millies-theme · 2 years
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@peachykeendeer your pokesona showed up on my dash, hope you don’t mind me drawing her! 
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asking-paradise · 2 years
What is your process for coming up with ocs, whether it be for the blog or in general?
[Admittedly, there isn’t much of a process? Or at least it’s hard to explain, haha.
Well, I say that, but then this got really long, so my explanation will be under the cut! But tldr; there isn’t much of a process my brain just comes up with things and I follow through those base ideas.]
[For this blog and other ocs I make that are based on a pre-existing media, I have the fun of having to interpret characters that are already there, but may not have been written with all the details fully put together. GtI is especially good at having characters that feel like fully fleshed out characters, but also leave a lot to interpretation. Or, a lot to interpret from memory, because sometimes, admittedly, I forget something about a character (like Munna helping you at the end of the game) but then it turns into something more interesting for me anyway (just because Munna helps you doesn’t mean it changes everything for you and her). For example, GtI!Partner is generally optimistic and friendly, has big dreams, but is also missing a bio family. Meeko thus gets all those traits, but I get to add more to flesh him out some more. He love giving hugs, he doesn’t really know his exact birthday, he’s a little bit claustrophobic (there’s your fun Meeko fact of the day), he loves the world and people in it so much despite how little he had to base that love off of for so long. Of course, I have some ocs that exist in this blog but do not have any explicit in-game counterparts, namely the five other humans I mentioned. Rather than expanding on pre-existing characters in this case, I’ve expanded on pre-existing concepts. We know there were other humans. We don’t know how many there were (even within the lore of this blog, the five mentioned ones, six including Linn, are not the only ones), nor do we really know what they were like. As Hydreigon goes over in this ask, each of the human characters I came up with were sort of selected for some core traits that I, and therefor Hydreigon, would think to be possibly good heroic traits. For their pokemon species, Jason, Steven, and Audrey defaulted to tepig, snivy, and axew as a nod to the other GtI hero and partner options. As for Becca and York, Becca got machop because it’s an old pmd hero option that I feel like everyone forgets about, and York got poochyena because I wanted to pick a pokemon that was not in gen 1 or 5, to shake things up a bit, and poochyena came to mind. It’s a pokemon I am fond of, and makes sense to be a pmd hero despite never having been one. The five of them have more to their characters that might get time to address in-universe, but we’ll have to see when we get there.
In general for making ocs through, I don’t have a better way to phrase it than just the vibes sometimes? If they’re for a story, I often think of the role I want them to play, or the concept, and expand from there, which is often where the vibe checking comes in. Answering questions like what are their goals? How do they interact with other characters? Are good to figure out early, in my experience, and then you start answering the “why’s?” and after that, the “then what’s?” For example, why does character A treat character B poorly? Depending on that answer, it could lead to what would make character A treat character B better? Does character B treat everyone poorly, or just character A? It’s a lot of asking yourself questions and figuring out the questions, whether that’s something your brain comes up with on your own, or whether you have to crack down and do some research.
It may just be another me being weird thing, since I know the way I do a lot of creative works is often an odd, roundabout way, so it’s hard to know what makes sense to others and what doesn’t, but I tend to let my passion for whatever my project is fuel me and just listen to what my instinctual ideas are for ocs. There are some things that will never get addressed in-universe in some of my stories, but just having them in mind helps me to figure out how those ocs may act in other situations (fun fact! Junior, i.e Kangaskhan’s kid in Galaxies Above, his father was an awful person and him and Kangaskhan are like the closest to divorced you can get in that setting, but it never comes up in the actual story!). To avoid making this post too much longer, I suppose, if you were looking for advice, just remember what role the characters serve in the story or in relation to other characters, but never just stop there, always have other ideas in the back of your pocket for them.]
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aimer-arts · 2 years
I love your art! It’s always a pleasant surprise to see on my dash!
Awww thank you so much!!!
Ngl, I've recently been spending all of my time studying for finals and have been very tired and stressed so this really made me feel better q_q <3 thank you again
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strawberry-s0ap · 2 years
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arcade stimboard for @peachykeendeer 🕹
x x x / x x x / x x x
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valentilly · 2 years
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I sketched this Flareon + Vaporeon fusion very quickly, as suggested by @peachykeendeer
What do you think?
And who should be the next fusion? 🤔
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shreksstepfather · 2 years
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June n drawings day 12: Demiromantic lesbian Ivypool, suggested by @peachykeendeer !
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catsquishy · 2 years
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Tifa Lockhart (Final Fantasy) Stimboard with starry themes for @peachykeendeer!
⭐ | ⭐ | ⭐ ⭐ | 🌠 | ⭐ ⭐ | ⭐ | ⭐
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flutterclouds · 2 years
Peachykeendeer -> Peachykeenfeline
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blazer-the-delphox · 2 years
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Thinking about mine and @peachykeendeer’s Warriors sonas
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strawberry-s0ap · 2 years
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kirby stimboard with slime and food for @peachykeendeer 🥞
x x x / x x x / x x x
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pokemon-ai-dungeon · 2 years
Pokémon AI Dungeon: Chapter 1
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Previous Chapter: N/A
First Chapter: You are here!
Next Chapter: [Link]
@peachykeendeer​ @nelvana​ @lovepmd​ @level99eevee​ @strawborzoi​
Author’s Note: I decided to reboot Pokémon AI Dungeon because I didn’t like the way it was going. Plus, a few aspects of the original story carried some... unfortunate implications I didn’t pick up on. As per the original, however, normal text indicates the input, while bold text indicates the AI’s output.
The light of the early morning sun shines through the windows of the guild. Various Pokémon filter in and out of a single, large room. Several notice boards line the walls, organized by difficulty. It is in this room that two Pokémon are discussing their plans for the day.
"How about this job in Windy Forest?" Says a Growlithe. Her name is Harley.
The other Pokémon, a Mareep named Tawny, doesn't answer right away.
"That's too risky....if we get caught again, we could get kicked out of the guild." she says.
Harley raises her head.
"Oh, how about this one?" She says, tail wagging as she reads out the job. "It's a rescue mission in Sandy Cave, and the client's a-"
Before she can finish, a voice rings out throughout the room.
"Stand clear! Updating listings!" Says a Falinks. A group of Falinks approach each board and begin posting more missions. The missions range from simple walks through the city to more difficult ones: a search for a Snorunt in Windy Forest and a capture in Mushroom Village. It's apparent that these are the most popular jobs.
Harley and Tawny look over the boards one more time, and Tawny's tail lights up as she sees a particular job.
"How about this one? It's a rescue mission at Murky Crevice, and the client is a Wooper. They're giving out a mystery reward!"
"Ooh, I want to do that one!" Harley answers.
"Yeah, me too!" Tawny says, wagging her tail.
Harley hops up to grab the listing from the board and takes it to the desk by the entrance for confirmation. Tawny, meanwhile, heads out of the guild and into town to get ready for the mission ahead.
Murky Crevice
Using her tail to light the way, Tawny takes the lead. Harley takes the rear, watching for any Pokémon trying to sneak up on them. So far, no one has taken notice of them. Tawny keeps walking, eventually coming to a large opening in the wall. The floor seems to descend quite a ways, leading into a pool of murky water.
Tawny shines her light beyond the water. In the dim lighting, she sees the stairs leading to the next floor. They can't cross the pool of water. They'll have to find another way.
Harley turns to backtrack, but the hallway back the way they came is blocked by two Zubat. Harley bristles, preparing to fight, and Tawny runs to join her side.
Harley starts the fight with a Roar. The Zubat is hurled out of sight, allowing them both to focus on a single Zubat. The remaining Zubat goes for Astonish, but Harley barely reacts. Tawny, having joined them, hits the Zubat with Thunder Shock, knocking it out nearly instantly. She and Harley then take off running, hoping to find the way to the stairs before any other Pokémon can catch up to them.
It's a long run to the stairs. Every so often, they have to duck behind a corner to avoid an oncoming Pokémon. They arrive at the bottom of the steps just in time.
Murky Crevice
On the next floor, the two end up in a room with a sleeping Geodude next to one of the corridors. The only other corridor will have to do for now. They head for the unoccupied corridor, but soon find their path blocked by a Dwebble. It snarls and hisses, which causes Harley and Tawny to take off as fast as they can.
The two make it to the room they started in, giving them more room to fight the Dwebble chasing them. Tawny uses Thunder Shock, and Harley follows it up with Bite. Dwebble, meanwhile, uses Fury Cutter to attack Tawny. It's not that bad now, but they have to take out the Dwebble before it gets any stronger.
This time, Tawny decides to go for Thunder Wave to guarantee the paralysis. Harley follows up with Ember, and the Dwebble goes down. Finally, they can get back to seeing what's at the end of the hallway.
It's a staircase, just like they hoped.
At the other end of the room, a Woobat sleeps next to a Warp Seed. They could go for the Warp Seed, but they'd risk waking the Woobat up.
Instead, they take off down the staircase at full speed.
As they descend the stairs, Harley thinks she hears someone following them. She tries to use Ember, but nothing happens.
Murky Crevice
As the two make it to the next floor, Tawny begins to feel hungry. She sits down and digs through her bag to find the food she packed.
"You hungry?" She asks Harley, pulling two apples out of her bag.
"A little," Harley says.
"Me too." Tawny says, biting into one of her apples.
As the two eat their apples in silence, they begin to feel sleepy.
Tawny shakes it off. They have a mission, and they need to see it through. Speaking of which...
"This is the floor the client's on!" Harley says. She hops up and takes off running in a random direction, but Tawny stops her before she can get too far.
"Harley, wait! I know what to do!" She says. She reaches into her bag and pulls out a red orb with yellow patterns on it. She slams the orb onto the ground, and the earth starts to shake. The walls crumble around them, and in the distance, they see a Wooper wandering around, lost. There are two Drilbur ready to attack the Wooper. They have to save him before the Drilbur get to him.
Harley watches as the Wooper starts to run away from the Drilbur and toward the two girls.
"Here he comes!" Tawny says, hurrying over to the helpless Wooper.
Harley makes it to the Wooper first, and grabs her team badge off of her scarf. She holds it up, and in a flash of light, the Wooper disappears. She looks to Tawny and nods, before being blinded by a flash of light herself. When she recovers, she, Tawny, and the Wooper are back in front of the notice board at the guild.
The Wooper looks around, bewildered.
"What just happened?" He asks.
"We saved your life," Tawny explains.
"But how?" the Wooper asks. "And where did those two Drilbur go?"
"Relax," says Harley. "That's just how team badges work. You're safe now. We're not in the dungeon anymore."
"So, where are we?"
"Welcome to Violet Vale. You're in a guild council building. There's a warp pad in the lobby that will take you back to the city."
The three turn to look at the Pokémon who has just spoken up. A Vileplume approaches them and points to the exit of the notice board room. The Vileplume then goes back to the notice boards. The Wooper, meanwhile, still looks confused.
"What's wrong?" Tawny asks.
"I just don't understand," replies the Wooper. "How did this happen? How did I transform into a Wooper? Why can't I remember anything?"
"Transform?" Asks Harley.
"Yeah," replies the Wooper. "I woke up in that weird cave and I realized that I'd forgotten everything except my name and the fact that I was human before."
Harley and Tawny exchange confused glances.
"What's a human?" Tawny asks.
"You... You don't know?" Asks the Wooper. "Humans and Pokémon have coexisted for generations! How do you not know?"
"I've never heard of a human at all!" Says Harley.
"Neither have I!" Says Tawny.
The Wooper falls silent.
"What is going on...?" He asks, more to himself than anyone else. Harley and Tawny are just as confused as he is. Tawny shakes her head, and tries to think of something else.
"I'm Tawny," she says. "And this is my partner, Harley. We're Team Quartz! What's your name?"
"Zoro," he replies.
"Well, nice to meet you, Zoro!" Tawny says, extending her hand.
Zoro stares for a moment. How is he supposed to return the gesture if he doesn't have hands? He ultimately decides that bowing his head might work. That seems to satisfy Tawny at least. Harley, however, seems preoccupied with something.
"Hey, Tawny?" Says Harley. "Aren't we forgetting... you know, the reward?"
"Oh, you're right!" Tawny cries. "We need to get our reward and report this mission as completed!"
"I'll take care of the report," says Harley, taking the request notice and heading to the desk by the entrance. The queue is... pretty long, but at least that gives them some time.
"So, what's our reward?" Asks Tawny.
"... A reward...?" Zoro mumbles. He didn't know he'd have to have something prepared. He didn't have anything on him in particular... What should he do...?
"I... I don't have anything to give you..." Zoro admits. "I don't even know how you found out I was in there, or that I was supposed to give you anything!"
Tawny falls quiet. She looks away, and Zoro can't tell what she's thinking. Is she disappointed? What does not getting a reward mean for her?
Suddenly, her tail lights up.
"I have an idea!" She says. "Why don't you join Team Quartz?"
"Join...?" Zoro asks, perplexed.
"Yeah," She replies.
"... What does Team Quartz do?" He asks.
"We're a rescue team!" Tawny replies. "We take these missions on this board here, and we do what it says! Typically, we save Pokémon that have gotten lost in dungeons, or we escort them through dungeons they can't go through alone. Sometimes, though, we have to fight outlaws and bring them to justice! And then, when we're done, we get rewards!"
"I see..." Zoro says.
"It may sound scary, but it really isn't that bad," She says.
Zoro goes quiet to think. Does he want to join a rescue team? It sounds... dangerous. But at the same time, what else can he do? He doesn't know where to go, he doesn't know anything about this place, he doesn't know if anyone else will know what to do... Maybe he'll be able to find answers along the way? At the very least, he'll hopefully be able to find a place to stay. Maybe Tawny and Harley will be able to show him what to do and where to go? He doesn't have any other allies around here...
"I'll do it," Zoro says. "I'll join you guys."
Tawny looks relieved.
"Amazing!" She says. "Now all we have to do is get you to the clinic for your physical and fill out the paperwork to get you registered!"
Tawny then bounds out of the notice board room, leaving Zoro to follow slowly behind. He takes careful, deliberate steps. With no arms, he isn't sure how he's going to get back up if he falls...
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blazer-the-delphox · 2 years
@peachykeendeer has recruited me
It’s official
Cloti 🥺
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pokemon-ai-dungeon · 2 years
Pokémon AI Dungeon, Chapter 2
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Previous Chapter: [Link]
First Chapter: [Link]
Next Chapter: [Link]
@peachykeendeer​ @nelvana​ @lovepmd​ @level99eevee​ @strawborzoi​
The two head through a hallway and soon find themselves in a room full of Pokémon. Some are entering the notice board room, while others are exiting. A door big enough for any Pokémon to fit through stands open, leading somewhere Zoro doesn't know. Stalls line the walls of the room, with various Pokémon crying their wares. There's a panel on the ground that stands out from the rest, surrounded by a tube of glass and guarded by an Orbeetle. Tawny knows her way around this place, and leads him to another hallway. This one is lined with various doors, labeled in a writing that Zoro can't read. Tawny opens one of the doors and...
"The medical room is this way," She says. "Come on, we have to get you checked out."
Zoro follows her into the room.
In this room, he's met with a Gourgeist, going about his business. He sits with a Florges, and the two are talking about something Zoro doesn't particularly bother to listen to. The two become aware of their presence and turn to them.
"Ah, Tawny!" Says the Florges. "What brings you here today?"
"I need you guys to do a physical on this Wooper. He's going to join Team Quartz. His name's Zoro!" Tawny says.
"Ah," says the Gourgeist, "that's great!"
The Florges and Gourgeist introduce themselves. Their names are Hati and Poni, and they are a married couple.
"So," says Poni, "you just need a quick physical? Nothing major?"
"Nothing major," Zoro says.
The two begin to run through the physical examination. They ask Zoro various questions about his physical capabilities and have him demonstrate. Everything is fine, until they get to one question in particular.
"What moves do you know?" Asks Poni.
Zoro falls silent.
"I... don't know. I don't know how to use moves, and I don't know what I can even do."
Poni and Hati exchange confused glances.
"What... What do you mean you don't know how to use moves?" Asks Hati. "Every Pokémon is born knowing how to use at least one move!"
Zoro looks at Tawny, silently begging her to help him. She seems to take the hint, and helps him explain his situation. Everything about him being human - whatever that means - and having no memory of anything besides that and his name. His missing limbs, his abilities, his identity.
It seems to confuse Poni and Hati, who can't grasp what they're hearing. Tawny just looks confused.
"You said humans and Pokémon have coexisted for a long time," says Hati. "What do you mean by that?"
"Well, for as long as anyone can remember," says Zoro, "humans and Pokémon have been friends. Some keep Pokémon as pets, but others do battle in order to develop their bonds with their Pokémon."
Poni and Hati look at Tawny, but she just shrugs.
"This is the first I'm hearing of this," she says.
Poni and Hati take their own respective notes, and then turn to Zoro and Tawny.
"You're ready to go," says Hati. "Zoro, I'd suggest heading to the dojo."
With that, Tawny and Zoro head out of the clinic. Zoro is still pretty slow, but Tawny is patient with him.
"Let's go meet up with Harley! Then, we can all head to the dojo together!" She says.
"OK!" He says. "Let's go!"
The two leave the clinic and begin walking down the long hallway.
As the two keep moving, Tawny asks a particular question.
"Do you remember where you used to live before you came here?"
Zoro takes a moment to think. Does he remember that? No, he can't. It's just a vague notion in his head, that he used to live somewhere. Did he get lost somewhere? Does it matter?
"No," Zoro says. "I don't really remember."
"I guess it wouldn't be that easy," Tawny replies. The two then find themselves at the end of the hallway, with Harley making her way towards them.
"What was our reward?" Harley asks, getting straight to the point.
"Zoro's going to join our team!" Tawny replies. "We just got done with his physical, and now we're going to get him registered, then we're going to the dojo! Want to come with?"
Harley starts wagging her tail.
"Yes, please!" She barks. She then turns around and starts running off...
Except, Tawny doesn't follow her. Instead, she turns to Zoro.
"She'll figure it out soon enough. Just follow me," she says.
With that, she leads Zoro down a different path in the hallway.
After a bit of walking, the two come across a door with a sign on it written in that same writing that Zoro can't read. Tawny pushes the door open, and Zoro steps in to see multiple Pokémon milling about large rooms, with books of all sizes in their possession. Shelves of books are everywhere, but are spaced out enough to allow any Pokémon, big or small, through the gaps. Tawny effortlessly weaves her way through the crowd of Pokémon, while Zoro awkwardly lags behind. Eventually, they make it to a desk where a Machamp stands, sorting and filling out papers with all four of her arms. Tawny tells Zoro that she handles the recruitment paperwork, and the Machamp introduces herself as Veronica.
"So," She says, "you're the new kid, huh?"
"Yeah," Zoro nods.
"Well, welcome to the Moonforce Guild!" She says, before handing him a piece of paper. "Here's the form to fill out. Make sure you get it turned in by tomorrow."
Tawny takes the paper when Zoro hesitates, and the two thank Veronica. They then leave the library, and run into Harley again soon after.
"I was wondering where you guys went!" Said Harley.
"We went the correct way." Tawny replies. "How do you still not know which way to go after all this time here?"
"Hey," says Harley, "I can't keep track of directions! Why do you think I rely on you in dungeons?"
Even as the two argue, Zoro is lost in his own thoughts. The Moonforce Guild, huh? That's interesting. That's the first time he's heard of it. The Pokémon he's encountered so far all seemed to have formed their own free will, but maybe there's a more authoritative organization of some kind.
He has another question though.
"How do I fill out the form if I don't have hands?" He asks.
"Oh, that's easy!" Says Harley. "If a Pokémon can't write things themselves for whatever reason, it's perfectly okay to ask someone else to fill out that information for you!"
"Absolutely. It will be easier than you think!" She says.
"Since we need to know your level and moves anyway when we fill out the recruitment form," says Tawny, "we'll help you after we get done at the dojo."
So saying, the three make their way down more hallways, and Zoro eventually begins to lose track of the place. He's thankful Tawny is there to guide both him and Harley. Eventually, they find a red door with that same writing on it. When Harley pushes open the door, Zoro is taken aback by the sight before him.
The room is massive. The ceiling is high, allowing Pokémon to take to the air. Some Pokémon are attacking training dummies, and some are sparring with each other. With some, they are being coached by various Pokémon, while others don't have or need a coach.
One of the coaches approaches the three. It has the appearance of a Vileplume, but soon melts into the form of a Ditto.
"Ah, Team Quartz!" Says the Ditto. "I just got done with Team Haze. What do you need?"
"We just got this new recruit!" Says Harley. "His name's Zoro, and we want to see what moves he has!"
"I see, I see!" Says the Ditto, before turning to him. "Greetings, Zoro. My name is Mismy, and it's nice to meet you."
"You too," Zoro says.
He follows Mismy into the dojo, and they stop at an unoccupied spot.
"To start with your moves, I must transform into you," says Mismy. It happens quickly in a flash of light, and Mismy has transformed into a Wooper. They then turn to a nearby training dummy and begin to test things out. The first thing they do is spin around and start wagging their tail at the dummy. Then, they turn back around, take a deep breath, and shoot a blast of water from their mouth, hitting the dummy and soaking it. Then, they try doing some kind of dance, but nothing happens. They take a moment to mull this over.
"Interesting," says Mismy, before addressing Zoro. "What I noticed is that, while you're level five, you don't know all the moves you should. You only know Tail Whip and Water Gun, but at this level, you should also know Rain Dance. In its place, you know Metronome, a move no Wooper should know."
Zoro isn't sure how to respond. Metronome, huh? There's still a problem, though.
"I don't know how to use any moves at all." Zoro says.
"Oh, but you will!" Says Mismy. With those words, a shadow appears above them, and a voice begins to speak.
Mismy, having transformed into a Drifblim, hovers above Team Quartz. Even though Zoro knows who it is, it's probably just pure instinct to be scared of a giant creature in front of you.
"Now, Team Quartz!" Says Mismy. "Prepare for battle!"
Zoro can see flames leaking out of the corners of Harley's mouth, and static building up in Tawny's wool. He takes a deep breath... And nothing happens when he exhales, even as Harley and Tawny let out their own attacks.
Mismy gets right back up from the attacks, shaking them off easily.
"Clearly, something else is required..." They mumble to themself. They hover back over toward Team Quartz.
"Zoro," they say, before landing to transform back into their Ditto form, "I have an idea. What did you feel when you inhaled to try to use Water Gun?"
"Nothing in particular..." Zoro says.
"What you need is to feel something rising up in your throat. You need to harness anger to do that. Only when that happens will you be able to use Water Gun. Tell me, what's something that you hate in mystery dungeons?"
"Getting attacked," says Zoro. "After what happened in that cave..."
"Perfect!" Says Mismy.
They transform into a Hippopotas right before Zoro's eyes, and he immediately feels... Well, he’s not sure how he feels. It’s hard to define. He feels a physical sensation, something rising in his throat. He takes a deep breath, and exhales a torrent of water from his mouth. It hits Mismy right in the face, and they go skidding along the ground.
"Excellent, excellent!" They say, getting up and transforming back into their Ditto form. "As you get more and more experience in battle, it'll get easier and easier to use moves. Is there anything else you need from me?"
Zoro looks at Harley and Tawny, but they both say no.
"I... want to stay longer and practice," says Zoro.
"Ah, I see! A wise choice!" Says Mismy.
"Will you be okay on your own, Zoro?" Tawny asks.
"Of course!" Mismy replies for him. "If you two don't need anything else, you can do whatever you wish!"
Harley and Tawny look at each other, and decide to leave the dojo. They still need to fill out the form and get it turned back in to Veronica at the archives.
"Hey, Tawny," says Harley, "I have an idea. How about one of us stays here and waits for Zoro to get done, and the other finds someone who can fill out this form for us! We can meet up later and get dinner, and then we can go to bed."
Tawny, however, seems a little hesitant.
"I don't know. Are you sure you won't get lost trying to meet up?"
"Don't worry," Harley says, "I've got a feeling about this, Tawny, I trust my instincts. I think this is the right thing to do."
"Well... okay."
"I'll go and find someone to fill this form out," says Harley, before taking the paper from Tawny and walking off. Before she goes too far, however, Tawny calls after her.
"Don't get lost!"
Harley lets a puff of smoke out of her nose in acknowledgement, before heading off.
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flutterclouds · 3 years
Volcanicbakemeat -> Peachykeendeer
Rebranding time!
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blazer-the-delphox · 2 years
Who are your favorite Warrior Cats characters?
It’s been a while since I read the books (all my info is from @peachykeendeer) but so far I’m thinking Firestar, Ravenpaw, Hollyleaf, Jayfeather, Squirrelflight, Brightheart, and Shadowsight.
Edit: How could I have forgotten Crookedstar?
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