ilyrr's technological knowledge stretches about as far it will allow for her to operate a gun. Even then, she's preferred the bow after having adopted some of the high elves’ customs. 13.) What does your character’s bed look like when he/she wakes up? Are the covers off on one side of the bed, are they all curled around a pillow, sprawled everywhere? In what position might they sleep? Much to her own surprise, Ilyrr isn't a squirmy sleeper. She may turn here and there to find a comfortable position, but she usually ends up on her stomach with both hands tucked under the pillow. When she rouses, the blankets have barely moved from their position when she fell asleep. Ilyrr tries to make her bed every day just so that it's that much nicer to slip back into later. 14.) How does your character react to temperature changes such as extreme heat and cold? If it's not in the form of beverages or ice cream, then keep it far away from her. Simply, Ilyrr loathes the cold. When stuck in it, she becomes irritable and uncooperative. Most everything she adores is warm: laughter, Springtime, blankets, and stew. 15.) Is your character an early morning bird or a night owl? Even before she visited to Darnassus, Ilyrr stayed up late and slept in late when she could. Then after the move, she adjusted to a completely nocturnal lifestyle in order to accommodate her kaldorei associates. 16.) Are there any blood relatives that your character is particularly close with, besides the immediate ones? Cousins, Uncles, Grandfathers, Aunts, et cetera. Are there any others that your character practically considers a blood relative? Definitely. Namely, her paternal uncle and aunt who took her in and raised her as their own when her birth parents followed their leaders through the Dark Portal. 17.) What’s your character’s desk/workspace look like? Are they neat or messy? Knickknacks. Knickknacks everywhere! Llo is a clutter-bug. 
Though, to her credit, her work spaces are not dirty as she does keep up with dusting to compensate for the bric-a-brac that are prone to collect it. The rooms are decorated with living plants such as ivy vines that crawl along the windows and lace interweaving patterns across the ceilings. Tokens like crystals, shells, and shed antlers that Ilyrr found on her travels are proudly displayed wherever there is room for them, whether they have business being there or not. Somehow, she manages to also fit a collection of books and art utensils, like paintbrushes in assorted cups and paint tins. When the weather's nice, Ilyrr will leave her windows and doors open so that benign animals could come and go as they pleased. One Spring, she even found a bird's nest that had been built in one of her potted plants. The birds were welcome to continue their nesting until the chicks had hatched and were ready to fly back into the wild. 18.) Is your character a good cook? What’s their favorite recipe, whether they’re good or not? Although Ilyrr loves the idea of baking and eating the products of such even more, let's just say she's been tempted to give Nomi a run for his money. 19.) What’s your character’s preferred means of travel? Usually by flight, riding on the back of her companion and hippogryph, Skydancer. This is the more efficient means as it bypasses many obstacles born on land. But if she wishes to take a leisurely stroll through the countryside, as she often does, she might have her trusty Quel’dorei steed, Silverlance, accompany her and share in the pleasure. 20.) Does your character have any irrational fears? Betrayal and abandonment. 21.) Does your character have a tattoo? If they do, does it symbolize anything important, or was it for fun? If not, what would they get and why? She doesn't have any tattoos, but if she did she'd probably get cherry blossoms with loose petals flowing down her arms and over her chest as a representation and reminder that life is both overwhelmingly beautiful and tragically short. 22.) If your character could time travel, where would they go? Ilyrr would rather not mess with time travel if she could help it (she's looking at you, bronze dragonflight). At first, she thought she'd like to see Azeroth in its infancy, when it mirrored its original blueprint that is now preserved in the Emerald Dream. She's been told by druids that at one point, there were flora and fauna that had long ago gone extinct, and the continuation of their existence lies only in the Dream. But really, she couldn't imagine being born at a different time and it's not like one moment was better than others. Each one has suffered their own trials and tribulations, as well as blessings. So she agrees with fate's decision of choosing the one it did for her. 23.) Is your character superstitious? No. Not since childhood. The harsh reality of the world that became apparent to Ilyrr while entering adulthood had parted those mists from her eyes. They continue to do so with other angles of her perception, as well. 24.) What might your character’s ideal romantic partner be? If there's one thing Ilyrr can't tolerate, it's infidelity. She's been cheated on and taken for a play-thing by reckless suitors with no self-discipline nor respect for her. She knows better than to blame love itself for her hurt, for what she had endured was not the fruit of love, but lust. Yet repeated failures of this nature has convinced her that while love does exist for some people, she must not be one of them. An ideal romantic partner would have to remain patient and steadfast to convince her otherwise. They would also need to be willing to bring forth their inner child on occasion, and have a decent sense of humor, just none that would involve love games. 25.) Describe your character’s hands. Are they small, long, calloused, smooth, stubby? They are small and seemingly delicate with soft, translucent skin. Her little finger usually erects itself involuntarily while the others rest in an arched curve possibly influenced by Ilyrr's artistic pursuits and frequent handling of writing utensils. They have little to no callouses. Her nail growth is weak, which may be a sign of deficiency in fiber. So she keeps them filed just beyond the cuticle but makes sure they're presentable with fresh polish and trimmed hangnails. 26.) Favorite comfort food, favorite vice, favorite outfit, favorite hot drink, favorite time of year, and favorite holiday. Comfort food: Pandaren cuisine like red bean buns and yak cheese curds. Vice: Animosity (i.e. burning bridges, holding grudges) Outfit: One of the first gowns she bought in Darnassus, elven-made and tailored in leafy, frosty pink gossamer and sequins. It fits sleek and rests low but elegantly over the chest and trails beyond the ankles and down the arms. Unfortunately, it would make for impractical apparel, so Llo hasn't had much opportunity to wear it. Hot drink: Hot cider & pearl milk tea Time of year: Late Spring - early Summer Holiday: Noblegarden & Lunar Festival 27.) Pick two songs that describe your character at two different points of their life, and explain why you chose them. I've never been one for character "theme songs", but should Ilyrr have one, it'd have to be "Let It Be" by Blackmill. I find it beautiful and bittersweet in its message as it's something Ilyrr, in all her labored optimism, has needed personal reminders for.
Some fans have speculated that the song's about a long-distanced relationship that failed. For Ilyrr specifically, I'd like to think that it's a lesson in learning to love from afar (whether the object's a person, place, or thing), and be content in forfeiting touch or intimacy because it's the only realistic option she has, however humbling that may be.
28.) If your character’s life was a genre, what would it be? Philosophical or dark comedy 29.) How does your character smell? Do they wear perfume or cologne? Ilyrr enjoys collecting perfume bottles for their aesthetics, but she really has no need for the perfume itself. With a flip of her hair, sweet and fresh aromas waft from the living flowers that encircle her crown. 30.) And finally: Write a letter to your character, from yourself. Dear muse, You can do this. Remember not to fall for the old tricks again, okay? But even if you do, know that I got you. With love, Your mun
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maciasestrada7-blog · 5 years
Make use of These Tips To Obtain The Garden You could have Usually Dreamed Of!
Ever planned to try your hand on horticulture? Veg patches can be some sort of great method to throw by yourself into the outdoors. They may become a great supplementation to your baking. New, home-grown organic fruit and vegetables typically taste better than this grocery store substitutes, and could possibly be very easy to grow whenever given the right ideas. To make your garden more successful, allocate living space based on what develops best in your region instead of simply picking out your own personal most favorite plants. You are able to love beets, in case tomato vegetables raise better within your climate then offer them more bedroom around your garden and help to make your current blumenbeet plantings smaller. Consult your neighbors as well as take a look all around your place to determine what exactly develops best in your own personal region. A great tip to having a fantastic lawn is to be genuine. When shopping the shiny packages of seeds are incredibly appealing, yet a lot of of these only raise in unique climates. Be realistic in order to what expands in the particular area and do not plant products that accomplish not grow nicely. The idea is so disappointing in order to flower a good garden in addition to have nearly no fruits and vegetables originate from that. To keep dirt coming from getting under your finger nails when gardening, reach for some sort of bar of a cleaning agent beforehand! Just as much as we all love gardening, none connected with us all really get pleasure from just about all that earth that receives stuck below our fingernails that can be hence challenging to remove. Basically get a bar of a cleaning agent before you begin working in your lawn and once finished, run the hands underneath water and even as the cleansing soap flushes away, so does the dust! Make sure your pan is definitely the right size regarding your herb. If typically the pot is too small , the plant's roots may well not have enough area to grow. The particular sources will become "root bound", stop growing, and start off to be able to suffocate. The sizing of the root process can determine the size of your plant and even yield. Aim to start your own gardens at the earliest possible time and continue to keep them as later like possible to maximize the amount of plants you're able to produce. Anyone can use things such as cloches, cold frames, in addition to tunnels to start gardening a couple of weeks in advance. You can also use row addresses in the fall to give your harvest season. To take care of plants from suffering permanent damage, be sure in order to check them all for glitches and a variety of diseases in least once a full week. These problems are far easier to treat in case caught quickly, and overseeing them closely can keep them all from spreading to other plant life. Research techniques to treat common problems so that you'll end up being organized for whatever anyone encounter. Set a fence around your garden. It retains out dogs, kids plus a wide range regarding other creatures that could attempt to invade your area. If there are gophers in your geographical area, you can furthermore try using increased beds in your garden having screened in bottoms. Any additional effort is worth the annoyance it will preserve you. Know the ideal the perfect time to harvest the veggies inside your garden. Each assortment of veg has a good specific time to become farmed so that an individual may take pleasure in its fullest extent flavor. Many vegetables happen to be best when chosen youthful; baby peas certainly are a prime example. On the on the contrary, garlic shouldn't be chosen from the grape vine until finally they are ripe just like be. Research the best time to pick your produce. Keep the eye in your lilies. Sadly, lilies are vulnerable for you to virus disease, such as lily mosaic. If you will, purchase lights that are guaranteed 'virus-free'. During the developing season, keep a pointy appearance out for any aphids, while they spread the disorder. Make sure to bottle of spray with insecticidals soap at the very first sign of them. Choose certain plants for dry out ground. Light and soft sand soil have many positive aspects: they heat up instantly in the springtime in addition to empty well after moist weather. The downside is they will quickly grow to be very dried out in the summer, and even plants should work hard to extract plenty of water to survive. Certain plant life are very tolerant associated with dried conditions, as very long as they are offered a helping hand as soon as young. Once established they are doing well with very bit drinking water. These plants consist of alyssum, cosmos, hebe, violescent, rosemary, sedum and veronica. Composting for organic farming lessens the need intended for fertilizers, is a form regarding herbicide, can guide prevent seed diseases and even helps impact this environment in positive approaches. Composting is a source connected with nutrition for insects, can help with dirt erosion plus reduces waste material sent to help landfills. It is excellent for the health regarding the environment in general. Make use of hostas to enhance right up a shady region. Hostas are the ideal plant to brighten up a shady region of your garden. They are developed largely for their simply leaves, which vary in color from heavy blue-green to be able to vivid yellow-green. Blooms usually are usually lavender, nonetheless Hosta Plantaginea features jazzy, great smelling white flowers. They are best grown in humid, full soil which has also been amended with plenty connected with compost. Big clumps can easily be divided from the Fall. Choose a site intended for fruit trees based upon on their specific needs. Most super fruit trees need 8 several hours of sunlight per day. Day light is important, as the idea dries dew rapidly, aiding to prevent fungus. Steer clear of planting fruits trees inside a good minimal spot in the garden just where svale or even cold atmosphere can easily collect. Some berries forest are especially susceptible to help later frost damage, in addition to are better planted about the north-facing slope. This kind of is especially true to get peach, plum, cherry plus apricot trees. semi autofiorenti indoor of your property where turf will definitely not raise. Do not get disheartened. Do not try out to regrow wine glass right now there. Go ahead and consider this possiblity to change your own personal ground cover an even more natural choice. Look for something is low-maintenance, and placed at any place grass is having difficulties for you to survive. As discussed in the following paragraphs, growing your own vegetables is easy and beneficial. Physically fascinating and mouth-wateringly good, home-grown veggies usually are simply a matter associated with seconds of research, short minutes of work, and a number of weeks or several weeks connected with growing time. When effects aren't instant, they certainly will be gratifying and can offer you a bountiful supply of food items.
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