#pearl glace
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Victoria's Secret Pearlized Soap in Enchanted Apple, Raspberry Glace and Freesia
Found on Ebay, user duggy1965
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headcansxfanfictions · 7 months
HisokaXIllumi DRUNK! Fanfiction
AN: Im new at writing so please give me feedback. I got writers block so I’m gonna post this as a part one PART TWO ON ITS WAY.
TW: drinking- dead body- assassination- blood- its literally about Hisoka and Illumi
If you would have told Illumi Zoldyck that by 6am he would be playing shot poker with Hisoka AND winning he would have laughed in your face. (Which for Illumi means subtly sneered while keeping his distance.)
11:06 pm
Illumi is on the phone listening carefully as his most recent client gives him information about the target, “You’re information has been very helpful. I’m confident I can get the job done within the next 12 hours at least.”
12:24 pm
Illumi is sitting at a bar of a grand casino in YorkNew City. He has zeroed in on his target. A 43 year old ginger woman in a very expensive looking cream dress adorned with pearls. She was accompanied by a tall old man of maybe 75 years. Not a threat. This would be an easy job.
12:25 pm
Illumi’s eyes flick sharp to the left head not moving. His eyebrows raise as Hisoka waltzes to his side, glace of red wine in hand. Sure Illumi wasn’t expecting to see Hisoka here but he has learned to expect the unexpected, there is no need for theatrics.
Hisoka obviously disagrees, “Oh what a surprise! I didn’t take the Zoldycks for gamblers!”, his voice dripping with theatrics.
“Hush Hisoka, don’t go announcing me like that,” Illumi replies swiftly, gauging any change in the targets behaviour though he is sure she is out of earshot.
Hisoka follows his gaze to land on the ginger woman, “ah I see. You’re on the job are you?”
“Yes and I should be done soon this target is rather easy.”
“Thats a shame. I was hoping to see some fun. I’ve been very bored. Could I possibly tag along incase any fun does arise?” Hisoka uses his best ‘mock-innocence’ voice.
Illumi considers, all the while not loosing sight of the target. “Well I guess so. I don’t see anyway a job this easy could be messed up.”
Hisoka gives Illumi a stink eye for that comment but quickly recovers, “Oh goody!”
4:43 am
Hisoka looks at the lifeless body of the ginger woman in the hotel-room bathtub. Illumi cleans the blood off himself and sets the scene to look like a suicide. His face is emotionless but if Hisoka had to put an emotion to it he would say Illumi looked somber. Or maybe somber was Illumi’s natural state.
“Well that wasn’t any fun. She was so weak. Why would anyone want her dead.” Hisoka sighs turning to Illumi.
“I know nothing but the job I am given. It is not my place to question my employers.” Illumi states matter of factly.
Hisoka groans is annoyance, “Why must you always speak like a living dictionary.” Hisoka strokes his chin, “don’t you ever let your hair down?… figuratively of course.” He adds with a wave of his hand. “You could be so much fun if you did.”
“Fun?” Illumi dries his hands and walks out the bathroom door, Hisoka right behind. “I have no need for fun. Fun doesn’t get you anything. Training and work does.”
“Well aren’t you the life of the party.” Hisoka’s words drip with sarcasm.
“Look, you got that job done quickly. You said so yourself. That means you probably have oh I’d say 6 hours before anyone is even expecting anything of you. Lets have some fun shall we.”
Illumi doesn’t look convinced so Hisoka is surprised and delighted when his answer comes sooner than expected. “Fine damnit. What do you have in mind.”
Hisoka smiles slyly. “Hisoka I am NOT having sex with you.” Illumi states flatly.
Hisoka shrugs, “Oh well, was worth a shot. Speaking of shots, have you ever played shot poker? I feel like gambling AND drinking. We are in a casino afterall.”
“Lets get going then.” Illumi grabs his wallet and heads for the door but Hisoka catches him by the wrist.
“I’d prefer to have our very own private match here,” Hisoka waves his hand and a full deck of cards appear in his hand all fanned out, “I brought up some wine and whiskey earlier, It should be in the fridge.”
Illumi wordlessly heads for the kitchenette and pulls the rather small bottles from the fridge. There are six in total. Two red wine, two whiskey and two are something Illumi can’t identify.
“Ah you found them.” Hisoka smiles. He is sitting on the floor around the oval coffee table shuffling the cards and laying out the glasses.
Illumi places the bottles on the floor next to the table, “Right, so how do we play.”
“I assume you have played poker before?”
“Yes yes but what are the additional rules. For one I see no chips.”
“That is because we bet with shots instead.” Hisoka explains. “Unlike with regular poker it is the looser that takes it all. The looser will down all the shots bet.”
“And how does one win this game?” Illumi enquirers leaning back on his hands.
“Simple! In our version we win by making the other too drunk to keep playing.” Hisoka’s smile is thin and excited.
“And what determines ‘too drunk to keep playing’?” Illumi asks eyeing the six bottles.
Hisoka looks annoyed at this question. “Till one of us passes out, throws up, or admits defeat.“
“May I add to that list?” —Illumi
“Be my guest.” —Hisoka
“Well as you know my family trains all of us as kids to be immune to poison. This means that I could be unaffected by alcohol if I chose to. However I have found a way that allows me to get drunk or high like anyone else if I want to. My condition is that neither of us use such protections.”
“Well if that is all lets begin. I bet 1 shots of whiskey.” Hisoka looks for any reaction but Illumi has a resting poker face as it is.
“Then I bet 2 shots of wine.”
Hisoka wins this round and Illumi drinks the shots, “I’ve never liked whiskey but the wine is actually good.”
Hisoka wins the next rounds and Illumi is suffering from it. Even without using his poison protection abilities he has a high tolerance for alcohol, but 3 shots of wine and 2 shots of whiskey in he is definitely feeling it.
“Come on Illumi, you can do better than that dont make me stay sober the whole night.” Hisoka teases.
The next round goes to Illumi and Hisoka smiles with surprise. He had bet 2 shots on this one.
“There almost even now.” Illumi says his voice loose with alcohol, as Hisoka downs his 4 shots.
Hisoka looks down his nose at his now empty shot glass. “Hmmm I have to disagree with you the whiskey is much better than the wine.”
Illumi giggles and Hisoka’s focus snaps to him in shock. “Why you staring at me.” Illumi slurs, still giggling to himself.
“Illumi you’re giggling.” Hisoka laughs.
“What, I giggle!” Illumi looks confused and that just makes Hisoka more amused, “You cackle sure but you don’t giggle!”
Illumi shrugs lazily. And tips over with unintended grace to lay on his side “I think I’m drunk.”
“You THINK?” Hisoka gets up to grab Illumi (an himself honestly) some much needed food and water.
“Lets keep playing Im fine.” Hisoka hears Illumi’s deep voice whine and a hand grab his arm.
Hisoka is taken aback by the contact Illumi is not a touchy person at all. “I’m just getting us some food and water so we can continue.”
Illumi reluctantly releases his grip and flops back down. Hisoka can’t help but notice how pretty Illumi is. The man’s raven hair matches his void eyes and long lashes.
A Favorite fan art:
(Unfortunately do not know original artist.)
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chic-a-gigot · 1 year
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La Mode illustrée, no. 35, 27 août 1882, Paris. Ustensiles de table, modèles de chez Testevuide, Maison de l'Aluminium, boulevard Poissonnière, 21. Ville de Paris / Bibliothèque Forney
Le no. 187 est une pince à sucre en bronze d'aluminium (aluminum bronze sugar tongs), du prix de 6 fr. 50 c.
No. 526. Cuillère à confiture et fruits à l'eau-de-vie (Spoon for jam and fruit brandy): 3 fr.
No. 530. Cuillère à thé (forme russe) (Teaspoon (Russian form)): 2 fr. 25 c.
No. 171. Cuillère à sucre repercée à jours (Sugar spoon pierced with holes): 7 fr. 50 c.
No. 560. Ciseau à raisin (Grape scissors): 10 fr.
No. 214. Cuillère à punch avec manche d'ébène (Punch ladle with ebony handle): 7 fr.
No. 402. Couteau à fruits, avec manche japonais et lame en bronze d'aluminium (Fruit knife, with Japanese handle and aluminum bronze blade): 3 fr. 75 c.
No. 159. Même couteau entièrement en bronze d'aluminium (Fruit knife entirely in aluminum bronze): 3 fr. 75 c.
No. 158. Couvert à dessert en même métal (Dessert cutlery in in aluminum bronze): 5 fr.
No. 186. Pelle à tartre repercée à jours (Spatula pierced with holes): 15 fr. 55 c.
No. 173. Cuillère à verre d'eau (Glass of water spoon): 3 fr. 75 c.
No. 525. Cuillère à fraises (Strawberry spoon): 12 fr.
No. 399. Couteau à fromage avec manche d'ivoire (Cheese knife with ivory handle): 10 fr.
No. 170. Cuillère à compote (Compote spoon): 7 fr.
No. 192. Casse-noix simple ou double (Single or double nutcracker): 9 fr.
No. 185. Pelle à glace (Ice shovel): 10 fr.
No. 164. Cuillère à café grand modèle uni (Coffee spoon, large plain model): 1 fr. 50 c.
No. 676. Cuillère, à glace (Ice cream spoon): 1 fr. 75.
No. 520. Cuillère à café de forme russe (Coffee spoon, Russian form): 2 fr.
No. 720. Compotier guilloché à perle et cristal gravé (Guilloche dish with pearl and engraved crystal): 30 fr.
No. 545. Passe-thé repercé à jours (Perforated tea strainer): 3 fr.
No. 424. Surtout de table argenté avec cornet en cristal taillé (Silver table centerpiece with cut crystal cornet): 75 fr.
Nos. 410 à 413. Service à bonbons (Candy service): 15 fr.
No. 675. Sucrier de table, à pied rond avec cuillère repercée (Table sugar bowl, round foot with pierced spoon): 37 fr. 75 c.
No. 561. Pince à sucre en forme d'oiseau (très-commodé) (Bird-shaped sugar tongs (very convenient)): 7 à 9 fr.
No. 735. Cafetière Louis XVI guillochée avec deux écussons (Louis XVI guilloché coffee pot with two escutcheons): 55 à 60 fr.
No. 478. Tasse à café avec soucoupe (Coffee cup with saucer): 20 fr.
Corbeille pour milieu de table (Basket for middle of table): 200 fr.
Le luxe et l'élégance dans le service de la table ont marché d'un pas égal avec le luxe de la toilette et de l'habillement. Il serait choquant, en effet, de voir des maîtresses de maison vêtues de beaux atours, assises devant une table dressée avec incurie ou négligence. Quand on ne peut posséder des services en argent très-complet, on y supplée en employant des métaux moins coûteux. Ce que l'on recherche avant tout, c'est l'aspect soigné de la table, c'est aussi l'emploi d'objets spéciaux pour chaque usage: servir du thé ou du café dans une théière ou dans une cafetière de porcelaine est une hérésie en matière de confort élégant. On a porté cette recherche dans tous les détails. Pour les fruits à l'eau-de-vie et pour les confitures, on a fabriqué des petites louches microscopiques, cuillères rondes pareilles à celles que l'on emploie pour servir le potage. On a des cuillères à compotes, des pelles à tartes, des cuillères à sucre, à punch, à verre d'eau, etc., et beaucoup d'etc., ainsi que nos abonnées pourront s'en convaincre en examinant la collection d'ustensiles de table que nous plaçons sous leurs yeux. Les numéros du catalogue de la Maison de l'Aluminium accompagnent chaque objet, ce qui abrège les recherches et résout les doutes quant aux prix.
Luxury and elegance in the service of the table have gone hand in hand with the luxury of toilet and clothing. It would indeed be shocking to see hostesses dressed in finery, seated before a table set carelessly or negligently. When one cannot possess very complete silver services, one makes up for it by employing less costly metals. What we are looking for above all is the neat appearance of the table, it is also the use of special objects for each use: serving tea or coffee in a teapot or in a porcelain coffee maker is heresy when it comes to stylish comfort. We carried out this research in all the details. For fruits in eau-de-vie and for jams, small microscopic ladles were made, round spoons similar to those used to serve soup. We have compote spoons, pie scoops, sugar spoons, punch spoons, glass of water spoons, etc., and a lot of etc., as our subscribers will be able to convince themselves of by examining the collection of utensils that we place before their eyes. The catalog numbers of the Maison de l'Aluminium accompany each object, which shortens searches and resolves doubts about prices.
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lunar-writes-things · 2 years
20) The Moon
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"Hey Grian, Mumbo?" Y/n asked, catching their attention "Does the moon seem... Bigger to you?" 
"huh- No?" Grian said and squinted at the moon 
"Maybe?" Mumbo muttered, "Has it always looked this close?" 
"I don't think so," Y/n said "Does no one pay attention to the moon?" 
"I don't," Grian shrugged "I'm spending a lot of time in the alley trying to finish it off." 
"Same with me," Mumbo said before he paused and went "Except, not the alley. I'm working on my mountain." 
"Oh you mean the chair?" Y/n asked and tilted their head while Grian laughed 
"I thought it looked like an among us character when he laid down the red line to mark out his build." He said wings flapping with joy 
"Oh yeah laugh at my build," Mumbo rolled his eyes "At least I didn't go for a Percy Jackson or harry potter type of build." 
"HEY!" Grian and Y/n exclaimed at the same time and looked at each other for a glace before simultaneously agreeing 
"GET HIM!" Grian exclaimed playfully and mumbo turned around so fast before flying away
Grian and Mumbo's laughs echoed through the air and Y/n felt their heart swell. 
Had they really been so lucky as to gain the affections of not one but all of the people closest to them? 
Did they deserve it?
Even if they didn't, Y/n would do everything in their power to show them the love they wished they were shown. 
For now, however, they had to catch a pesky Mumbo who made fun of their builds. A large grin spread on their face as they joined Grian in the chase as Mumbo screeched out. At first, their chase just circled around Boatem but soon Mumbo moved on to Ren and Doc's base and then around the entire island. It was fun. Laughing and teasing and chasing each other when the blame got switched. It drew Y/n away from their thoughts of not being enough. of not really thinking that they deserved them. It reminded them that they fell in love wth not just a single person that didn't value them, but multiple people who adored every breath they took and worshipped the ground they walked on.
and oh...
it felt so glorious to be loved endlessly by their friends... by their significant others.
When they caught Mumbo, it was nearing daybreak soon so the trio decided to head home and away from big eye inc. They ended up heading home and went to work on their bases while Y/n went to her home to sleep the night away. 
When Y/n strode up they had no idea what to expect when Pearl asked her to come over the next night but they certainly didn't expect to see Pearl with blankets in her arms and a picnic basket hooked onto their elbow. 
"I thought you said you needed help?" Y/n asked softly and took the blankets from her arms 
"Well, no." Pearl said "That was a lie. I just wanted you to myself for a bit."
"All you had to do was ask Dewdrop," Y/n bumped their shoulder into Pearl's "What's all this for then?"
Y/n lifted their arms a bit to show off the covers and pillows and Pearl grinned 
"That, My Love, is so we can go star gazing." Pearl said and jutted their hand towards Y/n, palm up, an offering "Stuff them in your inventory and Let me lead you to a place of wonder."
My Love
goodness the fact that those words made Y/n want to melt was probably really bad but they couldn't help the goofy smile that spread across their face as their hand gently touched Pearl's 
"Sweep me off of my feet," Y/n murmured and that she did 
Pearl wrapped an arm around Y/n's waist and pulled them close. Y/n laughed as Pearl fumbled with their rockets before taking off with the both of them, their giggles and laughs echoing through the air as Pearl flew them to the place she found. 
It was beautiful. It was on a cliff a few thousand feet from Boatem but it was covered in grassy fields and flowers and bits of freshly fallen snow with the stars shining brightly above and The moon looking a bit bigger than usual
"It's beautiful," Y/n trailed off, their voice barely above a whisper as their hands went to pull out the blankets 
"I know it's not much for a first date, if your even okay calling it that but-" Pearl started 
"Wait first date?!" Y/n exclaimed, "had I known I would have dressed up better!" 
Pearl's laugh snapped Y/n out of their would-be rambling and she gripped their hands gently, grounding Y/n before they could even float off. 
"I know," Pearl said and with a soft smile, they continued, "That's Why I didn't tell you. I want you to be you around me. I fell for everything you are and who you stand for. I want you to be wholly and exceptionally you. I don't want a dressed-up fancy version of you so you can paint a picture in my eyes. You already have, and I'm in love with it. I'm in love with you." 
Y/n couldn't remember the last time someone was truly in love with her. It felt nice, it felt like she was truly wanted, it felt... terrifying. 
"What if I'm not enough?" They asked softly only for Pearl to cup their face and mutter 
"You will always be enough for us and nothing could ever change that." Soft kisses were pressed to Y/n's face from their forehead to their chin all avoiding one spot
their lips 
Y/n knew there could be no way to thank pearl for attempting to take it slow so Y/n was comfortable. Not a lot of people were willing to do that for someone they were interested in. The fact that they were so patient and accepting and they haven't acted like anything had changed made Y/n feel at ease. Nothing and everything was the same. 
Chills went through Y/n's body as pearl pressed her forehead to Y/n's 
"Nothing will change on how we look and feel about you." Her calloused hands held Y/n's and brought them up to her lips and pressed a gentle kiss "I can promise you that. We are all so very deeply in love with you, more than you can even begin to imagine. Even if you don't believe this now, even if you don't ever believe this, we will continue to love you. We will never stop loving you, My darling Sunshine." 
Y/n wanted to cry. Pearl's words washed every single bit of doubt that was left in their mind. One of Pearl's hands went to cup Y/n's face and They couldn't help but nuzzle their face into her hand. 
"Thank you, Dewdrop," Y/n whispered and pulled both her hands from Pearl and caressed their face "You have no idea how much that calms me. I might clam up if I think I mess up but just knowing you and the guys don't hate me for anything I've done- It... It helps a lot. More than you can even know." 
"Now, Cheer up baby," Pearl said and pressed a kiss to Y/n's nose "I planned a date for us to be happy and because I love your gorgeous face soooo much!"
"You flatter me," Y/n covered their face with their hands as Pearl grabbed their shoulder and dragged them to the blanket so they could sit down and quietly talk 
The moon shone brightly over the two, illuminating their smiles and reflecting the stars in their eyes as they looked like they painted the Galaxy by hand. And to Pearl, maybe Y/n did. 
But to Y/n, Pearl was a moth with a silver tongue. Someone who was able to calm fried nerves with a simple word. Y/n would have been terrified of it honestly 
but with Pearl, they couldn't help but allow her to do anything she wanted because they trusted her with their life
and that terrified Y/n even more because the last time they did that they ended up in a war and cheated on 
but she wasn't him
Y/n knew that 
So maybe it was time to let go of the past and allow themselves to heal
It wasn't their fault that their boyfriend was an asshole who didn't love them. 
Y/n knew it was time for change and for the first time in years, they glowed at the idea of letting go of all the guilt, hurt and overall hatred of their past. 
It was time for a new phase of their life. 
one where they could trust their friends and partners around them. 
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mafiawaiifu · 2 months
I have been posting consistantly on Youtube again. Feels good 😊 I knew I always wanted to do youtube
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dark-frosted-heart · 1 year
Now that it’s not the middle of the night, I can properly look at Ikevil and Koibaku’s collab cafe menu items
Harrison - Strawberry milk (true or false?) with a mint leaf and monaka wafers in the shape of fox ears
Liam - Rosehip tea and gummy paws
Alfons - Soda with cotton candy and blue curaçao syrup you pour over and watch the cotton candy dissolve so good luck trying to take pics of your drink
Roger - Apple juice in the style of beer, dried peas snack, monaka wafer in the shape of glasses
Ellis - Grape juice with orange jelly and mixed berries
Victor - (cursed) coffee with rose-shaped sugar cubes. Drink and you will become a part of Crown
Enomoto Takeaki - Tieguanyin tea and bean snacks
Hijikata Toshizou - Acerola juice with plum syrup and mint
Ii Naosuke - Genmaicha with red bean monaka
Milk tea with a random suitor’s emblem
William - Hamburger steak with fresh blood (Demi-glace and red wine sauce)
Jude - Nuggets and fries that Jude’s not going to eat so you eat it instead
Saito Hajime - Breakfast of grilled mackerel, rice, miso soup, lotus root
Kido Takayoshi - Omurice with a Japanese-style savory sauce, bamboo shoots, and peas
Kirino Toshiaki- Sweet potato curry
Elbert - Deep sea jewelry box dessert that’s blue jelly, Bavarian cream (or yogurt bavarois?), crushed biscuits, white chocolate, edible pearls, and a dried orange
Katsu Kaishuu - Matcha ice cream parfait with mochi, candied chestnut, red beans and a cherry
Saigou Takamori - Dorayaki, dango, vanilla ice cream with Japanese black sugar syrup
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yogurtgeek · 1 year
Pt. 2: Life Series Post Apoc AU
[Etho-centric AU with characters from the life series/ 3rd life/ last life/ double life/ lim life (and possibly HC). I hope you enjoy! :) ]
Context: life-series characters were all in university/college/recently graduated in Canada when the apocalypse happened. Now they try to survive together.
Pt. 1
“Did you find anything good?”
The warm glow of the fire washed over us as we entered the base, Scott securing the door behind us. Jimmy looked at us expectantly from the chair near the fire where he was polishing his sword.
“Well.” Pearl shifted her backpack to the floor and began unwrapping her layers of frozen clothing. “I ‘spose that depends on what you define as good.”
“How far did you go?” Scott asked, helping me untether my crossbow from my harness. “It’s getting dark; I was worried.”
Pearl glanced at her watch. “It’s only 3PM! Stupid Canadian winters with their early sunset and snow.”
“It’s the price you pay for long summer days,” I noted. “We walked about 10 kilometers east-”
“North-east,” Pearl corrected.
“.... okay, north-east. As far as the town over the mountain. Most places have been looted, but we found a few useful things.”
Pearl pulled a yellow sweater out of her bag and tossed it to Jimmy. “Here, Jim; it’s your color.”
“Ah, sweet!”
“Find anything for the Forge?” Tango appeared in the doorway holding a screwdriver.
The Forge was what we called our workshop, the place where us engineers created and maintained the technology that allowed us to survive. Our ongoing project was Scar’s wheelchair, but the most pressing current issue was power. We had relied on a gas-powered generator until recently, when gas had become more difficult to find. Since then, Tango, Impulse, BigB, Mumbo, and I had switched our focus to alternate energy sources.
“No gas for the generator, unfortunately. But we found a few other things on your list.” I handed him a bag of nails. “I know it’s not exactly what we need for the waterwheel -”
Tango sighed. “We’ll work with what we have. We could really use some fresh timber, though; I’d love to have this wheel finished before the ice thaws in the creek.”
“Tango, even if they found timber, It’s not like they could even carry it all the way home,” Jimmy noted astutely. “Lugging huge slabs of wood 10 kilometers through the snow? No thank you.”
Pearl and I exchanged glaces. “Actually, we may have a solution for that.”
“What?” Jimmy set his sword to the side, instantly intrigued.
“It will take some time to set up...”
“What will? What is it?”
“... but, with some patience, we should be able to make it work.”
“Oh come on, guys! What is it? What did you find?”
There was a spark in Pearl’s eye as she paused, building anticipation. “Horses.”
Jimmy, Tango, and Scott stared at her. “Horses? Like, wild horses?”
“They let us get pretty close,” I said. “I think they were domesticated at one point, and they’ve learned to survive on their own. We just need to re-tame them.”
“Did you tell Bdubs about this?” Scott asked. “He’ll be ecstatic!”
“I’ll tell him when he wakes up.” [I knew Bdubs was already asleep - somehow his biological clock corresponded perfectly with the rising and setting of the sun. We could fairly accurately predict what time the sun rose based on when Bdubs was awake.] “I know taming horses is a difficult task, but -”
“When has that stopped us before?” Tango grinned. “If we can create an intruder detection system, we can definitely tame some horses.”
“Yeah!” Jimmy chimed in enthusiastically. “We’ll have a whole posse by the time we’re done! Canadian cowboys!”
Pearl chuckled. “I guess we know what we’re doing tomorrow.” She bent down to unpack the rest of her bag. “I found some rope that could be useful, and we should probably design a stable….” Her face wrinkled in confusion as she pulled a large box out of her bag. “Etho, did you put a book in here?”
“.... yes.”
“That’s why my bag was so heavy!” Pearl shifted the box onto the floor and shot me a reproachful glace. “Why didn’t you carry it?”
“Well, I thought we were sharing. And we had space.”
“What book is it, anyway?” Scott asked, peaking curiously over Pearl’s shoulder as she opened the box. “The Mysterious Island by Jules Verne. That’s the guy who wrote 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.”
“It’s a sequel, sort of,” I explained. “It was one of my favorite books as a kid.”
“You couldn’t have picked a favorite book that was smaller? And paperback?” Pearl complained, but I knew she was as happy as I was to have some sort of entertainment on these cold winter nights.
“At the very least, it’s a decent amount of kindling for the fire,” Jimmy teased.
“I think it might be useful in other ways, actually.”
“How so?”
“It’s a story of a group of soldiers who are marooned on an island,” I explained. “They built a settlement to survive.”
“Published in 1875?” Scott flipped through the first few pages. “Are you sure this will be useful?”
“The technology they had then is pretty similar to what we’re confined to now. They had to create their own forge, smithy, and brickworks, and they even wired a telegraph system.”
“Hmm.” Tango peered at the book through his red-rimmed glasses. “Sounds inspirational.”
“It’s what inspired me to study engineering.”
“Well, I’m sure it will be a great read.” Scott gently placed the book on the mantle. “Let’s get these things put away, fix some supper, and then start the first chapter.”
“Sounds like a plan!”
I glanced at the book, half-illuminated by flickering flames, as I pulled more supplies out of my pack. There was another reason why I kept it. The story wasn’t just about a group of friends fighting for survival - it was about a mysterious island. There was a presence on the island, a hand behind the scenes, a force powerful and unknown to the settlers. A presence all too familiar to our own settlement.
There was anticipation in the air. I noticed it in the way Tilly - Pearl’s dog - growled at the whispering wind at night, the way there happened to be a medieval weapons museum in a nearby town, the way we had found more medical supplies in the past week than in the past year, the way the herd of horses had wandered into our territory. The way we hadn’t seen a single person since we had escaped to my grandfather’s cabin. The way our entire friend group had survived the apocalypse.
Maybe I was being paranoid, my traumatized brain picking out all the patterns it could find. It was a bit ridiculous to think that there might be a higher power manipulating our circumstances, but I had gained the skill of open-mindedness over the past few years, and nothing much could surprise me after what my friends and I had experienced. I didn’t know what lay in our future. I just knew that whatever happened, we needed to be prepared for what was coming.
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draw-eat-repeat · 2 years
Kinda part 2 for previous post about mer!Jigen AU
(i wanna give this au a name but just mermaid au doesn’t ring so anybody have ideas?)
     Jigen was currently freaking the fuck out - not that he was surprised that sacred mermaid lake was actually magic - they fought vampires and zombies in past, so something like that was not that unbelivable - but he didn't think that his guess about him being an ancestor of that fish-people linage was right.
     The moment the goons of gang that was trying to steal artifact for themselves was gone, he bolted out of the water. His legs and clothes was back - as if he hallucinated whole thing.
    He took one last glace at artifact - 'Lazure flower of abyss' - beautiful flower-like gem sparkling with all colours of the sea and it's depth, on a little platform made of gold with curvy tangeled lines on its sides. This treasure was just enough size to be held in hand - and in the back of his mind Jigen didn't want to let go of it.      He still wasn't sure about ... whole mermaid-thing, so he tensely put his hand in the water again.
No sparks. No scales. No any magic.
    That brings him a little relief, and as soon as he sighed and relaxed that he did imagined everything what happened in water, he felt a warm tingling in his palm. Dark scales, with just a little bit of light reflection to see that they were deep blue colour, sharp clawes on fingers and a membrane between each of them.
    As if burned he took his hand out of water, and watched in awe as all that ones again disapeared into his skin.
   Surprisingly enough, when Lupin tried to gift Lazure flower of the abyss to Fujiko, he couldn't find it, she also couldn't, and they searched long.
   But as soon as Jigen started to help looking - as if appearing out of thin air or out of whatever void where it was hiding - it was found this very second, and the moment he handed it to Lupin it slipped and was nowhere to be seen.
   As Jigen once again took it in his hands, Goemon said that there were a saying in the notes of previous research on this treasure that 'it chooses to whom it belongs'. And Fujiko huffed as she said that she couldn't believe that it choose gunman instead of her.
   They spent the rest of evening experimenting on why and how gem chooses to disappear: when Jigen placed it somewhere it stayed and was seen, but as soon as someone tried to take it vanished into thin air. As if alive - this thing felt when someone wanted to steal it out of gunman's hands, but if there were no ill thoughts treasure let itself be held - it layed calmly in Goemons hands, and that's how Lupin could finnaly watch it it all it glory. Fujiko still needed a couple of tries, before she truly gave up on taking mythical gem to herself, but in the end she finnaly managed and got a chance to touch this lazure stone petals.
  This night Daisuke saw strange dream. He was in pitch black water yet unseen abyss didn't scare him. Multiple little bubbles, swarmed like little pearls as they took shape of figure. 
  Rather big feminine silhouette made out of sea foam, with a familiar helmet of lazure coral. He didn't see her eyes behind it, but felt her gaze on him. He felt seen, inspected - waited and wanted, as she put her perlmutter scaled hands before her. 
  On one of them appeared a little disk of gold, the other crystal flower. Before her floated a paper-like piece. There were something draw on it - a map - paper piece started to fold itself until it was only a little thing as she moved little disk under it and flower upon it. Two piece combined into know to him treasure.
  She let go of it and it sinks to the dark bottom.
  The it clinks on hundreds upon thousands of gold coins and he catches his breath in reality as he hears a whisper.
'To you it belongs'
  He goes to bathroom to wash his face so he could properly wake up and think about all of this.
.....Since when his eyes were such piercing blue?
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skybristle · 2 years
mmm legendary/divinity thoughts in my fanon . Theres like a fuckton of ocs n concepts here made by @her0-sh0t and @the-bodacious-droid but yaknow we ball
MT is the origin of all life/earth in general [as implied in the primal mercy costume desc], then down from him you got sf/fs/wa/uhmmm i'm forgetting someone SUGAR SWAN. Shrugs. oh also now that i'm thinking abt it it would make more sense if cream uni is sugar swan's kid and sugar swan blessed wisteria . Maybe ?? that's a rlly cute dynamic actually..
based on a friends idea but primordial light was a seperate deity that was originally the general god of the cosmos and well . Light. split apart into moonlight and sunshine [oc] probably because of the city of wizards exploiting her or something idk
mortal-made dieties:
strawberry jam spirit [??? sort of . i'd put it in this category but it's ,,, complicated since it isn't a mortal-turned-god and rather a god created by mortal activity], wisteria, and fq. Not much to explain here. magnolia isn't a direct offspring of wisteria's obviously but she is very very magic sensitive, esp compared to the average in the cacao kingdom [basically none] so . might put a note abt her too.
black pearl is in a ?????? category because like . Fucking. Shrugs ?
false deities:
tk and the ancients basically. the ancients soul jam comes from Fuck Knows Where but probably a note on the weird circumstance of de having diverting origins. they have godly power but are NOT divine in origin.
tk is more interesting since yaknow it is THE most powerful character but completely self-made, without an artifact like the soul jams. Its body is falling apart and it's hands are blackened up to the shoulders from magical corruption and it's replaced a Lot of it's body with mechanics at this point.
The dragons:
technically not deities. they're all longan's kids but the twin dragons are instead distantly related to longan, with carrow being their creation. not certain of I'll make them canon to MY fanon but theres also maple dragon, their spouse kimchi [blessed with draconic magic to be immortal], and their kid gingko leaf dragon.
[Oh a secondary note: idk if i would include them if this was a real chart but it's pretty common for suffers of the frost illness to get woven into the flow of magic as spirits in some way or another [ie sherbet or glace after her death]. they DO have immortality in a sense and don't fade away like other more 'normal' spirits but aren't divine. are most often born of very strong will to not 'fizzle out' into pure magic and retain some of their humanity. usually out of love for another]
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lifersworld · 6 months
Quelle saveur de glace aimez vous les gars?
- 🥖🥐🌯🌮🧉
SL!Lizzie: Will there be pumpkin ice cream..? It sure is a delight! But my favorite ice cream flavor is strawberry and cherry!
LiL!Joel: Maybe mint...? It’s not something I’m interested in either, honestly, sometimes Jimmy drops his ice cream so we have to order that flavor!
SL!Gem: Cinnamon ice cream is something that I adore with all my being! Although lemon ice cream doesn’t taste bad either! I have too many ice cream flavors that I love! I think everyone is fine
DL!Cleo: I guess the berry one is fine.. I mean, there are better flavors but any is fine? I love raspberry and lemon ice cream so much
SL!Jimmy: Can dogs even eat ice cream?
LiL!Martyn: This is why Timmy died first, anyway, hazelnut or blueberry ice cream, they're both very good.
LiL!Scott: Tbh i like bubblegum ice cream
DL!Pearl: Umm.. I don't know. Maybe apple?
3RD!Grian: I've never tried ice cream, so I couldn't tell you what my favorite flavor is
LL!Skizz: what's ice cream
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societascriticus · 8 months
D.I., Delinkan Intellectuel, revue d'actualité et de culture, in Societas Criticus Vol. 26-01 : www.societascriticus.com
De Pearle Harbour / pearleharbour.com
Performance + Musique + Clown + Drag = Interdisciplinaire
Présenté en anglais + Surtitrage en français
16 ans et +
Pearle Harbour, comédienne drag primée, présente un cabaret hilarant et poignant pour la fin des temps. Pensez Judy Garland au Carnegie… sur l’acide.
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Avec l’esprit qui la caractérise, elle tisse une narration démente à partir des grands titres. Elle prend le monde sur elle, des catastrophes climatiques à l’anxiété nucléaire, en passant par la convoitise immobilière, le dark Web, les fausses nouvelles et la vraie histoire.
Avec la directrice musicale Stella Conway, Agit-Pop! réimagine les succès de David Bowie, Britney Spears, The Beach Boys et de bien d’autres comme vous ne les avez jamais entendus.
Pearle Harbour est une artiste performeuse primée, une créatrice théâtrale et une fofolle. NOW Magazine l’a qualifiée de « l’une des artistes les plus engageantes et les plus réfléchies du moment » et l’a comparée à « Cassandre de la tragédie grecque, jouée par Eve Arden ».
Ses œuvres gonzo originales – Chautauqua, Agit-Pop! et Distant Early Warning��–, présentées d’un océan à l’autre et encore à l’autre au Canada, ont été encensées par la critique et le public. Elle a été publiée dans la Canadian Theatre Review, a été présentée à la CBC (nomination pour le prix Écran canadien: Outstanding Variety Special) et elle a conçu des œuvres pour Peacock (NBC).
En tant que dramaturge de performance, Pearle participe régulièrement au Festival de Stratford (RENT, Chicago). Elle a partagé sa vision singulière de la drag et du bouffon dans des classes de maitre et des conférences à la Queens University, à la Toronto Metropolitan University, à la University of Toronto, au Randolph College for the Performing Arts et à la University of New Brunswick.
Mise en scène : Rebecca Ballarin
Auteur/interprète : Justin Miller
Direction musicale : Steven Conway
Conception d'éclairages : Logan Raju Cracknell
Conception des projections : Adam Miller
Présentée dans le cadre du Festival WILDSIDE, en partenariat avec le Centaur Theatre et La Chapelle Scènes Contemporaines.
6 + 7 + 8 février, 19 h 30
Présenté en anglais + Surtitrage en français | 16 ans et +
BILLETTERIE : 514.843.7738 / [email protected]
Infos : https://lachapelle.org/fr/programmation/agit-pop
La Chapelle remercie le Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, le Conseil des Arts du Canada, le ministère du Patrimoine canadien, le Conseil des arts de Montréal, le ministère de l’Emploi et de la Solidarité sociale et la Ville de Montréal
Commentaires de Michel Handfield, M.Sc. sociologie (2024-02-07)
Cela se déroulait en anglais (je n’ai pas vu le surtitrage), mais j’ai quand même assez bien suivi, je crois. J’ai même répondu à une de ses questions, car après 5 fois qu’elle demandait de dire ce qu’on aimait et qui était inavouable, il fallait bien que quelqu’un réponde. Je l’ai fait malgré le risque de la langue, car je suis francophone.
Je voulais dire Politics is a sport for me (la politique est un sport pour moi) comme je le dis fréquemment, mais dès que j’ai dit Politics, elle m’est revenue avec des questions. L’interaction fut ! Après cela, d’autres ont embarqué dans le jeu. Il fallait bien briser la glace… qu’elle trouvait surprenamment plus épaisse ici qu’à Calgary, où les gens embarquaient davantage dans ce genre d’interaction, nous a-t-elle dit. Mais, il y a quand même la question de la langue qui interférait probablement, ce spectacle se déroulant en anglais.
Pearle Harbour sait manier la chanson et l’actualité accompagnée parfois de bandes dessinées d’une autre époque. À souligner le travail musical de la multiinstrumentiste qui l’accompagne au piano, batterie, guitare, banjo, voix et j’en oublie peut-être ! Mais, Pearle Harbour a de la voix et du « punch » !
Malgré la langue du spectacle (anglais), ce fut une belle soirée, car mes appréhensions se sont dissipées assez rapidement. Et, dès qu’on embarque, on suit le mouvement, car il est entrainant.
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onglesdor · 8 months
Nail-art Effet Glace en résine et poudre
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Vous avez peut-être déjà eu l'occasion de découvrir cette vidéo par courriel. Cette vidéo de notre tutoriel Effet Glace en résine et poudre est un avant goût de ce que vous réserve notre formation en pose d'ongles. Nancy, notre formatrice, vous explique étape par étape, comment réaliser un effet glace en résine et poudre. Nous utilisons les résines boulettes, qui sont des résines à séchage lent qui permettent de faire des dégradés et des effets marbrés.  
Comment réaliser le nail-art Effet Glace en résine et poudre
 Les produits : - Résine boulette ultra liquide (bouchon jaune) - Résine boulette liquide (bouchon rose) - Résine boulette medium (bouchon mauve) - Poudre Oh Blush Pearl #5001 - Poudre Oh Blush Loyal #93 - Poudre Oh Blush Souvenirs #174 - Poudre claire Ongles d'Or - Poudre ultra blanche Ongles d'Or - Fini-Plus Les étapes de réalisations : - Appliquer une couche de base de résine médium - À l'aide de la résine boulette liquide, tremper votre pinceau dans la poudre bleu foncé pour former une petite boulette, et faire fondre par petites touches sur l'ongle - Répéter à plusieurs endroits aléatoirement pour créer un effet marbré. Les 3 couleurs de poudre, vous aideront à obtenir un effet 3d - Répéter avec la poudre bleu pâle et superposer aléatoirement sur sur bleu foncé et l'ongle. La couleur doit rester translucide pour obtenir un effet glace. - Répéter ensuite avec la poudre ultra blanche, elle va donner l'impression de craquelure de glace. - Saupoudrer la poudre claire sur l'ensemble de l'ongle pour créer de la profondeur à votre nail-art - Appliquer la résine boulette ultra liquide en tapotant sur l'ongle - Si vous souhaitez encore plus de profondeur, vous pouvez remettre une couche de poudre claire et tapoter de nouveau avec la résine ultra liquide pour mouiller la poudre - Appliquer le durcisseur en vaporisateur sur l'ongle pour catalyser la résine. Attendre quelques secondes que cela durcisse. - Vous pouvez répéter sur tous les ongles avant de passer à la finition. - Limer la surface de l'ongle pour retirer toutes les imperfections et bosses. - Passer le bloc sableur blanc pour retirer l'effet lustré. - Appliquer une couche de finition UV Fini-Plus - À l'aide d'un bâton, appliquer quelques paillettes de poudres Oh Blush Pearl #5001 pour donner un effet plus lumineux et dynamique - Cuire 1 minute sous une lampe LED (2 minutes sous une lampe UV). - Remettre une couche de Fini-Plus et cuire de nouveau 1 minute.
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semena--mertvykh · 1 year
Le standard mutant
Rose sur son radeau, les lèvres bleues de froid, annone un tube de l'époque en contemplant les constellations au dessus de sa tête. Chuck Noland inconsolable dévisage l’œil de la baleine, qui surgit juste au dessus de la ligne de flottaison. Pi se penche par dessus son rafiot pour admirer le ballet de la bioluminescence.
Kundera disait que l’indifférence absolue de la nature a quelque chose de réconfortant et j’imagine que, dans leur délire et leur détresse de naufragés, cette merveilleuse beauté a saisi les personnages comme un phénomène inexplicable, magique ; une rencontre sans passé et sans avenir ; un spectacle qui arrache quelques instants à l’âpreté de la lutte pour survivre ; un accident.
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Dans tous ces films, les rencontres avec l'autre ont lieu de nuit et je suis convaincue que ce choix ne procède pas seulement d’une volonté de faire joli : chaque fois, la mise en scène insiste sur l’effet de brouillage nocturne qui se produit à l’horizon, sur la disparition de la frontière entre le ciel et la terre. Il me semble même que dans "L'odyssée de Pi", le temps d’un plan saisissant, le monde bascule par-dessus bord - comme le Black Pearl dans "Pirates des Caraïbes", lorsqu'il faut aller chercher Jack Sparrow au royaume des morts - et la barque où le héros et son tigre moisissent, soudain, traverse lentement l’écran en flottant sur le ciel étoilé. Je ne vois pas de projection plus exacte de ce que m’inspire ma vie désormais : l’impression de dériver au milieu d’une immensité nocturne où il n’y a plus, ni haut, ni bas, ni sol, ni ciel.
J’imagine qu’on doit éprouver la même chose quand on est dans l’espace : sous nos pieds le vide, au dessus de notre tête les abysses, à l'intérieur la panique. Nous n'avons pas d'autre choix que de devenir notre propre point de repère, au final.
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Dans cette nuit sans fond qui s’annonce, mes sentiments pour Sexy n’ont pas disparu, ils ont muté ; c’est devenu quelque chose de merveilleusement beau, absolument inaccessible, littéralement désincarné. Tout l’aspect charnel du sentiment, contre lequel j’ai lutté pendant des semaines avec l’impression de devoir m’arracher quelque chose – et dont la séquence de jalousie intense, en mars, représente sans doute le dernier sursaut, car la jalousie amoureuse a toujours partie liée au désir sexuel – tout cet aspect viscéral que contenait mon attachement s’est retrouvé pris dans la glace ; je me suis tellement interdit de le désirer, j’ai tellement fait barrage, de toutes mes forces, et ç'a été une telle discipline de chaque minute au quotidien, que j’ai littéralement étouffé cet élan dans l’œuf. C'est une victoire dont je peux être fière et qui me vaudrait sans doute les vivats de la tribune stoïcienne ; c'est un chagrin qui n'est pas balayé par le décès de mon père, il le rend juste encore plus lourd, encore plus atroce, encore plus abyssal.
Mon désir pour lui : un accident, là encore, et un bel accident, avec des épaules émouvantes et une fossette pourtant dessinée spécialement pour mes baisers. Ce qu'il reste de ce désir - le sentiment amoureux, qui n'est peut-être rien d'autre, dans ma grammaire affective, qu'une curiosité éperdue, le ravissement originel de l'enfance, l'attrait gémellaire de la nuit pour le jour - tout le prisme du givre et l'inassouvi inconsolable pétrifient un phénomène désormais extérieur à moi, que j’aime comme on aime ce qui rappelle les moments de bonheur quand on touche le fond. C’est l’œil de la baleine, une buée d’étoiles, un sillage de méduses qui agite les électrons. Une douleur que je cherche sans cesse à dépasser, et la gratitude de pouvoir retrouver cela, par trêves : contempler un visage et être submergée par l'émotion.
Un souvenir du pays perdu.
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photos-car · 1 year
Mahindra Bolero Neo 2021 - Une allure musclée
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Le nouveau SUV Bolero Neo s'adresse aux jeunes citadins.
Après une série d'images d'espionnage et une poignée d'images et de vidéos teaser, le Mahindra Bolero Neo a finalement été lancé dans le pays avec un prix de départ de Rs 8,48 lakh (ex-showroom, toute l'Inde). Adoptant le préfixe légendaire « Bolero », le Bolero Neo est plutôt une réintroduction du TUV300 abandonné. Il est disponible en trois versions ; N4, N8 et N10, avec une quatrième variante N10 (O) - introduite dans les prochains mois. En plus de la nouvelle nomenclature! le Bolero bénéficie d'un extérieur rafraîchi et d'un moteur diesel trois cylindres 1,5 litre mHawk 100 conforme à la BS6. Galerie / Mahindra Bolero Neo 2021
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Caractéristique extérieur Le Mahindra Bolero Neo partage ses fondements de carrosserie sur châssis avec le Scorpio. Ce qui en fait l'un des SUV compacts monocoques du segment. Visuellement, le Neo conserve la position carrée et haute du TUV300. Ce qui est nouveau, ce sont les blocs optiques carrés avec feux de jour horizontaux intégrés. La calandre à lamelles verticales chromées et une seule bande chromée sur toute la ligne du capot confèrent au SUV une allure musclée. Plus bas, les pare-chocs - retravaillés avec un boîtier redessiné pour les phares antibrouillard et une plaque de protection en bas. Sur le côté, le seul changement visible et une tentative de jumelage avec le robuste Mahindra Bolero est l'insert horizontal noir parallèle aux poignées de porte. Alors que les rails de toit ont été ratés! les passages de roue carrés entourés d'un revêtement en plastique associés aux jantes en alliage à cinq branches de 15 pouces et aux marchepieds latéraux lui confèrent une apparence robuste. L'arrière - dominé par la roue de secours montée sur le hayon avec couvercle en forme de X! un becquet monté sur le toit, des feux arrière placés verticalement, un essuie-glace arrière et des capteurs de stationnement. Le Mahindra Bolero Neo est disponible en six teintes extérieures ; Highway Red, Pearl White, Diamond White, Rocky Beige, Napoli Black et Majestic Silver. Comment ça se passe à l'intérieur ? L'habitacle du Mahindra Bolero Neo rappelle instantanément celui du TUV300. Le thème de couleur beige et noir bicolore du tableau de bord vertical - empilé avec un système d'infodivertissement à écran tactile de sept pouces qui obtient Bluetooth, AUX, USB, ainsi que six haut-parleurs. Le tableau de bord à l'ancienne mais utilitaire - commandé par un volant réglable à trois branches avec des commandes montées ainsi qu'un régulateur de vitesse. La console centrale ne semble pas avoir beaucoup d'espace de rangement! car une grande partie ce voit occupée par les boutons de commande des vitres électriques. Cependant, les inserts noirs brillants autour du levier de vitesses! quelques porte-gobelets et des accoudoirs individuels pour le conducteur et le passager avant tentent de compenser l'espace consommé. La sellerie en tissu beige avec le motif de type losange se marie bien avec le tableau de bord. Cela donne une sensation aérée à l'habitacle. Le Mahindra Bolero Neo obtient une banquette de type banquette pour les passagers de la deuxième rangée! et des strapontins dans la dernière rangée au cas où le voyage comprendrait plus d'occupants que de bagages. La rangée du milieu semble être spacieuse avec un accoudoir et de grandes poches de porte. Les marchepieds latéraux et arrière facilitent l'entrée et la sortie de la cabine. Parmi les autres points forts de l'habitacle, citons les ORVM à réglage électrique, l'essuie-glace arrière, le siège conducteur réglable en hauteur, le verrouillage centralisé et la technologie de voiture connectée Blue Sense de Mahindra . Qu'y a-t-il sous le capot du Mahindra Bolero ? Sous le capot surélevé se trouve le moteur diesel mHawk 100 à trois cylindres de 1,5 litre! conforme à la BS6. Oui, c'est le même brûleur à mazout qui alimentait le TUV300 précédent. Il a même une puissance similaire de 100 ch et 260 Nm de couple. La boîte manuelle à cinq vitesses est la seule option de transmission distribuant la puissance aux roues arrière. Nous avons conduit le Bolero Neo et notre examen complet devrait être mis en ligne le 17 juillet 2021. Sur le plan de la sécurité, Mahindra propose des fonctionnalités telles que; les doubles airbags frontaux, la caméra de recul, l'ABS avec EBD! la commande de freinage dans les virages et le rappel de ceinture de sécurité en standard. Intéressant de noter que les ancrages de siège enfant ISOFIX ce voit limités uniquement à la garniture supérieure N10. Tous les modèles Mahindra Read the full article
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fefesummers · 2 years
Films/Series 2022
January :
Harry Potter : Return to Hogwarts
Jurassic Park + Jurassic Park 2
Cutting Edge 1,2,3,4
Scooby-doo sur l’île aux zombies + Scooby-doo, retour sur l’île aux zombies
Scream 3 + 4 + 5(x2)
Urban Legend 1 + 2
The royal treatment
The Fallout
Emily In Paris (S2)
Murder (S5)
SNK (S4)
The Witcher (S2)
Icarly (old + reboot)
Teen wolf (S3A)
Friends S1
The Gilded age
The fallout
The guilt
Princess on Ice
Death on the nile
Coup de foudre à Manhattan
Mortelle saint valentin
DJ Rebel
Spider-man : NWH
L’affaire collini
X-men : le commencement/Wolverine 1/X-men I/X-men II/Affrontement final
Tara duncan (2011)
Teen wolf (S3B+4)
Friends S2
Tom et jerry (2021)
Wolverine Origin
Wizards of waverly place
Teen wolf S5A
Charmed S4
Adam à travers le temps
Animaux fantastiques 3
X-men 3
10 things I hate about you
Sabrina the teenage witch (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
Stranger Things x2
Dr Strange 1, 2
Senior Year
Dowton abbey II
So undercover
Red alert
Age de glace : buck
New mutants
Scooby-doo 1, 2, 3, 4
Stranger Things
Jonas Brothers
Super-héros malgré lui
Only murder in the building S2
Jurassic world 1, 2, 3
Dr Strange 2
Only murder in the building S2
AHStories 2
Caos : S4
Top gun : maverick
Not okay
Fear Street 1,2, 3
Thor 1, 2, 3
Scooby et la malédiction du 13ème fantôme
Isn’t it romantic
Purple Hearts
Pretty little liars 1-3
Pretty little Liars : Original Sin
The parent trap
Narnia 1, 2, 3
Another cinderella story 1,2,3,4,5
Camp rock
Before I fall
Le secret de la cité perdue
Hunger Games 2
Drôles de vacances
Megan is missing
Dr Strange 2
Do Revenge
Hocus Pocus 1,2
Halloween Ends
Enola Holmes 1, 2
Black panther : wakanda
The Menu
Bones and all
Falling for christmas
Christmas's prince 1,2,3
She's the man
Knives Out 1, 2
The descent
Avatar 1, 2
Something from Tiffany's
Harry potter 1
Princesse malgré elle
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cleopattes · 2 years
Rachel Carson, la poésie de la biologiste marine, ses premiers écrits
Avant-propos: je vous partage dans cette série de capsules mes réflexions par rapport à quelques livres et autres lectures exposant une pensée environnementale. Nous y parlerons développement durable, de changements climatiques mais aussi du fonctionnement général de Mère-Nature. Le tout sera agrémenté de données chiffrées et vérifiées, et peut-être aussi d’une touche d’humour.
Nous vous présentions lors de la dernière capsule le livre phare de Rachel Carson, Silent Spring, celui qui fonda le mouvement environnemental international. Elle n’en était pas toutefois pas à sa première publication! À l’âge de 30 ans, Rachel Carson publia l’essai Undersea de 11 pages dans le journal The Atlantic Monthly, qui commença comme suit : « Who has known the ocean? Neither you nor I, with our earthbound senses, know the foam and surge of the tide that beats over the crab hiding under the seaweed of his tide-pool home; or the lilt of the long, slow swells of mid-ocean, where shoals of wandering fish prey and are preyed upon, and the dolphin breaks the waves to breathe the upper atmosphere. » Le ton était donné, l’essai étant jugé comme trop littéraire pour une brochure gouvernementale. Il servi de pierre angulaire à son premier livre Under the Sea-Wind (A naturalits’s picture of ocean life) édité en 1941. Les deux autres livres de sa trilogie marine suivirent, ils feront l’objet d’autres capsules.
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Mais avant de plonger dans le vif du sujet, quelques précisions… Rachel Carson ne faisait pas partie de l’establishment scientifique. En plus elle était une femme, à cette époque, imaginez! Elle signait certains de ses articles « R. L. Carson » pour se faire passer pour « un » auteur. Travaillant à la US Fish and Wildlife Service, en tant que biologiste marine, elle n’avait pas nécessairement d’affiliation académique. Elle écrivait pour le public, davantage que pour une audience scientifique limitée. La biologie, aussi, était moins prestigieuse que la chimie ou d’autres sciences. Elle commença à publier à l’âge précoce de 10 ans. C’est en rédigeant pour le Baltimore Sun dans les années 1930 qu’elle réalisa qu’elle n’avait pas à choisir entre science et écriture, pouvant combiner les deux. Sa pertinence l’amena à témoigner devant le Government Operations Subcommittee of the US Senate, après des rencontres avec les conseillers scientifiques du président. Une belle carrière.
Le livre « Under the Sea-Wind » (1941) fut lancé au même moment que la période de l’attaque de Pearl-Harbour, autant dire que le moment ne pouvait pas être plus mal choisi. Seulement 2 000 copies furent vendues.
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Le récit est alors construit autour d’animaux narrateurs qui ont leur nom (tirés du latin), leur conscience, une mémoire propre pour chacun. Ils ont tous toute une histoire à raconter. Le premier est un « black skimmer » (voir photo ci-dessus). Notons que l’on ne retrouve aucun anthropomorphisme ici, le but étant que le lecteur puisse se projeter dans la vie de l’animal. Les concepts humains sont de facto évacués. Finalement, le principal personnage est l’océan lui-même et tout ce qui gravite autour. En résumé, le livre nous transporte des abysses de l’océan jusqu’aux glaces arctiques.
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Le premier acteur, le sanderling, est un oiseau migrateur effectuant des longues distances, volant de l’Argentine et des rivages de la Patagonie jusqu’à l’arctique. Blackfoot, le leader de la colonie dans notre histoire, en était ainsi rendu à plus de 60 000 miles de distance au cours de son quatrième voyage! Tout comme Silverbar sa future compagne, il se nourrissait en autres de crabes sur une plage de la côte est des États-Unis. Une fois en zone de nidification dans le nord, nous nous faisons instruire du comportement général de cette espèce et de ses stratégies pour assurer la protection de sa progéniture, devant composer avec les prédateurs et la biodiversité décrite d’une manière détaillée. Ookpik la chouette et le lagopède font bien sûr partie du décor.
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Passant des vents de surface aux eaux salées, les maquereaux sont tout autant des voyageurs au long court. Scomber naquit ainsi à 70 miles au sud-est de Long Island dans les eaux de surface, aussi petit qu’une tête d’aiguille. Pour information, une femelle produit jusqu’à 450 000 œufs pour assurer le renouvellement des générations, l’immense majorité ne parvenant pas à l’âge adulte. La vie planctonique n’est pas de tout repos, étant soit proie ou prédateur. Vous n’avez pas idée à quoi notre brave Scomber a échappé afin de parvenir à l’âge adulte! Le livre en est un de biologie, mais le périple de notre poisson est empli de ce qu’un être humain appellerait tout autant des scènes d’action, décrites à la voie passive. Par exemple, le lecteur se retrouve au centre de la mêlée lorsque le banc se fait attaquer par des thons qui à leur tour se font dévorer par des orques, avec un beau réalisme, hémoglobines comprises. Après une période de sa vie dans le port, l'encore juvénile maquereau retourne en septembre en haute mer, et on assiste alors à la scène d’anthologie de la partie de pêche, au cours de laquelle Scomber et ses consorts échappent finalement aux filets des pêcheurs ayant pourtant appliqué leur méthodologie habituelle gage de succès. Sauf que dans ce cas, les maquereaux se font aider par des requins de type dogfish. C’est vraiment une scène à vivre de l’intérieur et qui ferait un excellent documentaire.
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Selon moi, la plus belle partie du livre est celle de l’anguille, vivant une épopée hors-norme dans le règne animal. Cet animal longiligne (mesurant jusqu’à quatre pied) et désormais menacé demeure encore de nos jours un véritable mystère. Anguilla, la vedette du livre, commence son voyage dans un étang appelé Bittern Pond, alimenté par deux ruisseaux et situé à 200 miles en amont de la mer. Elle arriva en ce lieu 10 ans plus tôt, alors qu’elle n’était que de la taille d’un doigt humain. En ce jour d’automne, le signal du voyage de retour au lieu de naissance avait été donné. Ainsi, elle dévala avec instinct les ruisseaux de nuit jusqu’à la mer, en se regroupant avec d’autres femelles, qui seules vivent en eau douce, avant de poursuivre le long voyage migratoire en compagnie des mâles, de plus petite taille, et vivant dans les estuaires salés lors de leur vie adulte.
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Ce que la science humaine connaît ensuite, c’est que la zone de fraie serait située dans la mer des Sargasses, quelque part à 500 kilomètres au sud des Bermudes. Autant les anguilles d’Amérique que d’Europe (petites différences morphologiques entre les deux sous espèces) se retrouveraient sur la même zone. Les œufs éclosent dans les profondeurs abyssales (que deviennent alors les adultes?), avant de remonter par milliards progressivement vers la surface pendant les mois suivants. Ainsi au cours de l’été, les rejetons d’un pouce de long à Anguilla et de ses congénères se retrouvent portées par les courants de surface de l’Atlantique. La caravane américano-européenne de jeunes anguilles se sépare ensuite en deux, vers l’ouest ou l’est, dépendamment de l’origine de leurs géniteurs. Les américaines ont cependant globalement moins de chemin à nager. Aucunes cependant ne se posent de questions quant à leur identité, elles la connaissent instinctivement! Quel mystère! Les jeunes anguilles finissent par retourner ainsi dans les mêmes cours d’eaux que leurs parents respectifs, sans débats socio-poissonneux, bouclant une boucle fantastique de plusieurs milliers de kilomètres. Peut-être qu’une des filles à Anguilla a elle aussi remonté le courant jusqu’à Bittern Pond, nul ne le saura jamais.
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Considérons Under the Sea-Wind, ce livre intemporel en tant qu’une combinaison de voyages au long cours emplis de science et de poésie à travers ses animaux, leurs migrations, de manière que le lecteur les vive en étant lui-même partie prenante. N’oubliez pas de parcourir le glossaire avec descriptions des espèces citées et quelques croquis, tel qu’illustré ci-dessus avec l’exemple de la sand flea dont se nourrissent d’ailleurs les sanderlings.
Merci Rachel Carson pour votre plume unique!
Crédits photos : photos tirées du livre de Rachel Carson prises par l’appareil téléphonique de l’auteur (Thierry Lagrange), photo couverture, sanderling, black skimmer, maquereau, anguille américaine, carte de la mer des Sargasses.
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